A Shadow Looms — IC

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

"This is from the warehouse?" Marcus asks, now more quietly. Could he not have waited until I was done interrogating these two? By the gods.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by BartNL »

"Yeah, I tossed it in my bag when we were looking for an out. Have you seen Einkill? The princess asked about him."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

Leonidas, Aurelius

"A strong nose? Other talents?" The Princess eyes Leonidas with a quizzical smile. "Did you moonlight as a royal chef?"

The innkeeper clears his throat. "Shall I serve a plate for your other friends as well? I take it they're as starved as you two skinny souls are."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Aurelius took a moment to consider. "I apologize, I thought you already intended to--- Yes, please." He nodded quickly. "I'll be sure to try and keep an eye out for any rations while we're out."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Leonidas smirks at Liviana's question, shaking his head. "Nay, just catlike reflexes, among other traits." He shrugs, looking back towards the innkeeper. "Aye," he says with a nod. "I'm sure they're looking forward to this meal as much as I am." Well maybe not quite as much...

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

"I haven't," Marcus responds. "He said he was going to take a break to smoke before climbing up after us. I assume he is either still downstairs or on his way up now." Glancing at the logbook, he motions for Varon to hand it over. "Mind if I look?"

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by BartNL »

"Go ahead." Varon hands Marcus the book.
"There's food downstairs, I'll see if I can find Einkill before grabbing a bite."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

Marcus, should he read the book

As you peer through the small, worn handbook, you realize that Varon must have taken this from the warehouse. Most of the pages are dry, mundane descriptions of the movement of goods in and out for those weeks.

The dates on the pages indicate this book must have been for the last month's movements in and out of the warehouse. There are listed several shipments of bricks (no mortar unfortunately), stacks of cut timber, and even recently a shipment of clay roof shingles.

Toward the end, you find something of note — the day that everything turned to shit, the warehouse crew were expecting a shipment from an arriving Imardanian-based boat. It was noted to have been carrying more timber from Arenport, and was called Inévitabilité. What strikes you as interesting, however, is that a ship carrying Imardanian goods would have had to cross the Forelle Sea. This would mean they likely had a well-stocked boat with a trained, armed crew aboard to protect themselves from piracy during their journey.


You climb back up the nearby ladder, leading back to the roof of the building. Carefully you step over the shingled gables to the far side of the roof that you had climbed the vines up to. It is quiet out here, and you don't notice any signs of immediate life.

Peering down into the alleyway, you do not see Einkill anywhere.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

Marcus looks the book over with great interest, before turning back to their captors. "Right, where were we? Oh right, the one of you had decided you want to cast your lot with us, and the other wants to go free. Was that it?" he says, his voice becoming more stern again.

"Given that both of you nearly got us killed, I wouldn't feel right making this decision for the others whose lives you put on the line as well. You two follow my downstairs. There we can decide on your fates together." If the others have their say this will all go much more smoothly. And if things don't go to plan, other measures can be taken.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »


Kam, the human, nods as he stands up. Builo gives an irritated sigh, standing up with help from his lackey. "Fine, then. Let's go meet these people of yours."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by BartNL »

Shit. Shit. Shit. He didn't make it up here.
"EINKIL, You out there?!" Varon, shouts as loud as he can.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

With both men complying for once, Marcus nods and leads them to the steps down to the first floor. He make sure to let them pass him in the hall and follows behind them, still not fully trusting Builo or his willingness to comply with demands. Let's get this over with.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »


From back down the corridor you hear a commotion and something pounded twice with a dull, wet, cracking sound.

As you hurriedly approach Smock, Guthrik steps out of the room where Presius is laying on his side, dead, next to a kneeling Cassia. The man's head has been crushed from the temple inward, a sight that makes Kam groan.

"The fuck is going on in here?"
Builo asks, not quite as shaken.

"He started to turn," the other orc explains, a harrowed look upon his face. "I couldn't risk the Watchman getting bitten again."

The lanky bandit gestures luridly. "Yeah, it was real gross-like. Took that big stick of his and did the loon's head in, he did."

Cassia stands, turning to face the rest of you. "Shut up, Smock. We don't need your commentary." A tired frown stretches across her face. "This is a mess, Marcus. Next time, why don't you consult the rest of us before putting us at risk again?"


Your shout carries out across the deadened streets for a long moment.

No answer.

Then, you hear a rustle and the uneven clop of a familiar dwarven gait stepping into the alley beneath you. The stocky priest gives you a wave.

"Of course I'm out here. Quiet down up there, friend! I just took a little stroll is all." Einkill steps over to the vines beneath the eave, beginning to climb fist over fist up them. "I... ugrm... think I know the way to that — damn this armor — that church I was talking about. You know the one?"

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

Marcus frowns as the sight before him unfolds, and as the situation becomes clear. He can't help but feel responsible, words that are repeated by Cassia. At her scolding he simply nods, not one to try to pass the blame. "I did not expect he'd turn if he killed himself. I suppose that is new useful information to have, though it should not have been gained in that manner. Apologies," he says. It is done and I have apologized, that should be enough.

"I am taking these two to the others so we can jointly decide what to do with them. You lot should come as well," Marcus continues, confident that his apology was sufficient input into the previous conversation. "There is also some new information I gained from them that it would be best everyone hears."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »


Cassia takes a deep breath and sighs tiredly, considering your apology. She nods. "Alright, but we need to deal with this dead man first."

"Don't worry about it," Guthrik says. "Smock and I will handle this. Won't we?"

The lanky burglar scowls. "Yeah, whatever. I only got this pair of britches though, I ain't getting blood on me."

"Thanks," the Watch Captain says, turning back to you. "Alright. Let's go."

You take your leave, and she takes point — leading the captives behind her down the steps and into the main hall. From here, you can see that Leonidas and Aurelius have joined the other survivors, and are being served at the bar. The rest of the tavern's occupants turn to attention at your combined entrance.

"Oh, great. More mouths to feed?" the tavernkeep grumbles.

Isdren studies the unfamiliar faces. "Hey, that one's chained up."

Bessia crosses her arms. "Good, he looks real mean."

"Marcus, who are these two?" the Princess asks, standing up from her seat next to Leonidas.

Aurelius and Leonidas

A smiling woman brings you a bowl of soup each, before coming back to bring utensils. Just before you settle into your meal, boots on the stairs catch your attention. You turn, seeing Cassia, the two captives, and Marcus as they enter the tavern-level.

"Oh, great. More mouths to feed?" the tavernkeep grumbles.

A teenage boy studies the unfamiliar faces. "Hey, that one's chained up."

His younger sister crosses her arms. "Good, he looks real mean."

"Marcus, who are these two?" the Princess asks, standing up from her seat next to Leonidas.

The Who and Where

Calepha Avenue — Western Plaza — The Gilded Mare

Tavern Level


Inn Level


Roof Level


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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Leonidas eyes his soup eagerly, licking his lips and he gets ready to dive in. He's interrupted, however, by Marcus descending the stairs with their prisoners in tow. He shakes his head, caring little for their introductions. My empty belly is more important than those idiots.

He picks up his spoon, smiling into his bowl as he slowly brings the soup-filled spoon towards his face. His anticipation grows, savoring in the moment that's to come, with his taste buds dazzled and his stomach filled. Finally, the spoon meets his mouth and the soup pours in.

He frowns. He sighs.

Nothing quite as palatable as gnocchi is right. But I suppose it is better than starvation. His stomach grumbles, and he takes another spoonful of the hot broth. He spends the next few minutes sipping on his soup, trying his best to ignore the flavor, or lack thereof, and focus on the nourishment.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

"Prisoners," Marcus responds matter-of-factly to the princess. "For now, at least. What they end up being I believe we should all be deciding together." He steps further into the room, past the two men and Cassia, until he is in a more central position in the room.

"You've met our other newcomers already. When we discovered them, they were eager to have a safe place to stay and wait out this calamity, in exchange for the same hard work that we all put into this place. These other two, on the other hand," he says, motioning towards Kam and Builo, "opted for a much more aggressive approach. We were forced to fight them and their companions - now deceased - as those creatures sought to add all of us to their numbers. Instead of aiding us in clearing out the creatures, they actively sought to put us in the ground, to keep the only safe haven nearby to themselves."

He takes a brief pause to let his words reach the others, and to let the severity of their crimes sink in. "Since returning here, one of their number has shown a desire to repent for those actions by joining us," he continues, motioning towards Kam. "The other has expressed no such desire, though he has provided useful intelligence on the goings-on of another group like ours, one that is clearly much more aggressive towards outsiders. It is possible, though not confirmed, that these are the same ones who sought to set us ablaze in an alleyway weeks ago, right after this all began.

"With their actions laid out, I say we discuss here two things. First, whether to allow Kam - the less aggressive of the two - join our group here, despite his past actions and willingness to follow the other's directions to slay other living souls during such a crisis. Second, what should be done with the other - Builo - who has yet to express remorse for his deeds, and has stated no willingness to aid us."

As he finishes, Marcus takes a step to the side to distance himself from the center any perceived authority that might grant him in the eyes of the others. He takes a look around to try to gauge the reactions of his captive audience. Now any blame for our eventual decision cannot be placed on me, and if they are to be executed for their crimes, so be it. The masses will have their way, so best let them without trying to push them in either direction.


Inisght to gauge each of the others' reaction to the accusations: 20

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by BartNL »

Varon breathes a sigh of relief as he hears Einkill's voice.
"Let's get you up here first. We've got more to talk about, and there is food waiting for us." Varon moves to the vine and prepares to help Einkill get on the roof.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Leonidas pays little mind to Marcus's speech at first, too distracted with finally filling his long-empty belly. He sighs happily, content with a full stomach, even if he found the broth to be lacking. Better to eat mediocre soup than starve. Setting his spoon down, he turns to watch Marcus.

The man shrugs, saying, "If Kem there wishes to atone, I say we let him. Let we and the gods be the witness to that." He glances at Builo, shaking his head. "The other seems more like a dangerous liability to keep around, if you ask me."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Aurelius chooses to say nothing for the moment, focusing on eating his food. After wiping his lips, he smiles, thanking the bartender. "This was good." After that he looks over at Marcus and the prisoners, allowing himself to collect his thoughts for a moment. "All souls should be allowed a chance to repent, but those with not even a shine of guilt in their eyes should nay be allowed a spark of hope. I vote that we leave Builo out to rejoin his fallen comrades."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »


"Right you are, lad," Einkill says, heaving himself over the edge of the eave and standing atop the roof with you. "A proper meal would be nice." The two of you climb back down the hatch-ladder into the corridor, where you pass Guthrik and Smock dealing with a grisly scene in one of the rooms, but they pay you no mind.

You're able to make it down in time to hear Marcus call to order the fate of the two captives.

"I warned you, Aemilianus, not to get closer. I fucking warned you," Builo growls, shaking his head as the former legionnaire airs the orc's sins to the survivors. "You posed an active threat to my crew and me, and it was your own leadership that caused our groups to clash."

"This was the clown who pushed those burning barrels at us?" Weasel asks, interrupting the man.

"No. I don't know shit about whatever that is."

Kam stays quiet, his eyes wide and a worried frown upon his face.

Drozga, the aging innkeep clears his throat. "Look, Weasel and Smock attacked my own tavern and we still let them stay. I never wanted them to in the first place. Let's right this course and kick these bastards out."

"Yes!" cries Jozanta, a middle-aged mother with a hand on her young daughter. "If they're dangerous, I don't want them around my children."

A few more murmurs and nods pass the crowd until Redros, the hunter, speaks up. "Greater strength in numbers. Though that gives more chances for betrayal. Shouldn't keep either," he says, shrugging at Kam.

Weasel shakes his head. "Right, mate. Supplies is always an issue, too. Look, I know we squeaked in, Smock n' I, but the old man's right. Sometimes you gotta cut 'em loose."

The Watchman Captain Cassia raises a hand. "We're not deciding vigilante justice," she calls out, her voice booming. "We're in Vizidel, we're under Vizidel law. If what you say is true Marcus, then we shall have a trial before we send anyone to their fate." She turns to the young ruler. "Right, Princess?"

Liviana's lips tighten, unexpecting to be put on the spot. "I... Well, yes, normally that would be the case. But is any of this normal? We need to think about ensuring our own safety more than ensuring the legal system's infallibility." She steps closer to the two prisoners, an action that makes Cassia lurch forward in a protective posture. "It's okay, Captain. Don't worry."

The young woman draws near Kam. "Is it true that you want to cast aside your fealty to whatever this group of his is?" she asks, pointing toward Builo. "You'd like to join us instead?"

Kam gives a nervous look at the orc before his eyes return to the Princess. "I'll be honest, Your Grace, I only joined Maddris and his crew because it was the only viable option. This group isn't as organized or as large, but it certainly looks more my pace."

Builo snorts a laugh. "Fucking coward." Liviana gives him a severe look, and for once, the orc looks truly startled.

"As I was saying, I know it's not something that's easy to forgive, but Maddris gave us express orders to put down other groups if they got too close to our hauls, our patrols. I was only doing what I needed to in order to survive."

Liviana purses her lips together, sighing. She steps back away, and Cassia noticeably loosens her posture. "Well, I suppose we can leave it to a vote. That only seems right. Should we allow both, Kam, or neither to stay?"

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

"I vote that Kam can stay," Aurelius says, looking around. "I will stand on the hill that the orc should go -- Builo sounds like he'd betray us again, willingly, if the chance arose."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Aye, Kam can stay," Leonidas says as the Princess calls for a vote on the future of the two men. "The other'll just stir up trouble and make things worse. Plus, his pathetic leadership got most of his group killed."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

Marcus watches as the scene unfolds before him, a mixture of excited and amused that it is all going more or less as he planned. He pays special attention to Liviana, who still holds the hearts of some. She has the same idea as me, then. Why pass judgement when the masses can decide on their own what course is best?

"I am not fond of either man personally, but Kam seems remorseful, and that I can respect," Marcus says, once the others have spoken their peace. "He is also able-bodied, and capable of supporting himself here as Smock and Weasel both did before him. For that I also feel it is worth offering him a place here. Builo, on the other hand," he says, turning to the man with a stern look, "even now denies wrongdoing, and instead seeks to pass the blame for his own crimes onto us, those who only sought to aid him and his companions. For that, I too feel he should be denied a place here."

Turning to the rest of the group again, and directing his gaze towards Liviana and Cassia in particular, he adds, "though if we do not allow him safe haven, what is it you propose we do with him? He knows our faces, and where we reside. His leader clearly seeks to bring harm to others, by Kam's own admission. That seems like a dangerous man to release." They have it in them to deny him safety, but do they have it in them to sentence a man to death? Either result should be informative.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by BartNL »

"We all risked our own lives to get Kam and this ungrateful orc to safety. It looks like only one of them was worth the trouble. That Buillo has chosen his own faith. He knows damn well we can't let him get out here alive."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

Cassia frowns at Marcus and the newcomer's words. "If you knew he was a threat, then why did you lot bring him all the way here, to our only safe place? You've forced this ultimatum on us now that he knows the way in, our numbers, our status." She shakes her head in disappointment. "I would have figured at least yourself to know better, Marcus."

"You saying we shoulda just left him to get torn apart out there without at least trying? Awful cruel of ya," Weasel says in response, smirking.

"These are important discussions to be had," the Princess says, her voice tender but urgent. "This is a perfect time to establish boundaries and expectations for ourselves. But let's keep our tempers steady while figuring out how to do right by us and our Gods, alright?"

The orc stands up straight, the bitterness drained from his demeanor, replaced by concern. He says nothing now, however, intent on listening in to your open forum.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

"I'd no intention of condemning the man to death if he could make an ally instead," Marcus responds to Cassia, sternly but without malice in his voice. "Had we not carried him to safety, he'd have been killed by those creatures and merely added to their number. It is only once we arrived here he chose to deny our offer, and chose instead the path he is on now."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Leonidas sighs as the guard collectively scolds Marcus and the newcomers. "He was offered a chance at redemption, as all should be. But he denied it," Leo says, eyeing the orc and taking note of his change in demeanor. "He's got the blood of many on his hands through his failure in leadership and aggression in a time when the survivors of this city need to band together. He would rather watch his own back and sow further division."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by BartNL »

Angred at the remarks Varon steps in front of the watchwoman and replies infuriated:"Would you have me kill an unarmed man, who was knocked out cold? Ask me and I'll deal with him now, be your fucking executioner so your fucking hands stay clean if that's what helps you sleep at night! But never ask me again why I didn't murder a man in cold blood." After stepping back Varon looks around the room and tries to look the people who weren't out there with him directly in their eyes.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Aurelius nodded and finally stood. "So I think we're in agreement then. At least, the majority." He hesitated for a moment. "Though I do not think I have it in me to kill him myself. What we did in battle against his party was bad enough." He said with a genuine hint of regret in his voice.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

"I advise that you should back down, stranger," Cassia says carefully to Varon, her posture tall and tense as she peers through his visor at his eyes. She rests a hand on the pommel of her sheathed blade. "You're snapping over nothing. I don't sanction any wanton execution, at least not without a proper trial. You did the right thing to offer him mercy. I only question the decision to bring him here."

The Princess sighs, raising a hand for quiet. "Please. We are not savages, do you under—"

"You're not killing anyone in my tavern," Drozga shouts, interrupting her. "With these dead things getting their rotting blood all over my floors and enough violence done here, you can hang him outside for all I care. Just not in here."

"Exactly," Bastia says, leaning against the wall now. "Don't shit where you eat."

"Look," Builo says, breaking his silence after some time. "I get it. I look like a threat to you. I'm—"

"Builo, just say you'll join," Kam interrupts him, pleading.

"Shut up and let me finish. It's every man out here for himself, you all understand that even if you don't want to admit it. I'm not going to repent for acting in my own interests. But Maddris is just another means to an end. If you think I'm going to go rat out your hole to that bastard, then you clearly don't understand how he works." He shakes his head. "I'm on his shit list now that I failed. You think he'll let me come back? I'm dead to him." He sighs. "Let me walk. I'll fuck off. If it sates your bloodlust, being alone is a death wish so I won't even make it that far."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Leonidas raises a brow at Builo, wondering if he's speaking the truth but unable to discern himself. "You realize how hard it is to trust you on that, yeah? Especially on account of you trying to kill us," the man says, eyeing the orc cautiously. He looks toward the others, wondering how the others feel about his words. Feels like killing him would cause a rift of sorts around here. Seems like something we should avoid.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

While he speaks, Marcus attempts to get a read on the man, paying close attention to his facial expressions and mannerisms.

OOC, Mechanics

Insight, to see if Builo seems genuine: 17

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »


You can't be sure, but your gut tells you his words are sincere. His expression has certainly changed from smug and reckless to concerned and even worried.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

"He certainly doesn't seem to be lying," Marcus says, after eyeing the man carefully. "If we are still of a mind to deny him safe haven, I say we let him walk as he asks. If he truly has no good will left with this Maddris fellow then at worst he is just another person who has to fend for himself in this crisis, hardly a threat to us."

Turning back towards Builo, he adds, "and if he does choose to make himself a threat to us again, we can cut him down where he stands." His last words directed at the man are accompanied by another serious glare, and the man once more gives off an aura that could strike fear in most. It looks like you might have saved yourself this time, he thinks, a bit disappointed that the others were not as cautious as he initially though.


Intimidate, to ensure Builo complies: 23

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

The casanova sighs, somewhat in relief, as Marcus seems to confirm the orc is telling the truth. Let's hope he's right about it. "We know his face now, and we won't forget that anytime soon," Leonidas says, nodding along to Marcus's piercing words.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »


His grey face blanches, his eyes unable to drift from yours for a moment.

"It's a fair deal," Builo manages, nodding. "It's what I deserve."

"And just remember," Liviana says, drawing his attention. "If you make any attempt to endanger us, you had better hope that this city never recovers. Because if and when it does, I will have you hunted down and placed in a real trial, where you will be on charge for high treason and violent crimes against a member of the royal family." She pauses, a frown on her face. "I can assure you that my personal testimony wouldn't look good for your chances."

Cassia, trying to hide the smirk from her face, steps over. "I'm afraid that we are also going to need to confiscate your armor, as well. You may certainly walk free, but you have set us back having to deal with your poor decisions. We must now protect ourselves from one more possible threat, knowing that you are out there."

"You fucking serious?" Builo barks, his face now marked by thick wrinkles showing years of scowling. "Get your own armor, you bitch."

"I am," the Watch Captain responds. "Marcus, can you assist me in unbinding him?"

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

"Very well," Marcus says to the woman, stepping closer to the man while continuing to lock eyes with him. So she will not outright kill him, but leaving him defenseless is fine? It is almost crueler to do so, Marcus thinks, as the woman shows her priorities. At least she is pragmatic, if not the most rational person here.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by BartNL »

That bitch doesn't know shit if she thinks there's a difference between leaving someone behind and killing them. We were fleeing from those monster for fuck's sake.
Varon nods at Marcus and steps towards the orc and grabs him by the shoulder, ready to act if he does anything.
It's his lucky day, even if he can't see it.
Talking softly so only the orc and Cassia can hear him Varon says:
"I'll put it in a language you understand shitface: Go ahead and make my day."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Aurelius, watching with a tinge of regret still painted across his face, sits ready to spring into action if the orc tries anything. However, knowing that three people already had him held, he chooses to wait.


Can I say I'm readying an action to grab the orc if he tries to escape? or if it seems like the others need a bit of help?

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

Cassia and Marcus unbind the thick cord of rope tied around Builo's hands. He glares at Varon for a long moment before turning back to Cassia. "Fine. You want your armor? You can have it." He strips the lamellar hauberk off, tossing it in a heavy, scraping crumple at the Watch Captain's feet. "Gambeson too? Breeches? You going to strip my of my boots and my dignity too?"

"No," Cassia says, taking a step back. "You're set." She picks the scale armor up off the ground and nods to Marcus and Varon. "Back out the way he came, I suppose. Unless you have better ideas."

Aurelius - OOC

Sure, you can continue holding that sort of action if you follow the others as they bring him back out.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Aurelius stands and follows just behind the four of them as they lead Builo to the door. Once he's out the door Aurelius will relax.


Aurelius continues to hold that action until Builo leaves the building.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

Out of a window would be safer for us all, but the group have decided, and I am in no position to deny them, Marcus thinks, as he keeps hold of Builo to march him back up the stairs.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

Marcus, Varon

The two of you manage to lead the unbound, unarmored Builo back up the stairs with Cassia following close behind. Moving through the corridor, you urge him up the ladder and atop the roof.

You now stand next to the vines that lead back down the side of the building.

"So you're just leaving me to the wolves?" Builo asks, turning to face you with a frown. The fear hasn't left his face but he appears a bit calmer now that he is out in the elements again. "Not even a blade?"

Aurelius, Leonidas

Cassia follows Marcus, Varon, and Builo up the stairs to the second level.

Once they are out of sight, the tavernkeeper groans. "Good. One less mouth to keep from our supplies, and no more trouble." A few of the others begin to chatter again, mostly about the several newcomers, and a few eyes pass your way.

Kam stands, frowning, near one of the walls. Many of the others give him a wide berth, clearly not eager to open up to him for now.

The Princess has returned to sitting at one of the tables, her eyes tired.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

"This is the fate you asked for, you should be glad it was offered to you so generously," Marcus responds to the man, as he motions for him to climb down the vines. He talked so big before, the fear must be getting to him. How I would love to give him the blade he desires, but I am being watched. Those creatures will just have to finish the job for me.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Leonidas breathes a sigh of relief as the orc is escorted out, knowing he was given a chance but he refused. He eyes Kam, raising an eyebrow. Guess we'll keep an eye on him. See if he's a man of his word. He strides towards the princess, joining her at the table. "You handled that well. Or as well as it could be handled, given the circumstance." He smiles, trying to ease her mind. "You'll make a fine queen one day. Never would have expected you could be so tough."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by BartNL »

Varon stays silent during the walk and while on the roof. He keeps his hands resting on his trusty blades, ready to react if anything happens.
This is going to bite us in the arse.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by ratwizard »

Marcus, Varon

Builo harrumphs, swinging down over the eave and beginning his descent along the thick vines. He hops to the cobblestones in the alley, giving the three of you a quick glance before making his way further down to the south. After a few moments, he disappears between buildings as the alleyway curves off.

"I'm guessing we'll see him again," Cassia says matter-of-factly. "I don't envy which of us has to deal with him a second time."

Aurelius, Leonidas

"Perhaps. Though I hope I won't have to find out for some time," the Princess says with a sigh. "I wonder how my mother and father fare. I'd guess that the palace guards are taking care of everyone's safety."

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Aurelius stays behind for a moment at the bottom of the stairs. He nods at the queen's response before he follows the others up to the roof, hoping that nothing bad has happened in the few moments he took his eyes off them.

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Re: A Shadow Looms IC

Post by Fialova »

"If what he said is true then I'm not so sure," says Marcus. "It's dangerous out there, things seem to have grown worse since the first days. The group we fought while fending off his gang was quite large. If he manages to survive in his current state, it will be by laying low." And if he shows his face again, his chance of survival goes from slim to none. He should know that by now. Let's hope for all of our sakes that does not happen. Once confident that Builo has gone far enough, he moves towards the door hatch and makes his way back inside.

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