The Lion and the Dragon IC

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

Bao Tap Den makes is way down the barricade. No choice then he thinks to himself. He checks and adjusts his belongings before following the others.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"We should be wary," Satomi says as the group decides to take the unbarred path.

"This barricade may have not been erected for a fight here but to steer people into an ambush down the unblocked road," he says, his hand moving to the hilt of his blade out of instinct.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"My friend," Kekeng says, looking at Satomi. "You worry too much. It is not good for the spirit to go through life watching for these things -- hidden ambushers and traps laid for innocent travelers. You may begin to see things that simply are not there."

Noticing the man's hand on his blade, the vagrant shrugs. "I am familiar with the Warrior Songs, you know." Kekeng smiles. "A group of soldiers recuperating in a tavern with me taught me a few. Would you like me to play one of them?"

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Nanako grins at Kekeng's demeanor, enjoying the drunkard's spirits despite the monotony of the open road. "A song would surely make the journey go by quicker," she says, hoping the man's tune will bolster the group's motivation to carry onward.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

Quen Lu Tam and Suzume listen as the group debates what to do, following along without protest when the decision is made to take the unobstructed path. Unlike the main road, this one is much narrower, more overgrown, and less direct. There are many twists and turns, clearly natural evolutions of the path, as it travels around fallen tree trunks or scattered pits. The forest is likewise much hillier the deeper they get, with each small rise blocking the group's view of the road ahead until they ascend it's shallow peak.

After traveling a mile or two down this side road, the group ascends one such hill and at the top they notice a morbid sight. Off in the distance, another quarter mile or so away, is what looks to be a village razed to the ground. Many small portions of buildings seem to remain standing, but for the most part all they can see is the black charcoal color engulfing the clearing ahead.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Nanako stands viewing the destruction, mouth agape and her eyes a mix between heartbreak and astonishment. Spirits... who is responsible for this? Turning to her travel companions, she promptly says, "We've got to get down there and see if there are any survivors. They may need our help." Looking back over the blackened clearing, she fights to hold back tears. All those innocent lives, homes, family. And all for what?

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"If there are no fires still burning then there's no one left to help. Anyone who survived will be long gone by now. The rest will be dead already," Satomi says, having seen villages put to the sword before during his time in Nelghet.

"Keep your eyes open though, there could be looters about. Or the men who did this," he adds, wrapping his fingers around the hilt of his blade.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

Kekeng groans, physically sickened by the sight. "I'm sure I have passed this way before," he says, unable to look away. "I hope they were able to escape." He edges closer along the road, investigating. Who could have the malice in their heart to do this?

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

Is there any rising smoke?
Can they smell the burnt village from the hill?
If there is rising smoke, can they tell direction of the wind by the smoke?
What is surrounding the town? Forest, burnt stumps, barren land etc.
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

The group inches closer, seeing no signs of smoke remaining from their distance perch, or as the draw nearer. Likewise is there no real scent of smoke or fire. The charred town is surrounded on all sides by more forest, though many of the trees that were once immediately near the town limits seem to have burned away, likely by the same fire.

As the group continues down the road on their way to the village, they encounter even more gruesome sights. Along the roadway can be found some abandoned, half-burnt wagons, some partially-burned corpses, and even some bodies with clear signs of other wounds - those of blades and arrows - littering the roadside. Some of the bodies with such wounds are likewise partially-charred, though not all. Most are adult men and women, though some are the bodies of children.

Suzume looks away in tears as these bodies come in view, especially those of the children. Quen Lu Tam looks to the ground, and mutters something under his breath, folding his hands in front of his torso as he does so. After a moment of this he looks back up, saying, "this is tragic. Spirits bring an end to this war soon."

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

Walking amongst the scene of death, Bao Tap Den felt nothing. He had seen many horrible events through the course of becoming a bandit. It should be safe here. If a group of bandits did this they would be long gone."Have any of you seen anything like this?"

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

Kekeng is silent and rigid as they walk through the charred ruins. This is what war looks like? This is... this is sickening. How? He cannot look away, however. The grisly sights grip his attention, and he stares at the corpses for longer than he needs to.

When Bao Tap Den asks a question, Kekeng manages a shake of his head. All of these people had lives, had families, had stories. They never got to tell them.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Nanako looks in anguish as they approach the razed city, not accustomed to such destruction and massacre before. Spirits.... How can they allow something like this to happen? The girl is forced to turn away as they come across charred corpses, tears beading up on her face. Wiping the teardrops from her cheeks, she takes a deep breath and begins scanning the area, hoping to spot anyone or anything important.

Perception to locate any survivors, or other things of interest:
16(1d20) = 16
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Satomi walks silently surveying the scene. The corpse of a young girl catches his eye, reminding him of Aoki. Hopefully the end was at least quick for them, he thinks, imaging the villager's demise.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

The group continues forward, making their way closer and closer to the charred ruins ahead. As they do they begin to notice things about the bodies they pass, which seem to grow more numerous the closer they get. It becomes clear that a large portion of the wounds attributable to weapons are found in the backs of the deceased rather than the front or side, suggesting they were fleeing not only the fire, but hostiles as well. Few of these bodies are near any weapons, and only a handful are armored. Of the armored bodies, there are a couple intact pieces that seem to show the lion insignia of those loyal to the rebel forces under Jun Amkhara, the rest being an assortment of simple armors lacking any indication of their wearer's loyalties.

After another five to ten minutes of walking the group reaches the edge of the village, or at least what used to be one. As they saw from the hilltop, all that remains are piles of charred rubble and a few free-standing portions of wall that have somehow defied collapse. The ruins are much more gruesome than the roadside, with many more corpses to be found, though these are completely charred if identifiable as human at all. Most are partially buried in the rubble, suggesting that these people died inside the burning buildings before the blaze burned out. A few are found in the roadways, like those who attempted to flee to safety but never made it out in time.

Walking through the rubble you do notice, this time, signs of movement. While the village as a whole is destroyed, the center of it seemed to surround a small pond - or perhaps a natural spring - and faint sounds can be heard coming from that direction. Additionally, off in the distance the group spots a few hunched figures that seem to be looking through the rubble.

You do not come across any living bodies as you check the corpses along the roadside, however as you walk along the road and inspect your surroundings you do find a necklace half-buried in the mud off to the side. It is a golden chain featuring a pendant of gold and jade. The design of the pendant is that of a golden serpentine dragon coiling itself around a small orb of jade, representing the world, which is a common symbol used to represent the Tenjun's power.
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

Bao Tap Den sees the mysterious figures and in a loud whispers says "Quiet! Get down." Lowering himself into a squatting position he whispers "Leave the cart and get behind some cover." He then moves to the closest burned building.

Is the group close enough to see how many figures there are?
Can the group hear the stranger's conversation?
Are the figures moving in a single direction or scattered?
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

* The group is at least a couple hundred feet from any of the hunched figures, but from the position they are in they can see at least three. It is possible there could be others obscured by rises in terrain, rubble, or the few still-standing walls, but it is not clear.
  • The faint sounds you can hear coming from near the pond are too faint to even know if it is conversation or some other sound. The hunched figures are either not making sound, doing so quietly, or too far to hear.
  • The few you see are not really moving much at all, except for their hands moving through the rubble. They occasionally shuffle a few steps in a given direction, but there seems to be no real unified direction.[/sblock]
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

Following Bao Tap Den's orders, Kekeng ducks down and slips into the shadows of a nearby ruin opposite him. Raiders? Looters? Most likely not survivors, he ponders with an ache in his soul. Peeking around the corner, the vagabond tries to get a better look at their raiment.


Perception to see what type of clothing or uniform they are wearing: 5(1d20) +6 = 11

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Coming across the serpentine pendant, Nanako picks it up from the mud below. She examines it closely, trying to determine if it has any kind of magical effect, or if it is just a mundane necklace. It's beautiful though. Heartbreaking what's happened to its owner.

At Bao Tap Den's remarks, Nanako shoots her glance towards the destroyed village, noting the figures within. Following the others, Nanako ducks behind cover. I doubt any savory sort of people would be loitering in a ruined village.


Arcana to find magical effect on necklace: 7(1d20) +6 = 13

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

Quen Lu Tam and Suzume quickly follow Bao Tap Den in crouching behind the nearest structure, a portion of a stone wall that has not collapsed yet. It is only about two and a half feet high, so the group is required to crouch to stay out of sight should someone look their way. "This is so sad," Suzume says quietly, looking around and noting the devastation.

Quen Lu Tam watches ahead as the people in the distance shift around, but eventually turns when he notices Nanako handling the pendant she'd found. "What have you got there?" he asks, also quietly, looking intrigued by the item.


You aren't able to get a great look from this distance, but from what you can see it does not appear that the hunched over people are wearing any sort of armor, or anything else that would identify their allegiance. At least one is carrying a dagger on their hip, but seems otherwise unarmed. The others you do not spot anything, though it could very well just be the distance or the angle they are facing.


You are unable to tell whether or not there is any magic at play, on the pendant or otherwise.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"A pendant," Nanako replies to the intrigued merchant, holding it up for him. "It's gold and jade. The design seems to represent the Tenjun and his power," she remarks, noting the familiar symbolism of the dragon and orb of jade. "I guess the Tenjun has some loyalties still, even out here." I hope this destruction wasn't caused by those loyalties.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

"There wouldn't be a war raging if he didn't still have loyal followers," the man remarks, eyeing the pendant with curiosity and the slightest hint of greed. "But you're right, it definitely seems to be royal symbolism, that's a common sight, or at least it used to be. Though something of that quality seems out of place in these parts."

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

Ignoring discussion of the pendant for now, Kekeng focuses on the more tangible presence of the looters. "Stay hidden unless I am in danger," he advises, before standing up from his position. He takes a wide, slow path away from his allies for a few seconds, before moving forward. They don't seem dangerous, but you can never know for sure.

Stumbling on purpose to kick up some dust and noise, Kekeng hums to himself and sings a song to himself. His drunken tone he accentuates, loosely dragging his feet and swaying as he goes.

"Oooooooh, the fox. The fox, the fox, the forest. The forest, verdant wonder. The fox fears no man, no beast, no..." the man sings with a slur, trying to draw the attention of the strangers. Uncasking a sip of his sake jug, he takes a swig as he steps.


Bluff to act hella drunk but actually only be a little drunk lol: 19(1d20) +13 = 32

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Hmm, you're right," Nanako replies to the peddler, examining the quality of the necklace more closely. "What do you suppose it's doing all the way out here?" she asks the man, wondering if he can shed some insight on it.

As the drunken man reveals himself to the world, the girl watches in shock, fear, and amusement. What in Monkey's name is he doing? she thinks, her face half-grin and half-furrow.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Perhaps a rich merchant was passing through when the village was attacked," Satomi says glancing at Quen Lu Tam.

However his gaze is quickly drawn to Kekang's performance. "Well I can't see this going well," he says to the others, slowly drawing his sword although remaining hidden.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

As Kekeng sways through the wreckage, slurring his speech and giving of vibes of extreme inebriation, some of the figures gathering from the rubble start to take notice. The closest one turns his head quickly in shock at the sound, and reaches for a dagger at his hip, but seems to think it unnecessary to draw once he realizes just who he is dealing with.

"The fuck you on about?" the man says, looking equal parts annoyed and confused. He quickly glances around him, making eye contact with some of the other hunched figures - who are now watching with similar expressions - then turns back to Kekeng. "There ain't no damn fox, you seeing things? Who are you?"

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Hm, oh!" Kekeng coughs out. "Good day, strangers!" He steps closer, his arms at his side to keep balance over the rubble and ruin. "Don't mind my song -- I sing to fill my traveling with peace."

With a flourish, the swaying man bows. "I am Kekeng. Weaver of tale and tune alike. Who might you be?"

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

"None of your damn business," the man says, rolling his eyes at Kekeng's speech before turning back to sifting through the rubble near his feet. "And don't you think about takin' none of this, we've already claimed it. I suggest you look for your fox somewhere else," he says, his back now turned to the man as he continues his search.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"I seek no gain from this tragedy," Kekeng replies, his tone dour. He looks around, surveying the rubble once again as if noticing it for the first time. "Do you know anything about who or what did such a thing?"

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

"No clue. All I know is some army fought some other army, town got burnt in the chaos. Not sure who caused the fire, but everything is up for grabs now," the man says, sounding pleased with the result, and not showing any signs of sadness about the events leading up to the destruction.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Surely a horror beyond comprehension," Kekeng says with sad eyes. "Stay safe, yes? And please -- treat those who have fallen with respect." He looks down at some charred remains nearby, shaking his head. "These were people, their lives vivid with experience. Their stories are lost among us, now, doomed to never be passed on."

Nodding to the looters, Kekeng attempts to walk swayingly back to the others.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Nanako scowls as she hears the looter's lack of remorse for what occurred in the village, but remains quiet to not expose herself. Profiting from the destruction of lives is disgusting. As the drunkard begins telling of the lost stories of those killed, Nana glances at her discovered necklace with a frown. Fastening it around her neck, she thinks, I will continue your story, whether I know the beginning or not.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

The looter does not respond further to Kekeng's remarks, seeming uninterested. The vagabond manages to wander back to the others' hiding place without difficulty or much attention being paid to him. As he does so, and as he had been talking, both Kekeng and the others continue to hear some faint sounds coming from the direction of the water at the town center.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Well?" Satomi asks Kekang as he returns, sheathing his sword.

"Who are they?" He asks the vagabond.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

That was risky but effective thinks Bao Tap Den.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Looters," Kekeng says with a groan. "They disrespect the fallen by picking the jewelry and valuables from their sacred corpses." The vagabond shakes his head, irritated. "I think it's best that we move on--"

He stops short upon hearing the faint sounds from the distance. The scavengers, or something else?


Perception roll to investigate the sounds: 18(1d20) +6 = 24

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »


From this distance it is not really possible to be sure of the source of the sound. However, after a moment of listening intently it seems to be some sort of groaning or moaning that comes in and out, and is faint enough to be easy to miss if doing other things or talking.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"There's something else," Kekeng warns, pointing his good ear out toward the sound. His eyes go wide when he recognizes a moaning wail that seems to fade. "I think there might be a survivor!" the vagabond says with a start, already on the move toward the area.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Nanako's eyes widen as the drunk bard explains that there's a survivor. I told that old warrior there had to be someone left alive, but he didn't listen! She leaps to her feet, replying, "Quickly, then! If someone's alive, we shouldn't waste any time. They might need our help!"

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

Bao Tap Den moves with the others in search of potential survivor. We don't have time for this. I want to get this job done as quickly as possible. The longer we stay here the more likely another army will come through and see us with this mess.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

Suzume moves to follow the other three, but Quen Lu Tam grabs her arm and motions for her to stay. "It may not be safe. Best we let them handle this," he says. She looks as though she still wants to go, but nods and crouches back down to her spot, watching as the others head towards the noise.

As the others make their way through the town the looters don't seem to pay them anymore mind than they had paid Kekeng, though the one closest - who he'd spoken to before - does seem to glance over every so often to watch you. At the town center you find more of the same devastation as could be found in the rest of the town, though there are far more bodies with little to no burning here than anywhere else you've encountered.

In the middle of the town center you can see that there is a small pond with a small statue of a frolicking deer in the center, though it appears to have been damaged, possibly in the same event that caused the rest of the destruction. Many dead bodies can be found littered around, some burned, but many not. Some float in the water, now-bloated, and some have sunk to the bottom.

In the pond the sounds are more noticeable, and it takes little time for the group to find that there are a couple of barely-living survivors amongst the corpses in the pond. Both appear to be wearing armor, stained with bloody, and the two are not near one another. However, one's armor bears the insignia of the rebel leader - a lion - while the other bears the insignia of the Tenjun - a dragon.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

Kekeng sways through the pond toward the bodies, water rising up to his legs. "Sirs!" he calls out, noticing the two men still breathing. "Are you able to hear me?" He looks over each of the mens' wounds, determining if they are able to be saved. Perhaps they can shed light on what catastrophes we have seen here, the vagabond ponders.


Heal check to determine the severity of injuries and if there are infections: 14(1d20) +5 = 19

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »


On closer inspection you can see that the loyalist appears to be in worse shape than the rebel, with a gash going across his chest that seems to have been slowly bleeding out over time. It is a wonder he hasn't succumbed to the injury already, and though there are not current signs of infection, it does seem like that is likely to happen if his wounds stay untreated in their current state. That is, if he does not bleed out completely first.

The rebel, on the other hand, seems to have multiple arrow wounds on him with the arrows still sticking out, though some have been partially broken off. The arrows are primarily in his legs, though one is in one of his arms and there are a few nicks that suggest he was grazed by a few others. The presence of the arrows, while preventing as much bleeding, has led to these wounds looking like they are becoming infected.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

Whilst the musician tries to rouse the two survivors, Bao Tap Den uses his experience to check and confiscate any possessions they might have on them. Wouldn't want them attacking us as soon as they wake.


Thievery check to confiscate any weapons and other valuables the Tenju survivor may have.
8(1d20) +5 = 13

Last edited by Slashstick on Tue Dec 05, 2017 7:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

I might be able to do a thing or two about that, Kekeng thinks as he is checking over the loyalist. When he turns to the rebel, however, his heart sinks. Infections are not as simple. Perhaps the flute's call could work, but perhaps not.

"Are you conscious?" He asks the two men, looking between them. "We are travelers, and we can help you. Please don't be frightened."


What state of consciousness are either of them?

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Satomi stays with Suzume and Quen Lu Tam for a while but eventually his curiousity gets the better of him as the others don't immediately return. "I'll go check on them," he says before making his way towards the noises.

He reaches the others and seeing the two wounded soldiers, the stench of death fills his nostrils and the clash of steel fills his ears. He grits his teeth, shaking himself out of it.

"At this point we should probably just put them out of their misery and keep moving," he says, annoucing his prescence to Bao Tap Den and Kekang.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Nanako sits idly as the bard tends to the wounded men, looking on in sorrow and hope that the men pull through. Spirits, do not let their wounds be mortal ones. Nervously fiddling with her pendant, she watches as Kekeng attempts to wake the men, wishing she could help but having little medical knowledge.

At Satomi's comment, the girl scoffs, shaking her head. "As if we need to soil these lands with even more death today." How can reasonable men go to war when they know it only brings this?

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

As Bao Tap Den reaches to check the loyalist, the man moves a bit and looks up at him. He is clearly very weak and injured, but still maintains some amount of his consciousness. He begins to open his mouth to speak, but coughs up blood and is unable to get any words out. For now he seems to be in a state of semi-consciousness.

The rebel's eyes were closed initially, but at Kekeng's words he opens them and looks up. "B... barely," the man says, wincing every so often as he slightly adjusts his sitting position. "W... who are... you?"

Bao Tap Den

You are unable to pick anything off the body of the loyalist without him noticing, though as you feel around you do notice that he has at least one dagger still hidden on his person. There is a scabbard strapped to a belt he is wearing, though no blade is in it. The rest of the armor is thick enough to conceal anything else that may be underneath it, if any.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"They call me Kekeng," the vagabond replies. "Please, stay seated." Slipping the cork from one of the rice wine jugs, Kekeng crouches down next to the man. Lifting the mouth of the heavy jug to the rebel's mouth, he nods. "Drink this. You will feel better."

The man waits for a moment while the rebel accepts or denies his offer, then speaks again. "What happened here? Is this man an enemy to you?" Kekeng points to the unconscious loyalist nearby.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

Bao Tap Den delays his seizing of the hidden dagger for a more convenient time. The soldier is more likely to talk if he thinks he is amongst allies. I still need to make sure that the other survivor won't draw a blade on us once he sees us talking to his enemy. The former bandit moves to the next man to continue his inspection. I'll need to knock out this next one if he resists when I seize his weapons.


Thievery check to confiscate any weapons and other valuables the rebel survivor may have.
3(1d20) +5 = 8

Nonlethal Basic Melee Attack to knock unconscious the rebel soldier if he resists.
3(1d8) +2 = 5

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