Way Down in the Hole — IC

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Pashalik »

Rajan takes deep breaths once the group is outside, enjoying the fresh air and feel of the sun on his dark skin. He listens to them others, then chimes in, "Yeah, I suppose we've all got things we'd like to do and other places we'd like to be. I agree about sticking together for now, though. Not gonna make it too far on own. I think our first order of business should getting some real clothes and maybe weapons."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

"I'm with you," Yldaren says, stretching his arms. "Til I can find my own way. Then I think I might." He shrugs. "But who knows? Been so long in that damned prison that it's difficult to even think of what to do now that I'm free."

Brelnia nods. "Aye. Got someone I want to meet in Razak. If you're headed there, I'll tag along."

"You sure that's safe?" Ramis asks, a worried look lining his face. "We were slaves. Bought and sold, practically."

"So fuck 'em. If raiders, or politicians, or whoever else wants to try and tie me up, I won't go down as easy this time."

"And the rest of you?" Vanthir asks, his face studying your own.


Forgotten Cave Threshold: Alerio, Zhou Si, Rajanikant, Shakumon, Korgul, Cassandra, Durnom, Yldaren, Brelnia, Bazros, Ramis, Vanthar

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Fialova »

Razak is a ways away, but safety in numbers is good. At least until I've re-equipped myself. I wonder if I can convince any of them to join me in ridding the world of that horrible place? Josie pauses as she thinks, listening as the others speak. At Vanthir's question she responds, "I could come to Razak, for now. But I've people I need to meet up with, so once we are in a safe place I will take my leave."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

It would be foolish to continue back home without protection and provisions, and it would be equally foolish to try and find those in Kelbis, Alerio thinks to himself as some of the party members begin discussing their plans following freedom. Following the Ghian woman, the Talon remarks, "I'll come to Razak as well, at least for some time. I'm sure all of us have lives to get back to once we're capable again."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Pashalik »

"Razak it is, then."

I wonder if I can pinch some decent clothes? Revenge doesn't look good in rags.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

As you are discussing the prospect of heading toward Razak, Bazros lifts a finger ahead. You cast your gaze in the direction of his gesture and see that a dwarven man has crested the hill in front of you.

The man's eyes widen at the sight of you all, and his hand goes for the pommel of the sword at his waist. On his back rests a bow; a quiver of arrows peek out from behind a shoulder. He is suited in light armor, and down his torso sits a formal tabard -- it is emblazoned with the insignia of a hammer and an axe crossed over a crescent moon. The dwarf grits his teeth, taking his hand off his pommel once again. "You from the Hole?"

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Fialova »


History to see if Josie knows anything about the insignia: 4

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »


The insignia looks almost familiar, but you aren't positive.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Pashalik »


History to see if Rakan knows the insignia:7(1d20) +1 = 8

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »


You're pretty sure he's a scout for the Kelbis Militia.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Pashalik »

Rajan's instincts kick in and he smiles for show. "Got a guard here. Be smooth." he says under his breath, hopefully not loud enough for him to hear. He spreads his hands wide. "Hello!
The Hole? That last village wasn't too bad, I wouldn't call it names. My name is Bazad D'hewd, my friends here and I have come a long way, fleeing the sickness."


Bluff to lie ass off and pretend to be refugees:14(1d20) +13 = 27

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Fialova »

Josie's heart begins to beat faster as the man approaches. She hates the prison system and how the inmates are treated, but she has never seen this man before and has no idea if he is as bad as the others. She neither wants to get caught, nor to let the man simply go free to tell the others of his sighting.

"If he asks why we're here, tell him we needed spider venom to create an antitoxin," she responds quietly to Razan, seeing his charisma at play and figuring him to be a better talker than herself. These others better get rid of their picks or think of a good explanation for them fast.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Alerio's eyes widen as the dwarven guard approaches, widening even further as Rajan explains who the man is. We just got out, so there's no way I'm going back in. Taking a deep breath, the Talon lets Rajan do the talking, knowing the man's quick tongue would be more useful than his own. Worse comes to worst, it's twelve against one.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

"The sickness?" asks the dwarf, his eyebrows raising in surprise. He crosses his arms atop his chest and looks the several of you up and down. "Haven't heard any news of plague. Though I'll keep my distance, just in case."

The man nods to Rajan, pointing at the picks they carry. "Though -- what's with the picks? You don't look like any travelers I've ever seen. You mining here without proper permission from the city?"

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Fialova »


Assuming this guy is not above level 10, my passive insight should be high enough to get a read on this guy to see if he believes Rajan's words. Could I get some basic info on if it seems like he is buying it or not?

Also, assuming the above is true, I'd like to have Josie ready to attack this guy as soon as it seems like he doesn't think we're telling the truth and looks like he's about to attack/flee/signal someone.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Pashalik »

Rajan looks shocked at the notion that he or his companions might be criminals, and embarrassed to be found looking so impoverished, the latter not even being an act. "Heavens forfend! We came near what I fear was a giant spider nest, and saw these laying abandoned. I'm not proud to say it, but we weren't in a position to let them go to waste. If we can trade them for a couple coins in the next town we come across, it may save us begging for a night."


Bluff again, to keep pants flammable:
9(1d20) +13 = 22

Poor dorf

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »


You sense that the dwarf isn't fully comfortable in this situation, but Rajan's words are making some sense to him. Mostly, the dwarf seems to be surprised to see so many of you, and out of the way. The man doesn't look like he will pull his weapon or bolt, at least not now.

The dwarf's face sours at Rajan's words. "You've got gall to push into the tunnels. Lot of people go missing around there. Seems like you found the remains of some of them."

He sighs, looking at the sun's position in the sky. "Still, I need to report this. You're not in trouble, necessarily, with the circumstances that you're facing. But those tunnels are off-limits and I need to get back to my outpost to make note of what you found in there." The dwarf sighs, shaking his head. "I'm sure there are some families back in Kelbis that were missing their kin. People find themselves into all sorts of problems out here."

"Anyways, I can escort you to the city proper afterwards, maybe see about getting you put up for the night."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Pashalik »

Rajan suppresses a frown and tries to shift the direction of the conversation.
"While I thank you for your offer, some of my companions are in ill health, and we really should be getting to a healer as fast as we may, not cooling our heels in an outpost." He says, gesturing casually toward Brelnia. "We have lost much already, and none us could bear to lose more."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

The dwarven scout turns to Brelnia when Rajan gestures toward her. His eyes narrow as he scans her face. "Wait a moment. I think I've seen you before. Aren't you some kind of mercenary? Round here and Razak?"

Brelnia shakes her head. "No. I'm a smith. And what sort of sellsword would throw in their lot with refugees?"

The scout frowns, his eyes shifting between her and Rajan. "What village did you say you were from?"


He's looking perturbed at this point. His posture is straightened and his weight is on his back foot. His arms have uncrossed but they are at his sides,
not upon his pommel.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Fialova »

"Sir I do not know village name," Josie says, using the thickest accent she can muster, which she'd put in years to suppress since coming to the mainland. "But it that direction. Not big," she adds, pointing to the north-northeast.


Bluff: 15

As soon as he looks like he is about to turn hostile, or run, if at all, Josie is going to attack. I will give specific mechanics if/when that becomes an issue. If that is right now then let me know and I can edit in mechanics for that.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

The scout eyes Josie with suspicious eyes, nodding to her. "Probably Kimiril. Or Vyridis. That where the plague is?"

With a deep breath, the dwarf shakes his head. "You know what?" He mumbles something under his breath with an irritated tone. "Look, I'm going to head back to the outpost. Need to check in and make sure I've got those missing people from the tunnels documented. Don't get into any trouble in that cave."


Roll insight if you'd like.


He's about to turn and walk away.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Fialova »

Josie sighs as it becomes clear to her that their deceptions are not working, at least not well enough to avoid suspicion. She watches with cold eyes for the man to turn and, once his back faces her, she bursts forth in a sprint towards the man. Mid-sprint she invokes the Hound and takes his most savage form, that of a large wolf, and pounces at the man with a vicious assault. If I can pin him down I can make short work of him.


Minor Action: Wolf Shape

Standard Action: Charge > Grasping Claws
Attack: 19 vs Reflex = hit
Hit: 10 damage, and the target is slowed until the end of my next turn.

Athletics check for reasons: 19

Initiative: 11

Combat Block

Zhou Si (Josie)

Female Elf Druid 2
Languages: Amkharan, Elven, Grystok
Age: 28
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 153 lbs.

Speed: 8
Initiative: +5
Passive Perception: 22
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 15
Fort: 12
Reflex: 16
Will: 16
HP: 30/30
Bloodied: 15
Surge Value: 7
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

MBA (human form, unarmed): +2 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage
Savage Rend (as MBA, beast form only): +5 vs Reflex, 1d8+4 damage and slide target 1 square
Grasping Claws (as MBA, beast form only): +5 vs Reflex, 1d8+4 damage and target is slowed until my EONT
Wolf Shape Secondary Power (as MBA, Wolf Shape only): +8 vs AC, 1d10+4 damage
RBA (human form, unarmed): +5 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage

Resistances: none
Vulnerabilities: none
Saves: none
Active Effects:

  • +1 speed while not in heavy armor
  • ignore difficult terrain when shifitng
  • roll stealth to hid if I have cover/concealment on initiative roll
  • +1 reach with melee staff attacks, and ranged/area implement attacks with staffs don't provoke OAs
  • +1 to attack and +2 do damage when charging in beast form
  • gain CA vs enemies with no other adjacent creatures
  • grant CA to enemies with silvered weapons


Wolf Shape Secondary Power*
Wild Shape
Savage Rend
Magic Stones
Grasping Claws

Second Wind []
Wolf Shape [X]
Elven Accuracy []
Thorn Spray []
Wolf's Vitality []

Savage Frenzy [_]

  • this can only be used while in Wolf Shape, from the associated encounter power, not in any other beast form from Wild Shape or other sources

Consumables: none

Important Features:

Class Features
Primal Predator: +1 speed when not wearing heavy armor

Ritual Casting: gain ritual casting feat, plus Animal Messenger ritual and another free level 1 ritual

Wild Shape: a bunch of stuff regarding transforming into animals, see PHB2 for full rundown of details.

Racial Features
Elven Accuracy: gain Elven Accuracy power

Elven Weapon Proficiency: gain proficiency with longbow and shortbow

Fey Origin: considered Fey for purposes of effect determined by creature origin

Wild Step: ignore difficult terrain when shifting

Wood Elf Reactive Stealth: if I have cover or concealment when rolling initiative, I can roll Stealth to hide at the same time

Theme Features
Werewolf Level 1 Feature: +2 to intimidate. Gain the Shapechanger subtype, making me subject to effects that affect shapechangers. Enemies with silvered weapons have CA against me. I am immune to the Moon Frenzy disease. Gain the Wolf Shape power.

Ritual Caster: I can master and perform rituals of my level or lower, provided I am trained in either Arcana or Religion. Each ritual also has its own associated skill I must be trained in, plus I need components. See PHB for more info.

Staff Expertise: +1 to weapon and implement attacks with staffs. Do not provoke OAs when using ranged or area implement attacks with staffs. +1 reach when performing melee attacks with staffs.

Enraged Boar Form: +1 to attack and +2 to damage when charging in beast form.

Cunning Stalker: enemies that have no creatures adjacent to them, other than me, grant me CA

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

A chorus of confusion, shouting, and whooping erupts from the various survivors as Josie's form twists mid-air into that of a wolf and bears down on the dwarf. Taking him in the upper back, her bestial frame slams the man to the ground.

The dwarf coughs out a surprised curse, somehow finding the strength to break free from the tangle of limbs and teeth. Sword drawn, but wearing a face filled with worry, he looks down at Josie's wolf eyes. "Please, please... Listen! Okay? I won't say a thing. I never saw any of you." He is bleeding from a gash on his face from where he fell, and his tabard is now stained red near his neck and upper back.


Josie bites Dwarven Scout for 10 damage, bloodying him, knocking him prone, and pinning him in the process. He rolled higher initiative, and on his turn shoves Josie off and stands up.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Fialova »


Insight to see if he seems like he is telling the truth about not giving them up: 21

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »


You feel that you can believe his claims, judging by the terror and shock in his face and posture.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Pashalik »

Rajan's eyes widen a bit at seeing Josie transform, but she is far from the first surprise he has had today. He holds back, poker-faced, watching the wolf intently and waiting to see what she will do next.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Fialova »

Josie backs away as the man manages to push her off and draw his weapon. She prepares to attack again, but his pleads for his life leave her feeling some amount of remorse. She can hear the terror and his voice, and doesn't believe that he is lying, so she takes a small step back and watches him, hoping he will flee without further incident. He did not fight back, odd. Let's see if he is a man of his word.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Alerio's eyes jolt open as the Ghian woman turns into a beast and lunges upon the militiaman. By the gods, what just happened? He remains silent, though, not eager to get on a wolf's bad side. Though glad that the man seems sincere in his pleas, he nevertheless wishes that a less violent alternative could have been used.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

The dwarven sentry makes a break for it while Josie hesitates. Cresting the small hill he approached from, he disappears from sight, looking back with a shocked look.

"Damn," Brelnia mutters, eyeing the wolf-form of the Amkharan. "Didn't think she had that in her."

Yldaren chuckles, apparently unphased. "Probably a good time to get the fuck out of here. Unless you trust the word of some dip-shit guard."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Pashalik »

Rajan starts walking, turning to make sure the others are coming. "I'm ready to get the fuck out of here. Standing around in the wilderness was never my idea of a good time. He can give them my fake name if he wants."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"If he has enough sense in him, he probably will," Alerio replies to the elf, still glaring at the girl-turned-wolf in front of them. "But you're probably right. The longer we stick around here, the more likely we'll get thrown back in the hole. He begins following Rajan, hoping the others get a move on as well.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Fialova »

Josie waits for the man to fade from view before she turns back to the others. She returns to her human form and stands up, her arms now partially covered in the man's blood after her attack, her face now painted with slight remorse.

"I believe he was telling the truth, but leaving is still wise," the woman says, following after the others as they begin to move. Noticing the Serranborn's glare, she looks down towards the ground a bit, the judgmental nature of the look only adding to her remorse. Could that have been handled differently?

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

Durnom tosses his pick aside, slapping the waterskin at his waist to judge its fullness. "Suppose I'll be getting gone. Kelbis is the only place for me, and I've got enough connections to stay hidden in the city even despite my sentence."

He turns back to you all, with a devilish grin and bows his head. "Once again, I must thank you for our business dealings. If you manage to make it back to Kelbis any time, let me know. I might have some work for you." The dwarf turns and begins to walk west, toward the walls of the city.

"Anyone else?" Yldaren asks, looking over the others. "We can split up once in Razak. Or before then. But let's get on our way."

Vanthar grunts, pulling your attention. "Roads there are safer, but no promise what sort of people we'd run into. We could take a direct route through the wilds, but we're almost guaranteed to find trouble." He sniffs the air. "Make a choice."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Fialova »

"The roads are only safer if you don't know what you're doing," Josie says, looking off towards the wooded areas in the distance. "I know these woods, I've spent a lot of time in them since arriving here. I vote we travel under their cover, rather than out in the open."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Pashalik »

"Works for me." Rajan says. "I'm no forester, but I think we can handle more beasts better than organized guards."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"A hyena is weaker than a bandit," Alerio remarks as the group discusses their travel plans. "I would vote for traveling in the wilderness as well. Though let us hope we don't run into much trouble. We are still without arms and armor." Though he'd rather take his chances with animals, Alerio nevertheless realizes their cloth prison garb does little to protect against fangs and claws, let alone weapons.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

With only the picks in your hands and the water canteens at your waists, the group of you make your way in a general north, north-western fashion for the day.

Steering clear of a few of the guard outposts in the area, distinguishable by their towers, you push through farmland and dirt roads. You encounter few people, and those that you do seem to regard you with the same apathy one might give a group of tired looking "miners."

You make it a few hours into the walk before your canteens are running low and the sun has begun to sink deeply into the sky.

"It'll be night soon," Vanthar notes. "Under an hour."

You've kept relatively close to the road that follows the river -- only about a mile off. At some point you will need to cross it in order to get on the side that Razak lies.

"We should be thinking about watch shifts, where to sleep." Yldaren stretches his arms. "Hmnh. No bedroll. No pillows. This is going to be a shitty night."

"Better than being in a fucking prison." Brelnia smiles, clearly happy to be in the open again.


Alerio, Zhou Si, Rajanikant, Shakumon, Korgul, Cassandra, Yldaren, Brelnia, Bazros, Ramis, Vanthar

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

As the group marches forward, Alerio once again feels free, no longer confined by narrow cave walls and tunnels. Praise El-unod for freeing us from that infernal place. May he protect us on our journey. As the sun sinks lower and his companions begin discussion of stopping for the night, the Talon keeps his eyes open for a suitable place to rest for the night. "If we are to stop, we should find someplace hidden and defensible. I'd rather not wake up to certain death."


Perception to find someplace hidden and defensible that we can sleep in for the night pls: 6(1d20) +6 = 12

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Fialova »

"We also need to eat," Josie says, having been watching the path as they walked, gathering whatever edibles they'd have passed by in their march forward.


Ideally this is somewhat retroactive and active at the same time, but nature check to gather food as they walk (currently, and during the time skip): 28

This should be sufficient to find enough food/water for up to 5 people to last 24 hours, so presumably also enough to feed all 11 of us for slightly less than 12.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »


Keeping your eyes along your surroundings, you scout a hill about a quarter-mile away. A few dense thickets of trees and brush dot the area around it. It seems like you could have cover from some angles, and a hill to scout from.


You've passed a few streams and many berry and nut bushes as you've gone. With help from the others, you found enough to hopefully feed yourselves until Razak. Your waterskins will last through the night, and possibly the beginning of the day, but you should top off at the river should you go to cross it.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Noticing the hill surrounded by dense brush, the Talon points towards it. "There. We can keep watch and scout from on top of the hill. And the trees will give us some cover and protection overnight." Sure beats sleeping out in the open in my mind.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Pashalik »

Rajan gives a shrug. "That's fine to me. I'll take a middle watch shift. I see well in the dark, and I don't expect to sleep well out here anyway."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Fialova »

"I can take the first shift," Josie says, looking towards the hill mentioned by her colleague. One of those trees will make a nice perch to watch our surroundings. It is certainly a good vantage point. "Perhaps we will get lucky and some of the brush will have some food."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"I will take the last shift. I prefer to get an earlier start to the morning anyways," Alerio remarks as the group begins to discuss night watch positions. The eagle that rises first shall get its prey before the others, after all.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »


First Shift: Zhou Si, Shakumon, Cassandra, Vanthar

Middle Shift: Rajanikant, Korgul, Yldaren, Bazros

Last Shift: Alerio, Brelnia, Ramis

Zhou Si

Your shift begins, and Shakumon and Vanthar are very quiet as they watch. Cassandra tries to start conversation a few times but to no avail.

A couple hours in, Shakumon grunts, and you look over. It is clear that he is in some sort of pain, and his face is covered in sweat. He takes off the shift a bit early in order to sleep off whatever ailment he is facing.


You are woken by Cassandra for your shift, and you spend it idly with Korgul, Yldaren, and Bazros. The orcs chat among themselves for some time. Korgul complains of body aches, blaming the berries that Josie had picked throughout the walk. Yldaren sharpens his pick, recounting some of the stories of when he worked for a slaver as a mercenary.


You are woken for your shift by Yldaren. Brelnia has little to say, but Ramis chats up a storm about his business along the Ghryst, and how he hopes he can still get his riverboat back. Eventually the dwarf tells him to shutup and the rest of the early morning is quiet.

Dawn breaks. You slept poorly -- the matted grasses and dirt under you offered little for comfort. But you were not found.

Within a few minutes, the others are up around you. Brelnia stretches, Ramis prays. Yldaren shoves a lazy Shakumon who is still laying.

"What? He's not waking up." The elf prods his side with a boot. "Get up, you lazy bastard." The orc doesn't move.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Fialova »

"He was acting odd and turned in early," Josie says to the others, looking down towards the large man with a small semblance of worry. "Perhaps he was more injured than he gave off." She bends down to check the man's pulse, though tries to do so carefully lest the man wake and be prone to punching upon waking.


Stealth to check pulse without being detected: 24
Heal, if needed, to check pulse/health state: 20

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »


His pulse seems to be higher than normal, and his skin is unusually clammy and warm. Shakumon is unresponsive to your touch, however.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Pashalik »

Rajan takes a step away from Skakumon. "Watch out. There's no telling what that crazy Wolden did to him."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Acting odd how?" Alerio asks the Ghian woman, the orc's condition causing him to worry. "It must be something pretty serious for him to be like this."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Fialova »

Josie steps back from the man, alarmed both by her recent findings and Rajan's exclamation. "Sweating heavily, looking visibly in pain. He turned in early to sleep it off, I assume, but perhaps there was another reason. He's alive, for now. His heart rate is much too high to be normal, though." What could they have done to him? Is this even due to that interrogation?

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