The Lion and the Dragon IC

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"That's my vote too," Satomi says in reply to Kekang as they enter the village.

"We've still not come too far so the more distance we travel the better. Plus the fewer people we interact with, the fewer there are who can inform on us," he elaborates.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"That's a sound idea," Nanako responds to the two men, in agreement. "If these men after Suzume truly want her, they're bond to come through here at some point. Might as well make it a little more difficult for them to stay on our trail."

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

Bao Tap Den nods and gives a grunt of approval before continuing to walk. Better to keep moving than risk being recognized.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

"Yes, let's continue on," Quen Lu Tam concurs, continuing to follow along, Suzume quietly in tow as always. As the group weaves through the small village they pass more people, most busy about their days, and a few eyeing them suspiciously. Though there are not many buildings, they are all spread out and the people and animals moving about make progress slower than on the road.

As you approach a small wooden bridge that crosses a stream running through the village, you are quickly approached by a man. He rushes to the group from one of the nearby buildings, waving his arms to stop them.

"Ho travelers!" he says, loudly enough that more attention has been drawn to you, even though many of the townsfolk were already eyeing you to begin with. Quen Lu Tam looks to him, but does not speak, instead casually repositioning himself between the man and Suzume.

"You sure must be tired from traveling all this way. Why not stop for a drink? We've plenty to go around," he says, motioning towards the building he'd come from, "and all for a fair price. Whaddya say?" He gives a nice big grin as he does so, motioning towards the group with his other arm.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"It would be rude of me not to accept," Kekeng ways with a feigned smile. Slapping the jugs at his waist to deem their levels, he realizes a drink sounds very appealing. Just one, hey? Gotta be able to walk and play.

Turning back to the group, he cocks his head toward the building. "We could use a break, anyways."

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

Bao Tap Den visibly stiffens at the thought of going into a drinking den. I've not been in a drinking house since my home was burned down. The smell of wine always reminded him of his cruel abductor.

He sighs and says "this would give us the opportunity to hear about local events. Maybe news of bandits on the road."It would also give us a chance to spread false news about the bandits that attacked us on the way here. Don't want anyone associating us with them. They might have cohorts in this area.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Satomi rolls his eyes and reluctantly follows after Kekang. "At least there's some benefit to this," he says in reply to Bao Tap Den.

"I'd much prefer to keep moving though," he adds to no one in particular.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Well he's already drawn attention to us now. Refusing will just make things worse," Nanako says to the group as the man coaxes them into his inn. "Think of it as regaining our energy after dealing with the bandits." I know we could all use a real rest after that, especially after being on the road all day.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

Quen Lu Tam frowns and follows along as the group is distracted by he promise of drink and relaxation. "We should keep moving. If you must rest, make it quick. It is still not safe," he says, quietly, as he follows along. Suzume sticks close by, not saying anything.

As they enter they find the building to be a small, mostly-empty tavern, a sight that should not come as a surprise given that it is in the middle of the day. There are an old man and woman sitting at a small table immediately opposite the door, and to the right is a single man sitting with his back to the doorway. At first glance he appears very familiar, and the longer the group is inside the more clear it becomes that this is the same man they just let go free in the previous fight.

Once inside, having followed after the man who'd approached them, their host says, "welcome, welcome. It's not often we get travelers these days, what with the war making the roads dangerous and such. I'd tell you to stay safe, but you look like you don't need that advice," he says, eyeing Satomi in particular. "So what can I get you folks? Baijiu? Arrack? Sake? I've also a few imported spirits if you're the adventurous sort," he says with the same big grin he'd had before, walking further into the building and to the right, to a cabinet likely containing the aforementioned drinks.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Sake," Kekeng replies decisively, casually eyeing the bandit they've encountered once again. How serendipitous, he thinks with a tipsy smirk.

Taking a seat, Kekeng raises a finger to draw the host's attention. "Would you have any objection to my playing?" He lifts the flute up for reference.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Satom keeps his eyes on the bandit, not paying any attention to the rest of the goings on in the tavern. He wraps his fingers around the hilt of his sword, wanting to be ready in case the man decides to challenge him.

He hopes it won't come to that though, a bloodbath in a tavern would certainly draw attention to them and the bandit should see eye to eye with them on that matter, even ignoring the fact he would be outnumbered several to one.

Satomi takes a seat near Kekang and says "Sake," ordering a drink, however his hand doesn't leave his sword even as he sits.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

Bao Tap Den looks around the room as he enters. He notices the seated couple, but the escaped bandit holds his attention. When asked for a drink order he waves off the tavern owner saying “Nothing for me.” I’ll never consume alcohol if I can help it. Bao Tap Den leans towards Satomi, whispers “I’m gonna get reacquainted with a new friend. Keep an eye on those two” and nods to the seated couple.

He then pulls out a copper coin, flips it into the air and catches it. As he approaches the escaped bandit from his backside he says “mind if I have a seat” before tossing the coin onto the table.

Last edited by Slashstick on Tue Sep 05, 2017 7:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"What sort of imported spirits do you have?" Nanako asks the jovial barkeep, not one to drink much alcohol but intrigued about his selection anyways. I doubt it's easy getting imports in times like these.

Noticing the bandit across the room, the dragoness rolls her eyes, hoping trouble won't brew between any of them. We're here to rest, not have another fight. Especially when we're trying to keep a low profile.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

"On the contrary," the barkeep says, as he begins preparing sake for Satomi and Kekeng, "it would be nice to have some music in here. Not a lot of travelers, least of all ones who can play a tune." He finishes preparing the drinks and sets them down for the men with a smile, before turning to Nanako.

"Only a few, dear," the man says, at her question about spirits. "But I'd recommend the Kallu," he continues, grabbing a bottle and small glass from his cabinet and turning back to the girl. "It is a refreshing wine made from palm trees, coming all the way from Mai'okon, and it is very light in alcohol. Perfectly suited for children," he says with his usual grin.

As the others enjoy their drink, the bandit looks up when Bao Tap Den sits near him, but quickly looks back down towards the trouble. "Look, I don't want no more trouble," the man says quietly, not wanting to bring more attention to himself than his' already drawn.

While the group is settling in with their drinks and conversations, Quen Lu Tam quietly makes his way to a spot in the corner, his back to the wall and his face to the entrance. Suzume sticks close beside, neither of the two asking for anything to drink.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

With the grace of a nobleman but the haste of a drunkard, Kekeng upends the glass of sake and dabs his mouth with a sleeve. He sighs with a smileand stands up from the table. He feels he could give the host some trite remark about how excellent it was, but he doesn't. I've drunk too much sake both good and bad to really tell the difference anymore.

Instead, Kekeng walks over to a spare table apart from the rest of the patrons, spinning his flute in hand with deft, practiced loops as he goes. He sits cross-legged atop the table and brings the instrument to his lips, blowing a soft note through it that quiets the room. He begins to speak, his words punctuated and in-rhythm, helped -- not hindered -- by his intoxication.

"To journeys afar, and to forked roads with one tine traveled more.
To meals shared and nights made frivolous and gregarious.
To the softness of our natural world, yet its jagged moments.
To paths lined with both grave and lake, placid -- and still peaceful.

May the Spirits guide us as we walk, as we breathe, as we live.
May they harry highwaymen, parry predators, carry ourselves to safety."

As he finishes his verse, Kekeng begins to play a melody on his flute. It begins slow and relaxed, and his eyes stay closed in concentration. Over time, the tempo builds and grows and flourishes. His foot slips down over the edge of the table and thumps the planked floor to hold onto the rhythm. With a heated crescendo, the melody reaches a rapid pace and beads of sweat glisten from Kekeng's forehead. Then, as it started, it finishes -- the comforting and low melody returns for a moment before fading out entirely.

"Thank you," the man says with a humble bow from his seated position. He smiles, but he feels the bite of sadness from within. "More sake, if you could?"

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Pondering for a moment at the barkeep's suggestion, Nanako finally says with a grin, "I think I'll try that. It sounds perfect." I sure wish I could be in Mai'okon instead of here. It'd be much more relaxing. While waiting for the man to get her drink, she watches the bard's drunken performance, amazed that he's able to show such prowess with such intoxication.

Turning back to the barkeep, eager to try the exotic drink, she asks, "How did you come across this spirit? It can't be easy getting imports these days."

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

The old couple and Suzume clap for Kekeng as he bows, the Quen Lu Tam seems too lost in thought to pay much attention to his performance. As he is finishing up, the barkeep grabs the man another drink before responding to Nanako.

"You're right, it is not common. However, a passing trader from the south had a large stock and I could not simply pass by such unusual spirits," he says, pouring her a small glass of the kallu. "Costs more than the rest, but it is well worth the cost if you ask me," he finishes, with his trademark grin.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

Happy to sip the next round of sake, Kekeng closes his eyes with a sigh as he sits atop the table. Flute at the ready, the man continues playing a few ancestral melodies from the area -- half for the others, but half for himself. Perhaps this journey will bring me peace, he ponders optimistically. Trouble will be found in any way of life. No need to dwell upon it. He cracks an eye open to peer at the bandit that Bao Tap Den sits near, before closing it again.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

A grin spreads across Bao Tap Den's face after hearing the defeated bandit's words. The smirk disappears when his party member begins his songs. Hearing the musical piece in their current setting reminds him of his lost home. It brings him back to a time when he didn't have to be wary of every shadow. A time where life was filled with delicious smells, lively music and warm laughter.

As the song ends, so too does his journey to the past. He pauses to bring himself back to his current situation. After clearing his throat he says I'm not looking for trouble." Bao Tap Den calmly strolls around the table and sits in the chair opposite the bandit. "I'm looking for information. Information that may be useful." Bao Tap Den slides the coin on the table to rest in front of the bandit. For example, who might get upset if they knew a traveler killing bandit is having a drink in their town?"

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Most definitely worth it," the dragoness responds to the man with a smile, taking a sip from her glass. "I never would have thought a spirit could be made from palm trees. But I'm sure the Mai'okon people would think the same about rice," she adds, thinking about how sake must seem so exotic to those abroad despite being a staple in her own realm.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

"Keep your voice down," the bandit responds to Bao Tap Den, in a hushed but anxious tone. "You know that sort of thing won't be taken kindly. I'm just trying to wind down, alright? And I'm done with all that, honest," he continues, looking into his glass intently as he speaks, not meeting the ex-bandit's eyes. "You folks showed me the dangers of that sort of life."

"Oh there are all sorts, miss, if you know where to look, or you travel," the man says, eager to share his knowledge of drinks with someone so eager to listen. "Why, I once had a trader all the way from Kurnhuelde - an orc, if you'd believe it. A real giant of a man - who traded me some bottles of a drink made from honey. Honey!" he says, his eyes wide and his excitement mixed with bewilderment. "One of the best drinks I've ever had, I tell you. I'd welcome that back in my tavern any day," he adds, longingly.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Ah!" Kekeng pipes up, catching the tail-end of Nanako's conversation with the bar-owner. "Kurnish mead. Nothing like it in this world, hm?" His flute packed at his waist once again, the vagrant pulls out a chair and sits down in it, a warm glow to his complexion.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Satomi sits and drinks silently while the others discuss drinks. He'd never been much of a drinker, he wasn't a fan of having his senses dulled, although recently he'd found himself taking up the opportunity of a drink more often.

"Soldiers often tell tales of the Orcs' ferocity in battle. I'm not surprised they know how to drink," he says, joining the conversation. "The two often seem to go hand in hand for many."

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Not in everyone's case," Kekeng says with a grin, holding his sake up and shrugging. Though since taking this job, it seems I may have to learn how to handle myself.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Spirits from... honey? That's fascinating," Nanako replies to the barkeep, intrigued at learning of customs abroad. Maybe I'll be able to try this mead someday, but that won't be anytime soon. "I wouldn't have expected such a warring people to drink something so sweet, though."

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

As the group merrily discusses various beverages, Quen Lu Tam sits and listens from his table in the corner. After a moment he clears his throat and speaks up, saying, "if everyone has had their fill, I suggest we move on. We've much distance to cover yet." His face shows a mixture of annoyance and worry as he speaks, clearly still unhappy with the decision to stop.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

Sipping the last of his second sake, Kekeng nods to the merchant. "I've had my fill," he confirms, standing up and pushing his chair in. His flute back in his hands, he twirls it to and fro as he steps over to the bartender.

"Perhaps -- as one man of culture to another -- my playing for your bar would cover the cost of my drinks? It was wonderful, no?" He smiles as the flute spins in his deft hands.


Diplomacy check with Words of Friendship: 9(1d20) +16 = 25

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Likewise," Satomi says, finishing off his drink before slamming the cup down on the table and standing up.

He reaches for his coin purse, although pauses for a moment waiting to see what the Bartender says in reply to Kekang.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"I'm ready as well," Nanako says as the group begins deciding to make their way back on the road. She watches as the drunk bard attempts to negotiate with the barkeep, unsure of his success but hopeful nevertheless. For a drunkard, he's sure got some unmatched eloquence.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

Seeing his companions almost ready to move on, Bao Tap Den gets straight to the point of his interrogation. "I'll make this quick then. Tell me about the bandits in this region. Are there any that stand out? Which roads do they like to operate? Think carefully. Neither you nor I want to repeat our previous engagement. If we happen upon bandits that shouldn't be there, then I'll be sure to let them know you sent us their way."

This bandit could provide good information. If he is forthcoming, then maybe we could use him as a guide. Who knows, maybe he knows short cuts and routes that might be beneficial. If he knowingly sends us towards harm, then we can always claim to be bounty hunters and claim he gave us the information.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

"True, true, it was quite good. I say you've earned your drinks. Though there were hardly enough customers for that to cover all of you, so your friends will still need to pay. The sake is 2 silvers apiece, the kallu is 3 and 5 coppers," he says with his normal grin. He makes his way around the bar towards their table to collect the funds.

"What's he on about, friend?" The barkeep asks, overhearing the line of questioning taking place between Bao Tap Den and the bandit as he is walking past. He looks to the man, his face showing a mix of confusion and concern.

"Nothing, he must have taken me for someone else," the man says, placing a gold piece on the table and standing to leave. "Keep the change," he adds, as he begins to make his way towards the door.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Very well," Kekeng says with a giddy smile. "A pleasure to provide my music to those who are moved by it."

He brushes himself off and puts his flute away, ready to be on the road again.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Nanako lightly sighs, having had the small hope that Kekeng's performance would be enough to cover the party's drinks. Nodding to the barkeep, she retrieves her coins purse, fishing out 3 silver pieces and 5 copper pieces. Handing them to the barkeep, she says, "Thank you, the kallu was delicious. I'll have to visit Mai'okon some day to have it again."


Spend 3 silvers & 5 copper, bringing me to 87 gold, 5 silver,
and 5 copper from my previous 87 gold and 9 silver

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

After watching his potential source of information walk away, Bao Tap Den glares at the bartender and says "You just lost yourself some coin barkeep." The frustrated traveler swipes up his copper piece and rejoins the others.

Although hazily, he could remember times over-hearing covert business deals in his family's establishment. The noisy atmosphere was ideal for secret discussions. Whenever he chanced upon such deals, the young server was to report to his father who would then serve their table for the rest of the evening. Although young, Bao Tap Den recognized that when shady business deals took place under his father's roof the house would take a small percentage of the deal through coin or steady orders of food and drink. This, of course, would depend on the deal taking place to a moderately satisfying end.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Satomi takes out his silver and drops it on the table. He gives a nod to the Barkeep before following Bao Tap Den out of the tavern.

Outside he looks around to see if the bandit is lurking anywhere nearby, not wanting to be ambushed as they leave the village. One man against all of us wouldn't stand a chance, but he could easily get someone if we're caught unaware. We did kill his friends earlier too, he could want revenge no matter the cost.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

"Stop by again anytime," the barman says with a wave and a smile, as the group gets up to leave. Quen Lu Tam gives him a polite nod as he follows the others out of the establishment and back into the town. The small wooden bridge is once more visible, with the occasional farmer or other villager passing over it to the other side of the small stream it crosses.

"Right, well let's be off, then," Quen Lu Tam says, still eager to continue moving. He watches as Satomi scans their surroundings and steps up to the man, lowering his voice as he speaks. "If you look too long you'll seem suspicious. If anyone after us is already here, they'll notice."


Outside of the tavern you see various villagers going about their business, though none seem to pay you much attention like they did when you first arrived. Towards the way you came, you think you can see the backside of the bandit walking away, though from this distance it is difficult to tell for sure.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Ahhhhh," Kekeng voices, a big smile on his face as he takes in the sights. "Back on the trails, then. This is shaping up to be an experience."

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Nanako nods at the drunk bard, replying, "This is the most I've traveled my whole life. I love all these new sights." Though I do miss the comfort of home. I hope everything is alright with Father.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

Kekeng plays a soft melody mostly for himself as he walks, only pausing to give a friendly wave and smile to the villagers passing by their caravan. As long as we don't have any more trouble with bandits, then this might be easy money. Won't have to work for at least a few weeks again!

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

Bao Tap Den groans inwardly as his traveling companion starts to play his flute. This fool is making us stand out with his music. We better get out of here as quickly as we can. Bao Tap Den's thoughts move to the clothes he gained from the bandits. When we're away from wandering ears, maybe I'll ask the others about what they know concerning the Hoko family.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"True," Satori agrees, quickly breaking off his long look, satisfied the bandit won't be giving the group any more trouble. He joins the group as they make their way out of the village.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

As the group continues on and out of the village, the forest once more surrounds them on all sides along the road. The further they get the larger and more dense the trees grow, the road beginning to wind a lot more through the trees and small hills.

They pass many branches in the road along the way, some major intersections of this road and other much-traveled paths, others likely leading to private estates or smaller settlements. As they reach one such branch, the main path towards Sonjiin is blocked by a large makeshift wall of felled trees, all strewn across the road haphazardly in what appears to be a very precarious manner. The pile of logs reaches fifteen in height or so, and is situated right where the sides of the road are flanked by steep inclines into the hilly forest.

"This must have been a fortification for some recent battle," Quen Lu Tam remarks, upon encountering the mass of logs. "It looks like we'll have to go around," he adds, looking toward the branching road, which leads more towards the northwest and appears to curve more northward a ways in the distance.

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"We could leave the cart behind and climb over," Satomi suggests, looking at the blocked road.

"Although it would make it hard to pass as a merchant caravan without it," he adds, thinking of their larger mission

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Slashstick »

"I'll get a look from the top." Bao Tap Den moves to the foot of the barricade and begins his climb. "Keep an eye out for archers" he calls back to his group. "I don't want to get shot anymore today." Once I'm up there, I'll see what lies on the other side. Maybe I can see where this alternative road leads to as well.

Standard: Athletics to climb wooden blockade.

6(1d20) +10 = 16
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Nanako sighs as they discover their road to Sonjiin blockaded. Why would they just leave this up with no one watching it? Somewhat suspicious of the fortifications, and ever-cautious given the day's earlier events, she glances around the surrounding area, trying to discover anyone hidden from plain view.

Nanako's weak attempt at perception: 3(1d20) = 3
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

Looking all around him at the particular landscape, Kekeng racks his brain for the times he's traveled this way. "Let me see..."

Does Kekeng know if the non-blocked road has any connecting paths to get to the road they need to be on? If so, roughly how much would a detour cost them time-wise?
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Fialova »

"Well it still is a merchant caravan," Quen Lu Tam responds to Satomi, not sounding pleased at the prospect of leaving behind his wares. "I am going to continue on with my trading once we split off, so I'd like to not leave my goods behind."

He and Suzume watch as Bao Tap Den approaches the pile and begins to climb. "Be careful," Suzume says, as he scales the uneven and somewhat precarious cluster of logs. Though he slips a few times, the man does make it to the top and is able to peer to the other side of the road.

Bao Tap Den
From the top of the pile you can see that the road seems to continue along in the distance. There isn't any immediate sign of danger or oddities, other than the fact some of the nearby trees from along the road have clearly been felled to build the makeshift wall. Travel further down the road seems possible, assuming the group can all make it over the incline.
You see trees.
While not necessarily familiar with this specific branched road, Kekeng does know that, in general, the side roads usually either connect back to the same road as a detour, or connect to other roads that eventually connect to the same or another major branch of the roadway. The only times he can remember roads with dead ends are if they lead to private estates.
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A Wan Smile
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Many of these roads simply connect with each other as one travels along," Kekeng explains, having followed this general direction before. "I can't say for certain, but I would find it very strange if this other path did not get us to where we need to go."

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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Nanako shrugs as she doesn't spot anything suspicious, hoping that her eyes haven't deceived her. As the vagabond explains the layout of roads, the girl replies, "Then we should keep following this path, if what you say is true. It may take more time, but it's easier than getting past this barricade."

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A Wan Smile
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Re: The Lion and the Dragon IC

Post by ratwizard »

With a flourish of his flute, Kekeng leads the way toward the unblocked path. "Longer trails may sometimes breed better adventures," he says optimistically.

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