The Hollowguard IC

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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by ratwizard »

The night proceeded similarly to the previous, with many stories and jokes being told. At one point, Seff came close to biting a man's leg who claimed Bronnis had cheated him on a bet. Backing off, the aggressor had submitted and given up his petty reward toward the vagabond; the latter of which was overjoyed at now having enough to pay for his stay.

In the morning, Bronnis awakes and dresses quickly, grabbing his things and heading out of his room. He finds a nearby employee of the tavern, clasping their hand shut with his gold for the room and nodding. He steps downstairs, where he eyes a familiar face or two. "Time for breakfast, then?" he asks Elmar, yawning throughout. Seff sniffs at Elmar's boot for a second, before sitting down and staring between the two humans. "Oh relax, you mutt. I'll get us some grub," Bronnis says, in response.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by PureZaros »

Quietly finishing his ale, Matthias heads off to his room, where he spends an uneventful night.

He rises along with the sun, taking time to clean off his armor as best he can, having not done it the night before. Re-donning it, he steps out of his room, catching sight of what appears to be Tess slipping into someones room just as he emerges. Averting his eyes as he realizes that she is completely naked, Matthias quickly steps back into his room and instead looks to the view outside of his window, cheeks slightly flushed as he attempts to wash the sight from his mind.

After a while, he exits his room again and heads down to the main tavern, where he joins Elmar and Bronnis at a table. "What's on the menu?"
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Namelessjake »

As the company begins to assemble in the main room of the inn once more a young girl wearing an apron walks over to the table. "What can I get you this morning?" She chirps, the rest of the inn apparently devoid of patrons.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Whatever ye've got on the skillet. Oh, and some grub for the hound," Bronnis says, motioning toward Seff. The husky sits patiently, knowing his food is coming.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Spotting a waitress at the table where the other men sit, Katarina walks on over, not wishing to keep Tess waiting alone for too long. "Excuse me, could I have two plates of food, please? Whatever you normally serve is fine," Katarina says to the waitress, ignoring the men at the table. I'm not sure how I feel about Bronnis yet. He's so unrefined. And Matthias and Elmar aren't exactly conversationalists.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by kalis5 »

Elmar motions towards the waitress once everyone else orders.
"Um, pardon me, but I would like one plate and, um, some tea if... If that is alright, if not, just some water or milk is fine..."
He sits silently after that, waiting, looking down at the dog with a curious eye.
He seems pretty attached to Bronnis, and well-trained... I am surprised, to be honest. He must have spent a lot of time with Seff...
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by PureZaros »

"The normal fare for me as well." Matthias says, calmly looking to the serving girl. It smells quite good, whatever it is.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The waitress smiles and heads off back towards the bar. A few minutes later she returns with two trays, one in each hand, carrying the group's order. She sets them down just as Alessa emerges from her room and joins the party at the table.
"Everyone sleep well?" She queries, after placing her own breakfast order with the waitress, who returns shortly with another plate of food. "I peeked into Karvik and Locke's rooms. They're definitely sleeping very well. We might have to wake them up before we leave."
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Best I've slept in months! A nice bed'll do that for ya," Bronnis exclaims as he lets Seff lick the scraps off of his plate. "Let's wake the bastards up and get on with our day. I've been to many places, many beautiful places... But these swamps and marshes aren't any of them."
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Well, I definitely slept better than the past few days, though nothing will beat my bed back home," Katarina says to Alessa. "Tess slept well too. You could say she's a little richer as well. Now if you'll excuse me, our charming elf needs her breakfast." With this, Kat departs the table with two platters of food and returns to her room.

"Here you go, you little sneak," the noblewoman says, handing a plate to Tess. "Maybe if you take your time eating, that nice gentleman will leave sooner."
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Fialova »

"That was my hope," Tess responds, happily taking her food as her friend returns. She places it on her lap and returns to looking out the window as she eats, slowly as Kat suggested. "Is everyone else already up and ready to go?"
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Nope!" Katarina responds to her friend. Karvik and Locke are still snoozing away. I haven't seen that rich-looking new guy either. With how much he complains about walking, I wouldn't be surprised if he never wants to leave that bed." She laughs, the new recruit reminding her of some of the lazy and snobby noblemen that had attempted to woo her but usually made fools of themselves. After taking a few bites, she adds, "Everyone else is up and eating breakfast, though."
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by Fialova »

"Well that just gives me more time to avoid Dorian," Tess says with a smirk, continuing to slowly pick at her food. Poor, naive Dorian.
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Re: The Hollowguard IC

Post by ratwizard »

Taking Seff with him, Bronnis finds his way to Karvik and Locke's rooms, where he bangs on the door. "Up and at 'em, boys! We've got some footin' to do today and we ain't got the time for snoozin'!" He hounds at them until they are ready to go. "Grab some eats and scarf it down while we walk. The rest of us already broke our fast."