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Welcome to THE CODEX OF LORE, a wiki guide for The Ganoltir Project.


Across three millennia, the realm of Ganoltir can have an exhausting amount of history to memorize. However, some dutiful scribes apprenticed to powerful wizards and historians of The Great Library have worked countless hours to gather all of the known lore into one helpful resource. It is entitled Ganoltir and Her Denizens: The Codex of Lore.

The Ganoltir Project wiki is an endless work-in-progress. Please check back as we update! If there is a page you can't find, tell a friend.

Current Goals

  • Complete pages / concept pics / blurbs for each municipality
  • Improve and fill out the Timeline, especially the middle Second Era and early Fifth Era.
  • Create previews / blurbs / images for every major section

Codex of Lore

Timeline.png Geography.png Sovereignties.png Miscellaneous.png Organizations.png Peoples.png
Timeline Geography Sovereignties Municipalities Organizations Peoples and Cultures
Titles.png Events.png Religions.png Key Figures.png RacesandSpecies.png Arcana.png
Titles Events Religions Key Figures Races and Species The Arcane