Infernal Wrath: The Tiefling’s Handbook


Infernal Wrath
A Tiefling's Handbook



So, you've decided to take up the adventuring life eh? Not bad, not bad at all. After all, our… talents can certainly help any adventuring party who can stomach journeying with one of us devil-touched. It's a curse, too, but our dark past can be used to achieve better ends, if you know what you're doing. And 'cause we Tiefling's should look out for each other (I mean, who else will?), that means that I'll help you know what you're doing.

For simplicity's sake, I'll be used Dictuum-Mortuum's color-coded rating style, to let you know what works and doesn't work for you.
Sky Blue indicates something that just plain works.
Blue is something that works well. Maybe not the top choice, but a very good choice nonetheless.
Black can be summed up as "meh." No real downside, but big upside either.
Purple should deter some of you. It can work, but you'll have put in a lot of effort.
Red means you should run from this as fast as you can.

Also, some thanks are in order for these people, I suppose.
Zousha_Omenohu (Paladin build)





Infernal Heritage
Tiefling Traits

First, let's review what we have to work with. Our forefather's deals with devils in the old days of Bael Turath has given us some useful traits that set us apart from other races.

Ability Scores: We're more charismatic than others, and we tend towards either being book smart or incredibly tough. These incline us towards more magical professions.

Low-light Vision: If everyone else in your group has low-light vision, you can save on sunrods. Nifty.

Languages: You're not locked into learning a certain culture's language. If you can, try to learn how to speak goblin or giant, as it could be helpful.

Skill Bonuses: We can bluff better than others (this works well with our bigger Charisma), and we're also surprisingly stealthy. We've had to survive on the fringes of civilization for a long time, so there shouldn't be any surprises.

Bloodhunt: You tend to do better at kicking an enemy while he's down (or bloodied, as the case may be). Finish of the wounded enemy before moving on.

Fire Resistance: This is quite helpful, depending on the enemies you face. You can also mitigate some of the damage if your party controller drops a fireball on you because you happen to be surrounded by enemies. It also scales rather well.

Infernal Wrath: Our race's signature ability. What was once an iffy proposition of some bonus damage has become something much more fearsome; if a foe hurts you, you will set them on fire. The feat support isn't that bad either.[/quote]


Infernal Blade
Martial Tieflings


Generally, we Tieflings don't do so well when it comes to Martial classes, as we don't have the inherent physical abilities possessed by Dragonborn, Dwarves, and other such races who tend to excel that these classes. Nonetheless, we can do so if we put our minds to it.

Fighter (PHB)
We tieflings aren't the best fighters, but we can pull our weight all the same. One thing that you should do is to be tougher; intelligence doesn't get you very far in this profession. There's also a lot of tiefling feat support for fighters, and we get a neat paragon path as well. All-in-all, a nice package, although you'll be wanting to pick up a Flaming Weapon at some point to make up for your lower strength.







Fighter Talents

Weapon Talent (PHB): This is the best way for you to fight. A +1 to hit might not seem like much, but it helps make up for our lower strength. When taking this path, try focusing on Constitution if you're aiming for the excellent Warfiend Paragon Path.

Battlerager Vigor (MP): This might seem like it would synergize well with Warfiends, but the truth is this style's focus on low-accuracy weapons coupled with our lack of natural strength means that we have a hard time pulling this off.

Tempest Technique (MP): Sadly, we Tiefling's just can't get the necessary Strength, Dexterity, and Wisdom to make this path truly shine. You can certainly try if you want to, but don't be too surprised if you're being outdone by the Shifters and Half-Orcs who can really make this work.

Brawler Style (MP2): Putting people in headlocks sounds like a dirty trick that would be right up our alley, but we don't really have any of the stats to pull this off.

Arena Training (DSCG): The free training in whatever weapons you want is nice. Missing a +1 to attack, not so nice. You'll be pretty much married to Dexterity if you want to pull this off because otherwise its AC bonus will be wasted.



Fighter Opportunity Attacks

Combat Superiority (PHB): While we may not sport great Wisdom, this is still the better choice for a majority of builds simply because we don't have the Dexterity to pull off Combat Agility.

Combat Agility (MP2): This feature is great if you focus on Dexterity. If you don't, then this is basically useless.





Essentials Subclasses

Knight (HoFL): A sword and shield warrior in plate armor who prefers more basic techniques. A Constitution secondary means you can make a serviceable knight, although you might want to use blades with a higher proficiency bonus if you become a knight.

Slayer (HoFL): No real synergistic stats here, and most of the tiefling fighter feats don't work with a Slayer. There are better melee strikers for us, believe me.

Ranger (PHB)
You're just not cut out for this lifestyle. If you want to sneak around in the shadows and stab things, I'd recommend looking at the Rogue. If you do insist on doing this, go with Constitution rather than Charisma as a flex stat. Like the Fighter, intelligence doesn't do much for a Ranger.





Ranger Combat Style

Two-Blade Style (PHB): There's some support here, but not much.

Archery Style (PHB): You hit opponents from a far much better with spells.

Beast Mastery (MP): We Tieflings aren't exactly known for being puppy-friendly, but if you can find a beast that's willing to put up with you, you can try this. Won't work out too well for you, though.

Marauder Style (MP2): Like the two blade style, but more skirmishy.

Hunter Style (MP2): Basically the Archer Style, but better. Still not a good fit for you.





Ranger Attack Bonus

Prime Shot (PHB): A bonus to attack with ranged attacks, although with the right feats, it also helps with Melee Attacks.

Running Attack (MP2): If you favor a lot of attacks that include movement as a part of them, take this. If you don't, back off.





Essentials Subclasses

Hunter (HoFK): The essentials archer ranger. This works as well for you as any other archer ranger build does.

Scout (HoFK): An essentials two-blade ranger. Doesn't really fit you at all.

Rogue (PHB)
Since we Tiefling's favor lurking around the battlefield to a straight-up fight, we can make pretty decent Rogues. Maybe not the best, but we can pull out weight just fine. Most tiefling rogues will put their flex stat in Constitution for extra durability, but there are a few that might go with Int.





Rogue Tactics

Artful Dodger (PHB): The focus on Charisma means that this is the best way for you to be a Rogue. Your natural stealth bonus can help out too. Pick up a flaming dagger to help make up for your lower attack bonus. You'll be wanting Constitution as your flex stat here.

Brutal Scoundrel (PHB): On the other hand, this doesn't do too much for us. We don't have the Dexterity or the Strength to make this work.

Ruthless Ruffian (MP): Some Charisma is helpful here, but the entire path is too MAD overall for us to be that good at it.

Cunning Sneak (MP2): Another good Tiefling Rogue path. While we don't have Dexterity, Cunning Sneaks like having both Intelligence and Charisma, and our bonus to Stealth is extra helpful in a combat style that revolves around not being seen. Add in other Tiefling goodies, and you have yourself a solid package.





Rogue Talents

Rogue Weapon Talent (PHB): The piddly bonus damage to Shuriken is generally ignored, but a bonus to hit with the dagger, one of the most versatile weapons ever known, is helpful.

Sharpshooter Talent (MP2): If you've decided to forsake melee and simply strike with ranged weapons all the time, having a bonus to attack with them is certainly helpful.





Essentials Subclass

Thief (HoFL): The essentials rogue, who tends to be a slippery, mobile combatant with a lot of tricks to vary his fighting style. Charisma is a good secondary stat for you here, with your flex stat in Constitution for some extra toughness in case you get cornered.

Warlord (PHB)
Ironically enough, the one Martial path we excel at is the most visible one on the battlefield. But really, if you show yourself to be a competent commander, people will follow you, no matter what you look like, and we Tieflings have the smarts and the gravitas to pull this off. Again, I'd recommend grabbing a Flaming weapon so that you can hit more often.





Commanding Presence

Inspiring Presence (PHB): Your higher Charisma will provide for some nice boosts to your allies morale when it gets down to it, and also helps you hit harder with Infernal Wrath. Not bad at all, really.

Tactical Presence (PHB): A higher Intelligence means that we can strategize with the best of them. We're not quite as good for this as Eladrin are, but having a decent Charisma can be useful.

Bravura Presence (MP): We can use the Charisma to good effect just fine, but we're not quite as durable as the Dragonborn, who are the true masters of acting like an idiot to make everyone fight harder.

Resourceful Presence (MP): Now THIS is what we're good at. With both a good Intelligence and a good Charisma, we can take advantage of any situation that may pop up on the battlefield, and turn it to our advantage. We can handle the MADness of this path better than anyone else can.

Skirmishing Presence (MP2): If you want to be a martial archer, this should be right up your alley. Focus on Intelligence as a secondary stat, with Charisma boosting up your will and offering some skill bonuses.

Insightful Presence (MP2): This offers a defensive bent to an offensive class. If you want to go with this, make your secondary stat Charisma. Intelligence can offer some support to Reflex defense.





Warlord Leader Feature

Combat Leader (PHB): The default feature for Warlords for a long time, and still considered the best. More initiative for everyone is just a win-win situation no matter how you look at it.

Battlefront Leader (MP2): While maybe not quite as universally useful as Combat Leader, positioning an ally on the battlefield before combat begins can be invaluable; getting proficiency with heavy shields for free is also rather nice. It also has some nice feat support.

Canny Leader (MP2): This, on the other hand, isn't really that good. Getting bonuses to Perception and Insight, widely regarded as some of the best skills in the game, is handy, but it doesn't quite measure up to the other Leader features.





Warlord Proficiencies

Melee Warlord (PHB): For warlords who stay in melee. Not much to say; if you're not an archer, you'll go with this.

Archer Warlord (MP2): Godsend if you're fighting from the back lines, useless if you're not. You'll know if you need this or not.




Infernal Fire
Arcane Tieflings


Our race itself is defined by its connection to the arcane, and we can do very well in any Arcane class we set out mind to. Whether we need to study or intuit the magic forces, we have the perfect minds to do so.

Warlock (PHB)
Back in days of Bael Turath, we Tieflings arose out of the deals our forefathers made with Asmodeus and the legions of hell. To this day, that legacy makes us Tieflings among the best of those who can use Arcane power granted by otherworldly forces. Little can stand up to your might, whether you choose to assault your foe's mind, body, or soul with potent curses. Both Constitution and Intelligence can work as a flex stat in this case.







Eldritch Pact

Infernal Pact (PHB): If you wish to pursue this pact, put your flex stat in Constitution; your Charisma will be used for Will Defense and possibly to qualify for Warlock Implement Expertise. There are several fire spells learned within the pact itself to take advantage of Hellfire blood, and that's only scratching the surface of the excellent feat support for this pact. There's even a small subsection of Infernal Spells powered by Charisma, just in case you'd rather go Cha/Int. You can still make a deal with the devil, but do so at your own risk.

Fey Pact (PHB): After the disastrous war with Arkhosia, many Tieflings survived by agreeing to serve the sometimes capricious lords of the Feywild. They still regard our race well, and will offer their power to you if you ask. Your high Charisma will make mastering these spells trivial, and your Intelligence will only make your sylvan spells more potent. An excellent choice indeed.

Star Pact (PHB): The alien entities that live beyond the stars are not known to most. But in their lust for power, some of the leaders of Bael Turath made contact with them, and the powers they were granted can be gained, even to this day. Your Charisma is good for some attacks, and your Intelligence boosts power riders, but note that you will also want a good Constitution if you want to use all of the powers that this pact can grant you. Many Star Pact powers also have the Fear Keyword, which just makes this all the more excellent for us.

Dark Pact (FRPG): Though the Drow may have made the first Dark Pacts, it is we Tieflings that have truly perfected it. Many of the powers granted by dealing with the monstrosities of the Underdark may seem as foolish as dealing with Devils, but our excellent Charisma and Intelligence makes us excellent practitioners of this brand of pact magic.

Vestige Pact (AP): This pact relies on Constitution, which means that will be your flex stat. This pact is more leadery than the other warlock pacts, but you can make this work well.

Sorcerer-King Pact (DSCG): Swearing fealty to a Sorcerer-King nets you magic that can be powered either by Constitution or Charisma. For bug synergy you may want to go with Charisma, although you can make a Constitution-based King Pact work as well. With all the Tiefling Pact-Neutral Warlock support, you'll be able to pull this off just fine.

Elemental Pact (HotEC): These warlocks form pacts with the Primordials and other elemental lords. Charisma fuels their favored attacks, and they can also make use out of some of the poison attacks you might have overlooked. That said, it's not as well-supported as other pacts, so be aware of that.



Essentials Hexblade Pacts

Infernal Pact (HoFK): As befits the race that crafted this pact, we tieflings excel at being Infernal Hexblades. Constitution is the stat you'll be going with here; you're going to be pretty hard to kill.

Fey Pact (HoFK): Unlike the average Fey Pact, we teiflings can't use the Hexblade's Fey Pact as well as Drow or Halflings can. Still, we can pull it off. Go with Constitution for your flex stat here; it will serve you better than Intelligence would.

Star Pact (D383): This pact is also a slam-dunk for us, this time Intelligence boosting up our damage against any foe that stands against us. The fear support for this pact isn't as great as it is for the other Star Pact variation, but this still works great for us.

Gloom Pact (HoS): Like the Fey Pact, the Dexterity focus of this pact makes it kind of difficult for us to use. It can be done, but we don't tend to deal as often with the forces of the Shadowfell. At least with devils, you know where you stand.

Elemental Pact (HotEC): The Constitution focus of this pact makes it an automatic winner, and on top of that, we can use it to force enemies to become vulnerable to fire. Yeah, we can do well with this pact.




Essentials Binder Pacts

Gloom Pact (HoS): Binder Warlocks just aren't as powerful as other kinds. They don't have the raw damage potential, and traditional Warlocks tend to have better control powers than Binders do. On top of that, we also don't have the Dexterity to use this pact well. Skip it.

Star Pact (HoS): The focus on Intelligence makes this a little better for us than the Gloom pact, but it's not enough.

Fey Pact (D406): Probably our best bet, since it has the best control powers. Still, you have the traditional Fey Pact to look at, if you prefer to deal with faeries.


Wizard (PHB)
If your preference for magic is more messing with enemies than straight killing them, you might want to be a wizard. Our high Intelligence allows us to master the wizardly art, and our Charisma qualifies us for the Paragon feat Spell Focus with no investment in it at all. Generally, you won't be using your flex stat for Constitution at all; Intelligence is just too important.

Arcane Implement Mastery

Orb of Imposition (PHB): A rather strong option for Wizards overall, and you can pull it off as well. Your Charisma also frees up your stat points, since this class feature synergizes rather well with Spell Focus.

Wand of Accuracy (PHB): You can use a wand to good effect. You might want to boost Charisma rather than Wisdom at character creation for extra Will defense (unless you plan to use the Orb at Paragon levels).

Staff of Defense (PHB): Like the other two implements listed above, you can use a staff pretty well. The notes about Charisma above should be considered as well.

Tome of Binding (AP): This new implement is for those among you who enjoy calling on extraplanar entities and making them do your bidding for a change! HAHAHA- Sorry. Anyway, you should definitely be using Charisma as your Will booster, since you'll be pretty much boosting Constitution along with Intelligence (your summons will be pretty flimsy otherwise).

Tome of Readiness (AP): This shiny new toy is basically a spellbook for Encounter attacks. And like before, you can use it well. This implement works alongside all of the other implements listed above, so choose your secondary stat based on which implement mastery you'll gain at Paragon levels.

Orb of Deception (AP): Maybe Gnomes are the archetypal illusionists, but we can pull it off really well too, our Intelligence and Charisma making us a natural at this type of spellcasting.



Essentials Schools of Magic

Evocation (HoFL): This school uses Constitution as its secondary, and is generally regarded as having the weakest bonuses. It can still work out pretty well for you, though.

Enchantment (HoFL): Not only is this school's Int/Cha requirements perfect for us, but we also work well using Charm spells, which is basically all this school is. Trust me, this is a good pick for you. 

Illusion (HoFL): This school can work for you, but our talents better complement the Int/Cha Orb of Deception rather than this Int/Wis school.

Pyromancy(D381): Okay, so we don't have Int/Con, but our support for fire attacks means that this school is awesome for us anyway. Piercing resistances at level 1 is just awesome in this regard.

Necromancy(HoS): You have the Intelligence to use this, but on a whole, the power of its features is… not there.

Nethermancy(HoS): You can shape shadows pretty well. No real secondary stat here unless you want to go Enigmatic Mage, in which case you want to boost Wisdom.




Other Essentials Subclasses

Witch(HotF): You have the awesome Wizard powers, with none of the awesome wizard class features. Just let this one be.

Sha'ir(HotEC): The features on this subclass are a little thin, but you do get a neat djinni companion. If you don't want one of those, look at the Mage or the Arcanist.

Bladesinger(NWCS): This style of Wizardry is pretty elfy, not gonna lie. It's also not as heavy on control as other Wizards. You need good Dexterity to make this really work.

Swordmage (FRPG)
If you want to fight on the front lines, this is one of the best ways to do it. Your Intelligence will work wonders when you enhance your Swordsmanship with magic, and Charisma can be useful for boosting your Will defense, along with enhancing several skills that Swordmages get. Like the Wizard, you won't be trading Intelligence for Constitution, since Intelligence is everything to you.

Swordmage Aegis

Aegis of Assault (FRPG): Your Intelligence means you can hit things well. You'll want to boost up your Strength score as well. A power you'll want to look into at level 1 is Greenflame Blade. Remember, fire is your friend. Several other nice fire powers are Assault-boosted as well (though not all of them).

Aegis of Shielding (FRPG): You'll want to be increasing your Constitution alongside your Intelligence should you choose this path. You get several nice fire-boosted powers enhanced by this Aegis as well. I'd recommend having at least a 12 in Strength, so that Greenflame Blade can be used for minion sweeping purposes. It's a fire move, which makes it nice to have.

Aegis of Ensnarement (AP): Like the Aegis of Shielding, this one is based off of Constitution, and helps you protect allies by poofing the bad guys away and right next to you. Again, Greenflame Blade is nice to have.

Bard (PHB2)
I know what your thinking. "Bard? Pffffft. What could a prissy musician possibly do?" Quite a lot, I'll have you know. The magic wielded by Bards is extremely potent, and your among the prime candidates to wield that power. So pick up that lute (and sword, as well). Trust me, you (and your allies) will thank me later. Seeing as we can have both Constitution and Intelligence as stats, we work well as almost any kind of Bard.

Bardic Virtue

Virtue of Valor (PHB2): Sure, we Tieflings have a rather shady history overall, but you can overcome that and inspire your allies on to great feats with your magic. Your Charisma's going to help a lot here, and you'll be increasing Constitution.

Virtue of Cunning (PHB2): Sure, they can laugh at Bards. Well, they'll be laughing because you magically forced them to laugh until they cough up their diaphragm. Yeah, you're not so funny now, huh? Your big Intelligence will be more useful here, boosting power riders along with your AC and Reflex defense (because Chain is for suckers!).

Virtue of Prescience (AP): So, you wanna be an archer, but Ranger just isn't working out for ya? Believe it or not, humming a catchy tune will do wonders for your aim (imbuing your arrows with magic power doesn't hurt either). You'll want to be boosting Wisdom so that your allies won't totally die on you. You can choose either Constitution or Intelligence for your flex stat here; both work equally well, and it depends on the qualifications for what feats you want.


Essentials Subclass

Skald(HotF): This Bard is a little more martial than most, focusing on triggering magic attacks off of Basic Attacks. Intelligence is a good secondary stat for you to have, if you pursue this path.


Sorcerer (PHB2)
If making a deal with foreign entities doesn't appeal to you (which is understandable), you might want to try tapping into your own wellspring of natural power. We can't do it as well the Dragonborn or Halflings can, but we Tieflings can make excellent sorcerers all the same. You'll probably want Constitution as the flex stat you use, since Sorcerers tend to be kind of fragile.




Spell Source

Dragon Magic (PHB2): Sure, we're known for using more devilish magics, but we Tieflings can unleash Draconic might a lot better than most think we can. Our Charisma makes commanding this magic fairly natural for us, and our Intelligence can be used as a Reflex booster (although boosting HP is probably better). A good choice for a spell source is Fire, so that your flames can punch through fire resistance. Although, seeing as the resist the feature grants us doesn't stack with our own natural resistance, you don't have to.

Wild Magic (PHB2): The magic of the elemental chaos is also one that we Tieflings can use well.

Cosmic Magic (AP): Again, our Charisma makes using the magic of the cosmic cycles a good path for us. Blazing Starfall is a pretty awesome power in your hands, so make the most of it.

Storm Magic (AP): Well… fire it ain't, but becoming the very incarnation of a thunderstorm is certainly a viable way for you to defeat your foes.




Essentials Subclass

Elementalist (HotEC): The sorcerer build that most lines up with your natural stat boosts, needing both Charisma and Constitution. You can also focus on dealing fire damage, which is another plus.


Artificer (EPG)
Another path that requires careful study, this time approaching magic as science more than an art. We can utilize its powers well nonetheless, as we have the minds necessary to do so.




Artificer Builds

Battlesmith Artificer (EPG): Intelligence means our attacks hit often, and Charisma will be used to boost Will defense at creation. You'll want an excellent Constitution, and it will be boosted at every opportunity.

Tinkerer Artificer (EPG): You get the all-important Intelligence boost, which is crucial, but your Charisma is redundant with Wisdom when it comes to boosting your Will Defense. Can still work well, if you wanna try it.

Warrior Forge Artificer (D381): Like the other builds, Intelligence helps, but like the Tinkerer, Wisdom is the important secondary stat here.




Infernal Heavens
Divine Tieflings


Despite our connection with the devils of Baator, some gods are willing overlook the past and accept us into their folds. We can do good in the service of the gods, whether it is protecting our allies of the front line or attacking from behind.

Cleric (PHB)
We Tieflings aren't common in the clergy of many churches, but we can work pretty well if we do so. You'll be wanting to put your flex stat into Constitution every time; it may seem odd to not have a high Intelligence for a religion skill, but you're a battle priest; leave it to the weaklings to hash out a God's precepts. Your job is to blast the heretics with light or smack'em with a mace







Cleric Build

Battle Cleric (PHB): No… just, no. You have no Strength or Wisdom to speak of whatsoever. And trust me, there are better ways to fight on the front line with divine might.

Devoted Cleric (PHB): Well, Charisma is a secondary stat here, so if you're going to be a cleric, this is probably the way to do it.

Shielding Cleric (DP): Like the Devoted Cleric, Wisdom and Charisma are the order of the day. Unlike the Devoted Cleric, you don't really focus on attacking. At all. This sort of clashes with Tiefling sensibilities, so don't expect to do much with this.



Essentials Subclass

Warpriest (HoFL): These warrior clerics require Constitution as a secondary stat, so you can pull this off. There are several good offensive domains like Storm and Domination which fit our "kill stuff" mentality fine.

Paladin (PHB)
If you're going to fight on a deity's behalf, do so as a knight. Trust me, the Charisma we Tieflings possess gives us an edge when it comes to utilizing the powers that Paladins are invested with. Just remember that you're representing your god out there, so don't do anything stupid (or do, depending on deity).





Paladin Build

Avenging Paladin (PHB): Not a good idea. Your Charisma helps Divine Challenge out, but you don't have the Strength and Wisdom to spare to make this path truly work for you.

Protecting Paladin (PHB): Without a doubt, this is the way for Tieflings to serve the gods. Your Charisma works well in fueling both weapon and implement attacks that this path offers, and there are also so good fire-based implement powers at higher levels. Tiefling Paladins tend to be tougher rather than more intelligent, since being on the front lines means you'd rather be able to take more hits. All-in-all, a very solid career choice if you'd rather embrace religion rather than the shadows.

Balanced Paladin (PHB): Charisma helps here definitely, but a lack of strength just makes this not work as well for us. Go all the way with Charisma, trust me.





Paladin Feature

Lay on Hands (PHB): The classic Paladin power, and has a bucketload of feats supporting it, especially for Charisma-based Paladins. Trust me, your friends will like you for having this.

Ardent Paladin (DP): Although this is aimed at Strength-based Paladins, you can make good use of it, and it fits in with the Tiefling notions of hunting foes down. Not quite as supported as Lay on Hands, but it works if smiting's your thing.

Virtuous Paladin (DP): Virtue's touch is a lot more situational that the other features, but when you need it, you'll be glad you had it.





Essentials Subclasses

Cavalier (HoFK): Cavaliers require strength in addition to Charisma. A boost to constitution isn't bad though, which means you can be passable at this.

Blackguard (HoS): Like their lighter counterparts, Blackguards like Strength and Charisma in equal measure. You might want to go with the Wrath of the Crimson Legion feat here to get your Charisma as your melee basic attack stat. You won't use your At-Will attacks at all, but at 20 Charisma you should be dealing a lot of damage quickly.

Avenger (PHB2)
You'd think that we Tieflings would be naturals at sneaking about in the shadows in the name of our churches, meeting out divine vengeance on heretics. Truth is, it's not quite as natural a fit. Churches can be rather suspicious of us, and while they approve of us fighting in the open, they're not so quick to trust us when we take to the shadows. Still, it isn't all bad; the Oath of Enmity means that a lower Wisdom won't cripple us, our Intelligence helps with several builds, and Bloodhunt means that when its time to end a foe's life, we'll generally end it. Generally, only use Constitution for a flex stat if you can't use Intelligence instead.





Avenger's Censure

Censure of Pursuit (PHB2): About the only thing that we have going here is a Stealth bonus. Just… pass this over. It's not that good for you. If you must, use Constitution as your flex stat.

Censure of Retribution (PHB2): Intelligence is the secondary stat here, which means that if you want to be an Avenger, this is probably the way you want to do it. Just remember to have a good Constitution as well: you're going to be taking a lot of hits out there.

Censure of Unity (DP): Like the Retributive Avenger, your Intelligence will be put to use here. Tag-teaming with allies is the order of the day, so be sure to let them know who your chosen target is so that you can take it down in short order.

Invoker (PHB2)
Due to our connection to the Nine Hells, and the betrayer god Asmodeus who rules them, the other deities of the Divine Pantheon are hesitant about entrusting us with this brand of divine power. We can use any form of Invoker prayers, although we're not the best at any of the Covenants.





Divine Covenant

Covenant of Preservation (PHB2): Your Intelligence is helpful here, and will help you keep your allies safe while you lock enemies down at the same time. Charisma isn't going to do you much good, though.

Covenant of Wrath (PHB2): Your flex stat here is going to be Constitution. Charisma is useless, but that's the way it goes.

Covenant of Malediction (DP): Like the Wrathful Invoker, but focused on hurting yourself to put the whammy on enemies. All that needs to be said, really.


Runepriest (PH3)
The art of using Divine Runes is one that we cannot really appreciate, mainly because it requires a lot of physical strength for some reason. Still, our Constitution can be used for some forms of this, at least.





Runic Artistry

Defiant Word (PH3): Your Charisma score is redundant with Wisdom for NAD boosting. If you go with this, use a feat to get proficiency with a Bastard Sword or Triple-Headed Flail; you'll need the extra accuracy.

Wrathful Hammer (PH3): This class feature focuses on hammers, low-proficiency weapons with don't blend well with your low strength. On the bright side, you have a Constitution boost. Think about using Flaming Weapons; you'll want the accuracy.




Infernal Storm
Primal Tieflings


The primal spirits who watch over the world do not kindly remember Bael Turath and the devils that they trafficked with. Allying with them can be a challenge for any Tiefling, but it can be done with perseverance.

Barbarian (PH2)
Our Infernal Wrath can be brought to new heights by enhancing it with the rage of the Barbarian. Sure it's crude, and you won't be the best at it, but you can give it a shot anyhow. Just remember, Constitution over Intelligence; you no need books to smash.







Feral Might

Rageblood Vigor (PH2): A Constitution bonus means that you won't be entirely terrible at this. Charisma is useful as a Will booster, which a Barbarian desperately needs.

Thaneborn Triumph (PH2): Thaneborns thrive on Charisma, and you've got Charisma. If you feel like smashing some heads primal-style, I'd recommend going this path. As always, try and pick up a Flaming Weapon to make up for your lower strength. This path also has some nice fear powers going with it, which is nice for you.

Thunderborn Wrath (PP): Basically Rageblood Vigor, but with less toughness and more yelling.

Whirling Slayer (PP): Two-Weapon fighting just isn't your thing. Too much Strength and Dexterity that you can't make up for.


Essentials Subclass

Berserker (HotF): The defender Barbarian, although it goes into striker mode at the drop of a hat (or a primal attack power. Either one). That said, this isn't a good pick for you, since it needs high Strength and Dexterity to really work, and you don't really have either.


Druid (PH2)
This brand of primal magic is something we find hard to grasp. Still, we can use some forms of it. All Tiefling Druids should have Constitution as their flex stat. Trust me on this.




Primal Aspect

Primal Guardian (PH2): No Wisdom sucks, but a Constitution bonus means you can use this is you must.

Primal Predator (PH2): You need Wisdom and Dexterity to make this work. You have neither. Pass.

Primal Swarm (PP): Like Primal Guardian, you need Constitution as a secondary here.




Protector Circles

Circle of Renewal (HotF): The Constitution Protector Build. Which of course, makes this the best Protector Druid build for you.

Circle of Shelter (HotF): Dexterity-based, which means the Circle of Shelter doesn't work as well for you.


Essentials Subclass

Sentienal (HoFK): Sentinel Druids wield weapons and have an animal companion, rather than casting spells. You need Constitution and Wisdom to make this really work for you. I'd recommend you go with the Spring Season, since it gives you a bonus to attack rolls that should help make up for your lower Wisdom.


Shaman (PHB2)
This is the other, somewhat-decent way for us to contact the primal spirits. Our wrathful nature tends us to cultivate relationships with more predatory spirits, although those Tieflings with more Constitution tend to speak with more peaceful spirits.




Spirit Companion

Protector Spirit (PHB2): You need Wisdom and Constitution to work with these spirits. One of the two is okay, I guess.

Stalker Spirit (PHB2): Your Intelligence allows you to not totally suck when working in conjunction with the spirits. Don't expect to be outdoing the Deva at this path, though.

Watcher Spirit (PP): This requires more Wisdom and Dexterity than you can muster.

World Guardian Spirit (PP): Basically a Protector Spirit, but less healing and more controlling. Can work for you.

Elemental Spirit (DSCG): Another Spirit Companion that works well with Intelligence. You'll be dismissing the Spirit to make a lot of your attacks, so be sure to have a contingency plan when its not near you, like Spirit of the Tempest. A few Elemental Spirit powers are fire-based, so that's nice at least.

Warden (PHB2)
Sure, trying to protect your allies is all well and good, but trust me, you're much better off doing so with training in Arcane or Divine fighting methods. But if you want to try this, go with a Constitution boost no matter what.





Guardian Might

Earthstrength (PHB2): Constitution is an important boost here. Charisma will boost your Will in place of Wisdom.

Wildblood (PHB2): This doesn't work for you.

Stormheart (PP): Like Earthstrength, your Constitution helps here. 

Lifespirit (PP): If you want to defend and heal your allies, may I suggest being a Paladin? I hear Melora regularly works with Nature Spirits and the like, if you're so inclined.


Seeker (PH3) 
Another way of archery that you won't really be good at. Like most other primal paths, Constitution is a better choice than Intelligence here.





Seeker's Bond

Bloodbond (PH3): I only rate this higher because it's considered to be the most powerful Seeker option at the moment. You really don't have the stats to pull it off.

Spiritbond (PH3): Like Bloodbond, you just can't hack it.




Infernal Focus
Psionic Tieflings


The mind can be a powerful thing; this is certainly something we can appreciate. While the meditation of monks is lost on us, the power to augment basic battle techniques is something that we can appreciate very much, especially if it allows us to force our enemies to do as we please, like puppets on invisible string. Trust me, you're going to like this…

Ardent (PH3)
Ardents are weapon-wielding empaths who allow their surging emotions to influence the tides of battle. If you're gifted with these talents, you'll be well-equipped to use them, trust me. Like I've stressed many times, a Flaming Weapon can help you strike true. You'll also prefer to have Constitution as your stat boost. It will be very helpful, trust me.







Ardent Mantle

Mantle of Clarity (PH3): Seeing your opponents attacks coming and redirecting them away from yourself and your allies is what this is all about. Charisma is vital, and Constitution will make you tougher.

Mantle of Elation (PH3): Elated Ardents are all about offense, something that Tieflings can appreciate. Charisma and Constitution will receive most of your attention here.

Mantle of Impulsiveness (PsiP):Another offensive-focused Constitution-secondary mantle. The Impulsive Ardent is more focused around taking risks though, handing out damage bonuses to allies who provoke opportunity attacks. Like the other Mantles, you can make this work.


Battlemind (PH3)
Psionic Warriors who force foes to face them, Battleminds are among the toughest warriors there are. Tieflings who excel with sheer, physical toughness can use these disciplines to great effect. In other words, Tiefling Battleminds will never have Intelligence for their flex stat.




Psionic Study

Resilient Battlemind (PH3): This Battlemind form is all about reshaping your body to ward off attacks. It requires Wisdom though, which makes Charisma kind of redundant.

Quick Battlemind (PH3): Tiefling Battleminds favor projecting Psionic Power into their foes' minds, rather than using it to reshape their own bodies. The Charisma secondary is boon, and many powers that Quick Battleminds use have Fear or Charm as a part of them, which further synergizes with Tiefling racial traits and feats.

Harrier Battlemind (PsiP): Although this build supposedly has Dexterity as a secondary ability score, none of the powers really rely on Dexterity. So you can just take the Persistent Harrier power and focus on Charisma as your secondary, and you'll do alright.

Wild Battlemind (DSCG): Another Charisma-secondary Battlemind build, this time focusing on Forced Movement powers. If you enjoy telekinesis while bashing people's brains in with a hammer or sword, look no further.

Monk (PH3)
Monks are all about disciplining yourself and that crap, but don't bother. You lack the inherent dexterity, strength, and wisdom that Monks need, and there currently aren't any feats that change that. If you must go with this, use Constitution as a secondary stat. You'll need the extra toughness more than any knowledge checks.





Monastic Tradition

Centered Breath (PH3): Yeah… no Dexterity, no Wisdom, and not a lot making up for it.

Stone Fist (PH3): This is about as easy for us as the Centered Breath form. Which is to say, it isn't easy for us at all.

Iron Soul (PsiP):This tradition actually works with our Constitution boost. If you like wielding weapons, you might as well go with this.

[b]Eternal Tide (HotEC):/b] Like the Stone Fist, this tradition requires Dexterity and Strength, which we don't have.

Desert Wind (HotEC): This monk form is actually good for us. Our Charisma increases the damage we deal, our Constitution isn't wasted, and it focuses on fire attack rolls, which works pretty well with us overall. If you're gonna be a monk, go desert or go home.



Psion (PH3)
Have you ever wanted to use your mind to crush your foes beneath you? Look no further than this. Monks can espouse that "mind and soul" crap as long as they want, but give me the ability to make an enemy's mind stop working, or make them hit each other!

Discipline Focus

Telepathic Focus (PH3): This is the single best way for a Tiefling to wield psionic power. Not only does the focus on Intelligence and Charisma match up with our racial traits perfectly, we also possess a racial inclination towards dominating our foes. Go forth, and rend the minds of your enemies! Since Intelligence is such an important stat to Psions, you'll never swap it for Constitution if you know what you're doing.

Telekinetic Focus (PH3): This can still work for us, since we possess the Intelligence for it, but controlling our enemies from without rather than within isn't quite as… satisfying for most Tieflings.

Shaper Focus (PsiP) Some Psions, rather than focusing on telekinesis or telepathy, focus on using their minds to reshape reality itself, calling forth beasts of pure thought with nothing but willpower. Like Telepathy, doing so requires a lot of Intelligence, and Charisma is helpful in a lot of Shaper powers. If creating nightmarish hell-beasts is your thing, then look no further.



Infernal Shadows
Shadow Tieflings


The perilous magic of the Shadowfell is understood by few, and mastered by far fewer. Still, for those of you with nothing else to lose, discovering its secrets could just unlock the door to your ultimate destiny…

Assassin (D379)
Selling your soul to the shadows can seem reminiscent of the pacts our forefathers made in the days of old. But you'll quickly find that the Shadowfell desires nothing but for you to send living spirits into its murky depths, which you should easily be able to accomplish with the powers you've gained. Your racial bonus to Stealth certainly can't hurt either. You'll want a Constitution bonus in place of a charisma bonus here; Assassins really need all the HP they can get, since they're so starved for it.







Guild Training

Bleak Disciple (D379): A Constitution-focused Assassin build that is about keeping you alive before you dispatch your opponents. Unfortunately, I think damage should be prioritized over survival, making this not as good for you.

Night Stalker (D379): This form of Assassin training is much more conducive to Tiefling sensibilities. Focus on Charisma, extra damage for isolating a target; its all you could really ask for.

Executioner's Guild (D400): You trade all your encounter powers for Assassin's Strike. Not good for you at all, considering there are at least a few Assassin powers worth looking at.


Essentials Subclass

Executioner (HoS): Executioners are martial and shadow stalkers who try to strike foes down with one blow, along with some poisoning on the side. Can work for you, since Charisma and Constitution are both handy to have, but don't expect to be a master at this.



Vampire (HoS)

Um… yeah. Vampires and Devils don't really mix. Well, Vampires and anything don't really mix, but you get what I mean. Charisma is technically good to have, but really, the Vampire class is so underpowered that you'll eventually fall behind in the damage race. When that happens, you'll basically be a healing surge leech on your party, so don't do that.



Infernal Power


Tiefling Feats and Paragon Paths


So, you've settled on a fighting style or school of magic, have you? That's all well and good, but there's more to adventuring then just that. There are little nuances you can use to enhance your combat ability, and whole paths that we've developed, only learnable by the paragons of our race. I have a feeling you can make it there, so I'll show you what works.


Let me show you some tips and tricks that only we Tieflings can pull off. Whether its scorching our enemies with hellfire or channeling our wrath in more effective ways, you're going to make sure that your enemies remember who you are, as they suffer in hell.




Heroic Tier

Generic Feats

Bloodhunter's Dread (PHR): Inflict an attack penalty on bloodied enemies when you hit them. Yeah, it's nice.

Bloodhunter's Flank (PHR): An untyped bonus to damage when you flank a bloodied enemy. Rather situational, but if you're the type of character who already enjoys flanking a lot, like a Unity Avenger, then this might pop up a lot for you.

Clever Tail (PHR): Not only is the flavor great, this also allows you to draw daggers and other small weapons, and disarm traps while your arms are otherwise occupied. An obvious fit for Rogues and Assassins, and others can make use of this too.

Diabloic Soul (D381): You gain a bonus to attack vs. foes who critical hit you, but more importantly, you can trade in Infernal Wrath for Diabolic Transformation, which once per day transforms you into a regenerating, powerful hulk thing. Be sure to weigh the benefits, though; Diabolic Transformation can only happen once per day, while Infernal Wrath can be used every encounter. Infernal Wrath also has a lot of feat support, while Diabolic Transformation has none to speak of.

Ferocious Rebuke (PHB): A nice little push effect that's added to your Infernal Wrath. Could be helpful for the more tactically minded.

Furious Demand (D381): You replace whatever 2nd-level utility you have for Furious Demand, which allows you to inflict a save-ends attack debuff on a foe and increases the odds that you can intimidate everyone. It's a fairly nice power if you want it.

Hellfire Blood (PHB): An absolutely wonderful feat. Before the Expertise feats, we Tieflings were the only race that got a full-time attack bonus feat, and even after that, this still stacks with Weapon/Implement Expertise. Flaming Weapons are a good investment for all you weapon wielding classes, while implement-wielding classes should try to get as many fire powers as possible. While fire is a fairly common resistance, there are ways to get around it.

Hellish Defiance (D381): If an enemy thinks its safe after you use Infernal Wrath, it'll have another thing coming; its attacks will cause allies to jump on it until the end of its next turn.

Icy Clutch of Stygia (PHR): If you find yourself inflicting a lot of ongoing damage, pick this little number up; ice is not usually our thing, but it's rather nice in this case.

Imperious Majesty (D381): Pretty much an auto-pick for Tieflings who raise Charisma and not Dexterity. Initiative based off of Charisma plus debuffing an opponent you hit in the first round is a very, very sweet package.

Plaguing Bloodhunt (D385): Spellscarred Tieflings can deal quite a lot of necrotic damage to bloodied foes. With Student of the Plague, this becomes Fire and Necrotic, which means that that feat is actually quite valuable to us in this case.

Scion of the Gods (FRPG): A nice defensive boost in Heroic Tier. Not essential, but nice. If you get this, retrain it out at Paragon Tier for Paragon Defenses.

Tail Slide (PHR): When you shift, you also slide a nearby ally into your space.

Turathi Weapon Training (PHR): This grants proficiency and some solid damage for a motley collection of weapons. The sickle and scythe can be mostly ignored, but the khopesh is a good pick for Tiefling Warfiends, khopeshs, scimitars, and falchions can make good swordmage weapons, and the falchion is a serviceable weapon for Barbarians and Avengers.


Martial Feats

Blood Quarry (MP2): A pretty good pick for rangers, this doubles your Bloodhunt bonus vs. your quarry.

Bloodseeker (D378): A small damage boost against, bloodied, marked enemies for Fighters. Not bad, but not really good either.

Cunning Ambusher (MP): If you have Combat Advantage against a foe, you Infernal Wrath does more damage. This isn't bad by any means, but you probably have higher priorities.

Fiendish Companion (MP): Not sure why you're a Tiefling Ranger, but if you are and you have an animal buddy, this gives them the same fire resistance you do. If you find yourself up against a lot of pyromaniacs, I'm sure the mutt will be grateful for this.

Infernal Might (MP2): After using Infernal Wrath, you gain a bonus to weapon attack rolls. This is obviously better if you use weapons with big damage dice like axes, and the damage scales well up to epic.

Lingering Wrath (MP): If you're a Tiefling fighter, you want this feat. It's as simple as that. An encounter-long bonus to attacks after using Infernal Wrath is just great, especially after you find ways to recharge Infernal Wrath.

Rattling Wrath (MP): If you have a rattling power or two, save it until after you use Infernal Wrath, and watch that enemy miss for a round.

Unbalancing Wrath (MP): An easy way to grant Combat Advantage to yourself and your allies for a round. Pretty solid.

War Captain of Avernus (PHR): Allies who spend an action point gain temporary fire and poison resistances. If you face a lot of foes who use these damage types, this is a worthy pick.


Arcane Feats

Blood Pact of Cania (PHR): Infernal Warlocks get an untyped bonus to damage. Which scales. Its a rather nice benefit for them.

Cloying Shadow of Maladomni (PHR): While you generally hope that Shadow Walk prevents foes from hitting you, benefitting from it is also kind of nice.

Hellbook (PHR): You choose one fire spell in your book that you can pull out at any time. This can be useful if you've loaded up on giant minion-busting zones and you suddenly find yourself in need of something a little more focused when you find a dragon on your doorstep.

Hellfire Arcanist (D381): A better-than-normal feat bonus to damage rolls with fire powers, and a bonus to slides that occur with fear effects. A good pick for pyromaniacs.

Hellfire Master (D381): When a foe saves against your fire effects, they take fire damage. This one is very nice.

Hellfire Terror Lord (D381): Foes who save against fear effects are knocked prone. Forcing a foe to lose their next move action =  nice on a controller, or anyone else.

Hellish Blast (PHR): Eldritch Blast does fire damage, and extra damage. If you're a fire focused Warlock, you might get this.

Infernal Clamor (AP): When an enemy smacks you, your allies will probably smack it right back. A solid pick for you bards out there, espcially when combined with Unbalacing Wrath.

Nessian Rejuvination (D387): When an ally gets the benefit of Arcane Rejuvenation, they can deal extra damage equal to your Charisma modifier. Unfortunately, your Charisma as an Artificer will never be high, because you'll be too busy focusing on Constitution or Wisdom instead.

Stirring Song of Baator (PHR): When you hit with a fire or fear attack, you grant an ally scaling temporary HP. While Bards don't have many natural fire or fear attacks, its a small matter to create your own with a flaming weapon and Arcane Implement Proficiency. I don't think I'd be wrong when I say just about every Tiefling Bard should pick up this feat at some point. It's really very good.

Vengeful Curse (AP): When an enemy hits you, you can curse them back as an immediate reaction. Not an auto-pick for you Warlocks, but it's not bad at all, and it will help you lay your curses on more foes quickly.

Warlock's Wrath (D381): You gain a boost to Warlock's Curse damage dice, and you gain the Warlock's Wrath power, which makes it a very bad idea to attack you for a turn. You do lose Infernal Wrath to get Warlock's Wrath, so think about it.

Wizard's Wrath (D381): Bloodied Enemies' fire resistance and immunity mean nothing to you, and you also get a nifty power that gives you combat advantage and removes enemy resistances. But you lose Infernal Wrath to get it, so be sure it's what you want.

Wrathful Magic (AP): Instead of waiting to be hit to use Infernal Wrath, you can instead use it proactively when you miss an enemy. Not bad, especially if you've pumped up Infernal Wrath.


Divine Feats

Ancient Covenant of Nessus (PHR): You basically get an alternate Covenant Manifestation which allows you to make enemies hit themselves. Preserving Invokers, who normally are regarded as more defensive controllers, definitely get an offensive kick when using this.

Burning Wrath of Phlegethos (PHR): If a Tiefling Avenger damages his Oath of Enmity target with Infernal Wrath, then his next attacks are also going to hurt that much more; that is, if he's focusing on Intelligence.

Infernal Blessing (DP): A handy choice for Tiefling Paladins and Clerics, this allows you to restore an ally's hit points and gives them an attack buff when you use Infernal Wrath.

Infernal Malediction (DP): Invokers get the ability to add Fear to their attacks after using Infernal Wrath. Because there's some decent Fear support, this can be helpful.

Infernal Touch of Warding (PHR): Having your Lay on Hands grant encounter-long fire resistance can be handy in certain situations, I'm sure.

Mark of the Infernal (DP): A foe you use Infernal Wrath against is subject to your Divine Sanction until the start of your next turn. Thing is, unless we're talking about an elite or solo monster, most enemies will only have one attack, making the Divine Sanction wasted on them.

Wrath of the Crimson Legion (D381): You get Melee Training (Charisma) in addition to getting Paladin's Wrath, which Sanctions all enemies around you. You lose Infernal Wrath to get it, but its a good multimarking power, and much better at getting foe's attention than Mark of the Infernal is.


Primal Feats

Insatiable Rage of Minauros: For you barbarians, basically take an improved deadly rage but add in some damage you take if you miss. Generally, this will probably be worth it.

Rites of Spirit's Blood (PP) Tieflings aren't the best Primal Characters, but they sure get an amazing feat if they choose to go that route. A bonus to bloodhunt and a damage bonus after using Infernal Wrath are really, really good taken together.

Turathi Spirit Companion (PHR): Outclassed in every way, shape, and form by Rites of Spirit's Blood.


Psionic Feats

Mindfire Disciple (D388): If a foe saves against your psychic attack, you slide that and give them psychic vulnerability. Absolutely wonderful.

Psychic Corruption of Malbolge (PHR): Hitting a foe with an augmented attack gives them Vulnerability to fire and psychic attacks. A small vulenrability, but this can be used to your advantage.


Shadow Feats

Avernian Emissary Wrath (D379): If you miss your Assassin's Shroud target, you can use Infernal Wrath against it. Even if you already used Infernal Wrath. This is a solid pickup for Tiefling Assassins.





Paragon Tier

Generic Feats

Baalzebul's Desperate Gambit (PHR): When you become bloodied, you have a little better than half a chance to spend a healing surge. The downside is, you could also be wasting a healing surge. This probably isn't worth it.

Bael Turath Born (D366): A small boost to your Fire Resistance. Nice if you can fit it in, but not crucial.

Bel's Impending Victory (PHR): Hitting a bloodied enemy basically gives all of your allies your Bloodhunt bonus. Not bad, especially if you're a leader.

Blood of Levistus (PHR): You get cold resistance equal to your fire resistance, and a big damage boost to cold powers. While most think of Tieflings as fire guys, this feat is a nice addition for those of you who favor the Lasting Frost/Wintertouched combination. Not to mention those of you who fight a lot of cold enemies.

Dispater's Iron Discipline (PHR): This is basically Iron Will, with a sizable bonus to saving throws against some of the most debilitating effects ever known. Taking this can be a lifesaver.

Fiery Rebuke (PHB): A nice boost to Infernal Wrath damage. It no longer has the kick that it once did, but them's the breaks.

Glasya's Charming Words (PHR): While the feat bonus to hit with Charm Powers doesn't stack with the Expertise Feats, the ability to dominate enemies when you critically hit with a Charm power is very nice. So make sure you pick up a charm power or two if you want to make use of this.

Hellfire of Mephistopheles (PHR): With the July Updates, this feat no longer hands out fire vulnerability like it once did. However, it still permanently reduces a foe's fire resistance with each attack you make, which means that it's still worthy of consideration if you use a lot of fire attacks.

Mammon's Theft of Health (PHR): When you second wind, you steal an ally's healing surge instead of using one of your own. This feat is really only useful for those without many surges to speak of, like Assassins and Rogues.

Secrets of Belial (PHR): This is basically Acolyte Power without any muticlass restrictions. There are some utility powers that any character would like to have, like the Warlock's Ethereal Sidestep or one of the all-day buff utilities that the Druid possesses, so this can be a rather powerful tool in your arsenal.


Martial Feats

Fiendish Defender (MP): Not a bad pickup for Fighters at all. This allows you to punish an enemy who attacks an ally and is beyond the reach of Combat Challenge, or it can add together with Combat Challenge to make a mini-nova out of turn.

Infernal Sneak Attack (MP): Instead of using Infernal Wrath to punish a foe who hurt you, you instead use it to double your Sneak Attack damage. Not a bad pickup, but it'll generally shine only in Epic Tier.

Tail Trip (PHR): You can now knock enemies prone with Combat Challenge or Opportunity Attacks. I don't need to stress how awesome this is.

Wrathful Hunter (MP): This feat is a godsend for Tiefling Rangers, who need all the help they can get.





Epic Tier

Generic Feats

Hellfire Teleport (PHR): When you teleport, enemies are hurt. Combine this with Ethereal Sidestep (picked up with Secrets of Belial, if you have to), and you can reliably damage foes around you every turn.

Hell's Burning Mark (PHR): Defenders can inflict Fire Vulnerability from the word go when they mark something. It should serve until you reduce their resistances with Hellfire of Mephistopheles.

Renewed Wrath (PHR): This feat provides not one, but two ways to get Infernal Wrath back. Simply awesome.

Royal Command of Asmodeus (PHR): Instead of Stunning Foes, you dominate them now. If you have a few stunning powers, well, this should be a nice addition to your repertoire.


Martial Feats

Infernal Warrior (MP): If an enemy critically hits you, you use Infernal Wrath, no questions asked. Even if you've technically already used it.






Broken Mirrors

Mantle of Misfortune (D383): In addition to a small skill bonus against other Tieflings, the bloodline power that comes with this can be quite handy, handing out attack debuffs and slides when foes miss because of those debuffs.

Accidental Tells (D383): While Tieflings aren't known for being the most insightful beings ever, this allows for a double roll when making Insight checks when you've activated Mantle of Misfortune. Could be pretty handy in a social skill challenge, or to oppose a lurker's bluff check.

Guardian's Mishaps (D383): Defenders can mark those they slide with Mantle of Misfortune. The mark itself lasts a while, so this isn't bad to have at all.

Lucky Misfortune (D383): An enemy misses when you've activated your mantle? Your next attack or skill check is more likely to succeed. Not bad at all.



Gaze of Ruin (D387): In addition to a bonus to skills vs. Tieflings, you get the Gaze of Ruin power, which can inflict damage an AC debuffs on humanoid foes, and makes obstacles just that much easier to break. Of course, you'll want a good Intelligence to best capitalize on this unique power.

Benefit of Foresight (D387): You get a double roll when making intimidate checks against beings you see. Seeing as Intimidate can be useful in ending encounters among other things, this can be useful.

Lasting Ruin (D387): Your Gaze of Ruin debuffs last for the entire encounter. If you're a part of this bloodline, this isn't a feat you should be skipping.

Ruin of Flesh (D387): A feat for Paragon Blightseers; If you've targeted a foe's armor or weapon with Gaze of Ruin, suddenly they'll be hurting much more too. How this interacts with Lasting Decay is unclear, so be sure to ask about a ruling.

Sweeping Gaze (D387): Epic Tier Blightseers can target two objects at a time with Gaze of Ruin. Either ruin one enemy's weapon and armor in one go, make a wall easier to shatter while causing a roof to be easier to cave in… This can certainly be useful.





Fire Feats

Surging Flame (PH2): Not a bad feat for you to have in heroic, since there aren't many other class-independent ways of punching through fire resistance. Come Paragon Tier, you should retrain this to Hellfire of Mephistopheles.

Fiery Blood (HotEC): This paragon feat makes your fire attacks really hurt. In addition, you deal fire damage to foes around you whenever you take fire damage. Not a bad deal at all.

Irresistible Flame (PHB): At Epic Tier, you can use this feat to greatly reduce the time you need to force fire vulnerability with Hellfire of Mephistopheles.

Paragon Paths





General Paths

Turathi Highborn (PHB2): This Paragon Path is open to a wide variety of classes due to its powers keying off different stats. The classes that can use it best though have Charisma as a primary stat or a secondary stat, as it gives a boon to damage rolls against bloodied enemies that increases as your Charisma does. Its powers just sound fun, and let you screw around with your enemy's mind, along with punishing enemies for attacking you. And knocking enemies prone with Infernal Wrath? Just icing on the cake. A very strong path, one that I recommend.





Martial Paths

Hellborn Shadow (MP): This could have been a great path, but it's too MAD (Multi-Attribute Dependent) to be effective. You'll need good strength to hit, and a good Constitution and a good Charisma to make use of it. And of course, Constitution and Charisma aren't big priorities for Rangers in the first place.

Tiefling Hellstalker (MP): This path focuses a lot on invisibility and concealment, which makes it a solid pick for Cunning Sneak rogues.

Tiefling Warfiend (MP): An excellent path should you choose to be a Tiefling Fighter. In fact, this path is a good reason why you should make Constitution a secondary stat as a Tiefling Fighter. The powers are fine, but the features are excellent, as they allow you to punish your marks at a distance, something no other Fighter Paragon Path can do.

Turathi Hell-Kite (PHR): A path that's open to all Martial Classes, although I can really only recommend it to Rogues and Warlords, because its features require a good Intelligence or Charisma score. An additional requirement would be a focus on being in melee, because all of the powers assume that you'll be in melee. Still, the features boost toughness and also allow you to knock enemies prone on an action point, which is nice. The encounter attack is a headbutt, which is just awesome, although it is vs. Fortitude, which means you'll want to be using it against Skirmishers. You also get a nice encounter repositioning utility, and a daily stance which adds free fire damage and also gives you a nova trigger when you want one. Overall, a pretty nice path.








