Blackwood's Dogs — IC

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »


"Ah armor, yes. Go out... the one on the left," the man says, once more glancing around the room as he speaks. "Or was it... the right? One of them..." he says, looking towards the ceiling.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"No worries; I'll be careful with them," Henri says as he takes the bottles, placing them in his pack. "Do you dock here often? I may have to come back next time I'm in port," Henri says, glad to have met a solid crew to do business with.

Still eager to learn about the strange symbol on the unlabeled bottle of wine, the Imardanian pirate begins wracking his brain, hoping to remember any sort of library, bookstore, or any other establishment that may have information on the symbol.


Streetwise to know where one of said establishments is: 13(1d20) +12 = 25

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »


"I guess?" the girl says with a shrug. "We go all over the place, there's not really an order or method to it. But we are based in Talguta, and make it a point to stop here when we're on the island," she contiunes.


You cannot be 100% certain of where you could find more information on the symbol, though you've some ideas. Obviously any respectable library or academy would be a smart place to look, as books on secret symbols and lore are commonly found in academic institutions. Any private scholars or detectives would make a wise choice as well, though they are harder to locate. Obviously finding a society that uses the symbol would be wise as well, though you are unsure if finding one of them would be any easier than finding the information you seek.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Darcell pockets the pack of cards, but palms the dice, running them over each other with his thumb. He rolls them picturing two sixes in his mind. "What does everything else you have do?" He asks as he casts the dice.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

Grommak smirks, realizing the man's memory failing him. "Thanks, mister," he says, stepping back out toward the main crossroads and heading toward the third entrance he had not yet investigated.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »


"Oh, very different things. All nice. Nice for you, that is," the man says, the grin still painting his face. He moves a finger above one of the other items in the case the dice and cards were in. "This stone," he says, pointing towards the smooth piece of flint, "makes fire. But not just any fire. You can see and feel it, yes? But not others. Not if they are not close. Good for travel, you light a fire, but you stay hidden. No beasts come to find you."

He moves his finger from above the stone to the spyglass. "This was made for seeking the hidden. You use it, you can see much more than a normal spyglass. A perfect lens, it illuminates all clues. Good for finding secrets, yes."

From there he moves to the flagon. "And this one, a favorite of mine. Many sailors love this one, you'll see. This one always knows where the drink is. Just by holding it you know where there is ale. Or rum. Or whatever it is you like. Seems simple, yes? But at sea, that means you know where port is. Or another ship. Chasing an enemy? You know how close they are. Being pursued? You know if a ship is too near. Ve-ry useful."

With a quick pivot the man moves on to the second case and place both hands on the lid. "These are much better still. But better means more expensive, of course," he says, rubbing his thumb and forefinger together. "This," he continues, pointing to the parchment, "is a map. But not a map of a place. A map of everywhere. Anywhere. You look at map, it shows you where you are and what is near you. Wherever you are. Very nice."

"And this," he continues, pointing to the decorative bowl, "is a bowl that is always safe to eat from. You place food, all poison is removed, all rot, everything is safe to eat. Food has gone bad at sea? Place it here, no longer bad."

He moves his hand now to the golden sphere. "This one traps your words. You speak into it, it remembers what you said. You can make it repeat these words later. All sorts of uses, you can only imagine. Good for a day off work," the man says, with a light chuckle.

Moving on to the ring, he says, "this is for spying. Place ring in a spot, then close your eyes. Now you see from the ring's eyes instead of your own. Leave it somewhere you cannot be, but you want to see. No one will know. I can think of a few places in town that would make a lovely sight," the man winks.

"And this one, this is my favorite," the man says, moving over to the small lion figurine, his smile now quite wide. "A nice decoration, yes? But say the magic words and it is decoration no more! Now you have a large, scary lion. Someone stronger than you backed you into a corner? Want to scare your friends? You can't go wrong with a portable lion," the man finishes, placing both hands once more on the case and looking to Darcell expectantly.


The man does not look or respond as Grommak exits his shop, too lost in thought to notice. The orc makes his way through the final door, marked "," and is greeted by a welcome sight.

Inside the final shop Grommak finds another similarly long and narrow room to the alchemist's. However, instead of shelves with vials he finds himself looking at rows of armor stands and racks of weapons lining the walls. There is a wide variety of materials and styles represented, ranging from Ghian to Tulrissian to Serran, with nearly every culture or nation represented at least once in the mishmash of armaments.

A shrine takes up most of the far wall, bearing draconic imagery in ornate decoration. Incense burns from a small table before the shrine, where a woman can be seen kneeling on a small cushion facing away from the entrance. She says some barely-audible words in Jarangi and bows her head, before standing. Once up she turns to face Grommak and approaches.

As the woman draws near the orc can see that she is around his age and similarly scarred. She wears simple robes, though it is clear from her stance and from how the cloth falls that she is quite muscular. Her demeanor is stern but still welcoming somehow, and she gives a slight bow once she has approached a couple meters from the man.

"Здравствуйте," she says, in perfect Kurnish. "Добро пожаловать. Пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь смотреть на мои изделия," she continues motioning towards the collection of weaponry and armor surrounding the two of them. "Вы можете коснуться, держать, примерить. Но не качается оружие." She looks to the man, hands folded in front of her, waiting to see what he does.

Kurnish Translation

"Hello, sir," ... "Welcome. Please, feel free to look at my wares," ... "You may touch, hold, try on. But no swinging the weapons."

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Well hopefully we'll meet again," Henri says with a smile, waving goodbye to the Ghian crew. As he walks away from the docks, he begins thinking of how he can find more on the mysterious wine. Fully aware that academic institutions are all but nonexistent in the Wharf, he instead tries to remember of any gangs that may know a thing or two about the wine and the symbol.


Streetwise for gang info: 10(1d20) +12 = 22
History for gang info: 10(1d20) +13 = 23

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Hello," Grommak returns in Kurnish, his eyes slightly widened from the woman's grasp at his native tongue. He pauses briefly, before continuing. "No stranger to orcs, hm? Well, that's good. I'm looking for some sort of armor. Fits under my own. Something that might deflect... bullets, I suppose. Anything like that around here?" Grommak asks, his eyes swinging around the room. The orc looks instead at the weapons, his urges betraying his intentions.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »


"Sounds nice," the girl says with a wave, as she pets her beast companion with the other hand. The boy simply nods, before turning to speak to the other. By the time he does, though, you are no longer in earshot.


You remember that the Ágrypno, Kyung Min, and Magisters are the gangs most inclined towards academic pursuits. The Ágrypno and Kyung Min typically favor such knowledge to further their wealth, though you know some of the members of the Magisters have been known to acquire knowledge for knowledge's sake, the closest thing to academics that Talguta and the Wharf have to offer.


"Я был во многих местах," the woman responds matter-of-factly. "Я не знаю ни доспехи, которые могут отклонять пули, но у меня есть кое-что, что может поместиться в большинстве доспехах," the woman continues, leading Grommak further into the shop. She stops at a small table with an array of simple grey clothing. She grabs one of the items, which predictably unfolds, revealing it to be a simple tunic, and passes it to Grommak.

As the orc takes hold of the item it becomes apparent that what he is holding is no mere tunic. Though it flows like one, and weighs only marginally more than one, he can tell that its texture feel more like metal than linen. Smooth, flowing metal. "Это специальная рубашка, из крошечных металлических звеньев. Очень, очень крепкий, сделанный в Андор, прежде чем он упал. Его можно носить под самой что-нибудь с комфортом."

Kurnish Translation

"I have been many places" ... "I do not know any armor that can deflect bullets, but I do have something that can fit under most armors" ... "This is a special shirt, made of tiny metal links. Very, very sturdy, made in Andor before it fell. It can be worn under most anything comfortably."

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Deciding the Magisters to be the best source of information, given their interests in knowledge for the sake of knowledge, Henri begins figuring out how to locate them.


Streetwise to find Magisters: 15(1d20) +12 = 27

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Quite the collection," Darcell says impressed by the assortment of items with such wondrous properties. "Although I'm not particularly interested in any of those. It was good doing business with you," he says, deciding not to buy anything more from the man.

He makes his way back out of the shop and picks one of the other doors at random.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

Grommak lets the strange material slide between his fingers as he listens to the woman talk. Strange. Never felt something like this before. When she stands expecting his response, the orc looks up. "This looks like what I've been looking for," he admits. "How much you willing to part with this for?"

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »


You remember that the Magisters do not have any real presence in the actual port town of Wastrel's Wharf. However, there is an old decrepit manor off a road outside of town which has been claimed by the gang for whatever strange purposes.


"Very," the man says, he smile fading considerably, though his mood remains friendly. "You have a good day," he says as Darcell leaves the shop back into the odd octagonal room.

Taking the door to his left, marked "", Darcell finds himself in a longer, narrower room. It is even more dimly lit than the previous room, with only a few lanterns hanging along the sides of the room and a single other on the back wall.

The narrow room is lined on both sides with rows of shelves, some enclosed and locked with large metal locks, some open, and a few enclosed by glass. All are filled with various bottles and vials of things such as liquids, plants, powders, and pieces of animals. Some are colorful, some very bland, and some downright disgusting to look at. Luckily, there is only a faint scent of lavender in the room, not whatever awful odor one would expect given the contents of the various containers.

At the end of the room is a small counter and behind it, on a stool, sits an aged man in more simple robes than the man in the previous room. Behind him is another array of shelves, some containing more vials, others containing books and various instruments, likely used for creating such concoctions. In the corner near the counter, to Darcell's right and the man's left, is a small stove and a large kettle dangling above a fireplace.

The man looks up as he notices the Dog's entrance, and sits up a bit more. He has a long, narrow grey beard that hangs to his posture suggests he spends much of his time hunched over the desk. "Another one..." the man says, his accent not nearly as thick is the other man's, though with a hint of Jarangi still shining through. "Hello..."


"Это по цене 4600 золотых," the woman says matter-of-factly, looking to Grommak with her same neutral expression

Kurnish Translation

"This is priced at 4600 gold pieces"

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Forty-six hundred?" Grommak repeats, his eyes enlarged. "Damn... Look, I've done some good for the Kyung Min to be able to come here. The Jarangi and the Kurnish, well, I see a lot of similarities between our people. Any chance you'll let this go for closer to four-thousand even?"


Diplomacy to haggle: 10(1d20) +6 = 16

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Though vaguely sketchy and unsavory, Henri decides to get out the Magisters' manor on the outskirts of town, hoping they can shed some insight on the strange symbol on his new purchase. Let's hope they're not doing anything too strange in that manor of theirs.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Hello," Darcell responds. "What do you have for sale?" He asks, looking over the assortment of curious vials.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »


"4000 слишком низкое," the woman says, her demeanor and tone remaining the same as they had been before. "Я мог бы сделать это за 4500."

Kurnish Translation

"4000 is too low," ... "I could do it for 4500."


Henri treks back through the town, which now seems slightly busier than before. He gets a few odd looks for lugging around bottles of wine, though no one tries to snatch them like they had the rifle. In not too long he makes it from the docks to the edge of town.

Following the road past the last building, Henri is initially met with a shallow incline over a levee. Once over the mound he finds a short span of empty grassy area, though it is rapidly overtaken by the edge of the jungle ahead.

The road ahead is dim, the canopy blocking out a decent chunk of sunlight. The young Dog need not travel far down the main road before he comes across a split, the side road traveling more towards the east, the main portion continuing on northwest.


"Oh, many things..." the man says. He stands as he speaks, with as much effort as would be expected of someone as advanced in age. "Many potions... many poisons... herbs and poultices..." He takes a few steps forward and motions towards one of the cabinets with his left arm. "Other things... You may look... don't touch, it's... not safe."

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Figuring that it wouldn't be likely to find the Magisters' decrepit manor off the main portion of the road, Henri decides to venture down the side path. Here's hoping some jungle creature doesn't come out and kill me.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »


The side path turns many times as Henri moves down it, enough so that he can barely remember which direction he is headed by the time he reaches the end. Eventually he finds it open into a clearing in the jungle brush, and he is met with the sight of a walled-off estate. The estate sits in the center of the clearing, roughly 50 yards or so from the edge of the jungle. The walled off area looks to be about another 100 yards wide, and from what you can tell from the gaps in the wall it has a similar depth. The road continues up to the wall, where it meets a gate.

As he soaks in the view, Henri begins to notice a pattern in the ground. Looking at it more closely, he can see that it seems to be a circle drawn into the ground by killing potions of the grass that surround the wall. Inside the circle are more, smaller circles with various other shapes and symbols inside of them.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"What kind of other things?" Darcell asks looking at the assortment of vials. "You're kind of vague for a salesman. Maybe you should work on your technique," he says, reaching out to touch one of the more interesting looking vials in the cabinet.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Damn," Grommak says, his face disappointed. "I've only got... forty-one eighty on me. I'm guessing that's not going to cut it, right?" he asks, honestly.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »


The vial Darcell grabs is a swirling mixture of colors that changes every time it is sloshed about. It has a label, though the writing is in the same illegible script as the words on the doors, or those written by Tengatsu. "Mostly things to make poisons... and potions... poultices... other things..." the man responds, turning to gaze at one of the shelves, not facing towards Darcell.


"Не сам по себе, нет. Я принимаю сделки, если у Вас есть что предложить в обмен на берег до значения," the woman says, her serious demeanor unwavering. "Я принимаю милостей, а также."

Kurnish Translation

"Not by itself, no. I do accept trades, if you've something to offer in exchange to shore up the value," ... "I accept favors as well."

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Not much but the essentials on me," Grommak admits, eyeing through his pack hastily. He furrows his brow, an idea coming across his mind. "Hold on for a second, if you will. I have an idea."

Stepping away from the armorer's shop, the orc stands in the middle of the strange plaza, looking for his human companion. "Darce," he calls out, loud enough to get the man's attention, but trying not to be disrespectful to the regulars. "Where're you at, Darce?"

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Henri takes in his surroundings as he approaches the estate's grounds, noticing the strange symbols created in the grass. These people sure know how to be cryptic. He continues down the path, drawing closer to the gate as he keeps examining the landscape. With the gate now before him, the Imardanian tests it a bit, trying to determine if it's locked or not.


Is the gate locked?

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Darcell examines the vial more closely, intrigued by it's colour changing properties. With the shopkeeper's back turned he considers pocketing it but decides against it, not wanting to anger the Tengatsu.

Darcell hears Grommak's shout and puts the vial back. "One second," he says to the old man, before making his way outside.

"Hey, what's going on?" He asks, seeing the orc in the plaza.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »


As Henri continues forward he suddenly feels a strong pain, as if he were punched in the gut. The feeling is followed immediately by the strange patterns in the grass slowly dispersing, leaving no signs that there had ever been anything out of the ordinary to begin with.

At the gate, Henri's test of the door reveals that it is indeed locked. What's more, there is a small wire running from the intricate-looking locking mechanism that runs to the top of the gate and then to the other side.


Henri takes 20 force damage.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

Grommak steps closer to his friend, not wishing to shout. Asking for money isn't my strong suit, he admits to himself, his face a mixture of discomfort and hope.

"Listen," he starts in, rubbing his hands together, trying to form his thoughts. "The piece I was looking for... well, they've got it up for grabs. Problem is, I'm short just over three hundred. I figured I'd swing it past you to lend me that, on the promise that I pay you back next haul."

The orc shrugs. "'Course, I understand if you can't spare it. Lady said I could run favors to try and make the difference."

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

I should have expected it to be booby-trapped, Henri thinks, recoiling from the sudden pain he just experienced. Not one to give up easily, he takes a closer look at the locking mechanism to figure out if it'd be possible for him to unlock it on his own. All the while, he keeps watch of his surroundings, not wishing to fall for any more traps and the like.


Perception to notice stuff about lock: 7(1d20) +10 = 17

Perception to spot any other dangers: 1(1d20) +10 = 11

Arcana to detect magic at work & insight to detect any illusions: 3(1d20) +10 = 13; 15(1d20) +6 = 21

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »


The lock appears to be made of iron and quite sturdy. It has a maker's marking on the back, and, though you do not know the specific company that manufactured it, you can tell from one part of the symbol that it was produced in Treignon. You do not spot any other dangers, or sense any magical or illusionary effects.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

This probably isn't the best idea, but what the hell, Henri thinks as he begins fiddling with the lock in hopes of unlocking the gate.


Thievery to unlock gate lock thing: 1(1d20) +8 = 9 It is just not Henri's day.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"I've got the coin," Darcell says, reaching into his pocket. "Better you owe me than these guys," he adds, handing Grommak the gold.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »


As he unsuccessfully tries to open the lock, Henri can hear footsteps approaching rapidly from behind the gate. The footsteps are soon followed by a muffled, but annoyed-sounding, voice. "Who's there?"

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

Clasping his friend's hand with a tough show of thanks, Grommak flashes him a toothy smile. "I'll get your coin back. Meanwhile, I owe you a favor. Just ask." He steps toward the shop again. "C'mon," he beckons Darcell as he enters.

"I'm back," the orc says in Kurnish to the shopkeeper. "I've got the forty-five hundred here." Handing it to the woman, he picks up the strange vest again, showing it off to his human friend. "Pretty neat, huh?" he asks, back in the sailors' tongue.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Henri grumbles to himself as he fails to work the lock, shaking his head. As the voice calls out from nowhere, the Imardanian jumps up, startled. Deciding it best to respond, he says, "Just a pirate seeking the knowledge of the Magisters on a strange symbol."

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »


You lose 320 gold, given to Grommak.


"спасибо," the woman says, with a slight bow as Grommak returns, money in hand. She takes the coin to the back, where she weighs it on a scale compare to a set of weights. Once satisfied, she places the sack of coins into a locked chest and returns to the pirate. She hands him the metallic shirt, saying, "Я надеюсь, что она служит вам хорошо. Вы увидите, что это будет стоить каждая унция, я уверен."

Kurnish Translation

"Thank you," ... "I hope it serves you well. You will find it to be worth every ounce, I am sure."


You gain 320 gold, given by Darcell. You then lose 4500 gold to the merchant and gain an Elven Chain Shirt (heroic tier).


Henri can hear what sounds like a sigh, and the man speaks once more, still sounding annoyed. "Okay, and...? You offering something? I've got shit to do, and, unless there's something in it for me, that doesn't include helping random pirates learn about where their alcohol comes from."

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Henri rolls his eyes at the mystery voice's annoyed tone. Shaking his head, he thinks, I guess nothing in life is free. Responding to the voice, the Imardanian says, "Well I've got coin if that's what you seek. Or knowledge on my homeland if you wish to know about it. Or I could be a good word in for the Magisters with the famed pirate Blackwood himself." After a brief moment of thinking, he adds, "Or if there's something else you want, perhaps I could get it."

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

Grommak lets out a chuckle, delighted to have the strange shirt of armor. "I'm sure it will save me from a few blades or muskets, that's for sure," he replies in Kurnish, before turning back to Darcell. "Thanks again, mate. You'll get your money as soon as I have it, you know me."

Telling the shopkeeper goodbye, he steps out of the shop. "So, what next?" the orc asks his human friend. "Got any leads for a job while we're docked?"


It was 320gp, not 300gp, that was borrowed from Darcell.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »


"Unless you've got a small fortune I don't need your money," the man says, sounding slightly less annoyed than before. "But information is good. Not on your homeland, from your accent I imagine that to be Imardin and there is little you could tell me that I don't already know. No, I want information on Blackwood. You claim to be on his crew, so answer some of my questions and if I like what I hear I will take a look at your bottle."

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Very nice, Darcell says, admiring Grommak's new apparel.

"No leads here, I only planned to sell the muskets from the Navy ship. I vote for a tavern though. Should be able to earn a fair bit of gold with my new purchases," he laughs.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Always a tavern with you, hm?" Grommak chides his friend, giving him a heart clap on the back. "I could use an ale though. Whatever we had at the Jarangi joint has worn off by now. Not sure about you though -- you always were a lightweight. Heh."

As they walk to leave the warehouse, the orc tries to remember some of the taverns and pubs nearby.


Streetwise to find a spot: 9(1d20) +6 = 15

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"What kind of information?" Henri asks the man, eager to learn about the bottle yet hesitant of the man's intentions. "I'm not one to betray my captain and my crew, if that's what you seek."

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »


You remember that the Lotus has the immediate vicinity locked down as far as watering holes go, the Kyung Min not keen on sharing profits. However, you do know that a few blocks away, along the wharf, is a tavern/brothel named the Siren's Call, one which is the first stop for many sailors when they arrive in the Wharf.


"Well I don't see how a little information sharing is betraying your crew," the man says, sounding a little less annoyed than before. "We're not pirates, so we won't be fighting you for leads or anything. I am more interested in the man himself, not your loot or your ship. Who is he closest with? What is he like at sea, when not trying to present himself to strangers? Things like that."

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

Heading toward the Siren's Call, Grommak steps alongside Darcell, keeping his eyes forward as they walk. He occasionally checks along side alleys and behind him. The gang I hit won't be too happy about it, but I think I should be safe with this on. He drags a fingernail along a part of the elven shirt under his usual getup, feeling its strange resistance.

"I think I know of a place that might have some work for us. If not, we can drink our troubles away and head back to the boat."

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »


Insight to see if this dude is telling the truth about this intentions and whatnot: 20(1d20) +6 = 26

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Sounds good to me," Darcell replies to Grommak. "The drink part at least," he laughs.

"Speaking of the boat, we should probably keep an eye out for trouble. I'm sure word has spread by now that the Saint is docked, and there's bound to be newcomers around looking to try and prove something. One of the downsides of us being a form of local celebrity."

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

Grommak, Darcell

The walk to the watering hole takes about ten minutes, and is mostly uneventful. The usual hustle and bustle of the docks swarms around then as they squeeze past crowds of people, the wharf being much busier than the more inland sections of the town.

As they reach the Siren's Call they can tell just from their approach that it is well occupied with people having a good time. Sound emanates from the building, a mixture of laughter, cursing, yelling, moaning, and all manner of other noises. The scent of drunkenness and a hint of vomit wafts through the air towards the pair of Dogs as they enter.

Once inside, the men see a large open space full of tables of people. Some tables are full of sailors, some a mix of sailors and tavern wenches. A select few hold men who seem to hold themselves above the activities of the others surrounding them, though their mere presence suggests otherwise. Before they get a good look around the place, Darcell and Grommak are greeted by a pair of busty women in revealing dresses.

"Hello, loves," one says, stepping near Darcell and pushing her chest towards the man. "You looking to have a good time?"

"They look like they could be showing us a good time," the other says, stepping near Grommak and putting a hand on his arm. "Those muscles," she says, biting her lip.


You do not sense any deception in the man's words.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

Grommak chuckles heartily at the women's approach. "Work and play, work and play," he says. "They mix well in your profession, ladies, but not mine. Though my friend Darce here -- I've heard he's quite the charmer. You might just find yourself paying him in the morning." The orc sports a toothy grin, gauging his friend's reaction.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Hmm." the Imardanian man thinks for a moment. "Alright, I suppose. Knowledge on whatever this symbol is could be worth a bit of information."

Hoping to answer his earlier questions as quick as possible to get his own information, Henri begins, "He's closest with his First Mate, a woman who goes by the name of Mad Marian. She's a vicious one both in and out of battle. She's also got a skeletal leg, but no one really knows if it's a peg leg or not.
Some even think she's a strange night creature. I'm not about to ask her, though.
She'd kill me right on the spot."

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Darcell smirks at Grommak's words. "It might have happened once or twice," he says with at wink aimed at the two women.

"Why don't you come find us in a while?" He says, nodding towards the rest of the room at Grommak, motioning him further in, knowing the orc wants to find a job.

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

Grommak, Darcell

"Can't guarantee I won't be busy, but I'll be ready for you if I'm not," the first woman says with a smirk. She blows Darcell a kiss before moving back into the crowded establishment to talk to another patron. The other reluctantly removes her hand from Grommak's arm and waves as the men step further in.

As they approach the bar at the back of the room - previously obscured by the two women and the crowd - they are greeted by a gruff dwarf. "Not interested in the ladies? I've got a few lads wandering around if that's more to your liking," he says matter-of-factly.


"Well you've certainly given me some interesting tidbits about this Marian woman, but what about the Captain? Surely you know more about him than his acquaintances," the man prods.

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