Blackwood's Dogs — IC

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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

With the captain of the ship on the floor covered in a pool of his own blood, Grommak can finally see the woman in her makeshift cell. The orc lowers his blades, but doesn't sheath them. He peers at the strange, robed man. "And what's she doing here? That woman?" he asks, coolly.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

The man listens to Darcell for a moment, before responding. "Very well. Just keep in mind what I said. Go back on your word and you will regret it." He bends over and takes a ring of keys off of the captain's lifeless body, before stepping over the corpse to open the gate in front of him. As the gate swings open, he asks, "May I pass?"

John looks on with a scowl, but not wanting to suffer more of the man's ice magic he steps aside and the man moves past. He walks over to the mast and leans against it, facing the Dogs. "She is some hostage, I have no idea. I am not a part of this crew, they only paid me to keep people away. But the man who paid me is dead, so I don't care what you do with her."
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Let him through," Darcell says to the others. Not like there's anywhere to go between this ship and The Saint. The Bard then steps through into the room where the women is caged. "Someone search the captain," he says, stepping up to the cage. "I wasn't lying. You'll be okay," he says softly, smiling at the girl as he examines the cage.
What's the cage like?
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

Grommak watches the man with weary eyes as he lets him pass by him. No sense in tying him up, not with his command of the arcane. If I see even a hint of that damned frost magic, I'll jam his sword down his throat meself. Taking Darcell's command, the orc steps in the room behind his friend, kneeling down to search the captain's body for anything of note. He holds up the gun curiously, before holding on to it for now and feeling through the man's pockets. "Somebody send word top-deck to the Captain and the rest of the Dogs. We should gut the ship of any goods and get off this bloody wreck."
I take the gun temporarily and check his pockets.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

The gate is large and sturdy, and looks like it was designed more for transporting large beasts than people. The right half of the front side is a large barred door, with a sturdy locking hanging off of it. The woman backs away as Darcell approaches, still not comfortable with his presence.
The gun is very ornate, and was likely quite expensive. It has three barrels that appear to be able to rotate around, likely explaining the man's ability to fire so rapidly at the dogs. The man's pockets are empty except for a very plain snuff box.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Darcell looks at the lock and turns around, stepping back to the open gate. "Hey! Keys! Throw me them." He shouts at the Robed Man, holding his open hand up ready to catch them.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

The man tosses the keys as requested, Darcell easily catching them. Big John, heeding Grommak's request, folds up his chain and makes his way upstairs to inform the others of the situation.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

Grommak grunts in approval as he notes the intricate design of the flintlock, and he drags the corpse out of the way before stepping up to the cage alongside his friend. An orc, covered in blood that is both my own and that of others, he thinks to himself. I should probably let Darcell handle this one. He steps back to not intimidate the woman and watches his more charming friend.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Darcell takes the keys and starts trying them in the lock on cage. As the forth one turns and the lock clicks, he pockets the keys. He pulls the now open lock off the door and opens the cage. he holds out his free hand towards the girl, his other still holding his torch. "Come on. You'll be okay, I promise. I'm a bard, not a pirate. You're safe with me," he says quickly showing her his lute slung across his shoulder and waiting to see if she takes his hand.
Diplomacy Check on Prisoner: 29

11(1d20) +18 = 29
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

"Y- you're really not p- pirates?" the young woman asks, the fear fading ever so slightly from her eyes as she looks up at Darcell. From up close she is even more beautiful than she had seemed from afar, and appears to be in her later teens.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Henri takes a moment to catch his breath once more, glad that the fight had finally ended. Well, at least this sucker knew what was good for him and gave up. Too bad the rest of this lot didn't. They would have been great help moving the cargo over to the Saint. Noticing the orc searching the deceased captain's remains, he walks over and says, "Find anything good? A gold pocket watch? A ring?"
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »


"Well really that depends on your perspective..." Darcell says, wanting to try and be honest. "As I said, first and foremost I'm a bard. As for the others, I'll admit they are a bit more piratey than you might want your rescuers to be..." He says, gesturing to the other Dogs. "But we are here to rescue you, and the way we earn a living has nothing to do with how you'll be treated. As I said, you're safe. Nothing ill will befall you, you have my word on that. Besides I'm sure the gods would strike down anyone who would lay a finger on a beauty such as yourself," he says, this time with a smile, starting to find his stride.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

The girl blushes at Darcell's words, though still seems nervous about the situation. "So y- you are n- nice pirates?" she asks, looking up at the man worriedly. "You will p- protect me, sir?"
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Just this," Grommak says as he pulls the flintlock from his waistband and spins it around his finger as he'd seen others do. "Bit jealous are we? Too bad it's forfeit to the lootmaster," he teases. "Beg him all you like and maybe you'll get it."

Overhearing the conversation between Darcell and the girl, Grommak intervenes. "Protect you, yeah, 'til we get to the first port and dump you off. No use for a dainty maid like you aboard a ship of us folk," he says frankly. "This here's Darcell, and he's quite the charmer. The other's ain't as much," the orc admits.

He turns back to the pirate captain, picking up his sword to inspect it closely.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Yes, Nice Pirates," Darcell says agreeing with the girl. "I'll protect you," he adds with another smile.

He shoots Grommak a subtle glare as the orc speaks. "You can stay with us as long as you want. There's plenty of other girls on the ship," he says trying to reassure the girl, his hand still outstretched. "So should we get you... out of this cage?" He pauses on you hoping the girl will reveal her name.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

"He s- scares me," the girl responds after Grommak butts in. She looks at him with worry in her eyes, not taking Darcell's hand.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by kalis5 »

Liam jumps down after a time, sighing to himself. He looks over and sees the fight is over, giving a shrug. He was down here before, and he got a number of kills in, so the captain should be happy. As he walks over to the others, he spots the girl, curious.
"Well. Here I thought you lot would be more interested in the loot upstairs... Who might you be, miss...?"
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Jealousy is for those that don't get what they want," Henri says, smirking. "Besides, I have one of Imardin's finest pistols. Navy-issue." Noticing the woman's fear as the orc addresses her, he adds, "Now perhaps quit startling this young woman."

Getting closer to the cage, he smiles and says to the woman, "Ignore him. He's forgotten basic decency it seems. Showing that he too means no harm, he adds, "Where are you from? Êtes-vous de Imardin? Non si vive in Brennis?"
Diplo to calm her again: 4(1d20) +16 = 20

Imardanian translation: Are you from Imardin?
Brennisian translation: Do you live in Brennis?
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

The girl backs further into her corner as the other men approach, but turns to face Henri in particular when he speaks up in something other than the common tongue. "Je ne me souviens pas d'où je viens, je l'ai été dans Imardin depuis longtemps, cependant," she responds with the same fearful stutter she had been exhibiting up until now.
Henri, Darcell, Liam
Imardanian Translation: "I don't remember where I am from, I have been in Imardin for a long time, though."
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Seeing the girl back away, Darcell withdraws his hand, using it to gently push back the others. "Ah Imardin. Je ai passé beaucoup de temps là-bas, il est un endroit agréable. Alors, quel est le nom de cette beauté Imardanian?" The Bard says, seeing how she appears to be more comfortable with her first language.
Imardanian Translation
Ah Imardin. I've spent a lot of time there, it's a nice place. So, what's this Imardanian beauty's name?
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Not sure this is quite the time for seduction," Henri whispers to Darcell. Giving a reassuring smile to the woman, he says, "Mademoiselle, vous pouvez nous faire confiance. Nous ne laisserons rien vous arriver. Je suis Henri LaBelle. Maintenant, qui êtes-vous?"
Imardanian Translation
"Miss, you can trust us. We won't let anything happen to you. I'm Henri LaBelle. Now who are you?"
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

The woman doesn't move from her spot in the corner, or take either man's hand, but she does respond. "...Je suis Daphne," is her response after a moment of looking suspiciously on at the two Imardanian-speakers among the crew.
Henri, Darcell, Liam
Imardanian Translation: "I am Daphne"
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Donc, Daphne, devrions-nous vous sortir de cette cage? Vous êtes entre amis ici. Moi et Henri sera assurez-vous êtes en sécurité." Darcell says, offering his hand once more.
Diplomacy check: 7(1d20) +18 = 25

Imardanian Translation: So Daphne, should we get you out of this cage? You're amongst friends here. Both myself and Henri will make sure you're safe.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

She looks nervously at Darcell, then past him at the others, but she finally complies and gives the man her hand, allowing him to help her out of the cell. "Où allez-vous?"
Henri, Darcell, Liam
Imardanian Translation: "Where are you headed?"
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Partout où le vent nous mène. Le vent étant les mots du capitaine, mais vous pouvez rester avec nous aussi longtemps que vous le souhaitez. Nous finirons par faire de Port quelque part, vous aimerez,
Darcell says as he helps Daphne out of the cage.
Imardanian Translation
Wherever the wind takes us. The wind being the words of the captain, but you can stay with us as long as you like. We'll eventually make port somewhere you'll like.

So why were you in the cage? Will I be able to write a song about our daring rescue of the fair maiden Daphne?
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

Grommak impatiently stands around, unable to follow the trialogue going on in what is obviously Imardanian. He sighs, bored, and turns back to the others. "C'mon, you two, let's walk our new friend topdeck to meet the Cap'n n' crew as well as give 'em the all clear to loot and gut the vessel." He motions for the robed man to follow him.

Upon climbing the stairs, the orc checks the hold on a whim, where he notices the sailor still cowering in fear in the corner. "Oh, ho, ho! You didn't shit your britches and off yourself! You'll wish you had, human," he says with a dark chuckle as he slips out a coil of rope to bind the man. "We're goin' topside to see what Blackwood himself wants with ye."
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by kalis5 »

Liam rolls his eyes at the bards attempts at seduction before sighing.
"Toujours les femmes avec vous , est-ce pas ? Si je ne savais pas mieux , je dirais que vous nous rejoint juste pour rencontrer des femmes."

He shakes his head afterwards and looks at the others.
"We should keep the Dogs off her, eh lads? Straight to Marian I say. She'll know what to do wit' er until we reach port."

At Grommak's beckoning, though, he moves and joins up with him, following him out. He hopes Darcell is more interested in actually taking care of the girl this time instead of just getting what clothes she has off, but that's not likely with him and women. His one major weakness it seems.
Translation for those speaking Imardin
"Always the women with you, isn't it? If I didn't know better, I'd say you joined us just to meet women."
Last edited by kalis5 on Tue May 26, 2015 8:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"What can I say Dirge? I appreciate the effort the gods went to when they created women," Darcell says to Liam, still slightly annoyed by the man's drunken antics during the boarding. "She'll be fine. Henri and I have already promised as much. So anyone will have to come through us."
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by PureZaros »

Isabelle growls in irritation as the robed man gives himself up, unsatisfied with the lack of closure. Listening to the two lugs try and sweet talk the imprisoned girl, she sighs, annoyed at the flowery chattering she can't understand and makes her way back up to the mid deck, stopping over at the sailor she had previously been dealing with. Seeing Grommak tying him up, and hearing what the ork's words, anger flashes through her mind for a moment. My hostage. Not yours. "Leave him to me, Grommak. I was not finished with him."

With that said, she turns to the tied man. "Now, I'm in a bit of a bad mood, and I can't remember where we left off. What's with the chick locked up down there, why is she locked up, and is there anything else useful you have to tell me? I may've said I won't kill you, but that offer ends shortly if I'm not satisfied with your answer."
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Yes, because we want to welcome Daphne to the ship by handing her over to one of the most terrifying women on the seas," Henri says at Liam's suggestion. Turning back to the woman, he says, "Oui, ce que dit Darcell. Pourquoi avez-vous le capitaine enfermé ici? Vous devez avoir été assez important pour lui si il a combattu jusqu'à son dernier souffle."
Imardanian Translation
"Yes, what Darcell said. Why'd the captain have you locked up down here? You must have been pretty important to him if he fought to his last breath."
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

The girl looks back and forth between the now-three men as they all ask her questions, wide-eyed as always, still holding Darcell's hand worriedly but willing to follow. "Je ne sais pas. Les gens aiment à me poser des questions, mais ils sont bizarre et je ne sais pas pourquoi ils me demandent," she responds at the topic of her being locked up.

The robed man follows Grommak with a sigh, taking the stairs up after the orc. On the next deck up, the cowering sailor looks up when Grommak approaches, and whimpers as the orc begins to tie him up. He looks momentarily relieved a moment later, when Isabelle comes into view, but at her words that look fades away. "Th- the captain said she's s- s- some kinda 's- seer'. She kn- knows things."
Henri, Darcell, Liam
Imardanian Translation: "I don't know. People like to ask me questions, but they are weird and I never know why they ask me."
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Henri is slightly confused at the woman's response. Well that's awfully vague. After a moment of thought, he says, "Quel genre de questions qu'ils ne vous demandent, si vous ne me dérange pas que je le demande?"
Imardanian Translation
"What kind of questions do they ask you, if you don't mind my asking?"
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Isabelle here's a sweetheart. Hah, yeah right. Careful or she'll bite your head off," Grommak warns the sailor with a hearty laugh after. "C'mon, sorcerer. Gotta report to the boss," the says, beckoning him to follow him. He makes his way through the lower decks to the topdeck to see who of the crew was aboard the merchant vessel, keeping his eye out for Marian and Captain Blackwood specifically.
Who/what do I see up top? Bodies still everywhere?"
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by PureZaros »

Isabelle gives Grommak a blanks stare as he turns to walk away, before returning her attention to the man cowering before her. "What kind of things?" Isabelle asks fiercely, sheathing her sword and hoisting the sailor up onto his feet by the shirt. "Ye've piked my interest with that, but I'd still hear some of what other loot this piece of tinder carries."
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

The mage rolls his eyes at Grommak, following the man once more upstairs to the main deck of the ship. As they emerge the first thing they can see is Marian shouting at some men to do something or other, but she turns to face the pair once she hears their footsteps coming up the steps. "You finished, finally? Took you long enough! Who is this man, and why is he not bound?" She quickly jerks her head to face the robed man, glaring intensely at him. He seems mostly unfazed, though his eyes do widen some when he spots the woman's leg.

On the middle deck the man continues to speak, his mind put a little bit at ease by Isabelle's change in tone. "They s- said she can predict the future. Y- ya ask her stuff, and she tells what's g- gonna happen."

The girl looks to be getting exhausted from all of the questioning, and the tone of her response seems to hold a mixture of confusion and fatigue. "Parfois, sur le temps, parfois de leurs amis. Il est toujours quelque chose de différent. Je dis juste les mes pensées, et ils semblent contenu."
Henri, Darcell, Liam
Imardanian Translation: "Sometimes about the weather, sometimes about their friends. It is always something different. I just tell them my thoughts, and they seem content."
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by kalis5 »

Liam, having stopped with Isabelle to listen to the cowardly sailor, turns to her at the mans words of the girl being a seer.
"We should keep that one to ourselves, save for Marian and the Captain perhaps. The boys'll get superstitious about her, mark me. To the rest of the dogs, she'll just be a girl we're dropping off, under our protection."

Liam looks back at the cargo hold though, once he's said his piece.
If she can tell the future... Maybe she can see if I'll be gettin' back in good graces with the law in this lifetime. But I'll have to get close ta her first, before the next port. Don't want her thinkin' she's goin' from one captor to the next.
Last edited by kalis5 on Wed May 27, 2015 9:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Noticing the woman's exhausted look, likely from all these questions in such little times, Henri says, "Très bien, je peux dire que vous êtes fatigué, donc je vais seulement poser une autre question. Que diriez-vous que nous vous recevons un peu d'air frais? Une belle brise de mer vous requinquer jusqu'à." He smiles as he gestures towards the exit.
Imardanian Translation
"Alright, I can tell you're tired, so I'll only ask one more question. How about we get you some fresh air? A beautiful sea breeze will perk you right up."
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

Grommak tightens a bit as Marian speaks to him. "He was a merc' for the sailors aboard. Something about being lifted from his promise once we gutted the cap'n. Besides, he knows magic. No use in tying him up if all he needs is his mind," he says, pointing to his own head. "We found a girl down there. Speaks Imardanian. Was over my head, really."
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

"Can you fight, you miserable coward?" Marian shouts at the robed man, who rolls his eyes and nods.

"Yeah, you think I was hired for my looks?"

Marian frowns, but continues. "A smart mouth, we'll break you of that. If you can fight than you have two options: swear yourself to the Dogs, or die like the rest of the crew you fought for."

"I think I'll take the first option, thanks," the man says, just as footsteps can be heard coming from behind.

The captain approaches just as Grommak finishes up telling his tale. "Then all is clear? Marian, have the men begin searching the lower decks." She complies, and walks off, shouting at the men as always. Blackwood turns to Grommak, saying. "The girl should be brought to my quarters at once. The rest of the loot can be divided amongst you lot, just give it all to Phil and he'll handle it."

Before the orc has a chance to respond, he has already turned and begun walking back towards the Saint. As he departs, John steps up, looking at the robed man with a frown of his own. He grunts, and says, "Looks like I will have to wait to kill you."

Down below, the girl nods to Henri, allowing him and Darcell to lead her upstairs. They reach the middle deck just as a large number of other Dogs are descending to search the hold. "So how big is the haul?" one asks, a young man who seems over eager. "Is it really as huge as the Captain said it would be?"
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by PureZaros »

Isabelle nods thoughtfully to Liam's comment, thinking about how she might be able to use this to her advantage. "'course, the captain has first dibs on everything. He probably already knows about the girl." she whispers to him as more Dogs begin to crowd into the middle hold.

Making her way past the new arrivals, she drags her prisoner along with her to the upper deck, re-emerging into the sea air. Taking a deep breath, Isabelle smiles and sticks her torch between two crates as a makeshift holder. "That's better. I always feel more alive in this air." She says before turning to her captive again. "Now. What other loot do ye have tucked away down there? Don't be shy, now."
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Yes, Cap'n," Grommak manages to get out as the man stalks off. He snickers at Big John's threat as he turns back to the robed man, curious about the newest addition. "So what's your name, magus?" he asks casually.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Not exactly. I think the captain might know more about this ship than he told us," Darcell says to the young Dog, his eyes darting back to Daphne. You're clearly important. The question is why? Darcell then continues leading Daphne up to the top deck, emerging back outside, he tosses his torch over board.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

"It's j- just supplies for the journey," the man replies to Isabelle. "The c- captain dumped everythin' else before we l- left, said it would slow us d- down."

The robed man doesn't react much to John's threat, though it is clear by the look on his face that he is at least a little intimidated by him. At the question of his identity, he says, "the captain on that ship just called me 'Ice Man,' that will suffice for now."

Just as Darcell and Daphne step onto the main deck of the ship, Eva passes by, shooting the man a quick glare when she sees that he is with a young woman. "You better not hurt that poor girl, I know where you sleep," she says as she continues on her way to the other side of the ship.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"I can assure you, he won't," Henri says to Eva as she passes. Unless breaking her heart after a lust-filled night counts. As the trio emerges from the hold, Henri says to Daphne, "Donc, il doit être génial d'avoir à nouveau l'air frais. Être coincé sous le pont peut être horrible sur son propre, mais d'être coincé dans une cage trop ... Je ne peux même pas imaginer."
Imardanian Translation
"So, it must be great to have fresh air again. Being stuck below deck can be horrible on its own, but being stuck in a cage too... I can't even imagine."
Last edited by Scratcherclaw on Sun May 31, 2015 2:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Heh, alright, Ice Man. C'mon, we got work to do. Cap'n needs us on grunt duty, gutting the ship. Big John and I will come with ye." The orc begins heading down into the hold again, looking behind his back to see if the others are following him. Where to start? he thinks to himself, preparing a torch from his rucksack to help see the contents downstairs.
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by kalis5 »

Liam sighs and rubs the back of his head, thinking as he walks with Isabelle and the prisoner.
"... Damn. Just food and some drinking water then. I saw as much when I walked over there looking for another way down. Those bars were a pain, but at least they didn't last long against the rest of the dogs... Isabelle, wanna go and check the cargo? I'll tell Marian there's not much of a haul this time. She won't be happy, but at least we can raid the food stocks and ammunition to replenish our own stocks before we cut 'er up and sink her."
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by PureZaros »

Isabelle waves dismissively at Liam, still facing her bound sailor. "You go on ahead. I've got a couple more questions."

Returning her focus to the man before her, she leisurely places a hand on the hilt of her sword, the threat tangible, but left unsaid. "Slow ye down, eh? And where were you lot headed to in such a rush?"
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Fialova »

Daphne looks nervously at Darcell when Eva speaks, and watches the young woman leave curiously. "...Je suis habitué," she responds to Henri's comment, facing down as she talks.

"What's the point? I didn't see anything valuable down there. If you want to loot the pantry, feel free. Otherwise you're just wasting your time." The Ice Man follows Grommak anyway, figuring it best not to let his good fortune go to waste so soon after joining the crew.

"B- brennis," the man says, nervously watching as Isabelle moves her hand to her blade. "Maybe somewhere else a- after, I d- don't know."
Henri, Darcell, Liam (if present)
Imardanian Translation: "...I am used to it."
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Well, the Dogs've gotta eat. Might as well start with that, then," Grommak says, as he passes by the others, with the woman and the new prisoner in tow. "Got some work to do, here," he reminds them as goes back down into the lower decks, heading toward the kitchen to scope out their loot. "Might be better than hardtack, being a merchant vessel. Though it could go both ways, depending on if the owner's either a cheap-ass or a real, fancy cunt." He keeps an eye out for food. I hope Rhys can take some of this and make something good out of it. The last couple meals have tasted like shit. If only we had a Kurnish cook aboard...
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Re: Blackwood's Dogs IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"I'm offended that you thing I'd do such a thing Eva," Darcell says with a smirk. I should probably get someone to taste my food for the foreseeable future. That woman and her poisons...

"Ainsi ce fut la dernière cage que vous aurez jamais être en, si nous avons quelque chose à dire à ce sujet," the Bard says, turning his attention back to Daphne.
Imardanian Translation
"Well that was the last cage you'll ever be in, if we have anything to say about it."
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