Amongst the Flames — IC

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Her face red in growing rage for the attackers, Juliette rushes into the fray, targeting the closest blood she can spill. Not wasting any time, she slashes at the brute with her sickle, knocking him over in the process.


Minor: Defender's Aura
While in the aura (Aura 1), enemies take a -2 to attack rolls that don't include me. I gain +2 to AC while in Defender's Aura

Move: Walk to G14

Standard: Savage Reach on Brigand 2
16(1d20) +9 = 25 vs AC = Hit
Damage: 1(1d10) +5 = 6
Brigand 2 is proned

Combat Block

Juliette LeMaire

Female Human Berserker 2
Languages: Imardanian, Serran
Age: 26
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 115 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-light vision

AC: 20
Fort: 18
Ref: 17
Will: 14
HP: 33/33
Bloodied: 16
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 9/9
Action points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Jarring Smash
Run Down
Savage Reach
Vengeful Guardian
Defender Aura

Second Wind []
Disrupting Advance []
Savage Cut []

Shrug It Off []

Life-Ending Strike [_]



Important Features

Flail Expertise: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls that you make with a flail. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. In addition, when you hit with a melee weapon attack using a flail and the attack lets you slide the target, you can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

World Serpent's Grasp: Whenever you hit a slowed or immobilized target with an attack, you can knock it prone.

Unarmored Agility: You gain a +2 feat bonus to AC while wearing either cloth armor or no armor.

Weapon Proficiency (Kusari-gama): You gain proficiency with the Kusari-gama.

Poised Defender: While your defender aura is active and you're not wearing heavy armor, you gain a + 2 bonus to AC.

Arid Desert Heartland: While you are wearing cloth armor or no armor and not using a shield, you gain a +3 bonus to AC and a +2 bonus to Reflex. At 4th level, you gain resist 5 fire. The resistance increases to 10 at 14th level and 15 at 24th level.

Berserker Fury: When you use a barbarian primal attack power, you enter your Berserker Fury until the end of the encounter. Alternatively, you can use a minor action while you are bloodied to enter the fury. The fury has the following effects.

  • Your defender aura ends, if it was active, and you cannot use defender aura or vengeful guardian until the fury ends.
  • Some of your powers, such as your barbarian martial at-will attack powers, gain additional benefits, as noted in those powers.
  • Your melee basic attacks deal 1d8 extra damage. This extra damage increases to 2d8 at 11th level and 3d8 at 21st level.

Human Defense Bonuses: You gain a +1 racial bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

As Juliette engages one of the bandits entering the camp, Khaled follows suit and attacks the other. The bandit tries to block the Malachite Blade's attack, but Khaled changes direction at the last moment, striking the man in the leg.

Go: Geral


Cleo: moves to (A, 14), misses.

Juliette: moves to (G, 14), hits, prones.

Khaled: walks to (K, 7), hits Brigand 1 for 9 damage.



Map Info

Rock: Impassable terrain, block line of sight.

Wooden Steaks: Planned by the Blades as a form of light defence. They are difficult terrain and deal 1d6 damage for each square travelled through.

Tents: The tents can be moved through easily and will fall down when their squares are entered.

Enemy Info

Archer: lightly armoured, they strike from range with their bows, resorting to daggers at close quarters.

Brigands: Strong bulky men armed with maces.

? ? ?:


25 Brigand 1 (K, 7) | HP: -9/?? |
25 Brigand 2 (F, 13) | HP: -6/?? | prone
21 Juliette (G, 14) | HP: 30/33 | Surges: 8/9 | AP: 1/1 | Defender's Aura active
17 Cleo (A, 14) | HP: 20/29 | Surges: 4/8 | AP: 1/1 | Masterful Spiral
16 Khaled (K, 8) | HP: 41/41 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
15 Geral (H, 10) | HP: 31/31 | Surges: 11/11 | AP: 1/1 |
? ? ?
13 Archer 1 (-A, 7) | HP: ??/?? |
13 Archer 2 (-A, 15) | HP: ??/?? |
? ? ?
11 Blade 1 (J, 18) | HP: 36/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
11 Blade 2 (L, 18) | HP: 36/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
11 Blade 3 (L, 14) | HP: 36/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
8 Shira'stasa (J, 12) | HP: 27/27 | Surges: 6/7 | AP: 1/1 |
? ? ?

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral, seeing Juliette engaging a brigand, moves to assist, flanking the brigand from behind while it's focused on her.


Minor to draw sword.
Move to E12.

Booming Blade on Brigand 2 against AC with CA: 10(1d20) +12 = 22
That's got to be a hit.
Damage if hit (Never know): 6(1d8) +5 = 11

Combat Block


Male Genasi Swordmage Level 2
Languages: Serran, Kurnish
Age: 29
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 160 lbs

Speed: 6
Initiative: 1
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 16
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 21
Fort: 14
Ref: 17
Will: 13
Bloodied: 18
Surge Value: 9
Surges: 11/11
AP: 1

Resist Fire 5


Saving throws:

Active Effects:

Sword Burst
Booming Blade
Guardian's Counter [ ]
Flame Cyclone [ ]
Vanishing Blade [ ]
Arcane Mutterings [ ]

Other Abilities:

Aegis of Assault
Second Wind [ ]
Firepulse [ ]

Conditions: None

Important Features

Genasi Firesoul: +1 Reflexes, Resist 5 Fire, and Firepulse.

Swordbond: By spending 1 hour with any light or heavy blade, the blade becomes swordbonded. As a standard action, the blade can be called from 10 squares away. If the bonded weapon is broken, the blade can be reforged with an hour of meditation.

Swordmage Warding: +1 AC or +3 AC when wielding a blade one handed and the other hand is free.

Heavy Blade Expertise: +1 to attack rolls with Heavy Blade. +2 to defenses against OAs.

Rose King's Shield: +2 to Endurance. While using a longsword, once per turn melee attacks grant +5 temporary HP. This is improved to +10 if more than 2 squares are moved before the end of your turn.

Aegis of Assault: Target is marked. It suffers a -2 to all attack rolls that do not include Geral. If a target is hit without Geral being included, Geral teleports up to 10 squares to a spot next to the target and makes a basic melee attack.

White Lotus Riposte: Until the SoNT, a target hit with an at-will takes that abilities modifier damage when attacking Geral.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

As Geral engages the bandits, a familiar cackling laugh can be heard. The bandits attacking the site are suddenly joined by three hyenas, iron collars around their necks. One goes for Juliette while the other two aim for Khaled and another of the Malachite Blades. All but the Blade are lucky enough to avoid the snarling jaws however.

Yet more archers move around the rocks, into the light, and let their arrows fly. One grazes Cleo and another hits one of the Blades. With the camp quickly being overrun, the blades attack the nearby hyenas with some success.

Go: Shira'stasa


Geral: Moves to (E, 12), hits.

Hyena 1: Moves to (M, 15), hits Blade 3 for 5 damage.

Hyena 2: Moves to (J, 8), misses Khaled.

Hyena 3: Moves to (H, 15), misses Juliette.

Archer 1: Attacks Cleo, hits for 4 damage.

Archer 2: Attacks Cleo, misses.

Archer 3: Moves to (Q, 13), misses Blade 3.

Archer 4: Moves to (E, 22), hits Blade 1 for 6 damage.

Blade 1: Moves to (H, 16), attacks Hyena 3, hits for 9 damage.

Blade 2: Moves to (N, 16), attacks Hyena 1, hits for 6 damage.

Blade 3: Hits Hyena 1 for 5 damage.



Map Info

Rock: Impassable terrain, block line of sight.

Wooden Steaks: Planned by the Blades as a form of light defence. They are difficult terrain and deal 1d6 damage for each square travelled through.

Tents: The tents can be moved through easily and will fall down when their squares are entered.

Enemy Info

Archer: lightly armoured, they strike from range with their bows, resorting to daggers at close quarters.

Brigands: Strong bulky men armed with maces.

Hyneas: Beasts of the desert, these appear to have be captured or domesticated or be used like dogs, based on the iron collars they wear.



25 Brigand 1 (K, 7) | HP: -9/?? |
25 Brigand 2 (F, 13) | HP: -17/?? | prone
21 Juliette (G, 14) | HP: 30/33 | Surges: 8/9 | AP: 1/1 | Defender's Aura active
17 Cleo (A, 14) | HP: 16/29 | Surges: 4/8 | AP: 1/1 | Masterful Spiral
16 Khaled (K, 8) | HP: 41/41 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
15 Geral (E, 12) | HP: 31/31 | Surges: 11/11 | AP: 1/1 |
15 Hyena 1 (M, 15) | HP: -11/?? |
15 Hyena 2 (J, 8) | HP: ??/?? |
15 Hyena 3 (H, 15) | HP: -9/?? |
13 Archer 1 (-A, 7) | HP: ??/?? |
13 Archer 2 (-A, 15) | HP: ??/?? |
13 Archer 3 (Q, 13) | HP: ??/?? |
13 Archer 4 (E, 22) | HP: ??/?? |
11 Blade 1 (H, 16) | HP: 30/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
11 Blade 2 (N, 16) | HP: 36/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
11 Blade 3 (L, 14) | HP: 31/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
8 Shira'stasa (J, 12) | HP: 27/27 | Surges: 6/7 | AP: 1/1 |
? ? ?

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Shira'stasa watches in a veiled trance as the bandits storm her campsite. I will teach them the power of undeath, she swears. Sensing great power from underneath the sands, the woman calls forth a buried skeleton that surges up and reforms next to where Khaled fights. With a flick of her hand, it bursts into flame, emitting a shrieking call that drops the brigand and his beast's focus.

Somehow feeling Cleo in trouble despite not even looking her way, Shira'stasa suddenly lurches forth across the sands, her hand clutching her tome. With a quick spell, the Tenant summons her familiar to benefit her friend. The woman's zombified hand apparition claws at the archer, and he shouts in terror.


Standard: Flaming Sphere in J7, attacking Brigand 1. Hits Reflex 11(+3), dealing 14 fire damage. Flaming Sphere persists and does 1d4+5 fire damage to creatures starting their turns adjacent. Brigand 1 and Hyena 2 grant CA while adjacent to my Flaming Sphere.
Attack: 2(1d20) +9 = 11; 9(2d6) +5 = 14
Memory of 1000 Lifetimes: 3(1d6) = 3

Move: Walk to F11.

Minor: Mage Hand on A14, forcing Archer 2 to grant CA since adjacency.

Combat Block

Female Deva Wizard 2
Languages: Serran, Tulrissian, Imardanian, Kurnish
Age: 33
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 135 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 14
Passive Insight: 19
Senses: Normal

AC: 18
Fort: 12
Ref: 16
Will: 16
HP: 27/27
Bloodied: 13
Surge Value: 6
Surges left: 6/7
Action points: 1

Resistances: 5 necrotic, 5 radiant
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Mage Hand
Beguiling Strands
Winged Horde

Second Wind []
Use Vulnerability []
Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes [x]
Suggestion []
Grasping Shadows [] **
Shield [] *
Arcane Mutterings [] *

Flaming Sphere [x]*
Phantom Chasm [_]*

  • Only one may be readied at beginning of day.
    ** Can be traded for Orbmaster's Incendiary Detonation.



Important Features

Tome Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to implement attack rolls with a tome. Enemies adjacent to your conjurations/summoned creatures grant CA. Enemies immune to fear are immune to this effect.

Astral Majesty: You have a +1 bonus to all defenses against attacks made by bloodied creatures.

Immortal Origin: Your spirit is native to the Astral Sea, so you are considered an immortal creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Yet more Bandits appear from the darkness, joining their allies. Although most of them are too far away to affect the fight yet. One does reach Cleo, swinging his sword at her, however the agile Tenant easily dodges the attack.

The first men to charge into the party's camp, attack once again. Their blows aimed at Khaled and Juliette, however they too find their attacks dodged or blocked.

Go: Juliette, Cleo


Shira'stasa: hits, walks, summons.

Bandit 1: Moves to (I, 5).

Bandit 2: Moves to (P. 15).

Bandit 3: Moves to (-A, 13), attacks Cleo, misses.

Bandit 4: Moves to (C, 11).

Bandit 5: Moves to (A, 11).

Brigand 1: Attacks Khaled, misses.

Brigand 2: Takes 8 damage, attacks Juliette, misses.



Map Info

Red Aura: Flaming Sphere persists and does 1d4+5 fire damage to creatures starting their turns adjacent.

Rock: Impassable terrain, block line of sight.

Wooden Steaks: Planned by the Blades as a form of light defence. They are difficult terrain and deal 1d6 damage for each square travelled through.

Tents: The tents can be moved through easily and will fall down when their squares are entered.

Enemy Info

Archer: lightly armoured, they strike from range with their bows, resorting to daggers at close quarters.

Brigands: Strong bulky men armed with maces.

Hyneas: Beasts of the desert, these appear to have be captured or domesticated or be used like dogs, based on the iron collars they wear.

Bandits: Lightly armed and armoured, these are likely existing bandits that joined the more experienced and skilled group of rogue Malachite Blades.


25 Brigand 1 (K, 7) | HP: -23/?? | Granting CA
25 Brigand 2 (F, 13) | HP: -25/?? | prone
21 Juliette (G, 14) | HP: 30/33 | Surges: 8/9 | AP: 1/1 | Defender's Aura active
17 Cleo (A, 14) | HP: 16/29 | Surges: 4/8 | AP: 1/1 | Masterful Spiral
16 Khaled (K, 8) | HP: 41/41 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
15 Geral (E, 12) | HP: 31/31 | Surges: 11/11 | AP: 1/1 |
15 Hyena 1 (M, 15) | HP: -11/?? | Granting CA
15 Hyena 2 (J, 8) | HP: ??/?? |
15 Hyena 3 (H, 15) | HP: -9/?? |
13 Archer 1 (-A, 7) | HP: ??/?? |
13 Archer 2 (-A, 15) | HP: ??/?? | Granting CA
13 Archer 3 (Q, 13) | HP: ??/?? |
13 Archer 4 (E, 22) | HP: ??/?? |
11 Blade 1 (H, 16) | HP: 30/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
11 Blade 2 (N, 16) | HP: 36/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
11 Blade 3 (L, 14) | HP: 31/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
8 Shira'stasa (F, 11) | HP: 27/27 | Surges: 6/7 | AP: 1/1 | Memory of 1000 lifetimes, Flaming Sphere
3 Bandit 1 (I, 5) | HP: 1/1 |
3 Bandit 2 (P, 15) | HP: 1/1 |
3 Bandit 3 (-A, 13) | HP: 1/1 |
3 Bandit 4 (C, 11) | HP: 1/1 |
3 Bandit 5 (A, 11) | HP: 1/1 |

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

Frustrated at the emergence of more enemies, the air around Cleo begins to heat up as it had many times in the past. Leaping forward, she lands a powerful blow against the nearby archer, who reels back in pain. She swiftly whips around to kick the nearest bandit while the archer is regaining his footing, the bandit collapsing into a heap on the ground.

As quickly as she entered the fray near the archer, she leaps back away, facing down two of the other bandits, ready to pounce on them as soon as they make a move. "You should really have just given up after earlier."


Move Action: shift to (-A, 14)

Minor Action: Sarifal's Blessing
Effect: Aura 2, allies in aura gain resist 5 fire, enemies gain vulnerable 5 fire, til the end of my next turn

Standard Action: Light the Fire Attack Technique on Archer 2
Attack: 30 vs Reflex = crit!
Hit: Max damage of 22 fire damage, plus 5 more from vulnerability, for a grand total of 27 damage. Archer cunt is bloodied.
Effect: Aura 1, enemies starting their turn in the aura take 5 fire damage til the start of my next turn.

No Action: Desert Wind Flurry of Blows on Bandit 3
Effect: heded

Action Point: Light the Fire Movement Technique
Effect: I shift to (B, 12)

Don't attack Bandits 4 or 5, they will die when their turns start. Effectively already dead. Don't waste your attacks.

Combat Block

Tn. Cleo

Female Hengeyokai Monk 2
Languages: Serran, Imardanian
Age: 22
Height: 4' 11"
Weight: 106 lbs.

Speed: 7
Climb Speed (as a cat): 7
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 13
Reflex: 17
Will: 15
HP: 20/29
Bloodied: 14
Surge Value: 7
Surges left: 4/8
Action Points: 0

MBA: +11 vs AC, 1d8+6 damage. (+1 damage to bloodied targets)
RBA: +11 vs AC, 1d4+6 damage. (+1 damage to bloodied targets)

5 Fire

Vulnerabilities: None
+2 vs immobilize, restrain, or slow

Active Effects:
+2 to checks to escape grab
+5 to bluff vs insight to discover I am not human
Aura 2 til EONT: resist 5 fire for allies, vulnerable 5 fire damage to enemies
Aura 1 til SONT: 5 fire damage when enemy starts turn


Nature's Mask
Desert Wind Flurry of Blows
Blistering Flourish
Five Storms
Agile Recovery

Second Wind [_]
Sarifal's Blessing [X]
Light the Fire [X]

Masterful Spiral [X]



Important Features:

Mental Crucible: I gain resist 5 fire (or +2 if I already have resist fire of 5+)

Unarmed Combatant: unarmed attack has +3 proficiency, 1d8 damage, unarmed group, can be affected by ki foci. Must have a free hand to use it.

Unarmored Defense: +2 to AC when in cloth armor or no armor and not using a shield.

Full Discipline: Can only use one full discipline power per round, but can use it as many times as the power would allow (at-will's any number of times in a round, encounters once per round, etc.) Can use full discipline techniques in whatever order I like, and if I spend an action point I can choose a different full discipline power.

Beast Nature: I am considered both a magical beast and a humanoid.

Elusive: +2 racial bonus to checks made to escape grabs and to saving throws against effects that immobilize, restrain, or slow me.

Fey Origin: I am considered Fey.

Language of Beasts: I can speak to and understand natural and fey felines in my hybrid or animal form, and understand but not speak to them in human form.

Shapechanger: I am considered a shapechanger.

Ki Focus Expertise: +1 to damage with ki focus vs bloodied targets.

Unarmored Agility: +2 to AC when in cloth armor or no armor.

Internalize the Basic Kata: I use Dexterity instead of Strength for my MBA rolls when using my Monk Unarmed Strike. My Flurry of Blows can trigger on an OA made with my Monk Unarmed Strike.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Seeing herself surrounded on two sides by foes, Juliette swipes at the canine with her sickle before slipping away from its grasps and towards the still-downed man. Pathetic excuse of a man couldn't even stand back up, she thinks harshly, judging the grounded foe.


Standard: Jarring Smash on Hyena 3
Attack: 6(1d20) +11 = 17 vs AC = Hit
Damage: 8(1d10) +5 = 13
Hyena 3 grants CA until EONT

Move: Shift to F14

Ready Action: Vengeful Guardian
If an enemy subject to my Defender's Aura shifts or hits an ally in an attack that doesn't include me, I make an MBA against the triggering enemy with 1d8 additional damage (+9 attack; 1d10+5 damage)

Combat Block

Juliette LeMaire

Female Human Berserker 2
Languages: Imardanian, Serran
Age: 26
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 115 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-light vision

AC: 20
Fort: 18
Ref: 17
Will: 14
HP: 33/33
Bloodied: 16
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 9/9
Action points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Jarring Smash
Run Down
Savage Reach
Vengeful Guardian
Defender Aura

Second Wind []
Disrupting Advance []
Savage Cut []

Shrug It Off []

Life-Ending Strike [_]



Important Features

Flail Expertise: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls that you make with a flail. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. In addition, when you hit with a melee weapon attack using a flail and the attack lets you slide the target, you can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

World Serpent's Grasp: Whenever you hit a slowed or immobilized target with an attack, you can knock it prone.

Unarmored Agility: You gain a +2 feat bonus to AC while wearing either cloth armor or no armor.

Weapon Proficiency (Kusari-gama): You gain proficiency with the Kusari-gama.

Poised Defender: While your defender aura is active and you're not wearing heavy armor, you gain a + 2 bonus to AC.

Arid Desert Heartland: While you are wearing cloth armor or no armor and not using a shield, you gain a +3 bonus to AC and a +2 bonus to Reflex. At 4th level, you gain resist 5 fire. The resistance increases to 10 at 14th level and 15 at 24th level.

Berserker Fury: When you use a barbarian primal attack power, you enter your Berserker Fury until the end of the encounter. Alternatively, you can use a minor action while you are bloodied to enter the fury. The fury has the following effects.

  • Your defender aura ends, if it was active, and you cannot use defender aura or vengeful guardian until the fury ends.
  • Some of your powers, such as your barbarian martial at-will attack powers, gain additional benefits, as noted in those powers.
  • Your melee basic attacks deal 1d8 extra damage. This extra damage increases to 2d8 at 11th level and 3d8 at 21st level.

Human Defense Bonuses: You gain a +1 racial bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will.

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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

As Cleo brings down one of the bandits and Juliette lands a solid hit on one of the hyenas, Khaled continues to fight off the bandit and hyena attacking him. He parries the bandit's sword away with ease, before striking the man in the torso.

Go: Geral


Cleo: shifts, aura activated, crits, bloodies, kills, shifts

Juliette: hits, bloodies, shifts, readies interrupt.

Khaled: Takes 6 damage, attacks Brigand 1, hits for 6 damage, bloodies.



Map Info

Red Aura: Flaming Sphere persists and does 1d4+5 fire damage to creatures starting their turns adjacent.

Rock: Impassable terrain, block line of sight.

Wooden Steaks: Planned by the Blades as a form of light defence. They are difficult terrain and deal 1d6 damage for each square travelled through.

Tents: The tents can be moved through easily and will fall down when their squares are entered.

Enemy Info

Archer: lightly armoured, they strike from range with their bows, resorting to daggers at close quarters.

Brigands: Strong bulky men armed with maces.

Hyneas: Beasts of the desert, these appear to have be captured or domesticated or be used like dogs, based on the iron collars they wear.

Bandits: Lightly armed and armoured, these are likely existing bandits that joined the more experienced and skilled group of rogue Malachite Blades.


25 Brigand 1 (K, 7) | HP: -29/?? | Granting CA, Bloodied
25 Brigand 2 (F, 13) | HP: -25/?? | prone
21 Juliette (F, 14) | HP: 30/33 | Surges: 8/9 | AP: 1/1 | Defender's Aura active
17 Cleo (B, 12) | HP: 16/29 | Surges: 4/8 | AP: 1/1 | Aura 2, allies in aura gain resist 5 fire, enemies gain vulnerable 5 fire til EONT, Masterful Spiral, Sarifal's Blessing, Light the Fire Attack Technique
16 Khaled (K, 8) | HP: 35/41 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
15 Geral (E, 12) | HP: 31/31 | Surges: 11/11 | AP: 1/1 |
15 Hyena 1 (M, 15) | HP: -11/?? | Granting CA
15 Hyena 2 (J, 8) | HP: ??/?? |
15 Hyena 3 (H, 15) | HP: -21/?? | grants CA until Juliette EONT, Bloodied
13 Archer 1 (-A, 7) | HP: ??/?? |
13 Archer 2 (-A, 15) | HP: -27/?? | Granting CA, Bloodied
13 Archer 3 (Q, 13) | HP: ??/?? |
13 Archer 4 (E, 22) | HP: ??/?? |
11 Blade 1 (H, 16) | HP: 30/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
11 Blade 2 (N, 16) | HP: 36/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
11 Blade 3 (L, 14) | HP: 31/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
8 Shira'stasa (F, 11) | HP: 27/27 | Surges: 6/7 | AP: 1/1 | Memory of 1000 lifetimes, Flaming Sphere
3 Bandit 1 (I, 5) | HP: 1/1 |
3 Bandit 2 (P, 15) | HP: 1/1 |
Bandit 3 (-A, 13) | HP: 0/1 |
3 Bandit 4 (C, 11) | HP: 1/1 |
3 Bandit 5 (A, 11) | HP: 1/1 |

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Registered for: 10 years 7 months

Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral curses as the Hyena closes in, but he's grateful as he strikes the Brigand while he shifts to accommodate Juliette's new position.
"We must clear this area quickly before we are overrun with foes!"


Shift to F12 so he's flanking.
Booming Blade on Brigand 2 against AC:13(1d20) +10 = 23
Damage: 8(1d8) +5 = 13
Maxed out that damage!

Combat Block


Male Genasi Swordmage Level 2
Languages: Serran, Kurnish
Age: 29
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 160 lbs

Speed: 6
Initiative: 1
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 16
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 21
Fort: 14
Ref: 17
Will: 13
HP:37/37 +10 Temp HP from Rose King's Shield.
Bloodied: 18
Surge Value: 9
Surges: 11/11
AP: 1

Resist Fire 5


Saving throws:

Active Effects:

Sword Burst
Booming Blade
Guardian's Counter [ ]
Flame Cyclone [ ]
Vanishing Blade [ ]
Arcane Mutterings [ ]

Other Abilities:

Aegis of Assault
Second Wind [ ]
Firepulse [ ]

Conditions: None

Important Features

Genasi Firesoul: +1 Reflexes, Resist 5 Fire, and Firepulse.

Swordbond: By spending 1 hour with any light or heavy blade, the blade becomes swordbonded. As a standard action, the blade can be called from 10 squares away. If the bonded weapon is broken, the blade can be reforged with an hour of meditation.

Swordmage Warding: +1 AC or +3 AC when wielding a blade one handed and the other hand is free.

Heavy Blade Expertise: +1 to attack rolls with Heavy Blade. +2 to defenses against OAs.

Rose King's Shield: +2 to Endurance. While using a longsword, once per turn melee attacks grant +5 temporary HP. This is improved to +10 if more than 2 squares are moved before the end of your turn.

Aegis of Assault: Target is marked. It suffers a -2 to all attack rolls that do not include Geral. If a target is hit without Geral being included, Geral teleports up to 10 squares to a spot next to the target and makes a basic melee attack.

White Lotus Riposte: Until the SoNT, a target hit with an at-will takes that abilities modifier damage when attacking Geral.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The archers unleash another volley of arrows, hitting Cleo and Juliette. While the hyenas try to tear at the Malachite Blades' legs, although only one can find a gap in their armour. The Blades retaliate, one landing a blow on one of the beasts, while another Blade easily dispatches one of the bandits trying to enter the camp.

Go: Shira'stasa


Geral: shifts, hits, bloodies.

Hyena 1: Attacks Blade 3, hits for 6 damage.

Hyena 2: Takes 9 damage, attacks Khaled, misses.

Hyena 3: Attacks Blade 1, misses.

Archer 1: Shoots Cleo, misses.

Archer 2: Shoots Cleo, hits for 6 damage, bloodying her.

Archer 3: Shoots Blade 2, misses.

Archer 4: Shoots Juliette, hits for 8 damage.

Blade 1: Attacks Hyena 3, hits for 9 damage.

Blade 2: Shifts to (O, 15), attacks Bandit 2, hits and kills.

Blade 3: Attacks Hyena 1, misses.



Map Info

Red Aura: Flaming Sphere persists and does 1d4+5 fire damage to creatures starting their turns adjacent.

Rock: Impassable terrain, block line of sight.

Wooden Steaks: Planned by the Blades as a form of light defence. They are difficult terrain and deal 1d6 damage for each square travelled through.

Tents: The tents can be moved through easily and will fall down when their squares are entered.

Enemy Info

Archer: lightly armoured, they strike from range with their bows, resorting to daggers at close quarters.

Brigands: Strong bulky men armed with maces.

Hyneas: Beasts of the desert, these appear to have be captured or domesticated or be used like dogs, based on the iron collars they wear.

Bandits: Lightly armed and armoured, these are likely existing bandits that joined the more experienced and skilled group of rogue Malachite Blades.


25 Brigand 1 (K, 7) | HP: -29/?? | Granting CA, Bloodied
25 Brigand 2 (F, 13) | HP: -38/?? | prone, Bloodied
21 Juliette (F, 14) | HP: 22/33 | Surges: 8/9 | AP: 1/1 | Defender's Aura active
17 Cleo (B, 12) | HP: 10/29 | Surges: 4/8 | AP: 1/1 | Aura 2, allies in aura gain resist 5 fire, enemies gain vulnerable 5 fire til EONT, Masterful Spiral, Sarifal's Blessing, Light the Fire Attack Technique, Bloodied
16 Khaled (K, 8) | HP: 35/41 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
15 Geral (F, 12) | HP: 31/31 | Surges: 11/11 | AP: 1/1 |
15 Hyena 1 (M, 15) | HP: -11/?? | Granting CA
15 Hyena 2 (J, 8) | HP: -9/?? |
15 Hyena 3 (H, 15) | HP: -30/?? | grants CA until Juliette EONT, Bloodied
13 Archer 1 (-A, 7) | HP: ??/?? |
13 Archer 2 (-A, 15) | HP: -27/?? | Granting CA, Bloodied
13 Archer 3 (Q, 13) | HP: ??/?? |
13 Archer 4 (E, 22) | HP: ??/?? |
11 Blade 1 (H, 16) | HP: 30/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
11 Blade 2 (O, 15) | HP: 36/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
11 Blade 3 (L, 14) | HP: 25/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
8 Shira'stasa (F, 11) | HP: 27/27 | Surges: 6/7 | AP: 1/1 | Memory of 1000 lifetimes, Flaming Sphere
3 Bandit 1 (I, 5) | HP: 1/1 |
Bandit 2 (P, 15) | HP: 1/1 | Dead
Bandit 3 (-A, 13) | HP: 0/1 |
3 Bandit 4 (C, 11) | HP: 1/1 |
3 Bandit 5 (A, 11) | HP: 1/1 |

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Sensing that her ally hardly needs her help, the Tenant spins around to face those hampering Khaled. With deft insight, she commands her terrible minion to reposition, drawing power from her zombified hand and causing it to disappear. The unearthed and flaming skeleton ripples with power for a moment before its ribcage explodes outward, chips of bone shattering and slamming into the bandits.


Move: Flaming Sphere moves to J6, forcing Bandit 1 and Brigand 1 to grant CA.

Minor: Sustain Flaming Sphere.

Standard: Orbmaster's Incediary Detonation centered on J6, targeting Bandit 1 and Brigand 1.
Attack: 6(1d20) +9 = 15; 20(1d20) +9 = 29; 1(1d6) +5 = 6
Hit: Hits and crits for 6 and 11 force damage respectively and knocking them prone.
Effect: A burst 1 zone that lasts til the end of my next turn is formed, dealing 2 fire damage to those starting turns in it.

Effect: Mage Hand dissipates.

Combat Block

Female Deva Wizard 2
Languages: Serran, Tulrissian, Imardanian, Kurnish
Age: 33
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 135 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 14
Passive Insight: 19
Senses: Normal

AC: 18
Fort: 12
Ref: 16
Will: 16
HP: 27/27
Bloodied: 13
Surge Value: 6
Surges left: 6/7
Action points: 1

Resistances: 5 necrotic, 5 radiant
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Mage Hand
Beguiling Strands
Winged Horde

Second Wind []
Use Vulnerability []
Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes [x]
Suggestion []
Grasping Shadows [x**] **
Shield [] *
Arcane Mutterings [_] *

Flaming Sphere [x]*
Phantom Chasm [_]*

  • Only one may be readied at beginning of day.
    ** Can be traded for Orbmaster's Incendiary Detonation.



Important Features

Tome Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to implement attack rolls with a tome. Enemies adjacent to your conjurations/summoned creatures grant CA. Enemies immune to fear are immune to this effect.

Astral Majesty: You have a +1 bonus to all defenses against attacks made by bloodied creatures.

Immortal Origin: Your spirit is native to the Astral Sea, so you are considered an immortal creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The two bandits near Cleo prepare to attack the young Tenant, however she quickly strikes both of them. Dispatching them with ease. The two larger bandits attack Khaled and Juliette although their attacks are parried away with ease, the camp defenders starting to find their stride.

Go: Juliette, Cleo


Shira'stasa: moves flaming sphere, sustains, hits, hits, kills

Bandit 4: Takes 5 fire damage, dies.

Bandit 5: Takes 5 fire damage, dies.

Brigand 1: Takes 7 damage, attacks Khaled, misses.

Brigand 2: Stands, attacks Juliette, misses.



Map Info

Red Aura: Flaming Sphere persists and does 1d4+5 fire damage to creatures starting their turns adjacent.

Yellow Burst: lasts until Shira EONT, dealing 2 fire damage to those starting turns in it.

Rock: Impassable terrain, block line of sight.

Wooden Steaks: Planned by the Blades as a form of light defence. They are difficult terrain and deal 1d6 damage for each square travelled through.

Tents: The tents can be moved through easily and will fall down when their squares are entered.

Enemy Info

Archer: lightly armoured, they strike from range with their bows, resorting to daggers at close quarters.

Brigands: Strong bulky men armed with maces.

Hyneas: Beasts of the desert, these appear to have be captured or domesticated or be used like dogs, based on the iron collars they wear.

Bandits: Lightly armed and armoured, these are likely existing bandits that joined the more experienced and skilled group of rogue Malachite Blades.


25 Brigand 1 (K, 7) | HP: -47/?? | Granting CA, Bloodied
25 Brigand 2 (F, 13) | HP: -38/?? | Bloodied
21 Juliette (F, 14) | HP: 22/33 | Surges: 8/9 | AP: 1/1 | Defender's Aura active
17 Cleo (B, 12) | HP: 10/29 | Surges: 4/8 | AP: 1/1 | Aura 2, allies in aura gain resist 5 fire, enemies gain vulnerable 5 fire til EONT, Masterful Spiral, Sarifal's Blessing, Light the Fire Attack Technique, Bloodied
16 Khaled (K, 8) | HP: 35/41 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
15 Geral (F, 12) | HP: 31/31 | Surges: 11/11 | AP: 1/1 |
15 Hyena 1 (M, 15) | HP: -11/?? |
15 Hyena 2 (J, 8) | HP: -9/?? |
15 Hyena 3 (H, 15) | HP: -30/?? | grants CA until Juliette EONT, Bloodied
13 Archer 1 (-A, 7) | HP: ??/?? |
13 Archer 2 (-A, 15) | HP: -27/?? | Bloodied
13 Archer 3 (Q, 13) | HP: ??/?? |
13 Archer 4 (E, 22) | HP: ??/?? |
11 Blade 1 (H, 16) | HP: 30/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
11 Blade 2 (O, 15) | HP: 36/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
11 Blade 3 (L, 14) | HP: 25/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
8 Shira'stasa (F, 11) | HP: 27/27 | Surges: 6/7 | AP: 1/1 | Memory of 1000 lifetimes, Orbmaster's Incediary Detonation, Flaming Sphere
Bandit 1 (I, 5) | HP: 0/1 | Dead
Bandit 2 (P, 15) | HP: 0/1 | Dead
Bandit 3 (-A, 13) | HP: 0/1 | Dead
Bandit 4 (C, 11) | HP: 1/1 | Dead
Bandit 5 (A, 11) | HP: 1/1 | Dead

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Seeing the pathetic thug before her on the brink of death, she swiftly ends his miserable remainder of a life, a devilish smiling streaking across her face. Her foe gone, she returns her attention to the hyena that had pestered her earlier, intent on giving it a sandy grave as well.


Standard: Savage Reach on Brigand 2
Attack: 20(1d20) +11 = 31 vs AC = Crit
Damage: 15 -> Brigand 2 = ded
Brigand 2's corpse is proned

Move: Shift to G14

Ready Action: Vengeful Guardian
If an enemy subject to my Defender's Aura shifts or hits an ally in an attack that doesn't include me, I make an MBA against the triggering enemy with 1d8 additional damage (+9 attack; 1d10+5 damage)

Combat Block

Juliette LeMaire

Female Human Berserker 2
Languages: Imardanian, Serran
Age: 26
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 115 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-light vision

AC: 20
Fort: 18
Ref: 17
Will: 14
HP: 22/33
Bloodied: 16
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 9/9
Action points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Jarring Smash
Run Down
Savage Reach
Vengeful Guardian
Defender Aura

Second Wind []
Disrupting Advance []
Savage Cut []

Shrug It Off []

Life-Ending Strike [_]



Important Features

Flail Expertise: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls that you make with a flail. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. In addition, when you hit with a melee weapon attack using a flail and the attack lets you slide the target, you can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

World Serpent's Grasp: Whenever you hit a slowed or immobilized target with an attack, you can knock it prone.

Unarmored Agility: You gain a +2 feat bonus to AC while wearing either cloth armor or no armor.

Weapon Proficiency (Kusari-gama): You gain proficiency with the Kusari-gama.

Poised Defender: While your defender aura is active and you're not wearing heavy armor, you gain a + 2 bonus to AC.

Arid Desert Heartland: While you are wearing cloth armor or no armor and not using a shield, you gain a +3 bonus to AC and a +2 bonus to Reflex. At 4th level, you gain resist 5 fire. The resistance increases to 10 at 14th level and 15 at 24th level.

Berserker Fury: When you use a barbarian primal attack power, you enter your Berserker Fury until the end of the encounter. Alternatively, you can use a minor action while you are bloodied to enter the fury. The fury has the following effects.

  • Your defender aura ends, if it was active, and you cannot use defender aura or vengeful guardian until the fury ends.
  • Some of your powers, such as your barbarian martial at-will attack powers, gain additional benefits, as noted in those powers.
  • Your melee basic attacks deal 1d8 extra damage. This extra damage increases to 2d8 at 11th level and 3d8 at 21st level.

Human Defense Bonuses: You gain a +1 racial bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

As more arrows find themselves hitting the young tenant, she decides to pull back with the rest of the group in the camp. Maybe they will go for someone else. Stupid archers. Once further from her bow-wielding foes, she joins in ganging up on the man laying in the sand, land a few solid blows against him while he attempts to regain his footing. Temporarily satisfied, she backs even further into camp, hoping to avoid the sights of the snipers in the distance.


Move Action: Blistering Flourish Movement Technique
Effect: move to (H, 14), avoiding OAs. If I do somehow provoke an OA, enemies that hit me with their OA take 10 fire damage (5 base + 5 from aura).

Standard Action: Blistering Flourish Attack Technique on Hyena 3
Attack: 29 vs Reflex = hit
Hit: 11 damage. Until the end of my next turn, my melee attacks deal +3 fire damage.

Combat Block

Tn. Cleo

Female Hengeyokai Monk 2
Languages: Serran, Imardanian
Age: 22
Height: 4' 11"
Weight: 106 lbs.

Speed: 7
Climb Speed (as a cat): 7
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 13
Reflex: 17
Will: 15
HP: 10/29
Bloodied: 14
Surge Value: 7
Surges left: 4/8
Action Points: 0

MBA: +11 vs AC, 1d8+6 damage. (+1 damage to bloodied targets)
RBA: +11 vs AC, 1d4+6 damage. (+1 damage to bloodied targets)

5 Fire

Vulnerabilities: None
+2 vs immobilize, restrain, or slow

Active Effects:
+2 to checks to escape grab
+5 to bluff vs insight to discover I am not human
melee attacks deal +3 fire damage until EONT


Nature's Mask
Desert Wind Flurry of Blows
Blistering Flourish
Five Storms
Agile Recovery

Second Wind [_]
Sarifal's Blessing [X]
Light the Fire [X]

Masterful Spiral [X]



Important Features:

Mental Crucible: I gain resist 5 fire (or +2 if I already have resist fire of 5+)

Unarmed Combatant: unarmed attack has +3 proficiency, 1d8 damage, unarmed group, can be affected by ki foci. Must have a free hand to use it.

Unarmored Defense: +2 to AC when in cloth armor or no armor and not using a shield.

Full Discipline: Can only use one full discipline power per round, but can use it as many times as the power would allow (at-will's any number of times in a round, encounters once per round, etc.) Can use full discipline techniques in whatever order I like, and if I spend an action point I can choose a different full discipline power.

Beast Nature: I am considered both a magical beast and a humanoid.

Elusive: +2 racial bonus to checks made to escape grabs and to saving throws against effects that immobilize, restrain, or slow me.

Fey Origin: I am considered Fey.

Language of Beasts: I can speak to and understand natural and fey felines in my hybrid or animal form, and understand but not speak to them in human form.

Shapechanger: I am considered a shapechanger.

Ki Focus Expertise: +1 to damage with ki focus vs bloodied targets.

Unarmored Agility: +2 to AC when in cloth armor or no armor.

Internalize the Basic Kata: I use Dexterity instead of Strength for my MBA rolls when using my Monk Unarmed Strike. My Flurry of Blows can trigger on an OA made with my Monk Unarmed Strike.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

As Juliette and Cleo both kill their targets, Khaled too manages to bring down the bandit attacking him.

Go: Geral


Juliette: hits, kills, shifts, readies.

Cleo: moves, hits, kills

Khaled: Attacks Brigand 1, hits for 8 damage, kills.



Map Info

Red Aura: Flaming Sphere persists and does 1d4+5 fire damage to creatures starting their turns adjacent.

Yellow Burst: lasts until Shira EONT, dealing 2 fire damage to those starting turns in it.

Rock: Impassable terrain, block line of sight.

Wooden Steaks: Planned by the Blades as a form of light defence. They are difficult terrain and deal 1d6 damage for each square travelled through.

Tents: The tents can be moved through easily and will fall down when their squares are entered.

Enemy Info

Archer: lightly armoured, they strike from range with their bows, resorting to daggers at close quarters.

Brigands: Strong bulky men armed with maces.

Hyneas: Beasts of the desert, these appear to have be captured or domesticated or be used like dogs, based on the iron collars they wear.

Bandits: Lightly armed and armoured, these are likely existing bandits that joined the more experienced and skilled group of rogue Malachite Blades.


Brigand 1 (K, 7) | HP: -55/?? | Dead
Brigand 2 (F, 13) | HP: -53/?? | Dead
21 Juliette (G, 14) | HP: 22/33 | Surges: 8/9 | AP: 1/1 | Defender's Aura active, Vengeful Guardian readied
17 Cleo (H, 14) | HP: 10/29 | Surges: 4/8 | AP: 1/1 | Aura 2, allies in aura gain resist 5 fire, enemies gain vulnerable 5 fire til EONT, Masterful Spiral, Sarifal's Blessing, Light the Fire Attack Technique, Bloodied
16 Khaled (K, 8) | HP: 35/41 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
15 Geral (F, 12) | HP: 31/31 | Surges: 11/11 | AP: 1/1 |
15 Hyena 1 (M, 15) | HP: -11/?? |
15 Hyena 2 (J, 8) | HP: -9/?? |
Hyena 3 (H, 15) | HP: -41/?? | Dead
13 Archer 1 (-A, 7) | HP: ??/?? |
13 Archer 2 (-A, 15) | HP: -27/?? | Bloodied
13 Archer 3 (Q, 13) | HP: ??/?? |
13 Archer 4 (E, 22) | HP: ??/?? |
11 Blade 1 (H, 16) | HP: 30/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
11 Blade 2 (O, 15) | HP: 36/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
11 Blade 3 (L, 14) | HP: 25/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
8 Shira'stasa (F, 11) | HP: 27/27 | Surges: 6/7 | AP: 1/1 | Memory of 1000 lifetimes, Orbmaster's Incediary Detonation, Flaming Sphere

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral rushes to the bandit archer on the left, motioning to Juleitte.
"I'll handle this archer, take care of the other one and we'll force them into melee!"
Though he rushes the archer with great fervor... His blade just hits sand.


Move to A8
Booming Blade on Archer 1: 1(1d20) +10 = 11
... Well. Missed.
Minor action to apply Aegis of Assault to Archer 1.

Combat Block


Male Genasi Swordmage Level 2
Languages: Serran, Kurnish
Age: 29
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 160 lbs

Speed: 6
Initiative: 1
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 16
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 21
Fort: 14
Ref: 17
Will: 13
HP:37/37 +10 Temp HP from Rose King's Shield.
Bloodied: 18
Surge Value: 9
Surges: 11/11
AP: 1

Resist Fire 5


Saving throws:

Active Effects:

Sword Burst
Booming Blade
Guardian's Counter [ ]
Flame Cyclone [ ]
Vanishing Blade [ ]
Arcane Mutterings [ ]

Other Abilities:

Aegis of Assault
Second Wind [ ]
Firepulse [ ]

Conditions: None

Important Features

Genasi Firesoul: +1 Reflexes, Resist 5 Fire, and Firepulse.

Swordbond: By spending 1 hour with any light or heavy blade, the blade becomes swordbonded. As a standard action, the blade can be called from 10 squares away. If the bonded weapon is broken, the blade can be reforged with an hour of meditation.

Swordmage Warding: +1 AC or +3 AC when wielding a blade one handed and the other hand is free.

Heavy Blade Expertise: +1 to attack rolls with Heavy Blade. +2 to defenses against OAs.

Rose King's Shield: +2 to Endurance. While using a longsword, once per turn melee attacks grant +5 temporary HP. This is improved to +10 if more than 2 squares are moved before the end of your turn.

Aegis of Assault: Target is marked. It suffers a -2 to all attack rolls that do not include Geral. If a target is hit without Geral being included, Geral teleports up to 10 squares to a spot next to the target and makes a basic melee attack.

White Lotus Riposte: Until the SoNT, a target hit with an at-will takes that abilities modifier damage when attacking Geral.

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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The hyenas fail to find their way past the Blades' armour, while the archer engaged with Geral drops his bow and draws a dagger to defend himself with, although he fails to find a gap in Geral's defences. The other archers loosen yet more arrows, one striking Geral and another one findign purchase in a Blade's arm. However now with the camp no longer overrun with bandits, the Blades take the opportunity to engage the archers at close range.

Go: Shira'stasa, Juliette, Cleo


Geral: moves, misses, marks.

Hyena 1: Attacks Blade 3, critical misses.

Hyena 2: Attacks Khaled, misses.

Archer 1: Drops bow, draws dagger, attacks Geral, misses.

Archer 2: Shoots Geral, hits for 6 damage.

Archer 3: Shoots Blade 2, hits for 9 damage.

Archer 4: Shoots Blade 1, misses.

Blade 1: Walks to (E, 21), attacks Archer 4, misses.

Blade 2: Walks to (Q, 14). attacks Archer 3, hits for 6 damage.

Blade 3: Attacks Hyena 1, misses.



Map Info

Red Aura: Flaming Sphere persists and does 1d4+5 fire damage to creatures starting their turns adjacent.

Yellow Burst: lasts until Shira EONT, dealing 2 fire damage to those starting turns in it.

Rock: Impassable terrain, block line of sight.

Wooden Steaks: Planned by the Blades as a form of light defence. They are difficult terrain and deal 1d6 damage for each square travelled through.

Tents: The tents can be moved through easily and will fall down when their squares are entered.

Enemy Info

Archer: lightly armoured, they strike from range with their bows, resorting to daggers at close quarters.

Brigands: Strong bulky men armed with maces.

Hyneas: Beasts of the desert, these appear to have be captured or domesticated or be used like dogs, based on the iron collars they wear.

Bandits: Lightly armed and armoured, these are likely existing bandits that joined the more experienced and skilled group of rogue Malachite Blades.


21 Juliette (G, 14) | HP: 22/33 | Surges: 8/9 | AP: 1/1 | Defender's Aura active, Vengeful Guardian readied
17 Cleo (H, 14) | HP: 10/29 | Surges: 4/8 | AP: 1/1 | Aura 2, allies in aura gain resist 5 fire, enemies gain vulnerable 5 fire til EONT, Masterful Spiral, Sarifal's Blessing, Light the Fire Attack Technique, Bloodied
16 Khaled (K, 8) | HP: 35/41 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
15 Geral (A, 8) | HP: 25/31 | Surges: 11/11 | AP: 1/1 |
15 Hyena 1 (M, 15) | HP: -11/?? |
15 Hyena 2 (J, 8) | HP: -9/?? |
13 Archer 1 (-A, 7) | HP: ??/?? | target of Geral's Aegis of Assault
13 Archer 2 (-A, 15) | HP: -27/?? | Bloodied
13 Archer 3 (Q, 13) | HP: -6/?? |
13 Archer 4 (E, 22) | HP: ??/?? |
11 Blade 1 (E, 21) | HP: 30/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
11 Blade 2 (Q, 14) | HP: 27/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
11 Blade 3 (L, 14) | HP: 25/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
8 Shira'stasa (F, 11) | HP: 27/27 | Surges: 6/7 | AP: 1/1 | Memory of 1000 lifetimes, Orbmaster's Incediary Detonation, Flaming Sphere

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

With the hyena dead in the sand, Juliette rushes to put an end to the archers at the edge of camp. She slashes away at the bow-wielding man, but he is quick to react and avoids the blade.


Move: Walk to A14

Standard: Savage Reach on Archer 2
Attack: 3(1d20) +9 = 12 vs AC = Miss

Combat Block

Juliette LeMaire

Female Human Berserker 2
Languages: Imardanian, Serran
Age: 26
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 115 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-light vision

AC: 20
Fort: 18
Ref: 17
Will: 14
HP: 22/33
Bloodied: 16
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 9/9
Action points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Jarring Smash
Run Down
Savage Reach
Vengeful Guardian
Defender Aura

Second Wind []
Disrupting Advance []
Savage Cut []

Shrug It Off []

Life-Ending Strike [_]



Important Features

Flail Expertise: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls that you make with a flail. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. In addition, when you hit with a melee weapon attack using a flail and the attack lets you slide the target, you can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

World Serpent's Grasp: Whenever you hit a slowed or immobilized target with an attack, you can knock it prone.

Unarmored Agility: You gain a +2 feat bonus to AC while wearing either cloth armor or no armor.

Weapon Proficiency (Kusari-gama): You gain proficiency with the Kusari-gama.

Poised Defender: While your defender aura is active and you're not wearing heavy armor, you gain a + 2 bonus to AC.

Arid Desert Heartland: While you are wearing cloth armor or no armor and not using a shield, you gain a +3 bonus to AC and a +2 bonus to Reflex. At 4th level, you gain resist 5 fire. The resistance increases to 10 at 14th level and 15 at 24th level.

Berserker Fury: When you use a barbarian primal attack power, you enter your Berserker Fury until the end of the encounter. Alternatively, you can use a minor action while you are bloodied to enter the fury. The fury has the following effects.

  • Your defender aura ends, if it was active, and you cannot use defender aura or vengeful guardian until the fury ends.
  • Some of your powers, such as your barbarian martial at-will attack powers, gain additional benefits, as noted in those powers.
  • Your melee basic attacks deal 1d8 extra damage. This extra damage increases to 2d8 at 11th level and 3d8 at 21st level.

Human Defense Bonuses: You gain a +1 racial bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will.

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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

I'm surprised that worked, Cleo things as her temporary retreat saves her from more arrows flying her way. With the close-range combatants now out of the camp, she rushes over to help Juliette with the nearby archer. As she reaches the man she gives him two quick, powerful jabs to the gut, sending him reeling backwards in pain. You're not getting me anymore, you bastard!


Move Action: Blistering Flourish Movement Technique
Effect: move to (A, 15). If I do somehow provoke an OA, enemies that hit me with their OA take 5 fire damage.

Standard Action: Blistering Flourish Attack Technique on Archer 2
Attack: 19 vs Reflex = hit?
Hit: 8 damage, plus 1 for enemy being bloodied, plus 3 fire damage, for a total of 12 damage. Until the end of my next turn, my melee attacks deal +3 fire damage. If still alive, then...

No Action: Desert Wind Flurry of Blows on Archer 2
Effect: Target takes 5 fire damage, plus 3 more fire damage, for a total of 8 more damage. I then shift to (-A, 14).

Combat Block

Tn. Cleo

Female Hengeyokai Monk 2
Languages: Serran, Imardanian
Age: 22
Height: 4' 11"
Weight: 106 lbs.

Speed: 7
Climb Speed (as a cat): 7
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 13
Reflex: 17
Will: 15
HP: 10/29
Bloodied: 14
Surge Value: 7
Surges left: 4/8
Action Points: 0

MBA: +11 vs AC, 1d8+6 damage. (+1 damage to bloodied targets)
RBA: +11 vs AC, 1d4+6 damage. (+1 damage to bloodied targets)

5 Fire

Vulnerabilities: None
+2 vs immobilize, restrain, or slow

Active Effects:
+2 to checks to escape grab
+5 to bluff vs insight to discover I am not human
melee attacks deal +3 fire damage until EONT


Nature's Mask
Desert Wind Flurry of Blows
Blistering Flourish
Five Storms
Agile Recovery

Second Wind [_]
Sarifal's Blessing [X]
Light the Fire [X]

Masterful Spiral [X]



Important Features:

Mental Crucible: I gain resist 5 fire (or +2 if I already have resist fire of 5+)

Unarmed Combatant: unarmed attack has +3 proficiency, 1d8 damage, unarmed group, can be affected by ki foci. Must have a free hand to use it.

Unarmored Defense: +2 to AC when in cloth armor or no armor and not using a shield.

Full Discipline: Can only use one full discipline power per round, but can use it as many times as the power would allow (at-will's any number of times in a round, encounters once per round, etc.) Can use full discipline techniques in whatever order I like, and if I spend an action point I can choose a different full discipline power.

Beast Nature: I am considered both a magical beast and a humanoid.

Elusive: +2 racial bonus to checks made to escape grabs and to saving throws against effects that immobilize, restrain, or slow me.

Fey Origin: I am considered Fey.

Language of Beasts: I can speak to and understand natural and fey felines in my hybrid or animal form, and understand but not speak to them in human form.

Shapechanger: I am considered a shapechanger.

Ki Focus Expertise: +1 to damage with ki focus vs bloodied targets.

Unarmored Agility: +2 to AC when in cloth armor or no armor.

Internalize the Basic Kata: I use Dexterity instead of Strength for my MBA rolls when using my Monk Unarmed Strike. My Flurry of Blows can trigger on an OA made with my Monk Unarmed Strike.

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A Wan Smile
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Shira'stasa continues her combined assault on the hyena plaguing Khaled. Its mind begins to cave in on itself while the creature is clawed at by the flaming skeleton behind it.


Move: Flaming Sphere moves to J7, forcing Hyena 2 to grant CA.

Minor: Sustain Flaming Sphere.
Effect: 1d4+5 fire damage to creatures starting adjacent.

Standard: Beguiling Strands on Hyena 2. Hits(?) 14 to Will for 5 psychic damage.
Attack: 5(1d20) +7 = 12+2 for CA = 14

Combat Block

Female Deva Wizard 2
Languages: Serran, Tulrissian, Imardanian, Kurnish
Age: 33
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 135 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 14
Passive Insight: 19
Senses: Normal

AC: 18
Fort: 12
Ref: 16
Will: 16
HP: 27/27
Bloodied: 13
Surge Value: 6
Surges left: 6/7
Action points: 1

Resistances: 5 necrotic, 5 radiant
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Mage Hand
Beguiling Strands
Winged Horde

Second Wind []
Use Vulnerability []
Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes [x]
Suggestion []
Grasping Shadows [x**] **
Shield [] *
Arcane Mutterings [_] *

Flaming Sphere [x]*
Phantom Chasm [_]*

  • Only one may be readied at beginning of day.
    ** Can be traded for Orbmaster's Incendiary Detonation.



Important Features

Tome Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to implement attack rolls with a tome. Enemies adjacent to your conjurations/summoned creatures grant CA. Enemies immune to fear are immune to this effect.

Astral Majesty: You have a +1 bonus to all defenses against attacks made by bloodied creatures.

Immortal Origin: Your spirit is native to the Astral Sea, so you are considered an immortal creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Khaled is burned by Shira'stasa's flaming skeleton although he quickly darts to the side, attacking the Hyena himself, landing a solid blow on the beast.

Go: Geral


Juliette: walks, misses.

Cleo: moves, hits, kills,

Shira'stasa: moves flaming sphere, sustains, hits.

Khaled: Takes 6 fire damage, shifts to (K, 9), attacks Hyena 2, 24 vs AC hits for 8 damage, bloodies.



Map Info

Red Aura: Flaming Sphere persists and does 1d4+5 fire damage to creatures starting their turns adjacent.

Rock: Impassable terrain, block line of sight.

Wooden Steaks: Planned by the Blades as a form of light defence. They are difficult terrain and deal 1d6 damage for each square travelled through.

Tents: The tents can be moved through easily and will fall down when their squares are entered.

Enemy Info

Archer: lightly armoured, they strike from range with their bows, resorting to daggers at close quarters.

Brigands: Strong bulky men armed with maces.

Hyneas: Beasts of the desert, these appear to have be captured or domesticated or be used like dogs, based on the iron collars they wear.

Bandits: Lightly armed and armoured, these are likely existing bandits that joined the more experienced and skilled group of rogue Malachite Blades.


21 Juliette (A, 14) | HP: 22/33 | Surges: 8/9 | AP: 1/1 | Defender's Aura active, Vengeful Guardian readied
17 Cleo (A, 15) | HP: 10/29 | Surges: 4/8 | AP: 1/1 | melee attacks deal +3 fire damage until EONT, Masterful Spiral, Sarifal's Blessing, Light the Fire Attack Technique, Bloodied
16 Khaled (K, 9) | HP: 29/41 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
15 Geral (A, 8) | HP: 25/31 | Surges: 11/11 | AP: 1/1 |
15 Hyena 1 (M, 15) | HP: -11/?? |
15 Hyena 2 (J, 8) | HP: -22/?? | Granting CA (flaming sphere), Bloodied
13 Archer 1 (-A, 7) | HP: ??/?? | target of Geral's Aegis of Assault
Archer 2 (-A, 15) | HP: -39/?? | Dead
13 Archer 3 (Q, 13) | HP: -6/?? |
13 Archer 4 (E, 22) | HP: ??/?? |
11 Blade 1 (E, 21) | HP: 30/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
11 Blade 2 (Q, 14) | HP: 27/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
11 Blade 3 (L, 14) | HP: 25/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
8 Shira'stasa (F, 11) | HP: 27/27 | Surges: 6/7 | AP: 1/1 | Memory of 1000 lifetimes, Orbmaster's Incediary Detonation, Flaming Sphere

Posts: 818
Registered for: 10 years 7 months

Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »


Booming Blade on Archer 1 Against AC: 4(1d20) +10 = 14
... Maybe a miss? If not, damage: 7(1d8) +5 = 12

Combat Block


Male Genasi Swordmage Level 2
Languages: Serran, Kurnish
Age: 29
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 160 lbs

Speed: 6
Initiative: 1
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 16
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 21
Fort: 14
Ref: 17
Will: 13
HP:37/37 +10 Temp HP from Rose King's Shield.
Bloodied: 18
Surge Value: 9
Surges: 11/11
AP: 1

Resist Fire 5


Saving throws:

Active Effects:

Sword Burst
Booming Blade
Guardian's Counter [ ]
Flame Cyclone [ ]
Vanishing Blade [ ]
Arcane Mutterings [ ]

Other Abilities:

Aegis of Assault
Second Wind [ ]
Firepulse [ ]

Conditions: None

Important Features

Genasi Firesoul: +1 Reflexes, Resist 5 Fire, and Firepulse.

Swordbond: By spending 1 hour with any light or heavy blade, the blade becomes swordbonded. As a standard action, the blade can be called from 10 squares away. If the bonded weapon is broken, the blade can be reforged with an hour of meditation.

Swordmage Warding: +1 AC or +3 AC when wielding a blade one handed and the other hand is free.

Heavy Blade Expertise: +1 to attack rolls with Heavy Blade. +2 to defenses against OAs.

Rose King's Shield: +2 to Endurance. While using a longsword, once per turn melee attacks grant +5 temporary HP. This is improved to +10 if more than 2 squares are moved before the end of your turn.

Aegis of Assault: Target is marked. It suffers a -2 to all attack rolls that do not include Geral. If a target is hit without Geral being included, Geral teleports up to 10 squares to a spot next to the target and makes a basic melee attack.

White Lotus Riposte: Until the SoNT, a target hit with an at-will takes that abilities modifier damage when attacking Geral.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

As Geral's attack misses, the individual melee's continue. The hyenas miss, with one being burned by Shira'stasa's conjuration. While the archers drop their bows and draw daggers, although attacking with their secondary weapon, they find little success. The Blade's counter attacks are on target though, striking two of the archers.

Go: Shira'stasa Juliette, Cleo


Geral: misses.

Hyena 1: Attacks Blade 3, 13 vs AC = miss.

Hyena 2: Takes 9 fire damage, attacks Khaled, 8 vs AC = miss

Archer 1: Attacks Geral, 16 vs AC = miss.

Archer 3: Drops bow, draws dagger, attacks Blade 2, 9 vs AC = miss.

Archer 4: Drops bow, draws dagger, attacks Blade 1, 12 vs AC =miss.

Blade 1: Attacks Archer 4, 19 vs AC = hit for 6 damage.

Blade 2: Attacks Archer 3, crits for 12 damage, bloodies.

Blade 3: Attacks Hyena 1, 12 vs AC = miss.



Map Info

Red Aura: Flaming Sphere persists and does 1d4+5 fire damage to creatures starting their turns adjacent.

Rock: Impassable terrain, block line of sight.

Wooden Steaks: Planned by the Blades as a form of light defence. They are difficult terrain and deal 1d6 damage for each square travelled through.

Tents: The tents can be moved through easily and will fall down when their squares are entered.

Enemy Info

Archer: lightly armoured, they strike from range with their bows, resorting to daggers at close quarters.

Brigands: Strong bulky men armed with maces.

Hyneas: Beasts of the desert, these appear to have be captured or domesticated or be used like dogs, based on the iron collars they wear.

Bandits: Lightly armed and armoured, these are likely existing bandits that joined the more experienced and skilled group of rogue Malachite Blades.


21 Juliette (A, 14) | HP: 22/33 | Surges: 8/9 | AP: 1/1 | Defender's Aura active, Vengeful Guardian readied
17 Cleo (A, 15) | HP: 10/29 | Surges: 4/8 | AP: 1/1 | melee attacks deal +3 fire damage until EONT, Masterful Spiral, Sarifal's Blessing, Light the Fire Attack Technique, Bloodied
16 Khaled (K, 9) | HP: 29/41 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
15 Geral (A, 8) | HP: 25/31 | Surges: 11/11 | AP: 1/1 |
15 Hyena 1 (M, 15) | HP: -11/?? |
15 Hyena 2 (J, 8) | HP: -31/?? | Granting CA (flaming sphere), Bloodied
13 Archer 1 (-A, 7) | HP: ??/?? | target of Geral's Aegis of Assault
13 Archer 3 (Q, 13) | HP: -18/?? | Bloodied
13 Archer 4 (E, 22) | HP: -6/?? |
11 Blade 1 (E, 21) | HP: 30/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
11 Blade 2 (Q, 14) | HP: 27/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
11 Blade 3 (L, 14) | HP: 25/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
8 Shira'stasa (F, 11) | HP: 27/27 | Surges: 6/7 | AP: 1/1 | Memory of 1000 lifetimes, Orbmaster's Incediary Detonation, Flaming Sphere

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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

As one archer also falls, Cleo rushes to the next one. She becomes pale for a moment as she has to run through the darkness to get to it, but the fear quickly passes. As she reaches the man she lands yet another solid blow, leaving a scorch mark in his side before following up with another quick, searing jab. Just let us go to sleep, by the gods!


Move Action: Blistering Flourish Movement Technique
Effect: move to (D, 22), avoiding OAs. If I do somehow provoke an OA, enemies that hit me with their OA take 5 fire damage.

Standard Action: Blistering Flourish Attack Technique on Archer 4
Attack: 23 vs Reflex = hit?
Hit: 14 damage, plus 3 fire damage, for a total of 17 damage. Until the end of my next turn, my melee attacks deal +3 fire damage. If still alive, then...

No Action: Desert Wind Flurry of Blows on Archer 4
Effect: Target takes 5 fire damage, plus 3 more fire damage, for a total of 8 more damage. If Archer dies, I shift to (D, 21). If Archer doesn't die, I shift to (E, 23).

Combat Block

Tn. Cleo

Female Hengeyokai Monk 2
Languages: Serran, Imardanian
Age: 22
Height: 4' 11"
Weight: 106 lbs.

Speed: 7
Climb Speed (as a cat): 7
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 13
Reflex: 17
Will: 15
HP: 10/29
Bloodied: 14
Surge Value: 7
Surges left: 4/8
Action Points: 0

MBA: +11 vs AC, 1d8+6 damage. (+1 damage to bloodied targets)
RBA: +11 vs AC, 1d4+6 damage. (+1 damage to bloodied targets)

5 Fire

Vulnerabilities: None
+2 vs immobilize, restrain, or slow

Active Effects:
+2 to checks to escape grab
+5 to bluff vs insight to discover I am not human
melee attacks deal +3 fire damage until EONT


Nature's Mask
Desert Wind Flurry of Blows
Blistering Flourish
Five Storms
Agile Recovery

Second Wind [_]
Sarifal's Blessing [X]
Light the Fire [X]

Masterful Spiral [X]



Important Features:

Mental Crucible: I gain resist 5 fire (or +2 if I already have resist fire of 5+)

Unarmed Combatant: unarmed attack has +3 proficiency, 1d8 damage, unarmed group, can be affected by ki foci. Must have a free hand to use it.

Unarmored Defense: +2 to AC when in cloth armor or no armor and not using a shield.

Full Discipline: Can only use one full discipline power per round, but can use it as many times as the power would allow (at-will's any number of times in a round, encounters once per round, etc.) Can use full discipline techniques in whatever order I like, and if I spend an action point I can choose a different full discipline power.

Beast Nature: I am considered both a magical beast and a humanoid.

Elusive: +2 racial bonus to checks made to escape grabs and to saving throws against effects that immobilize, restrain, or slow me.

Fey Origin: I am considered Fey.

Language of Beasts: I can speak to and understand natural and fey felines in my hybrid or animal form, and understand but not speak to them in human form.

Shapechanger: I am considered a shapechanger.

Ki Focus Expertise: +1 to damage with ki focus vs bloodied targets.

Unarmored Agility: +2 to AC when in cloth armor or no armor.

Internalize the Basic Kata: I use Dexterity instead of Strength for my MBA rolls when using my Monk Unarmed Strike. My Flurry of Blows can trigger on an OA made with my Monk Unarmed Strike.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

With the bow-wielding man before her cut down in his path, Juliette turns to the one Geral had failed to strike. Rushing over, she too takes a shot at it, slashing at it with her sharpened sickle.


Move: Walk to -A8

Standard: Savage Cut on Archer 1
Attack: 10(1d20) +9 = 19 vs AC = Hit?
Damage: 12(2d10) +2(1d8) +5 = 19

Combat Block

Juliette LeMaire

Female Human Berserker 2
Languages: Imardanian, Serran
Age: 26
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 115 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-light vision

AC: 20
Fort: 18
Ref: 17
Will: 14
HP: 22/33
Bloodied: 16
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 9/9
Action points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Jarring Smash
Run Down
Savage Reach
Vengeful Guardian
Defender Aura

Second Wind []
Disrupting Advance []
Savage Cut [X]

Shrug It Off [_]

Life-Ending Strike [_]



Important Features

Flail Expertise: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls that you make with a flail. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. In addition, when you hit with a melee weapon attack using a flail and the attack lets you slide the target, you can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

World Serpent's Grasp: Whenever you hit a slowed or immobilized target with an attack, you can knock it prone.

Unarmored Agility: You gain a +2 feat bonus to AC while wearing either cloth armor or no armor.

Weapon Proficiency (Kusari-gama): You gain proficiency with the Kusari-gama.

Poised Defender: While your defender aura is active and you're not wearing heavy armor, you gain a + 2 bonus to AC.

Arid Desert Heartland: While you are wearing cloth armor or no armor and not using a shield, you gain a +3 bonus to AC and a +2 bonus to Reflex. At 4th level, you gain resist 5 fire. The resistance increases to 10 at 14th level and 15 at 24th level.

Berserker Fury: When you use a barbarian primal attack power, you enter your Berserker Fury until the end of the encounter. Alternatively, you can use a minor action while you are bloodied to enter the fury. The fury has the following effects.

  • Your defender aura ends, if it was active, and you cannot use defender aura or vengeful guardian until the fury ends.
  • Some of your powers, such as your barbarian martial at-will attack powers, gain additional benefits, as noted in those powers.
  • Your melee basic attacks deal 1d8 extra damage. This extra damage increases to 2d8 at 11th level and 3d8 at 21st level.

Human Defense Bonuses: You gain a +1 racial bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will.

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A Wan Smile
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Shira'stasa continues to channel energy through her flaming skeleton, and she repositions herself. Sliding near one of the Blades, she launches a vicious psychic assault that sends the hyena near her fleeing. The beast recklessly charges through some of the spike barricades in a frightened escape.


Move: Walk to L15.

Minor: Sustain Flaming Sphere.
Effect: 1d4+5 fire damage to creatures starting adjacent.

Standard: Beguiling Strands on Hyena 1 and Archer 3. Hits both, Wills 15 and 27, for 5 psychic damage each. Hyena 1 is pushed to P14, going through two spike tiles for 2d6 damage (you roll it?).
Attacks: 8(1d20) +7 = 15; 20(1d20) +7 = 27

Combat Block

Female Deva Wizard 2
Languages: Serran, Tulrissian, Imardanian, Kurnish
Age: 33
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 135 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 14
Passive Insight: 19
Senses: Normal

AC: 18
Fort: 12
Ref: 16
Will: 16
HP: 27/27
Bloodied: 13
Surge Value: 6
Surges left: 6/7
Action points: 1

Resistances: 5 necrotic, 5 radiant
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Mage Hand
Beguiling Strands
Winged Horde

Second Wind []
Use Vulnerability []
Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes [x]
Suggestion []
Grasping Shadows [x**] **
Shield [] *
Arcane Mutterings [_] *

Flaming Sphere [x]*
Phantom Chasm [_]*

  • Only one may be readied at beginning of day.
    ** Can be traded for Orbmaster's Incendiary Detonation.



Important Features

Tome Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to implement attack rolls with a tome. Enemies adjacent to your conjurations/summoned creatures grant CA. Enemies immune to fear are immune to this effect.

Astral Majesty: You have a +1 bonus to all defenses against attacks made by bloodied creatures.

Immortal Origin: Your spirit is native to the Astral Sea, so you are considered an immortal creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Khaled brings his blade down hard on the hyena in front of him. It slices into the beast's shoulder before getting stuck, embedded deep in the creature. Khaled puts his foot on the animal and pulls his sword free, the hyena collapsing to the floor dead, before making his way over towards Shira'stasa and the other Blades.

Go: Geral


Cleo: moves, hits, bloodies, hits, shifts.

Juliette: moves, hits, bloodies.

Shira'stasa: moves, sustains, hits x2, pushes, Hyena 1 takes 8 damage and is bloodied.

Khaled: Attacks Hyena 2, crits for 10 damage, killing it, walks to (K, 15).



Map Info

Red Aura: Flaming Sphere persists and does 1d4+5 fire damage to creatures starting their turns adjacent.

Rock: Impassable terrain, block line of sight.

Wooden Steaks: Planned by the Blades as a form of light defence. They are difficult terrain and deal 1d6 damage for each square travelled through.

Tents: The tents can be moved through easily and will fall down when their squares are entered.

Enemy Info

Archer: lightly armoured, they strike from range with their bows, resorting to daggers at close quarters.

Brigands: Strong bulky men armed with maces.

Hyneas: Beasts of the desert, these appear to have be captured or domesticated or be used like dogs, based on the iron collars they wear.

Bandits: Lightly armed and armoured, these are likely existing bandits that joined the more experienced and skilled group of rogue Malachite Blades.


21 Juliette (-A, 8) | HP: 22/33 | Surges: 8/9 | AP: 1/1 | Defender's Aura active, Savage Cut, Vengeful Guardian readied
17 Cleo (E, 23) | HP: 10/29 | Surges: 4/8 | AP: 1/1 | melee attacks deal +3 fire damage until EONT, Masterful Spiral, Sarifal's Blessing, Light the Fire Attack Technique, Bloodied
16 Khaled (K, 15) | HP: 29/41 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
15 Geral (A, 8) | HP: 25/31 | Surges: 11/11 | AP: 1/1 |
15 Hyena 1 (P, 14) | HP: -24/?? | Bloodied
Hyena 2 (J, 8) | HP: -41/?? | Dead
13 Archer 1 (-A, 7) | HP: -19/?? | target of Geral's Aegis of Assault, Bloodied
13 Archer 3 (Q, 13) | HP: -23/?? | Bloodied
13 Archer 4 (E, 22) | HP:-31/?? | Bloodied
11 Blade 1 (E, 21) | HP: 30/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
11 Blade 2 (Q, 14) | HP: 27/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
11 Blade 3 (L, 14) | HP: 25/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
8 Shira'stasa (L, 15) | HP: 27/27 | Surges: 6/7 | AP: 1/1 | Memory of 1000 lifetimes, Orbmaster's Incediary Detonation, Flaming Sphere

Posts: 818
Registered for: 10 years 7 months

Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »


Booming Blade on Archer 1, again: 10(1d20) +10 = 20

Damage: 1(1d8) +5 = 6
And there's the dice flipping me off.
I gain +5 temp HP from the strike, and if he moves away from me, he takes 1d6+3 damage.

Combat Block


Male Genasi Swordmage Level 2
Languages: Serran, Kurnish
Age: 29
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 160 lbs

Speed: 6
Initiative: 1
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 16
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 21
Fort: 14
Ref: 17
Will: 13
HP:25/37 +5 temp hp from Rose King's Shield
Bloodied: 18
Surge Value: 9
Surges: 11/11
AP: 1

Resist Fire 5


Saving throws:

Active Effects:

Sword Burst
Booming Blade
Guardian's Counter [ ]
Flame Cyclone [ ]
Vanishing Blade [ ]
Arcane Mutterings [ ]

Other Abilities:

Aegis of Assault
Second Wind [ ]
Firepulse [ ]

Conditions: None

Important Features

Genasi Firesoul: +1 Reflexes, Resist 5 Fire, and Firepulse.

Swordbond: By spending 1 hour with any light or heavy blade, the blade becomes swordbonded. As a standard action, the blade can be called from 10 squares away. If the bonded weapon is broken, the blade can be reforged with an hour of meditation.

Swordmage Warding: +1 AC or +3 AC when wielding a blade one handed and the other hand is free.

Heavy Blade Expertise: +1 to attack rolls with Heavy Blade. +2 to defenses against OAs.

Rose King's Shield: +2 to Endurance. While using a longsword, once per turn melee attacks grant +5 temporary HP. This is improved to +10 if more than 2 squares are moved before the end of your turn.

Aegis of Assault: Target is marked. It suffers a -2 to all attack rolls that do not include Geral. If a target is hit without Geral being included, Geral teleports up to 10 squares to a spot next to the target and makes a basic melee attack.

White Lotus Riposte: Until the SoNT, a target hit with an at-will takes that abilities modifier damage when attacking Geral.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The hyena attacks one of the Blades, tearing at his leg. However the Archers continue to fail with their daggers, and the Blades take advantage. The now injured one lands a blow on the nearby archer. He is joined by his comrade who quickly puts down the Hyena, driving his sword through the top of its skull, while the other Blade manages to plunge his sword into an archer's stomach, pulling it out in an upward motion, the bandit collapses to the floor.

Go: Shira'stasa, Juliette, Cleo


Geral: hits.

Hyena 1: Attack Blade 2, 27 vs AC = crits for 9 damage, bloodies.

Archer 1: Attacks Geral, 8 vs AC = miss.

Archer 3: Attacks Blade 2, 12 vs AC = miss.

Archer 4: Attacks Cleo, 9 vs AC = miss.

Blade 1: Attacks Archer 4, 17 vs AC = hit for 6 damage, kills.

Blade 2: Attacks Hyena 1, 19 vs AC = hit for 8 damage.

Blade 3: Walks to (O, 15), attacks Hyena 1, 23 vs AC = hit for 5 damage, kills.



Map Info

Red Aura: Flaming Sphere persists and does 1d4+5 fire damage to creatures starting their turns adjacent.

Rock: Impassable terrain, block line of sight.

Wooden Steaks: Planned by the Blades as a form of light defence. They are difficult terrain and deal 1d6 damage for each square travelled through.

Tents: The tents can be moved through easily and will fall down when their squares are entered.

Enemy Info

Archer: lightly armoured, they strike from range with their bows, resorting to daggers at close quarters.

Brigands: Strong bulky men armed with maces.

Hyneas: Beasts of the desert, these appear to have be captured or domesticated or be used like dogs, based on the iron collars they wear.

Bandits: Lightly armed and armoured, these are likely existing bandits that joined the more experienced and skilled group of rogue Malachite Blades.


21 Juliette (-A, 8) | HP: 22/33 | Surges: 8/9 | AP: 1/1 | Defender's Aura active, Savage Cut, Vengeful Guardian readied
17 Cleo (E, 23) | HP: 10/29 | Surges: 4/8 | AP: 1/1 | melee attacks deal +3 fire damage until EONT, Masterful Spiral, Sarifal's Blessing, Light the Fire Attack Technique, Bloodied
16 Khaled (K, 15) | HP: 29/41 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
15 Geral (A, 8) | HP: 25/31 THP: 5 | Surges: 11/11 | AP: 1/1 |
15 Hyena 1 (P, 14) | HP: -37/?? | Dead
13 Archer 1 (-A, 7) | HP: -25/?? | target of Geral's Aegis of Assault, takes damage if moves away from Geral, Bloodied
13 Archer 3 (Q, 13) | HP: -23/?? | Bloodied
13 Archer 4 (E, 22) | HP:-37/?? | Dead
11 Blade 1 (E, 21) | HP: 30/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
11 Blade 2 (Q, 14) | HP: 18/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 | Bloodied
11 Blade 3 (O, 15) | HP: 25/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
8 Shira'stasa (L, 15) | HP: 27/27 | Surges: 6/7 | AP: 1/1 | Memory of 1000 lifetimes, Orbmaster's Incediary Detonation, Flaming Sphere

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

With a devilish grin painted across her face, Juliette strikes out at the archer before her, dealing the final blow and ending her foe's life. May Elys damn you to eternal suffering for your wrongdoings.


Standard: Disrupting Advance on Archer 1
Attack: 16(1d20) +9 = 25 vs AC = Hit
Damage: 12(2d10) +5 = 17

Move: Walk to F12

Combat Block

Juliette LeMaire

Female Human Berserker 2
Languages: Imardanian, Serran
Age: 26
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 115 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-light vision

AC: 20
Fort: 18
Ref: 17
Will: 14
HP: 22/33
Bloodied: 16
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 9/9
Action points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Jarring Smash
Run Down
Savage Reach
Vengeful Guardian
Defender Aura

Second Wind []
Disrupting Advance [X]
Savage Cut [X]

Shrug It Off []

Life-Ending Strike [_]



Important Features

Flail Expertise: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls that you make with a flail. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. In addition, when you hit with a melee weapon attack using a flail and the attack lets you slide the target, you can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

World Serpent's Grasp: Whenever you hit a slowed or immobilized target with an attack, you can knock it prone.

Unarmored Agility: You gain a +2 feat bonus to AC while wearing either cloth armor or no armor.

Weapon Proficiency (Kusari-gama): You gain proficiency with the Kusari-gama.

Poised Defender: While your defender aura is active and you're not wearing heavy armor, you gain a + 2 bonus to AC.

Arid Desert Heartland: While you are wearing cloth armor or no armor and not using a shield, you gain a +3 bonus to AC and a +2 bonus to Reflex. At 4th level, you gain resist 5 fire. The resistance increases to 10 at 14th level and 15 at 24th level.

Berserker Fury: When you use a barbarian primal attack power, you enter your Berserker Fury until the end of the encounter. Alternatively, you can use a minor action while you are bloodied to enter the fury. The fury has the following effects.

  • Your defender aura ends, if it was active, and you cannot use defender aura or vengeful guardian until the fury ends.
  • Some of your powers, such as your barbarian martial at-will attack powers, gain additional benefits, as noted in those powers.
  • Your melee basic attacks deal 1d8 extra damage. This extra damage increases to 2d8 at 11th level and 3d8 at 21st level.

Human Defense Bonuses: You gain a +1 racial bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will.

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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

As one of the remaining two archers falls, Cleo rushes back towards the camp next to her friend and one of the blades. Figuring that the other will also fall shortly, she takes the time to take a quick breath and shake off the pain from earlier in the fight.


Move Action: move to (K, 16)

Standard Action: Second Wind
Effect: spend a surge to get back to 17 hp, +2 to defenses until SONT

Combat Block

Tn. Cleo

Female Hengeyokai Monk 2
Languages: Serran, Imardanian
Age: 22
Height: 4' 11"
Weight: 106 lbs.

Speed: 7
Climb Speed (as a cat): 7
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 13
Reflex: 17
Will: 15
HP: 17/29
Bloodied: 14
Surge Value: 7
Surges left: 3/8
Action Points: 0

MBA: +11 vs AC, 1d8+6 damage. (+1 damage to bloodied targets)
RBA: +11 vs AC, 1d4+6 damage. (+1 damage to bloodied targets)

5 Fire

Vulnerabilities: None
+2 vs immobilize, restrain, or slow

Active Effects:
+2 to checks to escape grab
+5 to bluff vs insight to discover I am not human
melee attacks deal +3 fire damage until EONT


Nature's Mask
Desert Wind Flurry of Blows
Blistering Flourish
Five Storms
Agile Recovery

Second Wind [X]
Sarifal's Blessing [X]
Light the Fire [X]

Masterful Spiral [X]



Important Features:

Mental Crucible: I gain resist 5 fire (or +2 if I already have resist fire of 5+)

Unarmed Combatant: unarmed attack has +3 proficiency, 1d8 damage, unarmed group, can be affected by ki foci. Must have a free hand to use it.

Unarmored Defense: +2 to AC when in cloth armor or no armor and not using a shield.

Full Discipline: Can only use one full discipline power per round, but can use it as many times as the power would allow (at-will's any number of times in a round, encounters once per round, etc.) Can use full discipline techniques in whatever order I like, and if I spend an action point I can choose a different full discipline power.

Beast Nature: I am considered both a magical beast and a humanoid.

Elusive: +2 racial bonus to checks made to escape grabs and to saving throws against effects that immobilize, restrain, or slow me.

Fey Origin: I am considered Fey.

Language of Beasts: I can speak to and understand natural and fey felines in my hybrid or animal form, and understand but not speak to them in human form.

Shapechanger: I am considered a shapechanger.

Ki Focus Expertise: +1 to damage with ki focus vs bloodied targets.

Unarmored Agility: +2 to AC when in cloth armor or no armor.

Internalize the Basic Kata: I use Dexterity instead of Strength for my MBA rolls when using my Monk Unarmed Strike. My Flurry of Blows can trigger on an OA made with my Monk Unarmed Strike.

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A Wan Smile
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Seeing the last enemy still engaged with one of the Malachite Blades, Shira'stasa takes the initiative to step across the sands, repositioning herself. With another terrifying psychic assault, the Tenant brings her hand familiar forth, sending the archer reeling and clawing through the spikes to escape her presence.


Move: Walk to R15.

Minor: Sustain Mage Hand on P12, granting CA on Archer 3.

Standard: Beguiling Strands on Archer 3. Hits Archer 3 for 5 psychic damage and pushes him to O12, taking 2d6 physical damage as he goes over the spikes.
Attack: 16(1d20) +9 = 25

Combat Block

Female Deva Wizard 2
Languages: Serran, Tulrissian, Imardanian, Kurnish
Age: 33
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 135 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 14
Passive Insight: 19
Senses: Normal

AC: 18
Fort: 12
Ref: 16
Will: 16
HP: 27/27
Bloodied: 13
Surge Value: 6
Surges left: 6/7
Action points: 1

Resistances: 5 necrotic, 5 radiant
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Mage Hand
Beguiling Strands
Winged Horde

Second Wind []
Use Vulnerability []
Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes [x]
Suggestion []
Grasping Shadows [x**] **
Shield [] *
Arcane Mutterings [_] *

Flaming Sphere [x]*
Phantom Chasm [_]*

  • Only one may be readied at beginning of day.
    ** Can be traded for Orbmaster's Incendiary Detonation.



Important Features

Tome Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to implement attack rolls with a tome. Enemies adjacent to your conjurations/summoned creatures grant CA. Enemies immune to fear are immune to this effect.

Astral Majesty: You have a +1 bonus to all defenses against attacks made by bloodied creatures.

Immortal Origin: Your spirit is native to the Astral Sea, so you are considered an immortal creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

As Shira'stasa sends the archer running on to the spikes, the man is impaled through the heart as he trips and falls on to one of them. The desert now falls silent once more, except for the crackle of your camp fire.

Short Rest


Juliette: hits, kills, moves.

Cleo: moves, heals.

Shira'stasa: moves, summons, hits, pushes, Archer 3 takes 11 damage and dies.


21 Juliette (F, 12) | HP: 22/33 | Surges: 8/9 | AP: 1/1 | Defender's Aura active, Savage Cut, Disrupting Advance , Vengeful Guardian readied
17 Cleo (K, 16) | HP: 17/29 | Surges: 3/8 | AP: 1/1 | melee attacks deal +3 fire damage until EONT, Masterful Spiral, Sarifal's Blessing, Light the Fire Attack Technique, Second Wind, +2 to defenses until SONT
16 Khaled (K, 15) | HP: 29/41 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
15 Geral (A, 8) | HP: 25/31 THP: 5 | Surges: 11/11 | AP: 1/1 |
13 Archer 1 (-A, 7) | HP: -42/?? | Dead
13 Archer 3 (Q, 13) | HP: -39/?? | Dead
11 Blade 1 (E, 21) | HP: 30/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
11 Blade 2 (Q, 14) | HP: 18/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 | Bloodied
11 Blade 3 (O, 15) | HP: 25/36 | Surges: 6/6 | AP: 1/1 |
8 Shira'stasa (R, 15) | HP: 27/27 | Surges: 6/7 | AP: 1/1 | Memory of 1000 lifetimes, Orbmaster's Incediary Detonation, Flaming Sphere

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A Wan Smile
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

As the last attacker falls to her psychic efforts, Shira'stasa flicks her hand, causing the apparitions to disappear. She rests her mind for a moment, before ensuring that Cleo is alright. Their power diminishes with every futile attack they make on us, the Tenant thinks. These bandits stand no chance. The sands will bury their bones.


Regain encounter powers.

Combat Block

Female Deva Wizard 2
Languages: Serran, Tulrissian, Imardanian, Kurnish
Age: 33
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 135 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 14
Passive Insight: 19
Senses: Normal

AC: 18
Fort: 12
Ref: 16
Will: 16
HP: 27/27
Bloodied: 13
Surge Value: 6
Surges left: 6/7
Action points: 1

Resistances: 5 necrotic, 5 radiant
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Mage Hand
Beguiling Strands
Winged Horde

Second Wind []
Use Vulnerability []
Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes []
Suggestion []
Grasping Shadows [] **
Shield [] *
Arcane Mutterings [_] *

Flaming Sphere [x]*
Phantom Chasm [_]*

  • Only one may be readied at beginning of day.
    ** Can be traded for Orbmaster's Incendiary Detonation.



Important Features

Tome Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to implement attack rolls with a tome. Enemies adjacent to your conjurations/summoned creatures grant CA. Enemies immune to fear are immune to this effect.

Astral Majesty: You have a +1 bonus to all defenses against attacks made by bloodied creatures.

Immortal Origin: Your spirit is native to the Astral Sea, so you are considered an immortal creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Man, I see why we are hunting these guys," Cleo says, as she quickly slumps to the ground to rest. "They suck. I can't wait until the rest of them are dead." Then I can finally go back to my studies. These assholes are eating into my research time!


Short Rest: recover encounter powers and spend 1 surge to get back to 24 hp.

Combat Block

Tn. Cleo

Female Hengeyokai Monk 2
Languages: Serran, Imardanian
Age: 22
Height: 4' 11"
Weight: 106 lbs.

Speed: 7
Climb Speed (as a cat): 7
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 13
Reflex: 17
Will: 15
HP: 24/29
Bloodied: 14
Surge Value: 7
Surges left: 2/8
Action Points: 0

MBA: +11 vs AC, 1d8+6 damage. (+1 damage to bloodied targets)
RBA: +11 vs AC, 1d4+6 damage. (+1 damage to bloodied targets)

5 Fire

Vulnerabilities: None
+2 vs immobilize, restrain, or slow

Active Effects:
+2 to checks to escape grab
+5 to bluff vs insight to discover I am not human


Nature's Mask
Desert Wind Flurry of Blows
Blistering Flourish
Five Storms
Agile Recovery

Second Wind []
Sarifal's Blessing []
Light the Fire [_]

Masterful Spiral [X]



Important Features:

Mental Crucible: I gain resist 5 fire (or +2 if I already have resist fire of 5+)

Unarmed Combatant: unarmed attack has +3 proficiency, 1d8 damage, unarmed group, can be affected by ki foci. Must have a free hand to use it.

Unarmored Defense: +2 to AC when in cloth armor or no armor and not using a shield.

Full Discipline: Can only use one full discipline power per round, but can use it as many times as the power would allow (at-will's any number of times in a round, encounters once per round, etc.) Can use full discipline techniques in whatever order I like, and if I spend an action point I can choose a different full discipline power.

Beast Nature: I am considered both a magical beast and a humanoid.

Elusive: +2 racial bonus to checks made to escape grabs and to saving throws against effects that immobilize, restrain, or slow me.

Fey Origin: I am considered Fey.

Language of Beasts: I can speak to and understand natural and fey felines in my hybrid or animal form, and understand but not speak to them in human form.

Shapechanger: I am considered a shapechanger.

Ki Focus Expertise: +1 to damage with ki focus vs bloodied targets.

Unarmored Agility: +2 to AC when in cloth armor or no armor.

Internalize the Basic Kata: I use Dexterity instead of Strength for my MBA rolls when using my Monk Unarmed Strike. My Flurry of Blows can trigger on an OA made with my Monk Unarmed Strike.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"You'd think they'd send more than a handful of men to kill us," Juliette says as the final foe lies dead. "Either they're overconfident in their abilities or they know of ours and fear losing more men. Either way, I look forward to ending more of them." Somewhat worn from the fight, Juliette sits herself in the sand to regain her breath. They'll all pay for their crimes, both here and the afterlife.


Spend 1 surge to get to 30 HP & regain all encounter powers

Combat Block

Juliette LeMaire

Female Human Berserker 2
Languages: Imardanian, Serran
Age: 26
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 115 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-light vision

AC: 20
Fort: 18
Ref: 17
Will: 14
HP: 30/33
Bloodied: 16
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 8/9
Action points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Jarring Smash
Run Down
Savage Reach
Vengeful Guardian
Defender Aura

Second Wind []
Disrupting Advance []
Savage Cut []

Shrug It Off []

Life-Ending Strike [_]



Important Features

Flail Expertise: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls that you make with a flail. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. In addition, when you hit with a melee weapon attack using a flail and the attack lets you slide the target, you can knock the target prone instead of sliding it.

World Serpent's Grasp: Whenever you hit a slowed or immobilized target with an attack, you can knock it prone.

Unarmored Agility: You gain a +2 feat bonus to AC while wearing either cloth armor or no armor.

Weapon Proficiency (Kusari-gama): You gain proficiency with the Kusari-gama.

Poised Defender: While your defender aura is active and you're not wearing heavy armor, you gain a + 2 bonus to AC.

Arid Desert Heartland: While you are wearing cloth armor or no armor and not using a shield, you gain a +3 bonus to AC and a +2 bonus to Reflex. At 4th level, you gain resist 5 fire. The resistance increases to 10 at 14th level and 15 at 24th level.

Berserker Fury: When you use a barbarian primal attack power, you enter your Berserker Fury until the end of the encounter. Alternatively, you can use a minor action while you are bloodied to enter the fury. The fury has the following effects.

  • Your defender aura ends, if it was active, and you cannot use defender aura or vengeful guardian until the fury ends.
  • Some of your powers, such as your barbarian martial at-will attack powers, gain additional benefits, as noted in those powers.
  • Your melee basic attacks deal 1d8 extra damage. This extra damage increases to 2d8 at 11th level and 3d8 at 21st level.

Human Defense Bonuses: You gain a +1 racial bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral walks his way back to the camp with the final bandit dead. He motions to the blades.
"See how many have the mark, and report back. Either they're testing our defenses, or hoping they can keep us from resting for too long."
He gives his shoulder a stretch, looking at the women.
"Any injuries I should know about? We should treat anything major now."


Well, despite missing a lot, Geral is quite tanky and only took one healing surges worth of damage. So.
Spend 1 healing surge to get back to full.

Combat Block


Male Genasi Swordmage Level 2
Languages: Serran, Kurnish
Age: 29
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 160 lbs

Speed: 6
Initiative: 1
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 16
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 21
Fort: 14
Ref: 17
Will: 13
Bloodied: 18
Surge Value: 9
Surges: 10/11
AP: 1

Resist Fire 5


Saving throws:

Active Effects:

Sword Burst
Booming Blade
Guardian's Counter [ ]
Flame Cyclone [ ]
Vanishing Blade [ ]
Arcane Mutterings [ ]

Other Abilities:

Aegis of Assault
Second Wind [ ]
Firepulse [ ]

Conditions: None

Important Features

Genasi Firesoul: +1 Reflexes, Resist 5 Fire, and Firepulse.

Swordbond: By spending 1 hour with any light or heavy blade, the blade becomes swordbonded. As a standard action, the blade can be called from 10 squares away. If the bonded weapon is broken, the blade can be reforged with an hour of meditation.

Swordmage Warding: +1 AC or +3 AC when wielding a blade one handed and the other hand is free.

Heavy Blade Expertise: +1 to attack rolls with Heavy Blade. +2 to defenses against OAs.

Rose King's Shield: +2 to Endurance. While using a longsword, once per turn melee attacks grant +5 temporary HP. This is improved to +10 if more than 2 squares are moved before the end of your turn.

Aegis of Assault: Target is marked. It suffers a -2 to all attack rolls that do not include Geral. If a target is hit without Geral being included, Geral teleports up to 10 squares to a spot next to the target and makes a basic melee attack.

White Lotus Riposte: Until the SoNT, a target hit with an at-will takes that abilities modifier damage when attacking Geral.

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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

"Nothing a good night's rest shouldn't fix," Cleo says, longing for the comfort of the bed she left in Crescent Bluff. I bet that cat is hogging the entire thing. All that travel and I never even got to try it out. She sighs as she laments her decision to come with the group again, though she is certain she'd have made it again. It will all be worth it when it's over...

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A Wan Smile
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"I'm unscathed," Shira'stasa clarifies to Geral. "But thank you for the concern." She looks around the camp at the bodies of the fallen attackers. Their bones could be useful, but for now they are revolting, so close to where we will rest our heads tonight, the Tenant thinks. "Perhaps we should remove their bodies from our presence. They might attract scavenging creatures, or simply make our camp smell like a butchery."

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"I'm fine too. Just a minor scratch," the Imardanian woman responds to the Blade. "But thanks anyways."

Turning to the older tenant, Juliette responds, "I suppose we should, but I'm worn." Maybe these friendly Blade men will volunteer to do it.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Irritated by Juliette's unwilling to do the necessary acts, Shira'stasa wordlessly turns from her. Fine, then. Couldn't expect an Imardanian woman of such calling to get her hands bloody. She can bring them down, but she can't deal with them after. Calling forth her spectral hand, she begins to collect the slain bodies of the bandits, gathering them in one place, about ten yards from their encampment. Her own hands flick to and fro in graceful style as the zombified apparition does the brunt of the work.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"About half have the mark," Khaled replies to Geral, walking back over to the group having checked the bodies. "The rest must have already been common bandits who joined them."

"We'll do it," Khaled says motioning to the other Blades. "Get some rest," he adds before making his way over to one of the bodies.

With the bodies moved, the party retires back to their tents and the rest of the night passes uneventfully.

The next morning the camp is packed away and the group mounts up once more. "Hopefully we should make it to Azkahir today, then tomorrow we can start looking for the camp," Khaled says, leading the group back onto the road towards Azkahir.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

After the night's activities finally cease, Juliette returns to her slumber, sleeping soundly with the knowledge that her family has been a little more avenged.

"I hope so," Juliette responds to the Blade. "It will be good to be in an actual city again, and closer to putting down those bandits for good."

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A Wan Smile
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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

Azkahir, the Tenant ponders to herself. I never thought I would make it back alive, but here we are, just hours away. I wonder how my mother fares. Shira'stasa had been worrying about her for the past several days, wondering if her mother had been disrupted by the life-threatening warring going on. "I would appreciate a short errand to see my mother in the city. I can meet back up with you at the gates," she offers.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Fialova »

Cleo is groggy and temperamental as usual when awoken, and rides on with disdain for the world as they trek through yet more sand. Khaled's reassuring words do little to improve her mood, as she didn't get nearly enough sleep and she misses the comforts of the Temple she only briefly got to see.

At Shira's comment, she perks up slightly. "I didn't know you were from Azkahir," Cleo says to her friend. "Can I come with you? I don't know anyone in the city so it would be fun to meet your family." I hope they have money, maybe I can nap on some of their cushions while they catch up.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by kalis5 »

Geral nods to Shira'stasa, doing his part to help pack up the camp.
"I am sure we can spare some time. Whilst you and Cleo see your mother, I can accompany the blades and do some information gathering. If they've been preying upon merchants and the like passing through, I'm sure they have some reports of where the ex-blades strike the most."

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Um," Shira'stasa manages ambivalently, taken off-balance by Cleo's genuine interest. It would be nice to have a friend along with me. I've no idea if my mother is even... still here, the Tenant ponders. "I'd like that, Cleo. Though it's just my mother here."

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by Namelessjake »

A couple of hours after noon, Azkahir comes into view. From up on a high dune you gain a good vantage point over the city. The large arena dominates the centre of the city. You can just make out large columns of soldiers marching up and down the large avenues surrounding the arena.

A short while later you near the South gate of the city, however you find it closed and guarded by about twenty men. The ramparts above bristle with spears and bows, the men wielding them peer down at you as you approach. The men in front of the gate lower their spears towards you as you near them. "Halt! The city is off limits to outsiders until the Rakh returns," one of the men shouts.

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Re: Amongst the Flames IC

Post by ratwizard »

The arena, Shira'stasa remembers with an inward sigh. A waste of life. If only those engaged in such acts would devote themselves to my research, perhaps something useful could be made of their lives, she thinks coldly.

The Tenant scans the walls, counting about twenty armed guards at the gates. The Rakh doesn't seem to take chances. She narrows her eyes when the foremost men bring their spears to bear. Without hesitation, Shira'stasa slips out travel papers from within a pouch, and extends them forward, her arm outstretched. "Tenant Shira'stasa Mavruna," she introduces herself curtly, her posture imposing and rigid. "I am no outsider, I live here when I am not at the Great Library," the woman explains. "These with me are my associates. We are passing through to deal with a plague of bandits to the west. Please step aside."

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