Blackwood's Dogs — IC

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Neither would I. He was given the option of surrender more than once, but chose that instead," Darcell agrees as they walk.

"I'm sure you'll put them to good use and the Imardanian Navy will be glad to hear it," The bard laughs. ""

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »


The woman's smile widens even more as she blushes once more. She moves her hands from him skin, having finished up with his left leg, and looks directly into the young man's eyes. "Well, Henri, you're clean now. But I will need help getting clean as well, if you want to assist me." She moves some locks of her hair from hanging in front of her chest, pushing them behind her, and looks with a more sultry grin than she had only moments before.


Grommak's punch knocks the first man out of the chair. Before his friend is able to react the orc is already on him, landing another solid blow against the other. The waitress - Lewella - backs away in shock, her eyes wide. She breaks a bottle over the counter and points it towards Grommak and the man, shouting, "What the hell are you doing?"

Not caring to respond, the Maluhi men react quickly. The one Grommak had knocked over jumps up and rushes towards Grommak, hitting him with a haymaker. The other attempts to get a punch in as well, but his position between the orc and the bar makes it difficult and it is easily avoided.


Grommak: MBA hits for 11 damage. Will allow the move/second hit, the first part could be considered a surprise round and Grommak will just be considered to have highest initiative for next round. Next attack (also MBA) also hits (24 vs AC) for 11 damage.

Lewella: backs away, breaks glass bottle, holds it in the direction of Grommak and Maluhi dude

Maluhi Brute 1: (the one in the chair) falls from chair after being hit, stands and rushes at Grommak, 27 vs AC = hit for 15 damage.

Maluhi Brute 2: (the one at the bar) throws a punch at Grommak, 19 vs AC = miss.

Grommak | HP: 71/86 | Surges: 9/9 | AP: 1/1 | unarmed
Lewella | HP: ??/?? | armed with bottle (improvised weapon)
Maluhi Brute 1 | HP: -11/?? | unarmed
Maluhi Brute 1 | HP: -11/?? | unarmed


"Oh, I'm sure we will. Can't wait to see the looks on the faces of our next target. Probably never even seen a gun up close. We'll make sure to give them a good look," Jane says, also with a laugh.

The group continues its mostly-uneventful walk towards their tavern of choice, eventually finding themselves outside the Mug o' Mead. As they approach they can see what appear to be two Okani men smoking a pipe, leaning against the wall of the bar. They suddenly stand straighter and look towards the door of the tavern as sounds of some sort of scuffle are heard coming from inside.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Teachin' these squirts a lesson," Grommak replies, angrily wiping his face with his arm after suffering a solid hit. He pulls his blades free from his belt, brandishing them at the two men in front of him. "You're lucky I only punched you. Now get out of my way, I have shit to do." the orc warns the two Maluhi, his eyes darting between them.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"I feel much better. Thank!" Henri says with a big grin and he feels his clean skin. At the woman's suggestion, his grin melts into a smirk once more. "Gladly," he says as he begins washing the woman's arms and shoulders, working his way towards her torso.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"The wharf's drinking holes might not be the classiest of places, but at least they're always entertaining," Darcell says at the sound of the fight breaking out inside.

"Shall we?" He asks as he opens the door to the tavern.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »


"He was just flirting," the woman says. "He's always like that. I can handle myself, I don't need you to stick up for me," the woman says. With Grommak's swords present her look of anger has shifted more to a look of fear.

As she finishes the other two Okani men rush in, having heard the ruckus from outside. One picks up a nearby broom and shifts into a fighting stance, while the other tosses aside the pipe and balls his fists. Only a moment after they enter they are followed by Darcell and an assortment of other men and women, all armed, though not of the Dogs.


"That feels nice," Myrinne says, leaning her head back slightly, facing the ceiling, eyes closed. Her long hair dips a bit into the water as she enjoys being washed as well.


The two men rush into the tavern as Darcell speaks. Jane nods as he finishes and the group approaches more closely. They make their way to the door and walk in, finding themselves facing the backs of the two Okani men who'd just entered. Past them, the group can see Grommak facing off against two others, his swords drawn, while an angry and frightened young elf woman holds a broken bottle towards them.

Grommak & Darcell

"You fuckin' stupid, guy?" one of the Okani who'd just entered shouts, not turning to acknowledge Darcell and the others. "Do you even know who you're messing with? You're dead." The men closest to Grommak back away slightly, trying to escape the reach of his swords, but are obviously just as angry and not ready to fully back down from such a one-sided fight.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Seeing Grommak with his swords raise, Darcell quickly draws his own. He gently but firmly pushes the point of his rapier against the shouting Okani.

"But do you know who you're messing with?" He asks harshly.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Backwater," Grommak shouts, as he answers Darcell's question for the men, sending his companion a peculiar look. "And you lot are going to feel the full wrath of my blades real soon unless you clear the fuck out," the orc follows up. "Why don't we do this in the street? Leave less of your blood and body parts to clean up for this lass here?"

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"I'm glad," Henri says with a grin as he continues washing the woman, removing the dirt from her soft skin. "It must be nice always having these springs available to you," he adds, wishing that a hot springs could somehow be on a ship.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

Darcell & Grommak

"Yes, get the fuck out of here. And don't come back, any of you!" the elven waitress yells, her outstretched arm still wielding the broken bottle, though her hands now tremble somewhat as she does so.

"Fine," the man responds, knowing his position. Jane watches on, confused. She and her men back out of the way as Grommak and Darcell, with their clear advantage, usher the men outside at the points of their swords. "We'll be in here getting drunk. I expect that drink, so you better hurry up," she says to Darcell as they leave.

Once outside, the men are still scowling and not fully subdued. However, the Ice Man steps out of the alley and moves up near Grommak, and as they see him approach their expressions change. "You ain't no Backwater... We got no beef with you, we'll leave," they say to the man, backing away.

"Yes, you'd better," he says, his voice deeper and more menacing, like it had been when the group first met him. "What do you say?" the man continues, looking toward Grommak.


The young woman lets out sighs of pleasure as Henri continues to wash her. "It would be, if the company was nicer," she says, her voice falling somewhat. "Not everyone is as pleasant - or as handsome - as you," she continues.

As Henri finishes up her arms she shifts again, now moving so that she is sitting between his legs, her back to his chest. She leans against him and moves his hands to her sides. "It will be easier if we're closer," she says.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"I hadn't thought of that," Henri says, a bit shocked as he realizes her likely usual clientele. "I guess I hadn't expected rowdy and gross men to want a bath."

As she moves closer, Henri continues washing her, now focusing on the sides of her abdomen.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Darcell keeps his sword raised at the men although he holds off on making a move having zero knowledge of the situation. As Ice Man looks to Grommak, so does Darcell.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

Stepping out onto the street, Grommak rolls his shoulders. They're not surrounded by collateral now, he thinks.

"You'll leave, aye," the orc says aloud in response to the Maluhi gangster. "But not until I'm done here." He surges forward, his blades free. Swaying them to one side, Grommak curls around and slams into the man with a forceful elbow, likely cracking a rib or so. "Your gang is the scum beneath my boot!" he cries, blades free to react.


Minor: Hunter's Quarry the Maluhi who talked last.

Standard: Marauder's Rush on same dude. Hits AC 33 for 32 damage.
Attack: 13(1d20) +20 = 33; 3(1d10) +17 +12(2d6) = 32

Ready: Cross-Body Parry. When attacked, I swing +18 vs ref, 1d10+11; +17 vs ref, 1d10+10. If both attacks hit, the target is weakened TENT.

Combat Block


Male Half-Orc Two-Weapon Ranger 11
Languages: Common, Kurnish
Age: 29
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 200 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +11+2
Passive Perception: 26
Passive Insight: 21
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 24
Fort: 25
Reflex: 23
Will: 23
HP: 86/86
Bloodied: 43
Surge Value: 21
Surges left: 9/9
Action Points: 1

MBA: +18, 1d10+13



+1 against fear, daze, domination, or stun effects.

Active Effects:



Hunter's Quarry
Marauder's Rush
Twin Strike

Second Wind []
Sohei Flurry []
Furious Assault []
Off-Hand Strike []
Invigorating Stride []
Ruffling Sting []
Lashing Leaves []
Cross-Body Parry []
Periapt of Cascading Health +2 []
Boots of the Fencing Master []

Jaws of the Wolf []
Frenzied Skirmish []
Begin the Hunt []
Attacks on the Run []
Blood of the Fallen [_]



Important Features:

Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:

Running Attack: Using a standard action that allows movement and I move 2+ squares away, I gain +1 to attack rolls as part of that action.
Dancing Defense: If hitting with at least two melee attacks on my turn, I gain a +2 bonus to AC and Reflex TSNT.
Dual-Blade Action: On AP-spend, I can take an attack with both hands with a +4 WISmod bonus to damage.
Half-Orc Resilience: First time being blooded in an encounter, gain 10 THP.
Swift Charge: +2 bonus to speed while charging.
Sohei Indomitability: +1 power bonus to save throws against fear, daze, domination, or stun effects.

Notable Feats:

Impending Doom Style: If both Twin Strikes hit, one target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls til my next turn end.
Cunning Stalker: I gain CA against creatures with no other creatures adjacent.
Two-Weapon Opening: When scoring a crit with my main hand, I can take a MBA with my off-hand against the target as a free action.
Heavy Blade Expertise: +2 to defenses against Op Attacks while wielding HB.

Item Features:

Jagged Weapon +3: Crits on a 19 or 20, and crits do 10 ongoing damage (save ends).
Boots of the Fencing Master: When shifting, gain a +1 item bonus to AC and Reflex TENT.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »


"Well most don't really come for the bathing aspect," Myrinne says, matter-of-factly. "You're probably the only one I've had request company and not make a move," she continues. In her last words you think you can hear a hint of disappointment in her voice.

Darcell & Grommak

The man reels in pain as Grommak rushes him. He spits a bit of blood on the ground before growling out, "Get him!" to his allies. The four men crowd the orc, all attempting to pummel the man, though he is able to retaliate against a second of them in the chaos.

Go: Darcell, Ice Man


Grommak: quarries, hits, prepares to use immediate reaction (see mechanics for details)

Maluhi Brute 1: attacks Grommak...

Immediate Interrupt: Cross-Body Parry on Maluhi Brute 1
Attack 1: 28 vs Reflex = hit
Hit: 13 damage
Attack 2: 28 vs Reflex = hit
Hit: 20 damage
Effect: target is weakened until Grommak EONT

Maluhi Brute 1: ...28 vs AC = hit for 25/2 = 12 damage

Maluhi Brute 2: attacks Grommak, 29 vs AC = hit for 20 damage. Grommak is now bloodied.

Maluhi Brute 3: attacks Grommak, 17 vs AC = miss

Maluhi Brute 4:
moves adjacent to Grommak. Attacks Grommak, 20 vs AC = miss

Grommak | HP: 39/86 | Surges: 9/9 | AP: 1/1 | Bloodied, Cross-Body Parry
Maluhi Brute 1 | HP: -44/?? | unarmed, weakened until Grommak EONT
Maluhi Brute 2 | HP: -11/?? | unarmed
Maluhi Brute 3 | HP: -32/?? | armed with broomstick (improvised weapon), Grommak's quarry
Maluhi Brute 4 | HP: ??/?? | unarmed
Darcell | HP: 79/79 | Surges: 10/10 | AP: 1/1 |
Ice Man | HP: 81/81 | Surges: 10/10 | AP: 1/1 |

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Well I wanted to get to know a beautiful lass like you first," the Imardanian boy says, moving his hand down to her upper thigh. As his grin turns to a smirk, he begins lightly pecking her on the neck.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Darcell moves in to help Grommak, embuing his weapon with a thunderous power. He quickly attacks the man wielding the broomstick, seeing the man with a weapon, of sorts, as the greatest threat.


Minor: Echoing Weapon on my rapier.

Standard: Lying Lights on Brute 3.

21 vs ref = hit? for 13 radiant damage and 9 thunder damage for a total of 31, and each ally who hits Brute 3 until my EONT becomes invisible until their EONT or until they make an attack roll.

If miss, still hits for 9 thunder damage.

7(1d20) +14 = 21; 13(3d8) +9 +9(2d6) = 31

Virtue of Cunning

Once per round when an enemy attack misses an ally within 8 squares of me, I can slide that ally up to 2 square as a free action, and I can also slide an enemy that was adjacent to that ally into the space the ally vacated. In addition one ally I choose within 5 squares of me gains combat advantage against the target of their next attack.

Feel free to use this.

Combat Block


Male Half-Elf Cunning Bard 11
Languages: Common, Forellian, Serran, Imardanian.
Age: 25
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 165 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +14 (+16 when within 10 of Henri)
Passive Perception: 21
Passive Insight: 19
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 24
Fort: 21
Reflex: 22
Will: 26
HP: 79/79
Bloodied: 39
Surge Value: 20
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +13 vs AC, 1d8+3 damage. (+2 to damage rolls when you have combat advantage)
RBA: +9 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage.

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Vicious Mockery
Staggering Note

Second Wind []
Guardian's Counter []
Demoralizing Strike []
Majestic Word [][] **
Words of Friendship []
Blunder []
Moment of Escape []
Echoing Weapon [x]
Revitalizing Incantation []
Unluck []
Illusory Erasure []
Lying Lights [x]
Harper Pin
Mielikki's Endurance [] *
Lliira's Grace [] *
Tymora's Luck [] *
Feytouched Hide Armor +3 [_]

Stirring Shout[]
Song of Discord []
Counterpoint []
Headband of Intellect []
Sitar of restfulness [_]

  • Can only use one per encounter
    ** Can be used twice per encounter but only once per round



Important Features:

Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:

Group Diplomacy: I grant allies within 10 squares of me a +1 racial bonus to Diplomacy checks.

Bardic Training: I can perform two bard rituals per day of my level or lower without expending components.

Virtue of Cunning: Once per round, when an enemy attack misses an ally within 8 squares of me, I can slide that ally 1 square as a free action.

Song of Rest: When I play an instrument or sing during a short rest, you and each ally who can hear you are affected by your Song of Rest. When an affected character spends healing surges at the end of the rest, that character regains additional hit points equal to your Charisma modifier (+6) with each healing surge.

Shrouding Action: When I spend an action point to take an extra action, one ally I choose within 5 squares of me and I become invisible until the end of my next turn.

Virtue of Deceit: When I use Virtue of Cunning, one ally I choose within 5 squares of me gains combat advantage against the target of their next attack.

Notable Feats:

Resourceful Leader: When an ally I can see spends an action point to make an attack, the ally gains a +5 bonus to damage rolls on a hit or gains 5 temporary hit points on a miss.

Superior Will: If I am dazed or stunned I can make a saving throw at the start of my turn to end that effect, even if the effect doesn't normally end on a save.

Advantage of Cunning: When I slide an ally with my Virtue of Cunning, I can also slide an enemy that was adjacent to that ally into the space the ally vacated.

Battle Song Expertise: I gain a +1 feat bonus to the number of squares that I can pull, push, or slide creatures with my bard attacks and bard paragon path attacks.

Improved Cunning: When I use Virtue of Cunning to slide an ally, I can slide the ally 2 squares instead of 1.

Item Features:

Headband of Intellect: Gain a +2 item bonus to knowledge or monster knowledge checks, and a +1 item bonus to attack rolls on powers that have the psychic keyword.

Spyglass of Perception: Gain a +3 item bonus to Perception checks when using this device.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »


"I spoke too soon," the young woman says with a smile, leaning her head back on Henri's shoulders as he kisses her neck.

Darcell & Grommak

The Ice Man sighs as he sees Grommak rushing into the fray. He looks to Darcell, only to find the man following the orc's footsteps. Resigned to fighting he holds up his hand and, with a flick of his wrist, the Maluhi men begin to feel incredibly cold. As they shiver he vanishes into thin air, having benefited from Darcell's charm.

Go: Grommak


Darcell: buffs weapon, hits for 22 radiant damage (Lying Lights is unaffected by Echoing Weapon, so feel free to retcon using it if you want. You also forgot to account for the +9 you have to the 3d8 in your text) & bloodies

Ice Man:
Standard Action: Ice Prison centered 1 square behind the 3 Maluhi furthest from Ice Man
---- Free Action: Elemental Escalation (Water)
---- Effect: add one target to the attack (who must be adjacent to the area of
---- effect). Each target takes 1d10 extra cold damage from the attack and I
---- gain +2 to defenses until my EONT.
Attack vs MB1: 31 vs Fortitude = hit
Attack vs MB2: 28 vs Fortitude = hit
Attack vs MB3: 31 vs Fortitude = hit
Attack vs MB4 (from trigger): 23 vs Fortitude = hit
Hit: 23 cold damage and the target is slowed until my EONT. MB3 takes 4 additional damage due to being bloodied. MB1 is now bloodied. Ice Man becomes invisible for hitting MB3

Grommak | HP: 39/86 | Surges: 9/9 | AP: 1/1 | Bloodied, Cross-Body Parry
Maluhi Brute 1 | HP: -67/?? | Bloodied, unarmed, weakened until Grommak EONT, slowed until Ice Man EONT
Maluhi Brute 2 | HP: -34/?? | unarmed, slowed until Ice Man EONT
Maluhi Brute 3 | HP: -81/?? | Bloodied, armed with broomstick (improvised weapon), Grommak's quarry, allies of Darcell who hit MB3 before Darcell's EONT are inivisible until their EONT or until they make an attack roll, slowed until Ice Man EONT
Maluhi Brute 4 | HP: -23/?? | unarmed, slowed until Ice Man EONT
Darcell | HP: 79/79 | Surges: 10/10 | AP: 1/1 | Echoing Weapon?, Lying Lights
Ice Man | HP: 81/81 | Surges: 10/10 | AP: 1/1 | Elemental Escalation (Water) 1/3, +2 to defenses until EONT, invisible until EONT

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Well, we Imardanians are world-renowned lovers after all," Henri says with a smirk before reaching around to kiss her lips.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

Surrounded by four of the brutes hammering blows on Grommak, he sees an opening in their footwork. With grit he bulls his way through, breaking their line with ease. Sliding on the cobblestone, the orc changes course right back at them, surging forward with power.

In a flash, Grommak brings the pommel of his heavy scimitar down onto the broomstick-wielding man's neck, causing him to fall to his knees. Darcell's strange magic causes Grommak to disappear for a split second before reappearing and giving the brute a concussive knee to the face, knocking him out.

Swiveling in place, he doubles down on his efforts and swings a feinted blow at a second man. The other brute startles, and Grommak sends him to the ground with a thunderous kick to the ribs.


Feature: Grommak gains 10 THP from becoming bloodied for the first time in an encounter.

Move: Invigorating Stride lets me shift 4, so I go enough squares away so that I am not adjacent to an enemy. Procs Second Wind, and Grommak gains +2 to Def, +1 AC/Ref, and 21 HP from his surge. He is healed up to 60 HP.

Standard: Frenzied Skirmish, moving my speed without OAs, getting adjacent to Brute 3 and at least 1 more. Hits Brute 3, AC 21, for 29 nonlethal damage, incapacitating him. Hits Brute 1, AC 34, for 22 nonlethal damage and dazing him TENT. Pop Furious Assault for 5 more damage, dealing 27 total to Brute 1. Grommak gains +2 AC/Ref.
Attack 1: 2(1d20) +19 = 21; 6(1d10) +13 = 19; 10(2d6) = 10
Attack 2: 15(1d20) +19 = 34; 9(1d10) +13 = 22
Furious Assault: 5(1d10) = 5

Free: Blood of the Fallen. Grommak heals 26 HP, bringing him exactly to full. (Calculated.)

Minor: Sohei Flurry on Brute 1. Hits AC 26 for 18 nonlethal damage, incapacitating him.
Attack: 8(1d20) +18 = 26; 10(2d10) +8 = 18

Combat Block


Male Half-Orc Two-Weapon Ranger 11
Languages: Common, Kurnish
Age: 29
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 200 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +11+2
Passive Perception: 26
Passive Insight: 21
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 24+5
Fort: 25+2
Reflex: 23+5
Will: 23+2
HP: 86+10/86
Bloodied: 43
Surge Value: 21
Surges left: 8/9
Action Points: 1

MBA: +18, 1d10+13



+1 against fear, daze, domination, or stun effects.

Active Effects:
+1 AC, Ref (item)
+2 AC, Ref (feat)
+2 Def (power)


Hunter's Quarry
Marauder's Rush
Twin Strike

Second Wind [x]
Sohei Flurry [x]
Furious Assault [x]
Off-Hand Strike []
Invigorating Stride [x]
Ruffling Sting []
Lashing Leaves []
Cross-Body Parry [x]
Periapt of Cascading Health +2 []
Boots of the Fencing Master [_]

Jaws of the Wolf []
Frenzied Skirmish [x]
Begin the Hunt []
Attacks on the Run [_]
Blood of the Fallen [x]



Important Features:

Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:

Running Attack: Using a standard action that allows movement and I move 2+ squares away, I gain +1 to attack rolls as part of that action.
Dancing Defense: If hitting with at least two melee attacks on my turn, I gain a +2 bonus to AC and Reflex TSNT.
Dual-Blade Action: On AP-spend, I can take an attack with both hands with a +4 WISmod bonus to damage.
Half-Orc Resilience: First time being blooded in an encounter, gain 10 THP.
Swift Charge: +2 bonus to speed while charging.
Sohei Indomitability: +1 power bonus to save throws against fear, daze, domination, or stun effects.

Notable Feats:

Impending Doom Style: If both Twin Strikes hit, one target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls til my next turn end.
Cunning Stalker: I gain CA against creatures with no other creatures adjacent.
Two-Weapon Opening: When scoring a crit with my main hand, I can take a MBA with my off-hand against the target as a free action.
Heavy Blade Expertise: +2 to defenses against Op Attacks while wielding HB.

Item Features:

Jagged Weapon +3: Crits on a 19 or 20, and crits do 10 ongoing damage (save ends).
Boots of the Fencing Master: When shifting, gain a +1 item bonus to AC and Reflex TENT.

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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »


Myrinne falls into the kiss before turning around to face Henri. As they finish she moves forward and situates herself against the young seaman. She moves her hands below the water and soon the warmth in the room is not only coming from the heat of the hot springs.

  • * Things happen, not gonna RP details. Use your imagination. * *

Henri is unable to tell how much time has passed when there comes a rapping on the door. "Time's up," comes the voice of the woman from before. Myrinne looks at the man, her face flush, and frowns.

"You will keep your promise, won't you?" she says, almost pouting.

Grommak & Darcell

The remaining men quickly rush to flank Grommak as their allies fall to the floor, unconscious. Their rage blinds them to the reality of defeat that they face, and their attacks are easily avoided as the tides turn against them

Go: Darcell, Ice Man


Grommak: gains THP, moves & heals, hits x2 & incapacitates, heals, hits & incapacitates

Maluhi Brute 2: shifts, attacks Grommak, 28 vs AC = miss

Maluhi Brute 4: moves to flank, attacks Grommak, 28 vs AC = miss

Grommak | HP: 86+10/86 | Surges: 9/9 | AP: 1/1 | Bloodied, Cross-Body Parry, Invigorating Stride, Second Wind, Furious Assault, Sohei Flurry, Frenzied Skirmish, Blood of the Fallen+2 to defenses until SONT, +3 to AC/Ref until SONT
Maluhi Brute 1 | HP: -112/?? | Bloodied, unarmed, incapacitated
Maluhi Brute 2 | HP: -34/?? | unarmed, slowed until Ice Man EONT
Maluhi Brute 3 | HP: 110/?? | Bloodied, armed with broomstick (improvised weapon), incapacitated
Maluhi Brute 4 | HP: -23/?? | unarmed, slowed until Ice Man EONT
Darcell | HP: 79/79 | Surges: 10/10 | AP: 1/1 | Echoing Weapon?, Lying Lights
Ice Man | HP: 81/81 | Surges: 10/10 | AP: 1/1 | Elemental Escalation (Water) 1/3, +2 to defenses until EONT, invisible until EONT

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »


Minor: Echoing Weapon on my rapier for real this time.

Standard: Demoralising Strike on Brute 2.

31 vs AC hits for 14 damage and 4 thunder damage for a total of 18 damage. Brute 2 takes -2 to defences until Darcell EONT.

[URL=]12(1d20) +19 = 31; 5(1d8) +9 +4(2d6) = 18[/URL

Virtue of Cunning

Once per round when an enemy attack misses an ally within 8 squares of me, I can slide that ally up to 2 square as a free action, and I can also slide an enemy that was adjacent to that ally into the space the ally vacated. In addition one ally I choose within 5 squares of me gains combat advantage against the target of their next attack.

Feel free to use this.

Combat Block


Male Half-Elf Cunning Bard 11
Languages: Common, Forellian, Serran, Imardanian.
Age: 25
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 165 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +14 (+16 when within 10 of Henri)
Passive Perception: 21
Passive Insight: 19
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 24
Fort: 21
Reflex: 22
Will: 26
HP: 79/79
Bloodied: 39
Surge Value: 20
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +13 vs AC, 1d8+3 damage. (+2 to damage rolls when you have combat advantage)
RBA: +9 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage.

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Vicious Mockery
Staggering Note

Second Wind []
Guardian's Counter []
Demoralizing Strike [x]
Majestic Word [][] **
Words of Friendship []
Blunder []
Moment of Escape []
Echoing Weapon [x]
Revitalizing Incantation []
Unluck []
Illusory Erasure []
Lying Lights [x]
Harper Pin
Mielikki's Endurance [] *
Lliira's Grace [] *
Tymora's Luck [] *
Feytouched Hide Armor +3 []

Stirring Shout[]
Song of Discord []
Counterpoint []
Headband of Intellect []
Sitar of restfulness [_]

  • Can only use one per encounter
    ** Can be used twice per encounter but only once per round



Important Features:

Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:

Group Diplomacy: I grant allies within 10 squares of me a +1 racial bonus to Diplomacy checks.

Bardic Training: I can perform two bard rituals per day of my level or lower without expending components.

Virtue of Cunning: Once per round, when an enemy attack misses an ally within 8 squares of me, I can slide that ally 1 square as a free action.

Song of Rest: When I play an instrument or sing during a short rest, you and each ally who can hear you are affected by your Song of Rest. When an affected character spends healing surges at the end of the rest, that character regains additional hit points equal to your Charisma modifier (+6) with each healing surge.

Shrouding Action: When I spend an action point to take an extra action, one ally I choose within 5 squares of me and I become invisible until the end of my next turn.

Virtue of Deceit: When I use Virtue of Cunning, one ally I choose within 5 squares of me gains combat advantage against the target of their next attack.

Notable Feats:

Resourceful Leader: When an ally I can see spends an action point to make an attack, the ally gains a +5 bonus to damage rolls on a hit or gains 5 temporary hit points on a miss.

Superior Will: If I am dazed or stunned I can make a saving throw at the start of my turn to end that effect, even if the effect doesn't normally end on a save.

Advantage of Cunning: When I slide an ally with my Virtue of Cunning, I can also slide an enemy that was adjacent to that ally into the space the ally vacated.

Battle Song Expertise: I gain a +1 feat bonus to the number of squares that I can pull, push, or slide creatures with my bard attacks and bard paragon path attacks.

Improved Cunning: When I use Virtue of Cunning to slide an ally, I can slide the ally 2 squares instead of 1.

Item Features:

Headband of Intellect: Gain a +2 item bonus to knowledge or monster knowledge checks, and a +1 item bonus to attack rolls on powers that have the psychic keyword.

Spyglass of Perception: Gain a +3 item bonus to Perception checks when using this device.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

As the warmth takes its hold, Henri is left with only bliss. Unfortunately, the bliss is interrupted prematurely by the knocking, indicating that much time has passed. With a slight frown, he prepares to exit the water before turning to face the woman. "You can count on it," the Imardanian says, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving the warmed waters.

Wrapping his towel around his waist, he gives Myrinne one last smile and a wink before leaving.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

Darcell & Grommak

As Darcell moves into the fray and lands a solid blow, the Ice Man snaps back into view. This reappearance is immediately followed by two large, sharp piece of ice manifesting in front of him, which he launches at the two remaining Maluhi. Both hit their mark, noticeably weakening the men. In their confusion, Grommak and Darcell take the opportunity to reposition themselves.

Go: Grommak


Darcell: buffs, assumed move, hits & bloodies

Ice Man:
Standard Action: Elemental Bolt on MB2
---- Free Action: Elemental Escalation (Water)
---- Effect: add one target to the attack (who must be within 5 squares of the
---- target). Each target takes 1d10 extra cold damage from the attack and I
---- gain +2 to defenses until my EONT.
Attack vs MB2: 29 vs Reflex = hit
Hit: 28+2=30 cold damage and both Grommak and Darcell are slid so that they flank MB2 and Grommak is no longer flanked
Attack vs MB4: 34 vs Reflex = hit
Hit: 28 cold damage, and MB4 is bloodied.

Grommak | HP: 86+10/86 | Surges: 9/9 | AP: 1/1 | Bloodied, Cross-Body Parry, Invigorating Stride, Second Wind, Furious Assault, Sohei Flurry, Frenzied Skirmish, Blood of the Fallen
Maluhi Brute 1 | HP: -112/?? | Bloodied, unarmed, incapacitated
Maluhi Brute 2 | HP: -82/?? | Bloodied, unarmed, -2 to defenses until Darcell EONT
Maluhi Brute 3 | HP: 110/?? | Bloodied, armed with broomstick (improvised weapon), incapacitated
Maluhi Brute 4 | HP: -51/?? | Bloodied, unarmed
Darcell | HP: 79/79 | Surges: 10/10 | AP: 1/1 | Echoing Weapon?, Lying Lights
Ice Man | HP: 81/81 | Surges: 10/10 | AP: 1/1 | Elemental Escalation (Water) 2/3, +2 to defenses until EONT


Myrinne beams with delight for a moment after the man's response, though her frown quickly returns as he makes his way to the door. Exiting through it he is greeted by the other woman, who, with a big smile, asks, "did you enjoy your stay? We hope you will visit us again!"

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

Continuing his onslaught on the brutes before him, Grommak brings his scimitar down onto one of the man's hands, trying to maim him. He pivots, pulling his blade free and landing a heavy elbow dead-on into the man's jaw, before swinging his sabre freely and catching the remaining brute in his leg.


Minor: Hunter's Quarry on Brute 2.

Standard: Twin Strike on Brute 2.
Attacks: 16(1d20) +20 = 36; 8(1d10) +8 = 16; 17(1d20) +19 = 36; 8(1d10) +7 = 15; 7(2d6) = 7
Hits 36 vs. AC, Hits 36 vs. AC for 23 and 15 damage respectively, a total of 38 nonlethal damage. He is incapacitated.

Minor: Off-Hand Strike on Brute 4.
Attack: 16(1d20) +17 = 33; 9(1d10) +12 = 21
Hits 33 vs. AC for 21 damage.

Combat Block


Male Half-Orc Two-Weapon Ranger 11
Languages: Common, Kurnish
Age: 29
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 200 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +11+2
Passive Perception: 26
Passive Insight: 21
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 24+5
Fort: 25+2
Reflex: 23+5
Will: 23+2
HP: 86+10/86
Bloodied: 43
Surge Value: 21
Surges left: 8/9
Action Points: 1

MBA: +18, 1d10+13



+1 against fear, daze, domination, or stun effects.

Active Effects:
+1 AC, Ref (item)
+2 AC, Ref (feat)
+2 Def (power)


Hunter's Quarry
Marauder's Rush
Twin Strike

Second Wind [x]
Sohei Flurry [x]
Furious Assault [x]
Off-Hand Strike []
Invigorating Stride [x]
Ruffling Sting []
Lashing Leaves []
Cross-Body Parry [x]
Periapt of Cascading Health +2 []
Boots of the Fencing Master [_]

Jaws of the Wolf []
Frenzied Skirmish [x]
Begin the Hunt []
Attacks on the Run [_]
Blood of the Fallen [x]



Important Features:

Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:

Running Attack: Using a standard action that allows movement and I move 2+ squares away, I gain +1 to attack rolls as part of that action.
Dancing Defense: If hitting with at least two melee attacks on my turn, I gain a +2 bonus to AC and Reflex TSNT.
Dual-Blade Action: On AP-spend, I can take an attack with both hands with a +4 WISmod bonus to damage.
Half-Orc Resilience: First time being blooded in an encounter, gain 10 THP.
Swift Charge: +2 bonus to speed while charging.
Sohei Indomitability: +1 power bonus to save throws against fear, daze, domination, or stun effects.

Notable Feats:

Impending Doom Style: If both Twin Strikes hit, one target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls til my next turn end.
Cunning Stalker: I gain CA against creatures with no other creatures adjacent.
Two-Weapon Opening: When scoring a crit with my main hand, I can take a MBA with my off-hand against the target as a free action.
Heavy Blade Expertise: +2 to defenses against Op Attacks while wielding HB.

Item Features:

Jagged Weapon +3: Crits on a 19 or 20, and crits do 10 ongoing damage (save ends).
Boots of the Fencing Master: When shifting, gain a +1 item bonus to AC and Reflex TENT.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"That I did," Henri says with a gracious nod. "You can bet that I'll be back next time I'm in port." I can only hope that Myrinne is still here whenever that may be.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

Grommak & Darcell

As the third of the men falls to the ground, unconscious, the last remaining one breaks and runs down the street, trying to escape.

Go: Darcell, Ice Man


Grommak: quarries, hits & incapacitates, hits

Maluhi Brute 4: shifts, runs down the street

Grommak | HP: 86+10/86 | Surges: 7/9 | AP: 1/1 | Cross-Body Parry, Invigorating Stride, Second Wind, Furious Assault, Sohei Flurry, Frenzied Skirmish, Blood of the Fallen
Maluhi Brute 1 | HP: -112/?? | Bloodied, unarmed, incapacitated
Maluhi Brute 2 | HP: -120/?? | Bloodied, unarmed, incapacitated
Maluhi Brute 3 | HP: 110/?? | Bloodied, armed with broomstick (improvised weapon), incapacitated
Maluhi Brute 4 | HP: -72/?? | Bloodied, unarmed, granting CA and -5 to attack until SONT
Darcell | HP: 79/79 | Surges: 10/10 | AP: 1/1 | Echoing Weapon?, Lying Lights
Ice Man | HP: 81/81 | Surges: 10/10 | AP: 1/1 | Elemental Escalation (Water) 2/3, +2 to defenses until EONT


"Good! We will look forward to it. Right this way, then," she says, leading the man down the hall and back into the room of clothing shelves. This time it is empty, though there are still other sets of clothing scattered about as well as his own.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

With three men an unconscious and the last fleeing, Darcell twirls his rapier around his thumb and slides it into its sheath once it is lined up. "What was all that about?" He asks, watching the last man run down the street.


Minor: Stows weapon

Short Rest: if applicable, recharge encounter powers.

Virtue of Cunning

Once per round when an enemy attack misses an ally within 8 squares of me, I can slide that ally up to 2 square as a free action, and I can also slide an enemy that was adjacent to that ally into the space the ally vacated. In addition one ally I choose within 5 squares of me gains combat advantage against the target of their next attack.

Feel free to use this.

Combat Block


Male Half-Elf Cunning Bard 11
Languages: Common, Forellian, Serran, Imardanian.
Age: 25
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 165 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +14 (+16 when within 10 of Henri)
Passive Perception: 21
Passive Insight: 19
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 24
Fort: 21
Reflex: 22
Will: 26
HP: 79/79
Bloodied: 39
Surge Value: 20
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +13 vs AC, 1d8+3 damage. (+2 to damage rolls when you have combat advantage)
RBA: +9 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage.

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Vicious Mockery
Staggering Note

Second Wind []
Guardian's Counter []
Demoralizing Strike []
Majestic Word [][] **
Words of Friendship []
Blunder []
Moment of Escape []
Echoing Weapon []
Revitalizing Incantation []
Unluck []
Illusory Erasure []
Lying Lights []
Harper Pin
Mielikki's Endurance [] *
Lliira's Grace [] *
Tymora's Luck [] *
Feytouched Hide Armor +3 [_]

Stirring Shout[]
Song of Discord []
Counterpoint []
Headband of Intellect []
Sitar of restfulness [_]

  • Can only use one per encounter
    ** Can be used twice per encounter but only once per round



Important Features:

Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:

Group Diplomacy: I grant allies within 10 squares of me a +1 racial bonus to Diplomacy checks.

Bardic Training: I can perform two bard rituals per day of my level or lower without expending components.

Virtue of Cunning: Once per round, when an enemy attack misses an ally within 8 squares of me, I can slide that ally 1 square as a free action.

Song of Rest: When I play an instrument or sing during a short rest, you and each ally who can hear you are affected by your Song of Rest. When an affected character spends healing surges at the end of the rest, that character regains additional hit points equal to your Charisma modifier (+6) with each healing surge.

Shrouding Action: When I spend an action point to take an extra action, one ally I choose within 5 squares of me and I become invisible until the end of my next turn.

Virtue of Deceit: When I use Virtue of Cunning, one ally I choose within 5 squares of me gains combat advantage against the target of their next attack.

Notable Feats:

Resourceful Leader: When an ally I can see spends an action point to make an attack, the ally gains a +5 bonus to damage rolls on a hit or gains 5 temporary hit points on a miss.

Superior Will: If I am dazed or stunned I can make a saving throw at the start of my turn to end that effect, even if the effect doesn't normally end on a save.

Advantage of Cunning: When I slide an ally with my Virtue of Cunning, I can also slide an enemy that was adjacent to that ally into the space the ally vacated.

Battle Song Expertise: I gain a +1 feat bonus to the number of squares that I can pull, push, or slide creatures with my bard attacks and bard paragon path attacks.

Improved Cunning: When I use Virtue of Cunning to slide an ally, I can slide the ally 2 squares instead of 1.

Item Features:

Headband of Intellect: Gain a +2 item bonus to knowledge or monster knowledge checks, and a +1 item bonus to attack rolls on powers that have the psychic keyword.

Spyglass of Perception: Gain a +3 item bonus to Perception checks when using this device.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Run, coward!" Grommak shouts after the running man, wiping some of the blood off his busted lip. He sheaths his blades and motions hastily for his two companions to follow him to the alley. He speaks to them in a quiet voice. "Doing a favor for a contact in exchange for some leverage into a purchase of some gear. I'm not sure I handled it exactly how they wanted, but fuck it."

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

Darcell & Grommak

"Well not just any contact," the Ice Man responds, looking annoyed. "Captain Tengatsu, a Jarangi loyalist with close ties to the Kyung Min. We just did his dirty work for him."

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

With his bathhouse enjoyment over, Henri lets out a sigh as he reenters the changing room. He makes quick work of redressing himself before making his way toward the exit. With time to spare, he assumes, he decides to try and find someplace to buy more wine. This town may be full of lowlifes, but lowlifes can still sell wine.


Streetwise to remember some place that sells wine plz: 1(1d20) +12 = 13
Perception to keep an eye out for it: 9(1d20) +10 = 19

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Dirty work's why the Old One put me on this earth," Grommak replies with a shrug. "'Sides, I'm getting something in return. I'm looking for some better armor to protect my hide from those navy bastards' rifles. Tengatsu can get me in with the Kyung Min who might have that sort of thing," he explains to the two of them. "And if not, I've made a powerful ally at the cost of gaining a powerful foe. Whatever."

Looking around, he turns back to them. "What say we hit the trails? I'm expected to meet him again tonight."

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"I owe a few people a drink first after selling those muskets off the navy ship," Darcell says, looking back towards the tavern. His glaze glances back to the unconscious men on the street. "They should be out long enough to stick around for at least one or two," he laughs.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »


Though none of the major gangs in Talguta - and by extension, Wastrel's Wharf - hail from Imardin, the main exporter of wine, you do remember occasionally coming across some decent vintages among the cargo of some of the smaller gangs. They typically do not have any sort of permanent presence in the Wharf, though sometimes their ships are at port peddling some of their wares as they make their way between islands of the archipelago.

Grommak & Darcell

"I will stay here. I'm sure someone will need to talk Lewella down, and I've grown adept at it by now. Perhaps she will even need some comforting," the Ice Man says with a wink as he steps back in the tavern. Immediately, the sounds of yelling can be heard coming from within.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Hoping that one of the lesser gangs has a supply of fine (possibly stolen) wines, Henri makes a beeline towards the docks where they frequent. Let's hope they've got something good. Maybe a nice Malbec or Riesling.


Perception to watch out for trouble or something: 7(1d20) +10 = 17

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Yeah, probably a good call. Thanks for the help, Ice. Sorry it didn't end how I wanted, but you know it how goes. I owe you one."

Turning to Darcell, he shrugs. "Well, I've got some business to take care of with the Kyung Min. You in? Or do you have business of your own with that woman?"

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Darcell listens to the muffled sound of yelling coming from inside the tavern for a moment before replying to Grommak. "Sure I'm in. That woman was the captain of The Seahorse, I sold some of the Imardanian muskets to her so our business is done. I did offer to buy her a drink but what's one more pissed off woman matter? I'm sure there's plenty others in the Wharf that would slap me if they saw me," Darcell laughs.

"Lead the way," he adds gesturing with a hand. "What are you up to with the Kyung Min then?"

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

Grommak chuckles at the image of Darcell getting slapped for his general sleaziness. "I guess we're similar in that regard. There are those that wanna slap you silly, and there are those that want to put a knife in my kidney. Together, we can somehow anger the entire population of this fucking island, eh?" he jests as he elbows his friend in the ribs.

"Anyways, I'm looking for that armor I was talkin' about. Some type of deal to pad against those goddamned navy guns. I'm sick of havin' the surgeon pick bits of shot out of my hide. Let's go find Tengatsu," Grommak says, beckoning his friend along. The two of them travel the way that the orc took earlier to get to the Jarangi tavern.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »


As you make your way towards the docks you see little of note. At one point a large Okani man runs past you, clearly terrified by something. Other than that the walk is as uneventful as the previous one.

At the docks you scan the shore. You can spot a vessel that you recognize as belonging to the Maluhi, where the Okani man can be seen talking to other similar-looking men. You also spot a few smaller vessels likely belonging to smaller gangs or private merchants.

There are three of these smaller vessels at the section of the docks you find yourself. The first, and largest, has an assortment of crewmen, so is either a gang with no specific national ties or a well-traveled merchant's ship. The second, and smallest, seems to only have a small crew of entirely dwarves, a rare sight. The last, more middle-sized, ship seems to also have a decent mix of nationalities portrayed, including two younger Ghians and a robed man.

Grommak & Darcell

Grommak leads Darcell until the two men reaching the Kyung Min's territory, marked by a shift from more plain and neutral architecture to a section of town that seems to have been sliced out of Ya-Jarang and displaced to this island. It is not long before everyone who passes by is of Ghian descent, or serving those who are.

After a bit of time in this miniature Jarangi neighborhood the pair find themselves outside the Lotus. As with the last time Grommak was here, a small group of armed men can be seen standing and conversing near the wall immediately outside the door. They glance at the Dogs as they approach, but do not seem to mind their presence.

One inside the two are greeted by another familiar face for Grommak, the lovely Jarangi woman in the floral dress from before. "Kon'nichiwa!" the cheerful woman says. "Hello! This way please," she continues with a smile, directing Grommak and Darcell to Tengatsu's table. "Would you like anything to drink, sirs?" she asks, as they take their seats. The captain does not speak, and looks towards Darcell with skepticism.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

"He's with me," Grommak says in a low tone, noticing the Captain's look of concern toward his partner. "I knocked around those Maluhi for you, as I'm sure you'll hear later through the vine," the orc explains. "Now how about we talk about my end of the deal?"

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Darcell gives the Captain an affirming nod in response to Grommak's words, however the Bard decides to stay silent for once, knowing little of Grommak's arrangement with these potentially dangerous people.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Making his way to the docks, Henri pays little mind to the life going on around him, though the terrified man leaves his head turning. Wonder what he's all scared about.

Arriving at the docks, he scans the moored vessels and, ignoring the Maluhi ship, makes his way toward the smaller trio. Trying his luck, he approaches the first ship, hoping they have the wine he so desires.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

Grommak & Darcell

The woman bows as the men ignore her question. "Let me know if you would like something!" she says, before quickly walking away. She stops near the bar and begins speaking with another similarly-dressed woman.

Once she is gone, Tengatsu speaks. "Yes, I've heard. Word travels fast in this town. Especially when people know you will pay for their knowledge." He smirks a bit, and pulls out the parchment he'd been writing on when Grommak left. He makes a few more indecipherable markings on it before looking back up to the men.

"I am a man of my word, I will go speak with the owner on your behalf. He will arrange for you to be let into one of the warehouses to do business." The man places his quill down and rolls up the parchment, before returning it to his coat pocket. "Please, have a drink while you wait. Everything here is good."


As Henri approaches the first - and largest - of the ships he is stopped on the docks by an unusually burly elven man and dwarven woman. "Hold," the woman says, looking up at Henri with a scowl. "What business do you have here? I don't recognize you."

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Maybe later. I am eager to handle the business I came for," Grommak says, deciding for both he and his partner. "Should I wait here while you seek him?" he asks the Captain.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Henri is taken aback from the dwarven woman's scowl, but not letting it get to him, replies, "You looked like you could be a merchant ship, so I was wondering if you had any wine in your cargo that I could buy. If not, I'll be on my way."

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

Grommak & Darcell

"Yes," Tengatsu replies as he stands and walks away. He heads past the waitresses towards a door near the bar and passes through. The woman scan the room for any customers needing assistance, occasionally glancing your way.

The rest of the place is very sparsely occupied. There are a few people sitting at a table in the corner, eating silently. Another pair sits at the bar, chatting mostly to a woman who is tending to drinks behind the counter. Other than that you are the only two customers in the establishment at this time.


"May have some. Who's askin'?" the woman asks, seeming less annoyed by Henri's presence.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

Grommak waves the waitress over, waiting until she gets close. "I've reconsidered," he says with a grin. "I'll take a drink of whatever it was I got last time I was here. Something Jarangi-brewed, I reckon. One for me and one for the lad, please." He gives her a nod of thanks and turns to Darcell.

"Lookin' to get into any sort of trouble while we're in port, Darce?" Grommak asked his human friend. "Other than this, I hadn't much of a plan."

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Darcell smirks as Grommak orders drinks. "Well if you're buying," he says with a smile.

"I didn't have anything planned other than selling those muskets. Although it's not exactly hard to find trouble in the wharf. I tend to find more often than not it finds me."

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

"After this business is dealt with, 'haps we could track down Henri or some of the other Dogs. This town's more entertaining with a posse, if you follow. 'Sides, I'm curious what Prettyboy's up to."

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Sounds like a plan," Darcell replies giving Grommak a pat on the shoulder. "Although I wouldn't mind staying for a drink or two here," he adds, smiling at a waitress after making eye contact with her as she walks past.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Hey, now," Grommak chuckles, catching Darcell's glancing. "Don't get me kicked out of here before I've got what I need, ya fuckin' ruffian." He downs the rest of his drink, raising a finger to order another. "Tengatsu better deliver after what he asked of us."

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