The Ghost with the Most (Revenant Handbook)

[quote="mellored"]How do you kill.. that which has no life?



Standard char-op color scheme.

Red = BAD, to be avoided
Pink = Below average, but still has some use.
Black = Average, where things are "supposed" to be.
Blue = Above average, where char-op starts.
SkyBlue = Excellent, prime choices.
Gold = Game changing, or nerf bait.
Green = Can't rate, ususaly because has questionable rules, or it depends heavily on your specific Campaign/DM (e.g. not combat oriented).



Why be a revenant:

1) Flavor, Let's face it, jesus would be one.
2) Survivablility, With no investment, your arguably the toughest race.  With enough invenstment, you can become neigh indestructable.
3) Racial Feats with different stats For instance, you can use Dwarf feats with a +Dex class. So if you want to play a genasi rogue, or a shardmind battlemind, consider killing yourself first.






Stats: Dex + Con/Cha  Good for several classes.
Speed: Normal
Vision: Above normal, but not very usefull.
Languages: Slightly better then norm, since you get a choice
Dark Reaping: Non-scaling conditional damage, still it's a free action, and can trigger off yourself.
Past Life: Yup, (nearly) full acess to another races feats. This will be discussed lower.
Undead: Your vulnerable to your cleric, this can be a hazard, though on rare occasions, a benifit.
Unnatural Vitality: THE reason to be a revenant. Starts out awsome, and just get's better.

As noted, the ability to not die is the main strength of this race. Thus it naturally makes this race excel at being a defender, and are good for other class that likes to be in the fray.  Being a ranged guy who hardly get's hit is sort of a waste, and should consider elf instead.


Battlemind = Con primary defender who can littereally jump in front of hit's for allies, 'nuff said.
Paladin = A defender with healing and a mark mechanic that doesn't require an interupt makes this a top choice, even without perfect stats.
Vampire = With perfect stats, and built in regen while blooded, your going to be horribly hard to put down.
Ardent = Front line, and can lean defender, and has awsome feat support.
Assassin = Perfect stats for a build, and some excellent feats, along with quality flavor.
Executioner = Perfect stats for a melee striker.
Hexblade = Another perfect stats melee striker.
Monk = Being able to get surrouned, five storms + fury of blows without worrying about dying, and perfect stats for one build, flavor doesn't match to well.
Rogue = Good stats, and is known to take a beating.
Scout = Another Dex based melee striker.
Thief = Good stats, and likes to get into the think of things.
Avenger = Stats are better as persuit, but have the survivability martyrs desire, and they do take hits.
Barbarian = Barbs get several self heals, so they can charge ahead without worring about getting away from the group, but the lack of Str keeps it from being sky blue.
Binder = Good stats, but ranged attacks.  Though you get some nice benifits from reducing yourself to 0 (sacrifice to caiphon).
Blackguard = Str based, but a melee character who likes hurting himself wouldn't mind the extra thoughness.
Cavalier = No stats, but still a defender who likes being tough.
Knight = No Str, but a defender and optional melee training (con).  If your a half-elf and Eldrich Strike, this becomes amazing.
Fighter = No Str, but still a strong defender who can take alot of hits.  Consider tempest or battlerager.
Slayer = No Str, but optional Melee Training (Dex), or the ability to grab Eldrich Strike, they work well.
Warden = Wardens are known for attracting too many attacks, but that's now a good thing.
Warlock = Not front line, but the right stats, horribly easy backstory.  Revenant does allow you to use Prime Shot to full effect.
Warpriest = Front liner's who can lean defender, even if they don't get the Wis boost.
Bard = Generally aren't damage takers, though can mix it up in the front line.
Ranger = Stats for the backline, or toughness for the front line. Melee archers are fun and can 
Swordmage = Defender, but bad stats and suprising often not in the front lines.
Sentinal = Melee leader, but no stats.
Ruinpriest = Not good for stats, and front line.
Warlord = Front line, but bad stats.
Cleric = Better for Str based, and at least when you use turn undead you won't hurt yourself.
Druid = No good stats, and only in the front on occasion, unless your a Swarm
Hunter = Another backlind controler, though at least you got some stats.
Seeker = Stats, but still a ranged attacker.
Sorcerer = Another backliners, though good stats.
Invoker/Psion/Mage/Wizard = All backline without stats.





Just because you can, doesn't mean you should

Playing without a chance of dying can destory the fun for yourself and for others.  So know your group, and limit yourself apporpriately.  These few changes will let you still be a tough as nails undead, but keep you from being a truely unstoppable monster.

Mello's Houserules

1) Death's quickening = "Unnatrual Vitality no longer dazes you".
2) Ghostly Vitality = "you are insubstantial while you have less then 1 Hit Point". 
3) Belt of Sonnilinor Righteousness = "you gain resist 10/20/30 all while unconcious".
4) Raven Consort/Cycle of Life = "You gain a +2 bonus to death saves for each failed death save.  Additonally, if you get a result of 20 or higher on a death save you can spend a surge to regain hit points equal to your bloodied value".





[quote="mellored"]Whom to have been.

I'm rating each race, and how Past Soul works.  Ratings assume you are going the "undying" route.  If your not going to be "undying" or taking a race specific feats Elf is probably the best, for it's encounter reroll.

Remember, it's only prerequisits.  You don't get racial features like shardminds telepathy, or elfs shifting in difficult terrain, or half-elfs dual herritage, or dwarfs resist forced movement, or pixies flight….  It cost something to die.

Shadar-Kai, Soul Lot's of good "near death" feats, and a requirement for Raven Consort
Deva: Soul: A few choice feats (Potent Rebirth) and an epic destiny that let's you be even more races.  The soul is versitile and can be used on DST.
DragonbornSoul: Draconic Arrogance, and lots of "while bloodied" feats.
Dwarf: Soul: Survivability on top of survivability, you litterally cant get tougher then this.
Longtooth Shifter: Soul Since you can near always be bloody, this is very good.
GithzerialSoul: Gith Blade Mastery and a few other great feats.
Razerclaw Shifter: Soul Easy to be bloodied.
Human: Soul, Soul Several good of saving trows feats, one of the best racials, as well as a nice soul feat (you can take both).
Genasi, Soul Good feats, and good racial powers.  You may be able to convince your DM that Extra Manifestation works (CS has ruled it doesn't, unless you take it twice, which implies dual manifestation would work).
Drow, Soul Many unique feats. and a good racial
Tiefling: Soul: Lot's of good (fire) feats for tieflings, and revenant Con for warlocks.
Warforged Soul Few feats (warforged tactics is a win).  Warforged Resolve basicly eliminates all damage you took in the previous round.
MinotaurSoul: Soul: A few useful feats (Beast Within), but your always better to get melee training for your charge, and you generally will be avoiding unconsciousness and will likely be dazed anyways.  Note that you can take both (but neither is recommended).
Elf: Soul: One of the best racials, but little usefull racial feats.
Mul: Soul: A few ok feats (you don't get dwarf/human), a very nice Racial PP.  The soul is one of the few ways to shrug of daze, but is overtaken by superior will.
Half-Orc: Soul: A few damage boosting feats, and a decent damage boost soul.
Goliath: Soul: Increased surviveability a bit, but less then the dwarf/warforged, Good Paragon Path however.
Thri-KreenSoul: Wield an extra weapon could be useful (defensive is an easy choice), and a solid encounter.
HalflingSoul: Minor Threat is a quality utility, but that's about all they have.
Kobold Soul: A decent leaderly power.  Dragon’s Indomitability is a quality feat, but that's it.
Pixie Soul: Streak of Light, and an ok encounter.  But you don't get flight or anything.
Eladrain: Soul: Lot's of use (and feat support) for teleport, but not much else
Gnome: Soul: Invisibility might help for stealth builds, but there are other ways to get it.
Shardmind: Soul: Some Psy Feats, but that's about it.
WildenSoul: Treeborn PP gives you 19-20 crits, but that's about it.
Kalashtar: Soul: A few decent feats, and a ok soul.
Svirfneblin Soul: Mild defensive racial, but that's about it.
Half-Elf: Soul: Soul: Horrible feat support.  You don't get human+elf, solid encounter power, and the highly abuse dillitante.  Note that you can get both.
Goblin Soul: All the feat support requires the racial.  Which doesn't have alot of uses.
Shade: Soul: No feats, an a very strong racial power IF you know how to abuse it.
Vryloka: Soul: No feats, nor a good sould feat.
Changling: Soul: No feat support, a very fun racial however.
Gnoll: Soul: Nothing here, except a ok soul (as you'll be bloodied).

Monsters have no feat support.  Though by RAW, you may not "need" DM approval.

Orc SoulStr only, though it is a heal on hit power.
Duergar Soul: Extra attacks are always useful.
Bladeling Soul: Extra attacks are always useful, and there's even a (1) feat for it.
Hobgoblin Soul: While not a complete waste, take Mul instead, as this can't be used vs daze.
Githyanki Soul: Can be useful, but generally meh.
Goblin Soul: Can be useful at low levels, but most classes will have better immidates to use.
Bugbear Soul: A little extra situational damage.
BullyWug Soul: You litterally get nothing.
Kenku Soul:  You litterally get nothing (though mimicry is a good houserule).[/quote]

[quote="mellored"]General Feats:
Restless Dead (raven queen): Can be superb with the right investment.
Unnatrual Mantle (Ardent): Allies get bonus healing without action loss.  Yes plz.
Reapers Resistance (Death's Blessing) : Resist to a common damage.
Resilience of Death (Death's Blessing): Resist to a slightly less common the Reapers Resistance.
Divine Fate (Channel Divinity): Usefull out of combat as well as in, remember, Deaths Saves are saves.
Death's Grip (Battlemind): Improves your mindspike.
Past Life Flashback: not a bad trade, but not worth the feat.
Remembered Knack (Multiclass feat): Better then skill training, but still not great.
Revenant Challenge (Paladin, Raven Queen): Vuln Necrotic can be powerful in the right team, but it doesn't scale.
Grave Furry (Monk): The one necrotic attack your likely to have is probably smaller then the lost damage, let alone the fact it needs setup.
Dreadfull Doom (Invoker): Thematic, but horribly weak.
Grave Fortune (Cleric): Only helps at the lowest levels
Death's Blessing: Campaign dependent, but lot's of fun possibilities.  Also a prereq.
Death's Quickening: Rules Questionable, but an extra minor action could be pretty nice.
Past Soul: Trade your lame racial power for another one.  I've rated them above.

Fierce Vitality: By paragon, it's likely you'll have 9+ on your death saves, but if you don't, this makes a very nice backup.
Death Scorned (Con 13):+1 untyped, every little bit helps.
Unnatural Stamina:  Extra surges are nice, Resist is nice, but not enough / too conditional.

Ghostly Vitality: Insubstantial, and extra actions.  Possibly the most broken single feat in the game.
Eerie Resurgence: Standing as a free action is useful.  You'll likely ignore the rest of the feat.


Dark Reaping Feats:

Generally Dark Reaping feats are a waste, since it's difficult to control, and doesn't scale, and your likely to have just replaced it with a Soul Feat.  However, they stack, so the more you have, the better it get's, take enough and it actually can be Usefull, even Great for assassins.



Dark Reaping Feats:

Dark Feasting: A decent amount of THP at low levels, but again it doesn't scale
Spectral Reaping: Highly conditional, but double damage can make an encounter
Chill of the grave: Adding the cold keyword has it's uses (Reaping Synergy), but Scar of the Shadowweave is strictly better.
Empowered Reaping: better off taking any other damage feat

Grave Dust Assassin (assassin): Greatly increases the damage.  Good even if you don't take any other reaping.
Mind Rot (Psion): You can repeatedly use dark reaping as long as you keep killing.  This can extend your investments.  This get's better with Arbiter of Justice (avenger).
Reapers Quarry (ranger): Stackable vuln Con. With enough attacks, it can really add up.
Grave Dust Advantage (assassin): Bonus shroud is good.
Scar of the Shadowweave(spellscar): Enough small bonuses to make it worth considering.
Death Curse(warlock): can be good for minion poping
Draconic Reaping (dragonborn): Adding keyword of your choice can be useful.
Hellfire Soul (tiefling): Fire is a good keyword for tieflings
Life Thief (rogue): Adds a fair amount of scaling damage
Marked for Death (mark): possible minion poping
Dark Invitation (invoker): why an invoker would want to pull i'm not sure, but it's at least large.
Dreadfull Doom (Invoker, Malediction): Adding a small, conditional push for a turn isn't worth a feat
Reaping Vengence(avenger): Minimal damage boost

Reaper's Strike: Untyped Bonus to hit is always good, Better if you have a "heal on hit" power
Reaping Burst: Can add a fair bit of damage with multi-targets and "until end of next turn"
Thin the Herd: Not to usefull by itself, but add a Blood Fury weapon and you (mostly) control when to use dark reaping.
Distant Reaping: Helps trigger your reaping, but you want Thin the Herd first.
Double Reaping: By paragon, the damage is only useful in minion killing

Reaping Renewal: Not usefull by itself, but it doubles your investments
Reaping Synergy: Useless without the right damage type.  This can actually make spending all your other dark reaping feats worth while.




"Anything you can do, I can do deader."


Even the dead need some R&R – Healing While Below 0



  • You can still die at negitive bloodied, heal before you get that far.
  • All healing start at 0, so you only need a small amount of healing to wipe out the dept.
  • Everyone has a second wind, use it while your down.
  • As soon as you heal, you are not dazed, and have the rest of your actions.
  • If you have no surges and are healed you still gain 1 HP.
  • 1 HP is possibly when you are most vulnerable, since the below 0 defenses havn't triggered, and a nasty hit (crit) could drop you below negitive bloodied.
  • Regen doesn't work below 0.
  • A few creatures can auto-kill someone below 0.  Knowledge checks are your friend.




Some ways to heal

Note that this is not an exaustive list by any means, just a few examples.

  • Warforged Resolve: (feat Warforged) A minor action, surgeless, encounter heal.
  • Reforge the Fire: (Avenger Daily Utility 16) Heal on hit, and bonus attacks.  Very Much an "I win button".  Pure Gold with lorekeeper's 30.
  • Potion of Healing: (item 5) While it's better to just spend a surge, this will bring you back to positive for a minor.  And it will work even if you don't have a surge to spend.  It's rated sky blue because by paragon, you can have enough to effectivly do it at-will.  Just be ware that 1 HP is a dangerous place to be, since you're close to negitive bloodied without your "below 0" to protect you.
  • Knight Hospitaler: (theme) Nice way for an ally to bring you back to positive.
  • Battle Standard of Healing: (Item lvl 3) 1 HP isn't alot for most people, but it's all that you need.  Still take a standard to setup however.  Again, be aware that 1 HP is dangerous.
  • Leader's Heal (any leader class): Your standard way of healing, works just fine for you too.
  • Spellscared Invigorate (spellscared feat) Free healing when someone ignores your mark.
  • Anointed Mace (Mace, lvl 3+): Free heal when you kill something.  To bad most people who do the killing don't do so though maces.








    What you need to stop the bleed – Death Saving Throws.



    • Healing (Second Wind) before the end of your turn prevents you from making your first DST.
    • Failed death saves reset only when you rest (short or extended)
    • You can spend a surge when you roll a 20+ (including bonuses) on death saves.  It's possible, though somewhat costly to get your bonus high guarantee it.
    • Death saves are "saving throws", but not something "a save can end".
    • The "standard" package of death saving throw bonuses is Periapt of Recovery (+2 item) + Disciple of Death (+5 feat) + Haunted Armor (+2 power) + 1d20 (1-20) = minimum 10.
    • A few creatures give penalties to saves, so +9 isn't truly a guarantee.  Knowledge checks are your friend.



    Bonuses to Death Saves List

    List of bonuses to saving throws.





    • Seal Death's Door +2 power, cost a surge (not necicaraly yours), last 24 hours.  Use it before you sleep.







    • Tuathan: +1, not sky blue by it self, but come level 10…
    • Chevalier: +1 power to all







    • Slayer: +1 to all
    • Warpriest (Sun): +2 untyped (also works on allies).







    • Disciple of Death (Wis 13): +5 feat, this really reduces the value of other feats
    • Resilient Focus: +2 Feat to all, this flat out repalces alot of other feats.
    • Unfailing Vigor: Spend a surge on an 18, basically a +2 for surge purposes.
    • Born of Shadows: +1 untyped to all.  Small, but complete.  This rating assumes you have no issue generating dim light (enshrouding candle).
    • Stubborn Survivor (human) +2, easy condition
    • Pulse of Life (Channel Divinity): +10 power as your CD, emergency backup
    • Die Hard (human): +5 feat on third save and surge on 15+, better with avenging haunt
    • Vengeance's Reward (Avenger, Avandra) +2 but not a very common condition
    • Victor's Confidence (fighter, con 15) +1 easy-moderate condition.
    • Angry Grandfather (barbarian 11) +0-4
    • Fierce Vitality: (Revenant 11) Let's you fail once.
    • Death Scorned (11): +1, better with avenging haunt, but possibly a trap if you have 11 Con and no other bonuses.
    • Timely Revival (human martial 21): This allows you to make all your actions on your first turn, which would be excellent, but it competes with Ghostly Vitality.






    • Survivor's Belt (11) roll twice is about worth +4 (untyped) but it has hard compitiion with Belt of Sonnlinor Righteousness
    • Life Charm (neck, 25/30) – Gives you an effective +10, but it also prevents surging on 20+.
    • Horreb Ritual Cube (wonderous 18) +2 item to all.  Everyone should have one.
    • Kord's Relentlessness (alternate 5+) +2 item, slotless, and a daily surgeless heal, but rare.
    • Bloodthread (cloth 5+) +2 item to all (when bloodied)
    • Verve Armor (scale/plate 4+) +2 untyped Daily take 20
    • Haunted Armor (any) +2 power, increases +1 each failure.
    • Periapt of Recovery (neck 8+) +2 item
    • Nullifying Ring (ring 30) +3 item to all, would be skyblue, but it's expensive
    • Ring of Protection (ring 17) +1 item to all.
    • Death's Brink Armor (scale/plate 7+) Takes 4 failed death saves to die; Daily +2/3/4, more usefull with avenging haunt.
    • Rager's Belt (waist 2) +4 to your first DST while raging (can be activiated with a lvl 10 Soulfang Rage), at low level it won't be active enough, at higher ones, you've got better, more continuous belts.
    • Potion of Spirit (consumable 5+) +1-6 power for the encounter, cost a surge
    • Raven Cloak (neck 9+) Daily reroll any save with +5 (+10 on death save)
    • Woundstich Powder (Wonderous 1) Stabilize Dying in item form, though a bit better since there's no roll and it stops ongoing damage as well.  Still needs an ally.


    Paragon Paths:



    • Self Forged (artificer, not warforged) Take 10.  And, depending on your reading, means if you squeeze out +10 of your own to auto-surge.
    • Horizon Walker (Ranger) + Wis.  It's also got Stat flexible powers.
    • Flamebrow Commander (Warlord, bravura) + Cha. Hard to qualify.
    • Avenging Haunt (revenant) Statisicly, you'll last the encounter, but since it's luck based, you still want some bonuses/rerolls.  Death Scorned combo's nicely.
    • Raven Hearald (rogue, raven queen) +4, Good bonus, easiest to qualify for
    • God Fragment (warlock, vestige) +3, Good bonus, hard to qualify for, but you got a surgless heal on an AP, and it's Con based.
    • Warforged Juggernaut (Warforged) +2 to all, str based, but easy to qualify for (warforged soul FTW).
    • Grim Blackguard (Blackguard) +2 to all, str based.
    • Abiding Reaper (Shadar-Kai) reroll with +5 1/enounter, and the daily let's you spend a surge.  Not a bad PP all in all.
    • Dark Watcher (good or lawful) It keeps you alive a little longer, but does nothing to keep you concious.
    • Eternal Blade (battlemind) This is a trap, since you're limited on actions till your first deathsave.
    • Blooded Champion (Minotaur) Another trap, don't mix below 0 medication.


    Epic Destinies:



    • Raven's Consort (shadar-kai, raven queen) Surgeless Heal on a 20+.  You never have to take an extended rest again (though getting dailies back is nice).  That would be enough by itself, but you also get a cumulitive +2 to your death saves and defenses.
    • Rune Maker (runepriest), failing death saves is now a GOOD thing.  Combo with the Rod of Death for some serious removal.  To bad it's lvl 30.
    • Sage of Ages  (arcane class) A "reroll", and with a good arcane check +5 to all.  While revenant lack int and arcane classes tend to be ranged, but if your going for one (swordmage?), this is an excellent option.  The level 30 feature isn't a wasted either.
    • Unyielding Sentinal (Defender) Roll twice on all saves, keep either, which is worth about +5, also some surgeless, if uncontrollable, healing.
    • Destined Scion: A very generic ED that will fit anyone who wants higher stats and likes to hit.  Gives a flat, stackable +2 to all, and the revive feature is controllable, so you don't waste it.
    • Keeper of Everflow: +2 to all is one of the options in this rather versitile ED.
    • Reborn Champion : Basicly +2 that doesn't stack with Unfailing Vigor, everyone qualifies.
    • Guardian of the Void: +2, possibly more if your allies take it as well.
    • Start-Favored Champion (martial) auto 20, which is really nothing special for you.
    • Beast Lord (Ranger, Beastmaster) don't die from negitive bloodied or deaths saves as long as your beast is above 0.
    • Eternal Seeker: While having nothing directly, it can pick up Cycle of Life from Raven's Consort 6 levels later.
    • Martial of Letherina: +2 possibly more, which is good by itself, but the utility is a TRAP


    From Allies:



    • Harbringer of Rebirth (feat cleric): +5 feat, best healing feat they can get for you
    • Warpriest (class Sun domain): +2 untyped.  Possible to pick this up via multiclass.
    • Shield The Fallen (feat dwarf) +2 to all (and defenses) but distance is limiting.
    • Combat Medic (feat heal): For a friendly minor action, you can skip your death saves (untill you take damage).
    • Hearld of Maddness (PP barbarian, monk, ranger): Reroll within 5, but you take some (probably resisted) damage.  Not an amazing PP for them however.
    • Voice of Thunder (PP bard): +2 within 5, but the only need to be within 5 for a moment.  Solid PP otherwise.
    • Dark Watcher (PP Good or lawful): +2 untyped.  A rather lazy-leader-ish PP.
    • Icon of Hope (divine 21) +1 to all
    • Guardian Spirit(feat shaman, protector): unconcious ally's get's resist 20 and +2, has it's uses in heroic, when you might risk falling down.
    • Stabilize Dying: It takes an ally, but you stop making saves untill you take damage. This can be very usefull, or a waste of an action, depending on alot of things, but everyone has it.






    Dealing with the Daze – How to keep all your actions.





    • You are only dazed when you are "subject to the dying condition".
    • So once you clear daze, your stay that way till you get healed and drop below 0 again.
    • Failing a death save still makes you unconcious.
    • Note that daze allows for standard, move, or minor. So if you use a minor to end it (or heal), you'll still have your standard and move.




    • Topaz Crusader (Epic Destiny Psionic) Flat immune to daze, so you won't miss any actions.
    • Superior Will (Feat Wis 15 or Cha 15): Your top option, availible to everyone at the cost of some stats.  It get's better if you stack saving throws.
    • Circlet of Arkhosia (Item Head lvl 14/24) Basicly superior will, the item (but they stack).
    • Increadible Toughness (Feat -> Past Soul, Mul) Once per encounter end daze, no questions asked.
    • Persistent Threat (Feat, Human, 11) Won't end daze, but it can give you some of your actions.
    • Deneith Protector (PP, Mark of Sentinal) Gives you a chance to shake a daze, but it's hardly reliable.







    How the undead get ahead – taking advantage of your survivability.



    • Anything that gives bonuses while blooded (battlecrazed) also works when below 0.
    • CS has ruled that anything that happens "when you are reduced to 0 or fewer" (Stormhawlk Vengence) triggers when you go from -10, to -20, but expect some DM's to disagree.
    • Of course, normal bonuses (expertise) work for you as well.







    • Death Knell (feat channel divinity) This derserves special mention, since it allows you to "drop to 0". Which could trigger any number of thigns.
    • Boots of Caiphon (feet 24) Shift as a minor is useful, but the more interesting part (for revenant) is that you take damage.  So if you plan on letting a battlestandard of healing get you back up, or quaff more potions then you have surges, it'll drop you back to right under 0.  Which can be your safest place to be.
    • Avenging Spirit (human 11) Not for yourself, but for your allies, who can also profit from your frequent trips below 0.  They can litterally break the game if they take the Warmaster ED.
    • Heroic Effort (Warlord 2)  Solid bonus for your allies.






    • Iron Wolf Warrior: Free attack every time you drop.  Note that you have to "start dying", so it will only trigger once per heal.
    • Tuathan:  Remove all effects.  Great if you stack death saves to 19+, and Doubly great with Timely Revival.
    • Mecenary: +1 to defense while bloodied.  Likely you'll be bloodied alot.





    • Death's Brink Armor (scale or plate) Due to poor wording, you can't die.  Yes, the entire description is gold, because it's that broken.  Being indestructable is kinda pointless.
    • Belt of Sonnlinor Righteousness (waist 6+) Makes going below negitive bloodied very difficult.  Beware of makeing the game unfun.
    • Battlecrazed (Axe/heavy blade 4+) Everyone can use more damage (3.5 per tier)
    • Frost Fury (Axe 3+) About the same damage as Battlecrazed for Con builds, but it add the cold keyword for frost cheeze.  To bad Axes are generally worse then heavy blades.
    • Dragonborn Greaves (feet 12): Speed and a little defense.  Not much foot slot compition untill later levels.
    • Ring of Circling Fangs (ring 20): Decent Auto-damage.  Excelent for defenders.
    • Bloodfire Armor (Chain/Scale/Plate 13+) Low and Unfriendly but still Auto-damage.
    • Bloodcut Armor (leather/hide 4+) If you don't plan on staying below 0
    • Ring of the Risen (ring 23) bonus healing, not bad.
    • Death Song Ring (ring 19) Extra auto damage, if small and somewhat conditional.
    • Shroud of Protecton/Revival (wonderous 2/7) By RAW, this can give you a near permenant reist 20 (and +2 power to death saves), many DM's may balk at this.





    • Stormhawk's Vengeance: Massive amount of scaling auto-damage.  Still great for those in back.
    • Restless Dead (raven queen): A large bonus all around if you can stay down.
    • Tempest Magic (Sorcerer, Con 13, Dex 13, storm magic)Nice damage boost
    • Ape's Reach (Druid) Reach is hard to come by.
    • Cheetah's Speed (Druid) More speed boost
    • Bloodied Fleetness: Faster is better
    • Don't Count Me out (human) +2 feat bonus to several nasty conditions.
    • Life on the Edge (shadar-kai) Nice boost
    • Feign Injury (bluff) Still not worth a standard action.  Better if you can bluff as a minor.
    • Death's Quickening: Someonwhat questionable if it does anything at all (CS said yes), but an extra minor is useful.
    • Wrath of Defeat (runepriest, wrathfull 11) Free attacks are always good, and since it's an interupt, you can even do this on the first turn you drop.
    • Saving Grace (divine) every time you succed on a DST, you grant a heal.
    • Invoker's Blaze (Invoker 11) good bonus damage
    • Shadow's Inexorable Grasp (assassin 11) Could be usefull, but do you want to spend your shrouds this way?
    • Quori Backlash (Kalashtar 11) Rules Questionable, but a nice chunk of free damage from being dropped below 0.
    • Ghostly Vitality: The actions you get are questionable (CS has said you get them, which is amazing) but even without them, it's hard to argue with insbustantial.
    • Bold Spirit (warlord Bravura 21) Good way to generate THP


    Race Feats/Powers/ect:



    • Potent Rebirth (deva) written perfectly for revenant.
    • Avowed Dragonfoe (Dragonborn) Very campaign specific
    • Curse of Io's Blood (Dragonborn warlock) I don't know many warlocks with Str
    • Plauged Breath (Dragonborn, spellscar) Bonus is to small
    • Bloodied Invigoration (Dragonborn, fighter, con 13) Nice in heroic, but fades.
    • Dragonborn Frenzy (Dragonborn) Another one that's nice in heroic, but fades.
    • Raging Drake Form (dragonborn druid) Good things for swarm druids
    • Draconic Healing (Dragonborn, cleric) Depends on your stats, but this could be nice.
    • Io's Challenge (Dragonborn, paladin) Depends on your stats, but this could be nice.
    • Dragonborn Zeal (dragonborn 11) Surgeless, but takes a feat and util slot
    • Bloody Insperation (Dragonborn Warlord 11) Depends on your stats, but this could be nice.
    • Gold Dwarf Pride (dwarf), seems like it would be good, but it requires you to go unconscious, which we avoid.
    • Ancestral Wrath (Forgeborn Heritage, Dwarf) Stacks with Bloodied Fleetness.  And your not even slow to begin with.
    • Minor Threat (halfling Utility 2) Nice buff, though it's a power bonus, and a stance.
    • Know When to Fold (halfling) Usualy enough to avoid OA's
    • Indomitable Halfling (halfling) Not enough to make a difference.
    • Pain Doesn't Hurt (human 11)  Humans are good at this sort of thing
    • Quori Desperation (kalashtar 21) TRAP!!! Do NOT take this.  It good for non-revenant though.
    • Beast Within (Minotaur 11) Nice stacakble bonus.
    • Holy Savagry (Shifter, divine, Channel Divinity) There are better bonuses more often.
    • Deathless Warrior (shadar-kai 21) Large damage reduction if your Con based, and it's stackable with resist.
    • Secret Escape (wilden 11) Way to limited to be usefull.
    • Secret of Enduring Vigor (wilden 21) More of a daily utility power then a feat


    Paragon Paths:



    • Marty's Strike (Scion of Sacrifice) Free at-will attack?  Yes plz.  Just make sure your DM agrees, since you don't fall unconcious.
    • Death Reprisal (Avenging Haunt Revenant) A decent retalitory bonus, and it comes with a death save boost.




    Epic Destinies:

    • Raven's Consort (Shardar-kai, Raven Queen) Besides the bonus to saving throws and the free healing, you get cumulitive bonuses to defense.  So yes, it deserves being mentioned twice.
    • Guardian of the void: Resist 15 necrotic, and regen 5 while bloodied.  Not massive, but it helps.  Paticularly since it comes with DST bonuses.
    • Keepers of the Everflow: Regen 5 while bloodied, as well as radiant damage.  Note that you don't get both regen and +2 to all saves.
    • Rune maker: In an odd twist, you want to FAIL death saves for this.  Doing so removes all negitive effects, and gives you a "teleport" 10.  However, you might go an entire encounter without failing 3, even if you start below 0.  Combo it with a rod of death however…







    Downsides of Death – What to watch out for

    There are things in the game which specificly hurt undead creatures.  That's you.  I'm not sure how to rate them, so i won't.


    Turn/Rebuke Undead – Your invoker/cleric ally have burst that hurt undead.  So be wary of them.
    Glowstone – Specificly target undead.  Though it's generally you don't have radiant vuln (vampires do).
    Blessed Soil – It would take a very mean DM, but in the event you died, this would prevent you from being raised.
    Some monsters affect things below 0 – A few monsters have "if this attack reduces the target to 0 or fewer", do something special, including some that will flat out kill you.
    Goul Candle – You can use them.






    Now that you've been dead a while – Racial PP


    Avenging Haunt

    The powers don't have a weapon or impliment keyword, and thus won't get an expertise bonus.

    Ghostly Action: Not the worst, but you'll probably have insubstantial in epic anyways.
    Death Reprisal: Good bonus for a common condition.
    Deathly Retort: Off-action attack, but it lacks many keywords and thus sufferes from a lack of "expertise" bonus.
    Haunting Form: Sustainable phasing has all sorts of fun applications, unfortunatly it's stustain standard, and you can't fly very high.
    Unkillable: The real reason to take this PP.  Consider Death Scorned if you have the Con.  Barring bad luck, you'll get enough death saves to last an encounter, so you can skip stacking death saves.
    Death Locus: Decent damage, but like Deathly Retort, it lacks the keywords neccicary for the "expertise" bonus.

    Of paticular interest is Raven's Consort ED and haunted armor give you cumultive bonuses to death saves.  So you can ensure you don't fail.



    The end of Death – Racial ED


    Free Soul

    The rating depends on how you read Destiny Claimed, and what consists of a "forced reroll".

    Destiny Claimed: There are very few monsters this will apply against. Really, how many epic halflings do you expect to fight?  However, if you count brutal, elven accuracy, or numerous other effects as a "forced reroll" this becomes quite abuseable,(vaporal falchion with gauntlets of destuction) i'm not sure how RAW that is however.
    Fate Denied: Since you're likely to have healing covered, the only other concern is status effects, and you did stack saving trows (right?).
    Escape Fate: Good when you fail a domination save, since it stacks with your feature.  Also works with death saves.  Still a little weak for a daily.
    Twist Fate: Turn about is fair play, but as a capstone.





    Those who have died before you – Sample Builds


    Sample Unkillable Avenger

    Total of +12 to death saves, with surgeless healing.

    ====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
    Mora, level 30
    Revenant, Avenger, Horizon Walker, Raven Consort
    Avenger's Censure: Censure of Pursuit
    Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Heavy Blade)
    Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Holy Symbol)
    Choose your Race in Life: Shadar-kai

    Str 12, Con 17, Dex 24, Int 12, Wis 26, Cha 10.

    Str 10, Con 11, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 8.

    AC: 42 Fort: 37 Reflex: 39 Will: 42
    HP: 208 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 60

    Religion +21, Acrobatics +27, Perception +28, Stealth +27, Athletics +21

    Arcana +16, Bluff +15, Diplomacy +15, Dungeoneering +23, Endurance +20, Heal +23, History +16, Insight +23, Intimidate +17, Nature +23, Streetwise +15, Thievery +22

    Level 1: Weapon Proficiency (Fullblade)
    Level 2: Unarmored Agility (retrained to Painful Oath at Level 11)
    Level 4: Death's Blessing
    Level 6: Versatile Expertise
    Level 8: Melee Training (Wisdom)
    Level 10: Warrior of the Wild
    Level 11: Fierce Vitality
    Level 12: Restless Dead
    Level 14: Avenging Resolution
    Level 16: Weapon Focus (Heavy Blade)
    Level 18: Reserve Maneuver
    Level 20: Life on the Edge
    Level 21: Ghostly Vitality
    Level 22: Unyielding Fortitude
    Level 24: Hand of Divine Guidance
    Level 26: Slashing Storm
    Level 28: Unfettered Stride
    Level 30: Font of Radiance

    Avenger at-will 1: Bond of Pursuit
    Avenger at-will 1: Overwhelming Strike
    Reserve Maneuver: Fury's Advance
    Avenger encounter 1: Angelic Alacrity
    Avenger daily 1: Aspect of Might
    Avenger utility 2: Refocus Enmity
    Avenger encounter 3: Fury's Advance
    Avenger daily 5: Menacing Presence
    Avenger utility 6: Oath of the Relentless Hunter
    Avenger encounter 7: Peal of Thunder
    Avenger daily 9: Temple of Shadow
    Avenger utility 10: Spot Weakness
    Avenger encounter 13: Whirling Blades (replaces Peal of Thunder)
    Avenger daily 15: Temple of Brilliance (replaces Aspect of Might)
    Avenger utility 16: Refire the Forge
    Avenger encounter 17: Soulforge Hammering (replaces Fury's Advance)
    Avenger daily 19: Blade of Astral Hosts (replaces Menacing Presence)
    Avenger utility 22: Ghostly Vengeance
    Avenger encounter 23: Bond of Justice (replaces Angelic Alacrity)
    Avenger daily 25: Aspect of Death (replaces Temple of Shadow)
    Avenger encounter 27: Astral Charge (replaces Whirling Blades)
    Avenger daily 29: Final Oath (replaces Temple of Brilliance)

    Crossbow, Dual Arrow +5 (10), Iron Armbands of Power (epic tier), Ring of the Risen (epic tier), Belt of Sonnlinor Righteousness (epic tier), Bloodthread Mindpatterned Armor +6, Battlecrazed Fullblade +6, Amulet of Protection +6
    ====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======



    sample unkillable battlemind

    By Rancid_Rogue





    Judge Dead, level 30

    Revenant, Battlemind, Son of Mercy, Raven Consort
    Build: Resilient Battlemind
    Psionic Study: Battle Resilience
    Choose your Race in Life: Shadar-kai
    Background: Silent Hunter (Silent Hunter Benefit)

    Str 14, Con 28, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 24, Cha 12. 

    Str 12, Con 16, Dex 12, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 10. 


    AC: 45 Fort: 40 Reflex: 34 Will: 42


    HP: 226 Surges: 18 Surge Value: 56


    Stealth +24, Perception +28, Insight +27, Athletics +22


    Acrobatics +18, Arcana +15, Bluff +16, Diplomacy +16, Dungeoneering +22, Endurance +26, Heal +22, History +15, Intimidate +18, Nature +22, Religion +15, Streetwise +16, Thievery +18 


    Level 1: Melee Training (Constitution)
    Level 2: Weapon Expertise (Hammer)
    Level 4: Weapon Focus (Hammer)
    Level 6: Weapon Proficiency (Mordenkrad) (retrained to Crippling Crush at Level 12)
    Level 8: Spring Step (retrained to Fierce Vitality at Level 11)
    Level 10: Wintertouched
    Level 11: Lasting Frost
    Level 12: Defender of the Wild
    Level 14: Death Scorned
    Level 16: Armor Specialization (Scale)
    Level 18: Weapon Proficiency (Mordenkrad)
    Level 20: Hammering Iron
    Level 21: Ghostly Vitality
    Level 22: Eerie Resurgence
    Level 24: Prescient Retaliation
    Level 26: Restless Dead
    Level 28: Indomitable Will
    Level 30: Long Step

    Battlemind at-will 1: Twisted Eye
    Battlemind at-will 1: Bull's Strength
    Battlemind daily 1: Aspect of Elevated Harmony
    Battlemind utility 2: Telepathic Challenge
    Battlemind at-will 3: Spectral Legion
    Battlemind daily 5: Nightmare Vortex
    Battlemind utility 6: Psionic Ambush
    Battlemind at-will 7: Lightning Rush (replaces Spectral Legion)
    Battlemind daily 9: Aspect of Disembodiment
    Battlemind utility 10: Battle Aspect
    Battlemind at-will 13: Brutal Barrage (replaces Bull's Strength)
    Battlemind daily 15: Mind Blade (replaces Aspect of Elevated Harmony)
    Battlemind utility 16: Shield of the Iron Mind
    Battlemind at-will 17: Battle Vortex (replaces Twisted Eye)
    Battlemind daily 19: Relentless Strike (replaces Nightmare Vortex)
    Battlemind utility 22: Indomitable Maneuver
    Battlemind at-will 23: Might of the Ogre (replaces Battle Vortex)
    Battlemind daily 25: Psychic Hammer (replaces Aspect of Disembodiment)
    Battlemind at-will 27: Brilliant Recovery (replaces Lightning Rush)
    Battlemind daily 29: Mind-Sundering Burst (replaces Mind Blade) 


    Verve Elderscale Armor +6, Frost Mordenkrad +6, Periapt of Recovery +6, Belt of Sonnlinor Righteousness (epic tier), Nullifying Ring (epic tier)



