A Mutiny in Murvos - IC

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A Mutiny in Murvos - IC

Post by Fialova »

Month after month, conditions continue to deteriorate on the Pelican. Captain Demos insists that times are difficult for everyone, that sacrifices must be made for the good of all crewmembers. "Trade is tough, and the coin is lean. Once we have unloaded our haul, all will be well again." His words have grown ever more hollow with each port you reach, and each trade deal that goes through.

You know that deals are being made, and that coin is coming in, but the captain always claims it is not enough to pay a fair wage - the wage you signed on for! While you and your crewmates suffer on scraps and lack of sleep, you have caught glimpses of the lavish meals that are being prepared for the Captain and his officers. You know that his lies are only sustaining things so long as all are too fearful to rise up and call him out. One person is not enough to stand up to his vanguard, not even a handful. But half of the crew? More, even? With enough support, any tyrant can be toppled.

Whispers have filled the crew's quarters for days now. The captain needs to go, many are prepared to take the fight to their oppressor, and finally the night has come. You and your friends lead the others in a call for mutiny, and by morning you will either be dead or the captain and his loyalists will be.

* * *

All throughout the work day, things were tense on board. It is unsure if the captain has become aware of the impending mutiny or not, but for the sake of those seeking better conditions, you hope he hasn't. Those of you who have worked to arrange the mutiny look to each other with knowing glances as the day progresses, and as dusk grows nearer. You planned it all out meticulously. Tonight, not far from port, is the last night you will all be working the same evening shift together. This is your last chance to take the ship by force, before landfall is made and you have Murvos guards to contend with.

As the other crew head to their quarters to sleep, those of you tasked with navigating at night make your way down into the hold to wake the rest of your recruits, and to make one final attempt to draw others to your cause before the battle come. You must hurry, though, as there is limited time, and Ms. Kyriarchia is working the night shift as well.

Each player may choose one of the non-officer crewmembers to have been recruited to the mutiny prior to the events of this evening. Please each include in a mechanics block your choice of crew member, as well as a stealth roll to reach and wake them up without alerting any nearby crew, or the patrolling Thalia. 

After this first round of checks, you may continue to attempt to recruit new people to your cause last-minute. Doing so will require a stealth roll - this time with a higher DC - in addition to a diplomacy roll, an bluff roll, or an intimidate roll to attempt to convince the crew member to assist you, along with accompanying dialogue. Each crew member will be more susceptible to certain types of rolls than others, based on their personality, so choose wisely if you try to go this route. Some, depending on their loyalty to the captain, might only be convinced to not fight back rather than assist you.

A failed stealth check will cause nearby crew to wake up in addition to the person you intended, and depending on their demeanor and loyalties, this might start combat immediately. Otherwise, once you are ready, you can proceed to begin a combat surprise round against the sleeping crew, or choose to instead proceed to the deck and bring the fight directly to Thalia and any other loyalists she might call to assist.

Once combat begins, you may still attempt to win others to your side by performing targeted social skill checks against nearby crew members. Those already fighting against you will be harder to convince than those who are keeping to the sidelines, but for most crew there might still be a chance, unless they are a staunch loyalist towards the captain.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Sébastien breaths in deeply, smelling the salt in the air as he gazes out into the night. It is time, he thinks, turning to head down into the hold. We will either meet our end tonight or hold our futures in our own hands, he thinks, steeling himself with determination.

More would have been better, but we can't wait - others will join us once the fighting starts too, I'm sure of it, he thinks as he quietly slips into the sleeping quarters, keeping one ear open for the patrolling third mate. He makes his way through the rows of hammocks. As they rock with the motion of the waves so does he, his footsteps inaudible over the creaking of the hull.

He stops at the hammock of Ernst, giving the veteran sailor a few short prods with the handle of his axe.

"Allons-y! It is time," he whispers, glancing around at the other nearby crew to make sure they are still sleeping soundly.

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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Castor gazes skyward, the stars seeming almost brighter tonight than they have in a long time. A sign of hope, and change, maybe. He watches Séb make for the hold and takes a nervous breath. Now or never, I guess. Keep it together, Castor. He looks to Danelos a moment, hoping to find comfort, before following behind and making his way to the sleeping quarters. He attempts to step lightly, though the creaking floor betrays him on occasion. Stay focused. It'll turn out okay...

Weaving through the rows of hammocks, he comes to a stop near Rekiah, shaking her gently to rouse her. "Rekiah, come! The hour's upon us," he manages in a low voice, hoping to not disturb the rest of the sleeping crew.
Stealth: [1d20+1]=9+1=10 :')

Waking up Rekiah
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Post by ratwizard »

Leaning against the taffrail, Danelos scans the faces of the rest of the crew. He takes a long, deep breath and releases, a faint sigh on the sea air. Why am I nervous? I have braved much worse than this, he considers, though the reality dawns on him that he has never been more danger than tonight. I have no escape plan this time. We succeed, or we die.

Catching sight of Castor, he grants the younger man a stiff nod. He catches Sébastien already making his way toward the hold. At least I somewhat trust the men I'm going to be fighting besides. A respectable death, should we fail. He stands, tightens the buttons on his leather jerkin, and follows the others.

Slipping past his own hammock first, he hooks his meteor hammer to a link on his belt, and makes for Ademare.

"Brother," he whispers. "Brother, wake yourself." He rouses the man gently, grabbing his shoulder. "It is time to right the wrongs of our dear captain."
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Arkadios goes about his daily activities. He whistles to himself a quiet sea shanty as if to "keep his hopes up" as time goes on.  I've taken too long as it is. I told myself I'd never let it happen again, and here I am... Scrubbing decks and pissing away my life on another damn boat. He sighs heavily to himself, catching the glances of a few other of the crew as the day goes on.

As time passes, now late at night, he begins mumbling a soft tune, not really letting joy enter his voice. "Yo ho, yo ho... A pirate's life for me.." He mumbles. "We pillage plunder, we rifle and loot."He says, making his way along. "Stand up, me hearties... yo ho." He finishes, stopping next to Hirel. He glances briefly over at Florence, a sad look entering his eye. "It's time to wake up, mate." He whispers, with a soft shake of her shoulder. "It's time to go."
Waking up Hirel. Stealth: [1d20+11]=6+11=17
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Post by BartNL »

It's always quiet before the storm. Tonight I'll dine on what the cap'n keeps from us. Terzo quickly get's up without making a sound when he sees the other plotters start moving.
Making his way to Yorvik, Terzo tries to wake the large man.
"Yorvik, amigo, we need your strength tonight." Terzo whispersin an attempt to wake him up quitely.

Stealth: 1d20+12 26
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Post by KupoTheMagus »

Einar knew of the plan. He took an extra look around to make sure no one undesirable was watching.
Everything's alright so far. Part 1 is finished. Time to stage Part 2.
He'd slowly walk over to Huan. Quite shorter than Einar, still a companion nonetheless.
"Huan, it's time. We need to move quickly. Before we're discovered."
Einar placed a hand on the chef's shoulder and gave him a light shake.

Stealth Roll
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Post by Fialova »

Ernst groans and rolls to face you, giving you a nod you can barely make out in the dark cabin. He slowly moves to get up up and reaches for a weathered old cutlass you've seen him wear since you joined the crew. He takes it and uses it to keep his balances as he get to his feet in the dark. There you can see a rare smirk on his face, the man clearly ready to bring the fight to the Captain.
"Indeed it is," Rekiah responds, waking up quickly as you speak to her. She swiftly and silently moves from her hammock and onto her feet. She bends to the ground and removes a large object wrapped in cloth from underneath her things, which you know to be her greatsword from back when she served as a mercenary. You've not seen her use it yet on the ship, only smaller weapons the rare times you have seen combat, so seeing her grab such a weapon clearly suggests she is serious now. "May the stars guide us to victory this night," she responds to Castor with a smile.
Ademare sleeps like a log, both literally and figuratively, as his posture is very straight on his back, arms to his side. After some nudges you finally manage to wake the man from his slumber, and he turns to you, his typical neutral expression painting across his face. "We shall be the Goddess' judgement this eve," the man whispers, slowly making his way out of his bed. Leaned against the wall, near his hammock, is the walking staff the man always has on his person, which you have seen him use several times - both on the ship, and at port - to fend off aggression. He reaches it for it and grips it tightly, before looking towards the path up to the main deck. You hear him mumble something under his breath, likely a prayer, before turning to nod to you to indicate his readiness.
"The bastards won't know what hit 'em," Hirel says to Arkadios with a grin, as she is roused from her sleep. She quickly makes her way out of her hammock and reaches for the falchion she usually keeps strapped to her back when you go ashore. You've only seen her use it once, but you know she is good with it in times of need. "who ya plannin' to skewer first? For me, it's that snobby Thalia," the woman says, a fire clear in her eyes.
Yorvik wakes slowly and looks towards you, shock on his face at first, but then the realization dawns on him. "Ah, the time has come then? Very well," the man says, as he stands. In a pile on the ground is a makeshift flail he formed from some ship's rope and a large rock, which he has kept on his person each day to help keep him strong. Tonight will be the first night you seem him use his weapon for its true purpose, and from the look on his eyes, you can see he is eager to do so. "May the spirits guide us to victory over our oppressors." 
The cook seems to have barely been asleep, or not asleep at all, as he immediately reacts to your presence. He stands from his bed and takes his chef knife from the sheathe on his belt, flipping it in his hand theatrically and grinning towards you, before nodding in affirmation. "We shall move as silent as the spider, as swift as the snake, and strike with as much vigor as the bull. Victory will be ours."
Despite your best efforts, your actions are not only noticed by your intended targets. In addition to your six companions, five of the other crew are awoken as well; Telwari, Carmine, Akara, Charles, and Florence.

If you intend to attempt to convince any or all of these people to assist you - or, barring that, to stay out of your way - then each player must provide a new stealth roll to remain undetected by the others who still remain asleep. Any person choosing to attempt to the convincing may choose to target one of the five awakened crew members with either a diplomacy check, a bluff check, or an intimidate check, accompanied by appropriate supporting text. The better your roll, the better your results. 

As stated before, each crew member will be more or less susceptible to each type of check, based on their personality. Use what you know of them and choose wisely, should you decide to make such checks. Likewise, as always, a failed intimidate check has a chance to make a non-hostile character become hostile towards you.

Otherwise, if you are set with this group for now, then we can proceed to combat and do initiative checks instead of stealth checks
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Post by ratwizard »

Danelos watches as the ever-serious Ademare grips his trusty walking staff and makes for the main deck. Good lad. I'm sure that will come in handy for cracking a skull or two. Perhaps that of Charles, he considers, annoyed to find that several others have awoken and joined the confusion.

Glancing around, he finds his stare settling on Akara. We have no idea what this one is capable of. I'm not one to swallow aggrandized rumors, but based on the way she handles the rigging, I would wager she'd be a fright to try and put down. No, I'd rather she fall on our side. He beelines for her with quiet steps.

"Listen closely," he says, speaking quickly yet softly. "We are overthrowing Demos. Now, I could go on, listing every reason the man deserves it, but you and I both know that he's simply lost his way. We deserve better. There's over a dozen of us involved, including Huan." Danelos gives her a look of solemnity, his jaw set and his eyes searching hers for recognition. "You're either with us, or you're with Demos. It's time to pick a side."
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Post by Namelessjake »

Séb returns Ernst's smirk giving him a determined nod. 

As he hears more of the crew stirring, he glances around to see who it might be. Oh of all the people it could have been, he thinks as he spots Carmine, eyes open in his hammock. He glances around some more and spots a few more waking along with Danelos talking to Akara.

Akara would definitely be a boon, Telwari and Florence less so but they should hopefully know well enough to stay out of the way. Charles should be able to be dealt with like Carmine, he thinks stepping over towards Carmine. He assumes a menacing posture and raises the blade of his axe, pushing it up against the man's soft plump belly.

"You're no fool mon compatriote, I know that, and you know what's about to happen here. You've had a pretty good run of things on this ship, but tonight things are changing. Keep quiet and out of our way and we'll let you off at the first port. Oppose us and you won't see land again," he says threateningly but softly. Pushing his axe into to man's stomach a little harder to make his point.

Stealth: 11

Intimidate: 22

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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Castor returns the smile, some of the weight of what's to come lifting as he knows he has the support of a friend. "They are bright tonight. Surely that's a sign of things to come," he says. His eyes glance around the quarters, however, as he notices more of the crew waking. He quietly sighs as he notices Charles stir. The one night when we want you to just sleep through everything... Biting his lip, he strikes over to the waking man.

"Ah good, you're up. There's something you need to know," the young man begins, looking around him to feign secrecy. "I overheard the Captain earlier, and it sounds as though he plans to fire Thalia shortly before we make landfall." He shifts his expression to a nervous, fretful look. "And if someone as loyal and dutiful as she can get tossed without care, what of the rest of us? What of me? And what of you?"

He shakes his head, looking to the gathering of bodies they have in their cause. "It can't stand, and we're taking our grievances to the Captain himself. Your support is welcome, but you can leave this to us and get your rest. There's much work to do, so you'll need it."
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Arkadios grimaces, seemingly not as keen to kill anyone as the others are, but he will do it because he has to. "Whoever decides to get in the way of my blades first, anyone who sides with the captain is an enemy." He says, adjusting the weapons on his back as well. He glances around the cabin before looking back at Hirel, standing to his full height now. "We will be the spark that ignites the flame of a new dawn." He reaches back and loosely touches the hilt of one of his swords, smiling grimly to himself. Suddenly, he realizes the other crew waking up, and he attempts to sneak his way over to Telwari, putting on his most serious face he can. "There are a number of us taking umbrage with how our Captain is treating us. Anyone who sides with him is being sent to the plank, as it were. Either help us in overthrowing the captain, or go back to sleep. Take your pick."
Stealth: [1d20+11]=7+11=18 Intimidation on Telwari: [1d20+8]=20+8=28
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Post by KupoTheMagus »

Einar helps Huan up slowly, so as to not disturb anyone else who might be less asleep.

Stealth 2

Something's getting in the way
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I will try to find my place
in the Diary of Jane

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Post by BartNL »

Why can't they be quiet? It's not that difficult. Terzo tries to hide as people start to wake up.

Stealth to hide
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Post by Fialova »

"He is a snake," Akara responds, nodding as you explain the situation. "I can assist in the hunt." She stands from her hammock, grabbing her spear that is leaning against a support beam nearby. You notice she has a dagger sheath strapped to her leg as well, so she seems fully prepared to fight.
Carmine harumphs as you approach, but as you speak you can see the realization in his eyes. He knows his place, and he knows he can't oppose you now - especially in his current position. Reluctantly, he nods and turns, remaining in his hammock, but watching you.
"What?! No! They couldn't!" Charles exclaims, as Castor weaves his tale. "But if you think you can handle it, then okay. I appreciate you standing up for her. I know you've had your differences," he says, giving you a worried smile.
Telwari watches as you approach, and leans away from you in fear as you draw near, seeing your hand on your blade's hilt. She listens, eyes wide, as you describe the events to come, and nods along as you speak. "O- ok," she manages meekly, once you're done. She turns away from you and stays in the hammock, a tear clear in her eyes as she covers her head the best she can to hide.

"What are you doing? Why are you threatening people?!" Safiyya shouts, shooting up in her bed and spotting Séb and Arkadios as they intimidate their quarries. She quickly moves to grab her hammers from the hooks they hang near her hammock, and begins to try get out of bed as fast as she can. After her shout, you can hear footsteps on the deck above, and another shout coming from above.

"What's going on down there? Why are you shouting? And why is no one manning the decks?" The telltale sound of Thalia's voice echoes down into the hold, and it becomes clear that your time to sneak about is over. A few other steps can be heard from above, and you notice the rest of the crew beginning to wake.

Everyone is beginning to awaken now, so combat has been initiated. Please roll initiative, and feel free to grab hold of your weapons if they are not already in your hands.

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Post by KupoTheMagus »

Einar draws his shortbow, smirking to himself.

"The hunt begins."

Something's getting in the way
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I will try to find my place
in the Diary of Jane

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Post by ratwizard »

Danelos gives Akara a knowing nod, eyeing the dagger already strapped to her leg. She was already ready, then. I'm glad I chose to convince her. His moment of relief is interrupted by the din of shouting and footsteps, and then the voice of Thalia. The moment is here, we can prepare no longer.

He pulls his meteor hammer from the hook on his belt, the ball of iron swaying softly as he clutches the chains with fervent grip.

"Stand tall," he warns his comrades. "The captain's tyranny shall end tonight!"
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Castor struggles to keep a straight face as Charles buys into his fib. "Aye, they could and they are, and haven't even had the gall to tell her, so she still owes herself to his cause." He shakes his head. "Shame, but we'll do what we can." His eyes widen as the familiar voice booms through the hold. He pulls his dagger from his belt, glancing around at the force they've mustered. Let's hope more join us. Would hate to deal with more than we have to.
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Post by BartNL »

Terzo hunkers down, and continues hiding in a corner, waiting for a good moment to strike.
Let's get this over with.
Reminder last stealth roll: 28
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Arkadios nearly jumps as the woman begins shouting, drawing his swords quickly. "Stay out of our way." He says to Saffiyya, giving his blades a little flourish. "We will not be stopped." He drops into a fighting stance and looks for a fight.
Initiative: [1d20+4]=15+4=19, No Action: "Begin the Hunt" - Gain a +2 to my initiative roll (21 total) and mark Saffiyya as my Quarry. 

Combat Block

Male Bugbear Ranger Level 3
Languages: Common, Tulrissian
Age: 27
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 210 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 19
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 16
Fort: 17
Reflex: 15
Will: 12
HP: 37/37
Bloodied: 18
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 6/6
Action Points: 1

MBA: Bastard Sword (Large): +11 vs AC, 1d12+7 damage
MBA: Unarmed: +7 vs AC, 1d4+6 damage
RBA (unarmed): +1 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage

Resistances: none

Vulnerabilities: none

Saves: none

Active Effects:

Marauder's Rush
Twin Strike
Hunter's Quarry
Second Wind [_]
Sohei Flurry [_]
Predatory Eye [_]
Off-hand Strike [_]
Sustaining Strike [_]
Jaws of the Wolf [_]
Begin the Hunt [X]

Consumables: none

Important Features
Power Details
Hunter's Quarry - Minor Action - Effect: Designate Nearest Target as Quarry - Once per Turn, I may deal an extra 1d6 damage.
Twin Strike - Standard Action - One or Two Creatures - Attack: +11 vs AC | Hit: 1d12+2 damage (Two attacks)
Marauder's Rush - Standard Action - One Creature - Hit: +11 vs AC | Hit: 1d12+6 damage. Special: When charging, I can use this power in place of an MBA.
Second Wind - Standard Action - Spend a healing surge and gain +2 to all defenses until SONT.
Sohei Flurry - Minor Action - One Creature - Attack: +11 vs AC | Hit: 1d12+2 damage.
Predatory Eye - Minor Action - If I have Combat Advantage, I can deal +1d6 damage on the next attack I make against the target. I must apply this bonus before EONT.
Off-Hand Strike - Minor Action - One Creature - Attack: +11 vs AC | Hit: 1d12+7 damage.
Sustaining Strike - Standard Action - One Creature - Primary Attack: +11 vs AC | Hit: 1d12+7 damage. If this attack reduces the enemy to 0 hit points, the power isn't spent and gains a +2 to hit until EoE. Effect: Make a secondary attack against the target. Secondary Attack: +11 vs AC | Hit: 1d12+7 damage.
Jaws of the Wolf - Standard Action - One Creature - Attack: +11 vs AC, two attacks | Hit: 2d12+7 damage. Miss: Half damage per attack.
Begin the Hunt - No Action - Trigger: I roll initiative | Effect: Gain a +2 bonus to the initiative check, and use my Hunter's Quarry to mark the nearest enemy. I gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls versus that creature until it is no longer my quarry.

Class Features Ranger
Hunter's Quarry - Once per turn, I may use my Hunter's Quarry power.
Two-Blade Fighting Style - I can wield a one-handed weapon in my off-hand as if it were an off-hand weapon. In addition, I gain Toughness as a bonus feat.
Running Attack - If I use a standard action that lets me move (such as a Charge or the Skirmish Shot power) and I end that movement at least 2 squares away from where I began that move, I gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls made as part of that action.

Racial Features (Bugbear)
Ability Score Increase: +2 Dexterity, +2 Strength
Skill Bonuses: +2 Intimidate, +2 Stealth
Oversized: You can use weapons of your size or one size larger than you as if they were your size.
Predatory Eye: Gain Predatory Eye as an Encounter Power.

Theme Features
Level 1 Sohei: Sohei Flurry (Encounter Power)

Toughness - Gain +5 Health.
Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Swords) - Gain proficiency in Bastard Swords.
Weapon Focus (Heavy Blade) - +1 to all Damage Rolls with Heavy Blades.
Heavy Blade Expertise - +1 to Hit with all Heavy Blades, and gain +2 All Defenses vs OAs.
Last edited by FinalTemplar on Mon Jun 13, 2022 4:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"A wise choice," Séb says to Carmine as the man back down. He smiles seeing Akara joining their side.

More will join. Tonight will be our night, he thinks, before Safiyya shouts, followed by Thalia. So it begins, he thinks, raising his axe into the air with one hand.

"Death to tyranny!" He shouts, echoing Danelos' words.

Initative: [1d20+4]=2+4=6

Combat Leader: +2 Init to all allies who can see and hear me within 10 squares.

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Post by Fialova »

Encounter 1 - The Mutiny

The rest of the crew quickly awake and reach for their weapons, ready to defend themselves from the treachery they see before them. Before anyone else has a chance to act, Rekiah immediately lunges at Ger with her huge sword, land a solid blow against the man. He grunts in pain, and is clearly ready to retaliate. Meanwhile, an arrow shoots down from the deck above, landing on the ground near Danelos' feet. He seems to have been the clear target, though fortunately it does not come close to hitting him. Teddy, the last of the crew members to awaken, also seems to finally come to in the midst of the newly started combat.

Up Next: Terzo , Arkadios. Teddy, roll init only

Rekiah: uses Bond of Pursuit on Gerard, 21 vs AC = hit for 15 damage. If the target does not end its next turn adjacent to Rekiah, she can shift up to 4 squares, but must end the move closer to him than she started.

Ms. Kyriarchia: uses Warning Shot on Danelos, 10 vs AC = critical miss. Moves above.

You can see Ms. Kyriarchia above you on the higher deck, currently at the space above (-G, 9).
Please only view the map for your name, as that is all your character can see currently, in the moonlight. If additional sources of light are added to the map, vision will be increased further.
Map Info
Furniture: Hammocks and other furniture, unless otherwise specified, are difficult terrain. Some squares will only be partially covered in these items. In general, if the majority of a square is empty of such objects, then it counts as normal terrain. However, if you are unsure, please ask.

Stairs: You can currently see 4 staircases, 2 at the top and 2 at the bottom of the map. The two at the top are descending, and go down into the cargo hold. You know no one is in there, and that area is not mapped, so you cannot go there. For combat purposes, it does not exist. The two at the bottom are ascending, and lead to the higher deck. All stairs are considered difficult terrain.

Grates: There are grates both above and below, providing some amount of vision to the other levels. They are otherwise considered normal terrain to walk on.

Masts: These are visible on all decks, and are impassable. Depending on the angle between you and your opponent, these can provide full or partial cover.
Enemy Info
You know all of these people, as until tonight they were your former crew. While you are not 100% sure what they are capable of in combat, you know they are all formidable in their own right, especially the officers.
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Post by BartNL »

"If you're not with us you're against us Codpiece!" Terzo shouts as he tries to hit the man in the face with his boomerang.

Move: Shift 7,F to 7,G
Minor: Hunter's mark targeting Codpiece
Standard: Twin Strike Codpiece: Provokes opportunity attack from Codpiece; Terzo has 23 AC against OA's.
[1d20+9]=15+9=24 (+2)=26 against AC for
[1d6+2]=4+2=6 (+1)=7 damage

[1d20+9]=8+9=17 (+2)=19 against AC
[1d6+2]=1+2=3 (+1)=4 damage

Hunter's quarry: [1d6]=3 3 damage hunter's quarry (apply on first hit)

Immediate Reaction:
Use Fox's Cunning after Terzo is targeted with a melee attack
Combat Block
Male Human (drow) Ranger
Languages: Serran, Elven, Common
Age: 43
Height: 5'6
Weight: 145 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +8
Passive Perception: 19
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Darkvision

AC: 19
Fort: 13
Reflex: 17
Will: 14
HP: 34/34
Bloodied: 17
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1

MBA: +2 vs. AC, 1d4+1 damage.
RBA: +10 vs. AC, 1d6+8 damage.




Active Effects:


Twin Strike
Fading Strike
Sea Legs
Hunter's Quarry

Fox's Cunning [_]
Disruptive Strike [_]
Darkfire [_]
Water Stride [_]
Invigorating Stride [_]
Second Wind [_]

Split the Tree [_]



Important Features:
Trance (Drow): Need 4 hours trance instead of 6 hours of sleep for a long rest.

Light Blade Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to weapon attack rolls that you make with a light blade. In addition, you gain a +1 bonus to the damage rolls of weapon attacks that you make with a light blade against a creature granting combat advantage to you.
Quick Draw: You can draw a weapon (or an object, such as a potion, stored in a belt pouch, a bandolier, or a similar container) as part of the same action used to attack with the weapon or use the object. You also gain a +2 feat bonus to initiative checks.
Xen'drik Weapon Training: You gain proficiency and a +2 feat bonus to damage rolls with the drow long knife and the Xen'drik boomerang.
Prime Shot: +1 to ranged attack rolls if no allies are closer to the target
Hunter Fighting Style: Hunter Fighting Style
Gain Quick Draw and you can sheathe a weapon as a free action and gain a +4 bonus to AC against opportunity attacks you provoke by making a ranged attack.
The Mariner 1 Starting Feature: Mariner level 1. While aboard a ship gain +1 to all skill and ability checks related to life at sea.
Last edited by BartNL on Tue Jun 14, 2022 1:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Arkadios raises one of his swords, glaring at Saffiya. "I didn't want to have to fight you, but I will do what I must." He says, giving another flourish. 
Standard Action: Jaws of the Beast on Saffiya -
Hit 1 vs AC:  [1d20+13]=1+13=14 | Damage 1: [2d12+7]=13+7=20 (Half Damage, miss)
Hit 2 vs AC; [1d20+13]=14+13=27 | Damage 2: [2d12+7]=17+7=24[/url]
[1d6]=2 Hunter's Quarry damage.
Off-Hand Strike Power on Saffiya - To hit vs AC: [1d20+13]=10+13=23; Off-Hand Strike damage: [1d12+7]=10+7=17

Combat Block

Male Bugbear Ranger Level 3
Languages: Common, Tulrissian
Age: 27
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 210 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 19
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 16
Fort: 17
Reflex: 15
Will: 12
HP: 37/37
Bloodied: 18
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 6/6
Action Points: 1

MBA: Bastard Sword (Large): +11 vs AC, 1d12+7 damage
MBA: Unarmed: +7 vs AC, 1d4+6 damage
RBA (unarmed): +1 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage

Resistances: none

Vulnerabilities: none

Saves: none

Active Effects:

Marauder's Rush
Twin Strike
Hunter's Quarry
Second Wind [_]
Sohei Flurry [_]
Predatory Eye [_]
Off-hand Strike [X]
Sustaining Strike [_]
Jaws of the Wolf [X]
Begin the Hunt [X]

Consumables: none

Important Features
Power Details
Hunter's Quarry - Minor Action - Effect: Designate Nearest Target as Quarry - Once per Turn, I may deal an extra 1d6 damage.
Twin Strike - Standard Action - One or Two Creatures - Attack: +11 vs AC | Hit: 1d12+2 damage (Two attacks)
Marauder's Rush - Standard Action - One Creature - Hit: +11 vs AC | Hit: 1d12+6 damage. Special: When charging, I can use this power in place of an MBA.
Second Wind - Standard Action - Spend a healing surge and gain +2 to all defenses until SONT.
Sohei Flurry - Minor Action - One Creature - Attack: +11 vs AC | Hit: 1d12+2 damage.
Predatory Eye - Minor Action - If I have Combat Advantage, I can deal +1d6 damage on the next attack I make against the target. I must apply this bonus before EONT.
Off-Hand Strike - Minor Action - One Creature - Attack: +11 vs AC | Hit: 1d12+7 damage.
Sustaining Strike - Standard Action - One Creature - Primary Attack: +11 vs AC | Hit: 1d12+7 damage. If this attack reduces the enemy to 0 hit points, the power isn't spent and gains a +2 to hit until EoE. Effect: Make a secondary attack against the target. Secondary Attack: +11 vs AC | Hit: 1d12+7 damage.
Jaws of the Wolf - Standard Action - One Creature - Attack: +11 vs AC, two attacks | Hit: 2d12+7 damage. Miss: Half damage per attack.
Begin the Hunt - No Action - Trigger: I roll initiative | Effect: Gain a +2 bonus to the initiative check, and use my Hunter's Quarry to mark the nearest enemy. I gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls versus that creature until it is no longer my quarry.

Class Features Ranger
Hunter's Quarry - Once per turn, I may use my Hunter's Quarry power.
Two-Blade Fighting Style - I can wield a one-handed weapon in my off-hand as if it were an off-hand weapon. In addition, I gain Toughness as a bonus feat.
Running Attack - If I use a standard action that lets me move (such as a Charge or the Skirmish Shot power) and I end that movement at least 2 squares away from where I began that move, I gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls made as part of that action.

Racial Features (Bugbear)
Ability Score Increase: +2 Dexterity, +2 Strength
Skill Bonuses: +2 Intimidate, +2 Stealth
Oversized: You can use weapons of your size or one size larger than you as if they were your size.
Predatory Eye: Gain Predatory Eye as an Encounter Power.

Theme Features
Level 1 Sohei: Sohei Flurry (Encounter Power)

Toughness - Gain +5 Health.
Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Swords) - Gain proficiency in Bastard Swords.
Weapon Focus (Heavy Blade) - +1 to all Damage Rolls with Heavy Blades.
Heavy Blade Expertise - +1 to Hit with all Heavy Blades, and gain +2 All Defenses vs OAs.
Last edited by FinalTemplar on Sat Jun 18, 2022 9:33 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Fialova »

Terzo is adeptly able to dodge a swipe from Codpiece as he moves into position, landing both of his attacks with great skill. In retaliation, Codpiece teleports away and sends an icy blast of magic at the area near Terzo, but only manages to catch Danelos in the blast, knocking him off his feet in the process. The ice underneath where the spell hit becomes icy and difficult to walk across. Arkadios, meanwhile, unleashes a flurry of attacks at Safiyya that leave the woman noticeably wounded and gasping for breath.

Huan moves towards Thufir, his closest foe, but does not manage to land a hit against the large man with his knife. Thufir swings back in retaliation with both of his axes, but does only manages to graze the cook with one of the hits. This is followed by Yorvik launching himself across the deck and hitting Makoto hard with his shoulder, knocking the man to the ground. Meanwhile, Telwari moves towards the stairs to the cargo hold and braces herself for attacks to come. Mr. Tilleroux can also be heard exiting his bedroom and coming down the hallway towards the crew quarters.

Up Next: Danelos. Teddy, roll init only

Terzo: Shifts, marks, attacks...

Codpiece: OA on Terzo, 18 vs AC = miss

Terzo: ...hits x2, readies immediate action

Arkadios: misses, hits & bloodies, hits

Huan: moves to (-H, 11). Uses Clever Strike on Thufir, 15 vs AC = miss.

Mr. Tilleroux: opens door, moves into view at (-H, 1)

Telwari: moves to (-K, 3). Uses Total Defense.

Codpiece: uses Fey Step to teleport to (-E, 2). Uses Icy Terrain, centered on Danelos [(vs Danelos, 22 vs AC = hit)(vs Akara, 9 vs AC= miss)(vs Yorvik, 11 vs AC= miss)(vs Terzo, 12 vs AC = miss), hits Danelos for 9 damage and knocks him prone. Creates a zone of difficult terrain until the end of Codpiece's next turn.

Yorvik: moves to (-G, 9). Uses Goring Charge to (-F, 7) on Makoto, 30 vs AC = crit! for 12 damage and Makoto is knocked prone. Uses Savage Growl on Makoto, marking him and causing each person to deal an extra 1d8 damage to each other until the end of Yorvik's next turn.

Thufir: uses Twin Strike on Huan, 11 vs AC = miss, 19 vs AC = hit for 5 damage.

You can see Ms. Kyriarchia above you on the higher deck, currently at the space above (-G, 9).
Please only view the map for your name, as that is all your character can see currently, in the moonlight. If additional sources of light are added to the map, vision will be increased further.
Map Info
Furniture: Hammocks and other furniture, unless otherwise specified, are difficult terrain. Some squares will only be partially covered in these items. In general, if the majority of a square is empty of such objects, then it counts as normal terrain. However, if you are unsure, please ask.

Stairs: You can currently see 4 staircases, 2 at the top and 2 at the bottom of the map. The two at the top are descending, and go down into the cargo hold. You know no one is in there, and that area is not mapped, so you cannot go there. For combat purposes, it does not exist. The two at the bottom are ascending, and lead to the higher deck. All stairs are considered difficult terrain.

Grates: There are grates both above and below, providing some amount of vision to the other levels. They are otherwise considered normal terrain to walk on.

Masts: These are visible on all decks, and are impassable. Depending on the angle between you and your opponent, these can provide full or partial cover.
Enemy Info
You know all of these people, as until tonight they were your former crew. While you are not 100% sure what they are capable of in combat, you know they are all formidable in their own right, especially the officers.
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Post by ratwizard »

Despite slipping and falling from the slick sheet of ice that suddenly appears beneath him, Danelos grabs tight on a hammock and pulls himself back up. He slams a boot down on the errant arrow at his feet, snapping it to splinters, before giving a menacing glare upward at the Third Mate. "I always knew you were a coward, Thalia, when it came down to it," the man growls. Gods, grant me the privilege of being the first to cave her wicked skull in.

He ignores his bloodthirst for a moment to quickly scan the hold, seeing Thufir defending himself against the cook's feeble attack. "Huan! Let off that one!" Danelos shouts, annoyed, before directing his words at the axeman. "Thufir. Thufir!" he repeats, trying to draw the man's attention. "The captain doesn't deserve you and your axe. Fight with us, not for that greedy lout. There's better wages and better treatment in store, I swear it."

Stand up.


Diplomacy attempt on Thufir.
Diplomacy: [1d20+8]=12+8=20
Combat Block
Danelos Patrevonis

Male Half-Orc Fighter 3
Languages: Common, Gleiosian
Age: 26
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 200 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +8
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-Light Vision

AC: 19
Fort: 17
Reflex: 15
Will: 13
HP: 39/39
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1

MBA: +10 vs. AC, 1d10+6 damage.
RBA: +8 vs. AC, 1d8+5 damage.




Active Effects:


Combat Challenge
Combat Agility
Weapon Master's Strike
Footwork Lure

Low Blow [_]
Furious Assault [_]
Serpent's Coil [_]
Forceful Drag [_]
Rain of Blows [_]
Second Wind [_]

Tempest Dance [_]



Important Features:
Half-Orc Resilience: The first time I am bloodied in an encounter, I gain 5 THP.

Swift Charge: +2 to speed while charging.

Flail Expertise: When hitting with a melee flail attack that lets me slide the target, I can knock it prone instead.

Dragging Flail: When using a flail to knock an enemy prone, I can also slide them 1 sq.

Thirst for Battle: +3 feat bonus to initiative, and +1 surge.
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Post by benderfan »

Teddy, having overslept, is stirred awake by the sounds of combat. He shakes his faithful companion, Freddi, awake and says "Come on, boy. It seems the revolt has started without us."


Teddy Combat Block
Teddy Krantz

Male Dwarf Hexblade 3
Languages: Common, Tulrissian
Age: 30
Height: 5" 0'
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 6 squares
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 10
Passive Insight: 10
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 17
Fort: 16
Reflex: 14
Will: 16
HP: 40/40
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA (Soul Eater): +8 vs. AC, 1d12+8 necrotic damage
RBA (Eldritch Bolt): +6 vs. Reflex, 1d10+8 force damage

6 fire



Active Effects:


Eldritch Bolt
Soul Eater
Eldritch Bolt

Warlock's Wrath [_]
Blazing Doom of the Void [_] [_]
Wrathful Aspect [_]

Hellfire Blast [_]


Bottle of Wine [_] [_]

Important Features
Bloodhunt: +1 attack vs. bloodied foes

Bloodhunter's Flank: +2 damage for me and flanking allies when flanking a bloodied foe.

Ferocious Companion: Aura 1 centered on Freddi. Allies in aura gain +2 power bonus to damage rolls against enemies in the aura.

Freddi Combat Block
Freddi the Corgi

Speed: 6 squares
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Insight: 10
Low-light Vision

HP: 20/20
AC: 16
Fort: 18
Ref: 14
Will: 18

Bite: +8 vs. AC, 1d12+1 damage
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Post by Fialova »

"Fight for you or die?" Thufir says, not seeming convinced by Danelos' words. "Demos is a piece of shit, but he never demanded that."

"Thalia! They said you are to be fired, and they are fighting for your honor. Why do you fight back?" Charles shouts to the officer, as he rushes up the stairs to the top deck. "You mustn't let Demos betray you like this!"

While the shouting occurs, Akara moves to attack Pietro, but the man dodges past her spear lunge. He attempts to retaliate, but like him, she is able to dodge the slashing of his knife. Makoto stands and tries to hit Yorvik back for knocking him down, but he too has issues and swings wide. Juniper, on the other hand, rushes Brother Ademare and lands a power blow with her axe against him, leaving the man reeling in pain. Carmine, meanwhile, follows Telwari's example and moves to hide in the stairwell to the cargo hold.

Up Next: Einar

Danelos: stands, rolls diplo check (fail)

Teddy: rolls init for round 2

Akara: moves to (-I, 7). Uses Eldritch Strike on Pietro, 16 vs AC = miss.

Carmine: moves to (-K, 12). Uses Total Defense.

Charles: double-moves to the top deck, talks

Pietro: uses Dazing Strike on Akara, 15 vs AC = miss. 

Makoto: stands. Uses Stolen Life on Yorvik, 16 vs AC = miss

Juniper: moves to (-J, 4). Uses Savage Cut on Ademare, 27 vs AC = it for 32 damage. Target is now bloodied.

You can see Ms. Kyriarchia above you on the higher deck, currently at the space above (-G, 9), and Charles next to her at the space above (-H, 10).
Please only view the map for your name, as that is all your character can see currently, in the moonlight. If additional sources of light are added to the map, vision will be increased further.
Map Info
Furniture: Hammocks and other furniture, unless otherwise specified, are difficult terrain. Some squares will only be partially covered in these items. In general, if the majority of a square is empty of such objects, then it counts as normal terrain. However, if you are unsure, please ask.

Stairs: You can currently see 4 staircases, 2 at the top and 2 at the bottom of the map. The two at the top are descending, and go down into the cargo hold. You know no one is in there, and that area is not mapped, so you cannot go there. For combat purposes, it does not exist. The two at the bottom are ascending, and lead to the higher deck. All stairs are considered difficult terrain.

Grates: There are grates both above and below, providing some amount of vision to the other levels. They are otherwise considered normal terrain to walk on.

Masts: These are visible on all decks, and are impassable. Depending on the angle between you and your opponent, these can provide full or partial cover.
Enemy Info
You know all of these people, as until tonight they were your former crew. While you are not 100% sure what they are capable of in combat, you know they are all formidable in their own right, especially the officers.
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Post by KupoTheMagus »

The Action
Einar looks around in the dim light, weighing his options.
More allies couldn't hurt.
"Thufir, aren't you sick of the brutality and mistreatment? Tonight's the night of freedom. Tonight is our night. Join us. Live a better life."

Einar will attempt to convince Thufir to join our side. DIPLOMACY CHECK [1d20+10]=4+10=14

Then, as a Minor Action, Einar will begin his Skald's Aura.

Combat Block
Einar Tamara-Stormur

Male Elc (Elf/Orc) [Dragonborn] Skald 3
Languages: Common, Tulrissin
Age: 24
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 235 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +1
Passive Perception: 17
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 15
Reflex: 16
Will: 17
HP: 38/38
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 12
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +5, 1d4+5
RBA: +7, 1d8+2

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects: +5 bonus to any skill check to avoid becoming lost, find your way to a specific location, or spot a distant landmark.


Jinx Shot
Staggering Note


Firemetal Shot
Focused Sound
Surefooted Stride
Dragon Breath
Bardic Lore

Arrow of Warning
Disruptive Words

*Note: Can only use 1 Bard Daily Power per day.
Something's getting in the way
Something's just about to break
I will try to find my place
in the Diary of Jane

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Post by Fialova »

Einars words are meant with a simple grunt of disapproval, the man seeming to have made up his mind, Einar not swaying him anymore than Danelos did. While he speaks, Ademare teleports across the battlefield, landing next to Safiyya and using Einar's magical aura to heal himself. He takes a swing at Safiyya with his staff, but she manages to dodge.

In response to Juniper's attack against Ademare, Ernst rushes over and swings at the carpenter with his cutlass, landing a solid blow in the process. Before they can react, he grabs them tight with his off-hand, glaring into their eyes menacingly. "Yer not goin' anywhere."

Up Next: Castor, Sébastian

Einar: rolls diplo check (fail), activates aura

Ademare: uses Shard Swarm, gaining CA against Juniper until the end of his next turn, and he teleports to (-K, 7). Uses Einar's aura to heal 12 hp. Uses Shadow Storm on Safiyya, 13 vs AC = miss.

Ernst: moves to (-K, 5). Uses Grappling Strike on Juniper, 18 vs AC = hit for 10 damaged and is grabbed until the end of his next turn.

You can see Ms. Kyriarchia above you on the higher deck, currently at the space above (-G, 9), and Charles next to her at the space above (-H, 10).
Please only view the map for your name, as that is all your character can see currently, in the moonlight. If additional sources of light are added to the map, vision will be increased further.
Map Info
Furniture: Hammocks and other furniture, unless otherwise specified, are difficult terrain. Some squares will only be partially covered in these items. In general, if the majority of a square is empty of such objects, then it counts as normal terrain. However, if you are unsure, please ask.

Stairs: You can currently see 4 staircases, 2 at the top and 2 at the bottom of the map. The two at the top are descending, and go down into the cargo hold. You know no one is in there, and that area is not mapped, so you cannot go there. For combat purposes, it does not exist. The two at the bottom are ascending, and lead to the higher deck. All stairs are considered difficult terrain.

Grates: There are grates both above and below, providing some amount of vision to the other levels. They are otherwise considered normal terrain to walk on.

Masts: These are visible on all decks, and are impassable. Depending on the angle between you and your opponent, these can provide full or partial cover.
Enemy Info
You know all of these people, as until tonight they were your former crew. While you are not 100% sure what they are capable of in combat, you know they are all formidable in their own right, especially the officers.
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Post by Namelessjake »

His eyes not yet accustomed to the darkness of the hold, Séb follows the sounds of fighting to his left and quickly stumbles upon the wounded bosun.

"The Captain's reign of terror ends tonight! Anyone not with us is against us!" The Imardanian bellows. He swipes at Safiyya with his axe, catching her in the jaw with the flat of its blade, knocking her off balance. She's done for, he thinks, not feeling any pity for the first of the crew to raise the alarm.

Move: Walk 1 square to the left.

Minor: Dragonfear, vs will close burst 5. If hit every enemy in burst takes -2 to attack rolls and grants CA until my EONT.

Safiyya: 27 vs will

Juniper: 14 vs will
Pietro: 22 vs will
Thufir: 20 vs will


Main: Intuitive Strike vs Safiyya, 19 vs AC = hit? for 4 damage. If hit until my SONT allies get CA and a +2 power bonus to attack rolls against the enemy.


Readied: if hit with an attack Vengance is Mine
Combat Block
Sébastien Barbeau

Male Dragonborn Warlord 3
Languages: Common, Imardanian
Age: 31
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 185 lbs.

Speed: 5
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 10
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 17
Fort: 16
Reflex: 12
Will: 15
HP: 37/37
Bloodied: 18
Surge Value: 11
Surges left: 9/9
Action Points: 1

MBA: +9 vs. AC, 1d12+6 damage.
RBA: +3 vs. AC, 1d4+2 damage.




Active Effects:


Intuitive Strike
Direct the Strike
Sea Legs


Dragonfear [x]
Inspiring Word [_]
Vengeance is Mine [_]
Devastating Offensive [_]
Second Wind [_]


Lamb to the Slaughter [_]
Sea Chantey [_]



Important Features:
The Mariner Level 1 Feature: While I am aboard a ship I gain +1 to any skill or ability check related to life at sea.

Combat Leader: +2 to the initiative of any allies within 10 squares which can see and hear me.

Bravura Presence: When an ally who can see me spends an action point to take an extra action and uses the action to make an attack, the ally can choose to take advantage of this feature before the attack roll. If the ally chooses to do so and the attack hits, the ally can either make a basic attack with a +1 bonus or take a move action with a +1 bonus to speed after the attack as a free action. If the attack misses, the ally grants combat advantage to all enemies until the end of his or her next turn.

Axe Expertise: When rolling for damage with an axe weapon I can reroll one damage die that results in a 1, but I must use the 2nd result.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Striding through the darkness, Castor steps aside Rekiah and finds himself face-to-face with Ger. He lets out a sigh, clutching his dagger and imbuing it with the energy of a solar storm. "Sorry for this, friend," he says, striking his blade at the man. Not wanting to risk losing any ground, he channels more of the cosmos into his dagger and strikes again. He feels the strength of the sun, still sunken beyond the horizon, radiating within him and urging him forward. This new day will be ours. It must.
Sun Phase: At the start of my turn, every enemy adjacent takes 4 fire/radiant damage. I resist 5 cold.

Move: Walk to E9

Minor: Lightning Cuts on Ger
Attack: [1d20+11]=5+11=16 vs Ref = Hit?
Damage: [2d4+6]=6+6=12 lightning damage

Standard: Ensorcelled Blade
Attack: [1d20+11]=15+11=26 vs AC = Hit
Damage: [1d4+11]=1+11=12
If Ger hits or misses me with a melee attack before the start of my next turn, he takes 5 cold damage.
Combat Block
Castor Selenos

Male Dragonborn Sorcerer 3
Languages: Common, Gleiosian, Brennisian
Age: 24
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 150 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +1
Passive Perception: 10
Passive Insight: 10
Senses: Normal vision

AC: 17
Fort: 15
Ref: 11
Will: 18
HP: 32/32
Bloodied: 16
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 6/6
Action points: 1

MBA: +10 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
MBA (Ensorcelled Blade): +11 vs AC, 1d4+11 damage
If the target hits or misses me with a melee attack before SONT, it takes 5 cold/psychic/radiant damage (sun/moon/star)
RBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage

Resistances: Cold/Psychic/Radiant 5 (Depending on Cosmic Phase)
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Ensorcelled Blade
Blazing Starfall

Second Wind [_]
Guidance of the Past [_]
Dragon Breath [_]
Explosive Pyre [_]
Lightning Cuts [X]
Spatial Trip [_]

Grounding Rebuke [_]



Important Features
Cosmic Persistence: 
When not wearing heavy armor, I can use my STR mod to determine AC

Cosmic Power: I gain a bonus to damage of arcane attacks equal to my STR mod

Soul of the Cosmic Cycle: At the end of a rest, I choose a cycle (Sun, Moon, Stars). The first time I become bloodied, I change to the next cycle. Each time I use a daily arcane attack power, I can choose to change to the next cycle after the attack resolves

Sun: At the start of my turn, each enemy adjacent to me takes fire and radiant damage equal to my STR mod. I gain resist 5 cold
Moon: I gain a bonus to AC equal to the number of conscious enemies adjacent to me. I gain resist 5 psychic
Stars: Whenever an enemy's attack misses me, I can teleport a number of squares equal to my STR mod as a free action. I gain resist 5 radiant

While I have the listed resistances, my arcane attacks ignore all targets' resistances to those damage types, up to the value of my resistance.

Arcane Blood: 
 I gain +1 to damage rolls of my arcane attack powers

Draconic Heritage: My healing surge value is equal to one-quarter of my max HP and my CON mod

Ghost of the Past: 
I gain training in History

Unarmored Agility: 
I gain +2 to AC while wearing no armor or light armor

Superior Implement Training: I can use accurate daggers

War Wizard's Expertise: I gain +1 to arcane and basic attack rolls that I make with a light or heavy blade. When I make arcane attack rolls, I take a -5 penalty against my allies.

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Magical Liopleurodon
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Post by Fialova »

"What are you talking about, you fool?" Thalia shouts, as Charles rushes up to her with his worries. "The only people getting fired are the ones who started this mess. Look at what is happening, they mean to take this ship by force." Shifting around on the deck above, Thalia launches another two arrows down into the crew quarters, this time at Einar. One misses as before, but the other hits its mark. "We have the high ground, surrender now and we won't keel-haul you," she shouts down into the deck below, towards the mutineers. 

Meanwhile Hirel lands a solid blow against Safiyya, leaving the woman barely standing. She puts up her defenses and does her best to tend to herself, but it is clear she is near to being the first casualty of the evening. Florence shouts words of encouragement to Makoto, who seems emboldened by them, before she swipes at Teddy with her short blade.

Gerard lets out a loud, ominous growl as he is hit by multiple people, and turns his ire towards Castor. He lands a powerful hit against the man and seems to focus his sights on him for the time being. Despite his focus, Rekiah is unable to hit him with a follow-up attack. All the while, more footsteps can be heard upstairs as the captain and second mate move ever close to the main deck.

Up Next: Terzo, Arkadios

Sébastian: moves, fears x3, hits, readies immediate action

Castor: sets phase, moves, hits x2

Hirel: uses Sieze the Upper Hand on Safiyya, 25 vs AC = hit for 13 damage. 

Florence: uses Healing Word on Makoto, healing him 10 at the cost of one healing surge. Uses Aggravating Force on Teddy, 23 vs AC = hit for 12 damage. The next enemy to attack Teddy before her EONT gains +2 to hit.

Gerard: uses Dragonfear vs so many people...
Castor - 14 vs Will = miss
Rekiah - 8 vs Will = critical miss
Yorvik - 12 vs Will = miss
Teddy - 26 vs Will = hit
Freddi - 18 vs Will = hit
Terzo - 13 vs Will = miss
Danelos - 19 vs Will = hit
Einar - 25 vs Will = hit
Huan - 12 vs Will = miss
Akara - 11 vs Will = miss
Arkadios - 10 vs Will = miss
Hirel - 16 vs Will = hit
...Teddy, Freddi, Danelos, Einar, and Hirel take -2 and grant CA until the end of his next turn. Uses MBA on Castor, 25 vs AC = hit for 13 damage. Uses Defender's Mark to mark Castor until his EONT

Cpt. Demos: moves around upstairs

Mr. Galatas: moves around upstairs

Safiyya: uses Healing Word on self to recover 9hp. Uses Sanctuary on self to gain +5 to all defenses until she attacks or until her EONT.

Rekiah: uses Day's First Light on Gerard, 19 vs AC = miss

Ms. Kyriarchia: moves above deck. Uses Two-Fanged Strike on Einar, 16 vs AC = miss, 22 vs AC = hit for 9 damage. Uses Striker's Damage to deal 3 additional damage.

Danelos, Einar
You can see Ms. Kyriarchia above you on the higher deck, currently at the space above (-H, 7), and Charles next to her at the space above (-H, 10).
Please only view the map for your name, as that is all your character can see currently, in the moonlight. If additional sources of light are added to the map, vision will be increased further.
Map Info
Furniture: Hammocks and other furniture, unless otherwise specified, are difficult terrain. Some squares will only be partially covered in these items. In general, if the majority of a square is empty of such objects, then it counts as normal terrain. However, if you are unsure, please ask.

Stairs: You can currently see 4 staircases, 2 at the top and 2 at the bottom of the map. The two at the top are descending, and go down into the cargo hold. You know no one is in there, and that area is not mapped, so you cannot go there. For combat purposes, it does not exist. The two at the bottom are ascending, and lead to the higher deck. All stairs are considered difficult terrain.

Grates: There are grates both above and below, providing some amount of vision to the other levels. They are otherwise considered normal terrain to walk on.

Masts: These are visible on all decks, and are impassable. Depending on the angle between you and your opponent, these can provide full or partial cover.
Enemy Info
You know all of these people, as until tonight they were your former crew. While you are not 100% sure what they are capable of in combat, you know they are all formidable in their own right, especially the officers.
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Swampperson Prime
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Post by BartNL »

Terzo continues attacking Codpiece. Thinking very little about his attempt to slay a former companion.

Move: move to 5,-G
Standard: Twin Strike Codpiece: [1d20+10]=20+10=30 CRIT for 11 Damage
Hunter's quarry: 6 damage
For a total of 17 damage
[1d20+10]=13+10=23 23 vs AC
[1d6+3]=5+3=8 for 10 damage

Action Point:
Standard Action: Twin Strike targeting Codpiece
[1d20+10]=2+10=12 12 against AC
[1d6+3]=6+3=9 for 11 damage

[1d20+10]=20+10=30 CRIT for 11

Immediate Reaction: Use Fox's Cunning when Terzo is attacked in melee

Active effect
Ferocious Companion Aura centered on Freddi for +2 damage

Combat Block
Male Human (drow) Ranger
Languages: Serran, Elven, Common
Age: 43
Height: 5'6
Weight: 145 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +8
Passive Perception: 19
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Darkvision

AC: 19
Fort: 13
Reflex: 17
Will: 14
HP: 34/34
Bloodied: 17
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1

MBA: +2 vs. AC, 1d4+1 damage.
RBA: +10 vs. AC, 1d6+8 damage.




Active Effects:


Twin Strike
Fading Strike
Sea Legs
Hunter's Quarry

Fox's Cunning [_]
Disruptive Strike [_]
Darkfire [_]
Water Stride [_]
Invigorating Stride [_]
Second Wind [_]

Split the Tree [_]



Important Features:
Trance (Drow): Need 4 hours trance instead of 6 hours of sleep for a long rest.

Light Blade Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to weapon attack rolls that you make with a light blade. In addition, you gain a +1 bonus to the damage rolls of weapon attacks that you make with a light blade against a creature granting combat advantage to you.
Quick Draw: You can draw a weapon (or an object, such as a potion, stored in a belt pouch, a bandolier, or a similar container) as part of the same action used to attack with the weapon or use the object. You also gain a +2 feat bonus to initiative checks.
Xen'drik Weapon Training: You gain proficiency and a +2 feat bonus to damage rolls with the drow long knife and the Xen'drik boomerang.
Prime Shot: +1 to ranged attack rolls if no allies are closer to the target
Hunter Fighting Style: Hunter Fighting Style
Gain Quick Draw and you can sheathe a weapon as a free action and gain a +4 bonus to AC against opportunity attacks you provoke by making a ranged attack.
The Mariner 1 Starting Feature: Mariner level 1. While aboard a ship gain +1 to all skill and ability checks related to life at sea.
Last edited by BartNL on Mon Jun 20, 2022 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Arkadios gives his weapons another flourish. "I don't want to kill you." He says calmly, swinging his swords again.
Standard Action: Twin Strike
First Attack @Saffiya: [1d20+11]=18+11=29[1d12+2]=3+2=5 = hit
Second Attack @Saffiya: [1d20+11]=5+11=16[1d12+2]=5+2=7 = Miss
Hunter's Quarry @Saffiya: [1d6]=6
Minor Action: Sohei Flurry @Pietro: [1d20+11]=19+11=30[1d12+2]=1+2=3

Combat Block

Male Bugbear Ranger Level 3
Languages: Common, Tulrissian
Age: 27
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 210 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 19
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 16
Fort: 17
Reflex: 15
Will: 12
HP: 37/37
Bloodied: 18
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 6/6
Action Points: 1

MBA: Bastard Sword (Large): +11 vs AC, 1d12+7 damage
MBA: Unarmed: +7 vs AC, 1d4+6 damage
RBA (unarmed): +1 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage

Resistances: none

Vulnerabilities: none

Saves: none

Active Effects:

Marauder's Rush
Twin Strike
Hunter's Quarry
Second Wind [_]
Sohei Flurry [_]
Predatory Eye [_]
Off-hand Strike [X]
Sustaining Strike [_]
Jaws of the Wolf [X]
Begin the Hunt [X]

Consumables: none

Important Features
Power Details
Hunter's Quarry - Minor Action - Effect: Designate Nearest Target as Quarry - Once per Turn, I may deal an extra 1d6 damage.
Twin Strike - Standard Action - One or Two Creatures - Attack: +11 vs AC | Hit: 1d12+2 damage (Two attacks)
Marauder's Rush - Standard Action - One Creature - Hit: +11 vs AC | Hit: 1d12+6 damage. Special: When charging, I can use this power in place of an MBA.
Second Wind - Standard Action - Spend a healing surge and gain +2 to all defenses until SONT.
Sohei Flurry - Minor Action - One Creature - Attack: +11 vs AC | Hit: 1d12+2 damage.
Predatory Eye - Minor Action - If I have Combat Advantage, I can deal +1d6 damage on the next attack I make against the target. I must apply this bonus before EONT.
Off-Hand Strike - Minor Action - One Creature - Attack: +11 vs AC | Hit: 1d12+7 damage.
Sustaining Strike - Standard Action - One Creature - Primary Attack: +11 vs AC | Hit: 1d12+7 damage. If this attack reduces the enemy to 0 hit points, the power isn't spent and gains a +2 to hit until EoE. Effect: Make a secondary attack against the target. Secondary Attack: +11 vs AC | Hit: 1d12+7 damage.
Jaws of the Wolf - Standard Action - One Creature - Attack: +11 vs AC, two attacks | Hit: 2d12+7 damage. Miss: Half damage per attack.
Begin the Hunt - No Action - Trigger: I roll initiative | Effect: Gain a +2 bonus to the initiative check, and use my Hunter's Quarry to mark the nearest enemy. I gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls versus that creature until it is no longer my quarry.

Class Features Ranger
Hunter's Quarry - Once per turn, I may use my Hunter's Quarry power.
Two-Blade Fighting Style - I can wield a one-handed weapon in my off-hand as if it were an off-hand weapon. In addition, I gain Toughness as a bonus feat.
Running Attack - If I use a standard action that lets me move (such as a Charge or the Skirmish Shot power) and I end that movement at least 2 squares away from where I began that move, I gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls made as part of that action.

Racial Features (Bugbear)
Ability Score Increase: +2 Dexterity, +2 Strength
Skill Bonuses: +2 Intimidate, +2 Stealth
Oversized: You can use weapons of your size or one size larger than you as if they were your size.
Predatory Eye: Gain Predatory Eye as an Encounter Power.

Theme Features
Level 1 Sohei: Sohei Flurry (Encounter Power)

Toughness - Gain +5 Health.
Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Swords) - Gain proficiency in Bastard Swords.
Weapon Focus (Heavy Blade) - +1 to all Damage Rolls with Heavy Blades.
Heavy Blade Expertise - +1 to Hit with all Heavy Blades, and gain +2 All Defenses vs OAs.
Last edited by FinalTemplar on Tue Jul 19, 2022 6:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by BartNL »

Fox's Cunning: Shift to -G,6
[1d20+10]=19+10=29 32 vs. AC
If Terzo can't shift to -G,6 gain +2 damage on the attack.

Discord went down just now, and I rolled. So I'll just post here instead.
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Post by Fialova »

Despite his words, Arkadios' blade sinks into Safiyya and the woman crumples to the floor, the first casualty of your mutinous ambush. As she falls, Huan sinks his blade into Thufir and prepares to strike back if retaliated against.

Across the deck, Terzo moves closer to his pray and lands several blows with his boomerang against the fleeing codpiece, noticeably weakening the man in the process. Mr. Tilleroux finally makes it to the crew cabin, and his heels are nipped at by Freddi, though the dog does not manage to get through the man's boots. The first mate lands a solid blow against Terzo, who manages to quickly back away and retaliate against him in quick succession.

Up Next: Teddy

Terzo: moves, crits, hits & bloodies, AP: misses & crits, readies immediate action

Arkadios: hits & kills, hits

Huan: uses Guarded Attack on Thufir, 13 vs AC = critical miss. Uses Elven Accuracy to reroll, 22 vs AC = hit for 13 damage, and if Thufir attacks Huan before SONT he can interrupt with another attack. Uses Striker's Damage to add 5 damage to the hit, for 18 total

Mr. Tilleroux: moves to (-H, 4)...

Freddi: OA, 11 vs AC = miss

Mr. Tilleroux: ...uses Insightful Strike on Terzo, 26 vs AC = hit for 15 damage

Terzo: uses Fox's Cunning, shifts & hits

Danelos, Einar
You can see Ms. Kyriarchia above you on the higher deck, currently at the space above (-H, 7), and Charles next to her at the space above (-H, 10).
Please only view the map for your name, as that is all your character can see currently, in the moonlight. If additional sources of light are added to the map, vision will be increased further.
Map Info
Furniture: Hammocks and other furniture, unless otherwise specified, are difficult terrain. Some squares will only be partially covered in these items. In general, if the majority of a square is empty of such objects, then it counts as normal terrain. However, if you are unsure, please ask.

Stairs: You can currently see 4 staircases, 2 at the top and 2 at the bottom of the map. The two at the top are descending, and go down into the cargo hold. You know no one is in there, and that area is not mapped, so you cannot go there. For combat purposes, it does not exist. The two at the bottom are ascending, and lead to the higher deck. All stairs are considered difficult terrain.

Grates: There are grates both above and below, providing some amount of vision to the other levels. They are otherwise considered normal terrain to walk on.

Masts: These are visible on all decks, and are impassable. Depending on the angle between you and your opponent, these can provide full or partial cover.
Enemy Info
You know all of these people, as until tonight they were your former crew. While you are not 100% sure what they are capable of in combat, you know they are all formidable in their own right, especially the officers.
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Post by benderfan »

Teddy summons the Pick of Annihilation into his hand, an ornate silver warpick with a gem-encrusted skull emblazoned on it. Not wanting to hurt anyone on this ship, Teddy moves over towards Mr. Tilleroux. Perhaps if we can cut off the head, the rest will simply give in.
Teddy then swings at him, channeling baleful magics into his warpick.


Teddy Combat Block
Teddy Krantz

Male Dwarf Hexblade 3
Languages: Common, Tulrissian
Age: 30
Height: 5" 0'
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 6 squares
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 10
Passive Insight: 10
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 17
Fort: 16
Reflex: 14
Will: 16
HP: 28/40
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA (Soul Eater): +8 vs. AC, 1d12+8 necrotic damage
RBA (Eldritch Bolt): +6 vs. Reflex, 1d10+8 force damage

6 fire



Active Effects:
Soul Eater: +2 power bonus to next attack roll against Tilleroux until EONT.


Eldritch Bolt
Soul Eater
Eldritch Bolt

Warlock's Wrath [_]
Blazing Doom of the Void [_] [_]
Wrathful Aspect [_]

Hellfire Blast [_]


Bottle of Wine [_] [_]

Important Features
Bloodhunt: +1 attack vs. bloodied foes

Bloodhunter's Flank: +2 damage for me and flanking allies when flanking a bloodied foe.

Ferocious Companion: Aura 1 centered on Freddi. Allies in aura gain +2 power bonus to damage rolls against enemies in the aura.

Freddi Combat Block
Freddi the Corgi

Speed: 6 squares
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Insight: 10
Low-light Vision

HP: 20/20
AC: 16
Fort: 18
Ref: 14
Will: 18

Bite: +8 vs. AC, 1d12+1 damage
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Post by Fialova »

As Teddy lands another solid blow against the first mate, the still-loyal Codpiece retaliates against Terzo, sending a wave of mental energy towards him and causing movement to feel quite painful. He then steps the rest of the way up the stairs, to the upper deck, and you can hear him speak. "Captain, there are many mutineers," he says, as you hear his footsteps moving along the deck. "What should we do?"

While Codpiece moves from the deck, Yorvik swings his rope and lands a powerful hit against nearby Makoto, who winces in pain but still seems in relatively good shape. Thufir swings both of his axes at Huan, connecting with one, before moving to a position where he can keep his back to a wall. 

Up Next: Danelos

Teddy: summons, shifts, hits

Telwari: uses Total Defense

Codpiece: uses Phantom Cage on Terzo, 22 vs AC = hit for 12 psychic damage, bloodying him, and if Terzo moves before the end of Codpiece's next turn, he takes 5 psychic damage. Moves to the upper deck, out of sight.

Yorvik: uses Rending Strike on Makoto, 27 vs AC = hit for 27 damage, and the next time Makoto takes damage until the start of Yorvik's next turn, Makoto takes an additional 1d6 damage and can be slid 1 square by Yorvik

Thufir: uses Twin Strike on Huan...

Huan: uses interrupt from last turn, 24 vs AC = hit for 9 damage and the triggering attack takes -2 to hit

Thufir: ...19 vs AC = hit for 6 damage, 11 vs AC = miss. Uses Knack for Success to shift to (-I, 11).

Danelos, Einar
You can see Ms. Kyriarchia above you on the higher deck, currently at the space above (-H, 7), and Charles next to her at the space above (-H, 10).
Please only view the map for your name, as that is all your character can see currently, in the moonlight. If additional sources of light are added to the map, vision will be increased further.
Map Info
Furniture: Hammocks and other furniture, unless otherwise specified, are difficult terrain. Some squares will only be partially covered in these items. In general, if the majority of a square is empty of such objects, then it counts as normal terrain. However, if you are unsure, please ask.

Stairs: You can currently see 4 staircases, 2 at the top and 2 at the bottom of the map. The two at the top are descending, and go down into the cargo hold. You know no one is in there, and that area is not mapped, so you cannot go there. For combat purposes, it does not exist. The two at the bottom are ascending, and lead to the higher deck. All stairs are considered difficult terrain.

Grates: There are grates both above and below, providing some amount of vision to the other levels. They are otherwise considered normal terrain to walk on.

Masts: These are visible on all decks, and are impassable. Depending on the angle between you and your opponent, these can provide full or partial cover.
Enemy Info
You know all of these people, as until tonight they were your former crew. While you are not 100% sure what they are capable of in combat, you know they are all formidable in their own right, especially the officers.
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Post by ratwizard »

With words no longer an option, Danelos grips his meteor hammer tight, making his way over to Thufir. His weapon is caught in some of the hammocks, however, and he growls as he tears it free. Damnit! This would be much better above-deck, where we have some breathing room. I suppose we'll just have to fight our way there.


Walk to -J,10.


Foortwork Lure on Thufir, critical miss. Thufir is now marked. Will use Combat Agility if he provokes an OA.
Footwork Lure: [1d20+10]=1+10=11
Combat Block
Danelos Patrevonis

Male Half-Orc Fighter 3
Languages: Common, Gleiosian
Age: 26
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 200 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +8
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-Light Vision

AC: 19
Fort: 17
Reflex: 15
Will: 13
HP: 39/39
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1

MBA: +10 vs. AC, 1d10+6 damage.
RBA: +8 vs. AC, 1d8+5 damage.




Active Effects:


Combat Challenge
Combat Agility
Weapon Master's Strike
Footwork Lure

Low Blow [_]
Furious Assault [_]
Serpent's Coil [_]
Forceful Drag [_]
Rain of Blows [_]
Second Wind [_]

Tempest Dance [_]



Important Features:
Half-Orc Resilience: The first time I am bloodied in an encounter, I gain 5 THP.

Swift Charge: +2 to speed while charging.

Flail Expertise: When hitting with a melee flail attack that lets me slide the target, I can knock it prone instead.

Dragging Flail: When using a flail to knock an enemy prone, I can also slide them 1 sq.

Thirst for Battle: +3 feat bonus to initiative, and +1 surge.
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Post by Fialova »

"What?" Charles exclaims, seeming to be torn between what he was told before and what Thalia says to him. "But... why?" the man stammers, clearly unsure of what his next move should be. "Why would they do that? And why lie to me? Why say they were protecting you?"

As the young man voices his dilemma, the fighting continues below. Akara backs away from Pietro before landing a solid blow with her spear against him. He moves away as well, taking a hit from Arkadios as he does so, and tries and fails to lash out against his nearby opponents, though all seem to easily dodge his wild swings.

Juniper manages to break free of Ernst's grasp while he is busy fending off Pietro, and they move to a better position near the man. Gripping their huge axe with all their might, Juniper swings down heavily against Ernst, landing a solid hit of their own. All the while, Carmine continues to stay in a defensive stance and Makoto tries and fails to hit Yorvik.

Up Next: Einar

Danelos: moves, misses, prepares immediate action

Akara: shifts to (-H, 8). Uses Eldritch Strike on Pietro, 31 vs AC = hit for 10 damage. Uses Striker's Damage to deal 1 extra damage.

Carmine: uses Total Defense

Charles: talks

Pietro: moves...

Arkadios: OA on Pietro, 23 vs AC = hit for 11 damage

Pietro: to (-J, 6). Uses Thri-Kreen Claws on Ernst (13 vs AC = miss), Ademare (8 vs AC = critical miss), and Arkadios (9 vs AC = miss).

Makoto: uses MBA on Yorvik, 16 vs AC = miss

Juniper: tries to escape grab, 24 vs Fort = success, and shifts to (-K, 4). Uses MBA on Ernst, 21 vs AC = hit for 17 damage.

You can see Ms. Kyriarchia above you on the higher deck, currently at the space above (-H, 7), and Charles next to her at the space above (-H, 10).
Please only view the map for your name, as that is all your character can see currently, in the moonlight. If additional sources of light are added to the map, vision will be increased further.
Map Info
Furniture: Hammocks and other furniture, unless otherwise specified, are difficult terrain. Some squares will only be partially covered in these items. In general, if the majority of a square is empty of such objects, then it counts as normal terrain. However, if you are unsure, please ask.

Stairs: You can currently see 4 staircases, 2 at the top and 2 at the bottom of the map. The two at the top are descending, and go down into the cargo hold. You know no one is in there, and that area is not mapped, so you cannot go there. For combat purposes, it does not exist. The two at the bottom are ascending, and lead to the higher deck. All stairs are considered difficult terrain.

Grates: There are grates both above and below, providing some amount of vision to the other levels. They are otherwise considered normal terrain to walk on.

Masts: These are visible on all decks, and are impassable. Depending on the angle between you and your opponent, these can provide full or partial cover.
Enemy Info
You know all of these people, as until tonight they were your former crew. While you are not 100% sure what they are capable of in combat, you know they are all formidable in their own right, especially the officers.
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Posts: 105
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Post by KupoTheMagus »

The Action
Einar backs up from the man who refused his cooperation and knocked an arrow, firing it into the man.

Einar Shifts to H9 and uses his At-Will power, Jinx Shot, on Thufir.
RANGED ATTACK! [1d20+7]=17+7=24 dealing [1d8+4]=6+4=10 if successful.

Combat Block
Einar Tamara-Stormur

Male Elc (Elf/Orc) [Dragonborn] Skald 3
Languages: Common, Tulrissin
Age: 24
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 235 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +1
Passive Perception: 17
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 15
Reflex: 16
Will: 17
HP: 38/38
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 12
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +5, 1d4+5
RBA: +7, 1d8+2

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects: +5 bonus to any skill check to avoid becoming lost, find your way to a specific location, or spot a distant landmark.


Jinx Shot
Staggering Note


Firemetal Shot
Focused Sound
Surefooted Stride
Dragon Breath
Bardic Lore

Arrow of Warning
Disruptive Words

*Note: Can only use 1 Bard Daily Power per day.
Something's getting in the way
Something's just about to break
I will try to find my place
in the Diary of Jane

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Magical Liopleurodon
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Post by Fialova »

Einar backs away, firing a shot into the darkness that still hits its mark. Ademare and Ernst both attack Pietro, though only the latter of the two manages to land a blow. Ernst's follow-up attack against Juniper, however, goes wide as well.

Up Next: Castor, Sébastian

Einar: shifts, attack is -5 from concealment for 19 vs AC, which hits

Adamare: uses Smothering Shadow on Pietro, 19 vs AC = miss.

Ernst: uses Hack & Hew on Juniper (17 vs AC = miss) and Pietro (23 vs AC = hit for 15 damage and bloodies)

You can see Ms. Kyriarchia above you on the higher deck, currently at the space above (-H, 7), and Charles next to her at the space above (-H, 10).
Please only view the map for your name, as that is all your character can see currently, in the moonlight. If additional sources of light are added to the map, vision will be increased further.
Map Info
Furniture: Hammocks and other furniture, unless otherwise specified, are difficult terrain. Some squares will only be partially covered in these items. In general, if the majority of a square is empty of such objects, then it counts as normal terrain. However, if you are unsure, please ask.

Stairs: You can currently see 4 staircases, 2 at the top and 2 at the bottom of the map. The two at the top are descending, and go down into the cargo hold. You know no one is in there, and that area is not mapped, so you cannot go there. For combat purposes, it does not exist. The two at the bottom are ascending, and lead to the higher deck. All stairs are considered difficult terrain.

Grates: There are grates both above and below, providing some amount of vision to the other levels. They are otherwise considered normal terrain to walk on.

Masts: These are visible on all decks, and are impassable. Depending on the angle between you and your opponent, these can provide full or partial cover.
Enemy Info
You know all of these people, as until tonight they were your former crew. While you are not 100% sure what they are capable of in combat, you know they are all formidable in their own right, especially the officers.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Not seeing anyone nearby in the darkness, Sébastien follows the sounds of battle, moving towards the bow of the ship. Moving past Danelos he spots Thufir and ducks under a hammock, swinging his axe at the man as he does.

"You should have joined us Thufir," he growls readying himself for a counter attack as his own attack fails to strike his fellow woodsman turned sailor.

Move: Walk to (-J,11)

Main: Intuitive Strike on Thufir. 14 vs Will = miss


Readied: if hit with an attack Vengance is Mine
Combat Block
Sébastien Barbeau

Male Dragonborn Warlord 3
Languages: Common, Imardanian
Age: 31
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 185 lbs.

Speed: 5
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 10
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 17
Fort: 16
Reflex: 12
Will: 15
HP: 37/37
Bloodied: 18
Surge Value: 11
Surges left: 9/9
Action Points: 1

MBA: +9 vs. AC, 1d12+6 damage.
RBA: +3 vs. AC, 1d4+2 damage.




Active Effects:


Intuitive Strike
Direct the Strike
Sea Legs


Dragonfear [x]
Inspiring Word [_]
Vengeance is Mine [_]
Devastating Offensive [_]
Second Wind [_]


Lamb to the Slaughter [_]
Sea Chantey [_]



Important Features:
The Mariner Level 1 Feature: While I am aboard a ship I gain +1 to any skill or ability check related to life at sea.

Combat Leader: +2 to the initiative of any allies within 10 squares which can see and hear me.

Bravura Presence: When an ally who can see me spends an action point to take an extra action and uses the action to make an attack, the ally can choose to take advantage of this feature before the attack roll. If the ally chooses to do so and the attack hits, the ally can either make a basic attack with a +1 bonus or take a move action with a +1 bonus to speed after the attack as a free action. If the attack misses, the ally grants combat advantage to all enemies until the end of his or her next turn.

Axe Expertise: When rolling for damage with an axe weapon I can reroll one damage die that results in a 1, but I must use the 2nd result.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Castor grits his teeth, his body stinging from Gerard's blow. Damn it, that's gonna hurt more tomorrow... He remains resolved to reach that tomorrow, however, channeling the sun's fierce heat around him and into his dagger. He strikes again at the imposing man, landing a strong blow, and posturing himself for another attack. 
Sun Phase: At the start of my turn, every enemy adjacent takes 4 fire/radiant damage. I resist 5 cold.

Gerard takes 4 fire/radiant damage, per Sun Phase

Standard: Ensorcelled Blade on Gerard
Attack: [1d20+11]=19+11=30 vs AC = Hit
Damage: [1d4+11]=3+11=14
If Ger hits or misses me with a melee attack before the start of my next turn, he takes 4 cold damage

Ready Action: Grounding Rebuke
If an enemy within a close burst 10 hits me with an attack, I reduce the damage by 5
Additionally, roll +9 vs Reflex. On hit, 1d10+11 damage and the target is slowed and slides 2 squares
On miss, half damage and slide the target one square

Note: Gerard should be at -61 after this turn. -39 from prior attacks, -4 from last turn's Ensorcelled Blade bonus damage, -4 from Sun Phase, and -14 from this turn's attack
Combat Block
Castor Selenos

Male Dragonborn Sorcerer 3
Languages: Common, Gleiosian, Brennisian
Age: 24
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 150 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +1
Passive Perception: 10
Passive Insight: 10
Senses: Normal vision

AC: 17
Fort: 15
Ref: 11
Will: 18
HP: 32/32
Bloodied: 16
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 6/6
Action points: 1

MBA: +10 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage
MBA (Ensorcelled Blade): +11 vs AC, 1d4+11 damage
If the target hits or misses me with a melee attack before SONT, it takes 5 cold/psychic/radiant damage (sun/moon/star)
RBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage

Resistances: Cold/Psychic/Radiant 5 (Depending on Cosmic Phase)
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Ensorcelled Blade
Blazing Starfall

Second Wind [_]
Guidance of the Past [_]
Dragon Breath [_]
Explosive Pyre [_]
Lightning Cuts [X]
Spatial Trip [_]

Grounding Rebuke [_]



Important Features
Cosmic Persistence: 
When not wearing heavy armor, I can use my STR mod to determine AC

Cosmic Power: I gain a bonus to damage of arcane attacks equal to my STR mod

Soul of the Cosmic Cycle: At the end of a rest, I choose a cycle (Sun, Moon, Stars). The first time I become bloodied, I change to the next cycle. Each time I use a daily arcane attack power, I can choose to change to the next cycle after the attack resolves

Sun: At the start of my turn, each enemy adjacent to me takes fire and radiant damage equal to my STR mod. I gain resist 5 cold
Moon: I gain a bonus to AC equal to the number of conscious enemies adjacent to me. I gain resist 5 psychic
Stars: Whenever an enemy's attack misses me, I can teleport a number of squares equal to my STR mod as a free action. I gain resist 5 radiant

While I have the listed resistances, my arcane attacks ignore all targets' resistances to those damage types, up to the value of my resistance.

Arcane Blood: 
 I gain +1 to damage rolls of my arcane attack powers

Draconic Heritage: My healing surge value is equal to one-quarter of my max HP and my CON mod

Ghost of the Past: 
I gain training in History

Unarmored Agility: 
I gain +2 to AC while wearing no armor or light armor

Superior Implement Training: I can use accurate daggers

War Wizard's Expertise: I gain +1 to arcane and basic attack rolls that I make with a light or heavy blade. When I make arcane attack rolls, I take a -5 penalty against my allies.

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Post by Fialova »

Castor's hit against Gerard is responded to by a solid blow from the man as well. However, to Gerard's surprise, the follow-up spell from the mage and another sold blow from Rekiah cause him to crumple to the ground, the second casualty of the mutiny. 

Thufir, meanwhile, face a similar multi-pronged assault. While Sébastien approaches from one side, Hirel comes at him head on. A lot of attacks are swung, and few land, but Thufir is hit once and also falls to the ground thanks to Einar's arrow from before.

Meanwhile, several attacks come from the deck above, with the 3rd mate trying and failing to hit Akara with her arrows, and the 2nd mate blasting a gust of wind that sends Einar and Hirel flying backwards and onto the ground.

Up Next: Terzo, Arkadios

Sébastien: moves, misses, prepares immediate action

Castor: changes phase, hits, prepares immediate action

Hirel: moves to (-I, 10). Uses Brash Assault on Thufir, 27 vs AC = hit for 10 damage...

Thufir: takes the free MBA, 12 vs AC = miss. He falls prone due to Einar's previous effect...

Sébastien: MBA on Thufir, 15 vs AC = miss

Florence: moves to (-F, 5). Uses Bolster Armor to gain +1 AC. Uses Scouring Weapon on Teddy, 12 vs AC = miss.

Gerard: MBA on Castor, 22 vs AC = hit for 12 damage...

Castor: uses Grounding Rebuke as an immediate reaction, [1d20+9]=2+9=11https://www.unseenservant.com/index.php ... 55&macid=0][1d20+9]=2+9=11[/url[/url]] vs Reflex = miss for [1d10+11]=8+11=19https://www.unseenservant.com/index.php ... 56&macid=0][1d10+11]=8+11=19[/url[/url]]/2 = 9 damage. Castor reduces the previous damage by 5 (down to 7) and slides Gerard to (-F, 8)

Gerard: ...uses Defender's Mark to mark Castor until the end of his next turn.

Cpt. Demos: moves above deck. Uses Direct the Strike...

Ms. Kyriarchia: RBA on Akara, 15 vs AC = miss.

Mr. Galatas: moves above deck. Uses Gust of Wind on Akara (11 vs Fort = miss), Einar (21 vs Fort = hit), Hirel (26 vs Fort = hit), and Danelos (14 vs Fort = miss). Einar and Hirel each take 10 damage and are knocked prone. Hirel is pushed to (-K, 11) and Einar is pushed to (-J, 9).

Rekiah: uses Bond of Pursuit on Gerard, 22 vs AC = hit for 14 damage. If Gerard does not end his next turn next to her, she can shift closer to him as a free action. Uses Striker's Damage to deal 5 additional damage, Gerard dies.

<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Ms. Kyriarchia: RBA on Akara, 11 vs AC = miss

Please only view the map for your name, as that is all your character can see currently, in the moonlight. If additional sources of light are added to the map, vision will be increased further.
Map Info
Furniture: Hammocks and other furniture, unless otherwise specified, are difficult terrain. Some squares will only be partially covered in these items. In general, if the majority of a square is empty of such objects, then it counts as normal terrain. However, if you are unsure, please ask.

Stairs: You can currently see 4 staircases, 2 at the top and 2 at the bottom of the map. The two at the top are descending, and go down into the cargo hold. You know no one is in there, and that area is not mapped, so you cannot go there. For combat purposes, it does not exist. The two at the bottom are ascending, and lead to the higher deck. All stairs are considered difficult terrain.

Grates: There are grates both above and below, providing some amount of vision to the other levels. They are otherwise considered normal terrain to walk on.

Masts: These are visible on all decks, and are impassable. Depending on the angle between you and your opponent, these can provide full or partial cover.
Enemy Info
You know all of these people, as until tonight they were your former crew. While you are not 100% sure what they are capable of in combat, you know they are all formidable in their own right, especially the officers.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Keeping his blades spinning, a whirling dance of steel and death. He grits his teeth as he brings his blades to bear on Pietro, trying to shut out the pain he was about to cause him.
Minor Action: Hunter's Quarry on Pietro. Once per turn, I may deal extra damage on one attack that hits.
Standard Action: Twin Strike @ Pietro
First Hit: [1d20+11]=9+11=20[1d12+2]=5+2=7
Second Hit: [1d20+11]=3+11=14[1d12+2]=10+2=12
Hunter's Quarry: [1d6]=1
Combat Block

Male Bugbear Ranger Level 3
Languages: Common, Tulrissian
Age: 27
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 210 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 19
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 16
Fort: 17
Reflex: 15
Will: 12
HP: 37/37
Bloodied: 18
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 6/6
Action Points: 1

MBA: Bastard Sword (Large): +11 vs AC, 1d12+7 damage
MBA: Unarmed: +7 vs AC, 1d4+6 damage
RBA (unarmed): +1 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage

Resistances: none

Vulnerabilities: none

Saves: none

Active Effects:

Marauder's Rush
Twin Strike
Hunter's Quarry
Second Wind [_]
Sohei Flurry [X]
Predatory Eye [_]
Off-hand Strike [X]
Sustaining Strike [_]
Jaws of the Wolf [X]
Begin the Hunt [X]

Consumables: none

Important Features
Power Details
Hunter's Quarry - Minor Action - Effect: Designate Nearest Target as Quarry - Once per Turn, I may deal an extra 1d6 damage.
Twin Strike - Standard Action - One or Two Creatures - Attack: +11 vs AC | Hit: 1d12+2 damage (Two attacks)
Marauder's Rush - Standard Action - One Creature - Hit: +11 vs AC | Hit: 1d12+6 damage. Special: When charging, I can use this power in place of an MBA.
Second Wind - Standard Action - Spend a healing surge and gain +2 to all defenses until SONT.
Sohei Flurry - Minor Action - One Creature - Attack: +11 vs AC | Hit: 1d12+2 damage.
Predatory Eye - Minor Action - If I have Combat Advantage, I can deal +1d6 damage on the next attack I make against the target. I must apply this bonus before EONT.
Off-Hand Strike - Minor Action - One Creature - Attack: +11 vs AC | Hit: 1d12+7 damage.
Sustaining Strike - Standard Action - One Creature - Primary Attack: +11 vs AC | Hit: 1d12+7 damage. If this attack reduces the enemy to 0 hit points, the power isn't spent and gains a +2 to hit until EoE. Effect: Make a secondary attack against the target. Secondary Attack: +11 vs AC | Hit: 1d12+7 damage.
Jaws of the Wolf - Standard Action - One Creature - Attack: +11 vs AC, two attacks | Hit: 2d12+7 damage. Miss: Half damage per attack.
Begin the Hunt - No Action - Trigger: I roll initiative | Effect: Gain a +2 bonus to the initiative check, and use my Hunter's Quarry to mark the nearest enemy. I gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls versus that creature until it is no longer my quarry.

Class Features Ranger
Hunter's Quarry - Once per turn, I may use my Hunter's Quarry power.
Two-Blade Fighting Style - I can wield a one-handed weapon in my off-hand as if it were an off-hand weapon. In addition, I gain Toughness as a bonus feat.
Running Attack - If I use a standard action that lets me move (such as a Charge or the Skirmish Shot power) and I end that movement at least 2 squares away from where I began that move, I gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls made as part of that action.

Racial Features (Bugbear)
Ability Score Increase: +2 Dexterity, +2 Strength
Skill Bonuses: +2 Intimidate, +2 Stealth
Oversized: You can use weapons of your size or one size larger than you as if they were your size.
Predatory Eye: Gain Predatory Eye as an Encounter Power.

Theme Features
Level 1 Sohei: Sohei Flurry (Encounter Power)

Toughness - Gain +5 Health.
Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Swords) - Gain proficiency in Bastard Swords.
Weapon Focus (Heavy Blade) - +1 to all Damage Rolls with Heavy Blades.
Heavy Blade Expertise - +1 to Hit with all Heavy Blades, and gain +2 All Defenses vs OAs.
Active PCs
Caedus (#4080FF)  
Dessarius (#8e44ad)
Eridas (#4040FF)
Narciso (#FFBF00) 
Taliesin (#4040BF)
Tristan (#2980b9)
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Post by BartNL »

"Run away coward!" Terzo yells after Codpiece runs away from the fight. He wants to chase him down, but a sharp pain holds him back. He then kicks Florence who has made the mistake of walking up to him.

Minor: Hunter's Quarry Florence
Standard: Fading Strike Florence (unarmed)
[1d20+7]=13+7=20+1 is 21 VS AC
[1d4+6]=1+6=7 for 7 damage
Hunter's Quarry damage [1d6]=3 for 3 damage

Immediate Interrupt:
Use Disruptive Strike after Terzo is targeted by an attack
Combat Block
Male Human (drow) Ranger
Languages: Serran, Elven, Common
Age: 43
Height: 5'6
Weight: 145 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +8
Passive Perception: 19
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Darkvision

AC: 19
Fort: 13
Reflex: 17
Will: 14
HP: 34/34
Bloodied: 17
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1

MBA: +2 vs. AC, 1d4+1 damage.
RBA: +10 vs. AC, 1d6+8 damage.




Active Effects:


Twin Strike
Fading Strike
Sea Legs
Hunter's Quarry

Fox's Cunning [_]
Disruptive Strike [_]
Darkfire [_]
Water Stride [_]
Invigorating Stride [_]
Second Wind [_]

Split the Tree [_]



Important Features:
Trance (Drow): Need 4 hours trance instead of 6 hours of sleep for a long rest.

Light Blade Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to weapon attack rolls that you make with a light blade. In addition, you gain a +1 bonus to the damage rolls of weapon attacks that you make with a light blade against a creature granting combat advantage to you.
Quick Draw: You can draw a weapon (or an object, such as a potion, stored in a belt pouch, a bandolier, or a similar container) as part of the same action used to attack with the weapon or use the object. You also gain a +2 feat bonus to initiative checks.
Xen'drik Weapon Training: You gain proficiency and a +2 feat bonus to damage rolls with the drow long knife and the Xen'drik boomerang.
Prime Shot: +1 to ranged attack rolls if no allies are closer to the target
Hunter Fighting Style: Hunter Fighting Style
Gain Quick Draw and you can sheathe a weapon as a free action and gain a +4 bonus to AC against opportunity attacks you provoke by making a ranged attack.
The Mariner 1 Starting Feature: Mariner level 1. While aboard a ship gain +1 to all skill and ability checks related to life at sea.
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Post by Fialova »

The fighting on the crew deck rages for a few very bloody, very hectic minutes. By the end of it, many of the crew members who'd been sleeping not long before now lie dead on the blood-soaked floorboards, casualties of their own loyalties. It is a grizzly scene that stands before you, now in a cold, dark silence, apart from some shuffling on the deck above. "Looks like they're coming up, be ready," Ms. Kyriarchia shouts, as her and the others on the top deck move out of sight of the grate above.

You take a moment to gather your strength and catch your breath before the remaining seven of you ascend the aft staircase, arriving in the interior of the aft castle where some of the officer's quarters - including the captain's own - are located. You find it eerily empty and quiet in the dark of night, though you can still spot the drops of blood from when Codpiece made his way up from the deck below. After a deep breath, one of you opens the door onto the deck, and you spot Florence and Charles each blocking one of the staircases leading to the forecastle. Up above, on the forecastle itself, you can see Thalia, bow at the ready with an arrow trained towards where you now stand. You step unto the deck, ready to finish things once and for all.

Everyone roll initiative, using your WWN stats. Also choose a starting position for your character in one of the six squares highlighted on the map below. The full map will be revealed as you make your exit from the aft castle onto the deck proper and gain vantage to the higher positions.

For this encounter, all enemies have already had their morale shaken from the sudden, violent nature of the mutiny. As such, for the duration of the encounter, you may choose on your turn to try to force a surrender using your main action against a specific target. The check required will depend on the nature of your attempt, to be determined at the time of the action, but some examples might be making a Convince/Cha check to reason with one of your foes, a Convince/Str check to intimidate them with words, or a Lead/Cha to exert authority over them. If you have other ideas of what you'd want to do, just ask and I can give a roll.
We are skipping forward, with the rest of the first encounter being played out via random chance of who of the npc (apart from certain ones) will live or die. The 3 PCs of the players who've chosen not to reprise their roles in this game are automatically included among the casualties of the mutiny, with the rest who remained on the bottom deck will live or die by the roll of the dice.

The game has now swapped from D&D 4e mechanics to WWN, and as such your new builds will come into play from now onwards. We will also be using WWN's ship mechanics for modifying your ship, obtaining other ships, and sea travel, though I will be removing some of the existing ships (such as airships) from the list of available ones for the setting, and adding additional age of sale ships that fit the setting over time.

Since the mechanics are changing around, this upcoming second encounter will see you each fighting as if you began at full hp, against enemies likewise beginning at their full hp values, regardless of where things had been in my last combat post for the first encounter. The enemies who survived will have been ones who fled to the top deck, and will be including in the second upcoming encounter. The rest - both ally and enemy alike - are now among the numerous corpses on the deck you just fought on.

The Survivors


Ms. Kyriarchia
Mr. Galatas
Captain Demos

The Deceased


Mr. Tilleroux

The Mutiny Continues - pre-fight.PNG
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Just a little bit further," Séb growls, as the door to the ship's deck is opened. As blood begins to run from his brow into his eyes, he wipes it away with his sleeve. It's not mine. We can win this, he reminds himself.
Initiative: [1d8]=7

Starting Position: top right square

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