The Quest For The Rose IC

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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"That's assuming they want to talk and not eat us," Evaline jokes in response to Basil, as she moves her place in the party to follow her brother's orders. I hope Edward is right about them having a deer to chase, she thinks, giving her horse a pat on the neck.
You can only tell that the sounds came from the south.
You can only tell that the sounds came from the south.
You notice a small patch of woods to the south west, from what you could tell the sounds came from there.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Fialova »

Lorelai moves into the position following the prince's orders, hoping he is as good a commander as his confidence would suggest. He seems a bit young to know what he's doing, but whatever. She keeps her eyes fixed south, where the sounds seem to originate, hoping that the wolves don't somehow manage to sneak up on them.

"Do you think we should dismount?" she asks no one in particular, a question directed at the entire group. "If they do attack us they will probably just try to eat our poor horses, whether we are on them or not, and fighting from the back of panicked horses won't do us much good." She looks around, hoping for consensus. I'm not going to let them get Jessie!
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by kalis5 »

Edward watches the path of forest to the South West, waiting for them to rush out and attack, if they will attack at all.
"If we dismount I worry we may lose the horses when they panic and run. And then the wolves may chase after them and bring one or two down. We should move slowly though, and try not to draw too much attention from the forest."
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by PureZaros »

"That may still be an option, Princess Evaline. It's our best bet of getting more information, too, if Basil can get it out of them." Mazera says as he moves to the center of the group. I do hope that the prince thought through this properly. He's been under great stress these past few days.

Taking the cue from the others, he looks to the south, straining his eyes for signs of movement. And hopefully there aren't too many.
Perception check: 15
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by ratwizard »

"I won't let them close to our mounts," Ser Bresda says. "I've fought horseback before, but it was against men. I honestly think we should do this on foot," he suggests.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"I'd imagine a wolf would be difficult to fend off while on a large horse. Staying on the horses would probably cause more harm to them," Basil adds. "The wolves could easily bite and claw at the horses' legs while everyone helplessly tries to attack them on top."
Perception: 4(1d20) +11 = 15
Last edited by Scratcherclaw on Sat Mar 14, 2015 12:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by PureZaros »

"Yes, yes." Mazera chuckles, waving a hand in Basil's direction. "You should get to doing your rosetta act before these wolves actually do start clawing the horses, Ambassador."
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Fialova »

Yeah, he definitely needs to get out more, Lorelai thinks, after the prince's response. Seeing that everyone else other than the young ruler is in support of dismounting, she wastes no time in stepping down from her mount, leaving the resting puppy on Jessie's back as she does so. "Just stay right here, girl. This won't take long."

Leaving her horse be for now, the knight steps forward ahead of where the rest of the group is standing and places one hand on the hilt of her blade, preparing to face whatever may come at them. "So you can really talk to wolves?" she says to Basil, somewhat in awe of the supposed skill. "Do they usually listen to you? If not, you might want to just skip that. They are much bigger than you are."
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by ratwizard »

Ser Bresda dismounts, taking his horse behind him with the lead. "Let's move forward on foot," he suggests, stepping up next to Lorelai.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by kalis5 »

Edward looks to the others and then at his own horse, considering their words for a moment. Perhaps he should listen to his comrades...
"If that is what you suggest, and if most of the us are in agreement, then I suppose I should listen and dismount as well. Let's call for a stop and dismount before continuing."
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by PureZaros »

Mazera chuckles mildly at Edward's comment, looking at the already dismounted Ser Bresda and Ser Lorelai. "I think your subordinates have already taken the initiative in this matter, Prince Edward. So let us join them on the ground."

Giving Zephyra a signal with his foot, he gently floats off to land behind his two other unmounted comrades, leaving the horse to follow along behind.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by kalis5 »

Edward takes his time getting off of Sarah, petting her mane to calm her, looking about at the woods before drawing his blade.
"Let us keep moving. The sooner we are through these woods the better."
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Namelessjake »

With the decision made to continue on foot, the party dismounts and makes their way along the road, leading the horses. After a few more minutes there is another howl, much louder and closer than the last one, with sounds like it came directly to the party's right. Several seconds later it's answered by another from the party's left.

Evaline draws her sword, scanning the edges of the fields and hedgerows around them. "I hope you're very persuasive Ambassador," she says to Basil.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Fialova »

At the sounds of more howling coming now from both sides of the party, Lorelai finally unsheathes her sword and holds it at the ready, facing towards the right. If he can really speak to animals it would be nice if he would start doing so. She keeps her eyes glued to the surrounding area to the right of the path, not wanting to be caught off guard, and especially not wanting her horse to.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by ratwizard »

The balance of these woods must be restored, Ser Bresda thinks to himself. It's not right for wolves to act this sort of way, so aggressively. He slips off his riveted targe from his back, untying his heavy mace from his waist. "Eyes up," he warns, as he turns to face left. "It sounds as if they'll flank us."
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

With the threat of the approaching wolves rising, and the urging of his companions, Basil attempts to call out to the wolves, hoping to discourage them from attacking the group. "Wolves of this area, you need not be hostile with us. We mean no harm to such noble creatures as yourselves. We are merely passing through on a search for the Amaranthian Rose and the slayers of its holder, King Torald II. I believe its theft is disturbing the nature of the realm, including lives like yours, which is why we must restore it to its proper place. If you allow us passage safely, we're surely make haste in finding the Rose and restoring order. Although you may have little motive to believe me, you must, because we'll the beacons of hope in this world that may soon fall to chaos."
Diplo check on wolves: 17(1d20) +12 = 29
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Namelessjake »

As Basil finishes talking, a couple of wolves emerge from the undergrowth in front of the party. One snarls at Basil, while a few more appear on either side of the party, prowling backwards and forwards.
"We care not of the lives of men. Right now the pack needs food."
Roll initiative
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by ratwizard »

Ser Bresda readies himself, sensing that the wolves won't back down without an altercation. "Weapons at the ready!" he calls, stepping into a defensive stance.
Initiative: 10(1d20) +3 = 13
Combat Block
Ser Bresda Hessock

Male Mul Warden 1
Languages: Common
Age: 38
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 170 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 20
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 23
Fort: 19
Reflex: 16
Will: 15
HP: 63/63
Bloodied: 31
Surge Value: 15
Surges left: 14/14
Action Points: 1




Active Effects:


Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Thorn Strike
Weight of Earth
Summoned Armor

Second Wind [_]
Incredible Toughness [_]
Takedown Strike [_]
Rough Strike [_]
Roots of Stone [_]
Amulet of Life +1 [_]

Form of Winter's Herald [_]
Earth-Shaking Rend [_]
Nature Sense [_]
Berserker's Fury [_]
Item Daily [_]


List things such as potions and other consumable items here. If none, just write "None."
Important Features:
Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any passive effects that are more than a flat increase to attack, defense, hp, or a skill (such as being able to use perception for initiative rolls), any effect that are triggered by certain other effects (such as an attack boost vs bloodied foes), and so on. If it is relevant info that is not directly represented elsewhere in the combat block or in your character sheet, it needs to go here.

Item Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any effects listed as 'Property' on a magic item, as well as any specific traits of the item itself (such as Brutal and other effects on certain weapons, special effects from superior implements, etc.). Again, if it is relevant it needs to be listed.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Fialova »

Lorelai maintains her defensive stance, eyes now firmly glued to the nearest wolf. Leave us be and we won't have to kill you...
Initiative: 29 If my initiative is not the highest, I can use a free action to move up to my speed before everyone else's turns begin.

Minor Action: Activate Defender Aura, if it is allowed at this time.
Combat Block

Female Vryloka Cleric|Cavalier 5
Languages: Common, Fey
Age: 27
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 120 lbs.

Speed: 8 (7 bloodied)
Initiative: +10
Passive Perception: 19
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 25
Fort: 18
Reflex: 15
Will: 17
HP: 48/48
Bloodied: 24
Surge Value: 14 (12 when bloodied)
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +12 vs AC, 1d12+6 damage
RBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage

7 necrotic

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects:
+2 to defenses against OAs
Targets I grant surges to get +2 to attacks until my EONT
I gain 6 THP when I slay a non-minion
I move first (free action) if not highest initiative
My crits deal max damage +1d12+1d8 damage


Recovery Strike
Defender Aura
Righteous Radiance
Vengeful Strike
Divine Sanction
Imposter's Armor +2

Second Wind [_]
Lifeblood [_]
Healing Word [_]
Healing Strike [_]
Stone Fist Flurry of Blows [_]
Call of Challenge [_]
Holy Smite [_]
Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade +1 [_]
Mercurial Mind (heroic tier) [_]

Moment of Glory [_]
Radiant Delirium [_]

Consumables: None
Important Features:
Battle Cleric's Lore: I have a +2 shield bonus to AC, and proficiency in scale armor. Whenever I use a cleric healing power to allow a target to spend a healing surge, that target gains +2 to attacks until the end of my next turn.

Virtue of Valor (Hybrid): +4 to initiative and my healing surge value increases by 2.

Blood Dependency: When bloodied my healing surge value drops by 2.

Living Dead: If an effect affects living creatures and undead creatures in different ways, I get to decide which one applies to me.

Necrotic Resistance: I have 5 + 1/2 my level necrotic resistance.

Vampiric Heritage: I can take Vryloka utility powers in place of other utility powers granted by my class.

Transcendent Order Level 1 Feature: +2 to initiative. When I roll initiative and do not get the highest result, I can use a free action to move up to my speed before everyone else's turns begin.

Transcendent Order Level 5 Feature: +2 to acrobatics and athletics

Monastic Disciple: I gain a monk flurry of blows power as an encounter power, and can use monk implements.

Heavy Blade Expertise: I gain a +2 to defenses against OAs.

Fluid Motion: +1 to speed, +2 at paragon tier.

Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade +1:
* My critical hits with this weapon deal max damage +1d12+1d8 damage, instead of just max damage.
* Gain +1 to initiative
* When I reduce a non-minion to 0 hp I gain 6 temporary hit points.

Healer's Brooch +1: When I use a power to allow a target to regain hit points they regain +1 additional hit points.

Mercurial Mind (heroic tier): +1 speed when not bloodied.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by PureZaros »

"Perhaps you should try again, Basil. Your ploy doesn't seem to have worked." Mazera says, gazing inquisitively at the prowling dogs. "Ask them why they wander so far, instead of regaling them with our plight, maybe? I can't fathom wolves caring much about human endeavors."
Initiative: 13

Also, am I allowed to fly up right now? If so, I'm totally going to [x, x, 2]

Male Dragonborn Elementalist 5
Languages: Common, Thaliem
Age: 72
Height: 5' 2"
Weight: 126 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +2
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 17
Reflex: 13
Will: 20
HP: 50/50
Bloodied: 25
Surge Value: 12
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

10 lightning
Active Effects:


Elemental Bolt
Static Charge
Summoned Armor

[_]Color Orb
[_]Dragon Breath
[_]Dragonflame Mantle
[_]Elemental Escalation
[_]Second Wind
[_]Fey Strike Lancing Dagger

[_] Majestic Word
Important Features:
Arcane Blood: You gain a +1/+2/+3 racial bonus to the damage rolls of your arcane attack powers.
Bozak Instinctive Flight: You gain a fly speed of 6 squares (altitude limit 1). You cannot use this fly speed if you are carrying over a normal load.
Dragon Breath Lightning: Dragon Breath does lightning damage.
Elemental Bolt: This power can be used as a ranged basic attack.

Staff Expertise: You gain a +1/+2/+3 feat bonus to attack rolls of implement powers and weapon powers you use with a staff. In addition, when you make a ranged or area attack with a staff as an implement, you don't provoke OA's for doing so.
Superior Implement Training (Lancing Dagger): You can use the Lancing Dagger superior implement.
Draconian Wings: You ignore the speed penalty for heavy armor, and your Instinctive Flight's altitude limit is increased to 2.
Mark of Storm: Whenever you hit an enemy with a thunder or lightning power, you can slide that enemy one square. You gain a +1 bonus to speed while flying. You can master and perform the Endure Elements, Enhance Vessel, Summon Wind, and Walk on Water rituals as if you had the Ritual Caster feat.

Cloak of Distortion +1:You gain an item bonus to all defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away equal to this item's enhancement bonus.
Summoned Cloth Armor +2: At-will power. Minor Action to banish the armor, and another Minor Action at any time to summon the armor as if you had donned it normally.
Bracers of the Perfect Shot (Heroic Tier): When you hit with a ranged basic attack, add +2 to the damage roll.
Fey Strike Lancing Dagger +1:
Encounter power, Standard Action
Effect: You make a MBA as a ranged 20 attack with this weapon.

Daily Power, Free Action
Trigger: You hit an enemy with an attack using this weapon.
Effect: Teleport the target 10 squares to a space adjacent to you.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"They need food, they say, and I guess they think a group of horses is an easy dinner," the fairy says to the party members. Back to the wolves, he says, "Why aren't you in the forests looking for food? Surely there must be other animals for you to prey on there. And that food won't end up getting you killed."
Sucky intimidate attempt to make some of the wolves be scared: 7(1d20) +5 = 12

Init: 11(1d20) +6 = 17
Combat Block
Basil Broadleaf

Male Pixie Thief 5
Languages: Common, Fey, Elvish
Age: 122, looks 22
Height: 9", 5'1" in larger size
Weight: 1.5 lbs., 95 lbs. in larger size

Speed: 4 (6 fly)
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 21
Passive Insight: 19
Senses: Low-light

AC: 19
Fort: 15
Reflex: 19
Will: 16
HP: 43/43
Bloodied: 21
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 6/6
Action Points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Tactical Trick
Unbalancing Trick
Escape Artist's Trick


Second Wind [_]
Guidance of the Past [_]
Pixie Dust [_]
Shrink [_]
Backstab [_] [_]
Sneak in the Attack [_]
Cunning Escape [_]

Dynamic Rapier +2 [_]

Amulet of Seduction +1 [_]
Flaying Gloves (heroic tier) [_]


Important Features:
First Strike: At the start of an encounter, you have a combat advantage against any creatures that have not yet acted in that encounter.

Sneak Attack: When you make an attack with a light blade, a hand crossbow, a shortbow, or a sling and hit an enemy granting a combat advantage to you, that enemy takes extra damage based on your level. You can deal this extra damage only once per turn.

Weapon Finesse: When you make a melee basic attack, you can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack roll and the damage roll. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage rolls of weapon attacks using light blades, hand crossbows, shortbows, and slings.

Thief Weapon Talent: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with light blades, hand crossbows, shortbows, and slings.

Skill Mastery: During a skill challenge, whenever you roll a natural 20 on a skill check that would contribute one or more successes to the skill challenge, that check automatically succeeds and counts as one additional success.

Fey Origin: You are considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

Speak with Beasts: You can communicate with natural beasts and fey beasts.

Wee Warrior: You have a reach of 1, rather than the reach of 0 that is typical for a Tiny creature. You also take a -5 penalty to Strength checks to break or force open objects. When wielding a weapon of your size, you follow the same rules that Small creatures do.

Light Blade Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to weapon attack rolls that you make with a light blade. In addition, you gain a +1 bonus to the damage rolls of the weapon attacks that you make with a light blade against a creature granting a combat advantage to you. Both of these bonuses increase to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level.

Backstabber: The extra damage from your Sneak Attack class feature increases from d6s to d8s.

Teeny Target: While you are in an ally's space, you have partial cover against melee and ranged attacks.

Ghost of the Past Level 5 Feature: The first time you use your guidance of the past power to make a History check during an encounter, you do not expend the power.

Battle Awareness: Once per encounter, whenever an enemy that is adjacent to you shifts or makes an attack that does not include you as a target, you can make a melee basic attack against that enemy as an immediate interrupt.

Darkleaf Leather Armor: You gain a +2 bonus to AC against the first attack made against you in each encounter.

Amulet of Seduction: When you impose a charm effect that a save can end, the target takes a -2 penalty to the first saving throw against the effect.
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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Encounter 1

On of the larger wolves snarls back at Basil, as the rest of the pack emerges and starts to close in, giving the party no choice but to fight.
"It's not the food that will kill us, it's the creature."
Go: Lorelai, Mazera
The wolves are trying to get to your horses which are left of you, off the encounter map. The wolves can reach the horses by entering (E, 1)-(M, 1), don't let them.
Map Info
Undergrowth: The undergrowth is a combination of trees and bushes. For the purpose of this encounter it is impassable

Left edge of the map: The wolves are trying to get to your horses which are left of you. The wolves can reach the horses by entering (E, 1)-(M, 1).
Enemy Info
Dire Wolf: These are the older wolves in the pack. They bear scars of previous battles and hunts. They have fought their way to the top of the pack's pecking order.

Wolf: These are the young wolves in the pack. Smaller and less experienced, they're at the bottom of the pack.
29 Lorelai (J, 6) | HP: 48/48 | Surges: 10/10 | AP: 1/1 | Defender Aura
26 Mazera (I, 6, 2) | HP: 50/50 | Surges: 10/10 | AP: 1/1 |
25 Dire Wolf 1 (D, 12) | HP: ??/?? |
25 Dire Wolf 2 (G, 19) | HP: ??/?? |
25 Dire Wolf 3 (L, 16) | HP: ??/?? |
24 Edward (H, 8) | HP: 43/43 | Surges: 8/8 | AP: 1/1 |
21 Wolf 1 (C, 8) | HP: 1/1 |
21 Wolf 2 (B, 12) | HP: 1/1 |
21 Wolf 3 (E, 14) | HP: 1/1 |
21 Wolf 4 (D, 21) | HP: 1/1 |
21 Wolf 5 (J, 19) | HP: 1/1 |
21 Wolf 6 (L, 21) | HP: 1/1 |
21 Wolf 7 (O, 9) | HP: 1/1 |
21 Wolf 8 (N, 11) | HP: 1/1 |
17 Basil (I, 5) | HP: 43/43 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
13 Bresda (I, 9) | HP: 63/63 | Surges: 14/14 | AP: 1/1 |
12 Evaline (H, 5) | HP: 53/53 | Surges: 11/11 | AP: 1/1 |
Combat Block
Princess Evaline of Amaranthia, of House Adelgard

Female Dragonborn Slayer 5
Speed: 5
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Normal
Languages: Common, Thaliem
Age: 24
Height: 5' 6"

AC: 20
Fort: 19
Reflex: 18
Will: 15
HP: 53/53
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 15
Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Battle Wrath
Berserker's Charge

Second Wind [_]
Inevitable Strike [_]
Power Strike [_] [_]*
Dragonfear [_]
Single Out[_]

Supporting Scale Armor +1 [_]
Battlecrazed Fullblade +1 [_]

*can be used twice per encounter, but only once per turn.


Important Features:
Two-Handed Weapon Expertise: +1 to damage rolls of charge attacks with two-handed melee weapons.

Fast Runner: +2 to speed when you charge or run.

Elemental Origin: You have elemental origin.

Dragonborn Fury: +1 to attacks while bloodied.

Quick Swap: Once during each of your turns, you can take a free action to draw or stow a weapon and then draw another weapon.

Ironwrought Level 5 Feature: While you are bloodied you have resist 2/4/6 to all damage.

Berserker's Fury: Once per day as a free action, you can gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls until the end of the encounter.

Battlecrazed Fullblade +1: While you are bloodied you deal 1d6 damage when you hit with this weapon. This weapon also deals an extra 1[W] damage on a critical hit.

Badge of The Berserker: When charge, your movement made as part of the charge doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.

Iron Armbands of Power: Gain a +2 item bonus to melee damage rolls.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Fialova »

Lorelai sighs as the wolves move closer, clearly not backing down at the fairy's words. Well if it's between you and Jessie, I'm going to have to go with Jessie. Sword in hand, she rushes towards the nearest of the beasts, bringing her heavy blade down against its neck and beheading the creature in one clean stroke. Following through with the momentum of the swing, she immediately turns and brings it to bear against the other, leaving both in bloody heaps on the ground.
Move Action: move to (N, 10), avoiding OAs

Standard Action: Recovery Strike on Wolf 7
Attack: 29 vs AC = hit
Ht: 10 damage (irrelevant) and the next ally to hit the target (also irrelevant) also regains 4hp.

No Action: Stone Fist Flurry of Blows on Wolf 8
Effect: 10 damage (irrelevant).

Note: I punish shifts, moves, and attacks that don't target me on anything adjacent to me, either via OA (for move) or Righteous Radiance (shifts and attacks not targeting me).
Combat Block

Female Vryloka Cleric|Cavalier 5
Languages: Common, Fey
Age: 27
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 120 lbs.

Speed: 8 (7 bloodied)
Initiative: +10
Passive Perception: 19
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 25
Fort: 18
Reflex: 15
Will: 17
HP: 48/48
Bloodied: 24
Surge Value: 14 (12 when bloodied)
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +12 vs AC, 1d12+6 damage
RBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage
Righteous Radiance: 6 radiant damage

7 necrotic

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects:
+2 to defenses against OAs
Targets I grant surges to get +2 to attacks until my EONT
I gain 6 THP when I slay a non-minion
I move first (free action) if not highest initiative
My crits deal max damage +1d12+1d8 damage


Recovery Strike
Defender Aura
Righteous Radiance
Vengeful Strike
Divine Sanction
Imposter's Armor +2

Second Wind [_]
Lifeblood [_]
Healing Word [_]
Healing Strike [_]
Stone Fist Flurry of Blows [X]
Call of Challenge [_]
Holy Smite [_]
Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade +1 [_]
Mercurial Mind (heroic tier) [_]

Moment of Glory [_]
Radiant Delirium [_]

Consumables: None
Important Features:
Battle Cleric's Lore: I have a +2 shield bonus to AC, and proficiency in scale armor. Whenever I use a cleric healing power to allow a target to spend a healing surge, that target gains +2 to attacks until the end of my next turn.

Virtue of Valor (Hybrid): +4 to initiative and my healing surge value increases by 2.

Blood Dependency: When bloodied my healing surge value drops by 2.

Living Dead: If an effect affects living creatures and undead creatures in different ways, I get to decide which one applies to me.

Necrotic Resistance: I have 5 + 1/2 my level necrotic resistance.

Vampiric Heritage: I can take Vryloka utility powers in place of other utility powers granted by my class.

Transcendent Order Level 1 Feature: +2 to initiative. When I roll initiative and do not get the highest result, I can use a free action to move up to my speed before everyone else's turns begin.

Transcendent Order Level 5 Feature: +2 to acrobatics and athletics

Monastic Disciple: I gain a monk flurry of blows power as an encounter power, and can use monk implements.

Heavy Blade Expertise: I gain a +2 to defenses against OAs.

Fluid Motion: +1 to speed, +2 at paragon tier.

Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade +1:
* My critical hits with this weapon deal max damage +1d12+1d8 damage, instead of just max damage.
* Gain +1 to initiative
* When I reduce a non-minion to 0 hp I gain 6 temporary hit points.

Healer's Brooch +1: When I use a power to allow a target to regain hit points they regain +1 additional hit points.

Mercurial Mind (heroic tier): +1 speed when not bloodied.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by PureZaros »

Floating high above the others, Mazera looks on at the slowly approaching wolves. He flies towards a group of them, throwing a net of crackling energy over the pack, and the smell of singed fur begins to waft through the air. Three of the wolves instantly keel over, twitching and smoking as the net dissipates. "I don't think they're listening, Basil! What are they after?"
Move Action: Move to [H, 13, 2]

Standard Action: Static Charge
Attack on Dire Wolf 1: 23
Attack on Wolf 1: 16
Attack on Wolf 2: 27
Attack on wolf 3: 22
Damage: 10 lightning damage.
Enemy adjacent to a target takes 5 lightning damage (irrelevant)

Male Dragonborn Elementalist 5
Languages: Common, Thaliem
Age: 72
Height: 5' 2"
Weight: 126 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +2
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 17
Reflex: 13
Will: 20
HP: 50/50
Bloodied: 25
Surge Value: 12
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

10 lightning
Active Effects:


Elemental Bolt
Static Charge
Summoned Armor

[_]Color Orb
[_]Dragon Breath
[_]Dragonflame Mantle
[_]Elemental Escalation
[_]Second Wind
[_]Fey Strike Lancing Dagger

[_] Majestic Word
Important Features:
Arcane Blood: You gain a +1/+2/+3 racial bonus to the damage rolls of your arcane attack powers.
Bozak Instinctive Flight: You gain a fly speed of 6 squares (altitude limit 1). You cannot use this fly speed if you are carrying over a normal load.
Dragon Breath Lightning: Dragon Breath does lightning damage.
Elemental Bolt: This power can be used as a ranged basic attack.

Staff Expertise: You gain a +1/+2/+3 feat bonus to attack rolls of implement powers and weapon powers you use with a staff. In addition, when you make a ranged or area attack with a staff as an implement, you don't provoke OA's for doing so.
Superior Implement Training (Lancing Dagger): You can use the Lancing Dagger superior implement.
Draconian Wings: You ignore the speed penalty for heavy armor, and your Instinctive Flight's altitude limit is increased to 2.
Mark of Storm: Whenever you hit an enemy with a thunder or lightning power, you can slide that enemy one square. You gain a +1 bonus to speed while flying. You can master and perform the Endure Elements, Enhance Vessel, Summon Wind, and Walk on Water rituals as if you had the Ritual Caster feat.

Cloak of Distortion +1:You gain an item bonus to all defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away equal to this item's enhancement bonus.
Summoned Cloth Armor +2: At-will power. Minor Action to banish the armor, and another Minor Action at any time to summon the armor as if you had donned it normally.
Bracers of the Perfect Shot (Heroic Tier): When you hit with a ranged basic attack, add +2 to the damage roll.
Fey Strike Lancing Dagger +1:
Encounter power, Standard Action
Effect: You make a MBA as a ranged 20 attack with this weapon.

Daily Power, Free Action
Trigger: You hit an enemy with an attack using this weapon.
Effect: Teleport the target 10 squares to a space adjacent to you.
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Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Namelessjake »

As some of the weaker wolves are quickly dispatched, the alphas quickly move in. One attacks Edward, while another bites at Lorelai.

Go: Edward
Lorelai: moves, hits, kills, kills.

Mazera: moves, hits x4, kills x3

Dire Wolf 1: moves to (G, 8), hits Edward for 5 damage.

Dire Wolf 2: moves to (H, 11)

Dire Wolf 3: moves to (M, 10), hits Lorelai for 9 damage.
Map Info
Undergrowth: The undergrowth is a combination of trees and bushes. For the purpose of this encounter it is impassable

Left edge of the map: The wolves are trying to get to your horses which are left of you. The wolves can reach the horses by entering (E, 1)-(M, 1).
Enemy Info
Dire Wolf: These are the older wolves in the pack. They bear scars of previous battles and hunts. They have fought their way to the top of the pack's pecking order.

Wolf: These are the young wolves in the pack. Smaller and less experienced, they're at the bottom of the pack.
29 Lorelai (N, 10) | HP: 39/48 | Surges: 10/10 | AP: 1/1 | Defender Aura active, Stone Fist Flurry of Blows
26 Mazera (H, 13, 2) | HP: 50/50 | Surges: 10/10 | AP: 1/1 |
25 Dire Wolf 1 (G, 8) | HP: -10/?? |
25 Dire Wolf 2 (H, 11) | HP: ??/?? |
25 Dire Wolf 3 (M, 10) | HP: ??/?? |
24 Edward (H, 8) | HP: 38/43 | Surges: 8/8 | AP: 1/1 |
21 Wolf 4 (D, 21) | HP: 1/1 |
21 Wolf 5 (J, 19) | HP: 1/1 |
21 Wolf 6 (L, 21) | HP: 1/1 |
17 Basil (I, 5) | HP: 43/43 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
13 Bresda (I, 9) | HP: 63/63 | Surges: 14/14 | AP: 1/1 |
12 Evaline (H, 5) | HP: 53/53 | Surges: 11/11 | AP: 1/1 |
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by kalis5 »

Edward shakes off the wolf's bite quickly, the attack glancing against his armor before he brings his blade up, weaving a quick few strikes, the wall of steel forcing the wolf back and keeping it from moving. He looks back to Bresda between one of the strikes.
"Bresda, now!"

Responding to his prince, Bresda rushes through the opening Edward creates, landing a damaging blow against the wolf and drawing it's attention while Edward circles around, preparing to finish it off.
Devastating Offensive on Dire Wolf 1 vs AC: 9(1d20) +10 = 19
Damage: 4(1d8) +4 = 8
The Dire Wolf is slid back 1 square to F8, Bresda moves to G8 and performs an MBA.
Bresda's MBA on Dire Wolf 1: 15(1d20) +14 = 29
Damage: 3(1d10) +8 = 11
Move to E8 to flank with Bresda for his next attack.
Stat Block
Edward Aelgard
Dragonborn Warlord Level 5
Languages: Common, Draconic

Speed: 5
Initiative: 4
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal

AC: 24
Fort: 17
Reflex: 18
Will: 18
HP: 38/43
Bloodied: 21
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

Vulnerabilities: None
Active Effects: None


Bull Rush Attack
Grab Attack
Opportunity Attack
Intuitive Strike
Commander's Strike

Imposter's Scale Armor +2
Shield of Silver Light


Class Feature Inspiring Word[ ][ ]
Class Feature Battlefront Shift [ ]
Level 1 Hammer and Anvil [ ]
Level 2 Adaptive Strategy [ ]
Level 3 Devastating Offensive [X]

Vengeful Longsword +1[ ]

Racial Bozak Power Concussive Vengeance [ ]
Runepriest Power Rune of Mending [ ]
Level 2 Lead the Attack [ ]
Level 5 Stand the Fallen [ ]

Brooch of Shielding +1[ ]

Important Features
Class Feats:
Battlefront Leader - Gain proficiency with Heavy Shield and gain the Battlefront Shift power.

Resourceful Presence - When an ally uses an action point to attack, depending on the result of the attack, one of two effects happen. If the attack hits, the ally gains one-half my level + my intelligence modifier damage (3). If it misses, the ally gains one-half my level + my charisma modifier temp HP (3).

Racial Traits:
Dragonborn Fury - Gain +1 to attack rolls while bloodied.

Dragonic Heritage - Healing Surge equals One-Quarter Maximum hit points + Constitution modifier (0).

Notable Feats:
Lend Strength - On granting an attack, Ally gains a +2 attack bonus to the roll.

Armored Warlord - Gain proficiency with Scale mail, gain one healing surge.

Improved Resources - Add 2 to both damage and temp hit points granted by Resourceful Presence.

Heavy Blade Expertise - +1 to attack rolls with a heavy blade, +2 all defenses against OAs.

Student of Divine Runes - Gain access to the Runes of Mending Runepriest Power, gain training in Religion.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The rest of the pack continues to move in, one biting at Lorelai but missing the Knight of the Flower. Evaline shouts out and charges at the nearest wolf, dealing a heavy blow.

Go: Everyone apart from Edward
Edward: hits, slides, moves Bresda, Bresda hits, moves.

Wolf 4: moves to (D, 8)

Wolf 5: moves to (N, 11), misses Lorelai.

Wolf 6: moves to (O, 10)

Evaline: Assumes Berserker's Charge, Charges to (H, 10) on Dire wolf 2. 26 vs. AC hits for 23 damage.

12(1d20) +14 = 26; 11(1d12) +12 = 23
Map Info
Undergrowth: The undergrowth is a combination of trees and bushes. For the purpose of this encounter it is impassable

Left edge of the map: The wolves are trying to get to your horses which are left of you. The wolves can reach the horses by entering (E, 1)-(M, 1).
Enemy Info
Dire Wolf: These are the older wolves in the pack. They bear scars of previous battles and hunts. They have fought their way to the top of the pack's pecking order.

Wolf: These are the young wolves in the pack. Smaller and less experienced, they're at the bottom of the pack.
29 Lorelai (N, 10) | HP: 39/48 | Surges: 10/10 | AP: 1/1 | Defender Aura active, Stone Fist Flurry of Blows
26 Mazera (H, 13, 2) | HP: 50/50 | Surges: 10/10 | AP: 1/1 |
25 Dire Wolf 1 (F, 8) | HP: -29/?? |
25 Dire Wolf 2 (H, 11) | HP: -23/?? |
25 Dire Wolf 3 (M, 10) | HP: ??/?? |
24 Edward (E, 8) | HP: 38/43 | Surges: 8/8 | AP: 1/1 | Devastating Offensive
21 Wolf 4 (D, 8) | HP: 1/1 |
21 Wolf 5 (N, 11) | HP: 1/1 |
21 Wolf 6 (O, 10) | HP: 1/1 |
17 Basil (I, 5) | HP: 43/43 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
13 Bresda (G, 8) | HP: 63/63 | Surges: 14/14 | AP: 1/1 |
12 Evaline (H, 10) | HP: 53/53 | Surges: 11/11 | AP: 1/1 | +2 to charge speed and charge attack rolls
Combat Block
Princess Evaline of Amaranthia, of House Adelgard

Female Dragonborn Slayer 5
Speed: 5
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Normal
Languages: Common, Thaliem
Age: 24
Height: 5' 6"

AC: 20
Fort: 19
Reflex: 18
Will: 15
HP: 53/53
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 15
Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Battle Wrath
Berserker's Charge

Second Wind [_]
Inevitable Strike [_]
Power Strike [_] [_]*
Dragonfear [_]
Single Out[_]

Supporting Scale Armor +1 [_]
Battlecrazed Fullblade +1 [_]

*can be used twice per encounter, but only once per turn.


Important Features:
Two-Handed Weapon Expertise: +1 to damage rolls of charge attacks with two-handed melee weapons.

Fast Runner: +2 to speed when you charge or run.

Elemental Origin: You have elemental origin.

Dragonborn Fury: +1 to attacks while bloodied.

Quick Swap: Once during each of your turns, you can take a free action to draw or stow a weapon and then draw another weapon.

Ironwrought Level 5 Feature: While you are bloodied you have resist 2/4/6 to all damage.

Berserker's Fury: Once per day as a free action, you can gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls until the end of the encounter.

Battlecrazed Fullblade +1: While you are bloodied you deal 1d6 damage when you hit with this weapon. This weapon also deals an extra 1[W] damage on a critical hit.

Badge of The Berserker: When charge, your movement made as part of the charge doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.

Iron Armbands of Power: Gain a +2 item bonus to melee damage rolls.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Fialova »

With the first two wolves gone and more taking their place, Lorelai turns her attention to the larger of the beasts that had just attacked her. She brings her blade down heavily against the creature, weakening it while bracing herself against any more attacks.
Standard Action: Vengeful Strike on Direwolf 3
Attack: 23 vs AC = hit?
Hit: 14 radiant damage.
Miss: I gain +2 to my next damage roll against the target

If hit...
Free Action: Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade +1
Effect: I gain +2 to defenses against Direwolf 3 until the end of my next turn

Note: I punish shifts, moves, and attacks that don't target me on anything adjacent to me, either via OA (for move) or Righteous Radiance (shifts and attacks not targeting me).
Combat Block

Female Vryloka Cleric|Cavalier 5
Languages: Common, Fey
Age: 27
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 120 lbs.

Speed: 8 (7 bloodied)
Initiative: +10
Passive Perception: 19
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 25
Fort: 18
Reflex: 15
Will: 17
HP: 39/48
Bloodied: 24
Surge Value: 14 (12 when bloodied)
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +12 vs AC, 1d12+6 damage
RBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage
Righteous Radiance: 6 radiant damage

7 necrotic

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects:
+2 to defenses against OAs
Targets I grant surges to get +2 to attacks until my EONT
I gain 6 THP when I slay a non-minion
I move first (free action) if not highest initiative
My crits deal max damage +1d12+1d8 damage


Recovery Strike
Defender Aura
Righteous Radiance
Vengeful Strike
Divine Sanction
Imposter's Armor +2

Second Wind [_]
Lifeblood [_]
Healing Word [_]
Healing Strike [_]
Stone Fist Flurry of Blows [X]
Call of Challenge [_]
Holy Smite [_]
Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade +1 [?]
Mercurial Mind (heroic tier) [_]

Moment of Glory [_]
Radiant Delirium [_]

Consumables: None
Important Features:
Battle Cleric's Lore: I have a +2 shield bonus to AC, and proficiency in scale armor. Whenever I use a cleric healing power to allow a target to spend a healing surge, that target gains +2 to attacks until the end of my next turn.

Virtue of Valor (Hybrid): +4 to initiative and my healing surge value increases by 2.

Blood Dependency: When bloodied my healing surge value drops by 2.

Living Dead: If an effect affects living creatures and undead creatures in different ways, I get to decide which one applies to me.

Necrotic Resistance: I have 5 + 1/2 my level necrotic resistance.

Vampiric Heritage: I can take Vryloka utility powers in place of other utility powers granted by my class.

Transcendent Order Level 1 Feature: +2 to initiative. When I roll initiative and do not get the highest result, I can use a free action to move up to my speed before everyone else's turns begin.

Transcendent Order Level 5 Feature: +2 to acrobatics and athletics

Monastic Disciple: I gain a monk flurry of blows power as an encounter power, and can use monk implements.

Heavy Blade Expertise: I gain a +2 to defenses against OAs.

Fluid Motion: +1 to speed, +2 at paragon tier.

Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade +1:
* My critical hits with this weapon deal max damage +1d12+1d8 damage, instead of just max damage.
* Gain +1 to initiative
* When I reduce a non-minion to 0 hp I gain 6 temporary hit points.

Healer's Brooch +1: When I use a power to allow a target to regain hit points they regain +1 additional hit points.

Mercurial Mind (heroic tier): +1 speed when not bloodied.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Seeing Lorelai surround by wolves, Basil zips on over, his wings fluttering rapidly. "You look like you could use a little help," he says to the knight. Sensing the largest of the wolves as the biggest threat, the fairy plunges his rapier into its back and piercing its flesh with great force. "I warned you," he says to the wolf.
Move: Tactical Trick: Fly to N10
Gain a CA against enemies with at least one ally adjacent until EONT
While in the same square as Lorelai, I have partial concealment against ranged and melee attacks

Standard: MBA on Dire Wolf 3
Free Action: Backstab
I gain +3 to attack rolls and the enemy takes 1d6 extra damage
Attack: 5(1d20) +16 = 21 vs AC = Hit
Damage: 1(1d8) +10(2d8) +2(1d6) +9 = 22

Battle Awareness Feat: If Dire Wolf 3 shifts or makes an attack that doesn't include me as a target, I make a MBA as an immediate interrupt

Darkleaf Leather Armor: I gain a +2 to AC to the first made against me in the counter
Combat Block
Basil Broadleaf

Male Pixie Thief 5
Languages: Common, Fey, Elvish
Age: 122, looks 22
Height: 9", 5'1" in larger size
Weight: 1.5 lbs., 95 lbs. in larger size

Speed: 4 (6 fly)
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 21
Passive Insight: 19
Senses: Low-light

AC: 19
Fort: 15
Reflex: 19
Will: 16
HP: 43/43
Bloodied: 21
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 6/6
Action Points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Tactical Trick
Unbalancing Trick
Escape Artist's Trick


Second Wind [_]
Guidance of the Past [_]
Pixie Dust [_]
Shrink [_]
Backstab [X] [_]
Sneak in the Attack [_]
Cunning Escape [_]

Dynamic Rapier +2 [_]

Amulet of Seduction +1 [_]
Flaying Gloves (heroic tier) [_]


Important Features:
First Strike: At the start of an encounter, you have a combat advantage against any creatures that have not yet acted in that encounter.

Sneak Attack: When you make an attack with a light blade, a hand crossbow, a shortbow, or a sling and hit an enemy granting a combat advantage to you, that enemy takes extra damage based on your level. You can deal this extra damage only once per turn.

Weapon Finesse: When you make a melee basic attack, you can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack roll and the damage roll. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage rolls of weapon attacks using light blades, hand crossbows, shortbows, and slings.

Thief Weapon Talent: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with light blades, hand crossbows, shortbows, and slings.

Skill Mastery: During a skill challenge, whenever you roll a natural 20 on a skill check that would contribute one or more successes to the skill challenge, that check automatically succeeds and counts as one additional success.

Fey Origin: You are considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

Speak with Beasts: You can communicate with natural beasts and fey beasts.

Wee Warrior: You have a reach of 1, rather than the reach of 0 that is typical for a Tiny creature. You also take a -5 penalty to Strength checks to break or force open objects. When wielding a weapon of your size, you follow the same rules that Small creatures do.

Light Blade Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to weapon attack rolls that you make with a light blade. In addition, you gain a +1 bonus to the damage rolls of the weapon attacks that you make with a light blade against a creature granting a combat advantage to you. Both of these bonuses increase to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level.

Backstabber: The extra damage from your Sneak Attack class feature increases from d6s to d8s.

Teeny Target: While you are in an ally's space, you have partial cover against melee and ranged attacks.

Ghost of the Past Level 5 Feature: The first time you use your guidance of the past power to make a History check during an encounter, you do not expend the power.

Battle Awareness: Once per encounter, whenever an enemy that is adjacent to you shifts or makes an attack that does not include you as a target, you can make a melee basic attack against that enemy as an immediate interrupt.

Darkleaf Leather Armor: You gain a +2 bonus to AC against the first attack made against you in each encounter.

Amulet of Seduction: When you impose a charm effect that a save can end, the target takes a -2 penalty to the first saving throw against the effect.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by ratwizard »

With one of the larger of the wolves caught between the prince and himself, Ser Bresda readies himself for a massive swing of his warhammer. If it takes this to restore the balance of these woods, so be it. He brings the hammer down and the blow takes the animal in the back dead-on, easily knocking it to the ground in a bloody heap, but still breathing. "Back off!" he shouts to at it, hoping it will understand his tone.
Free: Berserker's Fury to gain +2 damage to attack rolls.

Free: Mark Dire Wolf 1. If it attacks not-me, I make a free MBA and it grants CA to me and allies.

Standard: Rough Strike on Dire Wolf 1. Hits 20 AC for 27 damage, slowing Dire Wolf 1.
Attack: 7(1d20) +13 = 20
Damage: 9(2d10) +16 = 25+2 from Berserker's Fury

No Action: Takedown Strike, dealing an extra 5 damage and knocking the wolf prone. 32 total damage.
Combat Block
Ser Bresda Hessock

Male Mul Warden 1
Languages: Common
Age: 38
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 170 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 20
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 23
Fort: 19
Reflex: 16
Will: 15
HP: 63/63
Bloodied: 31
Surge Value: 15
Surges left: 14/14
Action Points: 1




Active Effects:


Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Thorn Strike
Weight of Earth
Summoned Armor

Second Wind [_]
Incredible Toughness [_]
Takedown Strike [x]
Rough Strike [x]
Roots of Stone [_]
Amulet of Life +1 [_]

Form of Winter's Herald [_]
Earth-Shaking Rend [_]
Nature Sense [_]
Berserker's Fury [x]
Item Daily [_]


List things such as potions and other consumable items here. If none, just write "None."
Important Features:
Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any passive effects that are more than a flat increase to attack, defense, hp, or a skill (such as being able to use perception for initiative rolls), any effect that are triggered by certain other effects (such as an attack boost vs bloodied foes), and so on. If it is relevant info that is not directly represented elsewhere in the combat block or in your character sheet, it needs to go here.

Item Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any effects listed as 'Property' on a magic item, as well as any specific traits of the item itself (such as Brutal and other effects on certain weapons, special effects from superior implements, etc.). Again, if it is relevant it needs to be listed.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by PureZaros »

Concentrating for a moment, Mazera casts a crackling bolt of lightning at one of the alpha wolves, charring fur and flesh where the plasma makes contact. A smaller arc reaches out towards a second wolf, but fizzles into the air before making contact. Curses. I was sure that would reach.

Swooping over the battlefield, he rains bolts of lightning down on the wolves again, though they all arc off into the surrounding ground with a thundering boom. Ears ringing slightly from the thunder, Mazera flies over the battlefield again, watching the others in their engagements.
Standard Action: Elemental Bolt
Elemental Escalation!
I can target an additional creature within 5 squares of me, creatures hit by the attack take an extra 1d10 lightning damage, and I can fly up to half my speed.

Attack on Dire Wolf 1: 14 vs Reflex... -2 from prone: Miss
Attack on Dire Wolf 2: 21 vs Reflex... Hit
Damage: 23 lightning damage
Dire Wolf 2 gains vulnerable 3 lightning until the end of my next turn.

Free action: Fly to [K, 14, 2]

Minor Action:
Dragon Breath
Attack on Dire Wolf 2: 13 vs Reflex... Miss
Attack on Wolf 5: 12 vs Reflex... Miss
Damage: Fuk u

Move Action: Move to [J, 8, 2]

Male Dragonborn Elementalist 5
Languages: Common, Thaliem
Age: 72
Height: 5' 2"
Weight: 126 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +2
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 17
Reflex: 13
Will: 20
HP: 50/50
Bloodied: 25
Surge Value: 12
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

10 lightning
Active Effects:


Elemental Bolt
Static Charge
Summoned Armor

[_]Color Orb
[X]Dragon Breath
[_]Dragonflame Mantle
[X] [_] Elemental Escalation
[_]Second Wind
[_]Fey Strike Lancing Dagger

[_] Majestic Word
Important Features:
Arcane Blood: You gain a +1/+2/+3 racial bonus to the damage rolls of your arcane attack powers.
Bozak Instinctive Flight: You gain a fly speed of 6 squares (altitude limit 1). You cannot use this fly speed if you are carrying over a normal load.
Dragon Breath Lightning: Dragon Breath does lightning damage.
Elemental Bolt: This power can be used as a ranged basic attack.

Staff Expertise: You gain a +1/+2/+3 feat bonus to attack rolls of implement powers and weapon powers you use with a staff. In addition, when you make a ranged or area attack with a staff as an implement, you don't provoke OA's for doing so.
Superior Implement Training (Lancing Dagger): You can use the Lancing Dagger superior implement.
Draconian Wings: You ignore the speed penalty for heavy armor, and your Instinctive Flight's altitude limit is increased to 2.
Mark of Storm: Whenever you hit an enemy with a thunder or lightning power, you can slide that enemy one square. You gain a +1 bonus to speed while flying. You can master and perform the Endure Elements, Enhance Vessel, Summon Wind, and Walk on Water rituals as if you had the Ritual Caster feat.

Cloak of Distortion +1:You gain an item bonus to all defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away equal to this item's enhancement bonus.
Summoned Cloth Armor +2: At-will power. Minor Action to banish the armor, and another Minor Action at any time to summon the armor as if you had donned it normally.
Bracers of the Perfect Shot (Heroic Tier): When you hit with a ranged basic attack, add +2 to the damage roll.
Fey Strike Lancing Dagger +1:
Encounter power, Standard Action
Effect: You make a MBA as a ranged 20 attack with this weapon.

Daily Power, Free Action
Trigger: You hit an enemy with an attack using this weapon.
Effect: Teleport the target 10 squares to a space adjacent to you.
Build a man a fire and he will be warm for a day.
Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Namelessjake »

As the party strikes at the wolves, they fight back. One of the Direwolves manages to knock Edward to the ground however, seeing an opening, Ser Bresda crushes the animal's skull with a mighty blow from his hammer. Another of the great beasts bits at Evaline although she is lucky enough to dodge the attack. The last of the creatures throws back its head and lets out an almighty howl, instead of attacking. A few moments later six more wolves emerge from the undergrowth.

Go: Edward
Lorelai: hits.

Basil: moves, hits, bloodies.

Bresda: marks, bloodies hits, hits.

Mazera: misses, hits, bloodies, moves, misses, misses, moves.

Dire Wolf 1: hits Edward for 9 damage and knocks him prone, Bresda makes MBA 31 vs. AC hits for 12 damage, dies.

Dire Wolf 2: misses Evaline.

Dire Wolf 3: calls reinforcements.

Dire Wolf 4: joins the encounter.

Dire Wolf 5: joins the encounter.

Dire Wolf 6: joins the encounter.

Wolf 9: joins the encounter.

Wolf 10: joins the encounter.

Wolf 11: joins the encounter.
Map Info
Undergrowth: The undergrowth is a combination of trees and bushes. For the purpose of this encounter it is impassable

Left edge of the map: The wolves are trying to get to your horses which are left of you. The wolves can reach the horses by entering (E, 1)-(M, 1).
Enemy Info
Dire Wolf: These are the older wolves in the pack. They bear scars of previous battles and hunts. They have fought their way to the top of the pack's pecking order.

Wolf: These are the young wolves in the pack. Smaller and less experienced, they're at the bottom of the pack.
29 Lorelai (N, 10) | HP: 39/48 | Surges: 10/10 | AP: 1/1 | Defender Aura active, +2 to defenses against Direwolf 3 until EONT, Stone Fist Flurry of Blows
26 Mazera (J, 8, 2) | HP: 50/50 | Surges: 10/10 | AP: 1/1 | Elemental Escalation, Dragon Breath
25 Dire Wolf 2 (H, 11) | HP: -46/?? | vulnerable 3 lightning until Mazera EONT, Bloodied
25 Dire Wolf 3 (M, 10) | HP: -36/?? | Bloodied
24 Edward (E, 8) | HP: 38/43 | Surges: 8/8 | AP: 1/1 | Devastating Offensive, Prone
21 Wolf 4 (D, 8) | HP: 1/1 |
21 Wolf 5 (N, 11) | HP: 1/1 |
21 Wolf 6 (O, 10) | HP: 1/1 |
17 Basil (N, 10) | HP: 43/43 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 | CA against enemies with at least one ally adjacent until EONT, partial concealment against ranged and melee attacks, +2 to AC to the first attack made against him in the encounter, Backstab
13 Bresda (G, 8) | HP: 63/63 | Surges: 14/14 | AP: 1/1 | +2 damage to attack rolls, Rough Strike, Takedown Strike, Beserker's Fury
12 Dire Wolf 4 (E, 17) | HP: 1/1 |
12 Dire Wolf 5 (F, 18) | HP: 1/1 |
12 Dire Wolf 6 (M, 18) | HP: 1/1 |
12 Evaline (H, 10) | HP: 53/53 | Surges: 11/11 | AP: 1/1 | +2 to charge speed and charge attack rolls
8 Wolf 9 (L, 19) | HP: 1/1 |
8 Wolf 10 (E, 15) | HP: 1/1 |
8 Wolf 11 (M, 16) | HP: 1/1 |

Dire Wolf 1 (F, 8) | HP: -73/?? | Dead
Combat Block
Princess Evaline of Amaranthia, of House Adelgard

Female Dragonborn Slayer 5
Speed: 5
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Normal
Languages: Common, Thaliem
Age: 24
Height: 5' 6"

AC: 20
Fort: 19
Reflex: 18
Will: 15
HP: 53/53
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 15
Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Battle Wrath
Berserker's Charge

Second Wind [_]
Inevitable Strike [_]
Power Strike [_] [_]*
Dragonfear [_]
Single Out[_]

Supporting Scale Armor +1 [_]
Battlecrazed Fullblade +1 [_]

*can be used twice per encounter, but only once per turn.


Important Features:
Two-Handed Weapon Expertise: +1 to damage rolls of charge attacks with two-handed melee weapons.

Fast Runner: +2 to speed when you charge or run.

Elemental Origin: You have elemental origin.

Dragonborn Fury: +1 to attacks while bloodied.

Quick Swap: Once during each of your turns, you can take a free action to draw or stow a weapon and then draw another weapon.

Ironwrought Level 5 Feature: While you are bloodied you have resist 2/4/6 to all damage.

Berserker's Fury: Once per day as a free action, you can gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls until the end of the encounter.

Battlecrazed Fullblade +1: While you are bloodied you deal 1d6 damage when you hit with this weapon. This weapon also deals an extra 1[W] damage on a critical hit.

Badge of The Berserker: When charge, your movement made as part of the charge doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.

Iron Armbands of Power: Gain a +2 item bonus to melee damage rolls.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by kalis5 »

Edward stands up slowly, watching the wolf as he hears the sounds of combat behind him, hearing one of the wolves snap it's jaws in the air as it misses Evaline, turning around and shouting at her to strike it, now that it's open. Her blade swings through the air and digs deep into the wolf, cutting it down and freeing her to assist the others.
"Evaline, try to buy Lorelai some time, engage the larger Wolf on the Right while she deals with the wolves there. Bresda, with me, we'll hold the left and keep the wolves from passing through on our end. Engage the larger wolves ahead of us. I will deal with this wolf and the other smaller wolf before coming to assist."

Move action to stand up since the wolf is dead.
Commander's Strike for Evaline (+5 on damage roll): 11(1d20) +11 = 22
Damage: 12(1d12) +17 = 29
Stat Block
Edward Aelgard
Dragonborn Warlord Level 5
Languages: Common, Draconic

Speed: 5
Initiative: 4
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal

AC: 24
Fort: 17
Reflex: 18
Will: 18
HP: 29/43
Bloodied: 21
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

Vulnerabilities: None
Active Effects: None


Bull Rush Attack
Grab Attack
Opportunity Attack
Intuitive Strike
Commander's Strike

Imposter's Scale Armor +2
Shield of Silver Light


Class Feature Inspiring Word[ ][ ]
Class Feature Battlefront Shift [ ]
Level 1 Hammer and Anvil [ ]
Level 2 Adaptive Strategy [ ]
Level 3 Devastating Offensive [X]

Vengeful Longsword +1[ ]

Racial Bozak Power Concussive Vengeance [ ]
Runepriest Power Rune of Mending [ ]
Level 2 Lead the Attack [ ]
Level 5 Stand the Fallen [ ]

Brooch of Shielding +1[ ]

Important Features
Class Feats:
Battlefront Leader - Gain proficiency with Heavy Shield and gain the Battlefront Shift power.

Resourceful Presence - When an ally uses an action point to attack, depending on the result of the attack, one of two effects happen. If the attack hits, the ally gains one-half my level + my intelligence modifier damage (3). If it misses, the ally gains one-half my level + my charisma modifier temp HP (3).

Racial Traits:
Dragonborn Fury - Gain +1 to attack rolls while bloodied.

Dragonic Heritage - Healing Surge equals One-Quarter Maximum hit points + Constitution modifier (0).

Notable Feats:
Lend Strength - On granting an attack, Ally gains a +2 attack bonus to the roll.

Armored Warlord - Gain proficiency with Scale mail, gain one healing surge.

Improved Resources - Add 2 to both damage and temp hit points granted by Resourceful Presence.

Heavy Blade Expertise - +1 to attack rolls with a heavy blade, +2 all defenses against OAs.

Student of Divine Runes - Gain access to the Runes of Mending Runepriest Power, gain training in Religion.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Edward's command let's Evaline find and opening and kill the large beast. Three of the smaller ones then attack. One bites at Edward unsuccessfully, while the two near Lorelai and Basil bite at the Knight of the Flower, although her armour protects her.

Go: Basil and Bresda
Edward: stands, Evaline hits and kills.

Wolf 4: misses Edward.

Wolf 5: misses Lorelai.

Wolf 6: misses Lorelai.
Map Info
Undergrowth: The undergrowth is a combination of trees and bushes. For the purpose of this encounter it is impassable

Left edge of the map: The wolves are trying to get to your horses which are left of you. The wolves can reach the horses by entering (E, 1)-(M, 1).
Enemy Info
Dire Wolf: These are the older wolves in the pack. They bear scars of previous battles and hunts. They have fought their way to the top of the pack's pecking order.

Wolf: These are the young wolves in the pack. Smaller and less experienced, they're at the bottom of the pack.
29 Lorelai (N, 10) | HP: 39/48 | Surges: 10/10 | AP: 1/1 | Defender Aura active, +2 to defenses against Direwolf 3 until EONT, Stone Fist Flurry of Blows
26 Mazera (J, 8, 2) | HP: 50/50 | Surges: 10/10 | AP: 1/1 | Elemental Escalation, Dragon Breath
25 Dire Wolf 3 (M, 10) | HP: -36/?? | Bloodied
24 Edward (E, 8) | HP: 38/43 | Surges: 8/8 | AP: 1/1 | Devastating Offensive
21 Wolf 4 (D, 8) | HP: 1/1 |
21 Wolf 5 (N, 11) | HP: 1/1 |
21 Wolf 6 (O, 10) | HP: 1/1 |
17 Basil (N, 10) | HP: 43/43 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 | CA against enemies with at least one ally adjacent until EONT, partial concealment against ranged and melee attacks, +2 to AC to the first attack made against him in the encounter, Backstab
13 Bresda (G, 8) | HP: 63/63 | Surges: 14/14 | AP: 1/1 | +2 damage to attack rolls, Rough Strike, Takedown Strike, Beserker's Fury
12 Dire Wolf 4 (E, 17) | HP: ??/?? |
12 Dire Wolf 5 (F, 18) | HP: ??/?? |
12 Dire Wolf 6 (M, 18) | HP: ??/?? |
12 Evaline (H, 10) | HP: 53/53 | Surges: 11/11 | AP: 1/1 | +2 to charge speed and charge attack rolls
8 Wolf 9 (L, 19) | HP: 1/1 |
8 Wolf 10 (E, 15) | HP: 1/1 |
8 Wolf 11 (M, 16) | HP: 1/1 |

Dire Wolf 1 (F, 8) | HP: -73/?? | Dead
Dire Wolf 2 (H, 11) | HP: -75/?? | Dead
Combat Block
Princess Evaline of Amaranthia, of House Adelgard

Female Dragonborn Slayer 5
Speed: 5
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Normal
Languages: Common, Thaliem
Age: 24
Height: 5' 6"

AC: 20
Fort: 19
Reflex: 18
Will: 15
HP: 53/53
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 15
Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Battle Wrath
Berserker's Charge

Second Wind [_]
Inevitable Strike [_]
Power Strike [_] [_]*
Dragonfear [_]
Single Out[_]

Supporting Scale Armor +1 [_]
Battlecrazed Fullblade +1 [_]

*can be used twice per encounter, but only once per turn.


Important Features:
Two-Handed Weapon Expertise: +1 to damage rolls of charge attacks with two-handed melee weapons.

Fast Runner: +2 to speed when you charge or run.

Elemental Origin: You have elemental origin.

Dragonborn Fury: +1 to attacks while bloodied.

Quick Swap: Once during each of your turns, you can take a free action to draw or stow a weapon and then draw another weapon.

Ironwrought Level 5 Feature: While you are bloodied you have resist 2/4/6 to all damage.

Berserker's Fury: Once per day as a free action, you can gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls until the end of the encounter.

Battlecrazed Fullblade +1: While you are bloodied you deal 1d6 damage when you hit with this weapon. This weapon also deals an extra 1[W] damage on a critical hit.

Badge of The Berserker: When charge, your movement made as part of the charge doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.

Iron Armbands of Power: Gain a +2 item bonus to melee damage rolls.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Your Grace, I must attend to those two!" Ser Bresda says hastily as he sees the knight and the ambassador in trouble, ignoring the newcomers for the moment. "Back off, wolf!" he cries out as he surges forward across the grass, bringing his heavy mace down into the huge wolf's back leg, hindering its movement.
Free: Mark Dire Wolf 3. If it attacks not-me, I make a free MBA and it grants CA to me and allies.

Move: Walk to L10 to flank DF3 with Basil.

Standard: Weight of Earth on Dire Wolf 3. Hits AC 30 for 24 damage, slowing DF3 til EOMNT.
Attack: 17(1d20) +13 = 30; 10(1d10) +14 = 24
Combat Block
Ser Bresda Hessock

Male Mul Warden 5
Languages: Common
Age: 38
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 170 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 20
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 23
Fort: 19
Reflex: 16
Will: 15
HP: 63/63
Bloodied: 31
Surge Value: 15
Surges left: 14/14
Action Points: 1




Active Effects:
+2 to damage rolls til end of fight.


Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Thorn Strike
Weight of Earth
Summoned Armor

Second Wind [_]
Incredible Toughness [_]
Takedown Strike [x]
Rough Strike [x]
Roots of Stone [_]
Amulet of Life +1 [_]

Form of Winter's Herald [_]
Earth-Shaking Rend [_]
Nature Sense [_]
Berserker's Fury [x]
Item Daily [_]


List things such as potions and other consumable items here. If none, just write "None."
Important Features:
Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any passive effects that are more than a flat increase to attack, defense, hp, or a skill (such as being able to use perception for initiative rolls), any effect that are triggered by certain other effects (such as an attack boost vs bloodied foes), and so on. If it is relevant info that is not directly represented elsewhere in the combat block or in your character sheet, it needs to go here.

Item Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any effects listed as 'Property' on a magic item, as well as any specific traits of the item itself (such as Brutal and other effects on certain weapons, special effects from superior implements, etc.). Again, if it is relevant it needs to be listed.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Basil shrugs as the scout-commander dashing over. What trouble are we in? the fairy thinks. As Bresda lands the mighty blow on the larger wolf, he ignores the thought. At least he is helping. The wolf very obviously near death, Basil says to it, "You should have listened," before plunging the pint-sized rapier into the beast, ending its life.
Move: Unbalancing Trick on Dire Wolf 3
The next time I hit dire wolf 3 with an MBA, it's knocked prone

Standard: MBA on Dire Wolf 3
Attack: 8(1d20) +15 = 23 vs AC = Hit
Damage: 3(1d8) +13(2d8) +9 = 25 Dire Wolf 3 ded & I knock its corpse prone
Combat Block
Basil Broadleaf

Male Pixie Thief 5
Languages: Common, Fey, Elvish
Age: 122, looks 22
Height: 9", 5'1" in larger size
Weight: 1.5 lbs., 95 lbs. in larger size

Speed: 4 (6 fly)
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 21
Passive Insight: 19
Senses: Low-light

AC: 19
Fort: 15
Reflex: 19
Will: 16
HP: 43/43
Bloodied: 21
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 6/6
Action Points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Tactical Trick
Unbalancing Trick
Escape Artist's Trick


Second Wind [_]
Guidance of the Past [_]
Pixie Dust [_]
Shrink [_]
Backstab [X] [_]
Sneak in the Attack [_]
Cunning Escape [_]

Dynamic Rapier +2 [_]

Amulet of Seduction +1 [_]
Flaying Gloves (heroic tier) [_]


Important Features:
First Strike: At the start of an encounter, you have a combat advantage against any creatures that have not yet acted in that encounter.

Sneak Attack: When you make an attack with a light blade, a hand crossbow, a shortbow, or a sling and hit an enemy granting a combat advantage to you, that enemy takes extra damage based on your level. You can deal this extra damage only once per turn.

Weapon Finesse: When you make a melee basic attack, you can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack roll and the damage roll. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage rolls of weapon attacks using light blades, hand crossbows, shortbows, and slings.

Thief Weapon Talent: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with light blades, hand crossbows, shortbows, and slings.

Skill Mastery: During a skill challenge, whenever you roll a natural 20 on a skill check that would contribute one or more successes to the skill challenge, that check automatically succeeds and counts as one additional success.

Fey Origin: You are considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

Speak with Beasts: You can communicate with natural beasts and fey beasts.

Wee Warrior: You have a reach of 1, rather than the reach of 0 that is typical for a Tiny creature. You also take a -5 penalty to Strength checks to break or force open objects. When wielding a weapon of your size, you follow the same rules that Small creatures do.

Light Blade Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to weapon attack rolls that you make with a light blade. In addition, you gain a +1 bonus to the damage rolls of the weapon attacks that you make with a light blade against a creature granting a combat advantage to you. Both of these bonuses increase to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level.

Backstabber: The extra damage from your Sneak Attack class feature increases from d6s to d8s.

Teeny Target: While you are in an ally's space, you have partial cover against melee and ranged attacks.

Ghost of the Past Level 5 Feature: The first time you use your guidance of the past power to make a History check during an encounter, you do not expend the power.

Battle Awareness: Once per encounter, whenever an enemy that is adjacent to you shifts or makes an attack that does not include you as a target, you can make a melee basic attack against that enemy as an immediate interrupt.

Darkleaf Leather Armor: You gain a +2 bonus to AC against the first attack made against you in each encounter.

Amulet of Seduction: When you impose a charm effect that a save can end, the target takes a -2 penalty to the first saving throw against the effect.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Basil and Ser Bresda's combined efforts take down one of the larger beasts but the others continue to move in. Two attack Edward, knocking the Prince to the ground. Another doing the same to Lorelai. "Need a hand there Brother?" Evaline says, circling round before charging at one of the wolves.

The smaller wolves, fresh to the fight, move in too. One tries to go for the downed Knight of the Flower but misses, while another scrapes harmlessly against Evaline's armour. However the third leaps at Bresda, a flurry of claws and fur knocking him to the ground as well.

Go: Lorelai, Mazera and Edward
Bresda: marks, moves, hits.

Basil: hits, prones, kills.

Dire Wolf 4: moves to (F, 9), hits Edward for 8 damage and knocks him prone.

Dire Wolf 5: moves to (E, 9), hits Edward for 13 damage bloodying him.

Dire Wolf 6: moves to (O, 12), hits Lorelai for 10 damage and knocks her prone.

Evaline: walks to (E, 12), charges to (E, 10), MBA on Dire Wolf 5, hits for 16 damage.

Wolf 9: moves to (M, 11), misses Lorelai.

Wolf 10: moves to (E, 11), misses Evaline.

Wolf 11: moves to (K, 9), hits Bresda for 5 damage and knocks him prone.
Map Info
Undergrowth: The undergrowth is a combination of trees and bushes. For the purpose of this encounter it is impassable

Left edge of the map: The wolves are trying to get to your horses which are left of you. The wolves can reach the horses by entering (E, 1)-(M, 1).
Enemy Info
Dire Wolf: These are the older wolves in the pack. They bear scars of previous battles and hunts. They have fought their way to the top of the pack's pecking order.

Wolf: These are the young wolves in the pack. Smaller and less experienced, they're at the bottom of the pack.
29 Lorelai (N, 10) | HP: 29/48 | Surges: 10/10 | AP: 1/1 | Defender Aura active, prone, Stone Fist Flurry of Blows
26 Mazera (J, 8, 2) | HP: 50/50 | Surges: 10/10 | AP: 1/1 | Elemental Escalation, Dragon Breath
24 Edward (E, 8) | HP: 17/43 | Surges: 8/8 | AP: 1/1 | Bloodied, Devastating Offensive, Prone
21 Wolf 4 (D, 8) | HP: 1/1 |
21 Wolf 5 (N, 11) | HP: 1/1 |
21 Wolf 6 (O, 10) | HP: 1/1 |
17 Basil (N, 10) | HP: 43/43 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 | partial concealment against ranged and melee attacks, +2 to AC to the first attack made against him in the encounter, Backstab (1/2)
13 Bresda (L, 10) | HP: 58/63 | Surges: 14/14 | AP: 1/1 | +2 damage to attack rolls, prone, Rough Strike, Takedown Strike, Beserker's Fury
12 Dire Wolf 4 (F, 9) | HP: ??/?? |
12 Dire Wolf 5 (E, 9) | HP: -16/?? |
12 Dire Wolf 6 (O, 12) | HP: ??/?? |
12 Evaline (E, 10) | HP: 53/53 | Surges: 11/11 | AP: 1/1 | +2 to charge speed and charge attack rolls
8 Wolf 9 (M, 11) | HP: 1/1 |
8 Wolf 10 (E, 11) | HP: 1/1 |
8 Wolf 11 (K, 9) | HP: 1/1 |

Dire Wolf 1 (F, 8) | HP: -73/?? | Dead
Dire Wolf 2 (H, 11) | HP: -75/?? | Dead
Dire Wolf 3 (M, 10) | HP: -85/?? | Dead
Combat Block
Princess Evaline of Amaranthia, of House Adelgard

Female Dragonborn Slayer 5
Speed: 5
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Normal
Languages: Common, Thaliem
Age: 24
Height: 5' 6"

AC: 20
Fort: 19
Reflex: 18
Will: 15
HP: 53/53
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 15
Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Battle Wrath
Berserker's Charge

Second Wind [_]
Inevitable Strike [_]
Power Strike [_] [_]*
Dragonfear [_]
Single Out[_]

Supporting Scale Armor +1 [_]
Battlecrazed Fullblade +1 [_]

*can be used twice per encounter, but only once per turn.


Important Features:
Two-Handed Weapon Expertise: +1 to damage rolls of charge attacks with two-handed melee weapons.

Fast Runner: +2 to speed when you charge or run.

Elemental Origin: You have elemental origin.

Dragonborn Fury: +1 to attacks while bloodied.

Quick Swap: Once during each of your turns, you can take a free action to draw or stow a weapon and then draw another weapon.

Ironwrought Level 5 Feature: While you are bloodied you have resist 2/4/6 to all damage.

Berserker's Fury: Once per day as a free action, you can gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls until the end of the encounter.

Battlecrazed Fullblade +1: While you are bloodied you deal 1d6 damage when you hit with this weapon. This weapon also deals an extra 1[W] damage on a critical hit.

Badge of The Berserker: When charge, your movement made as part of the charge doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.

Iron Armbands of Power: Gain a +2 item bonus to melee damage rolls.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Fialova »

Lorelai watches as the other wolves show up, not eager to have to slay even more of the beasts. She looks around, annoyed, at the gathered creatures, before turning to the larger one and swinging down onto it. As her below connect she quickly shifts into position, bracing for retaliation. Why can't you just eat some other woodland creature like normal?
Move Action: Stand

Minor Action: Call of Challenge
Effect: Wolves 5, 6, 9, 11, and Direwolf 6 are subject to my divine sanction (see combat block) until the end of my next turn.

Standard Action: Healing Strike on Direwolf 6
Attack: 20 vs AC = hit
Hit: 26 radiant damage, and I spend a healing surge to regain 14+1 hp. Per battle cleric's lore, I also gain +2 to attacks until the end of my next turn.

Free Action: Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade +1
Effect: I gain +2 to defenses against Direwolf 6 until the end of my next turn.

Note: I punish shifts, moves, and attacks that don't target me on anything adjacent to me, either via OA (for move) or Righteous Radiance (shifts and attacks not targeting me).
Combat Block

Female Vryloka Cleric|Cavalier 5
Languages: Common, Fey
Age: 27
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 120 lbs.

Speed: 8 (7 bloodied)
Initiative: +10
Passive Perception: 19
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 25
Fort: 18
Reflex: 15
Will: 17
HP: 44/48
Bloodied: 24
Surge Value: 14 (12 when bloodied)
Surges left: 9/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +12 vs AC, 1d12+6 damage
RBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage
Righteous Radiance: 6 radiant damage

7 necrotic

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects:
+2 to defenses against OAs
Targets I grant surges to get +2 to attacks until my EONT
I gain 6 THP when I slay a non-minion
I move first (free action) if not highest initiative
My crits deal max damage +1d12+1d8 damage


Recovery Strike
Defender Aura
Righteous Radiance
Vengeful Strike
Divine Sanction
Imposter's Armor +2

Second Wind [_]
Lifeblood [_]
Healing Word [_]
Healing Strike [X]
Stone Fist Flurry of Blows [X]
Call of Challenge [X]
Holy Smite [_]
Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade +1 [X]
Mercurial Mind (heroic tier) [_]

Moment of Glory [_]
Radiant Delirium [_]

Consumables: None
Important Features:
Divine Sanction: Enemies subject to my divine sanction are marked and take 6 radiant damage the first time each round that they make an attack that doesn't include me as a target.

Defender Aura: While active, enemies within an aura 1 who are not marked take a -2 penalty to attack rolls that don't include me )or someone else with a defender aura active) as a target. Enemies subject to this aura provoke Righteous Radiance when making such an attack or shifting, as well as the standard opportunity attack for moving.

Battle Cleric's Lore: I have a +2 shield bonus to AC, and proficiency in scale armor. Whenever I use a cleric healing power to allow a target to spend a healing surge, that target gains +2 to attacks until the end of my next turn.

Virtue of Valor (Hybrid): +4 to initiative and my healing surge value increases by 2.

Blood Dependency: When bloodied my healing surge value drops by 2.

Living Dead: If an effect affects living creatures and undead creatures in different ways, I get to decide which one applies to me.

Necrotic Resistance: I have 5 + 1/2 my level necrotic resistance.

Vampiric Heritage: I can take Vryloka utility powers in place of other utility powers granted by my class.

Transcendent Order Level 1 Feature: +2 to initiative. When I roll initiative and do not get the highest result, I can use a free action to move up to my speed before everyone else's turns begin.

Transcendent Order Level 5 Feature: +2 to acrobatics and athletics

Monastic Disciple: I gain a monk flurry of blows power as an encounter power, and can use monk implements.

Heavy Blade Expertise: I gain a +2 to defenses against OAs.

Fluid Motion: +1 to speed, +2 at paragon tier.

Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade +1:
* My critical hits with this weapon deal max damage +1d12+1d8 damage, instead of just max damage.
* Gain +1 to initiative
* When I reduce a non-minion to 0 hp I gain 6 temporary hit points.

Healer's Brooch +1: When I use a power to allow a target to regain hit points they regain +1 additional hit points.

Mercurial Mind (heroic tier): +1 speed when not bloodied.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by PureZaros »

Mazera flings a bolt of lighting again, which arcs between two of the newly arrived wolves, crackling as fur burns away. Circling overhead, he cackles as he watches the others fight, before flying off and settling down on the ground a short distance from the brawl. "It's been a long time since I've been able to let loose like this!"
Standard Action: Elemental Bolt
Elemental Escalation!
Attack on Dire Wolf 5: 20 vs Reflex... Hit
Attack on Dire Wolf 4: 26 vs Reflex... Hit
Damage: 27 lightning damage
Dire Wolf 4 and Direwolf 5 both gain vulnerable 3 lightning until the end of my next turn.

Free Action: Mazera flies to [I, 11, 2]

Move Action: Mazera moves to [K, 4], landing on the ground.

Male Dragonborn Elementalist 5
Languages: Common, Thaliem
Age: 72
Height: 5' 2"
Weight: 126 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +2
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 17
Reflex: 13
Will: 20
HP: 50/50
Bloodied: 25
Surge Value: 12
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

10 lightning
Active Effects:


Elemental Bolt
Static Charge
Summoned Armor

[_]Color Orb
[X]Dragon Breath
[_]Dragonflame Mantle
[X] [X] Elemental Escalation
[_]Second Wind
[_]Fey Strike Lancing Dagger

[_] Majestic Word
[_]Fey Strike Lancing Dagger
Important Features:
Arcane Blood: You gain a +1/+2/+3 racial bonus to the damage rolls of your arcane attack powers.
Bozak Instinctive Flight: You gain a fly speed of 6 squares (altitude limit 1). You cannot use this fly speed if you are carrying over a normal load. You must land at the end of your turn.
Dragon Breath Lightning: Dragon Breath does lightning damage.
Elemental Bolt: This power can be used as a ranged basic attack.

Staff Expertise: You gain a +1/+2/+3 feat bonus to attack rolls of implement powers and weapon powers you use with a staff. In addition, when you make a ranged or area attack with a staff as an implement, you don't provoke OA's for doing so.
Superior Implement Training (Lancing Dagger): You can use the Lancing Dagger superior implement.
Draconian Wings: You ignore the speed penalty for heavy armor, and your Instinctive Flight's altitude limit is increased to 2.
Mark of Storm: Whenever you hit an enemy with a thunder or lightning power, you can slide that enemy one square. You gain a +1 bonus to speed while flying. You can master and perform the Endure Elements, Enhance Vessel, Summon Wind, and Walk on Water rituals as if you had the Ritual Caster feat.

Cloak of Distortion +1:You gain an item bonus to all defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away equal to this item's enhancement bonus.
Summoned Cloth Armor +2: At-will power. Minor Action to banish the armor, and another Minor Action at any time to summon the armor as if you had donned it normally.
Bracers of the Perfect Shot (Heroic Tier): When you hit with a ranged basic attack, add +2 to the damage roll.
Fey Strike Lancing Dagger +1:
Encounter power, Standard Action
Effect: You make a MBA as a ranged 20 attack with this weapon.

Daily Power, Free Action
Trigger: You hit an enemy with an attack using this weapon.
Effect: Teleport the target 10 squares to a space adjacent to you.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by kalis5 »

Edward sighs as he stands , shrugging himself off a bit and looking at Evaline.
"I'm alright. I was expecting Bresda to stay and help, but he is the veteran here. I will have to understand his judgement. Would you mind helping me with these wolves?"
He brings his blade up and slashes down at the wolf between them, leaving it open for Evaline to strike
Move action to stand up again...

Standard Action Hammer and Anvil on Wolf 4: 13(1d20) +10 = 23 +1 Dragonborn Fury.
Damage: 7(1d8) +4 = 11

Evaline's MBA: 9(1d20) +13 = 22
I swapped the target to Dire Wolf 4, so that should be a 20. Think that hits?
Damage: 2(1d12) +17 = 19

Action Point Intuitive Strike on Dire Wolf 5: 7(1d20) +10 = 17
If not dead, any ally with CA against the target gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls until my next turn, not EoNT. So Evaline.

Minor Action Inspiring Word on myself: 10 + 4(1d6) = 4 Healing on myself.
Stat Block
Edward Aelgard
Dragonborn Warlord Level 5
Languages: Common, Draconic

Speed: 5
Initiative: 4
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal

AC: 24
Fort: 17
Reflex: 18
Will: 18
HP: 22/43
Bloodied: 21
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

Vulnerabilities: None
Active Effects: None


Bull Rush Attack
Grab Attack
Opportunity Attack
Intuitive Strike
Commander's Strike

Imposter's Scale Armor +2
Shield of Silver Light


Class Feature Inspiring Word[X][ ]
Class Feature Battlefront Shift [ ]
Level 1 Hammer and Anvil [X]
Level 2 Adaptive Strategy [ ]
Level 3 Devastating Offensive [X]

Vengeful Longsword +1[ ]

Racial Bozak Power Concussive Vengeance [ ]
Runepriest Power Rune of Mending [ ]
Level 2 Lead the Attack [ ]
Level 5 Stand the Fallen [ ]

Brooch of Shielding +1[ ]

Important Features
Class Feats:
Battlefront Leader - Gain proficiency with Heavy Shield and gain the Battlefront Shift power.

Resourceful Presence - When an ally uses an action point to attack, depending on the result of the attack, one of two effects happen. If the attack hits, the ally gains one-half my level + my intelligence modifier damage (3). If it misses, the ally gains one-half my level + my charisma modifier temp HP (3).

Racial Traits:
Dragonborn Fury - Gain +1 to attack rolls while bloodied.

Dragonic Heritage - Healing Surge equals One-Quarter Maximum hit points + Constitution modifier (0).

Notable Feats:
Lend Strength - On granting an attack, Ally gains a +2 attack bonus to the roll.

Armored Warlord - Gain proficiency with Scale mail, gain one healing surge.

Improved Resources - Add 2 to both damage and temp hit points granted by Resourceful Presence.

Heavy Blade Expertise - +1 to attack rolls with a heavy blade, +2 all defenses against OAs.

Student of Divine Runes - Gain access to the Runes of Mending Runepriest Power, gain training in Religion.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The fight continues with the party dealing damage to the pack of wolves and Edward killing one of the beasts. Two of the smaller wolves retaliate against Lorelai but only one manages to harm the knight.

Go: Basil and Bresda
Lorelai: stands, marks, hits, heals.

Mazera: hits, hits, bloodies, moves.

Edward: stands, hits, kills, Evaline hits and bloodies, uses action point, hits, heals.

Wolf 5: misses Lorelai

Wolf 6: hits Lorelai for 6 damage.
Map Info
Undergrowth: The undergrowth is a combination of trees and bushes. For the purpose of this encounter it is impassable

Left edge of the map: The wolves are trying to get to your horses which are left of you. The wolves can reach the horses by entering (E, 1)-(M, 1).
Enemy Info
Dire Wolf: These are the older wolves in the pack. They bear scars of previous battles and hunts. They have fought their way to the top of the pack's pecking order.

Wolf: These are the young wolves in the pack. Smaller and less experienced, they're at the bottom of the pack.
29 Lorelai (N, 10) | HP: 40/48 | Surges: 9/10 | AP: 1/1 | Defender Aura active, +2 to attacks until EONT, +2 to defenses against Direwolf 6 until EONT, Stone Fist Flurry of Blows, Call of Challenge, Healing Strike, Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade +1
26 Mazera (K, 4) | HP: 50/50 | Surges: 10/10 | AP: 1/1 | Elemental Escalation, Dragon Breath
24 Edward (E, 8) | HP: 21/43 | Surges: 7/8 | AP: 0/1 | Bloodied, Devastating Offensive, Hammer and Anvil, Inspiring Word (1/2)
21 Wolf 5 (N, 11) | HP: 1/1 | takes 6 radiant damage the first time each round that they make an attack that doesn't include Lorelai as a target
21 Wolf 6 (O, 10) | HP: 1/1 | takes 6 radiant damage the first time each round that they make an attack that doesn't include Lorelai as a target
17 Basil (N, 10) | HP: 43/43 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 | partial concealment against ranged and melee attacks, +2 to AC to the first attack made against him in the encounter, Backstab (1/2)
13 Bresda (L, 10) | HP: 58/63 | Surges: 14/14 | AP: 1/1 | +2 damage to attack rolls, prone, Rough Strike, Takedown Strike, Beserker's Fury
12 Dire Wolf 4 (F, 9) | HP: -46/?? | vulnerable 3 lightning until Mazera EONT, Bloodied
12 Dire Wolf 5 (E, 9) | HP: -60/?? | vulnerable 3 lightning until Mazera EONT, any ally with CA against the target gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls until Edward's next turn,Bloodied
12 Dire Wolf 6 (O, 12) | HP: -26/?? | takes 6 radiant damage the first time each round that they make an attack that doesn't include Lorelai as a target
12 Evaline (E, 10) | HP: 53/53 | Surges: 11/11 | AP: 1/1 | +2 to charge speed and charge attack rolls
8 Wolf 9 (M, 11) | HP: 1/1 | takes 6 radiant damage the first time each round that they make an attack that doesn't include Lorelai as a target
8 Wolf 10 (E, 11) | HP: 1/1 |
8 Wolf 11 (K, 9) | HP: 1/1 | takes 6 radiant damage the first time each round that they make an attack that doesn't include Lorelai as a target

Dire Wolf 1 (F, 8) | HP: -73/?? | Dead
Dire Wolf 2 (H, 11) | HP: -75/?? | Dead
Dire Wolf 3 (M, 10) | HP: -85/?? | Dead
Combat Block
Princess Evaline of Amaranthia, of House Adelgard

Female Dragonborn Slayer 5
Speed: 5
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Normal
Languages: Common, Thaliem
Age: 24
Height: 5' 6"

AC: 20
Fort: 19
Reflex: 18
Will: 15
HP: 53/53
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 15
Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Battle Wrath
Berserker's Charge

Second Wind [_]
Inevitable Strike [_]
Power Strike [_] [_]*
Dragonfear [_]
Single Out[_]

Supporting Scale Armor +1 [_]
Battlecrazed Fullblade +1 [_]

*can be used twice per encounter, but only once per turn.


Important Features:
Two-Handed Weapon Expertise: +1 to damage rolls of charge attacks with two-handed melee weapons.

Fast Runner: +2 to speed when you charge or run.

Elemental Origin: You have elemental origin.

Dragonborn Fury: +1 to attacks while bloodied.

Quick Swap: Once during each of your turns, you can take a free action to draw or stow a weapon and then draw another weapon.

Ironwrought Level 5 Feature: While you are bloodied you have resist 2/4/6 to all damage.

Berserker's Fury: Once per day as a free action, you can gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls until the end of the encounter.

Battlecrazed Fullblade +1: While you are bloodied you deal 1d6 damage when you hit with this weapon. This weapon also deals an extra 1[W] damage on a critical hit.

Badge of The Berserker: When charge, your movement made as part of the charge doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.

Iron Armbands of Power: Gain a +2 item bonus to melee damage rolls.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

It's amazing that dogs turned out so lovable when they came from these things, the fairy thinks, jabbing away at one of the larger wolves again.
Move: Tactical Trick
Ignore movement & gain CA against every enemy with ally adjacent until EONT

Standard: MBA on Dire Wolf 6
Attack: 15(1d20) +15 = 30 vs AC = Hit
Damage: 5(1d8) +3(2d8) +9 = 17

Battle Awareness Feat: If Dire Wolf 6 shifts or makes an attack that doesn't include me as a target, I make a MBA as an immediate interrupt

Darkleaf Leather Armor: I gain a +2 to AC to the first made against me in the counter
Combat Block
Basil Broadleaf

Male Pixie Thief 5
Languages: Common, Fey, Elvish
Age: 122, looks 22
Height: 9", 5'1" in larger size
Weight: 1.5 lbs., 95 lbs. in larger size

Speed: 4 (6 fly)
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 21
Passive Insight: 19
Senses: Low-light

AC: 19
Fort: 15
Reflex: 19
Will: 16
HP: 43/43
Bloodied: 21
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 6/6
Action Points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Tactical Trick
Unbalancing Trick
Escape Artist's Trick


Second Wind [_]
Guidance of the Past [_]
Pixie Dust [_]
Shrink [_]
Backstab [X] [_]
Sneak in the Attack [_]
Cunning Escape [_]

Dynamic Rapier +2 [_]

Amulet of Seduction +1 [_]
Flaying Gloves (heroic tier) [_]


Important Features:
First Strike: At the start of an encounter, you have a combat advantage against any creatures that have not yet acted in that encounter.

Sneak Attack: When you make an attack with a light blade, a hand crossbow, a shortbow, or a sling and hit an enemy granting a combat advantage to you, that enemy takes extra damage based on your level. You can deal this extra damage only once per turn.

Weapon Finesse: When you make a melee basic attack, you can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack roll and the damage roll. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage rolls of weapon attacks using light blades, hand crossbows, shortbows, and slings.

Thief Weapon Talent: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with light blades, hand crossbows, shortbows, and slings.

Skill Mastery: During a skill challenge, whenever you roll a natural 20 on a skill check that would contribute one or more successes to the skill challenge, that check automatically succeeds and counts as one additional success.

Fey Origin: You are considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

Speak with Beasts: You can communicate with natural beasts and fey beasts.

Wee Warrior: You have a reach of 1, rather than the reach of 0 that is typical for a Tiny creature. You also take a -5 penalty to Strength checks to break or force open objects. When wielding a weapon of your size, you follow the same rules that Small creatures do.

Light Blade Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to weapon attack rolls that you make with a light blade. In addition, you gain a +1 bonus to the damage rolls of the weapon attacks that you make with a light blade against a creature granting a combat advantage to you. Both of these bonuses increase to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level.

Backstabber: The extra damage from your Sneak Attack class feature increases from d6s to d8s.

Teeny Target: While you are in an ally's space, you have partial cover against melee and ranged attacks.

Ghost of the Past Level 5 Feature: The first time you use your guidance of the past power to make a History check during an encounter, you do not expend the power.

Battle Awareness: Once per encounter, whenever an enemy that is adjacent to you shifts or makes an attack that does not include you as a target, you can make a melee basic attack against that enemy as an immediate interrupt.

Darkleaf Leather Armor: You gain a +2 bonus to AC against the first attack made against you in each encounter.

Amulet of Seduction: When you impose a charm effect that a save can end, the target takes a -2 penalty to the first saving throw against the effect.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by ratwizard »

Ser Bresda manages to shove the wolf off from mauling him, and he stands back up, wielding his heavy warhammer. Spirits of the wild, hear my call! he whispers, before slamming his weapon down in a vicious manner into the ground below. A seismic wave shunts the terrain wildly and shatters the surface of the ground out in front of him. The quaking terrain snaps the bones of two of the wolves, killing them outright as it radiates outward in loud cracks. The more vicious, heavier wolf is dashed to the ground, bloody but still alive. He turns to face one of the remaining wolves, ready to draw the quake its way.
Stand from prone.
Earth-Shaking Rend from M11 to O13. Auto kills Wolf 9 and 5. Roll for DF6. Hits DF6 for AC22, 13 damage and prone. Creates difficult terrain in that field and a creature ending it's turn there is knocked prone.
Attack: 11(1d20) +11 = 22; 3(1d10) +10 = 13

Free: Mark Wolf 6. If it attacks not-me, I slide it to N11 and it is slowed and unable to shift TENT.
Combat Block
Ser Bresda Hessock

Male Mul Warden 5
Languages: Common
Age: 38
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 170 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 20
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 23
Fort: 19
Reflex: 16
Will: 15
HP: 58/63
Bloodied: 31
Surge Value: 15
Surges left: 14/14
Action Points: 1




Active Effects:
+2 to damage rolls til end of fight.


Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Thorn Strike
Weight of Earth
Summoned Armor

Second Wind [_]
Incredible Toughness [_]
Takedown Strike [x]
Rough Strike [x]
Roots of Stone [_]
Amulet of Life +1 [_]

Form of Winter's Herald [_]
Earth-Shaking Rend [x]
Nature Sense [_]
Berserker's Fury [x]
Item Daily [_]


List things such as potions and other consumable items here. If none, just write "None."
Important Features:
Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any passive effects that are more than a flat increase to attack, defense, hp, or a skill (such as being able to use perception for initiative rolls), any effect that are triggered by certain other effects (such as an attack boost vs bloodied foes), and so on. If it is relevant info that is not directly represented elsewhere in the combat block or in your character sheet, it needs to go here.

Item Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any effects listed as 'Property' on a magic item, as well as any specific traits of the item itself (such as Brutal and other effects on certain weapons, special effects from superior implements, etc.). Again, if it is relevant it needs to be listed.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The wolves near the royal offspring gang up on Evaline, knocking her to the ground, while one wolf manages to claw at Basil. Evaline fights back, killing one of the larger beasts with a heavy blow to its skull. She is hit again by a smaller wolf, while another misses Bresda before Lorelai's rose brand starts to burn, killing it.

Go: Lorelai, Mazera and Edward
Basil: moves(ish), hits, bloodies.

Bresda: stands, hits x3, kills, kills, prones, marks.

Dire Wolf 4: hits Evaline for 11 damage.

Dire Wolf 5: hits Evaline for 10 damage and knocks her prone.

Dire Wolf 6: stands, hits Basil for 6 damage, takes 6 radiant damage, is knocked prone.

Evaline: stands, hits Dire Wolf 5 for 23 damage, kills, uses Dragon Fear, hits Wolf 10.

Wolf 10: hits Evaline for 7 damage bloodying her.

Wolf 11: misses Bresda, takes 6 radiant damage and dies.
Map Info
Undergrowth: The undergrowth is a combination of trees and bushes. For the purpose of this encounter it is impassable

Left edge of the map: The wolves are trying to get to your horses which are left of you. The wolves can reach the horses by entering (E, 1)-(M, 1).

Auras: Red: Bresda's Earth-Shaking Rend - Creates difficult terrain in that field and a creature ending it's turn there is knocked prone.
Enemy Info
Dire Wolf: These are the older wolves in the pack. They bear scars of previous battles and hunts. They have fought their way to the top of the pack's pecking order.

Wolf: These are the young wolves in the pack. Smaller and less experienced, they're at the bottom of the pack.
29 Lorelai (N, 10) | HP: 40/48 | Surges: 9/10 | AP: 1/1 | Defender Aura active, +2 to attacks until EONT, +2 to defenses against Direwolf 6 until EONT, Stone Fist Flurry of Blows, Call of Challenge, Healing Strike, Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade +1
26 Mazera (K, 4) | HP: 50/50 | Surges: 10/10 | AP: 1/1 | Elemental Escalation, Dragon Breath
24 Edward (E, 8) | HP: 21/43 | Surges: 7/8 | AP: 0/1 | Bloodied, Devastating Offensive, Hammer and Anvil, Inspiring Word (1/2)
21 Wolf 6 (O, 10) | HP: 1/1 | takes 6 radiant damage the first time each round that they make an attack that doesn't include Lorelai as a target, marked by Bresda
17 Basil (N, 10) | HP: 37/43 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 | partial concealment against ranged and melee attacks, +2 to AC to the first attack made against him in the encounter, CA against every enemy with ally adjacent until EONT, Backstab (1/2)
13 Bresda (L, 10) | HP: 58/63 | Surges: 14/14 | AP: 1/1 | +2 damage to attack rolls, aura until EONT, Rough Strike, Takedown Strike, Beserker's Fury, Earth-Shaking Rend
12 Dire Wolf 4 (F, 9) | HP: -46/?? | vulnerable 3 lightning until Mazera EONT, Bloodied
12 Dire Wolf 6 (O, 12) | HP: -64/?? | takes 6 radiant damage the first time each round that they make an attack that doesn't include Lorelai as a target, if it shifts or makes an attack that doesn't include Basil as a target, he makes a MBA as an immediate interrupt, prone, Bloodied
12 Evaline (E, 10) | HP: 25/53 | Surges: 11/11 | AP: 1/1 | +2 to charge speed and charge attack rolls, Bloodied, Dragonfear
8 Wolf 10 (E, 11) | HP: 1/1 | -2 to attack rolls and granting CA until Evaline EONT

Dire Wolf 1 (F, 8) | HP: -73/?? | Dead
Dire Wolf 2 (H, 11) | HP: -75/?? | Dead
Dire Wolf 3 (M, 10) | HP: -85/?? | Dead
Dire Wolf 5 (E, 9) | HP: -83/?? | Dead
Combat Block
Princess Evaline of Amaranthia, of House Adelgard

Female Dragonborn Slayer 5
Speed: 5
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Normal
Languages: Common, Thaliem
Age: 24
Height: 5' 6"

AC: 20
Fort: 19
Reflex: 18
Will: 15
HP: 53/53
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 15
Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Battle Wrath
Berserker's Charge

Second Wind [_]
Inevitable Strike [_]
Power Strike [_] [_]*
Dragonfear [x]
Single Out[_]

Supporting Scale Armor +1 [_]
Battlecrazed Fullblade +1 [_]

*can be used twice per encounter, but only once per turn.


Important Features:
Two-Handed Weapon Expertise: +1 to damage rolls of charge attacks with two-handed melee weapons.

Fast Runner: +2 to speed when you charge or run.

Elemental Origin: You have elemental origin.

Dragonborn Fury: +1 to attacks while bloodied.

Quick Swap: Once during each of your turns, you can take a free action to draw or stow a weapon and then draw another weapon.

Ironwrought Level 5 Feature: While you are bloodied you have resist 2/4/6 to all damage.

Berserker's Fury: Once per day as a free action, you can gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls until the end of the encounter.

Battlecrazed Fullblade +1: While you are bloodied you deal 1d6 damage when you hit with this weapon. This weapon also deals an extra 1[W] damage on a critical hit.

Badge of The Berserker: When charge, your movement made as part of the charge doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.

Iron Armbands of Power: Gain a +2 item bonus to melee damage rolls.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Fialova »

Lorelai notices the prince and princess in trouble across the road, and quickly disposes of the larger of her foes. Avoiding the other, she rushes to their aid, ready to strike back if either beast tries to attack one of the royal siblings. Why are they being left alone over here? This seems reckless. "Keep fighting, prince," she says once she nears. "They are only beasts, and need not be feared."
Standard Action: Recovery Strike on Direwolf 6
Attack: 33 vs AC
Hit: 11 radiant damage and dead. Per my weapon's property, I gain 6 THP. (If not dead for some reason, the next ally to hit it before the end of my next turn regains 4 hp.)

Free Action: Mercurial Mind (heroic tier) on hit
Effect: I shift to (L, 11)

Free Action: Lifeblood on death of Direwolf 6
Effect: I gain +2 to attacks until the end of my next turn.

Move Action: Move to (F, 10), avoiding OAs. Wolf 10 and Direwolf 4 are now subject to my Defender Aura.

Minor Action: Healing Word on Edward
Effect: Edward spends a healing surge and regains 7 additional hp, for a total of 17 hp healed, and is no longer bloodied. Edward gains +2 to attacks until the end of my next turn.

Note: I punish shifts, moves, and attacks that don't target me on anything adjacent to me, either via OA (for move) or Righteous Radiance (shifts and attacks not targeting me).
Combat Block

Female Vryloka Cleric|Cavalier 5
Languages: Common, Fey
Age: 27
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 120 lbs.

Speed: 8 (7 bloodied)
Initiative: +10
Passive Perception: 19
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 25
Fort: 18
Reflex: 15
Will: 17
HP: 40+6/48
Bloodied: 24
Surge Value: 14 (12 when bloodied)
Surges left: 9/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +12 vs AC, 1d12+6 damage
RBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage
Righteous Radiance: 6 radiant damage

7 necrotic

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects:
+2 to defenses against OAs
Targets I grant surges to get +2 to attacks until my EONT
I gain 6 THP when I slay a non-minion
I move first (free action) if not highest initiative
My crits deal max damage +1d12+1d8 damage


Recovery Strike
Defender Aura
Righteous Radiance
Vengeful Strike
Divine Sanction
Imposter's Armor +2

Second Wind [_]
Lifeblood [X]
Healing Word [X]
Healing Strike [X]
Stone Fist Flurry of Blows [X]
Call of Challenge [X]
Holy Smite [_]
Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade +1 [X]
Mercurial Mind (heroic tier) [X]

Moment of Glory [_]
Radiant Delirium [_]

Consumables: None
Important Features:
Divine Sanction: Enemies subject to my divine sanction are marked and take 6 radiant damage the first time each round that they make an attack that doesn't include me as a target.

Defender Aura: While active, enemies within an aura 1 who are not marked take a -2 penalty to attack rolls that don't include me )or someone else with a defender aura active) as a target. Enemies subject to this aura provoke Righteous Radiance when making such an attack or shifting, as well as the standard opportunity attack for moving.

Battle Cleric's Lore: I have a +2 shield bonus to AC, and proficiency in scale armor. Whenever I use a cleric healing power to allow a target to spend a healing surge, that target gains +2 to attacks until the end of my next turn.

Virtue of Valor (Hybrid): +4 to initiative and my healing surge value increases by 2.

Blood Dependency: When bloodied my healing surge value drops by 2.

Living Dead: If an effect affects living creatures and undead creatures in different ways, I get to decide which one applies to me.

Necrotic Resistance: I have 5 + 1/2 my level necrotic resistance.

Vampiric Heritage: I can take Vryloka utility powers in place of other utility powers granted by my class.

Transcendent Order Level 1 Feature: +2 to initiative. When I roll initiative and do not get the highest result, I can use a free action to move up to my speed before everyone else's turns begin.

Transcendent Order Level 5 Feature: +2 to acrobatics and athletics

Monastic Disciple: I gain a monk flurry of blows power as an encounter power, and can use monk implements.

Heavy Blade Expertise: I gain a +2 to defenses against OAs.

Fluid Motion: +1 to speed, +2 at paragon tier.

Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade +1:
* My critical hits with this weapon deal max damage +1d12+1d8 damage, instead of just max damage.
* Gain +1 to initiative
* When I reduce a non-minion to 0 hp I gain 6 temporary hit points.

Healer's Brooch +1: When I use a power to allow a target to regain hit points they regain +1 additional hit points.

Mercurial Mind (heroic tier): +1 speed when not bloodied.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by PureZaros »

Moving back into the fray somewhat Mazera casts another crackling net into the woves, badly shocking one, while another collapses to the ground convulsing as its eyes begin to boil and melt. He sees Evaline beginning to falter slightly, and calls out some encouragement to her. "Come now, the end is upon us! Gather your wits, and strike well!"
Move Action: Mazera to [H, 10]

Standard Action: Static Charge
Attack on Dire Wolf 4: 23 vs Reflex... Hit
Attack on Wolf 10: 24 vs Reflex... Hit
Damage: 17 lightning damage
+3 extra lightning damage on Dire Wolf 4 from vulnerability for a total of 20 lightning damage.
One enemy adjacent to my target takes 5 extra lighting damage (not applicable).
Wolf 10 just dies. Explodes and dies. Terribly.

Minor Action: Majestic Word on Evaline
Evaline spends a healing surge and gains an additional 5 hp, granting 20 hp and bringing her back up to 45 hp, unbloodying her. I slide Evaline 1 square. (you choose where to slide her, Jake.)

Male Dragonborn Elementalist 5
Languages: Common, Thaliem
Age: 72
Height: 5' 2"
Weight: 126 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +2
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 17
Reflex: 13
Will: 20
HP: 50/50
Bloodied: 25
Surge Value: 12
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

10 lightning
Active Effects:


Elemental Bolt
Static Charge
Summoned Armor

[_]Color Orb
[X]Dragon Breath
[_]Dragonflame Mantle
[X] [X] Elemental Escalation
[_]Second Wind
[_]Fey Strike Lancing Dagger

[X] Majestic Word
[_]Fey Strike Lancing Dagger
Important Features:
Arcane Blood: You gain a +1/+2/+3 racial bonus to the damage rolls of your arcane attack powers.
Bozak Instinctive Flight: You gain a fly speed of 6 squares (altitude limit 1). You cannot use this fly speed if you are carrying over a normal load. You must land at the end of your turn.
Dragon Breath Lightning: Dragon Breath does lightning damage.
Elemental Bolt: This power can be used as a ranged basic attack.

Staff Expertise: You gain a +1/+2/+3 feat bonus to attack rolls of implement powers and weapon powers you use with a staff. In addition, when you make a ranged or area attack with a staff as an implement, you don't provoke OA's for doing so.
Superior Implement Training (Lancing Dagger): You can use the Lancing Dagger superior implement.
Draconian Wings: You ignore the speed penalty for heavy armor, and your Instinctive Flight's altitude limit is increased to 2.
Mark of Storm: Whenever you hit an enemy with a thunder or lightning power, you can slide that enemy one square. You gain a +1 bonus to speed while flying. You can master and perform the Endure Elements, Enhance Vessel, Summon Wind, and Walk on Water rituals as if you had the Ritual Caster feat.

Cloak of Distortion +1:You gain an item bonus to all defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away equal to this item's enhancement bonus.
Summoned Cloth Armor +2: At-will power. Minor Action to banish the armor, and another Minor Action at any time to summon the armor as if you had donned it normally.
Bracers of the Perfect Shot (Heroic Tier): When you hit with a ranged basic attack, add +2 to the damage roll.
Fey Strike Lancing Dagger +1:
Encounter power, Standard Action
Effect: You make a MBA as a ranged 20 attack with this weapon.

Daily Power, Free Action
Trigger: You hit an enemy with an attack using this weapon.
Effect: Teleport the target 10 squares to a space adjacent to you.
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Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by kalis5 »

Edward nods to Lorelai in thanks for her kind words. He stands and raises his sword high, bringing it crashing down on the wolf threatening him and Evaline, opening it up for further punishment from his companions.
Intuitive Strike on Dire Wolf 4: 12(1d20) +10 = 22 Forgot the +2 that's 24.
Damage: 3(1d8) +1 = 4
Dire Wolf 4 is now granting +2 to any attack roll from my allies until my next turn.
Stat Block
Edward Aelgard
Dragonborn Warlord Level 5
Languages: Common, Draconic

Speed: 5
Initiative: 4
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal

AC: 24
Fort: 17
Reflex: 18
Will: 18
HP: 39/43
Bloodied: 21
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

Vulnerabilities: None
Active Effects: None


Bull Rush Attack
Grab Attack
Opportunity Attack
Intuitive Strike
Commander's Strike

Imposter's Scale Armor +2
Shield of Silver Light


Class Feature Inspiring Word[X][ ]
Class Feature Battlefront Shift [ ]
Level 1 Hammer and Anvil [X]
Level 2 Adaptive Strategy [ ]
Level 3 Devastating Offensive [X]

Vengeful Longsword +1[ ]

Racial Bozak Power Concussive Vengeance [ ]
Runepriest Power Rune of Mending [ ]
Level 2 Lead the Attack [ ]
Level 5 Stand the Fallen [ ]

Brooch of Shielding +1[ ]

Important Features
Class Feats:
Battlefront Leader - Gain proficiency with Heavy Shield and gain the Battlefront Shift power.

Resourceful Presence - When an ally uses an action point to attack, depending on the result of the attack, one of two effects happen. If the attack hits, the ally gains one-half my level + my intelligence modifier damage (3). If it misses, the ally gains one-half my level + my charisma modifier temp HP (3).

Racial Traits:
Dragonborn Fury - Gain +1 to attack rolls while bloodied.

Dragonic Heritage - Healing Surge equals One-Quarter Maximum hit points + Constitution modifier (0).

Notable Feats:
Lend Strength - On granting an attack, Ally gains a +2 attack bonus to the roll.

Armored Warlord - Gain proficiency with Scale mail, gain one healing surge.

Improved Resources - Add 2 to both damage and temp hit points granted by Resourceful Presence.

Heavy Blade Expertise - +1 to attack rolls with a heavy blade, +2 all defenses against OAs.

Student of Divine Runes - Gain access to the Runes of Mending Runepriest Power, gain training in Religion.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Namelessjake »

As Lorelai, Mazera and Edward all attack, they each manage to kill one of the beasts, leaving a lone wolf, which bites at Basil. However the fairy easily dodges the snarling teeth and the wolf falls on the aftermath of Ser Bresda's pounding of the ground, knocking the creature to the floor.

Go: Basil and Bresda
Lorelai: hits, kills, gains 6 THP, shifts, moves, heals.

Mazera: moves, hits, hits, kills, heals, shifts Evaline to F11.

Edward: hits, kills.

Wolf 6: Attacks Basil, misses, slid by Bresda, ends turn and is proned.
Map Info
Undergrowth: The undergrowth is a combination of trees and bushes. For the purpose of this encounter it is impassable

Left edge of the map: The wolves are trying to get to your horses which are left of you. The wolves can reach the horses by entering (E, 1)-(M, 1).

Auras: Red: Bresda's Earth-Shaking Rend - Creates difficult terrain in that field and a creature ending it's turn there is knocked prone.
Enemy Info
Dire Wolf: These are the older wolves in the pack. They bear scars of previous battles and hunts. They have fought their way to the top of the pack's pecking order.

Wolf: These are the young wolves in the pack. Smaller and less experienced, they're at the bottom of the pack.
29 Lorelai (F, 10) | HP: 40/48 | THP: 6 | Surges: 9/10 | AP: 1/1 | Defender Aura active, +2 to attacks until EONT, Stone Fist Flurry of Blows, Call of Challenge, Healing Strike, Lifeblood, Healing Word, Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade +1, Mercurial Mind (heroic tier)
26 Mazera (H, 10) | HP: 50/50 | Surges: 10/10 | AP: 1/1 | Elemental Escalation, Dragon Breath, Majestic Word
24 Edward (E, 8) | HP: 38/43 | Surges: 6/8 | AP: 0/1 | +2 to attacks until the end of Lorelai's next turn, Devastating Offensive, Hammer and Anvil, Inspiring Word (1/2)
21 Wolf 6 (O, 10) | HP: 1/1 | marked by Bresda, slowed, unable to shift TENT, prone
17 Basil (N, 10) | HP: 37/43 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 | partial concealment against ranged and melee attacks, +2 to AC to the first attack made against him in the encounter, CA against every enemy with ally adjacent until EONT, Backstab (1/2)
13 Bresda (L, 10) | HP: 58/63 | Surges: 14/14 | AP: 1/1 | +2 damage to attack rolls, aura until EONT, Rough Strike, Takedown Strike, Beserker's Fury, Earth-Shaking Rend
12 Evaline (F, 11) | HP: 45/53 | Surges: 10/11 | AP: 1/1 | +2 to charge speed and charge attack rolls, Dragonfear

Dire Wolf 1 (F, 8) | HP: -73/?? | Dead
Dire Wolf 2 (H, 11) | HP: -75/?? | Dead
Dire Wolf 3 (M, 10) | HP: -85/?? | Dead
Dire Wolf 5 (E, 9) | HP: -83/?? | Dead
Dire Wolf 6 (O, 12) | HP: -75/?? | Dead
Dire Wolf 4 (F, 9) | HP: -71/?? | Dead
Combat Block
Princess Evaline of Amaranthia, of House Adelgard

Female Dragonborn Slayer 5
Speed: 5
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Normal
Languages: Common, Thaliem
Age: 24
Height: 5' 6"

AC: 20
Fort: 19
Reflex: 18
Will: 15
HP: 45/53
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 15
Surges left: 10/11
Action Points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Battle Wrath
Berserker's Charge

Second Wind [_]
Inevitable Strike [_]
Power Strike [_] [_]*
Dragonfear [x]
Single Out[_]

Supporting Scale Armor +1 [_]
Battlecrazed Fullblade +1 [_]

*can be used twice per encounter, but only once per turn.


Important Features:
Two-Handed Weapon Expertise: +1 to damage rolls of charge attacks with two-handed melee weapons.

Fast Runner: +2 to speed when you charge or run.

Elemental Origin: You have elemental origin.

Dragonborn Fury: +1 to attacks while bloodied.

Quick Swap: Once during each of your turns, you can take a free action to draw or stow a weapon and then draw another weapon.

Ironwrought Level 5 Feature: While you are bloodied you have resist 2/4/6 to all damage.

Berserker's Fury: Once per day as a free action, you can gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls until the end of the encounter.

Battlecrazed Fullblade +1: While you are bloodied you deal 1d6 damage when you hit with this weapon. This weapon also deals an extra 1[W] damage on a critical hit.

Badge of The Berserker: When charge, your movement made as part of the charge doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.

Iron Armbands of Power: Gain a +2 item bonus to melee damage rolls.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by ratwizard »

With the last wolf trembling under the shaky ground, Ser Bresda steps up and puts it out of its misery with a heavy crack of his hammer. Instantly, the earth beneath stops its vicious quaking and stands calm again.
Walk to M10.
Weight of Earth on last Wolf. Hits AC 29 and kills.
Attack: 16(1d20) +13 = 29
Combat Block
Ser Bresda Hessock

Male Mul Warden 5
Languages: Common
Age: 38
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 170 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 20
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 23
Fort: 19
Reflex: 16
Will: 15
HP: 58/63
Bloodied: 31
Surge Value: 15
Surges left: 14/14
Action Points: 1




Active Effects:
+2 to damage rolls til end of fight.


Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Thorn Strike
Weight of Earth
Summoned Armor

Second Wind [_]
Incredible Toughness [_]
Takedown Strike [x]
Rough Strike [x]
Roots of Stone [_]
Amulet of Life +1 [_]

Form of Winter's Herald [_]
Earth-Shaking Rend [x]
Nature Sense [_]
Berserker's Fury [x]
Item Daily [_]


List things such as potions and other consumable items here. If none, just write "None."
Important Features:
Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any passive effects that are more than a flat increase to attack, defense, hp, or a skill (such as being able to use perception for initiative rolls), any effect that are triggered by certain other effects (such as an attack boost vs bloodied foes), and so on. If it is relevant info that is not directly represented elsewhere in the combat block or in your character sheet, it needs to go here.

Item Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any effects listed as 'Property' on a magic item, as well as any specific traits of the item itself (such as Brutal and other effects on certain weapons, special effects from superior implements, etc.). Again, if it is relevant it needs to be listed.
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Re: The Quest For The Rose IC

Post by Namelessjake »

With no sign of any more wolves, Evaline wipes the blood from her sword before stowing it away. "Well that was certainly different to training in the yard," she says, catching her breath for a moment.

Short Rest
Bresda: moves, hits, kills.

Short Rest: Regains encounter powers and spends 1 surge to heal fully.
29 Lorelai (F, 10) | HP: 40/48 | THP: 6 | Surges: 9/10 | AP: 1/1 | Defender Aura active, +2 to attacks until EONT, Stone Fist Flurry of Blows, Call of Challenge, Healing Strike, Lifeblood, Healing Word, Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade +1, Mercurial Mind (heroic tier)
26 Mazera (H, 10) | HP: 50/50 | Surges: 10/10 | AP: 1/1 | Elemental Escalation, Dragon Breath, Majestic Word
24 Edward (E, 8) | HP: 38/43 | Surges: 6/8 | AP: 0/1 | +2 to attacks until the end of Lorelai's next turn, Devastating Offensive, Hammer and Anvil, Inspiring Word (1/2)
17 Basil (N, 10) | HP: 37/43 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 | partial concealment against ranged and melee attacks, +2 to AC to the first attack made against him in the encounter, CA against every enemy with ally adjacent until EONT, Backstab (1/2)
13 Bresda (M, 10) | HP: 58/63 | Surges: 14/14 | AP: 1/1 | +2 damage to attack rolls, aura until EONT, Rough Strike, Takedown Strike, Beserker's Fury, Earth-Shaking Rend
12 Evaline (F, 11) | HP: 53/53 | Surges: 9/11 | AP: 1/1 |
Combat Block
Princess Evaline of Amaranthia, of House Adelgard

Female Dragonborn Slayer 5
Speed: 5
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Normal
Languages: Common, Thaliem
Age: 24
Height: 5' 6"

AC: 20
Fort: 19
Reflex: 18
Will: 15
HP: 53/53
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 15
Surges left: 9/11
Action Points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Battle Wrath
Berserker's Charge

Second Wind [_]
Inevitable Strike [_]
Power Strike [_] [_]*
Dragonfear [_]
Single Out[_]

Supporting Scale Armor +1 [_]
Battlecrazed Fullblade +1 [_]

*can be used twice per encounter, but only once per turn.


Important Features:
Two-Handed Weapon Expertise: +1 to damage rolls of charge attacks with two-handed melee weapons.

Fast Runner: +2 to speed when you charge or run.

Elemental Origin: You have elemental origin.

Dragonborn Fury: +1 to attacks while bloodied.

Quick Swap: Once during each of your turns, you can take a free action to draw or stow a weapon and then draw another weapon.

Ironwrought Level 5 Feature: While you are bloodied you have resist 2/4/6 to all damage.

Berserker's Fury: Once per day as a free action, you can gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls until the end of the encounter.

Battlecrazed Fullblade +1: While you are bloodied you deal 1d6 damage when you hit with this weapon. This weapon also deals an extra 1[W] damage on a critical hit.

Badge of The Berserker: When charge, your movement made as part of the charge doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.

Iron Armbands of Power: Gain a +2 item bonus to melee damage rolls.