The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

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The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by ratwizard »

A warm and humid breeze flows through the encampment, whipping to and fro the woven banners of different clans raised above the tents. The Hunter's Moot had chosen a pleasant bank along The Gryhst for the meetup, south of the Makdis Narrows. The wide river flows north before you, allowing a seasonal migration of dramok fish toward the briny delta of Valdriz. There are a few orcs with fishing poles and spears, working at the shores to some success. This is the final evening of the celebrations, a three-day-long ceremony that includes immense feasting, drinking, wargames, brawls, competitions, and drunken debauchery.

The sun will set in a couple hours, and then soonafter the men and women chosen for this Hunter's Moot will rest for the night, to begin the hunting party at dawn. A few of the elders have just finished their collective prayer and the servers have seen to the now-full barrels of ale. While the hunting party will only be about twenty strong, there are over fifty orcs in the encampment, a portion of them elders and important figures of clans to see the party off. Despite current skirmishes and raids, the honchos present are doing an impressive attempt at putting on hold their tensions.

A large bonfire crackles, loosing occasional embers, but the balmy weather makes it hardly more than a traditional requirement. Around it, chatter and laughter echo out to even the opposite riverbank. The few of you have gathered around two orcs who have gotten entirely too intoxicated and are now wrestling each other on the grasses underfoot.

"Give him hell, Drek!"

"Pin his ass! Hah-hah!"

"Quit letting him punch your ugly face, Gornak!"

The dozen or so of you crowd around, egging on the pair or staying silent and watching. There is ale to drink, pleasure to be had, fish to catch, and fighting words to be said.
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Traza chuckles to herself as she watches the brawl, enjoying the sight of Gornak taking a pummeling. Taking a swig of ale, she shouts, "How do you expect to woo a woman if you can't even hold your own, Gornak?" Maybe this'll bring his pride down a notch, she thinks with a smirk.

Although she slightly misses being home, she is filled with excitement for the Great Hunt that was only a day away from beginning. The nearby river, reminding her of home, at least helps remove some homesickness. Growing weary of the fight, Traza catches one more glimpse at Gornak's bloodied face, and smiling, walks over to the riverbank. Let's just hope the rest of the region is this beautiful. And that these lots I'll be stuck with aren't worse than Gornak. Picking up a fishing rod, she sits along the serene banks and casts a line.
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by Fialova »

Kogul is out of his element and it makes him uncomfortable, a fact hidden behind his icy, grimacing facade. What beast is so great they expect us to put aside our differences? He'd heard tales of the legendary heroes of old, sure, but they took place at a different time, when great beasts were common and the orcs of Kurnhuelde more unified. If this beast has been around for so long, why does it only now need slaying? It must not be that menacing if it can go centuries unchecked without causing too much trouble.

He watches the brawl unfold briefly, but is quickly bored of it. He's seen many brawls, featuring much more skilled combatants, so a few drunk men rolling around on the ground does not appeal to him. Especially not when they are a couple of foreigners. He steps away to look out over the river shortly into the fight, seeking some solace from the hustle and bustle of the camp. The Warchief sent me, so I will do as he asks and aid this hunt. I cannot guarantee him that I will remain civil, though. As he gazes on, he hears footsteps and turns to see an unfamiliar woman approach. He leers as she nears the river, some 10s of feet away, and picks up a rod to fish.

Glad for the lack of conversation, he turns back to the river and continues to gaze out upon it, watching the waves and the occasional fish leaping out of them. He thinks of Kabila and his friends, missing them more than he expected he would in this unfamiliar territory. He thinks of the mountain, and how he will soon be venturing into land he considers enemy territory with people he considers his enemies. He thinks of his father, who would be much more interested in assisting in the hunt, and who is likely full of pride knowing that his son is going to be a hunter after all. Let's just get this over with.
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Argnok takes a swig of ale as he sits, his lone eye scanning the goings on in the makeshift camp. His gaze rest on the brawl for a while, watching the two younger orcs go at it. As one punch sends blood splattering across the ground, he smirks a crooked smile. It's not quite the real thing but a fight is still a fight. He takes another drink from his tankard, wondering how long it will be before the drunken brawls turn into fully fledged duels. It would be surprising and disappointing if the moot ended without any deaths. He could name many deep seated rivalries among the orcs gathered just off the top of his head. Some his own.

Growing bored of the fight, he downs his drink and walks over to those gathered around it. "If you're fighting over anything worthwhile you should be doing it sword in hand. Not rolling about on the floor like a couple of dogs."
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by ratwizard »

Another orc near Argnok raises his weathered voice in response to the other orc's words. "Don't encourage them," he half-sighs, rolling his eyes as the men drunkenly pummel each other. "The last thing we need at the moot is some uncaged violence to erupt. I'm sure you know well that there are many clans here that are on hostile ground." He looks to be aged, but not as old as some of the elders. "And who are you? I've not seen you before in my travels," he asks. "Judging by your attire, I'd suspect you're from Mordraar. Am I right?"

At the river bank, Traza's line stays dormant for a few moments while she watches a couple other anglers have varying success. Her rod tugs suddenly. With a start, she quickly anchors in a decent sized dramok fish about half-way before the thin twine gives way at the pull. "Nice try!" some orc shouts, several yards upriver.

Kogul Kal stands at the riverbank, his eyes following the current. A few of the dramok fish leap into the air for short moments before splashing back into the water. Their shiny scales reflect glints of sunlight and the scene before him feels strangely beautiful.
Traza and Kogul
Something catches your eye across the wide river, and it grabs your attention. Beyond the opposite bank and behind a few tens of yard of brush, you can see some sort of fire quickly start up. Thick fumes billow vertically in a silent but heavy fashion.
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by Fialova »

Kogul watches the smoke, trying to get a better glimpse. He'd rather not start an uproar over a planned event, so he tries to be certain it is unnatural before going to anyone with the news.
Perception, to see if he can make anything or anyone out around the fire: 19
Nature, to know based on the look if it is natural or unnatural, and to remember/know if forest fires are common in this area: 21
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by ratwizard »

You see at least two figures through the brush, by the fire, but you can't make out much beyond that. The fire itself definitely looks to be some sort of artifical one, like a bonfire. Due to the wet conditions of the Drekkis Valley, forest or brushfires are very uncommon here.
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Argnok nods, his gaze unmoved from the fight. "Name's Argnok," he says after a pause. "Some call me One Eye," he adds, quickly pointing a thumb at his missing eye. He pauses once more to gauge the reaction to his name.

"You must be well travelled to tell a man's clan from his clothes," Argnok says, turning to face his companion. "Would I have heard of you?"
Who is Parvak? 12(1d20) +4 = 16
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by ratwizard »

At the mention of One Eye, the weathered orc narrows his eyes, racking his brain it seems. "Hm, that sounds vaguely familiar. Though I'm sure there have been a few before you that were called that. After you, maybe not. The elders are saying this is the last of the Great Hunts for possibly ever. Good opportunity to have your legacy written in the annals. You could be the One Eye," he replies, the last sentence with a smile.

The orc takes another glance at Argnok's attire, pausing a moment before replying. "As for me, I've traveled to almost every part of our homeland, I suppose. Some places much more than others. I'm Parvak, the Wanderer. Though wanderlust is not my sole motivation -- I map for a living, and have been for a couple decades now."
You've heard of the recent mapping attempts in Kurnhuelde, but you don't recall the man's name or anybody called the Wanderer.
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Ha! I quite like the sound of that," Argnok replies to the suggestion of becoming the One Eye.

"Unsurprising we don't really know each other then. Different circles. I'm the clan's Warchief," he replies. "I'm sure your knowledge will be useful on the hunt," he adds. Although when it comes to facing the beast I suspect you won't amount to much.
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Ah, the Warchief from Mordraar. Well met. You do look the part," Parvak says, his eyes alit with interest. "I speak mostly to the hunters, recordkeepers, and some traders of the clans I visit. The best people to glean information I need from. And yes, I grew up tracking animals myself. I imagine it is both my skill in that and my cartography that got be invited to the moot. Hopefully the Hunt will also offer opportunities for my mapping as well."
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by Fialova »

Kogul narrows his gaze at the sight of the others in the distance, and quickly turns towards the camp. He marches towards the nearest group of people, consisting of two older men, one with a missing eye, and interrupts their conversation. "Do you know if there is meant to be a bonfire across the river? If not, then we may have an issue," he says matter-of-factly, not really caring whether the conversation he'd interrupted was important.
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"It could just be a few people who're finding the camp a bit small," Argnok says unfazed by the news. He turns his head to face the newcomer, his eye staring down the younger Orc. He sizes up Kogul for a moment before turning back to Parvak.

"Yes, I imagine the beast is hiding out in some of the less mapped areas, otherwise we'd likely have killed it already," he says continuing their conversation.
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by ratwizard »

"No," Parvak says in reply to Argnok. "The hosts required we stay on this side of the riverbank. Something about a territory issue with Clan Makdis, I recall. Not any of our men, I'd imagine. Sure it wasn't a brushfire? Though it is rather wet this time of year..." He trails off, unsure of the situation.
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by Fialova »

Kogul glares at the two men, as one barely addresses him and the other completely ignores the question. Don't know what I expected from uncivilized foreigners. He walks further into the camp, and stops to look around for whoever put the gathering together. Someone here will know.
Does Kogul know who organized the moot? If so, could he spot them in a crowd? If so, does he?
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Hm," Parvak grunts, curiously, watching the other orc stalk off toward the meeting area.

Kogul makes his way to the bonfire, spotting one of the elders by his traditional huntmaster garb, making his way toward him. You vaguely recognize him apart from the other two of them and recall his name is Jogahl. Together, the three huntmasters put together most of the planning for this event. They sent the envoys and personally invited each orc. "Ah, Kogul Kal, yes?" he asks as you step up. "Enjoying the celebrations?" He gives you a smile that does not fully reach his eyes, indicated by his deep wrinkles.
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Noticing the rising pyres across the river, Traza raises an eyebrow. Turning towards the orc who had shouted to her earlier, she shouts, "What do you suppose is happening over there?" Pointing to the mighty flames, she adds, "Just more festivities or are those flames of rage, do you think?" I'd rather not see the fires of destruction on such a beautiful night, with all this beautiful, short-lived peace.
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by ratwizard »

The fisherman cocks his head toward Traza after a moment, realizing she was calling to him. He looks at where her extended arm points, squinting across the river at the strange flames. "Can't be good," he fires back. "The huntmasters forbade any of us from going over there. And that's too big for a simple campfire." He gives it another look before setting down his pole and stepping over to her. Now that the orc is closer, you can see that he is attractive and quite muscled. You're sure you've heard a few mentions of him during the celebrations. "Might be we've got some jackasses breaking the rules for the rest of us. Let's talk to the geezers, you think?"
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by Fialova »

Hardly, Kogul thinks to himself, though he is not in the mood to begin hostilities. "Yes, though I've noticed something odd. Across the river there seems to be a bonfire raging, and I spotted some men moving nearby. Is this a part of the moot? It seems out of the ordinary to have it split between river banks," he says, eager to get to the point and find his answer so he can once more enjoy gazing out over the river in peace, alone.
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by ratwizard »

Jogahl's crafted smile falls away as his eyes narrow. He spends a short moment wordless, his eyes focused on Kogul. "A signal fire, I presume..." he responds, turning and squinting his eyes to see out across the water himself. "But for who?" the elder asks rhetorically. "Our moot has no enemies. Perhaps someone seeks to toy with us. A harmless prank?"

Another of the huntmasters step over, noticing the disturbance. His name is Yevnak, Kogul recalls, and he's the youngest of the three. "We should ready ourselves for what may lie ahead, Jogahl. Foul play or not, it is foolish not to prepare for the unexpected." He hails a pair of stewards, issuing them commands to send forward to some of the trackers. "We need to scout the perimeter and ensure our safety. Kogul Kal -- did you get a glimpse of the men across the river?"
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"He seemed rather full of himself," Argnok says to Parvak once Kogul Kal is out of earshot. "Although I suppose most youngsters always are. I've probably forgotten more than he knows," he laughs, starting to like Parvak. They were both nearly Elders but still competent in their fields, plus Parvak's affinity for mapping and exploration, rather than fighting, meant he was hardly a threat to the one eyed Warchief.
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by Fialova »

"There were at least two, possibly more. The brush and smoke made it hard to see," Kogul says, his face shifting from annoyed to serious. "You think someone would truly be foolish enough to attack a gathering of the best combatants in Kurnhuelde?" he asks, genuinely surprised that it is even a worry. He places his hand on the hilt of his blade, prepared to use it if need be, but doubting the necessity.
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

As the man walks closer to her, Traza smiles, his looks catching her eye. Not a bad looking fellow, that's for sure. At his mention of speaking to others, she nods. "Yes, that'd likely be best. Don't want anything getting out of hand or causing trouble, especially on a night like this." Eager for answers of any sort, she begins to walk towards any elder she can find.
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by ratwizard »

"He did," Parvak agrees. "Though you're right on about youngsters. I don't hold it against them. If you'd've seen me in my youth, you'd feel the same." He motions for Argnok to follow him as he steps over to where the elders are meeting with Kogul Kal. Traza and the other orc step up as well, listening to what Yevnak says.

"Yes, I do," the huntmaster responds, his face worried. He eyes Kogul's hand drifting to his blade. "I hope that won't be necessary, but we shoul--" his words are cut loose as an unseen arrow slams into his back, burying into his flesh. "Unghh," he cries, falling to his knees from the surprise and force. Shouts erupt as a few more flit past the lot of you. The orc standing with Traza takes one in the thigh, and the man grunts. "Protect the elders!" he cries out, pointing forward to the nearby hill where a few dark figures stand atop, nocking arrows onto their bows. They look to be a hundred yards out or so, now illuminated by the last rays of light from the fading sunset. "We should retreat!" Jogahl cries out, covering his head from the hail of arrows and trying to attend to Yevnak.
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Likewise," Argnok says to Parvak, following him over to the Elders.

As the arrows start to fly, Argnok ducks down, taking his shield off his back and holding it above his head. "I fucking hate arrows!" He says angrily, drawing his sword. "I'm going to rip them limb from fucking limb and feed them to the dogs!"
Initiative: 10(1d20) +2 = 12
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by Fialova »

Cowards, Kogul thinks as he spots the archers from afar. He removes his swords from his back and steps towards the hill. "You picked the wrong gathering to attack, meat! Now come fight like men!" With weapon in hand and a target in his sights, the man breaks into a sprint towards the nearest path up the hill.
Initiative: 25
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Traza is taken by surprise as an arrow finds its way into her companion's thigh. As arrows continue to fly, the orc woman says, "Oh hell no. I did not leave Kjuldis to be brutalized by a bunch of ninnies that don't know how to enjoy a celebration." Grabbing her quarterstaff, she joins the others in pursuit of the foes. Those foolish knaves ruining what little time of peace exists.
Init: 20(1d20) +6 = 26
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by ratwizard »


Many of the orcs spread out from the attacks, trying to find cover among the chaos of arrows. You are among the few that have a grip on the situation, and you propel forward, eager to tear down the ambushers. The muscled orc beside Traza snaps off the arrow's body and trudges forward, with Parvak just behind the rest of you. From beyond, a half-dozen bowmen appear to be edging over the steep hill, readying more arrows to fire off at the moot.

Go: Traza and Kogul Kal
Encounter Start! Bardem has suffered some minor damage from the arrow that tagged him.
Map Info
Ambush Archer: You can't see much from this distance, but you know that they can strike from a good distance away. They don't seem to have the keenest aim.

- - -

Underbrush: Move through normally.

Rocky Terrain: Difficult movement.
26 || Traza, (45/45)
25 || Kogul Kal, (50/50)
23 || Ambush Archer 6, (??/??)
19 || Parvak, (45/45)
18 || Ambush Archer 4, (??/??)
17 || Ambush Archer 2, (??/??)
15 || Ambush Archer 3, (??/??)
14 || Bardem, (54/63)
12 || Argnok, (45/45)
11 || Ambush Archer 1, (??/??)
08 || Ambush Archer 5, (??/??)
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by Fialova »

Kogul continues to rush forward, eager to slit the through of every coward perched up on the hill.
Minor Action: Defender Aura
Effect: I activate an aura 1. Enemies in the aura who are not marked take -2 to hit anyone other than me (or an ally who also has this aura active).

Move Action x2: move to (U, -3)
Combat Block
Kogul Kal

Male Thri-Kreen Berserker 5
Languages: Kurnish, Serran
Age: 39
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 190 lbs.

Speed: 7
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Low-Light Vision

AC: 21 (23 when Defender Aura is active)
Fort: 19
Reflex: 18
Will: 14
HP: 50/50
Bloodied: 25
Surge Value: 12
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

MBA: +12 vs AC, 1d12+6 damage (1d8 extra damage when in Berserker Fury)
RBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage

5 fire



Active Effects:
max damage +1d12+1d8 on crit with fullblade
+2 to defenses against OAs
gain 6 THP when I kill a non-minion
Defender Aura


Vengeful Guardian
Defender Aura
Jarring Smash
Run Down

Second Wind [_]
Ruthless Demonstration [_]
Thri-Kreen Claws [_]
Savage Cut [_]
Nomad's Rush [_]
Implacable Advance [_]
Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade Fullblade +1 [_]

Life-Ending Strike [_]
Feral Rampage [_]


Important Features:
Class Features
Berserker Fury: When you use a barbarian primal attack power, you enter your Berserker Fury until the end of the encounter. Alternatively, you can use a minor action while you are bloodied to enter the fury. The fury has the following effects:
* Your defender aura ends, if active, and you cannot use defender aura or vengeful guardian until the fury ends.
* Some powers gain additional benefits as noted in those powers.
* MBA deals 1d8 extra damage.

Arid Desert Heartland: When you are wearing cloth armor or no armor and not using a shield, you gain a +3 bonus to AC and a +2 bonus to Reflex. You gain resist 5 fire.

Poised Defender: While your defender aura is active and you're not wearing heavy armor, you gain a +2 bonus to AC.

Racial Features
Multiple Arms: Once per turn, you can draw or sheathe a weapon (or retrieve or stow an item on your person) as a free action instead of a minor action.

Natural Jumper: You are always considered to have a running start when jumping

Topor: Rather than sleep, you enter a torpid state. In this state, you remain aware of your surroundings, and require only 4 hours of topor (as opposed to 6 hours of sleep) to gain the benefit of an extended rest.

Theme Features
Level 5 Yakuza Feature: When you hit an enemy granting combat advantage to you, your opportunity attacks gain a bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls against that enemy until the start of your next turn. The bonus equals your Charisma modifier (+2).

Heavy Blade Expertise: While wielding a heavy blade, you gain a +2 bonus to all defenses against opportunity attacks.

Unarmored Agility: You gain a +2 feat bonus to AC while wearing cloth armor or no armor.

World Serpent's Grasp: Whenever you hit a slowed or immobilized target with an attack, you knock it prone.

Item Features
Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade Fullblade +1:
* Critical hits with this weapon deal max damage +1d12+1d8 damage.
* While wielding this weapon, you gain an item bonus to initiative equal to the weapon's enhancement bonus.
* When you use this weapon to reduce a non-minion enemy to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to 5 + this weapon's enhancement bonus.
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Not wasting a moment, Traza joins Kogul in dashing towards their foes. Those that spoil peace shall pay in misfortunes.
Double move: Move to R, -2
Combat Block
Traza Ka'Kjuldis

Female Hengeyokai Druid 5
Languages: Kurnish, Serran
Age: 33
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 145 lbs.

Speed: 8
Climb Speed (as squirrel): 8
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 22
Passive Insight: 22
Senses: Low-light

AC: 19
Fort: 13
Ref: 17
Will: 18
HP: 45/45
Bloodied: 22
Surge Value: 11
Surges left: 8/8
Action points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: +2 against immobilize, restrain, & slow

Active Effects: +2 to checks to escape a grab
+5 to bluff against insight to prove I'm an orc/squirrel


Wild Shape
Wolf Shape Secondary Power
Nature's Mask
Grasping Claws
Magic Stones
Fire Hawk
Fire Hawk Attack


Second Wind [_]
Thorn Spray [_]
Predator's Flurry [_]

Wolf Shape [_]
Verdant Bounty [_]


Summon Giant Toad [_]
Vine Serpents [_]

Important Features
Primal Predator: While you are not wearing heavy armor, you gain a +2 bonus to your speed.

Ritual Caster: You can master and perform rituals of your level or lower.

Animal Form (Squirrel): Gain +2 to acrobatics.

Beast Nature: You are considered both a magical beast and a humanoid for the purpose of effects that relate to creature type.

Elusive: You have a +2 racial bonus to checks made to escape a grab and to saving throws against effects that immobilize, restrain, or slow you.

Fey Origin: You are considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

Language of the Beasts: While you are in animal or hybrid form, you can communicate to any natural or fey beasts that share your animal form or a form that is closely related. In human form, you can understand these beasts, but not directly communicate with them. You can communicate simple concepts and commands to such creatures, but they are under no compulsion to obey you, and their knowledge is restricted by their experience and mobility.

Shapechanger: You are subject to effects and conditions that affect shapechangers.

Werewolf Starting Feature: You gain a +2 power bonus to Intimidate checks. Any enemy has combat advantage against you when attacking you with a silvered weapon or implement. Also, you are immune to moon frenzy.

Werewolf Level 5 Feature: When interacting with wolves and similar creatures, you gain a +2 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate checks. In addition, while wolf shape is active, you gain a +2 power bonus to speed.

Superior Implement Training (Accurate Staff): You can use the Accurate staff superior implement.

Ruthless Killer: When you hit a target with the grasping claws power, instead of slowing the target you can instead choose for the target to be immobilized until the end of your next turn. If you are ever not adjacent to the target, the immobilized effect ends.

Cunning Stalker: You gain combat advantage against enemies that have no creatures adjacent to them other than you.

Staff Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to the attack rolls of implement powers and weapon powers that you use with a staff. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. In addition, when you make a ranged or an area attack with a staff as an implement, you don't provoke opportunity attacks for doing so. When you make a melee weapon attack with a staff, the weapon's reach for that attack increases by 1.

Aversion Staff +1: You gain a +2 item bonus to all defenses against attacks from enemies that are subject to effects caused by you.
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A Wan Smile
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by ratwizard »


Kogul Kal and Traza rush forward bravely into the hail of arrows. One of them slams into Traza painfully, and a few flit past Kogul Kal before another finds purchase in his flesh. The Wanderer and the other orc that joined the fray surge forward as well, a bit behind the first two.

Go: Argnok
AA6: fires at Traza, hits AC 19 for 9 damage.

Parvak: Moves, Moves.

AA4: fires at Kogul Kal, hits AC 23 for 5 damage.

AA2: fires at Kogul Kal, misses AC 12.

AA3: fires at Kogul Kal, misses AC 19.

Bardem: Moves, Moves.
Map Info
Ambush Archer: You can't see much from this distance, but you know that they can strike from a good distance away. They don't seem to have the keenest aim.

- - -

Underbrush: Move through normally.

Rocky Terrain: Difficult movement.
26 || Traza, (36/45)
25 || Kogul Kal -- Defender Aura, (45/50)
23 || Ambush Archer 6, (??/??)
19 || Parvak, (45/45)
18 || Ambush Archer 4, (??/??)
17 || Ambush Archer 2, (??/??)
15 || Ambush Archer 3, (??/??)
14 || Bardem, (54/63)
12 || Argnok, (45/45)
11 || Ambush Archer 1, (??/??)
08 || Ambush Archer 5, (??/??)
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Seeing the others rush forward, Argnok gives chase, hoping to close the gap between the archers and himself before they can let loose too many more arrows.
Double run to (S, -3)
Combat Block
Argnok "One Eye" Ja'Mordrar

Male Dragonborn Warlord, 5
Languages: Kurnish, Serran, Dwarven
Age: 47
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 240 lbs.

Speed: 5
Initiative: +2
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 21
Fort: 18
Reflex: 14
Will: 17
HP: 45/45
Bloodied: 22
Surge Value: 12
Surges left: 9/9
Action Points: 1
MBA: +12 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage.
RBA: +2 vs AC, 1d4 damage.

Resistances: While bloodied resist 2 to all damage.

Vulnerabilities: None.

Saves: None.

Active Effects: None.


Intuitive Strike
Inevitable Wave

Lightning Bastard Sword +1

Second Wind [_]
Inevitable Strike [_]
Dragonfear [_]
Battlefront Shift[_]
inspiring Word [_]
Warlord's Favor [_]
Inspired Belligerence [_]
Warlord's Strike [_]

Lamb to the Slaughter [_]
Stand the Fallen [_]

Lightning Bastard Sword +1 [_]


Important Features:
Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:

Inspiring Presence: When an ally who can see me spends an action point to take an extra action, that ally also regains hit points equal to one-half my level + my Charisma modifier (+4).

Dragonborn Fury: +1 Racial bonus to attack rolls when bloodied.

Ironwrought Starting Features: For the purpose of effects which relate to creature origin, I am considered to be an elemental. I gain a +1 power bonus to Athletics and Endurance checks. Whenever I use my second wind, this power bonus increases to +4 until the end of my next turn.

Notable Feats:

Heavy Blade Expertise: Gain a +2 bonus to all defences against OAs while wielding a heavy blade.
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A Wan Smile
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by ratwizard »


Two more of the ambushers fire arrows, but Traza and Argnok push ahead despite that. You can hear them echoing some sort of war cry, one that sounds like a chorus of owls.

Go: Kogul Kal, Traza
AA1: fires at Argnok, nat-misses.

AA5: fires at Traza, misses.
Map Info
Ambush Archer: You can't see much from this distance, but you know that they can strike from a good distance away. They don't seem to have the keenest aim.

- - -

Underbrush: Move through normally.

Rocky Terrain: Difficult movement.
26 || Traza, (36/45)
25 || Kogul Kal -- Defender Aura, (45/50)
23 || Ambush Archer 6, (??/??)
19 || Parvak, (45/45)
18 || Ambush Archer 4, (??/??)
17 || Ambush Archer 2, (??/??)
15 || Ambush Archer 3, (??/??)
14 || Bardem, (54/63)
12 || Argnok, (45/45)
11 || Ambush Archer 1, (??/??)
08 || Ambush Archer 5, (??/??)
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Growing ever closer to the attackers, Traza cannot hold back her annoyance for much longer and, with a twirl of the hand and slamming of her quarterstaff, she summons a bird of prey, consumed in flame. The miniature phoenix swoops at her foe, burning it, before circling above, waiting to strike once more. May the Earth and its bounties torment you like this forever.
Move: Walk to R,-10

Standard: Fire Hawk on Ambush Archer 2
Attack: 12(1d20) +12 = 24 vs Reflex = Hit?
Damage: 8(1d8) +6 = 14 Fire Damage

Fire Hawk Attack: Until SONT, If Archer 2 does anything that provokes an OA, they take 1d8+6 fire damage
Combat Block
Traza Ka'Kjuldis

Female Hengeyokai Druid 5
Languages: Kurnish, Serran
Age: 33
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 145 lbs.

Speed: 8
Climb Speed (as squirrel): 8
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 22
Passive Insight: 22
Senses: Low-light

AC: 19
Fort: 13
Ref: 17
Will: 18
HP: 36/45
Bloodied: 22
Surge Value: 11
Surges left: 8/8
Action points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: +2 against immobilize, restrain, & slow

Active Effects: +2 to checks to escape a grab
+5 to bluff against insight to prove I'm an orc/squirrel


Wild Shape
Wolf Shape Secondary Power
Nature's Mask
Grasping Claws
Magic Stones
Fire Hawk
Fire Hawk Attack


Second Wind [_]
Thorn Spray [_]
Predator's Flurry [_]

Wolf Shape [_]
Verdant Bounty [_]


Summon Giant Toad [_]
Vine Serpents [_]

Important Features
Primal Predator: While you are not wearing heavy armor, you gain a +2 bonus to your speed.

Ritual Caster: You can master and perform rituals of your level or lower.

Animal Form (Squirrel): Gain +2 to acrobatics.

Beast Nature: You are considered both a magical beast and a humanoid for the purpose of effects that relate to creature type.

Elusive: You have a +2 racial bonus to checks made to escape a grab and to saving throws against effects that immobilize, restrain, or slow you.

Fey Origin: You are considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

Language of the Beasts: While you are in animal or hybrid form, you can communicate to any natural or fey beasts that share your animal form or a form that is closely related. In human form, you can understand these beasts, but not directly communicate with them. You can communicate simple concepts and commands to such creatures, but they are under no compulsion to obey you, and their knowledge is restricted by their experience and mobility.

Shapechanger: You are subject to effects and conditions that affect shapechangers.

Werewolf Starting Feature: You gain a +2 power bonus to Intimidate checks. Any enemy has combat advantage against you when attacking you with a silvered weapon or implement. Also, you are immune to moon frenzy.

Werewolf Level 5 Feature: When interacting with wolves and similar creatures, you gain a +2 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate checks. In addition, while wolf shape is active, you gain a +2 power bonus to speed.

Superior Implement Training (Accurate Staff): You can use the Accurate staff superior implement.

Ruthless Killer: When you hit a target with the grasping claws power, instead of slowing the target you can instead choose for the target to be immobilized until the end of your next turn. If you are ever not adjacent to the target, the immobilized effect ends.

Cunning Stalker: You gain combat advantage against enemies that have no creatures adjacent to them other than you.

Staff Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to the attack rolls of implement powers and weapon powers that you use with a staff. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. In addition, when you make a ranged or an area attack with a staff as an implement, you don't provoke opportunity attacks for doing so. When you make a melee weapon attack with a staff, the weapon's reach for that attack increases by 1.

Aversion Staff +1: You gain a +2 item bonus to all defenses against attacks from enemies that are subject to effects caused by you.
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by Fialova »

They are not fit to even be in the presence of this moot if they are so afraid to fight face to face, Kogul thinks as he finally closes in one of the archers. He skillfully rushes of the rocky ground, getting behind the man and landing a solid blow to his back. "This is not where I die, scum. This is where you die."
Move Action: move to (U, -10)

Move Action: Nomad's Rush
Effect: I move to (U, -21), ignoring difficult terrain and avoiding OAs.

Minor Action: Thri-Kreen Claws on Ambusher 2
Attack: 20 vs AC = crit!
Hit: Max damage = 13 (not a weapon attack, sadly)
Combat Block
Kogul Kal

Male Thri-Kreen Berserker 5
Languages: Kurnish, Serran
Age: 39
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 190 lbs.

Speed: 7
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Low-Light Vision

AC: 21 (23 when Defender Aura is active)
Fort: 19
Reflex: 18
Will: 14
HP: 45/50
Bloodied: 25
Surge Value: 12
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

MBA: +12 vs AC, 1d12+6 damage (1d8 extra damage when in Berserker Fury)
RBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage

5 fire



Active Effects:
max damage +1d12+1d8 on crit with fullblade
+2 to defenses against OAs
gain 6 THP when I kill a non-minion
Defender Aura


Vengeful Guardian
Defender Aura
Jarring Smash
Run Down

Second Wind [_]
Ruthless Demonstration [_]
Thri-Kreen Claws [X]
Savage Cut [_]
Nomad's Rush [X]
Implacable Advance [_]
Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade Fullblade +1 [_]

Life-Ending Strike [_]
Feral Rampage [_]


Important Features:
Class Features
Berserker Fury: When you use a barbarian primal attack power, you enter your Berserker Fury until the end of the encounter. Alternatively, you can use a minor action while you are bloodied to enter the fury. The fury has the following effects:
* Your defender aura ends, if active, and you cannot use defender aura or vengeful guardian until the fury ends.
* Some powers gain additional benefits as noted in those powers.
* MBA deals 1d8 extra damage.

Arid Desert Heartland: When you are wearing cloth armor or no armor and not using a shield, you gain a +3 bonus to AC and a +2 bonus to Reflex. You gain resist 5 fire.

Poised Defender: While your defender aura is active and you're not wearing heavy armor, you gain a +2 bonus to AC.

Racial Features
Multiple Arms: Once per turn, you can draw or sheathe a weapon (or retrieve or stow an item on your person) as a free action instead of a minor action.

Natural Jumper: You are always considered to have a running start when jumping

Topor: Rather than sleep, you enter a torpid state. In this state, you remain aware of your surroundings, and require only 4 hours of topor (as opposed to 6 hours of sleep) to gain the benefit of an extended rest.

Theme Features
Level 5 Yakuza Feature: When you hit an enemy granting combat advantage to you, your opportunity attacks gain a bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls against that enemy until the start of your next turn. The bonus equals your Charisma modifier (+2).

Heavy Blade Expertise: While wielding a heavy blade, you gain a +2 bonus to all defenses against opportunity attacks.

Unarmored Agility: You gain a +2 feat bonus to AC while wearing cloth armor or no armor.

World Serpent's Grasp: Whenever you hit a slowed or immobilized target with an attack, you knock it prone.

Item Features
Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade Fullblade +1:
* Critical hits with this weapon deal max damage +1d12+1d8 damage.
* While wielding this weapon, you gain an item bonus to initiative equal to the weapon's enhancement bonus.
* When you use this weapon to reduce a non-minion enemy to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to 5 + this weapon's enhancement bonus.
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A Wan Smile
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by ratwizard »


His hide scorched by Traza's companion, the central archer looks worse for wear. Kogul launches up the hill with uncanny momentum, taking the injured ambusher by storm. A powerful swing and Kogul's prey slams to the ground with a deathrattle and a sickening crunch of bone.

The far-right ambusher's arrow goes long, to Traza's appeal. Parvak keeps moving toward the skirmish, and what looks like his wolf-hound charges into the fray almost as fast as Kogul. It bites at one of the archer's feet, who backs off and misses a shot at the warrior. Another finds his mark and an arrow painfully lodges itself into Kogul's torso. Argnok notices the man beside him keeping in step as they charge forward.

Go: Argnok
Traza: moves, hits and bloodies.

Kogul: moves, moves on crack, hits and kills.

AA6: misses Traza.

Parvak: moves, Dyra appears in Z-20, and uses Stalker's Strike, missing.

AA4: hits Kogul for 8 damage.

AA3: shifts, misses Kogul.

Bardem: moves, moves.
Map Info
Ambush Archer: These skirmishing archers carry savage looking shortbows that seem to be pretty powerful. They lack much armor aside from padded leathers, but have good footing and are evasive. They don't seem to have the keenest aim, however.

- - -

Underbrush: Move through normally.

Rocky Terrain: Difficult movement.
26 || Traza, (36/45)
25 || Kogul Kal -- Defender Aura, (37/50)
23 || Ambush Archer 6, (??/??)
19 || Parvak, (45/45)
18 || Ambush Archer 4, (??/??)
17 || Ambush Archer 2, (-27/??)
15 || Ambush Archer 3, (??/??)
14 || Bardem, (54/63)
12 || Argnok, (45/45)
11 || Ambush Archer 1, (??/??)
08 || Ambush Archer 5, (??/??)
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Argnok continues his charge forward, eager to close the gap between him and the archers. These cowards are living on borrowed time.
Double run to (S, -15)
Combat Block
Argnok "One Eye" Ja'Mordrar

Male Dragonborn Warlord, 5
Languages: Kurnish, Serran, Dwarven
Age: 47
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 240 lbs.

Speed: 5
Initiative: +2
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 21
Fort: 18
Reflex: 14
Will: 17
HP: 45/45
Bloodied: 22
Surge Value: 12
Surges left: 9/9
Action Points: 1
MBA: +12 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage.
RBA: +2 vs AC, 1d4 damage.

Resistances: While bloodied resist 2 to all damage.

Vulnerabilities: None.

Saves: None.

Active Effects: None.


Intuitive Strike
Inevitable Wave

Lightning Bastard Sword +1

Second Wind [_]
Inevitable Strike [_]
Dragonfear [_]
Battlefront Shift[_]
inspiring Word [_]
Warlord's Favor [_]
Inspired Belligerence [_]
Warlord's Strike [_]

Lamb to the Slaughter [_]
Stand the Fallen [_]

Lightning Bastard Sword +1 [_]


Important Features:
Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:

Inspiring Presence: When an ally who can see me spends an action point to take an extra action, that ally also regains hit points equal to one-half my level + my Charisma modifier (+4).

Dragonborn Fury: +1 Racial bonus to attack rolls when bloodied.

Ironwrought Starting Features: For the purpose of effects which relate to creature origin, I am considered to be an elemental. I gain a +1 power bonus to Athletics and Endurance checks. Whenever I use my second wind, this power bonus increases to +4 until the end of my next turn.

Notable Feats:

Heavy Blade Expertise: Gain a +2 bonus to all defences against OAs while wielding a heavy blade.
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A Wan Smile
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by ratwizard »


Argnok rushes forward, right into the arrows shot by a pair of the archers. They shunt through his armor into his flesh, but they manage to miss anything vital. In the moonlight, you all notice a couple more orcs step over the summit, staff-like clubs in their hands. They stare at you menacingly as they creep forward.

Go: Traza and Kogul
Argnok: Doubleruns, grants CA

AA1: Shoots Argnok, hits AC 22 for 5 damage.

AA5: Shoots Argnok, hits AC 29 for 4 damage.

Ambush Brutes 1 and 2 show up, ready to club the fuck out of you scrubs.
Map Info
Ambush Archer: These skirmishing archers carry savage looking shortbows that seem to be pretty powerful. They lack much armor aside from padded leathers, but have good footing and are evasive. They don't seem to have the keenest aim, however.

Ambush Brute: Wearing some thick hide and carrying some heavy looking staves or mauls, they look to be quite tough.

- - -

Underbrush: Move through normally.

Rocky Terrain: Difficult movement.
26 || Traza, (36/45)
25 || Kogul Kal -- Defender Aura, (37/50)
23 || Ambush Archer 6, (??/??)
19 || Parvak, (45/45)
18 || Ambush Archer 4, (??/??)
17 || Ambush Archer 2, (-27/??)
15 || Ambush Archer 3, (??/??)
14 || Bardem, (54/63)
12 || Argnok -- Granting CA from Run, (36/45)
11 || Ambush Archer 1, (??/??)
11 || Ambush Brute 2, (??/??)
10 || Ambush Brute 1, (??/??)
08 || Ambush Archer 5, (??/??)
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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by Fialova »

As the first archer falls, bleeding at Koguls feet he smiles a large toothy grin. He turns his attention to one of the new combatants, a melee fighter with a death wish. The orc rushes across the rocks and slams into the man with his sword, instantly bringing him to his knees. "Do you know who I am? My victory's already been decided, I suggest you flee like the dog you are."
gains 6 temp hp when he kills Archer 2, so I should actually be at 43hp

Move Action: move to (S, -23)

Standard Action: Implacable Advance on Brute 1
Attack: 23 vs AC = hit
Hit: 26 damage. The first time he moves before the end of my next turn I can shift up to my speed as a free action. Brute 1 is bloodied.

Free Action: Ruthless Demonstration
Effect: All enemies take -2 to attacks against me until I am hit, or until the end of the encounter. I make an intimidate check to force Brute 1 to surrend: 18
Combat Block
Kogul Kal

Male Thri-Kreen Berserker 5
Languages: Kurnish, Serran
Age: 39
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 190 lbs.

Speed: 7
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Low-Light Vision

AC: 21 (23 when Defender Aura is active)
Fort: 19
Reflex: 18
Will: 14
HP: 43/50
Bloodied: 25
Surge Value: 12
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

MBA: +12 vs AC, 1d12+6 damage (1d8 extra damage when in Berserker Fury)
RBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage

5 fire



Active Effects:
max damage +1d12+1d8 on crit with fullblade
+2 to defenses against OAs
gain 6 THP when I kill a non-minion
Defender Aura


Vengeful Guardian
Defender Aura
Jarring Smash
Run Down

Second Wind [_]
Ruthless Demonstration [X]
Thri-Kreen Claws [X]
Savage Cut [_]
Nomad's Rush [X]
Implacable Advance [X]
Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade Fullblade +1 [_]

Life-Ending Strike [_]
Feral Rampage [_]


Important Features:
Class Features
Berserker Fury: When you use a barbarian primal attack power, you enter your Berserker Fury until the end of the encounter. Alternatively, you can use a minor action while you are bloodied to enter the fury. The fury has the following effects:
* Your defender aura ends, if active, and you cannot use defender aura or vengeful guardian until the fury ends.
* Some powers gain additional benefits as noted in those powers.
* MBA deals 1d8 extra damage.

Arid Desert Heartland: When you are wearing cloth armor or no armor and not using a shield, you gain a +3 bonus to AC and a +2 bonus to Reflex. You gain resist 5 fire.

Poised Defender: While your defender aura is active and you're not wearing heavy armor, you gain a +2 bonus to AC.

Racial Features
Multiple Arms: Once per turn, you can draw or sheathe a weapon (or retrieve or stow an item on your person) as a free action instead of a minor action.

Natural Jumper: You are always considered to have a running start when jumping

Topor: Rather than sleep, you enter a torpid state. In this state, you remain aware of your surroundings, and require only 4 hours of topor (as opposed to 6 hours of sleep) to gain the benefit of an extended rest.

Theme Features
Level 5 Yakuza Feature: When you hit an enemy granting combat advantage to you, your opportunity attacks gain a bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls against that enemy until the start of your next turn. The bonus equals your Charisma modifier (+2).

Heavy Blade Expertise: While wielding a heavy blade, you gain a +2 bonus to all defenses against opportunity attacks.

Unarmored Agility: You gain a +2 feat bonus to AC while wearing cloth armor or no armor.

World Serpent's Grasp: Whenever you hit a slowed or immobilized target with an attack, you knock it prone.

Item Features
Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade Fullblade +1:
* Critical hits with this weapon deal max damage +1d12+1d8 damage.
* While wielding this weapon, you gain an item bonus to initiative equal to the weapon's enhancement bonus.
* When you use this weapon to reduce a non-minion enemy to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to 5 + this weapon's enhancement bonus.
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Although from a peaceful tribe, the fight still heats up Traza's orcish blood, urging her to rush onward and unleash more of the fiery flock upon one of the brutish newcomers. "It's as if you think a big club will help you win! You're a fool for that!"
Move: Walk to R,-18

Standard: Fire Hawk on Brute 1
Attack: 6(1d20) +10 = 16 vs Reflex = Hit
Damage: 3(1d8) +6 = 9 Fire Damage
If Brute 1 provokes an OA before SONT, he takes 1d8+6 fire damage
Combat Block
Traza Ka'Kjuldis

Female Hengeyokai Druid 5
Languages: Kurnish, Serran
Age: 33
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 145 lbs.

Speed: 8
Climb Speed (as squirrel): 8
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 22
Passive Insight: 22
Senses: Low-light

AC: 19
Fort: 13
Ref: 17
Will: 18
HP: 36/45
Bloodied: 22
Surge Value: 11
Surges left: 8/8
Action points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: +2 against immobilize, restrain, & slow

Active Effects: +2 to checks to escape a grab
+5 to bluff against insight to prove I'm an orc/squirrel


Wild Shape
Wolf Shape Secondary Power
Nature's Mask
Grasping Claws
Magic Stones
Fire Hawk
Fire Hawk Attack


Second Wind [_]
Thorn Spray [_]
Predator's Flurry [_]

Wolf Shape [_]
Verdant Bounty [_]


Summon Giant Toad [_]
Vine Serpents [_]

Important Features
Primal Predator: While you are not wearing heavy armor, you gain a +2 bonus to your speed.

Ritual Caster: You can master and perform rituals of your level or lower.

Animal Form (Squirrel): Gain +2 to acrobatics.

Beast Nature: You are considered both a magical beast and a humanoid for the purpose of effects that relate to creature type.

Elusive: You have a +2 racial bonus to checks made to escape a grab and to saving throws against effects that immobilize, restrain, or slow you.

Fey Origin: You are considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

Language of the Beasts: While you are in animal or hybrid form, you can communicate to any natural or fey beasts that share your animal form or a form that is closely related. In human form, you can understand these beasts, but not directly communicate with them. You can communicate simple concepts and commands to such creatures, but they are under no compulsion to obey you, and their knowledge is restricted by their experience and mobility.

Shapechanger: You are subject to effects and conditions that affect shapechangers.

Werewolf Starting Feature: You gain a +2 power bonus to Intimidate checks. Any enemy has combat advantage against you when attacking you with a silvered weapon or implement. Also, you are immune to moon frenzy.

Werewolf Level 5 Feature: When interacting with wolves and similar creatures, you gain a +2 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate checks. In addition, while wolf shape is active, you gain a +2 power bonus to speed.

Superior Implement Training (Accurate Staff): You can use the Accurate staff superior implement.

Ruthless Killer: When you hit a target with the grasping claws power, instead of slowing the target you can instead choose for the target to be immobilized until the end of your next turn. If you are ever not adjacent to the target, the immobilized effect ends.

Cunning Stalker: You gain combat advantage against enemies that have no creatures adjacent to them other than you.

Staff Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to the attack rolls of implement powers and weapon powers that you use with a staff. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. In addition, when you make a ranged or an area attack with a staff as an implement, you don't provoke opportunity attacks for doing so. When you make a melee weapon attack with a staff, the weapon's reach for that attack increases by 1.

Aversion Staff +1: You gain a +2 item bonus to all defenses against attacks from enemies that are subject to effects caused by you.
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A Wan Smile
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by ratwizard »


Kogul's strike near kills the other brutish orc outright, but despite Traza's support, the ambusher hangs on to life, his teeth bared. Another of the archers lands an arrow in Traza's flesh while Parvak moves forward. Commanding the wolf by voice, it gnaws at one of the ambusher's feet. Despite the annoyance, the archer and a comrade of his both manage to sink arrows into the approaching Argnok who begins to feel the lethal weight of them. The thickly muscled warrior moves up as well.

Go: Argnok
Kogul: moves, hits, bloodies, fails intimidation.

Traza: moves, hits

AA6: hits Traza for 6 damage.

Parvak: moves and commands Dyra, hitting AA3 for 6 damage and allowing flanking. (Argnok!)

AA4: hits Argnok for 8 damage.

AA3: hits Argnok for 8 damage, bloodying him.

Bardem: moves, moves.
Map Info
Ambush Archer: These skirmishing archers carry savage looking shortbows that seem to be pretty powerful. They lack much armor aside from padded leathers, but have good footing and are evasive. They don't seem to have the keenest aim, however.

Ambush Brute: Wearing some thick hide and carrying some heavy looking staves or mauls, they look to be quite tough.

- - -

Underbrush: Move through normally.

Rocky Terrain: Difficult movement.
26 || Traza, (30/45)
25 || Kogul Kal -- Defender Aura, (37/50)
23 || Ambush Archer 6, (??/??)
19 || Parvak, (45/45)
18 || Ambush Archer 4, (??/??)
17 || Ambush Archer 2, (-27/??)
15 || Ambush Archer 3, (-6/??)
14 || Bardem, (54/63)
12 || Argnok -- Bloodied, (20/45)
11 || Ambush Archer 1, (??/??)
11 || Ambush Brute 2, (??/??)
10 || Ambush Brute 1 -- Bloodied, (-35/??)
08 || Ambush Archer 5, (??/??)
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Argnok brushes off the arrows, continuing to pursue their attackers, albeit slowed by the rough terrain.
Move: Walk to (R, -17)....

Standard: use Second Wind to regain 12 HP.
Combat Block
Argnok "One Eye" Ja'Mordrar

Male Dragonborn Warlord, 5
Languages: Kurnish, Serran, Dwarven
Age: 47
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 240 lbs.

Speed: 5
Initiative: +2
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 21
Fort: 18
Reflex: 14
Will: 17
HP: 32/45
Bloodied: 22
Surge Value: 12
Surges left: 8/9
Action Points: 1
MBA: +12 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage.
RBA: +2 vs AC, 1d4 damage.

Resistances: While bloodied resist 2 to all damage.

Vulnerabilities: None.

Saves: None.

Active Effects: None.


Intuitive Strike
Inevitable Wave

Lightning Bastard Sword +1

Second Wind [x]
Inevitable Strike [_]
Dragonfear [_]
Battlefront Shift[_]
inspiring Word [_]
Warlord's Favor [_]
Inspired Belligerence [_]
Warlord's Strike [_]

Lamb to the Slaughter [_]
Stand the Fallen [_]

Lightning Bastard Sword +1 [_]


Important Features:
Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:

Inspiring Presence: When an ally who can see me spends an action point to take an extra action, that ally also regains hit points equal to one-half my level + my Charisma modifier (+4).

Dragonborn Fury: +1 Racial bonus to attack rolls when bloodied.

Ironwrought Starting Features: For the purpose of effects which relate to creature origin, I am considered to be an elemental. I gain a +1 power bonus to Athletics and Endurance checks. Whenever I use my second wind, this power bonus increases to +4 until the end of my next turn.

Notable Feats:

Heavy Blade Expertise: Gain a +2 bonus to all defences against OAs while wielding a heavy blade.
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A Wan Smile
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by ratwizard »


Argnok steps forward, catching his breath from the sprint while the muscled warrior beside him takes an arrow painfully. One of the brutes rushes forward, slamming into Bardem with his weapon. Despite blood dripping from the orc's shoulder, he holds strong.

Nearby, a crack of thunder sounds as the other brute, enraged by the challenge of Kogul, slams his heavy staff into his enemy's side. The blow drops Kogul to his knees, and the pain sets in just before an arrow launched by a nearby archer adds insult to injury.

Go: Traza and Kogul
Argnok: Moves, heals.

AA1: Moves, Hits Bardem for 9 damage.

AB2: Moves, Charges Bardem for 15 damage, bloodying him.

AB1: Hits Kogul prone for 4 damage, misses.

AA5: Hits Kogul for 5 damage.
Map Info
Ambush Archer: These skirmishing archers carry savage looking shortbows that seem to be pretty powerful. They lack much armor aside from padded leathers, but have good footing and are evasive. They don't seem to have the keenest aim, however.

Ambush Brute: Wearing some thick hide and carrying some heavy looking staves or mauls, they look to be quite tough.

- - -

Underbrush: Move through normally.

Rocky Terrain: Difficult movement.
26 || Traza, (30/45)
25 || Kogul Kal -- Defender Aura, Prone, (34/50)
23 || Ambush Archer 6, (??/??)
19 || Parvak, (45/45)
18 || Ambush Archer 4, (??/??)
17 || Ambush Archer 2, (-27/??)
15 || Ambush Archer 3, (-6/??)
14 || Bardem -- Bloodied, (30/63)
12 || Argnok, (32/45)
11 || Ambush Archer 1, (??/??)
11 || Ambush Brute 2, (??/??)
10 || Ambush Brute 1 -- Bloodied, Proning Strike (-35/??)
08 || Ambush Archer 5, (??/??)
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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by Fialova »

Kogul stands back up shortly after being brought to his knees, gritting his teeth in anger. He lashes out at the man before him, but in his haste to stand up he loses his footing and swings wide.
Move Action: Stand up

Standard Action: Jarring Smash on Brute 1
Attack: 13 vs AC = critical miss
Hit: nope

Minor Action: insta-kill all ambushers
Combat Block
Kogul Kal

Male Thri-Kreen Berserker 5
Languages: Kurnish, Serran
Age: 39
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 190 lbs.

Speed: 7
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Low-Light Vision

AC: 21 (23 when Defender Aura is active)
Fort: 19
Reflex: 18
Will: 14
HP: 34/50
Bloodied: 25
Surge Value: 12
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

MBA: +12 vs AC, 1d12+6 damage (1d8 extra damage when in Berserker Fury)
RBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage

5 fire



Active Effects:
max damage +1d12+1d8 on crit with fullblade
+2 to defenses against OAs
gain 6 THP when I kill a non-minion
Defender Aura


Vengeful Guardian
Defender Aura
Jarring Smash
Run Down

Second Wind [_]
Ruthless Demonstration [X]
Thri-Kreen Claws [X]
Savage Cut [_]
Nomad's Rush [X]
Implacable Advance [X]
Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade Fullblade +1 [_]

Life-Ending Strike [_]
Feral Rampage [_]


Important Features:
Class Features
Berserker Fury: When you use a barbarian primal attack power, you enter your Berserker Fury until the end of the encounter. Alternatively, you can use a minor action while you are bloodied to enter the fury. The fury has the following effects:
* Your defender aura ends, if active, and you cannot use defender aura or vengeful guardian until the fury ends.
* Some powers gain additional benefits as noted in those powers.
* MBA deals 1d8 extra damage.

Arid Desert Heartland: When you are wearing cloth armor or no armor and not using a shield, you gain a +3 bonus to AC and a +2 bonus to Reflex. You gain resist 5 fire.

Poised Defender: While your defender aura is active and you're not wearing heavy armor, you gain a +2 bonus to AC.

Racial Features
Multiple Arms: Once per turn, you can draw or sheathe a weapon (or retrieve or stow an item on your person) as a free action instead of a minor action.

Natural Jumper: You are always considered to have a running start when jumping

Topor: Rather than sleep, you enter a torpid state. In this state, you remain aware of your surroundings, and require only 4 hours of topor (as opposed to 6 hours of sleep) to gain the benefit of an extended rest.

Theme Features
Level 5 Yakuza Feature: When you hit an enemy granting combat advantage to you, your opportunity attacks gain a bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls against that enemy until the start of your next turn. The bonus equals your Charisma modifier (+2).

Heavy Blade Expertise: While wielding a heavy blade, you gain a +2 bonus to all defenses against opportunity attacks.

Unarmored Agility: You gain a +2 feat bonus to AC while wearing cloth armor or no armor.

World Serpent's Grasp: Whenever you hit a slowed or immobilized target with an attack, you knock it prone.

Item Features
Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade Fullblade +1:
* Critical hits with this weapon deal max damage +1d12+1d8 damage.
* While wielding this weapon, you gain an item bonus to initiative equal to the weapon's enhancement bonus.
* When you use this weapon to reduce a non-minion enemy to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to 5 + this weapon's enhancement bonus.
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Witnessing the brutish man slam into her fighting companion, Traza dashes towards him and, enraged, unleashes the power of the mighty wolf. Snarling, she claws at her attacker, letting the wolf's ferocity flow through her.
Move: Walk to P,-17

Minor: Wolf Shape

Standard: Wolf Shape Secondary Power on Brute 2
Attack: 11(1d20) +10 = 21 vs AC = ???
Damage, if hits: 4(1d10) +5 = 9
Combat Block
Traza Ka'Kjuldis

Female Hengeyokai Druid 5
Languages: Kurnish, Serran
Age: 33
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 145 lbs.

Speed: 8
Climb Speed (as squirrel): 8
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 22
Passive Insight: 22
Senses: Low-light

AC: 19
Fort: 13
Ref: 17
Will: 18
HP: 36/45
Bloodied: 22
Surge Value: 11
Surges left: 8/8
Action points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: +2 against immobilize, restrain, & slow

Active Effects: +2 to checks to escape a grab
+5 to bluff against insight to prove I'm an orc/squirrel


Wild Shape
Wolf Shape Secondary Power
Nature's Mask
Grasping Claws
Magic Stones
Fire Hawk
Fire Hawk Attack


Second Wind [_]
Thorn Spray [_]
Predator's Flurry [_]

Wolf Shape [X]
Verdant Bounty [_]


Summon Giant Toad [_]
Vine Serpents [_]

Important Features
Primal Predator: While you are not wearing heavy armor, you gain a +2 bonus to your speed.

Ritual Caster: You can master and perform rituals of your level or lower.

Animal Form (Squirrel): Gain +2 to acrobatics.

Beast Nature: You are considered both a magical beast and a humanoid for the purpose of effects that relate to creature type.

Elusive: You have a +2 racial bonus to checks made to escape a grab and to saving throws against effects that immobilize, restrain, or slow you.

Fey Origin: You are considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

Language of the Beasts: While you are in animal or hybrid form, you can communicate to any natural or fey beasts that share your animal form or a form that is closely related. In human form, you can understand these beasts, but not directly communicate with them. You can communicate simple concepts and commands to such creatures, but they are under no compulsion to obey you, and their knowledge is restricted by their experience and mobility.

Shapechanger: You are subject to effects and conditions that affect shapechangers.

Werewolf Starting Feature: You gain a +2 power bonus to Intimidate checks. Any enemy has combat advantage against you when attacking you with a silvered weapon or implement. Also, you are immune to moon frenzy.

Werewolf Level 5 Feature: When interacting with wolves and similar creatures, you gain a +2 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate checks. In addition, while wolf shape is active, you gain a +2 power bonus to speed.

Superior Implement Training (Accurate Staff): You can use the Accurate staff superior implement.

Ruthless Killer: When you hit a target with the grasping claws power, instead of slowing the target you can instead choose for the target to be immobilized until the end of your next turn. If you are ever not adjacent to the target, the immobilized effect ends.

Cunning Stalker: You gain combat advantage against enemies that have no creatures adjacent to them other than you.

Staff Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to the attack rolls of implement powers and weapon powers that you use with a staff. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. In addition, when you make a ranged or an area attack with a staff as an implement, you don't provoke opportunity attacks for doing so. When you make a melee weapon attack with a staff, the weapon's reach for that attack increases by 1.

Aversion Staff +1: You gain a +2 item bonus to all defenses against attacks from enemies that are subject to effects caused by you.
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A Wan Smile
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by ratwizard »


As Traza takes on a bestial shape, one of the far archers fires a shot that pierces her hide. Parvak commands his pet from afar, but two of the archers take the opportunity and land their shots on the older orc. He cries out in pain, cursing at them. Emboldened by finally being in the fray, the thickly muscled orc slides in between Traza and Argnok. With a swing of his massive craghammer, the brute before him's head splits in two. The orc steps forward, engaging another archer with no hesitation.

Go: Argnok
Kogul: Stands, misses

Traza: Moves, hits

AA6: Hits Traza for 10 dmg, bloodying her.

Parvak: Misses.

AA4: Hits Parvak for 6 damage.

AA3: Hits Parvak for 5 damage.

Bardem: Hits AB2 for 31 damage, killing him, then moves.
Map Info
Ambush Archer: These skirmishing archers carry savage looking shortbows that seem to be pretty powerful. They lack much armor aside from padded leathers, but have good footing and are evasive. They don't seem to have the keenest aim, however.

Ambush Brute: Wearing some thick hide and carrying some heavy looking staves or mauls, they look to be quite tough.

- - -

Underbrush: Move through normally.

Rocky Terrain: Difficult movement.
26 || Traza -- Bloodied, (20/45)
25 || Kogul Kal -- Defender Aura, Prone, (34/50)
23 || Ambush Archer 6, (??/??)
19 || Parvak, (45/45)
18 || Ambush Archer 4, (??/??)
17 || Ambush Archer 2, (-27/??)
15 || Ambush Archer 3, (-6/??)
14 || Bardem -- Bloodied, Rough Strike (30/63)
12 || Argnok, (32/45)
11 || Ambush Archer 1, (??/??)
11 || Ambush Brute 2, (-40/??)
10 || Ambush Brute 1 -- Bloodied, Proning Strike (-35/??)
08 || Ambush Archer 5, (??/??)
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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Thirsting for blood, Argnok sets his sights on one of the Archers. He barrels towards the man, his sword raised high. He crashes into the bowman, his blade connecting hard.
Move: Walk to (T, -17)

Standard: Charge Ambush Archer 3.

18(1d20) +13 = 31; 6(1d10) +6 = 12

31 vs. AC hits for 12 damage.
Combat Block
Argnok "One Eye" Ja'Mordrar

Male Dragonborn Warlord, 5
Languages: Kurnish, Serran, Dwarven
Age: 47
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 240 lbs.

Speed: 5
Initiative: +2
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 21
Fort: 18
Reflex: 14
Will: 17
HP: 32/45
Bloodied: 22
Surge Value: 12
Surges left: 8/9
Action Points: 1
MBA: +12 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage.
RBA: +2 vs AC, 1d4 damage.

Resistances: While bloodied resist 2 to all damage.

Vulnerabilities: None.

Saves: None.

Active Effects: None.


Intuitive Strike
Inevitable Wave

Lightning Bastard Sword +1

Second Wind [x]
Inevitable Strike [_]
Dragonfear [_]
Battlefront Shift[_]
inspiring Word [_]
Warlord's Favor [_]
Inspired Belligerence [_]
Warlord's Strike [_]

Lamb to the Slaughter [_]
Stand the Fallen [_]

Lightning Bastard Sword +1 [_]


Important Features:
Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:

Inspiring Presence: When an ally who can see me spends an action point to take an extra action, that ally also regains hit points equal to one-half my level + my Charisma modifier (+4).

Dragonborn Fury: +1 Racial bonus to attack rolls when bloodied.

Ironwrought Starting Features: For the purpose of effects which relate to creature origin, I am considered to be an elemental. I gain a +1 power bonus to Athletics and Endurance checks. Whenever I use my second wind, this power bonus increases to +4 until the end of my next turn.

Notable Feats:

Heavy Blade Expertise: Gain a +2 bonus to all defences against OAs while wielding a heavy blade.
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A Wan Smile
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by ratwizard »


Argnok rushes forward over uneven ground, his blade connecting powerfully into the archer's padded side. He grunts in pain. Elsewhere, another brutal arrow pierces Traza's flesh, causing her agony. The brute dueling Kogul succumbs to exhaustion and cannot seem to find purchase with his swings. Nearby, the archer that had been engaged by the orcish warrior drops his archer, pulling out a shank but missing the swing.

Go: Traza, Kogul
Argnok: Charges, hits

AA1: Hits Traza for 10 damage

AB1: Misses Kogul

AA5: Drops bow, pulls knife, misses Bardem.
Map Info
Ambush Archer: These skirmishing archers carry savage looking shortbows that seem to be pretty powerful. They lack much armor aside from padded leathers, but have good footing and are evasive. They don't seem to have the keenest aim, however.

Ambush Brute: Wearing some thick hide and carrying some heavy looking staves or mauls, they look to be quite tough.

- - -

Underbrush: Move through normally.

Rocky Terrain: Difficult movement.
26 || Traza -- Bloodied, (10/45)
25 || Kogul Kal -- Defender Aura, (34/50)
23 || Ambush Archer 6, (??/??)
19 || Parvak, (45/45)
18 || Ambush Archer 4, (??/??)
17 || Ambush Archer 2, (-27/??)
15 || Ambush Archer 3 -- Bloodied, (-18/??)
14 || Bardem -- Bloodied, Rough Strike (30/63)
12 || Argnok, (32/45)
11 || Ambush Archer 1, (??/??)
11 || Ambush Brute 2, (-40/??)
10 || Ambush Brute 1 -- Bloodied, Proning Strike (-35/??)
08 || Ambush Archer 5, (??/??)
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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by Fialova »

Still unable to gain proper footing, Kogul once more swings and wildly misses his mark. He grunts in frustration, eyeing his foe with murderous intent. Coward, hiding on the jagged rocks. Your blood will coat my blade soon enough.
Standard Action: Jarring Smash on Brute 1
Attack: 13 vs AC = critical miss
Hit: hahahahahahahahahahahahaha... *cries*
Combat Block
Kogul Kal

Male Thri-Kreen Berserker 5
Languages: Kurnish, Serran
Age: 39
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 190 lbs.

Speed: 7
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Low-Light Vision

AC: 21 (23 when Defender Aura is active)
Fort: 19
Reflex: 18
Will: 14
HP: 34/50
Bloodied: 25
Surge Value: 12
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

MBA: +12 vs AC, 1d12+6 damage (1d8 extra damage when in Berserker Fury)
RBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage

5 fire



Active Effects:
max damage +1d12+1d8 on crit with fullblade
+2 to defenses against OAs
gain 6 THP when I kill a non-minion
Defender Aura


Vengeful Guardian
Defender Aura
Jarring Smash
Run Down

Second Wind [_]
Ruthless Demonstration [X]
Thri-Kreen Claws [X]
Savage Cut [_]
Nomad's Rush [X]
Implacable Advance [X]
Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade Fullblade +1 [_]

Life-Ending Strike [_]
Feral Rampage [_]


Important Features:
Class Features
Berserker Fury: When you use a barbarian primal attack power, you enter your Berserker Fury until the end of the encounter. Alternatively, you can use a minor action while you are bloodied to enter the fury. The fury has the following effects:
* Your defender aura ends, if active, and you cannot use defender aura or vengeful guardian until the fury ends.
* Some powers gain additional benefits as noted in those powers.
* MBA deals 1d8 extra damage.

Arid Desert Heartland: When you are wearing cloth armor or no armor and not using a shield, you gain a +3 bonus to AC and a +2 bonus to Reflex. You gain resist 5 fire.

Poised Defender: While your defender aura is active and you're not wearing heavy armor, you gain a +2 bonus to AC.

Racial Features
Multiple Arms: Once per turn, you can draw or sheathe a weapon (or retrieve or stow an item on your person) as a free action instead of a minor action.

Natural Jumper: You are always considered to have a running start when jumping

Topor: Rather than sleep, you enter a torpid state. In this state, you remain aware of your surroundings, and require only 4 hours of topor (as opposed to 6 hours of sleep) to gain the benefit of an extended rest.

Theme Features
Level 5 Yakuza Feature: When you hit an enemy granting combat advantage to you, your opportunity attacks gain a bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls against that enemy until the start of your next turn. The bonus equals your Charisma modifier (+2).

Heavy Blade Expertise: While wielding a heavy blade, you gain a +2 bonus to all defenses against opportunity attacks.

Unarmored Agility: You gain a +2 feat bonus to AC while wearing cloth armor or no armor.

World Serpent's Grasp: Whenever you hit a slowed or immobilized target with an attack, you knock it prone.

Item Features
Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade Fullblade +1:
* Critical hits with this weapon deal max damage +1d12+1d8 damage.
* While wielding this weapon, you gain an item bonus to initiative equal to the weapon's enhancement bonus.
* When you use this weapon to reduce a non-minion enemy to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to 5 + this weapon's enhancement bonus.
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Traza winces in pain as arrows plunge into her hide, but her perseverance is ever-strong. Dashing at the nearest archer, she rapidly bites and claws at the orc, leaving him someone disoriented. With this, she tromps towards the nearby brutish fellow and mauls him until he seizes to move any longer. The real beast here now lies dead.
Move: Walk to Q,-21

Standard: Predator's Flurry on Archer 5
Attack: 13(1d20) +10 = 23 vs Reflex = Hit
Damage: 5(1d6) +6 = 11 & Archer 5 is dazed until EONT

I can shift 4 squares, so shift to Q,-23

Secondary attack on Brute 1
Attack: 6(1d20) +10 = 16 +2 from flanking CA = 18 vs Reflex = Hit
Damage: 6(1d6) +6 = 12 & Brute 1's corpse is dazed until EONT

I gain a +2 bonus to all defenses from attacks from enemies that are subject to my effects (So Archer 5)
Combat Block
Traza Ka'Kjuldis

Female Hengeyokai Druid 5
Languages: Kurnish, Serran
Age: 33
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 145 lbs.

Speed: 8
Climb Speed (as squirrel): 8
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 22
Passive Insight: 22
Senses: Low-light

AC: 19
Fort: 13
Ref: 17
Will: 18
HP: 36/45
Bloodied: 22
Surge Value: 11
Surges left: 8/8
Action points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: +2 against immobilize, restrain, & slow

Active Effects: +2 to checks to escape a grab
+5 to bluff against insight to prove I'm an orc/squirrel


Wild Shape
Wolf Shape Secondary Power
Nature's Mask
Grasping Claws
Magic Stones
Fire Hawk
Fire Hawk Attack


Second Wind [_]
Thorn Spray [_]
Predator's Flurry [X]

Wolf Shape [X]
Verdant Bounty [_]


Summon Giant Toad [_]
Vine Serpents [_]

Important Features
Primal Predator: While you are not wearing heavy armor, you gain a +2 bonus to your speed.

Ritual Caster: You can master and perform rituals of your level or lower.

Animal Form (Squirrel): Gain +2 to acrobatics.

Beast Nature: You are considered both a magical beast and a humanoid for the purpose of effects that relate to creature type.

Elusive: You have a +2 racial bonus to checks made to escape a grab and to saving throws against effects that immobilize, restrain, or slow you.

Fey Origin: You are considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

Language of the Beasts: While you are in animal or hybrid form, you can communicate to any natural or fey beasts that share your animal form or a form that is closely related. In human form, you can understand these beasts, but not directly communicate with them. You can communicate simple concepts and commands to such creatures, but they are under no compulsion to obey you, and their knowledge is restricted by their experience and mobility.

Shapechanger: You are subject to effects and conditions that affect shapechangers.

Werewolf Starting Feature: You gain a +2 power bonus to Intimidate checks. Any enemy has combat advantage against you when attacking you with a silvered weapon or implement. Also, you are immune to moon frenzy.

Werewolf Level 5 Feature: When interacting with wolves and similar creatures, you gain a +2 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate checks. In addition, while wolf shape is active, you gain a +2 power bonus to speed.

Superior Implement Training (Accurate Staff): You can use the Accurate staff superior implement.

Ruthless Killer: When you hit a target with the grasping claws power, instead of slowing the target you can instead choose for the target to be immobilized until the end of your next turn. If you are ever not adjacent to the target, the immobilized effect ends.

Cunning Stalker: You gain combat advantage against enemies that have no creatures adjacent to them other than you.

Staff Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to the attack rolls of implement powers and weapon powers that you use with a staff. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. In addition, when you make a ranged or an area attack with a staff as an implement, you don't provoke opportunity attacks for doing so. When you make a melee weapon attack with a staff, the weapon's reach for that attack increases by 1.

Aversion Staff +1: You gain a +2 item bonus to all defenses against attacks from enemies that are subject to effects caused by you.
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