The Lion and the Dragon IC

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

Glad to be past the sentries, Bao Tap Den makes a mental list of what items to trade and what to keep his eyes out for. The jewelry for sure. Maybe the strange herbs if the right buyer comes along. Remembering the conditions of how he acquired these items, he thinks "We better get some information about the road ahead before setting off. Good coin for good information.

[sblock=Mechanics]Perception check for good vendors. Always the eye for money.
16(1d20) +1 = 17[/sblock]

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Nanako breathes a sigh of relief as the wary villagers let them pass through. "Let's not waste too much time here," she says quietly to her companions. "After all, we've got that medicine to deliver."

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »



As you visit buildings in this meager town, I will update the key in case others want to go to the same places. So far you know:

S - the Square, where Quen Lu Tam and some other peddlers sell their wares


Once inside the walls and far enough from the entryway guards to be out of ear shot, Quen Lu Tam addresses the group. "This place seems on edge. We shouldn't stick around long, lest they grow suspicious again and start searching the cart. You may not know this, but I don't exactly have a stock of medicine in here," he says, tapping the top of his push cart as he speaks.

"That said, we've been on the road awhile, so might as well stock up on anything you need while we're here," he continues. "I will make it at least appear that I am peddling my goods to the locals, so I will be in the square up ahead if you need me," he says, as he walks forward towards a more open section of the town up ahead. Suzume looks around towards the others, expecting one of them to take the lead.

[sblock=OOC]Feel free to take this time to shop or sell things, or merely spend some time in town.[/sblock]
[sblock=Bao Tap Den]You notice that in the square above, there a few other peddlers selling stuff at small stalls lining the roadway. Additionally, a few of the buildings along the roadway have doors that open right onto the street, suggesting that some of those may also be shops as well.[/sblock]

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

Kekeng pulls from his pack a small rug, dusting it off carefully and placing it on ground below, in the center of the village square. Sitting cross-legged upon it, he takes a small cloth out, cleaning his flute for a moment. First, I need an audience.

He begins to play some ancestral melodies from the area, hoping to draw a bit of a crowd so that he can tell one of his famous tales.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Yes, of course. I'd rather get back on the road as soon as possible," Nanako says to the merchant. Hoping to kill a little time, however, she looks for a bookshop. Nothing like a new book to read whenever I get a moment to relax.

[sblock=Mechanics]Perception to keep an eye out for a bookshop sign: 10(1d20) = 10
Streetwise to try and find a bookshop: 14(1d20) +6 = 20[/sblock]

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Yes it would be unwise to linger too long, although we shouldn't leave too soon lest we arouse further suspicion," Satomi agrees. With no plans of his own in town, he remains by the wagon, continuing to play the role of caravan guard, waiting to see what the others decide to do in town.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

I'd best make this quick. sensing the other's desire to move on. He places his pack on the ground and pulls out the assorted jewelry making sure that it isn't seen by any bystanders.

Bao Tap Den dons his pack and sets out for the square. Hopefully, I'll find a jeweler with more coin than sense. Letting his eyes roam, he thinks I might even get some information about the road ahead. Not every merchant stays in one dingy town.

[sblock=Mechanics]Perception to notice venders selling/buying jewelry.
Streetwise to know who is the best person to sell to.
2(1d20) +1 = 3; 13(1d20) +2 = 15

I feel like this guy wears a blindfold at times like these.[/sblock]

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »



As you visit buildings in this meager town, I will update the key in case others want to go to the same places. So far you know:

D - bookshop
Q - general shop
S - the Square, where Quen Lu Tam and some other peddlers sell their wares

[sblock=Kekeng]There are not many people walking around in the village at this time, but most who are do take some time to stop and listen to your song. Some children sit on the ground nearby and listen intently, their parents close by. An elderly woman hums along, seeming to know the tune.[/sblock]
[sblock=Nanako]After some brief wandering, and some directions from a local, you find the bookshop tucked in an alleyway near the town square. Inside you find a feeble old man in a dimly lit room with a single shelf of books and scrolls, and various piles of the same scattered around as well. He lounges on a cushion on the ground, appearing to read a scroll he holds, and does not seem to notice you enter.[/sblock]
[sblock=Bao Tap Den]Your search for a jewelry shop does not yield anything, but a passerby who notices your search does point you in the direction of a general store that might be willing to purchase such items. It is located near another of the three entrances to the town's walls, and once you arrive you find a small room of various knick knacks and decorative items. No one appears to be present in the shop when you arrive, though there is a door leading further into the building where someone might conceivably be.[/sblock]
[sblock=Satomi, Zaranius]Following Quen Lu Tam and Suzume to a spot in the square, you watch as life passes by in the small town. A small crowd gathers to listen to Kekeng's music while Bao Tap Den and Kekeng search the town for shops. Every so often a villager will stop by to view the wares in Quen Lu Tam's cart, though most simply browse before leaving. One small child approaches, looking intent on stealing an item, but when he notices the arms and armor of you two he quickly rethinks the plan and runs off.

As you stand around, Suzume turns to Satomi and asks, "Were you in the Tenjun's army? You seem to be dressed like the soldiers that used to visit my father."[/sblock]

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Yes I was. Although that was a couple of lives ago now. Both for myself and Ghia." Satomi replies to Suzume. "I fought in the conquest of Akiro. I was even awarded some lands there for my service," he says before finishing speaking, no wanting to delve further into the topic.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Nanako looks with disappointment as she enters the meager bookshop. I wasn't expecting to find the Great Library in a town like this, but I wasn't expecting a dump either. Shrugging, she walks towards the single shelf and examines its contents.

[sblock=Mechanics]What goodies are on the shelf?[/sblock]

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

It is not a large audience, Kekeng thinks to himself. No. But it is perfect.

He changes rhythms, piping the opening melody of The Bear and the Beesting.

"Ages ago in a time much like ours,
The Bear was sat in a flowery grove.
Sitting in sunshine for countless hours,
The Bear stood guard o'er a forgotten trove.

With posture so rigid and devotion so strong,
But what may become of The Bear you may ask?
Sitting and waiting and guarding so long,
Until The Bee came bumbling past.

With a bellow, a roar, a rush, and a cry,
The Bear issued a powerful threat.
But The Bee was too quick and took to the sky —
The sting of its barb, the Bear soon regret.

For on that day, the Bear learned one lesson:
To guard its treasure with wit and not rage.
And if the trove was to stay his obsession,
The Bear must learn who not to engage."

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

Noticing the lack of a shopkeeper, Bao Tap Den decides to wait by looking over the wares. After five minutes, he strides over to the back door, intent on finding out if the place is empty. I don't have time for this. We need to be on the road before we catch attention.

Stopping at the door frame, he tilts his head to listen for any noise in the next room.

[sblock=Mechanics]Perception check to hear noises from the next room.
Insight check to guess what it is.
1(1d20) +1 = 2; 5(1d20) +1 = 6

Maybe change the insight to figure out that he is deaf.[/sblock]

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Zaranius »

Hoping to become more acquainted with her company, Zara engages in the conversation between Satomi and Suzumi. "You must have been quite the soldier to have been awarded lands," she asserts.

Eager to discover more about the group Zara continues, "If I might inquire, while we have some downtime here, what brings you all together? I am extremely grateful to have found your company, and was hoping to learn some about you all." I should become more acquainted with everyone, if I am to continue with them.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

[sblock=Satomi, Zaranius]Quen Lu Tam looks towards Zaranius, concern showing slightly on his face. It seems to sink in for the man that the newcomer to the group is not yet aware of the full purpose of the caravan she now finds herself in, and he sighs. "That," he begins, before clearing his throat and lowering his voice considerably, "is a conversation for another time, another place. Not here."

With that said, he quickly looks back towards the square, watching the scene surrounding Kekeng and his musical performance. "Why, just a traveling merchant and his entourage of guards, of course," he says, more loudly now, as if to throw off any who may have been listening in. "They needed work, know how to fight, so I hired them. You're free to join too, the pay is good. Or you are free to wander off on your own again should you choose," he adds, shooting a fake smile Zaranius' way.[/sblock]
[sblock=Nanako]As you approach the shelf, you notice that most of the books appear to be non-fictional in nature. A few seem to be simple logs of some accountant from some time ago, and many others seem to be descriptions of various locations you do not recognize by name. One is a biography of a Jun of Yunei, and another appears to be a bestiary on various species of cats.

Apart from the majority non-fiction work, there is also a scroll that appears to be an epic poem about a hero from long ago. Another scroll on the shelf has no text, but merely various symbols in an unintelligible pattern. The last scroll you find does not have any text at all, but is instead a painting of a countryside lake with a man fishing next to his dog.

Towards the end of your perusal of the shelf, the old man finally seems to notice your presence and looks up from his work. "Oh, hello young lady," he says, in a raspy voice common of the elderly. "See anything that strikes your fancy in my little shop?" he asks, giving a toothy grin to the girl[/sblock]
[sblock=Kekeng]Once the tune begins, some of the children start to dance around. As it comes to an end, they clap joyfully, one of them coming up to give you a hug before running back to his family. A few of the villagers leave some coins at your feet with a smile, an amount totaling 3 silver and 24 copper.

"That was just lovely," says the old woman who had been humming along, stepping up to speak once the others have cleared away. "I've not heard that one since I was just as small as those children. Where'd you learn it? Not a common tune to hear these days. No one seems to care about the Bee anymore," she adds, somewhat sullenly.


More just for future reference, but gain 3 silver and 24 copper.

[sblock=Bao Tap Den]Through the door you can hear that there appears to be a heated discussion between a man and someone he is berating. The other party is either speaking much more quietly, or not at all, as you tend not to hear the other voice, but pauses in the man's shouting suggest the presence of another who the ire is being directed at. You are not able to make out specific words that are being said, but the tone and volume do suggest that there is animosity between the loud man and whoever is being subjected to his frustrations.[/sblock]

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Zaranius »

Zaranius acknowledges Quen Tu Lams reluctance to engage in conversation regarding their travels with a nod. "I see, while I have no desire to burden you all, I am hoping it might be alright if I continue to congregate with you all. Given my current 'disposition'..." she alludes to her pursuers, "... I find it may be in by better interest. And I would be more than willing to aid you as the others are, in return for such kindness."

If they are traveling across Ghia, it may be most beneficial to keep their company. Zara fondly ponders the idea of obtaining new knowledge about her birth-continent, while avoiding pursuers from Serra.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"I know my way around a sword. It wasn't much. Just a modest farm. Quite a lot of soldiers were, particularly towards the end of the war when the Tenjun was struggling to pay his armies. It was ours though...." Satomi replies to Zara, thinking of his wife and daughter.

"Well you've shown your no burden. I've no qualms with you joining us, " he says to Zara, glancing to his employer.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Nanako inspects the shelf with great interest, hoping she may uncover something fascinating. Uninterested in the non-fiction select, she begins to examine the scrolls. A poem? Maybe Kekeng would be interested in this sort of thing. She's, however, caught off guard and startled by the seemingly-unaware man's greeting.

Regaining her composure, she turns to face the man, replying, "Oh, hello. I'm just taking a look around." Glancing back at the selection of scrolls, she notices the one with strange symbols. Curious of its nature, she asks the man, "What's this scroll? Do you know what these symbols mean?"

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

Kekeng smiles as the children and other villagers seem to enjoy his tale. "Thank you," he says with a deep bow, a hug and a few silvers later. It seems no matter where you go, everyone enjoys the myths and melodies of our past.

The vagrant turns to the older woman, racking his brain. He hms, itching his tuft of a beard and shrugs. "I've been traveling these roads most of my life. I have made a habit of learning the songs of the people. The Bear and the Beesting? I believe I learned that one many years ago while traveling with a friend I once had." He trails off, nodding. Yes. Muni. Shame he passed.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

Unable to hear specifics, Bao Tap Den quietly moves away from the heated discussion and out the door. I'm not going to get any good trade here and I doubt I'll get any good information. I better just meet up with the others. He goes in search of his traveling companions.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

[sblock=Satomi, Zaranius]"Yes, he is quite good," Suzume responds with a smile towards Zaranius, in reference to Satomi's skills. "They all are, though I suppose you already know since you got to fight with them," the young woman adds, her smile fading a bit at the last words.

"Yes, very skilled, that is why I hired them. Why, what good would a caravan guard be if not skilled at combat?" the man asks, still loudly, and still clearly more for show than as a real addition to the conversation.[/sblock]
[sblock=Nanako]"Hm?" the man asks, before placing his own scroll on a small table next to where he was sitting and standing. It takes him a moment to get up and move over to you, which he does so at a slow pace. You notice he is quite short a good inch or so shorter than yourself.

When he finally gets closer he takes the scroll you'd been eyeing and glances over it. He turns it a few time, inspecting the symbols, before handing it back. "Haven't a clue. Don't even remember where I got that one from. I'm sure it's been sitting in that stack for quite some time now. You're the first I can remember to ever take any interest."[/sblock]
[sblock=Kekeng]"Oh," the woman says, a bit disappointed that he could not recall. "Well it was sung beautifully. You should be proud, young man," she says with a grin, before patting him on the shoulder and continuing on her way. As she does, you notice Bao Tap Den leaving the shop he'd come from, seeming to move back towards the group.[/sblock]
[sblock=Bao Tap Den]Leaving the shop, you can easily spot Kekeng standing in the town square ahead, a small crowd of mostly children dispersing after presumably hearing one of his performances. Further ahead you can faintly spot the rest of the group, sans Nanako, gathered around Quen Lu Tams cart at the side of the market area.[/sblock]

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Hm," the girl mumbles, somewhat disappointed that the man had no idea what the scroll was, yet equally curious about its true purpose. "Perhaps someone in my travels could figure it out. How much are you looking to sell it for?" she asks the short man, not wanting to waste too much time in his store. Remembering the poem, she adds, "And how much for this epic poem?"

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Thank you," Kekeng says to the old woman, packing up his flute and standing up with a smile. "Perhaps I'll see you again on my next journey."

The vagrant sees his quiet companion leaving a storefront, and he casually approaches the man. "So, any luck? Did you find anything worth your time?"

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Satomi chuckles slightly at Quen Lu Tam's theatrics. "I wouldn't wish battle on anyone," he says to Suzume as she appears dejected she missed out on combat. "It takes a toll on a person. Not just a physical toll but a mental one too."

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

Bao Tap Den returns to the town square, cursing his poor luck in this town. That bastard Hai Cho Zung never showed me how to unload all the spoils. Maybe I can learn by watching my fellow travelers
Hearing the musician address him, he responds Nothing worth singing about. Maybe good fortune will be upon us down the road.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Perhaps," Kekeng says. "Did you need anything from the village? I suppose all I wanted was a chance to play for others once more."

He shrugs. "Seeing the horrors we've seen upon the road has been... difficult."

[sblock=OOC]Does Kekeng know where the others are?[/sblock]

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Zaranius »

"True, all parties showed quite the display of combat abilities." Zara replies, with a friendly simper.

"And I suppose that is a fair point. Hired guards should be capable..." she fades off, pondering, suggesting some experience with the mercenary life style.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »


"Well miss, can't say it holds much value to me, so I'd say you can have it for two gold pieces," the man says, in response to the question about the mysterious scroll. "As for that book of poems, it's a favorite of mine so I'd part with it for 7 gold pieces and 5 silvers," he continues, after eyeing the items in question.


You can clearly see most of the others gathered around Quen Lu Tam's cart off to the side of the square, but you do not know Nanako's current whereabouts.

All but Nanako

As the crowd begins to disperse from hearing Kekeng perform, those of you out in the square can begin to hear raised voices coming from the same direction that you all had entered the town from.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Zaranius »

"I wonder what the commotion is... I hope it bears no trouble." Zara states, softly to the group, concerned about the noise that is arising.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"You've got yourself a deal then," Nanako replies with a grin, grabbing her coinpurse and fishing out the coins and handing them to the man. "Thank you again," she adds, taking her purchases. She exits the bookshop and returns to her companions, eager to leave the village soon.


Spend 9 gold and 5 silver for 1 Mysterious Scroll and 1 book of poems

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"We shall soon find out," Kekeng says in response to Zara. Curious, the vagabond swaggers his way toward the gates to investigate the trouble.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »


As you leave and return to the square, you begin to hear raised voices coming from the same direction that you all had entered the town from. As you move closer, you can see Kekeng moving in that direction, presumably to learn more about what is going on.


As you move towards the entrance gate that you'd come in from, you can see that there appears to be a sizeable number of armed men - roughly a dozen or so - waiting outside the gate, while one similarly-armed man is discussing with the guardsmen you'd spoken with earlier. From the distance you are at now it appears that the men outside are being denied entry in a similar fashion to your initial interaction with the guards, and that they are disputing this denial quite loudly. Everything looks a bit tense from what you can see, especially given that the men outside appear better equipped than the men at the gate.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

Kekeng wanders closer to the gate to try and listen to the commotion. This war has made the roads quite dangerous. I wonder how many times each day these men have had to deny access to travelers.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

As she exits the shop, Nanako's eyes immediately move to the ruckus erupting at the village's gate. Spotting Kekeng headed to investigate, the girl follows suit. This sounds like trouble. I hope a battle doesn't break out. A village is no place for one.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"In this times of war trouble is rarely far off," Satomi says to Zara. "I better make sure he doesn't get himself caught up in what ever it is," he tells the group by the cart as Kekang wanders off in the direction of the noise, before setting off after Kekang.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Zaranius »

"It has certainly been quite sad to see the land of my birth in such turmoil..." Zara responds. "I'll join you," she adds, following behind Satomi.

I pray we have no more conflict, after that last encounter, she thinks to herself.


Perception Check (gate conversation): 4(1d20) +7 = 11

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

Not wanting to be uninformed, Bao Tap Den joins his companions in their investigation of the commotion.


Perception check to see what all the hullabaloo is about.
6(1d20) +1 = 7

Perception check to see if I'm deaf.
7(1d20) +1 = 8

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

As you move towards the entrance gate that you'd come in from, you can see that there appears to be a sizable number of armed men - roughly a dozen or so - waiting outside the gate, while one similarly-armed man is discussing with the guardsmen you'd spoken with earlier. From a distance it appears that the men outside are being denied entry in a similar fashion to your initial interaction with the guards, and that they are disputing this denial quite loudly. As the lot of you move closer, it becomes clear that this is in fact the case.

"We don't have the space or the resources to feed and house an army, even if it is only a few nights," the guardsman pleads, his earlier defensive tone replaced by one of fearful deference. It is clear in the mannerisms and expressions of he and his fellow guards that they are all fully aware of the power discrepancy in play, and are doing their best to hide it.

"That's not my fucking problem!" the armed outsider says, his voice loud and commanding, his expression also showing his awareness of the position he holds over the village guardsman.

"As subjects of the Tenjun you are duty-bound to support the war effort against these treasonous rebels. To deny your duty is tantamount to declaring your allegiance with them! Now let us through, or we will show you what we did to the last village to side with those traitors!"

The man moves closer as he speaks, narrowing his eyes towards the guardsman, and his men behind him adjust their stances to match the change in tone.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

Noticing the others have joined him, Kekeng hooks a thumb back toward another of the village entrances. "I think it would be best if we made our leave now," he says, taking a step back from the gates. "I would rather not be caught up in this sort of thing." He looks at the others, expecting them to follow. Rebels? Soldiers? Neither of these groups seem hospitable, only dangerous. No, I am governed by the will of my feet."

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Nanako sighs as the drunkard suggests they leave the town quickly, but nods in agreement. There is little way this town could fend off an attack from such well-armed soldiers. But neither could we. She quickly turns back around, headed towards the cart so they may leave quickly.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"I'm inclined to agree," Satomi says to Kekang. While it was unlikely any of the Tenjun's soldiers would recognise him, it was still a possibility and one he didn't want to chance. He follows Kekang and Nanako back towards the cart.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Zaranius »

Zaranius follows the lead of her companions, returning to the cart. "It would certainly seem most viable for us to take leave from here. We might take care that there are not any soldiers at either of the town's other gates." It's disgusting to see an army with such disregard for the lives of the people...

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

Bao Tap Den follows the others without word, making sure not to catch the eye of any townsman. The locals will start to be suspicious of strangers. We might have to fight our way out. If it comes to that, should I just abandon the party to save my own skin? As he sees Quen Lu's cart up ahead, Bao Tap Den thinks No, I can't leave without my answers. His eyes narrow thinking about his long imprisonment with the bandits. I'll wait as long as it takes to get what I need.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

"What is all the commotion about?" Quen Lu Tam asks, as the others begin to hastily return from the town gate just as quickly as they had left to investigate. Noticing the apparent urgency, he begins mindlessly packing up his display and putting his peddler's wares back inside his cart, expect their short-lived stay in the town to be over.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Soldiers at the gates," Kekeng explains through labored breathing. He looks at the Quen Lu Tam's cart. "Except... we have medical supplies. If they find us, then they will likely try to commandeer everything we have for the war effort."

He turns to address the others as a whole. "Are we safer within the village, or outside? I'm sure they may see us leaving."

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Lest you forget, that medicine is to be delivered to sick children," the girl replies to the vagabond bard. "That gives us the perfect excuse to leave in a hurry. And doing so we should. The longer we stay, the more likely we're to be noticed."

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

Agreed. I'll go scout the exits. Make sure we're ready to go when I get back. Bao Tap Den walks away quickly from the entrance with the soldiers. Once out the main square, he keeps close to the buildings making good use of the shadows.

[sblock=Mechanics]Stealth check to move amongst the town undetected.
14(1d20) +10 = 24

Perception check to scout the two other exits.
17(1d20) +1 = 18[/sblock]

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Right," Kekeng says, nervously watching the quiet man part ways to scout ahead. "Let me speak to the officers if we're caught and questioned," he says to the others. "After all, spinning stories is what one might call my profession."

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

[sblock=Bao Tap Den]It is the middle of the day in a semi-busy town, so the stealth attempt is not really possible to succeed at outdoors.

At the other two exits from the town you find similar stations of poorly-equipped guardsmen, but you do not find either group to be discussing anything with anyone. Likewise you do not notice any soldiers in the distance out any of the gateways, suggesting that the force is coming from the same direction that you did.[/sblock]

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

Returning to the group, Bao Tap Den fills the others in on what he found. The way looks clear at both of the other exits.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Great," Kekeng says with a smile. "The right-most path. We should be quick, quiet, and most of all — unassuming."

He begins to walk toward the gate, expecting the others to follow.

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