The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by ratwizard »

"Thank you, officers," Chartrice says, sighing in relief. "Gaston!" she calls, turning back to face the 17th. "Elys guide your search," the young woman offers before she steps off from where she came, likely to continue getting ready.

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by Fialova »

"Yes, miss," Gaston says, stepping forward as he is called. Turning to the group he asks, "is there anything else I can do for you folk?"

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by Namelessjake »

"We're good," Varo says bluntly. He turns to leave. Once the group joins him he asks, "Anyone recognise that emblem?"

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by Fialova »

"Very well, then" Gaston says with a nod, before escorting the group outside once more. "Best of luck in your investigation. Sasha is a dear friend to the Demalles family, they'd be heartbroken if anything happened to her." With a small bow he closes the door behind him, leaving the group standing on the path outside the manor.

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by TemplarsBane »

"Eh, I'll be damned if I know what that emblem is." Gael states ruefully. "So, the real question is how do we proceed? By tracking down the emblem, by going to Trebonne Hall, or reporting this back to our commanding officers back at the barracks?"

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by kalis5 »

Galen bows to Chartrice once before leaving. At the topic of what to do next, Galen speaks up swiftly.
"Trebonne Hall is the best course of action. Were we to track down the emblem, we would have no evidence of any wrong doing save for a testimony. Also, should we head to the barracks, the same would be true. We have two testimonies and no other evidence to go on. A quick pop over to Trebonne could do us no harm I feel, and with more evidence, we can garner more attention for the case from our seniors, and thus a swifter return for Sasha."
He smiles to the group softly.
"After all. One testimony holds no weight and no answers. Once we have something to compare it to, we can start piecing together the events of that night."

He looks to Miranda, nodding to her.
"Miranda, you were fairly... Unsubtle in your conversation. Remember to consider the feelings of witnesses before questioning. They are much more willing when you've shown them due respect."

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Yeah, I recognized the emblem," Michel responds to Varo, the image of the emblem still embedded in his mind. "It's the symbol of the Arenport Hunter's Society, a big group of wealthy men that have decided to create their own little secret society. They've always kinda creeped me out, to be honest." After a quick jog of the memory, he adds, "I think they meet in the Orcemont Lodge. Maybe they can help up identify our mystery man."

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by ratwizard »

"It was a harmless question," Miranda responds, looking apologetic from Galen's scolding. "But I understand. I'll take your lead."

She turns to Varo. "So what is the plan?"

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by Namelessjake »

"That's good work," Varo says to Michel. "Let's head to Trebonne Hall. We might be able to find out more about our mystery man there before we head to the Hunter's Society. With a wealthy group like that, it's likely there were multiple members at the ball. Having more than a vague description would help a lot. Plus someone at the Hall might know where Sasha and our man were going when they left."

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by istillblamemint »

Larkin will sigh, kicking a pebble on the ground aimlessly. She is going to consider the investigation pointless; to her it was only mundane work to make it seem like the 17th was actually accomplishing something. She is going to doubt that the girl had ever been in any real danger. She will roll her eyes but will say nothing, aiming a kick at another rock.

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by TemplarsBane »

"So, we've just got the Hall, this secret society, and 'tall, dark, and handsome'. Not a whole lot to go on." Gael says ruefully. "But something is better than nothing. So let's see if any of the staff at the Hall recognizes our man or can tell us anything further about the evening's events."

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by Fialova »

With a plan agreed upon, the group sets out towards Trebonne Hall. The sky is now a gorgeous mix of reds and oranges as the sun begins to set, night rapidly approaching. You pass a few men tasked with lighting the Carpenter's Quarter's lanterns for the night, fast at work to beat the sunset. The light helps some, but the route is still quite dim and only getting dimmer.

It takes roughly twenty minutes to walk the road to Trebonne Hall, which is situated only blocks away from the Towering St. Geneviève's Cathedral, situated at the edge of the Quarter. You don't pass many people along the road, but most you do pass are well-dressed and likely traveling to gatherings taking place around town.

When you approach the hall, it seems clear that tonight it is the location of one such gathering, the sound from within and lit windows betraying the festivities going on inside. A couple of well-dressed young aristocrats approach the door, guarded by a large and equally well-dressed man. He unfurls a scroll of parchment and reads it carefully for a moment, before nodding and letting the two inside. The door opens quickly, and the sounds of music and merriment spill out into the street, before it closes just as quickly and the noise fades back away. The man folds his arms and stands firmly in front of the doors once more, clearly meant to bar passage to those not apart of the party taking place.

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by istillblamemint »

"Well, he looks awfully friendly," Larkin notes. She eyes the guard at the door and steps deliberately behind Carolus, whom Larkin deemed the tallest and therefore most effective as a human shield.

"I'll leave the talking to you guys," she nobly offers.

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by TemplarsBane »

"Eh, should have suspected there to be some event there tonight." Gael mutters. "Right then. So plan of action? Ask the bruiser for passage and information? Or find the service entrance and speak to what staff we may find?" As he finishes speaking, Gael wraps his cloak a little tighter in the absence of the sun's warmth.

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by istillblamemint »

"I, for one, vote for going to the service entrance," Larkin said. "I'd much rather take my chances with some servant than that man...

"Or, perhaps we can leave this till tomorrow? It's getting rather late, and I highly doubt the Society will hold another event next morning. Everything's better with a night's rest anyways,"
Larkin suggested hopefully.

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by Namelessjake »

"Larkin, as far as we know, Lady Sasha is still alive and her life is in danger. If you were in her shoes I doubt you'd appreciate us turning in early," Varo says, a harsh tone to his voice. "Besides we're members of the City Watch. They'll let us in. If not we can come back with more men and interrupt their ball in a rather embarrassing fashion. I'll sure they'll appreciate that just the one watch is much more discrete," he adds, starting towards the doorman.

"Besides, some of the guests here tonight might have been here the night of Sasha's disappearance. They could provide us with another lead."

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by ratwizard »

"Good thinking," Miranda offers, eyeing the doorman as Varo approaches. "I suppose it's time to take notes on how to deal with opposition," the young woman says quietly, mostly to herself.

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Michel nods in response to Varo. "He's right. They have an obligation to let us in. There's no reason to give up just because a man looks a little tough." With a somewhat sinister, though joking expression, he adds, "And as Varo says, if he doesn't cooperate, we can make life very hard for him."

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by Warlord7 »

Carolus scratches his chin, then speaks up. "Let's not be so quick to dismiss the servant's door. It offers some subtlety that six guards kicking down the front door might not. If our kidnapper is here, I'd rather he didn't know we are." He turns to Miranda, and quietly says, "Opposition is often confronted best by not confronting it."

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by istillblamemint »

"Well, I never heard anything about anybody's life being in danger," Larkin muttered defensively, mostly to herself. Childishly, she curled her lip and glared in Varo's direction.

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by TemplarsBane »

"Right then. Front door, or service entrance? We can always use the other option if the first one we choose does not work out? Why not just try to front?" Gael asks purposefully. Looking between the two senior officers for their input.

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by kalis5 »

Galen has had his hand on his chin as the others speak, taking in both their comments, and the scene portrayed before him.
I would normally agree. The servants entrance is best, but there would be farther reaching consequences. Should we make our presence known, we would have entered without the guard at the front knowing. And should something rile the men and women inside, he would be called in, as would his friends most likely. In which case, anyone that may have information that we need inside would simply slip away in the ensuing chaos. We may be the guard, but that does not mean we are loved by all. No, subtlety sometimes requires a frontward approach.

Galen eyes the guard letting people in, then gives a nod.
"The guard is the best choice. While the servants entrance may be quieter, we cannot be sure that anyone on the inside of the Hall will be so agreeable if they found that we had entered through such a means. Our first point of contact should be management, so we may look over the ledgers of people that entered at the last gathering. We need their trust to do so. After all, this is a different gathering. We cannot be certain anyone from that night has indeed come again."

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by Namelessjake »

"The guard it is then," Varo says once the group is in agreement. He strides up to the man at the door.

"Excuse me sir, we're with the City Watch. A young girl is missing and she was last seen here at a ball the other night. We have some questions for your employers, so if you could point us in their direction. that'd be grand," Varo says dryly.

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by Fialova »

The man harumphs at Varo's claims. "Yes, and I'm sure the City Watch just conveniently chose now of all times to come investigate. During a major event, rather than during the day. You're not the first to try that one on me. Now, scram!" He maintains his position, arms folded as before, now watching Varo with suspicion.

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Approaching the gathering's guard, Michel says, Look, sir. Our shift had only just started when a worried mother reported her daughter missing, last seen at this location just two nights ago. We'd only like to speak with the staff and guests who may have been present at the previous soirée, so we can learn more and try to locate the girl."

Unsure if it would be enough to convince the elegant brute, the guardsman adds, "Besides, I'd hate to be the one known for obstructing an investigation after we get our superiors down here. So kindly, sir, let us in."


Diplomacy to convince doucheguard to let us in: 20(1d20) +7 = 27

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by Namelessjake »

Varo is impressed by Michel's speech, and he relaxes his grip on his dagger behind his back, his hand having reached there when the guard initially refused them entry. While his grip does loosen, his hand lingers, waiting for the guard's response.

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by Fialova »

The doorman harumphs again, but relaxes his stance. "Fine, but if I hear you've caused a commotion I'll have you thrown right out. Not escorted, thrown," he says, stepping aside a bit to let the group pass through. He watches, skeptically, as the group marches in, shutting the door behind them once the last is inside.

The interior of Trebonne Hall is full of sound and merriment, both of which are immediately noticeable even before any of the gathering is in view. The 17th walks down a short corridor of coat racks and seating before passing through a seat of double doors leading into the actual hall part of the Hall. Inside they find a lively ballroom of men and women, mostly younger guests, dancing and dining to the sound of live music coming from a balcony up above.

The room itself is as large as it is ornate. Intricate gilded columns create a lower walkway around the outer edge of the chamber, but the inner portion is a vast open space topped off with a dome, a glittering chandelier hanging from the center. To one side is a series of tables with foods, a massive cake sitting on the center-most of these tables. Various other tables, meant for dining, line the edge of the room, some of the party-goers currently occupying seats at these tables as they dine on the meal provided. The cake, it seems, has so far been untouched. In the larger, center portion of the room, people dance and mingle. The guests dance in tune with one another, their waltzing seeming almost choreographed in its precision.

As the folks being entertained enjoy themselves, you also spot various staff members of the facility weaving in and out of the crowd, keeping things running smoothly as best as they can. They all dress similarly to one another, the men in black suits and the women in black dresses, all wearing matching white aprons and gloves. They move skillfully through the chaos, filling drinks and stocking the tables, as well as fetching coats for people when they are getting ready to leave. Every so often, one will exit or enter from any of a number of doors around the edge of the room.

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by TemplarsBane »

"Now, it seems to me," Gael says purposefully as he scans the room, "That the best course of action is to talk to the staff first. We don't want to cause a disturbance if we can avoid it, and there's no way of knowing if any of these guests were even here the other night. However, the staff would have been here, or would know the persons working that night. So let's see if we can't grab the attention of one of these servers and perhaps have a conversation with kitchen staff or management. Yes?"

Gael seems somewhat uneasy in this large a room with so much wealth surrounding the group. Almost as if he doesn't know if he should act differently, and if so, how to act at all.

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by istillblamemint »

"Well... we certainly fit in," Larkin commented dryly, taking in the guests' elegant garb. She stared at her shoes dully as Gael suggested a plan of attack, silently kicking herself for not splurging on those leather slippers she had seen a couple days ago.

"Sounds like a plan," Larkin replied almost mockingly, catching only the tail-end of Gael's suggestion.

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by Namelessjake »

"Good plan," Varo nods. He scans the room quickly, picking out the closest server. He walks over to them and attracts their attention. "Oi! We're with the City Watch. Who's in charge around here? We've got some questions we need answering."

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by ratwizard »

The server that Varo approaches nearly collides with the watchman. The short, grey-haired man gasps as his platter wobbles on his hands, but catches his balance. "Messieur," he manages, his brow furrowed. "The maitre d' is appropriately busy, but if you insist on perturbing her, she will be in the kitchens. Diessa is her name. Now please excuse me, before you make me lose my job." He whisks himself away to attend to a recently-emptied platter on a nearby table.

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by Warlord7 »

Carolus looks all around him at the grandeur, eyes darting back and forth from face to face. "Before that, let's make sure we've got eyes on the exits. Now that we've made our presence known, we should be very cautious about letting suspects slip away."

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Michel is impressed by all the sights of luxury and wealth in the ball. I wouldn't mind living this kind of life.

Michel laughs at Larkin's comment, saying, "Maybe look into espionage if you want to look the part." Before heading off to the kitchen, he turns to Carolus and adds, "We'd need suspects first to have them slip away. Now come, let's find this Diessa." Hoping the others will follow, Michel starts toward the kitchens.

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by istillblamemint »

"Um, guarding the exits. That sounds like a great idea," Larkin said distractedly. Eyeing the long line of tables heavy with food, she inches away from the group. "Maybe it's better if we split up for now... Cover more land faster... Large ballroom, after all..." she said as she broke into a brisk walk towards the door conveniently located next to the tables lining the wall.

"I'll be... over there... if any of you need me," Larkin murmured, waving her hand vaguely in the general direction of the cake.

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by TemplarsBane »

"Let us keep in mind that this is an entirely different event. I believe it is rather unlikely that our suspect is present. But I've been wrong before. Can't hurt to keep a watchful eye out. Let's proceed to this 'Diessa' and see what she knows."

All the while, Gael's eyes dart around the ballroom looking for anything suspicious.


Looking for anything suspicious. People paying too much attention to us, or intentionally avoiding looking at us. People leaving as soon as they see us. Basically anything that seems to be an unusual reaction to the presence of watchmen.

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by Namelessjake »

"Let's find this Diessa," Varo says in agreement. "It might be worth gauging how the guests react to our presence here though," he adds, acknowledging Carolus' suggestion.

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by ratwizard »


From your perspective, it is obvious that there are a half-dozen or so people around the ballroom that are watching you intently, probably curious about the commotion. Many more have glanced your way once or twice, but one man in particular stands out. He stares at you with an aggressive look, and doesn't look away when you meet his eyes.

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by TemplarsBane »

"Oy, you see the one over there?" Gael says, indicating the man whom he notices. "Something a bit off about him, wouldn't you say? Seems just a bit hostile, eh? Why don't you all go talk to Diessa and I'll stay here to keep an eye on Shifty over there."

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by Namelessjake »

"Fine," Varo says in response to Gael. "Follow him if he leaves the room, and if he runs, detain him," he adds. "Let's go find this Diessa."

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by kalis5 »

Galen nods to Varo, but pauses and looks to Michel.
"Michel, would it be any trouble for you to stay with Gael? You are the fastest amongst us. It would be best if you stayed here, rather than stuck in a room with us. After all, we do not wish to make a strong showing of things, yes? We are simply asking to see the guest list, maybe a few other questions. We don't want her to feel like we suspect this Diessa."

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Michel sighs slightly, having looked forward to more interrogation, but ultimately nods to Galen. "Alright, if you think that's best. I'll alert you if any trouble we can't handle arises." Maybe a beautiful, young woman will take interest in me and come over for a chat. Michel perks up at the prospect, a subtle smile on his face.

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by Fialova »

With a course of action decided on, the two groups make their way to their respective leads while Larkin begins loitering by the cakes and other foods on the tables.


As you make your way to the food tables you certainly notice glances aimed at you, though it is not clear whether it is your clothing or your stature that is catching their eyes. The servants who pass by you mostly don't seem to give a second look, too focused are they on their work to care about you.

You are at the tables for only a moment when a young man, who looks to be in his early twenties, approaches you. He carries two glasses of wine in his hand, and as he nears he extends one in your direction. "A drink for the lovely lady?" he says with a hopeful smile, his gaze fixed towards you. Like all the other party-goers he is finely dressed and well-groomed, and you can smell the faint scent of lavender emanating from his direction.

Carolus, Galen, Varo

The three of you make your way through the crowd, following a servant bearing a tray of empty glasses and used silverware in hopes that he will lead to the kitchen. The assumption proves correct, and you manage to slip inside where you pass many frantic servants moving in and out, back and forth, and every other direction around the large preparation area.

You look around and notice most people dressed identically in the kitchen, and most working too intently to notice you. However, after a moment or two you spot a small middle-aged woman moving between the lines of workers, barking orders at great volume with her hands on her hips. She looks to be of Ghian descent, though she has no accent when she speaks. She, like the others, is much too busy to notice your presence in her work space.

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by ratwizard »


You and Michel elect to stay behind, watching the others make their way to the kitchens to meet the head waiter. You keep an eye on them for a moment before they disappear into the next room. Having pointed out the strange man eyeing you, Michel also keeps watch. The patron stands with a pair of two other peers, who seem to be in conversation with him. Slightly overdressed for the occasion, he chatters with the others, pausing occasionally to glare at you. You do not recognize him at all.


You and Gael elect to stay behind, watching the others make their way to the kitchens to meet the head waiter. You keep an eye on them for a moment before they disappear into the next room. With Gael having pointed out the patron that keeps staring at him, you spot him in the crowd. The man stands with a pair of two other peers, who seem to be in conversation with him. Slightly overdressed for the occasion, he chatters with the others, pausing occasionally to glare at your partner Gael.

As you stand around in the ballroom to observe the crowd, you also notice an alluring woman that catches your eye. She gives you a look up and down before winking, a wan smile reaching her lips. After a brief moment, she breaks eye contact and turns back to the group she seems to be in conversation with across the hall, not again looking your way.

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by Namelessjake »

"Are you the maitre d'? Diessa?" Varo queries, walking up to the woman. "We're with the city watch. A girl is missing and was last seen here. We have some questions for you."

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by Fialova »

Carolus, Galen, Varo

"What?!" the woman shouts through the noise, quickly turning to face Varo. "Yes, I'-- No!" she turns back, just as quickly, facing one of the nearby cooks. "I already told you, that one is NO peanuts! Can you not do anything right?!"

She sighs and turns back to face Varo once more, a frown streaking across her face. "I'm sorry, who are you and what did you want? This is a busy work site, I've very little time or patience to talk."

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Michel can't help but smile as the attractive, young woman looks his way and winks at him. Blushing slightly, he returns eye contact with her, but frowns slightly as the alluring maiden looks away. Turning to Gael, he says, "I think that girl likes me. I'm going to go talk to her. Hell, maybe she knows something about our case!"

Crossing the ballroom, Michel approaches the woman, trying his best to look as dignified as the other guests. "Excuse me, miss, but may I say that you look beautiful this evening," he says to the woman, bowing slightly, a mild grin on his face.

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by istillblamemint »

Larkin eyed the man warily, one hand paused over an appetizing array of pastries.

Oh, what the hell. Why pass up on an opportunity for a free drink? Larkin thought to herself with a grin. Quickly, she attempted to recall what she could from her blurry lessons from one of her more… proper governesses.

Giving what she hoped was a convincing giggle, Larkin glanced away quickly.

“Well, I certainly wouldn't mind a drink,” she murmured, giggling again for extra measure. Turning to face the man, she grabbed as many pastries as she could, attempting to hide them behind her back.

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by ratwizard »


The women's conversation pauses for a moment as the guests turn their heads at you when you approach. She smiles courteously at your compliment, but this time it does not reach her eyes. "Thank you, watchman," the woman offers. "Do you have business here, monsieur?" The others look between her and you, idly sipping their drinks and listening in.

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Michel nods cordially at the woman and surrounding guests as they all turn their heads before saying, "Well, I had simply wished to say hello, but perhaps you could be of assistance." His face growing slightly more serious, he adds, "You see, we're investigating an incident, a kidnapping, that occurred here two nights ago."

"Were any of you in attendance at that evening's ball?" he says to the group as a whole rather than the single woman, hoping at least one was.

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Re: The 17th, Chapter 1: A Missing Maiden

Post by ratwizard »


The others shake their heads, but the woman near you raises an eyebrow. "The Carpenter's Ball, yes," she says with a smile. "I would not miss one unless under duress." Her smile turns to a frown, however. "A kidnapping, though, you say? That is disappointing." The woman turns to the others. "Excuse us, if you please." They nod and shift to a different table for the time being, resuming their merrymaking. "How can I be of help?" she asks quietly, now that nobody else is immediately near.

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