OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

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OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Fialova »

"Well see you in a month!" Lorelai calls out, as you start making your way back to the city. It's now much busier than it was when you initially came through, with everyone going about their daily business.

It takes about an hour to reach the port, which makes the market look calm in comparison. Couriers rush about, carrying good from the docks to their destinations through the city. Men can be seen loading an unloading in the distance, on the cargo dock. A larger passenger vessel is moored across from it, likely full of the wealthy elite from some foreign nation. A town crier can be heard shouting the days news over the local merchants shouting their daily deals, all of whom are trying to overpower the roar of the local chatter to get their points across.

"Something small and fast would be preferable," Ewan says, as you observe the goings-on of the district. "If we can find someone willing to take us directly to the Cape without any stops along the way, we'll be golden. Hopefully at least one of these captains will be willing to play along." He walks to the stone wall following the edge of the road and looks into the distance at the various ships, trying to find one that seems most suitable.
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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Namelessjake »

"If they're not, there's always ways to convince them," Anya says, following Ewan up to the wall. She surveys the dock, first looking to the smaller docks to the left, before turning her gaze to the larger ships docked on the right side of the harbour.
Perception check to spot any small fast ships or any ships flying The Cape's flag: 2(1d20) +2 = 4
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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"I'm sure one of them will be willing enough," Evander says, glancing around the dock. "If being in the Order isn't enough, then I'm sure some coin will surely sway a captain's mind," he adds with a smirk. Hoping to find a suitable ship, he looks around the port.
A better perception check to find a good boat: 7(1d20) +5 = 12
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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Fialova »

"I've other ways if that doesn't work either," Ewan responds with a smirk and a glimmer in his eye. After a moment of the group scanning the docks, he asks, "find anything promising yet?"
You spot many ships throughout the port, though you find it difficult to make out the specific symbols on their flags. All in all around 20-30 seem to be moored at the various docks, ranging in size from small fishing vessels to the large passenger one.
By your count there are 27 ships in the harbor, with one on the passenger side of the port and the rest in various states of loading, unloading, arriving, and departing from the cargo docks. The passenger vessel bears the flag of The Silver Winds. The cargo ships vary greatly, both in size and origin. You can count 5 that are of the Cape, mostly smaller ships.
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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"There's a passenger ship from the Silver Winds," Evander says, turning to Ewan. "I also spied five or so small cargo ships from the Cape. Perhaps one of them will allow us passage."
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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Namelessjake »

"Let's go check out the cargo ships then," Anya says to response to Evander. "If it's from the silver winds, the passenger ship is likely headed back that way and not past The Cape. Also a cargo ship will be much more inconspicuous."
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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Evander nods to Anya, saying, "That seems like the best choice. Hopefully we can find one that's ready to sail close to now. I'd rather not wait around for a ship to be loaded when we only have so much time."
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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Fialova »

"Let's go, then," Ewan says, standing back up and following the others to the cargo docks. There they make their way towards the first of the Cape vessels, a small single-masted ship in the middle of unloading cargo. The crew doesn't really pay you any mind as you approach.
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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Excuse me!" Evander says, waving to a member of the ship's crew. "Are you soon bound for the Cape? We're seeking passage and would like to know if you might transport us there."
Diplo check in case they need convincing: 15(1d20) +16 = 31
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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Namelessjake »

As Evander tries to negotiate passage on the ship, Anya takes a moment to examine the ship and its crew. She leans against a stack of crates on the quayside, watching.


What's the ship like and what are the crew doing?

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Fialova »

"Just came from the Cape, my boy. Headin' north after this. What you need down in those parts? You don't look the type to do well there," the man responds, shooting Evander a skeptical glance.


The ship is relatively short and wide, a single mast in roughly the center. One man is directing the crane operator on the shore, aiming the hook towards a rope-tied crate at his feet. Groups of two men at a time continue to bring more crates and barrels of goods from below deck, setting them in a neat cluster on top for the crane-guider to send to shore. Two more are on shore, loading the goods into carts. The man Evander speaks to is one of the men loading the carts, who has stopped to speak to the elf.

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Namelessjake »

"If you're going North then it doesn't matter does it?" Anya asks rhetorically, grabbing Evander's arm. "Come on," she says, dragging the elf towards the next ship from The Cape, without waiting for even a sign of protest. She gestures for Ewan to follow.

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Well that was certainly straight-forward," Evander says with a smirk as Anya drags him away. "Let's hope the next ship is actually going to the Cape. And maybe they'll be less nosy."

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Fialova »

"He had a point, you are certainly more sophisticated than damn near every person from the Cape," Ewan says, following after the others. "You may want to observe the men on this dock and try to emulate them while in town. You'd give yourself away as an outsider pretty quick if you just act like yourself."

The next ship flying a Cape flag is a bit smaller and sleeker, with an overall rowdier-looking crew. Men carry their cargo by hand from ship, some pairing up and others unloading objects by themselves. A few of them seem clearly inebriated, with the man on the aftcastle giving the orders openly drinking as he does so.

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Ignoring years of social etiquette? The things I do for this job. "Perhaps one of you two could talk to this next ship then," Evander says as they approach the ship, taking note of the rowdy crew. Hopefully this drunk bunch is actually going where we need to go. And hopefully they can get us there while in this state.

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Namelessjake »

"Where you headed?" Anya shouts to the crew of the man giving orders and drinking on the ship. "If it's The Cape, we've got coin," she adds.

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Fialova »

"Who wants to know?" the man shouts back between chugs, sounding somewhat defensive.

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Namelessjake »

"Just three mercenaries, but that doesn't matter," Anya replies. "What matters is you could make some extra gold on the side with no downside."


Bluff check if needed: 7(1d20) +4 = 11

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Fialova »

"Mercenaries!" the man shouts, the defensiveness no longer present in his voice. Some of the other men cheer as well, though it is unclear if it is due to a love for mercenaries or just because the other man sounded excited. "Which company are ya with? Lots o' me men used ta be mercenaries. Rolph over there ran with tha Red Roughnecks, and Todd and ol' Jimbo was in Friesz' Company," the man continues, before taking another large swig of his drink.

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Namelessjake »

"The Grey Shields," Anya calls back. "We're headed back to The Cape." The Gray Shields was the first mercenary company that had come into her head. She remembered them from her time on the streets of The Cape. It was a small company and the members seemed to be more interested in drinking than their actual jobs, it was a common sight to see them being thrown from the taverns they frequented.


Do I know any local mercenary companies?
Checks in case;
History: 5(1d20) +5 = 10
Streetwise: 6(1d20) +9 = 15

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Fialova »

The man raises an eyebrow at the claim, looking toward Evander in particular. "'ow'd a bloke that one manage to get in tha Gray Shields? Don't look like he's ever even seen a tavern," the man laughs, his crew joining in as well.

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Namelessjake »

"He can hold his own in a fight," Anya says, suddenly getting a bit defensive. "Anyway, whatdaya say? Room for us aboard?" She asks after taking a a second to compose herself.

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Scratcherclaw »

That's ridiculous! I've been to the Gilded Chalice before! Shoving the captain's predispositions aside, and trying his best to appear tough and mysterious, Evander replies, "Looks can be deceiving, friend."

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Fialova »

Seeing Evander's positioning of himself, the crew lets out another hearty laugh, many taking swigs of their drinks as well. "Aye, that they can be," the apparently-captain says, stepping down to greet the trio more directly. "Well if yer payin' and don't mind waitin' a bit for us ta unload, yer free to hitch a ride. Jus' make sure ta stay out o' the way on deck." He holds out his hand, expectantly, a large grin across his face.

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Namelessjake »

"That goes without saying," Anya says. She goes to shake the man's hand but pauses just shy of his hand.

"Five gold a head okay?" She asks with a slight hint of menace to her voice, as she stares down the captain.


Intimidate check; 14(1d20) +11 = 25

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Fialova »

"...Yes, that will work," the man says, his smile fading somewhat as he takes the woman's hand. The group heads on board, handing the man their 5 coins as they pass, and find a place to sit for the ride.

"Well, now that transportation is arranged, we might as well start preparing for when we arrive," Ewan says to Anya mostly, as he lounges against the railing of the ship. "I've some contacts in town I'll probably speak with at first, but we should have a game plan for the rest of town."

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Namelessjake »

"Likewise," Anya says, picking out individuals who might know something in her mind. "We'll want to keep a low profile, especially if we do more than ask questions."

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"You two are more familiar than I am with the Cape, so I'll just follow your leads," Evander says, never having been to the city. "As always, let's not be too reckless, just enough to have a little fun too."

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Namelessjake »

"Well then I guess we'll ask around to determine the level of activity in The Cape and then go from there. If it's a small operation we can head straight to Wolfrun to join up with the others and if not we can stay a while longer in The Cape to investigate further," Anya says.

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Or, if we finish early, we can find the nearest tavern and have ourselves a good time! The Gray Shield way, eh?" Evander responds to Anya, with a jovial smirk and a wink.

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Fialova »

"Best not to keep that lie up once we're in town. They may have a reputation for drunken idiocy, but I doubt the Grey Shields would take kindly to us foreigners passing ourselves off as them," Ewan says to Evander. "Unless, of course, you get off on large burly men roughing you up before tossing you head first into the cold sea. In that case, you go right on ahead," he smirks, splashing illusory water in the elf's face.

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"You don't need to be a Gray Shield to knock back a few rounds in a tavern," Evander replies to his mage-friend, swatting the illusion away playfully. "And wouldn't you like to know what I get off on," the elf adds jokingly, a smirk painting his face.

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Namelessjake »

"Gods, get a room you two. Shall I go ask the captain if he'll lend you his cabin?" Anya says, to Ewan and Evander.

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Fialova »

"That won't be necessary. Evander will have his hands full with these large burly men, I wouldn't even stand a chance," the mage says, turning his smirking face towards Anya.

"But on a more serious note, the taverns are actually a good idea. All the seamen pass their times there, and they will be the ones who know anything about these mysterious outsiders in Wolfrun, if anyone does." Ewan proceeds to twirl an illusory mini-baton in his fingers as he speaks, a habit he's had since either of the others have known him.

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Don't count yourself out, buddy," Evander replies to Ewan, playfully winking at him.

At the mage's comment of the tavern, the elf responds, "And we won't even have to loosen anyone's lips to get them to spill any information either. The booze will do that for us!"

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Namelessjake »

"The taverns are a good idea. If the outsiders have been in The Cape a while though we might have to delve farther. The sailors mostly are only passing through," Anya says, leaning against a crate. She brushes a lock of hair behind her ear and observes the men loading the ship. "We should make sure to keep up our ruse in the taverns, the sailor's tongues will loosen just as easily for anyone else."

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Fialova »

"We probably don't even need to ask questions in the taverns, honestly," Ewan replies. "Few things stay secret for long in the Cape, if there is something going on there too then we are bound to find out about it just by eavesdropping."

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Namelessjake »

"True," Anya says agreeing with Ewan. "Hopefully we'll being getting under way soon," she says, starting to get impatient with the ship's loading.

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Fialova »

Ewan nods, and leans back against the railing, looking up at the clouds. The men continue to unload, and once the ship is empty they reload it with a significantly smaller load than the one they had unloaded. A few hours later, and the group is departing the Port District headed south.

The rest of the first day, and all of the second, pass uneventfully on the ship. The group keeps up their ruse as mercenaries, passing the time chatting and drinking with the crew of the ship when little is happening, staying out of the way when the seas are rougher. It's not a particularly interesting trip, which is arguably best.

The trading ship moors on one of the smaller islands at the edge of the Cape as dusk sets on the third day. The group is let off before the crew begins unloading their light cargo, and once done the men head into town, likely to relax with food, drink, and women.

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Namelessjake »

Stepping off the boat, Anya breathes in the smell of The Cape. It was far from pleasant, especially down by the docks, but it was the smell of home.

"Well then, to a tavern?" She asks. "We might as well find a room for the night and we can do some investigating while we're at it."

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Evander grimaces as the odor of the docks drift past his nose. Well, this is certainly no Garden District. Stepping off the boat after Anya, the elf says, "Sounds good to me. Taverns should be pretty busy at this hour, so it shouldn't be hard to start our search." Gesturing forward with his hands, he adds, "Lead the way, then."

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Re: OCB Special Task Force - The Cape Group

Post by Namelessjake »

"I know a place near here" Anya says to Evander."It may not be quite what you're used to though Evander," she adds as she sets off away from the quayside.

After a short walk Anya stops outside a tavern, the sound of revellers can be heard from within. "Here we are," she says. The sign above the door reads The Jester's Cask.

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