Truth in the Fog OOC

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Truth in the Fog OOC

Post by kalis5 »

OOC stuff goes here.

Basic ideas: Imardin Mystery Game. Players start at level 3. Group knows each other. Starting as an unknown mystery group.

Character Creation Rules
System: 4e
Level 3
Stats: 25pt buy.
Race: Any published, refluffed as human, elven, orc, or dwarven.
Class: Any published.
Feats: Free expertise feat.
Themes: Allowed.
Background: +2 to a skill or add a language.
Equipment: One mundane free weapon and armor of choice, 500 Gold to start. Basic items are free.
Skills: View skill system below for information on how skills will be set up.
Rituals: Component costs for all rituals are reduced to ¼ their normal values to encourage ritual use. Also, Raise Dead will not be allowed in this game – dead is dead, though we hope that doesn’t have to be an issue.
Inherent Bonuses: Yes
Languages: We will not be using the standard 4e languages, but rather the languages given in the setting.
Common - Common is a lingua franca in this world. Most people know at least some of the common tongue, and many speak it fluently, but it is not the primary language of any nation. People who only know Common are typically sailors, or other people who have spent most of their life traveling rather than in one place.

Tulrissian – The national language of Tulrisse, a primarily human agricultural-based kingdom.

Serran – The primary language spoken by the many small kingdoms of an expansive arid region known as the Serran Desert, which consist mostly of humans and orcs.

Imardanian – The national language of the Imardin Thalassocracy. It is a very diverse nation, but humans still make up the majority. This will be the common for this game.

Forellian – The native language of the people who inhabit the Forellian Archipelago, a cluster of islands consisting of many city-states located in the Forelle Sea. Primarily human.

Kurnish – The language of the orc tribes of Kurnhuelde, a region primarily consisting of snowy hills on the Kurn Peninsula.

Dwarven – The common language of the many dwarf kingdoms that occupy the mountains that run down the center of Voreld.

Elven – A catch-all term in Voreld for any of the many distinct dialects spoken by the elf natives of Quellam, a continent to the east.

Kawani - The language spoken by the Kawani people, who were recently conquered by Imardin in the nation's first major conquest. While there is no longer a nation to represent the people who speak it, there are still many around. They survive either as refugees in Mai'okon and its surrounding islands, or by holding out in the inland of D'armon, desparately trying to resist the encroachement of the new Imardanian settlers.

Gleiosian - A language spoken primarily on Gleios and the surrounding smaller islands it influences.

Brennisian - A language that originated on the Isle of Brennis, but spread after the small nation conquered a large region of the archipelago. It has since become much less prevalent than it once was.

Ghian - A language originating on Ghia, and spreading with its culture to the smaller nearby islands.

Chathran - A language spoken primarily on Chathra and Cianthum

Okani - A language spoken by the people of Mai'okon and the surrounding small islands under its influence.

Vishan - An odd language that evolved from from both Ghian and Chathran, spoken on the islands of Visha
Skill System
For this game, which will be skill focused, we're house-ruling the game. Rather than use the base 4e system, I am tweaking the skills in order to better work with what we have in mind.

Rather than use the same "Each class gets a certain skillset", we will instead give a total of seven trained skills, no restriction on what class can get which skill.

The history skill will be separated into four different sets.
Local History - INT
Local history will pertain to knowledge of the area the player is currently in. It is less information about the government, unless you are asking about local mayors and governors, and more about knowledge of battles, knowledge of attacks from creatures, persons of importance pertaining to an area, and local relations with nearby areas, as well as myths and legends.
World History - INT
World History covers knowledge of political history between countries, what wars happened where, what the trade is like between these regions, what their cultural exchanges have been like, notable actions from one country to another, and alliances in regions.
Geography - INT
Geography not only covers the obvious, locations of regions and cities, but it also covers landscapes and conditions in a region. For instance, Serran is a mostly desert region with hot temperatures and little water, and knowing what the landscape is like would aid one in travel and survival. Knowing the general landscape of, say, the islands of Forelle allows one to better prepare oneself for chilled winds, ice in the waters, and steep, mountainous regions, along with knowing how the region affects a body.
Smithing - Wisdom
Smithing will cover the knowledge of the makeup of weapons and armor, besides simply allowing one to make certain items as the martial practices section does. It covers the makeup of certain metals, knowledge of boiling temperatures for metals, meaning what temperatures they melt at, what temperatures they become most brittle, where the weak points of certain metallic objects lie due to the material, and what materials can do what. There might be some small overlap between this and alchemy.
Engineering - Wisdom
Engineering involves more than simple machines, but also the application of one's knowledge of weights, countermeasures, balances, and various other mechanical and scientific components to create a building, a mechanical contraption like a trap, and the perfect location for such an object. It is the application of physics to create or destroy, and as such, would aid one well in trying to open difficult containers, aid in breaking down a door, or simply moving a heavy object.
Heal will be seperated into two skill sets, Medicine and Post-Mortis.
Medicine - Wisdom
Medicine will be used as the basic heal check, diagnosing living wounds, injuries, and the treatment of such. It will also cover the application of medicines, though this does not mean one knows how to make said medicines.
Post Mortis - Wisdom
Post-Mortis will handle the diagnosis of wounds after death, as after death rigor mortis sets in and makes it an entirely different ball game in terms of medical fields. This includes injuries taken before death, and generally handles identifying the cause of death, trauma to the body after death, and the preservation of the body after death.
Animal Ken will divide Nature into two sections.
Animal Ken - Charisma
Animal Ken will handle the treatment of animals, their biology, and their behavior. This is necessary for calming enraged animals, handling dangerous animals without harming oneself or others, and identifying reasons and motivations for animal attacks.
Nature - Same as before
Nature handles the same as it did before, but it also handles knowing what plants are beneficial or harmful to oneself, as well as the basest applications of them. This does not mean one knows how to make a simple potion from a few berries, that would require alchemical knowledge.
Alchemy - Intelligence
Alchemy will now have an actual knowledge based skill, involving knowledge of what exactly occurs in a chemical reaction. You can brew potions without knowing how it works, you're going off a recipe after all, it's like cooking. But knowing the actual science behind it is something else entirely, and this will help with knowing what ingredients were swapped, what ingredients alone are deadly, what was missing, and general chemical knowledge. This does also covers poisons.
Language - Wisdom
Language is also a skill now, due to suggestions that I agree with. Language will have a few functions. Foremost of the list, the ability to gain new languages per skill point use. Every 5 skill points spent in the skill will net you a new language from the list. The other function will be with translating texts. This is beyond simply reading aloud, but rather has to do with transcribing one text to another, so a book in a foreign language being offered as evidence would require a translation check using your language skill. Also, detecting forgeries will fall under Language, as one would recognize errors in the language used from one person to another.
For each level you have, you will gain 8 Skill points to spend across the entire skill set. These will show your training and studying in various different sets. Each Skill Point spent increases the modifier by one, on top of the five points that a trained skill gives, and on top of the ability modifiers for each of the skills. However, each skill will only have a maximum of two times your current level for the number of skill points you can apply.
Attribute/Skill List
Local History = Intelligence
World History = Intelligence
Geography = Intelligence
Smithing = Wisdom
Engineering = Wisdom
Medicine = Intelligence
Post Mortem = Wisdom
Animal Ken = Charisma
Alchemy = Intelligence
Language = Wisdom


5E Y85 - It has been four years since the conquering of D'armon. The locals are now under Imardin control, with Imardin guards patrolling the streets, their navy coming and going, patrolling the waters around their recent prize. But all is not content and simple under the new rulership. Conflicting ideas of religion, cultural differences and a sense of being higher from the Imardin people that immigrated to the Island have caused a large number of conflicts. Murder is a common symptom of these differences, though open rebellion has not been seen yet.

In Chèronte, a group of people decide, whether for profit, prestige, or honor, that something must be done if D'armon is to find any sense of stability. Pooling their assets together, they decide to open up their own private investigation firm, offering their services to anyone in need of their help, whether the guard, nobles, or civilians willing to pay.

Upon their first day of opening shop, there comes a knock on the door, and a woman walks in. Their first case stands before them, and with it, intrigue, mystery, and risk. All dangling at the end of a rope.

Shamelessly stolen from here.

Step 1: Write 5 background and concept elements that you feel are important to your image of the character. These can be a concept overview, a list of important life events, a physical description, a personality profile...whatever you need to get an image in your mind. 5 is just a minimum...more elements are encouraged but not required. Don't feel pressured or at a loss due to unfamliarity with the Ganoltir campaign world! I'm more than happy to provide elements and more to assist in the process.
1) Birth - Karth was born as the offspring of Queen Gwarta of Bridged City and one of her many guards. During her pregnancy it was assumed she would be giving birth to another of her husband's children, but when the child turned out to be a half-elf this was quickly proven to be false. The king consort, enraged by the discovery, demanded his wife reveal who the father was. Not wishing for controversy, she quickly revealed who the information and Karth and his father were banished and sent away in secret. The royal family told the public that the pregnancy resulted in a miscarriage and held a grand funeral for the supposed deceased prince. Meanwhile, Karth's father travelled with his newborn son to the city of Mithril to start a new life.

2) Early Life - Karth's father settled in the Harbor City section of Mithril and began taking whatever odd jobs he could find. As Karth got older he would sometimes help, but he usually caused more harm than good and was sent away. It was these times that he first began following the other boys around town, participating in various acts of thievery and creating bonds of friendship.

3) Later Life - As he got older, Karth began to grow bored with petty thievery. After all, it was his destiny to become king of Bridged City and he wasn't going to do that by pickpocketing the various merchants who came to Harbor City. He wanted more, but he didn't exactly know how to get it. Lucky for him his old friend Faust was an ambitious one, and when he stole a ship from the harbor he invited Karth and the other thieves who grew up together to join as his crew. Karth saw this as an opportunity, not only to relieve his boredom but also to gain more riches than he'd ever be able to scrounge alone.

4) The Magnificent Manslayer - As is custom among the Conspicuous Oils, Karth has a nickname that he goes by. When thinking up the names with the others he initially came up with such ideas as "Karth the Glorious", "The Radiant Ruffian", and "The Most Gorgeous Pirate Known to Man." These were all quickly shot down by the others, who said the point of the nicknames were to strike fear. Faust suggested he go by "The Manslayer" since he was always a ruthless fighter when the need arose, and reluctantly Karth accepted. However, it quickly came to everyone's attention that he was reffering to himself as "Karth the Magnificent" outside of their presence. They tried to get him to follow the captain's suggestion, only to be told that "the title simply does not express my greatness as well as it should." After some discussion they finally all came to a compromise, and Karth's nickname was officially made to be "The Magnificent Manslayer."

5) Appearance - Karth is somewhat tall, standing 6'3", with a fairly slender build. He has long, silver hair due to his elven heritage and he is very protective of it - many men have scars (or worse) to show as a result of touching Karth's hair. His manner of dress is never very fancy as he has always been of the lower class, but whatever the clothing he always wears it in a way that gives off an air of nobility. Even while at sea he makes a point to look his best, and can often be found tending to his precious hair. On his belt hangs a mirror that, while useful for some raids, spends most of its time reflecting Karth's face back at him.

6) Personality Traits - As a narcissist Karth tends to be very confident in his abilites, and his self-esteem is never low. He goes into every battle without fear, completely assured of his victory from the start. He is always looking to make friends with new people (no one should miss the opportunity to gaze upon his gorgeous face, after all), though this is often made difficult due to the arrogance that often manifests in social situations due to his narcissism. He is extremely loyal to the few people he truly respects, and despite his overconfidence he is still a formidable opponent on the battlefield, so to some it might be worth earning that respect.
Step 2: List at least two goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another should be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.
1) Karth ultimately desires to become the king of Bridged City. He feels he was wrongly banished, and that as retribution he deserves to gain the throne in place of his half-sister Hannatha.

2) I'd like Karth to get a chance to return to Bridged City so that I can develop that part of his story. He need not actually ever gain the throne as he wants, but I'd at least like to have him come to terms with royalty who are against him in some way, and perhaps meet his mother for the first time.
Step 3: List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet. This will help me in creating plots that center around your character. I may also be creating a third secret which you as a player will not be aware of, so expect the unexpected.
1) Karth is actually the son of Queen Gwatra of Bridged City, making him royalty in the city-state. He ultimately plans to use this to become king and rule the city-state as he feels he deserves.

2) Karth was made a divine champion of Enkili without his knowledge, and most of his success and combat skill is a result of this. Enkili chose him for his personality, and as such the divine powers he possesses are triggered by him acting in line with his natural narcissism. Acting against this can sometimes have negative effects.
Step 4: Describe at least three people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. If you like, you can include an enemy of yours here as well, so I have an instant NPC nemesis to throw at you.
1) Karth's father is his only real family, and he cares deeply about his only son. He is the one who filled Karth's head with the idea of becoming king, and thus is directly responsible for Karth's narcissism.

2) Captain Faust is an old friend and Karth has a great deal of respect for the quirky man. He is one of the few people Karth views as an equal.

3) Queen Gwatra, Karth's mother, has a somewhat neutral opinion of him. As her own child she cannot hate him, but she was not sad when he was banished from Bridge City with his father. She wants to avoid a succession dispute just as much as the other royals who know of his existence, but would be torn somewhat if that were ever to happen.

4) The king consort of Bridged City was furious when he learned that Karth was not his son, and when he found out he immediately had the boy and his father banished from the city. He loved his wife enough to forgive her for her affair, but he hates Karth and his father and would likely go to any means to keep them from returning or gaining any sort of prominince in Bridged City.
Step 5: Describe three memories, mannerisms, or quirks that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor.
1) Karth is very much a narcissist, and can sometimes be quite arrogant due to his self-absorption. Ironically, these personality traits are the direct cause of his successes in life, as well as his skills in combat, due to them triggering his divinely-granted abilities.

2) He has a very fuzzy memory of the palace interior from the time he was born. Occasionally it is the setting of his dreams, where he is revered by the citizens of Bridge City as a great leader.

3) He absolutely hates for anyone to touch his hair unless they are a very close friend, and even then he is not completely comfortable with it. Touching Karth's hair is one of the few ways to anger him (and the quickest), and has occasionally resulted in the injury or death of the unfortante offender.
Background - Family/Class/Previous or Other Profession/Institutions

Who raised you and how did they shape your life? What social class do you belong to, and how did that change your opportunities and your outlook? What did you do for a living, before joining the investigation team? What social institutions (religions, governments, civil society, businesses) are you a part of or interact with? Do you have a spouse? Children? Did you at one time?

I add this last bit because I like to tie characters into the world around them. Often, people go for very individual or personal stories - long-lost love, bad guy killed my parents, mysterious birth, etc. But I find that this can make characters somewhat disconnected from the world around them, and the world becomes rather too much of a two-dimensional backdrop. Both in reality, you'd expect people to be profoundly shaped by their society and the institutions around them.
Family - Karth's only real family is his father, and older elven man who was once a guard at the Queen's palace in Bridged City. While he is related by blood to the Bridged City royalty, most of them are unaware of his existence. The ones who do know of him want him kept a secret, so as not to cause a succession dispute.

Class - On his mother's side he is a member of the Bridged City royalty, on his father's side he is a common peasant. He was raised by his father in Mithril as a simple commoner, but his royal blood cannot be denied.

Profession - Karth is a pirate and he is good at it. He has been First Mate of the Quina Vjeta for a long time under Captain Faust, and not without reason. He was one of the few to survive the fateful encounter with the guarded merchant ship, and one of the even fewer to survive who was also a companion of Faust in his youth.

Institutions - he is a member of Faust's Crew, the Conspicuous Oils.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary

Here's where I like to get a bit more personality than backstory, because an overly historical concept only really gives you a good grounding in what your character did, what happened to them, rather than what they'll do in the future. So I generally try to ask what motivates a character at any given moment: Revenge? Wealth? Fame? Personal Excellence? Curiosity? Survival? Instinct? Reason? Power? Emotions? Loyalty? Etc.
Primary - Karth's feeling of entitelement towards the throne of Bridged City is his primary motivating factor. He deserves to rule the city as he sees it, and he will do everything in his power to obtain the position he views as rightfully his.

Secondary - His years as a pirate have also fostered in him a desire for wealth. He has incorporated this lesser desire into his ultimate goal of becoming King of Bridged city by deciding that he will not yet return to the city-state until he has first amassed considerable wealth. This amassing of wealth will surely make it easier for him to obtain the influence he needs gain the throne, but he also wants it for the luxury as well.

Tertiary - Karth is always looking to make new friends, having grown up with very few. His personality tends to hinder him in his pursuit for companions, so one could say it is a never-ending search for those patient and accepting enough to handle his presence on a regular basis.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term

Similar to your Step 2, I think that goals give a character a higher order of drive, and can make for a nice character arc that gives level progression some meaning beyond mechanics. In addition, as you point out, it can also be a good hook for DMs.
Short Term - Meet and befriend the new crewmembers. More friends are always nice.

Medium Term - Continue earning coin with Faust, until Karth as enough to return to Bridged City in style and live there comfortably.

Long Term - Win the hearts of the people of Bridged City and take over as monach instead of his half-sister Hannatha.
Ten-Minute Background Response Format
Background and Concept Elements






People Tied to Character


Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks


Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions



Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary


Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term


Last edited by kalis5 on Wed Sep 23, 2015 3:48 pm, edited 22 times in total.
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Re: Truth in the Fog (Possible Title) OOC

Post by Fialova »

Mr. Lau
Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
Early Life: Lau, whose full name is Kuan Han Shen Lau, was born in Sung Ra, a city on the fringes of society in Amkhara. His parents were simple folk, peasants in a crime-ridden city. He was to be raised as a fisherman like his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, but opted to spend time roaming the streets instead of spending time out on his father's small boat.

A Rebel Youth: As he grew older, Kuan would spend more and more time roaming the city with friends he'd made. One of them, a larger boy named Bo, invited him to join a new group, which turned out to be the youth branch of a local gang. Eager to be part of something exciting, the young Kuan happily joined.

A Life of Crime: The young Kuan's gang quickly became his family, and he stopped seeing his parents. He'd escaped a life of poverty and monotony, and instead found a new life of thrills. However, as he became more involved with his gang he was expected to do more and more criminal acts, some violent, and he began to have second thoughts.

Falling Out: He had had no issue with theft, or drugs, or even with intimidating rival gangs, but Kuan became fed up when he found that the threats they made weren't empty, and he got in hot water with the leadership when he refused to kill a man for crossing them. They beat him, and he was left bitter. While still a part of the group, he felt distanced from them, and wanted to get out. So he turned to an old friend he had, who had since joined a rival gang.

Escape: Kuan met with his friend, Li Tong, who was in a similar position with his own gang. Both were friend before they started hanging out with criminals, having grown up near one another. They decided to make it seem like the two had gotten into a scrap in defense of their respective gangs, which resulted in both of their deaths. They then were smuggled out of the city, for a hefty sum, and made their way to Talguta.

The Central City: In Talguta, the pair made the most of what they had, and eventually were once more swept into lives of crime. However, they were both much more wise and cautious after their lives in Sung Ra, and found their way into the less violent spheres of crime - primarly, drug dealing and smuggling. While there was no shortage of violence in this realm, they managed to distance themselves from it, and together made a decent amount of money. However, there were plenty in Talguta that still had connections with Kuan's old gang, so he took extra precautions. From then on he only went by the moniker Mr. Lau, since he had never actually told his surname to his old 'family.'

Another Escape: Despite his precautions, it did eventually come to light that Lau was in the city - not dead like he tried to seem - and his old gang found him. Once more, he had to escape the city, and with his new connections with the many drug smugglers in Forelle it wasn't hard for him to acquire passage off the island. Deciding to put much more space between him and his pursuers, Lau set his sights on Imardin, eventually finding his way to Ellisport.

Business Booms: With all of his connections, Lau quickly managed to establish himself in Ellisport, claiming to be an alchemist from Ghia. He acquired a small storefront, from where he managed his smuggling business, continuing to work closely with his friend Li Tong, who had stayed in Talguta. He eventually met a new friend, Ruihi, who would become integral in his operation over time, making his way up to being de facto partner in the business, even if on the face of it he was just hired muscle. Together they prospered, until word reached Lau of a new opportunity.

Expansion: While he was profitable in Ellisport, he was only one of many drug smugglers, and one of many alchemists as well - a small fry who had many much more influential competitors to contend with. However, recent military activity resulting in the conquest of Mai'kawa provided Lau with a business opportunity he could not pass up. He decided to relocate his operation to Chèronte, the capital of this new territory of D'armon, and here he hoped to establish himself as the prime source of drugs, and, if feasible, the most trusted alchemist.

Leon, the Professional: During the years since he moved to Chèronte, Lau met and befriended a local private investigator, named Leon. Eager to keep violent crime away from the city, mostly for personal reasons, Lau offered his services as an adviser on chemical matters to the man, in exchange for a share of the reward on each case he helped to solve. The partnership has so far worked to his advantage, as the lesser presence of violent criminals makes it all the less likely that his old gang will catch up to him in his new home.
1) Lau wants to continue to expand his drug smuggling ring so that he becomes the undisputed king of the drug trade in Chèronte, with no major competitors

2) I'd like for there to eventually be a final resolution between Lau and his old gang, who continue to hold a grudge against him for leaving - something that is not allowed.
1) Lau's alchemy shop is only a front for his primary business, which is in smuggling drugs from around Forelle into Imardin, and selling them. His interest in the PI firm is entirely selfish, as general crime and corruption in the city makes it easier to tie things to him. His hope is that by helping to clean it up, he can make it safer for himself and his associates to do business uninterrupted.

2) Though he thinks Chèronte is safe, there are people in the city who know of his past and keep his old gang informed of his activities. They plan to act against him when the time is right.
People Tied to Lau
Li Tong: Lau's old friend and close business associate. The two escaped Sung Ra together, and he now runs a smuggling operation out of Talguta that has close business ties with Lau's own.

Ruihi: Lau's friend and current business partner, a large man from Mai'okon.

Marguerite: A Kawani prostitute who changed her name to seem less foreign to the new Imardanian inhabitants of Chèronte. She and Lau have a complicated, semi-romantic relationship.

Bo: A now-high-ranking member of Lau's old gang, who feels it is his duty - as the man who recruited Lau - to see to the man's demise. He has never forgiven his old friend for leaving, and plots retribution for the deed.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Though not necessarily a fond memory, he still remembers trips he used to take with his father on his fishing boat. He sometimes wonders how different his life would have been had he stuck to his parents' plan for him, but he has no regrets for the way things have turned out so far.

2) Constantly on guard for his own safety, Lau has a habit of keeping a straight face, not wanting to betray his emotions to anyone who could be an enemy. Due to his genes this results in what looks kind of like a scowl, giving him a reputation as a hard ass among the people he does business with.

3) Lau keeps a collection of rare and precious stones, having been interested in them as a hobby since one of his early jobs as a young gang member led him to stealing a satchel full from an old noblewoman. He keeps his collection hidden, for fear of theft, but he will show it to those he is closest to.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: His parents were peasants, though he hasn't seen them in decades. He has many siblings, most of which he has never met, and would never recognize.

Class: Criminal/Merchant classes in Imardin, depending on who he is dealing with.

Profession: Alchemist, Drug Smuggler, and investigation adviser.

Institutions: Dupont investigations, his own smuggling ring, Li Tong's smuggling ring, Imardin Merchant's Guild
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Money and Power are Lau's main goals, which drive his business ventures and many of his personal choices.

Secondary: Freedom from the influence of his old gang is something he has sought ever since he left it, and it influences him in many ways.

Tertiary: A general distaste for violence was what led him to leave his old gang, and is part of his willingness to aid the investigations in Chèronte.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Make Chèronte a more stable and safe place to do business.

Medium-Term: Free himself once and for all from his old gang's grasp, so that he can finally live in peace and without fear.

Long-Term: Become wealthy and powerful enough to retire comfortably as an aristocrat in the Imardin interior, safe and secure with a life of leisure.
Character Sheet
Kuan Han Shen Lau, level 3
Human, Druid
Primal Aspect: Primal Wrath
Human Power Selection: Bonus At-Will Power
Background: Alchemist (+2 to Alchemy)

Str 8, Con 12, Dex 10, Int 14, Wis 20, Cha 12.

Str 8, Con 12, Dex 10, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 12.

AC: 16 Fort: 13 Reflex: 15 Will: 18
HP: 34 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 8

Ghian, Okani, Imardanian, Common

Alchemy +16, Bluff +13, Geogrpahy +8, Insight +21, Language +13, Medicine +13, Nature +13, Perception +11,

Acrobatics 0, Animal Ken +8, Arcana +3, Athletics -1, Diplomacy +2, Dungeoneering +6, Endurance +1, Engineering +6, Local History +3, Intimidate +2, Post Mortem +6, Religion +3, Smithing +6, Stealth 0, Streetwise +2, Thievery 0, World History +3,

Level 1: Alchemy +2, Medicine +2, Bluff +2, Insight +2
Level 2: Alchemy +2, Language +2, Bluff +2, Insight +2
Level 3: Alchemy +2, Nature +2, Bluff +2, Insight +2

Druid: Ritual Caster
Human: Alchemical Opportunist
Feat User Choice: Totem Expertise
Level 1: Grounding Shot
Level 2: Traveler's Insight

Bonus At-Will Power: Jolt of Lightning
Druid at-will 1: Grasping Tide (Druid)
Druid at-will 1: Swarming Locusts
Druid at-will 1: Fire Hawk
Druid encounter 1: Wall of Smoke
Druid daily 1: Lightning Arc
Druid utility 2: Verdant Bounty
Druid encounter 3: Quills

Ritual Book, Totem, Hide Armor, Writing case, Adventurer's Kit, Alchemy Case, Broy (5), Cage (Small), Distillation Kit, Flask (empty), Footpads, Holy Symbol, Poisoner's Kit, Rare Herbs (Nature) (100), Alchemical Reagents (Arcana) (50), Slow-Step Oil (level 3)

Animal Messenger, Brew Potion

Antivenom, Herbal Poultice, Bloodstinger Poison, Tethercord, Slow-Step Oil
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Re: Truth in the Fog (Possible Title) OOC

Post by Namelessjake »

Leon Dupont
Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
1.) Early Life - Leon was born to a dock worker and a whore in Ellisport. His upbringing was harsh with his parents bringing in little money and his Father drinking most of what they did have.

2.) I am the Law - At the age of sixteen Leon joined the City Watch, wanting to get away from his home life. Living in the barracks with the other recruits, his duties consisted of little more than standing guard at various posts throughout the city and breaking up the occasional drunken tavern brawl.

However he worked hard and gained recognition with his superiors. Eventually after working his way up the ranks, he was assigned to a team of Investigators, tasked with investigating the more serious crimes committed in the city. His keen eye and instinct made him a valuable asset to the team.

3.) Marie - Along the way he met Marie. She was working in a tavern when they first met but Leon thought she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever set eyes on. After courting her for a while, the, then young, City Watchman eventually asked her to marry him. The two lived happily together, moving into their own Ellisport house as Leon moved up the ranks.

Then, one night several years ago, Leon returned home from work to find their front door open, the lock smashed. The house had been trashed and looted for its valuables. Upstairs he found Marie sprawled across their bed, the stains stained red with her blood.

4.) Breaking Point - After the murder of his wife, Leon turned to alcohol, quickly developing a dependency. Depressed, he tried to bury himself in work however he now regularly clashed with his superiors, as he tended to disregard procedure After a year of this most of the top brass wanted him gone. However throughout his career he had earned the respect and favour of several powerful people and it was deemed firing a high level investigator could be considered scandalous.

Eventually they found a reason to fire him when a suspect, Leon was chasing through the docks, drowned.

While clearing out his office, Leon stole his commanding officer’s pistol, a rare and priceless new weapon. He then spent a week or so in his house drinking, trying to work up the courage to put the gun to his head and pull the trigger.

Dupont Investigations - After wallowing in self pity for a while, Leon decided he was done with Ellisport. He packed his things and headed to the docks. He bought passage on the first boat he could, a ship ferrying settlers to the island of D’armon, just two years after its occupation began.

Arriving in Chèronte he rented a small office and set up a private investigation firm, Dupont Investigations, hoping to profit from the fairly lawless state of the frontier settlement as rich Imardanians moved to the island hoping to exploit the new land.
1) Leon wants to help people of Chèronte and make money by solving cases and growing the PI firm. Hopefully distracting him from his dead wife.

2) I'd like Leon to find a reason to move on from Marie.
1) Leon was fired after a suspect drowned during a chase. The man drowned after Leon knocked him unconscious and he fell into the water.

People Tied to Leon
Marie Dupont - Leon’s wife. She was murdered when their home was robbed. He still has yet to get over her death.

Commander Pierre Mallette - The commander of the Ellisport city watch. He was Leon's superior. When Leon left the watch he stole the Commander's pistol.

??? - The man or men who broke into Leon's home and murdered his wife Marie.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Leon is a functional alcoholic and has been since his wife’s death. His drink of choice being Fontaine Whiskey.

2) He can picture the scene he came home to, the night of his wife's murder, in vivid detail. From the blood on the sheets to the broken lock.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: His parents are still alive and living in Ellisport. But they are his only living relatives.

Class: He went from working class to a more bourgeois lifestyle as an investigator in the city watch. He now lies somewhere in the middle.

Profession: Private Investigator

Institutions: Dupont Investigations, Ellisport City Watch
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Keeping busy. Leon works to try and forget his wife.

Secondary: Justice. Leon does want to see justice come to those who deserve it. It is part of why he originally joined the Ellisport City Watch, however since his wife’s death his view of justice has become somewhat skewed.

Tertiary: Money. Leon founded his PI firm hoping to make money from the rich Imardanians coming to the island.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Solve his current case and get paid.

Medium-Term: Gain more contacts, informants and clients, growing the PI firm.

Long-Term: Move on.
Inquisitive Contacts
1.) Captain Lucien Baumé - a low ranking captain of the Chèronte City Watch.

2.) Évrard Carrel - One of the Imardanian sailors still stationed on D'armon.

3.) Kaleo - A D'armon native, Kaleo works in the Chèronte docks by day but also has some less legitimate work.

4.) Alana - A native who has become a prostitute catering to the Imardanian colonists.

5.) Raione - A local fence, native to the island.
Character Sheet
Leon Dupont, level 3
Drow, Rogue
Rogue Tactics: Brutal Scoundrel
Rogue: Sharpshooter Talent
Sharpshooter Talent: Sharpshooter Talent (Crossbow)
Background: Broken Lands (Learn Dwarven)
Theme: Inquisitive

Str 15, Con 12, Dex 20, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 12.

Str 15, Con 12, Dex 18, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 10.

AC: 18 Fort: 13 Reflex: 18 Will: 12
HP: 34 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 8

Stealth +13, Thievery +14, Insight +12, Intimidate +11, Streetwise +10, Perception +12, Post Mortem +10

Acrobatics +6, Arcana, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +2, Dungeoneering +1, Endurance +2, History, Nature +1, Religion, Athletics +3, Geography, Smithing +1, Engineering +1, Medicine +1, Animal Ken +2, Alchemy, Local History, World History, Language +1

Level 1: Distant Advantage
Level 2: Ruthless Hunter
Feat User Choice: Crossbow Expertise

Lolthtouched: Cloud of Darkness
Rogue at-will 1: Deft Strike
Rogue at-will 1: Disheartening Strike
Rogue encounter 1: Unbalancing Shot
Rogue daily 1: Blinding Barrage
Rogue utility 2: Fleeting Ghost
Rogue encounter 3: Enforced Threat

Leather Armor, Flintlock Pistol (Distance Hand Crossbow +1), Belt Pouch (empty), Bottle of Wine (10), Flask (empty), Flint and Steel, Identification Papers with Portrait, Thieves' Tools, Torch (2), Writing case, Dagger (5), Coinpurse of 140 gp.
Combat Block
Leon Dupont

Male Drow Rogue 3
Languages: Imardanian, Kawani, Common
Age: 38
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 172 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 16
Senses: DarkVision

AC: 18
Fort: 13
Reflex: 18
Will: 12
HP: 34/34
Bloodied: 17
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1

MBA: +7 vs AC, 1d4+3 damage. (+2d6+2 damage if Sneak Attack)
RBA: +11 vs AC, 1d8+6 damage. (+2d6+2 damage if Sneak Attack)

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Disheartening Strike
Deft Strike
Fleeting Ghost

Second Wind [_]
Unbalancing Shot [_]
Enforced Threat [_]
Cloud of Darkness [_]
Inquisitive Shadowing [_]

Blinding Barrage [_]


Important Features:
Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:

Fey Origin: My ancestors were native to the Feywild, so I am considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to create origin.

Trance: Rather than sleep, I enter a meditative state known as trance. I need to spend 4 hours in this state to gain the same benefits other races gain from taking a 6-hour extended rest. While in a trance, I am fully aware of my surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.

First Strike: At encounter start, get combat advantage against foes that haven't acted yet.

Sneak Attack: Once per turn, if I have combat advantage and hit with a crossbow, light blade, shortbow or sling, deal extra damage. (+2d6+2)

Notable Feats:

Farshot: Increases projectile weapon range by 5 squares.

Distant Advantage: Gain CA with ranged and area attacks against flanked enemies.

Level 1 Inquisitive Feature: Create a small network of 3 to 5 individuals. It takes 2d6 hours for your contacts to respond to your requests, so you can only call on your network for help once per day. Your contacts aid you so long as doing so doesn't pose a significant risk to them. If they cannot or will not help you will learn that fact within 1d4 and you don't expend the use of this feature. When your contacts aid you, choose one of the following benefits;

* A +4 bonus to one knowledge check, streetwise check, or any other check the DM decides the contact can aid you with.
* A 10 percent discount on the listed price of one item or service.
* Minor aid or insight, such as leaving a side door unlocked, introducing you to someone, or providing you with the name of a local fence.

Item Features:

Distance Hand Crossbow +1: Increases the weapon's normal range by 5 squares and the long range by 10 squares.
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Re: Truth in the Fog (Possible Title) OOC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Violette Blanc
Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
1) Appearance: An Imardanian beauty, Violette has often turned heads while strolling down a Chèronte promenade. Her striking hazel eyes embody her gaze, and she has lengthy brown hair, which she often keeps up in a bun. Being born into aristocracy, her clothing is elegant and high-quality, as well as her fine, jeweled accessories.

2) Personality: Despite being a member of a prominent family in Imardin, Violette is not arrogant and rude like others may be. That doesn't mean she doesn't have her bratty moments, though. Generally, she is cheery and friendly, especially on beautiful days. Being an aristocrat, she is polite and knows the proper social rules. She uses her charm to further herself in society, as well as grow the family company.

3) Early Life: On a warm day in Francière, the 15th of Leone to be more exact, Violette was born to Gaspard and Adélaide Blanc. Their first daughter, she was especially pampered, receiving more clothing than a peasant would see in their entire life. With the great wealth of the Blancs, her childhood was better than anyone could ask for. Growing up on a vast estate, she had plenty of room to play and explore. Whether listening to her father's many stories or running among the grape vines with her cousin and brother, Violette had a great children, which she remembers fondly. Although some moments, she didn't care for, such as learning etiquette or dealing with her tutor.

4) L'Académie: Once she reached the age of schooling, she was sent off to L'Académie de Aerlynn, where she would be taught for many years to come. Here, she learned everything from linguistics to history, religion to alchemy. Though she took great interest in history and the languages, of which she learned many, she cared little for alchemy, instead yearning to know more about magic and the arcane. She also learned the basics of business practices, which would help her eventually lead a division of her family's wine production company. At L'Académie, she met Florianne LaBelle, who would eventually try to make her life a living hell. Choosing to be the better person, Violette ignored the she-demon bitch and focused on her studies. At least she did most of the time.

5) Studying Hard: As years passed, Violette learned more and more, and she even became one of the favorite students of the professors. Although the petty feuds between her and Florianne still occurred, they had dwindled, as the woman had been placed on academic probation, much to the displeasure of the LaBelle family. Despite doing well in most courses, she struggled with medicine. On several occasions, she sought help from her professor, only to find him ogling over her appearance. Realizing the power she possessed over him, she charmed him into giving her a passing grade. From then on, she knew she could use her body and careful words to get whatever she wished. Eventually, she finished up her studies and returned home.

6) Vin D'Blanc: Upon returning home from schooling, Violette found herself with little to do, not particularly interested in waiting around for a man to woo her. Realizing her potential, her father suggested that she begin to help out with the family business. With the skills of economics and business she learned, she kept herself busy trying her hardest to improve the company. With the new blood in the company came new idea, which only Violette could get him to try out. Although a firm wall with most people, he was putty in Violette's hands. Eventually, her father heard of new business opportunities opening up in the west.

7) Le Vignoble en Chèronte: Through rumor and documents, Violette's father learned of the new, fertile lands on the newly-conquered island D'armon, rumored to be ideal for grapes. Easily seeing the riches to be earned from the island, Gaspard began the plans for a new estate and vineyard in Chèronte. Being too busy with leading the rest of the company, he sent his daughter to oversee the Chèronte operations. Excited for a new place with new people to meet, she departed for the island as soon as the home was built for her. Despite sometimes getting lonely and missing her friends and family back home, Violette loves the island and is working to made Vin D'Blanc better than ever.

8) Dupont Investigations: With the written exchanges between her and her father, Violette learned that an old family friend, Leon Dupont, was on the island and had begun a private investigation company. Remembering his service in the City Watch in Ellisport, helping keep the city safe, Violette offered to do anything should could to help, wanting to return the favor. He has taken her up on that offer, and the island has become a safer place for everyone.
1) Violette wants to expand her family's wine business with the new vineyard and leave her mark on family history.

2) I'd like for her to discover the competing wine companies that have been attempting to infiltrate her operation, and put a stop to it.
1) Violette sometimes fools around with a member of her house staff, Christophe Duchamp. It's purely for enjoyment with no strings attached, but she wants to keep it quiet, given Christophe's lower social status.

2) People from rival families and companies are looking to infiltrate the Blanc's Chèronte operation in order to undermine the family's success. Some employees have been bribed to disrupt wine production while other enemies simply attempt to destroy the grape crop. Although little has been done yet, the opponents are silently plotting.
People Tied to Violette
1) Gaspard Blanc is Violette's father and the biggest influence in her life and career. He was the one who inspired her to join the family business and become a success. As a young girl, she would often spend time with him, listening intently to his many stories while her brothers played in the yard. She often writes him, not just for business, but for the personal aspect as well. He is the powerful head of Vin D'Blanc and the patriarch of the prestigious Blanc family.
2) Christophe Duchamp is a member of Violette's house staff, and her casual lover on the down-low. When she needs a casual night of fun. Christophe is the first person she seeks out. Their relationship is entirely non-romantic, and Violette doesn't care for it to extend beyond that. He has few responsibilities, save keeping his mouth shut and tending to any guests present.
3) Claire Fortier is Violette's cousin and one of her closest friends. The two were nearly inseparable in their youth, though schooling later eventually got in the way. They still keep in touch via written letters, or in person when possible. She is currently studying more on the arcane in Menora.
4) Florianne LaBelle is Violette's rival. The two met back in their school days at L'Académie de Aerlynn, and the two began to clash almost immediately. Florianne is generally unpleasant, with a pronounced air of arrogance about her. She takes it upon herself to belittle others, and especially enjoys inflicting misery upon Violette. The start of the bitterness spawned from Violette accidentally stepping on Florianne's dress, which promptly ripped. The hatred has only grown since then.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Violette will often use her physical appearance and her social charms to get what she wants from people, whether it be information, money, or gifts. She won't resort to sleeping with random men, though.

2) Although she does enjoy drinking wines, she also will occasionally bathe in it. She is convinced that it helps keep her youthful glow and flawless complexion. She's been known to use the wines of competitors, making the statement that it's only good for bathwater.

3) Violette fondly remembers the days of her youth, when she and her siblings would run and play among the rows of grapes in their main estate's vineyard. To the day, on particularly sunny and warm days, she talks strolls among the rows.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Violette is part of the Blanc family. Old money within Imardin, they rose to prominence centuries ago from a series of smart business practices. Her parents are Gaspard and Adélaide, and she has four siblings: her older brother Jérôme (26), her younger brother Louis (21), her younger sister Rosalie (17), and her youngest brother Philippe (15).

Class: Violette is an aristocrat of Imardin. Although socially equal to commoners, her family's vast wealth allows her better opportunities.

Profession: She works for her family's wine company, Vin D'Blanc, where she is currently overseeing production of grapes from the Chèronte vineyard. For Dupont Investigations, she is a consultant.

Institutions: She attended L'Académie de Aerlynn doing her education years. She is employed by Vin D'Blanc, and she is a consultant for Dupont Investigations.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: New Experiences: Every since leaving home, Violette has tried to get what great experiences she can out of life, and she's always looking for something new to try.

Secondary: Friendship: Being in a new place with new people, Violette wants to expand her social group on the island. After all, she can't throw extravagant parties without guests who can attend.

Tertiary: Wealth: Although her family is already exceedingly wealthy, she won't hesitate to build more wealth and strives for it.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Violette wants to get herself established on D'Armon, making friends along the way.

Medium-Term: She wants to expand Vin D'Blanc to being an even larger and wealthier company, starting with the Chèronte estate.

Long-Term: She'd like to find a handsome husband and get married, and maybe have some children, all in the lap of luxury.
Character Sheet
Violette Blanc, level 3
Eladrin, Wizard
Arcane Implement Mastery: Orb of Imposition
Eladrin Subrace: Standard Eladrin Racial Traits
Background: Society - Wealthy (+2 to History)
Theme: Xaositects

Str 8, Con 12, Dex 10, Int 20, Wis 12, Cha 16.

Str 8, Con 12, Dex 10, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 14.

AC: 16 Fort: 12 Reflex: 16 Will: 17
HP: 30 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 7

Bluff +13, Arcana +15, Insight +20, Diplomacy +15, Local History +11, Religion +11, World History +15, Language +13

Acrobatics +1, Dungeoneering +2, Endurance +2, Intimidate +4, Perception +2, Stealth +1, Streetwise +4, Thievery +1, Athletics, Geography +6, Smithing +2, Engineering +2, Medicine +, Post Mortem +2, Animal Ken +4, Alchemy +6

Wizard: Ritual Caster
Level 1: Linguist
Level 2: Traveler's Insight
Feat User Choice: Orb Expertise

Arcanist Cantrips: Prestidigitation
Arcanist Cantrips: Light
Arcanist Cantrips: Suggestion
Arcanist Cantrips: Spook
Wizard at-will 1: Beguiling Strands
Wizard at-will 1: Hypnotism
Wizard encounter 1: Charm of Misplaced Wrath
Wizard daily 1: Sleep
Wizard daily 1 Spellbook: Horrid Whispers
Wizard utility 2: Instant Friends
Wizard utility 2 Spellbook: Memory to Mist
Wizard encounter 3: Blissful Ignorance

Spellbook, Orb Implement, Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing), Bottle of Wine (10), Fine Clothing, Identification Papers with Portrait, Mirror, Sun balm, Writing case, Potion of Friendship (heroic tier) (2), Unreadable Ink, Coin Purse of 350 Gold
Secret Page, Amanuensis, Portend Weather
Combat Block
Violette Blanc

Female Eladrin Wizard 3
Languages: Imardanian, Brennisian, Kawani, Tulrissian, Gleiosian, Old Serran, Serran
Age: 24 (Born on the 15th of Leone, 5E Y61)
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 125 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +1
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Insight: 22
Senses: Low-light

AC: 16
Fort: 12
Ref: 16
Will: 17
HP: 30/30
Bloodied: 15
Surge Value: 7
Surges left: 7/7
Action points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: +5 against charm effects

Active Effects: None


Beguiling Strands


Second Wind [_]
Babble [_]
Orb of Imposition [_]

Charm of Misplaced Wrath [_]
Blissful Ignorance [_]

Fey Step [_]
Suggestion [_]
Spook [_]


Sleep [_]*
Horrible Whispers [_]*
Instant Friends [_]*
Memory to Mist [_]*

*Only one may be readied at beginning of day


Unreadable Ink
Potion of Friendship (heroic tier) (2)

Important Features
Trance: Rather than sleep, eladrin enter a meditative state known as trance. You need to spend 4 hours in this state to gain the same benefits other races gain from taking a 6-hour extended rest. While in a trance, you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.

Eladrin Will: You gain a +1 racial bonus to your Will defense. In addition, you gain a +5 racial bonus to saving throws against charm effects.

Fey Origin: You are considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

Eladrin Weapon Proficiency: You gain proficiency with the longsword.

Eladrin Education: You gain training in one skill of your choice.

Linguist: Choose three languages. You can now speak, read, and write those languages fluently.

Traveler's Insight: You gain a feat bonus to Insight checks equal to the number of languages you know.

Orb Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to implement attack rolls that you make with an orb. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. You also gain a +1 feat bonus to the number of squares you pull, push, or slide targets of attacks that you make with an orb.
Last edited by Scratcherclaw on Wed Sep 23, 2015 4:01 pm, edited 12 times in total.
Posts: 16
Registered for: 8 years 11 months

Re: Truth in the Fog (Possible Title) OOC

Post by AdorablyDevious »

Vivian "Vox" Bradford
Underneath the Mask
Simple Beta Background, very much subject to change.
Background and Concept Elements
Early Childhood: Vivian was born to two Elves who were never really named. Their simple designations were 24 and 31 while Vivian was raised to be 43.

At a young age Vivian was taken to her owner’s house and taught the ways of the doctor. This wasn’t to act as a doctor to any real capacity but rather to assist him in his day to day tasks of washing scalpels, making sure the right potion ingredients were there, and performing autopsies. Her training was rather thorough, however she was not allowed to actually act as a doctor save for performing some very simple routine procedures on other slaves, mostly just bandaging people up. However, she did get to watch the doctor perform a number of surgeries and procedures.

A Cruel Master: Mr. McArthur was the name of her master and he was one to be feared. Vivian was a good slave, doing everything she could to make sure he was happy however he had a short temper. Vivian was a bit too useful to hurt though, as without her the man didn’t have an assistant for surgeries. As punishment, Mr. McArthur would pick one of Vivian’s friends and tell Vivian to whip them. If she did it too soft he’d do it much harder, so Vivian had to comply. If she whipped them for too little time, she’d have to start again and do it for twice as long.

The Hypocrite’s Death: Eventually Vivian had enough and, one day when he was sleeping, snuck into Mr. McArthur’s room and slit his throat with a scalpel. She took his money and ran off that day, scarcely in her late teens as she fled Serran with the help of a few friendly humans whom were on their way to Imardian. When she finally settled there she named herself Vivian Bradford, after one of the humans that had helped her escape.

The Academy: Eventually Vivian started to train more into becoming an actual doctor, having thought her past was long since well…in the past. She used the money that she had stolen from Mr. McArthur to pay for her education in L'Académie de Aerlynn where she learned many things from Linguistics to Medicine. She was a prodigy in the latter, however. She very quickly rose to the top of the ranks in the school, competing with the highest ranking members out there in rather quick succession. With the fame though came notoriety and eventually the name “Vivian Bradford” started to circulate.

Love: Vivian met her soon to be wife in the academy, where they hit it off rather well. The woman, named Callia Devereux, was a bit shy at first but the two eventually bonded over their love for music and other things. Neither of them thought that their relationship would be taken too well, with Callia’s family being a set of notable merchants in the world and Vivian having been a former slave. They kept their love a secret for a while before they decided to marry in secret. They stayed together for at least five years before her last days.

Vox Populi: One day, Vivian was performing surgery on a man whom died on her table. There was nothing to be done, the man had already been too far gone by the time Vivi had actually gotten him and Vivi did her best to actually help him. Sadly, all she could do was help him feel comfortable as he died with the current medical technology. Little did Vivi know though that the man had a wife originally from Serran. The woman did not take kindly to an elf having “killed” her husband and hired mercenaries to take her, dead or alive. They got to Callia first however and with the woman refusing to give up her wife…Callia sadly passed. Vivian ran to another part of Imardia and began her life as a doctor named Vox.
(After this is where PI stuff happens)
First set of Goals
1) Vivian would like to eventually confront the men who are hunting her, preferably when she is strong enough to actually deal with them. Dying is something she promised her late wife she would not do, no matter the odds.

2) I'd like Vivian to eventually have some reputation in the world. Using this reputation I’d love to open a school somewhere. A school in the renaissance era…would be a wonderful place to gather new plot hooks I feel and I’ve always wanted to do something like it.
1) Vivian keeps her identity secret to just about everyone except Violette and her late wive’s sister. Nobody really knows her as anything but ‘Vox,’ the creepy doctor who is much better than someone probably should be.

2) Vivian does not actually know that the people who are hunting her now are not related to Mr. McArthur but a different incident entirely. She assumes the woman who wants her dead is the old wife of McArthur.

3) At the time Vivian didn’t think about it, but McArthur had so much money on him despite being a relatively simple doctor because he was part of a major crime ring. They have not yet found out who Vivi is, but a couple people want to thank her and a couple want her dead.
Notable People in Her Life
1) Old Stubby: A Dwarf that owes Vivian his life after she took care of him during a very bad bout of sickness. The Dwarf isn’t honestly that old, just has peculiar gray hair. He is a heavy smoker and a bit of a lazy man but will do most anything in his power to help Vivi if she needs it. He’s a blacksmith by trade.

2) Her wife’s old family still keeps in contact with her every once in a while. Most notably her wife’s sister who works as a mail carrier (or whatever we use for this).
Memories and Mannerisms
1) Vivian uses her hands to talk…a lot.

2) Vivian has an odd love for clocks, timepieces, masks, and abstract paintings. Her office is strewn with them everywhere to the point of having around five clocks, thirteen different pocket watches in the drawers, seven distinct masks, and four abstract paintings around the small building.

3) Vivian has a music box on the top of her desk, the tune of which she hums every time she gets stressed, which seems to be a lot. The song seems to calm her though there is something undoubtedly sad sounding by the way she whistles and hums it. (The Song is this just for flavor: )

4) Vivian has a large vocabulary and is rather knowledgeable in a few subjects. She tends to speak in a long, almost overly drawn way that makes her come off as slightly pompous if not as if she has noble background.
Family: Vivi has lost contact with her family a long time ago. Her wife is also deceased.

Class: She is doing rather well for herself as a doctor. Middle-High Class.

Profession: Doctor

Institutions: She is a certified doctor, however also his ties to Violette’s winery and the PI firm.
Primary: Saving lives is what Vivi does. She enjoys this and will happily risk herself at times to make sure that those she takes care of will pull through. She was unable to help her wife and believes that she needs to strive for what she does so that others will never have to go through her own pain.
Secondary: Vivi wants to live her life as a doctor and hopes that someday all of her past will dry up and she’ll be left with a good present. She feels that this eventually may happen but for now she doesn’t trust many people.
Tertiary: As much as she wishes that she wasn’t, Vivian is lonely. The life of a doctor is one that is constantly wrought with meeting people and them leaving you as the job is done. She is driven to find someone who will stay with her.
Second set of Goals
Short-Term: Gain enough money to buy herself a new timepiece or to treat herself to something nice.
Medium Term: Find a student to teach, perhaps a couple students.
Long-Term: Make a family.
Simple Stat-Block
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
level 3
Elf, Psion
Discipline Focus: Telepathy Focus
Background: Surgeon (+2 to Heal)
Languages: Imardian, Serran, Elvan

Str 10, Con 12, Dex 10, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 16.

Str 10, Con 12, Dex 8, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 16.

AC: 14 Fort: 12 Reflex: 14 Will: 16
HP: 32 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 8

Medicine +19 (6 Points), Post Mortis +17 (6 Points), Alchemy +9, Nature +15 (4 Points), Engineering +13 (4 Points), Language +13 (4 Points), Perception +11

Acrobatics +3, Animal Ken +6, Arcana +6, Athletics +3, Bluff +6, Diplomacy +6, Dungeoneering +6, Endurance +4, World History +6, Local History +6, Geography +6, Religion +6, Smithing +6, Stealth +3, Thievery +3,

Psion: Ritual Caster
Level 1: Jack of All Trades
Level 2: Psionic Skill [Medicine]

Psion at-will 1: Dishearten
Psion at-will 1: Mind Thrust
Psion daily 1: Ravening Thought
Psion utility 2: Secrets of the City
Psion at-will 3: Betrayal

Ritual Book
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Re: Truth in the Fog (Possible Title) OOC

Post by ratwizard »



Okani native with a tough attitude and tougher mind. Joined up with Lau's business and was wronged by a group of criminals, left for dead.
Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
1) Apatekka Native -- Ruihi was born in Apatekka, the most eastern city on Mai'okon. His family was a line of laborers and so too did Ruihi take up the profession from a young age. He had a robust figure as he grew into a teenager, something that was a proud facet of his family history. Life as a child in Apatekka was full of culture, excitement, and exploration.

2) Odd-jobs in the Streets -- Even as a young man, Ruihi prospered in the city of Apatekka. He found the amount of opportunities quite lucrative for someone of his size and ability to get things done. He found no task beneath him, and he commonly found himself running errands, doing one-off labor jobs. Sometimes he would be employed as a guard of a storefront or a merchant's stall.

3) Got Shanghaied to Ellisport -- After getting paid handsomely for a job, Ruihi found himself in one of the taverns to watch the dancers and have a couple drinks. Led on by one of the women, he stepped out into the alley behind the tavern and was ambushed by a group of men. Despite his strength, they outnumbered him and hogtied him. Minutes later, he found himself in a dimly lit sewer-like chamber serving as a smuggling operation at the city's scummier part of the waterfront. The vicious-looking men made him sign a document stating that he would work aboard a merchant vessel en route to the Imardanian homeland. When he protested, they held a blade to his neck and forced his hand.

4) Evaded Captors -- Ruihi was conscripted into hard labor under a contractual setup he had little control over. The work was difficult and the pay was measly. He struggled to learn the native language of Imardanian aboard the Spotted Eagle. He did, however, befriend a man named Jurell from Chathra who had a similar misfortune of being shanghaied. The two of them devised a plan to escape from the grips of their immoral employer upon docking in Ellisport, one of the stops along the way. When they arrived, they were able to execute their plan with ease, diving into the water and swimming for safety. Both of them broke free but were separated.

5) Jurell's Absence -- After finding himself a free man in a foreign land, Ruihi first ensured he would not be picked up again by the shanghaiers. Once he had made certain that he was safe, he began to look for Jurell. The Chathran had managed to make a few contacts around the city but Ruihi had no luck with them. Frustrated, Ruihi moved on to find new work, despite longing to connect with his only friend in the region.

6) Breaking the Lau -- Not long after, the Okani man met Mr. Lau, an alchemist-cum-dealer. Appreciating the man's opportunism, he accepted a job offer from the man to be hired muscle. Over the next year or so he gained Lau's mutual respect after showing that his brawn wasn't the only valuable thing about him. He was able to prove his tactical mind by helping set up the distribution network across Ellisport for Lau's alchemical drug supplying. Together, they flourished.

7) Tag-along Journey -- When Lau got the idea to relocate to D'armon, Ruihi had no problem with tagging along.
1) Ruihi wants to start a new leaf and make something of himself in the business world.

2) He also wants to get revenge against the group that shanghai'd him.

2) I want him to become a business owner and invest in Cheronte.
1) Something that troubles Ruihi's dreams is the fact that he was forced to murder another man aboard the Spotted Eagle. Ruihi had had his problems with a particularly moody and aggressive sailor and after an argument, the drunk captain had approached. He made the two men fight each other to the death. Despite Ruihi protesting after he had beaten his opponent fair and square, the captain threatened to kill the Okani in his sleep if he didn't finish the job. Begrudgingly, Ruihi smashed in the skull of the other man against an anchor and threw him to the sea. He has told nobody since.

2)Jurell was caught by the slave captain's men and forced back into a permanent position aboard the Spotted Eagle.
People Tied to Ruihi
1) Lau -- Partner and close confidante. Ruihi trusts Lau and does not take for granted the opportunity that the man has given him.

2) Jurelle -- A half-elf man from Serranak. Ruihi had developed romantic feelings with him aboard the Spotted Eagle, but upon being separated he hasn't seen him since.

3) Captain Messimer -- A vicious, drunkard, Serran-born human who gets most of his sailors by shanghaiing them in Forellian port cities. Ruihi hates him after what he forced him to do.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Because of his stature and his low level of knowing Imardanian, Ruihi comes off as a brute to others. He uses this to his advantage, learning much information because of others being off their guard.

2) Ruihi commonly throws in a word or two of Okani because of the speech barrier. He communicates better with people he trusts.

3) The time aboard the Spotted Eagle seems to have broken something in Ruihi's mind, and he is not the same man as when he started the journey to Ellisport.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Back in Apatekka, Ruihi's family lives on. He hasn't seen them in a while but he knows that he is in their thoughts.

Class: Working class, but now in a bit higher of a bourgeoisie standing.

Profession: Previously a laborer, but now more of an enforcer and hired muscle for Mr. Lau.

Institutions: Mr. Lau's alchemy and drug-manufacturing ring.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Ambition -- Making something of himself. Ruihi wants to establish a financial grounding in D'armon, much like Mr. Lau has.

Secondary: Passion -- Ruihi's love interest is missing, and he seeks him dearly.

Tertiary: Revenge -- Something driving Ruihi is the justice of those aboard the Spotted Eagle.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Connections -- Ruihi looks forward to getting through the next few investigations. Having contacts in the new city is tremendously helpful.

Medium-Term: Finding Jurelle -- Ruihi's love interest is missing, and the Okani seeks him dearly.

Long-Term: Establishment -- Ruihi wants to have his own business front or organization.
Combat Block
Character Sheet
Ruihi, level 3
Bladeling, Fighter
Fighter: Combat Agility
Fighter Talents: Brawler Style
Razor Storm Key Ability: Razor Storm Strength
Birth - Among Another Race: Among Another Race (Dwarf)
Background: Okani language

Languages: Okani, Kawani, Common, Imardanian

Str 20, Con 10, Dex 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 8.

Str 18, Con 10, Dex 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 8.

AC: 19 Fort: 20 Reflex: 13 Will: 13
HP: 37 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 9

Local History +7, Insight +17 (5 points), Intimidate +13 (6 points), Streetwise +12 (5 points), Bluff +6 (1 point), Engineering +9 (1 point), Thievery +9 (1 point)

Acrobatics +3, Arcana +4, Diplomacy, Dungeoneering +3, Endurance +1, Nature +3, Religion +2, Stealth +3, Athletics +6, World History +2, Geography +2, Smithing +3, Perception +3, Medicine +2, Post Mortem +3, Animal Ken +0, Alchemy +2, Language +7 (5 points)

Level 1: Traveler's Insight
Level 2: Street Eyes
Feat User Choice: Master at Arms

Fighter at-will 1: Grappling Strike
Fighter at-will 1: Slash and Pummel
Fighter encounter 1: Bash and Pinion
Fighter daily 1: Seize and Stab
Fighter utility 2: Legend Lore
Fighter encounter 3: Slamming Rush

Spiked gauntlet, Scale Armor, Artisan's Tools, Backpack (empty), Camouflaged Clothing, Crowbar, Footpads, Manacles, iron, Sack (2), Hempen Rope (50 ft.), Torch (5), Trail Rations (10), Thieves' Tools
Posts: 39
Registered for: 8 years 11 months

Re: Truth in the Fog (Possible Title) OOC

Post by nemtsol »

Felix Drachen
Background and concept elements
1) Birth -After a night between an engaged male wealthy merchant and a female thief, Felix wasn’t what you would call a gift from the heavens. In fact, as his mother would call him, he was “The best 50,000 gold for hush money I ever got.” Poor Felix was soon left in an orphanage, on the front steps, with his mother disappearing into the night and his father only leaving him his first name.

2) Early Life - Felix was the local trouble maker, story teller and the most rejected adoptee of the orphanage. Child after child were taken home to wonderful homes, with families that love them. While poor Felix “No Name” was left alone. Day in, day out, never picked. His only comfort was stories and songs. Tales and Songs played by minstrels. It kept his spirits up.

3) Later Life - One night, Felix left the orphanage. Taking with him some clothes,food to eat and water to drink, money, and a lute. He left to seek fortune, fame, and female company. Like a true bard. He already had a song and a plan. Felix was going to be the best minstrel in the history of the world.

4) Felix Drachen - But Felix need a last name. Something powerful. Something unique. Something that would stick in the heads and hearts of everyone. ‘Dragon? No, too Cliche. Draven? Too dwarf-like. Drac? Now that sounds violent, but close. Felix Drac...’ He looked around the outside of the city, and in the morning light, spied a chicken farm were a hen was walking around. ‘Drachen?’ Felix blinked, and said to himself, “Felix Drachen”. Yes, He was Felix Drachen. And no one was going to stop him. Not now. Not ever!

5) Writer's block - Felix Drachen was at the top of the world. He had fame. He had fortune. He had the ladies...Until disaster stuck! He had faced a demon no warrior can fight! A curse no wizard could beat! A illness that no healer could cure! Artistes everywhere tremble at it's name! The...Creativity Block! Upon reaching Imardin, the well ran dry. He was writing a tale about a hero and the hero ran into a horrible monster...And couldn't find a way out.

6)Alternate Employment- As he worked around Imardin, singing the normal ballads and getting paid with less then what he needs, that if he didn't find some way to bring in more funds, he has to sell his lute and writing supplies just to buy food. He couldn't do that! How could he achieve his dream without them? He searched for some form of employment, and found a help wanted ad for an assistant at a PI firm. Not having time to be picky, he went to the PI firm, hoping to get the job.

7) Appearance - Felix is at average height, 5 feet and 10 inches with an average build. He has black hair that often looks like he just got up from bed. His manner of dress is often at least middle to low class. He often has bags filled with random items like sand or junk, to use for distractions or the like.

8) Personality Traits - As a former orphan turned runaway, Felix tends to be very confident in his abilities, and his self-esteem is hardly ever low. He goes into every battle with a plan to turn it to his favor, be it by fighting dirty or letting everyone else fight and then cleaning up. or even not fighting at all if he can help it. He is always looking to make friends with new people. (more people, more fame, more chance at profit, more chances at getting laid) He is extremely loyal to the few people he truly respects, however he often doesn’t show it in a normal way.
1) I really want to try my hand at being a bard.

2) Felix wants to be the best god damned minstrel ever. He wants his stories told everywhere. He wants to be someone, dammit! Famous enough to find what happened to his real parents.
1) Felix made up his last name.

2) Felix is technically the heir to a wealthy merchant clan. In fact, the wife of his birth father knew about the affair, and bribed the orphanage to prevent him from being adopted until she could birth a child, then she planned to kill Felix. Not knowing that she was in fact, barren. When she found that she could not have a child, she planned to adopt Felix, but he was long gone at that time.
People Tied To Character
1) Felix’s birth father is his only real family outside of his mother (and the little said about her, the better), and he cares deeply about his son. In fact, when Felix younger, most of Felix’s books and things came from an anonymous donor A.K.A his father.

2) Felix has an ex-lover that he considered the “One that got away”. She was the one that taught him how to care about others outside of himself, how to play different instruments, and how to fight dirty. (Asking about her will get you a punch in the face.)

3) He was taught almost everything he knows by the bards from his childhood and who he met during his travels. Felix was also corrupted by said bards, but that’s a given with bards.

4) A literal and figuratively Rat-catcher that's convinced that Felix is a criminal. He has been chasing Felix for about 2-3 years until Felix managed to give him the slip, however the Rat-catcher is still after him to this day.
Memories, Mannerisms, And Quirks
1) Felix learned all of his non-personally made songs from the bards from his childhood.

2) He hates the sound of silence. In fact if it’s starts to be too quiet, he will outright panic.

3) He is against any form of racism or slavery. Because it might ruin his profits, and that it’s wrong. Mostly the former.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family - Felix's only real family is his father and his best to be forgotten mother.

Class - On his father's side he is a heir of a noble clan within his home city. On his mother's side he is a common crook. He was raised in a orphanage.

Profession -Felix is a bard. He is a writer of a couple of songs and stories. He’s not famous enough to reach his preferred title of “Best minstrel in the country” sadly.

Institutions - He was taught by traveling minstrel that he had met during his travels.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary -Felix’s greed for fame and fortune, followed by his lust for ladies is what drives him the most. You can’t get the title of best bard by laying around after all.

Secondary - Felix also is run by a form of wanderlust. He loves being out in the open, and hates to stay in one place for too long. However, if the location he’s at is helping his creativity or making him some sort of profit, then he’s fine with staying.

Tertiary - Felix is always looking to make new allies/friends to protect him/have fun with. The more people he knows, the better off he’ll be.
Short/Medium/Long Term
Short Term: Have friends,allies, and spend time with the ladies.

Medium Term: Earn money and get fame.

Long Term: Become the best minstrel in the country and find out what happened to his real parents.
Character Sheet
Felix Drachen, level 3
Gnome, Bard
Build: Cunning Bard
Bardic Virtue: Virtue of Cunning
Background: Occupation - Entertainer

Str 9, Con 10, Dex 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 19.

Str 9, Con 10, Dex 12, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 17.

AC: 14 Fort: 11 Reflex: 15 Will: 16
HP: 32 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 8

Arcana +11, Diplomacy +11, Bluff +10, Athletics +6, Acrobatics +7, Stealth +10 Local History +8 World History +8

Dungeoneering +5, Endurance +3, Heal +5, History +6, Insight +6, Intimidate +7, Nature +5, Perception +6, Religion +6, Streetwise +7, Thievery +5 Language +4, Alchemy +3, Animal Ken +3, Post Mortem +3, Medicine +3

Imardian, Common. Dwarven, Elven

Bard: Ritual Caster
Feat User Choice: Advantage of Cunning
Level 1: Magic of the Mists
Level 2: Bard of All Trades

Bard at-will 1: Vicious Mockery
Bard at-will 1: Staggering Note
Bard encounter 1: Blunder
Bard daily 1: Stirring Shout
Bard utility 2: Moment of Escape
Bard encounter 3: Lesser Flash of Distraction

Ritual Book, Leather Armor, Lute, Bard's Songblade Short sword +1, Waterskin, Writing case, Hand Crossbow, Crossbow Bolts (20)
Traveler's Chant, Lullaby, Unseen Servant
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Last edited by nemtsol on Wed Oct 21, 2015 3:24 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Truth in the Fog (Possible Title) OOC

Post by kalis5 »

Deadline! Applications must be finished within the next month, due on September 24th!
Posts: 1
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Re: Truth in the Fog (Possible Title) OOC

Post by Moonlitdreams »

In progress, of course.

? ?

Ten-Minute Background Response Format
Background and Concept Elements






People Tied to Character


Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks


Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions



Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary


Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term


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