The Burned Dunes

Ruled over by Rakh Seghi Tal’halik, the people of Burned Dunes are an extremely militaristic group, valuing strength and honor above all else. Whoever is seen by the others as the best soldier is viewed as the leader, and so long as they continue to prove their worth as a leader they will be followed loyally by all. As such, the Burned Dunes has no real power structure, just an understanding by all its citizens that what the leader says goes (at least until he angers enough people to lose his loyalty).

From a young age, boys are forced into rigorous training regiments to mold them into perfect soldiers. The ones who survive to adulthood are immediately granted a home and a wife, and are then required to serve until old age or death in the army. When not fighting the other Rakhs over land disputes, the Burned Dunes armies turn their attention inland and have made it their mission to eradicate the lawless bandits who have made a majority of the Serran Desert their home.