Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

Marcus harumphs as he backs away from the door. He looks around the storage room for anything that may be usable to barricade it. Best if they can't get in this way if they catch wind of us.
Anything that could be used as a barricade, or to leverage against the handle?
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Elene slips past Redros and Weasel, studiously ignoring the latter's comments. I'll not be friendly like with the likes of you.

Silently padding he way over to the door on the right side of the room, she quietly attempts to open it.
Stealth Check: 26
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

I only hope we don't end up trapped in here by those things, Liviana thinks, dawdling about. I'm sure that fire and all the noise those brutes made isn't helping to keep the creatures away. Those imbeciles should learn the error of their ways.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

You could probably set a barrel at an angle against the knob, or drag the set of cabinets over to serve as a barricade. The latter would make a great deal of noise. Alternatively, you think the armoire in the foyer's closet might be of use.
Weasel raises an eyebrow at the urchin girl as she steps past him without a response. She opens the door, revealing another room with a stairway down to where Cassia and the princess stand. The Watchman jumps at the door opening, drawing her blade, but quickly realizes Elene. "Find anything up there?" she asks. "I think we can make it back to the tavern via the front door here."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

Figuring silence is more important than size in his endeavor, Marcus decides to grab one of the barrels and, slowly and quietly, roll it on its bottom edge so that it is positioned directly in front of the gap between the edge of the door and its frame. With one in place he begins to move the others as well, all in the same fashion to make as little noise as possible. Let's seem them get through this.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"You mean to the barracks, right?" the princess asks. "After all we've gone through to get there, I'm hoping you haven't forgotten." It would be a waste of time to head back with nothing after dealing with those idiots outside.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros shakes his head at the watchman.
"Nothing. Though whether that is fortunate or unfortunate I cannot decide. A family lived here, possibly with a child. What is the situation below, we should move before too long."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

"What he said." Elene replies, thumbing at the forester. "We got one more door to check, though."

Turning around, she moves back to the second door in the room, quietly attempting to open it.
Stealth check: 20
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

The stockroom's back door looks to be barricaded pretty tightly from the barrels that Marcus moves, and it doesn't seem that the walkers outside made any notice of the stealthy moving of furniture.

"The barracks may be a long-shot, Princess. After what we saw with that group of men, I think it may be best to stay close to the tavern for now, at least until we can make safe routes," Cassia responds, before she listens to the woodsman. "Just a living room, a foyer, and that storage room. I think you're right about it being the home of a family."

Upstairs, the urchin girl opens the door quietly, where another window blankets the room in a bit of moonlight. You can tell that it is a room that mirrors that of the child's, but it seems to be the parent's. This one is much more utilitarianly decorated.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Perhaps that's best. Though maybe the houses or shops around the tavern will have supplies and weapons. Or any sane people hiding out," Liviana says.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

Hearing chatter coming from the next room, Marcus decides to rejoin the women in the foyer. "The creatures are outside of that back door, I could hear them. I've placed barrels in front of it to keep them from getting in, but it seems we definitely won't be going back out that way." Those fucking men better hope I never see them again.

"Anything happening in here, or out in the street? Those three upstairs are certainly taking their sweet time." We are not here to loot the place, we are here to escape those creatures. They better hurry up.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"I think you're right, princess," Cassia says, before checking out the window again as Marcus approaches. "It's not clear, but there should only be a few. We could outrun them or take them down if they notice us, I think."

Upstairs, Weasel urges the others downstairs. "C'mon, I'm not about to become dinner from those fucking creeps, y'hear?" he says, eager to leave the building. "There's better marks to pick through, trust me. Shops n' the like, y'know." He begins making his way down the stairs to the foyer where he nods at the others. "I'm ready. Find anything good down 'ere?"
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

"I'll be jus' a minute." Elene says back to Weasel. "I wanna look."

Slipping into the second bedroom, she casts around, not particularly searching for anything but curious as to what the room held.
Perception check: 22

Valuable things? Weapon-like things? Other entrances and exits to the room? What's in the furniture?
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

Other than the window, there are no other exits. You find a jewelry box but it is empty, probably stripped clean by the owners. In the drawers are common clothes, among which you find a nice pair of leather gloves.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Eh. What the hell. Elene thinks as she holds the gloves. Never know when a good pair of these will come in handy.

Stuffing the gloves into a pocket, she exits the room and heads back down the stairs to join the others. "Nothin' much in that last bedroom. Th' people that lived here must've not had much."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros nods as he walks down the stairs to the others. He looks about the room and sighs softly, wondering how many other homes are like this now that the creatures roam the streets.
"I understand we are moving again? Perhaps, after the fire and noises created in the alleyway, a quieter tactic is better suited to this situation? Likely many of the creatures will be drawn to this area... Though, whether that is good or bad I cannot say, as their attention will be on the noise here and not on us, though it may draw more of them into our path than is necessary."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Okay, then, all ready," Cassia says as she looks out the window one last time as you all gather around the door. "After what we've seen, I'm not sure it's safe to try and find the Watchman barracks tonight. I thought it was a good idea at first, but I didn't realize how much danger was truly out here. Now that I've seen it, I... I don't know if we can make it there." She looks disappointed.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

Marcus scowls at the thought, but understands the truth in the watchman's words. I will be paying this alleyway a visit later, our new friends can become carrion for these creatures. "Fine," he says, annoyed that it has come to this. "Though we will need to keep these men in check, lest they extend their influence towards us. I suggest we search anything nearby for whatever equipment we can find. If we can at least obtain leather, something. Cloth will not do to protect us from those claws."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros nods at the both of them, agreeing with their assessments.
"Before we were contending with rather simple minded beasts, caring only to feed. With sentient beings, we cannot be so risky. Tell me, does anyone know of a blacksmith perhaps? A leatherworker, someone trained in the arts of crafting such things?"
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"I don't know this district well enough, so you're better off asking one of the others. Though in this crisis, we won't even know for sure if such a person is alive and if the materials of their craft are readily available. We should still proceed with caution," Liviana responds to Redros.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Damn them bastards and their makin' all sorts of noise. I'll make 'em pay for that eventually. Elene scowls, moodily listening to the sounds of the zombies outside of the building.

"I wasn't normally around this place before, but I may be able to remember somethin'." She says, glancing out of a window.
Streetwise check: 13
Do I know where any blacksmithing shops or the like are, and a rough estimate of how close they are to the tavern?
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

Cassia turns to Marcus at his suggestion. "Yes, these men are a threat to us, and we will need to keep watch that they don't push toward us."

Weasel speaks up to echo what Drozga had said earlier in the night. "I've seen this toolsmith's forge -- guy runs a workshop pretty close to the Mare. Ain't a blacksmith in the way of weapons and armor, y'know, but he's got tools and probably some decent leather." The Watchman speaks up in response. "The tavern-owner had mentioned that place, I think. Could try there, or maybe along the channel. I know there are a lot of shops there. Where shall we go?"
You vaguely recall the toolsmith's forge/workshop area that was mentioned. It's roughly east of the Gilded Mare, on the next avenue over. Probably a couple minute walk under normal conditions, but longer if done stealthily.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"It depends. Which is closer or easier to get to? Whatever path is the safest is the one we should take," the princess says. "We can't afford to be taking drastic risks, even with the necessity for weapons and armor being so dire. They're no use to us if we're dead."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"If he has leather in any amount we should take it, even if it is only a small amount of makeshift protection it will be better than what we have now," Marcus responds to Weasel's comments, as he mulls over the princess' question.
Streetwise, to see if Marcus knows the answer to Liviana's question, or remembers any other info that could be relevant to the current conversation (about places where protection could be found): 26
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

The workshop isn't too far from the Gilded Mare, but you are about a street and a half away from it's location currently. The shops along the channel are currently closer, on the next street over, lining what is labelled river on the map. In addition, the market stalls in the plaza that the Gilded Mare, despite being somewhat knocked over from the attacks, might have some leather or such.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros nods at the mans thoughts on the subject.
"His tools are far more important if I may be honest. To obtain leather is one thing, but to be able to work it is far more. We will need to repair our armor after all, and to do that we will need both his tools and supplies, and a stockpile of materials. Thread, needles, leather, furs as well should time pass far too fast for our liking. Even without weapons, it will be a start towards making our group more defensible."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"The tools will be useful, perhaps, but only in the hands of a skilled craftsman. For now, the results should suffice. There are more shops on the next street over, on the road running along the banks of the canal. We could check there for now, it seems like our best bet for finding protection nearby." Marcus looks at the others, hoping that their discussion doesn't drag on for too long. This is not the place to be debating our course of action. We need something now, and then we need sleep. This night is dragging on too long.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Well then let's check there now," the princess says, not keen on sitting around discussing potential options for much longer. "It's closer, and we can't afford to be wasting time," she adds, shooting a glare at the urchin and woodsman for doing so exploring the house's upstairs. "Now unless there are any objections, let's get going. We're burning moonlight, and I would like to be able to get some sleep tonight."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

"Wasn't wasting time." Elene mutters at Liviana's glance. "'s important to grab the useful stuff when things're like this."

Peeking out of a window into the street, she checks to see if the coast is clear. "That place near the tavern might have some good stuff, but if th' canal's closer we can go there."
Perception check to see if the coast is clear: 15
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

The immediate area outside the door looks empty but there are a handful of the walkers on either side of the street dotted up and down. You can see about 3 to back towards the Mare and about 4 more north of here. The alley almost directly across from this building is too dark to see into.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"Well, if we are in agreement then let's move. No use waiting around here longer than we have to." Taking point, and keeping both his dagger and the saw he found at the ready, Marcus creeps forward slowly towards the nearest alleyway that would open to the riverside road. He motions for the others to follow as he moves, eager to get moving again after so much waiting in the house.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Athena waits for Guthrik to fetch the hammer, before helping him board up the hole. Holding the wood in place as he hammers in the nails. "We should board the windows up as well, it'd stop any light from streaming outside and if those creatures do attack us again, they could get through the glass rather quickly if they realise it."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

Marcus creeps forward, aiming for the dark alley in front of him, while Cassia and Weasel not far behind. The walkers far off on the side can be seen, idly stepping along the avenue in no true pattern.
Everyone except Athena
Everybody make stealth checks
Back in the Gilded Mare, Guthrik tries to quietly patch up the door, with every tap of his hammer making the survivors cringe at the noise. After the hole is covered satisfactorily, the orc turns his head toward the windows. "Aye, the woodsman did a good job of putting a plank or two over each one, but we should board most of the window area like you say. With this wood, I think we might be able to," he says, before the injured Burtin steps over. "Should we be leaving cracks to see out of? Or should we board up the whole thing entirely and just use the upper rooms or roof to keep an eye out of?"
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"It's not too much effort to go up stairs and look out. All it would take is for one of the creatures to get its hand in the crack and it could spell the end for us," Athena says thinking about Burtin's question.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Stealth: 4(1d20) +8 = 12
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Stealth check: 14
Wonderful time to roll badly.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Stealth: 3(1d20) +2 = 5 Of course...
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"You got a good head for this, miss. I think we should do alright with you around here once I get better and can actually do some work," Burtin says with a smile. Guthrik nods in agreement. "Think we'll have just enough wood to bar these windows completely," the orc concludes.

Back in the streets of Vizidel, the group moves toward the alleyway, but the area is decently lit and the puddles on the cobblestone ground spatter with their footsteps. Some of the closer walkers on either side begin to turn their heads in instinctual reaction. They hiss and gurgle at the living, their decaying forms beginning to move toward the disruption, still at least tens of feet away. "Damnit, they've seen us," Weasel whispers, as the chubby man starts to get jittery and clutches his heavy blade with a tight grip. Cassia puts her finger to her mouth to signal silence as she steps closer to the Princess.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"We need to press on," Marcus says, nervous but determined. "Get to the alleyway, we may find something to obstruct the path and keep them from following." He continues to step forward, hoping that the creatures will not be able to catch them before they reach safety.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Well I wouldn't want you all to think of me as dead wood," Athena says to Burtin. "We might as well get to it then. No sense in waiting around," she adds to Guthrik's statement.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Liviana grows somewhat fearful as the gurgling creatures approach, though the guard's presence provides some relief. The princess follows close behind Marcus, intent on not being the furthest one behind. I knew I should have stayed at the inn.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Elene visibly pales as the creatures begin to notice them. Shit. We're makin' too much noise, clumped up like this.

"We need t'move faster, too." She says, agreeing with Marcus as she picks up her pace slightly, attempting to move to the front of the pack. "If those things catch up, it's over fer someone."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"In, in!" Cassia whispers as the group filters into the dark alley. Weasel sticks to the back, his heavy blade in front of him as he keeps watch behind. "The channel's just up ahead. Maybe we can duck into one to try and lose these walkers," the guardswoman suggests. "Course there's always the water. Wonder if these 'uns can swim," the brigand ponders.

The alley itself is very dark, and you can hardly see much except for the moonlight filtering through the canopy of eaves and overhangs. Up ahead several tens of yard, you can see the opening of the alleyway to what must be the boardwalk along the channel.

In the Mare, the orc nods to Athena and begins to try and quietly board the windows up while the injured laborer helps her dismantle some of the scrap wood. Some of the others join in, including Isdren and Bastia. "They've been gone for a while," the young boy says. "Should we send anybody out after them?" he asks.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Chances are they're either dead or not coming back," Athena says, putting it rather bluntly. "If we want to survive we're going to have to look out for ourselves. We can't risk going looking for them."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

Once they are all in the alleyway, Marcus turns to Redros. "You have the best eyes to my knowledge, woodsman. Go up there and see what the street is like. I will be right behind you."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros nods to the man and creeps off, looking down the alleyway and hoping, against all hopes, that it's clear for once and that there will not be something down there.
Stealth Check to move silently: 7(1d20) +8 = 15
Perception Check: 7(1d20) +9 = 16
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

As Redros and Marcus approach the mouth of the alley, they can see a solitary walker just a few yards from the opening, right in front of them. It stands alone, taking a step or two occasionally with no certain direction. Apart from that, the vicinity looks to be quite vacant of life. The boardwalk extends to the left for a bit before ending, toward the plaza the Gilded Mare is in. To the right, the boardwalk follows along the channel, lined by various buildings. You can vaguely see docks out in the distance to your right, several streets further.

Back in the Mare, the others grow silent at Athena's words. "I hope that isn't true," Guthrik says. "They seemed like a strong bunch. I'm sure they'll make it back," he optimistically remarks.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros motions that there's a single walker in front of the entrance back to the others, holding up a finger for one walker, and motioning ahead of him, hoping the others can see him from where he is, not wishing to risk making any more noise than is absolutely necessary. Just because there is only one walker does not mean others cannot be lurking in the buildings nearby.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Think he's beckonin' us," Weasel whispers, as he leads the rest of the others up toward the mouth of the alleyway. "Oh," Cassia says, alarmed, as they notice the walker ahead of them.
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