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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Caelen watches as Embla dashes towards him and Valc, sighing because he didn't particularly care for her company. Oh great. Her. He is surprised by her excitability, despite her dark nature. As she rambles aimlessly about her misadventures, Caelen rolls his eyes. I babble, but not THIS much. He looks over at Fluffy, who seems to be about ready to devour a live man and stares with frightened eyes, mouth agape. Doesn't she have that beast trained? I'd rather not have it eat ME while I was asleep. He's glad that Embla at least notices that Fluffy had nearly made a meal out of the vagrant.

Caelen is relieved when Embla finally finishes speaking. He had grown tired of her voice. "W-we got k-kicked out of the b-barracks." Caelen still couldn't believe they had been kicked out, especially given Valc's peaceful approach. "The ranger was mean," Caelen whines like a child.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

Caelen wrote:"M-my f-father taught me how back in K-Kurnhuelde. W-when we weren't hiding from the orc s-slavers, he'd take me into the forest and show me the elven w-ways of the bow."
Valc sighs when he hears mention of orcish slavers. He had heard stories of the rough lives that elves typically led on the eastern coasts of Voreld, and Caelen was obviously no stranger to such a lifestyle. "Orcish slavers... your life has been difficult, there is no doubt about that. You interest me, Caelen. If it doesn't upset you too much, I'd very well like to hear the story of how to came to be here. But not now - Look. Embla approaches."
Embla wrote:"So, what have you guys been up to?"
"Caelen's got the gist of it. The ranger-captain mentioned Garland having a terrible problem but he was incredulous that we couldn't possibly know what that problem would be. So instead of telling us, a logical thing to do, he told us to get lost and talk to someone else about it. A right, friendly mate he was." He turns to stare at the terrible beast named Fluffy before him, munching on street vermin. He asks in a hushed tone, a smirk on his face: "I don't suppose your beast is hungry for a juicy bite of one Garlander ranger-captain with his head up his ass, eh?" Before the woman could get any serious ideas, he adds, "I'm only kidding."
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"It can't be much more than a legend. It could easily just be someone hiding in the woods making sure no one comes after them but scaring people off using the legend." He said, some what reluctant to believe it was an actual witch.

Ah, Rorin! Exclaimed Drake, as their companion seated himself besides them. Taken by surprise somewhat at the man lowering the hood he had kept up for the duration of their journey from Greywood. "Any luck finding anything out? He asked hopefully, Rorin had seemed like the member of the group who would have the most success at gathering information. "Apparently there's a witch in the forest threatening to steal Lord Jont's children, that's why the castle is closed." He added just in case it would help Rorin make more sense of anything he had discovered.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

As Rorin finally lowers his hood for the first time, Zara can't help but to be a little amused that he would decide to reveal his face in, of all places, a simple tavern. What an odd fellow, that one.

She listens quietly as Drake fills the man in on their discovery, still soaking up the warmth of the fire. "It may be as you say, Lord Aerden," she chimes in as he finishes up, not allowing Rorin to speak yet. "But best to be cautious anyway. If the night creatures can exist in this world - or even Embla's beast, for that matter - than there is always a possibility that we are dealing with something else that isn't natural."

The priestess turns back towards the fire once she has given her two cents. She will accept whatever decision the others make regarding the city's witch problem, but deep down she kind of hopes they opt to ignore it and move on. She can handle the walking dead, but could she handle a legendary creature? She didn't know, and to be honest she didn't really want to find out.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by kalis5 »

Rorin sighs at Drake. He didn't find anything, at least, not that he was looking for. He knows his allies are here, but he can't quite find them.
"I found nothing Drake. What's this about a witch?"
He brings his mug of ale to his lips as he waits for a reply. He's not really paying much attention to them, truth be told. For the most part he's upset that he can't find the people he wants to. He needs to find them, at least in his head. They have information on Peloth and the situation of the entire network. Without them, he's stranded with this group, and the prospect of that is not very welcome.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

The odd trio of Valcus, Caelen, and Embla continue to walk and talk, eventually making it to the market where Embla began her night's adventure and entering a tavern called the Timid Troll. It is as good a place as any to begin searching for the rest of their companions, and to their surprise it is the right choice.

Drake opens his mouth to respond, but before he gets a chance the tavern doors open once more and in walks the rest of the group. "Hello, friends! Care for a drink?" chimes in Bob the bartender, a bit excited at how many customers have shown up in such a short period of time this night. Typically he only had his regulars, who are mostly already passed out for the evening.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

The conversation is halted as the joyful bartender calls out a greeting to the trio. Valc speaks first. "Greetings! I'd love some ale." Valc sees the others and steps over to where they sit at the hearth; the warmth emanating from it feels almost intoxicating. "Glad to see you're all alive and well. We had a bit of trouble with the watchmen. You find anything of note?"
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

Zara turns to see the others when they enter. Instantly an idea pops into her head, and as soon as Valc finishes greeting them she looks Caelen dead in the eyes. "There is a witch about." Her face does not show any emotion as she says it, and she keeps her gaze fixed on the poor elf as he becomes visibly more uncomfortable than he had been just moments before.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"A w-w-witch?" Caelen looks at Zara with terror in his eyes. As he steps backwards instinctively, his foot becomes caught beneath a stray stool. He quickly loses his balance and topples over like a fallen elm. Not even caring that he had just made a fool of himself yet again, Caelen remains on the floor, mind racing with thoughts of a witch loose. Of all the tales he had heard, the ones with witches had frightened him the most. The idea of an unsuspecting woman being a powerful tormentress made him feel slightly uneasy.

"W-what do you mean a witch?" he asks, still on the tavern's grimy floor.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by PureZaros »

Valc wrote:"I don't suppose your beast is hungry for a juicy bite of one Garlander ranger-captain with his head up his ass, eh?"Before the woman could get any serious ideas, he adds, "I'm only kidding."
Embla giggles. "Don't tease me like that! Fluffy and I would love a piece of that meat." Sobering up slightly, she continues, "Of course, I make it a point to keep Fluffy away from the fools unless they're enemies. I don't trust their meat to be of a high enough quality."

Caelen wrote:"W-what do you mean a witch?" he asks, still on the tavern's grimy floor.
"I would assume that Zara means someone like me, Caelen." She smiles down at him, raising a hand over his body. "Y'know, twisted by the power she wields, evil intentions ever-present on her mind." Lowering her hand slowly, an aura of magic begins forming around it. When it gets about halfway to the prone elf, a small wildflower pops into existence and falls on Caelen's face.

"Or we could be misunderstood, but nice people," Embla finishes, offering her hand to help the elf up."Won't you get up? It's dirty down there, and Fluffy has a penchant for eating off the floor."
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

"Hahahaha..." It comes out unwillingly, Zara's sudden and loud fit of laughter at Embla's comments. It takes here a moment to calm down and regain her composure, and she is left slightly embarrassed at the fact that she allowed herself to lose it in the first place.

"Ahem," she begins once she is mostly back to normal. "No, not quite like you, unfortunately. At least not if it is the witch I am thinking of: the legendary witch of Garland." She takes a moment to glance over at the bartender who responds with a sudden, nervously frantic nod. With her suspicions confirmed, she turns back to the others and continues, now addressing them all.

"Magic is not an unknown force in the world - I have witnessed it several times, and Embla here claims to be able to perform it. There are plenty of simple folk who do not understand, or perhaps even believe, in it, but it is there to be found. Menora is home to many magic enthusiasts, as I am sure some of you may know." She pauses for a moment to make sure everyone is paying attention. "But the witch is no normal magic practitioner, at least not if the stories are to believed. She is said to have plagued this area for centuries, choosing some times - seemingly at random - to abduct people, to attack and slaughter innocents, and otherwise wreak havoc on the people of Garland. But then she vanishes, and is not seen again for years, decades - centuries even - at a time. However, she always comes back, and it looks like this time she picked during our invasion. Lucky us, I suppose."

After another moment of silence to let her tale sink in, Zara continues. "This is unlikely to go away on its own, at least not after much bloodshed and time has passed. Garland will be of no use as an ally with the witch on the loose, so we are going to have to try to do something about it - ill-advised - or move on." She turns towards Drake and Valcus, "It's your decision." I hope they are as smart as they ought to be, if they hope to stand a chance in this war.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Caelen's eyes widen as he sees Embla create the flower from thin air. He had never known much about magic, so he was mesmerized. He picks the wildflower up from his face and examines it closely. It looks like a normal flower... But it was the product of witchcraft. It wasn't a normal flower, and this made Caelen uneasy. As Embla extends her hand towards Caelen to help him up, he hesitates. It could be a horrible trick and she could devour his life essence with a steel-trap grip. Reluctantly, he begins to reach for Embla's hand. In the nick of time, Zara laughs loudly, distracting all, and allowing Caelen to bring himself to his feet without Embla's assistance. He picks up the stool he had just stumbled over and sits, leaning in towards Zara.

He listens attentively to her speak, like a child hearing a heroic tale, mouth agape. He is intrigued by her extensive knowledge of this witch, but also frightened that this creature exists. As Zara finishes speaking, Caelen grows nervous. Doing something about the vile woman couldn't possible end well. "L-let's m-move on," he mumbles, hardly audible.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

Valc listens intently to the tale of Garland's witch, his mind racing with thoughts. He hears Caelen mumble something unintelligible under his breath, and Valc shakes his head. "My vote is that we stay and help. This is our purpose under Lord Aerden's call to rally Tulrisse under one banner, and we'd be cowards to escape it. If we can somehow rid Garland of its witch problem, I think we will be one step closer to getting Lord Jont's help with the war efforts."

The bartender steps over with Valc's ale, and is handed two silver pieces from the man's coinpurse. Valc nods a thank-you to him and takes a swig. The drink, while not the highest quality, is refreshing and has a slightly oak-like taste, reminiscent of Garland's environment.

He turns to Zara. "'Seemingly at random,'" he quotes, his eyes squinted, his brain thinking. "I doubt that it was coincidence that this witch would return during the onset of war. There must be a pattern, a purpose to her violence and abductions. We should speak to some of the locals and see if there has been anyone who studied the witch throughout the years. Perhaps there have been survivors of her abduction who can pinpoint a weakness or tell us where she makes her domain."
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by PureZaros »

Embla was slightly disappointed that Caelen avoided taking her hand. Watching him right the stool and sit, she suddenly became aware of Zara's monologue. Listening, Embla slowly got more and more excited. I'm starting to like this witch lady more and more... I wonder if she has a pet, too?

Still watching Caelen, she saw his mouth move, but could make out no words. Shrugging, Embla decides not to chase it, instead making her thoughts known. "I for one would love to meet this lady. She sounds like a celebrity." Suddenly breaking into a grin, Embla reaches behind her, grabbing the staff slung across her back. "Ooh! Maybe I could get her to carve her initials into this or something!"

Loosening her grip on the staff, Embla slipped back into her own thoughts, slowly caressing her weapon.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by kalis5 »

Rorin just sits there and listens to the group, surprised there's fewer comments on the lack of hood.
"We could probably go one better and get you one of her staffs or wands Embla. As for the witch, it's very much possible that she has contacts in town. She picks her targets, children and innocents, right? If so, then she has to know what they do regularly. It's very much possible she scried the town. Us too, as we walked in. It's possible the town guard has men and women in her employ too. I wouldn't blame them though, a pact with the witch to keep your children and loved ones safe from harm isn't such a bad deal to those that can't stop her."
He takes a large gulp of his ale before putting the empty glass down, wiping a bit of foam from his mouth. Good stuff.
"I want to make this clear. We aren't leaving here without engaging her. Our path was set the moment we stepped foot in town. Without meeting the Lord, we have no leverage with anyone else. I'd say defeating a witch would earn us a reputation. We can use that. Politically, it's sound. Strategically, it's sound, fewer men are needed to guard against the witch, and fewer men wasted trying to fight the witch when she comes in, means more men fighting Imardin when the time comes. A strong defensive line is needed to halt the invasion. Might as well start here while we've got the chance."
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Drake sat listening to, first Zara's recounting of the legend of Garland's witch and then the opinion's of the others, agreeing with Rorin's reasoning. Strange how he hides his face and says only a few words for two days and then now it's as if he's completely at ease with us. He thought, the length of Rorin's speech surprising him. "I agree with Valc and Rorin. We came here to win an alliance, we can't expect it to be easy and dealing with the witch could be enough to get the help of Garland. We should try and find out more about the witch. Like Valc said someone must be able to point us in the direction of her."
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

As Rorin speaks, Valc notices his removed hood for the first time. Curiously, he stares at the man's face for a moment, with mild interest. The man was very enigmatic and Valc could not seem to get a handle on him. Quite the mystery he maintains, and yet under the hood he is simply another man - a man with his own set of worries, ambitions, and pleasures.

Lord Aerden speaks in agreement with Rorin's outlook and Valc's plan. Satisfied, Valc takes another pull at his tall mug of ale and speaks next. "We should plan to scour the town for any useful information or allies come dawn. As of now, the moon is high and our efforts will be in vain. If anything, us strangers would cause quite a stir parading around Garland at night. I'd imagine that high-headed ranger captain we had the pleasure of meeting would enforce some petty curfew law and throw us in chains." He turns to the barkeep. "How much for a room? I'd love to sleep on something that isn't the ground." The simple pleasure of a warm, sturdy bed was something that he had taken for granted, and since his retreat from Castle Halstos, he had been sleeping on his bedroll in various places.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

"5 gold for just the one night," yells Bob out to Valc, in response to his room inquiry. "There are only 3 available though, so you will have to bunk up or try another tavern."

Zara sighs as she realizes that they will be facing the witch after all. It is not her ideal situation to be in at all, but definitely the sort of thing that made her decide to tag along; this group is fearless, and there will likely be much death along the way for her to clean up.

"If we are going to ask around town, then we might as well start with the parent's of the abducted children. Perhaps they saw something, perhaps not, but we won't know until we ask. They are the only people we know of who might have had any contact with her so far."

Zara stands and looks around as she remembers that she doesn't actually have any money to pay for a room, or half of one for that matter. "So," she begins, her tone a bit sweeter and more friendly than her usually bluntness, "would any of you boys care to pay for my half of a room, or let me use yours?" She eyes Valc and Drake specifically, figuring them to be the most well-off of the group. "I don't have any coin to my name."
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Caelen becomes visibly nervous knowing that he will have to fight the witch. The sheer thought of battling a creature that is barely human, or any other race for that matter, terrifies him. Who knows what powers it could possess. She could turn me to stone! Or destroy me with a swift spell!

Caelen gets up from the stool where he had been perched and shuffles over to the barkeep. He places his payment on the counter and slightly turns to address the group. "I-I'll bunk w-with Valc," he mutters, anxiety building to the point where he is noticeably shaking. "I n-need to lie down." He dashes to the nearest room, slamming the door behind him. With great haste, he removes his clothing and settles beneath a blanket. A room to himself for the time being meant that he could relieve some of his built-up tension. And so he does.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Looks like Lord Aerden has you covered, Zara." Valc laughs as the elf saunters off, taking one of the remaining three rooms. Though I wouldn't mind rooming with her, he thinks, giving her revealing outfit a quick once-over. He pulls out a couple gold coins and a handful of silvers, placing them also on the counter top. He downs the last of his ale and plants the mug next to his payment, thanking the barkeep. His positive demeanor turns a bit glum. "Besides, I've only got a few coins left. Unfortunately, I only brought what I had on me. Used most of it on catching a ride to Greywood, since my horse collapsed."

Valc shrugs. "No matter. Gold isn't the easiest way to obtain the support of our fellow kinsmen. We just have to worry about dealing with this witch situation. Speaking of, those abducted children you mentioned - do you know anything about them? Is it only children she takes, or adults as well?"
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

"That I do not know," the priestess responds to Valc, before turning her attention to Drake. "I suppose we will find out soon enough."
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by kalis5 »

As the group starts getting their bedding situation in order, Rorin reaches into his pouch and sighs. Three gold pieces to his name. Most was spent reaching the town, and he was going to get resupplied there, but before he could reach the town he received word that Peloth was besieged, and because of that, knew that reaching the town was pointless. The group seemed like the best idea at the time, but now he's worried about how he'll afford much if at all anything.
"I've got 3 gold. So I guess I need a roommate."
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by PureZaros »

"You're welcome to share a room with me, Zara. I have the coin, and I'll even let you take the bed," Embla says. Patting her coin pouch lightly, a faint jingle can be heard. "Though... I do have a question for the barkeep."

Turning to look at the man, busy wiping out ale mugs with a dirty cloth, she motioned out the window at Fluffy, who had stayed outside when she entered the inn. "I suppose my pet isn't allowed in here? If not, I can just have him sleep on the roof or something."

Tossing five gold coins onto the table, Embla walks towards the door next to the one Caelen had disappeared behind. I wonder what that elf is up to? He sure ran off quick.
Reaching the door to her room she opens it and steps back, motioning to the interior. "Join me, Zara?"
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Drake was about to pay for Zara but Embla got there first. Drake was somewhat relieved. Most of his wealth was still back home and he only had a few coins left of what he had brought with him. "Looks like it's me and you Rorin." He said, placing his half of the money with the others. As much as he would have preferred to share with Zara, like most of the men, judging from the glance he noticed Valc make after declining her, spending some time with Rorin would be good. The man still appeared to be quite mysterious and Drake was keen to find out more about him.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

Zara turns, a bit surprised, to face Embla when she offers up her own room. She expected the wealthy noblemen to jump at the chance, and Embla was the last one she suspected would want her company.

"Nah, keep yer pets outside," responds Bob, before Zara has a chance to fully gather her thoughts about the situation. "If it can get up ta tha roof, be my guest."

"How very generous of you," Zara finally responds to Embla, giving the odd woman the first genuine smile she had produced since the journey began. She follows Embla up the stairs quietly, intent not to disturb the tavern's other guests, and enters the room first when invited to.

Once inside and the door is shut, though, Zara turns to Embla once more. "So, why the generosity? Is there something you expect from me? Paying for me is one thing, but offering the only bed? I cannot help but to suspect some ulterior motive here." She takes a seat on the edge of the bed, not planning to even try to sleep before figuring what Embla's agenda might be here.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by PureZaros »

"Well, I briefly entertained the thought of tying you to the bed in your sleep and tickling you into submission, but then I reconsidered," Embla started, smiling. Pulling the lone chair in the room towards the window, Embla sat down. Turning to look out at the street below she said, "I don't have a reason, really. It just seemed to be a good idea at the time. As for the bed, after living in the woods for so long I've gotten used to nights upright against a tree."

Seeing her pet in the street below, she calls down to him, "Oh Fluffy! See if you can find a way onto the roof! You'll have to sleep there for tonight!"

Fluffy looks around for a method of travel to the roof. Seeing a large stack of logs next to the door of the tavern, Fluffy heads that way. Jumping on top of the logs, he proceeds to jump and cling to the roof overhanging the door. The main roof is still unreachable from this point, though, so Fluffy continues looking for a new way up. Seeing none, he jumps back down to the ground and circles back to near where Embla had yelled down to him.

Digging claws and tentacle spikes into the wooden support beams of the tavern, Fluffy begins climbing up the wall quite effortlessly. Eight points of contact makes for light work, and soon he is right underneath the upper floor windows. Passing over one, coincidentally being linked to the room Caelen has occupied, Fluffy pulls himself onto the roof of the tavern and settles himself over the jutted roof of the window he just climbed over, tentacles relaxed and hanging.

Seeing that Fluffy had found a way up to the roof Embla turns back to Zara. Noticing her seemingly defensive posture, Embla frowned slightly. "Why so serious? I don't bite, you know."
Last edited by PureZaros on Sat Mar 01, 2014 8:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

As the elf and the two women of the group leave the tavern's lobby to their rooms, Valc decides its his cue to leave as well. "Goodnight, Lord Aerden, Rorin. Tomorrow, we'll hunt for our witch. Sleep well."

He turns toward the hall and walks down it, his mind full of thoughts, doubts, and worries of whether their choice to take on the legendary witch was a good one or not. He opens the door and takes a step inside.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Caelen keeps a steady rhythm, intent on relieving as much pent-up pressure as possible. The past few days had been rough on him, so he figures he deserves it. Suddenly, he notices the doorknob turning. His eyes become saucers and his rhythm intensifies, feeding off of this new fear. With his free hand, Caelen quickly grabs his tattered blanket to conceal himself with. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. With one final thrust, Caelen screams out in immense pleasure, unable to contain himself. As the door swings open, Caelen's chest is painted white. Caelen hastily covers himself with the blanket as Valc steps in, simultaneously attempting to wipe himself clean. He shifts himself apace to hide the mess he had made and, nearing the edge of the bed, tumbles off, landing with a thud on his alabaster stomach.

He lifts his head up to look at Valc, his face beet-red. "H-hi V-V-Valc." He smiles awkwardly, blushing intensely.

(OOC: I'm not proud of this. I just wanted the reaction of Valc. Sorry...)
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

As the scene unfolds before him, Valc stands for a short moment, his mouth partially agape, speechless, and both embarrassed and disgusted. "Ah, bad timing. I'll knock next time." He averts his eyes and kneels, setting his pack down in the corner of the room closest to the door. With Caelen on the floor next to the other side of the bed and currently hidden from Valc's low view, he takes a brief glance around, checking the room for any other surfaces. There is only a chair and the bed, as well as a small chest and desk. "Looks like I'll take the floor again," he says, slightly disappointed.

He unrolls his bedroll and snags one of the rough, linen pillows atop the sturdy bed, setting it before him. What a strange, troubled kid, he thinks, disturbed from the awkward situation he stumbled into, before his mind turns to the worrying events on the morrow. He says nothing, but lies face-up, awake, his hands behind his head on the pillow, lost in troublesome thoughts. His daydreaming is only interrupted as Embla's beast climbs up the exterior of his room, its gripping noises audible as it makes its way to the roof. That damned thing...
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by kalis5 »

Rorin shrugs at Drake and picks up his few coins, setting them on the counter for the barkeep before heading up, waiting in the hallway for Drake to come with the key once he's paid. Just so long as he can sleep he'll be happy, but with this group that's probably impossible.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Caelen sighs quietly, feeling remorse for what Valc had to witness. He shuffles on the floor to collect his clothing, getting redressed quickly. He picks himself up from the cold floor and trudges to the door. As he opens the door, he whispers, "Sorry..." Caelen exits the room, shutting the door behind him. He glances at it, imagining what it must have been like for Valc to open it and witness such a thing. He sighs again and wanders down the hall, heading back down to the tavern.

Looking around the tavern, it is much emptier than earlier. Save the few unconscious drunkards and the barkeep, the room is empty. He sits next to the glowing hearth, comforted by its tender warmth. The elf sinks his head into his hands and frowns, contemplating.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

"Ah," Zara says, once Embla finishes her explanation. Such an odd woman. "Well I appreciate the thought, it is very nice of you." She begins to get situated, placing her things in a corner and slowly removing all of the daggers she keeps hidden under her clothing. At the mention of biting, Zara quickly retorts "I do."

With her sharp metal objects stowed away and her suspicions about Embla mostly alleviated, Zara finally gets into the bed and lays down. She lays flat on her back and glances over to her temporary roommate. "Goodnight, try not to get into any trouble." And with that she rolls onto her side, closes her eyes, and quickly falls asleep.

* * *

As the party settles in for the night, things are also dying down in the tavern. Eventually Bob closes up and heads to bed himself, and everything is dark and quiet. The night goes by and gives way to morning. A new day begins, and the party eventually wakes up. Zara rises with the break of dawn and heads downstairs, to find a woman managing the tavern. She is serving freshly made eggs and milk to the patrons, it seems, and she cheerfully greets Zara and any of the other party members that come downstairs with a, "G'mornin', what can I getcha, dear?"

"I don't have any money," responds Zara matter-of-factly, to which the cheerful woman responds, "Oh, it don't cost nothin', dear. Breakfast comes with the room." She gives a nice big smile that would make anyone feel at ease, and the priestess smiles back without even thinking about it. "In that case, I will just take 2 eggs, please. And some of that milk." She sits down at one of the tables to await her morning meal, in a bit of a good mood about the generosity she has experienced in the past few hours.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

Valc is able to fall asleep without much interruption, and the hard floor is at least more comfortable than the rooty forest ground or the uneven gravel at Greywood. He awakes the next morning feeling satisfied with his rest, and leaves the room while the elf slumbers on. The smell of scrambling eggs wafts to his nose and he realizes he is ravenous.

Valc walks into the commons of the tavern and nods to Zara and the innkeeper. "Morning, ladies," he greets them. "Three eggs, ma'am. I'll take a glass of milk as well - I'm parched," he says after the innkeeper asks what he'd like.

He grabs his plate, thanking her, and starts chipping away at his breakfast. "Not going to lie, Zara, I've got a worried feeling I just can't shake about today. Something bothered me about that ranger-captain's attitude. Perhaps there is more afoot than we realize. We should get as much information on our quarry before we are on the hunt, agreed?"
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

"Agreed," replies Zara, not entirely certain of what she agreed to. She is still only half awake and mostly only focusing on getting her morning meal. Not wanting to make her inattentiveness known, she adds a vague statement to her response to seem as if she is really listening. "So what is your plan?"
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by PureZaros »

Having spent the night alternately looking out of the window at the darkened streets below and watching Zara's sleeping form, Embla decided to head down to the main room just before sunrise. The serving woman, seeming to have just started cooking up eggs, offers Embla breafast. Making a dismissive gesture, she respectfully declines. "No thanks, I'm not all that hungry this early in the morning."

Seeing none of her companions in the room, Embla stepped outside and sat next to the door. Facing the rising sun, she stretched and leaned back to wait until morning proper.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

As Bob the Barkeep closes down the tavern for the night, Caelen decides to return to his room to attempt to sleep with this embarrassment and regret. He opens the door swiftly and quietly, as to not wake Valc. He climbs into the bed, shuddering at the thought of what he had done in it earlier that night. He grabs his tainted blanket and tossed it aside, not wishing to think of his actions any longer. He curls up in the fetal position and drifts off to sleep.

* * *

Caelen awakes with the blinding sun in his eyes. He promptly rolls over, not wanting his rest disturbed by such a vile thing as an early morning. Suddenly remembering the events of the previous night, Caelen pops up like a spring and sees that Valc is no longer in the room. He sighs heavily. I need to apologize somehow. He searches for parchment and ink, eventually finding a few torn sheets and a mostly empty inkwell, with an aged goose feather. He begins to write.

I am so incredibly sorry for what happened last night. It's been rough for me these past few days and I've had pent-up tension that I hadn't addressed. I'm not sure I know how to properly address them, but this was not the right way. As a servant, I had witnessed my lord's son doing that act when he was frustrated. I assumed that was how one dealt with their issues, which was foolish of me to even think. I didn't have the privilege of learning right from wrong with the absence of my mother and father, so I observed others to learn this.
I am deeply ashamed by my action and I hope we can forget this and put it behind us. After all, the past is in the past. So, shall we just let it go?

Content with his apology and famished, Caelen walks down into the tavern. He gestures at the innkeeper for two eggs and milk, certain that it would be plenty to fill his petite stomach. He places the note in front of Valc and briskly paces to an empty table near a window on the far side of the room. He devours his breakfast quietly, viewing the now-hectic city abuzz with life.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Drake rolled out of bed and stretched out his limbs, yawning. He had slept reasonably well although if anything warm room and bed had just made him miss the comforts of his home in Spearpoint Castle. He gathered his possessions and stepped over Rorin, who was still asleep on the floor, to the door.

Drake headed downstairs, still somewhat groggy from just having woken up. Noticing the others were eating he turned to the serving woman who had appeared in front of him. "I'll take some milk, 4 eggs, some bread... Oh and some bacon if you have some." He said before leaving the woman to fetch his order and taking a seat at the table besides Valc. How is everyone? He asked. Ready for a day of witch hunting? The serving woman brought over his plate, piled high with food. Hmm.. No bacon. That's a shame. I suppose there is a war on. He picked up his fork and began to work his way through it.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by kalis5 »

Rorin walks down the stairs to join the rest of his group, scratching the side of his head with a yawn. At the sight of breakfast he can feel his stomach rumble, glad for the idea of a meal.
"I'll just have some eggs please, two, and a glass of milk. Thanks for your hospitality miss."
He sits down as he waits for the meal, watching the rest of the group go about their business. Still a bit chaotic. Maybe they're more of a ragtag group of fighters than an actual force to be reckoned with. The coming fight with the witch will determine whether or not his thoughts are right though. Two Lords are in the group, and for all their formalities, he's not certain how they fair in combat. He'll have to watch them.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

With Zara posing the question of Valc's intended plans for the day, he begins speaking as the others slowly filter into the room. "We will ask the locals more about the witch today and see if we can find anybody who has had contact, even secondary contact, with her. Any information about her - what she eats, her activities, any signs of weakness - can be helpful. We still need to get pointed in the right direction, anyways. These woods are quite extensive and I'd rather not get lost in them. Perhaps we can find a map of the area or even hire some sort of guide to take us near her domain. I don't know-" He stammers a second, realizing the note in front of him. "Ah."

Valc reads through it quickly. Having learned to read at the request of Lord Halstos, he took to reading many of the military doctrines and manuals when he squired. He finishes, before exhaling a short sigh and turning to Caelen. He does not speak, but simply nods to him, his face expressionless. I hope he won't act so sensitive when we're in combat with our quarry. We need all the courage we can muster.

Turning back to the others, he speaks up again. "I think we should stick together this time. Last night the elf and I almost were in chains and Embla found a strange part of town."
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by PureZaros »

Finally hearing a decent amount of movement from inside the tavern, Embla decided it would be a good idea to see if her companions were up and about. Stepping back into the tavern, she was just in time to catch Valc mention her name. Coming up behind him, she grabbed a chair, spun it around, and sat it like a horse, saying, "What about weird part of town, what?" Blanking for a moment, Embla suddenly remembered her adventures from the previous day. "Oh, yeah. Well. I wouldn't call what I found weird, but it was certainly not what I had aimed for."
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Noticing that Valc had picked up his note, Caelen turns to watch him. As Valc turns and nods to Caelen, with no hint of emotion on his face, Caelen grows confused as to what this meant. Does he accept my apology? Does he hate me? Does he even understand? He sighs, unsure about the status of their relationship, but he figures it may be best to avoid Valc for a few days. I just hope things can return to the way their had been. And hopefully he'll keep this between us. Caelen isn't too concerned with that, though. Valc seemed like a man of his word and a man who knew the value of secrecy.

Caelen finishes the remainder of his morning meal, content with what the innkeeper had prepared for him. He continues to gaze out the window, taking in the world around him. He wasn't able to leave the castle much as a child, so the hustle and bustle of a city was a new experience for him. Deep inside him, though, he isn't so calm. Mixed emotions rage like a storm deep inside, brought upon by the realization that he is going to face the dreaded witch today. For the first time in forever, though, he feels genuinely terrified. But fear is the best weapon.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

"So we need a guide and information," says Zara matter-of-factly, more just speaking her own thoughts than actually responding to the conversation in particular. She finishes the last of her eggs and milk and takes the plate and cup to Alice. The woman must have been listening in, because she seemed a bit nervous - a noticeable difference in attitude for her - about their chosen topic of conversation.

As Zara hands the kind woman her dirty dishes, she blurts out, "Well y'all should talk ta Mr. and Mrs. Wellesly, dearies." She looks around for a moment then lowers her voice, but still loud enough for the group to hear, "they're the ones whose kids was taken." Alice grabs the dishes and immediately goes towards scrubbing them, not saying another word, and with that Zara returns to her seat. "Well now we know a good place to start, I suppose."
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Drake swallowed his mouthful of eggs before speaking. "That sounds good to me. We'll pay the Welleslys a visit and see what we can find out from them. Then we should plan what we'll do once we've gotten what we can from them. Some kind of guide would be a good idea though." He said, agreeing with the group before turning his attention back to his breakfast which had still yet to deplete significantly.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

"The Welleslys sound like a good place to start then. Perhaps they will know of somebody who could guide us to her lair." Valc turns to the innkeeper, smiling at her offering of helpful information. "Thank you, miss. I'll remember your inn next time I visit Garland. We've had a positive experience."

Valc takes a deep breath in, surveying the ragtag group of allies that Lord Aerden had banded together. His attitude more convinced now that he is full of a meal, he nods to himself, thinking, I really think we have a good chance at that witch. As the group finishes their meals, he speaks. "Well then, now that we've had breakfast, shall we pay the Welleslys a visit?"
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Caelen stands near the party now, not making eye contact with Valc when he speaks. Still unsure as to how this matter between the two of them will turn out, Caelen figures it's for the best. Although not looking at him, Caelen is as attentive as usual. He isn't too keen on having to face the witch, but knowing more about her would certainly help with the inevitable, and the Wellesly house seemed like the first place to go, he thinks, anyhow. But one thought strikes him. The group hasn't the slightest idea where the Welleslys reside. "Um, c-could w-we get directions or an address to the Wellesly h-house?" he asks the innkeeper.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

"Oh, silly me, of course y'all outsiders wouldn't know where ta find'em. But it's pretty easy, ya know. They live on Wellesly Road. Their family is pretty important in these parts, ya know." Alice says all this without ever stopping her washing, only turning her head to address the elf. "Ya can't miss it dearies, it's tha largest street in town. Big house, fancy gate out front." With that she turns back to focus on the dishes again, only to notice that she had spilled some water on the floor. She shrugs and continues scrubbing.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by PureZaros »

Embla pouted, "The one time Caelen can speak somewhat coherently and he asks a question that puts us on one path. It's so fun to wander, though! I saw all these really neat spots yesterday while walking around. There was this one little open area with, like, forty cats all lounging in a tree, I found a weird street that cut the wrong way called "Merasmus' Way," all of the windows on another street were yellow... Do we have to go directly?"
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Wellesly Road. Got it. Thanks again, ma'am." Valc turns to respond to Embla. Does she even care about the state of our land? He speaks, his tone slightly irritated at her near-indifference to the matter at hand, with her priorities on seeing stray cats. "There are important things to be done, Embla. Remember why we're here; not to entertain ourselves, but to rally the Lords of Tulrisse against our common foe." Having scolded her, he turns to face the rest of the group and speaks again. "Let's head out, everyone. We've got a witch to hunt."
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

Assuming no objections arise, the party finishes up their morning meal and gathers their belongings. Bob comes out of his room as they are preparing to leave and he and Alice give them a joint friendly wave goodbye, "Ya can come back anytime, ya hear me?" he shouts as they leave and make their way through the market and back to the main road.

The city of Garland is much more of a bustling place now than when the group arrived. In the daylight hours the streets are packed with all manners of people, from paupers to peddlers to pretty women. The wealthy can be easily spotted by their eccentric clothing, and there are few refugees to be found so far from the coast. Struggling artists line the streets, offering to paint portraits and landscapes - or whatever else a patron could desire - for a price. Amateur poets recite their wordplay for all to hear, and bards sing tales of glory and sorrow to all who will lend an ear.

The winding roads are much more navigable in the light, Embla would notice, and it does not take them long to come across Wellesly Road. It is clearly an important road, as Alice said; it is lined with manors and parks and clearly only fit for the well-off. Towards the center of the road is the largest estate of them all, the Weeping Willow Estate. Its large gates feature two large, stylized 'W's and there is a pathway leading to a mostly-secluded (but noticeably massive) home surrounded by willow trees.

Directly outside of the gate stands a single guardsman in an ornate, embroidered suit of armor. The chestpiece has on it a 'W' that matches the stylized ones on the gates, and overall his outfit looks more ceremonial than utilitarian. He says nothing as the group approaches, only watches them intently, his eyes mostly switching between Fluffy and Caelen. "I think this is the place," Zara whispers to Valc.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by kalis5 »

As the group walks over to the guard post, Rorin rushes up to Valc, realizing he might be able to give him a few small tips for the guard. To the rest of the group he's whispering to him, though they do notice that his hood is still down. It's not obvious if he forgot or simply feels as if there's no need to hide his face at the moment, but at least he's not being as secretive. Whether this is a relief or worry to some doesn't really matter to him.

"I don't know if you've spoken to many guards before, but we'll be able to get in easier if you don't act high and mighty. Don't try to impress him with big words, stick to basic words, ask to be let in, and thank him. That should get us inside. Don' say that you know the owners personally, mention that we'd be willing to go look for the children and wish to offer our services. If we're honest, we should get inside easy."
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