Way Down in the Hole — IC

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Post by Namelessjake »

"Ready when you are," Samiira says to Josie and Hadrurus, unfazed by her still damp clothing. They've made the right choices so far. Perhaps I should reveal myself to them tonight when we make camp. They have shown the leadership
necessary to understand my ability's value,
she thinks, being to trust in their two leaders.
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Post by Fialova »

They have chosen unanimously to press on, Josie thinks, frowning to herself not because her own decision was overridden, but because she feels her instincts had betrayed her. I guess the years alone have made me too cautious. It is good Hadurus is here with me, and that I am not meant to lead alone. Let's just hope all of their instincts are better than mine.

"Keep them safe, Gladia," she says to the newcomer, as she quickly leaves their company. I guess the Unfettered was not to her liking after all. Hopefully the gods of this land will keep here and the rest of them safe in our absence. "Yes, let us press on," she adds in response to the others as Gladia stays behind, marching down the road as they had been before.
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Post by ratwizard »

Gladia nods solemnly to Pōhaku as he clasps her shoulder before turning to the others. "Good luck, and give them hell."

"May your travels be safer, that we saw this morning," Amadora wishes, bowing to the six of you as you don your packs and make for the remnants of the path once more. "We shall remember the compassion of the Unfettered." She steps away, already making for a pair of families who huddle together in prayer. Gladia lingers for a moment, before beginning to gather and organize a scattering of the Almohorongi's supplies.

You press on, the heavy rains and wind paying no heed of your selfless display, instead continuing to batter you. You move inland, just a short walk from the path, hopefully avoiding another such landslide.

The rest of the day is considerably miserable. Your progress is stymied by the poor conditions of the muddy terrain and the limited visibility. Thankfully, with the coast so close, you manage to keep it on your right at all times to ensure you don't go astray.

By evening the storms have lessened though the rain continues. You come across a large grove of maple and eucalyptus trees that provides partial cover from the severe elements, and you set up camp — a swift task for a party with a small footprint as yours.

Night falls. The patter of the warm rain on the canopy above drowns out most other noises, but you still hear the occasional hoot of owl or chirp of cricket. From a small pond nearby comes a drumming chorus of frogs.

Time to set watch shifts, with optional RP either in this thread or via Discord PM (to be posted once complete). With six people, it would make the most sense to do three shifts of two.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Would one of you take first watch with me?" Samiira asks to Josie and Hadrurus once the camp is set up and people are starting to get ready to settle down for the night.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Velasco waves goodbye to Gladia. Another good soldier lost too soon. He thinks, but treks onward.
His mood was already dampened by the rain during their encounter with the Almohorongi, but as they continued to walk it worsened. He shuddered nearly constantly, wishing desperately for a thick cloak of some kind. How could I have forgotten... I knew we wouldn't be back in the desert so quickly. What a damn fool I am. Eventually, however, amongst a grove of trees Velasco finds some small comfort, quickly setting up his things so he can sit by the fire, and try to dry himself off before bed, still shivering to his bones, feeling as if the water had sunk through him to his core. He looks over at Alerio, and takes a few steps over. "I would like to stand watch with you tonight, Talon. I think that spending some time together would be good for our continued journeys."
Velasco wants to volunteer for a watch with Alerio. Bird boyz, bird boyz, what ya gonna do? What ya gonna do when they fly at you. Feathers.
Last edited by FinalTemplar on Sun Feb 25, 2024 3:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Fialova »

"I'm not yet tired enough to sleep, so I will," Josie responds to Samiira. "You should get as much rest as you can in this storm," she continues, now towards the others, as she steps towards the newcomer in the group. She seeks one of us assigned to be in charge of this expedition, I wonder what she has to say. It will be good to get to know her better, we've seen so little of one another in Vyridis in the past.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Very well," Samiira says to Josie, pleased that she took up her suggestion. She adds another log to the fire and takes a seat on a large mossy rock by it, tending to the flames with a stick while she waits for the others to fall asleep.
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Post by BartNL »

"Then I'll sleep now. Alerio, are you with me later?" Hadrurus says. Boulder I can trust. Alerio and Velasco need watching.
Last edited by BartNL on Sun Feb 25, 2024 11:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Alerio raises his brow at Velasco's offer. What is your game, raven? Perhaps there is opportunity here, to quash the wretched influence and steer a soul back toward the wings of radiance. He turns to Hadrurus a moment, offering a rare shrug. "It would seem I have been spoken for on this eve. We shall share conversation on another moon." He looks back to Velasco, eyes sharp upon the man. "Very well, you shall have that time."

He looks to Josie as he walks toward his bedroll. "Wake me when your watch has ended."

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Post by ratwizard »

The watch shifts are as follows:

Shift 1: Josie and Samiira
Shift 2: Alerio and Velasco
Shift 3: Pōhaku and Hadrurus

Slight meta-spoiler that nothing major happens overnight, and travel toward the seafort will continue in the morning. With that knowledge, feel free to continue your scenes now even if you are 2nd or 3rd in order.

Please use this thread, or Discord PM (later posted in summation here). In the meantime, I will need some time IRL to work on prep for the Powder Keg operation.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Bird Watching
Velasco wakes up slowly, taking a few minutes to ease out of his slumber before he moves to sit more towards the middle of their makeshift camp. He glances over at Alerio and tries to offer a warm smile. "Good morning," He hesitates, flipping through his book for a moment before returning to the present. "I have been curious, Alerio, why do you travel with us? You seem so... strong, wise, perhaps. I thought you would've found others to travel with when we returned to Vyridis, or left to make it on your own." He realizes how that sounds and quickly attempts to add in; "Not that I don't appreciate your presence, you've done a lot for us in the short time that I've known you... And I think you were pretty core to our little rescue effort the other day."

Alerio lets out a soft groan as he rises from his bedroll, the comforts of a true bed already feeling distant. He gives Velasco a careful eye, considering the question while moving to warm himself by the fire. He pokes at the coals in silence for a moment, glowing embers illuminating a stoic expression. With a slight sigh, the Talon finally says, "It is the path He has chosen for me. El-unod. To end injustices not with independent action, but the strength of cooperation, indomitable and steadfast." His voice is calm, but slightly apprehensive. He glances aside at Velasco for a moment before once more stoking the fire. "Why is it that you wish to know? It is rarely curiosity alone that drives us."

The raven nods softly, continuing to read Alerio's face. "I ask mostly out of curiosity, but also out of fear. Your power scares me, and I worry some nights about the eyes that it could draw." He shrugs slightly as he says that, before looking towards the fire. "Though, if I may be honest, as I said before, your presence is also incredibly comforting. Your power and confidence make many encounters we come across much less scary." He lightly taps his book a few times, "I can sympathize with that journey though. I don't have some higher power guiding me, I have had to find my own way. But... all paths for me seem to lead to Vyridis, and with them I find purpose."

"Fear...?" Alerio asks, almost sounded dumbfounded as the word processes for him. He lets out a heavy sigh, closing his eyes for a moment amidst the red-gold glow. He shakes his head, eyes shooting open in an intense stare forward. "The righteous and just have nothing to fear. The Eagle welcomes those into His wings." Is this fear why he wishes to butter me like a leavened roll? Peculiar. He leans his head back, gazing skyward toward the sea of stars above. "Even the wicked may yet escape the talon should they strive for repentance and redemption."

He pauses for a moment, contemplating his next words. "We are all guided by a higher power, unseen, unyielding, and demanding. Yet it is oft ego and avarice festering and corrupting the mind, just out of reach. And yet still a voice in one's head, guiding toward a consuming darkness. That, that is what you should truly fear."

Velasco seems confused at the first statement, it showing on his face. "I suppose you're right. Maybe, if we all strive towards good, then we have not to fear, but," V shrugs, contemplating the consuming darkness part. "What do you mean, exactly, by consuming darkness?" He asks. "I don't think that's a concept I've come across yet."

Alerio's gaze focuses more intensely upon the sky, mentally tracing constellations as he listens to the raven's calls. "It is not a physical darkness. It is a plague that inflicts the heart and the mind. It breeds selfishness, arrogance, a disregard for one's fellow. The seed is in all, yet a righteous path can excise it." He clenches his fist.

"I will be blunt," the Talon says, snapping his head toward Velasco. "It festers within you, writhing tendrils taking hold. I have seen it, from the moment of our meeting to the selfishness you have displayed with Lin." He frowns, thinking of all the trauma that man had to go through at the raven's expense, upending his life and all. "My curiosity is... will you admit mistake and pain inflicted and forge toward absolution? Or will you let it consume you?"

Velasco listens to the Talon's words, his confusion turning to a grimace of soft anger at his words, but he bites his tongue. "Yeah, that's... pretty blunt." He says, trying to force a laugh. "Anything more would've been like a stone through a window." He sighs softly. "I'm sure a darkness does reside inside of me, but my desire for a life with Lin is not part of it..." He sits next to the fire, curling up suddenly, pulling his knees up toward his chin. "I have done a lot of bad, and I don't think I could ever absolve for all of it." He looks over at Alerio once again, "I've stolen, I've killed, I've held onto life for longer than I likely should have. The damage that I have done to Lin is... regrettable. Possibly the worst that I've done, but he seems to want to stay. At least... he said as much to me."

"Companionship and love are one of life's few innocences," Alerio says simply, his apprehension beginning to fade as he feels the guilt from the corvine man. "If it is truly pure, then atone for what you've inflicted upon him and all around you. Remove this foul seed from your core and commit yourself toward virtue, or..." He pauses, gaze like an eagle on Velasco. "I will purge it for you."

He unclenches his fist, releasing the tension with a breath. "But that you show regret means you are not yet lost. So I will simply observe, perhaps let El-unod's winds nudge and guide while the Talons focus elsewhere." He shuffles on the ground, looking back toward the soothing flames before them. "I have been harsh toward you, this I know. Distrustful. Yet I prefer to bear words before claws."

He crosses his arms, letting the crackle of the fire be the only break in silence for a moment. "Should you truly wish to be righteous, then I would present an apology. For my harsh demeanor, and perhaps for underestimating you. Time will tell."

He nods. "I too wish to apologize. I haven't been a helpful part of this team so far." He blinks a few times. "I hope that your god does not hate ravens as much as you do." He smiles and reaches a hand out to the Talon. "I would like to be your friend and ally, Alerio. I want to trust that you have my back, as I would have yours if the time came to it. The end goal of my life is to help, and I am doing that in the only way I can."

"The parables and hymns show a contemptuous relationship at best," the Talon says bluntly, eyes focused on the orange ember glow. "But I am not my god, and such tales are rife with metaphor and allegory, symbolism and spirit. They are lessons on morality, not unadulterated hatred toward a species of bird." He cracks a rare smirk, giving Velasco a side eye. Though ravens are still signs of an omen. Yet omens are not purely bad. No, perhaps it is simply an upheaval.

"It will take some time for our old notions to fade," Alerio finally says, turning to face the corvine man. "But in the spirit of goodness and personal growth, may we venture that path together." He holds out his hand, shaking it with Velasco's. His expression remains stoic, though with the faintest glimmer of a smile on the pious man.

Continuing to shake Alerio's hand, Velasco nods. "Perhaps then someday a tale will be written of the friendship between a Raven and an Eagle, and I look forward to that day." Velasco seems at least a little proud of himself, before slowly pulling his hand away. "Though, I suppose we should focus on the night ahead of us for now. Dangers may yet still wander in the dark."

"Perhaps," Alerio repeats. "Unlikely allies, joined when vile snakes threaten their way of life," he suggests as he tosses another log onto the fire. He nods at Velasco's own suggestion, turning his gaze toward the shadows around them. "Nothing shall escape our watch."

The rest of the watch passes by uneventfully, only the fire's crackle, the wildlife symphony, and the rain shower trickling through the canopy breaking the silence. Eventually, he gives Velasco another nod and moves to rouse the next pair.
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Post by Namelessjake »

The Shape Shift
Once the others have retired to their beds for the night, it takes a while for Samiira to strike up conversation, not really knowing how to broach the topic she intents to bring up. Instead she chooses to start with a different topic.

"How are you finding a life free of chains?" She asks Josie, curious to see how becoming a slave has changed the Unfettered agent, thinking back on the Josie that had joined the movement. If she had been through an ordeal like the Hole already when she found us, perhaps there would have been less questions of her loyalty - although she was able to silence those quickly.

"It is different than before, no?"

Josie takes a seat in the most covered area she can find near Samiira. She is no stranger to sleeping in the wilderness, in the rain, but she can never quite find comfort in it regardless. As her companion speaks, she turns to the woman, finding her initial question curious.

"It has been difficult these past few weeks," she begins. "But not nearly as difficulty as my time in that prison. I came to this land full of righteous anger, on behalf of those who suffer. Now that I have suffered similarly - however briefly - it certainly helps to put the importance of our mission into even clearer perspective. Some, perhaps many, of the people I met in there were bad people, and I can see cause for many of them to be punished. But many more were simply victims, and everyone in there became a victim of the toils imposed on us." Not to mention whatever they did to Shakumon and Korgul.

She smiles weakly, as she turns to face towards their companions now resting their heads for the evening. "It was a difficult time, but we got through it together, and survived after release with one another's help."

Samiira nods at Josie's words. "Some would say once a slave, always a slave, and mean it as a weakness, but it is a strength," she says. "I would not be the woman I am today without my experiences, and I would not be capable of what I am without them."

"I would not wish what you went through on anyone," Josie responds, as Samiira mentions her own, much worse experiences with slavery. How she managed to crawl her way out of that situation to be such a powerful force for good, I will never know. I do not know if I could do the same.

"But you are right, the difficulties make us stronger if they do not break us entirely. Sadly, I saw several in the Hole who ended up in the latter half, their lives cut short due to 'weakness' after being stolen from theme entirely by the people in charge. It is good you belong to the former, the Unfettered benefits greatly from your presence," she continues, once more turning towards the woman and offering her a now more genuine smile. Though I've not seen her in action before, I am sure she ends their lives with ferocity to match my own after all she's seen.

"Nor would I," Samiira affirms. "Although no one else will suffer at my husband's hand - I made sure of that," she adds.

"Likewise," she says, returning Josie's compliment. "I've heard others speak of your prowess, as I'm sure you have heard of mine. Although working alone as we usually do, it's a wonder where our fellow agents get their information," she says, cracking a smile.

"I imagine the tales are embellished on both sides," Josie responds, chuckling at the comment. "But either way, I am glad you are here with us. It is nice to not be the only one here unaccustomed to working in a group. Comforting, I suppose. I will be honest in that I find the solitude simpler, but even just helping the Almohorongi - not to mention the trials we faced between the Hole and our return to Vyridis - has shown me the value, the strength in working together. I only hope I prove to be as effective a leader as they expect me to be," she admits, her smile fading slightly with the final words. They have certianly placed more faith in me than I have in myself.

"Yes, some things are easier to achieve together," Samiira agrees. "Your leadership is actually why I wanted to talk to you tonight," she adds after a brief pause, finally deciding to raise the topic of her shape changing abilities. "To be an effective leader, you should know the capabilities of those at your command. I am a skilled fighter and can strike from the shadows with great affect, however my greatest asset is another that let's me get inside places I should not be able to and even strike down our enemies while they greet me as an old friend," she explains.

She pauses to think how of the words, but quickly gives up.

"It is easier to just show you," she says, standing up and moving to the edge of the fire's light

Josie listens as Samiira speaks, growing even more curious by her words. As the woman stands near the fire, she cocks her head in eager anticipation of whatever demonstration she has in store. She seeks to show me her abilities, but not everyone. They must be unusual, or dangerous.

As the fire flickers, Samiira's face is hidden in darkness for only a moment, but as the flames dance illuminates her once more, instead of the serranborn woman now stands an identical copy of Josie, albeit in Samiira's clothes.

Josie's smile widens, as the shift in the woman's appearance is revealed. How strange! An ability so similar to my own. It is no wonder she has chosen to keep it a secret from the others.

"That is a very useful ability," Josie says, trying to hide the excitement in her voice from seeing the woman's skill. "I wonder, did you choose to show me because you... know?" she asks, curious if the woman had heard of her own skill from one of her companions. She didn't single me out specifically, so perhap she does not.

No screaming, that's very promising, Samiira thinks, recalling a couple of other times her changing has had witnesses.

"Know what?" she asks with Josie's voice, a puzzled look forming on her face.

Clearly not, then, Josie thinks, as she stands from her seated position as well. She takes a step towards her companion, before her body shrinks towards the ground, and instead of a Ghian woman, Samiira finds herself looking down at a common dog, the sort found running through the streets of any city. Another step, and her body has grown much larger, to that of a snarling wolf. One final step, and the Ghian woman is back to her usual self.

"We are the same," she says, grinning as she places a hand on the woman's shoulder, finding it odd, yet comforting, to be gazing at her own face. How unexpected, another with skills like the masters. I wonder how she is able to take the face of other people, instead of that of a spirit. Perhaps a gift from one of her gods, as mine is a gift from the Hound.

Samiira's eyes go wide as Josie transforms in front of her. Transforming into an animal? Is she an Aurug? I didn't think they existed outside of children's stories, she wonders, the animal shape changers of Kurnish folklore being her first thought.

"So it would seem," she says returning Josie's smile before reverting back to her own appearance. "This is unexpected," she adds, letting out a rare chuckle.

"Very," Josie responds. "But quite reassuring. Your skills are very impressive, where did you learn them?" she asks, as she returns to her previously sitting spot.

“Another Unfettered member,” Samiira explains as she too returns to her seat.

“He goes by the name Lagdan, although he operates far out East. He’s even more of a lone wolf than you or I,” she says, letting out another chuckle as she realises how apt that description truly is for Josie.

“When I escaped my Hole, I did so alone. Another band of slavers picked me up after attacking a river barge I was travelling on, but luckily Lagdan infiltrated their ranks that night and slayed them freeing me and their other captives. I convinced him to train me and he taught me everything he knew, culminating with this,” she says gesturing to her face, after giving Josie an abbreviated version of events.

“He’s the only other I know of who can do what I do. It’s a set of skills passed down from mentor to mentee for gods know how long. Lagdan thinks there were once quite a few of us and it’s possible there are others out there all unaware of each other, but like I said, only the gods know if that’s the truth or not.”

“What about you?” She asks. “In Kurnhuelde there are legends of people that can transform into beasts, but I’ve never heard of or met anyone capable of it. Before now anyway.”

Josie listens to the tale intently, growing more excited by the tale with each passing word. A master face changer in our own ranks, and I never knew. What other fascinating abilities do the Unfettered's members possess that I have never seen or heard of?

"Your story is remarkable. I hope I can meet this Lagdan some day, he sounds like a man who has done more for this group than most." At the question of her own skills, she pauses, considering how mundane they seem to her, yet how odd they must seem to anyone else.

"I know not of any with my skills from Kurnhuelde, but in my home, this ability is not uncommon. The spirits that we revere in Ghia each have temples dedicated to them, and the monks who train in those temples can learn abilities like mine with enough connection to the spirits. For most, that connection takes decades - sometimes a lifetime - to achieve. I just found it... easier, I guess, to connect with the Hound. The spirit of loyalty. And so I was granted this gift, and trained in its ways by the other masters of the temple with the same abilities. I know of about a dozen or so others back at my old temple who could do the same, but they were mostly elderly men."

"As far as I know he is still out East, probably around Shivan, although I haven't seen him since he sent me to Vyridis," Samiira says as Josie talks of wanting to meet her mentor. She listens to Josie's story as intently as she did hers.

"That is interesting. I wonder if the other gods have these powers too. Could the Talon turn into a bird if he wanted?" She wonders aloud, glancing over at Alerio's bedroll.

"I am pleased you are here though, using your ability for good, rather than sitting around in a dusty old temple. Many waste the powers they have," she adds with a smile.

"Speaking of, the main reason I wanted to show you what I could do is so that you can account for it with Hadrurus when making plans of how we will deal with the Powder Kegs' stronghold. If I were alone I would stake out the stronghold for a time, eventually picking off one of their number when they come out alone for supplies or on patrol. I'd then impersonate them and then deal with the others inside, either with poison or garroting them while they sleep," she explains.

"But I am not alone, and with reinforcements coming once the storm breaks, it is unlikely we have the time for such a tactic to work. My skills could still be complementary to a more brazen assault though, I assume that is why Krendal assigned me to this team."

“Your skills do seem quite useful for getting in, yes,” Josie responds. So she can become anyone at all? How fascinating.

“Perhaps I can lure some of them out, the threat of wolves prowling convincing them to come hunt me and my presumed pack. I am not sure if one wolf prowling outside the walls would be enough for them to send someone to investigate, but if they do you could then take over their persona, no? From there perhaps you could arrange to let the rest of us in when the watch is minimal.”

"I could yes. It would be harder to pass myself off as them convincingly enough to fool the others without observing them for a time, but it might work for long enough for me to open a gate or create another way for you and the others to get inside the fort unhindered," Samiira suggests, with a shrug. "There are a lot of ways we could tackle it. Getting a good look at the fort and its defenders will help, but at least now you know more of the tools we have at our disposal."

"Yes," Josie says, her mind swirling with ideas. "Here I thought I would be scouting alone, but now that I know I have someone else to rely on too, this opens a lot of opportunities," she continues, offering the woman a smile.

"Do you plan to let the others know? Or shall I keep this a secret from them for now? My companions I traveled with already know of my ability, though you and the other newcomers had not been told. Until now, of course."

"I suppose I should tell them, it is not something I often disclose so I hadn't really thought about it, but they will have to find out one way or the other if we are all to work together," Samiira responds, thinking on the idea. "People do not always react well in my experience, but if Alerio and Velasco know of your ability already then I would assume they will be ok with it at the least," she adds.

"Think on it more, than," Josie says to the woman. "I will keep your secret until you decide to reveal it yourself."

"Thank you," the serranborn replies, getting up to tend to the ebbing flames of the campfire. "Shall we rouse the next watch?"/spoiler]
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Post by BartNL »

Simple joys, and breakfast
After being woken up, Hadrurus moves to the front of the tent. He's trying to shelter from the rain as much as possible, while still being able to take note of his surroundings. He muses to his fellow former gladiator who has joined him for the watch:
"I remember now, so vividly. There used to be days when rain was a blessing. As a boy, when the master took away water as punishment, and more recently when I was living alone in the desert." Pōhaku nods, understanding the weight of Hadrurus' words. "Rain can be a cruel or kind companion, depending on the time and place," he replies, his voice low and thoughtful. "In the desert, each drop is a treasure, a lifeline. But here, in these lands, it can be a harsh reminder of the elements' power over us."
He pauses, listening to the sound of the rain drumming against the fabric of the tent."Yet, in its own way, the rain is also a giver of life. It nourishes the earth, sustains the plants and creatures. Perhaps, in this moment, it is a symbol of renewal, washing away the old to make way for the new."
"You always had a way with words." Hadrurus, let's a silence fall. "Talking about nourishment, there might be some herbs nearby. Maybe we can try to find some when dawn breaks to spice up breakfast. A good breakfast, sustains body and mind." Pōhaku nods in agreement. "Aye my Friend, herbs can add both flavor and health to our meals," he acknowledges, contemplating the idea. "It's a worthy endeavor, and one that could lift spirits after such a trying night. I'll keep an eye out for any signs of vegetation when dawn breaks." He adjusts his position, settling in for the remainder of the watch. "Thank you for the suggestion, Hadrurus. It's moments like these that remind us of the simple joys amidst the challenges of our journey." Joys... Hadrurus thought. I never even considered enjoying this. But it's not wrong to consider enjoying more on this mission than slaughtering evildoers. "Again, you speak wise words." Hadrurus let's another silence fall. "Can I ask you something? How did you figure out there are simple things like that to enjoy? I don't remember ever enjoying something like that. Yet now that you said the word, enjoying something so simple, doesn't feel weird or wrong". Pōhaku considers Hadrurus's question thoughtfully, the crackling of the fire and the patter of rain providing a backdrop to their conversation. "It wasn't always so," he begins, his voice quiet but steady. "In my youth, life was a relentless struggle for survival, with little time for enjoyment or reflection. But I was fortunate to have a family who instilled in me the importance of finding joy in the simplest of things, even amidst hardship." He pauses, recalling moments from his past. "My parents taught me to appreciate the beauty of nature, the warmth of community, and the value of kindness. They showed me that even in the darkest of times, there are moments of light and hope to be found." Pōhaku looks towards the sky. "Life is a journey, Hadrurus, and along the way, we discover new facets of ourselves and the world around us. Sometimes, it just takes a moment of stillness to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us, even amidst the chaos." Hadrurus takes some time before responding. Doing his best to take in his surroundings and find the beauty Pōhaku mentioned. "Thank you, friend" Hadrurus finally replies, being unable to find better words to express his gratitude. Pōhaku nods, a faint smile touching his lips. "Of course, Hadrurus. We're in this together," he says, his voice warm with camaraderie. "And if there's ever anything you need, whether it's a listening ear or a hand in battle, know that I'll be here for you."
"I knew I could always rely on you in battle. I knew you would lend us all your strength, like with those carts. But I hadn't realised before that just talking would be nice too sometimes." Hadrurus pauses, as he takes some time to tend to the fire. "Maybe it will take some time before we can talk again. But I am happy to accept your offer." Pōhaku nods, his expression thoughtful. "Talking can be its own kind of battle, in a way. Understanding each other, sharing our thoughts and feelings—it's a different kind of strength, but just as important." He gazes into the crackling flames. "I see. Hardest battle I have faced so far, I think." Hadrurus replies, while also staring into the flames. Though those tigers were troubling foes too. Pōhaku nods in agreement, the weight of their shared experiences evident in his gaze. "Indeed, battles come in many forms, and the ones within ourselves can often be the most daunting."
As dawn's light filters through the canopy Hadrurus and Pohaku quietly start gathering herbs in preparation of breakfast, their movements efficient and synchronized as if they were on the battlefield together. Each plant carefully selected adds a touch of flavour and vitality to their meal.

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Post by ratwizard »

Hole will be on a quick hiatus for another 2 weeks or so. Barring any further IRL complications, by the last week of March we should be well underway to the Powder Keg seafort.
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Post by ratwizard »

Eludia, 27th of Esperos — 6E Y79

Morning breaks. The half-dozen of you decamp, eat a quick and damp breakfast, and continue on your third day of travel.

The roads are lonely, any usual travelers either scared off by the storms or the proximity to the Powder Keg territory. You only encounter two groups as you pass by, merchants and guards alike. Despite its monotony, the day goes quickly for each of you knowing that you are close to your target.

You stop for lunch at a scenic view of the coast. Beside the trail, a series of rocky outcroppings provides decent shelter from the rains as you rest for a moment and fill your bellies.

Around sunset, you find the road rising up along an elevated stretch of cliffside that curves outward into a cape. At the crest of the slight grade ahead, the edges of a stone structure peek out over the rocks and trees. You stand about a half-mile downhill from it, your visibility significantly hampered by the dense rains. This must be the place.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"That must be the fort, a wretched hive of scum and villainy," Samiira says, spotting the fort through the rains.

"What do you want to do now?" She asks, turning to Josie and Hadrurus. "The rain could provide us with some good cover to scout a bit closer," she suggests.
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Post by BartNL »

"Using the rain and dark for cover is wise. Sending a scout ahead now might waste valuable time. Do you have any thoughts Josie?" Hadrurus replies.
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

 Pohaku's gaze shifts between Josie, Hadrurus, and Samiira as they discuss their next move. His attention is focused, absorbing their words and considering their options. As each speaks, he nods subtly, acknowledging their points and weighing them against his own thoughts.

 "I agree," he says, his voice steady and measured. "The rain and darkness could provide us with valuable cover. It's a risk, but one worth taking to gain an advantage in my opinion."
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Post by Namelessjake »

Of course the gladiator wants to charge straight in. Not every battle is as simple as those in a fighting pit, Samiira thinks, unimpressed by Hadrurus. She looks to Josie, hoping their other leader will be more realistic with their choice of tactics.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"To rush in headlong is to invite failure," Alerio says, giving a nod toward Samiira. "We know little of their defenses or readiness. Scouting would be wise." Time is valuable, yes, but so are our lives.

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Post by FinalTemplar »

Velasco sighs. He takes a half-step forward, and utters; "Let us get close enough that my raven could fly over. She can see through the dark and the rain better than we can." He looks between the others. "Perhaps we can find a spot near the wall that will still give us cover from the rain and watchful eyes."
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Post by Fialova »

"I can scout closer than most of you could, I can go on ahead to get an idea. Your raven as well," Josie replies, turning to Velasco with the last words. "But I agree that we'd be better off getting a lay of the land than proceeding in force. They may be less than fully manned, but we do not know what their defenses are like, or how many precautions they've taken to turn away outsiders." Look at where rushing in has gotten us in the past. This mission is too important to leave things to chance.
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Post by BartNL »

"I did not say rush in, I said we use the cover to get close first instead of sending a scout ahead now." Hadrurus replies.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Very well," Samiira says as Hadrurus clarifies his point.

"We could approach now and find a good spot nearby to watch the fort from, a smaller group can then scout it more closely," she suggests.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Let us, then," Alerio says, eyes fixed upon their destination ahead. "I will remain back and allow those more experienced to scout."

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Post by Fialova »

"We can approach further, but I think it'd be best if we stop short of any position that they'd be able to spot from the fort. There is no guarantee that the weather hides us from view up close, and, again, some of us can scout more easily than others," she continues, knowing her older companions will understand her meaning, though choosing not to fully reveal her capabilities to the remaining newcomers.
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Post by ratwizard »

Who is going, how are you approaching, and how close to the fort?

The rain limits visibility, in addition to the lightly wooded and craggy terrain between you and the fort that could be used for reasonable cover.
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Post by Namelessjake »

I think we should all approach through the woods to within about a quarter mile, looking for a good spot to hide and send forward the stealthier party members.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Jake's idea works for me. Alerio will remain with the rear party and watch from afar
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Jake's idea sounds good to me. Pohaku will be somewhere in the middle
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Post by ratwizard »

With your plan of action decided, you leave the soggy path and make for the wooded approach. The terrain is poor — requiring you to weave around tree roots and brush while the forest floor has been soaked through, posing the occasional hazard.

Eventually, you reach a dense pocket of woods about a quarter-mile from the seafort. You can hardly see much through the trees from your hidden position, though the walls of the fort loom above you. The fort is about twenty feet high, and built from what appears to be basalt, likely cut centuries ago from the hills nearby. The walls appear to wrap around the crest of the hill, and you imagine that it must have been placed to overlook the cliffs and waters below. Small glints of light emanate through the woods from what must be a few lamps placed around the ramparts, though you cannot get a clear look for any sentries posted.
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

With each step, Pohaku's focus sharpens, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any movement or indication of sentries. He keeps close to his companions, ready to act at a moment's notice should the need arise.

 "We're close now," he whispers to the group, his voice barely audible over the sound of the rain. "Stay vigilant, and be prepared for anything."
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Post by BartNL »

"Josie, Samiira, Velasco, will you be able to get closer? Might be wise to split up and see if you can find an entrance we can reach without losing our cover." Hadrurus asks.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"That shouldn't be a problem," Samiira says in reply to Hadrurus before looking to Josie and Velasco.

This maybe a chance for Velasco to prove himself, and with Josie's abilities she should be able to walk right up to the front gate. If she can lure someone out, perhaps we can then make use of mine too, she thinks.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Velasco nods, shivering slightly with the rain soaking into his clothes. "I am good to continue onward." He nods at Josie and Samiira. "The closer we get, the more effective Raine can be."
As soon as we're close enough, Velasco will send Raine up to start scouting.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Proceed with caution and care," Alerio says with a nod to their would-be scouts. "We cannot afford to alert them early." Let us hope Josie's unique skillset will prove useful.

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Post by ratwizard »

You split into two groups, with the forward scouts making for the edge of the treeline to get a better view. Velasco sends Raine above, the corvid nearly imperceptible as she ascends to the canopy.

After about a minute, Raine returns to you. "Mans watch, from top of wall. Three! Three!" she caws to you. "More mans at home, out of rain. Raine! Raine! See floating wood-thing. Big wood-thing. Down below. Below cliff. No man on wood-thing. Look empty."

She cocks her head to the side. "Raine fly more? Mans may see. See, see!"
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Staying with the rear group, Alerio keeps his gaze upon the structure ahead. He looks for any signs of life, and any perceptible signs of patrol routes. However, the darkness and rainfall impede his vision. Let us hope our scouts prevail. He grumbles.
Perception: [1d20+6]=1+6=7 ha nope

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Post by Namelessjake »

Samiira watches as Velasco's bird takes flight. Quite the useful scouting tool. Assuming he actually has any control over it, she thinks as they wait, gazing out through the rain at the shadowy walls of the fort in the distance.

"Any luck?" She asks Velasco upon Raine's return.
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Post by Fialova »

"Let me know what you see," Josie replies, as Velasco sends his bird to do the scouting from above. We are weirdly specialized in scouting, it seems, she thinks, as she imagines all of them using their unique abilities in tandem. "Once we've an idea what's inside, I can sniff around the edges of the walls and entrance as a hound. They should pay me little mind."
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Velasco takes a moment to parse the information. "Sounds like... Three above, on the wall. More below, didn't get an accurate count, but they have a large floating wooden vessel. Probably a boat, I'd imagine, and that seemed to be empty." He says, looking toward Josie. "I could send Raine up for another look, but she might get seen if she goes again."
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"The boat is probably trapped in port thanks to the storm," Samiira says. "Did they see any sign of the captives? If not they could be held in the ship's hold ready for transport," she adds, her thoughts turning to her own experience chained up in the hold of a river barge on the Ghryst.

I wouldn't be here today to help rescue these people if that hadn't happened to me, she thinks, putting the memory out of her mind and refocusing on the task at hand. Three on guard might make it hard for me to pretend to be one of them. Not that a garrotte from the shadows can't be as effective as a dagger in the hand of a friend, she thinks, mulling over potential options.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

He strokes Raine's feathers, rewarding her for a good flight. "Raine didn't mention anyone being captive, I think she saw some people inside buildings, perhaps- They're all taking shelter from the rain. Means that we can't move too quickly in there, we don't know where they're keeping the captives yet." He said, thinking. "One moment. Raine, I'd like you to fly up again. I'd like you to see if you can find the captives, please. Be careful."
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Pohaku positions himself in the middle of the rear group, maintaining a watchful eye on their surroundings as they advance. With his keen senses and steady presence, he remains ready to respond swiftly to any threats or unexpected developments. he then nods as he waits for everyone to be ready
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Post by ratwizard »

Sheltered from a clear view of the fort, you can see very little of the approach to it from the road. However, peering out further along the path you came from, you see it continues past the fort — loosely along the cliff-line to the west. The woods end before then, making the approach from the west a wide open one. You suspect here, just south of the fort, is likely the best cover you will get, this close at least.
Forward Scouting Party
Raine gives a sharp nod at Velasco, before flapping silently up toward the canopy once more — this time beyond. It is a long moment before she returns, cawing at the Serranborn in a strange cadence.
"Not see lot more," she caws to you. "Five building inside. One loud, very bright. More mans inside. Eat! Eat! Eat!"

She shakes her head rapidly. "Not see trapped mans. Maybe they inside. Or become eat. Eat!"
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Post by FinalTemplar »

He readily accepts Raine's return and takes in the information. "Five buildings, one is loud and very bright. Perhaps a food building. Raine didn't see any captured people."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Let us hope their patrols are sparse tonight." Alerio says in a low tone. "We are not afforded much cover past the treeline."
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Post by Namelessjake »

"The area the powder kegs mostly inhabit probably. It's unlikely the entire fort is in a livable condition after all this time," Samiira replies to Velasco. "We can only hope that also applies to the walls too. An easy way to sneak inside would be a blessing."
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Pohaku keeps his senses sharp, listening for any signs of movement or activity nearby while they wait for the scouting party to return. He remains hidden within the cover of the dense woods, taking advantage of their invisibility to anyone not also in the woods with them. Despite the waiting, Pohaku stays vigilant, ready to respond quickly to any developments or orders from the scouting party.
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Hadrurus tries to keep an eye on the forwards group from the cover.
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