The Lion and the Dragon IC

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

The rebel takes a swig from the jug, much of it spilling down his chest as he find difficulty positioning himself. After a long drink, he pulls back to signal he is done and gives a slight smile, or as best of a smile as he can muster. "Thanks..." he says, looking first at Kekeng, then to the man in question. He gives a nod at the vagabond's question before adding, "a ma... massacre. They ca... me and-" he coughs a bit, though no blood appears like with the other man. "And started tor... ching all the homes. An... anyone... not loyal to... the Tenjun," he continues, his speech remaining a bit difficult.

As he speaks, Bao Tap Den's approach is easily spotted by the survivor, who moves to avoid his items being taken by the man. His is quickly knocked unconscious by a blow from Bao Tap Den in response.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"You didn't have to do that," Kekeng says to Bao Tap Den as the gruff man incapacitates the wounded rebel. He sighs. "I do not know if his wounds are too far gone or not." Turning to the others, he looks them over. "Do you have objection to me trying something?" The vagabond takes out his flute.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

"You have your way of doing things music man and I have mine" he says to the frustrated musician. Bao Tap Den tries to search the soldier uninterrupted again.


Thievery check on unconscious soldier to take any weapons he had.
17(1d20) +5 = 22

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Well I'm sure your ways will be of greater help than this guy's," Nanako replies to the bard, gesturing to Bao Tap Den, visibly annoyed with the man. We should not be seeking more violence after all of this destruction. Otherwise everyone ends up hurt.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

With a nod, Kekeng sits in the pool beside rebel, cross-legged; the water seeps up his clothes like leeches, but he does not seem to mind. The vagabond places his lips to the flute, blowing through it a soft and spiraling melody. Closing his eyes and putting all mental fortitude into his work, the man asks the spirits within the flute to make good on the rebel's sacrifice. Bring him health where he brought others hope.


Use Majestic Word on the rebel who Bao Tap Den has knocked out.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

Bao Tap Den

Much like the loaylist, the rebel seems to have dropped his weapons in whatever fighting took place here. However, again like the loyalist, you manage to find a dagger on his person. In addition, you find his jug of ale, a small pouch of some sort of medicine, and small ring made of iron.

With the man knocked unconscious, Bao Tap Den is easily able to seize any possessions the rebel may be carrying. It must be done quickly, though, as the magic from Kekeng's flute reinvigorates the man, who comes to again in no time. Once back awake he blinks a few times and looks around, frowning as his eyes land on the sight of Bao Tap Den, but otherwise does not move from his position. While conscious once more, the spell does not seem to have done much to aid his arrow wounds.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

The practiced bandit takes the dagger, jug of ale, small pouch of mysterious substance and small iron ring before the healed man can resist him. Maybe I can get that soft-hearted off my back with this ale.

He pockets the ring for easy access. This ring looks more personal than valuable. Might be useful in getting this soldier's cooperation later.

Now, time to get some answers. Bao Tap Den grabs hold of the injured man by the collar and whispers You've got some nasty looking arrows here but I can offer you my help. Without it you're sure to die here. I can see to your wounds but I need something from you. Are you interested?

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

The man looks quizzically towards Bao Tap Den, still not fully recovered from being knocked out by the same man only moments before. "What el... else c... could you want... from me?"

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

Still holding the injured soldier, Bao Tap Den says "I want information. We'll start with your name."

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

"It's Q... Quan," the man says with the same amount of difficulty that all of his words had been coming with.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

"Good" Bao Tap Den nodded. "What were you and your friends doing here? Why this village?"

If this guy can tell us why they were here, then maybe we can figure out where they may go so we can stay clear of them. The more battlefields we avoid the better. I've had my fill of vultures.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

"Passing through... headed north," the man says, once more with difficulty. "Only ca... me to this v... village because the... road... was blocked."

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

So the rebels were guided here like we were. Clever Bao Tap Den thought admiringly. "Why north? Who was leading you men?"

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

"Our Captain... Ta Long... dead now," the man responds. "And the fi... fighting is in... the north."

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"We should steer clear of any road that might be subject to fighting," Kekeng says uncomfortably. He briefly examines the man's injuries again, to find the extent that his healing magic has worked.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Unless you'd forgotten, we're headed North," Satomi says to Kekang, having stayed silent leaving the others to their interrogation.

"Pretty soon that'll be every road as we enter the more contested regions."

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Then we don't take the roads," Nanako replies to the former soldier, not keen on encountering more destruction. "I'd rather deal with bandits and wildlife than two armies confronting one another with us stuck in the middle."

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"The young woman is right," Kekeng says with a smile to the grizzled veteran. "Most of my time, I take the roads. More company that way. But sometimes, my soul draws me to the prairies, the hills, the forests of our lands. With our cart, we may be limited, but it's worth a try."

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

Nodding, Bao Tap Den says "We've been doing good so far. We can handle anything in these woods. Releasing the injured rebel Bao Tap Den cracks his knuckles. "We could still get some useful information out of the soldier."

Scenario for discussion

Maybe the party heals both the rebel and the soldier. The party travels north and turns them over to the first army they come across; rescue an injured comrade and deliver a captured enemy. That might let them pass unharmed and cover more distance on the road rather than the woods. Problem is, Bao Tap Den isn't the type of character to think of such a diplomatic solution.

What do y'all think?

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"He deserves our aid, at least," Kekeng says, fiddling with his flute. "Shall I treat him too?"


That sounds like a pretty solid plan to hedge our bets. I agree though -- Kekeng would not be the one to think of that either. He's more of a go-with-the-flow kinda guy. His first instinct is to let the pair of them run free after he patches them up. Live and let live.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Yes. We can't just leave him here to die," Nanako replies to the would-be medic. "The spirits have no part in this war, and will look down upon us if we choose sides." It is a shame that Dragon and Lion have been caught in the midst of this.


It's a plan that could work and could make travel significantly easier if it did, though Nanako wouldn't really like picking sides in the war, especially when it could potentially lead to the prisoner's torture or death. She is probably too compassionate to have any desire to do that.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Maybe we don't leave either to die," Satomi says, gesturing for the others to follow him a couple of steps away from the two wounded men.

Once they are out of earshot he speaks again softly so that the soldiers can't hear. "We could help both and bring them with us. The first army we run across, we hand them over. With either army we've brought them a lost solider and a prisoner. It should at the very least get us past the first patrol we come across, if not further. And we will come across a patrol sooner or later as we head North," he says laying out his carefully thought out plan.

"If bringing them both is too risky we can always just heal one and it's the same situation, a prisoner or a returning soldier. We should just expect a bit less gratitude," he adds.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

Kekeng frowns, but nods. "The thought of hedging our fates with that of another distresses me," he admits. "But this battle... this war..." The man looks around at the bloodbath. "It seems that there is no innocence to be had in any of this."

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Nanako shakes her head in disbelief at the ex-soldier's suggestion, not privy to the idea. "But who are we to decide who goes free and who becomes a prisoner? These men have both been through enough for their lives to hang in the balance of fate," the girl says, not one to commit a likely innocent man to imprisonment or worse.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

Open to the idea, Bao Tap Den says "We don't need to decide their fates" looking at Nanako. "We leave it to fate itself by handing them over to the first army we see. My only question is how do we keep these soldiers from talking too much? After a brief pause he continues with "If they realize our plan, then they will tell their patrols that we are not friends."

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"It is a fair point," Kekeng says through a frowning brow. "Hm. Perhaps we bring only one?"

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

Thinking out loud, Bao Tap Den replies "We would travel faster, but what if the one dies along the way? Our key to getting past an army would be gone and we would be left with a dead body."

Scenario for discussion

Maybe the soldiers are told the situation. Hope they go along with it.

Again, Bao Tap Den wouldn't think of such a peaceful resolution.

Alternatively, the party just needs to keep them out of listening distance. Have one resting in a cart at the back of a travel line while the other gives directions at the front. The party would just need to check with Quen Lu Tam every now and then to reduce the chance of being led to one of the armies or a trap.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Nanako scoffs at the continued plotting of the men, still not wanting to take the chance with imprisoning someone. "Why can't we help both and let them go? They've had enough fighting. They should get to return home after this massacre," the girl speaks up, hoping the others see her point of view. "And maybe these men can tell us of their armies' travel plans so we can avoid them altogether."

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

Kekeng hums a tune, listening intently to Nanako's words. "I think the young woman has a point there." He turns to face her directly. "Perhaps they might warm to your questions? I fear that we may have already soured their disposition," the vagabond says with a grimace.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Nanako grins as the vagabond sees her point, glad that someone is finally listening to her. She nods to the man's words, hoping that she can hold sway with the wounded men. "I can definitely try. But it means some of us need to hold back the aggression," she says, glaring at the monk.

Walking over to the downed rebel soldier, the girl kneels before him. Doing so, she gives him a weak smile, saying, "I must apologize for my companion's earlier actions. His aggression was unbefitting of a monk. I hope you can see past it and let us tend to your wounds as best as we can. Perhaps we can spare some provisions for your own journeys, wherever they might go."

Her eyes pleading with the soldier, she adds, "All I ask in return is some help on our own journey. Any information on where the armies might be headed would be helpful, so that we may avoid more of this horrific destruction." With her last words, she frowns, her eyes glistening as tears begin to moisten them.


Diplomacy to smooth talk him so he helps us out: 14(1d20) +13 = 27

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

"I only knew north... I'm wasn't in charge, only... following orders. Maybe there is... information... on the captain," the man adds. He moves his head a bit, and nods in the direction of the scavengers you saw earlier. "Think he died ov... over there."

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Thank you," Nanako responds to the injured rebel. Turning back towards her companions, she shouts to the monk, "You wanted information? Well we've got it. Now help this man like you promised." Her eyes glare intensely at him, ignited with the fires of Dragon and the desire to save the soldier and keep her word. He'd better keep his word or else. It's like that brute has no idea how to properly interact with people.

Pointing in the direction the soldier gestured, the girl adds, "And somebody look for his captain's body over there."

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

Grimacing at the thought of pulling arrows from the rebel's core, Kekeng nods furiously at Nanako's mention of finding the captain. "Yes, yes. Call out if you need me," he says with a feigned smile and a bow.

"Satomi, would you accompany me?" the vagabond asks, motioning for him to follow.


Perception to find D E D B O Y E: 17(1d20) +6 = 23

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »


You move a ways in the direction that the man indicated, and find that it is near two of the other looters. The area seems rife with corpses, suggesting that some fighting was focused in this area, or perhaps that the now-deceased were trying to hide in one spot. Whatever the reason, there are certainly many bodies to search, and the looters watch you very suspiciously as you approach.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

Meeting the girl's fiery gaze and glaring back, Bao Tap Den thinks to himself This little fireball will likely try to roast me if I snap this guys neck.

He grabs the injured rebel by his armor and pulls him up onto dry land, away from the party. Whilst kneeling by the rebel's side, Bao Tap Den slowly draws out his dagger. I better not regret this.


Heal check to cure rebel of infection.
7(1d20) +6 = 13

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"I mean no harm nor irritation," Kekeng says with a sway as he walks toward a cluster of corpses. Eyes upon the slain men for any signs of heraldry or insignias, he searches for the captain. "Hm," he hums aloud. "Where might you be...?"

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

Try as he might, Bao Tap Den's knowledge of medical practices falls a bit short in his attempt to aid the dying man. Though he is able to cut out some of the arrowheads and infected flesh, it is not enough to entirely undo the damage that had been done. With the arrows removed the man is now bleeding once more, so, like the imperial soldier, it seems there is only a matter of time before he succumbs.


"Oh yeah?" one of them says, her eyes narrowing as Kekeng begins looking around at the bodies. "Then what are you looking for? This is our haul, or didn't you hear my friend earlier?" The woman continues to watch you closely, and some of the others have completely stopped what they are doing to watch as well.


Most of the bodies you find in this spot don't seem to have been armored in whatever fighting befell them, suggesting that these people lived in this village, or were at least here overnight. The few sets of armor you do see in your immediate vicinity are either very generic, or too damaged to make out any sorts of seals or insignias.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

Kekeng slowly turns to the scavengers, nodding rapidly with a smile. "Yes, yes... I will not keep you from your interests. It is information I seek, not spoils." The vagrant shrugs. "A captain, commander, anything like that. I figured they might have fallen over here, where all these... bodies are. I wish to know what happened here, and perhaps -- just perhaps! -- they might have a log, or orders."

"I won't be long," Kekeng promises, going back to his searching -- picking through the armored bodies.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

Upon seeing blood flow from the wounds, Bao Tap Dens rushes off to gather scraps of wood from the area. He breaks off a larger piece from what used to be a house before returning to the man's side. He places the larger wood piece on the ground and arranges the remaining scraps into a miniature structure. I'm glad I remember to build it on a larger, slide-able piece. This will protect from damp grounds and allow for slight movement. He pulls out his flint and steel, barely pausing to remember the man he stole it from, and starts a fire.

Once the flames are strong enough to stand on their own, Bao Tap Den rests his dagger in the heart of the flames. Looking back at the injured man, Bao Tap Den thinks this is going to need to get real hot real quick or this guy isn't going to make it. Bao Tap Den rises to his feet and goes the closest dead body. Looking up to check on the progress of other scavengers he thinks I'll need to tend to this guy quick or I'll miss my opportunity to loot. Bao Tap Den starts to remove the clothes and search for valuables on the body.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »


"Oh yeah?" the woman says again, sounding skeptical but slightly less defensive in tone than the last time. "Well I think Feng found something like that, over there," she says, pointing to a man a ways in the distance, who is far enough to be out of earshot. "Should go talk to him. And don't go stepping on anything valuable on your way there."

Bao Tap Den

You find many bodies still wearing their clothes. While most of the clothing found is dirty or bloody, there are a few sections of multiple different sets that could be cut out to make a bandage if needed. In your search of the most nearby corpses you do not find anything of value, and a few of the scavengers in the distance turn to watch you, skeptically.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Thank you. And if I happen to, you will be the first to know," Kekeng says with saccharine tone. He moves toward where the woman gestured, shaking off a shiver of disgust. We have been reduced to picking apart the slain... This world grows darker.

the vagabond calls as he approaches, giving a bow of his head. "Your friend mentioned finding the body of an official?"

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

"Tch" he breaths out his contempt at the lake of valuables found on the bodies. Bao Tap Den grabs the clothes not thoroughly soiled and returns to the injured rebels. The fire is still going strong while heating the blade. Better keep the dagger in the fire for now. Singling out a clean section of fabric, he places it between his teeth and begins to rip the cloth into strips. He continues with the remaining clothes next to him.

With the bandages ready to go, he grabs the bloody shreds and wrap them into a ball. Bao Tap Den forces wad of blood, cloth, and other more foul substances between the rebel's teeth to prevent the rebel from hurting himself. Bao Tap Den removes the dagger from the fire. It comes out with a hiss while radiating a dim orange glow. Turning to the rebel, Bao Tap Den's eyes meet the rebel's. "Don't worry" he says while positioning himself near the first arrow wound, "this will only hurt a lot."


Heal Check to tend to the Rebel's open arrow wounds.
20(1d20) +6 = 26

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »


"Fish oil? Nah, don't have any of that," the man replies, turning to face Kekeng on his approach. Feng, or at least who you've been told is called Feng, is quite old and scrawny, though, based on the speed he sifts through the items at his feet it appears his fingers are quite nimble. "Best check with a fisherman. No fishermen around here."


The man tries to scream out in pain, and thrashes about as much as possible while being held down, but the gag muffles his voice. When Bao Tap Den removes the heated dagger from the flesh of the man it is apparent that the wound has been sealed. However, as with any burn would, the skin is now prone to infection if not properly cleaned and bandaged.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Nanako grimaces as the man performs a crude kind of surgery, though is impressed at the skills involved during it. She breathes a sigh of relief as the man's near-fatal wounds are finally seared shut, though she remarks, "I hope you've got something up your sleeve to clean his wounds. I'd hate for him to die after going through all that pain."

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Fish oil," Kekeng repeats, shaking his head with a chuckle. "Oh, no. 'Official.' 'Official' is what I had said, my friend." He steps closer with a smile, hoping that closing the gap might do the trick. "You see anything like that around here? I was hoping that I might find more about this... mess."

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

Glaring over his shoulder at Nanako, Bao Tap Den internally sighs and thinks I better use the potion I got off this guy. Bao Tap Den brings out the mysterious bottle he took from the rebel and began to apply it to the seared flesh.


Heal check to cure infection and heal wounds.
1(1d20) +6 = 7

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

[sblock=Kekeng]"Ahh, yes. Hard of hearing, lad, so you will have to speak up. 'Official.' Not sure about that, but did find some sort of ranking army member. Or maybe not, but he had nicer armor and nicer clothes. A good find, yes. If I had any use for it all I'd have half a mine to keep it for myself," the elderly scavenger adds with a chuckle, shuffling over in his squating position to the next body, having apparently exhausted the previous one of its worthwhile belongings.[/sblock]
[sblock=Others]There is no immediately-visible effect to the medicine being applied to the man, as one might expect. However, upon application he does seem to calm down a bit, seeming to be experiencing less overall pain.[/sblock]

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Ah," Kekeng says, nodding. "Could you point me toward this poor soul?" he asks in earnest.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

After examining his work and finding it satisfactory for the time being, Bao Tap Den says "Well that ought to keep you around a bit longer." Standing up and facing Nanako, he sarcastically asks "Happy now fire cracker?" Not waiting for a response, he makes his way to the nearest patch of grass and dirt to clean his hands.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Yes," the girl replies, rolling her eyes at the man's nickname for her before her lips give way to a grateful smile. "And I'm sure this man thanks you as well. As would his family." Let's just hope he can find his way back home and away from the battlefield again.

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