Journey to the South — OOC

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Journey to the South — OOC

Post by Fialova »

Character Creation Rules
System: 4e
Level 3
Stats: 25pt buy.
Race: Any published, refluffed as dwarf.
Class: Any published.
Feats: Free expertise feat.
Themes: Allowed.
Background: +2 to a skill or add a language.
Equipment: 2500 gold to spend on anything you would like to bring, including all weapons, armor, food, rituals, etc. You will not be encountering any shops this game, at least not anytime even remotely early on, so what you bring to start is what you have for the trip.
Skills: There are no class skill restrictions; any class can train any skill. You still must take the mandatory/bonus skills granted by your class as usual (e.g. Arcana for a wizard).
Rituals: Component costs for all rituals are reduced to ¼ their normal values to encourage ritual use. Also, Raise Dead will not be allowed in this game – dead is dead, though we hope that doesn’t have to be an issue.
Inherent Bonuses: Yes
Languages: We will not be using the standard 4e languages, but instead the ones listed below. Also, a bit counter-intuitively, you need not know common. Everyone should known Dwarven, and then as many other languages from the list of their choice equal to the number of additional languages they would normally be granted. Basically, for this campaign Dwarven is akin to Common, though Common is still a separate (and much more common) language in the overall setting.

Common - Common is a lingua franca in this world. Most people know at least some of the common tongue, and many speak it fluently, but it is not the primary language of any nation. People who only know Common are typically sailors, or other people who have spent most of their life traveling rather than in one place.

Tulrissian – The national language of Tulrisse, a primarily human agricultural-based kingdom.

Serran – The primary language spoken by the many small kingdoms of an expansive arid region known as the Serran Desert, which consist mostly of humans and orcs.

Imardanian – The national language of the Imardin Thalassocracy, the nation you begin your adventure in. It is a very diverse nation, but humans still make up the majority.

Forellian – The native language of the people who inhabit the Forellian Archipelago, a cluster of islands consisting of many city-states located in the Forelle Sea. Primarily human.

Kurnish – The language of the orc tribes of Kurnhuelde, a region primarily consisting of snowy hills on the Kurn Peninsula.

Dwarven – The common language of the many dwarf kingdoms that occupy the mountains that run down the center of Voreld.

Elven – A catch-all term in Voreld for any of the many distinct dialects spoken by the elf natives of Quellam, a continent to the east.

Special Background/Build Guidelines

You were all hired by the Lord Andor to assist on this expedition to the south. You are not a rag-tag group or a band of unlikely heroes, but a highly specialized and skilled group of individuals chosen specifically for your unique talents, talents that would prove useful to a venture intent on establishing a fourth dwarven kingdom from the ground up. Keeping with this theme, there are two things you should especially keep in mind when creating your character:

1) Your character should have a skill, or set of skills, that would make them a boon to Andor's quest. This can be anything from being a master tracker and hunter to a skilled builder to one attuned to the spirits of the land. Whatever the skill, your character should be especially adept at it, and likely at least somewhat well-known. After all, you were hired for a reason, not just picked off the street.

2) A bit more of a meta request, everyone's characters should function well together as a group in combat. This means powers/feats/passive abilities and whatnot that are designed to work well together. This extends beyond just having the four major roles (striker, defender, leader, controller) covered; you should have all four of those represented, but they should be even more tailored to functioning together. This game will be harder than the Tulrisse campaign, so fighting effectively is essential. The wilderness is a harsh mistress.


It is the dwarven Kingdom of Garrund, the 86th year of the 4th era. Spring has just begun in the outside world, which means the venture you have been hired for is about to begin.

You enter a tavern, the same tavern you have met him in countless times before. His name is Lord Andor, and he is funding this venture. The lord has been observing a trend in Garrund for some time now, a trend thet he fears spells the end of this great kingdom's centuries of prosperity. As such, he has hired you and others to join him in a journey to the southern most reaches of the mountains, where you will settle a new dwarven kingdom under his rule.

Despite your past meetings with the ambitious nobleman, you have yet to meet the others who have been hired for the trek. You know they must be skilled at their trades because the task at hand is no easy one, but what trades have they? Who are these men that you will be making a new life - a new home - with? It seems you will find out soon enough, when you take your seat at Andor's table.
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Re: Journey to the South OOC

Post by Fialova »

Ten-Minute Background

Shamelessly stolen from here.

Since this game is more of a traditional campaign, where the characters guide the game and there is no real over-arching plot (unlike the Tulrisse game, where ultimately everything is moving toward the unification and repelling the invasion), I would like you all to complete the following either in place of a standard background write-up, or in addition to one; it is up to you which you go with. The purpose of this is to get some specific info to work with, as well as some meta-goals that you all as players would like to accomplish. Having them all here, rather than me asking you at various times, makes it easier for me to reference them and plan for future activities in-game.

(All examples are taken from my own post for the game linked above, and are using an entirely different setting than the one we will be in.)

Step 1: Write 5 background and concept elements that you feel are important to your image of the character. These can be a concept overview, a list of important life events, a physical description, a personality profile...whatever you need to get an image in your mind. 5 is just a minimum...more elements are encouraged but not required. Don't feel pressured or at a loss due to unfamliarity with the Ganoltir campaign world! I'm more than happy to provide elements and more to assist in the process.
1) Birth - Karth was born as the offspring of Queen Gwarta of Bridged City and one of her many guards. During her pregnancy it was assumed she would be giving birth to another of her husband's children, but when the child turned out to be a half-elf this was quickly proven to be false. The king consort, enraged by the discovery, demanded his wife reveal who the father was. Not wishing for controversy, she quickly revealed who the information and Karth and his father were banished and sent away in secret. The royal family told the public that the pregnancy resulted in a miscarriage and held a grand funeral for the supposed deceased prince. Meanwhile, Karth's father travelled with his newborn son to the city of Mithril to start a new life.

2) Early Life - Karth's father settled in the Harbor City section of Mithril and began taking whatever odd jobs he could find. As Karth got older he would sometimes help, but he usually caused more harm than good and was sent away. It was these times that he first began following the other boys around town, participating in various acts of thievery and creating bonds of friendship.

3) Later Life - As he got older, Karth began to grow bored with petty thievery. After all, it was his destiny to become king of Bridged City and he wasn't going to do that by pickpocketing the various merchants who came to Harbor City. He wanted more, but he didn't exactly know how to get it. Lucky for him his old friend Faust was an ambitious one, and when he stole a ship from the harbor he invited Karth and the other thieves who grew up together to join as his crew. Karth saw this as an opportunity, not only to relieve his boredom but also to gain more riches than he'd ever be able to scrounge alone.

4) The Magnificent Manslayer - As is custom among the Conspicuous Oils, Karth has a nickname that he goes by. When thinking up the names with the others he initially came up with such ideas as "Karth the Glorious", "The Radiant Ruffian", and "The Most Gorgeous Pirate Known to Man." These were all quickly shot down by the others, who said the point of the nicknames were to strike fear. Faust suggested he go by "The Manslayer" since he was always a ruthless fighter when the need arose, and reluctantly Karth accepted. However, it quickly came to everyone's attention that he was reffering to himself as "Karth the Magnificent" outside of their presence. They tried to get him to follow the captain's suggestion, only to be told that "the title simply does not express my greatness as well as it should." After some discussion they finally all came to a compromise, and Karth's nickname was officially made to be "The Magnificent Manslayer."

5) Appearance - Karth is somewhat tall, standing 6'3", with a fairly slender build. He has long, silver hair due to his elven heritage and he is very protective of it - many men have scars (or worse) to show as a result of touching Karth's hair. His manner of dress is never very fancy as he has always been of the lower class, but whatever the clothing he always wears it in a way that gives off an air of nobility. Even while at sea he makes a point to look his best, and can often be found tending to his precious hair. On his belt hangs a mirror that, while useful for some raids, spends most of its time reflecting Karth's face back at him.

6) Personality Traits - As a narcissist Karth tends to be very confident in his abilites, and his self-esteem is never low. He goes into every battle without fear, completely assured of his victory from the start. He is always looking to make friends with new people (no one should miss the opportunity to gaze upon his gorgeous face, after all), though this is often made difficult due to the arrogance that often manifests in social situations due to his narcissism. He is extremely loyal to the few people he truly respects, and despite his overconfidence he is still a formidable opponent on the battlefield, so to some it might be worth earning that respect.
Step 2: List at least two goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another should be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.
1) Karth ultimately desires to become the king of Bridged City. He feels he was wrongly banished, and that as retribution he deserves to gain the throne in place of his half-sister Hannatha.

2) I'd like Karth to get a chance to return to Bridged City so that I can develop that part of his story. He need not actually ever gain the throne as he wants, but I'd at least like to have him come to terms with royalty who are against him in some way, and perhaps meet his mother for the first time.
Step 3: List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet. This will help me in creating plots that center around your character. I may also be creating a third secret which you as a player will not be aware of, so expect the unexpected.
1) Karth is actually the son of Queen Gwatra of Bridged City, making him royalty in the city-state. He ultimately plans to use this to become king and rule the city-state as he feels he deserves.

2) Karth was made a divine champion of Enkili without his knowledge, and most of his success and combat skill is a result of this. Enkili chose him for his personality, and as such the divine powers he possesses are triggered by him acting in line with his natural narcissism. Acting against this can sometimes have negative effects.
Step 4: Describe at least three people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. If you like, you can include an enemy of yours here as well, so I have an instant NPC nemesis to throw at you.
1) Karth's father is his only real family, and he cares deeply about his only son. He is the one who filled Karth's head with the idea of becoming king, and thus is directly responsible for Karth's narcissism.

2) Captain Faust is an old friend and Karth has a great deal of respect for the quirky man. He is one of the few people Karth views as an equal.

3) Queen Gwatra, Karth's mother, has a somewhat neutral opinion of him. As her own child she cannot hate him, but she was not sad when he was banished from Bridge City with his father. She wants to avoid a succession dispute just as much as the other royals who know of his existence, but would be torn somewhat if that were ever to happen.

4) The king consort of Bridged City was furious when he learned that Karth was not his son, and when he found out he immediately had the boy and his father banished from the city. He loved his wife enough to forgive her for her affair, but he hates Karth and his father and would likely go to any means to keep them from returning or gaining any sort of prominince in Bridged City.
Step 5: Describe three memories, mannerisms, or quirks that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor.
1) Karth is very much a narcissist, and can sometimes be quite arrogant due to his self-absorption. Ironically, these personality traits are the direct cause of his successes in life, as well as his skills in combat, due to them triggering his divinely-granted abilities.

2) He has a very fuzzy memory of the palace interior from the time he was born. Occasionally it is the setting of his dreams, where he is revered by the citizens of Bridge City as a great leader.

3) He absolutely hates for anyone to touch his hair unless they are a very close friend, and even then he is not completely comfortable with it. Touching Karth's hair is one of the few ways to anger him (and the quickest), and has occasionally resulted in the injury or death of the unfortante offender.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions

Who raised you and how did they shape your life? What social class do you belong to, and how did that change your opportunities and your outlook? What do you do for a living, and have you changed careers in the past? What social institutions (religions, governments, civil society, businesses) are you a part of or interact with? Do you have a spouse? Children? Did you at one time?

I add this last bit because I like to tie characters into the world around them. Often, people go for very individual or personal stories - long-lost love, bad guy killed my parents, mysterious birth, etc. But I find that this can make characters somewhat disconnected from the world around them, and the world becomes rather too much of a two-dimensional backdrop. Both in reality, you'd expect people to be profoundly shaped by their society and the institutions around them.
Family - Karth's only real family is his father, and older elven man who was once a guard at the Queen's palace in Bridged City. While he is related by blood to the Bridged City royalty, most of them are unaware of his existence. The ones who do know of him want him kept a secret, so as not to cause a succession dispute.

Class - On his mother's side he is a member of the Bridged City royalty, on his father's side he is a common peasant. He was raised by his father in Mithril as a simple commoner, but his royal blood cannot be denied.

Profession - Karth is a pirate and he is good at it. He has been First Mate of the Quina Vjeta for a long time under Captain Faust, and not without reason. He was one of the few to survive the fateful encounter with the guarded merchant ship, and one of the even fewer to survive who was also a companion of Faust in his youth.

Institutions - he is a member of Faust's Crew, the Conspicuous Oils.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary

Here's where I like to get a bit more personality than backstory, because an overly historical concept only really gives you a good grounding in what your character did, what happened to them, rather than what they'll do in the future. So I generally try to ask what motivates a character at any given moment: Revenge? Wealth? Fame? Personal Excellence? Curiosity? Survival? Instinct? Reason? Power? Emotions? Loyalty? Etc.
Primary - Karth's feeling of entitelement towards the throne of Bridged City is his primary motivating factor. He deserves to rule the city as he sees it, and he will do everything in his power to obtain the position he views as rightfully his.

Secondary - His years as a pirate have also fostered in him a desire for wealth. He has incorporated this lesser desire into his ultimate goal of becoming King of Bridged city by deciding that he will not yet return to the city-state until he has first amassed considerable wealth. This amassing of wealth will surely make it easier for him to obtain the influence he needs gain the throne, but he also wants it for the luxury as well.

Tertiary - Karth is always looking to make new friends, having grown up with very few. His personality tends to hinder him in his pursuit for companions, so one could say it is a never-ending search for those patient and accepting enough to handle his presence on a regular basis.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term

Similar to your Step 2, I think that goals give a character a higher order of drive, and can make for a nice character arc that gives level progression some meaning beyond mechanics. In addition, as you point out, it can also be a good hook for DMs.
Short Term - Meet and befriend the new crewmembers. More friends are always nice.

Medium Term - Continue earning coin with Faust, until Karth as enough to return to Bridged City in style and live there comfortably.

Long Term - Win the hearts of the people of Bridged City and take over as monach instead of his half-sister Hannatha.
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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: Journey to the South OOC

Post by Fialova »

Character Ideas

* Blacksmith
* Alchemist
* Tracker/Hunter
* Cartographer
* Linguist
* Engineer
* Carpenter
* Mason
* Miner
* and many more!

This might help you guys think of more ideas.

Skills Covered

Acrobatics (Gorain)
Arcana (Derrak)
Athletics (Golem, Korram, Falkrus)
Bluff (Lord Andor)
Diplomacy (Lord Andor, Derrak)
Dungeoneering (Gorain)
Endurance (Lord Andor, Golem, Falkrus)
Heal (Korram)
History (Derrak)
Insight (Lord Andor, Derrak)
Intimidate (Golem)
Nature (Korram)
Perception (Derrak, Gorain, Falkrus)
Religion (Korram, Gorain)
Streetwise (Falkrus)
Thievery (Golem)
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Re: Journey to the South OOC

Post by Fialova »

You can post now.
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Re: Journey to the South OOC

Post by ratwizard »

Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
1. Korram was born into the hardworking culture of Garrund, his mother being a medic at the clinic, his father being one of the throne-guards. From early on, he knew his role was to be a productive member of the dwarven society, and he took up metalwork in his teenage years. Korram was eager to prove his parents proud, as dwarven smithing is one of the most honorable and famous of dwarven crafts.

2. Korram's parents rubbed off on him, and as soon as he was a working member of society, he could clean, sew, and dress wounds with ease and knew the ins and outs of armor and weaponcraft. He was apprenticed under one of the greatsmiths of Garrund, whose names are etched in the archives of history. During his apprenticeship, he learned to forge the finest of tools, weapons, and armor, complete with intricate dwarven designs in the hilts, blades, etc.

3. When he was in his late 20s, Korram became a full-fledged smith, and his skills were tiers above his peers. Within a decade, he was formally recognized by Breios' League, a religious sect that follows Breios, the God of the Craft. Growing up as a dwarf who was respectful and fearful of the dwarven Gods, Korram pledged his service to Breios' League, promising to upkeep certain vows. He worshiped his God through his masterwork smithing abilities.

4. Korram later became one of the greatsmiths, an honor that only 5 dwarves could have. His former mentor had passed on, leaving an open spot that the other smiths thought only Korram could fill. Although he was only 57, quite young for a greatsmith, he proved himself to be quite the asset and was able to make a few pieces for the throneguards, and even the king himself.

5. Although Breios' League has no explicit rules on marriage, Korram never married and likely has no plans to.

6. Now 85, Korram is quite experienced and sagacious, with still enough youthful vigor to make the trek to the south.
1.) Korram would like to establish the greatsmith society for the new dwarven fortress, should their mission be successful.

2.) I want Korram to develop strong relationships with the strangers that he will undertake the journey with.
1.) Korram fell in love with a dwarven woman named Jiarra, a miner, during his first years as a greatsmith. She was victim to a terrible mining accident that claimed her life, and since then, in the last few decades, his relationship with the Gods have become increasingly strained.

2.) Korram doesn't know that Jiarra's death was accidentally (or purposefully) caused by Groain.
People Tied to Korram
1.) Korram's parents - On their last legs of life, Korram's father and mother are proud for all that their son has accomplished in his life.

2.) Jiarra - Korram's lover for a few years, she was killed in an unfortunate smelting accident. He blames the Gods for her death, feeling chafed that they would reward his good work and diligence with punishment.

3.) Grandsmith Grasgol - Now deceased, this man paved the way for Korram's potential to be reached, and is always in the thoughts of the man.

4.) Jirgek - A fellow member of Breios' League who has been on Korram's tail for a few years now about his falling out with the Gods. Actively trying to get Korram expelled from the League because of jealousy.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1.) Korram has lost two of the most influential people in his life, in the last few decades. Even many years past, he thinks about them a lot and does not feel like he needs to move on. He feels that his thoughts of them are his way of paying respect to them after death.

2.) Korram is an older dwarf, and is prone to asserting his increased experience to younger dwarfs. He isn't a hard-heart, but his biting humor and smug toughness may rub other dwarves the wrong way.

3.) Korram loves his smithworking, and is the type to ensure that his allies have the best stock of tools, weapons, etc.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Raised by a throne-guard and a medic, Korram was a working-class member of society, something that is honorable and has a decent standard of living.

Class: Starting off in the working-class, Korram was elevated to a slightly higher standard of living, being a great-smith. However, he has no interest in lavishness as dwarven nobles do.

Profession: Great-smith. Korram is the crafter of some of Garrund's finest armor, tools, and weapons. Alongside his colleagues, their artisan steel is known to many civilizations.

Institutions: Part of Garrund's 5 Great-smiths, and part of Breios' League.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Korram has a duty to do, and that is to provide his dwarven brethren with the finest weapons, armor, and other crafts that are possible. Because of this, he feels convicted to be part of the group that establishes a new province, to do his duty as a supplier.

Secondary: Part of his drive to go to the south is to have a higher position of power. He isn't the youngest great-smith at Garrund, but he does not hold the highest honors and there are 3 that outrank him. In the south, he will be the first of the new line of great-smiths.

Tertiary: Feeling slightly jaded by his loss of Jiarra and the waning lives of his parents, Korram feels the urge to experience the world as he has not before, and seek out a new life.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Become friendly with those who travel with him. He will be with them a while, and it'd be nice to be allies in spirit and not just contract.

Medium-Term: To reach the south and establish the settlement. It is not promised that their journey will be successful or even that they will survive, but he feels driven to try.

Long-Term: To become the great-smith for the southern dwarven fortress.
Character Sheet
Korram, level 3
Goliath, Paladin
Background: Geography - Mountains (+2 to Athletics)

Str 20, Con 13, Dex 10, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 11.

Str 18, Con 13, Dex 10, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 11.

AC: 22 Fort: 18 Reflex: 15 Will: 17
HP: 40 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 10

Religion +5, Nature +11, Heal +9, Athletics +11

Acrobatics -3, Arcana, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Dungeoneering +4, Endurance -1, History, Insight +4, Intimidate +1, Perception +4, Stealth -3, Streetwise +1, Thievery -3

Level 1: Mighty Challenge
Level 2: Practiced Study
Feat User Choice: Devout Protector Expertise

Lay on Hands: Lay on Hands
Paladin at-will 1: Holy Strike
Paladin at-will 1: Ardent Strike
Paladin encounter 1: Divine Pursuit
Paladin daily 1: Blazing Brand
Paladin utility 2: Call of Challenge
Paladin encounter 3: Hold Fast

Heavy Shield, Dwarven Plate Armor +1, Frost Warhammer +1, Amulet of Protection +1, Forge Armor, Forge Weapon, Master Artisan, Residuum (Any) (233), Bedroll, Backpack (empty), Flint and Steel, Belt Pouch (empty), Sunrod (8), Trail Rations (20), Hempen Rope (50 ft.), Waterskin, Artisan's Tools (2), Chain (10 ft.), Chirurgeon's tools, Climber's Kit, Cold-weather clothing, Crowbar, Distillation Kit, Doctrinal book, Drill, Drum, Flotation bladder, Grappling Hook, Hacksaw, Hammer (2), Holy Symbol, Horn, Iron spikes (10), Miner's helmet, Oil (1 pint) (4), Pitons (10), Sack (2), Shovel, Tent, Tongs (2), Writing case, Chalk and slate (2), Bestiary, Throwing hammer (2)
Combat Block

Male Goliath Paladin 3
Languages: Dwarven, Common
Age: 85
Height: 4'5"
Weight: 190 lbs.

Speed: 5
Initiative: +1
Passive Perception: 14
Passive Insight: 14
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 22
Fort: 18
Reflex: 15
Will: 17
HP: 40/40
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Divine Challenge
Lay on Hands
Ardent Strike
Divine Sanction
Holy Strike
Frost Warhammer +1 Cold Damage

Second Wind [_]
Guardian's Counter [_]
Stone's Endurance [_]
Divine Pursuit [_]
Divine Mettle/Divine Strength [_]
Call of Challenge [_]
Hold Fast [_]

Blazing Brand [_]
Dwarven Armor +1 Heal [_]
Frost Warhammer +1 Cold [_]


Important Features
Devout Protector Expertise: While using a shield, allies gain a +1 shield bonus to AC.

Divine Sanction: Upon marking an enemy, target takes 3 radiant damage each time it makes an attack that doesn't include Korram as a target.
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Re: Journey to the South OOC

Post by PureZaros »

Personality: Skittish and twitchy due to conditioned reflexes, but when he is needed he mellows out. He can come up with effective plans on the fly, and gets very excited when things explode. Sometimes too excited.

Appearance: Contrary to the stereotypical dwarven frame Duneyrr is very slender, almost fragile looking. This is good because it allows him to quickly remove himself from the potentially dangerous vicinity of alchemical accidents. His hair's color has been leeched away by the various fumes and chemicals he is often surrounded by, so Duneyrr looks older than his actual age. He has some mild scarring from chemical burns on his hands and arms.

Early Life: Born into a relatively wealthy family, Duneyrr never had to do hard labor like some of the lower-class dwarves. His family, though relatively obscure, held stock in one of the largest mining organizations in the kingdom. With the funds provided by this, the family maintained a menagerie of sorts, filled with all manner of surface animals.

The Hobby: As Duneyrr grew, he took a liking to the chemicals and poultices of the family's doctor-figure. Learning from the dwarf, he began to experiment with chemicals, brewing odd concoctions and occasionally exploding things.
1.) Duneyrr wants to get a new start in a place where his family cannot look at him.

2.) I would like Duneyrr to eventually become something of an aristocrat anyway. Oh, the irony.
2.) Duneyrr's father has been searching for him in recent times. The poor guy wants to apologize and reinstate Duneyrr to the the family
1.) Loud noises will make Duneyrr jump, especially if they aren't expected.

2.) Duneyrr's hair is forever bleached white due to the harsh chemical she comes in contact with.

3.) When he thinks back on the day he was cast out of his home, Duneyrr is grateful that he didn't accidentally blow up his family. His only regret is that ho couldn't make them proud then.
Duneyrr, level 3
Eladrin, Mage
Level 1 Apprentice Mage: Enchantment Apprentice
Eladrin Subrace: Standard Eladrin Racial Traits
Background: Forest Ridge - Acclimated Trader (+2 to Nature)
Theme: Alchemist

Str 8, Con 12, Dex 12, Int 20, Wis 13, Cha 14.

Str 8, Con 12, Dex 12, Int 18, Wis 13, Cha 12.

AC: 17 Fort: 13 Reflex: 17 Will: 17
HP: 30 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 8

Acrobatics +7, Arcana +13, Endurance +7, Heal +7, Nature +9

Bluff +3, Diplomacy +3, Dungeoneering +2, History +8, Insight +2, Intimidate +3, Perception +2, Religion +6, Stealth +2, Streetwise +3, Thievery +2, Athletics

Level 1: Improved Initiative
Level 2: Superior Implement Training (Crystal orb)
Feat User Choice: Orb Expertise

Level 1 Mage At-Will Powers: Hypnotism
Level 1 Mage At-Will Powers: Winged Horde
Level 1 Mage Daily Powers: Phantom Chasm
Level 1 Mage Daily Powers: Horrid Whispers
Level 1 Mage Encounter Powers: Grasping Shadows
Level 1 Mage Encounter Powers: Charm of Misplaced Wrath
Mage Cantrips: Prestidigitation
Mage Cantrips: Mage Hand
Mage Cantrips: Light
Level 2 Mage Utility Powers: Shield
Level 2 Mage Utility Powers: Glib Tongue
Level 3 Mage Encounter Powers: Maze of Mirrors
Level 3 Mage Encounter Powers: Illusory Obstacles

Alchemy Case, Gray Rain Cloak, Spellbook, Crystal orb of Forceful Magic +1, Alchemist's Acid (level 1) (1), Amulet of Protection +1, Belt of Vigor (heroic tier), Alchemical Reagents (Arcana) (115), Adventurer's Kit, Tent, Repulsion Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) +1, Alchemist's Fire (level 1) (0), Potion of Healing (heroic tier) (3)
Alchemist's Acid, Alchemist's Fire

Male Eladrin Mage 3
Languages: Dwarven, Common
Height: 4'0"
Weight: 150 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 17
Fort: 13
Reflex: 17
Will: 17
HP: 30/30
Bloodied: 15
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Winged Horde
Mage Hand

[_] Second Wind
[_] Fey Step
[_](E) Charm of Misplaced Wrath
[_](E) Grasping Shadows
[_](_) Glib Tongue
[_](E) Shield
[_](_) Maze of Mirrors
[_](_) Illusory Obstacles

[_](_) Horrid Whispers
[_](E) Phantom Chasm
[_] Repulsion Cloth Armor +1

*(E) indicates prepared spells for the day.*


Alchemist's Fire
Alchemist's Acid
Potion of Healing (heroic)
Eladrin Weapon Proficiency: You gain proficiency with the longsword.
Eladrin Will: You gain a +5 racial bonus to saving throws against charm effects.
Fey Origin: You are considered a fey creature for effects pertaining to origin.
Trance: Instead of a 6 hour extended rest period, you have a 4 hour extended rest period. During this time, you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.

Crystal Orb of Forceful Magic +1: When you pull, push or slide an enemy with an attack using this orb, you can increase the distance of the forced movement by one square.
Last edited by PureZaros on Thu Aug 14, 2014 12:23 am, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: Journey to the South OOC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
Personality: Derrak is a very excitable young man and grows especially excited upon discovering and learning new things. He is an explorer at heart and loves adventuring. Despite this, Derrak is very intelligent and enjoys trivial subjects like history and other academics, which aid him in cartography. Although he's capable of communicating with others just as any other is, he prefers his own company. As he is quite intelligent, especially given his age, Derrak thinks he's always right, a trait that has gotten him in trouble more than a few times. As he is young compared to the other dwarves around, he is often underestimated. When this occurs, he grows angry and tries with every ounce of his being to prove said other dwarves wrong.

Appearance: Unlike many other dwarves, and unlike the dwarf stereotype, Derrak is not thickset. He is much more slender than the others, but this has allowed him to reach even tighter spots while exploring caves and mines. His height, on the other hand, is fairly average for members of his race, standing at 4'5" tall. He has medium-length brown hair, and a goatee of the same color. He has lackluster hazel eyes as well.

Early Life: Derrak was born to a loving family enjoying middle-class life in Garrund. His parents were both highly intelligent scholars and his grandfather Herund was an explorer on the brink of achieving fame. Growing up, both of these forces influenced Derrak. His parents saw great academic potential in him and encouraged intellectual growth. His grandfather, on the other hand, noticed something else: a spark in Derrak's eye from finding new places. Herund began telling stories of his many adventures and Derrak fell in love with exploration. After Derrak grew older, he showed great interest in going exploring, so his grandfather Herund arranged a small expedition for the two. The two climbed, trekked, and walked for hours until they came upon a magnificent crystalline cavern that shimmered in the light of the lanterns. Derrak knew he wanted to explore for the rest of his life like his grandfather.

Exploration and Discovery: Derrak began periodically going on excursions to undiscovered areas, and this worried his parents. They feared not only that he would get lost, but that he didn't care for academics anymore. To mend this problem, they taught him cartography, and he quickly began showing interest and expertise in this field. Derrak soon joined the Garrund Explorers Coalition and the Cartographer's Guild to put his skills to good use. He discovered enormous caverns and mapped out newly constructed mine shafts. After years of the same landscape with dwindling places to explore, Derrak grew tired.

The Expedition: Derrak had heard news of a planned expedition to new lands farther south than any had gone before. To Derrak, this sounded like a dream come true. Excited for exploring a new land, Derrak made sure he would get hired, demonstrating the best he could do in cartography, a skill that would most certainly prove useful. And he did get hired. Although leaving his homeland behind was a sad thought, Derrak knew there were better opportunities elsewhere.
1.) Derrak wants to discover new lands and particularly new cave systems and caverns to explore and map out.

2.) I would like Derrak to discover and learn more, as well as make new friendships.
1.) Derrak gives fake maps to those he doesn't like or trust with the intention of getting them lost. This has led to a handful of people dying, although no one has every suspected Derrak of anything.

2.) His grandfather is terminally ill and may not have very much time left, despite his strong will and stubbornness.
People Tied to Derrak
1.) Derrak's grandfather Herund, a famed explorer, has been the most influential person in Derrak's life. He was the one who sparked the love for exploration and discovery that Derrak now possesses, created and built up with a multitude of stories and even exploration excursions. He achieved fame when he began exploring some of the southern lands and suggested settlement there.

2.) His parents, both of the scholarly sort, have not only raised and encouraged Derrak, but they are also the source of his love of learning. They enabled his academic growth and success and even suggested cartography as a way to combine his two greatest interests.

3.) Derrak loathes his neighbor, an unattractive and plump woman named Garfla. She is madly and obsessively in love with Derrak despite his protests. She often stalks him while he's exploring and as a result, Derrak cannot stand her.

4.) Garfla's brother, also crazy, hates Derrak due to his resistance to Garfla's romantic endeavors. He often tries to hurt Derrak, although he is easily outsmarted. Like his sister, he also stalks Derrak, in an attempt to get him alone to beat him senseless.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1.) Derrak fondly remembers the first exploration excursion he went on with his grandfather, which involved the discovery of a magnificent crystal cavern.

2.) Derrak has a large love of reading and will often spend his off-time with a book in hand. Because he has read so much, he has an extraordinary wealth of knowledge.

3.) No matter what Derrak eats, he doesn't gain any weight. He continues to exist have his much more slender form that other dwarves do not possess.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Derrak was raised by his mother and father as well as his paternal grandparents. He also has an older brother and a younger sister. His grandfather is a famous explorer and his parents are both scholars.

Class: Derrak has enjoyed a life of middle-class. Not only has his parents' profession aided in securing this lifestyle, but his grandfather's fame as well. Because of this, Derrak has a good quality of life growing up.

Profession: Derrak is a cartographer, so he explores and maps out caverns, caves, and mines. He is particularly fond of this trade and is also quite good at it as well.

Institutions: Derrak was part of the Garrund Explorers Coalition and the Cartographer's Guild.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Discovery is what motivates Derrak most. Whether it's learning about something new from a book or coming across a new place, he strive to discover new things.

Secondary: Accuracy and doing things right the first time push Derrak to making decisions. As a cartographer, a mistake in a map could lead to people getting lost, especially in dark caves. As such, he strives for correctness.

Tertiary: As he has spent much of his life alone while exploring, Derrak wishes to make friends, so this drives him to doing what he does.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Derrak wants to see things he has never seen before.

Medium-Term: Derrak hopes to aid in Andor's expedition to the southern lands.

Long-Term: Derrak would like to found his own guild of cartography as well as one for exploring, maybe even merged.
Character Sheet
Derrak, level 3
Half-Elf, Bard
Build: Prescient Bard
Bardic Virtue: Virtue of Prescience
Half-Elf Power Selection: Dilettante
Background: Curious Archeologist (+2 to Perception)

Str 13, Con 12, Dex 8, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 19.

Str 13, Con 10, Dex 8, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 17.

AC: 17 Fort: 13 Reflex: 15 Will: 17
HP: 34 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 8

Arcana +8, Diplomacy +12, Insight +10, Perception +10, History +8

Acrobatics, Bluff +6, Dungeoneering +4, Endurance +2, Heal +4, Intimidate +7, Nature +4, Religion +4, Stealth, Streetwise +6, Thievery, Athletics +2

Bard: Ritual Caster
Level 1: Improved Initiative
Feat User Choice: Orb Expertise
Level 2: Superior Implement Training (Accurate orb)

Bard at-will 1: Vicious Mockery
Bard at-will 1: Staggering Note
Dilettante: Astral Seal
Bard encounter 1: Lesser Flash of Distraction
Bard daily 1: Stirring Shout
Bard utility 2: Calculated Acumen
Bard encounter 3: Impelling Force

Ritual Book, Accurate orb of Inevitable Continuance +1, Backpack (empty), Cold-weather clothing, Map case, Miner's helmet, Waterskin, Writing case, Shovel, Lantern, Screaming Hide Armor +1, Cloak of Resistance +1, Residuum (Any) (414), Dowsing Rod, Grappling Hook, Hempen Rope (50 ft.), Lute
Purify Water, Create Campsite, Explorer's Fire, Traveler's Chant, Portend Weather, Lullaby
Combat Block

Male Half-Elf Bard 3
Languages: Dwarven, Common, Tulrissian
Age: 26
Height: 4'5"
Weight: 145 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 20
Passive Insight: 20
Senses: Low-light vision

AC: 17
Fort: 13
Reflex: 15
Will: 17
HP: 34/34
Bloodied: 17
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Staggering Note
Vicious Mockery


Second Wind [_]
Calculated Acumen [_]
Beguiling Flash [_]
Astral Seal [_]
Majestic Word [_]
Words of Friendship [_]
Lesser Flash of Distraction [_]
Impelling Force [_]

Screaming Hide Armor +1 [_]

Stirring Shot [_]
Accurate orb of Inevitable Continuance +1 [_]
Cloak of Resistance +1 [_]


Important Features:
Virtue of Prescience: Once per encounter as an immediate interrupt, when an enemy hits one ally within 5 squares of you, you grant that ally a power bonus equal to your Wisdom modifier to the defense targeted by the triggering enemy until the end of that enemy's turn.

Group Diplomacy: You grant allies within 10 squares of you a +1 racial bonus to diplomacy checks.

Orb Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to implement attack rolls that you make with an orb. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. You also gain a +1 feat bonus to the number of squares you pull, push, or slide targets of attacks that you make with an orb.

Song of Rest: When you play an instrument or sing during a short rest, you and each ally who can hear you are affected by your Song of Rest. When an affected character spends healing surges at the end of the rest, that character regains additional hit points equal to your Charisma modifier with each healing surge. A character can be affected by only one Song of Rest at a time.
Last edited by Scratcherclaw on Fri Jul 25, 2014 12:59 pm, edited 18 times in total.
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Re: Journey to the South OOC

Post by kalis5 »


10 Minute Background
1: Birth: Groain's parents were not very wealthy, but they were kind. When they passed on, he was honored to be the one to put them into the great forge of their kingdom so they could become part of the ground as many before them and join their ancestors. That's all that can really be said about his parents. Beyond that, his family history has been one of mediocrity, mostly of miners and a few smiths spattered here and there. He's been living in the shadows for most of his life because of this, and he feels most at him building the new tunnels of their vast underground kingdom.

2: Early Life: As a child, Groain was pretty much invisible. The other children paid him no mind, and he they in return. He was focused on digging small holes in the dirt, and often times the grounds outside the classrooms would be filled with small holes where he dug. Some of the kids gossiped about how they mirrored the tunnels of the kingdom perfectly. Even back then he was a master at finding his way about tunnels and down the larger shafts.

3: Before the Journey: Once he was able, Groain immediately signed up to be a miner like his family. He wasn't very well known outside the tunnels, but inside the tunnels, he was the one you wanted guiding you to the ores and making new supporting shafts. He was picked for his bravery during a cave-in, where, with his great navigational skills underground, he dug his way into the tunnel next to theirs, then proceeded to expand the air-tunnel that had been made for just such an occasion, leading over 20 miners out to safety. The incident go anywhere beyond that unfortunately. Knowledge of it stuck with the bosses and the lord in charge of the operation, Lord Andor.

4: In the Dark: Groain's mostly found in the darker places of society, expanding it in anonymity. He's not very well known outside of the tunnels, and what people do know isn't that much. He believes in the usual gods of dwarves, and his skill with a pickaxe is rumored to even carry over into combat, digging holes into enemy armor and flesh. That's only a rumor though. However, it was founded on some truth, as Groain had come back once with a bloody pickaxe. His partner for the day did not want to speak of why it was bloody, only that "he asked the gods for protection and vengeance, and they answered."

5: Personality: Groain's quiet, reserved, and often avoids groups, making this trip a difficult time for him as he tries to cope with being in a large group. He does have some personal beliefs, and a deep connection to the ancient gods of the Dwarves.
Personal Goals
1) Gorain wants to earn something from this trip he can truly call his own. Whether it's his own tunnel or home or what have you, he wants to be able to build something and claim it as his own, doesn't matter what so long as he feels like he's earned it.

2) I want Gorain to become more open over time but still remain his own character. This is going to be a first for me, as I want to make Gorain a bit quieter, less brash, and a whole lot more different than me for practice so I can become better at playing different characters.
1) Gorain gains his combat prowess from prayer to the gods, their strength granting him the necessary skill and endurance to do what he does in combat.

2) A while back, when Gorain was just getting started as a miner, he had an affair with a young woman in charge of the tracking of ores and new tunnels mined. He didn't know until quite some time later that this woman was Lord Andor's daughter. He's hoping it doesn't come up.
1) Lord Andor: As a worker of Lord Andor, Gorain has a good relationship with him. He respects him as his boss, but also views him as another person, Gorain not being much for social status when it comes to other people.

2) Miner foreman: Unlike other foremen, Gorain's foreman is not so much a whipcracker, but more of a sergeant. He'll yell at you, but you can trust that he's more than willing to do the work himself, and has earned the respect of those men under him for being up close with the work himself.

3) Dolvo: It's hard to make enemies as a Miner. What with the constant pressure of cave-ins, underground gas pockets, the chance of hitting an aquifer and drowning, and the monsters. But Dolvo has always blamed Gorain for everything. Random monster attacks, his picks breaking, his poor luck. It's hard for him not to hate Gorain given the small amount of fame Gorain's gotten from his seemingly natural talents. Dolvo will always hate Gorain, no matter what he tries to do to make things better between them. To Dolvo, Gorain is just a nasty thorn he can't get out of his side.
1) While escaping the cave in with the rest of his team, Gorain accidentally caused a cave in, causing damage to the surrounding tunnels, causing them to collapse entirely. He did not hear about this until a few days after, hearing that the cave ins harmed multiple bystanders, killing some and injuring others. This fact has colored his view of his own heroism, turning it from a moment of pride into one of guilt, hating that his actions caused harm to others.

2) Often times during conversations, Gorain will clutch the symbol of his faith, a small necklace his mother gave to him of the smiths hammer and miners pick, offering a prayer to the gods for direction in what to say as he is often very inept with conversation.

3) Gorain is often quiet and humble in his own speech, not wanting to step on any toes or draw attention to himself. A lifetime of communication with the gods has brought this about.
Family and Profession
Family: Although Groain doesn't have a last name for his family, he does have a long line of ancestors, most of which were miners.

Profession: An expert miner, Groain is very rarely seen without a pick close by to use. He's most comfortable underground, where he can use the tunnels to hide himself away for a few moments if he has to.

Class: He's a commoner, although an excellent one if such a thing could be said.

Institution: Miner's guild. He has to be part of one in order to get any good work. Otherwise he's forced to work in very poor conditions with poorer tools.
Primary: To do good by his family name. To honor his parents and their kindness.

Secondary: To be left alone, he hopes that once all is said and done he can find a nice quiet place in the tunnels to settle down in and relax alone, and live in obscurity.

Tertiary: To explore and create new tunnels. There's plenty underground to find, if you know where to look for it.
Short-Term: Make it to the new location for the Dwarven kingdom. Pretty simple.

Medium-Term: Ensure that the Kingdom is both well defended and expansive enough to be considered a possible home, this includes building maze tunnels and secondary tunnels for air and escape if necessary.

Long-Term: Earn himself a place of his own where he can relax and live out his days. That's all he really wants, and that's all he really needs. Maybe he'll dig out some tunnels for himself, maybe make a storage room and live close by there. Something.
Character Sheet
level 3
Gorain, level 3
Dwarf, Avenger
Avenger's Censure: Censure of Unity
Dwarf Subrace: Standard Dwarf Racial Traits
Background: Geography - Mountains (+2 to Dungeoneering)
Theme: Deep Delver (+2 to Dungeoneering)

Str 8, Con 14, Dex 14, Int 16, Wis 18, Cha 10.

Str 8, Con 12, Dex 14, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 10.

AC: 18 Fort: 14 Reflex: 15 Will: 16
HP: 40 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 10

Religion +9, Acrobatics +8, Perception +10, Dungeoneering +18

Arcana +4, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Endurance +5, Heal +5, History +4, Insight +5, Intimidate +1, Nature +5, Stealth +3, Streetwise +1, Thievery +3, Athletics

Level 1: Stone Cunning
Level 2: Quick Steps
Feat User Choice: Pick Expertise

Deep Delver utility: Subterranean Survival
Avenger at-will 1: Leading Strike
Avenger at-will 1: Radiant Vengeance
Avenger encounter 1: Whirlwind Charge
Avenger daily 1: Strength of Many
Avenger utility 2: Enduring Spirit
Avenger encounter 3: Intervening Blades

Holy Adversary's Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) +1, Adventurer's Kit, Journeybreads (20), Symbol of Divine Reach +1, Snares (2), Miner's helmet, Vengeful Heavy war pick +1, Shovel, Waterskin (2)
Combat Block

Male Dwarven Avenger Level 3
Languages: Common, Dwarven
Age: 36
Height: 4'6"
Weight: 200 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 20
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Low-Light Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 14
Reflex: 15
Will: 16
HP: 40/40
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 9/9
Action Points: 1



+5 against poison

Active Effects:


Leading Strike
Radiant Vengeance


Whirlwind Charge [ ]
Enduring Spirit [ ]
Intervening Blades [ ]
Oath of Enmity [ ]
Second Wind [ ]
Subterranean Survival [ ]
Dwarven Resilience [ ]
Abjure Undead [ ]
Divine Guidance [ ]


Strength of Many [ ]
Holy Adversary's Armor +1 [ ]
Vengeful Heavy War Pick +1 [ ]


Important Features
Cast-Iron Stomach: +5 to saving throws against Poison

Dwarven Weapon Proficiency: Proficient with throwing hammers and warhammers

Encumbered Speed: Speed when encumbered is the same as normal speed.

Stand Your Ground: When forced to move, move 1 less square if desired. If knocked down, make a saving throw to prevent being knocked down.

Armor of Faith: While wearing cloth armor and not using a shield, gain +3 AC.

Stone Cunning: +2 to dungeoneering and +2 to detect traps and other hazards or secrets.

Quick Steps: +1 to movement speed.

Pick Expertise: +1 to attacks with pick weapons, if attacking an enemy of a larger size category, deal +1 damage.
Last edited by kalis5 on Fri Jun 20, 2014 7:09 pm, edited 19 times in total.
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Re: Journey to the South OOC

Post by Namelessjake »

Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
Childhood: Falkrus was born into a long line of craftsmen and as such it was expected that he would follow suit. He spent much of his early childhood playing in his Father's workshop and later went on to apprentice for him in his teens and younger adult years.

Apprenticeship: His apprenticeship was a formative time in Falkrus' life. Working alongside his Father, he learned many masonry skills and realised that this was the life he wanted for himself. Due to this time and his later experience he is a extremely skilled stonemason and often employs techniques, unknown to others, that have been passed down through the generations of his family.

Father's Death: Falkrus' Father was killed when a hoist broke as he was overseeing a large statue being moved into position. Falkrus inherited his Father's workshop and his position in the Stone Cutter's Guild of Garrund. This was the time when Falkrus' talent first became clearly apparent and he quickly gained respect and influence within the guild. However due to the fact that this was only possible as a result of his Father's death, he remains very humble about his own work.

Marriage: Falkrus married a childhood friend and the two had four sons; Faric, Fildin, Falkic and Felg.

Beliefs: As a craftsman Falkrus does worship Breios however he is not a particularly godly man, preferring to believe in what he can see with his own eyes.
1.) Falkrus would like to establish the Stonecutters' Guild for the new kingdom of Andor, should their mission be successful.

2.) I would like for Falkrus to prove himself to the expedition and become a valuable asset to their mission, going on to success as a mason in the new kingdom.
1.) Falkrus' really likes pie. A little too much. To the point where it's a bit weird. Not too weird, just a little. The point where it would probably kill a conversation if it came up but not to the point where he would be shunned by society.

2.) There has been a long running family feud between the Tholgil family and Falkrus' own, although he was never told about it. Due to this feud, Falkrus' Father's death was not an accident as he believes, Bavon Tholgil had a hand in the "accident" which killed him.
People Tied to Falkrus
1.) Faric is Falkrus' oldest son and is currently his apprentice. Leaving on Lord Andor's expedition, Falkrus has left Faric in charge of his workshop.

2.) Rumila is Falkrus' childhood friend and now wife. They were originally neighbours and Rumila was taken with Falkrus from an early age, however as a young boy he thought in much more important to focus on his apprenticeship and rejected her often, only serving to drive her more. Eventually she won her prize and the two began a family together. The two live with their four sons in a respectable area of Garrund.

3.) Bavon Tholgil, the leader of the Stone Cutters' Guild of Garrund. Bavon has always been jealous of Falkrus' work and has often tried to discredit him and reduce his influence within the guild.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1.) Falkrus will always remember his Father's death. As his apprentice, Falkrus was there and witnessed everything. The sounds haunt him the most. The crack of leather as the hoist broke, followed by shouts as the giant stone warrior began to fall, ending with the sound of the colossal statue hitting the floor. His Father wasn't the only one killed in the accident but he was completely crushed.

2.) Falkrus' browny red hair always stands up and no matter what he does to it, it always finds it's way back to how it was. His beard too is very straight, however he has manage to rest control of it somewhat more than his unruly hair.

3.) Falkrus' is a very noisy eater, never failing to be heard, even with foods you would think it impossible to eat loudly.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Falkrus was born into a family of craftsmen and early in life he became an apprentice for his father who was also a mason. His only remaining family are his wife and his 4 sons; Faric, Fildin, Falkic and Felg.

Class: Born into a long line of craftsmen, Falkrus has always enjoyed the comforts of Artisan life and the relatively middle class status it affords, although more recently due to his own skills he has elevated his standing in Garrund society.

Profession: Falkrus comes from a long line of Stone Masons and is one himself, certainly the best in Garrund and arguably out of all the dwarven kingdoms, although he is very humble about the quality his work.

Institutions: Stone Cutter's Guild of Garrund, Lord Andor's Expedition.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Falkrus strives for perfection in most of what he does. Primarily his masonry.

Secondary: Family is important to Falkrus, valuing what his Father taught him, and many of his decisions will involve weighing up the effects they will have on his family.

Tertiary: Despite being very humble, Falkrus strikes for perfection and this is something which drives him. If a job is worth doing, to Falkrus it's worth doing right, even if he'd dismiss any praise afterwards.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Help Lord Andor's expedition reach the South.

Medium-Term: Help the expedition found a settlement and use his skills to help build it up to a point where he can send for his family to join him.

Long-Term: Found a Stone Cutter's Guild in the new Dwarven Kingdom, ridding himself of Bavon Tholgil's influence.
Character Sheet
Falkrus, level 3
Half-Orc, Barbarian
Build: Rageblood Barbarian
Feral Might: Rageblood Vigor
Background: Occupation - Farmer (+2 to Endurance)
Theme: Gladiator

Str 19, Con 14, Dex 17, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 10.

Str 17, Con 14, Dex 15, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 10.

AC: 19 Fort: 18 Reflex: 16 Will: 12
HP: 41 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 10

Perception +6, Athletics +9, Endurance +11, Streetwise +6

Acrobatics +3, Arcana, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Dungeoneering +1, Heal +1, History, Insight +1, Intimidate +3, Nature +1, Religion, Stealth +3, Thievery +3

Feat User Choice: Bludgeon Expertise
Level 1: Deadly Rage
Level 2: Thirst for Battle

Barbarian at-will 1: Pressing Strike
Barbarian at-will 1: Howling Strike
Barbarian encounter 1: Vault the Fallen
Barbarian daily 1: Tyrant's Rage
Barbarian utility 2: Shrug It Off
Barbarian encounter 3: Brutal Slam

Adventurer's Kit, Artisan's Tools, Drill, Hammer, Hempen Rope (50 ft.) (6), Oil (1 pint) (5), Sack (10), Waterskin (2), Bestial Hide Armor +1, Vanguard Warhammer +1, Badge of the Berserker +1, Candle (20), Cold-weather clothing, Boots of Adept Charging (heroic tier), Block, tackle, and winch, Bottle of Wine, Chain (10 ft.)
Combat Block

Male Half-Orc Barbarian 3
Languages: Dwarven
Age: 82
Height: 4'6"
Weight: 195 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 19
Fort: 18
Reflex: 16
Will: 12
HP: 41/41
Bloodied: 20
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Howling Strike
Pressing Strike

Second Wind [_]
Disrupting Advance [_]
Furious Assault [_]
Swift Charge [_]
Vault the Fallen [_]
Shrug It Off [_]
Brutal Slam [_]

Tyrant's Rage [_]
Bestial Hide Armor +1 [_]
Vanguard Warhammer +1 [_]


Important Features
Deadly Rage: I gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls while raging.

Bludgeon Expertise: I gain a +1 feat bonus to the number of squares I push or slide creatures with weapon attack I make with a hammer or mace.

Half-Orc Resilience: The first time I am bloodied during an encounter, I gain 5 temporary hit points.

Swift Charge: I gain a +2 bonus to speed when charging.

Rageblood Vigor: Whenever my attack reduces an enemy to 0 hit points, I gain temporary hit points equal to my Constitution modifier (+2).

Rampage: Once per round, when I score a critical hit with a barbarian attack power, I can immediately make a melee basic attack as a free action, not limited to the target the critical hit was scored against.

Badge of the Berserker: Don't provoke OAs from movement made as part of a charge.

Boots of Adept Charging: After charging I can shift 1 square before my turn ends.
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Magical Liopleurodon
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Re: Journey to the South OOC

Post by Fialova »

Character Sheet
Golem, level 3
Warforged, Fighter
Build: Brawling Fighter
Fighter: Combat Superiority
Fighter Talents: Brawler Style
Background: Occupation - Military (+2 to Athletics)
Theme: Misshapen

Str 20, Con 15, Dex 13, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 10.

Str 18, Con 13, Dex 13, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 10.

AC: 22 Fort: 21 Reflex: 13 Will: 14
HP: 42 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 10

Thievery +7, Endurance +10, Intimidate +8, Athletics +13

Acrobatics +2, Arcana, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Dungeoneering +2, Heal +2, History, Insight +2, Nature +2, Perception +2, Religion, Stealth +2, Streetwise +1

Level 1: Master of the Fist
Level 2: Inescapable Hold
Feat User Choice: Ki Focus Expertise

Fighter at-will 1: Grappling Strike
Fighter at-will 1: Dual Strike
Fighter encounter 1: Takedown Attack
Fighter daily 1: Villain's Menace
Fighter utility 2: Forceful Drag
Fighter encounter 3: Slamming Rush

Monk Unarmed Strike, Badge of the Berserker +1, Ki Focus, Magic Scale Armor +2, Miner's helmet, Manacles, iron (6), Everburning Torch, Dagger boots, Chain (10 ft.), Climber's Kit, Crowbar, Flotation bladder, Hempen Rope (50 ft.), Iron spikes (10), Ball bearings, Drill
Combat Block

Genderless Warforged Fighter 3
Languages: Dwarven
Age: Newly created, less than a year
Height: 8'
Weight: 500 lbs.

Speed: 5
Initiative: +2
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 22
Fort: 21
Reflex: 13
Will: 14
HP: 42/42
Bloodied: 21
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
+2 vs ongoing damage
Take better result of roll or 10 vs death

Active Effects: None


Combat Challenge
Dual Strike
Grappling Strike

Second Wind [_]
Grasping Limb [_]
Warforged Resolve [_]
Takedown Attack [_]
Forceful Drag [_]
Slamming Rush [_]

Villain's Menace [_]


Important Features
Combat Challenge: Every time I attack an enemy, I can mark it (regardless of hit or miss). Mark lasts until EONT. Marked targets take -2 to attacks that don't include me as a target.

Combat Superiority: Wis modifier (+1) bonus to OAs. Enemies struck by my OAs stop moving if a move provoked the attack, but it can resume moving if it still has actions left afterwards.

Brawler Style: While I wield a weapon in my main hand and my off-hand is free, I gain +1 to AC and +2 to Fortitude.

Gain a +2 enhancement bonus to unarmed attacks, +2 bonus to grab attacks and attacks to move a creature I am grabbing.

Living Construct: I am a living construct. I do not eat, drink, breathe, or sleep. Don't make endurance checks to resist starvation, thirst, or suffocation. Other conditions and effects apply normally.

Unsleeping Watcher: Stay inactive for 4 hours instead of sleep to gain the benefits of an extended rest. I am fully aware of my surroundings during this state.

Warforged Resilience: +2 to saves vs ongoing damage, take better result of roll or 10 vs death.

Unarmed Combatant: Can use Monk Unarmed Strike, a melee weapon in the unarmed group that possesses the off-hand property, has a +3 proficiency bonus, and deals 1d8 damage. Must have a hand free to use Monk Unarmed Strike. Can benefit from ki foci.

Inescapable Hold: Grabbed enemies have to roll escape checks vs my Fortitude even if they use Acrobatics.

Ki Focus Expertise: +1 bonus to damage of ki focus attacks vs bloodied enemies.

Badge of the Berserker: Don't provoke OAs from movement made as part of a charge.