Escape Trajectory: Makkuro — IC

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Escape Trajectory: Makkuro — IC

Post by Namelessjake »

You find yourself alone and cuffed, sat on the bench of a small solitary Diktat holding cell on Idarete. The bleak metal walls and hard bench offering little in the way the comfort. You've spent anything from a day to a week or two alone in the cell with no more human interaction than the daily visit of a guard with an unappealing meal. The door opens once more and with your sense of time beginning to fade away away you're initially unsure if this is another meal or something else. A Dikatat soldier stands in the doorway, dressed in a grey uniform accented by red and holding a laser rifle.

"Hey hot stuff," the guard says with a smirk, clearly enjoying being able to boss you around. "This way," he says, gesturing to the right with his rifle. Standing up you follow him to a larger holding room where he tells you to wait, before he disappears back down the corridor towards the other cells. He soon returns bringing three more prisoners one by one. The second of which you recognise as an acquaintance, Hikaru Tsukiakari, a member of NTER5TELLAR.
"On your feet junkie," the guard says, half pointing his rifle at you. He motions for you to leave the cell and step out in front of him. He leads you down a corridor away from the other cells which soon opens up into a larger room. A young women stands in the room, also cuffed you assume she must be a fellow prisoner. He brings through two more prisoners, the last of which you recognise as Eridas Creed, a smuggler.
"Let's go Strocho," the guard says, flicking his gun upwards indicating for you to stand. Without any further conversation he leads you out of the cell and down a corridor to a larger room where two other cuffed prisoners stand. One of which you recognise as Tess, the courtesan turned friend who your band mate once hired for you.
"Come on Chuckles," the guard says with a smile, you recognise him as one of the men who originally arrested you. He motions for you to stand and then follow him with his rifle. He takes you to a larger room down the corridor from the cells where three other prisoners in handcuffs stand waiting, one of which you recognise as a drug dealer called Cass you've met a handful of times.

Once the guard finally returns with the fourth and final prisoner, he looks over the group before moving to a door. He swipes his wrist over a pad next to it and the door hisses open. "Inside and take a seat," he says, gesturing with his weapon once more. Making your way through the door, you find yourselves in what appears to be an interrogation room, with the back wall covered by a presumably two way mirror.

A large table dominates the center of the room, with four chairs on your side of it. In front of each chair is a pile of personal effects, one pile of which you recognise to be yours. A large tattooed man sits on the other side of the table, busy with something on his compad. He too gestures for you to sit down, as he continues typing.

A few moments pass and once the four of you are seated before the man finishes whatever he was doing and lays his compad down on the table in front of him.

"Welcome, the name's Marco Bao," the large man says. He moves to speak again but the guard who pulled you from your cell interrupts with a cough.

"Of course," Marco replies to the cough. "One moment," he says to you as he picks one his compad once more. After a few taps the guards checks his own and after a nod to Marco he throws a key on to the table, which lands near the large man, and leaves the room with the door closing behind him - leaving the four of you alone with Marco.

"As I was saying, I'm Marco Bao. I'm... an influential figure in this area of the city," the large man continues, seemingly choosing his words carefully. "That key there guarantees your freedom," he says gesturing to the key the guard tossed on to the table. "Although it does come at a very reasonable price. My operation is under threat from another rival operation and I believe one of my right hand men has betrayed me. You all seem to have skills which could be useful, and most importantly I know I can trust you as I don't know you, which is why I've arranged this meeting," he says, picking up the key.

"Now I'm hoping I've chosen well and I can rely on the four of you to solve this problem for me. I'm even willing to pay you handsomely for your services. The alternative, of course, is our friend comes back in and takes you back to the cell you were rotting away in leaving you to the Diktat's mercy, but I feel like I've made a very reasonable proposal. I'm a busy man, what do you say?" He asks, waggling the key in your direction.
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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by Fialova »

Tess rolls her eyes at the guard's words, but does nothing to resist being shepherded into the next room. Thinks he's a real big shot, huh? Bet I could take him. What an asshole, she thinks as she shuffles in and is left to stand in a different empty room.

When the door opens once more she is shocked to see Hikaru there, this being the last place she'd expect to find her friend. She initally considers asking him, but figures that the situation they are in is far from the right time to do so. Is NTER5TELLAR doing a tour on this shit hole planet? Could they not find a better crowd to play for? She has no reaction to the other two men who are brought into the room, having no real connection to either of them, though the last does look vaguely familiar to her.

As the group is ushered into the last of the rooms she takes a seat near her belongings, eyeing them suspiciously to see if there are any noticeable alterations to any of them, or anything missing from the bundle. She listens on as the man talks in the meantime, finding him very reminiscent of the Harlequin members she is used to dealing with.

After the proposal is made, Tess looks up from her items towards the man. She gives him a charming smile, the sort she is accustomed to giving her Johns and others she is eager to please. "So you must be from the 'lower' levels of the city, then?" she asks with a wink, hinting towards the well-known criminal underworld located in Idarte. "And you want us to 'interrogate' your second in command, and 'politely ask him to leave' if he is uncooperative, is that the gist of what you are asking of us?" What is one more target to add to the quota? Not like I will have a choice in either of them, she thinks.


Do I know if Marco Bao was my assassination target? If not, did he have any connection to my target that I am aware of?

Should I roll a notice check for looking over the gear? If so, with which stat? Notice/Wis 11

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by ratwizard »

A mixture of terror and relief washes over Cass as he is pulled hastily from his cell — the only thing he'd known for the past entire week. Catching a glimpse of Ivare's pilot on the way, he says nothing to further incriminate himself, only meeting eyes with the man for a fleeting moment. Creen. No, Creed, he remembers.

Once gathered, Cass listens to Bao's pitch carefully. Big boy's got quite the dick-swinging pull with the Diktat if he's allowed to proposition their prisoners for personal gain. He keeps quiet as the alluring woman — Goddamn, is she fine. Do I know her? — runs her mouth.

What's this Bao think I've got? he ponders to himself as he awaits the man's clarification. Unless they need a systems cracker. He frowns. Fuck. They need a systems cracker.

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Hikaru glowers at the guard as he enters, unamused at the plain nickname he's received. I've got a name, and he damn well knows it. What a prick. He follows closely behind, continuously glaring daggers at the man as they walk. This continues until he notices the two other prisoners gathered ahead.

His bitter expression melts into that of confusion when he spots a familiar face: that of Tess. I knew she'd end up getting in trouble sooner or later. But at least she's alive, so that's something. With Tess electing to stay silent, Hikaru follows suit and simply flashes a smirk in her direction. He gives the other prisoners a quick once-over, curious how they ended up in the same predicament. Greasy and dejected. Typical, really.

At the guard's command, he steps into the interrogation room, eyeing his belongings. I swear, if any of these dickheads even breathed on my compad, they're dead. He takes a seat, his eyes darting between his compad and the tattooed man at the table's head. As this "Marco" begins speaking, Hikaru listens intently to his proposition. Engaging in criminal activities is hardly good PR... Then again, neither is spending eternity locked in a cell. Besides, I doubt news from this backwater reaches Strocho.

He finds himself nodding along with the man's words, despite not fully knowing what Marco was asking of them. Shifting to his stage persona, his mouth morphs into an almost-unnatural grin as he cheerfully says, "Thank you for this opportunity, Bao-san. I think I speak for us all when I say your price for our freedom is more than reasonable. We'll take care of this for you." He nods again, flashing a wide grin he'd grown accustomed to using during interviews. If I'm to get my freedom, I can't do it alone. May as well drag the rest of these fools into it too.

He considers mentioning his limited skill repertoire with regards to crime, but elects to remain silent. No way in hell I'm keeping myself from my freedom.

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

As the guard drags him out of his cell, he quickly tries to dry any of the fresh tears from his face, biting his tongue to do everything he can to stop himself from laughing again. He sits uncomfortably in the chair and nods along to what the man says in offer and quickly nods in agreement. "I... I..." He takes a deep breath. "Yes, I agree to this." He finally says shakily.

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Excellent!" Marco exclaims as two of you agree. "And yes that's the rough gist of it," he says turning back to Tess. "Although I've only managed to narrow the mole down to one of two people so you'll need to look into both - I am hoping for something a little more subtle than an interrogation though. I've called a meeting of my organisation later today and they will both be in attendance, which should give you a few hours to look around their apartments," he explains.

"When you do find out who has betrayed me, I'd prefer you didn't kill them if it's avoidable. That's a task I would very much like to perform myself," Marcos adds, taking on a serious tone.

"So any questions? And are you two also in? I'm afraid this is a package deal, either all four of you are walking out of here or none of you are," he asks Cass and Tess, his voice instantly becoming more jovial. He moves the key around between his thumb and forefinger while he waits for your replies.


Marco Bao is not your assassination target and isn't connected in any way as far as you know.

Examining your gear you can't see that anything is missing or has been tampered with.

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by Fialova »

"Sure," Tess responds, maintaining the charming persona she'd been using throughout the conversation thus far. "That sounds better than what I was expecting, honestly, and if it means getting out of this cell it is definitely worth the hassle," she continues.

The woman glances over towards her friend to see his reaction, but before he speaks she turns back to Marco again. "By the way, what is it exactly you need us to find? Obviously some sort of proof of betrayal, but do you have an idea what form that may take? A missing item? A dossier of intelligence? Any sort of leads?"

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Breaking and entering? Sounds just like one of our crazed fans breaking into our dressing rooms. Just without the stealing hair clippings part. Shaking the thoughts of his disturbing fans from his mind, he instead focuses on mentally preparing for the task ahead. As Macro asks the group about questions they may have, Hikaru chimes in. "Do you have keys to these apartments? Or are we to find other means inside?"

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Sure," Cass agrees, not feeling like he has much of a choice. "We'll find your rat." He sighs inwardly. Better than rotting in a Diktat jail until they decide to sentence me for whatever they feel like at the time.

He narrows his eyes at the man, frustrated at his lack of recognition. "Your organization... what line of work are you in, Mr. Bao?"

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

"The o-only information I need is where they live, getting in is s-something I think w-we can figure out on our own." Eridas says slowly.

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"No keys unfortunately, and they both didn't become my most trusted men by dumb luck. They're both highly competent at what they do, which I imagine extends to betrayal, so I doubt they'll just have just left anything incriminating out on their coffee table," Bao says, replying to both Hikaru and Tess.

He smiles at Cass' question. "I have a lot of fingers in a lot of varyingly illegal pies, let's just leave it at that for now shall we? Although if you succeed I can always make use of people with your talents should you be interested."

"Well it seems we have an arrangement at least," he says, sliding the key for the handcuffs across the table to no one in particular. "I've sent their addresses to your compads. The meeting I've called starts in a couple of hours so you have some time to prepare if you need it," he says as he stands and moves over to the door the guard left through previously. He knocks on the door once and a moment later the guard reenters the room.

"Show them out please once they've uncuffed themselves," Bao says to the guard with a smile. "I'll eagerly await your call," he adds as he leaves the room.

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by Fialova »

Tess nods as the man speaks, maintaining her smile until he leaves the room. Once gone she returns to a more neutral expression as she quickly reaches for the keys and undoes her own handcuffs first, glad to be free of the shackles. Hopefully this doesn't take too long. Makara will start to become suspicious if I stay out of contact for too long. With herself free, she pass the key over to the next person near to her. She considers speaking to Hikaru, but once more thinks it best to hold off until they are out of sight of the guard. Last thing I want is these Diktat assholes knowing who my friends are.

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

As Tess finishes unlocking her own pair of handcuffs, Hikaru figuratively leaps at the key. He hurriedly frees himself, grabbing his personal effects in front of him. His hand goes straight for his compad, which often felt like an extension of himself. He scrolls through its interface, confirming it hadn't been tampered with. Thank god I remembered to set up biometric security. I'd die of embarrassment if anyone read my messages. Satisfied, he slides the key towards the closest of the strange men.

Grabbing his clothing, he walks to the guard and asks, "Is there someplace we might change?"

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Right here, I'm guessing," Cass responds to the man, already uncuffed and stripping out of the too-tight prisoner uniform. His body is pale and lanky, marked only by the occasional cybernetic modular input or chem-jack access point on the back of his shoulders, his right belly area, and on his inner left forearm.

He slips his own clothing back on, sighing in comfort and a return to something vaguely resembling familiarity. Get me out of this fucking hole, already.

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Got it in one," the guard replies pointing to Cass, shooting a smirk in Tess' direction.

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by Fialova »

Tess shrugs as it becomes clear that they will be changing here, rolling her eyes towards the guard at his smirk. "Look all you want," she says to no one in particular as she begins to strip out of the prison clothing. "But if you want to touch I should warn you, you can't afford it."

Unlike Cass she is more excited to get back to the form-fitting under-armor she has taken to wearing as a primary outfit, with the only real embellishments being her gun and ammo holsters and her small jacket. Before stowing it away she checks her pistol over to make sure it is all in working order and with the safety on, not keen to accidentally discharge it. Lastly, with all her items put away, she ties her hair back in its usual ponytail and flips it behind her.

Her change complete, she stands with one hand on her hip and waits impatiently for the others to finish as well. "Come on, pretty boy," she says towards Hikaru, seeing his hesitation about changing in front of everyone else. "Let's see what you got underneath, everyone else is sharing," she continues with a smirk and wink towards her friend. So self conscious. You'd think he'd be used to all eyes being on him by now.

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Eridas takes the keys last, uncuffing himself and slowly rubbing his wrists. He then stands and slowly strips, clearly uncomfortable being around others and gets dressed in his pilots outfit, trying to not show his sickly thin body for long.

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Hikaru frowns slightly as the guard suggests they'll be changing in that very room. Though not self-conscious with his body, privacy is a commodity he has found hard to come by.

As Tess takes her turn stripping down, Hikaru chimes in. "Oh, but I could. Could I gift my session to someone else, sweet cheeks?" he replies, a trademark smirk upon his face.

As she calls attention to himself, he retorts, "You know, I was offered a chance to model underwear once. The agency turned it down though, of course. Apparently sexy conflicts with their idea of my innocence. Who knew?" With his final words, he removes his jumpsuit, revealing his pop-star perfect body, slim but mildly toned. He flashes a confident grin at the others, Tess in particular. I guess going to the gym is a low priority for those two. I suppose we can't all look this good.

With his body finally free from his uncomfortable prison garb, he slips into the streetwear he had been wearing prior: a black and lime green hoodie, gray pants, and lime and white sneakers. Finally, he dons his signature black-framed glasses and tousles his hair a bit. Eager to get a move on and finally go back to his old self, he says, "Let's get to it then!"

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Once you have all finished changing, the guard opens the door. "Follow me," he says, stepping through into another corridor. You follow him down the corridor taking a left and then a right, passing a couple more guards and several Diktat officials, all of which pay you little attention with your escort. You reach another door which the guard pauses at to key in a passcode. A moment later the door accepts the code and slides open revealing a small side street - clearly not the facility's main entrance. The guard steps to the side of the doorway to let you past.

As you step out into the street, the guard wordlessly presses another button on the keypad and the door slides shut behind you, locking with a series of clicks. The side street is little more than a narrow tunnel only a few metres wide, and lit mostly by the dim lights that hang over the few doorways that line it.

To your left is a dead end marked only by an overflowing graffiti covered dumpster, however to your right you hear the noise of a fairly busy street and can see lights framing the silhouettes of the occasional passerby who walks across the opening of the alley.

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Right..." Cass mutters, looking between the now-locked door and the others, shaking his head in disbelief. "Well, it was nice meeting you all," he says in mock-cheer, checking his position on his datapad before slipping it back into his deep pockets. "Enjoy your life. I'm getting the fuck out of here."

He turns to walk away. I don't know where I'm going, and I certainly don't know how. But I'll figure it out.

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Oh, how the sad, dejected man tries to run from his problems. Typical," Hikaru scoffs, rolling his eyes at the pathetic display. "Lemme guess, dumbass. Gonna go hide back in whatever gutter you live in? That's not how this works, champ." He shakes his head as the man begins walking away, in mild disbelief over the man's behavior. "It's pretty obvious Bao would already have eyes on us."

His expression morphs into a devilish smirk, his tone changing from annoyance to condescension. "On second thought, go. See what happens, genius. Please."

Figuring he got his point across well enough, he finally turns towards Tess. A wide grin streaks across his face as he pulls her in for a tight hug. "It's good to see you, even here of all places. But what idiotic stunt did you pull to get locked up?" He looks at her, his eyes filled with judgment.

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

After being thrown outside, Eridas watches Cass walk away. "I.. I.. uh.. we... we gotta go to their apartments, right? That's... our goal right?" He asks hesitantly.

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by ratwizard »

Anger flashes through Casimir's mind, as well as the reminder that he has a loaded handgun in his pocket. His hand slips toward its grip. Who the fuck does this pretty-boy think he is?

He spins around, listening to the man's tirade, his jaw clenched tight. Cass opens his mouth to say something, but then closes it. No. Goddamnit. He's right. What the hell am I thinking? I take one step out of line and that Bao will have me right back in the clutches of the Diktat.

Cass groans, removing his hand from his pocketed handgun and itching at a chemjack near his carotid. "Fine. Fuck it." He takes a few steps back toward the others. "Who's first on the list, then, Glitter? Shithead A, or Shithead B?" He looks between the man and the woman, ignoring Creed for the moment. "And how do you two even know each other?"

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by Fialova »

"Sure, but nobody present," Tess responds to Hikaru's joke about paying her to sleep with someone else. "I've seen what they have to offer already, the mystery's gone," she responds, matching his level of snark.

As they are ushered out of their holding cell, Tess eyes the others they pass by with suspicion. Can't wait to be off this planet and away from these Diktat assholes. They make me sick just thinking about them. When the group has to pause to wait for the man to enter a code, she does her best to watch to see if she can spot the code.

Once finally free of the compound and in the open air, she takes a deep breath, only to be immediately hit by the dumpster stench. "I guess the first breath of fresh air isn't always a good one," she remarks to no one in particular as she cringes at the scent.

As Hikaru begins to chide the lanky man she watches on, initially in amusement at her friends remarks, but later with concern as she spots the man reaching for something in his pocket. She subtly moves her own hand towards her gun holster as he moves his, not certain if that is his intention but not wanting to take any risks either. She follows suit in moving her hand back to a neutral position once the man seems to do so as well.

With the tension fading, Tess snaps back out of her gaze and responds to her friend. "Oh, just a misunderstanding with a client, must have noticed that I snagged a token from their room before I left," she responds with a shrug, not wanting to reveal her true reasons for being on the planet.

Ignoring the question about their connection, Tess addresses the two other men by saying, "we might as well just head to whichever house is closest, yeah. Either of you know this area well? Any shortcuts to make this go faster would be lovely." She maintains a pleasant tone of voice throughout her interaction, not wanting to get off on the wrong foot with her temporary companions.


Am I able to roll notice for watching the keypad entry by the guard, or was it out of sight? If I do roll, which stat?

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

He raises an eyebrow at his friend's explanation, frowning at her. "Getting careless doesn't suit you. Try not to let that happen with this job too, mmkay?" At his last words, he raises both brows and returns a subtle grin, as if a parent.

"Neither yet, chem-for-brains," Hikaru directs, glaring at conceding Cass. He sighs and shakes his head. "Since it's clear I was the only one actually listening—go figure—, Bao said this meeting wasn't for a couple hours. We show up now and we fail before we've started." Looking towards the two strangers, he sneers, "I can't speak for you, but I'm not accustomed to the taste of failure, and I sure as hell won't try it now."

Gazing towards the main street, he adds, "I suppose we can at least find these apartments ahead of time, provided no one tries anything stupid."

He considers ignoring the stranger's question, but assumes the man would continue asking. Shrugging with a wide grin, he responds, "How could she not know me? Practically everyone on Strocho does. But then again, this backwater's not exactly a beacon of culture."

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"God... You weren't the only one listening," Cass corrects the man. "Two hours is two hours. We can scope our mark out before we actually infiltrate. You want to sit and jack yourself off until the meeting starts? Be my guest. I'll be gathering intel til then."

He shakes his head, turning away as the man finally answers his question. Then, he spins back, something not quite right. "Hold up. Hold, the fuck up. I'm seeing it. The voice. The looks — my God, the looks. The "I'm a complete fucking cunt unless you're a teenage girl" personality. No... fucking... way. No fucking way! Are you that fucking pop star?" Cass begins laughing wildly, bending over and clutching his belly.

It felt good to laugh. He realized he hadn't in a few weeks. "My sister would kill me right now. Holy shit," he manages between strained breaths interrupted by unstoppable deep coughs and chuckles. My life is a complete fucking mess. I'm working a gag-contract on threat of my life with a fucking Valetel mega-pop power prince. This is... this is something.

He straightens awkwardly, stepping closer, a hand outstretched and offered. "Gotta say: after hearing my kid sister stream your rainbow-glitter crud-tunes a thousand times a day, I'm sure pleased to meet you," the man says. "You can call me Cass."

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"So the dumbass does know a thing or two. Color me surprised," Hikaru comments, a faux-surprised expression morphing into his quintessential smug grin. "And you could not be more wrong about me," he adds, his tone becoming more artificial, much like he'd spoken to Bao. "I'm just happy and peppy and all-around sugary-sweet!" He mimics one of his signature photo-op poses, smiling broadly with a wink and his fingers making a v-shape.

Rolling his eyes at his own display, he mentions, "Or at least that's how I'm supposed to be so blab and you're dead, got it?" Even if I don't, the agency sure as hell would.

He watches somewhat uncomfortably as the man has a laughing fit but elects to keep quiet to stave off a shootout in the alleyway. Even so, his eyes begin to burn with rage as Cass criticizes his songs. What the hell does this untalented fuck know about music? Nothing. Nada. Even if our early stuff was total garbage, who is he to say it? He grits his teeth and returns the handshake. "Hikaru," he manages, indiscreetly wiping his hand on his pant leg. God knows where that's been.

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Hikaru," Cass nods. "Yeah, that was it. Hikaru. Good." He snorts at the frontman after noticing him wiping his pant leg.

Turning to the quiet man in their company, Cass gestures toward him. "Creed," he says as a greeting. "Been a while. Five weeks? Fill me in when we're not outside a Diktat facility."

He takes out his datapad once more, running a quick scan on the two POIs dropped to it from Bao. No use in waiting around.


Which target's address is closer?

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Eridas watches the two argue and Cass seemingly lose his mind for a moment before he's addressed. "Y-yeah, been... a few weeks. Yeah." He says softly in response. "I'm ready to go when you guys are." He finishes and looks around.

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by Fialova »

Tess can't help but to laugh as well as one of the strangers and Hikaru enter their spat. "First time encountering a critic?" she asks her friend as she notices his anger bubbling over. So hot-headed, I hope he doesn't act that way around his fans.

When the tensions start to disperse a bit she adds her own introduction to the mix. "I'm Tess, and despite his claims I don't know Hikaru from his band. Well, at least not for their music," she says, opting not to shake any hands as she keeps them on their hips. "And we should start moving. I don't know about you three, but I'd love to get this over with so I can go back to doing this I actually care about."

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by Namelessjake »


Make a retroactive Notice/Dex check to spot the keypad entry.

Anyone who checks their Compad

The files sent by Bao are fairly bare bones with just the names and addresses of his men. They are;

Juan Ulven - Who lives about a half hour drive from your current location. In what is a fairly upscale neighborhood, just off of one of the city's main promenade tunnels which spread out from the space elevator in the center of the city.

Ajani Schaberg - Lives around twenty minutes in the opposite direction from your current location in a rougher part of town, a few minutes walk away from any tunnels large enough to accommodate cars.

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"If we hit Ulven's pad, Glitter's gotta take lead. The gentry won't take too kindly to the rest of us."

Putting his compad away, Cass stretches his hands behind his head, taking a deep breath, thinking. "Of course, we can scope out Schaberg first. Seedy area, but nothing I haven't crawled before. Closer, too." He considers for a moment longer. "Schaberg's my vote."

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Eridas stops to think. "I trust Cass, I vote Schaberg, too."He says in agreement.

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by Fialova »

"Speak for yourself," Tess responds to Cass, at his mention of Ulven's area. "I've got some plenty nice clothing for that neighborhood, and men of that stature often welcome me into their homes," she continues with a proud smirk. Of course they are paying me to come, but that is besides the point.

"We can do the other first, though," she continues. "Best to save the more fun one for later." Schaberg probably doesn't have anything good to loot anyway, so might as well get it over and done with as soon as we can.


Notice/dex: 6

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by Namelessjake »


You only catch one or two numbers of the passcode, not enough to even begin trying to brute force the combination which seemed to be around six to eight long.

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Hikaru rolls his eyes, ignoring his given nickname. As the corner of his mouth begins to curl upwards, he comments, "Maybe you'd be better received if you dressed to impress instead of depress." He shrugs, crossing his arm as he looks over Cass and Creed. "Tess is right. It's all how you present yourself."

Pulling out his compad, he quickly reads the contents of Bao's files. "As if it even matters which we check first. We need to check both anyways. Schaberg's place is probably smaller anyways. Which means less space to hide things."

Gazing back towards the main thoroughfare, he mentions, "I guess we can find a cab to save us time." No way in hell I'm walking all the way there.

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Eridas nods as if to agree. He walks towards the main street, now looking for a cab to hail down.

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by ratwizard »

Ignoring Hikaru's slight, Cass nods instead at his suggestion for a cab. "We'll be on foot for the last turn or two, but it won't be a problem. Just keep your eyes to yourself and don't make yourself a target."

He steps out onto the main avenue, flagging down a ride.

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"You don't get as far as I have without learning how to blend in," Hikaru comments, pulling out his compad once more. With a few taps on its screen, his glasses tint slightly darker. As he continues to swipe through the screen, his once-lime hoodie cycles through a variety of hues before landing on black. "No better way to avoid adoring fans than blending in and keeping your head down. And wearing the best money can buy hardly hurts." Not that those two could afford them. Or have fans in the first place.

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by ratwizard »

Cass rolls his eyes at the garish display of wealth, watching the man beside him flip through various colors and styles of his streetwear. However, it was really to hide the jealousy he felt. If this job truly pays in anything than simply 'not dying,' then I think I'll have earned some new duds.

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by Namelessjake »

As you step out from the alley and onto the main street, a large plume of steam erupts from a vent next to you - overflow from the geothermal processes which heat and power the city. The steam rises upwards before slowly dissipating. Here on the bigger streets, the ceiling of the tunnel rises much higher up to the point where it is made of the very ice the city is built beneath. In places you can ever still see the scars in the ice from the machines that carved out the tunnels that now form the city.

The street is reasonably busy, lined with brightly signed shops and apartments, with a moderate amount of people going about their lives. After a couple of moments a screen on the nearby wall start loudly playing an advertisement for a new restaurant on the Idarete Platform - likely directly targeted at one of you from scans of you as you walked out onto the pavement.

Several self driving cars hurtle past on the road which runs down the center of the tunnel. Cass pulls out his compad and hails a ride with a few taps. A minute or so later, one of the cars peels off from the others and pulls up beside you. The door slides up above the vehicle revealing the interior which, with no driver, is arranged with all of the seats facing inwards.

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Eridas takes a deep breath and steps inside the car. He then takes a seat and waits for his new companions to join him.

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by ratwizard »

Casimir slides into the car, taking a seat opposite his acquaintance, the pilot. "Keep the chatter down to a minimum in these things," he warns. "Our friends at the Diktat have bugs everywhere at this point."

He flips out his datapad, pulling up a neural note app, and begins to jot down inklings of a plan.

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Hikaru grins as they step out onto the busy street, finding its bright lights and hectic pace strangely calming after the days spent within his holding cell. His eyes light up as he spots the overwhelming advertisements for the Platform's newest restaurant. I wouldn't mind going there after this is all over. I need some real food! And a stiff drink.

As their taxi arrives, Hikaru steps inside and sit. He sighs in relief, the car's plush seat miles more comfortable than what he'd been enduring for much too long. At Casimir's words, Hikaru rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. "Congrats, genius. You've just flagged this car as suspicious." Hoping to salvage things just in case Diktat officials were listening in, he musters up his faux-cheerful attitude and remarks, "There's no reason to hide your excitement about that new restaurant! It looks almost suspiciously good!" He sinks back into his seat, rolling his eyes once more at this own fake display.

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by ratwizard »

Cass shrugs, not looking up from his notepad. If we were going to get spied on, there's little we can do to change that. Best thing to do is to go dark wherever possible. He scribbles away, uninterested in the pop star's charade.

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by Fialova »

Tess mostly ignores the bickering as the group continues down the corridor and onto the street, too distracted by her other thoughts to pay much attention. We have a few hours to get this job done and get back to that sleaze, then we're all clear. Then I can go take out my target, get paid again, and finally get off this horrible rock and return home. I am sure Hikaru will share the sentiment, but hopefully these other two are not planning any funny business.

Once outside she is briefly excited to finally be in fresh air again, though the fact she is still on Idarete causes her excitement to rapidly fade. Her curiosity is then momentarily piqued as an advertisement begins flashing. Must be targeting the pop prince here, I doubt these other two have the funds for something like that. When their ride draws near, the woman quickly gets in and takes a seat nearest to her friend, not wanting to position herself too near the strange and somewhat dirty men they've found themselves with.

At the mention of the car's listening devices, Tess simply rolls her eyes at the others. "As if walking out of a Diktat holding cell didn't already have all of their eyes and ears on us from the get-go," she remarks, feeling it should have been obvious from the start that they were going to be watched, at least initially. We will just have to make sure they lose sight of us before we start doing our little field trip. As they settle in she crosses one of her legs over the other and leans back in the seat, facing towards the ceiling of the car as she continues to think of her plans for the day.

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by Namelessjake »

A few second after you are all inside, the door slides shut once more and the car rejoins the traffic, quickly gaining speed. The relatively short journey passes mostly in silence and the car soon pulls off the main roads and onto the smaller less important tunnels. Eventually it pulls to a stop by the side of the road, a few minutes walk to Schaberg's home through the alleys and side streets. As you pull over a Diktat armoured personal carrier rolls past at a leisurely pace.

The door opens again and you step out. The street here isn't too different from the area you had just come from, although much of the infrastructure is noticeably less well maintained and there is much less foot traffic. Looking either way down the street you can see groups of people, presumably gangs, loitering by the street corners. As the Diktat APC passes one a glass bottle is thrown. It smashes harmlessly on the vehicles armour, designed to repel laser fire and missiles. It brakes sharply and its back doors open, with Diktat soldiers flooding out. Guns raised they begin detaining the group the bottle had come from.


You are charged 5 credits for the fare

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Ah," Cass groans. "That's new." He watches the conflict unravel for a moment, shaking his head. "These streets were never tamed, but the Diktat seems to want to try anyhow. C'mon, let's look for a way around these bastards. I don't know about you three, but I'm sure as fuck not catching a stray bullet today. I've got a heaping mound of steaming shit on my plate already."


Is there an alternate route we can take? Through an alleyway? Backtracking a couple blocks?

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Hikaru's eyes widen in a combination of terror and excitement as he witnesses the altercation between the Diktat soldiers and gang members. It being his first real experience with violence outside of movies, he cannot help but stare for a moment. He soon grows bored, however, and turns away. Where are the explosions? The acrobatics? The daring escape attempts? Super lame. As Cass speaks, the idol moves his eyes between the man and the arrest going down. With an inflection of snark, he utters, "Oh I don't know, I think a bullet could do some good." Rolling his eyes, he grumbles, "Of course I don't want to take a stray bullet! That would ruin my brand! I can't have scars or wounds like some kind of street thug!"

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Re: [SWN] Valetel Epsilon IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

"Y-you might look better if you did have a scar or two." Eridas says and snickers in response to Hikaru, before mentally scolding himself. "Ignore that." He quickly tries to get thinking about how he could get them inside the building unnoticed.

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