People of Voreld Throughout History

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Magical Liopleurodon
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People of Voreld Throughout History

Post by Fialova »

Voreld c. 6th Era, 8th Decade and On

The purpose of this thread as a whole is to maintain a running list of all existing people in the world of Voreld, across times and locations. Each game will typically have a list of major encountered characters in their OOC threads, but this will serve as a handy reference for everyone mentioned across all of them.

This first post will list everyone who exists in 'modern' Voreld, which spans the late 70s and into the 80s of the 6th Era. As time progresses in the setting, via the Blackwood's Dogs game and OCB Special Task Force game (as well as any future games also set in this time period), all contemporary people will be included and the span of time covered by this post will inflate.

Other posts to follow will break down the individual time periods and regions as relevant to their settings, like this one. Typically this means one post per game. There will also be one post each per major region, covering a breakdown of every named person from those regions throughout history (listed in chronological order of birth).

The Forelle Sea

South Island
Southeast Island
Franco Lamon
Franco is a dockworker from Forelle and has been for a few years. As he grew up impoverished and without opportunity, he was forced to take the first menial labor job he could get his hands on when he came of age. A life of stress, Franco's hair grayed early on, but his youthful build proves his age. After a long day, he often unwinds with a pipe, watching the great blue.
Southwest Island
Island Northeast of Pelicium
Bianca De Palma
Hailing from one of the islands in the Forellian Archipelago, Bianca is gardener and florist. Tired of the gray and gloom that often surround people's lives, she tries to brighten up the island with her gorgeous flowers. Bianca is a cheerful woman and rarely gets angry with others. She dreams of spreading joy to all of the world through flowers.
Northeast Island
North Island
Northwest Island
East Island
West Island
Northwest Island
Talguta Island
Gianni Dimitriou
An ambitious man, Gianni has spent most of his life practicing and perfecting his craft. Originally from a smaller town on one of the many islands, he moved to a larger port for more business, and he has definitely seen it. He hopes to one day have enough to open a larger shop in Imardin, but for now, he's content where he is.
The Wastrels Wharf
The Bloody Knives
A pirate crew that once roamed the Forellian Sea. Samuel Gravestaff's crew prior to joining Blackwood's Dogs.
Captain Cutthroat Kishar
Kishar is another of the more notorious Forellian pirates, infamous for his tendency to put entire crews to the sword on regular occasions. His nickname is a fairly accurate one, as he tends to slit the throats of the captains he encounters personally, before unleashing his crew on theirs. He is the captain of the Silver Sabre, which primarily raids the region between Amkhara and Visha. On occasion he has also been known to extend north towards Dakara and even Nelghet on occasion.
Captain Heymon Locke
Technically a Forellian pirate, captaining a stolen Tulrissian Schooner known as the Royal Phoenix, Heymon Locke rarely indulges in piracy. Instead he focuses his time an attention on tracking down fabled treasures, something at which he is good enough at to remain a captain. He is known to be a ruthless individual who only cares about money and treasure.
Captain Jane the Jaguar
Jane is a cunning woman and a skilled swordsman. She hails from Gleios, where she was taught to fight by her noble parents. A series of unfortunate events led her to piracy, where she took up with the Seahorse, eventually becoming its captain. With her crew she stalks the sea, primarily the region between Gleois, Akiro, and mainland Ya-Jarang. Many of her fellow pirates have made passes at her in the past, and most have discovered the hard way that she is not to be trifled with as a result.
Captain Tarou Tengatsu
Tarou is known to be an honorable man, one who holds high standards for the conduct of his men both with their prey and with other pirate crews. Captain of the Swordfish, he is fiercely loyal to his homeland and will never attack a Jarangi ship, going so far as to defend them from other pirates. He mostly plagues Imardanian waters and the seas around Cru'un, though sometimes ventures further east to the western coasts of Kurnhuelde as well.
The Arch-Bishopric of Imardin

The Grand Cathedral of the Goddess
The Apostolic Order
The Navy
Bishop Constance Desrochers
A successful admiral for the Imardin Navy, Constance rose to prominence over 30 years ago and has been one of the most respected throughout the years. Although she seems strict and serious, she is generally quite sweet, unless you get on her bad side.
Commodore Candice Rosso
Candice is an extremely ambitious young woman, who has made a name for herself as the Imardin Navy's foremost pirate hunter. Her skill at command and in the hunting of pirate ships allowed her to swiftly rise through the ranks, but it is not enough - she wishes to make admiral. She believes that taking down the Salacious Saint, and Captain Blackwood with it, will be enough to convince her superiors to make her their peer, and so has made hunting the Dogs her primary objective in the past year or so.

Her fleet is made up of somewhere between 5 and 7 frigates, at any given time, and she leads it from her flagship, Temperance. The captains under her command are all highly skilled sailors, and just as devoted towards ridding Forelle of its pirate menace as she is.
Captain Jacques Cornett
The man Henri hates most of all, who isn't too fond of the spoiled child either. When Henri first joined the Navy, Cornett couldn't stand the massive ego he possessed and tormented him with punishments to create a little humility. When that failed, Cornett looked to others displeased with Henri for action of some sort. He conspired with many, including a jealous Marc LaBelle, for a plan to remove him from the Navy. It worked, and Henri was disgraced by his family, sending him into the life of piracy.
Captain Guillaume Delacroix
Guillaume is a Eva's father and a Captain in the Imardin Navy. He is a lustful sadist, and enjoys raping the women of the lands he helps conquers, under the noses of his superiors of course. Eva's mother was one such victim who he enjoyed so much that he forced her into a loveless marriage, eventually resulting in her birth.

When Eva was still young he got bored of her mother and tossed her out onto the street, keeping the girl to raise as his own. He was abusive in every way, and when she was not even at puberty she had had enough and poisoned him before fleeing the estate, thus ending his legacy of cruelty.
Jean-Claude Olivier
Jean-Claude is one of the Imardin Navy's most skilled marksmen, which has earned him a comfortable position as the marksmanship instructor at the Fort Ellis Naval Academy. He is a perfectionist and expects the same from his students, which has led to him being viewed as somewhat of a harsh instructor. He is also keenly aware of his own skills, and is ever ready to show just why he is the one teaching and not the one learning should any ambitious child try to mouth off or talk him down.
Tania is a bard. Darcell and Tania met several years ago in an Imardanian court. After leaving the court Darcell doubted he would ever see her again however since then they have regularly bumped into each other by complete chance. They originally saw each other as rivals however over time as they kept seeing each other they grew to be close friends. On more than one occasion, after too much wine, they have woken up next to each other in bed.
Leo Catenacci
Since he was a child, Leo has had a unique gift: to be able to talk to cats. Growing up in Forelle, he used this to his advantage. Seeking better riches elsewhere, Leo moved to Imardin. Now, he enjoys a comfortable lifestyle, using his many cats to steal precious jewels and masses of gold. He has yet to be caught and doesn't anticipate it.
Annette LaBelle
Henri's eldest sister, she is the only member of his kin that hasn't ousted him from their lives. As children, they were exceptionally close, and that bond only grew stronger with age. While her father and mother—influenced by her husband's opinion and temper—removed their youngest son from their inheritance and thoughts, she still cared and fought for him.
Gilles Porcher
a former classmate of Henri at the naval academy. Although harmless and good-hearted, Henri simply cannot stand him. Gilles had tried to befriend him, but Henri always resisted the attempts and avoided him at all costs. Despite this, Gilles continued to show up everywhere Henri went, speaking of such trivial things as soil and leather tanning with an overly enthusiastic attitude. Although he has tried to avoid Gilles, he continues to show up everywhere the narcissistic lad does.
Pierre François
Pierre is an Imardanian brat. The son of one of the most influential men in the nation, Pierre enjoys his masses of wealth and attention while looking down other those he considers below him, including other nobles. He all all-around rude and expects everyone to be attentive to his needs and his needs only. If he doesn't get his way, he spews insults and cries for his father. He is whiny and selfish and has been for all 17 years of his life.
Lisette Sauvageon
Lisette from born to a middle-class merchant in Imardin, but the comfortable life wasn't good enough for her. Not quick enough on her feet or skilled enough with hands for petty theft, she soon found the benefits of conning people out of their gold, especially chronic gamblers. She travels around the taverns of the nation, searching for her next victims, yet keeping her identity a secret. Those who have heard of Lisette avoid her, but the fools soon fall to her trickery.
Priscilla Beaumont
Priscilla is a socialite who resides in Imardin. Living off her dead husband's fortune, she lives everyday filled with gossip and plenty of wine for her clique. Those not part of her "exclusive" group tend to hate her due to her unpleasant behavior and all-around vile attitude. Hoping to lower her social standing, some even spread rumors that she killed her husband, but Priscilla wholeheartedly denies them, spewing insults at those she believes started said rumors.
The South Ward Slasher
For years now, the section of Ellisport known as the South Ward has been subject to many a violent murder. The victims are seemingly random, and no one has witnessed the killer in action, but they have nearly all been brutally yet surgically cut in so many places that their remains are barely recognizable as human. The locals fear these killings to be the work of a serial killer, who has come to be known through Imardin and the elsewhere as the South Ward Slasher.
Barrier Island
Island of Darmon
Adrienne Lavigne
The daughter of a wealthy merchant in Imardin, Adrienne has lived an extravagant life, even though she is barely older than 26. With her father's health slowly failing, though, Adrienne has taken it upon herself to learn the ways of the trade, hoping to eventually take over her father's ship. She is perky and determined, and she loves her father greatly, wanting nothing more than his wellbeing.
Island of Bladoulles
Island of Mirella
Island of St. Pierre
Island of Avién
Island of Les Astilles
Île dEspoir
The Kingdom of Tulrisse

The King's Lands
Valley of the Twins
King Amerik
The Kingdom of Tulrisse is ruled by a sole leader, Lord Protector Amerik Fulsen, a man with quite a head for logistics and economy but little experience in military training. Lord Fulsen keeps Tulrisse running at a smooth rate, his council of advisors ensuring that shipments are sent out to the corners of the realm when needed.
Evelyn Torinn
A descendant of the legendary king, and member of the well-known Torinn dynasty, Evelyn serves as the Court Wizard for King Amerik. She is only distantly related to the dynasty head, Vladimir Torinn, and has no landed titles or claims of her own, but her name still commands respect. She'd rather stand on her own laurels, though, and has the skills to do so.
Gahlfas Isle
Tatyana is a 'seeress' residing in the Ghalfas Isle colony. 'She' has a small shack near the sea, not far from the port, where she will read your fortune. She claims to be a true devotee of Inara, and that the priestesses out of Blackstead are false. There is a small group of people that believe wholeheartedly in her and her fortunes, but most dismiss her as a nutcase best left alone. Her unusual appearance doesn't help to assuage those feelings.
Duchy of the Northlands
The Blackmoors
Nadja Raskoph
Although she looks innocent and harmless, Nadja is one of the many spies for the Kingdom of Tulrisse, and is a good one at that. Capable of speaking five languages, a brilliant liar, and fierce with the dagger, Nadja is an asset that Tulrisse can't afford to lose. She has many aliases, and most aren't even sure if Nadja is even her real name. Besides this, she is a capable explorer and a master of stealth. But don't ask about her scar, or you'll be in trouble.
The Fatherlands
Duchess Mylla Tuttle
Mylla is Duchess of the Northlands of Tulrisse, reigning from Holdfast. She is a bit of an oddity in both the Tulrissian nobility as well as the Elven community, the former of which being dominated by humans and the latter of which being primarily light skinned.

She owes her unique appearance to her promiscuous elven father, who ruled as Duke before his untimely death. Her mother was one of his many lovers, a Serran native who was a serving girl in the Holdfast Castle. She'd have been doomed to the life of a bastard had her father not fallen off a balcony, leaving her as his only child and heir to the North.

Mylla is a humble woman, having grown up as simply the unimportant bastard daughter of a servant. Ever since being crowned Duchess she has tried to improve the lives of the peasants she rules over, caring little for the issues of the nobility. She has since made her mother her steward and given her a comfortable place to live in the castle, and is currently betrothed to marry a young dwarven entrepreneur from Bal.
Grisbens Bluff
Gunther Seidel
A barkeep from Oak Crossing, Gunther has lived a peaceful life, though he sees plenty of business from travelers and traders crossing the river. Gunther is a quick-witted man and wastes no time refilling the mug of a patron. Although age has begun to take its toll on the man, he is still as chipper as he was 30 years ago.
Duchy of the Eastlands
Faustas Steppe
Greta Holzmann
A fierce woman, Greta leads a group of bandits in central Tulrisse. Preying on the prosperous trade in the region, she makes a generous amount of coin, but she occasionally has to get her knife dirty. She is a force to be reckoned with when encountered and she has been known to turn the tables quite easily, often employing seduction or intimidation. Although few know her story, one can only assume it's filled with some sort of tragedy for the woman to have turned to banditry.
Captain Cecile Solrane
Cecile is the First Ranger of the Garland Rangers, and member of the ancient Solrane dynasty. Thought not as prominent as it once was, the family still holds sway in Garland, and part of why she holds her position is due to family ties. She is a competent ranger regardless, and her leadership has been viewed as controversial only due to her age. However, her non-nonsense attitude has kept her critics in line, and the forests of Garland have stayed safe under her watch.
Duke Bartholomew Cumberland III
Bartholomew is Duke of the Eastlands of Tulrisse, ruling out of the Tower of Menora. He is a highly eccentric man with a taste for odds and ends of unique, often strange properties. He has a bit of a knack for magic and will occasionally enchant mundane items with fantastical abilities, simply for the fun of it.
Bethilda Cumberland
Bethilda is the daughter and heir of the Duke of the Eastlands, Bartholomew Cumberland III. Like her father she is a bit of an eccentric, and she shares his knack for magic. However, while he prefers to enchant objects with unique abilities, Bethilda is much more interested in the combat applications of the craft.

She is quite egotistical, and has a rivalry with the King's Court Wizard, Evelyn Torinn. She hopes that once she has ascended to Duchess she can use her increased influence to usurp the position, though that hasn't stopped her from attempting to do so in other ways in the meantime.
Ivan Mosse
Ivan is a world-famous hunter of Tulrissian origin. He heralds from the minor nobility, too far down the line to ever inherit but noble enough to have a comfortable life. With no hope of ever gaining a title he devoted his time to hunting, becoming extremely skilled with his rifle. As rumours of his prowess began to spread he started going after bigger and rarer targets, a quest which has so far taken him deep into Kurnhuelde.
Captain Gretchen von Trahl
Gretchen is the daughter of the current Lord of Volberg, and Captain of Tulrisse's Raptor Corps, taking after her father before her and his father before him, and so on down the line of the von Trahl dynasty. As a member of one of the oldest and most respected families in Tulrisse, she is afforded much more respect than she'd otherwise have earned on her own merits. That is not to say she is a bad leader or falconer, but there are many who'd have been favored to lead the Corps if not for her family name giving her the edge.
Heida Becke
A native of Violet Keep, Heida is a master of falconry. Despite the men of the city trying to woo her, she keeps to herself, and her falcon. A baker's daughter, Heida was expected to take over the shop once her father got too old, but she found her passion within falconry and stuck with it, despite her father's disapproval. Over the years, though, having seen her skill, Heida's father is much more accepting.
Duchy of the Westlands
The Hollow
Duke Vladimir Torinn
Vladimir is Duke of the Westlands as well as head of the large and highly prestigious Torinn dynasty, established centuries ago by the legendary uniter of Tulrisse. He rules from the formidable fortress Darden's Hold, the finest in the land, where the traditions of old still have a solid foothold. He is a strong warrior, regularly competing in trials of combat and known to personally deal with troublesome bandits when they arise.
The Iron Plains
The Sickle
Count Denros Harlaw
Denros is the Lord of Virem in the Kingdom of Tulrisse. As Lord of a major Tulrissian port he was appointed as Admiral of the Kingdom's fleet by King Amerik. He is also the father of Illia Harlaw.
Illia Harlaw
Illia is the daughter of the Lord of Virem in Tulrisse. Darcell was shipwrecked with her and he fell in love with her while they were stranded. He hasn't seen her since they got back to Virem after being rescued and she refused to run away with him.
Sorrows Grasp
The Spear

Drekkis Valley
Bahtrin Village
Fort Karstid
Makdis Narrows
The Eastern Grove
Berrid Heights
Groznid Bay
Kezoda Gorham
The murderer of Jirra and Marek, Kezoda Gorham is a clever half-orc (half-Serran) who has military training and political standing, despite being possibly a more detestable figure than the actual Bosses throughout Groznid Bay. He does know about Grommak surviving his parents, but not more than just of the orc's existence.
Boss Thalanor Wroclast
Very rich and very determined to see his criminal organization succeed, Boss Wroclast worked from the ground up as a poor elvish outcast in Groznid Bay. He became a powerful kingpin and now controls a large amount of the Groznidian underworld which networks to much of Kurnhuelde. Knows Grommak as a loyal man to depend on. Wroclast is old friends with Blackwood.
Grommak's uncle, a shrewd and unabating merchant, which carries over into his day-to-day personality. He is responsible for the demise of Grommak's parents, something that is unaware to his nephew. He did an awful job of raising the boy and has taken to boozing as a form of escape. Slowly drinking himself to an early death in Groznid Bay.
Kjuldis Village
Elves' Respite
Frjelnian Keep
Isle of Borstid
Njordens Reprieve
Isle of Murldinn
Kresh Garuul
Kresh Grappan
Kresh Mordrar
Kresh Tarkhis
Kresh Varduuz
The Kurnish Archipelago
The Mataan Highlands
Kresh Mataan
The Sorlik Coast
Balkred Bay
The Serran Desert

The Burned Dunes
Rakh Seghi Talhalik
Commander of the militant Burned Dunes. He is a powerful and honorable man, two traits required to stay Commander here for long. He has devoted his life to ridding the Western Expanse of the various bandit clans who have made it their home, forgoing the past Rakhs' goals of reclaiming the other major Rakhiis of Serran.
Crescent Bluff
Rakh Simgahl Kuladin
Patriarch of the Kul’adin family of Crescent Bluff. A shrewd merchant, his eyes are ever on the next big investment. Like the other merchant families of Crescent Bluff, family is important to him, but money even more so. His fleet of merchant ships span the globe and their profits provide an opulent life-style for him and his kin.

Darcell spent some time in the Rakh's court a few years ago. He slept with two of the Rakh's wives and was forced to flee the city when Simgahl eventually found out. He placed a bounty on Darcell which still remains to this day.
Jameela Darzi
Jameela is the wife of one of the more powerful merchants in Crescent Bluff, as well as Rahk Simgahl Kul'adin's half-sister. This affords her to have a lifestyle she can enjoy. She can often be found strolling near the sea, usually in vibrant and extravagant clothing. She is determined to answers get her way, which has earned her a reputation of being too much to handle, but those who have met her can attest to her true kind nature.
Alicia Marino
A former gypsy traveling Serran in caravans, Alicia soon learned there was better coin to be made in piracy. She is sassy and puts the spice in life, both literally and figuratively. Few can handle her sharp tongue for long, so she often jumps from crew to crew, plundering riches and spreading the sass.
Rosalía Aritza
Although fitting the appearance of a princess, Rosalía is far from one. She's quite the opposite, in fact, working in a brothel in Serran. A personal favorite for many customers, she is dressed to impress, but also heavily protected. She enjoys the life of pleasure and wealth, though she is growing tired of the same old patrons and is considering moving cities for a new crowd.
Eagle Cliff
Rakh Rekkal Muladi
High Priest of the great temple to El-unod at Eagle Cliff. He is a peaceful and Pious man, devoted to justice and caring rather than violence as many of the other rulers of Serran are. He is somewhat of a mystic, and regularly performs intricate rituals at the top of the temple complex.
The Northern Tenants
The Great Library
Rakh Unbata Jolhas
Philosopher King of the Northern Tenants, the last remaining members of the ancient order of Tenants. He is a wise and serious old man, uninterested with the various power squabbles that have plagued the desert for centuries, and instead entirely devoted to preserving the knowledge of the Great Library and the artifacts found in ruins throughout the region.
The Silver Winds
Asmar Jafari
Captain of a stolen brig, the Harpy, Asmar commands a small crew exclusively Serran in origin. Asmar shares very little with very few. He generally keeps to himself, verging on ignoring most people. However while distant he comes across as very purposeful, like he knows something no one else does and his piracy around Voreld is part of something greater.
Rakh Kalim Drekall
Tyrant, and 'God-King' of the Silver Winds. He is the last remaining hereditary monarch of Serran, after the Rakhul was overthrown centuries prior. The fertile region he rules over was once happy and prosperous, but he changed that with his lunacy and cruelty. Believing himself to be a living god, he is hell-bent on reclaiming the entirety of the Serran Desert for himself and ruling what is 'rightfully his' with an iron fist.
The Western Expanse
Bravais (Nabrand)
Nisos (Nabrand)
Thesus (Nabrand)
Feltik Mines
The Malikanth
The Andorian Peninsula

The Order of the Cherry Blossom
Fort Sakura
Ser Alexios dArcangeli, Grand Cross
Alexios d’Arcangeli is the current head of the Fort Sakura d’Arcangeli family, a branch of the d’Arcangeli dynasty that is originally from Gleios in Forelle. The Andor branch of the family began when Adrian d’Arcangeli settled in the region, after years of travel, and founded the Order of the Cherry Blossom. Since then, every Grand Cross of the Order has been a direct descendant of its founder, with Alexios as the most recent one and one of his children his expected successor.

Alexios is a serious and somewhat cold man. He is quite harsh on violent criminals, but unlike some of his predecessors he can also be quite harsh on white collar criminals as well, particularly corrupt guild members. He sees the guilds as the backbone to Fort Sakura’s economy, so any attempt at dishonesty among the leadership is seen by him as a direct attack on the well-being of the city and its inhabitants.

A married man, Alexios likes to spend a lot of time with his family. He regularly delegates many of his mundane duties to the OCB captains for extended periods so that he can instead spend time at home or go on trips with his wife and children. Oftentimes, one can find them out camping along the river or in the forest south of the farms, and it is also said that they have made trips to Kandoras on occasion as well.
Ser Percival Melchett, Captain
Captain Melchett has long served as the captain of the Military Disctrict in Fort Sakura, and is the order's de facto second in command. In the rare cases of war, he is the captain promoted to Commander of the OCB forces, leading them into battle from the front lines. He is a skilled fighter and a stern leader, though he is known to joke around at times.
Ser Yasmin Arduille, Captain
Yasmin is one of the Captains of the Order of the Cherry Blossom, high ranking members of the chivalrous order who oversee the protection and administration of the different districts of the fortified city Fort Sakura. In particular, she is in charge of the port, which makes her uniquely intertwined in the Order's economy as this puts her in direct head of the port authority.

Yasmin is shrewd and insightful, a good judge of character who is very picky about who she allows to dock and trade with the city. The various guilds of the city make sure to stay on her good side, and the wiser merchants from distant lands tend to as well. Though some see her as an overly strict figure, it is widely held that her attitude is why the Fort Sakura ports are some of the most profitable and least crime-ridden in all the lands.
Ser Elric Vergos, Captain
Captain of the Order of the Cherry Blossom who overseas the city's vast farmlands, and head of a smuggling ring.
Ser Destrian Willis, Captain
A now Captain of the Order of the Cherry Blossom who initially recruited Naadir to the order and acted as his mentor. He is now in his late fifties and for all intents and purposes retired, doing very little work that isn’t ceremonial or advisory.
Ser Lorelai dArcangeli, Sergeant
Alexios d'Arcangeli's elder daughter, who is in line to become the next Grand Cross of the OCB. She is one of the memebers of the OCB's elite special task force.
Ser Gillam Trehearne, Sergeant
A member of the OCB's elite special task force.
Ser Evander Wroclast, Sergeant
A member of the OCB's elite special task force.
Ser Naadir Ahsan, Sergeant
A member of the OCB's elite special task force.
Ser Esmerelda Sabile, Sergeant
A member of the OCB's elite special task force.
Ser Roy Sabile, Sergeant
A member of the OCB's elite special task force.
Ser Ewan Poresky, Sergeant
A member of the OCB's elite special task force.
Ser Bridget, Sergeant
A member of the OCB's elite special task force.
Ser Eloise Lapedite, Sergeant
A member of the OCB's elite special task force.
Katarina dArcangeli
Alexios dArcangeli's younger daugher, a beloved socialite in Fort Sakura who is betrothed to the younger prince of Tulrisse.
Konde is the most sought after courtesan in Fort Sakura, servicing only the most wealthy and influential of patrons. She works out of her manor in the Garden district, where she lives with her husband (who also operates as her pimp). It is an abnormal setup, but both enjoy and benefit from it.
Masaan Valley
Desert Rose
Iron Eye Cove
Iron Eye Cove
Trade Lord Korran Myagos
Leader of Iron Eye Cove.
Captain Faustus Rivelle
Head of the Iron Eye Trade Company.
Independent City-States
The Cape
Baron Hasten Aerden
Baron of Wolfrun.
The Scarred Man
The mostly silently and terrifying leader of the branch of the Cult of Three Eyes residing in Wolfrun. He is large and intimidating, but rarely talks to anyone but the Baron or his #2. Very few know anything about him except that he bears a large scar across his face, and prefers not to be asked about it.
Mr. Thompson
The Scarred Man's #2, and the general face of the Cult in Wolfrun. His much less conspicuous appearance, and personable attitude, allows him to act as a go-between of sorts, avoiding much of the suspicion that would arise if his boss dealt with the locals. To most he seems fairly friendly and light-hearted, but it is simply a ruse to gain their trust. In reality he is a cold, methodical man who has little care for relationships and his fully devoted to his three-eyed god.
Highland Tribes
The Wolf Clan
The Wolf Bandit
An enigmatic bandit, head of a bandit tribe that plagues the western portion of the peninsula. Some think he is immortal. Some think he is part wolf, or even a mythical werewolf. Some think he devours his foes. Regardless off the myths, what is certain is that he is a man to be feared.
The Bear Clan
Other Points of Interest
Cloudcrest (ruins)
Kandoras (ruins)
Serpent Point
Kaelak the Viper
Born to an impoverished clan of elves within Serran, Kaelak, as he as became known, fled to the southern lands of the Andorian Peninsula, hoping for an opportunity to strike rich. When things didn’t go as he had wanted, the life of crime appealed to him, and he was soon part of the massive smuggling operation on the peninsula. Swift with the dagger, the nickname “Viper” stuck, and with such skills, he rose through the operation’s ranks, landing him a leadership position. Although few outside the smuggling ring have seen him, his reputation is mighty beyond it.
The Dwarven Mountains

The Northern Kingdom
Dwarves Crossing
The Western Kingdom
The Eastern Kingdom
The Southern Kingdom
Lord Bozin
Lord of Baerin and current de facto leader of the remaining Andor dwarves. With the fall of the kingdom and the extinction of the Andor dynasty, Bozin took charge and led the surviving refugees to safety, establishing Baerin as a safe haven from the strange creatures that overrun their homeland. He is a bit brash and slow to trust, but he is a fair and well-liked ruler by the dwarves he once saved.

The River Alliance
Al Mina
Independent City-States
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Re: People of Voreld Throughout History

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Forelle Sea
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Re: People of Voreld Throughout History

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Re: People of Voreld Throughout History

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Re: People of Voreld Throughout History

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Re: People of Voreld Throughout History

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Dwarven Mountains
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Re: People of Voreld Throughout History

Post by Fialova »

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Re: People of Voreld Throughout History

Post by Fialova »

Tulrisse, at the time of the unification
Player Characters and Important NPCs
The Party
Valcus 'Valc' Torinn (GROMkill) - Human (Dragonborn) Warlord
Drake Aerden (Namelessjake) - Human (Dwarf) Fighter
Caelen (Scratcherclaw) - Elf Ranger
Rorin Swordwalker (kalis5) - Human (Half-elf) Rogue
Embla (PureZaros) - Human (Shardmind) Warlock
Zara (TheWalrus42) - Human (Half-elf) Warpriest
Cyrus Solrane (Pashalik) - Human (Half-Orc) Slayer
Important Figures
Lord Asbjörn Lorkan - Lord of Greywood

Lord Lucius Jont - the lord of Garland and its surrounding towns and villages.

Ranger Dick - a ranger captain in Garland

Bob - owner of the Timid Troll inn & tavern in Garland, where the party stayed

Alice - Bob's wife and morning attendant at the Timid Troll

The Witch - a legendary witch who has plagued garland for an unspecified amount of time

Walter Wellesly - a local minor noble of incredible wealth. He didn't trust the party at first, but offered to pay for the safe return of his children.

Wendy and Winifred Wellesy - Walter Wellesly's twin daughters, rescued by the party from the Witch's dungeon.

Roark - Wellesly's bodyguard, an incredibly large and intimidating man who masqueraded as his master when the party first arrived at the manor.

Cormic McCormick - a famed woodsman and con man, who agreed to lead the party into the woods in search of the witch provided he got to avoid all dangerous situations.

Stranded Family - Father, Mother, and Daugher - A family found on the side of the road who had been tricked by the False Falconer and his gang into paying them their savings for safe travel. You are now escorting them to the Violet Keep.

Roy - the Vice-Captain of the Volberg Raptor Corps. In Lord Wilhelm's absence he is now also serving as steward of the Violet Keep.

Lord Gunther von Trahl -the lord of Volberg, a large bearded man with a loud voice and a seemingly eternal smile. Murdered in his sleep while the party slept in the next hallway.

Lady Miriam von Trahl - the lady of Volberg, a kindly woman with a taste for sweets. Murdered in her sleep while the party slept in the next hallway.

Lord Wilhelm von Trahl - the lord's son and heir to the throne. He also serves as Captain of the Volberg Raptor Corps. Since his father's death he has become the new Lord of Volberg, and is actively leading the Raptor Corps into battle against the Imardanian invasion.

Chain seller - a cheerful woman who runs Lucius' Links in the Violet Keep

Antonio - a Peloth spy based out of an abandoned home in the Violet Keep town. He poses as a man of the streets to gain intel.

Natalia - a Peloth spy based out of an abandoned home in the Violet Keep town. She is very quiet and tends to keep to herself.

Stable master - a serious man who runs the stables in the Violet Keep

Lysanthir - a flamboyant man who runs a clothing shop in the Violet Keep. He and Caelen have had sex, and plan to more in the future.

Cheese seller - a portly woman who runs the Sweet Dairy Air in the Violet Keep

Ognar - a muscular orc who runs Ognar's Bakery in the Violet Keep

Falconry shop keeper/instructor - a quiet man who runs a small shop that sells falconry accessories in the Violet Keep. He has offered to teach Drake falconry.

Healer - a brash woman of medicine, who runs a small hospice in the Violet Keep.

Lady Tasha - a noblewoman from Holdfast, and Wilhelm von Trahl's fiancee. Revealed to have been Natalia in disguise, and the one who assassinated the Lord and Lady von Trahl.

Priest of Fausta - a priest in Volberg's temple to Fausta, the goddess of the beasts.

Sculder & Mully - a pair of Raptor Corps knights, serving as city guard. They were two of the first on the scene of the murdered Corpsmen found in town. Sculder is the man, Mully the woman.

Master Raimund de Leon - Raimund is the current Master of the Hollow, reigning out of Darden's Hold. His ancestry can be traced all the way back to the Serran nobility who once called the region their home.

Warden Marsten Karlach - Marsten is the current Warden of Red Bridge. He is currently at war with The Lord of Trelheim over Fausta's Steppe.

Queen Millicent II - Millicent Fialova is the queen of Menora and the surrounding region of Malverne. She has close ties with the Kingdom of Bal.

Princess Lillian - Lillian Fialova is the daughter of Queen Millicent of Menora. She tends to keep to herself, and is a fan of reading.

Lord Omar Rautrel - The Lord of Trelheim, reigning from the Oak Crossing. He is currently at war with the Warden of Red Bridge over Fausta's Steppe.
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Re: People of Voreld Throughout History

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Serran, at the time of its collapse
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Re: People of Voreld Throughout History

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Brennis, when overrun by the undead
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Re: People of Voreld Throughout History

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The Dwarven Mountains, leading up to Garrund's fall from grace and the founding of Andor
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Re: People of Voreld Throughout History

Post by Fialova »

Tulrisse, at the time of the Hollowguard's recovery
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Re: People of Voreld Throughout History

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Kurnhuelde, at the time of the last great hunt
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Re: People of Voreld Throughout History

Post by Fialova »

Imardin, shortly after defeating Mai'kawa
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Re: People of Voreld Throughout History

Post by Fialova »

Ghia, at the time of its civil war
First King of Amkhara
A distant descendant of Cleonamus Amkhara, the Serran Tenant, Yu Tung Amkhara earned his place in history by leading the western force in the Ghian civil war. After its conclusion he was crowned the first king of a nation bearing his name, ensuring his dynasty a long and prosperous reign for generations to come
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Re: People of Voreld Throughout History

Post by Fialova »

Tulrisse, at the time of the War of Three Kings

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Re: People of Voreld Throughout History

Post by Fialova »

Imardin, shortly before the end of the 5th era

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