A Tale of Two Orphans — IC

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Post by ratwizard »

Valcus' guard goes up at the mention of Dustin's father, knowing that the man is either complicit with the conspiracy, or perhaps the worst victim of it by ignorance. I grow anxious at the thought of discovering which of those is true. He clenches his teeth until Ser Emrys swears herself and her men-at-arms to combine banners.

He lets out a soft breath, at a sudden loss for words for a moment. "I — that is," the Lord stammers, before steadying his thoughts and tongue. "Your vow is much appreciated, and could not come at a more vulnerable time for our efforts. Thank you," he says, "Truly. We have traveled many weeks only to hear excuses, rebuttals, and disinterest in our cause, from rulers more powerful than each of us combined. It would be a great honor to fight by your side, and I am sure our warriors will grow braver at the news."

He turns back to Dustin. "We have set a few plans in motion. If they do not result in an audience with the Queen, then perhaps we speak to your father. But until then, I would ask that you keep this discussion strictly between us. With the Imardanian agents afoot, we must approach this situation with great tact — and patience."
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Post by Namelessjake »

Drake smiles as Emrys vows to fight under them. There are people willing to fight all across Tulrisse, we just need to rally them to our cause before its too late. Hopefully the Queen will be one of them - her daughter seemed to think she would be.

"As Lord Torinn says, we have faced many who do not share the view that all of Tulrisse is threatened," the Lord of the Spear says following Valcus' words. "I'm glad you are not among them Ser."
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Examining her form, Caedus shifts and suddenly brings his sword down hard.
Brute force attack, Skill roll = [1d20+9]=16+9=25 It would instead be 16+14=30, as my bonus to athletics is +14.
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Post by Fialova »

The man raises an eyebrow at your words, but his tone does not change with his response. "I was not aware we were expecting any other guests today, but you are free to come in. May I ask your name and your business?" he continues, as he opens the door wider and steps to the side to allow you entry. "I will let the Master know of your presence."

With the man out of the way, you find yourself entering an ornate, albeit more rustic-looking home. The floor is finely polished, lacquered hardwood, with wooden walls delicately painted in greens and yellows. A staircase off to your left is likewise made of fine woodwork, the bannister featuring similarly intricate designs to the door knocker, this time in the shape of tree trunks topped with a railing carved with inlaid vines. On either side of the modestly-sized foyer you find yourself in, you see a closed door leading to another room. Past the staircase - straight forward - is a hallway ending in another door at the end, with a number of doors or open doorways on either side.

Once your are inside, the man shuts the door behind you and steps past you towards the hallway, before looking towards you in anticipation of an answer to his question. Above you, you spot a young girl peering down at you from the staircase above. She appears to be trying to be sneaky, but from where she is standing it is very easy to spot her peering gaze. Regardless, it is clear that the elven man is unaware of, or unfazed by, her presence, as he does not acknowledge her.
Caelen, Valcus, Drake, Ghor
Emrys returns to her normal posture, though she still wears a stern look after hearing your words. "You have spoken to many cowards, it is a shame. Stanes do not shy away from danger to protect the innocent, and I know of other houses in Menora who'd surely offer their aid as well once made aware of your plight." She pauses, turning to Drake in particular before continuing. 

"You spoke of Imardanian agents. Do you know their faces? I can spread word of their identities so that we can work to apprehend them. It is disgusting that they've been able to hinder your progress thus far, it will be good to see them at the gallows."

"This is all so much," Carl says, as he takes a seat against one of the wooden railings marking the edge of the archery range. "To think we've all been kept in the dark about so dire a situation. We may not be under the same banner, but we are all affected by this. My father owns lands near Garland, how is it no hunters have passed this news to us by now? How long has this war been going on and we've been oblivious to it?"

"You're telling me," Dustin responds to his friend. "I am more concerned how father doesn't know. I'd never have heard the end of him discussing an invasions, not to mention one from those zealots to the north. These agents, how many of them are there that they are keeping this all in the dark?" he asks, looking to the lot of you with a mixture of confusion and frustration.
As you prepare for your powerful attack, you notice that Esmé shifts her stance at the last moment, moving more defensively than she had been before. You do not have time to change your swing, but, as it turns out, she is unable to parry the blow and takes a solid hit. She exhales sharply as the wood of your practice blade contacts with her stomach, and she steps back. However, she still has fight left in her.

Esmé rolls 19 on a defensive attack, gaining the +5 bonus, for a total of 24. Your 30 still overpowers her, winning you a point for this round.

As before, feel free to roll to feint, as well as to see through any bluffs your opponent might be making. Otherwise you are free to go directly towards rolling for your attack again if you do not want to do either.

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Post by Namelessjake »

"There are three we know the faces of," Drake replies to Emrys.

"A man who went by Antonio, with skills in the arcane, a serranborn man who went by Farjad, and a woman, Zara. She posed as a priestess of Inara and infiltrated our group for some time," he continues, before giving more detailed descriptions of the trio.

"Hopefully that will help root them out if they are here, although there are likely more. We killed a fourth who posed as the betrothed of the then heir to the Violet Keep."
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Post by ratwizard »

Cowardice, or selfishness, Valcus wonders, thinking of the leaders they have encountered so far. At Carl's rhetorical questions, he shrugs. "I cannot say. We found it a surprise that news had not preceded our arrival. After all, we traveled erringly, and have backtracked at least once. My only understanding is that word of the war may be being suppressed, else it should have been all over Menora by now."

He sours at the mention of Zara, before providing a brief description of the agents' physical appearances from what he can recall.

"Farjad, as he was called, posed as a mercenary captain of a Serranborn regiment, while the two women sounded Tulrissian. Though they all spoke with in the northerners' tongue. Whatever their goal, these invaders must have been planning for some time if they can so seamlessly blend into our culture, our language, our lives."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Garland's own Lord Jont was a traitor with ties to the invaders," Caelen posits after Valcus addresses Carl's question. "He probably quieted the news as best as he could too, at least until he was deposed."

He frowns, wondering how many other leaders in the realm are complicit, willfully or otherwise. So many rely on these lords, only for them to turn their backs on their people.
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Post by BartNL »

Wooden floors, shows they are not are not a family of mages. Hellenbert thinks, visualising the many stains and small holes practising the arcane arts in the hallway left on the stone floors of the Brandt estate.
"I am ser Hellenbert of the noble Brandt family, knight of Menora and guard of the city watch. Son of the honourable ser Adelhart Brandt." Hellenbert answers vexed that the man does not acknowledge him immediately. "I am here on city guard duty. As stated I am looking to speak with some folk whom I believe currently enjoy the hospitality of House Elmwood, might they be the other guests you mentioned?" As he spots the little spy Hellenbert playfully shoots some harmless fiery sparks in her direction with a snap of his fingers. "Unless the most venerable lord Camden is entertaining his guests personally, I see no reason to bother the lord."
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Post by Fialova »

Drake, Valcus, Caelen, Ghor
Emrys nods as each of you speak, her eyes going wide at Caelen's words. "Lord Jont betrayed his own people, truly?" she asks, seeming legitimately dumbfounded by the news. "I've met the man numerous times, I'd never have assumed he had it in him. He always seemed an honorable and fair ruler."

"To think that these spies know enough of our lands and customs to infiltrate us so effectively," Carl muses separately. "Inara is misunderstood enough by those here who claim to worship the pantheon. To think one of the spies you encountered knew enough to pose as one of her own worshippers. A priestess, no less? How?"

Dustin is silent for now, but his face is full of worry. Like Carl, he takes a seat, though he merely sits in the grass where he stands, making no effort to step to the railing like his friend. After a moment you notice him glance around him before he notices Miriam in the bow shed. At the sight of her he frowns, but seems to return to his thoughts, whatever they may be.
The man nods along as you speak, though it is clear from his facial expression that this all is a formality for him. "It is certainly possible, sir," he responds at your question regarding the other guests. "I could not say for certain, but I will make the master aware of your presence. He might know the answer to your inquiry."

"Please wait here in the foyer, sir," he continues, as he dips into a shallow bow. Once upright again, he turns and heads down the hallway that lies before you. He walks about halfway down the length of it before turning off to the right through a mostly-unseen open doorway. After a moment of being out of sight, you hear him begin to speak to someone else - another man, by the sound of the voice - in the room. You are not able to make out their words or the nature of their conversation, but it is audible enough to tell which of the two voices is speaking at a given moment.

In response to your magic trick, the girl above giggles and steps closer to the top bannister, peering down with interest at you. After a moment, a small fluffy dog wanders up as well, having come from some other room or hallway out of sight. It likewise peers down at you inquisitively before taking a seat next to the girl, who reaches down to scratch it behind the ears.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"He did," Drake confirms with Emrys. "We aided the local nobility in deposing the traitor," he adds, deciding not to go into more detail, as the story gets more unbelievable with Cyrus' reappearance.

"She was very convincing," he says now in reply to Carl. "She only revealed her ruse out of grief, when we killed the other agent."
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Post by ratwizard »

"She had us all convinced," Valcus agrees, feeling a flash of shame lance out across his face and skin, as an all-too-familiar pit forms in his stomach. "Myself especially."

He sighs inwardly, clearing his throat — straightening his posture. "I doubt Inara takes kindly to such mockery and deceit, especially from those who do not hold the faith." The Pantheon must see how their people suffer. They see, but do they act?
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Caedus grins as she almost catches him off-guard. He gives the practice weapon a small flourish as he attempts to read into her posture once again.
Feint a defensive stance.
Bluff: [1d20+2]=6+2=8
Insight: [1d20+3]=2+3=5
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Post by BartNL »

Yes, go speak to your master. I have got all day afterall.
In the meantime, Hellenbert turns his attention to the giggling child.
"It pleases me to make your acquintance, young lady. My name is Hellenbert." As Hellenbert speaks his name, he casts a simple spell to make his name appear in the air above him, in big glowing letters standing on top of a flaming sword. After introducing himself, Hellenbert bows more politely than he would for any other member of the Elmwood family he knows off.
<Showoff> Ember reacts telepathically.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Aye," Caelen says plainly as the two lords seem to cover most of the others' questions. "Who knows how long they planned this for, but it had to have been years, right?" You don't just plan an invasion overnight... Especially not while going undercover in another land.
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Post by Fialova »

Drake, Valcus, Caelen, Ghor
Emrys' stern facade returns, and she nods in response to your words. "Whatever their plans, I know that few will survive a lance to the face, let alone several. They might have seen our lands as easy pickings, but they will soon be up against knights of Menora. I pity their zealot soldiers once we have joined the fray."

Turning to face Drake, who she clearly assumes to be the leader, she asks, "how many men at your command? And how many of the enemy? I doubt you've strength to face them head on yet, based on your mission, but there are numerous knights here for they princess' tourney. Surely more will join the cause once they know the truth, whether ordered to by the Queen or not."
Your opponent appears to be preparing a nimble attack. Choose your own options and roll.
The child once more laughs at the display, saying, "funny Elbert," while she claps at you. The sounds of her giggles and claps are quickly followed by the cessation of the chatter from down the hall, and soon after the return of the man you'd been speaking to before in the hallway. He steps towards you and, once back in the foyer, quickly glances up to the floor above to see what you are seeing, before he returns his gaze to you.

"I see you have made acquaintance with Mistress Clementine," he says, a small smile forming on his face at the child's apparent happiness. "The master of the house has agreed to speak with you, he is quite curious to hear what you have to say. If you wouldn't mind following me, sir," he continues, before once more turning to head down the hall, expecting you to follow in turn.

Following behind, you are lead past a number of smaller closed doors, as well as two large open doorways, one on either side. The first, to your left, leads to an ornate dining room with a similarly ornately-carved wooden table and chair set, all set atop a beautiful green rug that appears to be of Garland origin. The second, on the right, is a sitting room featuring several large cushioned seats sofas, each able to hold 3-4 people comfortably. They are arranged by a fireplace, which is currently absent a fire. You enter the room on the right, same as he'd done moments earlier, and find the Master off to one side of the room seated at a desk, writing on some parchment with ink and quill. As your presence becomes apparent, he ceases his writing and stands. He is a large man, and his fine dress does little to hide his muscular physique. Despite this, he appears leaner for his height than you'd expect of a knight or veteran soldier. 

"Welcome to my home, Ser Hellenbert Brandt," the man says, stepping forward to greet you with an outstretched arm, intending to shake. "I was not expecting to make the acquaintance one of the city's guardsmen today. I understand you are looking for some men you believe are visiting?" He smiles wide, but his eyes show that it is far from genuine. If anything, you get the sense that the man is annoyed by the interruption.
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Post by ratwizard »

Respecting Lord Aerden's authority, Valcus busies himself with his pack — sifting through his belongings until he finds the ledger he has been keeping. Twenty-seven novice armsmen. No, twenty-six, less Narder. The Serran mercenaries number over two hundred, though their allegiance is to Lord Lorkan and his coin. I should speak to their interim captain tonight...
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Post by BartNL »

"I bid you farewell, mistress Clementine." Hellenbert says after the servant returns for him. Hellenbert bows, respectfully and shoots some more harmless fireworks up in the air, that erupt into a flaming sword like his sigil.
<Maybe mistress Clementine will now let you wear her favour, seeing as The Coyote won't, Elbert.> Ember teases.
<Must you always ruin the moment>

Hellenbert follows the elf to the master of the house. As he passes the empty fireplace, Hellenbert somewhat instinctively cups his hand and summons a small flame in his hands as to prevent his fingers going cold and stiff. 'Wizards who can't use spells without a wand because of cold stiff fingers are dead wizards once you take their wand'. Or that's what uncle used to say at least. And then he'd tell a story about the mighty wizard many years his senior whom he'd challenged to a duel long ago, and how he won by freezing the mages hands before punching him in the face, and pulling the wand from his hands. And every time uncle told that story, which was far too often, father would pretend to be the bested mage with frozen fingers having trouble to pick up a fork or winecup, before erupting into laughter.
Mother eventually started using that quote too, once she started tutoring Hellenbert in the more violent applications of magic. Though she always did add that while it was the only way uncle could have won the duel, no student of hers would 'need' to resort to cheap tricks to win a challenge.

"Thank you lord Elmwood, pleased to make your acquintance." Hellenbert replies shaking the mans hand with his heated hand.
"You have been informed correctly. I am looking for a small group of people, consisting of two western lords, a circus performer and a young elf. They may have been joined by others, but those are four I know off. I have reason to believe they currently enjoy your hospitality." He says with a smile matching his host's.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Don't underestimate them," the elf says anxiously. "But I admire your desire to fight. We've seen too much selfishness and complacency on our journey. Leaders only caring for their people or themselves instead of the whole land."

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Post by Namelessjake »

"The bulk of the armies of the Spear rode into battle with my father. I'm sure there are some survivors to the West, and those who escaped Spearpoint before the Imardanians arrived, but I only have a contingent of scouts under my direct command. We've trained a small militia out of the refugees we escorted here, but that's only a handful of men and they're untested in battle," Drake explains. "A couple hundred Serran mercenaries are with us also, although now we are here in Menora I can't comment on their allegiance."

Knowing that the numbers are likely less than Emrys expected, he quickly moves on to talk of their allies. "As we said though, in our travels we have secured alliances with Garland and Volberg. The Rangers and the Raptor Corp have both been rallied and march West," he adds. "As to the Imardanians - we know not their number but it must surely be great to have taken so much of the coast."
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Post by ratwizard »

"Garland, Volberg, and still the opportunity for more," Valcus adds optimistically. "As support grows for our campaign — no doubt thanks to the bravery of men and women like yourself, Ser Emrys — the more resistant of leaders will realize that the weight of this conflict dwarfs their internal struggles, and be forced to action. For when the fate of our heartlands is at stake there simply exists no middle ground to be held."
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Post by Fialova »

Valcus, Caelen, Drake, Ghor
"You have done so much before arriving here," Dustin responds, having been listening intently to your words of the men under your command the allies at your disposal. "You mean to say you've already united the Spear with Garland and Volberg, before even approaching the Queen? Surely that will count for something when you meet with her."

"Your numbers are few, but your spirits are high. More will join, more will fight," Emrys responds confidently. "They need simply be informed of your plight and the resolve clear in your minds. Those who chose not to will simply prove their cowardice, and who wants a coward's blade in a battle against such overwhelming odds? Best they hide in their castles and leave the fighting to those with the will to give it their all."

"I wish," Carl begins, before frowning and shaking his head slightly. "No, I desire to... I would like to offer my bow to you as well," he continues, clearly seeming conflicted about the decision. 
The man raises an eyebrow at your mention of the specific people you are looking for, and he glances to his servant before turning back to you. "What has that girl gotten herself into?" he says more softly to himself, before addressing you directly. "I'd known my daughter had some guests visiting, but I was not aware that they were such an... eclectic mix. Two foreign lords, both traveling together? I'd have introduced myself had I known," he says. Turning to his servant again, he asks, "Iain, is it true that our visitors are foreign nobles of such stature?"

"I am unsure, sir," the man responds, frowning at his own lack of knowledge of the situation. "I'd only been informed that one guest would be visiting - apart from the usual ones, that is. The others were unexpected, and did not introduced myself. My apologies, sir, I should have asked."

"It is fine, Iain," the master responds. "I suppose I will just have to go see for myself. You stay and watch the children," he continues. He then turns to you, a more serious look returning to his face. 

"Of course, sir. I will return to their care with haste," Iain responds, before taking his leave of the study and returning down the hallway to the foyer, before you hear his steps ascending the stairs.

"Well then, sir knight, if you'd like you may accompany me to the garden to make the acquaintance of these lords you seek, should they still be here. Shall we?"
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Post by ratwizard »

Valcus is heartened by the optimism and unfettered support from the three Menorans. "I do hope as much," he responds to Dustin before nodding to Ser Emrys. "Against this enemy, cowardice has no place. Brave words like yours may yet bolster uncertain minds to action."

At Carl's offer of service, Valcus smiles. "It is a hard road we have ahead of us. May we walk it together."

I cannot imagine his father will be happy to learn of such a decision. But what does it matter? Every Tulrissian, poor or rich, young or old, is in danger. Only through our shared struggles, and sacrifices, will we win this war. We are not a folk who are beaten into submission easily. The Imardanians would be wise to remember the lessons of the Khazarate.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Your bow and your lance will be invaluable, however as you've probably realised, right now we need your voices," Drake says. "Anyone you can sway to our side, either for petitioning the Queen or for the manpower at their command, will be an asset," he explains.

"While our martial prowess may win battles, the only way we win this war is through Tulrisse coming together."
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Post by BartNL »

So he didn't know. Mother will be dying to hear this gossip.
"Thank you my lord. Yes, I would like to accompany you." Hellenbert replies with a polite nod.
Did he say daughter? I wonder if he meant Carl. Carl's just the type to associate with outlandish lords. Just another day of scandals at the Elmwood estate.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Caedus adjusts his grip, moving from his feint into a strong horizontal slash against his sparring partner.

Brute Force Attack (Athletics) = [1d20+14]=18+14=32
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"It's nice to have reliable allies again," Caelen says as the others commit themselves to their cause. "After all we've been through, it gives me hope again." We can do this, together. We're stronger together.
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Post by Fialova »

Valcus, Drake, Caelen, Ghor
As the group of you continue to speak, you can hear a pair of footsteps approaching in the distance. When they grow close, Carl turns towards the gap in the hedgerow that serves as the entrance to his archery range, and he frowns. Stepping through it, you spot two men approaching. One you recognize - or at least recall seeing from behind - as the Master of the Elmwood estate, Carl's father. Now standing and facing towards you, you notice that he is a large man in a fine tunic, his delicate and ornate attire doing little to hide the muscular physique that lies underneath. Despite his height and apparent musculature, he is fairly lean for his size, though no less imposing for it. 

Accompanying him is a younger and smaller, albeit no less imposing-looking, figure, who wears the same sort of armor as the other guards you've encountered in the city thus far. As the two men approach, the elder of the two begins to speak.
"Come, then," Camden responds, as he leads you out of the room and further down the hallway that you'd walked down previously. At the end of the hallway, you are led through the doorway at the end, which you find opens onto a small cobblestone path leading into a large, meticulously cared-for garden in the rear of the estate. The large enclosed area appears to take up much more space than the house itself, in contrast to the estates on either side, and is likely why this house is smaller than the others. On either side is a large metal grated fence separating this estate from the surrounding ones, but the back is entirely the cliffside of a roadway further up the hill, supported by a stone wall in places where the natural rock juts out more than would be stable.

Following the cobblestone path, you are led through the garden's various trees - some seeming exotic to you, and nothing like what you see commonly in the forests of Tulrisse - as well as flower beds, several bush walls, and various small clearings that are likely used for relaxation or hosting gatherings. At the back of the gardens, you are led to an area enclosed by long, tall hedges, spanning most of the length of the back of the estate, and butting up against the cliffside of the road above. There, you find a small gathering of several individuals, some of whom you know, some you don't - likely the foreigners you've been seeking for such time.

Apart from Carl, whom you knew would be encountered, you spot Dustin Holworth, one of his closest friends, and - in a shed off to the side - Dustin's betrothed, Miriam Stane. You likewise see Miriam's older sister, Emrys Stane, one of the most famed knights in the Queendom. She is currently the favorite to win the joust, so you can only assume she must be back in the city to compete in the upcoming tourney tomorrow.

Lastly, you spot three young men, all of a similar age to yourself. Two are human, and seem to hold themselves with the same confidence and nobility you'd expect of the lords you've been seeking. The other is more plain, a young elven man who seems to be accompanying them, as he stands near the other two. While you cannot tell what they had been discussing prior to your arrival, they seem to stop and watch as you and Master Elmwood approach.
All but Caedus
"I'd no idea we had a garden party going on back here today," the elder Elmwood says, his eyes fixating on his child standing across the green from him.

"Father, they are my frien-" Carl begins, his posture clearly shifting to a more submissive one at the sound of his father's voice.

"Quiet, girl," he continues, his voice stern and curt. Carl winces as the words escape his mouth. "Friends or not, you're hosting foreigners who've drawn the attention of the guard. What is this about?" he continues, turning to Hellenbert to allow the man to speak.
Once more, your blow lands despite your opponent's attempt to outmaneuver you. She shifts from her fighting stance, and holds her hands up briefly. "Ok, you have shown me," Esmé responds, seeming simultaneously pleased and exhausted by the brief exchange. "I had expected you to go easy on me, as all the men who have sparred before have done. I thank you for not doing so," she continues, stepping closer and offering you a hand to shake.

"You fight with honor, and without prejudice," she continues, once your handshake begins. "What is your name, knight of this land? I would be honored to fight with you again tomorrow."
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Post by ratwizard »

At the two men's approach, Valcus' posture straightens. The guard? he considers, an eyebrow raising. Let us hope this is not more Imardanian subterfuge. I've long grown weary of playing pincushion to their constant backstabbing and treachery.

The Lord of Twinriver stands tall, waiting for the newcomer to speak. Despite his unfamiliarity with it, he finds some small comfort in still holding the loaned longbow.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Well met!" Drake says to Camden as the master of the estate and his companion approach. "You have a fine estate. You have our thanks for lettings us use it," he says, reverting to the usual niceties of the noble and upper class from their talk of war.

Who is the other though? A guard? And why come down here now when we've been here some time? He wonders, eying the man with Carl's father.
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Post by BartNL »

Exotic trees, show-off woodsman. Hellenbert thinks, vividly remembering torching his mothers rare Gleiosian cherry tree on accident, and being punished for it.
And here we have Carl, defying his father again, as I suspected.
"Greetings, lady Stane, ser Stane " Hellenbert replies with deep bows for the ladies. "Greetings, noble Carl-ughe " Hellenbert says fake coughing loudly. The intricacies of Menoran etiquette, can't insult father to his face, nor does Carl deserves any slight from me. Hellenbert clears his throat. " Excuse me, greetings Lord Holworth, and well met all." Hellenbert makes a last polite bow for Carl and the others. "My name is ser Hellenbert Brandt, the flaming sword of Menora. I am here on behalf of the city guard." Hellenbert eyes the longbow held clumsily by one of the strangers. Lordly, dressed like a warrior, but unskilled in the art of the longbow. Pathetic western education. I could demand he puts it away, but he's probably less dangerous holding the thing. Hellenbert muses.
"I was informed of you having arrived to our magnificent city by the lord Cumberland. I invite you to join me, as there are issues to be discussed regarding the camp outside the city; permits and forms to sign and such. Do not despair, it should not take long. There'll be plenty time to practise your bowmanship later." Hellenbert says, sizing up the man holding the longbow.
Last edited by BartNL on Mon Jan 29, 2024 7:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ratwizard »

The Flaming Sword of Menora, Valcus repeats. On behalf of the guard. And on whose behalf do the guard act? Queen Milicent, in the end. But in this case, on the authority of Lord Cumberland, it seems — a man whose loyalty is in question. I must not allow ourselves to be led into another hostile surprise.

"Greetings, Master Elmwood, Ser Hellenbert — and well met," Valcus says, returning the latter's polite bow with a courteous nod. "I must thank you for seeking us out. We would be happy to provide what you ask. If you will, permit us a moment to say our goodbyes."

He turns to Ser Emrys, Dustin, and Carl, giving them a knowing look. "Many thanks for your company today." He hands the bow back to Carl with a nod and a thin smile.

"Shall we see what this is about?" he asks quietly to his companions. I only hope for this man's sake and ours that his interest in our pursuits is truly clerical. Though every Menoran seems to have ulterior motives of their own, it seems.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

The guard? Lord Cumberland? He raises a brow quizzically, not having expected such a visit here of all places. Well I guess maybe this is progress for the refugees. Feels like they've been out there for years. 

He looks to his lordly companions, knowing they'll hold more sway here than he will. He nods to Valcus, his own curiosity just as piqued. "Aye, best not to keep the steward's lackey waiting."
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Caedus shakes her hand firmly and gives a polite bow. "Every warrior deserves respect." He nods and stands back up. "My name is Marcus. And your's?" He asked, taking a step back to give her some room.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Bureaucrats, Drake thinks as the newcomer talks of permits. If he had said the word aloud it would have been with a disparaging tone.

This could be the way things are done, or it could be a ploy to bury us in parchment, keeping us out of the way. It depends how shrewd the Lord Cumberland is, and where his loyalties lie.

"I suppose we should. We can only hope it is progress towards helping the refugees in the caravan," he replies to Valcus.
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Post by ratwizard »

Valcus begins to make his way in the direction of Ser Hellenbert and Master Elmwood. Should Cumberland prove loyal, he will be a powerful and canny ally to have on our side. May the Pantheon guide Rorin's efforts today.
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Post by Fialova »

The woman raises her eyes at the question, but responds nonetheless. "I said it before, but mine is Esmé." After the handshake is finished, she places both hands on her hips. "Tell me, honorable knight. Do you know of a mercenary company from Serra that is active in these parts?"
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"Don't get ahead of yourself, boy," Master Elmwood responds sternly, as Hellenbert begins his spiel. "I've questions of my own first, before you whisk these men away. First and foremost," he continues, turning to Carl. "Carla, where did you meet these foreign nobles and what are you doing inviting them to my home without informing me?"

"Father, they are here for the tourney, I was merely offering a place to practice," he says meekly, a pleading tone in his voice. 

"We met them yesterday," Dustin chimes in, though he omits where. "They'd only just arrived to the city, and we offered our hospitality."

"Yes," Carl continues, more confidently now. "And you were so busy with your work, I did not think it best to bother you."

"Pah," the man exclaims, raising a hand in frustration, before he breathes deep and turns to face Valcus and Drake. "My apologies, visiting lords, for the lack of decorum. My children have a tendency to be rash, and to ignore the rules of etiquette." He smiles a wide, forced smile as he approaches the two men, hand outstretched to shake the first to grab.

"My name is Camden Elmwood. Welcome to my home, and to the city of Menora. Tell me, your graces," he continues, a more inquisitive tone taking over with the last words. "What brings two men from so far to this fine city? Surely not simply a tournament."
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Lord Drake Aerden, of The Spear," Drake says as he shakes Camden's hand. "No apologises necessary, they have been fine hosts so far," he adds with a smile to match Camden's.

"As Ser Hellenbert said, there is a camp outside the city full of refugees we escorted here from Greywood. There is war to the West," he says, keeping his answer somewhat vague, beyond anything that could easily be confirmed just by asking around about the camp, unsure of whether or not the Elmwood Patriarch is trustworthy.
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"Lord Valcus Torinn of Twinriver," Valcus adds, shaking Elmwood's hand in turn and giving him a firm nod. "We are joined too by Caelen and the Great Ghor." He gives a polite gesture to the elf and the orc respectively. War to the west, though soon it marches east. Lord Aerden is keen to curtail his answers with this one. Let Carl's father reveal what he does or doesn't know.
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Post by BartNL »

Hellenbert frowns as lord Camden puts him down. As he starts interrogating Carl and his friends, Hellenbert starts flipping a coin in the air, and making it disappear from the air with a puff of smoke while it reappears back his hand to pass time.
War?! And how I hear of that just now. Hellenbert thinks in shock, almost letting his coin fall on the ground.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Caelen gives the nobleman a slight bow of courtesy, not wanting to offend on behalf of his friends. Poor Carl, having to deal with this every day. Stiff and insufferable. He continues to let the lords lead this conversation, knowing a man like this would sooner refer to him as a servant than treat him with respect.

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Post by Fialova »

All but Caedus
"A war, you say?" the man responds, seeming less concerned - or surprised - by the news as the others. "I can scarce recall a time when there hasn't been a war to the west. It must be quite a bad war to have sent you this far with refugees. Have the other western lords been inhospitable towards them?" he asks, his tone suggesting mild indifference to your answer. Carl and Dustin both opt not to speak further, but you notice Ser Emrys' face sour as the man speaks.

"What war isn't bad?" she asks the man, a cold seriousness to her voice. "And what refugee would trek all the way to the foothills to seek shelter if they had something nearer?"

Camden's eyes narrow, but he waits until Ser Emrys has said her piece, not interrupting her like he had his child. "I am merely asking questions of my guests," the man responds, annoyance in his voice at the back-talk, though he does not scold her as he'd done Carl. He turns once more towards Valcus and Drake, curious to hear their reply.

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Post by FinalTemplar »

Streetwise to see if I know about the Serra mercenaries: [1d20+2]=15+2=17
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Post by ratwizard »

"This is no mere border skirmish between embittered Houses," Valcus explains carefully. "The Imardanians stormed our beaches in organized force. Speak the name of any western bastion — I'll tell you it's likely fell to the Northerners, our lands included." He gestures toward both Lord Aerden and Caelen.

"Their armies march east, too. I've not heard of a war of this scale in Tulrisse in any library nor tale."

Does Camden seem sincere in his ignorance of the war? Insight Roll: [1d20+2]=6+2=8
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Post by Fialova »

You recall hearing chatter about some Serrans being in town, both in your walk from the prison to the city gates, as well as within the tourney grounds themselves. You are unsure if those are the mercenaries being spoke of, or some other foreigners from the same region.
As far as you can tell, his ignorance seems sincere.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

After a moment of composing himself, he thought about her question. "I don't think I've heard anything, I've heard something about some Serrans but nothing about a band of Serran mercenaries." He said honestly, tilting his head. "Should I have heard of anything?"
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Post by Namelessjake »

"We were turned away from Red Bridge with the refugees," Drake adds to Valcus' words. "Although it seems Trelheim and the Steppe are at war themselves, so Warden Karlach did have other more immediate concerns of his own. Based on what we have heard and seen of Imardanian meddling, that war could be of their design. Their agents work to destablise our realms, in order to divide and conquer us."
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Post by BartNL »

Hellenbert supresses a smirk at ser Emrys comment. There's no further east for these refugees to find their safety. Not unless the Dwarves of Bal are in a very generous mood. And so it all falls on the shoulders of Menora. The price of excellence, I suppose. But Imardanians... If this is truly an invasion by the Imardanians, and not some bordering Imardanian lords looking for adventure, then Menora is at risk. Menora is too strong and and dangerous to be left alone. Fertile lands, mountains, mages, it's the perfect base for retaliation, anyone could see that.
Hellenbert loudly scrapes his throat and looks at the Lord Camden to make it clear he does not intend to wait patiently all day.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Caelen listens to the men speak, gritting his teeth as Camden's tone wears pure indifference to their realm's plight. He seems so casual about this. Is this truly the first time he's heard of this war? Everyone else we've told hasn't been... like this.
Insight on Camden: [1d20+11]=7+11=18

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Post by Fialova »

"No, no," the woman responds, seeming a bit disappointed by the answer. "It's alright, most here have not heard of them either. I am just..." she begins, trailing off for a moment as a frown grows on her face, "...looking for someone, that's all," she continues. Pausing a moment as she ponders your words, she asks, "what Serrans have you heard of? Perhaps they might know where to find the one I seek."
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"That is truly disheartening to hear," the man says, his tone unchanged from his previous comments. "I suppose it makes sense you'd come seeking aid from a land as powerful as ours. May the gods see it granted," he continues. At Hellenbert's insistence, the man turns and glares at the young knight, but, seeing the looks of those around him, opts to end his line of questioning. 

"Very well, you've satisfied my curiosity about your business here. Be on your way, then, foreign lords. And if you do return, I hope you will make your presence known next time." Turning to Carl, he adds, "do be sure to see them out when you're done socializing. I'll have words with you after." He then turns and casually returns the way he came, leaving the rest of you to your previous discussion.

You do not get the sense that Camden's surprise about the war is genuine.

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Post by ratwizard »

'Foreign lords' again, he insists? Valcus considers, chafed by the man's tone. Are we not all men and women of Tulrisse, when an enemy arrives from truly foreign lands with malice and conquest on the mind? No, we should not expect much cooperation nor aid from this selfish man. The way he treats his offspring is evidence enough.

Our presence — and the gravity of it — could have been known, if there were not connivers afoot. Denied audience by the Queen and forced to answer to the guard for our attempts at improving the wellbeing of the refugees.
He takes a deep breath, steadying the beginnings of his temper. We have much work to do.

Valcus gives Camden a curt nod as he departs. He turns to the guardsman, his tone measured. "Where would you have us meet, and discuss the matters of the caravan? Please lead us there."
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