Amongst the Flames — IC

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

Following her friend's lead, Cleo producers her own papers and holds them out for the guards. How rude, closing the city. They're the aggressors here, not the others. "And I am Tenant Cleonamus Amkhara," the girl says, waiting impatiently for the men to check her ID and let her inside. Is it so much to ask for a little time in a city, and not in the sand? "I was under the impressions that Tenant's couldn't be refused entry."

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The man who spoke steps forward and examines your papers. His uniform is slightly more ornate than those of the other men guarding the gate. After carefully reading and rereading them he hands them back. "Well it seems you are who you say you are, but orders are orders I'm afraid, and while you two could maybe have an exception made for you, they're not entering the city," he says, nodding in the direction of Juliette and the Blades. "For all I know you are spies from Crescent Bluff."

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

With an almost bored look on her face, Shira'stasa sighs and produces a blank piece of paper from a small pile of documents in her bag. Handing it over unceremoniously, she gestures for the guard to take a look. "A signed missive from your Rakh himself, allowing passage for Tenant Amkhara, myself, and our paid escorts. Now if you'll excuse us, we have business to attend here in the city and would appreciate not being harassed further by a gate guard and his lackeys." Her eyes pierce his as her psychic magic attempts to make foothold.


Using Arcane Mutterings, I use an Arcana check in exchange for a Bluff check: 17(1d20) +13 = 30 Get fucking rekt

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The man hesitates, clearly uncomfortable making a decision. After a few nervous seconds, he speaks.

"Fine... Let them through," he says to his men. They raise their spears and one man steps aside to open a wicket gate in the side of the larger city gate.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Shira'stasa says no more as it becomes apparent that her ploy worked. If those at the Library never caught on, then these gate guards never stood a chance. With a haughty sigh, she puts her piece of paper away, carefully folding it up and placing it within her bag. She gives a beckon to the others and struts forward into the city's depths, but not before giving the guard a particular look.

Once inside, the woman turns to Cleo. "If you are still interested, I am going to see my mother. She lives in the Pureka District. Or she did before this conflict started," she notes. "I won't be long," the Tenant promises to the others as she begins to make her way across the city to her mother's residence, with or without her fellow Tenant.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

What a hostile city, not even letting visitors in. Their warmongering leader will run this nation into the ground, Juliette thinks as the guards initially forbid their entry. As Shira'stasa succeeds in fooling the guards, the Imardanian can't help but subtly smirk.

As Shira mentions her plans, Juliette says, "Be careful. I'm not sure this is the same city as you knew it, with this war and everything."

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Of course," Cleo says enthusiastically, as she follows after her friend. It beats spending the day with the high and might Geral and the pretentious Juliette. She followers after Shira'stasa further into the city, taking in the sights.

"You know, I've never actually spent any time in Azkahir before," she says as they walk. "I've passed through, on the way to Crescent Bluff - the day before we met, actually. But I never really spent any time here. How did you like it growing up?"

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"It's probably for the best," Shira'stasa comments on Cleo having little experience in Azkahir. "It is not exactly the best place for a Tenant," the woman explains. "Those here worship power over knowledge and there is little wonder to see as there is in places like Crescent Bluff." She ponders the question for a bit longer.

"I grew up poor. I don't remember much of my time here as a child, to be honest. But now that I'm older, I've come to hate this city. If it wasn't for my ailing mother, I would avoid it altogether."

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral lets Shira'stasa and anyone else going along with her head out.
"Well. I suppose that leaves the rations. Best get started on that. Some food would do the men wonders before we start truly fighting."
As he walks, hoping to head to the market, he muses over the state of the city and it's lockdown.
It's no wonder those bandits hunt here. Travelers expecting relief from the desert sun are turned away at the doorstep. On the one hand, this means more work. But on the other, it's the less savory kind due to the need of it alone. I should suggest we offer our services to the guard captain once the Blades are freed of their current obligations. Speed the recovery of this city along, and lessen the blow to the citizenry. At the very least, someone should be hunting the bandits already, but I suppose the defense of the city comes first to these guards.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Shirastasa and Cleo

You make your way to the Pureka District. One of the poorer districts of the city, you follow the wall around towards the west gate before turning into the smaller side streets. The well organised and regimented streets of Azkahir are somewhat quiet, especially when compared to the streets of Crescent Bluff just a few days ago. However you pass several patrols of soldiers before reaching Shira'stasa's Mother's house. It is a relatively small home made of sandstone, surrounded by many similar buildings on a small side street.

Geral and Juliette

The other blades follow Geral's lead and join you on your trip to the city market. The well ordered regimented streets of the city make navigation easier than in the more crowded and organically grown cities of the Empire.

After about twenty minutes you find the market, a short way down a wide avenue from the arena. The market place is busy but it appears that only around half the stalls and shops are open, and the stores are running low of those that are. There is a heavy military presence with several patrols in sight.

"It would appear the war is taking its toll here in Azkahir. You can't grow much in the desert, the roads aren't safe and the city is fighting most of the cities they would normally trade with. It's like a self-inflicted siege," Khaled says.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Ah, I see," is all Cleo is able to muster, not really sure how to respond. Very poor by the looks of it, she thinks, as they venture further into the district her friends call home. "It seems like a nice, quiet neighborhood at least," she says as they move on, unable to think of any real compliments about the area. I doubt I'd have liked growing up here either. It reeks!

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"It is not the life I wish for my mother, but until I become an Elder Tenant, it is only what I can afford," the woman says, sorrowfully as they approach. Without hesitation, she raps loudly on the door with a closed fist. "Mother! Are you here?" she calls, listening for life within.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Juliette is startled slightly by the high military presence and few goods as she and the Blades stroll through the city. By Elys, how can anyone live like this? This war of theirs will destroy them from the inside. To Khaled, she responds, "I can't imagine how they expect to win a war when it's like this on the homefront. I guess the war effort is getting what resources they have left." Goddess bless Imardin for its peace and prosperity. It sure beats this.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Shirastasa and Cleo

You wait but there is no response from inside the house.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Perhaps she is asleep?" Cleo says, recognizing the potentially-worrying situation that the silence represents. Hopefully it is just that, and not something worse.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Perhaps," Shira'stasa replies, clearly uncomfortable. Please be here, the woman wishes. She checks the door to see if it is locked.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Shirastasa and Cleo

The door is locked.

Geral and Juliette

"I'd imagine so," Khaled says agreeing with Juliette. "This war seems to be good for no one apart from us mercenaries. Come lets find a merchant willing to trade with us."

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Shira'stasa frowns, giving a cautious look toward Cleo. "I have a key," she notes. "Hold on." Quickly, she slips a keyring from her pack, flipping through the keys that belonged to the Great Library before finding a distinctly different one. She slips it into the keyhole, trying to unlock the door.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

Cleo nods. Why not just use it in the first place? Weird to knock at a place you can freely enter. She waits for the door to open to follow her friend inside.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Shirastasa and Cleo

The lock clicks and the door creaks open as you step inside. The home is a modest one but clearing furnished and decorated with care. The main room of the house contains a table and chairs along with a small stove and a couple of chests. A large shield and spear hang on the wall above the table.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Mother's, back when she fought for the Empire," Shira'stasa explains, lifting a hand to gesture toward the spear and shield mounted along the wall. She must be in bed, the Tenant thinks. "Mother, are you here?" she asks, stepping toward the bedroom.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Shirastasa and Cleo

You find the bedroom empty save for the furniture; a neatly made bed, a small table by the bedside and a large armoire.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

A soldier, huh? I never would've guessed. It's a shame she can't afford a better life after devoting hers to the Rakhul. "Maybe she is out shopping," Cleo suggests, as they notice the empty but well-kept bedroom. "It is a nice day out, so it would make sense."

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Yes, let's," Juliette responds to Khaled before looking around the market for any merchants who could trade with them.


What kind of merchants and etc do I see?

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Yes, yes," Shira'stasa agrees quickly, trying to interrupt the biting thoughts of gloom in her mind. "We should check the marketplace here in Pureka. I know the one she usually shops at. She asked me to pick up a few supplies for her before I left Azkahir, not two weeks past." Gazing at the bed and its meticulously clean room it resides in, she reluctantly pulls back out of the room to head with Cleo toward the market.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Shirastasa and Cleo

You leave Shira'stasa's mother's home, locking the door on your way out. You walk through the streets for a few minutes before reaching the market of the Pureka district.

It is situated in a small square, with only room for a few stalls from which merchants can peddle their wares. However all but one are empty. A bored looking merchant stands by his display of carpets and vases. The only other people in the square are a beggar sat by another stall and a small patrol of soldiers passing through on their patrol route.


There appear to only be a few merchants still with wares to peddle. There is one selling mundane household items, another selling clothing, one selling weapons, and the busiest two stalls sell food.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Looks like there's a couple food stalls," Juliette says to the Blades, pointing at the crowded stalls. "Hopefully one of them will do business with us."

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

This is what passes for a marketplace in Azkahir? Gods, this city is depressing. Cleo forces a smile as they approach and are sighted by the single merchant of the tiny market. "Well I suppose she isn't here, then," Cleo says at the sight. "Did your mother regularly take walks around town? We could be looking all over for her at this rate."

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Shira'stasa looks upon the market with wide eyes. This was bustling just two weeks ago. The war has had a profound effect on our people, she thinks to herself. At Cleo's question, she answers, "Not particularly. Her illness kept her around the home mostly. She has help every now and then from friends or myself when I am in the city."

The Tenant scans the marketplace again, futilely. "I simply don't understand where she could have gone," she admits, her eyes beginning to sting and dampen in frustration. "I hope we can find her soon, before Geral and the others need us to move on."

Shying back any tears, Shira'stasa approaches the merchant with her usual confident and icy demeanor. "Hello," she greets him, glancing at his wares before facing him. "I'm looking for my mother, Talia Mavruna. She's an older woman, a bit sickly, looks quite like me but built more like a barrel. Have you seen her around here? And where have the rest of the merchants gone?"

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral crosses his arms at the size of the two stalls crowds, giving a sigh.
"They're fairly packed in. Juliette, I can hold your position in line for you if you wish to browse the other market stalls for anything you would consider necessary."

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Thank you," Juliette responds politely to Geral, "though I'm afraid I don't have much coin to spare on any trinkets." With a sigh and a small smiles, she says "I can continue waiting with you."

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Shirastasa and Cleo

"Not that I can recall. The other merchants are probably in the main market, down near the arena. That is if they have anything left to sell. Trade has dried up quite a bit with the war. We've only just started getting caravans from Bravais, and the Rakh took that city over a month ago," the merchant says. "Can I interest you two fine ladies in anything?" He adds, gesturing towards his display of carpets.

Juliette and Geral

You patiently wait in line at one of the food stalls. Before you joining it, the queue had been fairly chaotic however nobody seems interested in barging past your large group of armed mercenaries.

"What'll it be?" the merchant asks once you reach the front of the line. His food selection is poor, mostly consisting of bread and some salted meat.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"No thanks," Cleo responds to the merchant with a fake smile, before turning to her friend. "Sounds like we should go to the Arena, then? If she's shopping, that sounds like the place to find her." Hopefully just shopping.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Shira'stasa shakes her head as Cleo declines the offer. "Thank you," she says curtly before stepping away with her friend, heading toward the arena. "If we don't find her here, then I'm not quite sure what to do," the woman admits. She has to be here...

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Cleo and Shirastasa

You head to the market near the arena and arrive there after a little while. It is busier that the Pureka district's market but still is obviously a shadow of its former self. You spot Juliette and the Malachite Blades stood at the front of the queue for one of the few stalls with any stock left.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Shira'stasa spots Juliette and the mercenaries, tapping Cleo's shoulder and pointing. "I'm worried about her," the woman says of her mother as they step toward their companions. The Tenant draws her hood up again, obscuring any sort of reddened or puffy eyes. "I wasn't able to find her," she says as they regroup.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"You don't think they'd have drafted her back into the army, do you?" Cleo muses aloud.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Not in her state of illness," Shira'stasa admits aloud in response to her younger companion. "She is a strong woman and a skilled warrior, but the years have not been kind to her health or spear-arm." The woman eyes the market stalls, watching the bustle.

"Are we taking the moment to resupply?" the Tenant asks, noticing the miserable-looking food-stall they stand at.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

Cleo looks towards the stall and wrinkles her nose, unimpressed by its stock. You'd think a city of this size could manage some better food for sale. How do they live like this? It's appalling. "I guess," she says, not eager to buy from the stall's wares, but recognizing the necessity in staying well-stocked.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral looks over the meager spread, bringing a hand to his chin, thinking on the food supplies they have, and how many men they are to bring with them...
"16 pieces of the bread, and... 8 pieces of salted meat, please. My men and I are just passing through. We're looking for a bandit nest close by, I don't suppose you heard anything about that from some of the merchants that used to pass through here?"

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Yes, though there's not a huge collection. This war's taken its toll," Juliette says as the Tenants rejoin them. "Did you speak to your mother already?" she asks inquisitively.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"...No," Shira'stasa replies, vacantly, her hood and dark hair obscuring most of her sentiment. "I'm worried something has happened. Cleo and I came here to look for her. Here," she says, handing Geral a handful of coins. "This should be enough for our rations," the woman explains, nodding toward her fellow Tenant.

"I will be back soon, with or without my mother."
With that, Shira'stasa heads off to look around the rest of the market.


Are there any armor or weapon stalls? Her mother was a warrior and had an interest in well-designed weapons. I could see her window-shopping.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

Cleo watches, concerned, as her friend ventures further into the market. Hopefully nothing has happened to her mother. She has seemed not herself lately, I don't know how she'd take it. Not wanting to just stand around as Geral buys rations, she looks towards the market it, trying to spot any interesting shops to peruse.


Any stalls that sell odds and ends, or antiques, etc? Cleo is looking to try to sell off another of her golden spearheads if she can find a good buyer. Also, what other stalls are there in general? She may go to others if they seem interesting.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"If it's the bandits I'm thinking of then we'll be glad to be rid of them. They've been harassing the few caravans we do get for weeks now," the merchant replies to Geral as he takes the mercenary's money and packages up the food.

Shirastasa and Cleo

There appear to only be a few merchants still with wares to peddle. There is one selling mundane household items, another selling clothing, one selling weapons, and the busiest two stalls sell food.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral nods to the Merchant, giving a small smile as he takes the packaged food.
"Then my men and I would be happy to deal with them. Our prize is whatever they have claimed for themselves, though I'm sure we can part with some food and drink should there be any left in their stores. Hopefully their passing will ease the situation here."

With that done, he steps away from the merchant, allowing others to purchase their own food stocks as needed. He looks about the stalls, seeing pretty much what Cleo sees as he muses on the state of the city.
We've let these bandits roam free too long it seems. There should have been an assault on their camp sooner, those caravans are the only thing ensuring this town stays afloat. Unless the caravans can find some other way into town, this town will starve and die long before any real fighting happens.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

Cleo makes her way to the stall selling household items, bearing a hunch that someone selling such an assortment of items may be interested in rarer odds and ends. She walks up with a smile on her face, her practiced social graces ready to be used to charm the shopkeeper. "Hello," she says with a gentle rise and fall of her voice as she steps up to view the wares of the stall.



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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Shira'stasa shadows Cleo, stepping quietly near her as she watches on. Perhaps my mother has been to this merchant, she thinks to herself. She always loved decorating our homes, even when we had little coin to do so with. The Tenant watches on as her counterpart engages the man in conversation.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

As Geral finishes buying the rations, Juliette thinks, Finally. I'll be glad to get out of this dull city and finally get to kill those bandit scum. Hopefully that'll be soon.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Hello. How can I help you?" The merchant replies to Cleo. His wares consist mostly of various pots and other cooking implements. He also has a couple of daggers and pieces of jewellery, although they are far from ornate.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

Cleo glances towards the jewelry, eyeing its quality to try to get a feel for the shop. "I'm just passing through, and I always like to check to see if any shops I pass carry anything unique and interesting. You wouldn't happen to have anything one-of-a-kind, would you?" she asks.

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