Escape Trajectory: Makkuro — IC

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Post by BartNL »

This ship looks cushy enough for me. Can't see myself doing amputations here on the regular anyhow.
"Like I said, never was top of my class or anything. So I decided to go where I could be of most help instead of becoming a second rate physician on Strocho. I bounced around a lot and eventually ended up here out of cash and unable to leave due to the strikes." Warner replies, happy to hear his homeworld is still good for something these days.
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Post by ratwizard »

The strikes really trapped a lot of people here, Cass realizes. Good for us, though. There's talent to poach.

"Alright, well, that's me satisfied," he says, leaning back against a countertop as he looks toward the others. "Listen — we're what you'd call a start-up. If you're looking for the organized bureaucracy of a corpo's space wing, you're on the wrong tub. The pay's inconsistent, the danger's high, and we're figuring plenty of our shit out on the reg. As long as you're cool with that, you'll get along here."
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Post by BartNL »

"Then I won't make long term promises, but for now, this works perfectly." Warner answers. Getting inconsistent pay on top of getting off this station is more than I needed anyway, and how bad could this danger be compared to being a Hornet.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Being top of your class means fuck all at this corner of the universe anyways," Hikaru chimes in, giving a shrug to the medic. "But you've got real experience and seem like you can handle yourself under pressure." And best of all, you're desperate.

"I'd rather have that out here than Doctor Chazwick Herrington, MD with his perfect test scores and his perfect job." And his perfect abs. Damn, that medical drama was trash but at least the dudes were hot.
 He nods to Doc and then to Cass. "Any other questions? Or we in enough of an agreement?"

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Post by ratwizard »

I was top of my class, Cass considers. Look where it got me.

"Seems like they could use a ride off Asteria, and we could use a pilot and a ship's doctor. You've got my vote," he answers Hikaru with a shrug.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

"W-W-W-Well, I'd like having a co-pilot." He says, "If we intend to start moving farther with each jump... I won't be able to stay awake long enough to do the whole drill myself. And with our earlier run-in, in the mines... we n-need a d-doc." His speech slowed down a bit as he continued to talk, trying to manage his stutter.
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Post by Fialova »

"Yeah, if you know your way around a med bay then you're alright with me," Tess says, still feeling sore from the injuries she'd received the day before. "I'll take a patch-up from a trained doc than doing it myself any day." Turning to mover, she adds, "and sounds like you're just what Creed needs to keep us going, so that's perfect. Glad you two decided to come by." She offers the men a smile, before making herself more comfortable and lounging more into the couch again. Now I guess we just have to see how chill they are with being on a stolen ship and occasionally taking less-than-legal work. That mover guy seems shady enough to be cool with it, but who knows about the Strocho doc.
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Post by BartNL »

"That's done then." Warner says, offering the boy-captain his hand. "Two questions, where I can clean myself up, and where can I find cleaning supplies? I like to have the areas I need for work pristine at all times."
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Post by ratwizard »

"Crew quarters and the head are downstairs, forward-side," Cass answers. Guess the scruffy look's not a preference, but maybe a necessity. Odd duck. Will have to pick his brain sometime, see what makes him tick.

"Feel free to take any empty cot. You got anything that needs doing on the station? It's going to be a couple days longer before we jet out."
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Post by Fialova »

"Cargo hold probably has some cleaning supplies," Tess responds, as Cass provides information on lodging. "Might be some in the med bay too, that's on the same level as the crew quarters. Can't say cleanliness has been our top priority the last couple weeks, but yeah, keeping clean is definitely important. If you need anything that's not there we can always grab some from the station before we head out." Well I guess him being a neat freak bodes well for his medical skills. Never known a doctor unfazed by filth to be any good, she thinks, shuddering slightly as she recalls some of the shadier 'physicians' she'd encountered during her life on the streets.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Well welcome to the crew then," Marko says to Doc and Mover, offering up a smile.

"I'm sure you'll fit right in with our band of misfits. I'm Pia by the way," Pia says.

"Martine," the remaining crew member adds.

"Guess I'll go find a bunk then," Mover says.

"I can show you the way," Martine says, the two disappearing back down to the mid deck.

"So fresh lemons, want me to make something for breakfast or are we still ordering in?" Marko asks.

The newcomers settle in and the rest of you eat and get ready for the day ahead, despite it starting a little later than usual thanks to the night before hand. Under Kate and Cass' supervision you guess that the Makkuro should only need another two days of repairs before she is as good as new, giving you a bit more time to wrap up anything else you wanted to deal with on the station before leaving as planned.
We will skip through the next couple of days, only playing out a couple of scenes depending on what you want to do during your downtime.

Recruiting Kaze will be one such scene.

Let me know if there's anything else you want have your characters do/look into.

I'm assuming either Cass or Kate will spend their time on the repairs, speeding them up.
Mover Appearance
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Post by BartNL »

"Thank you, that's helpful. I almost didn't dare ask if this ship was equipped with a functional med bay." Warner replies to Tess. Then he leaves with his latest patient to find a bunk and freshen up. Looks like I will get that shave today after all. Will need to clean the bathroom first. Thoroughly.

About thirty minutes after Warner has left to he returns, looking for no particular member of the ships crew.
Warner is now washed, neatly shaven and his hair and beard are cut short. Warner has changed his old dirty clothes for his last clean clothes; a pair of camouflaged trousers and a simple white undershirt that clearly shows his muscled physique.

If there was any, Warner will grab a bottle of alcohol disinfectant to keep on him. Any spare time later will be spend on cleaning and preparing the med bay for use.
Last edited by BartNL on Wed Apr 03, 2024 10:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ratwizard »

Cass' eyebrows raise at Warner's cleaned up appearance. "Looking good, Doc. Did Asteria pull water privileges for non-staff stationed here because of the strikes? You don't seem the type to just, you know, let it all go." He waves his fingers below his chin as if stroking a long beard.

Cass will work on the repairs himself to speed them up, in addition to these goals before we leave Asteria:
  • Hire muscle (Kaze)
  • Sell Sandthrower
  • Build the Workshop on the Mak
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Hikaru looks over their new hire as he reemerges, cleanly-shaven. His eyes trace the defined muscles beneath the shirt. With a raised brow and a slight smirk, he says, "Damn, frontier life give you that too? Don't often see docs like that." He gestures at the impressive physique. Except Chazwick, of course. But there's not a lot of medicine I'd let that guy practice on me. "Bet you can hold your own in a fight, which is good. Found ourselves in a few firefights already."
Hikaru will try to earn money through performing as before, and additionally look for home decor to spruce up the Mak and do some grocery shopping with Marko
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Post by FinalTemplar »

1) Creed will find an hour with Mover to go through the Makk's specific controls, mostly letting him figure it out but being there to ask questions or point out irregularities he's noticed
2) Creed's gonna suggest doing a proper shopping trip for the Makk now that they have money; pick up cleaning supplies, ship med supplies, pick up groceries, pick up stuff to make it a "real" kitchen (I imagine packing fresh food for multi-day inter-galaxy travel is difficult, but y'know. RP prep)
3) picking up med supplies could be a good excuse for Creed and Warner to get to know each other, but might not be worth it to spend a ton of time rping out
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Post by BartNL »

"When you're down on your luck, it's often better to look the part. Keeps away lowlifes and sharks." Warner replies to Cass.
Firefights, huh. So these guys are bad news, unlucky or just stupid. But I guess it's worth something to know that they won't shy away from a fight. Can't say I don't fit in here either. Warner turns to answer Hikaru:"Staying in shape is important, but I'd rather avoid fighting if I can. Means less work for me. " Warner quips. "But if any of you have old firefight wounds that need a look, I'm here."

If Creed offers to get Med supplies with Warner, Warner will politely refuse, stating he is busy. He will give Creed a list of stuff he needs instead.
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Post by ratwizard »

"I'd like to think I avoid fighting too," Cass responds. "But it seems to find us all the same."

He nods at the Doc's offer. "Yeah, actually. Got in a scrap with some fucked up xenos today. Patched up what I could, but hell knows what kind of alien plague might be pumping through my veins right now. You mind? I'll be your Patient One. Better than Patient Zero, I hope."
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Post by BartNL »

"Meet me in half an hour in the med bay, does that work?" Warner responds to Cass.
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Post by ratwizard »

"Sure thing, Doc. I got some homework to keep me occupied," Cass responds. Now to see about who'd take a sandthrower off our hands...
Ready to move to montage / bookkeeping / other tasks
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Post by Fialova »

"They're here for whatever anyone wants to whip up," Tess responds to Marko with a smile. I'm no good at cooking, so hopefully he can make use out of them. Or one of the others if they want to. At Cass' mention of their injuries, she turns to the two men, primarily the newcomer, before speaking again.

"And yeah, I could use a look too. Those things sucked, wish we'd had you aboard a couple days ago. Wouldn't have had to be in as much pain." No offense, Cass, but you're no professional. And I know I'm not either. We'd both be better off with a pro looking us over.

Tess will join Hikaru on the shopping trip for homey decor. She will also spend some time with Cass, but otherwise stay at the ship, she feels like she made enough side money from Holland to take a break for a bit while she recovers fully. If needed, she will join others with plans they have (such as advertising needing muscle).
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Post by greysigil »

Kate stays fully quiet during the interview, her emotions and adrenaline still running high off the previous conversation, combined with the awkwardness of being on the other side of the hiring process so soon after her own recruitment. I wonder what they're running from. What skeletons they have in their closets.

"I'm gonna go grab something for myself." She replies to Marko. "Could use some air, too. Let me know if y'all want something." She says to the rest of the group, before heading out.

Kate is primarily going to focus on repairs to the Makkuro, offering to go along with Cass to sell the Sandthrower and pick up the supplies for building the Workshop if he wants or needs a second set of hands.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Day 10

With your two new crewmen officially signed on to the ship's crew, you eat breakfast and set about your day. Cass and Kate continue to work on the ship's repairs, while Warner settles in to his new place of work, prepping the neglected medbay for future use. The others head out onto the station and stock up on food, water, O2 filters, CO2 scrubbers and everything else needed to support the crew during an extended stay in space. Picking up a few items to spruce up the ship's cold military interior as well.

Creed begins walking Mover through the Makkuro's systems, getting his new co-pilot up to speed.

You also put out an advertisement on the station's local net, looking to fill the remaining gaps you've identified in your growing crew. A handful of responses trickle in throughout the day but one stands out from a mercenary called Kaze Mori, and you set up a meeting with him for the next day.

Day 11

The next morning, Kaze arrives at the ship to meet with you. Pia greets him at the airlock and leads him up to the mess where you are all assembled.
"And here is everyone," she says to Kaze as the duo step into the room. "That's Creed, Mover, Doc, Kate, Cass, Tess, Hikaru, Marko, and Martine," she says, rattling quickly through introductions. "There's quite few of us now," she adds before taking a seat.

Having fallen out with The Iron Wolves leadership, you have spent the last few months picking up odd jobs here and there. This has led you to Asteria station, a city built into an asteroid in the Verilia Belt in the XK-539 System. Owned and governed by the Asteria Corporation, a Strocho based megacorp, a dock workers' strike has seen the station grind to a halt and with that many of your opportunities for work have dried up and your credits are starting to run out.

However scanning the station's local net, you come across a crew looking to hire some muscle on their patrol boat, named the Makkuro. You reach out to them and set up a meeting for the next day.

The next morning you make your way to the Makkuro's berth in the station's shipyard, where the ship appears to be undergoing repairs. At the airlock you are greeted by a woman who introduces herself as Pia. She leads you inside from the airlock and into a large central compartment. A cargo lift sits in the middle of this room with a number of lockers and crates line the bulkhead. The ship's interior has a military utilitarian feel to it, similar the vessels of the Antheuan noble houses you spent time on during the Bronze Rebellion. She leads you astern, through a large door and into a long corridor which appears to run nearly the remaining length of the ship. Rather than walking up the corridor though, he instead turns nearly immediately and takes you up a narrow staircase, emerging in what you assume is the ship's mess.

A kitchen is nested in one corner of the room and a large sofa in another, while the centre is taken up by a pair of large tables where the rest of the crew sit, totaling ten in all including your escort.

Makkuro Repairs and Transactions
+2 HP repaired
23/25 HP

Ship's Fund
-7000 credits in life support supplies
-200 for day 10 life support
New Total: 4760
Cass and Kate
While on a break in repairs during a shift change, you go to visit the dockyard's management and discuss selling the sand thrower and installing a workshop in the Mak's cargo hold. Removing the Sand thrower and installing a bulkhead and equipment for the workshop should take an additional two and a half days of work, on top of the remaining day of repairs.
One of you please make a Trade/Cha roll to see how much you are able to sell the sand thrower for. The other can choose to aid the check if they wish.
Hikaru and Tess OOC
Feel free to come up with any décor you acquire, within reason of course, and I will deduct an appropriate amount of credits for your purchases.
Hikaru Mechanics
Please make a Connect/Cha roll to see if you can find a gig.
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Post by ratwizard »

Cass busies himself throughout the day, making good on his plans to get the Mak back to working order. In the morning, he's ready for the interview (this time), having made coffee for the crew and appears cleanly shaven for once. "Good morning," he offers to the newcomer, nodding at Pia in gratitude. "Kaze, right?"

He looks the man over carefully, noting the man's towering physique. Damn, total slab of meat. I wonder what sort of background he comes from. Military? Mercenary?
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

"Good morning, Cass," Kaze replies with a nod of acknowledgment, his expression calm and composed. "Yes, Kaze is correct."

He meets Cass's gaze evenly, noting the man's meticulous grooming and the air of competence that surrounds him. There's a hint of curiosity in Kaze's eyes as he observes Cass's demeanor, silently assessing the man's character and capabilities.

"Thank you for the coffee," Kaze continues, his tone sincere. "I appreciate the hospitality."

Despite his straightforward manner, there's a subtle warmth to Kaze's words, indicating a genuine appreciation for Cass's efforts to welcome him into the crew. He shifts slightly, his posture relaxed yet poised, ready to engage in whatever discussions or tasks lie ahead.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Creed nods as he's introduced, looking the new man up and down. "Nice to meet you, I'm the pilot, Creed." He says, holding a hand out to shake. "Between Mover and I, we can get you just about anywhere in the galaxy."
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Post by Fialova »

Tess lazily makes her way to the mess hall in her recently-usual hoodie and shorts, arriving shortly before Kaze is brought in. Taking her usual seat on the couch, she groggily claims one of Cass' coffee mugs before curling up and sipping it slowly. When the newcomer arrives, she watches him carefully, eyeing his outfit and general demeanor. He seems polite. Cute too. Wouldn't have pegged him for a merc if I saw him on the street, maybe a dancer or something.

"So what's your deal?" Tess asks the man, her tone polite despite the wording. "Your application says you're a mercenary? You good with a gun, then? Or mostly local street stuff?" Please, someone who can handle a weapon and the stress of a fight. Those xenos were hell, would be nice to have more people to watch my back. Especially after whatever the hell creed was doing. 
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

After a long morning shower, Hikaru steps into the mess while fixing his foppish mop. Tidying up a bit, he rearranges some of their newly purchased decorations after the night's rest. He looks up with Kaze's entrance, tossing one of the pillows next to Tess. Giving the newcomer a quick onceover, he can't help but notice the man helping himself to their coffee. Making himself at home before the interview, huh. Whatever, it's not important.

With a rehearsed smile, Hikaru says, "Welcome aboard the Makkuro. I'm Hikaru, captain of this crew here. Why don't you start by telling us a little about yourself, yeah?" Hopefully not another fucking troubled past. Seems like we're collecting those lately.
Purchase throw pillows, blankets, bedding, string lights, posters, plants, rugs, plushies, and a double bed depending on price
Connect/Cha: [2d6+1]=2+1=3

Expert reroll: [2d6+1]=10+1=11
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

To Creed
"Nice to meet you, Creed," Kaze says with a nod, reciprocating the handshake firmly. "I look forward to working alongside you."

To Tess
Kaze meets Tess's gaze with a calm and composed expression, noting the curiosity in her eyes as she sizes him up. "I've had my fair share of experience with firearms," he replies evenly, his voice carrying a hint of gravitas. "I've served as a mercenary in various capacities, from planetary defense to interstellar conflicts."

He takes a sip of his coffee, his gaze steady as he continues. "I specialize in heavy weaponry and close-quarters combat, but I'm adaptable to different combat scenarios. Whether it's street-level skirmishes or full-scale battles, I can hold my own." There's a quiet confidence in his words, tempered by a sense of humility born from years of facing the dangers of the galaxy.

To Hikaru
Kaze acknowledges Hikaru's introduction with a nod of respect, noting the captain's composed demeanor and the hint of weariness in his eyes. "Thank you, Hikaru," he says, his voice measured and composed. "It's an honor to join the crew of the Makkuro."

He takes a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking further. "As for myself, I come from a background in military service and mercenary work," Kaze continues, his tone steady and self-assured. "I've spent years honing my skills in combat and tactics, specializing in heavy weaponry and close-quarters combat."

"I've faced my fair share of challenges and adversity, but I've always adapted and persevered," he adds, his gaze meeting Hikaru's with unwavering determination. "I'm here to contribute my expertise to the crew and help us succeed in whatever missions lie ahead."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Hikaru considers the merc's words as he speaks, absentmindedly nodding along. Wonder if he was raised by a VI. He seems a bit... stiff and formal. He shakes out the thought, trying to return to the matter at hand. "Good to know you're sure about yourself," the idol responds plainly. "But I'd also like to know about you. Not your skills, not your specialties. Gotta know who you are as a person to see how well you'll vibe with the crew, yeah? Like, what makes you tick?"
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Kaze pauses for a moment, considering Hikaru's question carefully. "Understood," he says, his tone thoughtful. "As a person, I value loyalty, honor, and integrity above all else. I believe in doing what's right, even when it's not easy."

"I've seen the best and worst of humanity in my travels,"
he continues, his expression grave. "And I've learned to trust my instincts and rely on my training to navigate the complexities of the galaxy. But beneath the armor and weaponry, there's a person who still holds onto hope for a better future, for myself and for others."

"I'm here to protect and defend, but I'm also here to make a difference," Kaze concludes, his gaze steady as he meets Hikaru's eyes. "And I'm committed to doing whatever it takes to ensure the safety and success of the crew."
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Post by BartNL »

Warner looks at his new crewmembers interviewing the merc from the door for a short while. Then Warner leaves the room and says in passing by: "Please send him to the med bay after the interview for a medical evaluation."

Is there anything Warner learns from treating Cass, Tess and any other crew member seeking a medical check-up or aid?
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Post by Namelessjake »

Tending to Cass' wounds, you notice he has three chem-jacks installed - light cyberware modifications that enable easier injections of certain drugs, common on addicts and people who require regular injections due to a condition or disease.
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Post by ratwizard »

Cass smirks as the mercenary takes a cup of coffee meant for the crew. Helping himself already then? Bold.

He listens closely as the man speaks, finding his answers almost practiced. He'd make a brilliant fucking politician. Saying all the right things, leaving nothing unturned. Though I think you could say we believe in doing what's easy, even if it's not right. Stealing this ship and dusting those Diktat fuckers off our tail for one. Even still, if he's running security, he's getting paid to look tough and shoot whatever needs to be shot. If he has a problem with that, he can get off our tub at the next station.

Nodding at Warner in passing, Cass turns back to Kaze. "Good stuff. So, what planet are you from? And can you tell us about a situation where you've had to use force before? With your history, I'm sure you got a lot of war stories to pick from." Can't quite place his accent.

In addition to the chem-jacks, Cass also has a burn scar on his left shoulder (likely from a laser of some fashion) in addition to a fresh puncture wound from the last day or two in the same arm. He also has some surgery scars on his lower back.
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Kaze listens attentively to cass. "I appreciate the opportunity to clarify," he begins, maintaining his calm demeanor.

"As for my origins, I hail from the planet Antheus," Kaze responds respectfully. “and I was involved in the Bronze Rebellion, aligning myself with a noble house that opposed the more powerful factions."

He continues, "Regarding the use of force, there have been numerous instances throughout my career where I've been called upon to defend myself and others," Kaze explains. "One such occasion occurred during the Bronze Rebellion, where I found myself in conflict with forces aligned with the Escriosians."

 "While my actions were guided by a desire to protect those under my charge and uphold the values I believed in, I understand that the situation was complex," he adds diplomatically. "Ultimately, I'm here to contribute to the crew in whatever capacity is required, drawing upon the lessons learned from my past experiences."
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Post by ratwizard »

Know/Int: [2d6+1]=7+1=8

What does Cass know about tensions on Antheus, specifically the Bronze Rebellion? Did anyone 'win'? Or is war still being fought directly due to the noble houses rebelling against League control?
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Post by Namelessjake »

While you were too young to be involved in any capacity, still at university for most of the rebellion, the Bronze Rebellion was covered extensively during your initial training with the League Navy. The rebellion spanned a little over five years, between 3188 and 3194, and started when an alliance of smaller noble houses rose up against the more powerful but less numerous great ruling houses. Antheus at the time was neutral, however seeking to expand their influence in the area Escrios through its support behind the uprising.

The Escriosian's sent an expeditionary force which arrived in the system and captured both of Antheus' moons, Arhun’s Rest and Maeck’s Watch, in 3189. The League backed the ruling houses, although stopped short of sending regular troops. Instead supplying them with weapons and advisors. Eventually, after several years of back and forth assaults, the uprising was subdued and the Esriosians retreated from the system.

The recent conflict, which started in the middle of last year, could be seen as a continuation of this conflict, just with some houses having changed sides and both the League and Diktat committing more resources to the fight.
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Post by ratwizard »

What a clusterfuck, Cass considers, remembering the beginning of the recent conflict last year when his naval duties were thrown into new priorities. He must have dipped the fuck out once the Diktat and League got involved.

"Antheus, huh? That's a tough one," he says. "Sounds like you made the right choice to get out of there, then. Shit's gotten bad since last year's escalations."

He turns to Tess and Hikaru, wondering if the two of them have any further questions.
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Kaze nods in understanding, acknowledging the gravity of Cass's words. "Indeed, the situation on Antheus and throughout the sector has grown increasingly volatile," he agrees, his tone solemn.
"I made the decision to leave Antheus behind in search of a new path among the stars," Kaze continues. "While the conflicts of the past still weigh heavily on my mind, I remain committed to finding a way forward and making a difference wherever I can."

Kaze remains attentive, waiting to see if anyone else in the crew has any further questions or comments.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

And there it is, Hikaru thinks, suppressing a sigh as Kaze mentions his war-torn and trauma-filled past. Guess no one's well-adjusted on this end of the sector. He bites his tongue, not wanting to get into it further. "Gotcha," he musters. "Well, we can't really offer a path among the stars or whatever since we're not really on any specific path. But we've got a way off this rock, clean beds, and a bit of adventure-action flick with how we roll."
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Post by ratwizard »

"The way forward's wherever the next job is, and the difference we make is in our bank accounts," Cass explains. Wonder if his noble do-goodery is for real, or just some corporate PR padding to make his bloody past seem a little more relatable. I guess we'll find out if he's a psycho or not soon enough.

"If you're cool with that, then I got no issues if we bring you onto the Mak."
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

To Hikaru
Kaze nods in acknowledgment of Hikaru's words, understanding the sentiment behind them. "I appreciate the honesty," he replies, his tone respectful. "A way off this rock and a bit of adventure-action sounds like just what I'm looking for."

To Cass"I'm more than capable of adapting to the needs of the crew," Kaze replies, his tone even. "And I'm fully prepared to contribute to our collective success, whatever form that may take."
He meets Cass's gaze with a steady resolve, silently conveying his commitment to the crew's objectives.
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Post by Fialova »

"You're an odd guy, Kaze," Tess says, having continued to watch and listen to him as he interacts with the other crew members. Maybe he's just nervous, or maybe just a real military man, I guess time will tell. "But if you're good with a gun and fine with the lack of certainty our crew offers, seems like a good enough fit to me. We should be off this rock in just a few more days probably, then onto wherever. Somewhere with work, hopefully." Maybe he will open up more if I flirt with him. Maybe later, though. Don't wanna make Cass jealous, she thinks, smirking at the thought.
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

As Tess speaks, Kaze's demeanor softens, a warm smile spreading across his face. "You're too kind, Tess," he says, his tone gentle. "I appreciate your honesty and your confidence in me."
His smile grows a touch wider as he meets Tess's gaze, finding her appearance endearing. "And you're right, we'll be off this rock soon enough, ready to tackle whatever challenges come our way," Kaze continues, his voice warm.
There's a playful twinkle in his eyes as he speaks, his friendly demeanor inviting. "I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone better and seeing where this journey takes us," he adds, his smile genuine.
Kaze's friendly demeanor and warm smile convey his genuine warmth and openness as well as his easygoing nature
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idk, that's pretty grey
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Post by greysigil »

Int/Fix to Help Sell the Thing [2d6+3]=5+3=8
It's something, at least.
Kate, who had by this point quietly walked in and made a bee-line for the coffee, pauses mid-pour. Fuck. Antheus? Least it's contested, not full Diktat space, and it sounds like he's not too much of a loyalist. Even so, should keep an eye on him. She recovers before overflowing her mug, and sets about adding sweetener to it.

Once finished, she turns and leans against the counter, her attention focused fully on the newcomer, almost looking more through him than at him. Her look isn't hostile, but is unintentionally intense. "I've got no objections. Could use some muscle, round out our collective skill sets." She says between sips of coffee. Glad they didn't press me this hard 'bout where I came from.
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Kaze meets Kate's intense gaze with a calm demeanor, unfazed by the scrutiny. "Thank you for your honesty, Kate," he replies, his tone respectful. "I'm here to contribute in any way I can, and I'm more than willing to lend my strength to the crew."
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Post by Namelessjake »

With Kaze's interview going well enough for him to join the crew, he is sent for a medical with the new ship's doctor as requested and assigned a bunk in the crew quarters. Cass and Kate are able to sell the Makkuro's sand thrower to the shipyard for 12,500 credits, 7,500 total after also paying to build a workshop in the cargo bay. The work for both adding another two and a half days to your time docked in the shipyard.

You also see that you have several applications for the comms position you were also looking to fill. After filtering through the applications you find the two best applicants who appear on paper to actually be capable of the job. You invite them in for interviews later that day, both of which flag up no major issues with either candidate, leaving you with a decision to make between the two.

Candidate 1
Leena Cantrell
Currently a comms officer on the Alhamdulillah, the bulk freighter stuck in port. She came across as competent and professional, despite only being 25, although it was clear she is ambitious and looking for something more interesting than the slow grind climbing the ranks working on a large civilian freighter.

Relevant Skill: +1
Candidate 2
Sofia Torres
A Verilia Belt native and a veteran of several independent crews, one or two of which were potentially pirate crews, Torres has skills in hacking and countermeasures. At 34, she has had skills have clearly been tested in real world situations and managed to come out the other side intact, save for her left arm which has been replaced with a cybernetic prosthesis.

Relevant Skill: +1

You reach out to your new contacts from a few days prior, and while no big events are being held on station, you do get offered a small gig, for the day before the final work on the ship would be completed, at a club on one of the upper levels, offering 200 credits.
Ships Fund
+7,500 credits
New Total: 12,260 credits
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

I personally vote Leena
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Post by ratwizard »

Cass would vote Sofia.
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Post by Fialova »

Tess would vote Leena
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Post by BartNL »

Warner's vote goes to candidate 1
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