A Tale of Two Orphans — IC

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

Valcus grimaces at the news of so many. I had considered that this many wagons was unnecessary. Now I feel as if we have too few. The knight nods his head to the noble's words.

"We've encountered trouble on the road and I expect we will again. Any sort of self-reliance these refugees can muster will help not just us, but everyone. A good plan, Lord Aerden."

With up to a thousand refugees soon to be joining them, Valcus begins managing the loading of the wagons. "We'll be on the road for at least two months, I should think. Hunting and trading along the road may help increase our rations, but we shouldn't count on it. Our heartland bleeds and our commonfolk suffer. We shouldn't seek to drain them further."


How much player input do you need/want on the loading/planning?

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

"These people are in shabby shape, and mostly too old or young to be any help in a fight," one of the mercenaries who'd accompanied Caelen responds to the comment about arming the refugees.

"True, but should it come to a life or death situation, better they have some means of defense. They are sitting ducks if unarmed, even if they can only fight back in a true life-or-death situation," another responds.

As they speak, the guard who'd been leading the group around the storehouse approaches. He clears his throat, before adding, "as mentioned earlier, there are various tools and weapons on the upper floor. Certainly not nearly enough to arm hundreds, but enough that you could single out those most suited to wielding them."


Once the group has seen all of the store house I will include a rudimentary inventory system for you guys to use both to determine what to take with you (based on how much the wagons can carry) as well as to keep track of the supplies as they are used up. There will likely be some randomization involved as well, to account for unforeseen needs or luck finding resources along the road, etc. I haven't fully fleshed it out yet, I will include it in a later post.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

"We're not looking to send children and elders to battle. We just want them -- and us -- to feel safe," Valcus says in response to the criticism. "Everyone, hold here while we run the numbers for a moment. We'll load up shortly."

Thanking the guard, the knight heads to explore the rest of the warehouse, namely the upper floor. "On me," he beckons quietly his close allies, still on the lookout for signs of an ambush or foul-play.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Drake nods at Valcus' words and follow's the knight into the store house.

"Let's just how much Lord Lorkan cares about these refugees or if he just wants to be rid of them," he says quietly as they head inside.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Caelen nods and follows behind the pair of knights as they enter the storehouse. At Drake's comment, the elf replies, "At least this will give them a chance, rather than being slaughtered by the Northerners."

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

As the group ascends the narrow ramp, they find themselves entering into a much more open space than the first floor of the building. While the bottom was sectioned off into stable-like segments, each filled with its own specific good, the second floor is a single large room with its contents lining the angle walls that double as the interior of the roof.

All around are arms and armor, enough to fully equip dozens of men, or to spread out among an even larger number. There are spears, bows, swords, and shields, some in larger quantities than others. A few sets of chain armor are joined by a dozen or so sets of leather, and many more cloth gambesons. Some of it seems obviously worn and damaged, though not all, and none so bad that it is unusable.

The guard who initially greeted the group at the store house follows behind, entering into the room past the others. "Many of our militiamen died in the fields to ambush parties before they ever saw battle, and before the mercenaries were hired. We salvaged what we could in case it should be needed. It seems you will make better use of this than we can."

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

"We will take whatever you will lend to our cause," Valcus says. I will have to weed out the capable fighters of our entourage. Easy, but time-consuming. He walks the room for a moment, inspecting the rows of shelves and racks. "I will have the mercenaries sent up here to carry these to one of the wagons. Once we have rounded the refugees up in the town plaza, we can decide how to dole the arms and armor out."

Stepping back downstairs, he commands whatever sellswords he can to start collecting all of the gear into one of the smaller wagons. While they do that, he begins to work on a plan for foodstuffs and supplies based on the numbers that Caelen had run.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

The men begin to work, at Valcus' command, to empty the upper level of the arms and armor found there. As the man returns to the lower level, the guard he'd been talking to follows him and shows him around the complex, detailing how much of each item is available for the group to take. "There is more here than you can realistically hope to carry on those wagons, so make sure to choose wisely. You wouldn't want to get halfway to your destination, only to run out of something important."


You know there are probably somewhere in the range of 500-1000 refugees in the city, though an exact number eludes you. There are, additionally, ~250 mercenaries, some or all of whom will be accompanying the party as well. All of these people will need to be fed, and many likely need clothing as well. Based on trail rations, a single pound of food per person per day should be sufficient to keep everyone fed. Children may do fine with half of this, but some who are heavier may need more, so it should even out.

The upper portion of the store house contains:
29 spears (6 lb each)
22 shortbows (2 lb each)
18 longswords (4 lb each)
13 shortswords (2 lb each)
35 light shields (6 lb each)
40 daggers (1 lb each)
1 crate of 500 arrows (50 lbs of arrows, 5 lb crate)
5 sets of chain mail armor (40 lb each)
14 sets of leather armor (15 lb each)
58 sets of cloth armor (4 lb each)

Total weight: 1263 lbs

The lower portion of the store house contains:
25 bushels of apples (50lb each) 1250
40 sacks of carrots (25 lbs each) 1000
30 sacks of potatoes (30 lbs each) 900
20 sacks of hardtack (40 lbs each) 800
50 pouches of medicinal herbs (2 lb each) 100
120 cloth bandages (1 lb each) 120
60 sacks of grain (50 lbs each) 3000
7 cheese wheels (90 lbs each) 630
25 empty sacks (1 lb each) 25
8 bales of hay (500 lbs each) 4000
250 pieces of firewood (5 lbs each) 1250
10 hatchets (5 lbs each)

Total weight: 13125 lbs

What you have:
3 single-horse wagons (1500 lb capacity each)
1 double-horse wagon (2500 lb capacity)
6 riding horses (can haul 250 lbs unhindered, 500 lbs slowed)
1 mule (can haul 300 lbs unhindered, 600 lbs slowed)

Animals can haul a wagon, carry a person, or haul goods, but only one of the three at a time.

In addition to this, you have the men and women you are escorting, as well as the mercenaries. Each mercenary, apart from their gear, can be expected to carry about 100 lbs worth of goods without becoming hindered, and about 200 lbs slowed. However, those carrying goods will be at an initial disadvantage should combat arise.

Most refugees cannot be expected to carry much at all, though should the group encounter any able-bodied men and women they may be able to help lighten the overall load a little bit. However, anyone equipped with arms/armor will be unable to contribute to the hauling of goods.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Drake listens intently to what they have at their disposal. "I say we focus on arming people. If we're attacked by Imardanians, the refugees won't stand a chance unarmed. We can leave the lighter arms and armour though. Daggers won't be much use against armoured foes."

"We should bring as many medical supplies as possible. Food should be quantity over quality, we'll only be on the road a few days and we can always forage. Same with firewood, sending men out with hatchets every evening will be better than bringing firewood with us," he says, thinking aloud. Once he finishes, he looks to Valcus, waiting for the Knight's response.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

Valcus takes stock as the guard shows them around the warehouse, jotting down copious notes and scribbling numbers. He is finishing up a quick estimate when Lord Aerden approaches with his insight.

"Surprisingly, I think we have the possibility to haul everything. And to be honest, my Lord, I think we damn well should. Greywood can sustain itself and I'd rather we overarm and overpack for this journey than wish we had -- especially if it turns out we have more refugees than expected. A few score of the mercenaries will have to help haul, but with so many of them coming with us, it will leave the majority able to defend us without burden."

He shows the product of his mathematics to his friends, pointing out his sums. "It's hard to say, but I think we'll run short of food before we get to Menora. It will be important that we forage and hunt anytime we can, provided we don't lose much ground."

The knight idly runs a hand through his beard. Is this what it's like to be Lord? Having to take watch over so many souls... It's not an easy task. Though there is satisfaction in knowing they will be safe, or as close as they can to it.

Link to number crunching

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... sp=sharing

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

The elf boy is impressed by Valcus' mathematics and logistics, having not expected it from an ordinary knight. At the knight's mention of running out of food, Caelen suggests, "Rationing could always be done to prolong our food supply. I'm sure many of these refugees are used to slim meals as it is. Though I'm sure the woods are ripe with game on the road to Menora."

Here's hoping nothing goes wrong on this journey. I've never had to worry for so many before. After a moment's reprieve, he adds, "We should keep a close eye on food during the trip, though. I'd hate for a glutton to get in and eat his weight twice over."

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Yes, we should definitely keep men stationed on the food stores," Drake says agreeing with Caelen. "It will be the thing that makes or breaks this journey. I'd rather not have to contend with a hoard of starving peasants," he adds.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"If it's decided then," the elf begins, "we should begin loading up the carts as soon as possible. It's a long way east, so we should get moving while we still have some daylight." Here's hoping we can actually manage to get all the refugees rounded up quickly.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

"It may be wiser to head out in the morning," the guard says, having been standing by as the group spoke. "Even if you manage to load all of these carts by nightfall, which should be doable, you still have to gather all of the refugees and the remaining mercenaries. By the time you've done that it would surely be dark."

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Wise words. Traveling in the dark has proven... difficult," Valcus agrees. "Let's get the wagons packed up. Once dawn hits, we can collect every refugee willing to join us and begin our journey." He looks over the numbers again, double-checking and triple-checking.

"The refugees will need to be told of our plans,"
Valcus realizes aloud. "Perhaps while the mercenaries load these wagons, we can call a meeting in the plaza." He turns to Drake with a smile. "Much like you did, Lord Aerden. It seems so long ago, and yet -- it was hardly a fortnight since we all met here."

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

Without any resistance, Valcus commits to his idea of gathering the refugees. He begins to walk toward the plaza, looking for the horn in his pack he had purchased while traveling. When they arrive, he stands up on anything raised he can find -- crates, barrels, or other platforms.

The knight blows into the horn, issuing a loud but not harsh tone that fills the air through the muddled streets and alleys awash with refugees. "People of Tulrisse!" he cries out, his booming voice matching the volume of his horn call. "Refugees and citizens of Greywood, I ask you to give me your ear." Valcus gives off another blow of his horn to ensure as much attention from the folk as possible.

"I am Lord Torinn of Twinriver Village and Castle Halstos. I am here with Lord Aerden of Spearpoint Castle, amongst other trusted protectors," he begins. "As you may know, the foreign powers that seek our lives and prosperity push further into our homeland. Cities have fallen, mine included. I fear that Lord Aerden's might soon too. Eventually, these armies will find their way here to Greywood. I have no doubt that Lord Lorkan will offer the best defense he and his remaining defense can muster, but it will not be safe for the folk who are still here."

"With that being said, we will escort any person or families that seek passage to the east. We offer food, supplies, medicine, and a promise that we will try our best to keep you safe. The Warden of Red Bridge and the Queen of Menora must have it in their hearts to offer what they can to you when we arrive. At the least, we will be further away from the enemy."

"We don't expect you to fight on your or our behalf, but if any of you -- any of you -- have prior experience or simply want to help defend this caravan, please approach. Arms and armor are available to dole out to those that seek it."

Looking around at the crowd and studying their interest, Valcus nods rhythmically. "Tulfolk are hardy people. This is known. But no amount of hardiness will keep us from tangible danger. We must band together. Only then can we survive through this harrowing time. I know that we can -- and will -- persevere if we make this decision together as one people." He gives a short bow from atop his perch. "Thank you," he calls out.

Taking a deep breath to calm his anxiety, Valcus steps down and joins his comrades. I know not how or if this venture will work, but we have to try.


Diplomacy to convince people: 16(1d20) +11 = 27

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

The people begin to crowd around as Valcus speaks, at least the ones capable of doing so. Most are middle-aged or older, though a scattering of children and teenagers, and the rare young adult, can be found amongst the refugees as well. They listen intently to his words, some nodding along or smiling, some frowning or beginning to cry.

As he finishes his speech and steps down, he is approached by a handful of the younger members of the crown, boys and girls alike from likely their mid teens and up. A few who approach are older as well, but seem solid.

"I've never fought before, my Lord," one of the teenage boys says, stepping forward and giving Valcus a quick bow. "But if it means I can protect my ma and my sister, then I will do it."

"Aye, I can't let my wife and kids down," one of the middle aged men says, stepping forward as well. "I ain't swung a sword, but I swung and axe, can't be too different."

"My grandma needs a doctor or she won't last long," says a young woman, appearing in her late teens or early twenties. "I want to help get her somewhere safe so she can recover, please let me help."

More approach, all together a total of 27 who offer to help fight if need be. Many others ask questions of how the caravan will be handled, such as the weak or elderly who cannot march swiftly, or the ones who cannot walk at all.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Bow, sword, or dagger, we will find your calling," Valcus says, inspired by the very folk he fights for. "Our families need us to protect them, and it is a great honor to be the ones to volunteer." Two, maybe three dozen, he sums.

"We leave tomorrow, at dawn. For now, let us come to the estate where we are loading the wagons. I need to gauge your abilities to ensure how and where you will serve this militia best."

Unless any objection, the knight leads the recruits toward the estate, where he had seen a bit of flat ground earlier. "Caelen, Lord Aerden -- I could use your eyes here. Those that can swing a sword should be allowed to, but a good set of archers is necessary. We've got some room to work with."

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Caelen watches with amazement as Valcus addresses the crowd, impressed at the man's charisma. Though only nearly thirty individual step up to fight, the elf is nevertheless glad that the party will have more combatants among them. I was worried no one would volunteer. Then again, honor is strong among Tulrissians.

As the knight turns to Drake and him, Caelen nods along, saying, "If any of them show potential with the bow, I'll take notice.
Though I'm sure we've got much practice to do."

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

The group follows after Valcus to the lord's estate, most eager to train with a real knight, though some seem nervous still. Some chat amongst themselves as they walk, though a majority of them are silent. It is clear the war weighs heavily on them, especially the ones who mentioned having a family to fight for.

Back at the estate the mercenaries are still loading the wagons. On Valcus' command, the weapons from the second floor are gathered and distributed among the gathered volunteers so that they may practice and demonstrate their prowess, if any.


Skill Challenge: Train the refugee volunteers, and determine their forte's.

Unlike most skill challenges, this one will not have a succeed/fail condition, but rather a ranges of levels of success. There are 27 total volunteers, each of which can potentially have two levels of success: 1) determining their best fit as far as weaponry goes, and 2) teaching them the basics of using said weaponry.

All participating party members should first make an insight check for each of the volunteers (yes I know, a lot of rolls), and list them in their mechanics block in order, like so:

Volunteer 1 - [roll result]
Volunteer 2 - [roll result]

...and so on. Should any participating party member succeed on their check, they know what the person's best fit will be, and can determine who best to train them in the second phase of the skill challenge. Should no one roll a success for a specific volunteer, that person is left up to whatever the party decides is their best guess.

Properly determining someone's best fit will make it easier to train that person in phase two, assuming they are given over to the correct trainer. Failing to determine someone's best fit, but guessing correctly which trainer to send them to, will lead towards a normal difficult in training them. Failing to determine someone's best fit and sending them to a trainer that is not suited to their skills will make them more difficult to train.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Eager to get the weapon training underway, Caelen begins observing the volunteers, hopeful that they will show skill in at least some sort of weaponry. Everyone's gotta have some sort of talent out there. We've just got to find it. The elf takes his time watching, walking before each volunteer to try and gauge their skill.


Volunteer 1 - 10(1d20) +9 = 19
Volunteer 2 - 20(1d20) +9 = 29
Volunteer 3 - 11(1d20) +9 = 20
Volunteer 4 - 13(1d20) +9 = 22
Volunteer 5 - 16(1d20) +9 = 25
Volunteer 6 - 9(1d20) +9 = 18
Volunteer 7 - 13(1d20) +9 = 22
Volunteer 8 - 20(1d20) +9 = 29
Volunteer 9 - 4(1d20) +9 = 13
Volunteer 10 - 12(1d20) +9 = 21
Volunteer 11 - 5(1d20) +9 = 14
Volunteer 12 - 16(1d20) +9 = 25
Volunteer 13 - 9(1d20) +9 = 18
Volunteer 14 - 5(1d20) +9 = 14
Volunteer 15 - 7(1d20) +9 = 16
Volunteer 16 - 4(1d20) +9 = 13
Volunteer 17 - 16(1d20) +9 = 25
Volunteer 18 - 15(1d20) +9 = 24
Volunteer 19 - 14(1d20) +9 = 23
Volunteer 20 - 13(1d20) +9 = 22
Volunteer 21 - 12(1d20) +9 = 21
Volunteer 22 - 16(1d20) +9 = 25
Volunteer 23 - 5(1d20) +9 = 14
Volunteer 24 - 5(1d20) +9 = 14
Volunteer 25 - 10(1d20) +9 = 19
Volunteer 26 - 16(1d20) +9 = 25
Volunteer 27 - 18(1d20) +9 = 27

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

The group watches and instructs the refugees or an hour or so, focusing on each one being offered a variety of options so that they can best gauge their effectiveness with different weapons and fighting styles. Some show promise as more aggressive fighters, while others are more reserved and prone to defensive stances. Others show little prowess in close combat, but a particular affinity for certain ranged weaponry. A few don't really seem to take to any of the weaponry, but do seem to have a bit of latent magical ability that was not apparent until they started to get into the swing of things.

Each member of the group is not able to concentrate on all of the trainees at any given time, but through their diligent efforts they are able to discern the basic proficiencies of all but two of them. Despite their efforts, though, no one is able to quite tell what Holfo and Sarim are best at.


The first phase of this skill challenge went quite well, with at least one successful insight check earned on all but two of the volunteers. A single success yields a +1 bonus in the second half of phase two, and each additional success yields an additional +1, for a maximum bonus (from phase one) of +3.

Having at least one successful insight check also means you range from fairly certain to absolutely positive that a specific character is best suited to training in a certain way. For the two who have no successes, you will have to guess their fighting style and decide who to have them train with. Should you choose correctly, there is no penalty to their training in the second half of phase two, but likewise is their no bonus. Should you guess incorrectly, and send them to a trainer they are not compatible with, their training will suffer a penalty.

The next phase of this skill challenge is in two parts. The first part receives no benefit from your previous success, as it is not yet the actual training. Instead, the volunteers will be divided up among the PCs and trained separately, their training focusing on one of four possible combat styles:

Melee Offense (with Valcus)
Melee Defense (with Drake)
Ranged Weaponry (with Caelen)
Magic Use (with Embla)

For this next part, each trainer will roll either diplomacy, bluff, or intimidate for each trainee to inspire them by one means or another. You need not roll the same skill every time, but there needs to be one roll per person you are training. Success will provide a an additional benefit towards the training portion in part 2, while failure will either have no effect or incur a penalty, depending on how much you fail by.

Phase 1 Successes

Volunteer 1 (Alard) – Caelen Valcus Drake
Volunteer 2 (Graffin) – Caelen Drake
Volunteer 3 (Warda) – Caelen Drake
Volunteer 4 (Sige) – Caelen Drake
Volunteer 5 (Gerey) – Caelen
Volunteer 6 (Anier) – Caelen
Volunteer 7 (Ennet) – Caelen Valcus Drake
Volunteer 8 (Aeron) – Caelen Drake
Volunteer 9 (Brytha) – Valcus
Volunteer 10 (Hilda) – Caelen Drake
Volunteer 11 (Some) – Valcus
Volunteer 12 (Rine) – Caelen Drake
Volunteer 13 (Gisme) – Caelen Drake
Volunteer 14 (Holfo) –
Volunteer 15 (Sarim) –
Volunteer 16 (Perog) – Drake
Volunteer 17 (Symes) – Caelen Valcus
Volunteer 18 (Dela) – Caelen Drake
Volunteer 19 (Mara) – Caelen
Volunteer 20 (Ellyn) – Caelen Valcus
Volunteer 21 (Gilla) – Caelen Drake
Volunteer 22 (Hely) – Caelen
Volunteer 23 (Metha) – Valcus
Volunteer 24 (Stephye) – Drake
Volunteer 25 (Narder) – Caelen
Volunteer 26 (Riffolk) – Caelen Valcus Drake
Volunteer 27 (Ernalph) – Caelen Valcus

Disposition Results

Volunteer 1 (Alard) – Magic, +3 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 2 (Graffin) – Melee Offense, +2 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 3 (Warda) – Ranged Weapons, +2 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 4 (Sige) – Ranged Weapons, +2 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 5 (Gerey) – Melee Defense, +1 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 6 (Anier) – Melee Offense, +1 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 7 (Ennet) – Melee Offense, +3 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 8 (Aeron) – Melee Offense, +2 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 9 (Brytha) – Melee Defense, +1 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 10 (Hilda) – Ranged Weapons, +2 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 11 (Some) – Melee Defense, +1 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 12 (Rine) – Melee Offense, +2 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 13 (Gisme) – Melee Offense, +2 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 14 (Holfo) – Unknown
Volunteer 15 (Sarim) – Unknown
Volunteer 16 (Perog) – Melee Defense, +1 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 17 (Symes) – Melee Offense, +2 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 18 (Dela) – Melee Defense, +2 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 19 (Mara) – Magic, +1 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 20 (Ellyn) – Ranged Weapons, +2 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 21 (Gilla) – Magic, +2 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 22 (Hely) – Melee Defense, +1 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 23 (Metha) – Melee Defense, +1 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 24 (Stephye) – Melee Defense, +1 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 25 (Narder) – Ranged Weapons, +1 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 26 (Riffolk) – Magic, +3 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 27 (Ernalph) – Melee Offense, +2 to train in Phase 2, part 2

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

With the volunteers mostly assigned to their respective combat styles, Caelen gathers those most capable at ranged weapons. Looking over the five volunteers, he is eager to begin training, though nervous as well. Making his rounds, he walks from volunteer to volunteer, hoping to spark confidence through words of encouragement.

Approaching Warda and Ellyn, he says, "Don't believe the rumors you've heard. Our enemies are cowards. Tulrissian might alone can scare them off." Next he turns to Sige, saying "A poor marksman will be slaughtered where he stands." Seeing his words have little effect, he instead focuses on Hilda and Narder, where he hopes to inspire them by calling out, "There is no greater force than an armed Tulrissian! Even the gods know this to be true, whenever a bowstring is drawn or a sword unsheathed." Having felt less confident with the previous volunteers, he hopes he struck a chord with the last two.


V3 (Warda): 13(1d20) +1 = 14 (Bluff)
V4 (Sige): 3(1d20) +1 = 4 (Intimidate)
V10 (Hilda): 20(1d20) +1 = 21 (Diplo)
V20 (Ellyn): 1(1d20) +1 = 2 (Bluff)
V25 (Narder): 20(1d20) +1 = 21 (Diplo)

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

Seeing the stock of fighters that he can train, Valcus gets to work. A pair of them he is unsure about, but he does his best with anyway.

Valcus watches carefully while they train. The knight commends them when they do well and gracefully corrects them when they don't. As they fight, he urges them on. "This is how history is made, everyone. When the jaws of this world bite down hard, we bite back. We take up arms and set our teeth and fight through the grit. All of Tulrisse will be proud of the trials you undertake." It seems to be working well, for the most part -- although the pair he had kept his eyes on look to be faltering a bit.


20(1d20) +13 = 33; 6(1d20) +12 = 18; 12(1d20) +14 = 26; 12(1d20) +13 = 25; 3(1d20) +13 = 16; 18(1d20) +13 = 31; 1(1d20) +11 = 12; 6(1d20) +11 = 17; 8(1d20) +13 = 21; 13(1d20) +13 = 26

2 - graffin +2 -- 33
6 - anier +1 -- 18
7 - ennet +3 -- 26
8 - aeron +2 -- 25
12 - rine +2 -- 16
13 - gisme +2 -- 31
14 - holfo +0 -- 12 (so dead lol)
15 - sarim +0 -- 17
17 - symes+2 -- 21
27 - ernalph+2 -- 26

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Drake pulls aside those he thinks he can train and begins running them through some basic drills, teaching them a defensive posture.

"There are men out there, who want to kill you and your families and then burn your homes to the ground," Drake says angrily to rally the men, thinking of the army marching on Spearpoint Castle at that very moment.

"You will give them no ground! You will give them no victory! You will send them to meet their God they love so much! Or else I'll kill you myself, for you're not worthy to live while heros of Tulrisse bleed and die!"

Most of them seem to grasp the concept well and he can't help but let a small smile slip out. "I'll knight the first man to fell ten of the bastards," he promises.


13(1d20) +7 = 20; 14(1d20) +7 = 21; 9(1d20) +7 = 16; 13(1d20) +7 = 20; 3(1d20) +8 = 11; 10(1d20) +7 = 17; 3(1d20) +7 = 10; 11(1d20) +7 = 18

5 Gerey +1: 20
9 Brytha +1: 21
11 Some +1: 16
16 Perog +1: 20
18 Dela +2: 11
22 Hely +1: 17
23 Metha +1: 10
24 Stephye +1: 18

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by PureZaros »

Sauntering over to the few volunteers that caught her eye, Embla smirks and gestures at them. At the motion, an ethereal cobra slides out from her tunic, floating gently through the air and twining its way around all four of them, silvery forked tongue occasionally flicking out to graze their faces. "You all have appear to have a... gift. You could learn to see the world the way I do." she says, as the serpent weaves its way back and forth. "I can show you a path, but if you can't handle the pressure, you may end up as food for something more powerful than either of us."


Intimidate checks:
01: 12
19: 18
21: 12
26: 28

Last edited by PureZaros on Thu Aug 24, 2017 7:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

Now separated into small groups, each with a single member of the party training their own handful of volunteers, the group attempts to motivate their charges. Most take the words to heart and are noticeably more eager to get to training, though a some are not so receptive. The two whose proficiencies couldn't be determined are among the less motivated.


Part one of the second phase of this challenge went decently, though not as well as phase one. Most rolls resulted in successful motivation, though there were 8 failures, 3 by enough to actual hinder training in the following round.

For part two of this second phase, each trainer will roll one final skill check for each trainee to actually determine whether or not their training is sufficient to consider them another combatant in the caravan, rather than just a helpless civilian. The skills required are as follows:

Melee Offense (Valcus) – Athletics
Melee Defense (Drake) – Endurance
Ranged Weapons (Caelen) – Acrobatics
Magic (Embla) – Arcana

These final checks are going to be modified by the total modifiers from both previous portions of this challenge, which can be seen in the 'Final Bonuses' block below. Success will result in one extra combatant. Failure will mean the trainee can either be equipped and treated as a partially-trained fighter, counting for half of a combatant and half a helpless civilian, or dismissed back with the other civilians at the cost of some overall group morale.

Motivation Results

Volunteer 1 (Alard) – Failure, no penalty
Volunteer 2 (Graffin) – Success, +2 bonus in next portion
Volunteer 3 (Warda) – Success, +2 bonus in next portion
Volunteer 4 (Sige) – Failure, -2 penalty in next portion
Volunteer 5 (Gerey) – Success, +2 bonus in next portion
Volunteer 6 (Anier) – Success, +2 bonus in next portion
Volunteer 7 (Ennet) – Success, +2 bonus in next portion
Volunteer 8 (Aeron) – Success, +2 bonus in next portion
Volunteer 9 (Brytha) – Success, +2 bonus in next portion
Volunteer 10 (Hilda) – Success, +2 bonus in next portion
Volunteer 11 (Some) – Success, +2 bonus in next portion
Volunteer 12 (Rine) – Success, +2 bonus in next portion
Volunteer 13 (Gisme) – Success, +2 bonus in next portion
Volunteer 14 (Holfo) – Failure, -2 penalty in next portion
Volunteer 15 (Sarim) – Failure, no penalty
Volunteer 16 (Perog) – Success, +2 bonus in next portion
Volunteer 17 (Symes) – Success, +2 bonus in next portion
Volunteer 18 (Dela) – Failure, no penalty
Volunteer 19 (Mara) – Success, +2 bonus in next portion
Volunteer 20 (Ellyn) – Failure, -2 penalty in next portion
Volunteer 21 (Gilla) – Failure, no penalty
Volunteer 22 (Hely) – Success, +2 bonus in next portion
Volunteer 23 (Metha) – Failure, no penalty
Volunteer 24 (Stephye) – Success, +2 bonus in next portion
Volunteer 25 (Narder) – Success, +2 bonus in next portion
Volunteer 26 (Riffolk) – Success, +2 bonus in next portion
Volunteer 27 (Ernalph) – Success, +2 bonus in next portion

Final Bonuses

Volunteer 1 (Alard) – Magic, +3 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 2 (Graffin) – Melee Offense, +4 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 3 (Warda) – Ranged Weapons, +4 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 4 (Sige) – Ranged Weapons, ±0 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 5 (Gerey) – Melee Defense, +3 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 6 (Anier) – Melee Offense, +3 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 7 (Ennet) – Melee Offense, +5 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 8 (Aeron) – Melee Offense, +4 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 9 (Brytha) – Melee Defense, +3 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 10 (Hilda) – Ranged Weapons, +4 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 11 (Some) – Melee Defense, +3 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 12 (Rine) – Melee Offense, +4 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 13 (Gisme) – Melee Offense, +4 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 14 (Holfo) – Unknown, -2 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 15 (Sarim) –Unknown, ±0 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 16 (Perog) – Melee Defense, +3 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 17 (Symes) – Melee Offense, +4 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 18 (Dela) – Melee Defense, +2 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 19 (Mara) – Magic, +3 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 20 (Ellyn) – Ranged Weapons, ±0 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 21 (Gilla) – Magic, +2 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 22 (Hely) – Melee Defense, +3 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 23 (Metha) – Melee Defense, +1 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 24 (Stephye) – Melee Defense, +3 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 25 (Narder) – Ranged Weapons, +3 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 26 (Riffolk) – Magic, +5 to train in Phase 2, part 2
Volunteer 27 (Ernalph) – Melee Offense, +4 to train in Phase 2, part 2

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Less-than-confident with some of his encouragement, the elf feels slightly shaky, unsure if his refugees will be skilled archers, and worried that he let his companions down. It'll be all my fault if they can't fight.

His spirits raise, though, as he watches his trainees show off their skills, with some showing real promise.


Volunteer 3 (Warda) +4 - 15(1d20) +14 = 29
Volunteer 4 (Sige) ±0 – 8(1d20) +10 = 18
Volunteer 10 (Hilda) +4 – 9(1d20) +14 = 23
Volunteer 20 (Ellyn) ±0 – 17(1d20) +10 = 27
Volunteer 25 (Narder) +3 – 10(1d20) +13 = 23

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

Valcus tries his best to train the militia volunteers, but it is a struggle. They haven't been raised into this from a young age. I have to remember that, he thinks to himself. I can't be too hard on them. Try as he might, however, he feels the weight of his armor and gear after so long and his spirits begins to falter. There are so many of them, and we have hardly an evening. How can I expect these men and women to be able to learn in one day what I have learned over a decade?


Volunteer 2 (Graffin) – Melee Offense, +4: 5(1d20) +12 = 17
Volunteer 6 (Anier) – Melee Offense, +3: 3(1d20) +11 = 14
Volunteer 7 (Ennet) – Melee Offense, +5: 3(1d20) +13 = 16
Volunteer 8 (Aeron) – Melee Offense, +4: 7(1d20) +12 = 19
Volunteer 12 (Rine) – Melee Offense, +4: 8(1d20) +12 = 20
Volunteer 13 (Gisme) – Melee Offense, +4: 12(1d20) +12 = 24
Volunteer 14 (Holfo) – Unknown, -2: 8(1d20) +6 = 14
Volunteer 15 (Sarim) –Unknown, ±0: 10(1d20) +8 = 18
Volunteer 17 (Symes) – Melee Offense, +4: 2(1d20) +12 = 14
Volunteer 27 (Ernalph) – Melee Offense, +4: 10(1d20) +12 = 22

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Drake is invigorated seeing several of his recrutis show a degree of natural talent and quickly showing a firm grasp of the basics of combat. The rest don't show quite as much promise, but they will still better than useless, Drake decides.


12(1d20) +14 = 26; 3(1d20) +14 = 17; 1(1d20) +14 = 15; 2(1d20) +14 = 16; 17(1d20) +13 = 30; 13(1d20) +12 = 25; 2(1d20) +14 = 16

Missed Hely's training 15(1d20) +14 = 29

Volunteer 5 (Gerey) – Melee Defense, +3; 12(1d20) +14 = 26
Volunteer 9 (Brytha) – Melee Defense, +3; 3(1d20) +14 = 17
Volunteer 11 (Some) – Melee Defense, +3; 1(1d20) +14 = 15
Volunteer 16 (Perog) – Melee Defense, +3; 2(1d20) +14 = 16
Volunteer 18 (Dela) – Melee Defense, +2; 17(1d20) +13 = 30
Volunteer 22 (Hely) – Melee Defense, +3; 15(1d20) + 14 = 29
Volunteer 23 (Metha) – Melee Defense, +1; 13(1d20) +12 = 25
Volunteer 24 (Stephye) – Melee Defense, +3; 2(1d20) +14 = 16

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by PureZaros »

Taking note of the hesitation some of her charges show, Embla smirks lightly before beginning a proper demonstration. She behaves oddly seriously about passing on her knowledge of the arcane, and turns out to be a decently adept teacher, as the more enthusiastic of her volunteers start showing off their comprehension abilities.


01: 31
19: 21
21: 33
26: 19

Just realized I forgot to add the training bonuses from phase one to my phase 2 part 1 rolls, but it's whatever. I deserve as much, probably.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

As the day winds down and the group finishes up their separate training sessions, the trainees are a bit split in their prowess. Thirteen of the volunteers show great promise, enough so that it is clear to all they are ready for combat. The other fourteen, not so much. Some show more promise than others, but none seem like they'd do well in a fight without guidance, a trait that could be a major drawback in certain situations.


The final training ended in a near even split of successes and failures, with 13 successfully-trained recruits and the remaining 14 failing to become truly competent in such a short period of time. The 13 successes will be included among the combatants of the party's caravan, alongside the party, the Serran mercenaries, and any other future trained fighters that join, and they can be equipped with items without worry that they won't be used effectively.

The 14 failures can be treated one of two ways. Should the group want to let these trainees aid in combat they can still be equipped with gear from the store house and each will count for 1/2 of a combatant in any future larger-scale conflicts, or anything else where the results are determined by total number of combatants. These characters will not receive any proficiency bonuses from items, such as weapons, and will be ineffective any anything over leather armor until fully trained. They will also be less effective the further they are from other combatants who know what they are doing, as they require guidance to be effective. However, since they do want to help they will still fight with their all and using them has no negative effect on the caravan's morale.

Should the group instead want to save gear for future, more-competent fighters they can dismiss the trainees back to their families and friends. They will count as helpless civilians like all the rest, and the overall morale of the caravan will decrease for each one dismissed, but the acquired gear can then be saved for someone more suited to using it to its full effect.

For the 13 successes, you will need to decide how to equip each one based on what gear you have access to and their skillset. For the 14 failures, you will have to decide what to do with each one, and, for those you equip, how to equip them. Since the failures do not receive proficiency bonuses for weapons it ultimately doesn't matter what their predisposition was, but feel free to continue to use that as a guideline thematically if you like.

Training Results

Volunteer 1 (Alard) – Magic Success
Volunteer 2 (Graffin) – Failure
Volunteer 3 (Warda) – Ranged Weapon Success
Volunteer 4 (Sige) – Failure
Volunteer 5 (Gerey) – Melee Defense Success
Volunteer 6 (Anier) – Failure
Volunteer 7 (Ennet) – Failure
Volunteer 8 (Aeron) – Failure
Volunteer 9 (Brytha) – Failure
Volunteer 10 (Hilda) – Ranged Weapon Success
Volunteer 11 (Some) – Failure
Volunteer 12 (Rine) – Failure
Volunteer 13 (Gisme) – Melee Offense Success
Volunteer 14 (Holfo) – Failure
Volunteer 15 (Sarim) – Failure
Volunteer 16 (Perog) – Failure
Volunteer 17 (Symes) – Failure
Volunteer 18 (Dela) – Melee Defense Success
Volunteer 19 (Mara) – Magic Success
Volunteer 20 (Ellyn) – Ranged Weapon Success
Volunteer 21 (Gilla) – Magic Success
Volunteer 22 (Hely) – Melee Defense Success
Volunteer 23 (Metha) – Melee Defense Success
Volunteer 24 (Stephye) – Failure
Volunteer 25 (Narder) – Ranged Weapon Success
Volunteer 26 (Riffolk) – Failure
Volunteer 27 (Ernalph) – Melee Offense Success

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

At the end of the training session, Valcus takes a breather. Damn this... If we weren't short of time I know I could get more of these recruits into a better fit. Still, around half of them had turned out to glean much from the afternoon. He calls everyone around to the edge of the field.

"Good efforts today, from everyone. With as little time we have and the stress of our situation, I understand that it can be frustrating. But I know many, if not all of you, have the potential to become the heroes that our heartland needs. Go and rest. You have definitely earned that." He scans over the many faces young and old before him.

"We will dole out arms and armor tomorrow at dawn, before we leave. Those of you who feel ready to do battle should our path come to that, you will be issued gear appropriately. Those of you who still need more time -- don't worry. Once we have found safety in the cities of our brethren, we can work again at it. Still, you can fight. Should you hold the interest, a bow and a quiver of arrows have your names on them. We will need a company of archers in the backlines for blanket fire."

"Good night everyone, and thank you for volunteering for this. It is a noble gesture and I am sure the Pantheon will look fondly over us in our endeavors."


Gisme , fighter -- chainmail, longsword, and light shield
Ernalph , fighter -- leather armor, longsword, and light shield
Gerey , knight -- chainmail, longsword, and light shield
Dela , knight -- chainmail, longsword, and light shield
Hely , knight -- chainmail, longsword, and light shield
Metha , knight -- chainmail, longsword, and light shield
Alard , mage -- leather armor, longsword, and light shield
Mara , mage -- leather armor, longsword, and light shield
Gilla , mage -- leather armor, longsword, and light shield
Warda , ranger -- leather armor, shortbow, 30 arrows, shortsword, and light shield
Hilda , ranger -- leather armor, shortbow, 30 arrows, shortsword, and light shield
Ellyn , ranger -- leather armor, shortbow, 30 arrows, shortsword, and light shield
Narder , ranger -- leather armor, shortbow, 30 arrows, shortsword, and light shield
graffin , archer -- leather armor, shortbow, 20 arrows
sige , archer -- leather armor, shortbow, 20 arrows
anier , archer -- leather armor, shortbow, 20 arrows
ennet , archer -- leather armor, shortbow, 20 arrows
aeron , archer -- leather armor, shortbow, 20 arrows
brytha , archer -- leather armor, shortbow, 20 arrows
some , archer -- cloth armor, shortbow, 20 arrows
rine , archer -- cloth armor, shortbow, 20 arrows
holfo , archer -- cloth armor, shortbow, 20 arrows
sarim , archer -- cloth armor, shortbow, 20 arrows
perog , archer -- cloth armor, shortbow, 20 arrows
symes , archer -- cloth armor, shortbow, 20 arrows
stephye , archer -- cloth armor, shortbow, 20 arrows
roffolk , archer -- cloth armor, shortbow, 20 arrows

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

The volunteers nod along as Valcus speaks. Some seem clearly disheartened at their lack of improvement, while some others seem ecstatic at their successful training. They talk for a bit amongst themselves before taking their leave for the night, some returning to their families but the rest opting to stay in the upper floor of the store house.

With the day coming to a close, the guards lead the rest of the party into the Lord's estate, where they are provided a meager place to stay in a spare bedroom. There is only a single bed, so most are relegated to the floor, though it is only for a single night.

The morning is hectic, as the group - with the mercenaries now at their disposal - scrambles to gather the refugees together and prepares to leave. They make their rounds through town, gathering everyone they can, though some are either too weak or too stubborn to leave the town. A few believe the war is a farce, and that nothing will happen to them. Some refuse to leave their weaker loved ones behind. All in all, though, the vast majority are willing to follow if it means a chance for shelter and safety.

As the group leaves, Rorin and Gedric volunteer to take up the rear, with the rest of the group traveling at the front. Behind the party is a cluster of the mercenaries, followed by the refugees with mercenaries guarding their flanks, followed still by the wagons, and then more mercenaries (and Rorin and Gedric) at the back.

The caravan leaves through the eastern exit from the city and makes their way along the road, slowly, on their way first to Red Bridge. Along the way they come across many signs of the horrors of war. Corpses of would-be refugees are passed every so often along the road, people who never quite made it to their destinations for one reason or another. Abandoned belongings are nearly as commonly, likely dropped or tossed aside to lessen a burden. Less common are the dead soldiers, both Tulrissian and Imardanian alike, signs of smaller skirmishes likely made by invading scouts.

After some hours along the road, progress has already begun to slow. Many of the refugees are old or weak, and though speed is of the essence, it is simply not possible to force them to go any faster. As the party trudges forward, leading the caravan, they spot in the distance a cluster of people on the road.


It is not entirely clear at this distance, but it appears that there are actually two groups of people, one accosting the other. You are too far away to hear anything being said, if there are even words being shared, though it does appear that one side is clearly dominant over the other.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Spotting the group up ahead, Drake slows even more and curls his fingers around the hilt of his blade. "What can you see Caelen?" Drake asks, having learnt to rely on the Elf's superior eyesight. "Imardanians?" he asks half hoping for a fight.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"I'm not exactly sure," the elf responds to Drake, trying to closely examine the confrontation ahead of their caravan. "But it's definitely two separate groups, with the dominant one confronting the other." Let's hope neither of them want trouble.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Could be trouble," Valcus agrees. He steps forward, ready to draw his sword if need be. "Let's try and see what this squabble is about without coming to blows against either side. We don't need any bloodshed this short into our journey."

Moving carefully along the path, he guides the caravan closer until they can get a better look.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

As the caravan moves forward, more cautiously, the people on the road seem to notice you for the first time. The more dominant group, who you can tell from closer up to be a half-dozen or so armed men and women, turn to face the approaching mass of people. They immediately turn to flee at the sight, heading further up the road and leaving five others behind.

Approaching closer still, you can see that the five others are a female knight, an elf woman, and three human men. The knight immediately steps in front of the others at your approach, holding her blade you you in a defensive stance. The others stay behind her and say nothing.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Well met Ser," Drake says to the knight as they approach. He raises his open hands slightly as a sign they mean the small group in front of them no harm, although he takes care to remain well outside of the woman's sword reach.

"We mean you no harm. In fact you're welcome to join us if you require protection." he says, looking to elf woman and the men.

"I am Lord Aerden of Spearpoint Castle. This is Lord Torrinn of Castle Halstos," he says, gesturing to Valcus. "And you are?"

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

"Put it away, lass, I know of him," the man with the large beard and the hat says, stepping up from behind the knight. He places a hand on her left shoulder as he does so, and she turns to him incredulously.

"Are you sure, sir?" she asks, lowering her guard slightly but still aiming her blade towards the group.

"Yes, of course. I've seen him joust plenty of times. He is indeed Drake Aerden, the late Lord Aerden's son, no need to come to blows. Besides, we are a bit outnumbered," he says with a lighthearted chuckle.

The woman nods and sheathes her sword, looking back to the group. She maintains a stern look, though no longer seems ready to fight.

"I am Karmin Beasley, Mayor of Morrham, though you may know me as the Fisher King. Not sure I'd ever call myself that, but the villagers do like their fancy titles," the man says with a friendly smile, stepping forward a bit with an outstretched hand.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"You're a long way from Sorrow's grasp.
But it's good to meet another Southerner up here,"
Drake says, taking the man's hand, he keeps an eye on the knight watching her sword.

"What's brought you this far North?'" he asks, knowing the answer has to be related to the war.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

"The invasion," the man says, his smile fading as he finishes the handshake.

"I am tasked with escorting them to safety," chimes in the woman, who seems to lighten up a bit at the sight of the men's handshake. "We were hoping to reach Red Bridge, or somewhere else well-fortified, though anywhere is better than the coast."

"Aye, that it is," Karmin replies, "though not everyone was convinced of such. Some others fled the area as well, but many refused. I can only hope they changed their mind once Eranor fell, lest they be subject to the Imardanian's tyranny."

"Bunch o' fools," the older man says, having stepped forward. "Ain't no house worth dyin' over. You can rebuild a house, but not yer life."

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

Valcus grimaces at the older man's words, bringing up sore memories of having fled Castle Halstos despite his personal wishes. Instead of dwelling, the knight turns to Karmin.

"Should it suit you, Mayor Beasley, we are traveling with refugees of our own to Red Bridge. If the Warden won't have us, then perhaps Queen Millicent might," Valcus explains.

"Though first, I must ask in haste for both of our safety -- who were those that fled upon our arrival? Bandit-folk or foreign slaughterers, they can't be far." He peers into the distance, trying to get a closer look. We are hardly able to hunt them down with our caravan so massive, but we should at least know where enemies lie.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

"Bandits, by the looks of it," the mayor responds. "Not surprising they'd seek to prey on refugees, though it pains me to think there is so little solidarity among Tulrissians," he continues with a frown.

"It's disgusting," says the third man of the group. "People are fleeing for their lives, with nothing, and these men think to rob them of the scraps they managed to carry with them."

"Oh yea, yer one to talk, eh, thief?" chimes the old man, spitting at the feet of the other. The third man doesn't respond, but merely eyes the ground, a somber look on his face.

"There's no need for that now. Another time, another place," says Karmin to the old man, sternly but not aggressively. The knight sighs and rolls her eyes at the bickering, likely having seen similar displays before. The elf girl watches the others intently, though seems somewhat bewildered by it all.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

Valcus ignores the concerning chatter of the civilians, his mind more focused on keeping safe himself and others. "As much as I hate bandits, I at least understand them. It's the Imardanian spies and patrols I'm worried about," the knight admits. If spies spot our company, then surely we'll be the target of a skirmish. I'd love nothing more than to bring the fight to the bastards, but not in our current state...

"Are you all from Morrham?" he asks, trying to glean any more information from the strangers as possible. They may just be my brethren, but I'd still like to know more about them should they accompany us.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

"Most of us, yes," responds the knight. "I am not originally, but I serve Mayor Beasley now," she adds, giving Valcus a polite nod.

"Aye, she is a fine knight, I couldn't ask for a better guard," Karmin replies, to which she gives the slightest of smiles. "Not sure about the elf, though. She seemed to be passing through, we never paid her much attention, but we couldn't leave her once word of the invasion came."

"She doesn't speak our language," the knight responds, looking to the girl, who looks back with the same bewildered look she'd had before. "We think her name is Derwllwyn, she has said that a few times."

"Derwllwyn," the elf girl responds with a nod, looking a bit pleased that she can understand one of the words being said.


You know that Derwllwyn is the elven word for the Oakengrove, suggesting it is likely not actually the girl's name.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Derwllwyn," Valcus replies clumsily. "Alright. What are the rest of your names?" he asks, mainly looking toward the other knight. It'll be good to have another trained soldier alongside us should they join. Not to discount the utility of Caelen or the others, but when it comes down to a close-quarters slaughter... I'll want another sword and shield fighting beside me.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

"Ser Daria Meerestute, my lord" the knight says with a quick salute and a slight bow towards Valcus. As she returns to her previous stance she glances over to Karmin, who gives a slight chuckle.

"Such formality," the man says with a grin. "But yes, Daria is a model knight. She earned it, too: her parents are not nobility. Nor are the others," he says, motioning towards the two remaining men. "That one there is old Gregor," he continues, motioning towards the elderly man.

"Always with the 'Old' Gregor. Never jus' Gregor. You yungins and yer nicknames, I tell ya, we had more respect when I was growin' up." Daria rolls her eyes again and Karmin doesn't respond, returning to his introductions

"The other one is Falder, the boat thief. We were actually in the middle of the trial when word came of the events in Eranor. No time to finish it, so you could say he got off easy," Karmin continues with a more stern look. Falder doesn't say anything, continuing to look towards the ground, though Gregor speaks up.

"Aye, the shit thought to take my skiff. What was he even gonna use it fer? He ain't no fisherman. The nerve of some people," the man adds, spitting at the ground once more.

"Yes, yes, we have been over this. There will be time to complete the trial later. In the middle of the road, while we are fleeing to safety, is not that time," Karmin says. The elf girl continues to watch on in her bewildered state, her lack of understanding clear in her facial expression.

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