Amongst the Flames — IC

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Eventually the bandit begins to come to, helped on his journey to conciousness by Shira's slapping. The man groans a few times and appears to be awake, however he remains silent.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Look who's awake," Cleo says as the bandit finally awakens beneath her. "Why did you attack us, huh? Were you the ones who attacked us before? And where is my money?!" The girl's face starts to flush as her anger begins to show yet again, though for the time being she has it mostly under control.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Why would I tell you anything, girl?" The man says before spitting at Cleo. He sits back with a scowl on his face, clearly not completely open to the idea of cooperating.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Because I have a gallon of oil in my bag, and if you don't talk I will let you feel what it is like to be burnt alive?" She stares the man down, her anger doing all of the work for her. She doesn't really want to set a man on fire, but she doubts he will want to risk it.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The man's eyes widen at Cleo's words. "Well then... What do you want to know?" He says, clearly deciding he'd rather not be burnt alive. "We were just out scouting and you lot looked to be an easy target. Which clearly you weren't. Do you expect me to remember everyone we attack? And how the fuck would I know where your money is?" He says with a hint of annoyance in his voice.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

As the interrogation begins, Geral moves in behind Cleo, looking down at the wounded man from behind his hood, his face hidden.
"Mind if I ask a question then? Do you happen to have any tattoos?"
He's wondering if the man was, indeed, from the Malachite Blades. It's possible that this group is more of a mix of those exiled and random bandits than anything else. He's a mercenary after all, not psychic. He just guessed that they were from the Blades. They've hated him for a while now, and the reaction of the first bandit caught his attention.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The man looks at Geral with a quizzical look on his face. "No... Most of the others do though. They recruited us and we were scouting for them as a test to join them properly."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Shira'stasa watches on as Geral and Cleo interrogate the remaining bandit. It doesn't seem to me that he's lying. Although if he is, he's smart to act as if a lower member of the group. That way we wouldn't think he had valuable information. She stands next to Cleo and whispers in her ear, just out of earshot of the bandit. "What will we do with him now? You won't really burn him, will you?"

She shudders at the thought of burning flesh. She had seen it, once. A tenant had been expelled for his strange practices with discarded flesh... Blood magic, they had called it. She had been worried by how similar the man's experiments were to her own. I doubt I'm with the right crowd to be in the clear. Some of the other Tenants will pester me further if they hear I'm with this group. Better reason to finish this "errand" quickly and return to my studies.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Cameryn watches the interrogation from afar for a few minutes until he decides to get up from his sandy seat and walk towards the others. Overhearing Shira's question to Cleo, he responds, "Well, he doesn't have anywhere to go since I doubt he's joining properly after this. We could always bring him along and make him carry our stuff or something, and then leave him in the open desert when we get tired of him. A ynfytyn like him doesn't deserve to just walk free back to a life of mediocre banditry."
Elven Translation
A moron like him doesn't deserve to just walk free back to a life of mediocre banditry.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral bends down next to the man, drawing his blade as he looks at him. In his head, he can hear the blade's voice speak to him. "Kill him, he's worthless to us, give us more blood, we still thirst! His blood will be delicious, I know it will! Filled with fear, filled with anger... Give it to us!"
He quickly sheathes the blade again, eyes shut, trying to ignore the voice.
"Hm... Well then. What was the tattoo? Do you remember? Did it look like a sword? Blueish in color?"
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Not unless he attacks again," Cleo whispers back to Shira'stasa. "And I am not sure. Maybe he will come with us as the stupid elf, said. It would be silly to just let him go. We could turn him in once we get to Thesus."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Yes something like that." The man says to Geral, more interested in trying to hear what the others are talking about, out of earshot.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Noticing that the man is not paying attention, Geral draws his blade looking at it this way and that, then brings it up... And bops the young man on the head with the flat part of the blade.
"Pay attention, please, we're the ones trying to get information, not the other way around. Do you have any idea of how many other bandits are further down the path?"
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Probably just scouts like us if there's anyone at all. The main force is still near Nhai." The man says, turning his attention back towards Geral. "What are you people going to do with me?"
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Well we cannot just let you go, now," Cleo says, now loudly enough for the man to hear. "If we did, you could easily just return to your buddies and tell them where we are, where we are headed, and have them seek revenge." She stares him down, fire still in her eyes, her face still flushed with anger. "So I guess that means you will have to die, doesn't it?"

At this, Cleo cracks her knuckles and does a few stretches, giving off the vibe the she is about to attack again. She still doesn't necessarily want to hurt the man - especially not set him on fire - but she feels the best way to make him cooperate is to seem genuine.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Woah. There's no need to be hasty. " The man's eyes widen at Cleo's death threat. "I won't tell anyone I swear."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Cameryn, noticing what Cleo is doing, plays along. "Oh please. Punching and kicking take too long." With this, he pulls out his greatsword and admires it in the strong desert sunlight. "A sword is much more swift. Don't want him playing dead and running off to his pals after we leave, do we? No, and it's quite hard to play dead when your head is... off." He smiles wickedly at the bandit, glancing at his sword on occasion.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by PureZaros »

"Put the blade away, Cameryn. I'll not have cut this man down as he is. What better are we than brigands if we kill in cold blood?" Eoli says, flashing a steely look at the elf. "If we need get rid of him, there are always those looking for slaves, though I don't necessarily like them, and this innkeeper has need of a new roof."

Turning to the bandit, Eoli looks him over. "Of course. There is merit to what the others say. How can we be sure you would keep your word?"
Build a man a fire and he will be warm for a day.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral slowly shuts his eyes and sighs, holding up a finger to the man on the ground, signaling that he needs a moment before turning to his friends.
"You... Do realize that he's pretty much dead no matter what we do. We kill him, he's dead and there might be an assault on the inn. We don't kill him and leave him, he heads back to the bandits, they kill him for failing. We don't kill him, take him with us, he tries to kill us to avoid slavery, we kill him then. So there's no real survival for this man I'd say."

He turns and looks at the man and shrugs.
"Of course, there IS a fourth option. If he wants to live, he could, and this is just my suggestion, but he could head back to Nhai. Or to Thesus with us, willingly. And report the location of the bandit's stronghold to the proper authorities. Or better yet, tell the Malachite Blades that there's a group of exiled members that have resorted to banditry causing havoc near Nhai. It's very possible the guild may act on this information. You could even be rewarded, and you would get to keep your head. I don't know about you, but I'd say that's a decent deal, wouldn't you young man?"
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"That's a great idea." The man says to Geral, obviously eager to not end up dead or a slave. "I'll head straight to Nhai and tell them. I really will." He adds.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Um, no," Cleo says. What, does he think we're stupid? "You can come with us to Thesus, and tell the authorities or whatever there. You don't get to go off alone, not after attacking us."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by PureZaros »

Eoli sighs and plants his face in the palm of his hand. "Here we go again. If you need me I'll be over there," he says, motioning to the large group of rocks near the inn.

He walks over to the formation, climbs atop one of the smaller rocks and sits cross-legged on it. Leaning back, he finds a comfortable niche for the rest of his body and settles in, watching the landscape.

Sitting up suddenly, Eoli digs underneath his butt, unseating a small pebble that had wedged itself in a nook and had been stabbing him. Settling back down, he sighs contentedly. Ahh, much better.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The group uses Shira's rope to tie up the bandit so he can't run off before leaving the inn, back on the road to Thesus. Much of the day continues like the last. There are few other travellers on the road and those that do pass the group pay them little attention, other than the odd glance at their prisoner.

As the afternoon wears on, another party slows as the group approaches. There appears to be a man riding a horse followed by two men, all armed with spears and wearing armour. Behind them marches what looks like a group of about 5 men, chained at the ankles. As the two groups meet, the man on the horse looks the bandit up and down before speaking. "I could take him off your hands if you'd like. You won't get much for him in Thesus."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"And you are...?" Cleo is not ready to give up there prisoner so easily to men who could very easily be other bandits in disguise.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Shira'stasa walks with the man on leash along the paved road. As they near a group, she slows down to study their features. The chains, the armed guards, and their willingness to take on a restrained man lead her to an easy assumption. Slavers, it seems. I will not hand this man over to a life of indenture, no matter what slights he has done us. She turns to the elf and whispers to him. "Cameryn. Stay in the back, and shut your mouth." She gives him a threatening stare as the two groups meet and stand before each other.

Turning to the men, Shira'stasa speaks up. "My apologies, strangers. This one is not for sale. We captured him after he and his lackeys dared to assault us. We already have plans for him to repay us in favor." She turns to look at the enslaved men in foot-chains. Poor souls. If only we had the coin to free them. Perhaps the powers of Am-ines could help. She concludes that it is worth a try at least. "Just curious, how much would you charge for your slaves, there? Surely you'd be interested in making a bargain with the likes of us," she says, with a sly smile as her psychic magic penetrates the mind of the slaver on the horse. "We have very little funds but are in desperate need for some working hands to accompany us."
Intimidate roll to get Cameryn to listen to her: 1d20=2

Cast Suggestion. Use an Arcane roll for a Diplomacy roll to persuade the man to sell the slaves for cheap: 1d20+12=32
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral eyes the slaver carefully, hand on his hilt. He's thankful he kept his hood up, despite the heat. For all he knows, he could have raided this guy on a job, or maybe some of these slaves will know him, he can never tell. Dreadful business, to be sure. Being chained to something is something he can relate to, given how close he has to be to his own weapon. At the thought of it, his blade screams in his mind, shouting for him to kill again and it takes all his focus not to shout it down, his hand twitching on the hilt as he tries to regain control of his own mind.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Shira's magic works it's wonders on the man and he becomes visibly more agreeable. "Well it's probably going to cost us more to get them to some place to sell them than they're actually worth. You can have them." The man says, reaching into his pockets and tossing a set of keys to Shira. "Good luck making any money." He adds, his companions looking somewhat confused at their leader's decision.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Slaver scum.... They should all be murdered brutally for what they're doing. Before Cameryn has a chance to act, Shira whispers to him and gives a threatening glare. He laughs quietly at Shira's "threat" but remains quiet, curious of what the tenant had up her sleeve. He cocks an eyebrow as the woman somehow convinces the man to give her all of the victims of slavery. Confused on her intentions, he whispers back to her, "And what do you plan on doing with all of those people?" He stares intensely at her, his eyebrow still cocked, with a hint of anger on his face.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral is... Marginally, surprised that the slaver has decided to leave them alone for the most part. He blinks a few times and decides, you know what, go with it.
"Thank you very much sir! These men will certainly make it easier for us to reach our destination unharmed. If necessary, perhaps we can use them as shields should we be attacked. Thank you so very much for your generosity sir."

He gives a slight bow, trying not to overplay himself too much. Once he's done, he walks towards the front of the group and gives Shira and Cameryn a slight push, whispering to her.
"Don't stand there gawking, I think it's time we start moving before they change their minds, don't you?"
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Impressed that her arcane persuasion managed to convince the man to give them the enslaved, Shira smiles to herself. At Cameryn's question, she whispers back. "We'll set them free. They can come with us to Thesus or leave here and now if they'd like. I abhor slavery."

Shira'stasa, annoyed by Geral's slight push, recoils but follows the strange man's advice. She walks over to the slaves, keys in tow, inspecting their faces. Turning toward the man on the horse, she speaks. "Thanks again for the trade. Perhaps we'll see you around Serran."

She raises her hand, with the thumb tucked into the palm, the standard Serran gesture for a parting of ways, before turning to her allies, nodding to them to continue on.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Perhaps." The mounted man says to Shira, returning the gesture. The armed men set off further down the road, leaving the party and the now ex-slaves behind. The freed men, slowly gather around the party, looking at Shira expectantly.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"So which one of you wants to carry my stuff, hm?" Cleo asks the (ex-)slaves, a bit confused by everything that had just transpired before her. She had never actually seen slavers before, or really slaves for that matter, and she finds it odd that they are not all elves.

"It is all kind of heavy," she continues, holding her bag out, waiting expectantly for someone to take it for her. "Oh, and keep it away from fire, that would be bad."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"You will do nothing of the sort," Shira'stasa says to the ex-slaves once their former master had gone down the path. "I release you. You are free men. You may accompany us to Thesus for safety of travel, or you may leave us here and now." Shira'stasa takes the keys and unlocks each of their foot chains. I hope this doesn't backfire.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

But they could carry our stuff. Ugh, whatever. Cleo is not exactly happy about Shira's decision, but she understands the intent. Slavery is bad, everyone always says it. At least most everyone at the Great Library. But it's heavy...
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Cameryn half-smiles at Shira. "Thank you for being a compassionate person, unlike others..." With this, he glares fiercely at Cleo. "You can carry your own stuff, you little brat. You have two working hands. Unless, of course, you'd like me to break them so then someone could carry your stuff." He smiles deviously at her for a moment before walking over to help the ex-slaves out of their chains.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"I'd like to see you try, elf!" Cleo shouts back, clenching her fists, her face red with anger at Cameryn's words. One of these nights he is not going to sleep well...
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral slowly brings a hand to his face as the elf and the hot-head start fighting again. He did not sign up for this... He turns around and gives the both of them dagger like glares for a few moments before clapping his hands.
"Great performance you two! If I didn't know any better, I'd say the two of you were an old married couple, well done, well played. Of course, you wouldn't be doing anything OTHER than ACTING right? Because if you were I'd have to take you both and slam your heads together! Doesn't that sound LOVELY?"
He really doesn't need more voices shouting in his head. One shouting is enough, and that one's shouting about murdering innocent people, he doesn't need to give it a good excuse to murder, oh no. Although, at this moment it is very tempting... But, he has slaves to focus on.

"Now... Those of you that have just been freed. If I could please have your attention... Thank you. I would like to ask each and every one of you to please keep the chains you have recently been freed of, not for our sake, but for yours. If you are seen entering the same city you left in chains without them, questions will be raised, and you will be put back in chains. If we were to, say, bring you back in chains and, say, free you on the OTHER side of that city, away from the town, I am certain that we could all get out of this without harm. Of course, we will likely be in the city for a few days, maybe a week, and I know this is not something that you all would like. Now, those of you from Thesus, if you have families, I would advise you to let us know ahead of time so we may reunite you with them. This way, you can let them know you are all alright, and let them know where you plan to head."

He pauses for a moment, thinking further.
"Also, I represent a group called the Malachite Blades. We are mercenaries. And often we hit certain slave caravans on call for certain people, freeing other slaves. If any of you would like to get revenge, or would wish to prevent others from having this fate... Perhaps I can help you find work. Let me know. Now. We should start heading for Thesus now before those slavers come back. They are on horseback after all, and they will be looking for us once they realize they've been duped."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Pssh, I would love to see you try too," Cleo responds to Geral. Who does he think he is? I am not afraid of him. "You're not that tough, I have seen you fight."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Shira'stasa blinks a few times, not entirely following the man's logic. Strange man, she thinks to herself. When he finishes speaking, she waits a moment, ignoring the threats from Cleo. "Geral is right in his assumption that accompanying us to Thesus is likely your best option. However your choice is yours alone in whether or not you continue to be chained. We have no authority to command you to wear them or not, but if you feel safer or that you draw less attention if you do so, be my guest."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Cameryn looks at Geral for a moment, his eyes practically saying "really?" "Uh, no. There is no need for them to be back in their chains, Mister Thinks-he-knows-everything. Them being out of their chains will not attract attention. The guards see hundreds of people enter and exit each day and likely won't remember them. Being in chains, though, invites verbal and even physical abuse towards them. Chains make others see them as worthless objects, and not the people they are. They should be allowed to walk free of bindings. Also, considering how much yelling and arguing has bothered your precious little ears, I doubt the rattling of chains would be very pleasing for you either." He smiles sarcastically at Geral for a moment before saying, "Oh, and by the way, I could gut you like fish. Now shut the hell up and let's get walking."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral blinks a few times before bringing his hand to his head.
"... Ok then. So no one here thinks the guards from the city these slaves came from will question why these slaves aren't with their masters a few hours after having left the city? No one?... Just me? Ok then. Fine. See if I care..."

He walks silently at the front of the group, his face covered by his robes as he thinks. This group isn't going to last very long. We bicker, argue, and we're all at each others throats already. I can't wait for this job to be done so I can get back to my blade. They're probably wondering what happened to me given how long it's been since I've reported in. Eh, they probably know I'm not dead. Takes more than a bandit to kill me. Although, if that Elf boy keeps running his mouth, I'll have to test and see just how easy it is for him to "gut me like a fish". Same with that Tenant. She thinks she can burn me. Ha. I've faced fires brighter and hotter than hers. If she thinks her fires are something to marvel at, she has no idea who she's talking to...
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"What part of shut up did you not understand? And what makes you think they left the city only hours ago? We've only been walking for around a day and a half and I doubt we're even half way there, and they'd move even slower with a bunch of people in shackles. It has likely been a few days, and the guards would not remember. Although rattling chains may remind them, and then they could possibly question why they aren't with their masters." Cameryn impishly sticks his tongue out at Geral, annoyed at the man's stupidity.

After a minute, he adds, "You seem to think you know an awful lot about slavery, but you really don't. You haven't been in it since you were just a boy. You really have no idea..."
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by PureZaros »

"And you have yet to learn the meaning of quiet as well, Cameryn. A hot head will only cause you more pain." Eoli says. He had been walking along in silence behind the rest of the group, surveying the land around and behind them. When the group stopped for the slaves, he took a surreptitious glance at the drivers, breathing a sigh of relief when he saw that they were just underlings.

Now that the group is sitting stationary in the desert arguing over what should be done with the new acquired slaves, Eoli's anger flares. "If we're quite done with the discussion, daylight is still burning. I'd like to reach Thesus this side of the year." Turning to the slaves, he barks, "Follow if you will. My only warning is that the desert is certain death for those ill-equipped."

Eoli begins to trudge ahead, pulling his cowl down to protect against the sandy heat of the desert.
Build a man a fire and he will be warm for a day.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The party carries on down the road towards Thesus. With just a few hours left until sunset, the party reaches a fork in the road. The left fork heads down into a small rocky canyon, while the right fork continues across the dunes. Both appear to lead to Thesus.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"So none of you are planning to go into that canyon, right? Because that looks kinda... scary. Unsafe. We should definitely take the right path," Cleo says, as the group approaches the fork in the road. She has heard tales of people being ambushed from above in canyons, and would rather take her chances in the dunes where at the very least they will have the high ground.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by PureZaros »

I agree with Cleo in that regard. I'd rather stay out in the open where we can see threats from leagues away, Eoli says. "I'm not in a hurry to repeat our trip from Azkahir."
Build a man a fire and he will be warm for a day.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"I don't care which way we go. I just hope we reach an inn of some sort or something before it gets too dark and cold out. Actually, I have an idea. How about Geral takes the left path through the canyon by himself while the rest of us go the right way. That sounds like a solid plan to me." Cameryn smiles dubiously. He had been getting annoyed by that man, so having him gone would be splendid.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral shrugs as he looks at the two paths. On the one hand, it's getting dark soon, and camping out in the desert without any shelter isn't something he's looking forward to. On the other hand, the canyons are an obvious ambush, and going there would get them attacked for sure.
"The dunes are probably our best bet for now. We'll have to camp at the base of one for tonight if we don't make it to Thesus before nightfall. Besides, if we go into that canyon, who knows what sorts of beasts we'll encounter trying to avoid the sun?"
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Shira'stasa lets the others speak their minds before offering her opinion on the matter. It seems we can finally agree on something, she jests to herself before raising her voice. "Our visibility will be greater over the dunes. And I too have heard tales of outcroppings of bandits plaguing canyons like those across the desert, ready to strike on unfortunate travelers. We've had enough problems with those type already." She turns to the bandit to ensure his hands are still properly tied. "Do you know of any bandit activity in these dunes?" she asks him, unsure if he will actually give her a useful response, but deems it worth the try.
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Not that I know of. We didn't really operate around these parts." The man says, sounding genuine.
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