Blackwood's Dogs — IC

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

As Isabelle closes in on the archer, he flails his feet at her, attempting to get a kick in on her approach but failing horribly to do so.
Immediate Reaction
Archer 1: kicks Isabelle, 20 vs AC = miss.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

With the closer archer finally another corpse on the deck, Henri pompously walks towards the remaining man. "And so there's one, it seems." The Imardanian fires at the bowman with a smirk, and Big John takes the chance to swing at the archer with his chains. "Perhaps now would be a good time to start thinking of some last words before I put some lead in your skull."
Move: Walk to -E16

Standard: On My Mark on Archer 1
Attack: 6(1d20) +19 = 25 vs AC = Miss

Free Action: Stone of Wind
Attack: 17(1d20) +19 = 36 vs AC = Hit
Damage: 1(1d6) +10 = 11
Big John makes a free MBA against Archer 1
Attack: 15(1d20) +21 = 36 vs AC = Hit
Damage: 4(2d4) +11 = 15
Combat Block
Henri LaBelle

Male Vryloka Warlord 11
Languages: Common, Imardanian, Forellian
Age: 21
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 150 lbs.

Speed: 7
Initiative: +13
Passive Perception: 20
Passive Insight: 16
Senses: Low-light vision

AC: 23
Fort: 24
Ref: 21
Will: 24
HP: 74
Bloodied: 37
Surge Value: 18
Surges left: 8/8
Action points: 1

MBA: +13 vs AC, 1d6+5 damage.
RBA: +17 vs AC, 1d6+7 damage.

Resistances: 10 Necrotic (5+1/2 level)
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Direct the Strike
Paint the Bulls-Eye
Sea Legs

Acrobat Boots

Second Wind [_]
Inspiring Word [X] [X] [X]
Vengeance is Mine [_]
Race the Arrow [X]
On My Mark [X]
Tempest of Triumph [_]
Lifeblood [X]
Inspiring Belligerence [_]
Dragon's Tenacity [X]
Shifting Tides [_]


Relentless Wounding [X]
Create Opportunity [X]
Warlord's Recovery [_]

Gloves of Piercing [_]
Bracers of Archery [_]
Stone of Wind [X]


Important Features
Crossbow Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls that you make with a crossbow. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. Also, you ignore partial cover or superior cover with weapon attacks you make with a crossbow.

Improved Defenses: You gain a +1 feat bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level.

Archer Captain: You and any ally within 5 squares of you ignore the penalty for attacking at long range.

Improved Inspiring Word: Add your Charisma modifier to the hit points restored by your inspiring word.

Cunning Stalker: You gain combat advantage against enemies that have no creatures adjacent to them other than you.

Duty's Virtue: Once per round, you can use the aid defense action as a minor action, but only if the chosen ally is bloodied. Also, you gain a +2 feat bonus to initiative checks.

Far Shot: When you use a projectile weapon such as a bow or a crossbow, increase both the normal range and the long range by 5 squares.

Jack of All Trades You gain a +2 feat bonus to untrained skill checks.

Fight On: You can use your inspiring word one additional time per encounter.

Resourceful Presence: When an ally who can see you spends an action point to take an extra action and uses the action to make an attack, that attack gains a bonus to damage equal to one-half your level + your Intelligence modifier. If the attack hits no target, the ally gains temporary hit points equal to one-half your level + your Charisma modifier.

Mighty Action: When you spend an action point to take an extra action, any ally who can see and hear you gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls until the start of your next turn.

Tempestuous Inspiration: When you use your inspiring word power, you can give the target of the power a +2 bonus to attack rolls and a bonus to damage rolls equal to your Charisma modifier that lasts until the end of your next turn. If the target's first attack misses during that time misses, the target grants a combat advantage to attackers until the end of your next turn.

Archer Warlord When you make a ranged basic attack with a bow, you can use Strength instead of Dexterity for the attack roll and the damage roll.

Combat Leader: You and each ally within 10 squares who can see and hear you gain a +2 power bonus to initiative.

Blood Dependency: When you are bloodied, your healing surge value drops by 2.

Living Dead: If a power has different effects on living creatures and undead creatures, you choose which effect applies to you.

Necrotic Resistance: You have a necrotic resistance equal to 5 + one-half your level.

The Mariner: While aboard a ship, gain a +1 bonus (+2 at Level 10) to any skill or ability check related to life at sea; gain the sea legs power. You gain a +2 power bonus to initiative checks. You ignore difficult terrain when you shift. While aboard a ship, you can use a minor action once per round to shift 1 square.

Distance Imardanian Officer's Pistol +3: Increases the weapon's normal range by 5 squares and the long range by 10 squares.

Lifeblood Hide Armor +2: You gain 5 temporary hit points after each rest. If you remove the armor, you lose these hit points.

Gem of Colloquy: You gain a +1 item bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks.

Cloak of Distortion: You gain an item bonus to all defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away equal to this item's enhancement bonus.

Bracers of Archery: You gain a +2 item bonus to damage rolls while attacking with a bow or crossbow.

Acrobat Boots: You gain a +1 item bonus to Acrobatics checks.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by kalis5 »

Liam growls to himself as he walks forward, shaking his head slowly as he walks, bringing his hand up and tossing a ball of firey magic at the remaining sailor, sighing to himself.
"I'm gonna get all the shite for today, I just know it... Bloody Hell."
Move to -F14 and I am on the ship! Finally!
Magic missile on remaining Archer against AC: 18(1d20) +10 = 28
Damage: 4(1d4) +5 = 9
Combat Block
Liam "Dirge" Rend

Human Bladesinger Level 11
Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven
Age: 23

Speed: 6
Initiative: 12 (+2 if within 10 squares of Henry)
Passive Perception: 21
Passive Insight: 16
Senses: Low-light

AC: 26
Fort: 21
Reflex: 25
Will: 23
HP: 75/75
Bloodied: 37
Surge Value: 18
Surges left: 9/9
Action Points: 1

Vulnerabilities: None
Active Effects: None


Bull Rush Attack
Grab Attack
Opportunity Attack
Erupting Flare
Dancing Fire
Dazzling Sunray
Unseen Hand
Cantrip Prestidigitation

Versatile Spellbook

Class Feature Bladesong [ ]
Cantrip Suggestion [ ]
Cantrip Chameleon's Mask
L2 Shield [ ]
L6 Dispel Magic [ ]
L10 Flush with Success [ ]
Theme Feature Iron Wolf Charge [ ]


Boon Spell Enemies Abound [ ]
L1 Skewering Spikes [ ]
L5 Grim Shadow [ ]
L9 Charm of the Defender [X]

Shadowdance Armor +2 [ ]


Unused Powers:
L1 Charm of Misplaced Wrath [ ]
L2 Arcane Mutterings [ ]
L5 Radiant Pillar [ ]
L6 Revitalizing Charm [ ]
L9 Fire Burst [ ]
L10 Phoenix Step [ ]

Important Features
Class Feats:
Blade Magic - Upon scoring a hit with any MBA during turn triggers any skill with the "Bladespell" keyword as a free action, however only one per attack.

Instinctive Attack - When making a melee attack, use Intelligence rather than strength for damage and attack.

Guarded Flourish - Ranged and melee attacks do not provoke OAs while holding a one-handed weapon with a free hand. +2 AC while wearing light or no armor and with a hand free using a one-handed blade.

Arcane Strike - When a daily is used, a melee strike can be performed with a minor action.

Steely Retort - When bladesong is active, any enemy adjacent that hits provokes an OA.

Theme Feats:

Iron Wolf Warrior: Gain Access to the Iron Wolf Charge power.

Level 5: +2 nature and perception checks.

Level 10: When dropped below 1HP by an enemy, make a MBA against the enemy as a free action.

Racial Traits:

Notable Feats:
Eager Advance - Add 4 to speed during first round of combat.

Low-Light Adaptation - Count sense as Low-light.

Tainted Wounds - Enemies struck by attacks cannot heal until my EoNT.

Destructive Wizardry - If an arcane power strikes two or more foes, increase damage by +3.

Quick Draw - Draw a weapon or item stored in an accessible pouch or bandolier as a free action. +2 initiative.

Heavy Blade Expertise - +2 to weapon attacks using a heavy blade. +2 AC to OAs.

Improved Defenses - +2 to Will, Reflex, and Fortitude.

Eyes in the Back of Your Head - Never grant CA from flanking.

Choir of Swords - While Bladesong is active, spend an AP to strike all enemies adjacent as a standard action.

Item Feats:

Iron Armbands of Power - +2 bonus to damage rolls.
Amulet of Protection +2 - +2 to Will, Reflex, Fortitude.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

With the last of the enemies in sight, Grommak ignores his injures and narrows his eyes at the weakened and injured man surrounded between Isabelle and the hulk that is Big John. "Save some for me!" he cries out as he dashes up the stairs, slipping around the side of the woman and landing a hasty but heavy-handed blow to the man's lower torso, at last killing him.
Move: Walk to B14

Minor: Hunter's Quarry on Archer 1.

Standard: Charge to -B10, using Marauder's Rush on Archer 1. Hits 30 AC for 23 damage, killing Archer 1.
Attack: 10(1d20) +20 = 30; 3(1d10) +17 +3(2d6) = 23
Combat Block

Male Half-Orc Two-Weapon Ranger 11
Languages: Common, Kurnish
Age: 29
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 200 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +11+2
Passive Perception: 26
Passive Insight: 21
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 24
Fort: 25
Reflex: 23
Will: 23
HP: 32/86
Bloodied: 43
Surge Value: 21
Surges left: 7/9
Action Points: 0

MBA: +18, 1d10+13



+1 against fear, daze, domination, or stun effects.

Active Effects:

CA on Archer 2.


Hunter's Quarry
Marauder's Rush
Twin Strike

Second Wind [x]
Sohei Flurry [x]
Furious Assault [x]
Off-Hand Strike [x]
Invigorating Stride [x]
Ruffling Sting [x]
Lashing Leaves [x]
Cross-Body Parry [x]
Periapt of Cascading Health +2 [_]
Boots of the Fencing Master [_]

Jaws of the Wolf [_]
Frenzied Skirmish [x]
Begin the Hunt [_]
Attacks on the Run [_]
Blood of the Fallen [_]


Important Features:
Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:

Running Attack: Using a standard action that allows movement and I move 2+ squares away, I gain +1 to attack rolls as part of that action.
Dancing Defense: If hitting with at least two melee attacks on my turn, I gain a +2 bonus to AC and Reflex TSNT.
Dual-Blade Action: On AP-spend, I can take an attack with both hands with a +4 WISmod bonus to damage.
Half-Orc Resilience: First time being blooded in an encounter, gain 10 THP.
Swift Charge: +2 bonus to speed while charging.
Sohei Indomitability: +1 power bonus to save throws against fear, daze, domination, or stun effects.

Notable Feats:

Impending Doom Style: If both Twin Strikes hit, one target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls til my next turn end.
Cunning Stalker: I gain CA against creatures with no other creatures adjacent.
Two-Weapon Opening: When scoring a crit with my main hand, I can take a MBA with my off-hand against the target as a free action.
Heavy Blade Expertise: +2 to defenses against Op Attacks while wielding HB.

Item Features:

Jagged Weapon +3: Crits on a 19 or 20, and crits do 10 ongoing damage (save ends).
Boots of the Fencing Master: When shifting, gain a +1 item bonus to AC and Reflex TENT.
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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

As Grommak finishes off the final archer, the rest of the crew gives out a loud cheer, signalling their victory. "Don't get ahead of yourselves, men," the captain quickly pipes up as he sheathes his own weapons. "The deck may be clear, but there could still be men lurking about." Turning to the vanguard, he continues. "Everyone rest up, then you six start clearing the lower decks. The rest can check up top for any stragglers, then begin preparing for cargo transfer."

With this Blackwood steps over to Marian, says a few words to her in private, then walks across the plank back to the Saint. Before returning to his quarters, though, he takes a moment to turn back and shout one last command. "Oh, and Dirge: you can take point, seeing how you've contributed nothing to this haul so far." A few of the men break out into laughter, though mostly newer blood less aware of the man's skills.

Once the Captain is back in his chambers, Orson begins walking through the crew, chatting lightly with them as they rest. "Good work as always, men. And woman," he says, as he approaches the six of you. "Not much longer and the prize is fully ours, just make sure you don't get caught off guard around a corner." He gives a lighthearted chuckle at this, before patting Henri on the back and moving on to others in the crew.

With the bear gone, and the fighting over, John takes this lull in the action to sit for a moment, leaning against the foremast and gazing out over the waves.

Go: Short Rest
Isabelle: moves...

Archer 1: tries and fails to kick Isabelle

Isabelle: ...misses, readies immediate action

Henri: moves, misses, hits

Big John: free mba, hits

Liam: moves, hits

Grommak: moves, charges, hits and kills

Combat over.

Big John: short rest, recover encounter powers and spend a single surge to return to full hp.
Map Info
Bowsprit: The horizontal mast at the front of the ship. This can be walked upon, with a DC: 20 to balance, and is accessible from atop the forecastle. Moving along it counts as being in between the squares that are shown on either side of it.

Forecastle: The enclosed structure at the front of the main deck, which can be entered from its 2 doors or moved on top of via staircases. The top level is at elevation 2.

Aftcastle: The encloses structure at the rear of the main deck, where the steering wheel is located. It can be entered from its 2 doors or moved on top of via staircases. The top level is at elevation 2.

Planks: There are two of these, one spanning (-I, 18) to (-G, 18) and the other spanning (-I, 23) to (-G, 23). These are narrow and somewhat wobbly, and as such they must be crossed with caution. You can either treat them as difficult terrain and move across them slowly and cautiously, or you can try your luck at going a bit faster. The faster route requires an acrobatics check to balance while moving, DC: 25, but does not require you to move at half speed. Only one person can be on them at a time or they will collapse.

Railings: The railings of both ships can be walked on (squares that are half water, half railing on the merchant ship count as railing squares), but follow standard balance rules (DC: 25, move half speed on them).

Rigging: Each ship has rigging holding up the masts, which can be climbed on. For the Saint, the ones on this side of the ship can be entered from (-I, 15-16) or (-I, 25-26). For the merchant vessel, they can be entered from (-G, 14-15), (-G, 22-23), (C, 14-15), and (C, 22-23). Each square closer to the center of the ship is also 1 square higher than the previous one, moving diagonally upward. The rigging on the Saint moves in a straight line from the railings to the masts, but on the other ship it moves diagonally in both the vertical and horizontal planes. Climbing in the rigging follows the standard athletics climbing rules, DC: 10.

Stairs: There are 4 staircases moving up to the tops of the forecastle and aftcastle, as well as 3 heading lower into the ship all squares that are entirely stairs count as difficult terrain.

Masts: The 3 masts, shown by large circles with 4 smaller circles around them, are impassable and provide cover. The squares that their images occupy can be entered, but you cannot move through the masts themselves (functioning like corners).

Doors: There are 4 doors, at (-A, 12), (-D, 12), (-A, 25), and (-D, 25). These lead into either the forecastle or aftcastle, but are currently closed.

Grate: The large wooden grate that opens up to the cargo hold can be opened by single person with a strength check DC: 30, by 2 people with a strength check DC: 20 each, by 3 people with a strength check DC: 15 each, or by 4 or more people with a strength check DC: 10 each. It can be walked on like any other part of the deck, with no penalty.

Wheel: The wheel turns the rudder, and thus the ship. Use with caution.

The Sea: For those who end up in the water, it is athletics DC: 15 to swim. Each turn in the water you must make the check, failure by 4 or less means you can't move, failure by 5 or more means you can't move and sink 1 square, success means you are allowed to move that turn. In the water you move at one-half your speed.

There are notches in the side of the Saint at (-I, 25), and it is an athletics DC: 15 to climb up, using standard climb rules. The deck of the ship is 4 squares above the water level, meaning you need to move upwards a total of 5 squares to be back on the deck.
Enemy Info
Sailors: These are your run of the mill sailors, the type you'd find on nearly every crew. They have some amount of combat skill, but they are nothing compared to you Dogs. They wield cutlasses and are not armored.

Archers: These men are trained in marksmanship, making them much greater threats than the average crewman of this ship. They can rain arrows down on you from afar while you wade through the rabble to get to them. Despite their skill, though, they are still only lightly armored, and a few strong swings of a blade will bring them down.

Axemen: These armored members of the merchant crew are likely hired muscle with real combat experience. They were thick hides and hold heavy axes, and look like they can pack quite a punch.
34 Liam (-F, 14) | HP: 75/75 | Surges: 9/9 | AP: 1/1 | Charm of the Defender
32 Darcell (-C, 21) | HP: 51/79 | Surges: 9/10 | AP: 1/1 | Unluck, Revitalizing Incantation, Majestic Word (1/2), Blunder, Echoing Weapon
26 Isabelle (-B, 11) | HP: 54/91 | Surges: 8/11 | AP: 1/1 | Firedeath, Four Corners Attack, Inevitable Strike, Eldritch Quagmire
25 Archer 1 (-C, 11) | HP: -118/?? | ded
21 Big John (-D, 11) | HP: 89/89 | Surges: 10/11 | AP: 0/1 |
18 Henri (-E, 16) | HP: 57/74 | Surges: 8/8 | AP: 1/1 | Inspiring Word (3/3), Dragon's Tenacity, Lifeblood, Race the Arrow, On My Mark, Relentless Wounding, Create Opportunity, Stone of Wind
14 Grommak (-A, 20) | HP: 32/86 | Surges: 7/9 | AP: 0/1 | Bloodied, Off-Hand Strike, Cross-Body Parry, Ruffling Sting, Lashing Leaves, Furious Assault, Sohei Flurry, Invigorating Stride, Second Wind, Frenzied Skirmish
Combat Block
Johannes Galben, aka Big John

Male Goliath Fighter 11
Languages: Common, Tulrissian
Age: 32
Height: 7' 6"
Weight: 315 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +8 (+10 when within 10 squares of Henri)
Passive Perception: 23
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 26
Fort: 27
Reflex: 22
Will: 24
HP: 89/89
Bloodied: 44
Surge Value: 22
Surges left: 10/11
Action Points: 0




Active Effects:
+2 to defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away


Combat Challenge
Dual Strike
Footwork Lure

Second Wind [_]
Disciplined Counter [_]
Stone's Endurance [_]
Funneling Flurry [_]
Glowering Threat [_]
Sweeping Blow [_]
Come and Get It [_]
Defensive Advance [_]
Mountain Sweep [_]

Tempest Dance [_]
Dancing Defense [_]
Chain Ward [_]
Bedeviling Assault [_]
Staggering Spiked Chain +3 [_]


Four-Sided Caltrop
Four-Sided Caltrop
Important Features:
Combat Challenge: Every time I attack an enemy, whether it hits or misses, I can choose to mark the target until the end of my next turn.

Combat Superiority: Wis mod (+3) to OAs. Enemies I hit with an OA stop moving if a move provoked this

Arena Training: I treat all weapons I am not proficient in as improvised weapons. +2 proficiency bonus with all improvised weapons. 1d8 damage for one-handed improvised weapons, and 1d10 damage for two-handed improvised weapons. +1 per tier bonus to AC when not in heavy armor.

I choose two weapons (Spiked Chain, Quarterstaff) as my arena weapons, and gain proficiency in them if not already. Feats that grant attack or damage bonuses to one of my arena weapons apply to all of them.

Stonehide Action: +2 to AC until the end of my next turn when I spend an AP.

Unusual Reach: +1 reach

Powerful Athlete: When I make an athletics check to jump or climb, I roll twice and use either result.

Elemental Initiate Starting Feature: +2 proficiency bonus with unarmed attacks, and deal 1d6 damage with them. Gain proficiency in ki focuses.

Staff Expertise: Don't provoke OAs when making a ranged or area attack with staffs (or, by extension, other arena weapons) as implements. +1 reach with melee attacks made with staffs (and, by extension, other arena weapons).

Spiked Chain Training: Gain proficiency with Spiked Chain, and can treat it as a double weapon with 2d4 damage for each end, stout on the primary end, and off-hand on the secondary end. Both ends count as light blades (in addition to flails).

Midnight Blade Student: When using a light blade, Dual Strike can target Reflex instead of AC

Mark of Warding: When a power grants a bonus to defense, increase that bonus by 1. Mark penalty is increased to -3, rather than -2. Can master/perform certain rituals.

Dragging Flail: When I use a flail to knock an enemy prone, I can also slide that enemy 1 square.

Flail Expertise: When I hit with a melee attack with a flail (or, by extension, other arena weapons), and the attack lets me slide a target, I can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

Catpaw Style: When I hit with Footwork Lure I can choose to forgo shifting, and instead slide the target 1 square to any space adjacent to me.

Staggering Spiked Chain +3: +3 to distance I can slide a target with powers that can slide. On crit: +3d6 damage and knock the target prone.

Rushing Cleats (heroic tier): +2 to bull rush attacks, increase distance I push or slide with melee or close attacks by 1.

Cloak of Distortion +2: +2 to defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away.

Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier): +2 to melee damage rolls

Defensive Spiked Gauntlet +1: +1 item bonus to defenses when I use Total Defense or Second Wind
* With Spiked Chain I have a reach of 4, with Quarterstaff a reach of 3, and +1 to all other weapons.

* With powers that allow me to slide the target, I have +4 to that slide distance and (with all arena weapons) can choose to knock the enemy prone instead of sliding. If I do knock them prone, I can then slide them 1 square anyway.

* Total Defense and Second Wind both grant me +4 to all defenses, rather than +2.

* Due to proficiency, arena training or being an elemental initiate, no attack I make has less than +2 for its proficiency bonus.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Well I imagine the men below deck are probably shitting themselves around about now," Darcell says. After catching his breath he leans against the ship's mast waiting for the others. As he waits he strums his lute absent mindedly.
Regain encounter powers and spend 1 healing surge to regain 20 (+6) HP putting me at 77 HP.

Song of Rest: When I play an instrument or sing during a short rest, you and each ally who can hear you are affected by your Song of Rest. When an affected character spends healing surges at the end of the rest, that character regains additional hit points equal to your Charisma modifier (+6) with each healing surge.
Combat Block

Male Half-Elf Cunning Bard 11
Languages: Common, Forellian, Serran, Imardanian.
Age: 25
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 165 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +14 (+16 when within 10 of Henri)
Passive Perception: 21
Passive Insight: 19
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 24
Fort: 21
Reflex: 22
Will: 26
HP: 77/79
Bloodied: 39
Surge Value: 20
Surges left: 8/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +13 vs AC, 1d8+3 damage. (+2 to damage rolls when you have combat advantage)
RBA: +9 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage.

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Vicious Mockery
Staggering Note

Second Wind [_]
Guardian's Counter [_]
Demoralizing Strike [_]
Majestic Word [ ][_] **
Words of Friendship [_]
Blunder [ ]
Moment of Escape [_]
Echoing Weapon [ ]
Revitalizing Incantation [ ]
Unluck [ ]
Illusory Erasure [_]
Lying Lights [_]
Harper Pin
Mielikki's Endurance [_] *
Lliira's Grace [_] *
Tymora's Luck [_] *
Feytouched Hide Armor +3 [_]

Stirring Shout[_]
Song of Discord [_]
Counterpoint [_]
Headband of Intellect [_]
Sitar of restfulness [_]

* Can only use one per encounter
** Can be used twice per encounter but only once per round


Important Features:
Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:

Group Diplomacy: I grant allies within 10 squares of me a +1 racial bonus to Diplomacy checks.

Bardic Training: I can perform two bard rituals per day of my level or lower without expending components.

Virtue of Cunning: Once per round, when an enemy attack misses an ally within 8 squares of me, I can slide that ally 1 square as a free action.

Song of Rest: When I play an instrument or sing during a short rest, you and each ally who can hear you are affected by your Song of Rest. When an affected character spends healing surges at the end of the rest, that character regains additional hit points equal to your Charisma modifier (+6) with each healing surge.

Shrouding Action: When I spend an action point to take an extra action, one ally I choose within 5 squares of me and I become invisible until the end of my next turn.

Virtue of Deceit: When I use Virtue of Cunning, one ally I choose within 5 squares of me gains combat advantage against the target of their next attack.

Notable Feats:

Resourceful Leader: When an ally I can see spends an action point to make an attack, the ally gains a +5 bonus to damage rolls on a hit or gains 5 temporary hit points on a miss.

Superior Will: If I am dazed or stunned I can make a saving throw at the start of my turn to end that effect, even if the effect doesn't normally end on a save.

Advantage of Cunning: When I slide an ally with my Virtue of Cunning, I can also slide an enemy that was adjacent to that ally into the space the ally vacated.

Battle Song Expertise: I gain a +1 feat bonus to the number of squares that I can pull, push, or slide creatures with my bard attacks and bard paragon path attacks.

Improved Cunning: When I use Virtue of Cunning to slide an ally, I can slide the ally 2 squares instead of 1.

Item Features:

Headband of Intellect: Gain a +2 item bonus to knowledge or monster knowledge checks, and a +1 item bonus to attack rolls on powers that have the psychic keyword.

Spyglass of Perception: Gain a +3 item bonus to Perception checks when using this device.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Following Blackwood's orders, Henri leans against the main-mast, breathing in the fresh sea air. Returning his pistols to his hostlers, he pulls his mirror back out and combs his jet black strands to perfection once again. Blasted wind needs to quick taking such a toll on my hair. The Imardanian chuckles quietly as Blackwood comments on Dirge's actions during the battle. Maybe this will teach him not to drink before a battle again.
Regain encounter powers
Spend 1 healing surge to get to full HP
Gain 5 temp HP from Lifeblood armor
Combat Block
Henri LaBelle

Male Vryloka Warlord 11
Languages: Common, Imardanian, Forellian
Age: 21
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 150 lbs.

Speed: 7
Initiative: +13
Passive Perception: 20
Passive Insight: 16
Senses: Low-light vision

AC: 23
Fort: 24
Ref: 21
Will: 24
HP: 74/74 +5 temp HP
Bloodied: 37
Surge Value: 18
Surges left: 7/8
Action points: 1

MBA: +13 vs AC, 1d6+5 damage.
RBA: +17 vs AC, 1d6+7 damage.

Resistances: 10 Necrotic (5+1/2 level)
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Direct the Strike
Paint the Bulls-Eye
Sea Legs

Acrobat Boots

Second Wind [_]
Inspiring Word [_] [_] [_]
Vengeance is Mine [_]
Race the Arrow [_]
On My Mark [_]
Tempest of Triumph [_]
Lifeblood [_]
Inspiring Belligerence [_]
Dragon's Tenacity [_]
Shifting Tides [_]


Relentless Wounding [X]
Create Opportunity [X]
Warlord's Recovery [_]

Gloves of Piercing [_]
Bracers of Archery [_]
Stone of Wind [X]


Important Features
Crossbow Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls that you make with a crossbow. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. Also, you ignore partial cover or superior cover with weapon attacks you make with a crossbow.

Improved Defenses: You gain a +1 feat bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level.

Archer Captain: You and any ally within 5 squares of you ignore the penalty for attacking at long range.

Improved Inspiring Word: Add your Charisma modifier to the hit points restored by your inspiring word.

Cunning Stalker: You gain combat advantage against enemies that have no creatures adjacent to them other than you.

Duty's Virtue: Once per round, you can use the aid defense action as a minor action, but only if the chosen ally is bloodied. Also, you gain a +2 feat bonus to initiative checks.

Far Shot: When you use a projectile weapon such as a bow or a crossbow, increase both the normal range and the long range by 5 squares.

Jack of All Trades You gain a +2 feat bonus to untrained skill checks.

Fight On: You can use your inspiring word one additional time per encounter.

Resourceful Presence: When an ally who can see you spends an action point to take an extra action and uses the action to make an attack, that attack gains a bonus to damage equal to one-half your level + your Intelligence modifier. If the attack hits no target, the ally gains temporary hit points equal to one-half your level + your Charisma modifier.

Mighty Action: When you spend an action point to take an extra action, any ally who can see and hear you gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls until the start of your next turn.

Tempestuous Inspiration: When you use your inspiring word power, you can give the target of the power a +2 bonus to attack rolls and a bonus to damage rolls equal to your Charisma modifier that lasts until the end of your next turn. If the target's first attack misses during that time misses, the target grants a combat advantage to attackers until the end of your next turn.

Archer Warlord When you make a ranged basic attack with a bow, you can use Strength instead of Dexterity for the attack roll and the damage roll.

Combat Leader: You and each ally within 10 squares who can see and hear you gain a +2 power bonus to initiative.

Blood Dependency: When you are bloodied, your healing surge value drops by 2.

Living Dead: If a power has different effects on living creatures and undead creatures, you choose which effect applies to you.

Necrotic Resistance: You have a necrotic resistance equal to 5 + one-half your level.

The Mariner: While aboard a ship, gain a +1 bonus (+2 at Level 10) to any skill or ability check related to life at sea; gain the sea legs power. You gain a +2 power bonus to initiative checks. You ignore difficult terrain when you shift. While aboard a ship, you can use a minor action once per round to shift 1 square.

Distance Imardanian Officer's Pistol +3: Increases the weapon's normal range by 5 squares and the long range by 10 squares.

Lifeblood Hide Armor +2: You gain 5 temporary hit points after each rest. If you remove the armor, you lose these hit points.

Gem of Colloquy: You gain a +1 item bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks.

Cloak of Distortion: You gain an item bonus to all defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away equal to this item's enhancement bonus.

Bracers of Archery: You gain a +2 item bonus to damage rolls while attacking with a bow or crossbow.

Acrobat Boots: You gain a +1 item bonus to Acrobatics checks.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

With the last of the sailors on the top-deck defeated, Grommak takes a breather, ensuring that there weren't any remnants of arrow shafts stuck in his flesh or armor, and rubbing his wounds bitterly. "Hell of a fight out there, you two," he says as he stands next to the hulking man and the loose cannon of a woman. "What was that? Ten on thirty or something? Insane," he says with a grin.
Pop two surges, healing fully and restoring encounter powers.
Combat Block

Male Half-Orc Two-Weapon Ranger 11
Languages: Common, Kurnish
Age: 29
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 200 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +11+2
Passive Perception: 26
Passive Insight: 21
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 24
Fort: 25
Reflex: 23
Will: 23
HP: 32/86
Bloodied: 43
Surge Value: 21
Surges left: 5/9
Action Points: 0

MBA: +18, 1d10+13



+1 against fear, daze, domination, or stun effects.

Active Effects:



Hunter's Quarry
Marauder's Rush
Twin Strike

Second Wind [ ]
Sohei Flurry [ ]
Furious Assault [ ]
Off-Hand Strike [ ]
Invigorating Stride [ ]
Ruffling Sting [ ]
Lashing Leaves [ ]
Cross-Body Parry [ ]
Periapt of Cascading Health +2 [_]
Boots of the Fencing Master [_]

Jaws of the Wolf [_]
Frenzied Skirmish [x]
Begin the Hunt [_]
Attacks on the Run [_]
Blood of the Fallen [_]


Important Features:
Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:

Running Attack: Using a standard action that allows movement and I move 2+ squares away, I gain +1 to attack rolls as part of that action.
Dancing Defense: If hitting with at least two melee attacks on my turn, I gain a +2 bonus to AC and Reflex TSNT.
Dual-Blade Action: On AP-spend, I can take an attack with both hands with a +4 WISmod bonus to damage.
Half-Orc Resilience: First time being blooded in an encounter, gain 10 THP.
Swift Charge: +2 bonus to speed while charging.
Sohei Indomitability: +1 power bonus to save throws against fear, daze, domination, or stun effects.

Notable Feats:

Impending Doom Style: If both Twin Strikes hit, one target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls til my next turn end.
Cunning Stalker: I gain CA against creatures with no other creatures adjacent.
Two-Weapon Opening: When scoring a crit with my main hand, I can take a MBA with my off-hand against the target as a free action.
Heavy Blade Expertise: +2 to defenses against Op Attacks while wielding HB.

Item Features:

Jagged Weapon +3: Crits on a 19 or 20, and crits do 10 ongoing damage (save ends).
Boots of the Fencing Master: When shifting, gain a +1 item bonus to AC and Reflex TENT.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by PureZaros »

Removing the arrows embedded in her and checking over the many cuts in her arms and torso, Isabelle laughs. "Aye, quite the fight. Only insane if ye don't know you'll be coming out on top, though." She leans against the forecastle railings, looking on as some of the other dogs begin to loot the fallen crew.

She looks over at Big John. "What think you, ye lug?" she jokingly says, a grin spread across her face. "Nice work with that chain, as always."
Short rest:
Spend one surge, bringing me back up to 82 hp.
Regain encounter powers.
Continue manifesting Cindersoul.

Female Genasi Swordmage 11
Languages: Common, Elven
Age: 37
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 180

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 23
Passive Insight: 17
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 30
Fort: 22
Reflex: 25
Will: 23
HP: 82/91
Bloodied: 45
Surge Value: 22
Surges left: 7/11
Action Points: 0

5 Poison
10 Fire while manifesting Cindersoul
4 All while bloodied

Vulnerabilities: None

Active Effects:
Manifesting Cindersoul
+2 racial bonus to saving throws against ongoing damage while manifesting Watersoul


MBA: +19 to attack, 1d8+9 damage
RBA: +16 to attack, 1d4+6 damage (using dagger)

Bull Rush Attack
Grab Attack
Opportunity Attack
Aegis of Ensnarement
Sword Burst
Frigid Blade

Summoned Armor +3
Acrobat Boots

[_] Second Wind
[_] Inevitable Strike
[_] Foesnare
[_] Mythal Recovery
[_] Dimensional Vortex
[_] Fettering Aegis
[_] Four Corners Attack
[_] Strength Against Strength
[_] Explosive Runes

[_] Periapt of Cascading Health +2
[_] Viper Belt
[_] Ruby Scabbard

Require Manifestation:
[_] Firedeath §
[_] Swiftcurrent

[_] Binding Aegis
[_] Swordmage Shielding Fire
[X] Eldritch Quagmire
[_] Troll Rampage

* Immediate Reaction
§ Indicates Active Manifestation
Important Features:
Aegis of Ensnarement:
I mark the target. The target remains marked until I use this power against another target. If I mark another creature using other powers, the target is still marked.
Until the mark ends, if the target makes an attack that doesn't include me as a target, it takes a -2 penalty to the attack roll.
I fa target marked by this power is within 10 squares of me when it hits with an attack that doesn't include me, I can use an Immediate Reaction after the target's attack resolves to teleport the target to a square adjacent to me. The target grants CA until EoNT. If there is no unoccupied space, I can't use this effect.

Racial Traits and Class/Path/Race Features:
Swordmage Warding: When conscious and wielding a light/heavy blade, I have a magical field around me. This field grants +1 bonus to AC, or +3 bonus if I'm wielding a blade in one hand and have my other hand free.

Swordbond: By spending 1 hour of meditation with my weapon, I forge a special bond with it. As a Standard Action I can call my bonded weapon to hand from up to 10 squares away. If my bonded weapon is broken or damaged I can spend 1 hour of meditation to recreate the blade from a fragment. I can spend 1 hour of meditation with a different blade to forge a new bond, dissipating the old one.

Aegis Insight: When I use my Aegis power, I add my Wisdom mod (+2) to the burst radius.

People's History: I add my Wisdom mod (+2) to my history checks.

Teleportation Action: When I spend an AP to take an extra action, I can teleport 5 squares before taking the extra action.

Ironwrought Starting Feature: I gain a +1 power bonus to athletics and endurance checks. Whenever I use my second wind, this power bonus increases to +4 until EoNT

Ironwrought Level 5 Feature: When I'm bloodied, I gain resist 2/4/6 all damage.

Ironwrought Level 10 Feature: When I use Inevitable Strike, I gain a +1 power bonus to melee weapon attack rolls until EoNT

Cindersoul: Resist 5/10/15 fire
Watersoul: I can breathe underwater.

Notable Feats:
Intelligent Blademaster: I can use my Int mod instead of my Str mod when making a basic attack with a melee weapon.

Mark of Warding: When one of my powers grants a bonus to defense, increase that bonus by 1. Whenever I mark an enemy, it takes -3 to attacks that don't include me, instead of the normal -2. I can master and perform rituals in the Warding category and the Fluid Funds, Knock, and Leomund's Secret Chest rituals as if I had Ritual Caster.

Defender of the Wild: Once per encounter as a free action, I can mark each enemy adjacent to me as a free action.

Sudden Roots: Whenever I hit an enemy with an OA, that enemy is slowed until the end of its turn.

Double Aegis: When I use my Aegis power, I can choose to mark a second target in the burst. If they both attack allies, I have to choose which to respond to, since I still only have one immediate action per round.

Item Features:
Jagged Longsword +3: Scores critical hits on 19 or 20. Critical = ongoing 10 damage (save ends).

Ruby Scabbard: Resizes to fit any weapon placed in it. I can draw a weapon from this in the same action used to make an attack with the weapon.

Raven's Feather: Attuned to Isabelle's father.

Executioner's Bracers: When I score a critical, the attack does an extra 1d6 damage.

Gauntlets of Blood: +2 to damage roll against bloodied targets
Build a man a fire and he will be warm for a day.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by kalis5 »

Liam sighs softly and nods at the captain's words.
"Aye... Sir... Would be a pleasure. I've got some anger to work out. Maybe I'll throw a few of their sailors into the water repeatedly, see if they like..."
He continues to mutter as he walks towards the entrance of the lower decks, looking back at the rest of the crew as he leans against the wall next to the entrance.
"Let me know when everyone's ready, I'd like to get this over with and make up for those blunders."
None really needed as I did next to nothing there...
Combat Block
Liam "Dirge" Rend

Human Bladesinger Level 11
Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven
Age: 23

Speed: 6
Initiative: 12 (+2 if within 10 squares of Henry)
Passive Perception: 21
Passive Insight: 16
Senses: Low-light

AC: 26
Fort: 21
Reflex: 25
Will: 23
HP: 75/75
Bloodied: 37
Surge Value: 18
Surges left: 9/9
Action Points: 1

Vulnerabilities: None
Active Effects: None


Bull Rush Attack
Grab Attack
Opportunity Attack
Erupting Flare
Dancing Fire
Dazzling Sunray
Unseen Hand
Cantrip Prestidigitation

Versatile Spellbook

Class Feature Bladesong [ ]
Cantrip Suggestion [ ]
Cantrip Chameleon's Mask
L2 Shield [ ]
L6 Dispel Magic [ ]
L10 Flush with Success [ ]
Theme Feature Iron Wolf Charge [ ]


Boon Spell Enemies Abound [ ]
L1 Skewering Spikes [ ]
L5 Grim Shadow [ ]
L9 Charm of the Defender [X]

Shadowdance Armor +2 [ ]


Unused Powers:
L1 Charm of Misplaced Wrath [ ]
L2 Arcane Mutterings [ ]
L5 Radiant Pillar [ ]
L6 Revitalizing Charm [ ]
L9 Fire Burst [ ]
L10 Phoenix Step [ ]

Important Features
Class Feats:
Blade Magic - Upon scoring a hit with any MBA during turn triggers any skill with the "Bladespell" keyword as a free action, however only one per attack.

Instinctive Attack - When making a melee attack, use Intelligence rather than strength for damage and attack.

Guarded Flourish - Ranged and melee attacks do not provoke OAs while holding a one-handed weapon with a free hand. +2 AC while wearing light or no armor and with a hand free using a one-handed blade.

Arcane Strike - When a daily is used, a melee strike can be performed with a minor action.

Steely Retort - When bladesong is active, any enemy adjacent that hits provokes an OA.

Theme Feats:

Iron Wolf Warrior: Gain Access to the Iron Wolf Charge power.

Level 5: +2 nature and perception checks.

Level 10: When dropped below 1HP by an enemy, make a MBA against the enemy as a free action.

Racial Traits:

Notable Feats:
Eager Advance - Add 4 to speed during first round of combat.

Low-Light Adaptation - Count sense as Low-light.

Tainted Wounds - Enemies struck by attacks cannot heal until my EoNT.

Destructive Wizardry - If an arcane power strikes two or more foes, increase damage by +3.

Quick Draw - Draw a weapon or item stored in an accessible pouch or bandolier as a free action. +2 initiative.

Heavy Blade Expertise - +2 to weapon attacks using a heavy blade. +2 AC to OAs.

Improved Defenses - +2 to Will, Reflex, and Fortitude.

Eyes in the Back of Your Head - Never grant CA from flanking.

Choir of Swords - While Bladesong is active, spend an AP to strike all enemies adjacent as a standard action.

Item Feats:

Iron Armbands of Power - +2 bonus to damage rolls.
Amulet of Protection +2 - +2 to Will, Reflex, Fortitude.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

"I think you should be less reckless," says John, as he stands from his break. He walks back down the steps to the main deck level, just as Marian approaches. "Alright, you heard the cap'n. Get movin', before you get too comfortable. Go!" She glares at the group briefly, before turning back to address someone else.

Go: Below Deck
Everyone rests
Map Info
Bowsprit: The horizontal mast at the front of the ship. This can be walked upon, with a DC: 20 to balance, and is accessible from atop the forecastle. Moving along it counts as being in between the squares that are shown on either side of it.

Forecastle: The enclosed structure at the front of the main deck, which can be entered from its 2 doors or moved on top of via staircases. The top level is at elevation 2.

Aftcastle: The encloses structure at the rear of the main deck, where the steering wheel is located. It can be entered from its 2 doors or moved on top of via staircases. The top level is at elevation 2.

Planks: There are two of these, one spanning (-I, 18) to (-G, 18) and the other spanning (-I, 23) to (-G, 23). These are narrow and somewhat wobbly, and as such they must be crossed with caution. You can either treat them as difficult terrain and move across them slowly and cautiously, or you can try your luck at going a bit faster. The faster route requires an acrobatics check to balance while moving, DC: 25, but does not require you to move at half speed. Only one person can be on them at a time or they will collapse.

Railings: The railings of both ships can be walked on (squares that are half water, half railing on the merchant ship count as railing squares), but follow standard balance rules (DC: 25, move half speed on them).

Rigging: Each ship has rigging holding up the masts, which can be climbed on. For the Saint, the ones on this side of the ship can be entered from (-I, 15-16) or (-I, 25-26). For the merchant vessel, they can be entered from (-G, 14-15), (-G, 22-23), (C, 14-15), and (C, 22-23). Each square closer to the center of the ship is also 1 square higher than the previous one, moving diagonally upward. The rigging on the Saint moves in a straight line from the railings to the masts, but on the other ship it moves diagonally in both the vertical and horizontal planes. Climbing in the rigging follows the standard athletics climbing rules, DC: 10.

Stairs: There are 4 staircases moving up to the tops of the forecastle and aftcastle, as well as 3 heading lower into the ship all squares that are entirely stairs count as difficult terrain.

Masts: The 3 masts, shown by large circles with 4 smaller circles around them, are impassable and provide cover. The squares that their images occupy can be entered, but you cannot move through the masts themselves (functioning like corners).

Doors: There are 4 doors, at (-A, 12), (-D, 12), (-A, 25), and (-D, 25). These lead into either the forecastle or aftcastle, but are currently closed.

Grate: The large wooden grate that opens up to the cargo hold can be opened by single person with a strength check DC: 30, by 2 people with a strength check DC: 20 each, by 3 people with a strength check DC: 15 each, or by 4 or more people with a strength check DC: 10 each. It can be walked on like any other part of the deck, with no penalty.

Wheel: The wheel turns the rudder, and thus the ship. Use with caution.

The Sea: For those who end up in the water, it is athletics DC: 15 to swim. Each turn in the water you must make the check, failure by 4 or less means you can't move, failure by 5 or more means you can't move and sink 1 square, success means you are allowed to move that turn. In the water you move at one-half your speed.

There are notches in the side of the Saint at (-I, 25), and it is an athletics DC: 15 to climb up, using standard climb rules. The deck of the ship is 4 squares above the water level, meaning you need to move upwards a total of 5 squares to be back on the deck.
Enemy Info
Sailors: These are your run of the mill sailors, the type you'd find on nearly every crew. They have some amount of combat skill, but they are nothing compared to you Dogs. They wield cutlasses and are not armored.

Archers: These men are trained in marksmanship, making them much greater threats than the average crewman of this ship. They can rain arrows down on you from afar while you wade through the rabble to get to them. Despite their skill, though, they are still only lightly armored, and a few strong swings of a blade will bring them down.

Axemen: These armored members of the merchant crew are likely hired muscle with real combat experience. They were thick hides and hold heavy axes, and look like they can pack quite a punch.
?? Liam (-F, 14) | HP: 75/75 | Surges: 9/9 | AP: 1/1 | Charm of the Defender
?? Darcell (-C, 21) | HP: 77/79 | Surges: 8/10 | AP: 1/1 |
?? Isabelle (-B, 11) | HP: 82/91 | Surges: 7/11 | AP: 1/1 | Eldritch Quagmire
?? Big John (-D, 11) | HP: 89/89 | Surges: 10/11 | AP: 0/1 |
?? Henri (-E, 16) | HP: 74+5/74 | Surges: 7/8 | AP: 1/1 | Relentless Wounding, Create Opportunity, Stone of Wind
?? Grommak (-A, 20) | HP: 86/86 | Surges: 5/9 | AP: 0/1 | Frenzied Skirmish
Combat Block
Johannes Galben, aka Big John

Male Goliath Fighter 11
Languages: Common, Tulrissian
Age: 32
Height: 7' 6"
Weight: 315 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +8 (+10 when within 10 squares of Henri)
Passive Perception: 23
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 26
Fort: 27
Reflex: 22
Will: 24
HP: 89/89
Bloodied: 44
Surge Value: 22
Surges left: 10/11
Action Points: 0




Active Effects:
+2 to defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away


Combat Challenge
Dual Strike
Footwork Lure

Second Wind [_]
Disciplined Counter [_]
Stone's Endurance [_]
Funneling Flurry [_]
Glowering Threat [_]
Sweeping Blow [_]
Come and Get It [_]
Defensive Advance [_]
Mountain Sweep [_]

Tempest Dance [_]
Dancing Defense [_]
Chain Ward [_]
Bedeviling Assault [_]
Staggering Spiked Chain +3 [_]


Four-Sided Caltrop
Four-Sided Caltrop
Important Features:
Combat Challenge: Every time I attack an enemy, whether it hits or misses, I can choose to mark the target until the end of my next turn.

Combat Superiority: Wis mod (+3) to OAs. Enemies I hit with an OA stop moving if a move provoked this

Arena Training: I treat all weapons I am not proficient in as improvised weapons. +2 proficiency bonus with all improvised weapons. 1d8 damage for one-handed improvised weapons, and 1d10 damage for two-handed improvised weapons. +1 per tier bonus to AC when not in heavy armor.

I choose two weapons (Spiked Chain, Quarterstaff) as my arena weapons, and gain proficiency in them if not already. Feats that grant attack or damage bonuses to one of my arena weapons apply to all of them.

Stonehide Action: +2 to AC until the end of my next turn when I spend an AP.

Unusual Reach: +1 reach

Powerful Athlete: When I make an athletics check to jump or climb, I roll twice and use either result.

Elemental Initiate Starting Feature: +2 proficiency bonus with unarmed attacks, and deal 1d6 damage with them. Gain proficiency in ki focuses.

Staff Expertise: Don't provoke OAs when making a ranged or area attack with staffs (or, by extension, other arena weapons) as implements. +1 reach with melee attacks made with staffs (and, by extension, other arena weapons).

Spiked Chain Training: Gain proficiency with Spiked Chain, and can treat it as a double weapon with 2d4 damage for each end, stout on the primary end, and off-hand on the secondary end. Both ends count as light blades (in addition to flails).

Midnight Blade Student: When using a light blade, Dual Strike can target Reflex instead of AC

Mark of Warding: When a power grants a bonus to defense, increase that bonus by 1. Mark penalty is increased to -3, rather than -2. Can master/perform certain rituals.

Dragging Flail: When I use a flail to knock an enemy prone, I can also slide that enemy 1 square.

Flail Expertise: When I hit with a melee attack with a flail (or, by extension, other arena weapons), and the attack lets me slide a target, I can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

Catpaw Style: When I hit with Footwork Lure I can choose to forgo shifting, and instead slide the target 1 square to any space adjacent to me.

Staggering Spiked Chain +3: +3 to distance I can slide a target with powers that can slide. On crit: +3d6 damage and knock the target prone.

Rushing Cleats (heroic tier): +2 to bull rush attacks, increase distance I push or slide with melee or close attacks by 1.

Cloak of Distortion +2: +2 to defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away.

Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier): +2 to melee damage rolls

Defensive Spiked Gauntlet +1: +1 item bonus to defenses when I use Total Defense or Second Wind
* With Spiked Chain I have a reach of 4, with Quarterstaff a reach of 3, and +1 to all other weapons.

* With powers that allow me to slide the target, I have +4 to that slide distance and (with all arena weapons) can choose to knock the enemy prone instead of sliding. If I do knock them prone, I can then slide them 1 square anyway.

* Total Defense and Second Wind both grant me +4 to all defenses, rather than +2.

* Due to proficiency, arena training or being an elemental initiate, no attack I make has less than +2 for its proficiency bonus.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"You're going to have to pull off a miracle to make up for fallinf off the boats twice!" Darcell says with a smile as he joins Dirge in waiting for the others.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

Grommak steps toward the entrance to the lower decks alongside his two pals. "Nice work out there, boys," he says with enthusiasm. "You made that water your whore, eh, Dirge?" the Orc jokes with a cackle. "We should tie a rope 'round yer waist so you won't take the plunge again."
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Or so he can't hit the booze before a fight," Henri responds to the Orc, walking towards the lower deck entrance. "Or maybe next time, we send him out first. Distract the lot with his foolishness, and while they're kept busy, we slaughter them."
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by PureZaros »

"S'not reckless!" Isabelle laughs in response to John as she vaults the railing of the forecastle to land on the deck below. "Call it entrepeneurial."

Striding to the nearby stairs, she looks expectantly at Dirge. "Anyway, we're goin' down here, yes?" she says, looking down into the hold, before turning to her sopping crewmate. "Well, after you." she gestures, smirking.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by kalis5 »

Liam growls as he heads down the stairs near the bow of the ship, keeping his blade in front of him.
"Come on then if you're so bloody bored. Will be plenty of blood to spill below."
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

Grommak steps down alongside Dirge to investigate the lower quarters of the ship. "If any of you louts are still alive down here, now's the time to surrender. It's your choice to come away from this alive or join the twenty or so others that are fish food topdeck," the orc calls down harshly to anybody that may be hiding for an ambush. "I'll give you this one chance." He rubs one of the spots where he took an arrow, grunting at the pain and shrugging it off. Goddamned archers. I see a bow in some pissant's hands down here and I'll ram it up his fucking ass myself.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by PureZaros »

Isabelle follows Dirge and Grommak closely as they descend below decks. "Oh, come off it, Grommak. It had t'have been more than that." she says, keeping her eyes focused ahead of Dirge, prepared to jump ahead and intercept any possibly attacks that could come.
I'm keeping Dimensional Vortex readied.
Ranged 10
1d20+16 vs Will

Target enemy that hits ally with a melee attack gets teleported up to 5 spaces and makes that attack against a target of my choice.
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Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"With how many came crawling out onto top deck, I doubt very many could be left down here," Henri says, descending with the others. "Though playing a good old game of hide, seek, and shoot could always be fun if what's left doesn't come out."
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

As Dirge descends below deck, Darcell follows, sword still at the ready. "Chances are the only people left down here will be a bunch of cowards. Why else wouldn't they have already joined the fight?"
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

As the group descends the stairs they find themselves in a small, barely-illuminated chamber on the next level. For now there is very little visible, as the light only reaches a short distance into the lower deck and there has been little time for their eyes to adjust to the significantly lower light level.

What is visible are three doorways, one immediately adjacent to both Isabelle and Henri, with another not far past it leading closer to the bow. The other is past the mast support, visible to Liam and Grommak, also leading more towards the bow. There is some random clutter near the support, but otherwise there is not much noticeable at the moment. Darcell and Big John await on the staircase, with not much room to move forward until the others do.
Map Info
Stairs: There is one staircase currently visible, the one that the party descended at (AB, 12).

Masts: The masts descend into the ship as support beams, and function the same as before with one caveat; if a mast has a wall adjacent to it (as the currently visible one does), you must squeeze to pass by it.
?? Liam (AC, 11) | HP: 75/75 | Surges: 9/9 | AP: 1/1 | Charm of the Defender, currently sharing a location with Grommak
?? Darcell (AB, 12) | HP: 77/79 | Surges: 8/10 | AP: 1/1 | currently sharing a location with Big John
?? Isabelle (AB, 11) | HP: 82/91 | Surges: 7/11 | AP: 1/1 | Eldritch Quagmire, currently sharing a location with Henri
?? Big John (AB, 12) | HP: 89/89 | Surges: 10/11 | AP: 0/1 | currently sharing a location with Darcell
?? Henri (AB, 11) | HP: 74+5/74 | Surges: 7/8 | AP: 1/1 | Relentless Wounding, Create Opportunity, Stone of Wind, currently sharing a location with Isabelle
?? Grommak (AC, 11) | HP: 86/86 | Surges: 5/9 | AP: 0/1 | Frenzied Skirmish, currently sharing a location with Liam
Combat Block
Johannes Galben, aka Big John

Male Goliath Fighter 11
Languages: Common, Tulrissian
Age: 32
Height: 7' 6"
Weight: 315 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +8 (+10 when within 10 squares of Henri)
Passive Perception: 23
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 26
Fort: 27
Reflex: 22
Will: 24
HP: 89/89
Bloodied: 44
Surge Value: 22
Surges left: 10/11
Action Points: 0




Active Effects:
+2 to defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away


Combat Challenge
Dual Strike
Footwork Lure

Second Wind [_]
Disciplined Counter [_]
Stone's Endurance [_]
Funneling Flurry [_]
Glowering Threat [_]
Sweeping Blow [_]
Come and Get It [_]
Defensive Advance [_]
Mountain Sweep [_]

Tempest Dance [_]
Dancing Defense [_]
Chain Ward [_]
Bedeviling Assault [_]
Staggering Spiked Chain +3 [_]


Four-Sided Caltrop
Four-Sided Caltrop
Important Features:
Combat Challenge: Every time I attack an enemy, whether it hits or misses, I can choose to mark the target until the end of my next turn.

Combat Superiority: Wis mod (+3) to OAs. Enemies I hit with an OA stop moving if a move provoked this

Arena Training: I treat all weapons I am not proficient in as improvised weapons. +2 proficiency bonus with all improvised weapons. 1d8 damage for one-handed improvised weapons, and 1d10 damage for two-handed improvised weapons. +1 per tier bonus to AC when not in heavy armor.

I choose two weapons (Spiked Chain, Quarterstaff) as my arena weapons, and gain proficiency in them if not already. Feats that grant attack or damage bonuses to one of my arena weapons apply to all of them.

Stonehide Action: +2 to AC until the end of my next turn when I spend an AP.

Unusual Reach: +1 reach

Powerful Athlete: When I make an athletics check to jump or climb, I roll twice and use either result.

Elemental Initiate Starting Feature: +2 proficiency bonus with unarmed attacks, and deal 1d6 damage with them. Gain proficiency in ki focuses.

Staff Expertise: Don't provoke OAs when making a ranged or area attack with staffs (or, by extension, other arena weapons) as implements. +1 reach with melee attacks made with staffs (and, by extension, other arena weapons).

Spiked Chain Training: Gain proficiency with Spiked Chain, and can treat it as a double weapon with 2d4 damage for each end, stout on the primary end, and off-hand on the secondary end. Both ends count as light blades (in addition to flails).

Midnight Blade Student: When using a light blade, Dual Strike can target Reflex instead of AC

Mark of Warding: When a power grants a bonus to defense, increase that bonus by 1. Mark penalty is increased to -3, rather than -2. Can master/perform certain rituals.

Dragging Flail: When I use a flail to knock an enemy prone, I can also slide that enemy 1 square.

Flail Expertise: When I hit with a melee attack with a flail (or, by extension, other arena weapons), and the attack lets me slide a target, I can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

Catpaw Style: When I hit with Footwork Lure I can choose to forgo shifting, and instead slide the target 1 square to any space adjacent to me.

Staggering Spiked Chain +3: +3 to distance I can slide a target with powers that can slide. On crit: +3d6 damage and knock the target prone.

Rushing Cleats (heroic tier): +2 to bull rush attacks, increase distance I push or slide with melee or close attacks by 1.

Cloak of Distortion +2: +2 to defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away.

Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier): +2 to melee damage rolls

Defensive Spiked Gauntlet +1: +1 item bonus to defenses when I use Total Defense or Second Wind
* With Spiked Chain I have a reach of 4, with Quarterstaff a reach of 3, and +1 to all other weapons.

* With powers that allow me to slide the target, I have +4 to that slide distance and (with all arena weapons) can choose to knock the enemy prone instead of sliding. If I do knock them prone, I can then slide them 1 square anyway.

* Total Defense and Second Wind both grant me +4 to all defenses, rather than +2.

* Due to proficiency, arena training or being an elemental initiate, no attack I make has less than +2 for its proficiency bonus.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by kalis5 »

Liam lights a torch at seeing the darkness in the lower decks, raising it above his head to help provide illumination. He sighs at the doors down below, shaking his head.
"That mast is going to limit us. We should move right first and sweep that way before trying to push past the mast."
He doesn't wait for a response, moving through the doorway on the right. He just wants to find something to kill right now and get his mind off the lank and water.
Minor to draw torch and light it if that is at all necessary. Probably is. Then he moves through the doorway on the right, to AA10.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

With his torch lit, Liam and the others nearby can see that there is another doorway adjacent to him, and another past that. Likewise there appears to be another staircase heading further into the bowels of the ship. As he moves through the doorway near Isabelle, the light brings into sight another of the ship's sailors crouching in a corner, seemingly too afraid to fight.
Map Info
Stairs: There are two staircases currently visible, the one that the party descended at (AB, 12) and the one heading further down at (AC, 12).

Masts: The masts descend into the ship as support beams, and function the same as before with one caveat; if a mast has a wall adjacent to it (as the currently visible one does), you must squeeze to pass by it.
Enemy Info
Sailors: These are your run of the mill sailors, the type you'd find on nearly every crew. They have some amount of combat skill, but they are nothing compared to you Dogs. They wield cutlasses and are not armored.
?? Liam (AA, 10) | HP: 75/75 | Surges: 9/9 | AP: 1/1 | Charm of the Defender
?? Darcell (AB, 12) | HP: 77/79 | Surges: 8/10 | AP: 1/1 | currently sharing a location with Big John
?? Isabelle (AB, 11) | HP: 82/91 | Surges: 7/11 | AP: 1/1 | Eldritch Quagmire, currently sharing a location with Henri
?? Big John (AB, 12) | HP: 89/89 | Surges: 10/11 | AP: 0/1 | currently sharing a location with Darcell
?? Henri (AB, 11) | HP: 74+5/74 | Surges: 7/8 | AP: 1/1 | Relentless Wounding, Create Opportunity, Stone of Wind, currently sharing a location with Isabelle
?? Grommak (AC, 11) | HP: 86/86 | Surges: 5/9 | AP: 0/1 | Frenzied Skirmish

?? Sailor (AB, 7) | HP: 1/1 |
Combat Block
Johannes Galben, aka Big John

Male Goliath Fighter 11
Languages: Common, Tulrissian
Age: 32
Height: 7' 6"
Weight: 315 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +8 (+10 when within 10 squares of Henri)
Passive Perception: 23
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 26
Fort: 27
Reflex: 22
Will: 24
HP: 89/89
Bloodied: 44
Surge Value: 22
Surges left: 10/11
Action Points: 0




Active Effects:
+2 to defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away


Combat Challenge
Dual Strike
Footwork Lure

Second Wind [_]
Disciplined Counter [_]
Stone's Endurance [_]
Funneling Flurry [_]
Glowering Threat [_]
Sweeping Blow [_]
Come and Get It [_]
Defensive Advance [_]
Mountain Sweep [_]

Tempest Dance [_]
Dancing Defense [_]
Chain Ward [_]
Bedeviling Assault [_]
Staggering Spiked Chain +3 [_]


Four-Sided Caltrop
Four-Sided Caltrop
Important Features:
Combat Challenge: Every time I attack an enemy, whether it hits or misses, I can choose to mark the target until the end of my next turn.

Combat Superiority: Wis mod (+3) to OAs. Enemies I hit with an OA stop moving if a move provoked this

Arena Training: I treat all weapons I am not proficient in as improvised weapons. +2 proficiency bonus with all improvised weapons. 1d8 damage for one-handed improvised weapons, and 1d10 damage for two-handed improvised weapons. +1 per tier bonus to AC when not in heavy armor.

I choose two weapons (Spiked Chain, Quarterstaff) as my arena weapons, and gain proficiency in them if not already. Feats that grant attack or damage bonuses to one of my arena weapons apply to all of them.

Stonehide Action: +2 to AC until the end of my next turn when I spend an AP.

Unusual Reach: +1 reach

Powerful Athlete: When I make an athletics check to jump or climb, I roll twice and use either result.

Elemental Initiate Starting Feature: +2 proficiency bonus with unarmed attacks, and deal 1d6 damage with them. Gain proficiency in ki focuses.

Staff Expertise: Don't provoke OAs when making a ranged or area attack with staffs (or, by extension, other arena weapons) as implements. +1 reach with melee attacks made with staffs (and, by extension, other arena weapons).

Spiked Chain Training: Gain proficiency with Spiked Chain, and can treat it as a double weapon with 2d4 damage for each end, stout on the primary end, and off-hand on the secondary end. Both ends count as light blades (in addition to flails).

Midnight Blade Student: When using a light blade, Dual Strike can target Reflex instead of AC

Mark of Warding: When a power grants a bonus to defense, increase that bonus by 1. Mark penalty is increased to -3, rather than -2. Can master/perform certain rituals.

Dragging Flail: When I use a flail to knock an enemy prone, I can also slide that enemy 1 square.

Flail Expertise: When I hit with a melee attack with a flail (or, by extension, other arena weapons), and the attack lets me slide a target, I can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

Catpaw Style: When I hit with Footwork Lure I can choose to forgo shifting, and instead slide the target 1 square to any space adjacent to me.

Staggering Spiked Chain +3: +3 to distance I can slide a target with powers that can slide. On crit: +3d6 damage and knock the target prone.

Rushing Cleats (heroic tier): +2 to bull rush attacks, increase distance I push or slide with melee or close attacks by 1.

Cloak of Distortion +2: +2 to defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away.

Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier): +2 to melee damage rolls

Defensive Spiked Gauntlet +1: +1 item bonus to defenses when I use Total Defense or Second Wind
* With Spiked Chain I have a reach of 4, with Quarterstaff a reach of 3, and +1 to all other weapons.

* With powers that allow me to slide the target, I have +4 to that slide distance and (with all arena weapons) can choose to knock the enemy prone instead of sliding. If I do knock them prone, I can then slide them 1 square anyway.

* Total Defense and Second Wind both grant me +4 to all defenses, rather than +2.

* Due to proficiency, arena training or being an elemental initiate, no attack I make has less than +2 for its proficiency bonus.
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A Wan Smile
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

Grommak squints through the darkness, annoyed by the lack of light. "Arright, then," he calls mockingly to any would-be ambushers as he sheaths his cutlass and draws a torch from his rucksack, stepping around the corner to get better vision of the area. "You spring out at me n' I'll cut your head from your shoulders, y'hear? You've forgone your chance to see tomorrow."
Stow off-hand, draw torch and move to AD12.
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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

As Grommak steps out into what is revealed to be a much more open area of the deck, he spots another sailor by the corner to his left, though the man immediately darts off into the darkness when he sees the orc approaching.
Map Info
Stairs: There are two staircases currently visible, the one that the party descended at (AB, 12) and the one heading further down at (AC, 12).

Masts: The masts descend into the ship as support beams, and function the same as before with one caveat; if a mast has a wall adjacent to it (as the currently visible one does), you must squeeze to pass by it.

Cargo Doors: These large, horizontal doors can be opened to make way for cargo to be lowered to the lowest portion of the ship. Each one is a strength check DC: 25 to open by a single person, DC: 15 to open with 2 people, and no check with three or more.

When opened, these doors reach only inches from the ceiling of this level, providing superior cover and blocking line of sight, though that is only assuming they are propped up somehow to stay in an upright position.
Enemy Info
Sailors: These are your run of the mill sailors, the type you'd find on nearly every crew. They have some amount of combat skill, but they are nothing compared to you Dogs. They wield cutlasses and are not armored.
?? Liam (AA, 10) | HP: 75/75 | Surges: 9/9 | AP: 1/1 | Charm of the Defender
?? Darcell (AB, 12) | HP: 77/79 | Surges: 8/10 | AP: 1/1 | currently sharing a location with Big John
?? Isabelle (AB, 11) | HP: 82/91 | Surges: 7/11 | AP: 1/1 | Eldritch Quagmire, currently sharing a location with Henri
?? Big John (AB, 12) | HP: 89/89 | Surges: 10/11 | AP: 0/1 | currently sharing a location with Darcell
?? Henri (AB, 11) | HP: 74+5/74 | Surges: 7/8 | AP: 1/1 | Relentless Wounding, Create Opportunity, Stone of Wind, currently sharing a location with Isabelle
?? Grommak (AD, 12) | HP: 86/86 | Surges: 5/9 | AP: 0/1 | Frenzied Skirmish

?? Sailor 1 (AB, 7) | HP: 1/1 |
?? Sailor 2 (??, ??) | HP: 1/1 | started in (AD, 13) before moving off into the darkness as Grommak approached
Combat Block
Johannes Galben, aka Big John

Male Goliath Fighter 11
Languages: Common, Tulrissian
Age: 32
Height: 7' 6"
Weight: 315 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +8 (+10 when within 10 squares of Henri)
Passive Perception: 23
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 26
Fort: 27
Reflex: 22
Will: 24
HP: 89/89
Bloodied: 44
Surge Value: 22
Surges left: 10/11
Action Points: 0




Active Effects:
+2 to defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away


Combat Challenge
Dual Strike
Footwork Lure

Second Wind [_]
Disciplined Counter [_]
Stone's Endurance [_]
Funneling Flurry [_]
Glowering Threat [_]
Sweeping Blow [_]
Come and Get It [_]
Defensive Advance [_]
Mountain Sweep [_]

Tempest Dance [_]
Dancing Defense [_]
Chain Ward [_]
Bedeviling Assault [_]
Staggering Spiked Chain +3 [_]


Four-Sided Caltrop
Four-Sided Caltrop
Important Features:
Combat Challenge: Every time I attack an enemy, whether it hits or misses, I can choose to mark the target until the end of my next turn.

Combat Superiority: Wis mod (+3) to OAs. Enemies I hit with an OA stop moving if a move provoked this

Arena Training: I treat all weapons I am not proficient in as improvised weapons. +2 proficiency bonus with all improvised weapons. 1d8 damage for one-handed improvised weapons, and 1d10 damage for two-handed improvised weapons. +1 per tier bonus to AC when not in heavy armor.

I choose two weapons (Spiked Chain, Quarterstaff) as my arena weapons, and gain proficiency in them if not already. Feats that grant attack or damage bonuses to one of my arena weapons apply to all of them.

Stonehide Action: +2 to AC until the end of my next turn when I spend an AP.

Unusual Reach: +1 reach

Powerful Athlete: When I make an athletics check to jump or climb, I roll twice and use either result.

Elemental Initiate Starting Feature: +2 proficiency bonus with unarmed attacks, and deal 1d6 damage with them. Gain proficiency in ki focuses.

Staff Expertise: Don't provoke OAs when making a ranged or area attack with staffs (or, by extension, other arena weapons) as implements. +1 reach with melee attacks made with staffs (and, by extension, other arena weapons).

Spiked Chain Training: Gain proficiency with Spiked Chain, and can treat it as a double weapon with 2d4 damage for each end, stout on the primary end, and off-hand on the secondary end. Both ends count as light blades (in addition to flails).

Midnight Blade Student: When using a light blade, Dual Strike can target Reflex instead of AC

Mark of Warding: When a power grants a bonus to defense, increase that bonus by 1. Mark penalty is increased to -3, rather than -2. Can master/perform certain rituals.

Dragging Flail: When I use a flail to knock an enemy prone, I can also slide that enemy 1 square.

Flail Expertise: When I hit with a melee attack with a flail (or, by extension, other arena weapons), and the attack lets me slide a target, I can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

Catpaw Style: When I hit with Footwork Lure I can choose to forgo shifting, and instead slide the target 1 square to any space adjacent to me.

Staggering Spiked Chain +3: +3 to distance I can slide a target with powers that can slide. On crit: +3d6 damage and knock the target prone.

Rushing Cleats (heroic tier): +2 to bull rush attacks, increase distance I push or slide with melee or close attacks by 1.

Cloak of Distortion +2: +2 to defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away.

Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier): +2 to melee damage rolls

Defensive Spiked Gauntlet +1: +1 item bonus to defenses when I use Total Defense or Second Wind
* With Spiked Chain I have a reach of 4, with Quarterstaff a reach of 3, and +1 to all other weapons.

* With powers that allow me to slide the target, I have +4 to that slide distance and (with all arena weapons) can choose to knock the enemy prone instead of sliding. If I do knock them prone, I can then slide them 1 square anyway.

* Total Defense and Second Wind both grant me +4 to all defenses, rather than +2.

* Due to proficiency, arena training or being an elemental initiate, no attack I make has less than +2 for its proficiency bonus.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Darcell ignores the cowering sailor, drawing a torch as he descends the stairs. He lights it against Dirge's as he passes the man, before turning the opposite direction. "Come out come out..."
Stow off-hand, draw torch and move to Z12.
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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

Darcell rounds the corner and heads into the doorway leading out to the same more-open area that Grommak entered, though on the opposite side of the ship. He does not spot anyone or anything of note along the way.
Map Info
Stairs: There are two staircases currently visible, the one that the party descended at (AB, 12) and the one heading further down at (AC, 12).

Masts: The masts descend into the ship as support beams, and function the same as before with one caveat; if a mast has a wall adjacent to it (as the currently visible one does), you must squeeze to pass by it.

Cargo Doors: These large, horizontal doors can be opened to make way for cargo to be lowered to the lowest portion of the ship. Each one is a strength check DC: 25 to open by a single person, DC: 15 to open with 2 people, and no check with three or more.

When opened, these doors reach only inches from the ceiling of this level, providing superior cover and blocking line of sight, though that is only assuming they are propped up somehow to stay in an upright position.
Enemy Info
Sailors: These are your run of the mill sailors, the type you'd find on nearly every crew. They have some amount of combat skill, but they are nothing compared to you Dogs. They wield cutlasses and are not armored.
?? Liam (AA, 10) | HP: 75/75 | Surges: 9/9 | AP: 1/1 | Charm of the Defender
?? Darcell (Z, 12) | HP: 77/79 | Surges: 8/10 | AP: 1/1 |
?? Isabelle (AB, 11) | HP: 82/91 | Surges: 7/11 | AP: 1/1 | Eldritch Quagmire, currently sharing a location with Henri
?? Big John (AB, 12) | HP: 89/89 | Surges: 10/11 | AP: 0/1 |
?? Henri (AB, 11) | HP: 74+5/74 | Surges: 7/8 | AP: 1/1 | Relentless Wounding, Create Opportunity, Stone of Wind, currently sharing a location with Isabelle
?? Grommak (AD, 12) | HP: 86/86 | Surges: 5/9 | AP: 0/1 | Frenzied Skirmish

?? Sailor 1 (AB, 7) | HP: 1/1 |
?? Sailor 2 (??, ??) | HP: 1/1 | started in (AD, 13) before moving off into the darkness as Grommak approached
Combat Block
Johannes Galben, aka Big John

Male Goliath Fighter 11
Languages: Common, Tulrissian
Age: 32
Height: 7' 6"
Weight: 315 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +8 (+10 when within 10 squares of Henri)
Passive Perception: 23
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 26
Fort: 27
Reflex: 22
Will: 24
HP: 89/89
Bloodied: 44
Surge Value: 22
Surges left: 10/11
Action Points: 0




Active Effects:
+2 to defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away


Combat Challenge
Dual Strike
Footwork Lure

Second Wind [_]
Disciplined Counter [_]
Stone's Endurance [_]
Funneling Flurry [_]
Glowering Threat [_]
Sweeping Blow [_]
Come and Get It [_]
Defensive Advance [_]
Mountain Sweep [_]

Tempest Dance [_]
Dancing Defense [_]
Chain Ward [_]
Bedeviling Assault [_]
Staggering Spiked Chain +3 [_]


Four-Sided Caltrop
Four-Sided Caltrop
Important Features:
Combat Challenge: Every time I attack an enemy, whether it hits or misses, I can choose to mark the target until the end of my next turn.

Combat Superiority: Wis mod (+3) to OAs. Enemies I hit with an OA stop moving if a move provoked this

Arena Training: I treat all weapons I am not proficient in as improvised weapons. +2 proficiency bonus with all improvised weapons. 1d8 damage for one-handed improvised weapons, and 1d10 damage for two-handed improvised weapons. +1 per tier bonus to AC when not in heavy armor.

I choose two weapons (Spiked Chain, Quarterstaff) as my arena weapons, and gain proficiency in them if not already. Feats that grant attack or damage bonuses to one of my arena weapons apply to all of them.

Stonehide Action: +2 to AC until the end of my next turn when I spend an AP.

Unusual Reach: +1 reach

Powerful Athlete: When I make an athletics check to jump or climb, I roll twice and use either result.

Elemental Initiate Starting Feature: +2 proficiency bonus with unarmed attacks, and deal 1d6 damage with them. Gain proficiency in ki focuses.

Staff Expertise: Don't provoke OAs when making a ranged or area attack with staffs (or, by extension, other arena weapons) as implements. +1 reach with melee attacks made with staffs (and, by extension, other arena weapons).

Spiked Chain Training: Gain proficiency with Spiked Chain, and can treat it as a double weapon with 2d4 damage for each end, stout on the primary end, and off-hand on the secondary end. Both ends count as light blades (in addition to flails).

Midnight Blade Student: When using a light blade, Dual Strike can target Reflex instead of AC

Mark of Warding: When a power grants a bonus to defense, increase that bonus by 1. Mark penalty is increased to -3, rather than -2. Can master/perform certain rituals.

Dragging Flail: When I use a flail to knock an enemy prone, I can also slide that enemy 1 square.

Flail Expertise: When I hit with a melee attack with a flail (or, by extension, other arena weapons), and the attack lets me slide a target, I can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

Catpaw Style: When I hit with Footwork Lure I can choose to forgo shifting, and instead slide the target 1 square to any space adjacent to me.

Staggering Spiked Chain +3: +3 to distance I can slide a target with powers that can slide. On crit: +3d6 damage and knock the target prone.

Rushing Cleats (heroic tier): +2 to bull rush attacks, increase distance I push or slide with melee or close attacks by 1.

Cloak of Distortion +2: +2 to defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away.

Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier): +2 to melee damage rolls

Defensive Spiked Gauntlet +1: +1 item bonus to defenses when I use Total Defense or Second Wind
* With Spiked Chain I have a reach of 4, with Quarterstaff a reach of 3, and +1 to all other weapons.

* With powers that allow me to slide the target, I have +4 to that slide distance and (with all arena weapons) can choose to knock the enemy prone instead of sliding. If I do knock them prone, I can then slide them 1 square anyway.

* Total Defense and Second Wind both grant me +4 to all defenses, rather than +2.

* Due to proficiency, arena training or being an elemental initiate, no attack I make has less than +2 for its proficiency bonus.
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A Wan Smile
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Coward," the orc mutters underneath his breath as he slowly steps forward, his heavy scimitar in front of him.
Move to the right three squares or until I see somebody, whichever comes soonest.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Darcell notices Grommak on his right, pushing further down the ship and he follows his lead, he sword and torch raised at the ready.
Move to the right three squares or until I see somebody, whichever comes soonest.
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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

After about 10 feet, Grommak once more catches sight of the sailor, who again darts off into the darkness. Darcell moves a bit further in, but does not manage to find anyone else. Meanwhile, Big John steps past the still-clustered Isabelle and Henri and exits the doorway behind Grommak.
Map Info
Stairs: There are two staircases currently visible, the one that the party descended at (AB, 12) and the one heading further down at (AC, 12).

Masts: The masts descend into the ship as support beams, and function the same as before with one caveat; if a mast has a wall adjacent to it (as the currently visible one does), you must squeeze to pass by it.

Cargo Doors: These large, horizontal doors can be opened to make way for cargo to be lowered to the lowest portion of the ship. Each one is a strength check DC: 25 to open by a single person, DC: 15 to open with 2 people, and no check with three or more.

When opened, these doors reach only inches from the ceiling of this level, providing superior cover and blocking line of sight, though that is only assuming they are propped up somehow to stay in an upright position.
Enemy Info
Sailors: These are your run of the mill sailors, the type you'd find on nearly every crew. They have some amount of combat skill, but they are nothing compared to you Dogs. They wield cutlasses and are not armored.
?? Liam (AA, 10) | HP: 75/75 | Surges: 9/9 | AP: 1/1 | Charm of the Defender
?? Darcell (Z, 15) | HP: 77/79 | Surges: 8/10 | AP: 1/1 |
?? Isabelle (AB, 11) | HP: 82/91 | Surges: 7/11 | AP: 1/1 | Eldritch Quagmire, currently sharing a location with Henri
?? Big John (AD, 11) | HP: 89/89 | Surges: 10/11 | AP: 0/1 |
?? Henri (AB, 11) | HP: 74+5/74 | Surges: 7/8 | AP: 1/1 | Relentless Wounding, Create Opportunity, Stone of Wind, currently sharing a location with Isabelle
?? Grommak (AD, 14) | HP: 86/86 | Surges: 5/9 | AP: 0/1 | Frenzied Skirmish

?? Sailor 1 (AB, 7) | HP: 1/1 |
?? Sailor 2 (??, ??) | HP: 1/1 | started in (AC, 19) before moving off into the darkness as Grommak approached
Combat Block
Johannes Galben, aka Big John

Male Goliath Fighter 11
Languages: Common, Tulrissian
Age: 32
Height: 7' 6"
Weight: 315 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +8 (+10 when within 10 squares of Henri)
Passive Perception: 23
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 26
Fort: 27
Reflex: 22
Will: 24
HP: 89/89
Bloodied: 44
Surge Value: 22
Surges left: 10/11
Action Points: 0




Active Effects:
+2 to defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away


Combat Challenge
Dual Strike
Footwork Lure

Second Wind [_]
Disciplined Counter [_]
Stone's Endurance [_]
Funneling Flurry [_]
Glowering Threat [_]
Sweeping Blow [_]
Come and Get It [_]
Defensive Advance [_]
Mountain Sweep [_]

Tempest Dance [_]
Dancing Defense [_]
Chain Ward [_]
Bedeviling Assault [_]
Staggering Spiked Chain +3 [_]


Four-Sided Caltrop
Four-Sided Caltrop
Important Features:
Combat Challenge: Every time I attack an enemy, whether it hits or misses, I can choose to mark the target until the end of my next turn.

Combat Superiority: Wis mod (+3) to OAs. Enemies I hit with an OA stop moving if a move provoked this

Arena Training: I treat all weapons I am not proficient in as improvised weapons. +2 proficiency bonus with all improvised weapons. 1d8 damage for one-handed improvised weapons, and 1d10 damage for two-handed improvised weapons. +1 per tier bonus to AC when not in heavy armor.

I choose two weapons (Spiked Chain, Quarterstaff) as my arena weapons, and gain proficiency in them if not already. Feats that grant attack or damage bonuses to one of my arena weapons apply to all of them.

Stonehide Action: +2 to AC until the end of my next turn when I spend an AP.

Unusual Reach: +1 reach

Powerful Athlete: When I make an athletics check to jump or climb, I roll twice and use either result.

Elemental Initiate Starting Feature: +2 proficiency bonus with unarmed attacks, and deal 1d6 damage with them. Gain proficiency in ki focuses.

Staff Expertise: Don't provoke OAs when making a ranged or area attack with staffs (or, by extension, other arena weapons) as implements. +1 reach with melee attacks made with staffs (and, by extension, other arena weapons).

Spiked Chain Training: Gain proficiency with Spiked Chain, and can treat it as a double weapon with 2d4 damage for each end, stout on the primary end, and off-hand on the secondary end. Both ends count as light blades (in addition to flails).

Midnight Blade Student: When using a light blade, Dual Strike can target Reflex instead of AC

Mark of Warding: When a power grants a bonus to defense, increase that bonus by 1. Mark penalty is increased to -3, rather than -2. Can master/perform certain rituals.

Dragging Flail: When I use a flail to knock an enemy prone, I can also slide that enemy 1 square.

Flail Expertise: When I hit with a melee attack with a flail (or, by extension, other arena weapons), and the attack lets me slide a target, I can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

Catpaw Style: When I hit with Footwork Lure I can choose to forgo shifting, and instead slide the target 1 square to any space adjacent to me.

Staggering Spiked Chain +3: +3 to distance I can slide a target with powers that can slide. On crit: +3d6 damage and knock the target prone.

Rushing Cleats (heroic tier): +2 to bull rush attacks, increase distance I push or slide with melee or close attacks by 1.

Cloak of Distortion +2: +2 to defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away.

Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier): +2 to melee damage rolls

Defensive Spiked Gauntlet +1: +1 item bonus to defenses when I use Total Defense or Second Wind
* With Spiked Chain I have a reach of 4, with Quarterstaff a reach of 3, and +1 to all other weapons.

* With powers that allow me to slide the target, I have +4 to that slide distance and (with all arena weapons) can choose to knock the enemy prone instead of sliding. If I do knock them prone, I can then slide them 1 square anyway.

* Total Defense and Second Wind both grant me +4 to all defenses, rather than +2.

* Due to proficiency, arena training or being an elemental initiate, no attack I make has less than +2 for its proficiency bonus.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by kalis5 »

Liam glares at the soldier in the corner of the ship for a moment before following the rest of the crew.
"Smart man. Shame, I need to vent some of this anger on something."
When he sees the cargo doors he bends down, raising the torch up as he moves his head this way and that, looking down below.
"Think we can get the drop on someone with these?"
Move to AB 14
Perception Check to look through door slits: 16(1d20) +13 = 29
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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

As you look through the slits you can see very little, as they are not very wide. What you do see is that directly beneath them, and the same width as the doors, is a metal platform, likely where the cargo is unloaded. You can also see to one side what seems to be the bottom of one of the masts, and on the other side some vertical metal bars, potentially a door or gate of some sort. It is very dim though, as little light makes it through the cracks, so there is not really much else you can make out.
Map Info
Stairs: There are two staircases currently visible, the one that the party descended at (AB, 12) and the one heading further down at (AC, 12).

Masts: The masts descend into the ship as support beams, and function the same as before with one caveat; if a mast has a wall adjacent to it (as the currently visible one does), you must squeeze to pass by it.

Cargo Doors: These large, horizontal doors can be opened to make way for cargo to be lowered to the lowest portion of the ship. Each one is a strength check DC: 25 to open by a single person, DC: 15 to open with 2 people, and no check with three or more.

When opened, these doors reach only inches from the ceiling of this level, providing superior cover and blocking line of sight, though that is only assuming they are propped up somehow to stay in an upright position.
Enemy Info
Sailors: These are your run of the mill sailors, the type you'd find on nearly every crew. They have some amount of combat skill, but they are nothing compared to you Dogs. They wield cutlasses and are not armored.
?? Liam (AB, 14) | HP: 75/75 | Surges: 9/9 | AP: 1/1 | Charm of the Defender
?? Darcell (Z, 15) | HP: 77/79 | Surges: 8/10 | AP: 1/1 |
?? Isabelle (AB, 11) | HP: 82/91 | Surges: 7/11 | AP: 1/1 | Eldritch Quagmire, currently sharing a location with Henri
?? Big John (AD, 11) | HP: 89/89 | Surges: 10/11 | AP: 0/1 |
?? Henri (AB, 11) | HP: 74+5/74 | Surges: 7/8 | AP: 1/1 | Relentless Wounding, Create Opportunity, Stone of Wind, currently sharing a location with Isabelle
?? Grommak (AD, 14) | HP: 86/86 | Surges: 5/9 | AP: 0/1 | Frenzied Skirmish

?? Sailor 1 (AB, 7) | HP: 1/1 |
?? Sailor 2 (??, ??) | HP: 1/1 |
Combat Block
Johannes Galben, aka Big John

Male Goliath Fighter 11
Languages: Common, Tulrissian
Age: 32
Height: 7' 6"
Weight: 315 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +8 (+10 when within 10 squares of Henri)
Passive Perception: 23
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 26
Fort: 27
Reflex: 22
Will: 24
HP: 89/89
Bloodied: 44
Surge Value: 22
Surges left: 10/11
Action Points: 0




Active Effects:
+2 to defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away


Combat Challenge
Dual Strike
Footwork Lure

Second Wind [_]
Disciplined Counter [_]
Stone's Endurance [_]
Funneling Flurry [_]
Glowering Threat [_]
Sweeping Blow [_]
Come and Get It [_]
Defensive Advance [_]
Mountain Sweep [_]

Tempest Dance [_]
Dancing Defense [_]
Chain Ward [_]
Bedeviling Assault [_]
Staggering Spiked Chain +3 [_]


Four-Sided Caltrop
Four-Sided Caltrop
Important Features:
Combat Challenge: Every time I attack an enemy, whether it hits or misses, I can choose to mark the target until the end of my next turn.

Combat Superiority: Wis mod (+3) to OAs. Enemies I hit with an OA stop moving if a move provoked this

Arena Training: I treat all weapons I am not proficient in as improvised weapons. +2 proficiency bonus with all improvised weapons. 1d8 damage for one-handed improvised weapons, and 1d10 damage for two-handed improvised weapons. +1 per tier bonus to AC when not in heavy armor.

I choose two weapons (Spiked Chain, Quarterstaff) as my arena weapons, and gain proficiency in them if not already. Feats that grant attack or damage bonuses to one of my arena weapons apply to all of them.

Stonehide Action: +2 to AC until the end of my next turn when I spend an AP.

Unusual Reach: +1 reach

Powerful Athlete: When I make an athletics check to jump or climb, I roll twice and use either result.

Elemental Initiate Starting Feature: +2 proficiency bonus with unarmed attacks, and deal 1d6 damage with them. Gain proficiency in ki focuses.

Staff Expertise: Don't provoke OAs when making a ranged or area attack with staffs (or, by extension, other arena weapons) as implements. +1 reach with melee attacks made with staffs (and, by extension, other arena weapons).

Spiked Chain Training: Gain proficiency with Spiked Chain, and can treat it as a double weapon with 2d4 damage for each end, stout on the primary end, and off-hand on the secondary end. Both ends count as light blades (in addition to flails).

Midnight Blade Student: When using a light blade, Dual Strike can target Reflex instead of AC

Mark of Warding: When a power grants a bonus to defense, increase that bonus by 1. Mark penalty is increased to -3, rather than -2. Can master/perform certain rituals.

Dragging Flail: When I use a flail to knock an enemy prone, I can also slide that enemy 1 square.

Flail Expertise: When I hit with a melee attack with a flail (or, by extension, other arena weapons), and the attack lets me slide a target, I can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

Catpaw Style: When I hit with Footwork Lure I can choose to forgo shifting, and instead slide the target 1 square to any space adjacent to me.

Staggering Spiked Chain +3: +3 to distance I can slide a target with powers that can slide. On crit: +3d6 damage and knock the target prone.

Rushing Cleats (heroic tier): +2 to bull rush attacks, increase distance I push or slide with melee or close attacks by 1.

Cloak of Distortion +2: +2 to defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away.

Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier): +2 to melee damage rolls

Defensive Spiked Gauntlet +1: +1 item bonus to defenses when I use Total Defense or Second Wind
* With Spiked Chain I have a reach of 4, with Quarterstaff a reach of 3, and +1 to all other weapons.

* With powers that allow me to slide the target, I have +4 to that slide distance and (with all arena weapons) can choose to knock the enemy prone instead of sliding. If I do knock them prone, I can then slide them 1 square anyway.

* Total Defense and Second Wind both grant me +4 to all defenses, rather than +2.

* Due to proficiency, arena training or being an elemental initiate, no attack I make has less than +2 for its proficiency bonus.
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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Darcell continues forward towards the next part of the ship.
Move to (AA, 18)
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by PureZaros »

Striking off a torch herself as she sheathes her sword, Isabelle looks back at her comrades before deciding to check the front of the ship.

Wondering what had momentarily caught Dirge's attention, she steps into a small room at the front of the ship, where where she sees the sailor cowering. Keeping a hand on the hilt of her blade, ready to lop off hands or heads if the need arises, she leers down at him. "Right then. Easy way or hard way?"
Sheathe mah sword and light torch
Move to [AA, 8]
Tell me what I can see in this part of the ship pls.

Intimidate check on this sailor? I dunno: 16
Last edited by PureZaros on Sat Mar 21, 2015 6:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

Moving forward, Darcell's torch reveals the fleeing sailor once more, who once again darts off into the darkness as soon as the light shines upon him. He also catches a brief glimpse of another man hiding near some barrels through the doorway on the port side. Through the nearby doorway he can spot a chair sitting in a corner, and ahead of him the man can see a hallway with another doorway leading off of it.

On the other side of the ship Isabelle takes out a torch of her own and moves into the small room at the bow with the cowering sailor. At her question the man's eyes widen, and he begins to stutter, "d- d- d- don't k- k- kill me! T- take me with you. I kn- know me way 'round a sh- sh- ship." As he speaks he slowly sinks to the ground, his eyes beginning to water, his gaze fixed on the woman.
You see a man in a small barren room, nothing more than some rags and frayed pieces of rope, and a turned over tankard.
Map Info
Stairs: There are two staircases currently visible, the one that the party descended at (AB, 12) and the one heading further down at (AC, 12).

Masts: The masts descend into the ship as support beams, and function the same as before with one caveat; if a mast has a wall adjacent to it (as the currently visible one does), you must squeeze to pass by it.

Cargo Doors: These large, horizontal doors can be opened to make way for cargo to be lowered to the lowest portion of the ship. Each one is a strength check DC: 25 to open by a single person, DC: 15 to open with 2 people, and no check with three or more.

When opened, these doors reach only inches from the ceiling of this level, providing superior cover and blocking line of sight, though that is only assuming they are propped up somehow to stay in an upright position.
Enemy Info
Sailors: These are your run of the mill sailors, the type you'd find on nearly every crew. They have some amount of combat skill, but they are nothing compared to you Dogs. They wield cutlasses and are not armored.
?? Liam (AB, 14) | HP: 75/75 | Surges: 9/9 | AP: 1/1 | Charm of the Defender, holding torch
?? Darcell (AA, 18) | HP: 77/79 | Surges: 8/10 | AP: 1/1 | holding torch
?? Isabelle (AA, 8) | HP: 82/91 | Surges: 7/11 | AP: 1/1 | Eldritch Quagmire, holding torch
?? Big John (AD, 11) | HP: 89/89 | Surges: 10/11 | AP: 0/1 |
?? Henri (AB, 11) | HP: 74+5/74 | Surges: 7/8 | AP: 1/1 | Relentless Wounding, Create Opportunity, Stone of Wind
?? Grommak (AD, 14) | HP: 86/86 | Surges: 5/9 | AP: 0/1 | Frenzied Skirmish, holding torch

?? Sailor 1 (AB, 7) | HP: 1/1 |
?? Sailor 2 (??, ??) | HP: 1/1 | started in (AC, 22) before being revealed by Darcell's torch
?? Sailor 3 (AE, 19) | HP: 1/1 |
Combat Block
Johannes Galben, aka Big John

Male Goliath Fighter 11
Languages: Common, Tulrissian
Age: 32
Height: 7' 6"
Weight: 315 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +8 (+10 when within 10 squares of Henri)
Passive Perception: 23
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 26
Fort: 27
Reflex: 22
Will: 24
HP: 89/89
Bloodied: 44
Surge Value: 22
Surges left: 10/11
Action Points: 0




Active Effects:
+2 to defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away


Combat Challenge
Dual Strike
Footwork Lure

Second Wind [_]
Disciplined Counter [_]
Stone's Endurance [_]
Funneling Flurry [_]
Glowering Threat [_]
Sweeping Blow [_]
Come and Get It [_]
Defensive Advance [_]
Mountain Sweep [_]

Tempest Dance [_]
Dancing Defense [_]
Chain Ward [_]
Bedeviling Assault [_]
Staggering Spiked Chain +3 [_]


Four-Sided Caltrop
Four-Sided Caltrop
Important Features:
Combat Challenge: Every time I attack an enemy, whether it hits or misses, I can choose to mark the target until the end of my next turn.

Combat Superiority: Wis mod (+3) to OAs. Enemies I hit with an OA stop moving if a move provoked this

Arena Training: I treat all weapons I am not proficient in as improvised weapons. +2 proficiency bonus with all improvised weapons. 1d8 damage for one-handed improvised weapons, and 1d10 damage for two-handed improvised weapons. +1 per tier bonus to AC when not in heavy armor.

I choose two weapons (Spiked Chain, Quarterstaff) as my arena weapons, and gain proficiency in them if not already. Feats that grant attack or damage bonuses to one of my arena weapons apply to all of them.

Stonehide Action: +2 to AC until the end of my next turn when I spend an AP.

Unusual Reach: +1 reach

Powerful Athlete: When I make an athletics check to jump or climb, I roll twice and use either result.

Elemental Initiate Starting Feature: +2 proficiency bonus with unarmed attacks, and deal 1d6 damage with them. Gain proficiency in ki focuses.

Staff Expertise: Don't provoke OAs when making a ranged or area attack with staffs (or, by extension, other arena weapons) as implements. +1 reach with melee attacks made with staffs (and, by extension, other arena weapons).

Spiked Chain Training: Gain proficiency with Spiked Chain, and can treat it as a double weapon with 2d4 damage for each end, stout on the primary end, and off-hand on the secondary end. Both ends count as light blades (in addition to flails).

Midnight Blade Student: When using a light blade, Dual Strike can target Reflex instead of AC

Mark of Warding: When a power grants a bonus to defense, increase that bonus by 1. Mark penalty is increased to -3, rather than -2. Can master/perform certain rituals.

Dragging Flail: When I use a flail to knock an enemy prone, I can also slide that enemy 1 square.

Flail Expertise: When I hit with a melee attack with a flail (or, by extension, other arena weapons), and the attack lets me slide a target, I can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

Catpaw Style: When I hit with Footwork Lure I can choose to forgo shifting, and instead slide the target 1 square to any space adjacent to me.

Staggering Spiked Chain +3: +3 to distance I can slide a target with powers that can slide. On crit: +3d6 damage and knock the target prone.

Rushing Cleats (heroic tier): +2 to bull rush attacks, increase distance I push or slide with melee or close attacks by 1.

Cloak of Distortion +2: +2 to defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away.

Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier): +2 to melee damage rolls

Defensive Spiked Gauntlet +1: +1 item bonus to defenses when I use Total Defense or Second Wind
* With Spiked Chain I have a reach of 4, with Quarterstaff a reach of 3, and +1 to all other weapons.

* With powers that allow me to slide the target, I have +4 to that slide distance and (with all arena weapons) can choose to knock the enemy prone instead of sliding. If I do knock them prone, I can then slide them 1 square anyway.

* Total Defense and Second Wind both grant me +4 to all defenses, rather than +2.

* Due to proficiency, arena training or being an elemental initiate, no attack I make has less than +2 for its proficiency bonus.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

Grommak sheaths his cutlass, bending down to grab one of the cargo doors. "Help me pull this open," he tells Dirge as he gives it a decent yank, holding the torch in his off-hand.
Strength check on the cargo door: 20(1d20) +5 = 25
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"There's a couple more through here, I'll check it out," Darcell says to Grommak, as the Orc tries to open the cargo door. Darcell steps forward into the doorway to get a good view of the room.
Walk to (AA, 19)
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by kalis5 »

Liam walks to the other side of the cargo doors and joins Grommak.
"Here, I'll give you a hand. Least I can do considering."
Liam does his best to tug on the doors, though with Grommak there, he knows most of the weight is going to be done by him. Really he's just there to make sure it comes up straight and clean.
Athletics Check to assist Grommak with the door: 4(1d20) +10 = 14
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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

Grommak manages to open the door with ease not even needing Liam's aid, revealing the platform the drunkard had spotted below. There is about 10 feet between this level and the next, making the jump down an easy one, should any want to attempt it. Light seems into the lower deck but doesn't make it far, revealing little more of the bowels of the ship than the immediately directly below you, which doesn't seem to hold anything of note.

As Darcell moves forward, he gets a more clear look at the man in the room across the ship, and also finds himself standing in front of another sailor who'd been hiding in the room near him. He looks nervous but not terrified, and is wearing a bloodied apron. He stands near a table with what appears to be partially-prepared meat, and behind him is a sack of cabbages. He eyes Darcell suspiciously, though stands firm.
Map Info
Stairs: There are two staircases currently visible, the one that the party descended at (AB, 12) and the one heading further down at (AC, 12).

Masts: The masts descend into the ship as support beams, and function the same as before with one caveat; if a mast has a wall adjacent to it (as the currently visible one does), you must squeeze to pass by it.

Cargo Doors: These large, horizontal doors can be opened to make way for cargo to be lowered to the lowest portion of the ship. Each one is a strength check DC: 25 to open by a single person, DC: 15 to open with 2 people, and no check with three or more.

When opened, these doors reach only inches from the ceiling of this level, providing superior cover and blocking line of sight, though that is only assuming they are propped up somehow to stay in an upright position.

Lower Deck: The opened cargo doors allow for the possibility of jumping, or falling, from this deck to the one below. The drop is 10 feet, and the surface directly underneath is a solid sheet of metal.
Enemy Info
Sailors: These are your run of the mill sailors, the type you'd find on nearly every crew. They have some amount of combat skill, but they are nothing compared to you Dogs. They wield cutlasses and are not armored.
?? Liam (Z, 14) | HP: 75/75 | Surges: 9/9 | AP: 1/1 | Charm of the Defender, holding torch
?? Darcell (AA, 19) | HP: 77/79 | Surges: 8/10 | AP: 1/1 | holding torch
?? Isabelle (AA, 8) | HP: 82/91 | Surges: 7/11 | AP: 1/1 | Eldritch Quagmire, holding torch
?? Big John (AD, 11) | HP: 89/89 | Surges: 10/11 | AP: 0/1 |
?? Henri (AB, 11) | HP: 74+5/74 | Surges: 7/8 | AP: 1/1 | Relentless Wounding, Create Opportunity, Stone of Wind
?? Grommak (AD, 14) | HP: 86/86 | Surges: 5/9 | AP: 0/1 | Frenzied Skirmish, holding torch

?? Sailor 1 (AB, 7) | HP: 1/1 |
?? Sailor 2 (??, ??) | HP: 1/1 |
?? Sailor 3 (AE, 19) | HP: 1/1 |
?? Sailor 4 (Z, 19) | HP: 1/1 |
Combat Block
Johannes Galben, aka Big John

Male Goliath Fighter 11
Languages: Common, Tulrissian
Age: 32
Height: 7' 6"
Weight: 315 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +8 (+10 when within 10 squares of Henri)
Passive Perception: 23
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 26
Fort: 27
Reflex: 22
Will: 24
HP: 89/89
Bloodied: 44
Surge Value: 22
Surges left: 10/11
Action Points: 0




Active Effects:
+2 to defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away


Combat Challenge
Dual Strike
Footwork Lure

Second Wind [_]
Disciplined Counter [_]
Stone's Endurance [_]
Funneling Flurry [_]
Glowering Threat [_]
Sweeping Blow [_]
Come and Get It [_]
Defensive Advance [_]
Mountain Sweep [_]

Tempest Dance [_]
Dancing Defense [_]
Chain Ward [_]
Bedeviling Assault [_]
Staggering Spiked Chain +3 [_]


Four-Sided Caltrop
Four-Sided Caltrop
Important Features:
Combat Challenge: Every time I attack an enemy, whether it hits or misses, I can choose to mark the target until the end of my next turn.

Combat Superiority: Wis mod (+3) to OAs. Enemies I hit with an OA stop moving if a move provoked this

Arena Training: I treat all weapons I am not proficient in as improvised weapons. +2 proficiency bonus with all improvised weapons. 1d8 damage for one-handed improvised weapons, and 1d10 damage for two-handed improvised weapons. +1 per tier bonus to AC when not in heavy armor.

I choose two weapons (Spiked Chain, Quarterstaff) as my arena weapons, and gain proficiency in them if not already. Feats that grant attack or damage bonuses to one of my arena weapons apply to all of them.

Stonehide Action: +2 to AC until the end of my next turn when I spend an AP.

Unusual Reach: +1 reach

Powerful Athlete: When I make an athletics check to jump or climb, I roll twice and use either result.

Elemental Initiate Starting Feature: +2 proficiency bonus with unarmed attacks, and deal 1d6 damage with them. Gain proficiency in ki focuses.

Staff Expertise: Don't provoke OAs when making a ranged or area attack with staffs (or, by extension, other arena weapons) as implements. +1 reach with melee attacks made with staffs (and, by extension, other arena weapons).

Spiked Chain Training: Gain proficiency with Spiked Chain, and can treat it as a double weapon with 2d4 damage for each end, stout on the primary end, and off-hand on the secondary end. Both ends count as light blades (in addition to flails).

Midnight Blade Student: When using a light blade, Dual Strike can target Reflex instead of AC

Mark of Warding: When a power grants a bonus to defense, increase that bonus by 1. Mark penalty is increased to -3, rather than -2. Can master/perform certain rituals.

Dragging Flail: When I use a flail to knock an enemy prone, I can also slide that enemy 1 square.

Flail Expertise: When I hit with a melee attack with a flail (or, by extension, other arena weapons), and the attack lets me slide a target, I can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

Catpaw Style: When I hit with Footwork Lure I can choose to forgo shifting, and instead slide the target 1 square to any space adjacent to me.

Staggering Spiked Chain +3: +3 to distance I can slide a target with powers that can slide. On crit: +3d6 damage and knock the target prone.

Rushing Cleats (heroic tier): +2 to bull rush attacks, increase distance I push or slide with melee or close attacks by 1.

Cloak of Distortion +2: +2 to defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away.

Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier): +2 to melee damage rolls

Defensive Spiked Gauntlet +1: +1 item bonus to defenses when I use Total Defense or Second Wind
* With Spiked Chain I have a reach of 4, with Quarterstaff a reach of 3, and +1 to all other weapons.

* With powers that allow me to slide the target, I have +4 to that slide distance and (with all arena weapons) can choose to knock the enemy prone instead of sliding. If I do knock them prone, I can then slide them 1 square anyway.

* Total Defense and Second Wind both grant me +4 to all defenses, rather than +2.

* Due to proficiency, arena training or being an elemental initiate, no attack I make has less than +2 for its proficiency bonus.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

"I'm goin' down," Grommak says to Dirge as he carefully holds his torch and shimmies onto the edge in a sitting position. "Beware, yokels!" he calls as he slips down, landing carefully on his feet. He quickly draws his heavy scimitar, holding the torch in his left hand.
Hop down to AC15. Auto-pass acrobatics check. Minor to draw Scimitar.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by PureZaros »

"Get rid of those weapons and I'll think about it." Isabelle says in response to the man's panicked pleading, gesturing with her torch. If you didn't want to die, you shouldn't've gotten into the sailing business. The cowards die off. she thinks, mildly disgusted by the poor show.
By the way, my AC is currently only 27.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Think very carefully about your next move," Darcell says, coming face to face with another sailor. Peering around the man he notices the prepared food. "How good of a cook are you?" He quizes. Might be good to have someone keeping Rhys in check when stocks are running low.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by kalis5 »

Liam shakes his head as Grommak jumps down.
"Hang on, I'm coming with you."
He jumps down afterwards, landing rather safely for a drunkard.
"Alright. If anyone is down here, I suggest you come out now. You're outnumbered, outclassed, and out-armed. Just save us the trouble."
Jump down to AA15 to join Grommak.
Acrobatics Check: 7(1d20) +10 = 17
Minor to draw Longsword.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

In the lower deck, after landing with ease, Grommak and Liam can see what is a fairly scarce, open chamber. On one side, towards the stern, is the lower portion of the mast spotted earlier. On the other, towards the bow, there is a barred door leading towards the staircase up. Past that there appears to be another, smaller, barred door leading further towards the bow, though not much else is spotted. A few barrels and a small stool in the corner and that is it.

At the front of the higher deck, the man quickly shakes and drops his weapons in response to Isabelle's threats. "Th- there," he stammers, face still tearing up. "I d- d- done it. P- please, s- s- s- spare me."

In the small galley, the man continues to hold his ground, unflinching. "Excellent," he responds tersely. As he does so Big John walks forward towards the cargo doors, before peering down at the pair who'd descended. "What do you see?"
Map of Mid Deck
Map of Lower Deck
Map Info
Stairs: There are two staircases currently visible, the one that the party descended at (AB, 12) and the one heading further down at (AC, 12).

Masts: The masts descend into the ship as support beams, and function the same as before with one caveat; if a mast has a wall adjacent to it (as the currently visible one does), you must squeeze to pass by it.

Cargo Doors: These large, horizontal doors can be opened to make way for cargo to be lowered to the lowest portion of the ship. Each one is a strength check DC: 25 to open by a single person, DC: 15 to open with 2 people, and no check with three or more.

When opened, these doors reach only inches from the ceiling of this level, providing superior cover and blocking line of sight, though that is only assuming they are propped up somehow to stay in an upright position.

Lower Deck: The opened cargo doors allow for the possibility of jumping, or falling, from this deck to the one below. The drop is 10 feet, and the surface directly underneath is a solid sheet of metal.
Enemy Info
Sailors: These are your run of the mill sailors, the type you'd find on nearly every crew. They have some amount of combat skill, but they are nothing compared to you Dogs. They wield cutlasses and are not armored.
?? Liam (AP, 15) | HP: 75/75 | Surges: 9/9 | AP: 1/1 | Charm of the Defender, holding torch
?? Darcell (AA, 19) | HP: 77/79 | Surges: 8/10 | AP: 1/1 | holding torch
?? Isabelle (AA, 8) | HP: 82/91 | Surges: 7/11 | AP: 1/1 | Eldritch Quagmire, holding torch
?? Big John (AD, 14) | HP: 89/89 | Surges: 10/11 | AP: 0/1 |
?? Henri (AB, 11) | HP: 74+5/74 | Surges: 7/8 | AP: 1/1 | Relentless Wounding, Create Opportunity, Stone of Wind
?? Grommak (AR, 15) | HP: 86/86 | Surges: 5/9 | AP: 0/1 | Frenzied Skirmish, holding torch

?? Sailor 1 (AB, 7) | HP: 1/1 |
?? Sailor 2 (??, ??) | HP: 1/1 |
?? Sailor 3 (AE, 19) | HP: 1/1 |
?? Sailor 4 (Z, 19) | HP: 1/1 |
Combat Block
Johannes Galben, aka Big John

Male Goliath Fighter 11
Languages: Common, Tulrissian
Age: 32
Height: 7' 6"
Weight: 315 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +8 (+10 when within 10 squares of Henri)
Passive Perception: 23
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 26
Fort: 27
Reflex: 22
Will: 24
HP: 89/89
Bloodied: 44
Surge Value: 22
Surges left: 10/11
Action Points: 0




Active Effects:
+2 to defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away


Combat Challenge
Dual Strike
Footwork Lure

Second Wind [_]
Disciplined Counter [_]
Stone's Endurance [_]
Funneling Flurry [_]
Glowering Threat [_]
Sweeping Blow [_]
Come and Get It [_]
Defensive Advance [_]
Mountain Sweep [_]

Tempest Dance [_]
Dancing Defense [_]
Chain Ward [_]
Bedeviling Assault [_]
Staggering Spiked Chain +3 [_]


Four-Sided Caltrop
Four-Sided Caltrop
Important Features:
Combat Challenge: Every time I attack an enemy, whether it hits or misses, I can choose to mark the target until the end of my next turn.

Combat Superiority: Wis mod (+3) to OAs. Enemies I hit with an OA stop moving if a move provoked this

Arena Training: I treat all weapons I am not proficient in as improvised weapons. +2 proficiency bonus with all improvised weapons. 1d8 damage for one-handed improvised weapons, and 1d10 damage for two-handed improvised weapons. +1 per tier bonus to AC when not in heavy armor.

I choose two weapons (Spiked Chain, Quarterstaff) as my arena weapons, and gain proficiency in them if not already. Feats that grant attack or damage bonuses to one of my arena weapons apply to all of them.

Stonehide Action: +2 to AC until the end of my next turn when I spend an AP.

Unusual Reach: +1 reach

Powerful Athlete: When I make an athletics check to jump or climb, I roll twice and use either result.

Elemental Initiate Starting Feature: +2 proficiency bonus with unarmed attacks, and deal 1d6 damage with them. Gain proficiency in ki focuses.

Staff Expertise: Don't provoke OAs when making a ranged or area attack with staffs (or, by extension, other arena weapons) as implements. +1 reach with melee attacks made with staffs (and, by extension, other arena weapons).

Spiked Chain Training: Gain proficiency with Spiked Chain, and can treat it as a double weapon with 2d4 damage for each end, stout on the primary end, and off-hand on the secondary end. Both ends count as light blades (in addition to flails).

Midnight Blade Student: When using a light blade, Dual Strike can target Reflex instead of AC

Mark of Warding: When a power grants a bonus to defense, increase that bonus by 1. Mark penalty is increased to -3, rather than -2. Can master/perform certain rituals.

Dragging Flail: When I use a flail to knock an enemy prone, I can also slide that enemy 1 square.

Flail Expertise: When I hit with a melee attack with a flail (or, by extension, other arena weapons), and the attack lets me slide a target, I can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

Catpaw Style: When I hit with Footwork Lure I can choose to forgo shifting, and instead slide the target 1 square to any space adjacent to me.

Staggering Spiked Chain +3: +3 to distance I can slide a target with powers that can slide. On crit: +3d6 damage and knock the target prone.

Rushing Cleats (heroic tier): +2 to bull rush attacks, increase distance I push or slide with melee or close attacks by 1.

Cloak of Distortion +2: +2 to defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away.

Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier): +2 to melee damage rolls

Defensive Spiked Gauntlet +1: +1 item bonus to defenses when I use Total Defense or Second Wind
* With Spiked Chain I have a reach of 4, with Quarterstaff a reach of 3, and +1 to all other weapons.

* With powers that allow me to slide the target, I have +4 to that slide distance and (with all arena weapons) can choose to knock the enemy prone instead of sliding. If I do knock them prone, I can then slide them 1 square anyway.

* Total Defense and Second Wind both grant me +4 to all defenses, rather than +2.

* Due to proficiency, arena training or being an elemental initiate, no attack I make has less than +2 for its proficiency bonus.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Well you seem like a smart man. Why don't you put that down and head up on deck?" Darcell says gesturing at the man's knife with his own rapier.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Not much, Big John. Looks like the way back is barred. This better not be an ambush," he says to the large man as he steps further into, drawing his scimitar again and holding his torch ahead.
Walk to AS19
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by PureZaros »

"Once again, I'll think about it." Isabelle says evenly, smirking at the man's fear. She steps to the side and motions out into the main area. "While I'm thinking, how 'bout we take a little walk, hm? Ye can show me around yer ship and tell me where all the valuables are stashed."
I'm not sure if I actually need to or not, but if I do I'm moving to [AB, 8].
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Busying himself with a mirror, Henri barely notices the others having started their exploration. "Oh, had we begun already?" Whatever. Let them do most of the work. With the bow already occupied by Isabelle, the Imardanian walks towards the aft, where many more sailors could potentially reside.
Stow offhand & draw torch

Walk to AB17
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

"What, so you and your men can kill me unarmed and surrounded?" the man replies cautiously to Darcell, standing firm and continuing to look the man down.

Stepping forward, Grommak's torch shines light upon another sailor leaning against the hull of the ship. At the sight of the orc he instantly springs into a more defensive stance, weapon at the ready, before shouting, "stay back!"

"O- ok," the sniveling man replies, his bawling easing up a little now that it seems he may yet survive this. He walks a bit out of the door, and into the main area, saying, "th- there's not all that m- much, mostly in the b- back."

Henri, meanwhile, passes by the man, stopping for the moment on the closed cargo door. His torch reveals the room opposite Darcell as being nearly completely full of barrels, except for a small area to walk between them that the spotted sailor is hiding in. Or attempting to hide in, at least.
Map of Mid Deck
Map of Lower Deck
Map Info
Stairs: There are two staircases currently visible, the one that the party descended at (AB, 12) and the one heading further down at (AC, 12).

Masts: The masts descend into the ship as support beams, and function the same as before with one caveat; if a mast has a wall adjacent to it (as the currently visible one does), you must squeeze to pass by it.

Cargo Doors: These large, horizontal doors can be opened to make way for cargo to be lowered to the lowest portion of the ship. Each one is a strength check DC: 25 to open by a single person, DC: 15 to open with 2 people, and no check with three or more.

When opened, these doors reach only inches from the ceiling of this level, providing superior cover and blocking line of sight, though that is only assuming they are propped up somehow to stay in an upright position.

Lower Deck: The opened cargo doors allow for the possibility of jumping, or falling, from this deck to the one below. The drop is 10 feet, and the surface directly underneath is a solid sheet of metal.
Enemy Info
Sailors: These are your run of the mill sailors, the type you'd find on nearly every crew. They have some amount of combat skill, but they are nothing compared to you Dogs. They wield cutlasses and are not armored.
?? Liam (AP, 15) | HP: 75/75 | Surges: 9/9 | AP: 1/1 | Charm of the Defender, holding torch
?? Darcell (AA, 19) | HP: 77/79 | Surges: 8/10 | AP: 1/1 | holding torch
?? Isabelle (AB, 8) | HP: 82/91 | Surges: 7/11 | AP: 1/1 | Eldritch Quagmire, holding torch
?? Big John (AD, 14) | HP: 89/89 | Surges: 10/11 | AP: 0/1 |
?? Henri (AB, 17) | HP: 74+5/74 | Surges: 7/8 | AP: 1/1 | Relentless Wounding, Create Opportunity, Stone of Wind, holding torch
?? Grommak (AS, 19) | HP: 86/86 | Surges: 5/9 | AP: 0/1 | Frenzied Skirmish, holding torch

?? Sailor 1 (Z, 14) | HP: 1/1 | unarmed
?? Sailor 2 (??, ??) | HP: 1/1 |
?? Sailor 3 (AE, 19) | HP: 1/1 |
?? Sailor 4 (Z, 19) | HP: 1/1 |
?? Sailor 5 (AT, 24) | HP: 1/1 |
Combat Block
Johannes Galben, aka Big John

Male Goliath Fighter 11
Languages: Common, Tulrissian
Age: 32
Height: 7' 6"
Weight: 315 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +8 (+10 when within 10 squares of Henri)
Passive Perception: 23
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 26
Fort: 27
Reflex: 22
Will: 24
HP: 89/89
Bloodied: 44
Surge Value: 22
Surges left: 10/11
Action Points: 0




Active Effects:
+2 to defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away


Combat Challenge
Dual Strike
Footwork Lure

Second Wind [_]
Disciplined Counter [_]
Stone's Endurance [_]
Funneling Flurry [_]
Glowering Threat [_]
Sweeping Blow [_]
Come and Get It [_]
Defensive Advance [_]
Mountain Sweep [_]

Tempest Dance [_]
Dancing Defense [_]
Chain Ward [_]
Bedeviling Assault [_]
Staggering Spiked Chain +3 [_]


Four-Sided Caltrop
Four-Sided Caltrop
Important Features:
Combat Challenge: Every time I attack an enemy, whether it hits or misses, I can choose to mark the target until the end of my next turn.

Combat Superiority: Wis mod (+3) to OAs. Enemies I hit with an OA stop moving if a move provoked this

Arena Training: I treat all weapons I am not proficient in as improvised weapons. +2 proficiency bonus with all improvised weapons. 1d8 damage for one-handed improvised weapons, and 1d10 damage for two-handed improvised weapons. +1 per tier bonus to AC when not in heavy armor.

I choose two weapons (Spiked Chain, Quarterstaff) as my arena weapons, and gain proficiency in them if not already. Feats that grant attack or damage bonuses to one of my arena weapons apply to all of them.

Stonehide Action: +2 to AC until the end of my next turn when I spend an AP.

Unusual Reach: +1 reach

Powerful Athlete: When I make an athletics check to jump or climb, I roll twice and use either result.

Elemental Initiate Starting Feature: +2 proficiency bonus with unarmed attacks, and deal 1d6 damage with them. Gain proficiency in ki focuses.

Staff Expertise: Don't provoke OAs when making a ranged or area attack with staffs (or, by extension, other arena weapons) as implements. +1 reach with melee attacks made with staffs (and, by extension, other arena weapons).

Spiked Chain Training: Gain proficiency with Spiked Chain, and can treat it as a double weapon with 2d4 damage for each end, stout on the primary end, and off-hand on the secondary end. Both ends count as light blades (in addition to flails).

Midnight Blade Student: When using a light blade, Dual Strike can target Reflex instead of AC

Mark of Warding: When a power grants a bonus to defense, increase that bonus by 1. Mark penalty is increased to -3, rather than -2. Can master/perform certain rituals.

Dragging Flail: When I use a flail to knock an enemy prone, I can also slide that enemy 1 square.

Flail Expertise: When I hit with a melee attack with a flail (or, by extension, other arena weapons), and the attack lets me slide a target, I can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

Catpaw Style: When I hit with Footwork Lure I can choose to forgo shifting, and instead slide the target 1 square to any space adjacent to me.

Staggering Spiked Chain +3: +3 to distance I can slide a target with powers that can slide. On crit: +3d6 damage and knock the target prone.

Rushing Cleats (heroic tier): +2 to bull rush attacks, increase distance I push or slide with melee or close attacks by 1.

Cloak of Distortion +2: +2 to defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away.

Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier): +2 to melee damage rolls

Defensive Spiked Gauntlet +1: +1 item bonus to defenses when I use Total Defense or Second Wind
* With Spiked Chain I have a reach of 4, with Quarterstaff a reach of 3, and +1 to all other weapons.

* With powers that allow me to slide the target, I have +4 to that slide distance and (with all arena weapons) can choose to knock the enemy prone instead of sliding. If I do knock them prone, I can then slide them 1 square anyway.

* Total Defense and Second Wind both grant me +4 to all defenses, rather than +2.

* Due to proficiency, arena training or being an elemental initiate, no attack I make has less than +2 for its proficiency bonus.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

Grommak's patience wears thin as he sees the sailor on guard with his blade forward. "Put the sword down," he says through gritted teeth, stressing each word as he steps slowly forward to the man, with his heavy scimitar brandished. "Now."
Walk to AS22
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