Way Down in the Hole — IC

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Way Down in the Hole — IC

Post by ratwizard »

Damp, earthy scents linger in the air as the nine of you descend further and further in the pits this morning. The dripping of subterranean water slips down through cracks in the walls, a wet and musty moss growing wherever it can find purchase. You recall that this particular branch hadn't been fully mined yet, set aside for a recent finding of a massive vein on a different network.

Before heading out, the Watchers had ensured each of you had a torch, a mining pick, and a water canteen. Escorted down to the main hub below the Hole's plaza, you were let go, tasked with your job for the day.

Yldaren, the foreman of your mining group for the past few weeks, now leads the way with confidence in his step. The lean and muscled elf looks to have seen a lot of pain in his lifetime, his face and body lined with scars and his ears docked by the cut of a blade. "Pabos ensured me it was down this branch," he says in a gravelly voice, pointing toward a passageway. He waits until you have all entered before bringing up the rear.

You travel along the dim cave for a few minutes in the silence of your own footsteps, discussion at a minimum. Ramis -- an Imardanian whom you've heard was captured along the Gryst for a business deal gone wrong -- whispers a comment to Bazros, the young orc at his side. Baz merely shakes his head. He was quiet like that most of the time. It seems likely he was a slave before this, and likely that he would be one for his remaining years.

Laughing at his own joke like a madman, the human slows down, almost bumping into the dwarven woman behind him in the dim light. She shoves him forward with a free hand. "Shut your damned mouth and keep walking, Ramis. You stop in my way again and you're getting knocked out of it." Brelnia usually meant what she said, and Ramis straightened up.

"Keep order," comes the growl of Yldaren's voice from behind. "I think our spot is just up ahead. Two wheelbarrows are showing up per hour. I aim to fill 'em."

With the torchlight bouncing off the rough surface of the natural lava tunnel, you do not immediately see any obvious streaks of ore. The path bends off at a soft angle ahead of you, blocking your view past ten meters or so. What you do notice, however, is the strange smell of rot. A sickly, almost-sweet smell that makes your stomach churn. Juxtaposed against the dusty scents of the passage, it seems very out of place.

"You smell that?" Ramis asks, now serious.

"I sure do," Yldaren replies, his brow furrowed in worry. "Let's keep moving," he commands, motioning forward.
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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Fialova »

Josie follows along, keeping her thoughts to herself as she does so. This is only one of many ventures down a dark, dank mining tunnel, and though far from pleasant she has grown accustomed to it by now. In her time as a prisoner she's learned the best thing to do to stay alive and in one piece is to simply keep her head down, follow orders, and not draw attention to herself.

At mention of the smell she perks up a bit, and sniffs at the air. She wished she had her hound senses at the moment, as they'd always proven more reliable than her own human senses, but knew that it would not be in her best interest to turn. The smell worries her, though. She'd encountered it before, and above ground it usually meant corpses. Corpses were almost never a good sign.


Perception to sense the source and/or nature of the smell: 13
Dungeoneering to determine if it is hazardous: 9

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Scarpel24 »

In what it seemed like another day wasted in these infernal pits, things just got worse when the idiot of Yldaren, obsessed with filling the daily quota as always, just suggested to keep moving inside, as if that smell would not have frighten him.

Do we really need to go DIRECTLY to the danger? we are just wasting energy fighting the creatures in the mines instead of the guards. But before I said something I looked around to see if some of the inmates would support me or Yldaren. We have been working silently for the past 2 weeks and I don't even know half of these people.

So I look to my right and see a beautiful woman with long hair, probably foreighn, they are not as pretty in Serranak, but with a straight dead expression on her face, like she would kill the next living thing she would come across. So not the angry girl....

Then I look to my left and see this guy, just quietly trying to blend in. He would have been perfect as a target to steal, but if years have taught me anything is that the most quiet merchants are the ones that have the hidden blade in the moneybelt. And it does seems suspicious trying to blend in a prison.

Great, I'm surrounded with a potential disaster waiting to happen, AND we are walking towards danger. JUST GREAT

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

Zhou Si

You recognize the smell as rotting organic matter -- possibly the corpse of a cave animal or something worse. Your dungeoneering senses only suspect that it seems to be ahead and just around the corner, and that if you can smell it from this distance, then it's not in a cavern or something with a draught.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

As the group delves further into the mines, Alerio follows close behind. He's grown used to this type of journey, but grown to hate it more and more each day. The darkness and grime left little to be desired compared to the freedom of the open dunes of his homeland. Since his imprisonment, he has felt it harder to commune with El-unod, as the Eagle's sky is too far away. Test me as you will, El-unod, but then let Et-namn free me from this hellish hole. Though the day-to-day work of digging isn't too difficult, the monotony irks the Talon. Might as well just be a guardsman again.

As the group trudges forward, the putrid scent wafts past. By the Eagle, what is that smell? Such an odor was out of place in the caverns, though he'd seen enough corpses baking in the desert sun to recognize it. Let it be a rodent or something and not a fellow man.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Pashalik »

Rajanikant plodded along with the other slaves, wondering whether he could shirk enough work today to have the energy to keep his eyes open for a possible escape opportunity. It didn't seem hopeful, Brelnia and Yldaren didn't put up with much.

As they approached the area they were supposed to work, Rajan noticed he hadn't seen any good signs of ore in this tunnel, and a sudden smell of rot alarmed him. Rajan's mind jumped to the recent murders, and it occurred to him to wonder whether someone wanted him further out of the way. He spoke in the rough direction of the orcs in the group, hoping to lean on their muscle if there was trouble."What is that reek? Somebody hoping to turn us into a cleanup crew? Check it out."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by AndItsAllGone »

Shakumon lumbers silently towards the rear of the group, his eyes betraying no trace of alarm beneath his heavy brow. His mining pick rests easily on his right shoulder as his other hand grasps his torch at a low angle. He'd seen countless atrocities in during his years in the Hole, and a few corpses come as no surprise to him.

He surveys the group--mostly still strangers to him, despite their time working together. The mines aren't a place for making friends. Still, Yldaren strikes him as a competent foreman; the elf will know what to do if trouble came to them. He feels the heft of the pick across his shoulder. He is sure he could handle himself if worse came to worst.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Only clean-up we're doing is cleaning out whatever ore may be here," Yldaren says in response to Rajanikant. As you all push forward slowly around the bend, it becomes increasingly clear what the source of the pungent miasma is.

Lying at an unnatural angle against the rough cave wall is an orcish man, his tan skin pale from decomposition. Fitted with the same cloth prisoner garb the nine of you wear, his face, skull, and back are matted with thick, dried blood.

"Fuck," Baz manages, the unsettled look on his face betraying his usual lack of emotion.

"This ain't good, Yld."
Brelnia leans against her pick, holding her nose. "The hell we supposed to do now?"

The elvish foreman doesn't speak for a moment, his arms crossed against his chest. "Well, this is certainly a first. Guess we'll have to report it to the Watchers. Problem is, they'll still expect our quota."

Ramis says nothing for once, the green hue to his face visible even under torchlight.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Fialova »

"Or they will just claim we did it and use it as an excuse for more beatings, or possibly even executions," Josie says matter-of-factly, looking on at the sorry sight before her. Since when is it ever a good idea to report anything to the Watchers?


Is this guy dead or can we not tell?

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

"It all depends on the Watcher. You stay here as long as me, you get to learning who to go to for what," Yldaren responds to Zhou Si.

Zhou Si

He's dead, but you can't tell how long, or why exactly without a more in-depth examination.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Scarpel24 »

"Finally someone with some brains in here!". Tells Korgul to the mistress in his right. "The name is Korgul, make sure to remember it as it can save your life if we ever get out of this hell"

It was no surprise to find dead people in the pits, but not as bloody as this. Something is odd... But as the foreign said, it's a matter of survivability.

"We should resolve this first, and worry about our quota later. It's better to know what we are dealing with and then go to these particular Watchers, as you say Yldaren"

I approach the body to see the condition of the dead orc


Trying to find out cause of death and time of death
14(1d20) +1 = 15 Heal check
3(1d20) +1 = 4 Perception check

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Fine, but make it quick. When the first pass of the wheelbarrows come, we can spread the news on."


Upon a closer inspection of the orc, you can tell that the corpse has what appears to be heavy bruising and impact-marks all over the upper body. His eyes and cheeks are swollen, and a small split on the side of his head looks like it might have been the deadly blow.

Though most of the welts seem superficial in nature, a few of them do not look like the work of fists. The crack in the skull, a blow to the the orc's brow, one on the chin, and a few delivered to the neck look much more violent. These ones must have been delivered by something with more force, like an elbow or a blunt weapon.

All in all, it appears this man was beaten to death by someone or something with relatively considerable strength.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Scarpel24 »

"This guy was beaten down to death! This was no accident..."

Korgul is now considering his options. The orc was probably killed by a weapon, so a pickaxe? By looking at everyone's faces, it seems that Yldaren is the only one calm, and he shouldn't be. Best case scenario it's some mad inmate who we'll probably have to face. But worst case.....

So what do I have? The foreing beauty definitely looks like she can fight, there's fire in her eyes, like she's hunting... The big orc can definitely take a punch... The quiet guy maybe?... And the dwarf lady... Brelnia I think... she's massive, but looks scared... it's no good when the strong one looks scared...

"We should at least check the perimeter, I don't like this... HEY dwarf girl! I do not plan to die in this shithole, so get it together and come with me to the front!" Maybe a loud noise will snap her. I hope this is not necessary, but I'm not taking any chances.

Last edited by Scarpel24 on Wed Sep 13, 2017 8:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Girl?" Brelnia echoes, chuckling. She looks well into her thirties. "I have a name, you big ugly cunt." She stands up from her slouch and picks up the pick she was leaning against. "And what's wrong? You scared of the dark? Fine."

Pick in hand, she steps forward with Korgul. "The rest of you coming?"

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by AndItsAllGone »

Shakumon draws himself up to his full height and begins to follow Brelnia. "Let's get this over with." He gestures with his torch towards the corpse. "He'll wait. The Watchers won't."

The massive orc looks over the faces of his companions, trying to determine if any of their wills are close to breaking. He knows that the savagery of the Hole shouldn't surprise anyone, but some are more delicate than others. They'd need the whole group working if they were to fill two wheelbarrows per hour.


Insight to decipher the group's mood: 1d20+3=8

Last edited by AndItsAllGone on Sat Sep 23, 2017 7:34 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Gods... Alerio thinks as they come across the orcish corpse. May this soul find safe passage in the Labyrinth. He's suffered enough in this hell hole, no matter his living crimes. His eyes go wide as the man confirms the orc had been beaten to death, recalling rumors of inmates being murdered by Watchmen. This definitely was no accident.

"It's not the dark to fear, but what lies in it," Alerio remarks, stepping forward with the others. "But I hold no fears here." There's not much left to fear when you're in a living nightmare.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

The group of you scout forward, looking for anything out of the ordinary past the body of the orc. Another bend and the lava tube seems to open up a bit into a wider section, its curved walls meeting the ceiling about four meters up. On the walls, you notice a vein of red, bubble-like deposits. "Iron," Yldaren confirms. "I suppose this is where Pabos wanted us."

This far from the body, the scent is all but faded. "What now?" Ramis asks, his hand running over the iron vein, before gingerly sniffing at it. He mumbles something under his breath as he knocks his knuckles against the ore.

"It's not our job to go searching off in the unknown," Brelnia says, her pick at the ready. "Let's get started." With careful swings, she begins to take chunks out of the vein.

Yldaren stands for a moment in thought. "I think I'm going to head up the shaft and see if I can flag down a Watcher. Something about this doesn't seem right. Shakumon, you've got seniority til I'm back. Make sure these ones get to work. If you lot slack off when I'm off, we all get whipped. And I got a damned good memory." He turns back, starting down the path you came from.


Looking over the faces of the others in the dim light, you get the sense they range from worried to irritated -- though you don't notice much fear. While this type of find is uncommon for yourself, you've heard stories and it isn't the first body you've encountered in this prison.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by AndItsAllGone »

Shakumon grunts his acquiescence. "You lot heard him. Let's get to work." He places his torch against the wall to provide a modicum of light for their labor and immediately sets to chipping at the ore with his pick, his massive arms making the work look deceptively easy.

As he works, he says to the others. "Two barrows per hour. That's what they expect." Figuring the best way to lead is by example, Shakumon puts in his best effort.


Athletics to get as much ore as possible: 18(1d20) +14 = 32

Last edited by AndItsAllGone on Tue Sep 12, 2017 2:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Pashalik »

Thaaaanks, Yldaren. Rajan thought caustically. As Yldaren got out of earshot, Rajan used some of that anger to start driving his pick into the ore. He used the pick in his right hand, keeping the sleeve pulled down over his left arm. "I almost thought this was a routine murder." he said quietly. "Wonder if you get extra rations for leading people into dark corners they don't come out of?"

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

With Brelnia, Ramis, and Baz following orders, the rest of you get to mining unless any further mention otherwise. "A few weeks ago I packed a barrow with some cave rock still attached to the chunks of ore," Ramis says with a grin.

"Then they beat you," Bazros says, not looking up from his mining.

"Only because they caught me. The Watchers might be distracted by the body. Might be able to catch a break today, hm?"

Brelnia stays silent, shaking her head and battering the wall with effective swings.


While you wait for Yldaren and/or the Watchers, make an Athletics roll to gauge how effective the time spent mining is. Next, make an Endurance roll to see how weary you feel from the session.

Shakumon only needs to roll Endurance since you've already rolled his Athletics.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Pashalik »

Rajan smirks at Ramis' remarks and puts in a good day's slacking.


7(1d20) +4 = 11 for Athletics
10(1d20) = 10 for Endurance

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by AndItsAllGone »

Snarling, Shakumon barks at Ramis, "None of that. We're here to work and avoid beatings." He doesn't slow the pace of his swings. "I'm not going to let my crew suffer for the sake of one pair of idle hands."


18(1d20) +10 = 28 Endurance roll

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Alerio sighs as he's given their orders, hoping the corpse would have provided a break from the monotony he had faced every day since being in the mines. Grabbing his pickaxe, he begins his daily work, intent on making the quota. Let my last days not be spent doing this work. At Rajan's remark of murder, he replies, "Extra rations? Probably not. Extra beatings I'm sure you're guaranteed though."

Not wanting to waste too much time with idle talk, the Talon mines away at the stone, hoping to find enough ore for the quota. What do they even need all this ore for anyways?


Athletics: 13(1d20) = 13

Endurance: 6(1d20) +11 = 17

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Fialova »

Josie follows along with the others, not taking point, but not trailing behind either. She listens as they talk but doesn't chime in for awhile, having learned early on that survival is easiest when you keep your head down and go with the flow. She frowns at Ramis' mention of slacking, not liking the idea of getting beaten for doing a poor job, but not feeling bad for the man since he knew what would happen and did it anyway.

As the group gets to mining, the Ghian paces herself, not wanting to tire to early but also not wanting to seem like a slacker. She does her best to mine the ore effectively, but physical strength had never been her forte at the temple, and her time in the mines had only barely improved that. "Shakumon, the way you work it seems you've been doing this for years. Were you a miner before you got here?" she asks, curious how anyone could work so fast and not tire.


Athletics: 10
Endurance: 14

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by AndItsAllGone »

Shakumon stops for a brief moment to look at Josie. "I've been doing this for years." He continues working, seeming to redouble his efforts.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Fialova »

"Fair enough," the woman says, continuing on at her mediocre pace. I hope to never have the same response, she thinks, the idea of being in this hole for years causing her great discomfort.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Scarpel24 »

Glad to see the danger was not imminent, Korgul focus on the task at hand, and starts plotting again how to get out of the pits...

Fortunately we did not encounter any creatures on the way here... I figure I'm now on the bad side of Brelnia, but she looks eager to get out, unlike Yldaren who gave up on life long ago... Maybe I could use her, and the foreign... Hmmm I should ask her name for reference, it's good to know the capable ones... The orc, Shakumon, is definitely something to consider, I mean look at that! He's a beast! And it might be good if someone on the good side of Yldaren trusts me...

As Korgul gets lost in his own thoughts, he mindlessly starts mining. It was just natural for him to doubletask, especially if one of those task was plotting something for his benefit


Mining Rolls
20(1d20) +10 = 30 Athletics
15(1d20) +11 = 26 Endurance

"So, is there a name for you foreign?" Kogul asks the beautiful outsider "You seem very capable, not for mining but for...more useful tasks. What got you in here?"

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

With your foreman gone and Shakumon in charge for the moment, you all get started on the labor you have been assigned to. Some of you struggle to find balance with your work, while others get into a constant rhythm. All in all, you manage to collect an acceptable pile of ore chunks, gathered in a meter-tall stack against one of the walls. The strain of your efforts is not lost, however, and a few feel sluggish in time.

Within an hour or so, you hear footsteps and the sound of wheels bumping over uneven footing. Yldaren steps into view once again, looking much the same as before, if a bit out of breath. "Hey," he offers. "Looks like you did the bare minimum. Should fit the barrows they got comin'."

On cue, four prisoners wheel in two heavy wheelbarrows, the wheels looking tough but worn by the rocky journeys. Behind them are three Watchers: a tall orcish woman, a stocky human, and a bearded dwarf. They are dressed in the typical raiment and equipment worn here -- a studded leather brigandine as well as padded armguards and heavy faulds to protect their hips and waist. At their sides rest metal, rod-like clubs about a half-meter long, used to cull riots or resisting prisoners. It was common to see them like this, escorting the wheelbarrows.

The orcish woman scans the situation and speaks, her loud voice reaching past into the caverns behind you. "Found a body, yeah? You know anything about this dead orc?"

Yldaren shakes his head, turning back toward her. "I already told you, Tolka. Was here when we showed up. Didn't touch it, didn't move it, didn't do shit. Came to get you as soon as I got my crew started on their mining."

The stocky human Watcher shifts in place, looking back at the body. He turns to the dwarf Watcher next to him. "Give me a hand. Let's get this sod back up to the Plaza."

The dwarf laughs. "Ain't touching that fucker. Might have a disease. Throw him atop one of the barrows and make these four carry the load."

Watcher Tolka, the orcish woman, looks back to the rest of you. "Your foreman telling the truth? You really don't have anything to do with this?" She looks deeply into each of your eyes, her face showing doubts.


Mini Skill Challenge Results

Passing the Athletics check nets you full efficiency when mining, but failing it only grants half as much ore.

Passing the Endurance check has no inherent benefit, but failing it reduces your surges by 2 for the day and gives you a -2 to any additional Strength or Endurance check until a long rest.

Shakumon passes both.

Rajanikant fails both. He mines at half-efficiency (slacker) and suffers a loss of 2 surges and a -2 to STR or END ability checks til the next long rest.

Alerio fails Athletics, passes Endurance. He mines at half-efficiency.

Zhou Si fails both. She mines at half-efficiency and suffers a loss of 2 surges and a -2 to STR or END ability checks til the next long rest.

Korgul passes both.

In sum, three failed the Athletics checks but Shakumon and Korgul passed forcefully and carried your asses to the minimum for a victory. The Endurance checks have only their individual effects detailed above.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Scarpel24 »

"You really think your boy Yldaren would betray you? It wasn't us... besides, it's not the cleverest to kill someone AND call the guards" Korgul usually got irritated with the presence of the Watchers, but this particular bunch was getting in his nerve "Instead of not looking at the obvious, you could, you know, DO YOUR JOB and prevent shit like this.... estupidos guardias no saben ni siquiera hacer su trabajo, tengo que aguantar tantas ridiculeses antes de poder salir de esta mierda..." For a moment the Serran slip past the anger and came outside, but then Korgul remembered they were still somewhere in Serranak, so it would not be safe...

"I figure you have no use for dead miners. Anyway, take your ore and leave. It should be enough" Korgul said before turning away to pick his stuff.


"Stupid guards don't even know how to do their jobs, and I have to stand up all these nonsense before getting out of this shithole..."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Alerio looks at Korgul with bewilderment, replying, "I'm not sure now is the time for flirting, but I won't stop you." Shaking his head at the hopeless man, Alerio continues his duties, not feeling particular efficient, but at least not wearing himself out.

With the Watchers having returned, Alerio attempts to keep a lower profile, not wishing to be singled out for a beating. This is something he thinks Korgul could benefit from, the Talon shocked at the man's harsh words in his native tongue. Can't say I'll be surprised if we find his corpse buried here one of these days. At Watcher Tolka's question, Alerio replies, "What this oh so eloquent man is trying to say is that yes, Yldaren is telling the truth. We only just discovered this body, and he immediately went to get you while we got started."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Mira tu maldito tono, prisionero. ¿Qué tonto eres?" Watcher Tolka fires back at Korgul, her body language severe. "You just earned yourself ten lashes tonight. You say another stupid fucking thing about how I do my job and that's twenty for you, and ten for your crew." Alerio's attempt at a more elegant explanation seems to fall on deaf ears as she stares the hostile orc down.

Tolka orders the four prisoners on hauling duty to start collecting the ore into the large wheelbarrows. She turns back to Korgul, stepping closer past the men working, hand resting on the end of her metal club at her waist. "And if you think you're ever getting out of here," she says in a low growl, standing close with her brow furrowed. "Then you're dead wrong."

Serran Translation

"Watch your fucking tone, prisoner. How much of an idiot are you?"

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Scarpel24 »

Korgul knows that he's into trouble deep, and that the Serran was the worst idea he could have had...

Since there's no going away from this, maybe it's time to test how tough the Watchers really are

"There will be 10 lashes for me and NONE for the crew. You got your ore, leave them be... But in must be nice to boss around unarmed prisoners, you must carry your clan's name real high"

Korgul then starts flexing his muscles, imposing his presence as he lowers the tone of his voice.

"Pero piénsalo bien orca, no siempre seras la única con un garrote en la mano"


Intimidate Check 10(1d20) +14 = 24


"Think about it orc, you'll not always be the only one with a club on her hand"

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Fialova »

The Amkharan pauses her mining for a moment and turns to the orc when he asks her name. How odd to call me a foreigner, we are all foreigners to this place. "My name is Zhou Si," she says, which would sound like an odd pronunciation of 'Josie' to anyone not fluent in a Ghian dialect, and she expects the prisoners will call her that just as every other mainlander has so far.

"And I am here because I angered powerful people, as I am sure all of you did as well," she adds, before returning to her work, not wanting to go into more detail about her past with people she doesn't trust. I doubt many in here would appreciate an abolitionist. How many of these men and women are here for participating in the slave trade?

Despite her efforts to pace herself, Josie finds that the task at hand is a difficult one and, though the group did manage to meet their quota, she finds herself already exhausted. She wipes the sweat from her brow as the Watchers arrive with wheelbarrows, setting her pick aside to take a short, well-needed rest.

As the Watchers begin asking questions, she figures it is best to leave the talking to the others, and sticks by her pick to wait for them to leave. However, as Korgul begins to mouth off she can't help but feel a mix of worry and bewilderment at his actions. He must be new in here, there is no way that will go well for him, she thinks, as Tolka steps closer to the man. She rolls her eyes when he doubles down on his efforts, rather than accepting only ten lashes. If I get punished for this they're going to find another body in the tunnels.

Combat Block

Zhou Si (Josie)

Female Elf Druid 2
Languages: Amkharan, Elven, Grystok
Age: 28
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 153 lbs.

Speed: 8
Initiative: +5
Passive Perception: 22
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 15
Fort: 12
Reflex: 16
Will: 16
HP: 30/30
Bloodied: 15
Surge Value: 7
Surges left: 6/8
Action Points: 1

MBA (human form, unarmed): +2 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage
Savage Rend (as MBA, beast form only): +5 vs Reflex, 1d8+4 damage and slide target 1 square
Grasping Claws (as MBA, beast form only): +5 vs Reflex, 1d8+4 damage and target is slowed until my EONT
Wolf Shape Secondary Power (as MBA, Wolf Shape only): +8 vs AC, 1d10+4 damage
RBA (human form, unarmed): +5 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage

Resistances: none
Vulnerabilities: none
Saves: none
Active Effects:

  • +1 speed while not in heavy armor
  • ignore difficult terrain when shifitng
  • roll stealth to hid if I have cover/concealment on initiative roll
  • +1 reach with melee staff attacks, and ranged/area implement attacks with staffs don't provoke OAs
  • +1 to attack and +2 do damage when charging in beast form
  • gain CA vs enemies with no other adjacent creatures
  • grant CA to enemies with silvered weapons
  • -2 to STR & CON checks until next long rest


Wolf Shape Secondary Power*
Wild Shape
Savage Rend
Magic Stones
Grasping Claws

Second Wind []
Wolf Shape []
Elven Accuracy []
Thorn Spray []
Wolf's Vitality [_]

Savage Frenzy [_]

  • this can only be used while in Wolf Shape, from the associated encounter power, not in any other beast form from Wild Shape or other sources

Consumables: none

Important Features:

Class Features
Primal Predator: +1 speed when not wearing heavy armor

Ritual Casting: gain ritual casting feat, plus Animal Messenger ritual and another free level 1 ritual

Wild Shape: a bunch of stuff regarding transforming into animals, see PHB2 for full rundown of details.

Racial Features
Elven Accuracy: gain Elven Accuracy power

Elven Weapon Proficiency: gain proficiency with longbow and shortbow

Fey Origin: considered Fey for purposes of effect determined by creature origin

Wild Step: ignore difficult terrain when shifting

Wood Elf Reactive Stealth: if I have cover or concealment when rolling initiative, I can roll Stealth to hide at the same time

Theme Features
Werewolf Level 1 Feature: +2 to intimidate. Gain the Shapechanger subtype, making me subject to effects that affect shapechangers. Enemies with silvered weapons have CA against me. I am immune to the Moon Frenzy disease. Gain the Wolf Shape power.

Ritual Caster: I can master and perform rituals of my level or lower, provided I am trained in either Arcana or Religion. Each ritual also has its own associated skill I must be trained in, plus I need components. See PHB for more info.

Staff Expertise: +1 to weapon and implement attacks with staffs. Do not provoke OAs when using ranged or area implement attacks with staffs. +1 reach when performing melee attacks with staffs.

Enraged Boar Form: +1 to attack and +2 to damage when charging in beast form.

Cunning Stalker: enemies that have no creatures adjacent to them, other than me, grant me CA

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

Watcher Tolka's eyes go wide as Korgul's menacing gestures seem to spark both frustration and fear. Snarling, she draws free the metal club at her waistband, holding it in one hand. "Twenty, prisoner!" She turns to the rest of you, her eyes still locked onto Korgul's. "And ten for each of you. You can thank this fucking idiot." She turns back to the aggressive orc in front of her. "And we don't have clans in Serranak. Are you fresh from the homeland? Or has somebody else already hit your fucking skull enough times to make you this daft?"

With her free hand, Tolka gives Korgul a brisk shove to push him toward the wall. At this, her two associates step forward in front of the wheelbarrows, unsure how to assess the situation. Their hands go to their clubs, but they do not draw them. The human and the dwarf scan the room with worried eyes.

"Look, look," Yldaren says with hands raised. His voice sounds irritated, but still civil. "We'll take our lashes. Let's be done with this."

"I'll keep this up all morning until you pays respect to Goliz, Bolman, and I, shut the fuck up, and get back to your mining." Tolka doesn't budge.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Pashalik »

Rajan's eyes narrow as the news comes down that he'll be getting a beating. Having already seen one corpse in this shaft today, fears about being the next flicker through his mind. You know, a decrepit voice whispers in his mind, If you die down here, there's no telling how long we'll be trapped in this hole. Rajan grips his pick a little tighter and edges toward the shadows, not ready to act but not ready to submit, either.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Fialova »

Josie's worry and bewilderment turns more towards annoyance as she hears the judgement of their captor, threatening lashes for all in response to Korgul's continued hostility. Hoping to save herself and the others from unfair suffering, and to show her disdain for such outbursts, she turns to the woman - Tolka - and speaks.

"Would you change your mind about my lashes, and those of the rest, if I deliver his lashes myself," she asks, flashing a glare towards Korgul as she does so. I will not be dragged down by this man's pride.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Scarpel24 »

"There will only be my lashes.... I won't throw the first stone Orc woman, but I certainly won't stay quiet as yo do your please" Korgul thought that maybe today, having a murder reported, was not the best day to escape, so the middle ground would be better for the long run, I still need theinmates help to get out.

"Ten lashes for my big mouth, and you leave. Or do you think I will be unarmed all the time? I may eventually get beaten to death, but you won't make it out today Watcher, we are pretty deep in the mine, you made sure of that"Korgul cracks his knuckels and passes a hand on his earpieces "I mean,I do havea tendency of not letting people go"

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Hang off, Tolka," comes the voice of the dwarven Watcher. "This is the type that Wolden was looking for, remember?"

The orcish woman brandishes the metal club for a moment, her eyes still cutting into Korgul's for a moment. She backs off, however, her snarling frown curling into a smirk. "Right." Tolka takes a deep breath, looking more confident and relaxed despite the hostile confrontation. "You've got a lot in store for you, Mouth." Watcher Bolman -- the human -- looks on in amusement, but says nothing.

Tolka turns to Zhou Si, pondering the request for once. "My words are final. Don't ask me again while you're ahead of this brainless fool."

"Shall we?" Bolman finally asks, looking very eager to be on his way. Some of the haulers had stopped loading the barrows for a moment, in varied interest of the confrontation. Back to their work now, they finish up and grab hold of the heavy arms, ready to move on. Tolka nods to Bolman and they turn to leave.

Yldaren leans against a wall, looking down and shaking his head. "Fucked that one up, hm, Korgul?"

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Scarpel24 »

Korgul breathes, relieved that this "Win a battle, lose the war" situation was over... for now

"My stupid Serran came out, out of frustation" Said Korgul, still reprimanding himself for such a childish mistake "But anyways, thanks for stepping in Yldaren, did not expect it from you.... I guess the years do teach you something in here"

And now the task at hand was how to deal with the punishment and still being able to escape, Korgul could be changed from this mining group, to one even more useless. And these ones at least had the attitude he needed to get out. He thought the corpse was a good oportunity to test the waters, but he fucked up at the end.

"But I just want to make myself clear here" He said to all the inmates "I'm not just looking for trouble, I WILL get out of here... I finally can kill all those discusting slavers and aristocrats in Razak and I won't lose that chance.... I do not intend to stay low for long, and I do need people to get out... If you care to get out, you can join, and if you don't you can just ignore me and let me die, I really don't care... If it's not you there are other inmates here, but I WILL get out"

Korgul shut up for a moment. Ugh a speech? What have I become? I need to get out of here soon. But his mind was split between how much of an idiot was he and if he would survive the night.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by AndItsAllGone »

Shakumon watches the scene, listening to Korgul's embarrassing rant with disinterest. If some idiot wanted to mouth off to the Watchers and then make pointless speeches, he couldn't stop it. He gathers his tools and prepared to continue mining.

"You think you're the only one who dreams of escape?" he says to Korgul. "You won't get the chance if you keep acting like an idiot." He shakes his head contemptuously. "Next time don't drag the rest of us into it."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Alerio shakes his head at Korgul, annoyed that the man's demeanor has earned the rest of them several lashings. You'd think he'd have learned by now. You can't speak like that here or you screw yourself and everyone around you. With a heavy sigh, he thinks, He'll have to learn now, or he'll end up dead.

As the previously hostile orc man makes his speech, the Talon stands watching, bewildered. The only way he'll be escaping with his attitude is death. With his monologue completed, Alerio responds, "And just how do you plan on getting out of here? I doubt you'll be the first to try, and I doubt you'll be the first to get killed trying." Unless he actually has a logical plan here, he's out of his mind.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Scarpel24 »


4(1d20) +3 = 7 Streetwise check to know the functioning of the mines, patrols, number of guards, that kind of info

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

Brelnia watches on with a look of either interest or disbelief. Yldaren stares up at the roof of the small cavern, obviously irritated. "Look, I ain't going to rat on you, and I ain't going to make you look foolish. But I gotta say, after being here as long as I have... I don't see a way. This place is packed to the teeth with those fucking Watchers. S'pose you could find a way out if you picked the right branch of cave, but you'd get your ass handed to you on a hundred bad guesses before then."


You've heard rumors that there are somewhere around a hundred Watchers, but you aren't sure how accurate that may be. It might be complete bullshit, but you know you've seen enough faces to forget how many there might truly be.

As far as the patrols go in the mines themselves, typically mining groups are unsupervised except when wheelbarrows hauling groups come. They vary in number of prisoners hauling, but usually have a few Watchers like today.

Up in the main floor of the Kelbis Mines, where the various Wings are (including the cells, infirmary, Watcher's quarters, etc.) there are Watchers posted quite densely. You remember this from your times walking between the mineshaft and your cell.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Scarpel24 »

"It can be done, between patrolls. We could either go after this wagon and before the next one, or we could wait the next patroll and take their weapons. After that is just avoid detection as much as we can untill we get to the main floor, or go the opposite way across the vein"

To be honest, Korgul was not sure of every single detail. In his short time as a prisoner he has been able to detect some patters, but not all of them. Although today he came with the final piece of information he needed to be certain it was possible.

"But the most important thing is, you saw their reaction... they were hesitating. You think that if we were so underpowered they would have reacted like that? Their hands were shaking. It can be done, it's a matter of execution"

Korgul then grabs his necklace Let it all be for your sake, mother...

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Pashalik »

This could be the time. Rajan thought. "I'm in." he says softly.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by AndItsAllGone »

Shakumon shakes his head, his brow furrowing in annoyance.
"This is a stupid idea." Gesturing towards Korgul, he continues, "You're going to trust this fool to lead you to freedom, after witnessing his wisdom with the Watchers?" He starts swinging his pick into the ore. "Count me out."

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Fialova »

Josie glare turns to a scowl as Tolka brushes off her offer and the idea of her punishment due to the mouthing off of an arrogant orc sinks in. She watches in frustration as they leave and he begins to continue rambling on. However, she does soften slightly as he mentions a desire to fight the same slavers and aristocrats that she is fighting against, the same people responsible for her being in this prison to begin with. Perhaps we are more similar than it appeared.

Despite this, her thoughts mirror the words of her fellow inmates, who expressed skepticism at Korgul's desires. She is about to speak up in a similar line of questioning when he responds with his observations. She listens intently to his plans, being reminded somewhat of the planning sessions in Vyridis and other elven communities. His last point is what finally convinces the woman that he may not be all talk.

"You're right, they did seem worried to do anything," she says, still sounding a bit annoyed, but no longer so willing to harm the man for their predicament. "They also still have a great advantage in numbers, equipment, and organization. We can only avoid detection for so long, and once we are detected it is only a matter of time before they catch us. Sure, we could get lucky, but no good plan is based on luck. We need more than just us if we are going to get out alive."


Insight to determine the attitudes of the other NPCs: 23

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by ratwizard »

Brelnia takes a break from mining for a moment to shrug at the arrangement. "Anything to get out of this heap of shit. We'll all probably get offed by the Watchers or each other at some point -- may as well try make an escape out of it."

Ramis says nothing for once. He turns back to the vein and keeps mining.

Bazros shakes his head. "Been a slave my whole live. It ain't so bad. Can't say for certain if I'd risk it for freedom."

The elvish foreman cocks his head and stares between the few of you who are interested in escape. "You really think you can get out of here?" He chuckles. "Well, if you find a way, then let me know. But I'm not going to stick my neck out for some half-baked plan."

Zhou Si

The three that speak look to be giving their honest opinion, but you give Ramis a better look. From his damp neck, it's clear that he has been sweating -- judging by the slacking he did while mining, it's likely that it is anxiety-induced. The man gives a nervous glance as he catches your starting, but he turns away to continue his work.

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Alerio's look turns from bewilderment at the man's foolish idea to interest as he continues to lay out his thought process. He's right. They could have beaten us all down had they wanted to, but they hesitated. They're scared of something alright. He recalls the prison complex has been on edge as of late, and that could contribute. I doubt they want to threaten a full-blown riot.

Nodding at Josie, the Talon replies, "Yes, they seemed worried about something. Like they know something we don't." Despite his hopes of escaping the hellhole of Kelbis, Alerio knows much more planning is needed, otherwise they're destined to fair from the start. "But as Josie says, we need a plan if we'd want to get out of here. And I think we'd all prefer getting out."

With much of the group seeming to be in agreement on their desires to escape, he adds, "We shouldn't wait around too long to begin planning. As the teachings of El-unod say, 'Iustitiae moratus est iustitia negavit.' Justice delayed is justice denied. And this is justice."


Justice delayed is justice denied.

Only adding this for clarification even though I repeat the phrase in English afterwards

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Re: Way Down in the Hole IC

Post by Fialova »

"And what about you, Ramis?" Josie says, turning to the man. "You're unusually quiet. Is there something you're keeping from us?"

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