Crescent Bluff

Crescent Bluff is a bustling port city in the south of Serran, the wealthiest city in the land. For generations it has been ruled by the Kul’adin family, the head of which being Rakh Simgahl Kul’adin, a family of shrewd merchants who have been responsible for the city’s great prosperity over the years. The family’s ships travel all over Voreld, trading with the other Rakhs and foreigners alike to bring commerce and to cement their position as the wealthiest city in Serran.

Sitting near the mouth of one of the desert’s rivers, the land surrounding Crescent Bluff is some of the most fertile that remains in the region. As such, there is more territorial dispute aimed at the Kul’adin family than any of the other kingdoms have to suffer. For this reason, a large portion of the family’s wealth is spent on hiring (and maintaining the loyalties of) various mercenary forces who defend the land from bandits and would-be invaders.