Way Down in the Hole — IC

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by AndItsAllGone »

Shakumon is shaken by what happened the previous night, but tries to remain confident in front of the other prisoners. "I don't remember either. Probably some sort of magic. If you're serious about getting out of here, then you need to act quickly." Turning to Josie, he continues. "No new information. The mining plaza is still the best bet."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Alerio is surprised to see his pair of companions emerge alive in the morning, and now stuffed in a mine shaft like the orcish corpse from the previous morning. I thought surely they'd end up dead, or at the very least maimed. He is further bewildered to learn they don't remember any of their ordeals. Might they have been sedated? The Talon shakes his head, unsatisfied with their answer but not one to dwell on it while they have more pressing matters.

With the day's topic having already turned towards the escape attempts, Alerio chimes in, "Maybe some choice words from the pair that got taken away and lived to tell the tale would be enough to rile the others up, with a little embellishment, of course."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

"You're here, though," Brelnia says with a shrug as you walk. "Couldn't have been that bad." Bazros nods, saying nothing.

"You really don't remember anything," Ramis repeats, looking downcast. He looks between Korgul and Shakumon. "The Watchers did this? And it might have been magic? Not good. Not good."

"Pipe down," Yldaren warns the Imardanian man. He turns to the rest of you. "I did you a favor and sent out feelers where I could. Turns out one of the old-timers claims he knows a way through the tunnels. Some old dwarf thrown in this hellhole right from Kelbis itself." He itches at his shoulder, where a lick of the whip had caught the night prior. "Can't vouch for his sanity or truthfulness, but I figured I'd pass it on."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Fialova »

It seems unwise to imprison someone who knows these tunnels, but this could work to our advantage. "How do we contact this man?" Josie asks Yldaren, skeptically.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

"His name's Durnom," Yldaren replies. "I could probably pick him out of a crowd, once we're back at the plaza. Might have a few moments to speak with him on the way upstairs."

"If it means there's a way out other than cutting down every stupid fucking Watcher in our way, then it might be worth considering," Brelnia says as she walks, hefting her pick over her shoulder.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Alerio listens with intent as the elven foreman explains his contact. Seeing potential in it, he replies, "If this man is crazy, but he can get us out of here, he's worth our time." Aren't we all a little crazy after being stuck in here for so long anyways? Though ordinarily he wouldn't rest all his fate on a lunatic, it seems to Alerio it's simply a time to make unconventional alliances.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by AndItsAllGone »

After hearing everything, Shakumon moves next to Yldaren as they walk. "Are you with us?" he asks quietly. "You've been here longer even than I. You've earned a chance for freedom."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Guess so," Yldaren says with a sigh. "To be honest, this place is starting to chafe this old elf in new ways. I kiss the Watchers' feet for years, and you know what they offer me? I get whipped alongside you lot. No favoritism, no way forward. A death sentence without exception."

The foreman shakes his head. "And lately, things around here have been getting worse. I mean, what did they even do to you two last night? Fuck with your head? Play mind games? Hack your dicks off? When I first got here, it was only lashings for speaking out. Now, you get taken behind closed doors and..." The elf trails off, sighing again.

Yldaren regains his composure and lowers his voice. "Look, I can get you to Durnom," he offers. "Though if I know him at all, he's going to want something in return for telling you. And who knows -- maybe he's full of shit anyways."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by AndItsAllGone »

Shakumon thinks for a moment. "He wouldn't be the first prisoner who was all talk." Looking around at the rest of the group, he continues. "Even so. It's been a long time since I've had hope of freedom. I have to take this chance."

At that, he trails off into contemplation. He's sure one of his fellow prisoners will betray them; they have too much to lose in failure. He'll deal with that when it happens, though. For now he tries to remember if he's ever crossed paths with Durnom.

Streetwise to try to remember Durnom: 8(1d20) = 8
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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Plenty of those," Baz says in response to Shakumon's claim.

Yldaren nods at the orc. "Let's hope our man Durnom isn't one of them."

You haven't heard of the name before, but you do know that there are citizens from Kelbis sent to the mines here with some frequency.
There are a number of dwarves in the Hole, and you might remember him if you saw his face.
Anybody else want to say/do anything before I move forward?
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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Pashalik »

"I'm not looking to spend the rest of my life down here. I say we take a chance."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

As you discuss the possibility of speaking to Durnom, Yldaren points out that you've arrived at the vein marked for today's shift. Getting to work, it isn't long before the barrows start showing up to take away the merits of your labor. The Watchers running the shift have cycled through, and you do not see Tolka or the others from the day prior. Before you know it, it is time to go back to the mining plaza.

Turning in your equipment, Yldaren motions toward a far wall. "Durnom," he confirms. Moving up to be in the same group walking up, you rally near the dwarvish man. His hair isn't graying yet but the lines on his face indicate he has seen some years. He hasn't noticed your presence yet, and seems to be chatting quietly to another dwarf at his side.

The Watchers issue the next staggered group forward and a handful of them fill in behind your cluster of prisoners. You begin to walk up the switchbacks, Durnom within the loose throng of people.

Seeing Durnom's face, a few vague memories spring to mind. You recall that he is indeed from Kelbis. While some rumors spread that he was well-established within the Kelbis nobility, others hinted he was more of an engineer within the city -- possibly somebody who had helped build this labor prison.
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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Pashalik »

Rajan makes his way slowly closer to Durnam, and says quietly, "Hell of a place, this Hole, wouldn't you say?"

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

Durnom chuckles, turning to face Rajan. "A hellhole, as you said." He itches at a dusty spot of his beard as he looks you up and down. "Don't think we've met. You from the area?"

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Pashalik »

Rajan tries to look nonchalant as thoughts of life as a free man flicker behind his eyes. "From a bit east, originally, but I lived in Kelbis for a good decade before ending up under it. Wouldn't mind seeing the sun again before I die. Name's Rajan. You?"

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Durnom Hodak," the friendly dwarf says. "Kelbis, born and raised. Might'a seen you above ground once or twice. Strange how things turn out."

He sighs, looking ahead for a moment. "So what brought you over to me today? Good fortune? New to this lifestyle? Need a friend to talk to?"

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by AndItsAllGone »

Shakumon walks behind them, surreptitiously keeping a watch while Rajan and Durnom speak. He's suspicious that fellow prisoners, not to mention the Watchers, might take an interest in their planning. If word gets out of an impending escape attempt, it will make their task all but impossible.

Perception to keep watch: 14(1d20) +8 = 22
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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Pashalik »

Rajan glances around and repositions himself to be more circumspect.
"I hear you know these tunnels pretty well. I wouldn't mind knowing one where a guy could get out."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Fialova »

Josie listens to the others planning, still more accustomed to following the plans of others than forming them on her own right. However, she is wary of how quick and overt much of the discussion has been, not sure that the group is putting enough thought into their escape plans. If it only took a handful of people a day or two to formulate an effective escape plan, this place wouldn't have such a deadly reputation.

She follows along as they walk along, watching curiously and suspiciously as Rajan moves to speak to their proposed source. As the man speaks to the dwarf, she tries to watch him to see if he seems trustworthy.

Insight to see if Durnom seems truthful/trustworthy: 20
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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Alerio remains quiet for much of the day, his thoughts overwhelmed with how much higher the prospects of freedom seemed compared to the day prior. Perhaps this dwarf tells the truth, and perhaps we shall all see sunlight by the end of this.

As the group first encounters the dwarf, Alerio intently observes him, allowing Rajan to do the talking. He seems friendly enough, the Talon thinks, trying to discern if deceit lay behind the man's words. Gods hope he speaks truth. Non potes habere nisi habeat justitiam verum.

Old Serran Translations
You can't have justice unless you have truth.
Insight to discern if dorfman is trustworthy: 13(1d20) +11 = 24
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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

Durnom's smile leaves his face at Rajan's words. He turns to the other dwarf he was chatting with before and nods -- the other dwarf steps aside, giving some space while they walk.

Filling in closeby, the rest of you listen in to Rajan and Durnom speak. The group of you hug the wall, a bit spread out from the rest of those walking up. The dwarf seems to glance at the shuffle of rank, but doesn't seem phased at all. "Only as well as anyone who's been here a decade or two like me," he replies, shrugging. "Though I'm surprised you believed the rumors. Hardly anybody gave an ear to me when I found it years back. Told me I was a fool, that I was going to get myself or someone killed." Durnom looks down, shaking his head. "So I shut up about it. Didn't have any interest in exploring, myself."

The prisoners walking in your segment are spread out enough that to listen in would be an active intention -- especially since the conversation is being taken out in a low tone. The only one other than your mining crew that seems to be doing so is the other dwarf that Durnom was speaking to. He walks a few body-lengths away, looking between Rajan and Durnom.
Zhou Si
To you, Durnom seems to be truthful and honest in his sentiment and explanation.
To you, Durnom seems to be truthful and honest in his sentiment and explanation.
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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Pashalik »

"Yesterday, we found a corpse in the tunnels. Last night two of my crew got drug off for gods know what kind of torture. Seems to me, any of us could be next. I'll take my chances with the dark."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

"That's unfortunate news," Durnom says with a frown, keeping an eye toward the Watchers several yards in front of you all. Eventually the dwarf turns to face Rajan again. "Look, if you're serious about this, then I can tell you how to get there. Hell, might even be able to show you myself."

The man hesitates. "Though I will need something from you. A favor, of sorts."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Pashalik »

Rajan gives Durnom a smile, a little of the old charm he used to exude all the time. "Fair's fair. What do you have in mind?"

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

"I need someone murdered," Durnom says bluntly. "The fool who got me thrown in here in the first place."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Fialova »

Josie listens with curiosity as the man speaks, deeming him trustworthy enough to take him at his word. The curiosity turns to annoyance as the man mentions his conditions for aiding the group, and her brow furrows as he hears his request for murder. I should not be surprised such a man would be in this prison for so long. But to murder someone to save ourselves? Should we really make that bargain? She continues to listen, curious to see how Rajan will respond.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by AndItsAllGone »

Shakumon smiles to himself when he overhears the dwarf's request. All sorts of unscrupulous vermin reside in the Hole, prisoners and Watchers alike. He himself was one of them. Even if the others balk at the idea of a killing, he's certain that he and Korgul could get it done.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Pashalik »

Rajan shrugs at Durnom's offer. "You're lucky, that the ass that got you tossed in here is within your reach. I think we can make this work,
but for that kind of favor, I want you showing us the tunnel personally."
Rajan glances toward the orcish members of the crew. Shouldn't be hard to get Korgul after some blood. And if he won't...I'm not dying down here.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Alerio grimaces at the man's request, uneasy about the prospect of killing someone potentially innocent, but also eager to escape from the hell hole. The line between justice and vengeance is blurred each day I remain in here. Though he's no stranger to killing, he ordinarily killed only those he knew were wrongdoers. It seems El-unod has chosen to ignore this place of injustice, or place its fate into my hands. Caught in an internal conflict, Alerio elects to let Rajan continue the talking, as he has been successful so far and will likely continue to be.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Well, Rajan," Durnom says with a smile. "If you're serious about this venture, then my associate and I will be coming with you as well. You have others, I'm assuming?" he asks, eyeing the few of you who've moved in close to listen.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Pashalik »

"Yeah, my gang'll be coming. No real solo ventures down here,as you know." Rajan casually glances around to make sure they haven't attracted any undue attention. "So, who's the dead man?"

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Yorvik," Durnom responds. "Yorvik Anitus. His cell's thankfully far away from mine or else I might've jammed my fingers into his eyes myself."

The dwarf frowns, in thought. "Might be able to track down which mining crew he's in. But then you'd have to do it in front of his crew... And if there are Watchers, well..." Durnom shrugs. "It ain't an easy thing to ask. But it's got to be done. That's the deal."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by AndItsAllGone »

Shakumon immediately starts pondering how best to kill this Yorvik Anitus. Maybe a stealthy assassination in the mining plaza? A furtive shank between the ribs in the midst of a crowd might do it. Otherwise, perhaps they'd have to kill everyone in Yorvik's crew to keep them quiet. It's not his favorite idea but he's willing to go to any lengths to escape this hell pit.

Streetwise to think of some place they might encounter Yorvik alone: 5(1d20) = 5
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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

In the Hole there is never a real moment to be alone with others, as you are kept on a relatively rigid schedule and do not have free will to move places as you please.
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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Fialova »

"Why do you want this man dead?" Josie asks, having not yet heard an explanation for their goal. She assumes the answer won't affect the decisions of the others to go through with the plan, but her conscious would not be able to handle the murder of someone without cause. Hopefully he is one of the people who deserves to be here. That will make this all much easier.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

Durnom cocks an eye at the young woman who had been listening in. "I made a deal that went against some of Kelbis' regulations. Hah, and I'd do it again. It's a bureaucratic nightmare, I tell you. Would've been better off moving to Durduum or Bal."

He clears his throat. "Anyways, Yorvik informed the authorities. Little rat. Course, I got the book thrown at me. Yorvik? Well, he was my trade partner. He couldn't prove his own innocence and his plan backfired. He got thrown in here alongside me. Poor fool didn't know in sealing my fate, he'd done himself too."

The dwarf looks between Rajan and Zhou Si. "What's it matter to you, anyway? It's the Hole. We're practically dead already."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Pashalik »

"So how do I recognize him?"

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Short, stocky," Durnom says, getting a laugh from the other dwarf still hanging closeby. He grins, but turns serious once again. "He's got a crooked nose, can't miss that. Big blonde beard and long hair."

Pausing a moment, Durnom looks up to Rajan. "How do you think you're going to do it?"

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Fialova »

What regulations, I wonder? Josie can't tell whether or not his description means he is in here for good or for ill, but she believes what he says to be true. Let's see what Rajan has in mind.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Pashalik »

Rajan shrugs coyly. "It can get very dark in here, very quickly.
Especially when I'm involved. And all kinds of crazy things go on in the dark."

4(1d20) +13 = 17 Bluff to slyly let on that I have shadow magic.
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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

Durnom looks at Rajan with a strange look for a few moments before smiling. "The Kelbis Mines are a very dark place, indeed." The dwarf looks you over again for a moment, nodding. "You aiming to get this done on the way down tomorrow, or back up?"

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Pashalik »

"I find it's best to do these things on the way down. No sense being too tired for the real work. If things get dark, don't manage to see anything." A quick spell will leave the target in the dark, then Rajan just has to make sure he doesn't come out of it.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Fialova »

Josie listens intently as the men continue to speak, noting what seems like a coded message on Rajan's part. I wonder what he could mean by that? Does he intend to snuff out the torches? Can he see with no light? She still thinks the plan seems like a shot in the dark, but if it does work she is not going to complain. Hopefully he doesn't get killed in the process.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Fair enough. I'll walk in the group behind yours. My foreman trusts me -- I should be 'get lost' and catch up with your mining crew."

You finish making your way up the switchbacks and are sent off to your respective cells, but not before a warning from Yldaren to "be smart about this." Unable to really discuss the prior events, Bazros, Ramis, Brelnia, Yldaren, and the rest of you go your separate ways with knowing looks. The night passes as usual.

In the morning, you finish your meal and move toward the mining plaza, where you linger for a bit before see an unmistakable blonde-haired dwarf. "Aye, looks like Durnom said," Brelnia confirms. With out much effort, you are able to fit yourself into the staggered group that Yorvik walks in. A few dozen in total, you are again in a loose cluster packed between layers of Watchers.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Alerio feels uneasy as the group makes its approach down to the plaza, unsure of what the day will hold and fearing for the worst. There are more ways this could go wrong than right. Noticing the party's target, Alerio feels relieved that one portion of the task is done. However, eyeing the heavy presence of Watchers, the Talon says to Rajan, "So how do you intend on taking out this man?" Recalling the man's allusions to darkness, he adds, "You can't hide sound so easily."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Pashalik »

As the group slowly goes over the switchbacks, Rajan casually filters through the throngs, looking for a good place to launch his assault from.

17(1d20) +11 = 28 stealth to sneak in close
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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

Rajan easily approaches Yorvik without drawing any overt attention to himself. As you near closer, it is clear that the dwarf is walking within a loose group of prisoners, likely his crew. He steps a couple body-lengths away from them, however, and they do not seem to be chattering much.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Fialova »

Josie follows the others as they weave their way closer to Yorvik in the crowd, still unsure of the soundness of their plan. She notes Rajan's lack of response when questioned by Alerio and, though also curious to hear his response, the woman understands his need for discretion in such a high risk situation. You'd think he'd know better than to ask such a thing with so many others around. Yorvik could have friends nearby.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by AndItsAllGone »

Shakumon watches the unfolding events warily. He doesn't know how exactly Rajan intends to do the job, but he needs to be ready in case anything goes wrong. He keeps a keen eye on the prisoners around Yorvik, ready to intervene if any of them cause trouble.


Perception to watch Yorvik' crew:
1(1d20) +8 = 9

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Pashalik »

Rajan calls the shadow wraith softly and the room is suddenly plunged into blackness. In the cover of dark, Rajan lowers his shoulder and goes straight for Yorvik.


Cloud of Darkness
11(1d20) +1 = 12Bull Rush on Yorvik

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