Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Yes, Your Highness," Matilda says with a wry smile at Liviana's question. "I was born in Ellisport and I came here when I was a small girl. The accent decided to stick. A ball, however? How enchanting! I have memories of looking through the window of a grand chapel that was hosting something of the sort. Oh, how I wished I could one day have a dress like those beautiful women," she sings with a melodramatic manner, before cracking a smirk. "A pity that you couldn't make it. Perhaps they will reschedule."

Cassia shakes her head, echoing Marcus' reply to the barmaid's question. "Perhaps he's still among us... sane," she says, quietly. The orcish figure, after staring blankly for a few moments, shakes his head, a thick hand coming to rest on the side of it. "You gonna finish the deed, then?" he asks, suddenly, with a derisive tone. His voice is deep and gravelly.

The young girl opens the hatch of the Gilded Mare and quietly makes her way down the ladder, shutting it behind her and latching it. Before her stands the hallway that leads back to the lobby, with rooms on either side of it, as well as the stairs up to the attic.
Basement: Burtin, the injured man.

Tavern Lobby: The mother and her daughter, Matilda, the tavern-owner, Isdren, Liviana, and the drunk.

The Alley: The younger woman, Marcus, Athena, Cassia, and Redros, orcish male.

Roof of the Gilded Mare: Elene.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

Marcus looks at Cassia when the man speaks, as if to pass the question on to her. Not really sure how a guardswoman would take the slaying of a man, even in such circumstances. Best to let her make the choice.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"So...." Athena starts. "Who's going to do it? " She continues, looking to Cassia and Marcus. "I mean we're going to do it right? What if he turns into one of those things?"
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

Cassia furrows her brow as both the barmaid and the investigator turn to her for moral reasoning. She opens her mouth to protest but is interrupted, and turns toward the source. "Turn into those things?" the orcish man repeats, confusion in his tone. He squints his eyes at you, coming to some unknown realization. "No, no, no... You fools! I'm fine, I won't change. Some deadbeat bastards jumped me in the alley amidst the chaos... Must have been hours ago. Knocked me hard in the back of the head, and that's all I've got." He bends forward, struggling to get onto his knee in a shaky attempt to stand up. "You... You're not them, right?" he asks, his voice unsure.
Basement: Burtin, the injured man.

Tavern Lobby: The mother and her daughter, Matilda, the tavern-owner, Isdren, Liviana, and the drunk.

The Alley: The younger woman, Marcus, Athena, Cassia, and Redros, orcish male.

Roof of the Gilded Mare: Elene.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

I don't trust this man, but best to check anyway. "If you weren't attacked by those things then you wouldn't mind me checking you for signs of bites or scratches, would you? Can't be too careful at a time like this, you understand." He inches towards the man, dagger at the ready in case he tries to assault them for some reason.
Insight check, to see if the man is lying: 5
Perception check, to look the man over: 20
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"I'll assure you I wasn't," he says, but not angrily. "Though I hope you'll understand if I'm having a bit of trouble standing," the orcish man grimly jests, as he kneels, one arm wrapped around a knee and the other planted on the ground for support.
His intentions don't seem to be a facade, and as you look closer, you can see that he has a blade scabbard on his waist that looks empty. He's wearing what looks to be a linen shirt under a ragged cloak that covers his neck like a scarf and falls down his back a few feet. His roughshod pants and thick leather boots give him the look of a traveler. You notice some sort of walking staff lying in the gutter behind him as you approach. You can only see his front, but you don't notice any gaping wounds or tatters in his clothes that would indicate an injury other than his possible head-wound.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros nods at the man with a sigh. Even in times like these, thieves still roam the street. He's not sure what will be worse for the tavern, the monsters or the people trying to get in.
"He's unarmed and injured. If we leave him, he will most certainly die out here. The fact he hasn't is nothing short of a miracle. Though I am not sure how much space we have at the tavern."

He turns to look back down the streets, noting the monsters.
"... Or how to get him there..."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

Marcus face indicates his continued skepticism, but he is willing to set it aside for now based on the others' comments. "He can come with us if he wants, but we can't double back now." Turning to the man, "we are heading to the apothecary to fetch medicine for an injured man, if you come then we might find something for your head as well. We have a relatively safe building you can stay at afterwards, but for now you would have to follow us through town."

With his position stated, Marcus continues down the alleyway in the same direction they had been headed. As he gets a little further down he turns back and motions for the others to follow, not wanting to waste any time.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"We've more than enough room at the Gilded Mare to accommodate you, sir," Cassia says as Marcus rudely walks past the struggling man. "Here," she says as she steps closer and gives him a steady arm to help him up.

"Nice stick," the younger woman says with a smirk, as she steps closer and notices it. "Hope you know how to use it. These things are everywhere!" She saunters over, picking it up and briskly handing it to him. "Thank you, miss," he says gently as he takes it from her hands. "The name's Guthrik." The orc bows his head slightly at the two women. "Bastia," the woman replies curtly. "Keep close, mister."

Marcus travels up the alley a short bit, coming near the mouth of it. From there you see the telltale sign of the apothecary: a slab of carved wood with a mortar and pestle on it. The peripheries of the road are obscured, but from your restricted point of view, you see no danger. Guthrik, Cassia, and Bastia trail behind him, their weapons at the ready for whatever may come.
Basement: Burtin, the injured man.

Tavern Lobby: The mother and her daughter, Matilda, the tavern-owner, Isdren, Liviana, and the drunk.

The Alley: Bastia, Marcus, Athena, Cassia, and Redros, Guthrik.

Roof of the Gilded Mare: Elene.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"And there it is," Marcus says, keeping his voice down as much as possible. "Would someone with more than one eye like to take a better look at this road? I can't see anything, but better safe than sorry."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

The woodsman nods at Marcus' assessment. So far the man hasn't proved much of a scout, and his heavy footfalls have made his heart stop once or twice already. Any louder and they'll no doubt draw attention.
Rather than poke his head out into the street to be grabbed and dragged off or spotted, he presses up against once side of the alley and creeps forward, standing at the exit to the alley, remaining still. If you weren't careful, you wouldn't know he was there as he listens, tuning out the rainfall, listening for the slow drag or thud of a monsters foot.
Perception Check to examine nearby area for danger: 9(1d20) +9 = 18
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Perhaps if we both make it out of this, we could find you a gorgeous dress! I could be like a fairy godmother, like in my storybooks from my youth." Liviana smiles at the thoughts of flying around granting wishes. Although I'd probably get bugs in my hair. Gross! "Perhaps they'll reschedule, although I won't get my hopes up. Imardin could very well have these same... things, or whatever they are, attacking like here. I sure hope not, though."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Still shivering from the cold and damp, Elene looks around at the doors lining the hallway. Wonder what's in these rooms?
She moves to each in turn looking for unlocked ones, her curious mindset getting the better of her. (Sage nod to gom. I stole your suggestion text. :3)
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Athena eyes the orc suspiciously, but decides not to raise any issue to the group's decision, not seeing a better alternative herself. She follows them further up the alley, her knife still at the ready. At the end of the alley, as Redros tries to listen out for anything, she rolls her eyes. "You're never going to hear anything over the rain," she says walking passed the man, still trying to keep her voice just loud enough to be heard by the group. At the end of the wall she sticks her heard around the corner slowly scanning both ways down the road for any figures.
Perception check to spot/hear things on the street: 14(1d20) +5 = 19
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

The group of you move toward the mouth of the alley, with Athena taking point to examine the situation on the road. The rain continues beating down, and the sounds of your movement is mostly masked. From the alley, you can see a loose group of about four strange, lumbering creatures with glowing eyes on the left, about ten feet from you. "Damnit," Guthrik curses under his breath, as the Watchman sighs and Bastia silently brandishes her knife. They have not noticed you.

In the Gilded Mare, the young girl checks the locks of each door down the corridor to no avail: all of them appear to be locked closed. The tavern-owner must not have unlocked them yet for anybody to turn in for the night yet.

Matilda frowns at Liviana's point of Imardin possibly being overran with a similar outbreak of creatures. She starts in, but is interrupted by a harsh banging at the double doors, the thick knobs futilely swiveling in place. "Is that them? They're back so quick! Let them in! Marcus might be in trouble," she says, frantically. The tavern-owner speaks up. "Hold your horses, broad. Peek through the window first -- I doubt we're the only survivors here, y'know." Isdren picks up his knife from the bar with a worried face, standing up and facing the double doors.
Basement: Burtin, the injured man.

Tavern Lobby: The mother and her daughter, Matilda, the tavern-owner, Isdren, Liviana, and the drunk.

The Alley: Bastia, Marcus, Athena, Cassia, and Redros, Guthrik.

Corridor, Gilded Mare: Elene.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"There's four of them about 10 feet away. I imagine it'll be tricky for all of us to get passed. Maybe only one or two of the quieter ones among us should go, while everyone else waits here," Athena says, not overly keen on someone attracting the creatures' attention.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"That is a good plan. And as much as I would be willing to do it, I think we've shown by now that I am not exactly the lightest on my feet." He says, cringing at the memory of his poor attempts at sneaking. "One of you two," he says, pointing to Athena and Redros, "should tiptoe across there and take a look, I can stay with this - Guthrik? - and make sure things don't go sour."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Athena turns to look at Redros, playing with a lock of hair. Hopefully he'll decide to risk his own neck.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Or worse," Liviana chimes in. "It could be those creatures. I hope to Aurelia that it's not, though." She draws back the curtain, hoping to catch a peek of whoever is outside the door.
Perception check that I don't know if I would need since the people seem to be right outside the door?: 2(1d20) +10 = 12
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Aye, man, Guthrik," the orc confirms. "Didn't catch yours, by the way." He peeks his head out to get a look at the creatures as well, before shuddering and drawing his cloak tighter over his shoulders, his hood pulled over his head to shield him from the rain. Cassia seems to recognize his body language and speaks up, quietly. "I'm worried about engaging them unless we find better arms for ourselves."
The dim lighting makes it difficult for you to see much, but you make out two figures, maybe more.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

The woodsman looks to Athena, and then to the monsters. Four of them total, but yet, still a risk.
"One wrong step and we will have every one of them after us. They are likely too durable to bring down silently... But perhaps we can create a noise elsewhere first and lead them off?"
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"It's Marcus," says Marcus, before turning to the woodsman. "You could try tossing a rock or something before you head over there, but there isn't much else I can think of. No guarantee they would hear it on account of the rain, either."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Finding that all of the doors are locked, Elene looks down to her broken dagger for a moment, debating on whether or not to try forcing a lock. Deciding against it, in the interest of keeping the already mangled weapon from further harm, she dejectedly turns to the staircase and makes her way back into the main room of the tavern.

Noticing that there are decidedly fewer people in the room, and that the princess seems to be trying to stick her head through the glass of the window, Elene rushes over. She hears the banging on the door, and moves into a defensive half-crouch between the door and the window that Liviana is peeking through. "Where did the others go? What's going on here?"
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Liviana jumps a bit, startled by the urchin's approach from behind. "The others went to look for medicine for that poor man in the cellar," she says, moving away from the window. "As to what's going on, I'm not sure. Someone's outside. Two or more it seems." The princess takes another peek out the window, hoping that perhaps the lighting shifted or something to allow her to see more of the figures outside.
Perception check try 2: 14(1d20) +10 = 24
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

You are unable to see anything more than the outline of one figure outside, because of the angle. They must be right up against the door.
You hear muffled, male cry of "Let us in!" from outside, as the door is pounded on another three times. "Was that Marcus?" Matilda asks, worried. Isdren steps closer, his blade at his side. "They could be in danger!" he says, exasperated.
Basement: Burtin, the injured man.

Tavern Lobby: The mother and her daughter, Elene, Matilda, the tavern-owner, Isdren, Liviana, and the drunk.

The Alley: The younger woman, Marcus, Athena, Cassia, and Redros, orcish male.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Jumping to the window, Elene nudges the princess aside. "Let me look."
Perception check to see who's at the door: 16
And no, I don't want any girl scout cookies.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

You can make out the shape of what look to be two males judging by their size and height, but they are silhouetted against the dim light from the plaza, and you can't see their faces or clothes.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros bends down and picks up a stone, rubbing it between his fingers. He tosses it up once before throwing it, sending it skipping past the monsters before them, hoping it distracts them well enough. Once the rock goes past he starts to move, kicking a few more stones as he goes, but hopefully the rain will keep it quiet enough for him to slip past.

Throw a rock!: 11(1d20) +3 = 14
Stealth Check: 11(1d20) +3 = 14
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Thinking quickly, Elene motions for the innkeeper to move towards the door. "Two men, can't see anything else about them." she whispers fiercely. "Get closer and ask 'em what they're on about. Don't let them in, though! Ev'ryone else, shut th' hell up."

She turns back to the window, carefully watching for more movement from the area in front of the door.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

Redros tosses a rock out into the street, away from the group. The creatures immediately cast their glowing gaze in the direction of the sudden crackling bounce of the rock smacking against the cobblestone ground. Taking initiative, the quiet man guides himself forward across the road, making it into the door of the apothecary, which he slowly opens with a gentle creak.
You make your way into the apothecary. The shelves are lined with labeled bottles of various substances, as well as many different bundles of herbs. Many of the contents have been dashed to the ground, and blood splotches mark the surface of the paved floor, with one great one in the middle of the room.
Isdren and the others listen to the girl in the tavern and quiet themselves. Matilda steps up to peer out another of the windows, looking expectingly at the princess and Elene.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros keeps his stance low as he moves into the apothecaries shop. It's best if he proceeds alone for the time being. He bends down, placing a finger into the blood pool and rubbing it against his fingers, attempting to see how fresh the blood is. If it sticks too much, then it's not too recent, but if it's slick then it could have been very fresh and he's not alone. Once that's done he starts moving to the shelves, checking the various herbs and bottles, using his knowledge of herbology and medicine to find what may be of use to him and the others.
Perception Check to check surroundings for imminent danger: 10(1d20) +9 = 19
Healing Check to see what bottles are useful: 5(1d20) +4 = 9
Nature check on the herbs: 13(1d20) +11 = 24
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

The blood on the floor has slightly congealed, and doesn't look too fresh. You quickly search through the different bottles and cases of supplies -- some of them look questionable, some of them look harmless, but most of them look probably useless. However, you do find a bottle of healing salve, what the man asked for. In addition, some sort of flammable substance in a small jar catches your eye as well as a bottle of very harsh brandy, which could help the man while applying the salve.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Although most of the items inside the apothecary won't be useful, Redros does his best to grab the potions and stuff them into his pack, making his way back to the door, carefully peaking out of it to see if the monsters are close by. He hopes the rest of the group haven't done something stupid.
Perception Check to spot dangers: 8(1d20) +9 = 17
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

The group has stayed at the mouth of the alley, with the strange glowing-eyed creatures a bit further up the road than previously. The rock toss seems to have displaced them.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros silently opens the door, quickly and silently moving across the street, the rain masking his movements as he makes it back to the group, setting his bag down and opening it, pulling out the salve.
"I managed to find a salve I believe should heal the wounded man at the tavern. I also found some other supplies, a flammable substance, and some hard alcohol to act as a pain relief for the man. We should head back now and drop these off before making our way for the barracks."
Stealth Check: 19(1d20) +8 = 27
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

"Oh, bugger all, you lot are so helpful." Elene mutters as the innkeeper just stands back near the bar. She moves away from the window, weaving her way past the tables to stand as close as she can to the entrance. Calling quietly through the door, she tries to get the men outside to quiet down. "Oy! Make a bit more bangin' would ya? We got enough issues without you goin' and bringin' them things right to us. State yer business and what you got on ya and we'll consider lettin' ya in."
Last edited by PureZaros on Mon Nov 17, 2014 9:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Let us in then, you hear? There's these things out here n' they're tryin' to tear us apart!" the voice calls back, more strained this time. "Yeah, little girl, stop playing tough! We're gonna get chewed up out here, y'know!" a second voice calls through the door. Another three pounds rattle the door.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"Nice find," Marcus says, too bust watching the shifty steps of the creatures down the street to look at the woodsman while he talks. "Let's just hope it isn't wasted on him. Hurrying back is a good idea, unless you folks want to stick around here for some reason."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Elene sighs and rolls her eyes. "I'm more'n happy to let you two go an' get chewed up if it means I'm still safe. But, in the int'rest of havin' some more muscle, I'll put it to vote, how 'bout."

Turning to the others, she shrugs at them. "Well, do we risk it?"
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Liviana shrugs at the street child's comment. "As long as they won't turn into those things, or try to kill us at all for that matter, I'm fine with it. Besides, I'm sure I could get them to do my bidding," she says, adjusting her dress to appear more busty. "But ask them if they've been attacked by those things first. Would hate to have to throw them in the cellar with that other man."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Not particularly," Bastia says to Marcus as she turns to look back through the alley toward the Mare. "I'm eager to get out of this rain and find myself a proper place to lay down. My head is throbbing. I'll be fine, though," the orcish man says. The Watchman raises her voice: "Let's head out, then. No use in staying around here to get caught by those things."

Back in the Gilded Mare, Isdren speaks up. "I say let them in! They're in need of aid just like we were," he reasons. "No way -- we don't know if they're... sick or not. Tell 'em off," Matilda comments.

"I'm of the same mindset. My tavern's already teeming as it is," the keeper adds in, to which the mother replies. "I don't know... Just make sure they don't let those things in behind them."
Basement: Burtin, the injured man.

Tavern Lobby: The mother and her daughter, Elene, Matilda, the tavern-owner, Isdren, Liviana, and the drunk.

The Alley: Bastia, Marcus, Athena, Cassia, and Redros, Guthrik.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Yes, I'd rather not stick around to be discovered either," Athena says to Marcus. "Hopefully the inn has managed to not be overrun without us," she adds. I wouldn't be surprised though, we didn't exactly leave an army.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"Alright, then back to the tavern," Marcus says, as he takes point once more back down the alleyway. As they near the other side he creeps towards the edge slowly, and just barely peeks his head out to look for signs of danger.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

The group makes their way to the southern edge of the alley, toward the plaza that the Gilded Mare is in. From here, you can see the outline of a handful of figures, most likely the same creatures that resided here just a quarter-hour before. However, two new figures are barely visible across the plaza, at the door of the tavern.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"There are people at the tavern," Marcus whispers to the others, as he spots them across the plaza. "Not sure if they are of the living or dead sort, though. I'll try to get a better look."
Perception, to see if they look like undead or living humanoids: 16
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros nods to the group.
"The path we took getting here should bring us back as swiftly as any other. And hopefully with as much danger."
He thinks of the path that they took to reach the Apothecary. Despite the distance to the tavern, it had taken them longer than it would have if the streets were filled with people. Planning expeditions based on distance from this point on would have to take into account how fast the group can travel. If they travel at this rate every time, it will be slow going indeed to find necessary supplies.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

You squint and notice one of them seems to pound on the door, but you're altogether unsure if it is aggressive or frantic. Only their outlines are visible from this distance. However, you do notice a few of the strange, shambling creatures perking their heads up at the figures.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"They seem to be alive, and knocking on the tavern's doors. The fools are attracting attention from those things, too. Wonderful," Marcus says, hoping one of the others will have an idea to fix the situation that doesn't involve actually attacking the creatures.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

With the men banging on the door rather loudly, Liviana hopes that none of the creatures are in the plaza to hear the men practically saying, "Come and get me!" For the love of Aurelia... There better not be any of those things, especially if no one wants to let them in. They'll keep banging! With this, she draws back the curtain and peeks out the window to scan the plaza for any shambling figures.
Perception check to scan plaza for dem zomb zombs: 17(1d20) +10 = 27
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Damnit!" Cassia whispers as she watches the strange creatures now slowly making their way toward the Mare where the two figures stand. "They're making a scene, whoever they are. We need to be there," she says.

Inside the tavern itself, Liviana looks outside briefly, noticing the glowing eyes of the creatures outside trained on the front of the Gilded Mare. They are beginning to shamble toward the front at varying speeds, their arms before them, ready to grasp.
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