Way Down in the Hole — IC

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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Alerio tries to maintain his focus as the cart he was assisting slips into the tumultuous waves, shaking off any downtrodden feeling until all are saved. It is not yet over. He keeps his eyes steady on the surrounding terrain, barking out guidance to better assist those with the ropes.
Nature on Cart 1: [1d20+6]=15+6=21-2=19

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Post by Fialova »

Josie once more makes her way to the water below, this time managing to maintain her footing the entire way. There she does her best to save as many people from the water as she can.

Athletics to descend to surf: [1d20+6]=20+6=26

Athletics to rescue people in the water: [1d20+6]=20+6=26

Number rescued: [1d4]=1 Per discord convo, nat 20 = max save roll for 4 people saved

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Post by BartNL »

Hadrurus makes his way down to rescue the drowning Almhorongi. I can still save some.

Athletics to climb down to Surf using climbing kit +2, dagger boots +2, not using heavy shield remove -2,
Atheletics [rescue] [1d20+12]=5+12=17
Total saved: [1d4]=1

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Post by FinalTemplar »

Diplomacy to Inspire my allies, attempting to give +2 to rescue survivors.
Roll: [1d20+11]=2+11=13 :(
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Post by ratwizard »

Skill Challenge — Round 5!

Spurred by Velasco's efforts, Josie and Hadrurus tear down the treacherous slope, bringing back a handful of Almohorongi — three of which lay in serious condition.

Alerio spots a stretch of worsening terrain, calling it out to Pōhaku who bears down on the ropes. The Okani's enduring grasp creates a window of opportunity for Samiira to tug at a hard angle, bringing the cart free from the gap.

Despite her best effort as the surf batters and sprays Gladia, she watches futilely as a pair of the caravanners finally sink beneath the surface.

From out at sea, the winds whip up in a frenzy. The howls drown out the shouts and screams, and the remaining wagon shakes brusquely — the colorful tapestries and rugs threatening to tear it free from the ground like a kite.

Round 4 Results
Pōhaku: Endurance = success, Cart 1 gains +2 slip save for +4 total.
Samiira: Acrobatics = fail, succeeds saving throw, Athletics [Tug] = success, Cart 1 is tugged to Slope position.
Alerio: Nature = success, Cart 1 gains +2 slip save for +6 total.
Josie: Athletics = success, moves to Surf position, Athletics = success, moves back to Path and rescues 4 drowning people. 2 are safe, 2 are incapacitated and require healing.
Hadrurus: Athletics = success, moves to Surf position, Athletics = success, moves back tp Path and rescues 1 drowning person who is incapacitated and requires healing.
Velasco: Diplomacy [Inspire] = success, +2 to all future group Athletics [Rescue] checks.
Gladia: Athletics [Rescue] = failure.

End of Round
Cart 1 - Fails slip save, falls to Surf position.
Cart 2 - No slip save, safely on Path position.
Cart 3 - No slip save, safely on Path position.
2 drowning Almohorongi end their second round drowning and die.

Wicked Winds: All imperiled carts lose their slip save bonus for the next round.
Sight Tier: 3 / 3
Unlocked: # of people in water, carts, or saved.
Unlocked: +4 bonus to Athletics [Rescue]
Unlocked: # of supplies in water, carts, or saved.

7 Wagons
1 In Peril
2 Safe
4 Destroyed

6 people dead, 20 people saved, 6 people drowning (6 drowning for 1 round), 3 people incapacitated.
11 units of supplies in the water, 3 units of supplies saved.

Skill Challenge Rules
The caravan is in danger of slipping into the seas. Work together to save as many folk and their wagons as possible!

Each round, every player will perform one helpful action and explain what they are doing to aid the wagon train. A player may not use the same full action two consecutive rounds in a row. If your roll targets a specific cart, designate which one, 1 - 5. Please also note in your post if you are claiming a situational bonus granted by your current terrain position.

As a free action, you may attempt to descend to a specific position before your full action. You can do this by rolling either Acrobatics or Athletics [Climb]. On a success, you descend and can then take your full action. On a failure, you must make an immediate saving throw. On a success you cannot descend, but can still take your full action. On a failure you are moved to the Sea position but can still take your full action. Ascending to any position requires a full action instead of a free action.

At the end of the round, the wagons will make a saving throw. On a failure, they sink one level further. Beware of further complications!

Terrain Positions
Each PC, cart, and NPC occupies one of five terrain positions. PCs begin the encounter at the Path position. You can attempt to descend with an Acrobatics check, though not without risk.

Path - Safely on the path, away from the landslide. (-2 to Athletics [Tug], Endurance, Perception)
Edge - At the edge of the cliff. (+0 to Athletics [Tug], Endurance, Perception)
Slope - Feet planted within the broken cliffside soil and stone, partway down. (+2 to Athletics [Tug], Endurance, Perception)
Surf - At the edge of the breakers. (+5 to Athletics [Tug], Endurance, Perception)
Sea - Actively drowning in the sea. Ending two rounds while drowning will down a PC or kill an NPC. Ending a third will kill a PC.

Skill Checks
(Not exclusive, ping me for other possibilities)

Acrobatics or Athletics [Climb] - Descend to any position below your current one. Note that at deeper positions, you will gain successive bonuses to Athletics [Tug], Endurance, Perception. Failing this check causes slippage, prompting an immediate Saving throw, upon fail you are moved into the Sea position.
Athletics [Tug] - Pull a single cart. On success, cart ascends one level. On crit, ascends 2 levels.
Athletics [Rescue] - (Requires Surf position) Rescue drowning people, or supplies, from Sea level. 1d4 people or supplies on success. Saved people require saving throw, if fail, then incapacitated.
Athletics [Escape] - (Requires Sea position) Attempt to claw your way back to a station of your choice.
Perception - Spot any drowning folk or PCs in the Sea position. Also improves Sight Tier by 1 level, improving your situational knowledge.
Heal - Attempt to resuscitate incapacitated people who have been rescued, 1d4 people on success. An NPC who ends two full rounds incapacitated will die.
Thievery - Tie knots in rope and rig up a single cart. Grants a +2 stacking bonus to Athletics [Tug] and Endurance checks for one chosen cart. You must be within one position to the cart.
Nature - Assess, predict, and mitigate further slides or complications. Grants a stacking +2 to slip saving throws for one chosen cart.
Diplomacy [Focus] - Direct team and focus efforts on one imperiled wagon. Grants a stacking +2 to slip saving throws for one chosen cart.
Diplomacy [Inspire] - Renew your allies courage and strength in their rescue attempts. Grants a stacking +2 bonus to Athletics [Rescue] checks for people or supplies.
Arcana - TBD depending on PC. Example usage might be using heat or cold magic to bake or freeze treacherous ground, granting a stacking +2 to slip saving throws for one chosen cart.
Endurance - Put your back into holding onto the rope. Grants a stacking +2 to slip saving throws for one chosen cart.

Saving the Carts
Use Thievery to add a stacking bonus to Athletics [Tug] or Endurance checks.
Use Athletics [Tug] to pull the carts up.
Use Endurance, Nature, Diplomacy, or Arcana(?) checks to help prevent the carts from falling further.
Once carts reach Path position, they are safe unless they slip further from complications.

Saving the Fallen People
Use Perception to spot people in the Sea position.
Use Athletics [Rescue] to pull folk or PCs from Sea position to Path position. There is a significant chance folk will require resuscitation.
Use Heal to resuscitate downed folk from the Path position.
If you yourself are drowning in the Sea position, use Athletics [Escape].
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Post by Namelessjake »

With the cart being pulled up the slope by the ex-gladiators, Samiira tries to descend to the surf to help pull the remaining survivors from the water, however she slips on the unstable ground and ends up in the water alongside them.
Acrobatics to Descend to Surf: 7 lol

Save: 3 lol

Athletics to Escape: 5
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

As Pōhaku exerts his strength, a sudden gust of wicked winds fights against him.

Pōhaku, undeterred, braces against the biting winds. With a resolute gaze, he shouts over the howling tempest to his team and the stranded travelers:

"Steady, friends! We stand strong against the storm," Pōhaku declares, "The winds may howl, but we stand firm. Secure the cart and lets get the rest of these people home no room for faltering!" his voice a steady anchor amidst the chaos

Athletics to descended to slope: [1d20+9]=11+9=20
Tug check:[1d20+14]=5+14=19
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Post by BartNL »

We can still save the cart

Athletics to Tug [1d20+12]=3+12=15-2 from path for 13
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Post by ratwizard »

OOC Update
The remaining Cart 1 is now at Edge position. Once all carts have been pulled to Path, I will allow PCs to make consecutive Athletics [Rescue] checks since there would then be little else to do but save the people / supplies in the water.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Alerio takes his attention from the last cart as some unconscious Almohorongi are pulled from the water. Springing into action, he steels his nerves and works to save them from the brink of death. Grant me your healing prowess, gods above.
Heal: [1d20+11]=4+11=15

Number healed: [1d4]=2

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Post by FinalTemplar »

Seeing the last of the carts being nearly pulled up, Velasco rushes over, trying to get in position to help pull the cart up to the road. He finds something to grab onto and plants his feet to try and get a good pull on the cart. 

Thievery to attempt to help someone pull up Cart 1 = [1d20+4]=15+4=19 eeeasy success. Pull up the Cart!
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Post by Fialova »

With only one cart remaining to save, Josie rushes to the rope to help tug it back to safety.

Athletics [Tug] final cart: [1d20+6]=8+6=14
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Post by ratwizard »

Skill Challenge — Final Round 6!

Pōhaku, Hadrurus, and Josie grab hold of the last wagon's ropes, putting all of their might into hauling it up toward safety. As it begins to crest the ridge, one of the ropes frays and snaps — but Velasco is upon it with a desperate speed, grafting the rope onto another with a deft hand. The wagon is pulled to solid ground, and a throng of grateful Almohorongi disembark safely, their possessions in hand.

Elsewhere, Alerio rolls a pair of incapacitated survivors onto their sides and applies pressure to their chest. In turn, each cough up seawater and rouse with strained eyes.

Samiira descends toward the sea, but loses her footing, joining a half-dozen other caravanners in the thrashing sea. Gladia jumps from a cascade of unsettled rocks, landing safely in the wet sands before diving into the waters. As she paddles ahead, the many waving hands and cries unnerve her. She makes an impossible decision — grabbing the hand of Samiira and hauling her to solid ground. The two women look back together as one by one, the last of the drowning Almohorongi disappear beneath the water's surface.

Round 5 Results
Samiira: Acrobatics = fail, fails saving throws, falls in Sea, Athletics [Escape] = fail.
Pōhaku: Athletics [Descend] = success, Athletics [Tug] = success, Cart 1 moves to Slope.
Hadrurus: Athletics [Tug] = success, Cart 1 moves to Edge.
Alerio: Heal = success, 2 people saved.
Velasco: Thievery = success.
Josie: Athletics [Tug] = success, Cart 1 moves to Path and is safe. 10 people and 4 supplies are saved.
Gladia: Acrobatics = success, descends to Surf, Athletics [Rescue] = success, saves Samiira.

End of Round
All carts safe.
6 drowning Almohorongi end their second round drowning and die.

Final Round Rules
The final tasks are to heal the final incapacitated survivor, or to optionally risk yourself to rescue the remaining 11 units of supplies in the water. At the end of this round, the survivor will die if untreated, and the supplies will be lost if unrescued.

Sight Tier: 3 / 3
Unlocked: # of people in water, carts, or saved.
Unlocked: +4 bonus to Athletics [Rescue]
Unlocked: # of supplies in water, carts, or saved.

7 Wagons
0 In Peril
3 Safe
4 Destroyed

12 people dead, 32 people saved, 1 person incapacitated (will die end-of-round.)
11 units of supplies in the water, 7 units of supplies saved.

Skill Challenge Rules
The caravan is in danger of slipping into the seas. Work together to save as many folk and their wagons as possible!

Each round, every player will perform one helpful action and explain what they are doing to aid the wagon train. A player may not use the same full action two consecutive rounds in a row. If your roll targets a specific cart, designate which one, 1 - 5. Please also note in your post if you are claiming a situational bonus granted by your current terrain position.

As a free action, you may attempt to descend to a specific position before your full action. You can do this by rolling either Acrobatics or Athletics [Climb]. On a success, you descend and can then take your full action. On a failure, you must make an immediate saving throw. On a success you cannot descend, but can still take your full action. On a failure you are moved to the Sea position but can still take your full action. Ascending to any position requires a full action instead of a free action.

At the end of the round, the wagons will make a saving throw. On a failure, they sink one level further. Beware of further complications!

Terrain Positions
Each PC, cart, and NPC occupies one of five terrain positions. PCs begin the encounter at the Path position. You can attempt to descend with an Acrobatics check, though not without risk.

Path - Safely on the path, away from the landslide. (-2 to Athletics [Tug], Endurance, Perception)
Edge - At the edge of the cliff. (+0 to Athletics [Tug], Endurance, Perception)
Slope - Feet planted within the broken cliffside soil and stone, partway down. (+2 to Athletics [Tug], Endurance, Perception)
Surf - At the edge of the breakers. (+5 to Athletics [Tug], Endurance, Perception)
Sea - Actively drowning in the sea. Ending two rounds while drowning will down a PC or kill an NPC. Ending a third will kill a PC.

Skill Checks
(Not exclusive, ping me for other possibilities)

Acrobatics or Athletics [Climb] - Descend to any position below your current one. Note that at deeper positions, you will gain successive bonuses to Athletics [Tug], Endurance, Perception. Failing this check causes slippage, prompting an immediate Saving throw, upon fail you are moved into the Sea position.
Athletics [Tug] - Pull a single cart. On success, cart ascends one level. On crit, ascends 2 levels.
Athletics [Rescue] - (Requires Surf position) Rescue drowning people, or supplies, from Sea level. 1d4 people or supplies on success. Saved people require saving throw, if fail, then incapacitated.
Athletics [Escape] - (Requires Sea position) Attempt to claw your way back to a station of your choice.
Perception - Spot any drowning folk or PCs in the Sea position. Also improves Sight Tier by 1 level, improving your situational knowledge.
Heal - Attempt to resuscitate incapacitated people who have been rescued, 1d4 people on success. An NPC who ends two full rounds incapacitated will die.
Thievery - Tie knots in rope and rig up a single cart. Grants a +2 stacking bonus to Athletics [Tug] and Endurance checks for one chosen cart. You must be within one position to the cart.
Nature - Assess, predict, and mitigate further slides or complications. Grants a stacking +2 to slip saving throws for one chosen cart.
Diplomacy [Focus] - Direct team and focus efforts on one imperiled wagon. Grants a stacking +2 to slip saving throws for one chosen cart.
Diplomacy [Inspire] - Renew your allies courage and strength in their rescue attempts. Grants a stacking +2 bonus to Athletics [Rescue] checks for people or supplies.
Arcana - TBD depending on PC. Example usage might be using heat or cold magic to bake or freeze treacherous ground, granting a stacking +2 to slip saving throws for one chosen cart.
Endurance - Put your back into holding onto the rope. Grants a stacking +2 to slip saving throws for one chosen cart.

Saving the Carts
Use Thievery to add a stacking bonus to Athletics [Tug] or Endurance checks.
Use Athletics [Tug] to pull the carts up.
Use Endurance, Nature, Diplomacy, or Arcana(?) checks to help prevent the carts from falling further.
Once carts reach Path position, they are safe unless they slip further from complications.

Saving the Fallen People
Use Perception to spot people in the Sea position.
Use Athletics [Rescue] to pull folk or PCs from Sea position to Path position. There is a significant chance folk will require resuscitation.
Use Heal to resuscitate downed folk from the Path position.
If you yourself are drowning in the Sea position, use Athletics [Escape].
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Post by Fialova »

Following Alerio's example, and with all of the surviving travelers free of the water, Josie quickly makes her way towards the remaining injured and does her best to aid them. 

Heal: [1d20+5]=9+5=14

Number Healed: [1d4]=3
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Post by BartNL »

These supplies are all these people have. Give me a hand with those supplies!
Athletics to climb down to Surf using climbing kit +2, dagger boots +2, not using heavy shield remove -2,
Atheletics [rescue] [1d20+16]=18+16=34
Total saved: [1d4]=3
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

The saltwater stings his eyes, and the turbulent currents test his endurance. Unfortunately, the supplies slip through his fingers, Emerging from the water, Pōhaku returns to the shore empty-handed, his expression a mix of frustration and determination.

Descend to Surf- [1d20+9]=1+9=10

Fails to save and falls into the sea-[1d20]=6

Athletics (escape) the sea position : [1d20+9]=15+9=24
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Thank you," Samiira says to Gladia as she pulls her from the water. Soaking wet and cold, she makes her way back up to the path, saddened knowing her life had been exchanged for one of the Almohorongi. Having nearly fallen a couple of times, and actually falling in once, she decides its too risky for her to help rescue the remaining supplies.
Do nothing.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Alerio frowns, feeling disheartened by the tragedy besetting these people. He falls to his knees, looking toward the turbulent heavens in desperation. "Gods above, give us your aid. Calm this maelstrom for but a moment and preserve these lives, material and immaterial."
Religion to pray for divine intervention, however you want to handle that: [1d20+8]=18+8=26

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Post by FinalTemplar »

Pass priority, no skill check being made.
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Post by ratwizard »

Skill Challenge — End!

Josie is able to resuscitate the final rescued Almohorongi, a young boy. He sputters seawater and grips the dirt frantically with weary hands, safe at last.

Hadrurus and Pohaku make one last trek to the water to pull up as many belongings as possible. While the Drekkeshi navigates the terrain with deft steps to bring up a solid haul, the Okani's luck runs out. Pōhaku tumbles down the hill and into the water, but his tenacious spirit returns and he pulls himself to safety.

The surviving Almohorongi begin tomuster, taking census among themselves — wet, weary, and with blanched faces. Some of the young children scream and thrash, others remain silent, their eyes distant. A man buries his face in his partner's shoulder, his heaving sobs sounding out over the din of the sea like the bray of a mule. A few young women hold hands with each other, bleary-eyed, as they hum a hymn together.

An ancient woman steps over to Alerio, her brown-and-burgundy robes clutched over her shoulder, a shawl covering much her shaggy hair. She leans on a thick, beaded walking stick.

The elder places a hand on the Talon's shoulder. Despite her fragile appearance, her grip is firm and steady. "Your prayers mean much to us," she says in Grystok, her accent peculiar and stilted. "Rise now, savior from Almohoros." She helps you stand to your feet, beckoning the rest of the Unfettered to draw near.

"Our oxen, our wagons, our goods — these can all be regained, in time. Those many lost — so... dear to us — cannot. I thank you. I thank you, again. We beg goodbye to friend and family today, but you have saved our flock."

Her eyes well up, a tear dripping down the wrinkles of her cheeks. "Who are you that you would suffer such sacrifice to help our kind?"

Round 6 Final Results
Josie: Heal = success. The last survivor is healed.
Hadrurus: Athletics = success, descends to Surf, Athletics = success, 3 units of supplies left, leaving 8 in the water.
Pōhaku: Athletics = failure, fails saving throw, falls into Sea. Athletics = success to escape back to Path.
Samiira: No action.
Alerio: Religion = ???.
Velasco: No action.
Gladia: No action.

End of Round
All carts safe.
All survivors are safe.
8 units of supplies sink beneath the waves.

Final Status
Sight Tier: 3 / 3
Unlocked: # of people in water, carts, or saved.
Unlocked: +4 bonus to Athletics [Rescue]
Unlocked: # of supplies in water, carts, or saved.

7 Wagons
0 In Peril
3 Safe
4 Destroyed

33 people saved, 12 people dead.
10 units of supplies saved, 8+ units of supplies destroyed.

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Post by BartNL »

"We are those who raise the fallen, we are warriors of justice." Hadrurus roars.
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Pōhaku rises from the water, his clothes clinging heavily to his frame, but his determination unwavering. With a steady hand, he brushes the saltwater from his face, a mixture of exhaustion and resolve etched in his features.

As the elder woman approaches, he listens intently to her words, his gaze softening When she asks her question, Pōhaku meets her eyes with a quiet strength, a sense of reverence for the lives he has helped save.

"I am Pōhaku," he begins, his voice carrying a deep resonance. "A son of the islands, a warrior of the Unfettered. But above all, I am one who believes in the bonds of kinship and the duty to protect those in need. It is not sacrifice when it is done for family, for community," he continues, his words carrying a weight of conviction. "It is an honor to stand with you in your time of need, to offer what aid we can."
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Post by Namelessjake »

Hopefully these clothes will dry tonight around the fire. If not I can use my spare set, but I will have to reveal myself to the others, Samiira thinks as she regroups with the others and the surviving travellers.

She feels herself cringe internally slightly at Hadrurus and Pōhaku's words, uncomfortable with how easily they reveal their allegiances to the Unfettered.

I suppose these people are no threat and unlikely to warn anyone about us, she thinks. I am not used to operating this close to Vyridis.
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Post by ratwizard »

An elder bows her head for a moment, taking in the words of Pōhaku and the rallying call of Hadrurus. "Warriors of the Unfettered," she repeats. "I have met your kind before, long ago. And while that meeting left me sour, perhaps I was too close-minded. You alone are responsible for the survival of this flock — this will always be remembered."

The elder turns to another of her tribe, a young man with bushy hair who lingers closeby. She speaks quietly in an unfamiliar language to him, and he dashes off. In a short moment, he returns, holding a small, weathered box. The elder takes it and wipes a patch of mud and sea spray from it with her robe.

"Please — this is for you. We are a people of song, and dance, and spirit," the old woman explains. "When you blow this horn, may you inspire the souls worth saving as you have done here. Everyone shall hear the call of those who lent aid to the Almohorongi, and be renewed in spirit."

She unlatches a small clasp on the box and opens it up. Inside is a curled, brass horn, its end flared. It rests on a worn pillow of fine silks.

Bugle of the Almohorongi

As a Standard Action on your turn, or as a No Action as part of initiative, you can blow the Bugle of the Almohorongi to encourage and inspire your allies, gaining a +2 speed bonus and 6 THP for one round.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Comfort washes over Alerio as he feels the grip of the elder on his shoulder. He stands to his feet, listening to the woman with rapt attention. Such strength for one of her age, and an endless river of wisdom. They are fortunate to have her guidance on the path ahead.

"I am Alerio, Talon of Eagle Cliff," he says plainly, vigor returning to his words after such panic and desperation prior. "What may I call you? I should like to remember and honor this fateful meeting."

He steps forward, examining the instrument with a sense of wonder and honor. The Talon bows, taking the elder's offering into his own hands. "Thank you. We will cherish this gift and let it spurn us ever onward. I live to right wrongs, be they from man or from nature. Your words, too, give me the inspiration to continue on this path."
I take?

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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Pōhaku stands tall, his stoic demeanor softened by the elder's words He listens intently

"Thank you, respected elder," Pōhaku replies, his voice carrying a solemn gratitude. "Your gesture honors us, and we shall carry the spirit of your people with us."
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Post by Namelessjake »

These people have lost so much, yet they still bestow this gift upon us, Samiira thinks, hanging back as Alerio and Pōhaku talk with the Elder.

This Talon speaks the right words, but will his actions live up to them, she wonders, eying Alerio as he takes the horn, her decades long mistrust beginning to challenged.
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Post by Fialova »

"Zhou Si, of Amkhara," Josie responds, offering a polite nod to the elder woman. "I only wish we could have saved all of your flock," she continues, after the woman's speech. She offers a small smile as the instrument is granted. They have lost so much, and yet they offer us a gift. These people are too kind for this cruel world.
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Post by ratwizard »

"You may call me Amadora," the elder answers Alerio. "I am pleased you choose to honor us once more by taking this gift."

She turns now to Josie. "The will of this world is fickle, our lives fleeting. We will not be defeated by this day."

Gladia steps forward, a grim look upon her face. "I could have saved more of your people," she admits. "I... tried. But I made too many mistakes. I was afraid."

"My child, to be alive is to err. Do not blame your conscience for the will of the Gods."
Amadora gives her a long and knowing stare. She turns to the rest of you. "We will likely make camp here, away from the cliffs. Will you be staying until the storms abate?"
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Pōhaku listens intently to Amadora's words, his respect for her wisdom growing with each passing moment. "Amadora," he repeats, committing her name to memory. "I am honored to have crossed paths with you and your people."

Turning his attention to Gladia, Pōhaku's expression softens with understanding. "Fear is a companion to us all, Gladia," he reassures her, his voice calm and reassuring. "What matters is that you acted with courage and compassion. That is a testament to your character."

As Amadora speaks of making camp, Pōhaku nods in agreement. "i am not opposed to that." He then looks to his companions
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Post by Namelessjake »

"And I owe you my life, you pulled me from the water," Samiira says to Gladia, stepping up to the new recruit, placing a hand on her shoulder in an attempt at comforting her.

"We would be losing day light, but it may be wise," she adds. Although if the storms pass completely, we may find the fort resupplied and its defenders bolstered in numbers by the time we get there.

"It is your decision," she says, looking to Josie and Hadrurus. She decides against revealing the details of their mission to the surviving travellers, however she hopes their two leaders have the foresight to realise their mission's success may hinge on some difficult trekking.
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Post by BartNL »

How far away from our target are we, and how much time is there we could still use to travel today?
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Post by ratwizard »

Without a proper map or cartographer, you are relying on rough estimates and your combined local knowledge of the roads.

Yzgo said the fort was reachable by their scouts in three days, that would be in good weather and traveling light. You could likely do the same if not for the storms.

You've traveled about a full day and another few hours, so you suppose you should be almost half-way there. It is currently approaching noon.
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Post by BartNL »

Hadrurus turns to Josie, and asks softly so the others can't hear him: "I'd say we continue, some of us got wet but that's all. Better than belaying our journey or having to get up early in the dark after the storm, I'd much rather travel when we can see the road."
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Post by Fialova »

Josie nods to the elder woman, before stepping over to Pōhaku. She waits for him to speak to his companion, before speaking to the man herself. "Thank you," she says, offering the man her hand to shake. "For saving me back there. You saved so many, and I am shamed to have needed to be one of them, but you were great out there," she continues. How many more would have perished had he not been here today?

When approached by Hadrurus, she steps to the side with him, listening to his hushed speak. "It would be efficient to continue now, but I do not know if it is wise. We've already seen some of the road claimed by the storm, and if it worsens, we could be caught in the water ourselves with no passersby to save us. At the moment, it seems wisest to me if we camp here." I am sure these travelers would be glad to have company as well, especially in such a time of mourning and vulnerability. 
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Amadora," Alerio repeats, clutching onto the gift with great care. "You and your people will be a source of comfort to me, til the day I face Lis-beht and beyond." How would the Dragon judge me, I may wonder. Does it understand the complexities of life, and the actions oft needed for a better tomorrow?

He ponders to himself, mind swirling in its own theological debate. He looks toward the mission's leaders for a moment, however, curious which decision they may make.
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Post by BartNL »

"Do we want to hear opinions and call a vote?" Hadrurus replies to Josie
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Pōhaku surveys their progress with a stoic gaze, taking in the looming storm on the horizon. He then approaches the group "We are making steady progress, despite the challenges," he remarks evenly.
Last edited by Chanchabruhh on Wed Feb 14, 2024 3:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Velasco took a long moment to return to the others, staring out at the sea and uttering a silent prayer for those who were lost. Eventually, he returns to the moment, gives his raven a pet, and says something softly to it. He walks back over to those who were saved and gives a quick nod. "Is there anything else that can be done? Will you be able to make the rest of your journey safely?" He asks the survivors.
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Post by Fialova »

"It would be best, since we are in disagreement," Josie says, nodding to her co-leader as she steps back towards the others.

"Who would prefer to rest here for the time being, and who would rather press on?" she asks once near the rest of their group. We are a group, so these decisions should be made together. I'll be fine with whatever decision is most agreed upon, it is better than the low morale that would come from overriding their choice in the matter.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"My vote would be to press on," Samiira answers as Josie turns back to the rest of the group.

"If we wait out the storm, others will too," she adds, hoping to convey what a delay could mean for their mission, without revealing why they are out here to any prying ears of the Almohorongi.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"It is as Samiira says. We may tread carefully, but we cannot waste precious moments idly," Alerio chimes in, knowing the roads will be perilous but that they cannot afford to wait around. The timing of this mission was chosen in part because of the storm. If we make camp and the storm breaks, we lose our edge.
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Pōhaku nods once, his decision firm. "We press forward," he declares simply, his tone carrying the weight of determination.
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Post by BartNL »

"I believe that settles it. Do you have anything to add, Velasco?"
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Post by ratwizard »

Amadora nods at Alerio's words, clearly pleased. "Your gods are not our own, Talon, but I am comforted to know you beseech them on our behalf." She turns to Velasco. "Our people's journey has no end, save for the one that awaits each of us. We will continue on toward Vyridis and beyond, and put this storm — and our grief — behind us."

"I will be coming with you," Gladia says to the elder, though her eyes turn instead toward Hadrurus and Josie as she speaks. "They could use my protection."

Amadora's brow tightens, a look of uncertainty crossing her face. After a moment she nods. "Us Almohorongi are proud people. We accept others around the fire for a meal, or for tune, but the trail is our own to walk." She sighs, continuing: "Though, this morning I find we are in little position to deny the selfless offer of aid. You are welcome in our caravan, as far as Vyridis."

Gladia shrugs. "That's where I'm headed, anyhow. I've got some things to figure out there."

Kupo has retired Gladia, so she will be going back to Vyridis, leaving the six of you to continue your mission.

As it stands, there are 3 votes to continue from Alerio, Samiira, and Pohaku.

Votes from Velasco, Hadrurus, and Josie remain.

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Post by Namelessjake »

It looks like we are aligned, Samiira thinks as the consensus seems to be forming. She looks to Josie and Hadrurus, hoping their leaders agree with the rest of the group. We can't let these slavers slip through our grasp.

The Serranborn gives Gladia a nod of tacit approval as she announces she will head back to Vyridis with the caravan to protect them. Protecting people is ultimately our mission, she thinks.
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Pōhaku clasps Gladia’s shoulder in a gesture of solidarity, silently expressing his respect for her choice to stay behind and aid the elder and her people. Though they exchange no words.Pōhaku then turns his attention to the others.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Velasco emits a low, soft groan. How desperately he wished for a few moments to recover, but he knows their journey is not yet over. "Onwards it is, though do understand I wish for some break from the rain." He says, pausing for a moment longer to stretch and relieve some of the growing pain in his back.
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Post by BartNL »

"I wish you luck, old friend." Hadrurus says, waving Gladia goodbye. "Onwards it is! Grab your gear, and get ready to leave. "
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"May you find that which you seek," Alerio says to Gladia as she offers to escort the Almohorongi back to Vyridis. He turns to Hadrurus and gives a quick nod, tucking away the horn bestowed on them by the elder. May it inspire us further on this mission.

"Yes, let us press on."

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