The Daily Deathmatch — IC

One-shot fights, PVP, or test builds are all welcome in our semi-canonical gladiatorial arena. Fight for your life!
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A Wan Smile
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The Daily Deathmatch — IC

Post by ratwizard »

The Daily Deathmatch

Hroka — Summer


A hundred paces apart, the two combatants stand ready.

From above you, the throngs of arena-goers cheer and shout in anticipation. The Overseer waves his hands around, signaling for silence. It takes a long moment, but the chatter eventually dies down.

"Fighters!" he cries.

Behind him, another man slams a heavy mallet into the massive gong.


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A Wan Smile
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Re: The Daily Deathmatch IC

Post by ratwizard »

Round 1: Greg the Burninator vs. Sonic


Roll initiative!



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Re: The Daily Deathmatch — IC

Post by BartNL »


Initiative: Sense Threat13(1d20) +21 = 34
Free action: Stall Tactics: lower Greg's initiative by 10

Combat Block

Male Elf Ranger 11
Languages: Common, Elven
Age: 20
Height: 5"4
Weight: 80 lbs.

Speed: 7 (8 when not bloodied)
Initiative: +11/ Wood elf sense threat +21
Passive Perception: 31
Passive Insight: 20
Senses: Low Light Vision

AC: 27 +2AC vs Opportunity attacks, +1 AC while Running
Fort: 20
Reflex: 24
Will: 22
HP: 77/77
Bloodied: 38
Surge Value: 19
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

MBA: +4 vs. AC, 1d4-1 damage
RBA: +16 vd. AC, 1d12+13




Active Effects:


Twin Strike
Nimble Strike

Second Wind []
Wind Fury Assault []
Skirmish Shot []
Disruptive strike []
Spikes of the Manricore []
Crippling Shot []

Mercurial Mind [_]

Boar Assault []
Rangers Agility []
Flying Steel []
Battle Runner []
Attacks on the Run [_]
Stall Tactics [X]

Lucky Charm []
Circlet of Second Chances []
Bracers of Archery [_]


Potion of Healing (heroic) [] []
Dual Arrow (heroic) [] [] [_]

Important Features

Prime Shot:If none of your allies are nearer to your target than you are, you receive a +1 bonus to ranged attack rolls against that target.
Most Dangerous Prey:Against any humanoid target designated as your quarry, you gain a bonus to damage rolls equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Ruthless Action:You can spend an action point to reroll any attack roll against a humanoid target designated as your quarry, instead of taking an extra action.
Windlord lvl.1:Your origin becomes elemental. For the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin, you are considered to be an elemental
Windlord lvl.5:Whenever an effect enables you to fly, you can fly 1 additional square. Further, whenever you use your second wind, you can push each creature adjacent to you 1 square.
Windlord lvl.10: Whenever you hit with wind fury assault, you slide the target up to a number of squares equal to your highest ability modifier.

Hobbling Strike:Whenever you would deal Hunter's Quarry damage, you can forgo one die of that damage to slow the target until the end of your next turn.
Fast Runner:You gain a +2 bonus to speed when you charge or run.
Lethal Hunter:The extra damage dice from your Hunter's Quarry class feature increase from d6s to d8s.
Running Shot:You don't take any attack penalty to ranged attacks after you use the run action.
Called Shot:Whenever you successfully hit a target against whom you received your Prime Shot bonus, your attack deals an additional 5 damage.

Prime Shot Greatbow: You deal +2 damage if no ally is closer to the target than you are.
Ghoststride Boots:While you are running, you gain a +1 item bonus to AC and become insubstantial.

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Re: The Daily Deathmatch — IC

Post by benderfan »


Initiative: 5(2d20.takehighest(1)) +2 = 7
Danger Sense: I can roll twice for initiative and take the highest

Combat Block

"Greg" the Burninator
Male Tiefling Mage 11
Languages: Common, Elven
Age: 30
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 100 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +12
Passive Perception: 15
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Vision

AC: 23
Fort: 21
Reflex: 22
Will: 23
HP: 68/68
Bloodied: 34
Surge Value: 17
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +4 vs. AC, 1d4-1 damage
RBA: Magic Missile, 11 damage

Resist 10 Fire
Resist 7 Necrotic (Resist 9 when bloodied)



Active Effects:


Magic Missile
Beguiling Strands
Scorching Burst
Mage Hand

Dark Speech []
Hellish Rebuke []
Fire Sea Travel []
Burning Hands []
Astral Wasp []
Repelling Shield []
Hellish Gaze []
Phoenix Step []
Enigmatic Spellcasting []
Suggestion []
Amulet of Life [_]

Fountain of Flame []
Visions of Avarice []
Melf's Minute Meteors []
Repulsion Armor []


Potion of Vitality [] [] [] [] [_]

Familiar Combat Block

Crawling Clot

HP: 1, is never damaged on a miss

AC: 23
Fort: 21
Reflex: 22
Will: 23

Speed: 4, Climb 4 (Spider Climb)
Passive Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to Heal checks. You gain Resist 5 Necrotic. If you already have Resist Necrotic, increase it by 2. Your Resist Necrotic increases by 2 while you're bloodied.

Active Benefit: Clotting Factor: Once per day, when you or an ally is next to the Crawling Clot and is damaged by an attack, you can allow the crawling clot to be destroyed so that they can spend a healing surge.

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A Wan Smile
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Re: The Daily Deathmatch IC

Post by ratwizard »

Round 1: Greg the Burninator vs. Sonic

The gong rings through the air, and Sonic is the first to move.

Go: Sonic


No yet.





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Re: The Daily Deathmatch — IC

Post by BartNL »

Before his strange opponent can react, Sonic notches his arrow and tries to shoot his foe in the foot, while trying to increase the distance to him.


Minor Action: Hunter's quarry
Standard Action: Boar Assault: 8(1d20) +17 = 25 vs. AC
Damage on hit:15(2d12) +5(1d8) +13 +2 +5 +5 = 45
On hit: Gain 5 temp HP, slow Greg until end of my next turn
On miss: Deal 20 (45-5 halved) damage
Move Action: Move to M,49


Immediate interrupt: Disruptive Strike when attacked.

Combat Block

Male Elf Ranger 11
Languages: Common, Elven
Age: 20
Height: 5"4
Weight: 80 lbs.

Speed: 7 (8 when not bloodied)
Initiative: +11/ Wood elf sense threat +21
Passive Perception: 31
Passive Insight: 20
Senses: Low Light Vision

AC: 27 +2AC vs Opportunity attacks, +1 AC while Running
Fort: 20
Reflex: 24
Will: 22
HP: 77/77
Bloodied: 38
Surge Value: 19
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

MBA: +4 vs. AC, 1d4-1 damage
RBA: +16 vd. AC, 1d12+13




Active Effects:


Twin Strike
Nimble Strike

Second Wind []
Wind Fury Assault []
Skirmish Shot []
Disruptive strike []
Spikes of the Manricore []
Crippling Shot []

Mercurial Mind [_]

Boar Assault [X]
Rangers Agility []
Flying Steel []
Battle Runner []
Attacks on the Run []
Stall Tactics [X]

Lucky Charm []
Circlet of Second Chances []
Bracers of Archery [_]


Potion of Healing (heroic) [] []
Dual Arrow (heroic) [] [] [_]

Important Features

Prime Shot:If none of your allies are nearer to your target than you are, you receive a +1 bonus to ranged attack rolls against that target.
Most Dangerous Prey:Against any humanoid target designated as your quarry, you gain a bonus to damage rolls equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Ruthless Action:You can spend an action point to reroll any attack roll against a humanoid target designated as your quarry, instead of taking an extra action.
Windlord lvl.1:Your origin becomes elemental. For the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin, you are considered to be an elemental
Windlord lvl.5:Whenever an effect enables you to fly, you can fly 1 additional square. Further, whenever you use your second wind, you can push each creature adjacent to you 1 square.
Windlord lvl.10: Whenever you hit with wind fury assault, you slide the target up to a number of squares equal to your highest ability modifier.

Hobbling Strike:Whenever you would deal Hunter's Quarry damage, you can forgo one die of that damage to slow the target until the end of your next turn.
Fast Runner:You gain a +2 bonus to speed when you charge or run.
Lethal Hunter:The extra damage dice from your Hunter's Quarry class feature increase from d6s to d8s.
Running Shot:You don't take any attack penalty to ranged attacks after you use the run action.
Called Shot:Whenever you successfully hit a target against whom you received your Prime Shot bonus, your attack deals an additional 5 damage.

Prime Shot Greatbow: You deal +2 damage if no ally is closer to the target than you are.
Ghoststride Boots:While you are running, you gain a +1 item bonus to AC and become insubstantial.

Last edited by BartNL on Sun Feb 07, 2021 3:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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A Wan Smile
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Re: The Daily Deathmatch IC

Post by ratwizard »

Round 1: Greg the Burninator vs. Sonic

Sonic's arrow flies true, piercing Greg's foot and slowing him considerably.

Go: Greg the Burninator


Sonic: hits and bloodies, gains temp HP, slows, moves.





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Re: The Daily Deathmatch — IC

Post by benderfan »

Greg is clearly wounded by the attack. He chugs a healing potion, and then rushes forward to try to do something to his opponent.


Move Action: Take out healing potion
Minor Action: Use Healing Potion
Standard -> Move: Run to T27

Combat Block

"Greg" the Burninator
Male Tiefling Mage 11
Languages: Common, Elven
Age: 30
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 100 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +12
Passive Perception: 15
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Vision

AC: 23
Fort: 21
Reflex: 22
Will: 23
HP: 48/68
Bloodied: 34
Surge Value: 17
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +4 vs. AC, 1d4-1 damage
RBA: Magic Missile, 11 damage

Resist 10 Fire
Resist 7 Necrotic (Resist 9 when bloodied)



Active Effects:


Magic Missile
Beguiling Strands
Scorching Burst
Mage Hand

Dark Speech []
Hellish Rebuke []
Fire Sea Travel []
Burning Hands []
Astral Wasp []
Repelling Shield []
Hellish Gaze []
Phoenix Step []
Enigmatic Spellcasting []
Suggestion []
Amulet of Life [_]

Fountain of Flame []
Visions of Avarice []
Melf's Minute Meteors []
Repulsion Armor []


Potion of Vitality [] [] [] [] [_]

Familiar Combat Block

Crawling Clot

HP: 1, is never damaged on a miss

AC: 23
Fort: 21
Reflex: 22
Will: 23

Speed: 4, Climb 4 (Spider Climb)
Passive Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to Heal checks. You gain Resist 5 Necrotic. If you already have Resist Necrotic, increase it by 2. Your Resist Necrotic increases by 2 while you're bloodied.

Active Benefit: Clotting Factor: Once per day, when you or an ally is next to the Crawling Clot and is damaged by an attack, you can allow the crawling clot to be destroyed so that they can spend a healing surge.

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Swampperson Prime
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Re: The Daily Deathmatch — IC

Post by BartNL »

As Sonic sees his helpless foe he fires another arrow, while running towards the arena wall.


Minor Action: Battle Runner
Standard Action: Flying Steel 17(1d20) +18 = 35; 14(2d12) +9(2d8) +25 = 48 35 VS AC
Damage on hit: 48
Damage on miss: 21
On hit: Gain 5 temp HP,
On miss: Deal 20 (45-5 halved) damage
Move Action: Run to A,63
Do not grant CA, Do not take an penalty to attack rolls


Immediate interrupt: Disruptive Strike when attacked.
Immediate Reaction: Make an RBA if Greg ends turn without cover (within r50)

Combat Block

Male Elf Ranger 11
Languages: Common, Elven
Age: 20
Height: 5"4
Weight: 80 lbs.

Speed: 7 (8 when not bloodied)
Initiative: +11/ Wood elf sense threat +21
Passive Perception: 31
Passive Insight: 20
Senses: Low Light Vision

AC: 27 +2AC vs Opportunity attacks, +1 AC while Running
Fort: 20
Reflex: 24
Will: 22
HP: 77/77
Bloodied: 38
Surge Value: 19
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

MBA: +4 vs. AC, 1d4-1 damage
RBA: +16 vd. AC, 1d12+13




Active Effects:


Twin Strike
Nimble Strike

Second Wind []
Wind Fury Assault []
Skirmish Shot []
Disruptive strike []
Spikes of the Manricore []
Crippling Shot []

Mercurial Mind [_]

Boar Assault [X]
Rangers Agility []
Flying Steel []
Battle Runner []
Attacks on the Run []
Stall Tactics [X]

Lucky Charm []
Circlet of Second Chances []
Bracers of Archery [_]


Potion of Healing (heroic) [] []
Dual Arrow (heroic) [] [] [_]

Important Features

Prime Shot:If none of your allies are nearer to your target than you are, you receive a +1 bonus to ranged attack rolls against that target.
Most Dangerous Prey:Against any humanoid target designated as your quarry, you gain a bonus to damage rolls equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Ruthless Action:You can spend an action point to reroll any attack roll against a humanoid target designated as your quarry, instead of taking an extra action.
Windlord lvl.1:Your origin becomes elemental. For the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin, you are considered to be an elemental
Windlord lvl.5:Whenever an effect enables you to fly, you can fly 1 additional square. Further, whenever you use your second wind, you can push each creature adjacent to you 1 square.
Windlord lvl.10: Whenever you hit with wind fury assault, you slide the target up to a number of squares equal to your highest ability modifier.

Hobbling Strike:Whenever you would deal Hunter's Quarry damage, you can forgo one die of that damage to slow the target until the end of your next turn.
Fast Runner:You gain a +2 bonus to speed when you charge or run.
Lethal Hunter:The extra damage dice from your Hunter's Quarry class feature increase from d6s to d8s.
Running Shot:You don't take any attack penalty to ranged attacks after you use the run action.
Called Shot:Whenever you successfully hit a target against whom you received your Prime Shot bonus, your attack deals an additional 5 damage.

Prime Shot Greatbow: You deal +2 damage if no ally is closer to the target than you are.
Ghoststride Boots:While you are running, you gain a +1 item bonus to AC and become insubstantial.

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A Wan Smile
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Re: The Daily Deathmatch IC

Post by ratwizard »

Round 2: Greg the Burninator vs. Sonic

Sonic's arrow slams into Greg's chest in a spray of blood, and the man falls to the ground in a slump of defeat. The archer makes it all the way to the Ring's edge, eyeing his prey safely from afar.

Greg stays down, and the stadium erupts, the day's deathmatch now complete.

Winner: Sonic!


Sonic: hits and bloodies, gains temp HP, slows, moves.





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Re: The Daily Deathmatch — IC

Post by BartNL »

Sonic runs back into the center of the arena and shout's: "And that's why you gotta go fast!"

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