A Tale of Two Orphans — IC

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by kalis5 »

Rorin keeps running, cursing his bad luck and the situation in general as he goes.
"I swear, I'm starting to really really hate forests! Can we not go into ONE forest without the undead or something monstrous going after us?!"


Double Move to leave the map from square R15.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

Valcus, Rorin

You continue to flee, making it far enough out of the forest that you can no longer see anything behind you. However, you do still hear the sounds of pursuit, likely of the creature that had been trying to kill you. Off in the distance, a ways down the road still, you can see the others conversing with someone who isn't immediately visible to you.

Drake, Caelen, Embla, Gedric

The captain looks past you as Drake speaks, noticing two figures running in the distance. "It seems one of them did not make it," he says, solemnly. "Dammit."

Go: Continue fleeing, or ???


Valcus: runs, exits fight

Rorin: runs, exits fight

Zara: does stuff in the dark

Zara's Minion: does stuff in the dark


17 Zara (??, ??) | HP: -12/?? | AP: 1/1 | Duelist's Dance, Roaring Storm of Cania, Star Shackles, Summon Warlock's Ally, unarmed, in Duelist's Dance stance, carrying Natalia's body (reduced movement speed)

Zara's Minion (??, ??) | HP: -41/?? | marked until Serran Veteran EONT

Zara's Dual Scimitars (A, 32) | prone
Garland Ranger 9's Longbow (-U, 15) | prone
Garland Ranger 8's Longbow (-N, 7) | prone

11 Antonio (??, ??) | HP: -43/?? | Visions of Avarice, Horrid Whispers, Expeditious Retreat, no longer in fight
25 Captain Farjad (??, ??) | HP: -37/?? | Evasive Strike, Takedown Strike, Snarling Wolf Stance, no longer in fight
8 Garland Ranger 7 (??, ??) | HP: 39/39 | no longer in fight
23 Garland Ranger 10 (??, ??) | HP: 39/39 | no longer in fight
14 Garland Ranger 2 (??, ??) | HP: 21/39 | no longer in fight
8 Captain Stroeker (??, ??) | HP: 37/37 | Surges: 7/7 | AP: 0/1 | Martial Doom, Elven Accuracy, Healing Word (1/2), Aid the Injured, no longer in fight
Fluffy (??, ??) | HP: -19/18 | grants +1 to defenses of adjacent allies, no longer in fight
14 Embla (??, ??) | HP: 20/36 | Surges: 7/8 | AP: 0/1 | Shard Swarm, Eldritch Rain, Crown of Stars, Assassin's Bane, no longer in fight
25 Caelen (??, ??) | HP: 14/34 | Surges: 7/7 | AP: 0/1 | Bloodied, Invigorating Stride, Second Wind, Sure Shot, -5 to attack and granting CA until SONT, no longer in fight
14 Drake (??, ??) | HP: 10/43 | Surges: 11/12 | AP: 0/1 | Bloodied Shield Bash, Second Wind, Glowering Threat, Sohei Flurry, no longer in fight
14 Gedric (??, ??) | HP: 11/44 | Surges: 9/11 | AP: 0/1 | Bloodied, (failed death saves 2/3), Incredible Toughness, Second Wind, Scale Armor of Dwarven Vigor, Driving Attack, no longer in fight
14 Valcus (??, ??) | HP: 21/35 | Surges: 7/8 | AP: 0/1 | Inspiring Word (2/2), Dragonfear, Second Wind, Handaxes left (1/2), -5 to attack and granting CA until SONT, no longer in fight
14 Rorin (??, ??) | HP: 24/34 | Surges: 6/7 | AP: 0/1 | Stalking the Prey, Second Wind, Easy Target, no longer in fight

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

Valcus charges toward the group, straining his eyes to try and discern the identity of the figure as he goes. The Ranger Captain? Who? Unable to get a good glimpse at whoever it is through his weariness, he continues on in a brisk run. "It's still after us!" he calls to his allies in the distance. "We need to keep moving!"


Perception to see figure:2(1d20) +1 = 3

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Upon hearing Valcus' voice, Drake breathes a sigh of relief. "You heard him everyone," Drake says. "Let us head back to Greywood. Hopefully that thing won't chase us that far, and if it does, the palisade and men there should help us defeat it."

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Let's just hope there aren't any more Imardanian spies or sympathizers back in Greywood," Caelen says as they continue their retreat. "Let those dead mercenaries be the last of them."

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

The group eventually merges once more, and they make their way to Greywood. The further they get from the forest's edge the fainter the sound of pursuit, until there are no sounds coming from behind them at all. Likewise, the poor weather begins to fade back into the normal daylight that had been around before the group set out to investigate the missing mercenaries.

Back at Greywood, most of the men guarding the entrance have been rotated out, and the numbers have tripled. However, the man who'd been in charge of the gate guard is still there. As he sees you approach you notice the concern in his eyes. He reaches for his weapon. "Where are the others? What did you do to them?" he asks, accusingly, at the absence of any of his comrades.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Dead," Drake says with little emotion. "Your captain was in the employ of the Imardanians and led us into a trap," he explains.

"You know Gedric, he is one of you. He can vouch for all of this. Only he and one other were not in on the plot," he adds, gesturing to Gedric.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

"We couldnt..." Valcus starts in, still visibly shaken from the encounter. "We couldn't save him from what was waiting for us out there," he explains, looking to the ground for comfort. Back to Greywood... but are we really safe? Even here?

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

"It's true, Tawil," Gedric responds, attempting to calm his superior. "The captain and the others turned on us as soon as we encountered the people responsible for the ambush. They had us surrounded. If not for the Garland Rangers, we'd all be dead." Gedric motions to Captain Stroeker, who is standing nearby.

When introduced, the man steps forward. "You don't look like Tulrissians. Why are you guarding Greywood?"

"The Lord Lorkan hired us. His own personal guard is not nearly large enough to protect this town, especially not with all the new refugees pouring in," Tawil responds, still on guard. "You are a Ranger of Garland?"

"Aye, I am," Captain Stroeker responds. "And most of the men I had with me died alongside those bastard traitors."

The Serran man looks down for a moment, as if lost in thought, before dropping his guard. He holds up a hand, motioning for the others to lower their guard as well. "Damn," he says under his breath. Looking back up, and facing Drake, he continues. "But the Captain is slain? You got rid of the traitors?" he asks, looking more worried now than suspicious.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

"We handled the traitors except him. Your 'captain' lives," Valcus manages, his confidence returning now. "He attacked us initially when your brethren turned on us, but broke off running with one of the assassins. A man, with some handle of dark magicks, who was part of the killings at the Violet Keep. We couldn't give chase without risking our own safety any further."

He glances at the others for a moment, turning back to Tawil. "We need to get to Lord Lorkan immediately to speak about this, as well as business of even more importance. Can you help us secure a meeting?"

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"We did manage to kill one of the other Assassins," Drake adds. "We should send word to Lord von Tralh, I'm sure he will be pleased to hear his Father has at least been partly avenged," he continues, more speaking to the party than anyone else.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

"That is unnerving," Tawil responds, as Valcus describes the day's events. He listens intently as the two noblemen finish talking, before adding, "I can do my best. He had only dealt with the Captain before, but that clearly won't be happening now."

"I need to speak with him as well, before I return to Garland," Captain Stroeker responds. "Let him know that the captain of the Garland Rangers wishes to speak to him as well as the others."

"Very well," Tawil responds. "I suppose you can rest in the temple again while you wait. Not really anywhere else to rest in this place," he adds, before turning to head towards the Lord's manor.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Thank you," Valcus says toward the Serranborn, nodding with respect. "Today has been nothing short of a wreck. Resting and tending to our wounds in the temple will be much appreciated." He says goodbye as Tawil leaves, then turns back to Lord Aerden and the others.

"Let's get what rest we can before Lorkan is ready to see us. It is critical, now, that he join our coalition against the northern threat -- though with this happening at his front door, I'm sure he will be that much easier to persuade." He leads the others toward the temple, discussing as they go.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

The group makes their way towards the temple, once more passing through the streets packed with refugees. Some look at you as you pass, most don't, too exhausted and hungry from their situation to pay any mind to noblemen and their entourage.

Once back at the temple the group finds it both sparser and louder than it had been on their last visit. Most men are likely now guarding one of the gates. The few who remain seem to be tense, some bickering, some looking suspiciously about towards one another.

"And where're you from, huh? You ain't Serran," a man says to a more pale-skinned man in the company.

"Serranak, what of it? I'm no traitor," the man spits back.

"You! Elf!" a third man shouts to a fourth. "Hear you're originally from the isles up north."

"Aye," the elf responds. "And I hear your mother was from Imardin. So who should be pointing fingers at who, huh?"

Similar conversations can be inferred, but not directly heard, all throughout the makeshift barracks of the temple as the group makes their way inside. "At each others throats as soon as there's conflict, not good," chimes Gedric, who takes a seat at one of the tables near the entrance.


Feel free to take your short rest now. Or you can wait if you want, up to you.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

Valcus grunts in agreement with Gedric as he witnesses the tension before him in the temple. Standing tall, he tries to call out for attention of everybody still there. "Hail -- Hail! Quiet down and listen. Let me speak. All of you. Listen," the man shouts out, waiting until at least most of the eyes and ears are upon him if possible. "I came from the scene with your Captain myself," Lord Torinn manages in a booming, but not hostile voice, to those who listen.

"Farjad betrayed Lord Lorkan, and worse -- his own men. That was his decision, along with a small band of turncloaks from your ranks. They're dead now, as they deserve, while your Captain roams free. The man who led you before has walked out on you now and left you to sit and question the mess he has made. I am sorry for that. I am."

The man scratches at his beard, sighing inwardly, his face very solemn. "But hear me out. I don't care if they changed sides out of favor or coin; I don't care if some of you shared the sentiment they held; I don't care where you are from and what allegiances you've held before. I don't. However, know this -- You all fight for Lorkan, same as before. His coin is good -- else you wouldn't have been here in the first place -- and our effort is right by all of our Gods and deities combined."

"Farjad may have besmirched his own name by turning on an employer like he did, but that does not mean that he has besmirched your own. Prove to this land that you are warriors capable of prowess and honor. That, or just get paid by doing the job. Either way, there is no sense to quarrel among yourselves when you should be standing together."


Diplocheck to try and assuage the remanining mercs: 18(1d20) +11 = 29

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"What a horrible situation," Caelen says as the men in the temple seem to turn on each other. "Even having lost this battle, the Imardanians have still won by destroying trust and loyalty."

After Valcus finishes his address to the bickering men, the elf adds, "Let's hope your words resound in their hearts. We can't afford to be at each other's throats at a time like this."


Spend 3 surges to get to full HP and regain encounter powers

Combat Block


Male Elf Ranger 3
Languages: Common, Tulrissian
Age: 22
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 115 lbs.

Speed: 7
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 23
Passive Insight: 19
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 19
Fort: 13
Reflex: 17
Will: 14
HP: 11/34
Bloodied: 17
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 4/7
Action Points: 1

MBA: +3 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage
RBA: +10 vs AC, 1d12+6 damage (1d6 once per round with Hunter's Quarry; +1 to attack if no allies are closer; +1 to damage if target isn't adjacent to any other creatures)

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Twin Strike
Nimble Strike
Hunter's Quarry

Second Wind []
Surprise Strike []
Two-Fanged Strike []
Disruptive Strike []
Elven Accuracy []
Invigorating Stride []

Sure Shot [X]



Important Features:

Prime Shot: If no allies are closer to the target than you, get +1 on ranged attacks against that target.

Group Awareness: You grant non-elf allies within 5 squares of you a +1 racial bonus to Perception checks.

Wild Step: You ignore difficult terrain when you shift.

Bow Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to weapon attack rolls that you make with a bow. In addition, you gain a +1 bonus to the damage roll of any weapon attack you make with a bow against a single creature that is not adjacent to any other creature.

Distant Advantage: You gain combat advantage for ranged or area attacks against any enemy flanked by your allies.

Defensive Mobility: You gain a +2 bonus to AC against opportunity attacks.

Last edited by Scratcherclaw on Wed Dec 28, 2016 7:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Drake takes a minute to catch his breath while Valcus talks, realising they had barely stopped for more than a few seconds since setting off from Greywood with the mercenaries earlier.

"Keep on making speeches like that and we'll have an army to take on the Imardanians with," he says to Valcus when the man finishes talking.


Short Rest: Recover encounter powers and spend 3 surges to regain 30HP up to a total of 40HP.

Combat Block

Drake Aerden

Male Dwarf Warrior 3
Languages: Common, Tulrissian
Age: 24
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 210 lbs.

Speed: 5
Initiative: +2
Passive Perception: 13
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 17
Reflex: 14
Will: 13
HP: 40/43
Bloodied: 21
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 7/12
Action Points: 0

MBA: +11 vs AC, 1d8+5 damage
RBA: +3 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: +5 against poison

Active Effects: None


Footwork Lure

Second Wind []
Dwarven Resilience []
Sohei Flurry []
Shield Bash []
Glowering Threat []
Parry and Riposte []

Driving Attack [_]



Important Features:

Combat Superiority: You gain a bonus to opportunity attacks equal to your Wisdom modifier (+2). An enemy struck by your opportunity attack stops moving, if a move provoked the attack. If it still has actions remaining, it can use them to resume moving.

Combat Challenge: Every time you attack an enemy, whether the attack hits or misses, you can choose to mark that target. The mark lasts until the end of your next turn. While the target is marked, it takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls if its attack doesn't include you as a target. A creature can be subject to only one mark at a time. A new mark supersedes a mark that was already in place. Whenever an enemy marked by you is adjacent to you and shifts or makes an attack that does not include you, you can make a melee basic attack against the enemy.

Encumbered Speed: You move at your normal speed even when it would be reduced by armor or a heavy load. Other effects that limit speed (such as difficult terrain or magic) affect you normally.

Stand Your Ground: When an effect forces you to move -through a pull, push, or a slide-you can move 1 square less than the effect specifies. This means an effect that normally pulls, pushes, or slides a target 1 square does not force you to move unless you want to. In addition, when an attack would knock you prone, you can make a saving throw to avoid falling prone.

Heavy Blade Expertise: You gain a +2 bonus to all defenses against opportunity attacks.

Shield Push: If you hit a foe with an attack granted by your Combat Challenge class feature, you push the target 1 square after dealing damage.

Resilience of Stone: You can use your Second Wind as an immediate interrupt when damaged by an attack.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

The men in the temple initially brush off Valcus' call for calm and continue to talk amongst themselves. However, as he speaks more listen, until the whole room - not many, to be fair - have set aside their squabbling to listen to the man speak. Soon their silence turns to agreement, as some 'Yeah!'s and the occasional cheer can be heard.

"He's right, we need to get back at those bastards," one of the men says, as Valcus finishes his unexpected speech.

"Fuck the Captain. We fight for our own glory!" another man shouts out.

"And to avenge our murdered brethren," another says.

This continues, the men riling one another up, clearly more motivated than they had been before.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Men with a cause make for much better soldiers than mercenaries," Drake says to the party members close to him, remembering something his father had once told him. "We saw today how this war cannot be won with gold and sellswords."

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by kalis5 »

Rorin looks over to Drake and nods.
"Familial ties are some of the strongest things we have. I can understand their will to avenge the fallen. Peloth still exists, the castle, everything is still there. Someone else controls it for the moment, and we won't stop until all of our lands are reclaimed."


Short rest for me as well, might as well spend 1 healing surge. That should bring me to 32.

Combat Block


Male Half-Elf Rogue 3
Speed: 6
Initiative: +5
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Low-light Vision
Languages: Common, Tulrissian
AC: 17
Fort: 12
Ref: 17
Will: 14
Bloodied: 17
Surge Value: 8
Surges: 3/7
AP: 1

Vulnerabilities: None
Active Effects: None


Melee Basic Attack: 1d20+5 to hit. 1d4+1 Damage.
Ranged Basic Attack: 1d20+7 to Hit. 1d6+4 Damage.

Bull Rush Attack
Grab Attack
Opportunity Attack
Sly Flourish
Duelist's Flourish
Fleeting Ghost

Dilettante Feature: Guiding Strike [ ]
L1 Acrobat's Blade Trick [ ]
L3 Stalking the Prey [X]
Second Wind [X]

L1 Easy Target [X]

Important Features

Class Feats:
Sneak Attack: When attacking a target that grants CA, deal an extra 2d8 damage.

First Strike: Gain CA against any target that hasn't acted in combat.

Sharpshooter Talent (Crossbow): +1 to Attack rolls with Crossbows. Gain Far Shot feat for Crossbows. +5 to Short and Long Range with Crossbows.

Artful Dodger: Gain Charisma (+3) AC against Opportunity Attacks.

Theme Feats:
Grants access to Wasteland Fury.

Racial Traits:
Group Diplomacy: +1 Diplomacy to all allies within 10 squares.

Dual Heritage: Gain access to Half-elf, Human, and Elven feats.

Dilettante: Gain access to an at-will from another class as an encounter power.

Notable Feats:

Crossbow Expertise: Gain +1 to attacks made with Crossbows. Ignore Partial and Superior Cover.

Backstabber: Increase Sneak attack dice from d6s to d8s.

Wood Elf Agility: Rolls of 2-7 count as 8s.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Let's hope it can't be won with magic either," Caelen replies to Drake, recounting Antonio's and Zara's arcane abilities. "From what we've seen so far, they've got some pretty powerful sorcery up their sleeves, and we may not even know the half of it. Hopefully it can be countered somehow."

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

"We may not be able to counter magic like that per se, but we can sure outwit them through sheer planning and willpower," Valcus suggests to his elvish ally.

"Shall we head to the keep to discuss with Lord Lorkan?" he asks the others, curious of their intentions.


Expend two surges during a short rest and regain encounter powers.

Bravura Presence for Action Point Spending

Bravura Presence: When an ally who can see you spends an action point to take an extra action and uses the action to make an attack, the ally can choose to take advantage of this feature before the attack roll. If the ally chooses to do so and the attack hits, the ally can either make a basic attack or take a move action after the attack as a free action. If the attack misses, the ally grants combat advantage to all enemies until the end of his or her next turn.

Combat Block

Valcus Torinn

Male Dragonborn Warlord 3
Languages: Common, Tulrissian
Age: 25
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 185 lbs.

Speed: 5
Initiative: +1
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 19-2
Fort: 17
Reflex: 13
Will: 15
HP: 35/35
Bloodied: 17
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 5/8
Action Points: 0

MBA: +11 vs AC, 1d10+6
RBA: +9 vs AC, 1d6+6




Active Effects:


Intuitive Strike
Brash Assault

Dragonfear []
Inspiring Word [] []
Hammer and Anvil []
Cunning Adjustment []
Battlefront Shift []
Flattening Charge []
Second Wind []

Leader's Instincts [_]



Important Features:

Heavy Blade Expertise: +2 bonus to defenses against OAs.

Dragonborn Fury: +1 racial bonus to attack rolls when bloodied.

Harlequin Style: You gain a +3 bonus to defenses against your target when using Brash Assault.

Bravura Presence: When an ally who can see you spends an action point to take an extra action and uses the action to make an attack, the ally can choose to take advantage of this feature before the attack roll. If the ally chooses to do so and the attack hits, the ally can either make a basic attack or take a move action after the attack as a free action. If the attack misses, the ally grants combat advantage to all enemies until the end of his or her next turn.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"The soon we do, the better. I'm not sure we can afford to wait too long given the circumstances," Caelen responds to Valcus, eager to get the situation divulged. "Every minute counts with these Imardanians on the loose."

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Right, then," Valcus responds, ready to move. He begins to lead the group to Lord Lorkan's keep.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

"Right, there is no time to waste. Not with those monsters on the loose," Stroeker responds, following after the others as the venture outside the temple. The rest of the party all fall into line, Drake and Valcus towards the front as usual. Gedric opts to stay behind at the temple, rejoining his brethren to rest and recharge.

Once outside they are greeted by the now-familiar sight of Greywood's refugees. The path further into the city, towards Lorkan's manor, seems even more cramped than what they'd walked through before. The further in they get the worse the smell grows as well, as the scents of body odor, waste, and festering wounds coalesce without anywhere to escape.

The route to the manor is not long, winding around a very shallow hill that overlooks the lower portions of the small city and the surrounding plains. The Lord's manor is perched on top, next to a windmill and a large storehouse. The entire summit has been reinforced by rudimentary barricades and spikes made of timber, like the rest of the town, leaving only one entrance for those wishing to meet with his Lordship.

At the entrance to the walled-off area the group finds Tawil speaking with some of the Greywood guard, who seem to be dedicated to defending the hilltop while the mercenaries handle the rest of the town's protection. From a distance Tawil seems frustrated and the guards defensive. As the group draws closer, they can catch part of their exchange.

"As we've told you, now many times, the Lord has no business dealing with you lot. He is only interested in speaking with your Captain," says one of the guards.

"And as I've been trying to tell you, the Captain is gone. He left. And he's not coming back, not as a friend at least. He betrayed us."

"Right, yes, you've said so. Unconvincingly. I'll have no part in your internal power struggles, now scram!" chimes the other guard, motioning for the man to leave.


Gedric spends 3 surges and regains encounter powers during short rest


?? Embla (??, ??) | HP: 20/36 | Surges: 7/8 | AP: 0/1 | Shard Swarm, Eldritch Rain, Crown of Stars, Assassin's Bane,

?? Caelen (??, ??) | HP: 34/34 | Surges: 4/7 | AP: 0/1 | Sure Shot,

?? Drake (??, ??) | HP: 40/43 | Surges: 8/12 | AP: 0/1 |

?? Gedric (??, ??) | HP: 44/44 | Surges: 6/11 | AP: 0/1 | Scale Armor of Dwarven Vigor, Driving Attack,

?? Valcus (??, ??) | HP: 35/35 | Surges: 5/8 | AP: 0/1 |

?? Rorin (??, ??) | HP: 32/34 | Surges: 5/7 | AP: 0/1 | Easy Target,

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"What about the current power struggle against the Imardanians? And I imagine if Lord Lorkan is interested in speaking with a mercenary captain then he should be able to find time to talk to other Lords of the realm," Drake says, interrupting the conversation.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

"We can give credence to this man's words about his traiterous captain. After all, we were there when he tried to turn on us and murder us," Valcus explains in a straightforward fashion.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

"Why should your words lend any more credence than his?" asks one of the guards defensively. However, the other steps in front of him and speaks up.

"That is Lord Aerden, of Spearpoint," the second guard says. "He spoke in the square the other day, I'm sure it is the same man."

"Ah... apologies, my lord," the first responds, and the two give a polite bow in Drake's direction.

"So it is true, then? The mercenary leader is fighting for the Imardanians? That is not good," the other continues, the men now talking towards one another more than the group.

"The entire town could be compromised. What if other men in his company decide to defect along with him? There'd be chaos. And all of those refugees..."

"You must inform Lord Lorkan at once!" the guard says, now to Drake and the others. "We cannot have such... untrustworthy men protecting our town," he says with a scowl, as he looks towards Tawil.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

Valcus raises a hand to calm the men as they begin to question the remaining mercenaries' loyalties. "The untrustworthy ones already showed their hand alongside their traitor of a captain. We put them down when they turned on us already, that much is sure."

He sighs, a solemn look plastered on his face. "Listen, you don't have to worry about the remaining Serranborn, guardsmen. I've already spoken to them about the incident while we were resting in the temple. Their loyalty to Lorkan is secure. What you do need to worry about, however, are the Captain and that sorcerer who are roaming free. You need to work with this hired help -- not turn these allies away -- in order to protect this city from the true enemy here. Only together will you be able to protect Greywood."

"Now," the knight says, his tone changing as his posture straightens. "Would you please escort us to Lord Lorkan?"

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Farjad and that sorcerer aren't the only ones roaming free," Caelen says after Valcus, knowing that the danger lies beyond the escaped pair. "We still have no idea about Zara, and whatever... thing she seemed to have created."

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

"Very well," one of the guards responds. Tawil nods in thanks to Valcus as he speaks, and the group - Tawil now among them - makes their way past the barricades and up the rest of the slope towards the manor entrance.

The Lord's Manor of Greywood is quite modest when compared to the Castle of the Sun or the Violet Keep, or even to the Wellesly Estate. It is a large two story building, not much larger than the abandoned home that the party first encountered Antonio and Natalia in, made of fine stones and colored in pale yellow paint. The storehouse nearby is roughly the same size, though not nearly as ornate. With the addition of the windmill it makes for a substantial amount of space, but it is spread out and still significantly less than the other seats of power you've encountered.

At the entrance the guard knocks in a specific manner - one knock, a pause, three more rapid knocks, another pause, and then two more in a less rapid succession. There is the sound of locks being undone and a board being removed from in front of the door before it finally opens. Another guardsman greets the group, nods to the one who'd brought you here, and ushers you inside. The first guard makes his way back to his post as the group shuffles inside, with the other redoing the locks and barricade after everyone is in.

The room the group finds themselves in is a small foyer, with doorways in every direction. The two on either side are open doorways, one of which seems to lead into a dining room, the other of which appears to lead to some sort of study. The one opposite the group is a closed door. Next to the archway on the right is a staircase leading to the second floor.

"This way," the guard says, ushering the group up the stairs. Once upstairs the group finds themselves in a library that seems to take up the entire side of the floor it's on, windows adorning three of its walls. A man sits in a large, cushioned chair facing out one of the central windows, gazing over the town below. Two other guards are in the room and nod to the one who'd brought you, who returns downstairs. The man in the chair hears you enter and stands, moving into view.

"Ah, greetings Lord Aerden," the man says as he sees the young lord approach. "And his entourage, of course," he adds, nodding towards the others. The man - clearly Lord Lorkan - is of average height and a bit overweight, looking to be in his early 30s. His face is solemn, though he wears a forced smile as he speaks. His clothing is much simpler than that of the other lords you've encountered recently, with the exception of the newly-appointed Wilhelm.

"Things have only gotten worse here in the days since we last spoke," he continues, returning his gaze to Drake. "I hope you've had better times than we in Greywood. What news do you bring?"

Rough Diagram of Foyer

ID, interior door
ED, exterior door
A, archway
P, party immediately after entering house

Section in top right corner is stairs

Code: Select all

# # ID # # # # # # # #
#       |_|_|_|_|_|_ #
#                 |_ #
#                 |_ #
#                 |_ #
#                 |_ #
A          P         A
#                    #
# # # # # ED # # # # #
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

Valcus makes note of the more humble presence of Lorkan's residence. The Castle of the Sun was much nicer. Though Jont was purely scum. Perhaps there is a lesson to learned here on humility of living, he jests to himself.

The humor leaves his face and his posture straightens, however, when they come face-to-face with the Lord himself.

"Lord Lorkan," Valcus greets the man, taking initiative. "Lord Torinn -- heir-presumptive of Castle Halstos and Commander to Lord Aerden's Honorguard. We bring both good and bad news, my lord. Violet Keep and Garland have both pledged to support a coalition in defense of our homeland. They've even dispatched troops to help fight on the warfront," he explains. "I hope word of this has already reached you."

"Unfortunately, however, your mercenary Captain has outed himself as a turncoat and made off with the assassins that had plagued the von Trahls. One of them at least. The other, we put down." And Zara... maybe it's best to leave that part out for now.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Good to see you again," Drake replies offering his fellow Lord a hand.

"As Lord Torinn says, the time since we last spoke has certainly been eventful. Garland has joined our cause under the leadership of Ser Cyrus Solrane, yes that one, it's a long story, and Walter Wellesley, and the new Lord von Trahl is filled with a great lust for vengeance after Imardanian assassins murdered the previous Lord and Lady," Drake says, filling in Lord Lorkan with a brief summary of the last two weeks, pausing when he realises that so far that both realms they have visited now have new rulers.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

"I was unaware that Twinriver had a new lord already. I assumed word would have reached me by now of such a turn of events," the man says, looking skeptically towards Valcus. After a brief pause, he continues with, "but I suppose that is not that important at this point, there are much more pressing matters. And the Lord of the Spear recognizes you, so I see no reason to question your qualifications."

He gives the man a nod before positioning himself to face both at once. "I'd heard of the events in Volberg. It is a shame what happened to Gunther, he was a good friend. I've no doubt his son will fill his shoes well, though I worry for his mental state. Regardless, the war effort will do well to have the Raptor Corps on its side. I'd not heard of the events in Garland, though. What is this about Wellesly taking over? And a Solrane? I thought they were dead."

"It is indeed... difficult to process," Captain Stroeker says, stepping up so that he is next to Drake. "But it has come to light that Lord Jont was collaborating with these invaders, feeding them false orders. He was using a false seal to try to implicate Wellesly on top of all of it, the bastard. We arrested him just yesterday, and Wellesly and Cyrus offered to keep order while things are in turmoil."

"Is Cyrus Solrane not a man who died over a century ago?" Lorkan asks, eyebrow raised.

"Not quite... I am hazy on the details myself," Stroeker says, turning to face the others. "They know more than I do of this matter. The man certainly seems legitimate, though."

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Ser Cyrus was held captive, frozen like a statue by a witch in the forest, for many years," Drake elaborates. "We freed him when we defeated the witch. The important part is that he has aligned with us against the Imardanians, unlike Jont."

"Also to update you on the war itself; we are mobilising Garland and Volberg's forces to try and break the siege of Darden's Hold, while we received word that the Imardanians are marching towards The Spear."

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

"I am the heir of the late Lord Halstos, who fell in the initial onslaught. It wasn't a title I had sought, but I am who survives my late godfather, whether I like it or not. It's nominal, though, so long as the castle and village are ruled by Imardanians," Valcus explains, not offended by the man's skepticism.

"As for Ser Cyrus -- it too is a strange story, but true nonetheless. The witch's arcane powers somehow kept him in a timeless captivity."

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

"Forget this talk of lords. We must fight!" Tawil says, flustered at the calm chatter of the Tulrissian nobility unfolding before him. He steps forward as well, flanking Valcus, before continuing.

"And who are you?" Lorkan asks, more sternly than he'd been speaking before. He gazes towards the man, annoyance showing through. Tawil's mannerisms show his nerves, though he does not back down.

"With all due respect, your lordship, but we cannot just stand at this town until the Imardin armies march on it. Perhaps we could have, yesterday, or the day before, but no longer. This fight is personal, now. Our captain betrayed us! For them. Killed our own. He must pay. They all must pay!"

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

"He's one of your mercenaries, my Lord," Valcus explains. He grimaces when the Serranborn lets his emotions show through too thinly veiled, but inside, Valcus knows the truth of the other man's words. "And he is right, I must admit. Relying on reactive measures will doom us, Lord Lorkan. It is only through a counterattack that we will have any chance at defeating this onslaught."

"Lord Aerden and the rest of us have accomplished what you initially required for your cooperation. Violet Keep and Garland -- both powerful and well-funded allies -- have joined our interests and even pledged warriors to help defend the Westlands. Now, it is time for your end of the bargain to be upheld. What do you say, my Lord? Will you stand tall among us as allies and fight against those who seek to destroy and corrupt our brethren, our culture, our heartland?"

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

The man sighs as Valcus speaks, and walks back to the window he'd been looking out from his chair. As he gazes at the town below he speaks again. "You are right, I cannot deny that. No single Tulrissian army will be able to hold out against this invasion, we've already seen four capitals fall rapidly and decisively. If Darden's Hold falls - gods forbid - then the south is all but lost..."

The man continues to look out his window for a moment in silence, before turning back and approaching next to his seat. He places his hand on the top of it and continues. "The fate of Greywood is not what worries me. I know there are more defensible positions, and if my city is to fall in the short term then so be it. We can regroup, retake it, and rebuild if we must. What I worry for is the people who've come to take up refugee within these makeshift walls. Most are weak or injured, they cannot defend themselves against hunger, let alone an invasion. A few can be armed, sure, but should we be attacked it would be a slaughter. Women, children, elderly... There are so many of them..."

He turns to to face Tawil, saying, "Your men want to fight. That is admirable, and I think you should fight. Gods know we could use all the fighting men we can get. But I must ask a favor of them first. Perhaps not all, but some of them. Please, accompany these refugees further inland. Take the road north, plead with the Warden of Redbridge, the Queen of Menora, whoever will take them in. Seek out the dwarves of Bal if you must. They cannot remain lambs to be slaughtered in this place." Turning to Drake and Valcus, he adds, "and if you are headed in that direction, please, would you accompany them as well?"

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"We will," Drake says. "Menora is probably the best option. If the Imardanians make it further inland Red Bridge will be one of the first places they aim to take due to its strategic value. Bringing Fausta's Steppe and Malverne into our alliance might be enough to turn the tide of this war," he says.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

Tawil looks as if he is about to protest again when the Lord speaks, but after the man finishes and after hearing Drake's response, he seems less combative. "Very well, I will speak to the others," Tawil responds. "We still must decide on our new leadership, which I pray is quick and civil. I will make sure to inform whoever is chosen of your orders." He gives a small bow and steps back to his previous position, seeming convinced by his patron.

"If I may," Stroeker says, chiming in again. "Assuming your plans are set, I have a request of you, Lord Lorkan. The vanguard I was traveling with has been mostly wiped out and we need to return to Garland with haste, that we may inform our own people of what has happened. The other Rangers must be mobilized as soon as possible to hunt down those spies who ambushed us. Do you have any horses to spare? Or any sort of steed? The faster we can get back, the better."

"If only I had any to give," the Lord says, apologetically. "We have been barely able to feed these refugees, let alone a supply of horses. Most were slaughtered to feed the peasantry. The others escaped into the plains."

"Ah," the Ranger captain responds. "I suppose we will have to walk quickly then."

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by PureZaros »

Embla sits at the back of the group as the others discuss with the lords what to do next, her face alternating between pale, drawn lips and a deep frown. There was hardly any indication of her power before Zara revealed herself, and that... thing far outclassed what Fuffy can do right now. Why would she have done that? Why travel with us for so long?

The mention of Menora rouses her from her thoughts, a flash of excitement momentarily visible in her gaze. It's been years since I've been that direction. It'd be nice to visit the towers again.

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Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Menora, huh? Caelen thinks as the lords talk amongst themselves. It's been a long time since I've been there. Although years had passed, he could still remember the day he and his mother had left Bal and the Dwarven Mountains after their escape from Serran. With the sun shining above, the golden tower of Menora glistened brightly in their approach. It was a beacon of hope, a beacon of freedom. The oppression of Kurnhuelde and the Serran Desert were long behind them. It'll be good to see the city again. If only mother could see it one last time.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Safe travels Captain. Take care hunting down the spies. They are dangerous people, although you've seen that first hand," Drake warns, thinking back to Zara and the way she cut through the Rangers with ease.

"I too hope that it is quick, time is not our ally in this war. Every day the Imardanians are one step closer to conquering all of Tulrisse," he says to Tawil. "We need to leave as soon as possible."

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

Happy to be moving north for a change, Valcus nods his head along as Drake agrees to accompany Tawil and the refugees. Turning to the Garlander, he hesitates for a moment before speaking.

"Thank you, Captain, for coming to our aid in the forest earlier. We owe our lives to you and your men. Those who fell will not be forgotten in this terrible war, I promise you that."
He extends a hand forward, expecting a handshake. "We got off on the wrong foot back in Garland, but you've shown your true merit. Safe travels," Valcus tells the man.

"And perhaps you should vie for leadership of your mercenary band," the knight suggests to Tawil. "You seem like you've got a good head on your shoulders."

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

"And to you as well," Captain Stroeker responds, returning Valcus' handshake before turning to leave. "I will see you on the front lines when the time comes," he finishes as he exits the throne room, descending the stairs down to the ground level.

"Yes, that is true," Tawil responds to Drake. "And I have thought about it, but it is up to the men," he says, now to Valcus.

"I thank you for agreeing to aid in all of this," Lord Lorkan says, both to Tawil and the others. "But do not think I ask you bear this burden without help. Feeding so many is no easy task, even for such a hopefully-short period of time," the man says, stepping a bit closer. "I will see to it each of your steeds has a wagon to pull, full of what supplies we can spare. It should be enough to keep these refugees fed and sheltered until you can find them a more permanent place to stay."

The man moves to a desk towards one side of the room and produces some parchment, quill, and ink and begins to write. It is only a few moments before he is placing melted wax in one corner of the parchment and placing his ring in it, leaving an imprint of the Lorkan family crest*. He repeats the process with a second piece of parchment, and when finished he steps back over to the group and hands them towards the two noblemen.

"This is a letter of procurement," he says, while holding the first of the pieces of parchment. "Bring it to the guards outside the storehouse, they will give you all you need. Food, clothing, bandages, medicine, weapons if you need them. They know what needs to remain for the townsfolk, the rest you are free to take.

"And this," he says, holding the other parchment, "is a message to the other rulers you may encounter. It is proof of my support of this cause, and my plea for them to join as well. Hopefully it serves well in my absence."


Did you already have a design for the Lorkan family crest? If so, what was it again?

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Drake takes the parchment from Lord Lorkan and pockets them. "Thank you. I'm sure we'll be seeing each other again soon," he says offering a hand.

"Although that may likely be on the battlefield," he adds.

Lorkan Crest


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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Your compliance and generosity is appreciated, Lord Lorkan. I wish all of the Lords of Tulrisse were as true to their word as you are," Valcus adds, relieved to have a straightforward and honest leader on board.

"You'll hear from us as soon as we have any news. Stay safe and in contact."

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

"You do the same," the lord says, before returning to gaze out the window. With nothing left to say, the group heads back downstairs. In the entryway, Tawil says, "I will head back to the Temple and speak to my men. Hopefully there is no protests with the lord's orders and that we can choose a new leader quickly. Meet us there once you have whatever things you are getting from the storehouse." He gives a small bow and makes his way out of the manor ahead of the others, trudging back to the town below.

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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Very well," Drake replies to Tawil, before giving him a curt nod as he turns to leave.

"Well then, let's head to the storehouse," he says to the others, as he starts making his way towards the building.

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