Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros nods at the man as he creeps forward, his feet seeming to miss every loose stone and puddle as he moves swiftly and silently over the ground towards the front door.
Stealth Check to Move: 18(1d20) +8 = 26
Only person to get over 20 on this check, so I should be fine. Marcus though...
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Athena draws her knife as the others in the inn report someone coming. She says, "Yes make sure its them. They've been gone a long time now."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

Inside the Gilded Mare, Isdren sneaks a peak out the window-cracks to the best of his ability. "Yes, it's them! Guthrik, open the door!" he cries, and the orc follows suit.

The survivors outside in the plaza manage to creep through without too much noise and the walkers off in the distance don't seem to notice your presence. When you are close to the Gilded Mare, the door quietly opens, and you can see Guthrik standing in the threshold beckoning you to come inside quickly. The group of men and women filter in accordingly.

"Welcome back," the old man says neutrally. "Thank you," Cassia replies. Weasel sighs. "Home sweet home, eh?"

The others stare curiously at Mahren, the tanner, until he speaks up. "Greetings. I'm Mahren. Run a shop down on the waterfront. It's a pleasure."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"And he's not the only other survivor we came across," Marcus adds with a scowl. "There are some more hostile ones, tried to get us caught by those beasts." They'll have their throats slit soon enough. He steps in, ushering the others forward, and quickly shuts and begins barricading the door once the others are safely inside.

"We will need to be even more cautious with them around," he continues, once they are once more safely behind a structure. "But at least we found some small amount of protection in this man's leather."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Yes, those brutes are a larger threat than these shambling creatures, if you ask me," Liviana says as Marcus mentions the hostile men from earlier. "We'll have to be wary of them from now on." Worn out after the long night, the princess takes a seat at one of the tables, eager for rest.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Others?" Drozga, the barkeep, asks in response to Marcus' comment. "Well, I guess I shouldn't be so glum about you ruffians putting nails in all my windows and doors. I'll take that over getting roughed up by some hooligans."

Bastia smiles at Mahren, and she saunters closer. "I've not seen you around, mister tanner," she says, with allure. "Likewise," he returns with a smile as well.

Cassia speaks up as well. "Perhaps we'll get a chance to thin out the creatures from this area as well. Maybe a rough wall of some sort to keep them out of this plaza," she suggests.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"A wall sounds like a good idea," Athena says, weighing in on the discussion. "We'll need a lot of building material though."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros sighs at that.
"More materials we do not have... Were I to have my crossbow, I would not be so worried... Perhaps we can make the wall out of basic furniture and some of the wood from the houses surrounding the tavern? They make for good barricades themselves, provided we can secure the houses. Perhaps rather than a solid wall, we should consider barricading the streets and barring entry into the houses... It will require materials though, yes."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"If we're going to build something, we'll need to be sure to not make too much noise, or else we'll attract attention, whether it be from those creatures or the deviants down the road. I'd rather not have to have our defenses tested the moment we get them up," the princess says.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"A wall would be easy if we can just find a large enough stock of barrels to pile on top of one another," Marcus adds to the discussion. "We can scour the other taverns for them, though we'd need a very large number if we wanted to enclose a space as large as the plaza. We'd be better off sealing an alleyway and using it as safe passage between a cluster of nearby buildings, which would give us a bit more room to move were something to happen to the Mare."

Once the door is secure once more, he sets the leather that had been strewn over his shoulder in a heap, along with the saw he'd found earlier and the other items he'd grabbed from the tanner's shop, and moves more towards the middle of the room. "But this is all getting ahead of ourselves. It has been a long night so far, and we should rest before we try to do anything else."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

"Sleep sounds a good idea." Elene says, seated in the corner of the room. Despite the recent terrors, she's having trouble keeping her eyes open. "If'n we're settin' up watches, I'll take the last. Jus' wake me up or whatever." Having said that she slumps forward, slipping into unconsciousness.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"The details we can work out later. I've done some woodworking and the like in my time. For now, I agree that everyone should rest. The Gods know I need it," Burtin says in response. A wave of approval comes from the other survivors.

Soon enough, sleeping arrangements are made and the upper level is packed with slumbering men, women, and children. Four watch shifts are set out by the living, with Mahren with Athena taking the first of them. Following them would be Marcus and Liviana, Bastia and Redros, and Cassia and Elene.

The night passes as comfortably as is possible with too many souls packed into too few beds. Many of the survivors have difficulty sleeping with the emotional trauma that had happened through the day, and some of them lie awake for much of the night, quiet and pondering.

The morning light begins to creep its way through the cracks of the blinds and slowly the group converges into the lobby. Taking a good amount of what is left from the basement storage, breakfast is served with some loaves of bread, a steaming and bland oat porridge, and a few slabs of cheese. There is some citrus and other fruit found in a barrel but it is doled out carefully, saving much of it for other meals.

"We'll have to start stockpiling food," Jozanta, the mother, says to the group. "I want to make sure my children... and all of us... have enough to eat." Cassia looks down at her half of an apple ambivalently and gives a slice of it to Bessia, who smiles up at the guardswoman. "I loved apples when I was your age, sweetie. My mum used to make a brilliant pie with them." The young girl turns to her mother with a teeth-filled grin. "Maybe we can make the nice lady one, mummy! With as many apples as we can fit in it!" Jozanta nods slowly but her sorrowful look betrays the gesture. "Maybe, my sweet."

As the survivors crowd around the lobby finishing up their breakfast, they discuss the day's plans.
Watch RP is optional but recommended. The game will proceed like normal regardless.
The Gilded Mare: Athena,Burtin, Drozga, Smock, Isdren, Rorsi, Guthrik, Jozanta, Bessia, Matilda, Bastia,
Mahren, Marcus, Liviana, Cassia, Weasel, Redros, Elene.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

Yes, best to get what food we can find before those aggressive others snatch up all that there is. "I agree, food should be our top priority, as well as continuing to find better protection." And all those other things we talked about last night. So much to do.

Marcus eats his food quickly, not wanting to waste more time than he has to. He slept decently the night before, the events barely comparing to his time in the army, or his many nights after a kill. Hopefully the others are rested enough to get up and get going, we shouldn't waste what little daylight we have just sitting around. He takes the time to ponder the area, trying to figure out where their best bet for finding food would be.
Streetwise to know where the best places nearby to find food would be: 12

Also, how far is Marcus' shop/home from here, and about how long would it take to get there? I meant for it to be in this general neighborhood, but I am not really sure how large it is.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Liviana frowns as she enters the lobby and sees the familiar scene. So this isn't all just a dream then. Aurelia, guide me through these dire times. She hadn't gotten the best sleep, as she's used to her much more comfortable bed at home, but she at least got some. As she sees the meager spread of food, she says, "Well, it's certainly not like breakfast in the palace, but it's food at least." Famished, she quickly, yet politely eats her meal, not letting the unfolding chaos destroy the foundations of society and manners.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

There are a decent amount of places for food around here, but ver little in the form of bulk. The plaza outside has a handful of stalls and carts, a few of them knocked over in a scuffle. The docks further to the northwest could have some sailors' tack and other barreled goods, as well as the possibility of fish from yesterday. The houses are likely the best source of food currently, as noted from the recent finds.

Marcus' storefront is a few streets to the south. It was about a five to ten minute walk on a busy day, and probably about the same now with the dangers lurking about.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"We should check the nearby homes and shops, assuming they are abandoned they have the best bet of having food not ravaged by the chaos of yesterday," Marcus says, as he finishes his meal. He stands and walks towards the edge of the room, near one of the windows. "The markets may have some too, but they have likely been raided already by any others nearby." He peers out into the street through one of the gaps, observing the illuminated streets. It's so nice to be able to see.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Athena quietly eats her portion of the food. "I bet that's delicious. Your chefs must be the best on the entire island," she says to Liviana, jealous of the Princess's life.

Athena walks over to Marcus, joining him at the window. "There won't be a lot of food in individual houses, but it will soon add up. We should split up into small groups to maximise the number of houses we can search," she says adding her thoughts to the man's plan.

"If we can keep a low profile here in the inn, we should be able to survive until we run out of food and water."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

"I can go explorin' out a bit, see what's happenin' in the area and maybe a bit further." Elene says, peering through another window into the daylight. Usually I'd like the night, but day is nice after seein' them things. "If you want to join me in that, be small n' fast." At that, she glances over at the boy... Isdren, was it? Hoping slightly that he would join her. He'd probably keep up well. Could carry some more stuff, too.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"No, i'd imagine it isn't," Matilda says in response to the princess' comment. "But we'll have to make due for now. I'm sorry, Princess Liviana. I wish we had stocked up more, but we couldn't have known something like this would ever happen..."

Cassia offers her interest in being part of a small group to scout for food. "We should keep at least one solid and combat-ready person with each group," she suggests.

"Don't forget to look for weapons for us too," Drozga, the tavern-keeper reminds. "Even the little girl. All of us need something to defend ourselves with."

Isdren catches Elene's glance. "Sure, I can come with you," he says, eagerly. "I've been cooped up here all night."

The two scoundrels chat amongst themselves. "Hey, yer leg all better?" Weasel asks, prodding at his companion's limb. Smock flinches at the gesture. "Step off, ye cunt! 'Course not. It burns and looks like shit but it'll heal just fine. That salve's pretty grand."
You overhear Smock and Weasel's chatter, and are reminded of your own wound from the night prior. It looks like it festered a tad bit. The wound itself burns to the touch and your arm feels sore around the spot.
The Gilded Mare: Athena,Burtin, Drozga, Smock, Isdren, Rorsi, Guthrik, Jozanta, Bessia, Matilda, Bastia,
Mahren, Marcus, Liviana, Cassia, Weasel, Redros, Elene.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

Marcus cringes as the pain in his arm finally becomes noticeable, him no longer being driven by the adrenaline of the previous night. He steps back from the window and makes his way to the thugs, turning his attention to the wounded one. "Speaking of, is there any of that salve remaining? I've need of it, one of those things nicked me." I really need to get some better armor. I wonder if I can make it to the shop to fetch my old gear.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"You wouldn't need it if you didn't go rushing at that creature without better preparedness. You should be more careful next time, especially with how limited we are in curatives," Liviana says as she goes to obtain the salve. Returning to Marcus, the princess adds, "I would say it'll sting a little, but I'm sure you already know that." She quickly begins to apply the salve to the man's wound.
Heal to tend to Marcus' booboo: 17(1d20) +10 = 27
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

The salve drips onto your wound, and within a few moments, you feel a bit of relief. The wound still looks angry, but it is less a pallid color and more a healthy red of fresh blood. You hope it will close up within the next couple of days.
Your application of the salve is successful. There looks to be only a bit more of it in the vial, however. Possibly enough to treat one large injury or a couple minor ones like Marcus'.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

Marcus is relieved to see the color shift to a more natural one, and looks back up to the others. "Right, then. Who is coming to haul food? It's light out, but I am sure those things still walk the streets, so preferably someone who can defend themselves." He looks around, awaiting more volunteers.
What did he see when he peered out the window awhile back? I don't think you ever responded to that.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"I'll come," Athena says to Marcus, in answer to his call for volunteers. "I don't want to be cooped up in here again just waiting. And I can handle myself, you don't have to worry about me," she adds with a wink.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros raises a hand at the mention of another treck.
"I shall come. I am uninjured, and my talents may yet still be of some use to us amongst the streets."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Elene rolls her eyes at Drozga before nodding to Isdren. "Let's get goin' then. No time to waste. 'member to stay quiet."

Checking to make sure the coast is clear, she slips out of the front door, pausing in the street outside to survey the area while the boy catches up.
Perception: 11
Stealth: 19
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

As the others volunteer to return to the outside world, Liviana chimes in, saying, "I feel that it may be best, for my safety, if I stay behind this time. Someone has to be alive to pick up all the pieces after this is all over, Gods forbid the palace has fallen before my parents could seek safety."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

Peering out the cracks in the window, you notice two of the walkers on the edges of the plaza, but none more than that. A few of the carts still sit, knocked over.
At Marcus' request, Guthrik and Weasel raise their hands. "I'm not as old as I look. Still got some give left in these bones," the weathered orc says. The chubby brigand smirks at the comment and speaks up in a similar vein. "I may be a bit pork, but underneath the flab is muscles, y'know?"

Bastia leans against the bartop. "I'll stay here for now. Somebody competent's gotta be here to protect the old, useless men, right?" Smock, Rorsi (the drunk) and the barkeep glower at her in response. "'Nother day 'n I'll be good as new," Smock grumbles.

"Thank you," Jozanta says to Bastia and Liviana. "I think between the three of us, we should be able to handle a couple of them." Cassia says, stepping toward Liviana. "I'll stay here if the Princess is," she acknowledges to Marcus.

Mahren steps up to Marcus. "I'll be here while you're gone. I wanted to see if I could get anything prepared with the leather we brought. Do you have any requests?" he asks.

Elene and Isdren slip out of the front door, but not before the latter is bombarded by his mother and sister with wishes of farewell. Up ahead, they see the presence of a couple walkers creeping around the edge of the plaza, unalarmed. One is near the northern path to the channel, and the other stands by the bridge across it to the west. "I think we should go south or east," the boy offers.
The Gilded Mare (Staying): Burtin, Drozga, Smock, Rorsi, Jozanta, Bessia, Matilda, Bastia, Mahren, Liviana, Cassia.

The Gilded Mare (Going): Athena, Guthrik, Marcus, Weasel, Redros.

The Plaza: Isdren, Elene.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

Marcus nods to the volunteers, happy to have more willing to help. "That is probably for the best, princess," he says in response to Liviana, not surprised that she would rather stay indoors. He'd not even expected her to accompany them the night before, though the fact that he did made him respect her more than he would have otherwise.

"Something simple, just enough to protect ourselves with," he says to the leatherworker as he readies himself to venture out into the streets once more. "It need not look pretty so long as we can get our vitals covered, we are not just contending with these creatures after all. Should those aggressive men decide they want this place, we may have a more difficult fight on our hands. It'd be best if we were at least somewhat prepared for that possibility."

The more I think about those men, the better it sounds to try and get back home. Maybe they'll agree to accompany me. Marcus frowns as he is reminded once more of the attempt on their lives in that alley, and walks towards the door. "Are we ready?" he asks, turning to his volunteers.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Ready," Athena replies, stepping into the plaza. Hopefully the city guards get this under control soon. I don't want to live like this, forging for food and constantly looking over my shoulder.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"Very well," Marcus replies, stepping out into the street after the woman, motioning for the others to follow. "Careful out here, there are two up ahead. If we are quiet enough they may stay unaware of our presence."

With everyone outside, Marcus creeps along the edge of the street towards the next building, figuring it best to get the easiest things out of the way first. When he reaches the door he lightly nudges it, seeing if it is locked.
Stealth, if needed: 3 of course...
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Elene nods in response to Isdren, moving a small distance westward around the edge of the plaza before picking a random southward street and continuing. "Keep yer eyes peel'd for anythin' that looks helpful-like. Peek the windows, too, but keep yer head down." she whispers, moving quietly along the buildings on the east side of the street.
Perception check for spotting useful stuff such as sharp objects, weapons, food, armor, etc: 25
Streetwise check to see what I know about shops and important buildings in this direction: 18
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

Elene and Isdren steel off just around the southern edges of the Mare, sneaking along the eastern side of the street. Further ahead are some more of the walkers, in the street. "I don't think we can get very far from the Mare while they're still all around the streets," Isdren whispers.
You pass by a house and what looks like a trade office of some sort. While there isn't much in the street aside from a bit of debris, you figure inside some of the buildings would be useful things. You also know that down the street are a few food stands, several buildings down on the eastern-edge.
Marcus sidles along the edge of the street, checking the lock of the next building over to the east. The door is locked, however. The walkers don't seem to notice you yet.

- - - - -

Tobias Stan holds his breath as a few of the strange creatures creep along outside in the street. The old home he had broken into last night seemed to be empty, and upon exploring it, the man could tell that nobody had lived there in a few years. There were cobwebs and dust all over, but that didn't stop him from getting a few hours of sleep. Tired and emotionally drained, he had curled up in the storeroom, the comfort of a few old linens underneath his head.

He crouches now, pressed up against the window and his eyes scanning out the window. Waiting, he looks for more of the creatures. He had been studying their movements, their manners, like he did with people so much of the time in the city. The house across the street had finally stopped burning, it looked like. The rain last night most likely took care of it.

Tobias sees a figure creeping along the row of houses opposite him, and he double takes, recognizing it as a person and not a walker.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by nemtsol »

Tobias opened the window quickly and quietly. "Hey!" Tobias Stan called out to the person in a loud whisper and with a wave. "You alive? Are you 'bout to become one of them? I mean you look alive, but I don't rightly know how it spreads. So you might be in the process of becomin' one of them creatures. But I don't mean to offend! I'm just scared witless out here!
Last edited by nemtsol on Sun Sep 06, 2015 1:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Athena follows after Marcus, doing her best to stay quiet. She joins him at the door and after seeing it's locked she gently pushes him aside. "Allow me," she says softly, pushing her hair out of the way of her face and kneeling down so the lock is at eye level. She fiddles with the lock for a moment trying to open the door without drawing the attention of the creatures.
Stealth check for being all sneaky beaky like: 12(1d20) +10 = 22

Thievery Check to open door: 12(1d20) +10 = 22
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

Marcus steps aside as the woman does her thing, stealing a glance at her as she works. He waits patiently for the door to open, hoping that her appearance belies real skill.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

Tobias jerks the window open as quietly as he can, which isn't very. The person cringes at the sound. "Quiet, you goddamned idiot! You'll attract them!" the figure cries. A closer look and you can tell it is a younger man, probably twenty-something. "'Course I'm alive. Though you won't be if you keep that shit up!"

The man slides across the street evasively, taking cover behind a large potted plant next to the house. He peers through the window at Tobias, his hand palming a short sword. "Maddris has me out here, looking for survivors. Sole survivors. No groups. You alone?"

- - - - -

Athena saunters quietly up to the door of the building, trying her work at the lock. Without a proper tool, she takes to looking at the lock for a quick moment before giving it a futile jiggle.
You can tell the door's lock will require some sort of prodding around inside the keyhole to open. You figure that with your kitchen blade or something equally narrow, you might be able to disengage the lock with the right angle and the right force. The whole mechanism looks brass, however, which might be weak to a good hard budge as well.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Well it was worth a try. As the lock fails to budge, Athena lets out a slight sigh before drawing her knife and attempting once more to open the door. This time she uses the knife in the lock, hoping the lock isn't too complex.
Thievery Check to open door with knife: 8(1d20) +10 = 18
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

You jiggle the kitchen knife around in the keyhole, but can't properly feel out what to swivel in order to unlock it.
While Athena works at the lock, Guthrik whispers to the group. "I think they're going to see us here if we don't get a move on. We can clear them out and then bust it down if we want, or move on," he suggests. Weasel grips his blade, ready to act. "Should pick fast, y'know, they're walkin' this way."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by nemtsol »

"Sorry mister." Tobias whispered. "I've just been so gosh darn sacred." Tobias rested his hammer on his shoulder. "And last I checked, I'm alone. Besides my stuff, of course." He chuckles. "Who's Maddris? Does he know what's goin' on?"
Last edited by nemtsol on Sun Sep 06, 2015 3:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"I know, I know, it's been a while since I've done this," Athena says still working the lock.

"There," she says as the lock finally clicks open. She stands up and opens the door anxious to get inside.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

The locking mechanism finally rotates under Athena's pressured attempt, and a click is heard, signalling that it has unlocked. Her kitchen knife appears to have a small chip in the blade from the effort, however. Opening the door, she steps in and everybody follows. Weasel closes it behind them.

Inside, sunlight comes in through a few windows, and you can tell that you stand in a parlor. Minimal amounts of wood furniture line the room, and the floor is covered with a heavy, thick carpet that feels comfortable under your feet. You can see a staircase to an upper level, as well as doors on two of the walls here. "Somebody's house," Guthrik assumes as he sniffs the air. Weasel stretches, readying himself for exploring. "The Watchman's not here, eh? Let's take what shit we can find. These people are probably dead or out there walkin' around like creeps."

- - - - -

The man nods at Tobias' words, pausing a moment to check the status of the walkers now in the intersection a few buildings away. "Maddris is in charge of this district. We're working to put together some sort of... militia to survive and get through this. Whatever it takes."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"Just the food for now, or any tools or protection we find. If we need other things we can come back later," Marcus replies to Weasel after they step inside. "Let's find the pantry," he says, moving further into the home. He takes the door on the right, and opens if it unlocked.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by nemtsol »

"That makes sense. But, why are ya looking for single survivors?" Tobias asked, confused. "Wouldn't you want more people? I mean, what if it's a family or somethin'? Not that I'm trying to start a fight. The Hobo way is against it. Unless you're startin' a fight. Then the Hobo way is fine with it."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

Marcus opens up the door on the right which seems to be a a dining room. There is a long table here, with eight places set. There are some metal forks, spoons, and knives as well as plates and cloth napkins. There is another door on the far side, and one to the left. Weasel steps inside and whistles quietly. "May as well grab some of those utensils for now, hm? Ain't much, but a fork beats trying to clobber these things with yer fists. At least, if ye've got nothing else, y'know?"

- - - - -

The man shrugs at Tobias' question. "Hah. I said the same thing at first. But Maddris, he doesn't want anybody to mutiny or be a threat to the people. Makes sense if you think about it. Families get scared, they start doin' dumb shit. Easier if loners come along and fall in line. And it's not more people we want, it's more security. You uh... you gonna let me in?"
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by nemtsol »

"Oh!" said Tobias Stan. Give me a second, friend. I just got to unlock this door and..." Tobias opens the door, standing behind it. "Come on in! Hey, what did you say your name was?"
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

With the others gone, Liviana says a quick prayer to Aurelia, hoping for their safety while out in potential danger. With her devotion complete, she walks around the tavern, seeing what she can do. Spotting Burtin, the princess approaches, saying, "How's your injury faring? Is it healing quickly? Gods know we need everyone healthy and able-bodied."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"Whatever, just stuff them in your pockets. No use carrying them when there will inevitably be more important things to use our hands for," Marcus says, as he moves on to the door on the left.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros steps into the house quietly and spots the stairs, ignoring the men searching for utensils. He moves close to Marcus to whisper to him.
"I will check upstairs. If we check rooms, we should move two by two, to clear the building fastest and safest. Athena can come with me, if you think that best, or Guthrik. The other can stay down here and search the room with you. Or I can search this room with you. It is your decision, as you have taken command so far."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

"We'll have to do some fancy maneuverin' then." Elene whispers back, motioning for him to head down a nearby alley. "There's gotta be a path through somewhere."
I'm going down that alley that I knocked the shingle into.

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Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
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