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Post by ratwizard »

"Certainly to a degree," Ulungi admits. "A few. Mostly locals, you know. Amake, he's a fisherman — sort of an older legend around these parts. Then there's Bizguli... odd duck to be sure. I think he works for up the cliff for the Clan."

He frowns, clearly in thought. "Right, I also had the boy working on some shipments for a new customer: Koriil. Not sure what she does, but she's plenty able to afford our rates."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Aeron can't help but crack a smile as Ulungi speaks his opinion of Gilo. So it's not just us. That makes me feel a little better. He listens to the man explain the customers Ekel had dealings with, trying to piece things together. "I can't imagine it'd be Amake with how this is throwing the fishing tournament into chaos." He ponders a moment. "Do you know what Koriil's shipments are? Or where they're meant to go?"
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Post by Namelessjake »

Alierin listens as Aeron, Dess, Sisera, and Ulungi talk, letting out a small laugh as the orc mentions Gilo's reputation for being difficult.

Another smuggling operation or something? She wonders about Koriil. It certainly sounds shady. Does no one in this city earn an honest wage?
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Post by ratwizard »

"Well, Amake's retired. At least, he stopped competing in the tournament a couple years back, if I recall," Ulungi explains.

"As for Koriil, my guess would be some sort of collector. Seems to be a lot of old, useless stuff from the city's early days. Old copper tools, some pottery, stuff that's gotta be packed and shipped quite carefully, you understand."
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Post by Namelessjake »

Alierin raises an eyebrow as Ulungi describes Koriil's operation.

That does sound shady, she thinks. Although if she isn't, we may have found a buyer for the Fangs of the Dorak - assuming we can then find them...
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"We did find an old door down in the nokve caves," Aeron recounts as Ulungi mentions Koriil's collections. "Tiz mentioned it was probably part of the old city." Could that be connected? "I can't say whether this Koriil might have any involvement, but seems like the only lead we've got without Gilo's help."
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Post by ratwizard »

"Must be, yes," Ulungi answers Aeron's mention of the old door.

He grimaces as your mention of Koriil. "Being frank, I don't think you'll find much there. All of her orders have come through me. Though Amake and Bizguli have been going to Ekel for a couple years now. If you're thinking he made this 'friend' through work, then I'd say start there — even if it's just to cross them off the list." He pauses. "Just don't run off any of my customers, alright? I'm helping you out for Ekel, and for Tiz, but I've got a family of my own to support."
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Dessarius frowns slightly, listening to Ulungi talk, then takes a half step forward "None of us want to ruin your business, we're trying to unravel this mystery in a way that doesn't harm anyone." He takes a moment to silently mourn the conversation with Gilo, before looking toward the others, "Well, perhaps we should talk to Koriil, right? She seems to have the most unknowns going on." He says, agreeing with Aeron, then adds on; "And, if nothing else, it means we can cross her off the list, maybe."
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Post by Namelessjake »

"It might be worth checking out the others first, if Ekel didn't really work with Koriil," Alierin says in reply to Dess. This is turning into quite the wild goose chase.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Not a bad idea," Aeron replies to Alierin, giving a short nod. "Amake might know someone at odds with the tourney too, even if he's retired."

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Post by Fialova »

Too many names, too many motivations. Nothing in this place can ever be simple. Everyone is too selfish, too secretive. Cowards, the lot of them. Why not do your own work? Why involve young Ekel in some scheme? Sisera frowns, but nods as the man reveals their next leads. "Ok, we talk to people. Thanks," says to Ulungi, before turning and heading towards the exit once more, leaning against something nearby as she waits for the others to wrap up their questioning and join her.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Dessarius shrugs a little bit and gives a small bow to Ulungi before he quickly walks away with Sisera.
He lowers his voice to speak with her, leaning in ever so slightly; "Quomodo ergo de his omnibus sentis? Da veniam positum, sed videtur plus temporis cogitare quam loqui, et bene mihi est." He asks, hoping she has some insight.
Elvish translation
"So, how do you feel about all of this? Pardon my reach, but it seems like you spend more time thinking than talking, and I appreciate that."
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Post by ratwizard »

"Of course," Ulungi nods to Sisera. "On a rainy day like today most fisherfolk are out on the docks. But if you can't find Amake there, check the local pub, Pail o' Chum. Tall, rail-thin, got a long grey beard.

As for Bizguli, can't say for sure. He's a short, round fellow... silly, little mustache and a strange eyepiece. Hard to miss. I'd trace the switchbacks up to Clan Heights. Careful poking around up there, though — the Groznids can be a pain in the ass enough for a hard-working business owner like me. Can't imagine their disposition toward a flock of young elves like yourselves."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Docks or pail o' Chum, got it," Aeron repeats with a nod. Hardly an appetizing name for a pub. Fishermen are odd types. "Maybe some of those fishermen will have heard rumors too," he says to his companions. Let's hope this doesn't take too long though.

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Post by Namelessjake »

"Yes let's try the docks first then," Alierin says. The sooner this is over with the better.
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Post by Fialova »

Sisera is surprised as the newcomer to the group approaches her, and she softens somewhat at his earnest inquiry. Pausing to gather her own thoughts, she responds, "mae'n anodd dweud. Nid wyf yn gyfarwydd ag arferion y ddinas hon, mae ei phobl yn llawer mwy deu-wynebol nag yn ôl adref. Nid oes dim byth yn syml, felly rydym wedi gweld yn y swydd hon a sawl swydd flaenorol. Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd modd ei gwblhau'n fuan, fel y gallwn wneud y swydd arall sydd gennym mewn pryd." And then I can return home to Tesni and Imris, and enjoy the evening.

Elven Transaltion
"it is hard to say. I am not accustomed to the customs of this city, its people are so much more two-faced than back home. Nothing is ever straightforward, so we have seen in this and several prior jobs. I just hope it can be completed soon, so we can make the other job we have in time."
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Post by BartNL »

Vaughn nods in agreement.
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Post by ratwizard »

You depart Gold Harbor Shipping once more, headed along the boardwalk. The storms have drawn in again from the sea and loom just ahead — dark clouds promising another torrent soon.

Small piers dot the boardwalk. They are moderately filled with various fisherfolk seemingly apathetic to the weather, pulling in the occasional catch they toss into baskets before casting their lines again.
Movek Point isn't that large, maybe a ten minute walk from end to end. If you want to take a cursory scan for somebody fitting Amake's description, roll Perception. If you want to take longer, perhaps a half hour, to ask around from some of the locals, roll Streetwise. Any other rolls or activities, check with me.

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Post by BartNL »

Perception check to look for Amake. [1d20+11]=6+11=17
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Aeron gives the dock a cursory scan, hoping to catch sight of their quarry amongst the crowd.
Perception: [1d20+2]=5+2=7 nope

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Post by Namelessjake »

Familiar with this part of the city, Alierin looks around paying particular attention to the parts of Movek Point where they are most likely to find their quarry.
Perception: [1d20+6]=14+6=20
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Post by ratwizard »

Following Alierin's lead, you comb the piers of Movek looking for Amake. After about ten minutes, you feel confident he must not be out fishing today.

"Should we check the Pail 'o Chum, then?" Cymril asks, sighing. "We're running out of leads and time."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Yeah, let's. Like I said, maybe we can at least hear a rumor or two," Aeron says, not wanting to waste too much of their time.

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Post by Namelessjake »

"That'd be better than coming away from this completely empty handed at least," Alierin says, starting to believe they won't be able to wrap up this job today.
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Post by ratwizard »

In your back-and-forth along Movek Point for the greater part of the midday, you're now familiar with the sight of the Pail o' Chum. Heading back toward the main pier, close to where you met Tiz Teberi, you reach the single-story, stout building that stretches along the waterfront.

It is warm and lively inside — a welcome respite to the poor weather on the bay. There are a few longtables, similar to Stout Hall, filled with fisherfolk and other locals alike. Servers move to bring trays of food out: steaming piles of fish, bread, chowders, and hot cereals, as well as pitchers of ale.

One of the bartenders nearest the entryway gives you an alert nod of his head. "Sit anywhere you like," he offers, before turning back to his task.

You scan the wide premises. Despite Ulungi's simple description you do find a man that fits it: tall (even while seated), rail-thin, and wearing a thick, long, grey beard. He is seated alone in a booth. Before him rests an empty and becrumbed plate. He holds an ale, sipping occasionally. He faces the rest of the tavern, idly watching the rest of the patrons. The man's gaze washes over you as you enter, lingering for a moment, before it continues onto others.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Alierin nods in reply to the bartender, her eyes lighting up as they spot the man who fits Amake's description. "Let's try this with a bit more tact," she says to her companions, wary of angering another source of information after the ordeal with the apothecary.

She makes her way over to the man's booth. "Amake?" She asks. "Can we buy you another drink?"
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Dessarius gives Sisera a bit of a nod, not having time to consider a response before they depart from the building.

As the group wanders around Movek Point, looking for Amake, internally Dessarius has a bit of a grumble about how much walking they'd had to do all day. He swallows the thought before following into the bar. Smirking a bit at Alierin's swift ability to identify the man in question. He examines the man carefully, letting Alierin start the conversation.
I want to try and Insight on Amake. Can I read anything from him before the conversation? Insight = [1d20+1]=6+1=7
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Agreed," Aeron says to Alierin, only just beginning to relax again after their encounter with Gilo. He steps with her over to the fisherman, wearing a friendly smile. He studies the man, hoping years of fishing have helped his patience. Let's hope he actually knows something.
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Post by ratwizard »

The man is hard to read — he is expressionless as he sips his ale and watches the bustle of the tavern alone. As Alierin and Aeron approach, he looks curiously at them, though you can't tell much beyond that.
Alierin and Aeron approach the fisherman who turns to regard them as they approach. At Alierin's offer, he studies her for a moment, before shrugging. "Sure, I could go for another. Whale's Tooth," he says, tapping the flagon in front of him. The older orc nods toward the two of you. "You what, looking for lessons?"
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Post by Namelessjake »

"I'll grab that drink" Alierin says, making her way over to the bar to fulfil the fisherman's request. She decides it's better to leave Aeron to the questioning itself.
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Post by Fialova »

Sisera nods to Alierin, choosing to remain near the door when they enter the tavern, instead keeping a watch on the room and the others in it.

Sisera will generally survey the room and keep an eye out in case someone seems intrigued by their conversation with Amake. Let me know if I should roll anything for this, and what if so.
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Post by BartNL »

Vaughn joins Sisera in keeping watch after getting two drinks.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"I might take you up on that sometime, but no," Aeron says with a slight smile, sliding into the booth across from Amake. "Sorry to disrupt your afternoon. We were just wondering if we could ask you a few questions, particularly about a man named Ekel?" He looks over the man, watching to see if the name elicits any sort of response. "Just if he seemed off lately or mentioned anything odd. Ulungi told us he had dealings with you."
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Post by ratwizard »

"Ah," Amake says, cocking his head to the side as you reveal your reason for being there. "Ulungi sent you? You younglings work for him too?"

Alierin returns with a drink, and he nods at her arrival. "Thanks," he says, raising it in gratitude before taking a sip of foam.
You head to the bar, grabbing a fresh flagon of ale for your suspect. As you return to the table, you overhear Amake as he speaks to Aeron. "Ulungi sent you? You younglings work for him too?"

He nods at your arrival. "Thanks," he says, raising it in gratitude before taking a sip of foam.
Vaughn, Sisera, Dessarius
The three of you post up at a few seats in front of the bar, keeping Alierin, Aeron, and Amake in sight while you casually watch the rest of the tavern. Alierin has returned with a drink for Amake, and he accepts it — continuing to talk to Aeron.

Elsewhere, the occasional stare comes your way, but rarely lingers. Most of the folk here appear to be laborers, fishers, the like. Towards the far end of the tavern, you spot a familiar face — the young woman who greeted you at Gold Harbor Shipping. She sits alone, nursing a drink, while a full plate of food lays before her untouched.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"No worries," Alierin says says handing over the beer. Hopefully this is worth it, she thinks, letting Aeron continue the conversation in case she missed anything while she was away at the bar. A wasted day id not.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Not exactly," Aeron says, considering his words carefully. "Working with him, rather," he adds, giving Alierin a nod as she returns to the table. He scoots over, giving her room to sit. He frowns, letting out a brief sigh, and watching the orc's expressions. "I'm sorry to say, especially as I don't know how close you were with him, but..." 

He pauses. "We recovered Ekel's body from the nokve caves. We're helping Ulungi look into the circumstances surrounding his death. And trying to help Tiz as well." Surely he has to know Tiz too. I wonder if he already knows about her nokve problem.

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Post by Fialova »

True sorrow, Sisera thinks, as they spot the woman who'd fled the room in sadness only hours before. She must have really cared for that young orc. A pity she will not get to see him again. I know your sadness.
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Post by ratwizard »

Aeron & Alierin
Amake clears his throat, his eyes wide and intense as you explain further. "In the... nokve caves?" he repeats, wincing. "That... is a cruel end. Shame, he was quite young as I recall. Quick fellow, too. What in Kumara's name was he doing in there?"
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Post by Namelessjake »

Alierin continues letting Aeron do the talking, watching the fisherman's facial expressions closely to gauge his reactions to see if he is hiding what he actually knows.

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Post by ratwizard »

You watch Amake's face closely. His reaction feels stilted — not quite the same cool, calm demeanor as the fisherman sitting alone began with. While his concern seems genuine based on the furrow of his brow and his tightened posture, you sense something else, too: in his voice, there is a slight tremble. You also notice he pulls his hand away from his drink, instead holding his other arm in what seems may be an anxious twitch.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Work for someone else, from what we've gathered," Aeron explains, frowning again as he wishes they'd been able to learn more from Gilo. "He was spreading some kind of powdered crystal over the cave walls. Burned our eyes, and did worse to the nokve." He winces as he thinks back to the irritating miasma and enraged creatures, his eyes almost watering at the thought. "Tiz had sent us to figure out why the nokve were so riled up. Interfering with her tourney, she says. And we found Ekel and a note telling him what to do. But as for who sent him and why, we're not sure."

He pauses, shifting in his seat. "We were hoping you might offer a clue. Whether Ekel said something to you or seemed off lately. Or if you know anyone who'd benefit from harming the nokve."
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Post by ratwizard »

Alierin & Aeron
Amake listens with a look of bewilderment as Aeron describes your findings so far. "Seems like a whole lot of trouble to go through just to piss off some nokve. And no, the boy seemed in good spirits last I spoke with him. Was handling an order for me at Gold Harbor last week. Ulungi sent you my way, huh? Wonder why he'd think I'd know anything about this tragedy." He frowns, appearing somewhat shaken by the news.
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Post by BartNL »

"Don't you think it's odd that woman from Gold Harbor Shipping is meeting someone, given the circumstances?"
Vaughn asks Sisera under his breath.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Hmm maybe we're onto the right person here, Alierin thinks, noticing the fisherman's nervous twitch. She waits for a moment when Amake looks away, before giving Aeron a quick nudge with her elbow, pointing to the man's tic with her gaze.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Catching the sight of the young woman, Dessarius quickly orders a drink. "Just an ale, nothing fancy." He says, making sure to put down a couple of gold pieces to cover the drink and a small tip. He takes a sip and turns to the others, "I won't be long, just looking to make some conversation," He says to Sisera and Vaughn, before making his way over to her, pausing a few feet away.

He taps on the table softly, hoping to get her attention without scaring her. "Do you mind if I take a seat?"
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Post by ratwizard »

The young woman sits still, her eyes distant and weary, her cheeks glistening with recent tears. "Piss o—" she begins, before catching herself. She studies your face a moment. "Oh, you, from the shop," she continues, her voice soft and weak. "Um, sure..." She extends a hand toward the seat opposite her as she stares at you — almost through you.
Alierin & Aeron
Amake doesn't seem to notice, having peered about the tavern for a moment before looking back at the two of you.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Dess sits across from her, slowly sipping his ale. "I don't mean to be rude, but, I assume you were close with him?" He asks, giving a soft frown.
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Post by ratwizard »

The young woman doesn't move for a long moment, before nodding slightly. "I... yes," she admits. You see her jaw clench and her eyes well up again with fresh tears, one of which rolls down her cheek. She stays quiet, however, her gaze unfocused and remote.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Dess pauses as he waits for her, and nods. Seeing her cry brings a tear to his eye as well, looking down at the table. "I don't mean to presume your relationship with Ekel, but... The way you cry for him reminds me of how I'd feel about someone in my life if they died." He lets himself feel the emotions, not pushing them away. "I'm not sure I'd know what to do if Charon died. He's my rock." He closes his eyes for a second, taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry, my name's Dessarius. Rude of me to sit down and not at least introduce myself."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Aeron eyes the fisherman carefully as Alierin nudges him. Does he know more than he's letting on? Maybe his guilt will get the better of him. Keeping his words calm, he says, "We're just checking in with everyone he's had dealing with lately, seeing if maybe he said something to them that might give us some insight. So please, if you know anything."

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