The Show Must Go On! — OOC

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The Show Must Go On! — OOC

Post by Fialova »


Things have been tough of late, tough enough that any opportunity for work is worth looking into, even one as odd as this one. You came across the girl in the street, a young girl who couldn't have been more than 13 years of age. She was slowly walking, holding a basket of small scrolls, and passing them out to anyone who would take one. Most of the others ignored her, and you could see the look of disappointment in her face with each scroll that was denied. You took one, though, which was met by a polite smile as the girl continued on her way. Perhaps it was out of pity, or perhaps it was curiosity. Perhaps you didn't even mean to take, but that it was an automatic response to something being free. Whatever the reason, you took the scroll and broke the wax seal, rolling it open to reveal the following message in delicate cursive:

Code: Select all

Dear Friend,

Are you looking for a new opportunity in your life? Are you a lover of art, of music, of dance? Do you seek action and adventure? Love and triumph? Is there an emptiness in your life that you cannot seem to fill? If so, then you're in luck, because what I offer is all of that and more! What I offer is a chance at fortune, at fame, at the life you don't have but long for oh so desperately. Most importantly, what I offer is better shown than told, so if you seek these things, please meet with me and let me grant your wildest dreams.

With my endless love and gratitude,

You found on the back of the scroll an address, a date, and a time. Those you showed the scroll to might have shown interest, or they might have shown concern. You might have even felt concern yourself. But day after day, the young girl was in the street, passing out scrolls, and eventually the date on the scroll arrived. Against all doubts and fears, you decided it was worth the risk, that the potential rewards - whatever, exactly, they might be - sounded too good to pass up. And so you stand, now, at the foot of the steps of the building on the address.

It is the abandoned Miner's Guild hall, a building you've seen in passing countless times before. You are not alone, as others begin to arrive as well, and while not many, you all look to one another and to the dilapidated structure with confusion. What could be the purpose? Is it truly the correct address? Have you made a bad decision? The sun is near to setting and your mind races with such questions, when before you the door opens...

Setting & Game Information

This game takes place in Fort Sakura, the largest city in the Andorian Peninsula, during the 84th year of the 6th Era. It is a prosperous, walled city that sits on an island off the eastern coast of the region, and is the headquarters of the famed knighthood, the Order of the Cherry Blossom (OCB). While the OCB owns and administrates the city, there are various civilian-run guilds that have sprung up over the years, each of which controls over some aspect of the economic livelihood of the city. These guilds thus command great influence and often possess great wealth, though their existence is ultimately at the whim of the OCB.

While most guilds only grow larger and more prosperous as time passes, the Miner's Guild suffered greatly after the fall of Andor to the mysterious creatures from the deep. Its guild hall has sat abandoned and slowly deteriorating for well over a decade now, and is widely regarded by residents of the city as an eyesore. Some have sought to have the building demolished and replaced with new homes. Some have sought, with little success, to reestablish the guild and restore it to its former glory. You will instead seek to claim the building as your own as part of establishing and managing a new guild.

This game's driving purpose will be the creation and maintenance of this new guild, and all the activities and events will center around that goal. While there will be odd jobs to earn funds, there won't be purely spontaneous adventures that are driven directly by the party itself. In addition to the normal mechanics of D&D, this game will feature mechanics designed around performing for audiences, rebuilding the guild hall, obtaining legal clearances, and establishing and expanding a core group of fans and supporters. Over time, as you progress, you might travel to other cities to seek new acts to bring to your stage, or even, once well-known enough, be invited as a visiting act at foreign locales.

Character Hook

You are a resident of Fort Sakura, and your current life is not what you'd call ideal. Perhaps you left your job, or your relationship recently ended. Perhaps you have been down on your luck for some time and have only recently begun attempting to claw your way to prosperity. Whatever your reasoning, you are at a point in your life where the mysterious scroll from the mysterious young girl seems a worthwhile lead to follow.

Over the course of this game, as your character will find out at the beginning, you will be working to establish a new guild in the city devoted to music and the performing arts. While not a requirement, it could help your character's motivation if they are inclined towards such things. A singer, musician, dancer, or actor would all fit well, though people of other means can meaningfully contribute as well. A brawny fighter might make a good stage hand and set designer, while a trained mage might work background effects and lighting, just as some examples.

Fort Sakura is a very diverse and accepting place, where characters of any race, religion, or nationality can expect to be accepted as an equal by the others. Characters can thus originate from any region of the world, though they must have resided in Fort Sakura - and become relatively familiar with it - for at least a year prior to the start of the game. They may come from any walk of life, though they will begin the game with little to their name and little to no outside support. This can be the norm for them, or a new low in their life, that part is up to you.

The Party

Naji, the Hapless Harlot - Monk (Striker) - Scratcherclaw
Silja the Serene - Bard (Leader) - GROMkill
Eirlian, The Timid Troubadour - Bard (Leader) - Namelessjake
Stian Fellson, Son of Andor - Artificer (Leader) - BartNL
Felsi, Farm Girl and Failed Knight - Fighter (Defender) - TheWalrus42
Astrea "Rea" Alaric, the Traveling Thespian - Bladesinger (Controller) - greysigil

Character Creation Rules

System: 4e
Level: 4
Stats: 25pt buy.
Race: Any published, refluffed as human, elf, orc, or dwarf (or any combination of two e.g. half orc/elf, half dwarf/human, etc.). Half-races are generally infertile, so you can't get down into quarters of a race.
Class: Any published.
Feats: Choice of free expertise feat.
Themes: Allowed and encouraged.
Background: +2 to a skill or add a language.
Equipment: One non-magical weapon you are proficient in, one non-magical piece of armor you are proficient in, and 10 gold to spend on random fluff items (again, non-magical). Remaining unspent gold will not be kept.
Skills: There are no class skill restrictions; any class can train any skill. You still must take the mandatory/bonus skills granted by your class as usual (e.g. Arcana for a wizard). In addition, every class starts with at least 4 trained (before accounting for race/theme/feats/etc.) regardless of what the builder says, and any that would otherwise have fewer gets more to make 4 as a base number.
Custom Skills: Each player may choose 2 skills to be level 1 in at the start of the game, or a single skill to be level 2 in. Please see below for the list of custom skills and how they work in the context of this game.
Rituals: Component costs for all rituals are reduced to ¼ their normal values to encourage ritual use. Also, Raise Dead will not be allowed in this game – dead is dead, though we hope that doesn’t have to be an issue.
Inherent Bonuses: Yes
Languages: We will not be using the standard 4e languages, but instead the ones listed below. Every character should know Andorian as the default language for this setting (as opposed to common), and should they gain additional languages (from race, theme, feat, etc.) then simply choose additional ones from the list of custom languages as seen here.
Hybrids: In any game I run, you will be allowed to take the feat "Hybrid Talent" as many times as you like as a hybrid character. I feel like this helps make up for the fact that most hybrids are incredibly sub-par, and it allows for some really interesting combinations if you look hard enough. The CB does not allow for this option by default, though, so you will need to house-rule it and keep track of the benefits manually.

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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: The Show Must Go On! (OOC)

Post by Fialova »

The Entertainer's Guild

This is the guild you are being tasked with establishing. As members, you will be seeking to expand its ranks, to increase its wealth and influence, and to establish a widespread and well-paying audience. Of course, that all comes after you establish the basics first. This post will keep track of all things guild-related. Its current members, the state of the guild hall, as well as its legal and social standing will all be recorded here. Likewise, as the guild grows and attracts foreign partnerships or visiting acts, those will be mentioned as well.

Guild Roster

This will be a running list of all members, past and present, of the Entertainer's Guild. The party will initially be given the 'rank' of 'unassigned,' which simply means they are not bound to a specific role. As their strengths are established they will be given more specific roles within the guild, potentially with some amount of authority over the other NPCs. NPCs will typically be hired on for specific roles they are suited to, and the roles of all members will be listed along with their names


Cecile Leconte - Guild Leader, Writer, Composer

Bio & Appearance


"In Her Eyes"

Émilienne Messier - Assistant

Bio & Appearance




Angélique Messier - Choreographer

Bio & Appearance




Michel - Actor, Dancer

Bio & Appearance



Guild Hall

The Entertainer's Guild Hall, formerly the guild hall of the now-defunct Miner's Guild, has definitely seen better days. At game start, it is quite deteriorated due to years of neglect, and will need plenty of tender loving care to bring it back into a presentable, and safe, state. This will take time, money, and materials, all of which the party will be tasked with acquiring. Here I will list the states of the building, and include a layout of it as it is repaired and rebuilt to the guild's specifications.

Exterior Status: Oh, it's bad.

Interior Status: It's real bad.

1st Floor Map
2nd Floor Map
Basement Map
Attic Map

Relations & Social Standing

Over the course of the game, the guild will undergo several changes and make deals or establish ties with a number of groups and entities. Gaining a guild charter, gaining resources and funds, and gaining new fans are just some of the challenges you will face, which will, over time, take you from unknown to unmatched in the entertainment industry of Voreld. Here I will keep information on how well the guild is known, how it is viewed, and any connection it has formed along the way.

Overall Status: Completely Unknown
Legal Status: Unestablished
Local Opinion: Nonexistent

Known Talent

Occasionally you will learn of performers who are skilled or well known. These individuals might be traveling minstrels, aspiring actors, and street performers, but they might also be famous and well-respected entertainers as well. Some might already be committed to acts, companies, or instituions, some might be solo performers who work for themselves, and some might be struggling new talent looking to make a name for themselves. Below I will keep a list of these talented individuals, where they are now, and what their status and abilities are. These are people you can pursue recruiting in the future, though keep in mind that the more prestigious they are, they harder they will be to impress.

Fort Sakura

Konde - erotic dancer, harpist

Bio & Appearance



Madam Gitmiş - actor/charlatan, costume designer

Bio & Appearance


Real name Mira Tamries, she is a 'mystical seer' to the impressionable locals, who offers palm readings, tarot readings, and other prophetic information under the guise of being a skilled mage from the Great Swamp. In actuality, she is a girl from Erlfeld who grew up on stories of the swamp's denizens, and sought to emulate the tales in her performance.

Taz Losugo - lutist, singer

Bio & Appearance


a local lute player in fort sakura, likely either half serran or from like somewhere in the serranak. would be mostly street performances and the occasional tavern gig. Full name Tazimedonya etc


Audette Arimura - fashion designer, model, guqin player

Bio & Appearance


she is Imardanian, mixed race of a Serran-ancestry mother and Jarangi father. a famed fashion designer and model in Imardin, who is also a guqin player

Laoise Bhasin - ballet dancer, playwright, composer

Bio & Appearance


from cianthum. she is a famed ballet prima donna of a major company in imardin, and has also written ballets and operas as well, though that is less well-known than her performance background

Davros Pallas - opera singer, soloist, singing tutor

Bio & Appearance


a gleiosian opera singer who immigrated to imardin and performs regularly for bishops and aristocrats in ellisport. he also is known to take on pupils and teach them his techniques, and often chooses the poor and underprivileged as proteges, having come from nothing himself


The Ivory Lioness - pianist

Bio & Appearance


an amkharan pianist, also quite famed, who regularly travels to cities around the continent to perform before returning to her lavish estate in her home country. Real name Yichen Myeong.


Evaluz - dancer, painter, makeup artist

Bio & Appearance


the most famous dancer out of Serra, a woman who has lived in palaces, and shacks, and who briefly resided with the Harem as a long-term guest before her current move east to Torusi at the invitation of the Rakh of the Silver Winds. in addition to dancing she is also a gifted painter and makeup artist


Mikael Besler - actor, comedian

Bio & Appearance


an actor and comedian out of tulrisse, a man known for his witty banter and crowd work, but also respected for his ability to play tragic characters with ease and skill


Iko Moverne - author, poet

Bio & Appearance


a well known author of fiction and poetry, who travels the world but is originally from a small village in the Grystbehn

Evaldu, the Mad Magus - stage magician, set designer, percussionist

Bio & Appearance


a traveling stage magician from Cru'un, who chose to use his magic to entertain the masses rather than to compete with other mages for mastery and prestige. he has a knack for percussive instruments, and incorporates such sounds into his performances. he is also known to design his own set pieces, and customizes them to match the techniques he plans to use. Real name Arrigu Nieddo

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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: The Show Must Go On! (OOC)

Post by Fialova »

Custom Skills

Much of the game is designed around concepts that D&D 4e simply has no mechanics for, some for certain tasks I will be devising mechanics and listing details about those here. Primarily, the tasks you perform throughout the course of the game will be skill-based. However, in lieu of the standard character skills you will gain through character levels, many of the ones you use will be unique ones devised just for this game. Below I have listed those skills, as well as how they will work, divided into general categories.

These skills will function mostly the same as normal skills, but they do not count towards the skill limit, and you cannot boost them in any way through character leveling. I will list below all skills you can acquire in this category, as well as their associated ability scores, which modify their rolls as usual (including adding half your level to the result). The primary instance where they differ is that often times skill checks using these skills will not have a DC to meet, or a success/fail condition, but rather your performance results will be based on how high you roll.

Additionally, at certain intervals, in addition to the added modifier to your rolls when performing these skills you will also gain additional benefits, similar to feats or item properties. These benefits will vary from skill to skill, though some will have a similar progression.

As party members acquire and improve these skills, I will also keep a chart of those skill levels for ease of reference, though it would be good to include them on your character sheet as well.

Performance Skills

For some performances you will be tasked to do things that the game mechanics already account for, such as staging a fight or performing an acrobatic stunt. However, many aspects of performance cannot be easily captured by any of the D&D 4e skills. Instead, you will gain some unique skills via other means than character level, which will begin at 0 and can increase as you perform and train to improve.

All performance skills gain the same benefits at levels 3, 6, and 9, given that they all accomplish similar results. Past level 9 you will not gain additional passive properties when rolling, though you will still gain the additional points to your skill check results.

Level Progression Benefits

Level 3: When performing in public, such as at a tavern or in a square, you will always draw interested onlookers or capture the interest of some of the audience. Such gigs will not earn less than 50gp in tips or payment by a proprietor, though the exact total will still depend on other factors, such as venue size, crowd size, skill check result, and the like. This benefit can only apply once per game day at most.

Level 6: When rolling a skill check to determine the results of your performance, you can now add twice your attribute modifier, rather than just adding it once. This applies to all future skill checks you perform with the skill.

Level 9: When rolling a skill check to determine the results of your performance, you can now roll two d20 and take the higher of the two as your base, before adding modifiers.

Singing: Charisma. This skill determines your ability to sing, hum, whistle, or otherwise perform solely using the tonal aspects of one's voice.

Dancing: Dexterity. This skill determines your ability to dance, both at the forefront and in the background, to please an audience.

Acting: Wisdom. This skill determines your ability to convincingly portray a persona other than your own, whether tragic, comic, or anything in between.

Play (Instrument Category): Dexterity. This skill has a variation for each instrument category, as listed below, and determines your ability to successfully and pleasingly play instruments in said category.

Play (Special Insturment): Dexterity. Unlike the normal categories, special instruments are unique or especially difficult and each one has their own skill. This skill determines your ability to successfully and pleasingly play the specific instrument selected.

Comedy: Charisma. This skill determines your ability to tell jokes, perform slapstick routines, or otherwise work the crowd into roars of laughter.

Player Skill Levels

Building & Design Skills

There will be lots of building going on in this game. Initial building will be focused on repairing and refurbishing the guild hall, to work into a presentable and habitable state for the guild members. Many of the building tasks will rely on basic muscular prowess, and be easily accommodate by the athletics skill. However, many aspects will not, and thus these skills have been devised to measure the player's abilities at creating not only functional, but pleasing, constructions. As with the performance-based skills, these will begin at 0 and can increase as you perform and train to improve.

Construction: Strength. This skill determines your overall prowess at building, both the structure of the guild as well as sets.

Set Design: Intelligence. This skill determines your ability to design unique, interesting, and functional sets for use in the various acts that the guild puts on.

Costume Design: Dexterity. The skill determines your ability to successfully craft high quality and convincing costumes for use by performers.

Decoration: Wisdom. This skill determines your ability to take a set and make it come alive, and really immerse the audience in the story your are trying to tell. This includes painting as well as set dressing, and all the minor details involved in both.

Player Skill Levels

Management & Administration Skills

Most of the initial management and administration of the guild is handled by Cecile and Angélique, and will require very little player input. However, as the guild grows and expands, so too will the need for new people to step up and aid in the running of the organization. These skills were thus devised to keep track of one's ability to train, to inspire, or to otherwise keep the guild running smoothly in cases where the default skills cannot. As with the other new additions, these will begin at 0 and can increase as you perform and train to improve.

Tutoring (Skill): Intelligence. This is not one skill, but many, and can apply to any individual skill mentioned above except for Construction and Comedy. They determine your ability to teach someone to be better at something you are already quite skilled at. Learning to tutor in a given skill requires first that you be at level 5 or above in the same skill, and you may only use the skill to help improve someone at most 2 levels lower than you.

Talent Scouting: Wisdom. This skill determines your ability to identify and locate promising individuals who might make good recruits, if the fit, and the price, is right.

Inspiration: Charisma. This skill determines your ability to boost the spirits of performers before a show, which can provide them increased effectiveness and result in a better overall performance.

Player Skill Levels

Other Special Mechanics

As needed I will list any additional mechanics I add to the game here. These might include things such as the mock duel mechanics from A Tale of Two Orphans, and other mechanics designed for similarly specific or unique circumstances. Typically this will only be done when the core game mechanics are unable to accommodate what I want, even if used creatively.

List of Available Instruments

Common Instruments are the ones that there exist mechanical versions of in 4e, though I've omitted harp and woodwind from the list. There will still be harps and a variety of woodwind instruments, but they will not cost the prices listed in the builder. The remaining instruments are more specialized - and expensive - instruments that are unique to wealthier regions, and have far fewer talented practitioners.

Common Instruments
• Hand Drum (Percussion)
• Wooden Flute (Woodwind)
• Lyre (Special - Harp)
• Carved Horn (Brass)
• Lute (Strings)


• Bass
• Cello
• Viola
• Violin
• Mandolin
• Ukulele


• Flute
• Piccolo
• Oboe
• Tulrissian Horn
• Clarinet
• Bass Clarinet
• Bassoon
• Contrabassoon
• Saxophone


• Trumpet
• Imardanian Horn
• Trombone
• Tuba


• Xylophone
• Hand Cymbals
• Gong
• Maracas
• Wood blocks
• Kettle Drum
• Snare Drum
• Bass Drum
• Tambourine
• Triangle
• Chimes
• Marimba


• Harp
• Piano
• Pipe Organ
• Guqin
• Bagpipes
• Accordion
• Sitar

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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: The Show Must Go On! (OOC)

Post by Fialova »


Throughout the course of the game, you will be tasked with preparing and performing various acts for your adoring (and not-so-adoring) fans. Some of these pieces will be written by Cecile, and many of the early ones will be of her own devising. However, as time goes on you might receive new pieces from other sources that you are free to perform. I will keep a list here of all such acts that the guild has performed, as well as a description of each. For certain pieces I will even include a script, or a transcription of the performance, for easy of reference.

I chose not to add skills based around the composition of such pieces to this game, as the PCs are meant to be more hands-on, either in performance or creation of sets and the like. As such, these pieces will generally not be compositions of the party members, but rather made by NPCs. However, should a player wish to write a piece to be performed, they are still free to do so. They would simply need to attribute the piece to an in-universe writer or composer, who they can create themselves, and once acquired the piece in question will be advertised as a work of that character.


Sample Title

Sample Description







Orchestral Suites


Choral Pieces


Popular Music


Comedy Routines


Dance Numbers




Companion Stats

This game will, over time, feature many NPCs, some of whom are unconnected to the guild, but a large chunk of whom will become guild members whose abilities are at your disposal. They will come from a variety of backgrounds and walks of life, but they should all be useful and skilled in their own ways. In the roster above you will find their bios and pictures, but there will be their raw stats in whatever skills and abilities make them useful to the guild. There might be some NPCs who have neither combat nor non-combat utility, such as Angélique's daughter Émilienne, and those NPCs will thus not have entries here. The rest, though, will have any important statistics recorded on this post for ease of reference.

Combat Stats

While this game is not focused on combat, it will still feature many NPC characters over time, some of whom will be at least moderately skilled in combat. These companion characters, in addition to their performance and preparation tasks, can occasionally accompany the PCs on jobs and quests where an extra set of skilled hands might come in handy. All relevant combat-skilled NPC companions will have their builds listed below for reference, which the player's can use to determine who they have accompany them on a given task.

Non-Combat Stats

Virtually all of the NPCs who join the Entertainer's Guild will have some measure of skill that will help contribute towards the guild's success in the performing arts. They might be singers, dancers, and actors, but they might also be stage hands, tutors, or directors. All companions who possess at least one of the Custom Skills I've listed above will have their stats presented below. This will help the players decide who should be assigned which roles, who should be involved in which productions, and so forth.

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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: The Show Must Go On! (OOC)

Post by Fialova »

Fort Sakura


Fort Sakura is a large fortified city built on a small island off the eastern coast of the Andorian Peninsula, founded in the mid fifth era. Despite its relatively young age in world history, it has grown heavily in prominence in the last few centuries to become one of the most important cities, and certainly the economic hub of the peninsula.

The city was planned from the start to live up to its name, a fortress shaped like the cherry blossom it was built to protect. The materials and masons for its impressive walls were generously provided by the Kingdom of Andor, in thanks for the Order of the Cherry Blossom's selfless protection of their trade routes and those of the other settlers around the peninsula. It took twenty-eight years to fully raise the outer walls, another thirteen to finish the central keep. The iconic White Gate, which adorns the main entrance to the city, was built around the existing gatehouse over a century after the initial construction.

The unique shape of the city's walls results in six distinct - and separate - sections, each one given a purpose from the very beginning and expanding under strict guidance so that there is little overlap. The six sections correspond to the five petals of the flower, as well as the pistil in the center. The petals serve as city districts, each district with certain zoning restrictions and differing general purposes. Clockwise, beginning with the western-most district (where the White Gate is found), they are the Market District, the Garden District, the Military District, the Residential District, and the Port District. The central section of the city, which consists of a massive tower complex, is the city's Keep.


In the center of the city, connected to the entire wall system and separate from all but the Market District, is Fort Sakura's Keep. It is a massive masonry structure that serves many functions, all of which falling under the blanket of rule. While Fort Sakura serves as the Order of the Cherry Blossom's home, the Keep is its headquarters.

There are many floors that make up the Keep, and in a general sense they range from less to more important as one ascends. The first floor is for general administration, and includes a court chamber for trials, a large ballroom for entertaining important visitors, the Order's library and archives, and an extensive series of storerooms, endlessly stocked and inventoried in case of shortages or emergencies.

The second floor contains office space for the officers with more administrative duties, such as the captains and certain sergeants, a meeting room for the Order's top brass to meet and discuss important matters with one another, as well as apartments for visiting diplomats or rulers to stay in while visiting and treating with the Grand Cross.

The third floor houses the Grand Cross' seat, where he can be appealed to by the locals, and the rest is devoted to barracks space for knights assigned to guard duty within Fort Sakura, whether along the walls, in the streets, or in the Keep itself.

Going up from there, the construction narrows considerably into a tower, which serves as the Order's prison. The prison system itself consists of multiple floors, with more dangerous criminals being placed on higher floors. The guard barracks on the third floor also serve as lodgings for the prison wardens, who sleep in shifts while the others are on duty guarding the cells.

Market District


Fort Sakura's Market District is the center of the city's activity, which is why it was designated as the first section most folks enter into when first arriving in town. Walking through the White Gate leaves one gazing out over Griffon Square, gazing on the great statue in the center surrounded by its meticulously kept flowers and topiaries. To your left you'd be met with the Peddler's Path, a wide road full of street vendor stalls that snakes into the northern portion of the district. To your right you'd find a much narrower, quieter route that leads to the more residential and artisanal section, which eventually finds its way to the Church of Acceptance - a non-denominational site of worship where priests of any faith my preach, and worshipers of any god may pray.

The Market District is first and foremost, as its name suggests, a commercial zone. There are residences scattered throughout, but they are almost exclusively those of the local business owners (often located above or below their storefronts), or apartments rented out above local shops by their owners (usually by those who own multiple shops, or live elsewhere). In addition to the bulk of Fort Sakura's business and shops, the market district also houses three of the city's guilds: the Merchant's Guild, the Carpenter's Guild, and the Writer's Guild.

Garden District


The most exclusive (and expensive) district, both for shopping and living, the Garden District is set aside for Fort Sakura's wealthy elite. Early on in the city's history, when the Order was just beginning to grow in respect and wealth, the second Grand Cross - Andel d'Arcangeli - rightly anticipated that having a section reserved purely for those of wealth and influence would help draw such people in as both investors in the Order and new, permanent residents of the city. Thus he chose the section where his private estate was located (which, at the time, was no more than a small wooden home and some fenced grazing land) to become this new district, marking out large sections to be reserved for other private estates, to be sold to those with the money to buy large sections of land at once.

The current Garden District has evolved much since its creation those centuries ago, featuring six large estates - the largest being the ancestral d'Arcangeli estate - and many other larger homes and more upscale shops. Along the main road through the district can be found Fort Sakura's largest and most expensive inn, which is the lodging of choice for traveling merchants stopping in for trade deals. The road itself is lined with beautiful landscaping and there are various public parks through the district. On top of all this, the city's Jeweler's Guild calls this district their home.

Knight's District


Before the city walls of Fort Sakura were even halfway finished, this section of the city was officially designated as an are exclusively controlled by the Order of the Cherry Blossom. While the Order controls the entire city, the Knight's District is for current knights only, and very few non-members are ever allowed admittance within its inner walls without special permission.

While the other districts can be a bit haphazard in their layouts and architecture, the Knight's District is very structured and uniform in design. It is separated from the main street of the city by a stone wall, significantly smaller than the city walls, but large enough to be a deterrent for any would-be trespassers. The Spruce Gate, which allows access to this segregated portion, lead into the heart of the district. A short walk down a shallow decline leads to circular central area, which surrounds the large open courtyard used by the knights for training and sparring, and occasionally for tournaments. Another decline in the road then leads to the workshop area, where everything from arms and armor to siege weapons are constructed as needed.

The vast majority of the district - all but the workshop area - is residential, serving as permanent housing for all knights of the order who have no homes of their own. These lodgings are provided free of charge to those admitted into the order, and paid for by local taxes. The lower ranks tend to share homes with many of their colleagues, often with entire patrols sharing a single section to bolster relations. Officers are afforded more spacious quarters, and the Captains are each allotted their own private homes. In addition to housing nearly the entire Order at any given time, the district also houses the city's Mason's Guild and Smith's Guild.

Residential District


The residential district of Fort Sakura was built on the lowest section of the city, part of which was originally marshland. Dirt and rubble leftover from carving out sections of the Knight's and Port districts was used to fill in the wetland portion, creating stable land to build on, though a drain was built to filter any residual ground water and future rain out of the district and back into the sea. However, over time the rain and shifting ground has caused part of the district to revert back to is original marshy state, leaving a dichotomy within the district between the higher, more stable (and, thus, more valuable) land, and the lower, less stable (and much less desirable) land.

The closer one is to the entrance of the residential district, the nicer it appears to be. However, the further one ventures into its confusing, muddy streets, the worse conditions become, and the more desperate the situations of its inhabitants. The southwestern portion of the district is barely above sea level, and poor drainage and unstable ground keeps it consistently wet with murky, disgusting water. There is a permanent smell of feces and mold that permeates the air, and all but those who inhabit the shacks built upon the barely-exposed ground (mostly recent immigrants and unskilled laborers or farmhands) try to avoid the lower section of town. It only adds insult to injury that the Farmer's Guild - the largest and most influential guild in the city - overlooks the slums (where most of its workers reside) from a hill right at the lower portion's edge.

Not all of the district is as bad, though. Most of it is nice enough, apart from the lingering stench emanating from nearby, and it serves as the locations of most purely residential buildings. The entryway boasts a stable for the locals to keep their horses in, should they own any, and the winding streets make for some tight-knit and cozy neighborhoods. In addition, both the Explorer's Guild and the Farmer's Guild reside in the Residential district, as well as the now-defunct Miner's Guild.

Port District


When the city was founded and the walls under construction, the current harbor that makes up the bulk of the port district was solid ground, though mostly of a low elevation. Knowing full well that a city this close to the sea would need a port, Adrian d'Arcangeli, the founder of the Order of the Cherry Blossom, convinced the Andor dwarves - with help from his own Order initiates - to dig out the land to create the walled harbor that now exists. The resulting rubble would then be used to fill in parts of the Residential District, as well as for creating breakwaters along the sections of wall extending past the shoreline.

The port has two sections, divided simply by wall sections. One wall section, the one with the higher cliffs, is for primarily-passenger vessels and for high-value trade - items too fragile or important to be left to the dock hands on the commercial docks. The other wall section is for the rest, the commercial vessels and docked privateers. This divide gives rise to very different social climates, with the western docks being considered fairly high class and safe, while the lower eastern docks are treated with caution and seen as a haven for undesirables. At the intersection of the main road and the western dock road can be found the city's Mariner's Guild.

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Re: The Show Must Go On! (OOC)

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Naji, the Hapless Harlot


Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements

Appearance: Naji is a young man, not particularly tall at 5'9" in height. He has a slim body, with slight muscle definition. This is especially apparent with the traces of abs he possesses. However, he is far from toned. He has medium-length black hair, styled in a sort of controlled-chaos method and often swept away by the wind. His skin is gently sunkissed and tanned, a consequence of life in the desert.

He has a boyishly-cute face, staring into the world with a pair of amber eyes, lined with black makeup in traditional Serran fashion. He generally wears loose-fitting clothing like those common in his homeland, eager to show some skin as he's done for years prior. His shoulders and abs are often bare when he can get away with it, though the frigid winter temperatures of Fort Sakura have thrown him for a loop.

Personality: Naji is a particularly charming and confident man. He knows what he's working with and will not forget it, allowing him to become alluring whenever he needs to be. He enjoys being the center of attention, but has gone far too long without experiencing such attention. He's, however, wary of others growing too close too quickly, despite also doing this himself. He is used to others only having interest in his body and wants to avoid heartbreak as he's felt with many others. Despite this, he is warmhearted and possesses a certain snark when among those he can trust.

As with those growing too close too quickly, Naji possesses a deep distrust for religious fanaticism, and even simply devoutness. He lost his family to such beliefs and does not want to lose anyone else. Though he himself still believes in the Serran Pantheon, he's kept a distance from the religious organization as a whole.

Early Life: Naji was born to Hadi and Ghada Ojeda in a modest home in the merchant district of Torusi. Moments before, his twin sister Najla was born. Though far from extraordinarily wealthy, his family was well-off enough to afford a comfortable lifestyle. He and his sister were spoiled with attention, toys, matching clothes, and lots of love from everyone around them. He and Najla were exceptionally close and nearly inseparable from even the earliest moments. As the two grew, they'd play imaginative games in the family's garden and create a reputation within the neighborhood.

In his early years, the Ojedas were close family friends with an elven family, the Kayodes. Their youngest child, Faraji, was of similar age to Naji and Najla and the three were often seem playing amongst each other. Naji in particular developed a close bond with the elf, causing much jealousy for his sister. This affinity led to Naraji being a common feature in the Ojeda household. This, however, would not last as the Rakh's rhetoric spilled into Torusi.

Fake News, Too Much to Lose: As trade dried up, conditions worsened for the people of Torusi, and they looked to anyone for their salvation. The Rakh had long-since proclaimed himself as Ka-chet, but few believed him til now. He made grand promises of healing the broken nation and restoring Serra to its rightful place on the world stage. Naji's father, desperate to improve his family's worsening situation, saw hope and truth in the divisive lies that came from the palace. It only compounded as propaganda spewed across the Silver Winds, decrying those not fully of Serrarn ancestry and blaming them for the nation's problems.

Soon, Naji's whole family came to embrace the lies and truly believe the Rakh was a god in the flesh. Society as a whole embraced them, whether out of true believing or fear of the consequences for disobeying. Faraji became a distant memory as elves were suddenly impure, past friendships irrelevant. Hate spread across Torusi, but in it, Naji would find love.

Star-crossed Lovers: Despite his parents' orders, Naji began to sneak out and see Faraji on a regular basis, and the two grew closer than ever with their world against them. As years passed and they entered their teenage years, the pair developed romantic feelings for one another. They were in love, though it was a forbidden love, and the tensions of keeping it secret made it difficult for both. They endured, though. One evening, though, Hala followed her brother and caught the pair together. She informed her parents, who called the guards on Faraji's family. They disappeared without a trace and Naji never saw them again.

Furious and distraught over their actions, Naji began plotting his escape. Though the Rakh had imposed a limit on travel, the boy caught wind of a trading ship that could smuggle him out of the regime he so desperately wanted to leave. In the dead of night, without a goodbye, Naji boarded a ship bound for Crescent Bluff.

Beat from the Tambourine: Naji arrived in Crescent Bluff clueless and alone. He had little means to support himself and no roof, his only asset being himself. He heard tales of the Harem of Crescent Bluff and made his way there for a new beginning. A woman there, Azra, took him under her wing and showed him the ropes, and he came to enjoy life at the Harem. He began to view his body as a tool and a work of art that men all over would love to see. He honed his skills, leaning dance and the tambourine to allure all sorts of clients.

Naji had finally found a home at the Harem, surrounded by those who loved and cared for him for the first time in ages. Azra quickly became a mother figure and he felt safe, wanted, and free. This safety became threatened, though, when a regular client grew bolder.

Obsessions: Esmail Al-najjar was a regular client of Naji's, and he grew more and more attached to the young man after each session. It started small, offhanded comments with uncomfortable undertones. But Esmail grew bolder and he became intent on having Naji all to himself. It culminated in an attempted kidnapping during a pleasure cruise, where Naji was only saved by the seas turning rough. Naji no longer felt safe at the Harem, knowing Esmail's connections and increased derangement. He decided to leave as soon as he could.

Around the same time, Naji had met an Andorian sailor named Ciro, docked in the city while his ship underwent repairs. Naji immediately fell for the hunky sailor, believing he was in love and seeing a future with the man he'd nearly just met. When the ship was repaired, Ciro offered to take him to Fort Sakura. Eager to escape Esmail and start his life with his new love, Naji accepted. They bonded on the voyage and Naji's love grew further. They arrived in Andor in the midst of winter, and the Serran began to realize how out of his element he was.

The First Blossom: Naji barely left Ciro's home the first few months of his arrival in Fort Sakura. He grew lonely, depressed, isolated, especially as his love was often absent. Despite this, he powered through, determined to see the spring cherry blossoms Ciro had told him about. It gave him hope throughout the lonely winter. His love for the distant Ciro faded little by little.

Then, spring arrived. He stepped outside, feeling the subtle warmth and the sweet air. He looked upwards, the blossoming trees almost bringing a tear to his eyes. As the spring gave the land a new beginning, so too was Naji inspired to give himself a new beginning. And then he received a strange pamphlet. He smiled, feeling hope for his future for the first time in awhile. His winter was over, and Naji would grow again.


1) Naji would really like to find his place both in the guild and in the city as a whole, as he's largely been isolated since his arrival.

2) I'd like for Naji to have the opportunity to woo Michel and potentially have a budding romance.

3) I'd like to see Naji be able to grow and develop more, especially as this will be a particularly RP-heavy campaign compared to some others.


1) On one evening at the Harem, Naji was entertaining a new client. The client, having imbibed heavily before arriving, was aggressive and did not take no for an answer. Unsure if the Harem guards could rescue him in time, he pushed the client out a high window, causing his death. He played it as an accident to avoid unwanted eyes on him and the Harem.

2) When it became clear that Naji had fled the city without any intent of return, his parents sought to appease the God-King for their failure. As penance, they sold Najla, Naji's twin sister, to the Rakh.

People Tied to Naji

1) Faraji Kayode

Faraji Kayode

Faraji is a close friend and former lover of Naji from back in the Silver Winds. The two had been close friends since children, but were torn apart by the Rakh's pure-blooded Serran rhetoric and Naji's family buying into it. The two continued to meet in secret and developed a budding romance for each other in their teenage years. When the romance was discovered, Naji's parents called the guards on Faraji's family and Naji didn't hear from them again. He is unsure if the family is still alive.

Faraji is headstrong and bold, choosing to take a risk even if it seems like a bad idea. He is charming and was able to swoop Naji off his feet. In the later years, however, he grew somewhat more closed-off and paranoid, but would still risk anything for Naji.



2) Azra the Tamer

Azra the Tamer

Azra is another member of the Harem of Crescent Bluff, and a longtime member at that. She has been at the Harem for twenty years and has afforded a certain standing and respect across the city. She's known as Azra the Tamer, a dominatrix with a knack for taming men and women in need of discipline. She has a large client base of particularly powerful people who desire a role reversal for at least one night.

Given her role, she is incredibly strong-willed in day-to-day life. However, she's incredibly sweet and protective of those she's taken under her wing. Naji was one of these people and she became like a mother towards him, helping to teach him, guide him, and comfort him when he needed it. She loves him like a son and the two still keep in touch through occasional letters.



3) Ciro Aguado

Ciro Aguado

Ciro Aguado is a sailor local to Fort Sakura who regularly sails on merchant ships bound for every known corner of the world. He's jovial and strong, with a caring underbelly that few ever see. He met Naji while stuck in Crescent Bluff for a short while as his ship was repaired. The two became particularly close, with Naji briefly falling head over heels for the sailor. Eventually, Ciro offered to take him to Fort Sakura. Seeking distance from Esmail, the harlot accepted.

On the voyage, the two grew closer and Ciro helped Naji learn some basics of Andorian, the language spoken on the peninsula. Upon arriving, Ciro let the now-homeless and jobless Naji stay in his home, which largely goes unoccupied from the frequent voyages. Although generally caring, he has largely come to view Naji as a friend around for pleasure rather than anything serious, and Naji has come to realize this as his feelings fade too.



4) Esmail Al-najjar

Esmail Al-najjar

Esmail is the son of a prominent patrician in Crescent Bluff and was a frequent client of Naji's at the Harem. He is somewhat slimy and snakelike, a cunning man with more influence than he deserves. He is also quite awkward and generally uncomfortable to be around. Unfortunately, he took an unhealthy liking for Naji that bordered on obsession.

Though Naji liked his coin, the man's demeanor and obsession made the harlot increasingly worried, which ultimately led to his fleeing to Fort Sakura. Notably, Esmail once hired Naji for what was to be a pleasure cruise in the Crescent. It became clear as the city faded that this was to be a kidnapping attempt, which only failed as stormy weather forced the ship to turn back. He left with Ciro soon after, not trusting the Harem to keep him safe.



5) Mitzi Baumgarten

Mitzi Baumgarten

Mitzi is an elderly neighbor of Naji's, and a particularly grouchy one at that. Whenever she sees the young man exiting his home, she scolds him about how he should not be in that house because he doesn't live there. She rants about how she knows the owner and knows that he lives alone. No matter how many times Naji has tried to explain the situation, she does not believe him.

She is a bitter and untrusting woman, having largely been alone since her husband passed and her children moved away. She takes out these years of resentment on Naji, as she interacts with few others throughout the day. Naji recognizes this and tries to stay friendly with the woman, but she makes it incredibly difficult.



Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks

1) Hailing from the sweltering desert, Naji has a difficult time dealing with the cooler temperatures in Fort Sakura. He also struggles with wearing the heavier clothing required to weather the cold, leaving him miserable regardless.

2) He remembers seeing the famed Evaluz performing at the Harem not long after he arrived. She served as an inspiration to him, pushing him to perfect his own craft with dance. He looked up to her as a hero for a time, but he's lost immense respect for her after learning she traveled to Torusi at the Rakh's request. Knowing the conditions of life in his homeland, he struggles with idolizing her anymore.

3) Naji loves the tambourine, having had a knack for it from his days at the Harem. He often used it to entertain his patrons, tapping its beat as he swayed his body to and fro. He, however, left his tambourine back in Serra and has not had the funds to buy another.

4) Naji enjoys incorporating aspects of fire into his performances, both for the personal intensity of the stunts as well as the added flare it gives his performance. He can't explain it, but he's always felt drawn to the spectacle of flame. He learned firebreathing and torch-juggling, and has recently learned how to manipulate the fire around his body in a more arcane manner.

Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions

Family: Naji's parents are Hadi and Ghada Ojeda. He has an older sister, Hala, an older brother, Isa, and a twin sister, Najla. His family are fanatical worshipers of the Rakh of the Silver Winds, believing him to actually be the god Ka-chet. He has made no attempt to contact any of them since fleeing Torusi and does not consider them his family anymore. He has even dropped his surname to distance himself further from the family that alienated him.

Class: While growing up in the Silver Winds, his family was part of the merchant class and his youth was comfortable, but far from decadent. When he fled to Crescent Bluff, he became part of the unique social class of Harem members, which afforded him certain privileges and social standing in the city. Now that he's moved to Fort Sakura, he's more of a commoner. However, his life is comfortable and he manages without too much stress.

Profession: While in Crescent Bluff, Naji worked as an exotic dancer and harlot at the Harem. He is largely unemployed in Andor, surviving off what money Ciro leaves for him

Institutions: Notably, Naji was part of the Harem of Crescent Bluff, a unique institution of sex workers and entertainers known across the world. Going forward, he will be part of the eventual Entertainer's Guild in Fort Sakura.

Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary

Primary: Love & Friendship: Naji has spent much of his life alienated by those around him and missing out on meaningful relationships. He seeks to change this, befriending those around him so he might finally have a real family.

Secondary: Fun: Naji has had his life experiences limited by his strict upbringing and wants to take part in the more fun and exciting parts before it becomes too late.

Tertiary: Fame & Fortune: Though he was renowned by some in Crescent Bluff, he wants his own fame and fortune to grow so he's able to finally enjoy the finer things in life.

Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term

Short-Term: Naji wants to discover the mystery behind the flyer he received, hopeful that it'll offer him the change he's looking for.

Medium-Term: He would like to finally find a place for himself in Fort Sakura, both physically and socially. He wants to have a new family eventually and feel as though he belongs.

Long-Term: Eventually, Naji would like to mend his wounded heart by finding someone he can love again.

Character Sheet

Naji, level 4
Revenant, Monk
Monastic Tradition: Desert Wind
Choose your Race in Life: Half-Elf
Background: Athlete (+2 to Athletics)
Theme: Sarifal Feywarden

Str 13, Con 13, Dex 20, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 18.

Str 13, Con 13, Dex 17, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 15.

AC: 22 Fort: 15 Reflex: 19 Will: 18
HP: 40 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 10

Athletics +10, Thievery +12, Acrobatics +12, Bluff +11, Dancing +8, Play Percussion +8

Arcana +1, Diplomacy +6, Dungeoneering +2, Endurance +5, Heal +2, History +1, Insight +2, Intimidate +8, Nature +2, Perception +2, Religion +1, Stealth +7, Streetwise +6

Dancing-1, Play Percussion-1

Level 1: Superior Implement Training (Accurate Ki Focus)
Level 2: Fluid Motion
Feat User Choice: Ki Focus Expertise
Level 4: Unarmored Agility

Monk at-will 1: Blistering Flourish
Monk at-will 1: Five Storms
Monk encounter 1: Light the Fire
Monk daily 1: Masterful Spiral
Monk utility 2: Agile Recovery
Monk encounter 3: Burning Brand


Equipped Items

Code: Select all

Main Hand: ---
Offhand:   ---
Body:      Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing), Desert Clothing

Head:      ---
Neck:     ---
Arms:      ---
Hands:     ---
Waist:     ---
Feet:      ---
Symbol:    ---
Ki Focus:  Accurate Ki Focus
Ring:      ---
Ring:      ---
Tattoo:    ---

Boon:      ---

* Oil (1 pint) (5)

  • Torch (5)
  • Standard Identification Papers
All Items

Monk Unarmed Strike, Accurate Ki Focus, Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing), Desert Clothing, Backpack (empty), Oil (1 pint) (5), Torch (5), Standard Identification Papers

Combat Block


Male Revenant Monk 4
Languages: Serran, Andorian
Kinsey Rating: 6
Age: 22
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 135 lbs.

Speed: 7
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Low-light vision

AC: 22
Fort: 15
Ref: 19
Will: 18
HP: 40/40
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 8/8
Action points: 1

MBA: +7 vs AC, 1d8+2 damage
RBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+6 damage

Resistances: 5 Fire
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Desert Wind Flurry of Blows
Blistering Flourish
Five Storms
Agile Recovery

Second Wind []
Light the Fire []
Burning Brand []
Sarifal's Blessing []
Dark Reaping [_]

Masterful Spiral [_]



Important Features


Unarmed Combatant: When I make a weapon attack, I use monk unarmed strike. I have a +3 proficiency bonus and deal 1d8 damage.

Unarmed Defense: While wearing cloth or no armor, I gain a +2 bonus to AC.

Full Discipline: I Can only use one full discipline power per round, but can use it as many times as the power would allow (at-will's any number of times in a round, encounters once per round, etc.) Can use full discipline techniques in whatever order I like, and if I spend an action point I can choose a different full discipline power.

Mental Crucible: I gain resist 5/10/15 fire.


Undead: I'm considered both undead and living.

Unnatural Vitality: When I drop to 0 HP or lower and am subject to the dying condition, I can choose to be dazed instead of falling unconscious. I still make death saving throws as normal and fall unconscious if I fail one.


Ki Focus Expertise: I gain a +1/2/3 bonus to attack rolls made with a ki focus. I gain a +1/2/3 bonus to damage against bloodied enemies.

Fluid Motion: I gain a +1 bonus to speed.

Unarmored Agility: I gain a +2 bonus to AC while wearing either cloth or no armor.

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Re: The Show Must Go On! (OOC)

Post by ratwizard »

Silja the Serene — Actress, Singer, and Stagehand


Dotienne Batiard, the Imardanian Ingenue

Character Sheet

Silja the Serene, level 4
Kalashtar, Bard
Bardic Virtue: Virtue of Prescience
Kalashtar: Bluff Bonus
Theme: Ghost from the Past
Background: Bonus Language (Gleiosian)

Str 10, Con 8, Dex 14, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 20.

Str 10, Con 8, Dex 14, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 17.

AC: 18 Fort: 13 Reflex: 16 Will: 19
HP: 35 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 8

History +9, Arcana +9, Diplomacy +14, Streetwise +12, Acrobatics +8, Bluff +14

Acting +1, Singing +1

Dungeoneering +9, Endurance +4, Heal +9, Insight +11, Intimidate +11, Nature +9, Perception +9, Religion +8, Stealth +7, Thievery +7, Athletics +5

Bard: Ritual Caster
Level 1: Bard of All Trades
Level 2: Extended Prescience
Feat User Choice: Battle Song Expertise
Level 4: Mark of Scribing

Bard at-will 1: Vicious Mockery
Bard at-will 1: Staggering Note
Bard encounter 1: Victim of the Feywild
Bard daily 1: Stirring Shout
Bard utility 2: Nose for Trouble
Bard encounter 3: Impelling Force

Ritual Book, Hide Armor, Wand Implement, Identification Papers with Portrait, Backpack (empty), Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing), Waterskin, Listening Cone
Comprehend Language, Glib Limerick

Combat Block

Silja the Serene

Female Kalashtar Bard 4
Languages: Andorian, Common, Imardanian, Gerrik, Cru'unish, Brennisian, Gleiosian
Age: 33
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 145 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 19
Passive Insight: 21
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 13
Reflex: 16
Will: 19
HP: 35/35
Bloodied: 17
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 6/6
Action Points: 1

MBA: +4 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage
RBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4+3 damage

List all passive resistances here. If none, then just write "None."

List all passive vulnerabilities here. If none, then just write "None."

List all passive bonuses to saving throws here. If none, then just write "None."

Active Effects:
List all current, non-permanent effects here (and the permanent ones too, if you really want). This includes all effects such as being prone, blinded, etc. Make sure this is always up to date. If none, then just write "None."


Item At-Will

Encounter []
Item Encounter []

Daily []
Item Daily []


List things such as potions and other consumable items here. If none, just write "None."

Important Features:

Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any passive effects that are more than a flat increase to attack, defense, hp, or a skill (such as being able to use perception for initiative rolls), any effect that are triggered by certain other effects (such as an attack boost vs bloodied foes), and so on. If it is relevant info that is not directly represented elsewhere in the combat block or in your character sheet, it needs to go here.

Item Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any effects listed as 'Property' on a magic item, as well as any specific traits of the item itself (such as Brutal and other effects on certain weapons, special effects from superior implements, etc.). Again, if it is relevant it needs to be listed.


Silja is a moderately-tall, human woman in her early 30s. She has olive skin and black hair. Her round, piercing eyes are a deep brown, with long lashes.

She is conventionally attractive and her face has soft, rounded features. Years of stress and sun are hardly noticeable aside the errant freckle or small mole. She has a medium, slightly athletic build but carries a subtle grace to her step that belies her experience as a former spy.

Silja dresses in long, layered earth-tone dresses which somewhat obscure her frame, and occasionally a hidden blade. She wears sensible, dark-brown, glossy leather shoes that are quiet underfoot, but still fashionable. Her navel-length hair is typically done up in a styled knot or braid and tied with a colored sash, but occasionally worn free and down past her shoulders.

She wears minimal jewelry — sometimes a bracelet, never a ring, but always a long brooch that hangs from her neck.


Silja is, on the surface, a driven, bold, and often independent person. She makes friends willingly, and she's a great listener. She rarely talks about herself. Silja tends to smile a lot, ones that never quite reach her dark, enveloping eyes.

Silja appears to others as relaxed and even-tempered. She is rarely anything more than irritated, and never angry. She carries herself with an understated confidence.

Ten-Minute Background Response Format
Background and Concept Elements

1) A Voice Begins

Born as Andaluca Petrelle in Cru'un into a middle-class family, Anda grew up an only child. From the start, she was a natural at singing, and her parents encouraged her study and training. It was noticed soon enough that she had latent powers in her singing, but they only ever came out when she was angry, overstimulated, or sad.

Anda's parents, Fabielis and Vika, were loving but rigid and traditional. They provided her as much education as they could, and in her love for singing, she learned not only her own tongue but was also a savant at the other regional languages as well. At the age of 7, she could sing a song in perfect Imardanian. At the age of 9, she had mastered Brennisian, and Gerrikian, too. At the age of 10, her parents immediately enrolled her into the Aetherial Academy.

2) Amidst the Aetherial Academy

During academy, Anda struggled at first — being surrounded by so many others like her, and so far from her life with her parents. While many of the other trainees focused their magic through wands, or through studies, or simply their hands, Anda's power came from her voice. No matter how much she trained under her peers and the masters, she could not focus her magical powers through anything else. Because of this, she was often the point of many jokes, gossip, or rumors.

During this period of time, she continued her hobby singing, however, performing in academy-wide formals, in the recreation halls, and simply out in the fields alone. She gained confidence in her teenage years, making a close-knit group of friends who held each other in high regards. Her voice grew in both beauty and magical effect, allowing her to affect the world around her with a simple stanza or rhyme. She could reach vocal heights that could stagger listeners, or croon a line so booming you swear it was a crack of thunder. And other times, a melodic chorus could twist the contents of a room in a flurry of air.

Toward her early adulthood, Anda finally felt ready to take the masters exams for placement in Cru'unish society. She had become a renowned student, practicing her unique form of magic and carving out a piece of the Academy for herself. Her peers liked her, or at least respected her, and the masters understood her potential. She did not pass the first round, but studied harder, internalized the feedback, and did so next time — with flying colors.

3) Next in the Order

Upon her graduation frmo the Academy, Anda was scouted by a Council member by the name of Mohirian Falst. Falst, the head of the intelligence wing of Cru'un, and a former Magus himself, wanted to recruit her to his foreign espionage wing. She would train under the Order of Magi for a year, before training under Council Intelligence for another — ultimately going overseas as an agent.

Anda was reluctant to join due to the ominous presence the Order had throughout Cru'un and the rumors she had heard of their actions. On top of that, Council Intelligence had overseen many foreign political actions that made Cru'un stand against the grain of much of Forelle. However, being the young, ambitious woman she was, it seemed like simply the next step in a long ladder she would climb. She accepted Falst's offer and decided to offer her fate to the state that had granted her a privileged life so far.

5) To Become Another

Immediately placed in a new group of recruits to the Order of Magi, Anda once again stood out. Her one-year stint with the Order was much shorter than the time that others would serve. While this was not an outspoken fact, it wasn't long before other recruits heard the rumors. This time, however, she was afforded much respect — both from the Magi, and the other trainees.

During this time she continued her studies, more focused on how she would apply them to her day-to-day life as a spy. She learned how to use her voice as a weapon, how to read into others, how to investigate, how to follow others, and when to spot a threat. Every week was a new task, a new challenge to overcome. Eventually, her time at the Order was finished, and she said goodbye to the teachers and peers.

Anda trained for one more year under Mohirian Falst and his team, going further into espionage and larger-scale concepts than covered at the Order. She learned the histories, culture, politics, and people of other sovereignties. She was brought into the fold on what sort of worries Cru'un had, what actions they might be pushing toward, and any sort of intelligence or counter-intelligence they were performing.

The experience was eye-opening for Anda. She begin to see Cru'un through a new lens — one that she felt had been hidden from her growing up and during the Academy. The sovereignty had a dark side to it, no doubt, but she was about to join a group of people who were shaking things from the top-down.

5) First Assignment

First assignment Gerrik - nothing too hostile or important, but definitely a challenge
Auditions and joins an opera house
Performs locally, invited to formal for Gerrikan military
Meets military agent and begins acquiring intel, passing to handlers

6) To the Empire of Salt and Sea

After a one-year stint she receives word she's being shipped back to Cru'un.
Meets with her family for the last time, unknowingly at the time
Falst congratulates her for a fine job. Says a former agent has left their post and that she was being transferred to Imardin, one of their most important assignments. She is to join their high society and trace any efforts of their ongoing naval campaigns and imperialism
Cover name Dotienne 'Doti' Bastiat
She takes a ship to Imardin.

7) The Masquerade Game

Court Intrigue at balls / events for a few years, develops relationships and forwards any knowledge onto her handlers.

8) The Stakes Are Raised

Falst is burning through his resources in desperacy. Silja is tasked with getting close to Laurent Auffey and killing him. She is utterly against this, but Falst's back is against the wall locally, and he threatens her. She reluctantly agrees, but this marks the first cracks that appear in her skepticism toward Cru'un.

9) Close Calls and Long Falls

She misjudges the situation in private encounter with Laurent and ends up in a violent fight with him. She injures him severely, but is thrown from a great height out of a tower and critically injured in the street

10) Retreat, Release

She is found by her handler Hestos Mural, who contacts a former handler by the name of Patrinella that lives in Ellisport. Patrinella takes her in, hides her, and helps her recover over a few weeks. Patrinella then attains false documents for a new identity and forges news of her death back home by lying to Hestos.

11) A Voice Begins (Reprise)

Takes a boat to Andor, the furthest she can get. She does freelance jobs for money, singing in taverns, pubs, and even at the Order hall

12) She Hears the Call

Gets scrap of paper. Could it be an opportunity?


1) Silja wants to forget her past, and have it forget her, too. She desires to forge a new life for herself, one where she can weave her own fate of becoming a famous singer and actress — free from the troubles she once knew.

2) I want Silja to break her shell with people she comes to trust. Secrets like what she has cannot be held forever without crumbling ones soul.


1) Silja is a former Cru'unish spy and every piece of her identity is fabricated. She does not see herself as a lie, though — she truly wants to become the new image of her she's created.

2) Silja's birth-name was Andaluca Petrelle.

3) The Imardanian naval officer she failed to assassinate has returned to his task of planning the colonization of Sorlik, and this has left him with even more motivation and fervor. He has vowed that if he finds the woman who attacked him, he will have her executed in Elys' name.

People Tied to Character

1) Patrinella — the Cru'unish dwarvish woman who found Silja, took her in, and saved her life. Patrinella is the only person from Silja's old life that she maintains a permanent connection to. Patrinella herself has no magic powers, and holds a disdain for the classist ways of Cru'un. Learning of the poor treatment Patrinella had received throughout her life was the catalyst that caused Silja to leave.

2) Hestos Mural — one of Silja's handlers who brought Patrinella into the loop to rescue Silja. Patrinella told hestos that Silja had died in her care, and he reported that onto the Council.

3) Abi — a local Sakuran young man who helped get Silja on her feet when she arrived.

4) Mohirian Falst — the Cru'unish Magus / Council member that first recruited and mentored Silja. He is an older human man, friendly and warm on the outside, but calculating and harsh in his true nature.

5)Laurent Auffey — the naval officer in charge of organizing the colonization of Sorlik. Laurent is an ambitious, charming orcish man who is young but highly decorated. The attack has left him on edge, fervent, and unyielding. He continues his plans in the name of Elys, taking direct means to barrel down any political hurdles that stand in his way.

Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks

1) While Silja has changed almost everything about her identity and appearance, she still feels and acts and speaks similarly. Due to her proficiency with several languages, she speaks Andorian with a subtle accent — one that is hard to distinctly pick out as Imardanian or Cru'unish, as it's a mix of both.

2) Silja has fond memories of her friends during Aetherial Academy, but tries to stifle the memories. Not to harden her soul, but because it hurts knowing that she is a whole life away and she will never see any of them ever again. She does not remember her parents well, only the concept of them at this point. They were civilians, and had limited chances to spend time with her once she left home at a young age. They came to visit a few times at the Academy and once during her training at the Order, and a final time between her assignments.

3) Silja has a few angry-looking scars on her legs from her fall. On the left, it wraps from her knee to mid-thigh. The right is around her inner calf. She hides them well, and they don't affect her mobility.

Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions

Family: Civilians, and mostly forgotten.

Class: Lower-class at birth. As a magus-trained member of Cru'unish society, upper-class. In Fort Sakura, lower-class once more.

Profession: Previously, espionage for Cru'un's Council. Now, freelance singer.

Institutions: Previously, a student of the Aetherial Academy, a trainee in the Order of Magi, and an agent of the Council's intelligence and espionage. Now, none.

Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary

Primary: Independence — a true, self-driven destiny is what Silja wants more than anything. She felt that her life was not hers to lead once, and she vows to never feel that way ever again.

Secondary: Safety — Silja has led a challenging life, and it has worn her spirit and made her aware of every threat at every time. While true safety will never be possible, she wishes for the opportunity to settle down and feel complacent and safe once more.

Tertiary: Success/Fame — Silja knows her skill as a singer, and her ability to play any part. She wishes that one day she'll be known for her skills, and not her past.

Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term

Short-Term: Find a better gig than the poor-paying freelance singing jobs with high competition around the Fort.

Medium-Term: Join a longer-term troupe or act, and become established.

Long-Term: Find enough success to live comfortably at a reasonable means, being satisfied with her progress and achievement.

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Re: The Show Must Go On! (OOC)

Post by TauNeutrino »


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Re: The Show Must Go On! (OOC)

Post by Namelessjake »

Eirlian, The Timid Troubadour#BF80BF


Background and Concept Elements

Appearance: Eirlian is fairly short standing at only 5'3" tall. She is also fairly slender in appearance. She has long blonde hair which her long pointed ears often poke through when she hasn't tucked her hair behind them. Her eyes are a deep hazel.

Her clothes are fairly simple, mostly due to her lack of means, notably she favours a pair of knee high boots and a dark lilac cloak.

Personality: Eirlian is strong willed but timid in social situations. The only time she is able to be confident in a social setting is when she is performing. She is friendly though once she becomes comfortable with people.

Birth: Eirlian was born to Tiriana, a Elven woman in Iron Eye Cove. While she never knew her father, he was in fact Darcell, now world famous bard and pirate extraordinaire. The two met during Darcell's early travels, long before he joined the crew of the Salacious Saint and long before he had made a name for himself.

Tiriana fell head over heels s for the young traveling performer who would woo her with songs on his lute. After a couple of months together Tiriana realised she was pregnant. Darcell stuck around for a short while longer but eventually decided a quiet family life wasn't for him and left in the middle of night, leaving behind only his lute and a small coinpurse. Despite his departure Tiriana remained in love with him for the rest of her life.

Early Childhood: Growing up they never had much, living in a modest town on the edge of the town, but Eirlian never went hungry. Her mother, while never telling her his name, would tell Eirlian stories of her Father's exploits around the world, eventually giving her her father's lute. Eirlian was a shy child and had few friends.

Discovering Music: Eirliran had a gift for singing and a talent for the lute, however learning an instrument from scratch with no guidance was a long and slow path. Even as a child, she would often leave her mother to go spend time around the town's taverns, hoping to hear one of the minstrels which would occasionally perform during a stop in their journey, normally either to Tulrisse or Fort Sakura.

She would slowly learn from copying these performances, until one day Eirilian was practicing near the edge of town when a group of lumberjacks passed by, headed back into town with their haul. With them was Bertrinn Edmos, a dwarven player who would earn his coin entertaining the logging camps. He heard Eirlian's playing and came over to her. After correctly some of her technique he began teaching her a new song. She began to seek Bertrinn out whenever she heard he was in town and became an unofficial apprentice of sorts. With the guidance of a teacher, Eirlian's natural talent quickly began to become apparent and within a year or two she was at least at Bertrinn's level.

From the age of 13 Eirlian began performing in the streets, bringing in a few extra coppers or the odd silver to help her mother. While she was still shy and timid around strangers, she found that when performing she would simply focus on the music and forget about the crowd of people watching her.

Hyrmina: Around three years ago Bertrinn gifted a puppy to Eirlian. He had won her in a game of dice against one of the lumberjacks whose own dog had just had a litter. With little need for a dog he decided to give her to Eirlian.

She named the puppy Hyrmina, after the Gleosian Goddess of nature and art who appeared in some of the elaborate carvings on her lute. Hyrmina grew quickly, becoming very large. She is a calm and affectionate dog, but fiercely loyal to Eirlian.

Recent Times: Two years ago a sickness swept through the logging camps around the Cove before eventually spreading to the town itself. Tiriana, Eirlian's mother, fell ill and died a few weeks later. With little left for her in Iron Eye Cove, and wanting to try and make a name for herself, Eirlian packed up what few belongings she had and left home with Hyrmina.

She toured the peninsula, busking for money to support herself and scoring the occasional tavern performance. Her coinpurse was empty more often than not but she managed to get by. She has now been in Fort Sakura for a few months mostly getting by busking in the Market and Port Districts.


1) Eirlian wants to make a name for herself as a musician.

2) I'd like to see Eirlian become a talented and well known performer. It'd also be cool to see an interaction with Darcell if he were to show up.


1) A handful of times, when she lacked the coin to feed herself, Eirlian resorted to stealing food from the city's markets.

2) Unknown to her, Eirlian's Father is the world famous pirate bard Darcell.

People Tied to Eirlian

1) Darcell - World famous bard and pirate extraordinaire. Darcell is Eirlian's father. He met her mother on his early travels, long before he joined the crew of the Salacious Saint. While Eirlian's mother fell head over heels for the young traveling performer, Darcell - as is his nature - was less committed to the relationship. He eventually left leaving only his lute and a few silvers to support the child.

2) Tiriana - Eirlian's Mother, an elf who lived in Iron Eye Cove on the Andorian Peninsula. Despite abandoning her whilst she was pregnant, Tiriana never stopped being in love with Darcell, and would tell Eirlian many stories of her father - though she never told her his name. She died a couple of years ago of a sickness which swept through the town's logging camps and then the town itself.

3) Bertrinn Edmos - A Dwarven player from Andor than Eirlian met when she was a young child. He spent most of his time drinking in taverns of the Cove spending what little coin he would earn entertaining the logging camps. He was friendly though and took her under his wing after seeing her trying to learn to play her lute by herself.

4) Ser Kuuno Ulfandril - An OCB guardsman who has taken a dislike to Eirlian. He regularly harasses her for busking even going as far as to confiscate her earnings on more than one occasion.

Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks

1) Eirlian often talks to her dog Hyrmina as she finds her easy to talk to and a good listener.

2) She fondly remembers meeting Hyrmina for the first time and holding the tiny puppy in her arms.

3) When bored Eirlian will often turn to her instrument, attempting to come up with new songs or practice ones she has heard before but not fully learned.

Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions

Family: Eirilian's only living family is her father - Darcell. Although Eirlian is unaware of who her father is.

Class: Commoner

Profession: Traveling Musician

Institutions: None

Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary

Primary: Music - Eirlian is happiest when playing music.

Secondary: Fame - Mostly a means to an end. Eirlian wants to become a well known musician as it would allow her to perform to her heart's content without wanting for anything.

Tertiary: Wanderlust - From growing up in the relatively small Iron Eye Cove Eirlian has a desire to travel and explore new places.

Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term

Short-Term: Investigate the flier.

Medium-Term: Find a regular tavern gig if possible.

Long-Term: Become a well known musician.

Character Sheet

Eirlian, level 4
Half-Elf, Bard
Build: Valorous Bard
Fey Beast Tamer Starting Feature: Fey Beast Tamer Companion (Blink Dog)
Eldritch Strike: Eldritch Strike Charisma
Bardic Virtue: Virtue of Valor
Half-Elf Power Selection: Dilettante
Background: Reformed Villain (Learn Giant)
Theme: Fey Beast Tamer

Str 11, Con 17, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 20.

Str 11, Con 14, Dex 13, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 18.

AC: 19 Fort: 16 Reflex: 16 Will: 19
HP: 44 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 11

Arcana +7, Acrobatics +8, Streetwise +12, Diplomacy +14, Bluff +12

Dungeoneering +2, Endurance +5, Heal +2, History +3, Insight +4, Intimidate +8, Nature +2, Perception +2, Religion +3, Stealth +4, Thievery +4, Athletics +2


Bard: Ritual Caster
Level 1: Improved Majestic Word
Level 2: Strength of Valor
Feat User Choice: Battle Song Expertise
Level 4: Rousing Voice

Bard at-will 1: War Song Strike
Bard at-will 1: Staggering Note
Dilettante: Eldritch Strike
Bard encounter 1: Shout of Triumph
Bard daily 1: Verse of Triumph
Bard utility 2: Canon of Avoidance
Bard encounter 3: Rally the Spectral Host

Ritual Book, Longsword, Chainmail, Lute
Scroll of Animal Messenger, Scroll of Traveler's Chant

Combat Block


Female Half-elf Bard 4
Languages: Andorian, Common, Elven, Imardanian
Kinsey Rating: 3
Age: 18
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 100 lbs.

Speed: 5
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Low-Light Vision

AC: 19
Fort: 16
Reflex: 15
Will: 19
HP: 44/44
Bloodied: 22
Surge Value: 11
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA (Longsword): +7 vs AC, 1d8+4 damage
RBA (Unarmed): +6 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage




Active Effects:


Staggering Note
War Song Strike

Second Wind []
Eldritch Strike []
Majestic Word []
Words of Friendship []
Shout of Triumph []
Rally the Spectral Host []

Verse of Triumph []
Canon of Avoidance []



Important Features:

Group Diplomacy: Allies within 10 squares gain +1 to diplomacy.

Virtue of Valour: Once per round, when any ally within 5 squares of me reduces an enemy to 0 hp or bloodies them, I can grant them +4 THP as a free action. They also gain +2 to their next damage roll.

Battle Song Expertise: +1 bonus to the number of squares that I can pull, push or slide creatures with my bard attacks and bard paragon path attacks.

Rousing Voice: When an ally within 10 squares of me uses their second wind, they also gain 5 THP.



Medium Fey Beast
Speed: 7
Initiative: Equal to Mine
Senses: Low-light Vision
Perception: 14

HP: 22/22
Bloodied: 11

AC: 20
Fort: 18
Ref: 18
Will: 18

Blinking Bite
Attack Melee 1; +9 vs AC, 1d8 +2 and the companion teleports 2 squares.

Blinking Pack
Aura 1; the blink dog or any ally in the aura can use a move action to teleport to another square in the aura.

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Re: The Show Must Go On! (OOC)

Post by BartNL »

Stian Fellson, Son of Andor

Fancy Dwarf.jpg
Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements

Appearance: Clothes makes the dwarf. Stian wears fancy clothing and jewelry to show off his wealthy upbringing. He'd rather be hungry than look like someone who might be. His gear includes a collection of old dwarven artisan tools. Stian wears them not just show off his heritage, but it is part of the appeal. He also wears a large keyring with keys, an heirloom from Andor, all but a few open treasure long lost when the city fell.

Personality: Stian is loud and undwarfishly flamboyant. Stian is proud, greedy, and selfish. He is also kind and genuinely sorry for hurting the people he loves. The way he dressed and presents himself is an act, or rather a shadow of the Andorian glory long gone.

Birth: Stian was born in a very wealthy family of merchants in Andor, on the day before it all ended. His families business did have enough assets outside of Andor to make their life in Baerin comfortable, but they would never achieve the same incredible wealth they had in the old days.

Early Life:
Stian's parents were part of the group of refugees who founded Baerin. His family was never able to truly recuperate and succesfully restart their businesses. Growing up wealthy Stian learned how to appreciate the finer things in life. Part of his education included a thorough understanding of dwarven craftmanship.

Travels: After living beyond their means for a number of decades they would go bankrupt. Not being able to handle this reality Stian left Baerin to roam the lands. He travelled all over Voreld for decades, his skills providing him with luxuries few wanders enjoy. The first decade he spend in the Dwarven Kingdoms. After that was a few years in Tulrisse and then two decades in Imardin. After that is a bit of a blur. There are memories of a long trek through the Serran Desert and back, and of the Gleiosian cuisine, a jail cell in Brennis, a Kurnish brothel, a feast with the witches in the great swamp and many more memories. The last two decades the dwarf has spend most of his time on the western islands of Voreld and the in the port towns of Tulrisse and Imardin.

Later Life: Stian has grown old in foreign lands and has returned to the lands of his youth to see what has become of his family. Now an opportunity has presented itself to find fame and fortune. This slight detour should prove to be interesting.


1) See if this guild is a good thing for him.

2) Let Stian come to terms that his life has amounted to very little.

3) Find out what the future holds for this last dwarf of Andor.


1) Stian doesn't want people to find out he ran out on his family, or that he has nothing to show for his time spend roaming Voreld.

2) Stian's parents are most likely dead by now. Stian is not sure of this however.

People Tied to Stian

1) Fell Fellson: Stian's father. Fell became a depressed and disgruntled man after loosing his home, gold, and most of his friends and family members.

2) Frida Fellson: Stian's mother. An avid storyteller. When Stian was a wee dwarf, Frida instilled in her young son a sense of adventure by telling him wild stories from all over the world.

Stian doesn't really have friends, allies or rivals.
There is however a plethora of characters from all nationalities and walks of life, whom he met during his long life. These include:

Darcell: Stian met the world famous bard pirate years before he turned to piracy. They got along well for a time as whoring, gambling, drinking and getting into trouble turned out to be mutual interests. Stian likes to think that he thought the now famous man a thing or two about the world.

Friedrich Brandt: The infamous pyromancer.
Friedrich has been in self-exile from Tulrisse after allegedly burning down his patrons’ residence. Friedrich has strong opinions about why most laws should not apply to people of great skill like him; laws should exist only to regulate the plebes. Friedrich's behaviour stemming from those believes has resulted in many clashes with the authorities. This contributed to his unwillingness to stand trial and to flee Tulrisse. Stian met the man and his brother for the first time in Tulrisse when visiting Menora. Hanging with noble mages does good for a person's reputation after all. Years later Stian and Ferdinand later would spend some time in Imardin together were they bonded over booze and being rogues. This is were they hatched a get rich-quick-scheme involving Ludwig and a handfull of other explorers into the Serran desert. If success can be measured in the free drinks he got from telling the story, that trip was almost worth it.

Ludwig Brandt: Stian befriended a young Ludwig in Menora. Many years later Ludwig would join Stian and Friedrich's crackpot scheme to find riches in the middle of a desert. Initially they bonded over their mutual love of alchemy. But when Ludwig came to realise how dangerous, poorly prepared and illegal the mission he was on was, he started to resent Stian. While they both survived the desert, Ludwig and Stian haven't come eye to eye since. Ludwig would later go missing after an attempt to explore Kandoras. He is presumed to have died there along with his wife.

Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks

1) Stian remembers all the stories his family and other dwarfs used to tell about Andor.

2) Stian has a large vocal range. He can also be very loud, which has often helped him to become the centre of attention.

3) Stian's name means 'wanderer'. This name was given to him after the fall of Andor to signify the future of his people. This broke a long family tradition of naming the eldest son of the Fellson dynasty Fell. For Stian the name serves as a reminder his true home is far beyond his reach.

Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions

Family: Stian's father father and uncles were wealthy merchants.

Class: Stian was born into a deep-pocketed family of merchants, however his families wealth is long gone.

Profession: Stian is a true jack of all trades; actor, adventurer, artisan, alchemist, and that's just things that start with the letter a. Those who know him better would probably have filled in 'crook, charlatan, swindler, thief'.

Institutions: Stian is connected to the town of Baerin, but as a wanderer there are no real connections to institutions to speak of.

Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary

Primary: Stian lives in the moment, seizing the day, taking opportunities as they present themself and bailing when things go south.

Secondary: After going bankrupt Stian has always wanted to restore his status as an opulent dwarf, and prominent member of Baerin society.

Tertiary: Restoring Andorian glory, by improving Baerin or if possible by retaking Andor.

Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term

Short-Term: Give becoming a famous actor a shot. There's a lot to gain and little to lose, even if it's all probably a waste of time.

Medium-Term: Find out what the family has been up to.

Long-Term: Retire somewhere or live with the family if they accept him back.

Character Sheet

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Stian Fellson, level 4
Dwarf, Artificer
Build: Tinkerer Artificer
Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Axe)
Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Hammer)
Dwarf Subrace: Shield Dwarf
Select option: Shield Proficiency
Background: Society - Wealthy (+2 to History)
Theme: Ghost of the Past

Str 14, Con 16, Dex 8, Int 18, Wis 16, Cha 10.

Str 14, Con 13, Dex 8, Int 17, Wis 14, Cha 10.

AC: 20 Fort: 17 Reflex: 18 Will: 17
HP: 43 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 10

History +13, Arcana +11, Perception +10, Insight +10, Thievery +6, Endurance +12, Athletics +9

Set design +7 (1), Acting +6 (1)

Acrobatics +1, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +2, Dungeoneering +7, Heal +5, Intimidate +2, Nature +5, Religion +6, Stealth +1, Streetwise +2

Artificer: Ritual Caster
Level 1: Arcane Trapsmith
Level 2: Dwarven Weapon Training
Feat User Choice: Versatile Expertise
Level 4: Heart of the Blade

Artificer at-will 1: Thundering Armor
Artificer at-will 1: Magic Weapon
Healing Infusion: Healing Infusion: Resistive Formula
Artificer encounter 1: Scouring Weapon
Artificer daily 1: Caustic Rampart
Artificer utility 2: Arcane Springboard
Artificer encounter 3: Hypnotic Distraction

Ritual Book, Leather Armor, Light Shield, Khopesh, Handaxe
Brew Potion, Disenchant Magic Item, Enchant Magic Item, Make Whole
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======

Combat Block

Stian Fellson
Level 4 Male Dwarf Artificer
Languages: Andorian, Dwarvish, Imardanian,
Age: 84
Height: 4"6
Weight: 200 lbs.

Set design +7 (1), Acting +6 (1)

Singing +2, Dancing +1, Play (Instrument) +1, Play instrument (special) +1, Comedy +2, Construction +4, Costume Design +1, Decoration +5, Tutoring (general) +4, Talent Scouting +5, Inspiration +2

History +13, Arcana +11 +4 feat bonus for checks related to traps and hazards, Perception +10, Insight +10, Thievery +6 +5 bonus to disable traps and open locks, Endurance +12, Athletics +9

Acrobatics +1, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +2, Dungeoneering +7, Heal +5, Intimidate +2, Nature +5, Religion +6, Stealth +1, Streetwise +2

Speed: 5
Initiative: +1
Passive Perception: 20
Passive Insight: 20
Senses: low light vision

AC: 20
Fort: 17
Reflex: 18
Will: 17
HP: 43/43
Bloodied: 21
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 9/9
Action Points: 1

MBA: +7 VS AC, 1d8+4
RBA: +7 VS AC, 1d6+4


+5 poison, save to avoid falling prone

Active Effects:


Item At-Will

Second Wind[]
Healing Infusion Resistive Formula:[][]
Scouring Weapon[]
Hypnotic Distraction[_]


Caustic Rampart[]
Arcane Springboard[]



Important Features

Inherent bonuses: yes
Encumbered Speed: You move at your normal speed even when it would be reduced by armor or a heavy load. Other effects that limit speed (such as difficult terrain or magic) affect you normally.
Stand Your Ground: When an effect forces you to move—through a pull, a push, or a slide—you can move 1 square less than the effect specifies. This means an effect that normally pulls, pushes, or slides a target 1 square does not force you to move unless you want to.
In addition, when an attack would knock you prone, you can make a saving throw to avoid falling prone.
Arcane Trapsmith: You can use your Intelligence modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier when making Thievery checks to disable traps or open locks. You gain a +4 feat bonus to Arcana checks related to traps or hazards.
Dwarven Weapon Training: You gain proficiency and a +2 feat bonus to damage rolls with axes and hammers.
Heart of the Blade [Multiclass Swordmage]
ou gain the swordmage's Swordbond class feature. In addition, you can wield swordmage implements.
By spending 1 hour of meditation with a chosen light or heavy blade, you forge a special bond with the weapon. As a standard action, you can call your bonded weapon to your hand from up to 10 squares away.
You can forge a bond with a different blade using the same meditation process (for instance, if you acquire a new blade that has magical abilities). If you forge a bond with a different blade, the old bond dissipates.
If your bonded weapon is broken or damaged, you can spend 1 hour of meditation to recreate the weapon from a fragment. (This process automatically destroys any other fragments of the weapon in existence, so you can't use it to create multiple copies of a broken weapon.)

Item Features

Khopesh; Swordbond: As a standard action, you can call your bonded weapon to your hand from up to 10 squares away.

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Last edited by BartNL on Thu Mar 18, 2021 2:15 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: The Show Must Go On! — OOC

Post by KaraInMontana »

Viridiana "Vi" Sovari, Weaver of Epics


As a student?


Last edited by KaraInMontana on Sat Mar 13, 2021 2:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Show Must Go On! — OOC

Post by Fialova »

Felsi, Farm Girl and Failed Knight



Felsi is a little short at 5' 7", and a decent amount more muscular than most of the women in Fort Sakura who don't belong to the OCB. She has long curly red hair that she doesn't tend to, and which often gets in her face as a result. She has striking blue eyes that stand out even among her vibrant hair and her face full of freckles, which she inherited from her mother.

As a child of the fields, Felsi has always been accustomed to wearing simple, comfortable-yet-durable clothing instead of fancy or fashionable attire. Her usual clothing consists of plain slacks, a plain tunic, and work boots. She wears a thick belt around her waist, less for keeping her pants up as for holding things. On it you can always find her work gloves (when not worn) as well as her hatchet, which she uses frequently as part of her carpentry apprenticeship. In chillier weather she has a thicker blue outer jacket she wears over these plain clothes, which has seen much wear over the years.


Most people who know her will tell you that Felsi is always one who's quick with a joke, even if the timing for it is inappropriate. Growing up on a farm, she learned wit rather than etiquette. She can come across as brash to those who don't know her well, and even some who do, as she mostly speaks without a filter.

Apart from her attitude, she has a strong work ethic and and a generally kind heart. She will tease people, but only if she thinks they can take it. She has a soft spot for animals, especially farm animals, as she has grown up near them her whole life. She doesn't generally like children, but if they are well-behaved she can get along with them fine.


Felsi grew up on a small farm within the Masaan Valley, her father an incredibly minor member of the Farmer's Guild. As a farm girl she had to help out with all of the standard tasks a farmer performs, such as planting and harvesting crops, tending to animals, and fending off wildlife who seek to benefit from their labors. On occasion she'd also accompany her father on hunting trips into the forests nearby, looking for game or hunting down wolves who'd slaughtered their animals.

As she grew older, and stronger, she sought to put her prowess to good use by joining the Order of the Cherry Blossom. She had a brief period as a trainee with the order before being rejected for further training, on account of her insubordination, specifically her constant jokes and overall lack of discipline. She considered returning home to her family farm after her disgrace, but had grown fond of city life, and opted to stay within Fort Sakura, performing odd jobs for a time before eventually earning herself an apprenticeship with a carpenter. The job initially seemed quite fun to her, and it put a lot of her skills to use, but over recent months it has grown stale. The small scroll she received by a child on the road sounded like it could lead to interesting opportunities, so she has come to find out if that is true.

Character Sheet

Felsi, level 4
Half-Orc, Fighter
Fighter: Combat Agility
Fighter Talents: Arena Training
Arena Training: Arena Weapon (Spear)
Arena Training: Arena Weapon (Quarterstaff)
Background: Occupation - Farmer (+2 to Nature)
Theme: Bloodsworn

Str 18, Con 14, Dex 18, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 14.

Str 15, Con 14, Dex 15, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 14.

AC: 22 Fort: 19 Reflex: 18 Will: 15
HP: 47 Surges: 12 Surge Value: 11

Athletics +10, Intimidate +11, Endurance +10, Nature +9, Streetwise +9, Construction +7, Comedy +5

Acrobatics +5, Arcana +1, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +4, Dungeoneering +2, Heal +2, History +1, Insight +2, Perception +2, Religion +1, Stealth +5, Thievery +5

Construction-1, Comedy-1

Feat User Choice: Staff Expertise
Level 1: Berserker's Fury
Level 2: Swift Spear
Level 4: Thirst for Battle

Fighter at-will 1: Weapon Master's Strike
Fighter at-will 1: Cleave
Fighter encounter 1: Hack and Hew
Fighter daily 1: Villain's Menace
Fighter utility 2: Battle Fury Stance
Fighter encounter 3: Rain of Blows

Equipped Items

Code: Select all

Main Hand: Handaxe
Offhand:   ---
Body:      Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing)

Head:      ---
Neck:      ---
Arms:      ---
Hands:     ---
Waist:     ---
Feet:      ---
Symbol:    ---
Ki Focus:  ---
Ring:      ---
Ring:      ---
Tattoo:    ---

Boon:      ---
Stored Items

Spear, Light Shield, Hide Armor

Combat Block


Female Human (Half-orc) Fighter 4
Languages: Andorian, Native Andorian
Kinsey Rating: 2
Age: 23
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 157 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +9
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 22
Fort: 19
Reflex: 18
Will: 15
HP: 47/47
Bloodied: 23
Surge Value: 11
Surges left: 12/12
Action Points: 1

MBA (Spear): reach 1, +10 vs AC, 1d8+5 damage
MBA (Handaxe): +9 vs AC, 1d6+5 damage
MBA (Unarmed/Improvised): +9 vs AC, 1d8+5 damage
RBA (Handaxe): range 5/10, +9 vs AC, 1d6+5 damage

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Combat Challenge
Combat Agility
Weapon Master's Strike

Second Wind []
Bloodied Determination []
Furious Assault []
Hack and Hew []
Battle Fury Stance []
Rain of Blows []

Villain's Menace []
Berserker's Fury Power []

Consumables: None

Important Features:

Class Features
Combat Challenge: Every time I attack an enemy, hit or miss, I can mark the target until the end of my next turn. Gain Combat Challenge power.

Arena Training: Treat all weapons I am not proficient in as improvised weapons, and gain +2 proficiency bonus with improvised weapons. One-handed improvised weapons (including unarmed attacks) do 1d8 damage, two-handed improvised weapons do 1d10 damage. gain +1 per tier bonus AC when not wearing heavy armor. Gain Spear and Quarterstaff as arena weapons. Feats that grant a bonus to attack rolls or damage rolls with an arena weapon affect all arena weapons.

Racial Features
Half-Orc Resilience: gain 5 per tier THP the first time I am bloodied each encounter.

Swift Charge: +2 to speed when charging

Staff Expertise: +1 per tier to implement and weapon attacks with arena weapons. When making a ranged or area attack with arena weapons as implements, do not provoke OAs. Melee weapon attacks with arena weapons have their reach increase by 1.

Berserker's Fury: gain nature skill. Once per day, can spend a free action to gain +2 to damage until the end of the encounter.

Swift Spear: When hitting with an OA with a spear, can slide the target 1 square to a space adjacent to me.

Thirst for Battle: +3 to initiative, and +1 to number of healing surges.

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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: The Show Must Go On! — OOC

Post by Fialova »

The Deadline to Complete Submissions is Saturday, March 13th

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idk, that's pretty grey
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Re: The Show Must Go On! — OOC

Post by greysigil »

Astrea "Rea" Alaric, the Traveling Thespian
Ten Minute Background
Rea is of average height (5'8") and weight for an elf, covered in lean muscle. Their eyes are a clear blue, but some claim that they turn purple at times. Their hair is a bright red-orange, like the sunset; while beautiful, the color is an instant identifier that they Aren't Human, which has earned them and their family some suspicion both growing up and recently.
1) General - In spite of their aptitude for performance, they keep to themselves most of the time; not out of any sense of misanthropy, they just prefer solitude or the company of close friends when they aren't performing. But, when they do open up, one almost can't get them to stop talking; they'll talk about anything and everything.

2) Memories, Mannerisms, Quirks
2a) They actually dislike their given name; they ask that people just call them Rea (Pronounced "Rhey-ah")
2b) They are shy in their personal life, but open up to people they grow close to.
2c) They are a little bit of an egghead, having grown up in The Archives, and sometimes slip into their Egghead Voice accidentally.
2d) Memory - When they were back in a rarely traversed wing of The Archives they found an enchanted atlas, the images moving to illustrate the words on the accompanying pages. This book was the seed that planted a love of exploration and magic.

3) Drives
3a) Primary - Exploration: Rea loves to visit new places, and discover new things.
3b) Secondary - Performance - Being a performer means being a bright spot in the days of the people, and that joy they bring in turn brings them joy.
3c) Tertiary - Magic - Just like art, magic is an intricate dance of elements and will, and Rea loves learning more about it, both scholarly and experientially
Birth and Early Life
1) Personal - Growing up as an adopted elf in a human family has not been the easiest experience. Suspicious looks to them and their parents were common, and even a couple innocent questions from other kids, made it abundantly clear that Rea didn't really belong.

2) Societal
2a) Family - Rea was born to an Elven family in the northern part of the Serran Desert, where The Great Library once stood, but circumstances forced them to give Rea up, where they were taken in by a human family. The Alarics loved Rea deeply, but there was always an air of awkwardness or distance between them.
2b) Class - The Alarics were just like any other family tending the archives. They had to work to earn their keep, but the coolness of the archives made for pleasant work.
2c) Profession - Growing up as a Lore-Keeper gave Rea many opportunities to learn about the world outside, and spark an interest in seeing it for themselves.
2d) Institution - A member of the Rhakii Lore-Keepers
Recent Past and Present Life
1) Personal - Traveling Voreld for the past few years has honed their love of exploration; getting to experience all the various cultures has been a wonderful change in their life.

2) Societal
2a) Family - Leaving their family behind was a bittersweet moment. For Rea, it meant leaving the safety of the known in exchange for getting to experience everything they'd read about firsthand. For their family, it meant letting their child go willingly into danger, but the constant thorn of their origin leaving with them.
2b) Class - As a sort of bard, they've never had trouble finding places to lodge in exchange for a performance, but they've always been a few bad performances/audiences from being fresh out of food money.
2c) Profession - A traveling performer, whose signature act is a beautiful sword dance incorporating magic into it with various elemental effects
2d) Institution - An initiate member of The Entertainer's Guild
IC Goals
1) Short Term - Find steady gigs/employment
2) Mid Term - Learn and perfect more acts, and broaden their horizons in entertainment
3) Long Term - Discover their family history, and why their birth parents gave them up. Was it by choice, or were they forced to?
OOC Goals
1) I do want to see Rea find the resolution to their family arc
2) I want to develop the sense of community that they have lacked for most of their life
1) Known - Lost an enchanted book, and is working to either find it again, or commission a replacement.
2) Unknown - Their ability to summon their sword comes from their parents: the sword is a runecarved sword that has been passed down through their family line, and is an important piece of the puzzle of their origin
Personal Connections
1) Positive - Sol - A human man about Rea's age. He often shows up to their shows, and sometimes acts like an audience plant to help Rea out if the rest of the audience is being particularly temperamental. They have flirted (and a bit more than flirted) some, but aren't committed or exclusive to each other.

2) Neutral - Axl Ja'Umeki - An Orcish guardsman that is often seen keeping the peace at Rea's shows. He can appreciate the arts (and Rea's particular style), but they aren't really his thing. That being said, he does try to help out where he can, but his loyalty to the law prevents him from overstepping.

3) Hostile - Ariel Atherton - A member of Tulrissian minor nobility, Ariel set out to bring renown to her name and family. As a skilled songstress and fencer, she has had no small amount of success. While she and Rea are about equally matched in terms of raw skill, the showmanship and command of the crowd that Ariel has gives her the edge over Rea. The two end up in similar venues, and their personalities clash nearly every time. They almost always end up coming to blows, their skill with blades ensuring that neither is grievously wounded before they are separated.
Character sheet
Astrea, The Traveling Thespian, level 4
Eladrin (Moon Elf), Bladesinger
Theme: Unseelie Agent
Unseelie Agent Feature: Longsword
Blade Magic: Longsword
White Lotus Dueling Expertise: Rod
Subrace option: Moon Elf Skill Bonuses (+2 Insight, +2 Streetwise)
Subrace option: Eladrin Education
Background Benefit: Baldur's Gate (Language)
Languages: Modern Serran (N), Andorian, Common

Str 10, Con 16, Dex 18, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 13.

Str 10, Con 16, Dex 15, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 12.

AC: 20 Fort: 15 Reflex: 16 Will: 16
HP: 43 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 10

Stealth +11, Arcana +10, Streetwise +10, History +10, Thievery +11, Acrobatics +11

Bluff +3, Diplomacy +3, Dungeoneering +2, Endurance +5, Heal +2, Insight +4, Intimidate +3, Nature +2, Perception +2, Religion +5, Athletics +2

Dance - Rank 2

Feat User Choice: White Lotus Dueling Expertise
Level 1: Intelligent Blademaster
Level 2: Weapon Focus (Heavy Blade)
Level 4: White Lotus Riposte

Bladesinger at-will 1: Shadow Sever
Bladesinger at-will 1: Frost Bite
Bladesinger at-will 1: Unseen Hand
Bladesinger Cantrips: Ghost Sound
Bladesinger Cantrips: Prestidigitation
Bladesinger Cantrips: Light
Bladesinger encounter [D] 1: Charm of Misplaced Wrath
Bladesinger encounter [D] 1: Chill Strike
Bladesinger utility [E] 2: Shield
Bladesinger utility [D] 2: Memory to Mist

Equipped Items

Code: Select all

Main Hand: Longsword
Offhand:   ---
Body:      Leather Armor
Head:      ---
Neck:      ---
Arms:      ---
Hands:     ---
Waist:     ---
Feet:      ---
Symbol:    ---
Ki Focus:  ---
Ring:      ---
Ring:      ---
Tattoo:    ---

Boon:      ---
Hempen Rope (50 ft.),
Chalk and slate,
Filter mask,
Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing)
Belt Pouch
Gambler's gear
Sack 1
Sack 2
All Items
Longsword, Dagger, Leather Armor, Backpack, Sack (2), Hempen Rope (50 ft.), Chalk and slate, Filter mask, Gambler's gear, Waterskin, Belt Pouch
Combat Block
Astrea Alaric

NB Eladrin Bladedancer 4
Languages: Modern Serran, Andorian, Common
Age: 23
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 172 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 14
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Low-Light Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 15
Reflex: 16
Will: 16
HP: 43/43
Bloodied: 21
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 9/9
Action Points: 1

MBA: Longsword - (Int+White Lotus) +4 Vs. AC, (Int+Focus) 1d8+4
RBA: Magic Missile - (Dex+White Lotus) +5 Vs. AC, 2+3



+5 Vs. Charm (Elf)

Active Effects:


Frost Bite
Unseen Hand
Shadow Sever
Magic Missile

Ghost Sound

Bladesong [_]
Fey Step [_]
Second Wind [_]
Create Shadow-Wrought Weapon [_]

Charm of Misplaced Wrath [_]
Memory to Mist [_]


Shield [_]
Chill Strike [_]


Important Features:
Class Features
Guarded Flourish - Your ranged attacks and area attacks do not provoke opportunity attacks while you are holding a one-handed melee weapon.
In addition, you gain a +2 shield bonus to AC while you are wearing light armor or no armor and are holding a one-handed melee weapon in one hand and no weapon or shield in the other.
Blade Magic (Longsword) - Choose a one-handed melee weapon with which you have proficiency, and that is a light blade or a heavy blade. You gain proficiency with that weapon as an implement, meaning you can use your implement powers through it. The weapon also counts as a wand for you, although it can be enchanted only as a weapon.
Bladesinger Spellbook - Gain a spellbook. Prepare wizard encounter powers as dailies. Learn two new wizard encounter powers at the following levels: 1, 5, 9, 15, 19, 25, 29. Learn two new wizard utility powers at the following levels: 2, 6, 10, 16, 22.
Arcane Strike - When you use a bladesinger daily attack power on your turn, you can make a melee basic attack as a minor action.

Racial Features
Trance - Meditate while aware for 4 hours instead of sleeping when taking extended rests
Eladrin Will - Gain +1 to Will and +5 to saves vs. charm effects
Fey Step - Gain the Fey Step power
Fey Origin - Count as Fey, for purposes of determining origin
Eladrin Weapon Proficiency - Gain proficiency with longswords
Moon Elf Skill Bonuses - Gain +2 to Insight and Streetwise
Eladrin Education - Gain training in One (1) skill of choice

Theme Features
Create Shadow-Wrought Weapon (Longsword) - Gain the Create Shadow-Wrought Weapon power. When you selevt this theme, choose a melee or ranged weapon with which you have proficiency. The weapon created by this power is the same type of weapon.

White Lotus Dueling Expertise - Gain +1/+2/+3 feat bonus to attack rolls of arcane powers and basic attacks you make with any weapon or implement with which you have proficiency. Also gain proficiency with your choice of one implement
Intelligent Blademaster - Use Int for Melee Basic Attacks
Weapon Focus (Heavy Blade) - Gain +1/+2/+3 feat bonus to damage rolls of weapon attacks in the Heavy Blade group
White Lotus Riposte - When an enemy that I hit with an arcane at-will power attacks me, that enemy takes damage (of the same type) equal to the ability modifier of the attack power
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