Escape Trajectory: Makkuro — IC

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Post by Namelessjake »

With the course laid in and a final decision pending your location and identification of the Bounty, you return to your previous tasks and the ship continues to speed away from Asteria Station, bound for the edge of the system. The rest of the day passes uneventfully, save for Marko serving up an Alldisian noodle dish for dinner, making use of the fresh ingredients you stocked up on before leaving Asteria.
Is there anything anyone wishes to work on during the 24 hours of downtime? As the Makkuro is now equipment with a workshop, gear modification and fabrication is now possible during travel time for those with the skills and credits needed.

Day 15

Early the next morning Creed's course takes you rocketing past the gas giant Prancaris, the gravity assist flinging you out towards the system's edge and where the Bounty of Arcturus should be arriving from the Mona system. The rest of the morning is as uneventful as the afternoon before it but around midday you hear Mover's voice over the ship's coms system.

"You all might want to get up here. If the Bounty of Arcturus is where its supposed to be, it should be in range of our sensors any minute now," he announces, the co-pilot currently the one manning the helm.
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Post by BartNL »

Warner spends his downtime cleaning and pestering his crewmates into donating blood to prepare an emergency blood bank.

Anyone who wants to can help Warner by donating blood
Last edited by BartNL on Mon May 06, 2024 2:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ratwizard »

Cass will begin work on a Customized mod for his collapsible rifle. With the Tinker mod and no-lifing it, he should be able to do so for only 500cr and 1/2 a week of time.

The only battle we may have in that time will be aboard ships, and we have void carbines in storage for a reason.

With their task decided, Cass sets up a space in the new workshop, quickly getting familiarized with the tools and supplies stocked from Asteria retailer reserves. With the laser rifle he's reclaimed from Hartjen's corpse in hand, he begins working on the first of what will be many mods.

Feels good to be making something again, he considers as he disassembles the rifle, piece by piece. Something other than chems.

At Mover's announcement, Cass breaks from his workshop haze to report to the bridge. Sitting down on one of the crash couches, he logs into his personalized panel. "Alright, let's hope they show up where we're expecting them to." He checks and rechecks his sensor protocols, having built a macro that will sort through any passive data while keeping any direct sensors on standby. "I'll start sifting through dead air soon, here."

Let me know when I'm OK to make the sensor search check for the merc ship.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

With little else left to do for the rest of the day, Hikaru sets up a small corner of his quarters for exercise. Can't get out of shape. Now more than ever. Gotta stay hot as fuck.

He rises late the next morning, stretching off the stiffness as he limbers up again and goes through his morning routine. He makes for the bridge as Mover makes his announcement, taking a steady breath. Guess we'll figure out what we're gonna do soon. The idol gives Cass a nod, adding, "Yeah, just let us know as soon as you've got something. Then I guess we go from there."
Hikaru would volunteer for Warner's blood drive, but otherwise spend the time working out

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Post by FinalTemplar »

Creed hears the words but doesn't really recognize the words. He lets himself drift out of time for a minute, looking into the space ahead. He smiles to himself and enjoys being on the move again.
After a few minutes, he hops down to the workshop, wanting to see the new bay himself. "Working on something?" he asks, quickly getting to work helping.
Creed will help with modding, using his Fix-1 to help halve the time.

He pulls himself out of his slight stupor reading Mover's message. He follows up after Cass, quickly fixing his hair. I should have gotten more sleep. He thinks to himself and shakes his head quickly to try and focus. "The only way they don't show up here is if we've been given bad information, or if we're too early." He says and rubs the sleep out of his eyes. "You'll always land in the same spot when you're entering a system, no matter where you leave from. It's basic piloting."
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Post by Namelessjake »

Make a Program/Int check.
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Post by ratwizard »

Program/Int: [2d6]=7
+1 Int, +1 Program-1, -2 Passive Sensors

If this fails, I will opt to reroll with the Expert feature.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Either you have arrived early or your scans missed the Bounty of Arcturus.
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Post by ratwizard »

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Post by Namelessjake »

Cass runs the scans using the Makkuro's passive sensors and the console soon lights up up with a ping. "There they are, and with no idea we're here," Leena says with a smile. She hits a few buttons on her own console, training the Makkuro's scopes on the source of the energy signature Cass located. "Here we are. It looks like it's an old bulk freighter converted to carry passengers," she says pulling up the live feed of the Bounty, currently out of weapons range and burning in towards the centre of the system.
The Bounty of Arcturus
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Post by greysigil »

Still feeling conflicted, Kate retires to the engine bay to think things over, before realizing she is only letting the thoughts and feelings fester. Without anything to work on, and the stagnation starting to get to her, she decides to make her way to the new workshop, giving Cass and Creed a friendly wave before taking over a table of her own. Setting her mag rifle down, she begins methodically stripping the weapon down, taking her time to get into the details of the thing.
Kate will similarly start work on Customizing her rifle, Tinker talent plus devoting her waking hours to it for the 500cr 3.5 day timeframe as well.

The announcement intrudes on Kate's focus, snapping the concentration she had on the electromagnet array in her hands. Shoulda known I wouldn't be able t' get too involved before somethin' happened. Best go check it out.

Once on the bridge, she stands around somewhat awkwardly, not quite sure of how to help or what to do, until Cass' screen alerts to the new ship. Looking over his shoulder, her interest piqued, she flips through her mental catalogue of starship classifications and their capabilities. "Well shit, could be worse. She's bigger than us, but bulk freighters ain't usually the meanest dogs, and if this ones basically a glorified APC, she shouldn't have too much bite. But, last thing we want to do is get cocky, 's a good way to get dead." She looks up at the rest of the crew, "Thoughts?"
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Creed looks at the Arcturus, raising an eyebrow. "I vote we don't engage." he says, looking at the others. "We don't know what they've equipped that tub with. That kind of ship wouldn't normally have combat capabilities... but if they've been hired to fight, I've got a bad feeling about this." He says, frowning.
Will start prepping the jump to Antheus.
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Post by Fialova »

Tess would spend most of the day relaxing in her room or the mess, chatting with whoever else is around, and otherwise perusing her compad to pass the time. She'd donate some blood to Warner when prompted, returning to her leisure time afterwards. She might pop down to see Kate and Cass in their new workshop here and there, but mostly she'd be lounging around waiting for the day to end.

With mover's message, Tess lazily pulls herself out of bed and dresses herself, before shuffling towards the command deck. Go time? Or will we just be flying by? Wouldn't say no to some action right about now, this last day's been boring. "So what are we seeing?" she asks, as Cass begins to work his magic. Her eyes light up as Leena announces their success, revealing the relatively unimposing looking Bounty. 

"They've been hired to land on the station and supress a strike, not go up against armed gunships. I think we could take her," Tess says, as she gazes at the ships' dilapidated-looking exterior. "Refitted for transport means it's likely even less capable of combat than it would be by default. Anyway to get a sense of what guns it's got?" she asks, turning to Cass and the new hire Leena. Would be nice if so, might give us a better idea of what we're up against.
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Post by Namelessjake »

If you move into combat range of the ship, you should be able to get a better look at its armament. Although doing so it would be impossible to avoid detection.
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Post by ratwizard »

Cass clenches his jaw in proud success as his sensor package registers a ping on their quarry. Fuck yeah, all those boring ass drills paid off. Then, a chill runs down his back. Would have been easier if we didn't find these guys, though. It's gonna get bumpy.

"We're blind on their tub's armaments until we're in cannon range," he responds to Tess. "I'm inclined to agree with Tess and the Chief, though. They're glorified foot soldiers for hire, piloting that slow, bulky piece of shit. They might match our firepower, but they don't have our crew, and they aren't expecting a fight. Plus, the Mak's a tough old girl, and she's quicker than anything except, I dunno, a fighter. If we underestimate their guns or their aim, we can just piss off. But I like our chances. I say we go."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Huh," Hikaru manages, somewhat dumbfounded as he gets visual on the mercenary ship. Maybe she's on a budget? Sorry Miss Holland, the board's voted to cut back on mercenary spending this quarter. He looks to his crew, staying silent for a moment as he considers everything. 

"I mean..." he starts, pausing and giving the others a knowing look. "If you guys are feeling pretty confident we can take 'em, then why the hell not? Like you said, I doubt they're expecting a fight up here if that's what they're rolling in with. And if we catch them off guard, should be able to do some real damage before they can even react, yeah?"

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Post by Fialova »

"Yeah, if they're decked out in stuff we can't handle, we can just leave," Tess says, agreeing with Cass' point as her companions discuss the merit of an attack. "If we've already knocked out their comms by then, by the time Holland gets word and can muster up someone to hunt after us, we'll be long gone. And she thinks we're going to Alldis to do her hit, so even if she wanted to retaliate, she'll be sending them in the wrong direction." And if she does find us, hopefully by then we'd have made enough to upgrade the Mak again and take out any bounty hunters she wants to send our way.
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Post by ratwizard »

"We'll be careful, Creed," Cass reassures the pilot, a frown on his face as he feels a shred of guilt now that it seems to be a sure thing. "Besides, they don't have a batshit pilot extraordinaire like we do."

He taps on his screen, using the passive sensor data gleaned from the merc ship to augment his jamming package he'd already spent a couple hours building earlier. "When you bring us in closer, Leena and I will get a read on what kinda smoke they're packing. If we don't like what their full profile shows, we'll fuck off."
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

kaze looks around to find some empty place to do some working out to pass the time
doing some pushups and pull ups working up a sweat while listening to music taking out his frustrations and anxiety on the pain of his workout.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Creed gulps, patting Mover on the shoulder. "I'll take over from here, thanks for letting us know." He says, genuinely, before taking the pilot's seat from Mover, and prepares himself for evasive maneuvers if they're needed.
Creed, ready to fly. Moving the ship in close enough for sensors.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Creed plots an intercept course and the Makkuro's thrusters fire, changing your trajectory. With the Bounty of Arcturus still unaware of you it is a simple maneuverer and the next 15 minutes pass bringing both ships closer together and within weapons range.

The bulk freighter looms large on your view screens, about three times the length of the Makkuro, both wider and taller too. At this range your sensor package is able to provide more details with its scans. As Leena said the Bounty appears to be kitted out for passenger travel, the Mak estimating a maximum crew of around 150. The freighter is lightly armed with only a single flak emitter array.

"If they have fuel bunkers on that ship, we're still far enough out of the black hole's gravity well that they could try to emergency drill away," Mover says over the comms from his co-pilot seat.

"They must have spotted us, we're being hailed," Leena reports, dutifully bring up the hail.

"Unidentified ship, this is the passenger liner The Bounty of Arcturus. We are on route to Asteria Station with workers that will alleviate the labour shortage on station. We are carrying no valuable cargo. Please state your intentions," the message plays, the freighter most likely worried about the high levels of piracy in the system.
The Bounty of Arcturus
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Creed listens to the hail, becoming increasingly nervous by the second. He looks back towards the Captain once more, with a look that says Please make the decision, I don't want to have to decide for you.. His nervousness quickly grows, the pit in his stomach darkening at the possibility of many innocent lives being taken by their hands.
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Kaze will stand at attention and wait for orders listening to what's going on around him
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Post by ratwizard »

"Workers for the 'labor shortage'? So they're either mercs, or scabs," Cass surmises. "Or some combination of them. Hard to say without a boarding party, which we don't have."

He taps his foot idly, his mind racing. "That tub fits up to one, maybe two hundred crew. That's a lot of souls aboard to sentence to dead air." An idea springs to mind. "What about this? I know all these corpos have eyes on Prancaris after the worker-led revolt. What if we take the Bounty's comms out, tell them the labor union's storming the Asteria offices right now, and their deal with Holland's off? On account of her neck finding a guillotine in realtime. We act hard enough, we'll scare them right back out of the system."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Depends if they'll be willing to listen after we shoot out their comms," Hikaru says to Cass, furrowing his brow as he considers their course of action. "But I like the idea of scaring them off. If no one has to die, that's better on all of our consciences." It's one thing if it's just mercs. Fuck 'em. But who knows if those workers know what they're getting into.

He lets out a sigh. "If we can convince them to dip though, then everyone wins. Except Holland, I guess. But she's rich so she already won at life." The idol shrugs.
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Post by Fialova »

"Yeah, a vessel of only mercs to off is one thing, but other civilians as well? That's not something I wanna do," Tess adds, frowning at the thought of so many more lives added to her tally. At least the innocents I've taken out until now were rich, mostly corrupt capital natives. No way I'm sending a bunch of laborers looking to earn a few cred into space for no reason, even if they are crossing a picket line to do so. People gotta eat, this might be all they could get.

"We can try it, let's just hope they listen and flee. Don't really like the idea of them ignoring us and reporting our involvement to Asteria, and don't really like the idea of offing them if they refuse either. If they don't get scared off, we're in a shit situation for no real benefit to us. Could just as easily ignore them, too."
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Post by BartNL »

So killing scabs is where they draw the line. Weakness like that is understandable. Eventually they'll toughen out, or die. What's a couple of hundred lives when the future of thousands of workers on Asteria and their cause is at stake?
Warner replies to the others:"I'd say we shoot out their comms, and then let them know our demands. Having them jettison their personal arms and tools should be a good bonus on top of what else we are asking. They don't comply we start taking out other systems, sting them until they comply." a hornet.

Would the Makkuro have the ability to pick up a jettisoned container?
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Post by ratwizard »

"It could work," Cass agrees with the doc. "But we gotta make a call, now. Every second we wait, their sensors pick up more about the Mak. Do we get involved, or do we piss off?"

He looks toward Hikaru, hardly willing to make such a momentous decision himself.
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Post by Namelessjake »

While not something that could be done quickly or easily, such as in the middle of combat. It is entirely possible for you to retrieve cargo from the void. It would likely require one or more of the crew going on EVA and guiding the container(s) back to the Makkuro's airlock or cargo bay.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Fuck it, we'll try," Hikaru finally says, gritting his teeth over the dilemmas and back-and-forths. "But no waiting around for them to jettison their weapons. That's a lot of extra time waiting in their sensor range." He shakes his head. "Try and take out their comms then. Let's hope it'll all be enough to scare them off."

He sighs, beginning a transmission when the time is right. He tweaks with his recording settings, using voice modulation to make himself less recognizable. "Bounty of Arcturus, this is freelancer Pericles II," he begins, hoping a fake ship name might throw them off if their plan doesn't work out. "Our intention is to warn. Turn back now," he warns with an imposing tone. "Asteria Station's falling to a union control as we speak, just like Prancaris-1. Seems the labor disputes came to a head and now it's a gruesome revolt, a massacre even." He pauses for a moment, hoping to build suspense. "Your deal with Nereida Holland is off. It can't be honored as she's no doubt meeting her end under a scrap metal guillotine."

"So I'll ask, for the sake of your workers and their safety, return to where you came from. It's not worth the risk to their lives or yours.
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Post by Namelessjake »

A tense moment passes in the ops room while you await the liner's reply.

"Uh thanks for the heads up Pericles," comes the reply. "Sounds like we'll be diverting to Idarete to refuel. Stay safe out there, Bounty of Arcturus out," they add before cutting the commlink.
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Post by ratwizard »

"What the fuck, Glitter?" Cass manages, his face a mixture of surprise and hilarity. "You sounded like a, shit, Admiral or something. Can't believe that worked. Or seemed to, at least." His throat tightens as he considers the Bounty of Arcuturus is headed to Idarete.

"Shit, they'll probably check in on the way there," he realizes. "I doubt we slowed them down more than a day or two max, if not an hour. Still, worse case scenario, Holland comes barking, we can just blame the labor union. Tell her we got some warning the union was planning a revolt, and to stay away. Just a friendly, industry tip that we shared with these mercs and scabs on our way out of the system."
They're not lying, are they? Notice/Wis: [2d6+1]=7+1=8
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Post by Namelessjake »

It sounds to you like the person you spoke to was being truthful and that they bought HIkaru's message.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Gotta play the part to get the point across," Hikaru says with a smirk. "Voice changer is just icing on the cake, and a bit to cover our involvement." He shifts in his seat, tossing his head back as it seems to finally be over.

"All else fails, we say it was just a prank, harmless good fun," the idol says with a cocksure grin. "It's worked for countless jackasses in history, and worst Holland can do is get mad." He sits upright, crossing his arms with a furrowed brow. "But the union said it was all mercs, so one of them's lying." He grumbles. "But whatever. Whenever we're all set, let's set course for Antheus."

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Post by ratwizard »

"The mercs sounded like we caught them off-guard, like they were telling the truth. But who knows. Labor union could have gotten bad intel, or they could be full of shit. I know a lot of unions act like glorified gangs, I wouldn't put it past them to damn an entire ship of scabs just for a better negotiation window," Cass explains, then sighs. "Fuck this. Let's go somewhere that will actually pay out."
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Post by Namelessjake »

Make a pilot/int check to make a spike drill to the Mardis system.

As it is a common trade route, you were easily able to find a recent rutter on Asteria Station, although thanks to the war traffic is down so it is over a month old, meaning a +0 modifier to your check.

With your Spike Drive-1, the journey will take 6 days, or 3 if you successfully attempt to trim the course.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Either way, let's just focus on the job ahead now, yeah? What's done is done and we can deal with any consequences later," Hikaru responds, standing up from his captain's seat as he finally feels he can relax. "Got the next insanely powerful asshole to appease." He flashes a smirk, turning to Creed. "Get us out of here, Creed."
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Post by FinalTemplar »

"Plotting a course, captain." He says, and returns to the coordinates he has on hold. "Course set in..." He hesitates, questioning for a moment if he's got the right math compiled. "Pure pazaak. Easy. Course set, captain." He says, confident he's got them on course.
Pilot/Int to trim time: [3d6k2+2]=5+2=7.
Using my expert reroll: [3d6k2+2]=6+2=8
Sorry, guys. The dice aren't in my favor today. The one thing I'm here for, can't even do that.
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Post by greysigil »

"That's... That's all it takes? A couple well placed words and a bare bones voice changer, and this problem we agonized over is gone?" Kate asks, vaguely stunned at the Captain's 'negotiation'. "Shit, if it works, it works."

She listens to Cass and Hikaru's back-and-forth. "I mean, scabs are a kinda mercenary, just, yknow, different kinda work they're doin'." She adds to a conversational beat that's long passed. "But yeah, I dunno. Some unions are kinda like gangs, I guess, but like, would you rather have leadership that sucks, but there's a precedent to replace them if they're not doing a good job, or leadership like the corpos." She shrugs. "Like y'all said though, not really our problem. I'm ready to be gone."
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Post by ratwizard »

"Neither," Cass replies simply to the chief. "That's why we're flying the Mak and not under Holland's thumb. For now, at least. Can't imagine word of this doesn't get back to her somehow."
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Post by greysigil »

"True that, fly our own flag and all." She replies with a nod. "And maybe it gets back to her, maybe it doesn't. We'll burn that bridge when we get to it." She says, not fully realizing the implications of her mangling the two common sayings has.
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Post by BartNL »

Shit solution, but easy money if we don't show our face again on the station. Warner frowns. " Yes. Let's focus on the next asshole then. Also, not all of you have reported for your medicals yet."
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Post by Namelessjake »

With the spike drill calculations made a course laid in, the spike drive begins drawing power from the reactor as it charges up to fully engage and step the ship up into metadimensional space. Inside the ship, a sudden jolt a few minutes later is the only psychical sign that the Makkuro has left real space behind.

As a safety precaution the Makkuro turns its external cameras off automatically as you make the drill into metaspace, a ship with any portholes or viewing windows would close them for the duration of the drill, the view outside being a migraine inducing kaleidoscope of incomprehensible colours and geometry that your three dimensional ape brains have not evolved to ever conceive of let alone understand. The higher-order continuum of metaspace is "understood" only by the brightest minds of humanity, however it is relatively common knowledge that there is a connection between it and psionics, with it believed that exposure to metadimensional energies during the first spike drills created the first human psychics. Even now centuries later, heightened or altered emotional states, as well as auditory and visual hallucinations are common during interstellar travel.

"Looks like we didn't shave off any meaningful time - ETA in the Mardis System, six days," Mover reports, checking the preliminary readings on the nav console. "I'll take first shift, yeah?" He adds, volunteering to take the first of the ever vigilant watches that are required to safely navigate metadimensional space, on the look out for storms, eddies and unknown currents that require small course corrections in the constantly changing alien landscape.
For the duration of the journey you notice that no-one, nor any object, aboard the Makkuro casts a shadow.
For the duration of the journey you can't shake the feeling that you are being watched.
For the duration of the journey you find yourself more irritable than usual, with things that wouldn't normally bother you being quite annoying.
Several times during the journey you find yourself in another room on the ship with no recollection of how you got there.
For the duration of the journey you feel an underlying sense of remorse, although towards what you cannot say.
For the duration of the journey you find yourself feeling fully sated even by small things that would normally leave you wanting.
For the duration of the journey you notice a faint aura glowing around everyone else on the ship, although it isn't visible in any reflections or photos.
Day 21

The next six days pass uneventfully, as you all settle in to life aboard the ship, one person maintaining a constant watch on the bridge while the others go about their duties, enjoying their free time, and working on their side projects. With your ETA quickly approaching, Mover and Creed start making the preparations to step back down into real space, however there is no sign of the Mardis system's gravitational well. You are off course.
Make another Pilot/Int check.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Creed quickly realizes that Mover is right, spending much of the first six days in a bit of a fog. Piloting is all I'm good at... what use am I to the Makkuro if I can't even do that right? He thinks to himself.
He wanders the ship aimlessly, and when he's not actively performing the spike drill he periodically returns to coherence in random rooms around the ship, unclear how he got there.

On the sixth day, when he thinks they should be near Mardis, he gets worried. He takes the pilot's chair and once again checks their course.
Pilot/int to plot a course: [3d6k2+2]=10+2=12
Will help Cass on crafting.
Last edited by FinalTemplar on Tue May 14, 2024 4:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Reviewing the calculations and the data logs of your trip so far, you are able to spot your mistake. In your attempt to trim the course the Makkuro was caught in a metaspace current you hadn't accounted for. Realising this, you are able to extrapolate your current position and plot a new course, although it will now take another six days to reach the Mardis system.
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Post by greysigil »

Kate spends the time she's not watching the bridge in the workshop, meticulously tuning her rifle, an unusually somber air around her as she works. Should I have really left like that? What if Sydney and the others get back and are looking for me? What if-- Her thoughts spiral like this for the duration of the journey, her focus on her weapon and the ship's systems the only barrier between her and a full tailspin.

Assuming no help, the Customized mod will be done on day 4, at which time Kate will start a new mod project [TBD when I can look at what mode are available and what needs done next.
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Post by Fialova »

"Nice work, Hikaru," Tess says, glad that the Bounty situation has resolved itself, however plainly. We didn't have to fight an unknown enemy and it seems like they took our word for it. Not much work required and we came out hopefully achieving our goal, seems like a win to me. She mostly ignores the rest of the communication, finding little need to contribute as the others discuss the days ahead. We're gonna be traveling, not much to worry about til we get there. At least not for anyone but Creed and the new guy. 

Assuming this is allowed/within the mechanics, Tess would spend some of her time creating whatever this setting's equivalent of an onlyfans is as a way to earn passive income during their travel. If allowed, let me know what she should roll (I assume performance/something) to create the videos for such an account and upload them to the platform. She'd be making sure to keep her face hidden, just in case.
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Post by ratwizard »

Cass spends the next several days in somewhat of a mania, the freedom of his own ship with his own workshop doing wonders for his mental health. He stops only for meals, sleep, and occasional conversation — so long as he can do it while working.

Strangely enough, he finds that none of his tools, or anything really, is casting a shadow. Writing it off as a strange psychological effect from the drill-space, he uses it to his advantage. Setting up the workshop lighting, he enjoys maximum clarity for his microscopic tune-ups work.

Assuming help from Creed, Cass's Customized mod will be 1/4 a week, or 1.75 days, after which Cass will begin work on a suit of armor, the Combat Field Uniform, another 1.75 days, after which he will build another Customized mod for it. for 5.25 days total.

-500 from Customized
-1800 from Combat Field Uniform (credit of 200 back for salvaging the Woven Body Armor)
-500 from Customized

2,800 credits spent total.

Now at 10,378 credits.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Hikaru finds himself feeling off not long after the Makkuro enters metaspace. He tries to shake it off, but as the hours and days pass, it becomes impossible to ignore. The subtle drip of the mess hall's faucet not fully turned off. The harsh footsteps clanging up and down the stairs. The sound of Marko chewing. Fuck, man? Can't anyone get any goddamn peace and quiet while we're stuck out here? 

He goes through the days grumbling to himself, keeping his head down and biting his tongue. Most of the time, he remains in his quarters, working off his frustrations by physically tiring himself out. Arms gonna be big enough to deck the next dickhead who has it coming. Even through this, his athletic attire always seems to scratch or rub uncomfortably. After he inevitably gives up each day, he tries to take his mind off the stresses by writing music. Only here does he find some solace... as long as he avoids Drum Sample #14S.
Hikaru will spend downtime getting SWOLE and also working on music for an inevitable solo debut, lyrics and the production itself
Perform/Cha: [2d6+2]=4+2=6
Reroll: [2d6+2]=2+2=4 ha nope, first result
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Post by Fialova »

Tess spends the first day mostly at a loss for what to do. She can't shake the feeling she is being watched by... something? someone? and initially attributes it to Asteria, but realizes that makes no sense while they are in metaspace. Instead, she just assumes it is nerves - or her fears of space - getting the best of her. She lounges around in her room some, and sometimes wanders the ship to chat with the crew - especially Hikaru and Cass. She drops into the workshop a couple times to watch him and Kate work, but finds little joy in the monotony of their mechanical skills being put to work. Eventually she returns to her room and kills most of the rest of the day watching videos she'd saved on her compad, before eventually falling asleep still in her lounge clothes.

The second day, she awakes still to the feeling of being watched, and an idea forms in her mind. The others are working, might as well do the same I guess. She recalls that many men on Strocho frequented a site devoted to women making amateur sex videos of themselves - justjohns - mostly as a way to advertise their in person services, but also as a way to make some cash on the side. She decides to spend a good chunk of the each of the remaining days making dozens of videos of herself, in various states of dress and undress, and performing all manner of acts that might earn her views and, most importantly, tips from the same sorts of people that might seek to hire her. As soon as we're back in real space, I can upload these and hopefully get a nice stream of creds rolling in while we work other jobs.

Perform/Cha to make lots of vids for justjohns: [2d6]=8
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