A Tale of Two Orphans — IC

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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Caelen smiles as the wave of warmth hits him when they step inside, already feeling as though he's nestled up right by a fire. If I could live in a place this cozy someday, I'd be happy.

"Aye," Caelen says simply as the lords describe their previous travels. "We've seen much, including tall tales made reality." He thinks back to their encounter with the Witch of Senshenk and all the night creatures. "I'm glad to be in such an inviting city again."
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Post by BartNL »

Good they even mentioned the tournament themselves. Now, let's find out how many of the other suspicious figures on the list are their acquaintances. Hellenbert smiles as his guests start sharing their stories. "So, you'll be joining the tournament too then? I had the fortune of running into another outlander earlier today. The Fabled Talon of Tanon he named himself. Is he with your group?" Hellenbert asks in reply.
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Post by ratwizard »

"The Talon of Tanon," Valcus remarks, his eyebrows tightening in curiosity. Johanna had been involved with the man, but to what end, I hardly know. "No, he did not come from Red Bridge with us. We have come across his path, however, here in the city." He decides to leave the answer at that.

"As for the tournament, yes, we have registered our names to join — though the intent is not for glory and leisure as you asked before. Menora's most esteemed will be present, I am told, not to mention the promise of handsome winnings should the Pantheon look kindly on our efforts. Winnings that may afford alliances, or at the very least, men and horses."

He eyes Ser Hellenbert a moment. He is certainly asking his share of questions. An inquisitive one to be sure. However, there is no reason this exchange of intelligence cannot go both ways.

"You spoke of an incongruity, before. We bring tidings of a great war, yet your city sings tidings of peace, and oblivion. You have heard our story, and brought us here, to your ancestral home. I am now curious, before we speak imminently with your father — what do you believe is truly happening here?"
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Post by Namelessjake »

”Lord Torinn and I fought him in the Pinnacle last night,” Drake reveals.

”He was a formidable foe, but I eventually bested him on my road to victory, the lord boasts., his arrogance blinding him to any strategic information withholding on the part of the others.
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Post by BartNL »

Lady Galben and her Talon are certainly up to something. When looking for anyone who even could be capable of such a plot, it'd be wrong to not consider her and her family. But how could she? Though she might as well have personal reasons for sponsoring a champion. Hellenbert thinks, frowning at the thought of butting heads with the Coyote. I'd rather fight Hansel. I like those odds better. Even if Hansel has one-upped me more times than I can count. Though any chance to take that Talon down a notch, should be taken. If that swamplord can do it, so can I.
Hellenbert, looking unimpressed at Drakes boasting and still frowning, looks at the lords. And replies:"What I believe? I believe things don't add up. Your sudden arrival with those refugees is evidence of that. And it's not just me who's been left in the dark, other important people like lord Camden, are only now hearing of this too. There's a coverup, and it's too complex and intricate for it to be the work of any single agent. That Talon was in the company of lady Galben this morning. I can't tell her angle, but she knows something. For now I believe our goals align, and I will lend you my aid. We're all interested in uncovering this plot." And I suppose having these lords indebted to me, will eventually pay dividends.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Caelen shakes his head as Hellenbert speaks of Carl's father. "I don't think Camden is as much in the dark as you believe," the elf mentions, recalling the odd demeanor and lack of surprise the man had presented. "I can't say whether he's actively involved, but he was definitely faking his surprise over news of the war."

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Post by ratwizard »

Valcus gives his fellow lord a look of concern, caught off-guard by the boastful revelation. Ah, well, perhaps this confident Menoran fellow may consider us of higher competence knowing Lord Aerden's success at the Pinnacle.

He nods at Caelen's assertion. "I doubt this to be the work of a single agent. The question is who is actually seeding this cloud of ignorance, and who is simply benefiting from it. Camden Elmwood certainly seemed to be at least one of those."

Valcus strays from the discussion of Lady Johanna Galben and the Talon of Tanon. We should ask Johanna if Ser Hellenbert is able to be trusted. Until then, he will need to stay in the dark, for the safety of the Princess and her associates.
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Post by BartNL »

Camden involved, he's a jackass, but treason? "Then we'll need to keep an eye on Camden. Yet my point stands, most people, even the influential are left in the dark. You spoke of Imardanian subterfuge before. If Imardin stand to gain the most, anyone in their good graces could stand to be rewarded in the future. As such I believe it wiser to look for their victims; who stands to lose? Those people can be trusted, and then you work from there." Hellenbert get's up, and grabs a two blank sheet of paper and a pencil from a drawer. Using a spell to control the pencil he writes down IMARDIN on the one sheet, and TULRISSIANS on the other. On the Tulrissians sheet, he writes down 'MENORA' in a bold print, and 'Spear, Twinriver, Trelheim/Steppe?' in smaller letters. On the Imardanian sheet he writes 'C. Elmwood lumber industry? , J. Galben/Talon?' and 'suspicious tourney entries: Dwarven Archen, Noble Outcast, Talon,' "You find those who work against the victims of Imardin, you find their agents." Now let's see whether they are willing to share their information.
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Post by Namelessjake »

”Agreed, the agents we have encountered so far worked together, at least loosely,” Drake says in reply to Valcus' words. The Lord raises an eyebrow as Hellenbert bursts into action, putting together his lists.

A worthwhile exercise perhaps, even if we don't share any major revelations. This Ser Hellenbert does see passionate about this though, perhaps we can trust him. His minor house would be exactly the type the Imardanians would be interested in trying to turn, although perhaps they are so minor as to be overlooked.

”Lord Atherton can be added to the Tulrissian side,” Drake says, deciding to offer up some information to get the ball rolling. ”I spoke with him after the fight at the Pinnacle and he seemed genuinely surprised and concerned to hear about the war,” he explains.
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Post by BartNL »

Atherton? These people have made some strange friends. Hellenbert writes down 'Atherton' "How are you acquainted?"
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Post by Namelessjake »

"We've only met the once, after the final bout at the Pinnacle. He wanted to give me my winnings," Drake explains. "I imagine his elven servant girls were meant to be included in the prize pool, but talk of the war precedence," he adds, thinking back on Lord Atherton's harem of scantily clad elves.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Aye," Caelen says, nodding to Drake as he mentions the cooperation between the agents. "Like how we found proof of contact between Jont and whoever he was working with." 
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Post by ratwizard »

"I suggest Lord Cumberland stays off either side of your list for now. The Queen's steward seems plenty competent, and a key player. We have one of our men looking into whether the his loyalties lay with Menora, or foreign interests."

Valcus peers over at the list once more, finding it considerably bare for someone supposedly so entrenched in Menoran politics. "Ser, do you count any among Menora as allies? Those of standing that you can trust?"
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Post by BartNL »

Allies? Only family can be trusted completely.
Hellenbert looks at ser Valcus inquisitevely for a moment before answering."Family. Lord Cuthard Althaus, my grandfather on mother's side can be called upon if needed, though he will likely require a favour in return. My parents and brothers I can call upon more freely." Feeling somewhat ashamed of the small count of allies, he adds: "We can provide assistance from the city guard, and rumours from the Tower, temples and general high society."
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Post by ratwizard »

Valcus nods at Hellenbert's response. "I hope whatever plagues your city won't come to calling on the city guard, though I cannot say it would be the first time for us. Caelen spoke before of Lord Jont of Garland, whose deceitful allegiance to the invaders led to his immediate deposition. How deep, then, do you believe this sort of conspiracy goes? Have you any ties to the Queen and her family?"

He studies the man closely. Everything we've heard from the Princess and her allies paints the Queen as being taken advantage by one or more of her council, and I doubt they are alone in that. Perhaps Ser Hellenbert has a clue.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"A loyal city guard can be a valuable asset in a time of crisis," Drake adds. "It's no army, but an army takes time to be raised while the city guard is always ready."

More than one coup has happened at the tip of a guardsman's sword, he thinks remembering his histories from his early schooling.
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Post by BartNL »

The queen and her family?
Hellenbert tilts his head, and looks at Valcus."The queen? No direct ties, other than the fact I am sworn to protect her family, as is my father. The guard is under her ultimate command. The guard can also prove a vital role in questioning suspicious characters."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Assuming those guards aren't suspicious too. I can only hope they're not infiltrated by now. Who even knows how deep this goes? Caelen frowns, looking toward his companions, the only people he knows he can truly trust.

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Post by ratwizard »

He seems truthful so far. And truly vigilant on Menora's behalf. Even still, I cannot bring him fully into the weave until we have made sure of it. We should make this brief, at least until I have my doubts assuaged.

"So, Ser," Valcus continues, deciding to return to their original reason for being here. "Was there any truth in drawing us out to require the filing of permits and waivers for these refugees? What must be done?" he asks.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Drake looks to Hellenbert at Valcus' words. Yes, was that just a ploy to get us here to discuss this? He wonders. The man can't think to unravel the entire conspiracy in one afternoon entirely from his fireside.
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Post by BartNL »

"Truths are almost entirely relative. I will get you the correct permits, and they may prevent someone else from forcing your hand. As things stand, you or any of the refugees can be arrested for any number of offences like squatting, or similar. Enough to lock you up until questioning, which would easily be postponed for days with the tournament about to begin." Hellenbert grabs a third piece of paper, and start scribbling a permit stating that ... and ... the Lords of ... and ... respectively have been " This form is a declaration to be signed by you, and witnesses, that you are responsible for the refugees, allowing you to stay outside the walls until the Council decides otherwise. Write your names and titles here, sign there, here and there. And don't write anything over there, my father will have to sign in that spot. "

Bluff to make myself/my father look important and able to authorise such things as he's proposing: [1d20+1]=10+1=11
Last edited by BartNL on Fri Mar 08, 2024 3:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by ratwizard »

Valcus watches their host closely as the man writes. Then, he reads the document carefully once Ser Hellenbert finishes. Responsible for them, aye, but liable? By signing this, we are committing ourselves to the protections — or abuses — of this man and his father. We did not cause their displacement. The Imardanians did.

Does Ser Hellenbert seem possibly deceitful, or sincere in his attempts to get us to sign this?

Insight Check: [1d20+2]=9+2=11
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Caelen crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow as Hellenbert explains the apparent laws and documentation of the land. "But how could we be arrested for squatting?" Caelen asks earnestly. "The refugees, maybe, but we're staying at an inn in the city." I doubt they could even arrest all the refugees anyways. And then what? They're in the city anyways...
Insight on whether this seems legit: [1d20+11]=3+11=14

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Post by Namelessjake »

Drake watches Hellenbert as Valcus looks over the document, trusting his proven fellow Lord's administrative eye. Many a coup a the tip of a guardsman's sword, but just as many have happened with a steward's quill, he thinks, amending his earlier thought as he wonders if Ser Hellenbert could have any ulterior motives.
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Post by Fialova »

Valcus, Drake, Caelen
You get the distinct sense that Hellenbert is either being untruthful in his words, or that he is at the very least neglecting to reveal the entire truth of the matter. 
"I have not seen him yet, no," Esmé replies, doing her best to keep an eye out as well. "I do not recognize any of them so far, most of them seem to be peasants of this land."

As you watch, you notice one of the Serran men moving about the camp multiple times, seeming tired and stressed. He occasionally stops and speaks to one of the other Serran mercenaries, and they seem to nod in response to his words before moving onwards. You get the distinct sense that he is an authority figure among them.

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Post by Namelessjake »

"Are our signatures entirely necessary?" Drake asks, not fully trusting the Menoran Knight just yet.
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Post by ratwizard »

"Yes, I apologize, Ser Hellenbert, but I am not entirely convinced this is the panacea to our issues with the caravan. I can see the argument that — despite the truth of such claims — we could be deemed liable and strategically detained by machinators among the Queen's court. However by signing this, we are guaranteeing little for ourselves other than the ability to stay outside the walls. I would ask for further immunity for those of us here."

He looks at the Menoran closely. "By signing these documents, we are placing our trust in your allegiance to your city and your Queen. I ask that you extend the same trust in us, too. This must work both ways if we are to gain any ground on the true villains afoot."

Besides, a document like this has small value if we already have the ear of the Princess. That feather may be our way past detainment or other troubles. Though playing her hand by rescuing us would clue the Imardanians into our own strategizing... He sighs. Things were so much simpler, before the war.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Caedus nods and continues to look around. He furrows his brow, catching the man moving back and forth. He pauses, putting a gentle yet firm hand on Esmé's shoulder, and points out the man. "Him, there. He seems to have some authority. Does he seem familiar?" He asks, keeping an eye on him.
Last edited by FinalTemplar on Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by BartNL »

Immunity? Flattering, but everyone who's anyone would immediately see that's far beyond my status.
"Immunity? That I cannot do. Best is to petition the queen, and hope she thinks you charming. You signing this, or any other, document doesn't change reality by itself. It's about what's between the lines, a sign of support from my house to you. Even if these papers are overturned or invalidated, that will still remain clear."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"If signing this doesn't change anything, then why should we sign it?" Caelen asks, crossing his arms as he eyes the knight with suspicion. "If you have your own suspicions, then why is your family's support coming across as so conditional?"
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Post by ratwizard »

Valcus eyes Caelen curiously, interested in the elf's line of questioning. He's picking up the knack of contracts. He turns back to the Menoran, awaiting his response. The Brandts seem like useful allies in this plot, and yet the man proves challenging to fully trust.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Our alliance with the Princess likely grants us that immunity. Although there could always be delays in getting word to the Queen in which our enemies could act, Drake thinks, curious to hear Hellenbert's reaction to Caelen's questions but wary that they will need to make more allies and trust is a prerequisite of establishing such relationships. We ultimately may have no choice but to trust these Brandts.

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Post by BartNL »

But I just explained it to them...
"What would you have me do instead, climb the tower and shout down how the Imardanians are invading and that you require help? That will do no good for your cause. A whisper may speak louder than a bold proclamation would. The whisper being the permit. It will be filed, other lords in the guard will be notified, and spies from Menora and abroad will take notice of this silly permit and the signees."
Hellenbert then points at the papers on the table. "And how do you mean conditional? I have offered you aid and hospitality, and have shared my worries and suspicions, have I not? The only thing I have asked for in return is to advance our common interest. If you ask me, this has been a one-sided affair so far. You have yet to play all your cards, and while I accept that, I can't help you if you decline my offer." Hellenbert sits up straight in the chaise longue, clearly ready for retort. There's at least one crucial detail they have held back, how did they get in contact with someone unimportant like Carl?
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Post by Namelessjake »

"True, this permit make shake loose both allies and enemies alike from the tree. I'll sign it," Drake says, standing up to make his way over to the table where the document lies. "The more we disrupt their plans, the more likely the Imardanians will have to react and potentially reveal themselves."

And it is only a piece of paper. It can be cast into the fire if necessary. True authority comes from the sword.
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Post by ratwizard »

"You have indeed offered much," Valcus admits, hardly wanting to impinge on their admittance to Burnhold. "And for that, I am thankful. I hope you can understand our hesitations — we have faced many who stymie our efforts. Pragmatism is one of few principles keeping us alive, it seems. I will sign your permit." He follows suit after Lord Aerden.

It is impossible to know — truly know — the thoughts of another. But there are risks we must take, and placing our trust in these Brandts is one.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

But asking us to sign this before you help us is literally a condition... Must be exhausting to be this dense. Caelen shrugs, not keen to push it more when the lords have already agreed. Why do we even need a permit when words work fine? And why are we broadcasting our alliances when we don't know who to trust?
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Post by BartNL »

That wasn't so hard now, was it. Hellenbert things, smiling as the lords sign.
"That should be it."The pieces on the board have started moving, now Menora's enemies will have to respond. These lords will make some heads turn at the tournament, surely. A righteous cause to serve Menora has dropped in my lap, and I'd be damned if I didn't serve my queen and try to find glory in that. Now I wonder, what has Ember been up to?
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Post by Fialova »

"Oh!" Esmé responds, perking up slightly at the sight of the man. "Yes, I know him, he is Tawil. He has been a lieutenant in the group for years. He might know where the commander is," she continues, beginning to walk towards the man, but stopping and turning back to you after a few steps. "I am not sure if he is one of the traitors, so we should approach carefully. See what he knows, and maybe get an idea about whether or not he is loyal to my father or their new leader."

As you begin to move towards Tawil, you can see that the elven woman has now ceased her duties and is spying on you through the crowd, paying attention now to both of your actions, not just your own.
Everyone Else
As the three foreigners sign the document, you hear heavy footsteps coming down the staircase from the floor above, and it is not long before a large man, one who could only be Hellenbert's father, comes into view. He is a tall, broad man whose physique perfectly matches what one would expect of a skilled, aged knight. His wavy hair is shoulder-length and grey, with a mid-length grey beard. He wears a tunic of red with golden accents, which looks to be of fine make but somewhat aged. He walks slowly and with heavy footsteps as he descends from the staircase and steps properly into the room, is resting frown quickly replaced by a large jovial grin as he holds his arms wide in welcome.

"Hellenbert, my boy!" the man booms, as he steps to his son and embraces him in a firm hug. "Home so soon, we'd not expected you back before dinner. And you've brought guests!" he continues with a hearty laugh. He finally releases the hug before stepping over to the closest of the two noblemen, offering his large hand to shake. "Adelhart Brandt, welcome to my home. And who do we have the pleasure of hosting this fine afternoon?"
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Post by Namelessjake »

Ah, Brandt the elder at last. I assume he is trustworthy based on his son's words. Or at least as trust worthy as his son, Drake thinks as the patriarch of the Brandt family joins them.

"Lord Drake Aerden," the lord says by way of introduction, offering the man a hand.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Caedus nods, walking with Esmé, nodding. He keeps glancing between Tawil and the elven woman. His breath catches in his throat, wondering what it could all mean. Are they involved? Am I getting involved in something that will only make my situation worse? Is Esmé even trustworthy?... Do I even trust that participating in the tournament guarantees my freedom? I could run right now... Being back with my crew would make me safe. Caedus grimaces, trying to just focus on figuring out what Tawil is doing.
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Post by Fialova »

As the two of you approach the man, one of the people he had been speaking to rushes off, presumably to perform some assigned task. "Hey," Esmé says to him, tapping on his shoulder as you reach him. He turns, letting out an exasperated sigh as he does.

"What is it now..." he begins, before pausing and looking first at her, then you, with confusion clear in his eyes. "Oh, you're not one of mine. I don't know you, who are you?" he asks, looking back and forth between the two of you. He places his fingers to his temple, clearly stressed, as he awaits a response. 

"Esmé," she says, folding her arms in front of her as she looks towards the man with a stern look.

"Why do I... wait, are you... you're Diego's daughter, right?" he sighs again as she nods in response, his confused expression turning to one of sadness. "Well, I guess I have a tale for you, then," he continues, before glancing towards you with a now cautious look. "But first, who's your friend? I didn't see him in the entourage."
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Post by ratwizard »

Valcus nods warmly at the elder Brandt as the man enters the room. A foil to Camden, it seems. It is nice to feel welcomed, and not as if trespassing, when found by a patriarch.

"Lord Valcus Torinn," he adds, shaking the man's hand. "And with us are Caelen, Ser Daria, and Ghor." He gestures toward each of their companions in turn. "Thank you for receiving us at the Burnhold. Your family has built quite the admirable legacy here, as your son has shown us."
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Caedus glances between the two, "I am the Talon of Tanon, Marcus. I am just helping my friend here find someone she's looking for," He says, "You don't have to interact with me, but I will be going with her until her task is complete." He relaxes his stance a bit, trying to put from his mind the elf from earlier. "You said you had a tale for her, please, continue."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Caelen gives a meek smile and nod to the man, somewhat surprised by the man's nature in comparison to other lordly types. He's certainly spirited. If only Carl had a father like this. But let's see his reaction when we bring up the war. Hopefully his nature is as genuine as it seems so far.
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Post by BartNL »

Hellenbert awkwardly accepts the hug, his father squeezing him more than Hellenbert believes necessary and appropriate.
"Greetings father, the lords and their entourage lead a host of refugees and bring disquieting tidings. They speak of an war. An Imardanian invasion."
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Post by ratwizard »

"Aye," Valcus confirms to the elder Brandt. "The coast has fallen to the northerners, and they move upriver, deep into our heartlands."
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Post by Fialova »

Tawil nods, before returning his gaze towards Esmé. "I can only assume you are looking for Captain Farjad, then," he says with a sigh, to which she nods as well.

"We were all fooled by the man, it seems. After he gained command of the company, he had us take jobs in this land, promising work fighting against an invasion we knew nothing about. Turns out, he knew about the coming invasion because he was working with the invading forces. He ambushed some of our finest men, as well as the nobleman who now lead us, and slew Albaen and some others."

"No..." Esmé responds weakly at the mention of the deaths, clearly knowing the name.

"He took us for fools and got many of us killed for some bullshit war he helped cause, the bastard," Tawil responds. "Now we're helping the lords he'd ambushed - who ran him and his fellow traitors out - get these war refugees somewhere safe. I'm sure they'd appreciate you and your father returning to help lead us," he continues, sighing once more as he rubs his head. "I've been doing my best, but I'm not really cut out for being in charge."

"So he's dead? Captain Farjad?" Esmé asks, her voice hopeful, though her face still pained from the news of the further betrayal. 

"No," Tawil says, shaking his head. "No, the bastard got away. He'd had a fellow traitor accompanying the lords, the fuckers all got away together. Who knows where they are now. I'd be happy to run the old captain through if we see him again, though."

"You and me both," the woman responds, her hopeful tone turning to one of frustration. She turns to you, anger in her eyes. "Thank you for bringing me here. I'd expected a fight, not such sorrowful news. I... will stay here with Tawil for some time, I have much more to ask and you need not stay for it. You may return to whatever it was you were doing, if you want."
Everyone Else
The large man shakes each of your hands, before turning to his son at news of the war. "A war? What war? You mean to tell me the entire west is fallen? To whom?" the man asks, clearly taken aback by the news. "Who would even consider invading this land, and with such force? Are we even safe here?" he asks, before pausing and taking a deep breath. His composure somewhat regained, he speaks again.

"Surely you jest," he says to Hellenbert, shaking his head in disbelief. "Trying to get your old man riled up in front of the guests, eh? I can see you doing this with one of your friends, but some visiting nobles? You ought to be more tactful," he says, his final words sounding disappointed.

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Post by Namelessjake »

"Your sons tells the truth, and if anyone was jesting it would be us, for he only knows of the invasion thanks to us," Drake clarifies.

"The Imardanians have invaded the coast and are pushing inland. Menora is safe, but for how long I cannot say. It is why we have come here - the Princess' tourney merely happens to coincide with our arrival - we came here seeking aid and an alliance with the Queen to help repel the invaders," he explains, assuming that Hellenbert's father will likely be privy to the same information they have revealed to the knight already, whether they tell him themselves or not.
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Post by ratwizard »

This conspiracy must run deep if the captain of the Menoran guard is as clueless as commoner, Valcus considers, clenching his jaw with a grimace.

"It is true, Ser," he adds simply.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Caelen eyes the man, wondering if his break in composure is genuine or if he is putting on an act like Camden. I certainly hope he's not involved too. We could use reliable allies. 
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