The OCB Special Task Force OOC

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The OCB Special Task Force OOC

Post by Fialova »

It is a quiet, peaceful day in your home, the sun shines brightly, the streets outside are as calm as ever. It is the quietest district in the city, at least most of the time. Few spend their time chatting outside, always too exhausted after a day of patrolling - or, on occasion, fighting - to do anything but relax and take their mind off things.

You've been relaxing for days now since your last task, until the familiar rapping on the door is heard. It's Carter, so that means work. He hands you a missive, sealed and stamped with the Captain's seal. He gives you a nod, and takes his leave, likely bringing identical missives to the rest of your group.

As you open the letter, you notice the signature beautiful calligraphy of the Captain, and begin to read...

Code: Select all

Classified Report -- Oddities in Wolfrun


For the past several weeks there have been reports of outsiders moving into Wolfrun, transporting cargo of some form. The Baron, Hasten Aerden, has become reclusive and refuses to talk to our knights in the area, and we have received orders in his name (from the hands of these outsiders) that the Order is to scale back their presence here, and be out entirely by the end of the month.

From what our knights report, the outsiders appear to be staying permanently, and are slowly replacing our knights as well as the Baron's old sworn men as the military and guard presence in the area. They regularly move in and out of the Baron's tower, which is kept locked and no others are admitted except these newcomers. 


Investigate the goings-on of the Baron discretely. We suspect he is working with a smuggling ring, and that these newcomers are smugglers or bandits of some sort. If they are allowed to have a safe haven in Wolfrun, then the Iron Eye Cove will be at risk, as well as the entire western portion of Andor.

There are rumors from Iron Eye Cove that similar odd men have been seen around there as well, so you should begin your search there. It would also be prudent to check the Cape, shading dealings always tend to find there way there.

Report your findings within a month, and we will decide on the best course of action from there.

Good luck.

Ser Percival Melchett,
Captain of the Military District,
Order of the Cherry Blossom
Setting and Lore

You are a member of the Order of the Cherry Blossom, a large and influential group of independent knights based out of Fort Sakura, on the Andorian Peninsula. No ordinary knight, you are a member of the Special Task Force - an elite group hand-picked by Captain Percival Melchett to oversee missions of particular risk and interest to the Order.

Every member of the Special Task Force holds the rank of Sergeant, a middling rank that is above all standard knights, thus giving you authority over virtually all colleagues you may meet on your missions. This allows you to recruit help as needed if a situation calls for it, as well as gather information more effectively - knights should always answer to their superiors when questioned.

You've been a member of the Special Task Force for at least one mission prior to this one, so for at least a month or so, but would have been a member of the Order for longer (likely at least five or so years). You can be a member for any amount of time longer than that, though, so long as you are young enough to still be in your prime and an elite among the ranks.

The vast majority of knights in the Order are from the Andorian peninsula, which is primarily human in makeup. Most of the dwarves that once ruled the area are now holed up in Baerin in the mountains to the north, and very few leave their own kind. Very few elves have made it this far south, and most that have are fairly poor, though that does not mean there aren't a few amongst the Order's ranks. Orcs exist, but most in the city are of the wealthy sort, entrepreneurs who gambled and won with their decision to move their business to Fort Sakura. All of this means that you are very likely a human from the peninsula itself, but feel free to be something else if you have a good enough concept (which also makes sense, and isn't just shoehorning an idea).

Character Creation Rules

System: 4e
Level 7
Stats: 25pt buy.
Race: Any published, refluffed as human, elf, orc, or dwarf (or any combination of two e.g. half orc/elf, half dwarf/human, etc.). Half-races are generally infertile, so you can't get down into quarters of a race.
Class: Any published.
Feats: Choice of free expertise feat.
Themes: Allowed and encouraged.
Background: +2 to a skill or add a language.
Equipment: One free level 6, 7, and 8 magic items. Free basic shit items within reason (ask if you are unsure). 1800gp to spend on other magic items or to have on your person.
Skills: There are no class skill restrictions; any class can train any skill. You still must take the mandatory/bonus skills granted by your class as usual (e.g. Arcana for a wizard). In addition, every class starts with at least 4 trained (before accounting for race/theme/feats/etc.) regardless of what the builder says, and any that would otherwise have fewer gets more to make 4 as a base number.
Rituals: Component costs for all rituals are reduced to ¼ their normal values to encourage ritual use. Also, Raise Dead will not be allowed in this game – dead is dead, though we hope that doesn’t have to be an issue.
Inherent Bonuses: No
Languages: We will not be using the standard 4e languages, but instead the ones listed below. Every character should know Andorian as the default language for this setting (as opposed to common), and should they gain additional languages (from race, theme, feat, etc.) then simply choose additional ones from the list of custom languages provided below.
Hybrids: In any game I run, you will be allowed to take the feat "Hybrid Talent" as many times as you like as a hybrid character. I feel like this helps make up for the fact that most hybrids are incredibly sub-par, and it allows for some really interesting combinations if you look hard enough. The CB does not allow for this option by default, though, so you will need to house-rule it and keep track of the benefits manually.
Common - Common is a lingua franca in this world. Most people know at least some of the common tongue, and many speak it fluently, but it is not the primary language of any nation. People who only know Common are typically sailors, or other people who have spent most of their life traveling rather than in one place.

Tulrissian – The national language of Tulrisse, a primarily human agricultural-based kingdom.

(Modern) Serran – The primary language spoken by the small kingdoms of an expansive arid region known as the Serran Desert, which consist mostly of humans and orcs.

Old Serran - The language spoken in the old, now-collapsed Serran Kingdom. Very few people still speak it with any amount of regularity except for the priests and priestess of the Serran gods and the Tenants, who need to know it for many old texts.

Imardanian – The national language of the Imardin Thalassocracy, a naval nation bent on spreading its monotheistic religion to all of Voreld whether people want it or not. It is a very diverse nation, but humans still make up the majority.

Kurnish – The language of the orc tribes of Kurnhuelde, a region primarily consisting of snowy hills on the Kurn Peninsula.

Andorian – A language that developed in the Andorian peninsula after it was settled by the Andor dwarves and became a prominent location in Voreld. It was originally a strange mix of Dwarven and Tulrissian, but has since grown into a distinct language of its own.

Dwarven – The common language of the many dwarf kingdoms that occupy the mountains that run down the center of Voreld.

Elven – A catch-all term in Voreld for any of the many distinct dialects spoken by the elf natives of Quellam, a continent to the east.

Gleiosian - A language spoken primarily on Gleios and the surrounding smaller islands it influences.

Brennisian - A language that originated on the Isle of Brennis, but spread after the small nation conquered a large region of the archipelago. It has since become much less prevalent than it once was.

Ghian - A language originating on Ghia, and spreading with its culture to the smaller nearby islands.

Chathran - A language spoken primarily on Chathra and Cianthum

Okani - A language spoken by the people of Mai'okon and the surrounding small islands under its influence.

Vishan - An odd language that evolved from from both Ghian and Chathran, spoken on the islands of Visha
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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: The OCB Special Task Force OOC

Post by Fialova »

Ten-Minute Background

Shamelessly stolen from here.

Since this game is more of a traditional campaign, where the characters guide the game and there is no real over-arching plot (unlike the Tulrisse game, where ultimately everything is moving toward the unification and repelling the invasion), I would like you all to complete the following either in place of a standard background write-up, or in addition to one; it is up to you which you go with. The purpose of this is to get some specific info to work with, as well as some meta-goals that you all as players would like to accomplish. Having them all here, rather than me asking you at various times, makes it easier for me to reference them and plan for future activities in-game.

(All examples are taken from my own post for the game linked above, and are using an entirely different setting than the one we will be in.)

Step 1: Write 5 background and concept elements that you feel are important to your image of the character. These can be a concept overview, a list of important life events, a physical description, a personality profile...whatever you need to get an image in your mind. 5 is just a minimum...more elements are encouraged but not required. Don't feel pressured or at a loss due to unfamliarity with the Ganoltir campaign world! I'm more than happy to provide elements and more to assist in the process.
1) Birth - Karth was born as the offspring of Queen Gwarta of Bridged City and one of her many guards. During her pregnancy it was assumed she would be giving birth to another of her husband's children, but when the child turned out to be a half-elf this was quickly proven to be false. The king consort, enraged by the discovery, demanded his wife reveal who the father was. Not wishing for controversy, she quickly revealed who the information and Karth and his father were banished and sent away in secret. The royal family told the public that the pregnancy resulted in a miscarriage and held a grand funeral for the supposed deceased prince. Meanwhile, Karth's father travelled with his newborn son to the city of Mithril to start a new life.

2) Early Life - Karth's father settled in the Harbor City section of Mithril and began taking whatever odd jobs he could find. As Karth got older he would sometimes help, but he usually caused more harm than good and was sent away. It was these times that he first began following the other boys around town, participating in various acts of thievery and creating bonds of friendship.

3) Later Life - As he got older, Karth began to grow bored with petty thievery. After all, it was his destiny to become king of Bridged City and he wasn't going to do that by pickpocketing the various merchants who came to Harbor City. He wanted more, but he didn't exactly know how to get it. Lucky for him his old friend Faust was an ambitious one, and when he stole a ship from the harbor he invited Karth and the other thieves who grew up together to join as his crew. Karth saw this as an opportunity, not only to relieve his boredom but also to gain more riches than he'd ever be able to scrounge alone.

4) The Magnificent Manslayer - As is custom among the Conspicuous Oils, Karth has a nickname that he goes by. When thinking up the names with the others he initially came up with such ideas as "Karth the Glorious", "The Radiant Ruffian", and "The Most Gorgeous Pirate Known to Man." These were all quickly shot down by the others, who said the point of the nicknames were to strike fear. Faust suggested he go by "The Manslayer" since he was always a ruthless fighter when the need arose, and reluctantly Karth accepted. However, it quickly came to everyone's attention that he was reffering to himself as "Karth the Magnificent" outside of their presence. They tried to get him to follow the captain's suggestion, only to be told that "the title simply does not express my greatness as well as it should." After some discussion they finally all came to a compromise, and Karth's nickname was officially made to be "The Magnificent Manslayer."

5) Appearance - Karth is somewhat tall, standing 6'3", with a fairly slender build. He has long, silver hair due to his elven heritage and he is very protective of it - many men have scars (or worse) to show as a result of touching Karth's hair. His manner of dress is never very fancy as he has always been of the lower class, but whatever the clothing he always wears it in a way that gives off an air of nobility. Even while at sea he makes a point to look his best, and can often be found tending to his precious hair. On his belt hangs a mirror that, while useful for some raids, spends most of its time reflecting Karth's face back at him.

6) Personality Traits - As a narcissist Karth tends to be very confident in his abilites, and his self-esteem is never low. He goes into every battle without fear, completely assured of his victory from the start. He is always looking to make friends with new people (no one should miss the opportunity to gaze upon his gorgeous face, after all), though this is often made difficult due to the arrogance that often manifests in social situations due to his narcissism. He is extremely loyal to the few people he truly respects, and despite his overconfidence he is still a formidable opponent on the battlefield, so to some it might be worth earning that respect.
Step 2: List at least two goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another should be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.
1) Karth ultimately desires to become the king of Bridged City. He feels he was wrongly banished, and that as retribution he deserves to gain the throne in place of his half-sister Hannatha.

2) I'd like Karth to get a chance to return to Bridged City so that I can develop that part of his story. He need not actually ever gain the throne as he wants, but I'd at least like to have him come to terms with royalty who are against him in some way, and perhaps meet his mother for the first time.
Step 3: List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet. This will help me in creating plots that center around your character. I may also be creating a third secret which you as a player will not be aware of, so expect the unexpected.
1) Karth is actually the son of Queen Gwatra of Bridged City, making him royalty in the city-state. He ultimately plans to use this to become king and rule the city-state as he feels he deserves.

2) Karth was made a divine champion of Enkili without his knowledge, and most of his success and combat skill is a result of this. Enkili chose him for his personality, and as such the divine powers he possesses are triggered by him acting in line with his natural narcissism. Acting against this can sometimes have negative effects.
Step 4: Describe at least three people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. If you like, you can include an enemy of yours here as well, so I have an instant NPC nemesis to throw at you.
1) Karth's father is his only real family, and he cares deeply about his only son. He is the one who filled Karth's head with the idea of becoming king, and thus is directly responsible for Karth's narcissism.

2) Captain Faust is an old friend and Karth has a great deal of respect for the quirky man. He is one of the few people Karth views as an equal.

3) Queen Gwatra, Karth's mother, has a somewhat neutral opinion of him. As her own child she cannot hate him, but she was not sad when he was banished from Bridge City with his father. She wants to avoid a succession dispute just as much as the other royals who know of his existence, but would be torn somewhat if that were ever to happen.

4) The king consort of Bridged City was furious when he learned that Karth was not his son, and when he found out he immediately had the boy and his father banished from the city. He loved his wife enough to forgive her for her affair, but he hates Karth and his father and would likely go to any means to keep them from returning or gaining any sort of prominince in Bridged City.
Step 5: Describe three memories, mannerisms, or quirks that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor.
1) Karth is very much a narcissist, and can sometimes be quite arrogant due to his self-absorption. Ironically, these personality traits are the direct cause of his successes in life, as well as his skills in combat, due to them triggering his divinely-granted abilities.

2) He has a very fuzzy memory of the palace interior from the time he was born. Occasionally it is the setting of his dreams, where he is revered by the citizens of Bridge City as a great leader.

3) He absolutely hates for anyone to touch his hair unless they are a very close friend, and even then he is not completely comfortable with it. Touching Karth's hair is one of the few ways to anger him (and the quickest), and has occasionally resulted in the injury or death of the unfortante offender.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions

Who raised you and how did they shape your life? What social class do you belong to, and how did that change your opportunities and your outlook? What do you do for a living, and have you changed careers in the past? What social institutions (religions, governments, civil society, businesses) are you a part of or interact with? Do you have a spouse? Children? Did you at one time?

I add this last bit because I like to tie characters into the world around them. Often, people go for very individual or personal stories - long-lost love, bad guy killed my parents, mysterious birth, etc. But I find that this can make characters somewhat disconnected from the world around them, and the world becomes rather too much of a two-dimensional backdrop. Both in reality, you'd expect people to be profoundly shaped by their society and the institutions around them.
Family - Karth's only real family is his father, and older elven man who was once a guard at the Queen's palace in Bridged City. While he is related by blood to the Bridged City royalty, most of them are unaware of his existence. The ones who do know of him want him kept a secret, so as not to cause a succession dispute.

Class - On his mother's side he is a member of the Bridged City royalty, on his father's side he is a common peasant. He was raised by his father in Mithril as a simple commoner, but his royal blood cannot be denied.

Profession - Karth is a pirate and he is good at it. He has been First Mate of the Quina Vjeta for a long time under Captain Faust, and not without reason. He was one of the few to survive the fateful encounter with the guarded merchant ship, and one of the even fewer to survive who was also a companion of Faust in his youth.

Institutions - he is a member of Faust's Crew, the Conspicuous Oils.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary

Here's where I like to get a bit more personality than backstory, because an overly historical concept only really gives you a good grounding in what your character did, what happened to them, rather than what they'll do in the future. So I generally try to ask what motivates a character at any given moment: Revenge? Wealth? Fame? Personal Excellence? Curiosity? Survival? Instinct? Reason? Power? Emotions? Loyalty? Etc.
Primary - Karth's feeling of entitelement towards the throne of Bridged City is his primary motivating factor. He deserves to rule the city as he sees it, and he will do everything in his power to obtain the position he views as rightfully his.

Secondary - His years as a pirate have also fostered in him a desire for wealth. He has incorporated this lesser desire into his ultimate goal of becoming King of Bridged city by deciding that he will not yet return to the city-state until he has first amassed considerable wealth. This amassing of wealth will surely make it easier for him to obtain the influence he needs gain the throne, but he also wants it for the luxury as well.

Tertiary - Karth is always looking to make new friends, having grown up with very few. His personality tends to hinder him in his pursuit for companions, so one could say it is a never-ending search for those patient and accepting enough to handle his presence on a regular basis.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term

Similar to your Step 2, I think that goals give a character a higher order of drive, and can make for a nice character arc that gives level progression some meaning beyond mechanics. In addition, as you point out, it can also be a good hook for DMs.
Short Term - Meet and befriend the new crewmembers. More friends are always nice.

Medium Term - Continue earning coin with Faust, until Karth as enough to return to Bridged City in style and live there comfortably.

Long Term - Win the hearts of the people of Bridged City and take over as monach instead of his half-sister Hannatha.
OCB Relations - Important NPCs and other PCs

For this I'd like you guys to write your opinions/relationship status of the other PCs as well as the other named NPCs of the special task force (including Melchett, your boss), regardless of how close or distant that relationship is. Feel free to also include relationships between any other members of the Order of the Cherry Blossom who exist as well, either of your own creation or another player's.
Captain Blackwood - Karth has never met Blackwood, but has heard tales of the man's deeds. He respects and admires the man he imagines accomplishes those deeds, and would one day like to meet him (under peaceful terms, of course).

Mad Marian - Karth knows nothing but rumors of the buccaneer known as the 'Mad' Marian, but if the rumors are true then he would probably prefer to keep his distance.

Ser Percival Melchett - Karth is not a huge fan of national militaries, and Melchett reminds him of his mother's husband. Were the two to ever interact, it would likely not go well.

Wishlist - NPCs and Magic Items

Here you should make two lists in the same block:

1) a list of NPCs you'd like to exist in the world that are not directly related to your character. This could be other important figures, future PCs, or anyone else not covered in the section for related NPCs and OCB Relations.

Note: Make at least two of these be members of the OCB you might want to use in the future as alternate PCs, should yours die or you get sick of using them.

2) a list of magic items you'd like to obtain at some point in the future. They will be common in this game, unlike Tulrisse and others, so just put whatever it is you like and I will see if I can work it in at some point.

Note: Please include information on the level, item slot, and tier (if applicable) of the items included. This makes it easier for me to find them in the builder later.
Raoul - a hair stylist of some renown who Karth would like to visit sometime.

Paul Bumble - a man adept at feigning incompetence, who has amassed a large fortune by preying on the gullible in this manner.

Ice Dagger +1
Boots of Bounding
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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: The OCB Special Task Force OOC

Post by Fialova »

The Order of The Cherry Blossom: A Brief History


The Order of The Cherry Blossom: Hierarchy

The Order uses a rigid ranking system, providing members of each rank with insignias in the shape of a blooming cherry blossom flower. The number of colored petals indicates their rank, ranging from an 'empty' flower (with no colored petals) for new recruits, all the way up to a gilded, fully-colored blossom for the head of the order. The ranks are as follows, in ascending order:

Recruit [Insignia: five uncolored petals]
Anyone joining the order without prior combat training, or below a certain threshold of age and general maturity, becomes a recruit. These are not technically members, but more preliminary members-in-training. They undergo extensive combat training in the Fort Sakura military district of the course of a a few years to prepare to join the ranks of knights who serve.

Knight [Insignia: one colored and four uncolored petals]
By far the most numerous rank, this is the lowest tier among actual members of the order. All newcomers with prior combat training, as well as those who graduated from recruits, begin at this rank. Knights form small patrols, led by sergeants, and are issued orders from above. These patrols tend to be fairly static, encouraging members to form bonds over time.

For the most part knights tend to spend a lot of time on the road, though some groups are more stationary. The various cities around the Andorian Peninsula tend to house one or more groups of OCB knights for general protection, in return for room and board (and the occasional donation to the order), and there are some stationed in Serran as well, to combat the Nabrand coalition and oversee construction of a new fortress, the Desert Rose.

Knight Errant [Insignia: two colored and three uncolored petals]
Though technically higher in the order hierarchy than standard knights, knights errant have no direct authority than anyone underneath them. Instead, knights errant are granted greater autonomy to travel and combat crime and corruption without being tied to a patrol or specific orders. As such, knights errant are far and away the most common members of the order encountered outside of Andor.

To become a knight errant requires both great skill and moral character, enough so that those in charge feel comfortable allowing one to make judgement calls in line with the order's goals at their own discretion, without direct oversight. This makes earning the rank a considerable time investment, but once earned there is no position with greater freedom to travel the world and make a name for themselves. Many have been known to pass up promotions to sergeant in favor of shooting for knight errant, so that they can experience other cultures and landscapes while doing the good work.

Sergeant [Insignia: three colored and two uncolored petals]
The lowest of the officer ranks, sergeants are the most diverse group among the order. Some are scholars, diplomats, or administrators, hanging up their swords in favor of desk jobs in the Fort Sakura keep. Some are patrol leaders, continuing their earlier work as leaders instead of followers. Some are investigators, serving as the heads of the guard patrols within Fort Sakura's walls and dealing with any criminal investigations.

In addition to the other types of sergeants, all members of the special task force share the rank. This gives them direct authority over any knights and knights errant they may come across on missions, making it easier to obtain intel or recruit assistance as needed. All sergeants, additionally, have access to certain parts of the order's archives that are sealed to the rank and file, though higher ranks have more access still.

Captain [Insignia: four colored petals and one uncolored petal]
For all intents and purposes the Captain is the second-highest rank in the order, only trumped by the Commander during rare times of war. At any given time there are six captains, each one acting as administrator for a specific area under the order's control. Due to the vast dissimilarities between these areas, each captain tends to have very different duties from one another.The current six captains are split between the five districts of Fort Sakura, with the last presiding over the Masaan Valley farmlands directly outside the city. In the near future it is likely there will be a seventh Captain appointed, who is expected to oversee the Desert Rose fortress upon its completion.

Captain Percival Melchett, who oversees the Military District, is also de facto head of the order's personnel. He handles most promotions and organizes the patrols and their routes, as well as hand-picking the special task force and its missions. In addition to these duties, he is also in charge of placing orders with the Smith's Guild and Mason's guild, should the city need repairs or the order need new or better gear.

Captain Elric Vergos, who oversees the Masaan Valley, makes sure the Farmer's Guild is kept in check and that their labor force is taken care of. He is also in charge of territorial disputes and mediates sales and purchases of land within the valley, assuring that everything is done by the books.

Captain Yasmin Arduille, who oversees the Port District, controls all sea traffic in and out of the city, serving as de facto port authority. She uses her judgement and insight to determine who is allowed to dock and who is to be turned away, and has close ties with the local Merchant's Guild and Mariner's Guild to ensure that they follow all customs laws.

Captain _________, who oversees the Residential district, tends to have what may be considered the worst position depending on one's point of view. Their job entails dealing with all sales and purchases of homes within the district, zoning, planning and maintaining infrastructure, and serving as judge for minor crimes and disputes between the citizenry.

Captain _________, who oversees the Market District, deals mostly with the business side of things in the city. They are responsible for issuing business licenses and ensuring that the local guilds stay in line, and that aggressive business practices are kept in check. In addition, they mediate all disputes between businesses and guilds.

Captain Destrian Willis, who oversees the Garden District, has what many consider to be the cushiest job in the order. It is almost a purely diplomatic position, dealing with foreigners seeking to purchase the city's most valuable real estate and keeping the local wealthy elite happy and appeased. They also are in charge of the landscaping around the city, organizing the work force that keeps things looking fresh and inviting. Destrian was transferred to this position as he got older, an easy position to match his age.

Commander [Insignia: five colored petals]
The commander is officially the second highest rank in the order, though it is only a temporary title that exists in the rare time of war. Only one of the order's captains may be appointed as Commander in times of need, and traditionally this has always been granted to the captain of the military district. They exert absolute authority on the battlefield, only answering to the Grand Cross if present, and are tasked with planning strategies and formations for any battles or defenses that are forthcoming. As soon as wartime ends, the appointed captain returns to their normal rank and all returns to normal.

Grand Cross [Insignia: five gold-trimmed colored petals]
At the top of the hierarchy of the order sits Grand Cross, who directly oversees the six captains and, indirectly, everyone else. The original Grand Cross was a man by the name of Adrian d'Arcangeli, and has been held by one of his descendants ever since, each one raising their children to succeed them.

The Grand Cross' duties are mostly administrative and diplomatic, with most of their efforts spent dealing with things external to Fort Sakura. Traveling to visit close trade partners with the city, as well as entertaining them domestically, are two of the primary duties. The Grand Cross is also the judge who presides over and major criminal trials, and directly oversees the wardens of the prison complex that forms the upper portion of the keep.

Currently the position is held by Alexios d'Arcangeli, a distant ancestor of the founder of the order and skilled warrior. He has raised his eldest daughter, Lorelai, to one day take the reigns, and she currently serves on the special task force, working her way up the ranks in hopes of meeting that goal.
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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: The OCB Special Task Force OOC

Post by Fialova »

Fort Sakura: Home of the Order of the Cherry Blossom


Fort Sakura is a large fortified city built on a small island off the eastern coast of the Andorian Peninsula, founded in the mid fifth era. Despite its relatively young age in world history, it has grown heavily in prominence in the last few centuries to become one of the most important cities, and certainly the economic hub of the peninsula.

The city was planned from the start to live up to its name, a fortress shaped like the cherry blossom it was built to protect. The materials and masons for its impressive walls were generously provided by the kingdom of Andor, in thanks for the OCB's selfless protection of their trade routes and those of the other settlers around the peninsula. It took twenty-eight years to fully raise the outer walls, another thirteen to finish the central keep. The iconic White Gate, which adorns the main entrance to the city, was built around the existing gatehouse over a century after the initial construction.

The unique shape of the city's walls results in six distinct - and separate - sections, each one given a purpose from the very beginning and expanding under strict guidance so that there is little overlap. The six sections correspond to the five petals of the flower, as well as the pistil in the center. The petals serve as city districts, each district with certain zoning restrictions and differing general purposes. Clockwise, beginning with the western-most district (where the White Gate is found), they are the Market District, the Garden District, the Military District, the Residential District, and the Port District. The central section of the city, which consists of a massive tower complex, is the city's Keep.

The Market District
Fort Sakura's market district is the center of the city's activity, which is why it was designated as the first section most folks enter into when first arriving in town. Walking through the White Gate leaves one gazing out over Griffon Square, gazing on the great statue in the center surrounded by its meticulously kept flowers and topiaries. To your left you'd be met with the Peddler's Path, a wide road full of street vendor stalls that snakes into the northern portion of the district. To your right you'd find a much narrower, quieter route that leads to the more residential and artisanal section, which eventually finds its way to the Church of Acceptance - a non-denominational site of worship where priests of any faith my preach, and worshipers of any god may pray.

The market district is first and foremost, as its name suggests, a commercial zone. There are residences scattered throughout, but they are almost exclusively those of the local business owners (often located above or below their storefronts), or apartments rented out above local shops by their owners (usually by those who own multiple shops, or live elsewhere). In addition to the bulk of Fort Sakura's business and shops, the market district also houses both the Merchant's Guild and the Writer's Guild.

The Garden District
The most exclusive (and expensive) district, both for shopping and living, the Garden District is set aside for Fort Sakura's wealthy elite. Early on in the city's history, when the Order was just beginning to grow in respect and wealth, the second Grand Cross - Andel d'Arcangeli - rightly anticipated that having a section reserved purely for those of wealth and influence would help draw such people in as both investors in the Order and new, permanent residents of the city. Thus he chose the section where his private estate was located (which, at the time, was no more than a small wooden home and some fenced grazing land) to become this new district, marking out large sections to be reserved for other private estates, to be sold to those with the money to buy large sections of land at once.

The current Garden District has evolved much since its creation those centuries ago, featuring six large estates - the largest being the ancestral d'Arcangeli estate - and many other larger homes and more upscale shops. Along the main road through the district can be found Fort Sakura's largest and most expensive inn, which is the lodging of choice for traveling merchants stopping in for trade deals. The road itself is lined with beautiful landscaping and there are various public parks through the district. On top of all this, the local Jeweler's Guild calls this district their home.

The Military District
Before the city walls of Fort Sakura were even halfway finished, this section of the city was officially designated as an are exclusively controlled by the Order. While the Order controls the entire city, the Military district is for knights only and very few non-members are ever allowed admittance within its inner walls without special permission.

While the other districts can be a bit haphazard in their layouts and architecture, the military district is very structured and uniform in design. It is separated from the main street of the city by a stone wall, significantly smaller than the city walls, but large enough to be a deterrent for any would-be trespassers. The large wooden doors that lead into the heart of the district head down into a circular central area, which surrounds the large open courtyard used by the knights for training and sparring. Another decline in the road then leads to the workshop area, where everything arms and armor to siege weapons are constructed as needed.

The vast majority of the district - all but the workshop area - is residential, serving as permanent housing for all knights of the order who have no homes of their own. These lodgings are provided free of charge to those admitted into the order, and paid for by local taxes. The lower ranks tend to share homes with many of their colleagues, often with entire patrols sharing a single section to bolster relations. Officers are afforded more spacious quarters, and the Captains are each allotted their own private homes. In addition to housing nearly the entire Order at any given time, the district also houses the city's Mason's Guild and Smith's Guild.

The Residential District
The residential district of Fort Sakura was built on the lowest section of the city, part of which was originally marshland. Dirt and rubble leftover from carving out sections of the Military and Port districts was used to fill in the wetland portion, creating stable land to build on, though a drain was built to filter any residual ground water and future rain out of the district and back into the sea. However, over time the rain and shifting ground has caused part of the district to revert back to is original marshy state, leaving a dichotomy within the district between the higher, more stable (and, thus, more valuable) land, and the lower, less stable (and much less desirable) land.

The closer one is to the entrance of the residential district, the nicer it appears to be. However, the further one ventures into its confusing, muddy streets, the worse conditions become, and the more desperate the situations of its inhabitants. The southwestern portion of the district is barely above sea level, and poor drainage and unstable ground keeps it consistently wet with murky, disgusting water. There is a permanent smell of feces and mold that permeates the air, and all but those who inhabit the shacks built upon the barely-exposed ground (mostly recent immigrants and unskilled laborers or farmhands) try to avoid the lower section of town. It only adds insult to injury that the Farmer's Guild - the largest and most influential guild in the city - overlooks the slums (where most of its workers reside) from a hill right at the lower portion's edge.

Not all of the district is as bad, though. Most of it is nice enough, apart from the lingering stench emanating from nearby, and it serves as the locations of most purely residential buildings. The entryway boasts a stable for the locals to keep their horses in, should they own any, and the winding streets make for some tight-knit and cozy neighborhoods. In addition, both the Explorer's Guild and the Farmer's Guild reside in the Residential district, as well as the now-defunct Miner's Guild.

The Port District
When the city was founded and the walls under construction, the current harbor that makes up the bulk of the port district was solid ground, though mostly of a low elevation. Knowing full well that a city this close to the sea would need a port, Adrian d'Arcangeli convinced the Andor dwarves - with help from his own Order initiates - to dig out the land to create the walled harbor that now exists. The resulting rubble would then be used to fill in parts of the residential district, as well as for creating breakwaters along the sections of wall extending past the shoreline.

The port has two sections, divided simply by wall sections. One wall section, the one with the higher cliffs, is for primarily-passenger vessels and for high-value trade - items too fragile or important to be left to the dock hands on the commercial docks. The other wall section is for the rest, the commercial vessels and docked privateers. This divide gives rise to very different social climates, with the western docks being considered fairly high class and safe, while the lower eastern docks are treated with caution and seen as a haven for undesirables. At the intersection of the main road and the western dock road can be found the city's Mariner's Guild.

The Keep
In the center of the city, connected to the entire wall system and separate from all but the market district, is Fort Sakura's Keep. It is a massive masonry structure that serves many functions, all of which falling under the blanket of rule. While Fort Sakura serves as the Order of the Cherry Blossom's home, the Keep is its headquarters.

There are many floors that make up the Keep, and in a general sense they range from less to more important as one ascends. The first floor is for general administration, and includes a court chamber for trials, a large ballroom for entertaining important visitors, the Order's library and archives, and an extensive series of storerooms, endlessly stocked and inventoried in case of shortages or emergencies.

The second floor contains office space for the officers with more administrative duties, such as the captains and certain sergeants, a meeting room for the Order's top brass to meet and discuss important matters with one another, as well as apartments for visiting diplomats or rulers to stay in while visiting and treating with the Grand Cross.

The third floor houses the Grand Cross' seat, where he can be appealed to by the locals, and the rest is devoted to barracks space for knights assigned to guard duty within Fort Sakura, whether along the walls, in the streets, or in the Keep itself.

Going up from there, the construction narrows considerably into a tower, which serves as the Order's prison. The prison system itself consists of multiple floors, with more dangerous criminals being placed on higher floors. The guard barracks on the third floor also serve as lodgings for the prison wardens, who sleep in shifts while the others are on duty guarding the cells.

Guilds of Fort Sakura

The Farmer's Guild

The Merchant's Guild

The Mariner's Guild

The Mason's Guild

The Smith's Guild

The Jeweler's Guild

The Writer's Guild

The Explorer's Guild

The Miner's Guild
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Re: The OCB Special Task Force OOC

Post by Fialova »

Lorelai d'Arcangeli, future Grand Cross of the OCB

In Combat
Lorelai is generally happy and upbeat, and tends to be pretty energetic on the whole. She values loyalty and honesty, though prefers not to be teased about her small stature. On certain subjects she can have a bit of a short temper, but her losing her cool is rare. Even so, most tend to try to avoid bringing up said subjects.

Coming from wealth, she can seem a bit spoiled at times. She doesn't try to lord her family's wealth over others, but can often forget that not everyone had such an easy upbringing. This can often rub people the wrong way, especially those who grew up poor, but her genuine friendliness serves to alleviate that to an extent.

She has her own horse, who she's had for the last 8 years. Its name is Jessie and she is very protective of it, treating it more as a pet than a mode of transportation. Since she's never had many close friends, Jessie's always served as one of her closest.
Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements






People Tied to Character
Clarissa Marcheford
Lorelai's childhood friend from Tulrisse, who she has been secretly in love with ever since adolescence. The two grew up seeing one another regularly, since Clarissa's father was often in Fort Sakura to trade, but the two have seen each other less and less since they've gotten older.

Clarissa is a serious woman of honor, who has proven her skills and loyalty by being appointed one of the personal guards to King Amerik Fulsen and his family, of Tulrisse. She is an exotic beauty to many in the region, her mother's dark skin and her father's blond hair and blue eyes combining in the most unusual of ways.

In combat she prefers polearms, though she has training in swords and other weapons as well, if needed. She is most often seen in her armor, as she only rarely frequents social gatherings. She spends much of her time turning away suitors, too concerned is she with her duty to try to make a relationship work with someone only interested in her for her looks, wealth, and connections.


Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks


Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions



Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary


Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term


Character Sheet
Lorelai d'Arcangeli, level 7
Vryloka, Cleric|Cavalier
Hybrid Cleric: Battle Cleric's Lore
Hybrid Cavalier: Hybrid Cavalier Reflex
Hybrid Talent: Paladin Armor Proficiency
Background: Occupation - Military (+2 to Athletics)
Theme: The Transcendent Order

Str 20, Con 15, Dex 13, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 16.

Str 17, Con 14, Dex 13, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 14.

AC: 26 Fort: 20 Reflex: 17 Will: 19
HP: 58 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 16

Athletics +17, Intimidate +11, Acrobatics +11, Endurance +10, Perception +10

Arcana +2, Bluff +6, Diplomacy +6, Dungeoneering +3, Heal +3, History +2, Insight +3, Nature +3, Religion +2, Stealth +6, Streetwise +6, Thievery +4

Feat User Choice: Mighty Crusader Expertise
Level 1: Monastic Disciple
Level 2: Weapon Proficiency (Fullblade)
Level 4: Hybrid Talent
Level 6: Fluid Motion

Hybrid at-will 1: Recovery Strike
Monastic Disciple: Stone Fist Flurry of Blows
Hybrid encounter 1: Healing Strike
Hybrid daily 1: Moment of Glory
Hybrid utility 2: Call of Challenge
Hybrid encounter 3: Holy Smite
Hybrid daily 5: Frost of Letherna
Hybrid utility 6: Action Trance
Hybrid encounter 7: Words Are Not Enough

Equipped Items

Code: Select all

Main Hand: Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade Fullblade +1 (two-handed)
Offhand:   Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade Fullblade +1 (two-handed)
Body:      Mithral Plating Plate Armor +2

Head:      ---
Neck:      Badge of the Berserker +2
Arms:      Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier)
Hands:     ---
Waist:     Plain Belt, Dagger, Waterskin (2)
Feet:      ---
Symbol:    Holy Symbol of Hyrmina, The Artist
Ki Focus:  ---
Ring:      Arcane Signet Ring, House d'Arcangeli
Ring:      ---
Tattoo:    ---

Boon:      Mercurial Mind (heroic tier)
Jessie, the Riding Horse
Level 1 Brute
Large natural beast (mount)

Initiative: +1
Perception: +5
Low-light vision

HP: 36
Bloodied: 18
AC: 14
Fortitude: 15
Reflex: 13
Will: 10
Speed: 10

Kick (Standard; At-will)
+4 vs AC, 1d6+4 damage.

No language

Str 19 (+4)
Con 16 (+3)
Dex 13 (+1)
Int 2 (-4)
Wis 11 (0)
Cha 9 (-1)
* Cold-weather clothing
* The World is Her Canvas (Doctrinal book on Hyrmina, The Artist)
* Everburning Torch
* Fine Clothing
* Flask (empty) (5)
* Flint and Steel
* Hair of Fairy Hues
* Inquisitive's Kit
* Investigation gear
* Lantern
* Rubbing Kit
* Writing case
Belt Pouch
* Cold Iron Shackles
* Bell and whistle
* Identification Papers with Portrait
* Manacles, iron
* Coinpurse of 120gp
All Items
Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade Fullblade +1, Mercurial Mind (heroic tier), Mithral Plating Plate Armor +2, Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier), Badge of the Berserker +2, Arcane Signet Ring, Riding Horse, Holy Symbol, Backpack (empty), Bell and whistle, Cold Iron Shackles, Cold-weather clothing, Dagger, Doctrinal book, Everburning Torch, Fine Clothing, Flask (empty) (5), Flint and Steel, Hair of Fairy Hues, Identification Papers with Portrait, Inquisitive's Kit, Investigation gear, Lantern, Manacles, iron, Rubbing Kit, Waterskin (2), Writing case, Belt Pouch (empty)
Combat Block
Lorelai d'Arcangeli

Female Vryloka Cleric|Cavalier 7
Languages: Andorian, Dwarven
Age: 26
Height: 5' 1"
Weight: 112 lbs.

Speed: 9 (8 when bloodied)
Initiative: +11
Passive Perception: 20
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Low-Light Vision

AC: 26
Fort: 20
Reflex: 17
Will: 19
HP: 58/58
Bloodied: 29
Surge Value: 16 (14 when bloodied)
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: +13 vs AC, 1d12+8 damage (+1d12+1d8 on crit)
RBA: +7 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage

8 necrotic

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects:
+5 to bluff to pass as human (irrelevant)
ranged/area implement attacks don't provoke OAs
+1d12+1d8 damage on crit, on top of max damage
gain 6 THP on killing non-minions
don't provoke OAs when charging


Recovery Strike
Defender Aura
Righteous Radiance
Vengeful Strike
Divine Sanction

Second Wind [_]
Lifeblood [_]
Healing Word [_]
Stone Fist Flurry of Blows [_]
Healing Strike [_]
Call of Challenge [_]
Holy Smite [_]
Action Trance [_]
Words Are Not Enough [_]
Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade +1 [_]
Mecurial Mind [_]

Moment of Glory [_]
Frost of Letharna [_]


Important Features:
Class Features
Hybrid: various weird rules for being hybrid, see PHB3 for a full breakdown

Battle Cleric's Lore: I gain a +2 shield bonus to AC, and gain proficiency with scale armor. Whenever I use a cleric healing power to allow an ally to spend a healing surge, the target gains +2 to their attack rolls until the end of my next turn.

Virtue of Valor (Hybrid): +4 to initiative and +2 to healing surge value.

Racial Features
Blooded Dependency: When bloodied, my healing surge value drops by 2.

Human Heritage: +5 racial bonus to bluff checks to pass as human.

Living Dead: If a power has different effects against living and undead creatures, I decide which one applies to me.

Necrotic Resistance: 5 + half level necrotic resistance

Vampiric Heritage: I can take vryloka utility powers instead of ones for my class.

Theme Features
Level 1 Transcendent Order Feature: +2 to initiative. When I roll initiative and mine isn't the highest result, I can use a free action to move up to my speed before anyone else's turn in the encounter.

Level 5 Transcendent Order Feature: +2 to Acrobatics and Athletics checks

Mighty Crusader Expertise: +1 to attacks with two-handed melee weapons and holy symbols. When I wield a two-handed melee weapon, ranged and area attacks I make with a holy symbol don't provoke OAs.

Monastic Disciple: Training in a skill, can use Monk implements, gain a flurry of blows power once per encounter. Multiclass Monk.

Hybrid Talent: Gain Paladin Armor proficiency.

Fluid Motion: +1 speed, +2 at level 11.

Item Features
Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade +1:
* +1 initiative
* When I reduce a non-minion enemy's HP to 0 hit points, I gain 6 temporary hit points.

Mercurial Mind (heroic tier): +1 speed when not bloodied

Mithral Plating Armor +2: no armor or speed check penalty

Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier): +2 to melee damage rolls

Badge of the Berserker +2: don't provoke OAs when charging
Jessie is a horse. A very pretty horse. Look at her pretty mane. So soft. Feel it. It's nice.
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Re: The OCB Special Task Force OOC

Post by ratwizard »

Introducing Ser Gillam Trehearne, the Laureled Commander

Ten-Minute Background Response Format
Background and Concept Elements
1) Early Life -- Gillam was born into the Treahearne family, a long-living House of Tulrissians that represent the second largest city in the Iron Plains, Dravaine. The firstborn of four, his family looked at him most critically. He was a mild-mannered boy and his scholarly lessons in history, language, culture, and warfare were taken with utmost diligence. With his father as the Baron of Dravaine, he was held to a high regard from youth and found his place among the society.

2) Training -- As Gillam grew into his preteens, he began training even before he could hold a sword. It was clear early on that he was quite a natural, and as soon as he was strong enough to begin using them, bastard swords were his weapon of choice during training.

3) Man-At-Arms -- Gillam grew old enough to be a part of the constant tussles between local leaders, bandit outcroppings, and everything in between. Having grown to be quite tall and strong to boot, he transitioned into training with a greatsword and heavy armor. Due to the instability of the kingdom under Amerik's rule, there were many internal wars over the years. Gillam participated in several battles and in each one was able to cut through swathes of enemies due to his powerful grasp at military tactics and physical prowess. After years of this, he slowly spiraled into a depression from the killing, developing a bit of mental trauma from all the violence.

4) The Journey to Andor -- In his early thirties, Gillam had to find some way to get rid of the dark thoughts clouding him from all the lives that he had ended in his time alive. Feeling an inexplicable urge, he painfully decided to part ways with his family, instead relocating to Fort Sakura. He applied for a position in the OCB and because of his training, education, and wartime merit, was taken in with good honor.

5) Rising Through Ranks -- Joining the Order as late as he did kept Gillam in a weird position for the first few years. There were many officers higher than he, with less experience and younger in general. Still, he worked tirelessly for the Order and over the course of about seven years, gravitated to the rank of Sergeant. During his time rising through the ranks, he participated in many missions, pledging his knowledge and prowess to any cause that was righteous to him.
1) Gillam has every intention of becoming a Captain once he has earned his stripes within the OCB. He knows that this is quite a lofty goal, but he has the potential to do so. If that does not work out, a long-serving sergeant with established seniority is a wish of his.

2) I want Gillam to survive through whatever may lie for him in the future, to find himself in a higher role within the OCB or to travel back to become the Baron of Trehearne should he not. I also want him to have some closure to satisfying the God of Peace's destiny for him.
1) Gillam hides the fact that he has hallucinations, nightmares, and sometimes experiences schizophrenic events. This is attributed to the brutalities and violence of the Tulrissian internal skirmishes/battles/wars.

2) Gillam is actually a champion of the God of Peace, created as a means to combat the ongoing attempts of the God of Strife to upset mortalkind among Voreld.
People Tied to Character
1) Knight Errant Sunara Daleni -- a fellow knight of the Order. Sunara is amiable, cheerful, and filled with joy, an exact foil to Gillam. She is younger than Gillam but arrived at the same time. Though Gillam surpassed her in rank because of his jumpstart, they remain holdfast friends. She reminds him a lot of his younger sister. Sunara is from Mestheim.

2) Beatriz Gulle -- a woman from Fort Sakura that Gillam has courted recently. They are still acquaintances but has taken an interest in Gillam despite his solemn nature. She is sensitive and passionate, but has a quick temper.

3) Sergeant Gresham Maldris -- Gillam's rival within the OCB. A younger man that joined the Order very early in his adulthood, he has issues with Gillam rising ranks so fast and has accused him of nepotism, bribery, everything under the sun. Gillam wishes him no ill feelings but does his best to avoid him.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Gillam is frequently tormented by the past memories of bloody battles, mercy killings, and other horrors. The one thing his training and education did not prepare him for were the sounds of hundreds of men dying at the end of a victorious battle. Since joining the OCB, his problems have lessened, but have not disappeared.

2) Gillam is a very quiet and solemn man. His temperament is mild, and he prefers to observe much of his surroundings to make proper judgement. He has a very slow temper, but can be explosive when it is finally reached.

3) Gillam has somewhat of a resting frown, looking constantly displeased. This has brought him some teasing in the Order.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: House Trehearne of Dravaine, in the Iron Plains. Gillam visits his family every so often and holds them in a decent regard.

Class: Upper class, both as nobility and as a Sergeant in the OCB. Gillam was born with wealth and will likely die with wealth.

Profession: Sergeant in the OCB. Gillam holds his profession with utmost respect and responsibility.

Institutions: Order of the Cherry Blossom
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Justice -- Gillam constantly strives for justice of mortalkind. He will go out of his way to help the people around him. He believes that wrongdoers must not go unpunished, though they should receive fair treatment.

Secondary: Power -- Gillam is very serious about his profession and devotes most of his time and effort to it. He has forsaken much to get where he is today and has no intent of stopping. From the power that he commands, he feels that he can accomplish proper justice across the world.

Tertiary: Feeling of Finality -- A more subtle drive of Gillam's he feels the urge to complete things that he has started. Clearing out a bandit ring entirely or ending a war gives him a strange sense of satisfaction.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Establish his spot as a newer Sergeant. He still is a rookie to the rank.

Medium-Term: Plant seeds to possibly become a Captain in his later years. In addition, Gillam wants to dismantle some of the shady dealings in and around Andor.

Long-Term: Become a Captain or settle down in rural Andor, if not back in the Iron Plains.
Crew Relations
Lorelai: Always there to cheer up Gillam, Lorelai has found a way through the man's solemn demeanor. He enjoys her presence and has spared her the rare smile.

Evander: Gillam doesn't have any problems with Evander, but the two are quite different in personality. Because of that, Gillam has not had many chances to open up to the elf.

Naadir: Gillam gets along well with Naadir. He is interested by Naadir's homeland and they frequently share with each other stories and culture from their own experiences.

Esmeralda: As a fellow Tulrissian, Gillam likes Esmeralda well enough. She is determined, like Roy, and that provides Gillam motivation to do better as well.

Roy: Roy's determination is uplifting for Gillam, who appreciates his drive. Gillam is unsure if the presence of his wife complicates their work ethic, however.

Ewan: Gillam doesn't particularly care for Ewan because of his biting personality. He has seen a darker side of Ewan, though, and he recognizes that.

Bridget: Gillam appreciates Bridget's impressive prowess in combat, but worries for her. He does not see combat as something he strives for, but a last effort. In that regard, she makes him a bit upset.

Eloise: Eloise's somber mood meshes well with Gillam. He wishes they were closer, because she seems to be a woman of similar sentiment. However, they rarely get a chance to share more than a few words.

Daeris: Gillam gets along well with Daeris. The man is easy to be around because of his amiable nature. Gillam is impressed and fascinated by his pet bear.
Character Sheet
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Ser Gillam Trehearne, level 7
Goliath, Paladin
Theme: Guardian
Background: Geography - Mountains (+2 to Athletics)

Str 20, Con 16, Dex 10, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 11.

Str 17, Con 16, Dex 10, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 11.

AC: 24 Fort: 21 Reflex: 16 Will: 20
HP: 67 Surges: 13 Surge Value: 16

Religion +7, Heal +11, Perception +13, History +7

Acrobatics +1, Arcana +2, Bluff +3, Diplomacy +3, Dungeoneering +6, Endurance +4, Insight +8, Intimidate +3, Stealth +1, Thievery +1, Nature +8, Streetwise +3, Athletics +10

Level 1: Mighty Challenge
Level 2: Weapon Focus (Heavy Blade)
Feat User Choice: Two-Handed Weapon Expertise
Level 4: Battlewise
Level 6: Weapon Proficiency (Fullblade)

Lay on Hands: Lay on Hands
Paladin at-will 1: Holy Strike
Paladin at-will 1: Ardent Strike
Paladin encounter 1: Divine Pursuit
Paladin daily 1: Blood of the Mighty
Paladin utility 2: Call of Challenge
Paladin encounter 3: Hold Fast
Paladin daily 5: Frenzying Smite
Paladin utility 6: Shield of Discipline
Paladin encounter 7: Thunder Smite

Bedroll, Backpack (empty), Belt Pouch (empty), Hempen Rope (50 ft.), Waterskin, Grappling Hook, Holy Symbol, Horn, Oil (1 pint) (4), Sack (2), Tent, Throwing hammer (2), Bloodiron Plate Armor +2, Vicious Fullblade +2, Amulet of Protection +2, Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier)
Combat Block
Ser Gillam Trehearne

Male Goliath Paladin 7
Languages: Tulrissian, Andorian
Age: 37
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 200 lbs.

Speed: 5 -- 25 ft.
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 24
Fort: 21
Reflex: 16
Will: 20
HP: 67/67
Bloodied: 33
Surge Value: 16
Surges left: 13/13
Action Points: 1

MBA: +14 vs AC, 1d12+10
RBA: +10 vs AC, 1d6+5




Active Effects:


Divine Challenge
Lay on Hands (x3)
Ardent Strike
Divine Sanction
Holy Strike

Second Wind [_]
Guardian's Counter [_]
Stone's Endurance [_]
Divine Pursuit[_]
Divine Mettle/Strength [_]
Call of Challenge [_]
Hold Fast [_]
Shield of Discipline [_]
Thunder Smite [_]

Blood of the Mighty [_]
Thunder Smite [_]


Important Features:
Divine Challenge: Targets breaking my mark take 8 radiant damage.

Two-Handed Weapon Expertise: Charge attacks deal +1 damage.

Bloodiron Plate Armor: +2 item bonus to AC against attacks from a target I hit until end of my next turn.

Vicious Fullblade/High Crit: +3d12 damage on criticals.
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Re: The OCB Special Task Force OOC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Evander Wroclast, of the Honorable Family Wroclast

Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
1.) Appearance: Evander is an elf, as anyone with working eyes can see (Sorry, Rosara). His hair is as black as a moonless night, finely groomed with care. His eyes are a shade of amber akin to gold. He has a sharp jaw, and mild dimples. He is about 5'10" in height.

2.) Personality: With a background of wealth, Evander has developed into a fairly well-behaved and dignified man. Though this does not mean he's a stick in the mud. He likes to have a good time, and of course enjoys a good glass of wine every so often. He tries to be charming, but isn't always as successful as he hopes. He's fairly proud of his cultural background, having the cultures of Kurnhuelde, Fort Sakura, as well as elves within him. To mix things up, he occasionally likes to make mischief, but it's mostly mild and never intended to cause harm to another. He's a little too sure of himself, but not to the point of ever being horrible rude.

3.) Early Life: Evander was originally born in Groznid Bay in faraway Kurnhuelde. He was born to Thaddeus and Cordelia Wroclast, brother and sister-in-law of the powerful Thalanor Wroclast. Although he doesn't remember much of his few Kurnish years, it will always be part of him culturally thanks to his parents. When Evander was around the age of three, his immediate family relocated to Fort Sakura, seeking more fortune. In his first years of life in Fort Sakura, he didn't do much, mostly staying on the family grounds and being taught by a private instructor. He cherished the moments when he was allowed, with supervisor, to roam the winding streets of the city. It wasn't until he was around 14 that he was finally given permission to wander by himself.

4.) The Recruiter: Evander would soon learn that such wandering and curiosity, plus a generally polite nature would have consequences. One afternoon, while around the age of 16, the elf had gotten somewhat lost while exploring the market district. With so many alleys and unfamiliarity, it wasn't hard to see that it'd happen. Following the sounds of chattering, he came across an open area, where some other teenagers were laughing at a short, stocky man in an Order of the Cherry Blossom uniform. Spotting a sign, Evander realized that the man was attempting to recruit the other young people, but was failing at doing so. After the giggling youths departed, the OCB man noticed Evander and attempted to recruit the elf. Pitying the man, and unable to utter the word "No," the 16-year-old found himself as a recruit in the Order of the Cherry Blossom.

5.) In the Order, Sort of: When Evander's parents learned of his blunder, they were at first a little mad that their son gave up his future of being a powerful merchant, but after time, they realized that the experience could be good for him. One can still gain power and influence within the Order, they thought. And so within due time, Evander was knee-deep in training. He found the training process to be rather dull, as he'd rather be out exploring and having fun with others of his age, but instead, he was stuck in a sparring circle. Despite disliking training, he discovered an untapped talent with the sword, as well as the arcane. Using both abilities, he tried his best to make the experience more fun, though he'd often get in trouble for mischief. Through time and diligence, he saw himself move out of training and become a full member.

6.) Really in the Order now: As a full member of the OCB, Evander had big dreams. He dreamt of chasing down thugs and saving countless stolen jewels, and getting thanked with a bejeweled medal. Although most patrols were mundane, the daydreaming helped him move get through the same-old same-old. After some years, and moving through the ranks, he was promoted to a Sergeant, which he enjoyed. Being higher up meant more chance for the exciting jobs, he figured, and he was about to be right.

7.) So much in the Order: After some time, Evander received word that he was being recommended for a special task force, which would do special missions that others would be unable to do. Finally seeing a chance for fun and adventure in the Order, he jumped at this chance and readily joined the task force.
1) He wants to achieve success and rise through the ranks of the OCB, and earn his own wealth independent from his father.

2) I'd like for Evander to maybe discover that his father isn't such a great guy, and work especially too hard to prove himself as a better man than his father.
1) Evander never actually wanted to join the Order of the Cherry Blossom. While wandering about the city, he came across an officer attempting to recruit new members, but failing. The officer shouted out at Evander and tried to convince him to join the Order. Feeling bad for the man, and feeling slightly awkward, the words "No thanks" just couldn't escape his lips, and he signed his life away to a cause he didn't even originally believe in.

2) Evander's father isn't the honest businessman he had believed him to be. Rather, he is as crooked as Uncle Thalanor, and wresting control of the Fort Sakura underworld.
People Tied to Evander
1) Emmeline Devereaux: An Imardin-born elf, she moved to Fort Sakura at the age of nine. The daughter of a successful businessman, she enjoys a comfortable life in the Garden District. She and Evander have had an on-again off-again relationship for the past few years, but even in the off times, they remain close friends, despite the occasional awkward moment.
2) Samuel Barlem is a sailor who frequents Fort Sakura. Evander enjoys Samuel's company, as the sailor has countless stories to tell from his global voyages. Such stories have helped feed Evander's lust for adventure, and have also helped pass time on boring days. Samuel likes Evander because he offers to pay for drinks.
3) Troga is an orc woman within Fort Sakura, and she and Evander aren't on the greatest terms. After a night of boozing, Evander came across the orc woman and made the mistake of insulting her appearance, which she took great offense to. Since then, the two have practically been rivals, though Troga initiates conflict much more often. Evander knows to turn around when he hears her grunts from down the road.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Evander vaguely remembers the day he and his family first arrived in Fort Sakura. He was amazed by the towering walls of the impressive city, made even larger by his young age.

2) Evander likes to take advantage of his elevated social situation and attend balls and parties among the other social elite of Fort Sakura. And of course he enjoys indulging in alcohol at such gatherings.

3) Although there is housing specially designated for Order members, Evander much prefers staying in his family's home, and will do so whenever possible. It's bigger, fancier, and is fully staffed. The military district homes have nothing on it.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Evander comes from the Wroclast family of Groznid Bay, with his uncle being Boss Thalanor Wroclost. He lives in his family manor with his parents Thaddeus and Cordelia, and his sister Vera. He is younger than his sister, which gives her an excuse to toy with him occasionally.
Class: Evander comes from wealth, with his father being a prominent member of Fort Sakura's Merchant's Guild. Although his father does honest business now, the initial venture into Fort Sakura was paid for by some unclean money from the Groznidian underworld, a gift from Thalanor so that Evander and Vera could have a better childhood than their father and him.

Profession: Evander is a Sergeant in the Order of the Cherry Blossom.

Institutions: He's in the Order of the Cherry Blossom.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Fun/Adventure: Living a boring life is, well, boring. Evander doesn't want to do that, so he makes it his mission to make it not happen.

Secondary: Money: Money is nice. Evander likes it. Evander wants more of it.

Tertiary: Friends: More friends never hurts, so Evander will attempt to make them wherever he may go.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Investigate and resolve the situation at Wolfrun Keep.

Medium-Term: Rise through the ranks of the OCB, gaining honor and prestige along the way.

Long-Term: Eventually settle down and get married.
OCB Relations
Captain Melchett: Although Evander may not agree with every decision his captain makes, he still respects the man and will usually follow orders.

Lorelai: Evander likes Lorelai. The two have known each other for a while, both being of the elite in Fort Sakura, and around the same age. He likes the energy she has, as well as her loyalty to friends. Both coming from wealthy backgrounds, her occasionally spoiled nature doesn't bother him. In fact, it helps him relate with her more.

Gillam: Evander is unsure of what to think about Gillam. His solemn demeanor is something Evander has a distaste for, preferring those who live a little. Nevertheless, the man seems polite enough, so Evander is polite back. Maybe he'll get a little more wild with a lot of wine in him...

Naadir: Evander doesn't mind Naadir, and remains generally friendly with him. He's also quite impressed with the man's magical abilities.

Esmeralda: Evander is honestly a little afraid of the towering, tough woman. He doesn't particularly want to get in the sparring ring with her, out of fear for his well-being. Outside of it, though, he seems to like her. She's polite, though unlike him, is humble. She seems like she'd do anything to protect those she cares about, and Evander likes that.

Roy: Evander doesn't mind Roy. He thinks it's kind of funny that a man like Roy ended up with a woman like Esmeralda. His perseverance is admirable though.

Ewan: Evander likes Ewan, enjoying his sarcastic comments and such. Having grown up wealthily, Evander is used to arrogance, so Ewan's own ego does not bother him. Evander is also fascinated by Ewan's grasp of illusionary magic.

Bridget: Evander is generally pleasant with Bridget. He enjoys her many stories, but is still unable to believe how someone could live much of their life in such an uncivilized manner.

Eloise: Evander is somewhat neutral with Eloise. She seems nice enough, but is somewhat dull and solemn, which Evander doesn't particularly know how to deal with. He is afraid of saying the wrong thing and having her burst into tears.

Daeris: Evander likes Daeris. Although a human, he's culturally an elf, which creates a connection between the two. He enjoys the man's sarcasm much like he enjoy's Ewan's. Although initially afraid, Evander no longer fears Ursula, and trusts Daeris and the bear enough that no harm will happen.

Anya: Although she had originally seem closed off, Evander has noticed that Anya seems to have opened up to him, which has allowed him to get to know her better. He enjoys her sense of humor and laughs when people take her humor the wrong way.
Ser Lindsay Keddras is a Fort Sakura native, having lived within its walls her whole life. With a love and great skill for swordplay, she eagerly joined the Order, where she could use such skill to benefit her people.
Ser Cade Amell is from a small homestead a ways outside of Fort Sakura, but from Andor nevertheless. His mother was a bit... unconventional in her parenting, giving him some odd behaviors (such as preferring to not wear a shirt), but while growing up, he honed his skills of magics. He joined the Order seeking to help himself fit in with society more.
Magic Items
Shielding Girdle (Heroic Tier) Lvl 10
Flaying Gloves (Heroic Tier) Lvl 4
Ruby Scabbard (Heroic Tier) Lvl 5
Character Sheet
Evander Wroclast, level 7
Vryloka, Hexblade
Background: Society - Noble (+2 to Diplomacy)
Theme: Son of Alagondar

Str 8, Con 13, Dex 16, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 21.

Str 8, Con 12, Dex 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 18.

AC: 23 Fort: 16 Reflex: 18 Will: 20
HP: 55 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 13

Intimidate +13, Diplomacy +16, Stealth +14, Bluff +14

Acrobatics +6, Arcana +4, Dungeoneering +3, Endurance +3, Heal +3, History +4, Insight +3, Nature +3, Perception +5, Religion +4, Streetwise +8, Thievery +7, Athletics +1

Level 1: White Lotus Riposte
Level 2: Nimble Blade
Level 4: Silvery Glow
Level 6: Superior Implement Training (Accurate rod)
Feat User Choice: Rod Expertise

Level 1 Hexblade Daily Power: Fortune's Reversal
Level 2 Hexblade Utility Power: Ethereal Stride
Level 5 Hexblade Daily Power: Tentacles of Cryonax
Level 6 Hexblade Utility Power: Dark One's Own Luck

Equipped Items
Main Hand: Blade of Winter's Mourning
Offhand: Accurate rod of Resurgent Valor +2
Body: Imposter's Chainmail +2

Head: Gem of Colloquy (heroic tier)
Neck: Talon Amulet +1
Arms: Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier)
Hands: ---
Waist: ---
Feet: Acrobat Boots (heroic tier)
Symbol: ---
Ki Focus: ---
Ring: ---
Ring: ---
Tattoo: ---
Backpack (empty)
Disguise Kit
Fine Clothing
Gambler's gear
Gambling cheats
Identification Papers with Portrait
Trail Rations (10)
Writing case
Coinpurse of 80 gold
Combat Block
Evander Wroclast

Male Vryloka Hexblade 7
Languages: Andorian, Elven, Kurnish
Age: 23
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 150 lbs.

Speed: 6 (7 if Imposter's Chainmail power used)
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 15
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 23
Fort: 16
Reflex: 18
Will: 20
HP: 55/55
Bloodied: 27
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1

MBA: +15 vs AC, 1d10+16 Cold damage. +1 to attack & damage with a CA
RBA: +12 vs AC, 1d10+12 Force damage. +1 to attack & damage with a CA

Resistances: Necrotic 8
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Eldritch Bolt
Icy Skewer
Soul Step
Acrobat Boots (heroic tier)
Imposter's Chainmail +2


Second Wind [_]
Low Blow [_]
Piercing Shard [_] [_]
Winter's Retributive Escape [_]
Life Blood [_]
Ethereal Stride [_]

Fortune's Reversal [_]
Tentacles of Cryonax [_]
Tentacles of Cryonax Secondary Power [_]
Lesser Planar Ally [_]
Dark One's Own Luck [_]
Talon Amulet +1 [_]


Important Features:
Blood Dependency: When you are bloodied, your healing surge value drops by 2.

Living Dead: If a power has different effects on living creatures and undead creatures, you choose which effect applies to you.

Necrotic Resistance: You have a necrotic resistance equal to 5 + one-half your level.

Son of Alagondar: While you flank an enemy, your allies gain a +1 power bonus to attack rolls against that enemy. You gain a +2 power bonus to Stealth checks and Thievery checks.

White Lotus Riposte: When an enemy you hit with an arcane at-will attack power attacks you before the start of your next turn, that enemy takes damage (of the same type the attack power deals) equal to the ability modifier of the attack power's damage.

Nimble Blade: When you attack with a light blade and you have a combat advantage, you gain +1 bonus to attack rolls.

Silvery Glow: You gain a +2 feat bonus to damage rolls with cold powers and radiant powers. Increase this bonus to +3 at 11th level and +4 at 21st level.

Rod Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to implement attack rolls that you make with a rod. When you hold a rod, you gain a +1 shield bonus to AC and Reflex. The bonus to attack rolls increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level.

Rod of Resurgent Valor +2: When any creature attacks you, you gain a +1 item bonus to attack rolls with this rod against that creature until the end of your next turn.

Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier): Gain a +2 item bonus to melee damage rolls.

Gem of Colloquy (heroic tier): Gain a +1 item bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks.

Talon Amulet +1: Gain +1 item bonus to damage rolls when you have combat advantage.

Acrobat Boots (heroic tier): Gain a +1 item bonus to Acrobatics checks.
Last edited by Scratcherclaw on Sun Nov 15, 2015 6:43 pm, edited 15 times in total.
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Re: The OCB Special Task Force OOC

Post by Namelessjake »

Ser Naadir Ahsan, Scholar of the Serran Desert

Ten-Minute Background Response Format
Background and Concept Elements
Birth and Early Life - Naadir was born in Crescent Bluff to a wealthy merchant. His father was under the employ of the Kul’adin family, the ruling patrician family in the city, and therefore had great ambitions for his own family. Naadir however was the third son and the fifth child born to his father. He therefore stood to inherit very little, however his father wanted all his children to contribute to increasing the prestige of the family, so Naadir began training to become a Tenant from an early age.

Tenant Training - Studying at the academy of the libraries in Crescent Bluff, Naadir learnt a great deal of magic and history. He was a quick study and gifted in the magical arts, showing great promise. However while Naadir did enjoy the work of a scholar, it was a life that had been chosen for him, the stories he read of legendary warriors appealed to the young boy much more.

A Chance Encounter - At the age of 18, Naadir took his Tenancy examination and passed with flying colours. Arrangements were made for him to travel to the Great Library and begin his Tenancy in earnest. However, while out celebrating he met two men in a tavern, dressed in white and purple. They were knights of the Order of the Cherry Blossom on their way back to Fort Sakura from some mission. After talking with them for some time Naadir found himself more and more attracted to the idea of joining them and putting all he had learned during his training to, what he considered to be, better use than shutting himself up in a library. The leader of the two knights, Ser Destrian Willis, a Sergeant in the Order, offered him passage on their ship the next morning.

Naadir returned home to pack his belongings and inform his family of his decision. His Father was enraged by the news and forbade him from giving up on becoming a Tenant. They argued and eventually Naadir stormed out. He met back up with Ser Destrian and spent the night onboard the Order’s ship before it departed the next morning.

Knighthood - Upon arriving at Fort Sakura, Naadir was treated like any of the other recruits. However with his magical ability and the mentorship of Ser Destrian, he quickly began to prove himself worthy. After 2 years of training, at the age of 20, he was knighted, becoming Ser Naadir Ahsan, and something of an oddity.

He took to his new role well, impressing his superiors and earning a name for himself within the Order. He made Knight Erant in two years and Sergeant after another four.

Task Force - After a year of being a Sergeant he was approached by Ser Percival Melchett. The Captain offered him a position within a special task force. His magical ability, swordsmanship and unique knowledge resulting from his Tenant training made him a viable candidate. Naadir accepted the new position and has been a member of the task force for the last eight months, going on several missions with them.
1) Naadir wants to become a Captain in the order. His true ambitions are set on Grand Cross, however he believes the position will never be held by anyone without the last name d’Arcangeli.

2) I would like for Naadir to succeed and possibly find someone he is willing to make sacrifices for.
1) Naadir would never admit it, but his father made some good points about not joining the Order. Naadir stormed off and joined them, in large, just to spite him.

2) Naadir’s Father is not actually his father and Naadir is the result of an affair. This knowledge is unknown to everyone but Naadir’s mother.
People Tied to Character
1) Ser Destrian Willis - A now Captain of the Order of the Cherry Blossom who initially recruited Naadir to the order and acted as his mentor. He is now in his late fifties and for all intents and purposes retired, doing very little work that isn’t ceremonial or advisory.

2) Samraa Ahsan - Naadir’s younger sister. Unlike his other siblings, Naadir and Samraa share the same mother, this brought them closer together. Naadir still writes to her on occasion and will visit if his work for the Order takes him to Crescent Bluff.

3) Ser Aldwyn Harcourt - A sergeant in the Order who joined at a similar time to Naadir. The two became rivals and worked hard to beat each other out for promotions. He is jealous of Naadir’s position on the task force.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Naadir dislikes the idea of dynasties, believing everyone should be free to be their own man, while not receiving judgment or special treatment as a result of their family name. This stems from having his life planned out for him from an early age.

2) Naadir loves magic and will use his abilities at every opportunity, even for the most mundane things.

3) He is proud of being Serran, being one of only few foreigners in the Order. His home is furnished much like a house in Crescent Bluff would be.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Naadir is the third son and fifth child of a merchant from Crescent Bluff. He has two half brothers, and two half sisters, all of whom are older than him, and one younger sister.

Class: Naadir was born into the rich merchant class of Crescent Bluff. He was ready to graduate and become a Tenant, one of the most respected classes in the Serran desert, before he left to join the Order.

Profession: Sergeant of the Order of the Cherry Blossom.

Institutions: The Great Library, The Order of the Cherry Blossom.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Naadir’s main drive in life is to prove he can be successful despite not following his Father’s wishes.

Secondary: Making new friends is something Naadir will strive to do, as it took him a long time to be accepted by the other recruits when he first came to Fort Sakura.

Tertiary: Love. Naadir wants to meet someone and one day marry them. He sees it as the least successful part of his life, having sacrificed several relationships for his work.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Investigate the goings on in Wolfrun Keep.

Medium-Term: Complete the task force’s missions to the best of his ability.

Long-Term: Be promoted up the ranks of the Order.
OCB Relations
Captain Melchett:

Lorelai: Naadir gets on with Lorelai and likes her as a person, although he doesn't feel she has yet earned her future position of Grand Cross. Her spoiled side is something he also finds irritating.

Gillam: Naadir doesn't have much of a relationship with Gillam, due to the man's quiet nature. However Naadir respects him and finds him interesting.

Evander: Naadir dislikes the elf's elitist attitude, however he respects Evander for choosing his own path and not just taking what his family hands him.

Esmeralda: Naadir likes Esmeralda and is often impressed by her feats. As someone who is fairly gifted with languages, her troubles in getting her point across do tend to irk Naadir.

Roy: Naadir is somewhat jealous of the fact Roy has found love, although he would never wish anything malicious upon the man who he views as a skilled warrior.

Ewan: Naadir likes Ewan as one of few other magic users in the OCB and the two will often try to out do each other.

Bridget: Naadir is somewhat wary of Bridget, but is mostly neutral on his opinion of her.

Eloise: Naadir admires Eloise's respect for life and also finds her quite physically attractive, however he does find she comes across as very serious and somber.

Daeris: Naadir likes Daeris and finds him to be entertaining company once him opens up. He is also impressed by the bond he has with Ursula.

Ser Daven Khylen - A Fort Sakura native, Ser Daven joined the Order at a young age and has worked his way up from nothing. A very proud man.
Ser Anya Pawter - From The Cape. Had a rough upbringing but the Order gave her purpose.
Character Sheet
Naadir Ahsan, level 7
Eladrin, Bladesinger
Blade Magic: Rapier [Blade Magic]
Eladrin Subrace: Standard Eladrin Racial Traits
Background: Blademaster (Learn Elven)
Dark Sun Theme: Purple Dragon

Str 13, Con 13, Dex 18, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 8.

Str 13, Con 13, Dex 15, Int 17, Wis 10, Cha 8.

AC: 25 Fort: 15 Reflex: 19 Will: 17
HP: 55 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 13

Athletics +8, Arcana +15, Acrobatics +11, History +15, Perception +8

Bluff +2, Diplomacy +2, Dungeoneering +3, Endurance +3, Heal +3, Insight +3, Intimidate +2, Nature +3, Religion +8, Stealth +6, Streetwise +2, Thievery +6

Feat User Choice: Light Blade Expertise
Level 1: Armor Proficiency: Hide
Level 2: Nimble Blade
Level 4: Blade Initiate
Level 6: Eladrin Swordmage Advance

Bladesinger at-will 1: Shadow Sever
Bladesinger at-will 1: Dazzling Sunray
Bladesinger at-will 1: Unseen Hand
Bladesinger Cantrips: Water Stride
Bladesinger Cantrips: Light
Bladesinger Cantrips: Prestidigitation
Bladesinger encounter 1: Burning Hands
Bladesinger encounter 1: Illusory Obstacles
Bladesinger utility 2: Shield
Bladesinger utility 2: Guardian Blades
Bladesinger encounter 5: Color Spray
Bladesinger encounter 5: Fire Shroud
Bladesinger utility 6: Fire Shield
Bladesinger utility 6: Wall of Fog

Equipped Items
Main Hand: Rubicant Blade Rapier +2
Offhand: ---
Body: Feral Hide Armor +2

Head: ---
Neck: Cloak of Distortion +1
Arms: Bracers of Mighty Striking (heroic tier)
Hands: Luckbender Gloves (heroic tier)
Waist: Belt of Resilience (heroic tier)
Feet: ---
Symbol: ---
Ki Focus: ---
Ring: ---
Ring: ---
Tattoo: ---
Backpack (empty),
Belt Pouch (empty),
Hempen Rope (50 ft.),
Map case,
Torch (2),
Trail Rations (10),
Writing case,
Desert Clothing,
Identification Papers with Portrait,
Coinpurse of 80gp.
Combat Block
Ser Naadir Ahsan

Male Eladrin Bladesinger 7
Languages: Andorian, Serran, Old Serran
Age: 28
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 162 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 25
Fort: 15
Reflex: 19
Will: 17
HP: 55/55
Bloodied: 27
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1

MBA: +14 vs AC, 1d8+9 damage. (+2 to damage rolls when you have combat advantage)
RBA: +7 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage.

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: +5 racial bonus against charm effects

Active Effects: None


Bladesinger Spellbook
Magic Missile
Focused Discipline
Unseen Hand
Dazzling Sunray
Shadow Sever

Second Wind [_]
Feystep [_]
Blade Song [_]
Water Stride [_]
Shield [_]
Feral Hide Armor +2 [_]
Luckbender Gloves (heroic tier) [_]

Burning Hands [_]
Illusory Obstacles [_]
Guardian Blades [_]
Fire Shroud [_]
Color Spray [_]
Wall of Fog [_]
Fire Shield [_]

Rubicant Blade Rapier +2 [_]


Important Features:
Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:

Fey Origin: My ancestors were native to the Feywild, so I am considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to create origin.

Trance: Rather than sleep, I enter a meditative state known as trance. I need to spend 4 hours in this state to gain the same benefits other races gain from taking a 6-hour extended rest. While in a trance, I am fully aware of my surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.

Level 5 Purple Dragon Feature: When I use the aid another action and succeed, I grant an additional +1 bonus to the aided check.

Notable Feats:

Blade Initiate: Once per day, when I am wielding a blade, I can invoke the Swordmage Warding Class feature as a minor action. Until the end of the encounter, I gain a +1 bonus to AC (or a +3 bonus to AC iff I have one hand free).

Eladrin Swordmage Advance: When I use my fey step racial power to teleport to a square adjacent to an enemy, I can make a MBA against the enemy as a free action.

Item Features:

Feral Hide Armor +2: Wearing this armor allows a claw attack: A one-handed military light blade melee weapon with +3 proficiency bonus to attack rolls, and 1d8 damage. The wearer is treated as proficient with the weapon. The claw attack and damage rolls have an enhancement bonus equal to the enhancement bonus of the armor. The attack may be used as a melee basic attack.

Rubicant Blade Rapier +2: When a power allows me to teleport, I can add 1 square to that distance.

Cloak of Distortion +1: I gain a +1 item bonus to all defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away.

Belt of Resilience (heroic tier): Heal checks made to aid me gain a +2 item bonus.
Posts: 16
Registered for: 9 years 3 months

Re: The OCB Special Task Force OOC

Post by AdorablyDevious »

Esmeralda Sabile, The Titan of Tulrisse
Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
1)Childhood - Esmeralda Sabile was born Esmeralda Hildebrand, a poor girl raised by a mother and her father until around the age of 10, when her father died defending them from a bandit. Before her father died her family had another good few children, making Esma the oldest of six children. Esma trained with her father until he died using sticks, old blunted pitchforks, and things like broken mops as improvised weapons just in case her farm needed defending and he wasn’t around. When he died she started to train with her two brothers and the old retired militia leader of her town. She discovered she was best when she used an old wheel for a shield, tying it to her arm to defend herself from the blows from her family.

2) A Battle of Fates – After her father died Esmeralda began training even harder. One day she heard of a tournament of sorts, a melee in which Knights and Royals gathered together to show each other who was the best. Her farm wasn’t doing very well and Esma thought she could get some name for her farm by entering it. When she got there however, she was stopped by a man and two of his friends. The man was in fancy armor and carried a bastard sword and shield. Atticus Conrad was a man with a lot of political power with a habit of showing off the power to people to gain praise. Esmeralda asked him to let her into the tournament but he scoffed at her, citing that a peasant, let alone a woman, would never be able to win the tournament anyways when he entered.

She gave him a deal. She was fifteen at the time, and not too bad looking either. She growled at him and offered him something; she would duel him. If she won, she got his armor, weapons, and position in the tournament. If she lost, he got her as his wife. She still remembers the curled smile on his face disappear and the laughs of his peers just as Esmeralda got a final blow against his head with the shoddy wooden club that they gave her to use. As he fell to the ground Esmeralda was already being talked about by those who had previously respected Atticus. He woke up a few hours later, naked with a girl in his armor having gotten to the semi-finals in the tournament before being knocked out.

3) The Titan of Tulrisse – As Esmeralda grew she started attending more tournaments. They were relatively frequent, mostly duels and small melee bouts amongst local militia and some Knights who were stationed there. Esmeralda quickly started making a name for herself, becoming known as “The Tiny Titan” in Tulrisse. She even collected weapons from those who challenged her for her hand in marriage. She wasn’t the best by any stretch of the imagination for the first few years but after that she became very, very well-known and even started to win a good few tournaments and duels. Eventually “The Tiny Titan” just became known as “The Titan” thanks to her shield and weapon style. She was practically a wall and had the odd knack for figuring out an enemy’s fighting style and adapting to it in seconds. Even when you counted her out of the fight, she came back and won as if she hadn’t been winded at all. This continued for a number of years.

4) The Awkward Knight – One day when she was eighteen, Esmeralda met another knight by the name of Pyper Marlowe. Pyper was a rather interesting knight; she was energetic and exuberant unlike a lot of the other more stuffy people she uses to fight. She used an odd style, half movement and footwork the other was intrinsic dance and unpredictability. It was almost as if the girl had no training or practice and yet somehow learned to fight from a mixture of worms who knew how to wield swords and an angry monkey with a samurai lifestyle. Despite all of this, Esmeralda almost won before Pyper somehow switched styles to a much, much more simple one that caught Esmeralda in the chest with a thrust of the sword. Afterwards Esmeralda was told about the Knights in Fort Sakura. A place she could fight, train, and become a grand help to everything. Esmeralda nodded and almost immediately started her journey.

5) Journey towards knighthood: The Journey to Fort Sakura wasn’t too eventful for her until she actually got relatively close to it. On the road between the Wolve’s Den and Fort Sakura, Esmeralda met with a group of bandits that had recently surged in growth. They took her to their base, keeping her there with the intent of basically using her like livestock. She stayed there for about a day before one of the bandits decided to give her a mop to clean up the area… she escaped a few hours later, dragging bodies into a wagon that they had before continuing her journey. When she got to Fort Sakura and asked about being a Knight, they asked what her qualifications were and she pulled the tarp off the wagon to show them the now groaning bodies writhing a little in the wagon. She was accepted pretty quickly after that.

6) A Strange, Determined Little Man: Through-Out her life as a Knight, Esma continued to rise in popularity when it came to her fighting prowess. She wasn’t the strongest, but she fighting her wasn’t exactly the easiest thing to do. She had an uncanny knack of catching someone’s fighting style and throwing it onto its ass within a few moments. Adding to that a naturally strong frame, the training she does, and her own fighting style and it made for something terrifying. However there was one man, coming to her a few months after she joined that just kept coming at her day after day.

His name was Roy Sabile. He didn’t look like much to begin with; a generally average build with a shaky fighting stance. His sword was held too loosely in his hands, his left leg was too far out compared to his right which was too far in. His weight was shifted on the wrong leg and the look on his face did not signify confidence, but an odd determination. He didn’t last long. It continued day after day after day though until eventually Esmeralda actually knocked him out. When he woke up, she had bandaged him and was sighing softly. “Why are you so determined to beat me?” she would ask him. He had an odd sense of pride... “Because I have to…” he’d say. After that she smiled, and started to train him rather than beat him. It wasn’t ‘til much later she actually found out why. By then she didn’t care either, she continued training him…she had taken a liking to the man. He was a little odd, but strong and had a strong sense of what was right. While Esmeralda was tough and sometimes scary to the other knights, there was always a little semblance of softness to her when it came to Roy. They married about two years into Knighthood.

7) The Wife Errant: Knight Errant was a rather easy thing to get for Esmeralda. For years Esmeralda shot for the rank with her husband Roy in order to travel across different lands with him. She got it pretty quickly and began traveling with Roy to help spread good across the land. Esmeralda became known as a sort of beacon of hope for many people. The sight of the woman with the entourage of swords and blades, massive armor, and scars was a sort of good omen for many who had heard of such a rumor. Of course, this was also Esmeralda’s version of a honeymoon. Esmeralda would often drag Roy off to exotic locations she had heard of after beating up a brigade of bandits and whatnot. One day she would be a knight, unerring in her practice of bringing law and good upon those agents of evil. Another she would be a wife, smiling and patting Roy on the back hard enough to make him cough before kissing him on the cheek. It was a fun dynamic, especially once Roy really started to learn how to work with her. The two became an almost unstoppable duo amongst Knight Errants to the point most would consider them the same unit. When one asked for either of them, the other would come.

8) Task Force: After a while of being Knight Errant, Esmeralda and Roy both decided to “settle down” a little. They became Sergeants so that they could stay more in one place. Eventually though, after a couple of years as a sergeant they were roused back to action by the commander to join part of the special task force. Of course Esmeralda wouldn’t go without her husband, so when he too got asked to join she finally said yes and took up arms. Esmeralda has been a member at least for a year.
1) Gather a legendary weapon of each of these four types. A Legendary Sword, a Legendary Spear, a Legendary Mace, and a Legendary Axe. They don’t have to be magical, just some kind of real significance. It’s either this or ‘Forge’ them, meaning make her own weapons something that’ll be discussed for hundreds of years to come.

2) I want Esma to be a fun character and to help myself gain a little better ability at this play by post thing. For Esma herself, I hope she can gain some sort of reputation amongst the land since I’m basing her off a few characters I love.
1) Esmeralda has gotten a few letters and whatnot that are asking her to take an old knight’s place when it comes to power and prestige. Basically a lot of political power and money, however Esmeralda constantly says no because of what she wants to do. She’s unsure whether or not they’ll eventually try to take her by force.

2) Unknown to Esma, the knight she originally humiliated and won her first set of armor and weapons from is now hellbent on not only beating her, but claiming her as his rightful property. Not only a wife, but a slave. Her rightful place as a woman in his eyes. He has been training this entire time for this purpose to the point of near madness.
People Tied to Character
1) Ex-Knight Atticus Conrad: The first “Knight” that Esma ever had much contact with. He is currently driven to near madness, most of it based towards Esma. He has been humiliated and basically has become a pariah from all of his old connections thanks to Esma not only beating him handily in the duel, but doing it in front of his rich, ritzy contact friends. The rich boy has become a laughing stock and he wants revenge.

2) Pyper Marlowe: The knight that had introduced Esmeralda to Fort Sakura in the first place. She is a cocky, but rather competent knight dual wielding exotic swords. Her fighting style is an erratic mix of what almost seems like improvised movement and trained fighting styles.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Esma never seems to give anything less than 100% and tends to challenge herself. If she jogs around an area, she’ll do at least fifty laps…in her armor, carrying all of her weapons, and sometimes with her husband over her shoulder just to make sure it’s challenging enough to be considered a ‘100% work out.’
2) Esma has a VERY thick Tulrissian accent that really does not sound like it belongs anywhere near the knights. She has a habit of forgetting some words and will often refer to her native language to hammer out what she actually means.

3) Despite her goals and actual prowess in things, Esma is pretty laid back and oddly humble about her adventures. Or, at least she seems to be TRYING to be humble. She…doesn’t quite get the idea sometimes. “Oh, I think it was only thirteen or fourteen bandits…it was not that hard. I am sure you could have done it too if you tried hard!” ...dammit Esma.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Deceased Father, but living mother. Mother lives in Tulrisse along with her three sisters and two brothers of which Esma is the oldest sibling.

Class: Low-Class, at least originally. Esma started as a lower class citizen and grew up training herself by a hodgepodge mix of several different types of labor to make her strong and able to wield improvised weapons just in case her family farm needed help defending. However when she won that fateful match, her standing increased quite a bit until she actually joined the knights.

Profession: “Just a Wife, with duties.” Despite being a Knight, Esma believes her duty to her friends and family is her real profession. If you ask her she’ll often say “Ehefrau ersten, zweiten Ritter,“ meaning “Wife First, Knight Second.” Though she won’t say this in the company of higher ups generally.

Institutions: She is a sergeant in “The Order of the Cherry Blossom.”
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Her sense of duty and right. She feels what she’s doing is the right thing to do and will do it to the end. You can expect to see her still fighting whiles she’s gray and somehow still keep herself up in her armor.

Secondary: She likes to challenge herself and work is challenging. She also likes to challenge her husband, she feels like he doesn’t appreciate it as much as she does but he’ll soon thank her.

Tertiary: Every fight is another experience for her to remember. She never feels more alive than when in the thick of battle, protecting those she holds dear.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Make sure her husband is okay.

Medium-Term: Make a name for her around the world. The woman and her husband, wonderful knights and amazing fighters. She wants to be a story that’ll inspire youth, especially those of low social class to act upon their own dreams.

Long-Term: Raise a family eventually, in better conditions than she was raised in.
NPC Wishlist
1) Ex-Knight Atticus from the profile.

2) Zilan Bilgebeard: An Ex-Homeless Dwarf whom Esmeralda helped on her way to Fort Sakura. Every once in a while he’ll visit the fort with a large surplus of rum and beer that he couldn’t use in his inn. He speaks a little bit like a pirate and this amuses Esmeralda.
Character Sheet
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
level 7
Minotaur, Fighter
Fighter: Combat Agility
Fighter Talents: Arena Training
Arena Training: Arena Weapon (Bastard sword)
Arena Training: Arena Weapon (Waraxe)
Extended Arena Training: Arena Weapon (Spear)
Extended Arena Training: Arena Weapon (Mace)
Goring Charge Key Ability: Goring Charge Strength
Background: Blademaster (+2 to Insight)

Str 18, Con 18, Dex 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 9.

Str 15, Con 15, Dex 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 9.

AC: 25 Fort: 21 Reflex: 19 Will: 19
HP: 69 Surges: 14 Surge Value: 17

Athletics +11, Insight +10, Perception +10, Endurance +11

Acrobatics +3, Arcana +5, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +2, Dungeoneering +3, Heal +3, History +5, Intimidate +2, Nature +5, Religion +5, Stealth +3, Streetwise +2, Thievery +3

Level 1: Iron Will
Level 2: Encouraging Shield
Level 4: Extended Arena Training
Level 6: Quick Draw
Feat User Choice: Bludgeon Expertise

Fighter at-will 1: Tide of Iron
Fighter at-will 1: Weapon Master's Strike
Fighter encounter 1: Hack and Hew
Fighter daily 1: Comeback Strike
Fighter utility 2: Boundless Endurance
Fighter encounter 3: Immediate Vengeance
Fighter daily 5: Rain of Steel
Fighter utility 6: Kirre's Roar
Fighter encounter 7: Weapon Master's Gambit

Heavy Shield, Defensive Bastard sword +2, Amulet of Protection +2, Bloodiron Scale Armor +2, Magic Spear +1, Battle Standard of Honor (heroic tier), Magic Waraxe +1, Magic Mace +1, Identification Papers with Portrait, Backpack (empty), Belt Pouch (empty), Bedroll, Hempen Rope (50 ft.), Map case, Tent, Trail Rations (10), Waterskin, Torch (2)
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Last edited by AdorablyDevious on Mon Sep 21, 2015 1:04 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: The OCB Special Task Force OOC

Post by kalis5 »

Roy Sabile


Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
1) Childhood - Roy was born to a kind and caring mother, and a dutiful father like any child. Roy's father, though, was abnormal for most children around that time. His father was a Sergeant in the Order of the Cherry Blossoms. Though, that didn't last much longer than when Roy was ten. At the time, his father had been out on patrol, and most reports are sketchy except for one detail. His father died fighting the Wolf Bandit in the region around Wolfrun on a regular patrol. The loss was rather hard on the family at the time, supposedly. Roy wasn't seen much after that, nor his mother truly, living off compensation from the OCB for the most part.

2) Family Name - When Roy was 15, he set out to join the OCB. Though at a young age, he was determined to do well to honor his father. Though he didn't get in on his father's name alone. As a child he had some training from his father, enough to get himself started with things, though nothing truly formalized. It was his determination to get in that led to him being accepted. During the exam, no matter how many times he was struck, he refused to give up. He would honor his father, no matter how many injuries he had, no matter how poorly the fight was going, he would be accepted. Eventually he won, though he was battered, he managed to beat down his opponent, and won his place.

3) Training - Roy took to training mostly well. There were a few incidents with bullies. Given Roy's low rank, and that his father, despite being a sergeant, was killed on basic patrol, a number of men of a higher rank took to tormenting him. One of these incidents led to him fighting against the great Esmeralda. This had been a few years into his training, and she was newer than him. He had come of age, and he thought challenging her may not be so bad. Yet when he caught her in the barracks and looked at her, he realized his mistake. She was no ordinary soldier, but something much more powerful and fearsome. But more than honor was on the line, and he took the challenge. He swallowed his fear, and though he fought bravely, still lost. He took a lesson from that. Determination is not enough for everything. And so he started to train.

4) Love and War - Though he had lost, he didn't give up. Roy kept trying. He'd train daily, night and day, each week to try and get stronger and more powerful, strong enough to defeat Esmeralda. It wasn't that she was a woman. It wasn't just his honor. The men had taken his father's pendant and hidden it amongst themselves. He had to do this to win it back, it was the only thing he had, though he couldn't tell Esmeralda that. She wouldn't want to fight him anymore. He just felt it. She never beat him too badly, always adjusting just enough that she drew the fight out. Always just enough strength to knock him over when she thought the fight was done. She was in control of the fight, but let him walk away with his dignity each time. One time she misjudged, and he was out cold. Unconscious, he felt he would never win, and when he woke up, there she was, and he was bandaged. She asked him why he was so determined. He couldn't tell her fully, and just said that he had to. For some reason she smiled. Their fights changed from duels, to sparring matches, to training bouts. She started teaching him. And after a while, it didn't matter if he won or lost. He got his pendant back eventually, and two years after being treated by her, they married.

5) Married Life - The honeymoon was interesting. Being taken traveling with his wife leading the way was, while a bit different than most marriages, interesting and exciting. All at once it served two purposes. They rose through the ranks taking care of missions, doing jobs and spreading their name, and at the same time growing closer together in and out of battle. One moment she was her tough and intimidating self. The next she was loving and the best wife Roy could have hoped for, if unexpected. When their journeys ended, Roy had seen more sights than he thought he ever would... And thought he was doing his father proud when he returned and became a sergeant with his wife. Life relaxed to easy and simple patrols. When the time came to take a special operation in wolfrun however, his home... Roy couldn't sit still. He hoped he could take care of the issue quickly. And with his wife by his side, he knew he could do it.
1) Gather enough of a reputation that his family name is well known. If his wife is with him at the end of that road all the better, but he's not going to give in until he feels like he's made things up to his father.

2) First kind of character played with a relationship off the start. Haven't really done that before so we'll see how that goes, but it should be interesting.
1) When Roy was younger, he followed his father out on patrol. That was the day he died, protecting Roy from the Wolf Bandits. Their leader bit him, and ever since, he can change into something else now, and it frightens him. He's still trying to keep it under control and the question is, how much of him is man and how much is beast now?

2) One of the nights that Roy had been training, trying to best Esma, he lost control. One of the men that took his father's amulet had been there at the time, and in his feral form, he caught the unaware man off-guard, tearing into him. When the man claimed Roy had been the one to attack him, they found Roy in his bed, his father's necklace clutched in his hands, tightly, not a scratch on him whereas the man was terribly wounded, missing a finger on his right arm as well as a major claw mark across his right eye. He still blames Roy for his injury, having caught a glimpse of Roy changing out of the corner of his eye a moment too late.
People tied to Roy
1. The mother, Francine Sabile - When Roy's world was falling apart, she stayed strong for him. He gets letters sometimes, when she can, though distance has separated them. Now that Roy is coming home to deal with this mission however...

2. The Wolf Bandit Leader - Years ago when Roy was young, the leader of the Wolf Bandits bit him. Now, it's just a matter of time until the collide again.

3. Edwin Holder - Not everyone that meets a werewolf is believed. Rumors about the bandit leader of the Wolf Bandits abound, but no one really knows the truth. And now this man has seen Roy transform and was mauled. He wants to prove the truth. And if it takes beating Roy into a pulp to do it, no skin off his nose.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1.) Some days, when the beast calls heavily, Roy can be found looking at his necklace, remembering his father and mother, calming his nerves with memories of sorrow and happiness rather than anger and rage.

2.) Roy keeps close to his wife when he can, and not just out of love, but out of knowledge they are in top form together now more than they were apart. Though he knows she can handle herself in a fight, he feels obligated as her husband to aid her when he can, in whatever way he thinks possible. For his honor, and out of love for her. The last thing he wants is to burden her after all.

3.) When his wife isn't looking, every so often he taps his back, right around where she slaps him. Years of being hit in the same place by his titan of a wife have left him a bit sore there, but he doesn't want her to know. The kiss on the cheek afterwards makes up for it.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Though his father is dead, his mother is still alive, living somewhat comfortably off the small stipend he sends home to aid her.

Class: Middle-Class. Having a Sergeant for a father meant he could live decently compared to other military based families, especially since he didn't have to move around at all to keep up with his father.

Profession: Knight Sergeant/Husband. For him, being a knight and a husband are one in the same. It's how they bonded together after all. It's what they enjoy doing together, and in that moment, they are in perfect harmony with each other.

Institutions: The OCB. Of course.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Dutybound to redeem himself for what happened to his father due to his actions, Roy carries himself with a weight that few can try to manifest. Determination to honor his father's sacrifice drives him ever onward. Until his bones are broken, and his eyes lose the fire of life.

Secondary: His wife's pushing keeps him going at times. But the beast inside drives him in a different way. His humanity is worth fighting for, and that means denying it's every turn, for himself and for a future with his wife and possible future children He has to keep it away from others.

Tertiary: His wife's drive to get better always makes him try somewhat as hard. Though that level of self-challenge is hard to keep up with at times.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Keep the beast inside for just one more day for her.

Medium-Term: Focus on his duty, in duty comes honor and recognition. His duty right now is in Wolfrun, and he will succeed.

Long-Term: His father's death will always hang on him, and so redemption is the only way to be free of it. He has become a sergeant, now he needs to make his father proud by doing right by that name.
NPC Wishlist
1) See Roy's mother above.

2) And... See Wolf Bandit Leader above.
Character Sheet
Roy Sabile, level 7
Human, Runepriest
Runic Artistry: Serene Blade
Human Power Selection: Bonus At-Will Power

Str 17, Con 14, Dex 8, Int 10, Wis 19, Cha 12.

Str 16, Con 14, Dex 8, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 12.

AC: 23 Fort: 18 Reflex: 17 Will: 21
HP: 56 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 14

History +8, Religion +8, Athletics +11, Insight +12, Heal +14

Acrobatics +2, Arcana +3, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +4, Dungeoneering +7, Endurance +5, Intimidate +6, Nature +7, Perception +7, Stealth +2, Streetwise +4, Thievery +2

Human: Battlewise
Level 1: Combat Medic
Level 2: Heavy Armor Agility
Level 4: Lightning Reflexes
Level 6: Scribe Sutra
Free: Heavy Blade Expertise

Bonus At-Will Power: Word of Binding
Runepriest at-will 1: Word of Diminishment
Runepriest at-will 1: Word of Exchange
Runepriest encounter 1: Flames of Purity
Runepriest daily 1: Rune of Endless Fire
Runepriest utility 2: Rune of the Final Effort
Runepriest encounter 3: Word of the Blinding Shield
Runepriest daily 5: Rune of the Ember of Wrath
Runepriest utility 6: Pack Attack
Runepriest encounter 7: Rune of Roaring Fire

Heartening Scale Armor +2, Flesh Seeker Falchion +2, Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier), Adventurer's Kit, Healer's Brooch +1
Stat Block
Roy Sabile

Human Runepriest Level 7
Languages: Common, Imardin, Tulrissian
Age: 23

Speed: 6
Initiative: 7
Passive Perception: 17
Passive Insight: 22
Senses: Normal

AC: 23
Fort: 18
Reflex: 17
Will: 21
HP: 56/56
Bloodied: 28
Surge Value: 14
Surges left: 9/9
Action Points: 1

Vulnerabilities: None
Active Effects: None


Bull Rush Attack
Grab Attack
Opportunity Attack
Word of Binding
Word of Diminishment
Word of Exchange

Rune of Destruction [ ]
Rune of Protection [ ]

Class Feature Rune of Mending [ ][ ]
L1 Flames of Purity [ ]
L2 Rune of Final effort [ ]
L3 Word of Blinding Shield [ ]
L6 Pack Attack [ ]
L7 Rune of Roaring Fire [ ]
Theme Feature Wolf Shape [ ]

Flesh Seeking Falchion +2 [ ]

L1 Rune of Endless Fire [ ]
L5 Rune of the Ember Wrath [ ]

Important Features
Class Feats: Rune Master - Gain access to Runes of Destruction and Protection.

Rune of Protection - While active, allies adjacent resist 2 points of damage.

Rune of Destruction - Allies gain +1 to attack rolls against enemies adjacent to Roy.

Serene Blade - Gain proficiency in one and two-handed heavy blades. While not in heavy armor, use wisdom in place of dexterity or intelligence for determining AC. Once per round when hit by an enemy, gain 4 temporary hit points.

Theme Feats:
Werewolf - Gain +2 intimidate. Change subtype to shapechanger, all effects that affect shapechangers affect Roy. Enemies gain combat advantage with silver weapons and implements. Immune to Moon Frenzy. Gain access to Wolf Shape Power.

+2 to Intimidate, Bluff, and Diplomacy when interacting with wolves and the like.
While in wolf form gain +2 bonus to speed.

Racial Traits:
Bonus at-will Power.
Bonus language: Tulrissian.

Notable Feats:
Human Battlewise - Use wisdom instead of dexterity for initiative
L1 Combat Medic - Gain +2 to heal checks and stabilize the dying as a minor action instead of a standard action.
L2 Heavy Armor Agility - Ignore Speed Penalty for Heavy Armor
L4 Lightning Reflexes - +2 to Reflexes
L6 Scribe Sutra - Master and perform warding rituals, Brew Potion, Gentle Repose, and Magic Circles as if with the ritual caster feat. Can create scrolls in half the time.
Houserule Heavy Blade Expertise - +1 to attack rolls and +2 AC against OAs.

Item Feats:

Heartening Armor +2: Gain a bonus to saving throws against fear equal to the enhancement bonus. When performing Second Wind gain Temporary hit Points equal to three times the enhancement bonus.

Flesh Seeker Falchion +2: Encounter - When an attack with this weapon hits an enemy, add +1 to the next attack roll against that same enemy.

Iron Armbands of Power: +2 to damage rolls.

Healer's Brooch +1: When using a power to heal an ally, add the enhancement bonus to hit points healed.
Last edited by kalis5 on Wed Oct 21, 2015 11:54 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: The OCB Special Task Force OOC

Post by Fialova »

Ewan Poresky, the Illusionist

Ewan is a bit arrogant and sarcastic, on the outside, but deem down he has many serious issues, chief among them fear. His mastery over illlusions helps him to mask his fears, but it shows through every so often.

To combat his fear, Ewan is very cunning and inquisitive. He'd rather never been in a situation where he is uncertain of the outcome, and works diligently to make it so he doesn't have to. He has an eye for strategy, which proved effective in his work around the Cape, and is why he was made a member of the Special Task Force in the first place.

He loves his family above all else, and is slow to make friends. The friends he does make he treats as family, and though he can come across as rude in his speech, he always means well to those close to him.
Ewan was born on a ship, and mostly raised on them. He has no true homeland to speak of. His father was a captain of a merchant vessel and his family - parents, mother, and sister - lived on the ship in the captain's quarters. Never spending much time in any one place, Ewan knew few people his age with which to become friends. He and his sister got along well, but as with all siblings, could only tolerate so much of one another.

At an early age he began reading to pass the time. His father didn't want his children to become sailors like their old man, hoping for better futures for them, so he made sure their mother gave them the best education he could afford with whatever books of history, religion, and arithmetic he could find. His sister was most drawn to the mathematical and astronomical, a very logical and serious mind. Ewan, on the other hand, was drawn to the mysterious - books on magic, gods, and mysterious events.

Once their areas of interest took hold, their father began acquiring materials to cater to them. Ewan was given books on lore, on the different pantheons they came across, on history. He eventually was given a spell book, written by a Tenant in the Serran Desert. He thought it silly to try, but he practiced at the spells in the book until, eventually, he could perform some of them. They were simple tricks, but it was amazing to him nonetheless.

While in port at the Cape, at the southern portion of Andor, Ewan's father was killed in a bad trade deal and his ship claimed by the gang responsible. Suddenly he and his family were left with nothing in a somewhat lawless town they barely knew. They did their best to get by, and Ewan used the spells he'd been learning to his advantage, both to 'procure' food and gold for his family, and to protect them or keep them hidden.

After a few years, Ewan's mother had moved past his father's death and remarried to a merchant based out of Fort Sakura. The merchant was much better off than his father had ever been and, in an attempt to get in his new step-children's good graces, went all out in providing for their educational goals. He hired a private tutor who taught Ewan even more spells, and more about the nature of magic. However, by now Ewan was no longer simply interested in magic academically. He wanted to use it practically, as he had in the Cape, to help his family. He also wanted revenge on those who ruined his family.

When he was in his early twenties, feeling he'd learned all his tutor had to offer, Ewan offered himself to the OCB, requesting he be involved in the patrols in and around the Cape. He was granted his request, and began working with his patrol to clean up the crime around the region. As they did he worked in secret on his own plans, and when he had gathered enough information in passing he approached his sergeant. He presented him with a plan that would lead to them capturing and arresting the entire gang that had murdered his father, earning him a promotion to sergeant. From there he'd continue his work improving the Cape, before joining the STF at Melchett's appointment.
Character Sheet
Combat Block
Character Name (colored to their in-game text color)

Gender Race Class Level
Languages: Common, _____
Age: __
Height: __
Weight: __ lbs.

Speed: __
Initiative: +__
Passive Perception: __
Passive Insight: __
Senses: _____ Vision

AC: __
Fort: __
Reflex: __
Will: __
HP: __/__
Bloodied: __
Surge Value: __
Surges left: __/__
Action Points: __

MBA: include attack and damage rolls here (e.g. +5 vs AC, 1d6+2 damage)
RBA: include attack and damage rolls here (e.g. +5 vs AC, 1d6+2 damage)

List all passive resistances here. If none, then just write "None."

List all passive vulnerabilities here. If none, then just write "None."

List all passive bonuses to saving throws here. If none, then just write "None."

Active Effects:
List all current, non-permanent effects here (and the permanent ones too, if you really want). This includes all effects such as being prone, blinded, etc. Make sure this is always up to date. If none, then just write "None."


Item At-Will

Encounter [_]
Item Encounter [_]

Daily [_]
Item Daily [_]


List things such as potions and other consumable items here. If none, just write "None."
Important Features:
Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any passive effects that are more than a flat increase to attack, defense, hp, or a skill (such as being able to use perception for initiative rolls), any effect that are triggered by certain other effects (such as an attack boost vs bloodied foes), and so on. If it is relevant info that is not directly represented elsewhere in the combat block or in your character sheet, it needs to go here.

Item Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any effects listed as 'Property' on a magic item, as well as any specific traits of the item itself (such as Brutal and other effects on certain weapons, special effects from superior implements, etc.). Again, if it is relevant it needs to be listed.
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Re: The OCB Special Task Force OOC

Post by Fialova »

Bridget, the Ex-Wolf

Bridget is a lover of combat, and values personal honor above all else. Her personality varies little from the other members of her clan, but has evolved some since joining more 'civilized' society. She has grown accustomed to a better lifestyle and would not want to return to her old ways, though she is better adapted to living in the wild than many of her companions

Despite her outward appearance, she is also generally nice. Her mannerisms and moderate grasp of Andorian tend to turn people away at first glance, but when she gets to know people she can be quite talkative, telling stories of the antics her and her old friends would get into, or making light-hearted jabs at her more fragile companions.
Unlike virtually every other member of the OCB, Bridget was not born to one of the major nations of the world. She was, instead, originally a member of the Wolf Clan, a lawless clan of natives to the mountains of Andor. Though not wholly antagonistic, the Wolf Clan tends to butt heads with the Order on many occasions, so the two typically consider one another enemies.

The wolf clan puts no value in gender roles, and Bridget spent her entire youth hunting and training in combat like most children. She was one of the better ones, though by no means a prodigy, and proved a competent warrior when she came of age. She spent her adolescent years fighting and occasionally raiding, until the day she left her clan for good.

When she was 16 her parents were urging her to pick a man to be her husband, to further their family line. She was uninterested, but they went behind her back and arranged for various young men to attempt to win her over. Some of their failed attempts resulted in injury, and the one who tried to force himself on her lost his most precious possession. In an outburst of anger on all sides, her shouting at her parents, her parents shouting at her, and various other clan members shouting as well, Bridget made the decision to leave the clan.

Her initial plan was to return after she'd calmed down, but as she traveled the countryside she came across an OCB patrol and was arrested. Thinking she was part of a Wolf Clan raid group they were pursuing, they took her back to the Fort Sakura Keep, and she went without resisting, recognizing the futility in the act. After being proven to not be involved she was released, but by the time she was let go she had decided she didn't want to return to her Clan.

Sticking around the countryside, Bridget eventually returned to Fort Sakura to offer herself to the order. She thought the knights both better people and better fighters than her kin, after witnessing them first hand, and felt she'd have a much better life here. Though the knights were initially reluctant, she was admitted to the order and quickly proved her worth. Not only was she a skilled fighter, but her knowledge of Wolf Clan (and other clan) combat, practices, and tactics provided the entire order with valuable insight into their foes, enabling them to better devise ways to combat or track them. This combination of insight and prowess let her rapidly move up the ranks, becoming sergeant at 25 and joining the STF at 27.
Character Sheet
Combat Block
Character Name (colored to their in-game text color)

Gender Race Class Level
Languages: Common, _____
Age: __
Height: __
Weight: __ lbs.

Speed: __
Initiative: +__
Passive Perception: __
Passive Insight: __
Senses: _____ Vision

AC: __
Fort: __
Reflex: __
Will: __
HP: __/__
Bloodied: __
Surge Value: __
Surges left: __/__
Action Points: __

MBA: include attack and damage rolls here (e.g. +5 vs AC, 1d6+2 damage)
RBA: include attack and damage rolls here (e.g. +5 vs AC, 1d6+2 damage)

List all passive resistances here. If none, then just write "None."

List all passive vulnerabilities here. If none, then just write "None."

List all passive bonuses to saving throws here. If none, then just write "None."

Active Effects:
List all current, non-permanent effects here (and the permanent ones too, if you really want). This includes all effects such as being prone, blinded, etc. Make sure this is always up to date. If none, then just write "None."


Item At-Will

Encounter [_]
Item Encounter [_]

Daily [_]
Item Daily [_]


List things such as potions and other consumable items here. If none, just write "None."
Important Features:
Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any passive effects that are more than a flat increase to attack, defense, hp, or a skill (such as being able to use perception for initiative rolls), any effect that are triggered by certain other effects (such as an attack boost vs bloodied foes), and so on. If it is relevant info that is not directly represented elsewhere in the combat block or in your character sheet, it needs to go here.

Item Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any effects listed as 'Property' on a magic item, as well as any specific traits of the item itself (such as Brutal and other effects on certain weapons, special effects from superior implements, etc.). Again, if it is relevant it needs to be listed.
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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: The OCB Special Task Force OOC

Post by Fialova »

Eloise Lapedite, the Devout

Eloise is a devout member of the Church of the Goddess, Imardin's national religion. Though a subscriber of the faith, she holds little love for her homeland, feeling it is run by false followers and corrupt moneygrubbers. She will defend her faith with her life, it being the only thing she holds in higher esteem than her oath to the OCB.

Despite her devotion to a goddess of love and peace, she is fairly somber. Her lover was murdered before her eyes and, though she has since made peace with it, the reality of her own mortality and that of the ones she cares about has stayed with her all this time. She feels each kill she is forced to make deeply, and is the first to suggest mercy wherever it is applicable.
Eloise grew up in Vantonne, witnessing firsthand the greed and corruption involved at Imardin's center for exportation. It instilled in her a deep distrust of the powers that be in her homeland, powers she feels are using the teachings of the goddess they claim to worship for personal benefit, rather than the good of mankind. She tried to speak out in her more rebellious youth, but to little avail.

Once betrothed to the son of a customs clerk, she - determined to not become a part of what she hated most - decided to leave her homeland and travel. She'd always been outdoorsy, and so ventured alone through the wilderness, living off the land and trading pelts in settlements she passed through for food and supplies.

While in a town she happened across a knight errant of the Order of the Cherry Blossom, witnessing the man's great virtue first hand as he helped solve a crime performed in the peasant village, bringing the criminal to justice without asking anything in return. She was infatuated, witnessing for the first time who she believed to be a true servant of the Goddess, even though he was not even her follower.

After introducing herself, she spent some time traveling with the knight, the two becoming lovers during their travels. When he died in battle with a group of bandits, seeking revenge on him for slaying the brother of one of the members, she was initially distraught. When she recovered, she decided to return his surcoat and insignia to his order's headquarters.

A year later, after finally reaching Fort Sakura, she felt an overwhelming urge to settle down in the city of her former lover. Seeing the other knights in action she realized that he was one of many whom she considered truly good people, and after some deliberation decided to pledge her life to the Order as well. There'd she'd prove as devout and honorable as any of the others, making her way up the ranks to become now a member of the hand-picked Special Task Force.
Character Sheet
Combat Block
Character Name (colored to their in-game text color)

Gender Race Class Level
Languages: Common, _____
Age: __
Height: __
Weight: __ lbs.

Speed: __
Initiative: +__
Passive Perception: __
Passive Insight: __
Senses: _____ Vision

AC: __
Fort: __
Reflex: __
Will: __
HP: __/__
Bloodied: __
Surge Value: __
Surges left: __/__
Action Points: __

MBA: include attack and damage rolls here (e.g. +5 vs AC, 1d6+2 damage)
RBA: include attack and damage rolls here (e.g. +5 vs AC, 1d6+2 damage)

List all passive resistances here. If none, then just write "None."

List all passive vulnerabilities here. If none, then just write "None."

List all passive bonuses to saving throws here. If none, then just write "None."

Active Effects:
List all current, non-permanent effects here (and the permanent ones too, if you really want). This includes all effects such as being prone, blinded, etc. Make sure this is always up to date. If none, then just write "None."


Item At-Will

Encounter [_]
Item Encounter [_]

Daily [_]
Item Daily [_]


List things such as potions and other consumable items here. If none, just write "None."
Important Features:
Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any passive effects that are more than a flat increase to attack, defense, hp, or a skill (such as being able to use perception for initiative rolls), any effect that are triggered by certain other effects (such as an attack boost vs bloodied foes), and so on. If it is relevant info that is not directly represented elsewhere in the combat block or in your character sheet, it needs to go here.

Item Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any effects listed as 'Property' on a magic item, as well as any specific traits of the item itself (such as Brutal and other effects on certain weapons, special effects from superior implements, etc.). Again, if it is relevant it needs to be listed.
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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: The OCB Special Task Force OOC

Post by Fialova »

The Deadline For Submissions is Sunday, Nov. 15th. All who intend to play need to have completed character sheets, combat blocks, and ten-minute backgrounds by then.
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Re: The OCB Special Task Force OOC

Post by nemtsol »

Daeris Luren

Ser Ursula
Not Angry
Background and concept elements
1) Birth - Not much is know about Daeris Luren, prior being left at alone in a basket at Vyridis. He was found and raised by Vadan and Jolee Luren, a hunter and swordswoman respectively, along with his older sister Falee and older brother Qiro.

2) Early Life - Daeris was taught the ways of the sword and the bow, along with his older siblings. He learned to speak Elven along with his siblings. He also learned to appreciate the forest and the land. He was teased for being an outsider, however his siblings stood up for him. It also helped he could out shoot most of them any day of the week and out duel the rest.

3) Later Life - 5 months after his 21th birthday, Daeris noticed that the call of adventure was, well, calling him. His sister was already an adventurer and his brother was an accomplished blacksmith. His parents were reluctant with the idea of him leaving, but he won them over in the end.

4) Ser Ursula - Daeris left on a ship, which took him to Wolfrun Keep. After leaving the docks and heading south, to Iron Eye Cove. On the way, however Daeris spied a couple hunters about to slay a baby bear cub. Knowing that bears were currently off the market when it comes to hunting, Daeris attacked...And while he did drive them off, he found himself with a baby cub following him. Everywhere. If it wasn’t for his father’s teachings, he would have driven the cub away. So, he let it follow him, thinking it would walk off or get bored.

He reached Iron Eye Cove before he realized he might have the cub for life. Not that he minded, it felt lonely being on the road by himself. After a quick check of gender, he thought hard about what would be a good name. He came up with Ursula. Then he snuck the baby cub into the town.

5) Fort Sakura- While at Iron Eye Cove he heard about some sort of group that was trying to stop poachers and the like. The type of thing he left home for. He heard it was at Fort Sakura. Not really having any options, he planned to head out over there as soon as he could, Ursula in tow.

6) Appearance - Daeris is about average height and weight, with black hair. He's dressed in clothes that are also work as camouflage. He also wears an eyepatch over his non-dominant eye.

7) Personality Traits - Daeris is soft spoken along strangers and acquaintances, the man of few words type. When he's around friends and family, he's more outgoing, speaking his mind and commenting in general. He also gets more sarcastic, though he tries not to do it around family. (Ursula is basically a big teddy bear Silent Snarker when in a peaceful mood. When in combat or angry, however you get a Mama bear (well more like over-protective-Daughter-bear)/OHGODOHGODTHAT'SALLMYBLOODANDORGANSTHAT'SNOTSUPPOSEDTOBEOUTOFMYBODY)
1) Daeris wants to be famous enough to come home and show everyone who ever made fun of him.
2) Ranger, raised by elves, who has a ninja bear companion. Need I say more?
1) Daeris was adopted by Elves.
2)He has a bounty of sorts on his head do to stopping the poachers.
People Tied To Character
1) Ursula- Daeris' bear partner, ride, and best friend.
2) Vadan and Jolee Luren- Daeris' adopted father and mother. Learned to hunt and sword fight from them. Loves them very much.
3) Falee and Qiro- Daeris' older sister and brother. Falee is an adventurer and Qiro is an accomplished blacksmith.
4) Poachers- Daeris and Ursula mortal enemies. Just hearing about them send them into a rage.
1) Until he was six, Daeris always thought he was an elf.
2) When frustrated or annoyed, Daeris swears in what sounds like nonsense, mostly because he finds actual cursing is best used in dire situations.
3) Daeris and Ursula nap together.
4)Ursula is smart enough to understand Daeris completely
5) When he was eight, he was bullied by the neighborhood kids for being an outsider. He got his practice bow broken and was beaten up. His older siblings did not care for that, so Qiro helped fix his bow...And Falee returned the favor of the beatings to the bullies.
Family: Adopted Elf Family.

Class: Middle class.

Profession: Hunter/ Swordman/Member of the Order of the Cherry Blossom

Institutions: Home taught.
Primary: Come home a famous hero.

Secondary: Raise Ursula so that she can have her own family.

Tertiary: Have a family.
Short-Term: Work with everyone in a friendly yet professional manner.

Medium-Term: Go home famous enough to make his family proud and to show everyone else up.

Long-Term: Start a family.
OCB Relations
Captain Melchett: Daeris respects him, as he's Daeris boss. As a result, he follows orders willingly.

Lorelai d'Arcangeli: Daeris respects her, and finds her mood relaxing. Ursula likes her, but doesn't like Jessie.

Ser Gillam Trehearne: Daeris gets along with him. Ursula feels flattered by Gillam's interest.

Evander Wroclast: Evander reminds Daeris of his home, and enjoys his mischief making. Ursula finds him silly.

Ser Naadir Ahsan: Daeris and Ursula finds him enjoyable.

Esmeralda Sabile: Daeris finds her intimidating, but he trusts her. Ursula likes to play with her.

Roy Sabile: Just like Esmeralda, Daeris finds him intimidating, (although, unlike Esmeralda, he can't figure out why.) but he trusts him. Ursula does not trust Roy.

Ewan Poresky: Both Daeris and Ursula find his illlusions mind blowing.

Bridget: Daeris has a small crush on Bridget, that he dares not speak of. Ursula just finds that he's being silly about the whole thing.

Eloise Lapedite: Daeris finds that the fact she can hold on to her faith after what happened to her is inspiring. Ursula has no opinion on her.

Anya Pawter: Daeris likes that they share almost the same type of humor and that she is also sarcastic. Ursula is fine with Anya.
His Sister. (See above.)
Character Sheet
Daeris Luren, level 7
Human, Ranger
Build: Hunter Ranger
Fey Beast Tamer Starting Feature: Fey Beast Tamer Companion (Young Owlbear)
Fighting Style: Hunter Fighting Style
Ranger: Prime Shot
Human Power Selection: Bonus At-Will Power
Birth - Among Another Race: Among Another Race (Elf)
Background: Birth - Among Another Race (Among Another Race (Elf))

Str 17, Con 14, Dex 18, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 12.

Str 16, Con 13, Dex 16, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 12.

AC: 22 Fort: 20 Reflex: 21 Will: 17
HP: 56 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 14

Nature +11, Stealth +13, Heal +9, Endurance +9, Athletics +10

Acrobatics +8, Arcana +2, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +4, Dungeoneering +4, History +2, Insight +4, Intimidate +4, Perception +4, Religion +2, Streetwise +4, Thievery +6

Human: Manticore's Fury
Level 1: Escape Artist
Level 2: Twilight Training
Level 4: Hunter's Aim
Level 6: Action Surge
Feat User Choice: Crossbow Expertise

Bonus At-Will Power: Marauder's Rush
Ranger at-will 1: Twin Strike
Ranger at-will 1: Throw and Stab
Ranger encounter 1: Fox's Cunning
Ranger daily 1: Partnered Savaging
Ranger utility 2: Invigorating Stride
Ranger encounter 3: Disruptive Strike
Ranger daily 5: Frenzied Skirmish
Ranger utility 6: Safe Banishment
Ranger encounter 7: Biting Volley

Inescapable Crossbow +2, Longsword, Hide Armor, Crossbow Bolts (100), Adventurer's Kit, Backpack (empty), Crowbar, Lantern, Sack (2), Trail Rations (10), Oil (1 pint) (2), Journeybreads (10), Awakening Hide Armor +2, Amulet of Protection +2, Potion of Cure Light Wounds (15), Familiar's Baldric +1, Boots of Stealth (heroic tier), Bell and whistle, Bedroll
Combat Block
Daeris Luren

Male Human Hunter Ranger Level 7
Languages: Elven , Andorian
Age: mid 30s
Height: 5’11 11/12
Weight: 170 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +9
Passive Perception: 14
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 22
Fort: 20
Reflex: 21
Will: 17
HP: 56/56
Bloodied: 28
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 14/14
Action Points: 1

MBA: include attack and damage rolls here (e.g. +5 vs AC, 1d6+2 damage)
+9 VS AC, 1d8+3
RBA: include attack and damage rolls here (e.g. +5 vs AC, 1d6+2 damage)
+12 VS AC, 1d8+6

List all passive resistances here. If none, then just write "None."

List all passive vulnerabilities here. If none, then just write "None."

List all passive bonuses to saving throws here. If none, then just write "None."

Active Effects:
List all current, non-permanent effects here (and the permanent ones too, if you really want). This includes all effects such as being prone, blinded, etc. Make sure this is always up to date. If none, then just write "None."


Marauder's Rush
Twin Strike
Throw and Stab
Safe Banishment

Encounter [_]
Fox's Cunning
Invigorating Stride
Disruptive Strike
Biting Volley

Daily [_]
Partnered Savaging
Frenzied Skirmish


List things such as potions and other consumable items here. If none, just write "None."
Trail Rations (10), Oil (1 pint) (2), Journey Breads (10), Potion of Cure Light Wounds (15)
Last edited by nemtsol on Mon Nov 16, 2015 7:35 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: The OCB Special Task Force OOC

Post by Namelessjake »

Anya Pawter

Ten-Minute Background Response Format
Background and Concept Elements
Birth - Anya was born in The Cape. Her father was a passing sailor and her mother a prostitute. Either wanting a better life for her child, or not wanting to be burdened with caring for her, Anya’s mother left her at an orphanage where she would spend much of her early life.

Orphanage - The orphanage was Anya’s home until the age of fourteen. It was small and lacking in resources, kept just bearly afloat by a singular donor. The rooms were cramped and the children occasionally went unfed. As Anya grew older, her and some of the other children, began to spend as much time outside the orphanage as possible, roaming the streets of The Cape.

At first they would simply look for something to do or somewhere to play, but as they grew older they began to turn their attention towards more criminal activities, mostly just picking the odd pocket or stealing something from a market stall.

Streets of The Cape - After Anya left the Orphanage, she had nowhere to go. Another girl who left and Anya, would use their criminal talents during to day to secure food and sometimes a room in an inn. Failing that they would go hungry and sleep in the alleyways for some shelter from the coastal winds and rains.

Eventually a few others joined them and their exploits grew in ambition. This brought them to the attention of the local authorities, including The Order of the Cherry Blossom. They were only a tiny blip on the radar, but it was still something a couple of people wanted to deal with.

One knight was tasked with finding the gang, on top of his other duties. This allowed them to continue for some time but when he began his investigations in earnest, it wasn’t long before he tracked them down, as they were far from professional criminals. Anya was caught and arrested, however the knight, rather than lock her up, offered her a way out.

The Order - Anya accepted the knight’s offer and was taken to Fort Sakura to join the ranks of the Order, aged sixteen. She was a reluctant recruit at first, however the promise of meals every day and a bed every night stopped her from running away, back to The Cape. She soon took to swordfighting, impressing her instructors with her aggression. Eventually Anya was knighted and, having seen the relative luxury of Fort Sakura compared to The Cape, asked to be posted in her hometown, vowing to clean it up.

Task Force - Over the next few years she showed great prowess in combat and her knowledge of the streets of The Cape proved to be invaluable in apprehending several high profile fugitives. Eventually she reached the rank of Sergeant and was recruited into the Special Task Force.

Personality - Anya’s upbring has made her fiercely independent, she is not quick to trust people and she rarely opens up to anyone, often coming across as cold. She is fairly quiet but tends to act sarcastically with a dry sense of humour, which some people find confrontational.

Appearance - Anya is an attractive woman, about 5’7” tall and weighing around 140lbs. She has vibrant blue eyes and long brown hair which she tends to wear up so it doesn’t get in her way during combat.
1) Help the Order bring a better standard of living to The Cape, and by extension the whole peninsula.

2) I’d like to see Anya start to open up more and start to become more trusting of people.
1) Since joining the task force, Anya has started to develop feelings for Evander.

2) Her father was not just a passing sailor but a wealthy merchant from Iron Eye Cove. Already having a family he could never acknowledge Anya but he was the donor keeping her orphanage afloat.
People Tied to Character
1) Ser Colyn Hakan - The knight who first arrested Anya and gave her the choice to join the order. He is actually a pretty terrible knight and catching Anya was a bit of a fluke.

2) Rylie - Anya’s best friend from the orphanage. She wasn’t caught by the order and still lives in The Cape.

3) Ser Andrin Thorne - A spoiled knight from a rich family. He is infatuated with Anya and is intent on making her his, despite Anya rebuffing his advances several times.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Anya has a slight case of resting bitch face which, especially combined with her personality, can make her quite unapproachable to strangers, something she is often glad of.

2) Locks of Anya’s hair will often fall across her face, especially during combat, so it is not uncommon to see her brushing them behind her ears.

3) Anya remembers returning to The Cape for the first time since joining the order and seeing everything through a completely different lense, realising she had been part of the problem and vowing to help the town from then on.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Anya has never known any of her family being placed in the orphanage soon after she was born, although her father is still alive and is a wealthy merchant in Kingsport.

Class: Originally lower class, living on the streets, now higher in standing due to the prestige of knighthood.

Profession: Sergeant in the Order of the Cherry Blossom.

Institutions: Order of the Cherry Blossom.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Helping others is the main thing that drives Anya. Despite how uncaring she can come across in one on one conversation, it’s the main reason she has stayed with the Order.

Secondary: A sense of belonging also drives Anya. As an orphan she has never felt like she belonged anywhere, the order has begun to change that though.

Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Investigate the goings on in Wolfrun Keep.

Medium-Term: Complete the task force’s missions to the best of her ability.

Long-Term: Rid The Cape of crime.
OCB Relations
Captain Melchett: Anya respects Melchett as a commander and tries her best to fulfil his orders, even if outwardly she voices displeasure.

Lorelai: Anya finds Lorelai's upbeat personality irritating and likes to annoy her.

Gillam: Anya respects Gillam although does find him rather boring.

Evander: Anya has started to develop feelings for Evander and around him is one of the few times she smiles.

Naadir: Naadir is a bit too friendly for Anya's liking, although his magical ability impresses her.

Esmeralda: Esmeralda impresses Anya and she admires how she is willing to protect the people she cares about. She does still scare Anya slightly though.

Roy: Anya is not fond of Roy and Esmeralda flaunting their love is front of other people, but she still does like Roy and his determination.

Ewan: Anya and Ewan have a love hate relationship, regularly trying to antagonise each other. There is still something of a bond with both of them hiding their issues behind their somewhat abrasive personalities

Bridget: Anya is somewhat wary of Bridget but still finds her nice enough to mostly leave her alone.

Eloise: Eloise's devotion to her faith annoys Anya, and her sombre personality can be rather boring.

Daeris: Anya appreciates Daeris' personality as he seems to know when to be quiet but is also similarly sarcastic.
Horned Helm - level 6 head slot
Strikebacks - level 10 hand slot
Belt of Lucky Strikes - level 8 waist slot
Elven Chain Shirt - level 9 wondrous item
Badge of the Berserker +2 - level 7 neck slot
Character Sheet
Ser Anya Pawter, level 7
Dragonborn, Slayer
Slayer Weapon Specialization: Sweeping Sword
Dragonborn Subrace: Standard Dragonborn Racial Traits
Dragonborn Racial Power: Dragonfear
Background: Deviant (+2 to Stealth)
Theme: Ironwrought

Str 16, Con 14, Dex 19, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12.

Str 15, Con 12, Dex 18, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 10.

AC: 23 Fort: 20 Reflex: 19 Will: 16
HP: 65 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 18

Intimidate +11, Streetwise +9, Thievery +12, Athletics +12, Acrobatics +12

Arcana +3, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +4, Dungeoneering +2, Endurance +8, Heal +2, History +5, Insight +2, Nature +2, Perception +2, Religion +3, Stealth +9

Level 1: Weapon Proficiency (Fullblade)
Level 2: Fast Runner
Level 4: Improved Defenses
Level 6: Berserker's Fury
Feat User Choice: Two-Handed Weapon Expertise

Slayer utility 1: Berserker's Charge
Slayer utility 1: Battle Wrath
Slayer utility 2: Single Out
Slayer utility 6: Kirre's Roar
Slayer utility 7: Mobile Blade

Equipped Items
Main Hand: Vanguard Fullblade +2
Offhand: ---
Body: Dwarven Scale Armor +2

Head: ---
Neck: Badge of the Berserker +1
Arms: Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier)
Hands: Gloves of Piercing (heroic tier)
Waist: ---
Feet: Boots of Adept Charging (heroic tier)
Symbol: ---
Ki Focus: ---
Ring: ---
Ring: ---
Tattoo: ---
Backpack (empty),
Belt Pouch (empty),
Flint and Steel,
Trail Rations (20),
Hempen Rope (50 ft.),
Cold-weather clothing,
Bottle of Wine (4),
Candle (5),
Identification Papers with Portrait,
Desert Clothing,
Writing case,
Torch (2),
Thieves' Tools,
Coinpurse of 80gp.
Combat Block
Ser Anya Pawter

Female Dragonborn Slayer 7
Languages: Andorian, Common, Tulrissian
Age: 26
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 140 lbs.

Speed: 5
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Normal
AC: 23
Fort: 20
Reflex: 19
Will: 16
HP: 65/65
Bloodied: 32
Surge Value: 18
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1

MBA: +13 vs AC, 1d12+13 damage. (+1+1d8 to damage on a charge, +1[W] on a crit, +1 to attack rolls when bloodied.)
RBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+10 damage. (+1 to attack rolls when bloodied)

Resistances: Resist 2 All while bloodied.
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Berserker's Charge
Battle Wrath
Mobile Blade


Second Wind [_]
Inevitable Strike [_]
Dragonfear [_]
Power Strike [_][_][_]*
Single Out [_]
Kirre's Roar [_]

Vanguard Fullblade +2 [_]
Dwarvern Scale Armor +2 [_]
Gloves of Piercing (heroic tier) [_]

*Can be used thrice per encounter but only once per turn


Important Features:
Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:

Quick Swap: Once a turn I can take a free action to draw or stow a weapon and then draw another weapon.

Sweeping Sword: When I use Power Strike with a two-handed blade, I can slide each enemy adjacent to me 1 square.

Dragonborn Fury: When bloodied I gain a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls.

Elemental Origin: I have the elemental origin.

Ironwrought Starting Feature: I gain a +1 power bonus to Athletics and Endurance checks. Whenever I use Second Wind, this power bonus increases to +4 until the end of my next turn.

Ironwrought Level 5 Feature: While I am bloodied, I have resist 2/4/6 to all damage.

Notable Feats:

Fast Runner: I gain a +2 bonus to speed when I charge or run.

Heavy Blade Expertise: While wielding a heavy blade, I gain a +2 bonus to all defences
against opportunity attacks.

Berserker's Fury: Once per day as a free action, I can gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls until the end of the encounter.

Item Features:

Vanguard Full Blade +2: High Crit and deal +1d8 damage on a successful charge.

Dwarvern Scale Armor +2: Gain a +2 item bonus to endurance checks.

Badge of the Berserker +1: When I charge my movement made as part of the charge doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.

Boots of Adept Charging (heroic tier): After charging I can shift 1 square before my turn ends.
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