Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

Marcus opens up the door, seeing into what seems to be the living area of the residence. He and Redros step inside while Guthrik helps Weasel in pocketing some of the utensils for the tavern. In this room, the two of you can see that there is a hearth and a comfortable looking bench in front of it. There are a few bookshelves lining one of the walls. On the floor is a large hide from an animal, likely a bear or a moose or something similarly sized. There is a countertop with a couple candles on it, in good status.

At the Gilded Mare, Burtin slowly stretches his arms, seeing how the injuries on his chest fared while doing so. "Getting better, but still painful. I think it will be a couple days before I can really get back to doing any hard labor. Don't want to get an infection or worsen, with our limited resources," he says matter-of-factly. "But thank you for the concern, Princess. I have to admit, it is quite humbling to have you here, caring for my safety."

As Elene and Isdren edge their way through the narrow alley to a more wider one, the young girl notices the shattered shingle from the night before. To the south, this alley looks to be the back entrance to a few houses and maybe a store or two. There are a few bodies down the alley, away from the Mare, and you can smell them from here. "Ugh," Isdren complains. "That's disgusting."

- - - - -

The man hurriedly enters the building, ensuring the door is closed behind him promptly. "Rem," he mutters in response to the question. "And thanks. I don't have time to stay long, though. There are many other survivors in the district, and Maddris needs men."
The Gilded Mare (Lobby): Burtin, Drozga, Smock, Rorsi, Jozanta, Bessia, Matilda, Bastia, Mahren, Liviana, Cassia.

House East of TGM: Athena, Guthrik, Marcus, Weasel, Redros.

An Alley South of TGM: Isdren, Elene.

Tobias' Camp: Tobias, Hiremas
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Athena follows Marcus and Redros through the doorway. She walks over to the candles, picking them up. "Someone should grab that hide too. Even if we can't use it for protection we could always use it as a blanket."

And it looks valuable...
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by nemtsol »

"Well, hi there, Rem. Name's Tobias Stan. Tobias said, with a wave that became a salute. You think you might need any help? Helping people is part of the Hobo way. Of course, if you don't need my help, that's just fine."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"We can grab it as we leave, it will likely require two bodies to carry," Marcus responds to Athena, before turning his attention to Redros. "I suggest taking the orc with you to the second floor, I will stay down here with the others to find whatever food there is, and grab as much as we can carry."

Taking a mental note of the contents of the room, Marcus steps back out and heads to the other door in the dining room.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Liviana smiles she hears of the man's improving wound. "That's good to hear. I'm sure it will be great to be back to your old self, without worry of a grisly injury."

At Burtin's thanks, the princess bows slightly, adding, "Well, if I'm to be queen one day, then I need to look after my people. What's a queen without her kingdom? And what's a kingdom without its people?"
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Elene shushes Isdren, signalling him to keep quiet. "We don't know if they're really dead. Don't go alertin' anything."

Carefully stepping up to one of the back doors that might lead to a shop, she kneels down and pulls out her small figurine arm, quietly attempting to unlock it.
Thievery check to get this door open: 19
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

Weasel nods to Athena and he quietly removes the hide from the floor where it was lightly tacked down. He ravels it up as best as he can, grabbing a nearby piece of twine to keep it rolled up. In the dining room, Marcus opens the other door, revealing what looks to be a stone-walled storage room. It is rather dark, however. A torch sconce is next to you, unlit.

In the alley by the Gilded Mare, Elene fiddles with one of the doors' locks. It takes her a few moments, but with the absence of any visible threats in the alley, she manages to pry it open in time. Isdren takes a last look at the bodies. "I think those are the ones that got in last night. Must've been where the fat man and the stern one -- Marcus? -- that drug them out here." Stepping inside, the both of you realize this must be the stockroom of a shop, seeing as how most of it looks like trade containers.

In the Gilded Mare, the laborer nods his head to Liviana's words."It will be very great, Princess," Burtin says with a smile, thankful for her kind words. "The world could use more leaders with a gentle hand as yourself. The Gods know that there are few in history," he says, surprisingly sorrowfully.

- - - - -

Rem and Tobias crouch together in the dilapidated house. "Could use a hand. Though that'd be for the big boss to decide, you know. He's in the north part of the district." The man looks around for a moment, then turns back to the vagrant. "I've gotta keep on the streets though, for a few more hours. There're more than just you out there. You seem like you've got your head on your shoulders, though, so I'll tell you where Maddris' camp is if you think you can prove yourself."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

Marcus feels around on his person before realizing he has nothing on him to light a fire. Slightly frustrated, he turns back to face the dining room and scans it for anything that could be useful.
Were the candles in the living area lit? If not, perception check to scan dining room and living room for stuff to light candles: 6
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros nods at Marcus' words and motions to Guthrik to follow, making his way up the stairs with quick and quiet steps, eyes trying to draw in light from the darkness to see.
Stealth Check to quietly move upstairs, just in case...: 17(1d20) +8 = 25
Perception Check to see what's up there: 19(1d20) +9 = 28
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

Weasel steps over to Marcus, noticing the dark room. "Try this, mate." He grabs a sparker from the wall, handing it to the ex-soldier. It looks like a palm-sized pair of tongs with a bit of metal and some flint on each arm. From within the storage room, Marcus hears a rasping cough.

Redros and Guthrik approach the upper floor, opening the door at the top of the stairs. Inside, it looks to be a long hall with rather banal decorations. There are windows along the left hand side, two doors on the right, and a door that looks like it leads to the balcony at the end.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

Marcus takes the sparker and lights one of the candles on a nearby table, carrying it with him towards the room in one hand while he keeps his other on the hilt of his blade. He steps inside once he is ready, looking around cautiously for the source of the cough.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Yes, but let's just pray that the Gods guide us through this time of peril with as little losses as possible. May Aurelia's radiant hand guide us through these dire days," Liviana says, fiddling with her holy ring.

"Now then, you should continue to rest up more, so your injuries may heal quicker. And don't hesitate to find me should you need any more care." With a smile and a nod, she leaves the man, strutting towards the mother and her child.

Addressing Jozanta, the princess says, "How are you and your daughter faring? This must be a difficult time for you as a mother."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by nemtsol »

"Sure can!" Tobais said with a salute and an eager wispier. "Rule 21 of the Hobo way: If someone asks if you can prove yourself, the answer is always yes!
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Athena takes out one of the candles she picked up earlier and walks over to Marcus. She grabs his candle holding hand by the wrist and holds him still as she lights her candle on his, before letting him go into the room and following close behind him.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros looks down the hallway, pausing to take in the scene before looking at Guthrik and motioning to the first door on the right, moving over to it and pressing his hand against the wood, the other on the knob as he listens for movement on the other side before opening the door.
Stealth Check just in case: 3(1d20) +8 = 11
Perception to hear anything on the other side: 7(1d20) +9 = 16
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

As Marcus steps into the room with Athena close behind, the smell hits you before the sight does. There are three bodies on the floor, their skulls mutilated in a sickening manner and brain matter spilling out onto the cobblestone. They lay carefully arranged, their eyelids closed. You scan over them, noting what looks to be two women and a young girl. Huddled and sitting in the corner of the room, recoiling from the sudden light, is a disheveled looking man. He puts his arms out in front of him, cowering. "No! My reckoning! Please, no!" he cries out, his voice cracking.

Upstairs, Redros and Guthrik step down the hallways, their footsteps creaking lightly on the floorpanels. Checking the door, he opens it up once deemed safe, looking within. Inside appears to be a child's bedroom, based on the size of the bed and room. There is a dresser, a bed, a few wooden and metal toys, and a small desk with a few books and writing utensils on top of it.

Back at the Gilded Mare, Burtin thanks the Princess for her kind words as she steps away. The mother perks up at Liviana approaching her, and the woman clasps her hand. "A lot better today than last night. We saw... too much loss yesterday. And yes, it is very difficult. I worry every moment for my son -- he is too brave for his own good."

- - - - -

Rem raises an eyebrow at Tobias' strange mannerisms, but shakes it off. "Alright, cross the street here and go up north along this road. He's got a few lookouts posted. They'll find you before you find them. Just be careful." With that, the man slips out the door and takes off south down the road, taking cover from any passing walkers.
The Gilded Mare (Lobby): Burtin, Drozga, Smock, Rorsi, Jozanta, Bessia, Matilda, Bastia, Mahren, Liviana, Cassia.

House East of TGM: Athena, Guthrik, Marcus, Weasel, Redros.

An Alley South of TGM: Isdren, Elene.

Tobias' Camp: Tobias, Hiremas
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by nemtsol »

Tobais quickly yet quietly crossed the street and headed north, doing his very best to stay out of sight of any of the Walkers.
Stealth roll: 20(1d20) +1 = 21
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"Lower your voice," Marcus barks authoritatively, more disturbed by the volume than the sight before him. You'd think with all he's seen he'd realize by now to keep quiet. He steps in a bit further, glancing at the bodies while maintaining a solid stance above the man.

"What happened here?" he asks, turning back to face him. The dim candle illuminates his face in just the right way to appear menacing.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Liviana frowns as the mother mentions the loss they've faced. "Yes, I think we all saw too much loss yesterday. More than someone could see in a lifetime. But we'll all get through this, together." As the mother mentions her son's bravery, the princess smiles in recollection. "He is very brave, yes. But perhaps that's what we need in this dire time. It will show the rest of us what we need to do to get through this. But I do understand your worry of him being out in this chaotic time. I'm sure my mother is ill with worry about me." If she still lives, that is...
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

"Right. Still. Them things give me the creeps." Elene says, looking around the room. "Anyway, let's look through these crates. Might be somethin' useful like inside 'em."

Quietly shutting the door behind her and Isdren, she steps over to the containers and begins rummaging through them.
What stuff?
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros lets out a soft sigh as he looks about the childs room, motioning towards the next room over for now. Better to check adjacent rooms for danger than to simply start looting, especially a child's bedroom.
He moves around to the other door, doing the same as before, listening for anything on the other side before opening it.
Stealth Check: 3(1d20) +8 = 11 Same as last time. The heck.
Perception Check at the next door before opening it: 7(1d20) +9 = 16

THE HECK? Same rolls!
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"I...I... They were turning," the man explains through sobs to Marcus. "I had to do it... I couldn't let them become whatever those things are." Weasel steps in behind the ex-soldier and Athena, wrinkling his nose at the sight. "What the fuck," he mutters under his breath. The disheveled man stares up at them with eyes awash in sorrow and agony. "I can't continue like this," he admits, vaguely.

Back in the Gilded Mare, Matilda speaks up. "Your mother, of course! The Royal Family must be in grave worry for you, Your Grace. Speaking of, how come you are here alone? Isn't there supposed to be an escort with you?" she asks, curiously.

Elene peers through the contents of the crates in the stockroom. A few are full of pressed paper, and a couple more of books. In one of them you find a few heavy spools of string, probably for book binding of some sort.

Redros creeps through the house with the orc beside him, opening the door to what looks like an adult bedroom. The decorations are rather sterile, but there is a decent bed, a dresser, a desk, and a small shelf of various books above it.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Ordinarily, yes," the princess responds to the curious Matilda. "I was with my personal guard, Felix. He was escorting me to the docks, as I was meant to travel to Imardin last evening. Unfortunately, in the chaos that had erupted, we became separated. I do pray he's alright." Liviana's face is painted with a light frown as she thinks about the fate of her guard.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"Turning, you say?" Marcus asks, eyebrow raised. So it's true, we can turn into those creatures. "Turning into the creatures outside? Were they scratched by them, by any chance?" he continues, curious to hear what the man knows.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Finding nothing but books and paper in box after box, Elene's face tightens in frustration. "Useless junk. what is this shit?" She mutters under her breath, before she spots two spools of twine sitting in a corner. Eyes lighting up, she moves toward them, inspecting the string more closely, calling back to Isdren as she does. "This stuff is good. We should take it back later."
You know, I forgot to ask if there's more than one floor to this place. Doors in the room? Stairs up? Is there a cellar/trapdoor?
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros sighs as he looks about the room and shakes his head.
"Nothing... An adults room and a childs room. Likely a family lived here. Guthrik, what do you think? Shall we leave the items of this family alone for now? I am not sure what we would find that would aid us."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"I'm sorry to hear that," Matilda says to the Princess, her cheerful eyes turning to disappointment. "Perhaps he is still around here somewhere. For somebody to be able to protect you, they must be well equipped and experienced, no?" she asks, optimistically.

In the adjacent building, the disheveled man nods his head at Marcus' question. "Yes... turning into whatever the Gods know those things are," he says, his voice breaking again. "Bit, scratched, mauled, yes... I don't know how I got through the market safe. If only I had been able to protect them." Fresh tears drip down from the man's eyes and Weasel looks on in worry.

Upstairs, Redros finds little of use to him in the bedroom. Guthrik nods in response. "Weapons, armor, food, tools... Nothing useful in here, I suppose. Shall we see the balcony? It'd be good to get a better view of the area."

Isdren nods to Elene. "I can pick one of these up if you can get the other," he offers. She looks around the stockroom, noticing it to be only a story tall. There are no stairs, but there is a door opposite where you came in.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"Come," Marcus says, extending his arm to the man, offering to help him up. "No use sitting on the ground in a dark, abandoned building. We are holed up in the Gilded Mare, you can come stay there where it is safe." He looks the man over more closely as he reaches out to him, trying to see if he has any visible wounds.
Perception to check for wounds: 4 of course
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Elene nods back to Isdren, acknowledging the offer. "Ye. But we gotta check the rest of this place first. Spools're for later." Moving to the opposite door, she does her best to open it silently, peeking beyond into the space beyond.
What's there, yo? Outside? Storefront area? What are the immediately noticeable entrances? Any miscellenia items that are eye-catching, like potential weapons? Any not-books? Fuck books.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Oh, yes. He'd handle himself much better than most out there," the princess responds to Matilda, a streak of worry still embellishing her face. "Though I still can't help but worry for him. But a sword and armor can only do so much. If he got cornered... or outnumbered, or something..." Liviana takes a deep breath and shakes her head, adding, "But I'd prefer to think that it won't be that way. Aurelia will care for him and guide him to safety."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros nods to Guthrik.
"The balcony it is then. Let us keep low, to avoid any of the creatures seeing us outside."

He walks over to the balcony and presses a hand to it, trying the doorknob to see if it is open. Once it is open he keeps low, moving slowly to avoid being detected as he peers out over the city.
Stealth to keep unseen: 15(1d20) +8 = 23
Perception: 10(1d20) +9 = 19
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Yes, I do hope that she will" Matilda replies to Princess Liviana. "Perhaps we should look for him in the last place you saw him? There is no doubt that if he is still... around... he would be looking for you as well," she suggests.

Nearby, the distressed man looks up at Marcus with sorry eyes. "You would... offer me safety?" the man asks, taken aback. He wipes his eyes with his stained sleeve. "Knowing the things I've done to my own... my own family. Had to do, had to. You would still help me?"

Elsewhere, Elene and Isdren continue exploring another building. The girl notices the working area of what seems to be a bookshop, with the storefront beyond and a staircase to most likely the sleeping quarters, similar to the tannery. Around her exists binding equipment, a simple pressing set, and various other materials and devices related to books. Knowing what would be useful and what wouldn't, she steps around slowly, inspecting the contents of the workshop. She finds a large tanned leather skin, assuming it to be for the covers. Isdren nods at the discovery. "I think Mahren could use that," he suggests.

Guthrik follows Redros out onto the balcony, and almost immediately the two of you notice a passerby about twenty to thirty yards away. Instinctually, the orc whistles a low note like a bird, trying to attract the attention of the man. The hunter is able to make out the stranger's appearance from behind decent cover.
See Tobias' appearance photo.
As Tobias steps through the street trying to keep a low profile, he feels spotted as he hears a whistle, like a bird. You don't remember seeing many birds since the horrors of the day prior, however, and you turn to investigate, seeing an orc atop a balcony to the general west direction, a few buildings down.
See Guthrik's appearance photo.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"They weren't your family when you put them down, they were... whatever those things are," Marcus says, continuing to hold out his hand for the man. "You did what needed to be done. Had you not, they'd still be plaguing the area, with you along with them most likely. Now come, it's not safe to stay here. We travel in groups for just that reason, it's a wonder you made it through the night." Why ask questions? You are being aided. Why make things more difficult than they need to be?

"Now tell me," Marcus continues, "do you have any spare food or wood, or anything useful for basic survival? We came here to scavenge what we could find, so that the Mare can be fortified against these things. We already have a hole in our door from some ruffians drawing their attention," he adds, with a quick glance towards Weasel.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by nemtsol »

Tobais waved hello at the orc, and moved toward the building. I can make a side trip. The camp isn't going anywhere. As he headed towards the building, he looked around to make sure it was safe. Well, as safe as it gets lately.
Perception check: 20(1d20) +5 = 25
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

The disheveled man shakes his head at Marcus. "No, no, no... they weren't yet. But I had to, yes." Weasel raises an eyebrow as he understands, a spooked look on his face. "Food? Wood? I... Whatever is here, I suppose. This is not my house, no." He takes Marcus' hand up, however. He stretches his arms as if he hadn't moved from the seated position against the wall all night and morning.

Outside, Tobias steps toward Guthrik carefully, keeping an eye out for any prowling creatures around him. He notices a few on some of the side-streets, but nothing close enough to be too much of an issue. "Hail, stranger," the orc says quietly as the homeless man approaches. "We've no trouble for you, unless you ask for it." He looks at the human down below cautiously.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by nemtsol »

Tobias looked to the Orc. "Trouble? That ain't part of the hobo way, friend. 'Less you talking 'bout Apple pie stealin' in which case you can't prove nothin'. Tobias said quietly, with a grin. "Name's Tobias Stan. Mine if I ask yours, friend?
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"I'm not even sure where that last place would be," the princess utters, with a mild frown. "There was so much chaos all at once, but perhaps he remains. Though how would we go about looking for him? Those creatures are likely still out there, and we can't simply go out and shout his name." I pray you're still alive, and I pray you find me, so I don't have to venture out and find you.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros looks down at the hobbo below him.
A scavenger of a human variety. Yet, we have all been reduced to the same in these days... It seems I cannot hold myself above him, as I am a hunter without his weapon, and no better than he at this moment, breaking into houses for food and protection.

He leans over the balcony slightly to speak to the man below.
"Given the current circumstances, apple theft is not on many minds at the moment, save where to find them. Redros Folena. Huntsman by trade, though without my crossbow I am naught but another animal amidst the chaos. What brings you here?"
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"If it's possible for us to turn into these creatures, it begs the question where did they come from originally?" Athena says, mostly rhetorically. "What if someone is behind this? They might be trying to weaken the Island before they invade. I bet it's Gleois," she says. "When I worked in a tavern I never like the sailors from there."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"I wouldn't put it past them," Marcus says to Athena, before turning back to the man. "Then you escaped into here for shelter?" While waiting for a response, he looks around at the rest of the room, hoping to find anything useful. His abilities better outweigh his instability. We need more hands, but not someoneone who could crack at any time. I will have to keep an eye on him.
So what's in here besides the corpses and the freaked out dude?
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Perhaps we could, if we had the proper gear to do so," the innkeeper tells the princess.

At Athena's question, the disheveled man shakes his head. "I... don't know. I've never seen anything like this before, not here." He looks to Marcus when questioned. "Yes, my family and I. Only... I wish I hadn't. What good is running for shelter if you don't make it in the process? What good is it?!" He shouts the last bit.

Upstairs, the orc nods his head at Tobias' introduction. "Guthrik, they call me. I know a thing or two about being a hobo," he says with a smile as Redros questions him.
There are some crates, barrels, a couple mops and brooms. One of the barrels has had its lid removed and you can see some grain in there.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Elene nods to Isdren's suggestion, quickly rolling the hide up and tucking it into her pack as best as she can. "Prob'ly nothin' good left in here." She says, moving towards the sleeping quarters. "Should check the bedrooms just for th' sake of it, though."
What shit do I find in the bedroom?
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"Calm yourself," Marcus responds, quietly but sternly. "I understand your pain, but shouting will not bring them back. And it draws those things to us. If you want to continue to survive this, keep your voice down."

He moves further into the room now that the man is proven not to be a threat, at least not for now. He begins methodically going through the crates and barrels, looking for anything worth transporting to the mare.
Find anything?
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by nemtsol »

Tobais looks at Redros and says, "Work, if you can believe it. There's work at Katala in about a month. Came here for a ship that would take me there. Then...This happened." At Guthrik, he says "Well met, brother!"
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros nods at the hobo, understanding his plight.
"Circumstances have not been kind indeed... Hopefully the future will hold more in store for us all. Perhaps you should remove yourself from the streets however? I do not doubt the monsters will come for you the first chance they have."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Then I suppose we must wait for such gear to be more available. Kitchen knives and simple clothing will do little to stop such abominations," the princess says with a light sigh. If only this chaos had arose minutes later. Then we'd be sailing away, Felix.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by nemtsol »

"I'm heading to a supposed safety zone. Well, I'm following directions towards one. They're looking for single folk though. Groups have risk." Tobias shrugs and rests his hammer on his shoulder. "You don't need to worry about me. Tobias Stan knows what he's doin'."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

Inside the upstairs area of the workshop, Elene finds a bedroom that she rifles through. There is a good deal of nice clothing, indicating the owner was probably a well-dressed male. In one of the cupboards, she finds a small purse of coins -- twelve gold pieces, exactly.

"Alright," the disheveled man replies to Marcus. "I'm... sorry. What are you doing?" he asks. Marcus peers through the various crates and barrels, finding some grain and a couple barrels of fruit.

In the Gilded Mare, the innkeeper chuckles at the princess' words. "That's true. Though waiting around for somebody to help us is a poor plan. This place ain't a fortress, you know."

Outside, Guthrik raises a hand at Tobias. "Hold on -- a safety zone? Whose safety zone?" he asks, a confused look on his lowered brow.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"Seeing what this house has. All of these crates look like the contain food, so we will be taking them back to the Gilded Mare. We can eat the food then uses the wood from the crates for other purposes as they empty," the man says matter-of-factly as he peruses the contents of the pantry.

Once finished, and satisfied with the contents, he turns back to the others. "They will each likely require two of us to carry, we'll have to move quietly. Once the woodsman and orc return, we can pair up and move these three at a time. Shouldn't take too long. The faster we go, the faster we can move on to find more." He looks to others for reactions, or signs of dissent.
How many of these crates/barrels are there, anyway?
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by nemtsol »

"A fellow's by the name of Maddris, why?" Tobais answered the orc. "It's supposed to be toward the north."
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