Two Weapons and a Field Guide: The Scout’s Handbook

[quote="undergroundplayer"]Two Weapons and a Field Guide: The Scout's Handbook

So you want to be a scout huh? It is not just running ahead to find out what is around the corner. It is a lot of hard work reading the land and knowing how to hold your own in combat. Oh that is what you want eh? You might just have the right stuff.





Mobility – You end up being one of the more mobile classes in the game but alas not as mobile as the monk.



Damage – You deal pretty high amounts of damage and get two attacks off of one mba do to the given at will.



Survivability – You get some pretty high defenses and decent health so surviving is not difficult for you.



Team player/ Lone wolf – You're one of the few classes that can act as both a stand alone attacker and a team player which also makes you semi versatile.



 This guide will be using LDB's gold rating system.(Side not – If one of these colors is not the color I think it is please inform me. I am red/green color blind so it will probably come up.)

Red –  Unless you have the greatest reasons in the world you should not pick this.

Purple – Situational at best.

Black – These are the choices that you can do well with.

Blue – The better choices.

Light Blue – These are probably the best choices.

Gold – The gold choices are considered a must have, unless something else fits your build better. 



Source books




 Av – adventurer's vault


av2 – adventurer's vault 2


Dscs- dark sun campaign setting


Dmg – dungeon masters guide


Epg- eberron players guide


Frpg- forgotten realms player guide


Mp – martial power


mp2 – martial power 2


Phb – player’s handbook


Phb2 – player’s handbook 2


Phb3 – player’s handbook 3


Prp – primal power





Special thanks to LDB, anyone who posts, and everyone who has made a guide before hand.



I am Nature, I am the Caverns, and I Know the Way.

You are a martial and primal striker. As such you depend on yourself and your weapons for attacking, and nature for almost everything else. You are a striker true and true.

Damage Per Round (DPR) You get two attacks pretty well every round so you're almost gold here.

Burst/nova/spike – No dailies really hurts here, you only have one encounter which you can’t even choose, so you are limited here.

Mobility You are pretty mobile there are a couple classes that are better but you are not too far behind.

Survivability You have the striker body so you are not the worst but there are also several better classes out there for this.

What You’re Given

Game mechanics


Hit Points – 12 + your Con score to start, and + 5 every level. This is right around the normal for a striker.

Healing Surges – 7 + your Con modifier, this is not shabby for a striker.

Defenses – You get 1 to reflex, and 1 to fortitude. Getting 1 to will instead of reflex would of been better but I can't really complain about this.

Weapons – You have all simple and military to start out with. That is as good as it gets starting out.
Armor – You have everything from cloth to hide to start out with, and you shouldn't need anything more.


Talents in the Field: Skills
Class Skills




Acrobatics – This is probably your prime choice since it is based off your main stat, and comes in handy in several situations.

Athletics – This is a skill that if it was dex based would rank higher but if you have the strength to take it do so.

Dungeoneering – You have to pick either this or Nature.

Endurance – It is a pretty good skill to have but there are better options for you.

Heal – This is never a bad skill to have to be honest.

Nature – You have to pick this or Dungeoneering.

Perception – This skill is a must.

Stealth – This keys off of your main stat, and is needed should you live up to the name of your build.

Other Roles 




Leader – You have some abilities the grant group effects, ca, and even some healing, but in reality this is not a role for you. Unless of course you multi class. 

Defender – With the lack of any marking abilities you lack the core part of a defender, but you do have that ability to match there defenses.

Controller – Some of your utilities have some debilitation effects which lend you some controller aspects.





The Core of you Prowess: Ability Scores

Strength: You may need this, depending on your build, for some feat qualifications so it does get a higher rating. Recommended start: 11-14 before racial adjustments.

Constitution: This is you health stat keep it decent. Recommended start: 11-14 before racial adjustments.

Dexterity: This is your primary stat, you use it for mba's, rba's, feat qualifications, ac, and pretty well everything. Recommended start: 16 -18 before racial adjustments.

Intelligence: This is a complete dump stat. Recommended start: 8 before racial adjustments.

Wisdom: This is the selected secondary stat. Several of your utilities depend on it so it is worth keeping higher. Recommended start: 12-14 before racial adjustments.

Charisma: This is another dump stat, but could be more useful then int. Recommended start: 10 before racial adjustments.


We Shall Guide You: Races
Coming Soon – Other source races and mm's.




Dragonborn – These guys were not made to be scouts.

Dwarf – With bonuses to constitution and wisdom, a very solid feat support and racial bonus's that they have make up for the lack of dexterity. (Make your dex 18 pre racial) 

Eladrin – They have dextery in the right place along side a bonus skill, and the ability to teleport so it is hard to go wrong here.

Elf – They have all the right stuff for being a scout.

Half-Elf – This race has your two most important secondaries so very mus like the Dwarf just make you deterity 18 and your good to go.

Halfling – Even thoe they are a small race they still have enough going for them for it to not matter greatly.

Human – Humans just make great essential charactors.

Tiefling – These guys were not made for this job at all.


Phb 2


Deva – This race is ment for other roles, but if you give them 18 starting dex they can do just fine.

Gnome – Look for a different race all together.

Goliath – This is a race that can do the job but does others alot better.

Half-Orc – This race was made for melee. They have solid bonuses along side a great racial power.

Longtooth Shifter – Much like the goliath they can do this job but they do others better.

Razorclaw ShifterThink an elf but alittle slower.


Phb 3



Githzerai – Yet again another elf in a different body.

Minotaur – These guys make preey decent scouts, but you can pick better.

Shardmind – The wisdom is nice bet they were really made for doing other things. 

Wilden – Well now we have another elf in the running.





Bladeling – This race was made to be a scout.

Changeling – Though +2 to Charisma does you little good, +2 Dexterity is very useful, and the other abilities can come in handy if you dip into the Rogue class. A solid pick overall, but much better suited to another style of character.

Drow – Drizzt is almost possible if you don't mind having only one scimitar. 

Genasi –  The manifestations are the only selling point here.

Gnoll – Dex and Con are pretty solid racial stats to have.

Kalashtar – While they do get wisdom there is very little to save this race.

Mul – They get two useful racial stats, and they get a great feat selection.

Revenant – The same stat bonus as Gnolls get but better.

Shadar-Kai – Now with dex and wis they have been bumped up one notch.

Thri-Kreen – Once again this is a race that is just made for the job.

Warforged – These guys are pretty much as tough as it gets, but don't have the stats in the right places.





[quote="undergroundplayer"]Don’t Worry I've Done This Before: Class Features

Two-Weapon Style


This feature has you choose if you want to have an axe or light blade as you're off hand weapon.

Flashing Blade Mastery – attack roll bonus for wielding a light blade off hand is very nice.


Spinning Axe Mastery – damage bonus instead of attack bonus, just need a hand axe, still nice accuracy is better


Dual Weapon Attack – It is the only at will you get but so long as you hit with an mba on your turn it is a second attack for free. It isn’t twin strike but it is what you get.



Power Strike – With the fix now official scouts can celebrate.

Attack Finesse – Dex for mba's is what makes this class able to be effective.



Aspects of the Wild – you start with two and add more as you go.




Aspect of the Cunning Fox – Shifting and only half damage taken to attacks made to you on your turn enough said.


Aspect of the Charging Ram – If you plan on charging this is your best friend.


Aspect of the Dancing Serpent – It give you shifting, and an attack bonus to singled out enemies great for lurkers and skirmishers ok for everyone else.


Aspect of the Hungry Shark – this stances gets you into a bloodied enemy’s face keeps you there and adds the hurt.


Aspect of the Lurking Spider – This is probably the first aspect you should pick the scalling it gives is great.

Aspect of the Pack Wolf – This is for the team players out there thou every should pick this one up.


Aspect of the Regal Lion – This is good if you face a lot of large and larger enemies but you can live with out it.


Aspect of the Soaring Hawk – Speed bonus, ignores partial concealment, and perception bonus this is worth looking at for pretty well all builds.


Wilderness Knacks
Ambush Expertise – Adding to your allies stealth checks is something they can all enjoy.
Beast Empathy – This is usefull for when you have a higher percentage of beasts in the encounters, but this isnt the best knack you can pick. I cant really rate this.

Mountain Guide – Much like ambush expertice except it is for climbing. Works with Aspect of the Lurking Spider.

Watchfull Rest – Sleeping  with out the perception penalty is nothing to scoff at.

Wilderness Tracker – Knowing whats been in your rest are for the last 24 hours. I cant really rate this.


Level 2 This level is highlighted with Invigorating Stride and Stalkers Mist.



Bridge of Roots – “Basically this creates a zone that allows you to ignore terrain effects.” LDB. You do have better options.


Crucial Advice – You get a skill reroll with you wisdom bonus. That is a pretty god deal but not the best.


Entangling Roots – It stops charges and creates a difficult terrain for your enemies, this is made for archers thus it is not for you.


Ferret an Opening – No one should use this and I do mean no one.


Fox Shift – This ability is weak at best.


Hunter’s Privilege – Going first with this utility gives you +3 untyped damage.


Invigorating Stride – This is probably the best utility at level 2.


Oak Skin – This depends on your wisdom modifier greatly but resistance is hard to ignore.


Ranger’s Agility – This is over a pretty decent ability, but it does have the down fall of being a daily.


Safe Passage – A speed buff for the whole party that also ignores difficult terrain but it is encounter dependant.


Stalker’s Mist – This creates a zone that heavily obscures your opponents while being very party friendly and you can move it. I have one question what isn’t to like?


Terrain Advantage – You get o use difficult terrain to you advantage for a turn but it hurts your speed as well, unless you are an elf.


Unbalancing Parry – When an enemy misses you they get slid adjacent to you and grant you combat advantage.


Yield Ground – When you get hit you get to shift your wisdom modifier away and get defensive bonuses.


Level 6This level gives you plenty of good choices, so there isn’t really too many ways to go wrong here.



Boundless Energy – This is not to useful unless you use Endurance.

Evade Ambush – I am not too big of a fan of daily utilizes.

Healing Herbs – Your allies will like this. And it doesn’t cost you any healing surges or major actions. It is worth a look.

Healing Lore – This is similar to Healing Herbs but better.

Leaf Wall – This isn’t your typical ranger utility but it has some very useful effects.

Off-Hand Defense – I just wouldn’t use this utility ever.

Serpentine Dodge – You get to shift threw the crowd to get to your target and it gives you defensive bonuses? Well I’d say that’s just swell.

Stealthy Escape – I don’t like daily utilities and you already have a lot of stealth bonuses.

Step of Morning Mist – Teleporting and bonus to your defenses it is just too bad that it’s a daily or it would be light blue.

Thorn Ward – This is not the best option but it also isn’t the worst option either.

Weave Through the Fray – If you use it right it makes your enemy have an even harder time getting to you.


Level 10 Some of the high-lites at this level are Hunter's Thorn Trap, Root Gate, and Verdant Flames.



Agile Escape  – I personally am not I big fan of this but it does remain useful.

Expeditious Stride  – This has a one turn use witch makes it not worth while.

Eyes of the Owl  – Something that grants you darkvision and a perception bonus is nice but it is a daily.

Hunter's Thorn Trap  – You get to create a zone that gives damage and imobilizes, that’s something to enjoy.

Open the Range – The effect is not worth being a Daily.

Padfoot Advance  – It is okay for every one but you stealthy people may love this.

Resume the Hunt  – This is a great way to get to your next target while saving some actions at the same time.

Root Gate – I think anyone would like ally friendly teleportation.

Shed the Mark – Need to shake an enemy? Well then here is the utility for you.

Undaunted Stride – Elf like mobility is nice but you have better uses for your stance options.

Verdant Flames – We can create a combat advantage granting, damaging  zone? Yes please.

Weathered Resilience (MP 2) – This is a nice option if you end up getting bloodied a lot.




Level 16 This level has a couple good choices, but is lacking anything that is great.






Blade and Bow – This is pretty well for anyone who is looking to be a thrower otherwise this is not for you.

Embrace the Wild – For a daily I would like something better.

Evade the Blow – Having the ability to get away from an attacker is always nice.

Howling Winds – You can combo this with deadly draw. Is there anything better then CA?

Iron Endurance  – The THP you get is ok, but this isn’t anything to write home about.

Longstrider  – As far as dailies go this is one of the worse options.

Momentary Respite – Once again this is an example of a bad daily

Ranger's Parry  – Defensive bonus, and THP once an encounter, need I say more?

Stalker's Senses  –  Why do the dailies at this level have the same lack of anything good about them?

Tree Runner  – This can be very useful is you have a lot of climbing, and balancing to do.

Wall of Earth – We actually have a decent daily option at this level.

Word of Warning –   This would be rated higher but there are a couple of things that it doesn’t stack with (Some warlord powers and battle harness), but if you are in the right party this is a great choice.


Level 22 This level is probably going to be the level were you acttualy have a hard choice.
Adamant Recovery – This is what a daily should look like.(Do to some small issues i had to post this one outside of the spoiler box)



Daunting Agility – This requires athletics but has some interesting uses.

Fade from Sight – This could be one of the better utilities for lurker builds out there, but it has to compete with Forest Ghost.

Fleet of Foot – You have better stance options but this one isn’t bad.

Forest Ghost – This is a daily that is great if you like to pull a vanishing act.

Hit the Dirt – This is just one more shifting utility.

Master of the Hunt – A once a day damage boost  equal to your wisdom modifier is pretty nice.

Preternatural Senses – This is just an ok daily stance.

Safe Stride – Another shifting utility that’s good for getting threw the battle field.

Sharpen the Senses  – Being able to see invisible creatures is nice but it is also a stance.

Speed of the Zephyr – This is a speed boost and you can do better

Stepping Through the Veil – Invisibility for starting a turn not adjacent to an enemy, what is not to like?

Veil of Winter  – You get to make a movable line of sight blocking zone.

Wrath of Root and Soil – This makes a zone that hinders enemy movement in almost every way possible. 





I am adding these as I can between work and school.





Axe Expertise – This is one of the few feats that you need.

Blindfighting Warrior – No attack penalty against concealment is pretty good.

Cunning Stalker – Get CA for isolating an enemy is worth looking into.

Great Fortitude/Iron Will/Lightning Reflexes – A nice (scaling) way to increase a weak NAD area.

Headsman's Chop – This is great for axe wielders who favor Aspect of the Charging Ram.

Heavy Blade Expertise – If you favor the heavy blade (main hand) this is well worth picking up.

Improved Defenses – This is probably one of the best options to use for boosting your NADs.

Improved Initiative – Having a higher initiative is pretty good for your line of work.

Light Blade Expertise – Since this is tied to one of your off hand choices you will probably need this.

Martial Cross-Training – With all things considered this should be something that you take with out question. 

Cross Training Picks

Fox's Cunning
Disruptive Strike
Ruffling Sting

Master at Arms – If you like to mix and match your weapons this can help scale your attack rolls for both.

Nimble Blade – This is great for all you light blades users out there.

Power Attack – Trading accuracy for damage could be worth while for some builds.

Power Throw – If you go for the throwing route this can be an effective option.

Quick Draw – Getting a higher initiative and turn economy is pretty good.

Rapid Assault – A damage bonus for your first attack is nice.

Resilient Focus – Getting a bonus to saving throws is nice.

Skill Power – You cant really go wrong here.

Spring Step – You get to shift for standing.

Superior Fortitude – Getting fortitude bonuses and ongoing damage resistance is a pretty good deal.

Superior Reflexes – Much like Superior Fortitude but with a CA attachment.

Superior Will – This one is pretty well the same as the other two, but this one has a saving throw attachment with it.

Toughness – Getting extra hit points is always a good thing.

Two-Weapon Defense – You will like the shield bonus from this feat.

Two-Weapon Fighting – Higher damage for doing what you already do is a nearly gold idea.

Vicious Advantage  – Getting combat advantage is always great.

Weapon Focus – I may want to go as far as saying that it is needed.

Weapon Proficiency – Since some of your more favored options are superior weapons you will need this.

Wintertouched – If you favor frost cheese then this is for you, but you should retrain into it later on.

World Serpent's Grasp – If you know your enemies will be slowed or immobilized often why not add more punishment



Draw First Blood – Extra damage for hitting an enemy first is something to enjoy.

Martial Freedom – It gives you a bonus to immobilizing and slowing effects.

Martial Ploy – Helps you come in for the assist. 











Danger Sense – A choice in your initiative roll is nice.

Deadly Axe – This is great for all you axe wielders out there.

Deft Blade – Targeting a NAD is a great way to improve your accuracy.

Fleet-Footed – A speed boost is your call.

Hammer Rhythm – Being able to damage on a miss is nice.

Impaling Spear – This is pretty well the same as deft blade but for spears.

Lasting Frost – This is a key piece to frost cheese, and is able to stand out on its own aswell.

Light Blade Precision – This is on the same level as deadly axe for light blade users.

Repel Charge – Counter attacking a charge is something to consider.

Two Weapon Opening – This is a pretty good if you get more then one MBA per turn



Retreat Technique – Hit them, ditch them, and all with out an OA. 








Axe/Bludgeon/Flail/Heavy Blade/Light Blade/Pick/Spear Mastery – Making your chosen weapon groups even better.

Blind-Fight – Being able to see close creatures is a great thing.

Epic Fortitude/Epic Reflexes/Epic Will – This is a pretty good set of NAD boosting feats.

Epic Resurgence – I like getting more uses out of encounter powers.

Long Step – With the number options you have to cause shifts this is a good option.

Superior Initiative – Netting higher initiative is always good.

Triumphant Attack – Adding even more punishment to a critical attack is a great thing.

Two-Weapon Flurry – Getting an offhand OA is a good thing, but this feat is debatable on picking up.

Unfettered Stride – Elf like mobility is pretty nice.



Epic Recovery – An extra second wind is a decent option but chances are you wont need it.

Martial Mastery – Spend an AP and get back an encounter power. This is a no brainer.

Martial Resolve – This is Martial Freedom but a lot better.

Prime Hunter – If you can keep an enemy isolated this is a good option.

Rending Tempest – This makes what you are made for even better.(That is if I am reading this correctly.)

Slashing Storm – Damaging another enemy is always a nice treat.

Surprise Action – Turning a surprise round into a full round of actions is nice but conditional.





Superior Weapon



Spiked Chain Training – Even though it takes away the multi class feat slot, the reward makes up for that by giving you arguably the best light blade in the game. 





Mark of Sentinel – Shifting before or after OA's is not something to ignore in your line of work.

Mark of Shadow – This was made for lurker builds and as such should be considered light blue for lurkers.

Mark of Storm – This is a park of a fun combat tactic that is highlited in several CharOp handbooks. The usefulness of this dragonmark is dependent on your weapon and feat choices.



The Path May Be Long But I Will Follow It – Paragon Paths and Epic Destinies

Paragon Paths With each Paragon Path I will also make note of if it keys of Dex or Str in a format of Paragon Path [dex] – Thoughts on the path.

Ranger Paths

Blade Dancer [Str] – If you are using the Heavy Blade/Light Blade or Light Blade/Light Blade combination then this paragon path is a fine choice, the negivtive stock is that is it str based.

Darkstrider [Str] – While you may not like everything there is more the enough here to make this a decent choice.

Giantslayer [Str] – This path does not have much you can utilize and is Str based i would look other places.

Horizon Walker [Str] – This is not an overly impressive Paragon Path choice but it is still a solid choice.

Intrepid Scout [Dex] – This paragon path was tailor made for the scout. It gives the scout a speed increase, another usage of power strike, a climb and swim speed that is equal to your speed, and combat advantage to you when you are the only creature adjacent to it. While this may not be the best paragon path for you it is not the worst.

Reaving Axe Savant [Str] – Since it is based off of a dead feat and sub optimal weapon group I would not use this Paragon path.

Snowtiger [Str] – This is decent Path but highly weapon depending.

Multi Class Paragon Paths – The Paragon Paths from other classes will be posted here instead of in the multi class section do to there are some paths that you will probably want more.

Kensai [Str/ Fighter] – If you are going the double weapon route this is the way to go.

Shock Trooper [Str/ Fighter] – Your off hand weapons just became much more painfull.

Shadow Assassin – Rating tomorrow

Master Infiltrator – Rating tomorrow

Whisperknife – Rating tomorrow

Epic Destinies


Coming Soon 



The Things I Learned Along the Way – Multi-Classing  






















Bravo Poisoner and the ilk





[quote="undergroundplayer"]A Sword or Axe How About That Flail There?: Weapon Groups

Special Note – Keep in mind when selecting your main hand weapon that it should compliment either your axe or light blade. You should have shared feats or stat dependency. An example of this would be a Drow Long Knife and Handaxe combination with the headman's chop feat.




Battleaxe – This has nice a sized damage die, and average accuracy.


Double axe– An economic choice. It counts as a weapon in each hand and has defensive.

Gauntlet Axe – This is another option for your off hand use. Though it does come with the question is the feat worth the slight damage increase and free hand? 

Handaxe– With off hand this is one of the few weapon you have to choose.


Khopesh– This axe has brutal, and heavy blade support.


Waraxe– d12 is a very good damage die to have on your side.


Bows – The hand crossbow is a better choice for you.






Hand crossbow– This is probably your best rba option.


Flails – They can require a second set of feats for weapon specialization but they still are a good option. (Main hand only)



Alhulak – Rapier stats on a flail? Thats pretty good. 

Flail – It has battleaxe stats which are nice.


Triple-headed Flail – It is a feat costing flail but its stats can more then make up for it.


Hammers – This group is under the same category as flails. (Main hand only)




Craghammer – This is a feat costing warhammer with brutal, depending on your stand point this could be a good choice.


Throwing Hammer – The plus side of this weapon it that it is a heavy thrown weapon, but it has the average accuracy with an average damage die.


Warhammer – This has battleaxe stats which are not a bad thing.


Heavy Blades  




Bastard Sword– With longsword accuracy, and broadsword damage it could be well worth the feat to use it.


Broadsword– It is not as accurate as the long sword but a bigger damage die.


Drow Long Knife – This heavy thrown weapon is the only +3 which gives it stock if you want to go with the thrower route.


Longsword– It has nice stats all around.


Scimitar– High crit makes this a solid choice.




Light Blades




Dagger– Off hand, +3, and light thrown makes this a very solid choice.


Double Sword– Heavy blade and light blade feats, and counts as a weapon in both hands with ac what’s not to like here?


Katar– A high crit short sword makes a decent choice, but costing a feat hurts it a little.


Parry Dagger– Off hand and defensive make it a good choice, but once again is it worth that feat?


Rapier– High accuracy and good damage may make this your main hand weapon of choice.


Short Sword– Off hand, and dagger accuracy with a higher damage die cant go wrong with that.


Spiked Chain– Spiked chain training makes this a reach double weapon light blade, which is pretty impressive.

Wrist Razors – This is a decent off hand option and like the Gauntlet Axe they leave your hand free.


 Mace- They just lack the support needed.



 Picks- Once again a lack of support here.



 Pole arms – I may be persuaded to change my opinion for these but they are not for this class.



 Slings – Much like with bows the hand cross bow is better.






Javelin– A one handed heavy thrown an interesting option to have. 

Spear– A d8 is always a good option.











Cloth– You can use better from the start.

Leather– This is not a bad choice and gets some nice enhancements, since dex is your primary it can be comparable to plate.


Hide– This is best you can use out of the gate, and with your dex it can equal and surpass plate.


Chainmail – This is not worth a second glance.


Scale – There is no reason to need this.


Plate– Once again no just no.


Shields – The spiked shield is a light blade/shield so it is worth noting.


[quote="undergroundplayer"]When Metal and Hide are not Enough – Magic Enhancements

Frame work yet again.



















































Dragon Shards


