The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde OOC

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The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde OOC

Post by ratwizard »

*Completed character sheets are due on August 31st. Any latecomers can join in after.*

Character Creation Rules
System: 4e
Level 5
Stats: 25pt buy.
Race: Any published, refluffed as orc. (No half-breeds)
Class: Any published.
Feats: Free expertise feat.
Themes: Allowed.
Background: +2 to a skill or add a language.
Equipment: One level 5 or under magic item, and 200 gold to spend on hunting gear, supplies, equipment, or personal effects.
Rituals: Component costs are a quarter of their original cost to encourage ritual use. Raise Dead is banned.
Inherent Bonuses: No.
Languages: Please see the Ganoltirian language info below. Everyone by default knows Kurnish.

Special Background

You are an already-famed hunter, tracker, explorer, or warrior, and you have been chosen to join the Great Hunt after the last legendary beast in the lands. Your character should have an established history with their heroic efforts.
Tulrissian – The language of the lands of Tulrisse, a feudal country to the west of Voreld.

Serran – The primary language spoken by the many great Serran Empire as well as its colonies. It has many dialects, especially its colony Imardin.

Forellian Languages – Various languages of the inhabitants of the Forellian Archipelago.

Kurnish – The language of the orcish tribes of Kurnhuelde, a region primarily consisting of jungle, snowy hills, and tundra on the Kurnish Peninsula.

Dwarven – The common language of the many dwarf kingdoms that occupy the mountains that run down the center of Voreld.
No yet

1E Y12 -- It has only been a decade since the Great Library was completed, marking the beginning of a golden age for the continent of Voreld. Oral history passed down from generation to generation, twisting its roots through the culture and values of this world, has begun to give way toward written history. Scholars keep track of the calendar and encase in time the wars, feats, and merit of this realm's peoples, and the Age of Myth is already a shadow behind you.

The orcish homeland on the Kurnish Peninsula has always wrapped its arms around the notion of myth. Every orcish boy or girl has heard the stories of the Old Orc himself leaving to the heavens, using Kresh Garuul as the point he leapt from the land. Horrible, fascinating creatures once roamed these lands but legends like Gurtak, Broda, and Parg slayed them, keeping their great skeletons as trophies of their mythic achievements. The great-halls of many clans hold relics of this sort, but these ancient, distant merits have all but crumbled as the world-view mordernized.

You are a famous orcish warrior, tracker, hunter, or explorer. Your name has already spread amongst the clans of this land through your glorious triumphs and successes. An embassy has arrived to your clan, informing you that you have been called by the Hunter's Moot, an ancient meeting to bring together the land's most powerful heroes for famous hunting parties in order to slay the great beasts of this land. The mythic champions of ages past worked tirelessly, slaying many creatures in their paths. All but one of these specimens were found and claimed. The Hunter's Moot has placed its Great Bounty on the final of these beasts. Will you heed the call and slay this final beast yourself, guaranteeing your name in the history tomes of this world forever? Or will you die a death of honor and glory on the hunting trail, like so many before you? The Last Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde awaits.
Locations and Lore
See the wiki/lore discussions.
Important Figures
[SHOW] ... =172#p5178
The Narrative So Far
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Re: The Great Hunt OOC

Post by ratwizard »

Malda is a fearsome warrior from Clan Garuul. She has been in the warpack for over two decades, making her somewhat of an elder amongst the group. She is a very solemn women, and her massive stature makes her seem imposing. Malda was among the group of clansmen handpicked from Garuul for the Last of the Great Hunts, because of her presence in the prior one almost twenty years ago.
One of the elite trackers and hunters from Bahtrin Village, Droma is a relatively young member of the Great Hunt. Her skills with the bow and attunement to nature provide her with unparalleled talent. Rumors have floated around that she can peg a target while running from great distances. Droma is outspoken and comes off as arrogant to those around her. She is very ambitious and eager to impress others.
Parvak is a decently renowned explorer originally from Kjuldis. Early in his days he began mapping out the regions for his clan, and the Tenants from the Great Library in Serran have even requested notes from his travels. Parvak has a strong grasp of the natural elements around him, and has decades of survival knowledge and training from roughing it along the region. He is very wise and quick to rebuke those who act before thinking.
Karstid-born and well traveled, Bardem came to prominence due to his involvement in the Tjordek Ring. His prowess with hammer and shield has been beaten into the mind of many unfortunate foes. Invited to the Great Hunt, Bardem feels a bit out of place but eager to prove his mettle as a respectable combatant and brawler. Bardem is a very raucous and enjoyable orc.
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde OOC

Post by Namelessjake »

Argnok "One Eye" Ja'Mordrar

Character Sheet
Argnok "One Eye" Ja'Mordrar, level 5
Dragonborn, Warlord
Build: Inspiring Warlord
Archer Warlord Optional Choice: Standard Warlord Armor Features
Warlord: Battlefront Leader
Commanding Presence: Inspiring Presence
Dragonborn Subrace: Standard Dragonborn Racial Traits
Dragonborn Racial Power: Dragonfear
Background: Geography - Mountains
Theme: Ironwrought

Str 20, Con 13, Dex 10, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 18.

Str 18, Con 12, Dex 10, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 15.

AC: 21 Fort: 18 Reflex: 14 Will: 17
HP: 45 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 12

Intimidate +13, Nature +6, Athletics +11, Endurance +7

Acrobatics, Arcana +2, Bluff +6, Diplomacy +6, Dungeoneering +1, Heal +1, History +4, Insight +1, Perception +1, Religion +2, Stealth, Streetwise +6, Thievery

Level 1: Armored Warlord
Level 2: Weapon Proficiency (Bastard sword)
Level 4: Improved Inspiring Word
Feat User Choice: Heavy Blade Expertise

Warlord at-will 1: Inevitable Wave
Warlord at-will 1: Intuitive Strike
Warlord encounter 1: Warlord's Favor
Warlord daily 1: Lamb to the Slaughter
Warlord utility 2: Inspired Belligerence
Warlord encounter 3: Warlord's Strike
Warlord daily 5: Stand the Fallen

Lightning Bastard sword +1, Backpack (empty), Bedroll, Cold-weather clothing, Flint and Steel, Hempen Rope (50 ft.), Horn, Tent, Torch (4), Trail Rations (20), Waterskin (2), Scale Armor, Heavy Shield, Coinpurse of 101.5 gold.
Ten-Minute Background Response Format
Background and Concept Elements
Early Life and Birth - Argnok was born to one of the warriors of the Mordrar Clan who resided atop Kresh’Mordrar on the Kurnish mountain range. As the son of a warrior, Argnok’s training began early, first holding a sword at the age of three. He excelled in training, regularly winning against the other warriors in training during duels, however he would continue to attack them after they were beaten, only stopping once the others would pull him away.

Coming of Age - As Argnok neared adulthood, tensions were high between his clan and the neighbouring clan of Kresh’Varduuz. A few recent skirmishes lead to the Warchief of Mordrar assembling all the able fighters of Mordar for a full scale attack, including all the warriors nearing the end of their training. They made for Kresh’Varduuz, trekking through the mountains for several days.

Arriving at the settlement of the Varduuz clan they attacked in full force. The defenders fought bravely but they were overwhelmed. Argnok killed for the first time that day. He was another young warrior, probably only fighting out of desperation to protect his home. Their swords had clashed on the battlefield, but Argnok had been stronger. He overpowered the weaker orc, disarming him before driving his sword through his neck.

With the defenders eliminated, the warriors of Mordrar poured into the settlement. They raped the women before putting everyone left to the sword and burning the buildings. Luckily for Varduuz, a large hunting party had left the village the day before and so the clan survived. However the attack greatly exacerbated the feud between the two clans.

Amongst the flames of Varduuz - Argnok let the flames and screams of dying men and women wash over him as they prepared to leave. However while the attack had been a great success, Mordrar had still lost men in the battle and Argnok’s father was among the dead. Coming across his Father’s cold body, Argnok took his sword, a family heirloom, before spitting on the body and leaving. In his eyes his father was clearly weak and unworthy.

Grizzled Veteran - In the following years Argnok gained a large amount of experience. He fought in countless skirmishes and several larger campaigns, against Tarkhis to the South, the recovering Varduuz, Mataan far to the West and even Garuul far to the North.

He developed a reputation for brutality and his martial prowess, but also his leadership.

During one a battle against the clan of Kresh’Garuul he lost his right eye to an arrow. Ever since he has hated warriors who use a bow, regarding them as cowards, and any member of the clan of Kresh’Garuul.

Warchief - Eventually the day came when the whispers started about the current warchief of Modrar. He was old and weak, unfit to lead. The question was who would challenge him and succeed him as was the tradition in the Mordrar clan. Argnok decided it would be him. The whole clan turned out to watch the duel. The current warchief was old but had a surprising amount of fight left in him. Eventually Argnok pinned the old orc to the ground and sawed through his neck some before ripping his head clean off.

As the new Warchief Argnok lead the warriors of Mordrar one many successful raids and campaigns, Increasing his reputation as a brutal leader further. On more than one occasion he has killed one of his own warriors to keep the rest in line.

However now he has heard rumours about himself which he heard about the last warchief many years ago and acted on. Although no one has yet been brave enough to challenge him.
1) Argnok wants to find a way to quell the rumours or find a way to become the chieftain of the entire tribe, in his eyes, a position less likely to be desired by the younger warriors of the clan.

2) kill shit
1) His infant son survived childbirth however the boy was decrepid so Argnok left him outside for the wolves, preferring to have no son than a weak one.

2) Boran Ja’Mordrar, a experience warrior in the clan plans to challenge Argnok for leadership of the clan’s warriors.
People Tied to Argnok
1) Garril - a fearsome an experienced warrior of the clan. She is Argnok’s number two, however the two are also involved and have been for a while.

2) Hagar - the Chieftan of the clan. He and Argnok are friends due to working together frequently. However Hagar is well aware of Argnok’s ambitions.

3) Boran - an ambitious and younger warrior in the clan who has his sights set on Argnok’s position.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Argnok’s sword is called Blixtar. It has been handed down through his family for several generations after apparently being taken from a warrior of Kresh’Garuul. Legend says it’s power comes from being struck by lightning atop Kresh’Garuul.

2) His right eye socket itches from time to time so he will often scratch it through the piece of cloth he uses as an eyepatch.

3) Argnok values strength above all else, if he deems you to be weak he will be even more abrasive than usual and show you no respect.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Both his Mother and Father are dead. His wife died in childbirth along with his unborn son.

Class: Warrior

Profession: Warchief of the Mordrar clan.

Institutions: Clan Mordrar
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Strength - Argnok strives to prove himself and show no weakness.

Secondary: Ambition - Argnok has risen high and is determined to rise higher, despite those who wish to still him fall.

Tertiary: Bloodlust - Ever since a child he has relished inflicting pain and taking a life.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Defeat anyone who challenges him as Warchief.

Medium-Term: Quell any rumours about him being weak by slaying the Great Beast.

Long-Term: Become the Chieftan of the clan
Combat Block
Argnok "One Eye" Ja'Mordrar

Male Dragonborn Warlord, 5
Languages: Kurnish, Serran, Dwarven
Age: 47
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 240 lbs.

Speed: 5
Initiative: +2
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 21
Fort: 18
Reflex: 14
Will: 17
HP: 45/45
Bloodied: 22
Surge Value: 12
Surges left: 9/9
Action Points: 1
MBA: +12 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage.
RBA: +2 vs AC, 1d4 damage.

Resistances: While bloodied resist 2 to all damage.

Vulnerabilities: None.

Saves: None.

Active Effects: None.


Intuitive Strike
Inevitable Wave

Lightning Bastard Sword +1

Second Wind [_]
Inevitable Strike [_]
Dragonfear [_]
Battlefront Shift[_]
inspiring Word [_]
Warlord's Favor [_]
Inspired Belligerence [_]
Warlord's Strike [_]

Lamb to the Slaughter [_]
Stand the Fallen [_]

Lightning Bastard Sword +1 [_]


Important Features:
Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:

Inspiring Presence: When an ally who can see me spends an action point to take an extra action, that ally also regains hit points equal to one-half my level + my Charisma modifier (+4).

Dragonborn Fury: +1 Racial bonus to attack rolls when bloodied.

Ironwrought Starting Features: For the purpose of effects which relate to creature origin, I am considered to be an elemental. I gain a +1 power bonus to Athletics and Endurance checks. Whenever I use my second wind, this power bonus increases to +4 until the end of my next turn.

Notable Feats:

Heavy Blade Expertise: Gain a +2 bonus to all defences against OAs while wielding a heavy blade.
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde OOC

Post by Fialova »

Kogul Kal Ja'Garuul
Character Sheet
Kogul Kal, level 5
Thri-Kreen, Berserker
Heartland: Arid Desert
Background: Goblin Foe (+2 to Intimidate)
Theme: Yakuza

Str 20, Con 11, Dex 18, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 14.

Str 17, Con 11, Dex 15, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 14.

AC: 21 Fort: 19 Reflex: 18 Will: 14
HP: 50 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 12

Acrobatics +11, Intimidate +11, Athletics +14, Nature +9

Arcana +1, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +4, Dungeoneering +2, Endurance +2, Heal +2, History +1, Insight +2, Perception +2, Religion +1, Stealth +6, Streetwise +4, Thievery +6

Feat User Choice: Heavy Blade Expertise
Level 1: Unarmored Agility
Level 2: Weapon Proficiency (Fullblade)
Level 4: World Serpent's Grasp

Berserker at-will 1: Run Down
Berserker at-will 1: Jarring Smash
Berserker encounter 1: Savage Cut
Berserker daily 1: Life-Ending Strike
Berserker utility 2: Nomad's Rush
Berserker encounter 3: Implacable Advance
Berserker daily 5: Feral Rampage

Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade Fullblade +1, Cold-weather clothing, Drum, Fire Kit, Hacksaw, Hempen Rope (50 ft.), Hunter's Kit, Hurler-Snatcher, Manacles, iron, Pitons (20), Wolfsbane (5), Trap-Making Kit, Waterskin (2), Trail Rations (20), Bedroll, Backpack (empty), Belt Pouch (empty), Climber's Kit, Cage (Small)
Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
Young Hunter: Kogul was born to a hunter father, and was raised from a young age to follow in his father's footsteps. He enjoyed hunting, but it was never his passion in life. His father was another story, and loved the trade. He taught his son meticulously, beating lessons into him if that is what it took, in the hopes that his son would continue on as an effective hunter.

There came a day during Kogul's adolescence when he and his father, among others in their hunting party, were beset in the wilds by a neighboring Clan. The ambush resulted in many deaths, but the Garuul hunters were no strangers to combat and emerged victorious. Kogul found the experience exhilarating, and that was the moment he realized his passion in life was on the field of battle, not in the wilds hunting for meat.

He worked up the courage not long after to approach his father about this decision, who was far from pleased. Harsh words were spouted on both sides, and in the end they had a falling out. Kogul left his family home and joined the Garuul fighters at their barracks, finding it easy to join as they were always in need of fresh blood.

Not-as-young Soldier: Life as a fighter for the clan was much different than life as a hunter. Things were a little more structured, but the main difference was the people. The hunters were often rugged, and sometimes harsh, but for the most part it was a friendly environment. The fighters were often brutal and cruel to one another, and he found it hard at first to fit in.

There was no real training involved with his joining the rank and file of the Garuul Clan's defenders, and for the first few weeks his life was much the same as it had been before, though his hunting party was now. However, it wouldn't take long for his first skirmish with another clan encroaching on the mountain.

A Loss of Innocence: His first taste of battle was both thrilling and terrifying. He'd been around skirmishes before, and knew how to wield a blade, but never before had he been around so many bloodthirsty men and woman, eager to slaughter one another at a moment's notice. When the fighting died down he was covered in blood and had suffered multiple smaller injuries, but he'd also made his first kills that weren't meant to be eaten, and it felt good. He felt powerful, and he liked it.

As the days went on and he spent more time in his new life, he began to change from the young, often bored hunter he had been to an imposing, almost-sadistic lover of carnage. He'd seen enough of his friends and family die to invading clans that any opportunity to put them in their place was met with violent glee, as he lopped off their limbs and heads, kicking their corpses back down the mountain. Every fight was seen as a gift, another experience to learn, another chance to prove his clan's superiority.

The Red-Faced Menace: Over the years, Kogul grew both in strength and skill. Many of his early friends died before him, which only added to his resolve to punish those who sought to take what rightfully belonged to the Garuul. In one battle he was splattered across his face with the blood of multiple enemies, leaving his head almost entirely red by its conclusion. Some of his fellow fighters gave him the nickname Red Face as a result, and this inspired him to begin painting his face in red before battle. Soon it was not just his friends, but all of the surrounding clans, who knew of the red-faced orc who eagerly and joyfully slaughtered anyone attempting to reach the summit of Kresh Garuul uninvited.

Years later, his renown has only grown over time. Currently Kogul is one of the Garuul Clan's most experience fighters, and his is certainly the most feared among neighboring clans' fighters. The inexperienced are known to flee at there mere sight of his red face paint, and even many veterans are reluctant to engage him in solo combat.

Appearance: Despite his muscular build, Kogul is actually relatively short for an orc, standing only 5' 5". He is darker skinned and bald, and paints his face red before a battle.

Personality: Kogul is extremely loyal to his clan and his friends, specifically his fellow fighters. His attitude towards other clans ranges from general distaste to extreme hatred, depending on how often they attempt to attack his territory. For the most part he is wary of non-Garuul orcs, though that has not stopped him from making friends with the occasional outsider.

Among friends he is typically fairly serious, but can take and give a joke when the circumstances call for it. His menacing demeanor is mostly reserved for the battlefield, but it has also proven useful domestically when dealing with rude people.

Kogul is fairly promiscuous, and has had many lovers in the past. He is not a romantic, and typically tries to end his relationships if and when the women start to become too attached. Some hold grudges about this, though not all.
1) Kogul is well known and feared, but after years in service to the clan he has still not been appointed as the Warchief. He wants desperately for this to change, as he feels he deserves the title given his record.

2) I'd like Kogul to see his father again before the game is over, and at least have a chance to reconcile (even if he fucks it up).
1) Though it has since ended, there was a prolonged period (ending roughly a year ago, I guess) where Kogul was involved with the wife of one of his fellow fighters, who would certainly be much less friendly with Kogul if he found out.

2) His friend's wife, who he had an affair with, birthed Kogul's child. She never told Kogul of this, and as far as he knows it is another one of his friend's kids.
People Tied to Character
Barul Kal - Kogul's father, an old hunter for the Garuul Clan. He and Kogul had a falling out years back, and have not spoken since. His mother has been dead since a few years after the falling out

Kabila - Kogul's current lover, and the daughter of the current Warchief of the tribe. She is much more infatuated with him than he is with her, but he doesn't want to break things off for fear of hurting his chances at succeeding as Warchief.

Nok-Gabil - the Warchief of the Garuul Clan, and Kogul's superior. They get along just fine, but Kogul desires the position.

Torud - Kogul's war buddy, whose wife he once had an affair with.

Marlek - A young, attractive gatherer who has been eyeing Kogul for awhile. He has noticed her advances, but fears responding while still with Kabila.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) The various little things that were beaten into him by his father have stuck with him over the years, meaning his instincts for tracking and hunting will pop up anytime he is out in the woods. Sometimes this proves useful, but more often than not it is distracting.

2) There is often a scowl painted across Kogul's face, though it rarely expresses his actual mood. The habit originated as an attempt to appear more imposing despite his size, which has proven quite effective on the battlefield, though at home it can be a bit of a hindrance.

3) Kogul wears very little clothing if he can help it. He claims that it is because it is easier to move in a fight the less he is wearing, but that is only part of it. He is also simply proud of his physique, and likes to show it off. It doesn't go unnoticed by the women of Garuul, either, which only supports his decision.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: His father is an old hunter, who he no longer speaks with. His mother was a hunter/gatherer who died when he was a young adult, not long after becoming a fighter.

Class: Warrior class, previously hunter.

Profession: Warrior, previously hunter. Aiming to become warchief.

Institutions: Clan Garuul
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Thrill. Kogul loves a good fight, which is why he became a fighter in the first place. Whatever other goals he has, his core reason for fighter is to experience the rush that he gets in the heat of battle, and the sheer pleasure of killing his opponents.

Secondary: Ambition. While thrill is at the forefront, Kogul does have long term goals he also wants to accomplish, and when not in the heat of battle he does what he can to pursue those goals.

Tertiary: Snoo-snoo. What better way to relax after a long day of death and maiming than by returning home to a beautiful green woman?
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Prove himself Clan Garuul's best fighter once and for all by felling the great beast plaguing Kurnhuelde.

Medium-Term: Succeed Nok-Gabil as Warchief

Long-Term: One day, perhaps, become the Chief of the entire Garuul Clan
Combat Block
Kogul Kal

Male Thri-Kreen Berserker 5
Languages: Kurnish, Serran
Age: 39
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 190 lbs.

Speed: 7
Initiative: +7
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Low-Light Vision

AC: 21 (23 when Defender Aura is active)
Fort: 19
Reflex: 18
Will: 14
HP: 50/50
Bloodied: 25
Surge Value: 12
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

MBA: +12 vs AC, 1d12+6 damage (1d8 extra damage when in Berserker Fury)
RBA: +6 vs AC, 1d4+4 damage

5 fire



Active Effects:
max damage +1d12+1d8 on crit with fullblade
+2 to defenses against OAs
gain 6 THP when I kill a non-minion


Vengeful Guardian
Defender Aura
Jarring Smash
Run Down

Second Wind [_]
Ruthless Demonstration [_]
Thri-Kreen Claws [_]
Savage Cut [_]
Nomad's Rush [_]
Implacable Advance [_]
Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade Fullblade +1 [_]

Life-Ending Strike [_]
Feral Rampage [_]


Important Features:
Class Features
Berserker Fury: When you use a barbarian primal attack power, you enter your Berserker Fury until the end of the encounter. Alternatively, you can use a minor action while you are bloodied to enter the fury. The fury has the following effects:
* Your defender aura ends, if active, and you cannot use defender aura or vengeful guardian until the fury ends.
* Some powers gain additional benefits as noted in those powers.
* MBA deals 1d8 extra damage.

Arid Desert Heartland: When you are wearing cloth armor or no armor and not using a shield, you gain a +3 bonus to AC and a +2 bonus to Reflex. You gain resist 5 fire.

Poised Defender: While your defender aura is active and you're not wearing heavy armor, you gain a +2 bonus to AC.

Racial Features
Multiple Arms: Once per turn, you can draw or sheathe a weapon (or retrieve or stow an item on your person) as a free action instead of a minor action.

Natural Jumper: You are always considered to have a running start when jumping

Topor: Rather than sleep, you enter a torpid state. In this state, you remain aware of your surroundings, and require only 4 hours of topor (as opposed to 6 hours of sleep) to gain the benefit of an extended rest.

Theme Features
Level 5 Yakuza Feature: When you hit an enemy granting combat advantage to you, your opportunity attacks gain a bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls against that enemy until the start of your next turn. The bonus equals your Charisma modifier (+2).

Heavy Blade Expertise: While wielding a heavy blade, you gain a +2 bonus to all defenses against opportunity attacks.

Unarmored Agility: You gain a +2 feat bonus to AC while wearing cloth armor or no armor.

World Serpent's Grasp: Whenever you hit a slowed or immobilized target with an attack, you knock it prone.

Item Features
Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade Fullblade +1:
* Critical hits with this weapon deal max damage +1d12+1d8 damage.
* While wielding this weapon, you gain an item bonus to initiative equal to the weapon's enhancement bonus.
* When you use this weapon to reduce a non-minion enemy to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to 5 + this weapon's enhancement bonus.
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde OOC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Traza Ka'Kjuldis, Beastmaster of Clan Kjuldis
Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
1) Appearance: Traza is relatively short in stature compared to some of the others around her, but she doesn't mind. It allows her to be closer to the earth and all its bounties. Her skin has a pale green tint, and her blackened hair is about shoulder-length. She still retains a fairly youthful appearance, the peaceful life in Clan Kjuldis allowing for little stress.

2) Personality: Being from Clan Kjuldis, Traza is, both by nature and nurture, quite friendly and calm. She believes that all life serves a purpose, even the littlest mouse. Although she prefers not to kill creatures, preferring to learn from them, she knows it must be done sometimes if the balance of nature is upset. Despite her relative easy-going temperament, she can be brash and bold if she feels she needs to prove herself.

3) Early Life: Traza was born in Kjuldis Village, the first daughter of Chief Drazon of Clan Kjuldis. Although her father was often too busy with his chiefly duties to care for the children, Traza had a loving mother and grandmother to care for her, and her brothers. Though when Drazon was free for family time, he put it to good use. Every night, her father or grandmother would tell a story of the great histories of both Kurnhuelde and the Clan, helping jumpstart a love of learning for little Traza. Living in a peaceful village, Traza had the luxury of not worrying about war tearing her family apart, or destroy her childhood. The serene landscape gave her an idealistic youth, with verdant forest and the babbling river dotting her memories.

4) Wild Shape: At an early age, Traza began to display a connection to the animals of the forest that no other could dream of possessing. As she grew older, this connection only grew stronger. One day, while in her teens, she was studying wildlife, namely the behavior of squirrels, when she began to realize that everything around her had grown larger. Walking over to a pond, she only saw the reflection of the signature rodent with a puffball tail. She began panicking, not realizing what had occurred, until her original form returned to her. In a fit of confusion, she dashed straight home to find her grandmother. If anyone would know about this, it would have been her. Once there, her grandmother explained that some, but few, are born with a gift to transform, becoming one with the beasts. With practice, she became more skilled in her abilities and is now able to transform into a creature of nature at will.

5) Beastmaster of Kjuldis: With this special connection to animals, her father awarded her the title of Beastmaster, allowing her to be the one who captured and tamed creatures. With this line of work, she learned more about the behaviors of each creature, and how to track them. Word of her skills must have spread, as an embassy eventually showed up at the village, extending their invitation for The Great Hunt. Eager to see more of the world and make a larger name for herself, Traza accepted the invitation.
1) Traza wants to discover the last of the great creatures, so she may learn from it, and bring great honor to her name.

2) I'd like for her to be able to use her animal-shapeshifting powers often enough, to aid the hunting party, so the benefits don't feel useless.
1) She wants to leave Kurnhuelde for a while to study at The Great Library, but she doesn't want to tell anyone, lest they think she wants to abandon her people.

2) Gornak (see tied people) isn't trying to woo Traza for love, but rather to get close enough to her father to kill him, as he wishes for the Clan to be filed with chaos.
People Tied to Traza
1) Tersa, Traza's mother, is the closest person to her. While her father was occupied with his chiefly duties, and her brothers out playing, Tersa would take her daughter into the forest on warm, sunny days, to enjoy the nature around them. Even as Traza grew, her mother was always there for support and guidance.

2) Drela, her eldest brother's wife, is one of Traza's closest friends. They help keep each other sane with children running around in the family.

3) Gornak is an obnoxious man, with a disgusting attitude who keeps attempting to woo Traza. He is full of himself, and won't take no for an answer. He cares little for others, or the world around him, for that matter, and can be all-around rude to some. She's managed to avoid him so far, but she's not sure how much more of it she could take.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Traza has the ability to transform herself into many types of animals, and is even able to communicate with one.

2) She fondly remembers a day of her youth when she was playing by the river and a family of deer approached to drink from the water. She approached the deer, and they did not flee, instead allowing her to look at them. This helped spark her interest in animals.

3) She keeps a flower from home with her at all times away from home. Her mother would give her a flower if she had to leave the village when she was younger, and the tradition hasn't stopped yet.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Traza's father is the Chieftain of Clan Kjuldis. She has two older brothers, a hunter and a logger, both with children, who her mother helps take care of.

Class: Yes

Profession: Beastmaster & Tracker

Institutions: Clan Kjuldis
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Knowledge: Above everything, Traza is a curious mind and wants to know more about whatever she can learn about, though plants and animals are her preferred area of study.

Secondary: Values: Because she grew up in one of the few more peaceful clans in the region, Traza lets the values she learned live within her and shine through in the actions she makes.

Tertiary: Nature: With whatever Traza may do, she is always careful not to upset the delicate balance of nature.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Find and slay the Great Beast

Medium-Term: Learn more about the flora and fauna of Kurnhuelde

Long-Term: Find a suitable husband and have a few children
Character Sheet
Traza Ka'Kjuldis, level 5
Hengeyokai, Druid
Primal Aspect: Primal Predator
Select Animal Form: Cat (Acrobatics)
Background: Wild Hunter (+2 to Nature)
Theme: Werewolf

Str 13, Con 13, Dex 18, Int 10, Wis 20, Cha 8.

Str 13, Con 13, Dex 15, Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 8.

AC: 19 Fort: 13 Reflex: 17 Will: 18
HP: 45 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 11

Nature +14, Acrobatics +12, Insight +12, Perception +12

Arcana +2, Bluff +3, Diplomacy +1, Dungeoneering +7, Endurance +2, Heal +7, History +2, Intimidate +3, Religion +2, Stealth +5, Streetwise +1, Thievery +5, Athletics +2

Druid: Ritual Caster
Level 1: Superior Implement Training (Accurate staff)
Level 2: Ruthless Killer
Level 4: Cunning Stalker
Feat User Choice: Staff Expertise

Druid at-will 1: Fire Hawk
Druid at-will 1: Magic Stones
Druid at-will 1: Grasping Claws
Druid encounter 1: Thorn Spray
Druid daily 1: Summon Giant Toad
Druid utility 2: Verdant Bounty
Druid encounter 3: Predator's Flurry
Druid daily 5: Vine Serpents

Ritual Book, Hide Armor, Aversion Accurate staff +1, Backpack (empty), Bedroll, Cold-weather clothing, Waterskin (2), Tent, Trail Rations (20), Bestiary, Flint and Steel, Hunter's Kit, Belt Pouch (empty), Senaliesse Chrysanthemum, Coinpurse of 48 gold and 9 silver
Animal Messenger
Combat Block
Traza Ka'Kjuldis

Female Hengeyokai Druid 5
Languages: Kurnish, Serran
Age: 33
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 145 lbs.

Speed: 8
Climb Speed (as squirrel): 8
Initiative: +6
Passive Perception: 22
Passive Insight: 22
Senses: Low-light

AC: 19
Fort: 13
Ref: 17
Will: 18
HP: 45/45
Bloodied: 22
Surge Value: 11
Surges left: 8/8
Action points: 1

Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: None
Saves: +2 against immobilize, restrain, & slow

Active Effects: +2 to checks to escape a grab
+5 to bluff against insight to prove I'm an orc/squirrel


Wild Shape
Wolf Shape Secondary Power
Nature's Mask
Grasping Claws
Magic Stones
Fire Hawk
Fire Hawk Attack


Second Wind [_]
Thorn Spray [_]
Predator's Flurry [_]

Wolf Shape [_]
Verdant Bounty [_]


Summon Giant Toad [_]
Vine Serpents [_]

Important Features
Primal Predator: While you are not wearing heavy armor, you gain a +2 bonus to your speed.

Ritual Caster: You can master and perform rituals of your level or lower.

Animal Form (Squirrel): Gain +2 to acrobatics.

Beast Nature: You are considered both a magical beast and a humanoid for the purpose of effects that relate to creature type.

Elusive: You have a +2 racial bonus to checks made to escape a grab and to saving throws against effects that immobilize, restrain, or slow you.

Fey Origin: You are considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

Language of the Beasts: While you are in animal or hybrid form, you can communicate to any natural or fey beasts that share your animal form or a form that is closely related. In human form, you can understand these beasts, but not directly communicate with them. You can communicate simple concepts and commands to such creatures, but they are under no compulsion to obey you, and their knowledge is restricted by their experience and mobility.

Shapechanger: You are subject to effects and conditions that affect shapechangers.

Werewolf Starting Feature: You gain a +2 power bonus to Intimidate checks. Any enemy has combat advantage against you when attacking you with a silvered weapon or implement. Also, you are immune to moon frenzy.

Werewolf Level 5 Feature: When interacting with wolves and similar creatures, you gain a +2 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate checks. In addition, while wolf shape is active, you gain a +2 power bonus to speed.

Superior Implement Training (Accurate Staff): You can use the Accurate staff superior implement.

Ruthless Killer: When you hit a target with the grasping claws power, instead of slowing the target you can instead choose for the target to be immobilized until the end of your next turn. If you are ever not adjacent to the target, the immobilized effect ends.

Cunning Stalker: You gain combat advantage against enemies that have no creatures adjacent to them other than you.

Staff Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to the attack rolls of implement powers and weapon powers that you use with a staff. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. In addition, when you make a ranged or an area attack with a staff as an implement, you don't provoke opportunity attacks for doing so. When you make a melee weapon attack with a staff, the weapon's reach for that attack increases by 1.

Aversion Staff +1: You gain a +2 item bonus to all defenses against attacks from enemies that are subject to effects caused by you.
Last edited by Scratcherclaw on Tue Sep 01, 2015 5:45 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde OOC

Post by PureZaros »

Last edited by PureZaros on Mon Apr 06, 2015 9:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde OOC

Post by Pashalik »

Vahnek Kresh'Suul
char sheet
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Vahnek Kresh'Suul, level 5
Tiefling, Elementalist
Elemental Specialty: Fire Elementalist
Fire Elementalist: Ignition
Background: Hellfire Heir (+2 to Arcana)
Theme: Infernal Prince

Str 10, Con 19, Dex 13, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 19.

Str 10, Con 16, Dex 13, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 16.

AC: 18
Fort: 16
Reflex: 13
Will: 18
HP: 51
Surges: 10
Surge Value: 12

Arcana +9, Athletics +7, Diplomacy +13, Intimidate +11

Acrobatics +3, Bluff +10, Dungeoneering +1, Endurance +6, Heal +1, History +2, Insight +1, Nature +1, Perception +1, Religion +2, Stealth +5, Streetwise +6, Thievery +3

Feat User Choice: Staff Expertise
Level 1: Hellfire Blood
Level 2: Arcane Spellfury
Level 4: Unarmored Agility

Elemental Bolt(Fire)
Hellfire Heart
Infernal Wrath
Elemental Escalation(Fire)
Level 2 Elementalist Utility Power: Dragonflame Mantle

Adventurer's Kit, Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing), Quarterstaff
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Re: The Great Hunt of Kurnhuelde OOC

Post by ratwizard »

Just a reminder that the game will be starting September 1st and PCs should be finished by August 31st to be included in the intro.
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