Desrochers (Chathra)

Recently conquered by Imardin (Still not fully incorporated) and named after admiral who led the conquest, Indo-celtic, tropical climate, sun-worshippers Really pretty and shit

History: The natives of Chathra enjoyed many eras of prosperity until the 6th era, when Imardin broke their the island’s navy with sheer force, better tacticians, and more advanced warfare. Recently there is a lot of tension from the native that may be contributing to revolt post-conquering in an attempt to remove the Imardanian leaders and install their own.

Religion: Chathra follows a monotheistic worldview, seeing the sun as the sole god (pun intended). They see Jurva’s protective gaze as the source of life, growth, warmth. For this reason, they see night as a time of unholiness and worry, when The Eye of Jurva has closed its lid in deep slumber until the light of dawn.

Culture: Chathra is dotted with many coastal villages, towns, and a couple cities along its rim. Thick jungles and marshland make up much of the terrain, with the large mountain called “Bharu” making the tallest point on the island. The Chathrans are a very spiritual and creative people, as evidenced by their intricate architecture and protective view of the land around them. They are very careful not to maim their sacred jungles, despite Chathran junglewood being a very expensive and highly sought after commodity.